News Briefs – 10/31/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – German Chemical Giant Hammered By High Gas Prices

DFT – South Korean Derivatives Wiped By Hang Seng Fall

DFT – Musk To Charge For Twitter Verification

DFT – Goldman Predicts The Fed May Raise Rates To 5%

DFT – German Official Proposes Using Fracking To Draw Shale Gas

Musk causes liberal heads to explode by tweeting this article at Hillary Clinton, which says in San Francisco Paul Pelosi is known as a closeted homosexual, he had a twink in the car when he had his drunk driving accident, and the attacker is a known part of the nudist community which is filled with gay escorts. Musk later deleted the tweet:

Article above contained this tweet from a lawyer in the region, showing even when nobody was home, the house was swarming with security and staff:

There is a video way back in the archives here which you might remember, of a young guy in the area who streamed online to fans. He was walking by Pelosi’s place while he was streaming, stopped, placed his streaming rig on the ground across the street from her driveway pointing at it, ran across the street, pulled his pants down, and defecated in her driveway. I said at the time, that area would not be unwatched, though you would not see it. He went back, picked up his rig, and began walking, thinking he had cleared the scene since he didn’t see anything unusual. He passed some sort of bistro, and yelled to the outdoor diners that he just shit in Nancy Pelosi’s driveway, and everyone cheered, and he kept walking. He actually got on a train, and landed somewhere else entirely, exited the train station, walked along the streets there for a bit streaming, and suddenly, like a half hour later, police cars swarmed him out of the blue, the cops arrested him, and that was the end of the stream. He had been tracked all along town, through the subway, and picked up like a half hour later. I suspect they waited just to see if he would link up with a getaway car, or make contact with anyone, or if there was a conspiracy of multiple actors, or anything more going on in his situation. They had no fear of losing him. Even as he saw nothing, he was buried under the local coverage. It is unreal what is out there, and how everywhere is just blanketed with their forces, in a nation where everyone assumes they are free, have privacy, and indeed, nobody in any sort of power even knows they exist. But as I have said, I do not think, if I was even trained up by the Russians as some sort of lone assassin, and given rudimentary intelligence support, I would just enter that zone, get into the Pelosi house, and do violence. IMO, Paul invited this guy over and let him in.

DePape’s significant other does an interview, and says of DePape, something which could easily be the Cabal snatching him up and doing a dedicated year of MK Ultra-programming:

DePape returned home after disappearing for a year.

“He came back in very bad shape. He thought he was Jesus. He was constantly paranoid, thinking people were after him,” Taub said. “And it took a good year or two to get back to, you know, being halfway normal.”

Makes you wonder to what degree they use those nutty hippies as human guinea pigs. And whether this guy was MK Ultra’d and was supposed to ice Paul to give Nancy the gravitas to move the election needle in a little over a week, against the right wing. His funeral would have been right before the election.

‘There was a third person inside the house’ during the attack on Paul Pelosi. Now Police say there was no third person, and Pelosi did not know his attacker.

NBC News reporter Tom Winter reported that San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said in an interview that accused attacker David DePape, 42, ‘was able to get into the Pelosi bedroom where Paul Pelosi was.’

Pelosi home is surrounded by CCTV cameras and security detail – Unlikely anyone could break in unnoticed.

Now CNN claims, DePape brought the hammer, a bag that contained multiple zip ties, and duct tape, among other things. They had previously said the hammer was Pelosi’s.

Twitter is still censoring: Viva Frei locked out of Twitter after raising questions about Pelosi attack.

Musk says Twitter could get PG and R ratings like the movies: ‘Being able to select which version of Twitter you want is probably better.’

Elon Musk could avoid giving a payout of up to $90m (£78m) to sacked senior Twitter executives after dismissing them “for cause”, it has been reported.

Musk says Twitter hid evidence from the court in his case:

The far-left Anti-Defamation League is warning Elon Musk that reinstating banned Twitter users they don’t like will lead to “dire consequences,” publishing a list of names, including 45th President Trump, who they claim should never be allowed back online.

Elon Musk fired top Twitter execs “with cause” to prevent paying them millions in perks.

Kanye West could be just months from financial catastrophe, because his lifestyle entails massive expenses.

Kanye’s private school for underprivileged kids, which was operating with no problems, is suddenly shut down for zoning issues. Everything out there is a dictatorship, and there are no rules. And everyone you see who is famous, is merely being allowed to be famous. And IMO, this whole thing, Kanye and Emmanuel, is all theater. The question is, what is the purpose.

Chris Christie: After midterms GOP needs to dump ‘selfish’ Trump.

Brazil’s Lula defeats Bolsonaro to win presidency again in stunning comeback. Article notes:

Voting is electronic and the results were announced within two hours of polling stations closing at 5 p.m. (2000 GMT).

Bolsonaro won every region of Brazil except for the one which coincidentally happens to be the most corrupt part of the country, Nordeste, which is controlled by drug traffickers and gangs.

Forensic experts suggest mathematical “red flags” in first round of Brazilian Presidential election, cites Benford’s Law.

Bannon calls on Bolsonaro to not concede: ‘Screw Biden, Screw the State Dept, Screw the CIA, F*** ‘Em!’

Sensitivity readers are the new literary gatekeepers. It is the sensitivity readers, anon, which screwed you over, not some hidden, bigger conspiracy. The article claims literary agents are hiring readers from minority groups to read manuscripts, and highlight what triggers in works might upset their minority groups, and then they are killing projects due to it. But I think the article is just a cover for the truth. A sort of “look at this ridiculous stuff we do, which is why your book did not get published – and not because there is an intelligence-based conspiracy that knows which of their members will get book contracts, and that you are not one of their members.” The conspiracy knows who you are. We’ll use Vox as an example again just because everyone knows who he is here. He has a big readership. Back eight or nine years ago, he gave me a link, at about the same time Jonah Goldberg linked to me at, dumping on this site. I got about 15-20 times the traffic from Vox’s link that I did from a link at National Review. And I would bet National Review readers used browsers like internet explorer, which would all register in the stats, where Vox’s readers probably mostly used Brave, or something with a privacy plugin, which did not register. So there were probably a lot more Vox readers than even the numbers showed. And that was pre-Castalia, Pre Infogalactic/Socialgalactic/Arkhaven/UATV/Etc. Fast Forward to the Scamdemic. Vox is undoubtedly bigger, National Review is probably a little smaller, but it is getting less money for fake traffic so it looks like it is dying. Big Pharma was likely approaching a lot of writers online to promote the vax. Vox has never said if they approached him, so it is a safe bet they never did. And it is not surprising. Vox probably has his own server filled to the brim with detailed files on every facet of his psychology and behavior. They know who he is, and would not even bother approaching him. If he was psychologically prone to be bought, I suspect he would have been approached. I suspect most of those who were telling others to take the vax, or shaming those who did not, were probably getting something for that. I suspect almost everyone has those files, going back to elementary school. When you submit a manuscript, I suspect “they” know about it just because they watch the publishing houses and make it their business to know. And they know who is allowed to get book contracts and who is not. So I view this article like “Affirmative Action” – it is a story they tell the masses, so the masses will blame this ridiculousness for their inability to break into that world, if they ever tried. And nobody will realize there is actually a big secret conspiracy, screwing everyone.

A Swiss study found elevated levels of the protein troponin in all of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients it analyzed, indicating the shots are routinely causing heart injury.

Fuel company issues diesel shortage alert for the southeast.

The rail strike may still be on, and hit just as we have a diesel shortage.

Researchers from the Human Rights Campaign claim by 2040, one in five Texas voters will be LGBTQ, according to their research. Obviously bullshit, but even more so when you factor in how the stress and conflict of K-selection will likely drive the population K in the near future. That said, welcoming migrant r-strategists probably drives those numbers up. You want a K-populace, which does not migrate.

Chris Cuomo demands new time slot at NewsNation as his ratings tank.

Vox Day on Scott Adams saying he will kill himself in a year, if things do not get better. Scott is in a dark place. He apparently is falling apart physically, which he attributes to the vax, though I have to wonder, given he gets out of his house to go and get Starbucks, and says he feels fine. And then he speaks of a Matrix-like deception around him falling away and revealing something which makes him not want to deal with people or trust them, and he says it is much bigger than just that little big-titted tomato Cabal sent him scurrying off. And having seen it, he realizes he may not be able to have another personal relationship with anyone else for the rest of his life. He speaks of only trusting his family, and not even knowing if his most trustworthy friend is trustworthy. That sounds familiar.

Apparently it all has left him feeling so horrified by the world around him he does not want to face it. Vox says he needs Jesus, and that is true. But for some autists, they are just not in a place to accept Jesus yet, and you can’t force it on them. I was there in my mechanist phase. For those like that, I would try to impress two things. First, facing the awfulness around you, and meeting it stoically is a strength and a skill, just like a benchpress, or developing some complex skillset. You can develop it, by doing it, and doing it can be its own reward. Becoming unbreakable is rewarding. But you can’t do that like Scott, by constructing deceptions to hide from it. He is too smart, that will never work, he will see through his own deceptions. You have to meet the awfulness, feel it impact you, derive your pleasure from being strong enough to make it bounce away. You have to let it hit you in all its power, and focus on the sensation until the awfulness is your baseline so it is not bothersome, and then enjoy being free of it. Scott wants to run and avoid it, and that will not work, and it will only make him more vulnerable to the next hit.

Two, for those who would be depressed, I would say, depression is not necessarily related to your environment, no matter how much you think it is. I had a revelatory experience with Traditional Chinese Medicine once, that has given me such a clear insight into how a guy like Scott can have hundreds of millions of dollars, be able to pick up and head to Bora Bora this afternoon, and buy anything he could possibly want, and still want to kill himself. I had pulled a hamstring. The bruise went down the inside of my thigh, into my calf, and the skin was absolutely black. It was a pretty good injury, and I expected I would be unable to get back to leg days for probably a month or two at least. I went to the TCM guy I had at the time, and was back lifting at full weight in eight days. He was an older Chinese guy, spoke no English, and to this day I rank him the most brilliant genius I have ever known. He could look at people, and tell you their childhood, what foods they liked, everything. I had a head-cold one week, went to him the next week feeling better, and he took my pulse, and said through his daughter’s translating, “You had a cold last week. I can feel it in your pulse.” This time, he asked his questions, took my pulse, looked at my tongue, and then put me on my stomach and stuck eight or nine needles in the back of the leg. Over the next 20 minutes the most amazing sensation swept over me, as I laid there on my stomach. Imagine you just won the Powerball lottery for a billion dollars and you were the only winner. And then you got a call for winning the Nobel Prize. And then you found out a rich relative died and left you several billion dollars more, some private jets, and a couple of private islands. What that would feel like swept over me. It was unreal, how you could feel that uplifted a mood, in your mind, without anything in your life having changed within the five or ten minutes it took all of that to sweep over my brain. Scott has the opposite problem, and I am suspicious it tracks back to the antibodies the vax produced, affecting the activity of those ACE2 receptors, which it turns out have a lot of psychological effects. If you ever end up in that dark of a place, don’t assume it is your situation. It may feel like that, but they don’t have to be linked. Guys get in gunfights, see a lot of people die, kill a few themselves, and are horrified by it – it fucks up the rest of their lives. But other guys can love it, get addicted to it, only feel alive in that environment. The situation doesn’t have to define your reaction. If you are ever in a dark place like Scott, try TCM. At the least it may show you something about the human condition which is truly amazing.

Anons on 4Chan found strange google streetview scenes, featuring what looks like government around a burned car on the side of a road, and a small UTV with what looks like three children’s bodies laid out in the bed of the UTV.

China plans to upgrade its conventional submarines with lithium-ion batteries, a power move that could significantly increase its fleet’s combat and survival capabilities.

Food prices in UK could rocket even more after Putin blocked Black Sea grain exports from Ukraine: Hard-pressed Britons face paying even more for bread, pasta and wheat products.

Ukraine questions Twitter takeover amid precarious ties with Musk.

KimDotCom speculates the Russians know the British blew up the Nord Stream pipelines for the US because they accessed the iCloud accounts of British leadership, and saw text messages about it.

Russian lawmakers pass bill to ban ‘propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.’

Republicans head into final week with lead in seats, and 8 in 10 voters feel things are “out of control” — CBS News Battleground Tracker poll.

Herschel Walker has taken a 5-point lead over Warnock just days before the Nov. 8 midterms.

Trump says to vote in person, because it makes it harder for them to cheat.  If you mail the ballot, he is definitely right. But I would love to know if a paper ballot, hand delivered to an election office might not be better. I am 99.99% convinced in-person voting machines are being hit with man in the middle attacks which deliver incorrect totals to the central tabulation centers. Although, maybe Trump wants that to happen, so it can be revealed in an investigation.

Spread r/K Theory, because the man in the middle should get shot from both sides

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2 years ago

Looks like Lula the Cabal candidate won in Brazil.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

got news for ya: theyre BOTH cabal candidates

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yep, they’re both cabal, Trump is cabal, AC is cabal, I’m cabal, you’re cabal. Everyone is cabal. Collect your shekels at the door, shill.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Good point, and those are shekels I would NOT want. We can’t all be corrupted. There have to be heroes or the best we’d get in this fallen world, or else the obvious evil overlords wouldn’t hate them. Right? It’s possible for it all to be kayfabe, but…no way.

2 years ago

As he tweets:
“Lula is the president of the international left, a puppet of narcotraffickers. He plans to let loose a wave of Red Terror and racial violence through massive crime wave and police stand-downs. He is bent on revenge. Bolsonaro has a moment of decision.
The left has dropped any pretense of acting in good faith. Aided by America’s communist security state, they are preparing a global Hutu uprising against civilization. Men like Bolsonaro or Trump have to be willing to take things to their conclusion or they will always lose.”

The killing is going to start soon.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

no the people lose
not the fake “leaders” of the fake “right” and “left” parties
lula is controlled by “the left”
bolsonaro is controlled by “the right”
one and the same

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Folks sure do love their doom porn. We should all just give up then, right schlomo?

2 years ago

I saw stories saying this was altered but that he was heckled:

comment image?w=740&ssl=1

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Not to be a shit-stirrer, but what are the odds a “deranged White winger” JFK’s the ‘bamster to win back the black vote?

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

There are probably many leftists mad a Joe Biden for not genociding us fast enough

2 years ago

Some Bozeman residents still waiting on absentee ballots with Election Day fast approaching

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

NBC News reporter Tom Winter reported that San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said in an interview that accused attacker David DePape, 42, ‘was able to get into the Pelosi bedroom where Paul Pelosi was.’
I’m sure this is a big residence. How would he even know where Pelosi’s bedroom was? Oh wait..
Also, why were the local cops even called in the first place? If I was Cabal management I would have my own security guys deal with this problem and no one would ever know what happened.

I’m certain if someone hit Hillary with a hammer they would never be heard from again.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

its all kabuki theater

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

about as real as reality TV

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Kanye West could be just months from financial catastrophe, because his lifestyle entails massive expenses.
A broke rapper? That never happens. They’re usually really good with money.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Maybe Kanye just another actor. False opposition?
Hard to tell.

2 years ago

“He rooooode a blazing saddle….”

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

or the Kardashian Klan of Kscummy Kwhores stole every fucking cent they could get their Khands on

poor {literally} Kanye. and they seemed like such Knice folks on TV

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
2 years ago

China and battery subs, LOL. They’re just trolling the dumb lefties who’ll say “look what batteries can do now!” and the media will run with the nonsense to further the agenda.

Peter Gent
Peter Gent
Reply to  Shy Ted
2 years ago

Not to mention deadly fire problems lithium batteries will pose on a sub without super redundant safety protocols…yeah, that will happen.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Shy Ted
2 years ago

“look what batteries can do now!”

Americans and people in the west are incredibly ignorant. They believe that they are the best even though their whole country is crumbling around them. Lithium batteries could double or more the time they remain submerged. Electric subs are quieter than nuclear. They routinely slip into US carrier groups in exercises. Here’s a summery of their capabilities. I doubt these are all the real capabilities. I suspect someone has figured how to get oxygen from water extending this much farther.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

See, this is what I am talking about when you read these articles more closely. The article reads that diesel submarines have a distinct disadvantage over the AIP subs because it has to surface to replenish the air necessary for the diesel fuel. AIP subs use liquid oxygen meaning they can stay submerged for much longer compared to diesel.

Ok, so why not adopt a liquid oxygen system for the diesel engine to replace the necessity of diesel submarines having to surface frequently? Now you’ve solved the problem of surfacing subs.

Then the article reads that AIP subs are quieter than nuclear subs because nuke subs have noisy hydraulic systems to move liquid coolant. But, wait, I thought AIP subs have liquid oxygen, which is a fluid that presumably also needs hydraulic systems to move. Wouldn’t that make noise as well? So, how does an AIP system defeat either diesel or nuclear?

Again, this all sounds like disinformation to move us to this lithium nonsense and all of its disadvantages.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

The AIP / diesel distinction is semantic. There are AIP oxygenated diesel systems that are exactly like you described.
I’m incredulous about the quietness as well, because LOX required a hell of a lot of cooling, which means compressors and heat exchangers, which will make as much noise as that nuke plant.
A properly used diesel sub (like a Kilo) that cruises at periscope, and then closes in on the target on batteries is still the best of both worlds. The problem is that it’s extremely difficult to do it well every time, even for masters. The enemy knows where you went dark, and they have a good idea of what the expanding circle is on your position.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

“…I thought AIP subs have liquid oxygen, which is a fluid that presumably also needs hydraulic systems to move. Wouldn’t that make noise as well? So, how does an AIP system defeat either diesel or nuclear?…”

The reason you don’t understand is, you don’t understand. Read it again, they are using Stirling motors. Stirling motors can be extremely quiet. While pumping liquid oxygen it’s the “volume” that matters. Much less than the large amount of steam in nukes.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

And yet, I still appreciate Sam J’s comments even though I am highly critical.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I might add,”…hydraulics in a nuclear reactor produce noise as they pump coolant liquid…”, shows the website above doesn’t really know what they are talking about either. It’s the vibration in the steam turbines I expect causing noise. Calling it “hydraulics” shows they don’t really understand.

Fuel cells will also be the next big thing.

These AIP subs are not at much of a disadvantage to nuke subs. They can go at 6 miles per hour for four weeks without surfacing. You can go a long ways at 6 miles per hour during 4 weeks. 4,032 miles. They say snorkels are easy to see but this is not true. You could raise the snorkel far away but stay submerged in areas where there’s enemy traffic.

I wonder how nuke subs compare total cost including fuel. The cost is more up front but the fuel cost are really low. Nuke fuel has over a million times more energy than oil. They only have to be refueled like around every 15 years.

M in the 517
M in the 517
2 years ago

In re the tweet about the 38 year old husband with myocarditis:

Assholes like this Vax shill are why I’ve taken a break from Twitter.

2 years ago

Re: Kanye potentially losing custody because of Holocaustianity.

I once got to talk to some teachers from a country neighboring Germany. One of them knew a teacher at another school who lost his job for just one sentence he said, that would have been pro-Nazi when taken literally, but he clearly said it in a jokey tone, and it was much less offensive than other statements on that topic. Nevertheless there was a Jewish Princess in his class who still managed to get him fired for that.

At their own high school, the history teachers could take the students on one day trip every year. They could have taken them to important historical sites in their own country, but instead always bussed them to a concentration camp in Germany. It was the group consensus of those history teachers that this pilgrimage was what most important. How wise is it to traumatize teenagers – who are often already messed up for other reasons – by putting them in a concentration camp for a day?

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

did they show the kids the wooden doors of the “gas ovens” or the swimming pool?

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

orchestras, weddings, nursery…

2 years ago

How focusing too much on particular evil becomes a vector of demonic attack:
Working with demonically possessed people this is one pattern by which demons attack us.
We must focus on God primarily.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This is so true. This discussion reminds me of toxic dogmatic gammas and narcs. They are always so focused on the demonic that they become trapped in that demonic thought loop. These same people tend to profess themselves to be more spiritually mature than almost anyone around them. At the same time, they feel dejected or contemptuous toward those who don’t heed their pontifications or advice. Most telling, however, is that at the same time they admit to me they are unable to pray or even read the bible outside of their favored dogmatic passages. Instead, they spend endless hours watching the same types of YouTube videos over and over again.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That must be how my first cousin Tommy Kratman wound up becoming a genocidal freak. He stared into the face of evil, and evil stared back, and crept it. Mind you, he helped save humanity and life itself from extinction by Uno-reversing the globalist scheme to enslave and mass-murder us. But he did so by replacing it with another genocide of his own preference, the genocide of gullible liberals and progressives and other “undesirables”, just like his childhood hero Hitler would’ve liked. How did he do all that? Because…


Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Collect your shekels at the door.

2 years ago

Harmeet Dhillonpops up in some interesting situations. You might check her out a bit.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> Scott Adams…

“ In their case the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4

2 years ago
Post if you wish, or save for research.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Sensitivity Readers Are the New Literary Gatekeepers. Overzealous gatekeeping on race and gender is killing books before they’re published—or even written.
Thus dies the American literary culture; philologists of the rising Russian-Chinese civilization one day will study it in the same manner cultural anthropologists studied the ways of Amazonian forest tribes; and just as anthropologists still wonder about how a people become cannibals so will they wonder about how the Americans became unteachable and unreachable imbeciles.
This stupidity will, if it isn’t already, will be applied to the visual arts: don’t paint a woodland landscape because mostly Whites travel to parks and hike in the woods; don’t paint seascapes and boardwalk scenes for the same reason; and, for the love of our new gods, as a White, do not do city scenes; for those are minority enclaves whose culture and identities must not be appropriated.

Last edited 2 years ago by teo toon
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago
2 years ago

“Sensitivity readers are the new literary gatekeepers.”

It was already bad enough before that. A lot of bestsellers are “written” by authors who are already famous for something else, and any unsolicited manuscripts are looked at (if even that) by twentysomething interns, usually women from NYC. Look them up at some big publishing houses and check what they have to say on social media. Not stupid, necessarily, but very normie, so that’s already a big filter. Their “culture” consumption is a lot more New Yorker, The Atlantic, Lena Dunham’s Girls, Game of Thrones, etc. than capital L literature. If they can tell you the plot of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, it’s because they have seen the film a few times, not read the book cover to cover a few times.

How many “Sex and the City” style novels are out there vs. how much war fiction, for example? (Books by political careerists or Neocon propaganda don’t count.) “Breakfast with the Dirt Cult” finally got reviewed by Publisher’s Weekly, etc., but …

“Why did the author of Breakfast with the Dirt Cult have to go through five-to-eight hundred rejections before finally deciding to self-publish the book?” (IM1776 review)

A few months ago, I went to one of the biggest bookstores in my town and asked for some spy novel recommendations. “Yeah, we have a few new ones, but it’s a dying genre. Only men (not women) old enough to remember the Cold War ask for that.”

You have to be a force of nature like Vox Day to make your independent mark on society.

Lindsay Wheeler
2 years ago

The Grand Rapids Police Officer that shot an African immigrant who was wanted and in the middle of several felonies–the judge rules to go forward in the case despite State police saying that he did everything right.

Judge rules Christopher Schurr will go to trial for death of Patrick Lyoya (

So Catholic Charities, or some other immigrant group, brings in MORE Africans–so they can act wild–and take out more whites and put them in jail.

Unbelievable. The Cowardice of the Co. District Attorney and this Judge is quite obvious. Cowards one and all.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Same problem as in the Army. They lack a charismatic leader who is willing and able to cross the Rubicon.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
2 years ago

Charismatic leaders may have already been assimilated or destroyed whether male or female.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I think you’d be better off assuming that most important people in the big departments are a part of this. At the very least, most know something is going on.

In general, I assume that cops killed in the line of duty weren’t apart of things or wouldn’t go along with something.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Lindsay Wheeler
2 years ago

Grand Rapids is a typical Midwest city… meaning a typical midCUCKED city worshipping the Golden Dindu.

Lindsay Wheeler
2 years ago

Truly Satanic. America is Satanic–all of it.

CNN comes out today that DePape was a right-winger. Even though the evidence throughout this scumbag was he was a Leftist hippie scumbag.

This is a repeat of the Whitmore Kidnapping Case! MK Ultra–this guy disappears for a year, comes back screwed up—set loose on a dem. Our “October Suprise”–right-wing violence!!! who knew! Every election we will have this!

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
Reply to  Lindsay Wheeler
2 years ago

I’m shocked the Jew media lied about Pelosi’s gay husband being attacked by his gay crackhead lover. Is this still America?

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Simple answer: no.

Reply to  Lindsay Wheeler
2 years ago

It’s not America.
America is the victim.

Durk McGurkin
Durk McGurkin
2 years ago

The Paul Pelosi incident seems tailor made to shake loose many lifelong democrats still held in mental slavery by the establishment.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Good fucking god this is insane

This is why Vijaya cried

She was involved in a conspiracy with the government to control information and manufacture consent

— Tim Pool (@Timcast) October 31, 2022

Think its all just a coincidence?

2 years ago

Its difficult to find good information on Brazil in English speaking media. Or for that matter in Portuguese speaking media. Courtesy of Naked Capitalism, I found this:

Al Jazeera uses a correspondent who not only speaks Portuguese, but who is Brazilian, both unusual for foreign media outlets. But I think he gets it right.

Commentator Michael Inoue on Naked Capitalism also had this (most commentators were happy with the Lula victory, its that type of site):

“Electing an 80 year old by 51-49 with a hostile Congress and economic depression around the corner and you have chaos waiting in the wings. Losing might have been a better long-term option.”

Lula is in his 70s, but yes. The thing is that the new VP and all his other backers in the past were Lula opponents, since the man once was actually a populist. He took the ticket and will likely be replaced by Alckmin within months. Btw, the only presidential candidate who was even sort of serious and younger than 65 (she got 4.7% of the vote in the first round) was a woman who was the most overtly globalist of the lot. They have the same problem with geriatric leadership as we due.

Was the election rigged? Well you only use electronic ballots if you want to make it easy to rig this thing. As Mercouris on the Duran pointed out, Brazil has no independent electoral commission (apparently they don’t even have a weak one like the USA has), and I remember when watching the first round noticing that they would announce votes coming in but there was no information or transparency where the votes were coming from. So you have to assume all their elections are rigged. That includes the earlier election which elected Bolsonaro, and both Lula’s electoral victories and defeats. Presumably he only wins when he is able to make a deal with the oligarchs.

2 years ago

“Makes you wonder to what degree they use those nutty hippies as human guinea pigs. And whether this guy was MK Ultra’d and was supposed to ice Paul to give Nancy the gravitas to move the election needle in a little over a week, against the right wing. His funeral would have been right before the election.”

This is an excellent observation, and this sort of observation is why I come here.

However, and I realize I am parroting Myles Mathis, I think the SOP in these operations would be that Paul Pelosi would not actually be killed. He would be proclaimed dead, disappear, and re-emerge with a new identity in some other place where he could pursue his particular place. It seems someone wanted to really kill him. That is why the operation didn’t quite work and the media has turned to pretending that it did.

2 years ago

Jim Stone shitshow watch:

I’m a member of the crazy wife club, so I feel for him, but I am not trying to run a dissident blog. This came a day after he reposted the Greg Hunter interview with Dr. Bhakdi which itself was unusually informative.

2 years ago

Brazil swung to the right, even with Bolsonaro’s narrow defeat. The Brazilian right is stronger in Congress, though gains came from the center instead of the left. Of the big three states, they kept Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, and flipped Sao Paulo, which is huge. Remember, Bolsonaro publically did not want a COVID lockdown and Brazil did it anyway, because Sao Paulo did it and its the governors who decide these things.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

WOW! wow, triple wow!
“The vegan diet is the key to health & longevity. There is no evidence that avoiding meat and eating seed oils is bad for you”, four nutritionists from Norway, aged 26-28

People in the West are out of their minds.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

I hope people will read this. When read it, it left me cold. It really showed how absurd and mental the whole west was. It’s an essay from Metallicman. The guy is odd and says he was a timeline/dimensional traveler for the US and aliens but just the same he has a lot of stuff on his blog about all different sorts of things. He has this essay on what Chinese citizens do. How they qualify to get into the Communist party and how they raise their kids. In our country, while they teach faggotry to our kids, see what they teach Chinese kids.

Why Chinese society is like the book or movie of “Starship Troopers”

Some quotes,

“…Starship Troopers is not fascist. Instead, it is an exploration of certain sociopolitical truths that, if ignored, doom a civilization to self-parody by the hemorrhaging of civic virtue….”

“…“twentieth century democracies” gradually experienced a breakdown in domestic law and order.
This occurred as these polities continued to grant more and more rights to their citizens, but did not impose accompanying responsibilities.
One result was a spike in crime, such that public spaces were no longer safe at nighttime and many were not safe during the day…”

[note Starship Troopers was written in 1959 long before the total breakdown we see now. A prophecy of sorts]

“…Any society that decouples rights and responsibilities thereby enables irresponsible power….”

“…In China if you want to vote in the “democratic process” you must be a member of the “Party”, and to be a member, you must contribute and participate.
Service grants citizenship.
Those that do not participate; that do not excel in school; that do not help and volunteer, and those that do not join The Pioneers when in elementary, middle and high schools cannot participate in government within China. Period….”

“…In China, not everyone can vote.
It is a meritocracy. The ability to vote requires that you, throughout your life, contribute to the good of society and do what ever is needed at any time of the day or night….”

“…Discipline is taught at a young age. And from Kindergarten on up, the students obtain daily discipline training, education on civic society, military behaviors and pure military field rife and combat training….”

[I add what have I been saying about limiting the vote to those not dependent on the government? And how this would straighten out the government.]

2 years ago

You know, really, the play might be to erase the entire American part of the globe. Just, gone. People are primitive. We can’t even get Californians to believe that Floridians and Texans send rockets into space for real. They think in terms of their familiar industries- films and television- while we think in ours- rockets, fuel.

The center of this doesn’t really seem to be American. The most covetous mostly seem to be stripmining assets in America, without care for the people. So, what if the play is cut off global shipping, bankrupt satellites, and have America become as much of a myth as Atlantis?

The Ukraine being essential is just a peculiar look. Afghanistan, too. They were the center of older civilizations. What if people in Eurasia still think they are worthwhile, rather than shabby, poor,tired places.

Or, say, we sneer at Afghanistan for poppies and sex with boys. Those were highly accepted cultural habits of late stage, pre-Christian Hellenic society. What if that’s not bad, for whomever is running this. What if Afghanistan is a Rome or a Jerusalem for this crew?

Ukraine was a country with families made rich shipping kidnapped slaves to the MENA slave kingdoms. What if those families are still wealthy, but not famous.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

I think it’s likely many rich merchant and banking families from the past millennium, or longer, were wise enough to stay discrete and that they remain very wealthy today. I assume this cohort resides towards the top of the Cabal hierarchy and are the puppet-masters of the visible super-rich we are told are the top – Rothschilds, Soros, Rockefellers, Wallenbergs, etc.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“look at this ridiculous stuff we do, which is why your book did not get published – and not because there is an intelligence-based conspiracy that knows which of their members will get book contracts, and that you are not one of their members.”

Yup. This has been locked in place for over 20 years. I knew somebody who worked in the industry in the ’90s; and the gatekeeping even then was pretty draconian. This person was a woketard NPC; but was surprisingly candid about the checkboxes. You can imagine: anyone writing for white heterosexual males need not apply/query/submit a manuscript. The only way to overcome those demographic handicaps was to fart out “bold” Marxist bullshit. Like you often say: everything is rigged. Everything.

I find intriguing your idea that some kind of childhood assessment is used to determine who will and won’t take the ticket as adults. The idea has occurred to me for a long time; but I would chastise myself for being too paranoid. It would explain so damn much, though.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I’ve been in exactly one fight in my life, and your posts make me question it. Somewhere in the 7th or 8th grade, another boy in some of my classes started bullying me. It seemed strange, and looking back, it seemed like my friends and his friends were determined to have us fight. I was riding my bike home from school, and he showed up and kicked my bike. I recovered easily enough, but the consensus of my friends was I needed to fight him.

It was the stupidest fight on Earth. He was short and thin, and I was taller and stocky. I couldn’t catch him, and he couldn’t knock me down. Essentially, our after school fight in a storm drain resulted in a draw when everybody got bored and left. Since I have no interest in “sportsball”, that’s the only reason I understand weight classes.

I still don’t know what to make of it decades later. Somewhere along the way, I became friends with his older brother which resulted in getting my first real job at McDonalds. As I remember, him and I made up for those silly days of Middle School.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

That is truly bizarre. Seems like a fairly intricate set-up for SOMETHING, considering the age of the assets.
And how much of it is demonic? Certainly the upper tiers of Cabal are demonic; but how far down the hierarchy does that direct control extend? It’s like a seamless overlap; but at what level?
BTW, kids in public school are naturally conspiratorial. Both sexes, in their own way. But for their parents or handlers, how many meetings and conferences do they have to schedule to orchestrate some of the mind games they play on non-asset kids?
How much of that has gone on right under our noses when we were oblivious to it?

Captain Chaos
Captain Chaos
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

AC this post made me think about my secondary school days in the UK. I arrived from the US and failed my 11+ exam and was therefore placed in the second tier schooling system. I subsequently left school with more O Levels than my brother and two of his mates who went to grammar school ie the top tier. Did the system try and dumb me down at that early age?
Anyway I had few close friends but I looked out for a smaller kid same age who started midway through a school year. He was like a bundle of energy and at least three times or more on separate occasions jumped up and smashed his head into my jaw. By the third incident I was ready to pound him, he hit me hard enough that I was seeing stars!
Some time later he was apparently found hanging out of his bedroom window at the vicarage. I always thought the whole thing was very strange. Why was I the only one who got the jaw smashing treatment? Did he have orders to try and provoke me and get chucked out of school? Did he really suicide or was it theatre and the family moved somewhere else? Easy to do in pre-internet days. Were they cabel keeping tabs on people?

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

You are lucky if they even give a reason for rejecting your work.
I am not talking about things they just don’t want, I’m talking about submissions that get multiple responses about how to improve them and then no further responses after you make several changes to suit them.
The last one I tried the guy sent back a response that he liked it very much but there was no offer to purchase it.
I think the guy I was dealing with wanted to buy my work and was overruled by someone above him even though his position was supposed to be the one that had the authority.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

Art projects and essay projects/creative writing projects are big tools that they use. For younger grades, they will do things like as children to draw their ideal bedroom and describe it in depth. Sounds like just a fun, creative exercise, right? It will reveal much about how the child sees the universe and their place in it.

Relational psychology tests are used in English composition classes for teenaged students. The students are led through a visualization by the teacher that goes like this:

“You’re walking on a path in the forest. What does the path look like? Describe it. You come across a bear. Is the bear close or far away? Is it friendly or hostile?”

There are several variations of it and its administered to kids in different ways. But they provide a deep dive (supposedly) into the child’s psychology, giving a sense of how they see the world, what their ambitions are, and more.

Here’s an example of one such test.

Combine this with daily teacher observation, test performance, discipline problems, etc., and you can develop a thorough psychological profile of the child.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

All those tests imply an infrastructure of psychologists available to read and analyze them; is this the real reason for the school psychologist posing as the student advisor/social worker?

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

I don’t think the volume is that great. Maybe students only experience one per year. And they can probably instruct the teachers to look for red flags and then provide it to someone on staff who takes it to a psychologist.

2 years ago
teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

Happy Protestant Reformation Day!

2 years ago

Researchers from the Human Rights Campaign claim by 2040, one in five Texas voters will be LGBTQ, according to their research. Obviously bullshit, but even more so when you factor in how the stress and conflict of K-selection will likely drive the population K in the near future. That said, welcoming migrant r-strategists probably drives those numbers up. You want a K-populace, which does not migrate.

And this is why they are pushing Drag Queen story hour and grooming children in schools to counter that trend.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Jim Stone,”…Nothing lasts forever, including this site. I am surprised the biggest threat it has ever faced came from within. I could handle the technical threats but not this…”
It would not surprise me if Jim Stone is and has been dead. He appears to be wrapping his site up or making excuses for why it could be. Some of his explanations don’t make particularly good sense. Not that they couldn’t happen but they seem a less likely or odd.

Hipster Racist disappearing at the same time, not good.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Scott Adams,”The biggest illusion of 2022 is that if your marriage doesn’t work it is because you picked the wrong person.”

Vox is saying Adams is gamma for saying this but he’s not wrong. The cost of a Woman divorcing a Man are minimal and she can carry on without hm while being paid. The society that Women are raised in allow for them to completely disregard anything that Men value and see it as superfluous. It’s only what Women want. So is he wrong? Should Men have to walk a tightrope of “yes dear” to stay married? What’s the point of get married and putting yourself in this situation? I’m not the only one asking this question, look at the rate of marriage figures.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Adams married an obviously wrong woman and is in denial about having made an error.
That’s the point.
How hard or easy it is to keep a random normie marriage together is not the point.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

You’ve turned the whole idea of “normal” on it’s head. When 45 to 50% of marriages end in divorce. You’re saying every one of these Men picked the wrong wife? Is not Adams one of these “average” people who got married? Vox and you are just piling on Adams while ignoring any facts or any sort of logic at all.

EricTheAwful and Vox Day are right, “The future belongs to those who show up for it.” I don’t deny this but I do deny that complaining about something negative that affects close to 50% of Men is not “whining”. This is a typical cuck response. You’re saying Men should just fuck off and continue to be ruined to make Women happy.

I notice you’ve completely sidestepped the idea,”The society that Women are raised in allow for them to completely disregard anything that Men value and see it as superfluous.” and taken the path that it’s all the Men’s fault for not being some sort of mental psychic in determining his wives inner thoughts before he got married.

Maybe you’re really a Woman, as Women frequently think Men should know their inner thoughts without telling them a thing about what they are perturbed about. I guess you think this is some talent that is ingrained in Men. Maybe you should all join feminist groups to solify your “feelings” about Men who don’t have psychic powers and because of this are part of the 50% that don’t pick the right Women.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

That marriage stat is misleading. It doesn’t mean that 40-50% of all people who get married end up divorced. It’s the percentage of ALL marriages. How many of us know of people who’ve been married 3,4,5 times? Take 10 marriages, of those 10, 5 couples never divorce, and 1 person gets married and divorced 3 times, and the other twice. Well right there is a 50% failure rate for those 10 marriages.

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I said nothing about the average marriage.
Adams is not at all one of the average people and his wife glowed like the sun.
You seem to be responding to a different comment than mine.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Women frequently think Men should know their inner thoughts without telling them a thing about what they are perturbed about.”

Dear God, that’s so annoying. It’s absolutely one quirk that I’m completely unwilling to put up with. Granted, I remain unmarried. I’d love to be married but between cabal prostitutes sent my way to mislead me and waste my time and the remaining nutcases out there, I suspect I’ll die alone.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Divorce rape is a very real thing, but as Vox Day says, “The future belongs to those who show up for it.” My first wife ended up despising me and I went through a painful divorce. It sucked, and financially I’m still recovering from it. I got two great children out of the deal, and remarried. It could and does happen, but it is not the end of the world and is not a good reason to sit things out and whine.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

many women believe all that “you go girl” crap, at least in public. one i have dealt with thinks she has sound political opinions because she has female parts. somewhat reverted to prior liberalism, but is nominally “conservative”. addicted to media and modern entertainment. switching to roku and hulu doesnt really change a damn thing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 years ago

“…My first wife ended up despising me and I went through a painful divorce…”

So in Farcesensitive and Vox Days eyes you are a gamma fool who is inferior because you did not KNOW that your Women was not for you. It’s in the same class as White Women virtue signaling for their pet magic Negros, but for Men, to tell us how superior they are. It is just as likely that these “superior Men” just happened across the subset of Women who actually act the same after they got married as before they got married. Yet they are attributing this to some superiority they have, when it’s just luck. They could have no better discernment of Women’s inner thoughts than any other average Man. They got lucky.

I challenge all these “superior Men” to get a stack of those psychic test cards and guess what cards their wives are holding. Who knows, maybe they are psychic but I suspect running the present society on the basis of the psychic ability of Men to read Women’s minds will not be very successful. More is needed.

I do not hold their views but think about what it implies multiplied by all the divorces in the western world. Instead of crediting this as some brilliant knowledge to live by wouldn’t it be more likely that they are fools and are deceiving themselves? Wouldn’t it behoove us to find a better way? Like alcoholics that keep drinking and expecting something different every time. They appear to be irrational buffoons that do not have a clue how to make society at least a little less painful for a very large number of Men. Their only response is to call Men names, blame Men and tell us to,”pull the wagon harder”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

And Adams is part of it.
What he is trying to do now is to demoralize our side so we think there is no point in trying to find a good woman and we should either just not get married or just take whatever cabal sends our way and hope for the best.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Stop putting words in my mouth.
I said nothing about anyone but Adams.
Adams married an obvious cabal asset and he is obviously a ticket taker so he can’t plead ignorance.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

His entire assertion is that there’s no such thing as a good woman, which is pure Gamma peanut brain thought.

>The society that Women are raised in allow for them to completely disregard anything that Men value and see it as superfluous. It’s only what Women want… Should Men have to walk a tightrope of “yes dear” to stay married?

A society in this context is literally a meme, it’s just the collective trend analysis of a group of people. There is nothing forcing you to raise man-hating harpy cunts, and there’s nothing stopping you from refusing to participate in a “relationship” with a broken woman raised by a retard dad. Same way it’s not a systemic problem to avoid dating heroine addicts, you just take the necessary steps to weed them out of your selection pool.

>What’s the point of get married and putting yourself in this situation?

Because marriage is one of the most important bonds a man can undertake with the proper woman, and even if you ignore the religious and emotional parts of it a purely pragmatic take is that it force multiplies your home with another adult and children to work in your support. You have the agency to weed out the trash and pick a woman who’s not a problem. Blaming society, generalizing the problem to all women while not doing the simple, but tedious, steps required to avoid the problem IS the problem.

You can’t see Clott Adams as the Gamma here because you just agree with his retarded crab pot logic and don’t like the gamma reflection this casts on you.

>look at the rate of marriage figures.

Look at the rate of chronic problem women getting divorced 3-8 times in a life and understand that statistics exist solely to mind control you. Hating women and giving up on relationships is how Cabal is going to sterilize you and end your lineage, no shot needed. You just ate the mind poison, not the arm poison.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…His entire assertion is that there’s no such thing as a good woman…”

I didn’t say that. You made that up from nothing. I did say the percentages are high for failure. If a good marriage is like winning a million dollars and a bad one is like being killed, would you put three bullets in a revolver, spin the chamber and fire it into your head if you could win a million dollars, if it didn’t kill you.

Let’s change that. What if the penalty for losing was to lose a leg or become crippled in some way. Many would agree that a bad marriage is crippling. At the least if it’s a shot to the head it ends, with a divorce the payments and abuses continue, so in a way it’s less merciful.

I’m fully on board with the idea that a good marriage is awesome.

“…You have the agency to weed out the trash and pick a woman who’s not a problem….”

We disagree. I would put odds at over 90% you are wrong. It’s just not always possible to see the future based on deceit in people. I can prove this. How many of you knew about the broad spying, dysfunction, child abuse and trafficking until recently when the internet allowed more transparency??? I didn’t. AC has commented on this fact many, many times. I submit that you can not tell the future actions of Women from the present as a general rule. There’s train loads of Men who have commented on this. How she was so perfect, before they got married and it went down after that. You dispute this? Prove it. I could dig up, but won’t that’s an exercise for you, stupendous amounts of testimony to that effect.

“…You can’t see Clott Adams as the Gamma here because you just agree with his retarded crab pot logic and don’t like the gamma reflection this casts on you….”

You make up more stuff. I agree with what he said about the difficulty of determining that you have the right Women to live a great life married. You cast dispersion on this idea yet the vast, very large number of divorces prove that you haven’t a clue what you are talking about. That large numbers of Men are all some sort of gamma losers. I put to you if this is such a failure in society, why should Men play this game at all? I submit that before no fault divorce the numbers were not near as large so what happened? Did all Men suddenly become gamma? You disparage all our ancestors? Your arguments are weak and infantile name calling. Next thing you’ll be saying is I have cooties.

If they changed the law tomorrow to where each Man was assigned to be enslaved to some Women I guess you would tell us all,”well that’s it, we have to show up and it’s the law”. Who’s the gamma? Who is the slave? Who is free?

Don’t laugh, they had bachelor taxes in ancient Rome because no fault divorce was in effect there too and Men decided, like today, that they weren’t having any of this and the marriage rates collapsed. I think THIS was the reason Rome fell. Not lead.

I’m sick of all this criticism of Men if they do not slavishly devote themselves to some sort of defined society behavior, which today is mostly Womanish. If a Man doesn’t get out and grub for lots of cash for Women, he’s no good in our Womanish culture.

I notice, quite prominently, that not a single one of you has made even the slightest effort to suggest what Women should do to make our society, marriage and Men lives better and more successful. Pardon me for noticing this. We are half the population and surely it’s a foolish notion that we should receive at least some minimal consideration. Your only refrain is Men should grind away even harder. Who is the gamma? Who is the slave? Who is the tool that speaks?

You say that those who decide not to hitch themselves up to the wagon and pull are the losers but I say that you are the weak. I have commented several times on how we could change the laws to have a better society, especially for Men, but you don’t appear to have the balls to do this. It’s all,”well you just have to hitch yourself to the wagon and pull harder”, like the horse in “Animal Farm” they sold to the glue factory.

I can prove the end effect of this is a losing battle. Spartans. We have a five hundred year history of ultimate failure. The Spartans led some of the most desperate, grueling, horrible lives, for the Men. Endless suffering that they preformed to the very end. The Women, they tooled around the house and supervised the slaves that did all the work. But the Spartans fell. Why? The simply ran out of Spartans. This is a fact. It’s well known. The Men did their part but Spartan Women had only one important job, have more Spartans, and they refused to do it. Who is the tool that speaks? Who is the fool? Who is the gamma?

Your “pull the wagon harder” missives will end up just like the Spartans and the Romans, in failure. I keep telling you people instead of “pulling the wagon” and suffering we should change the rules and stop it. I say the same thing about the mobocracy running the USA. Stop them from voting. Do not let them run our lives, (I’ve covered how abundantly and in ridiculously detailed comments). Make them do as we say, not as they say. Same goes for Women but apparently it’s all “pull the wagon harder”.

I say to you, who is the tool that speaks? Who is the fool? Who is the gamma? The guy that says, “pull the wagon harder”, no matter what, or the guy that says,”fuck you I’m not pulling your damn wagon. If the rules aren’t changed, I will sit down and take a break until you decide to treat me decently”?

The only reason I even answered this was because you lied outright about what I said. I find that it’s like taking to a cardboard box and has no effect at all.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Nobody has ever said not to do the things you suggest.
Lots of people have agreed with the things you suggest.
But until we make those changes we have to continue to look for good women to reproduce with or we will go extinct like the Spartans and the Romans.

P.S. The Anon said that Adams was the one saying that there’s no such thing as a good woman.
He did not say you said that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Gamma males want women to be forced to like them, as if that ever happened historically and the family didn’t veto suitors. Doesn’t work like that anyway, and Hypergamouse mocks it correctly. Sexual entitlement makes them ugly to women, hence some incels are good looking but still rejected or rich like Elliot Rodger. Women are the sexual selection of the species and SHOULD reject men, it’s the biological purpose of being discriminating. Porn-addled men feel entitled to all women they see due to hypofrontality damage to the brain proven in studies. The fact they cannot convince ONE decent woman to marry them means they need to be better men or give up. Most ancient men never reproduced, because they were low in genetic fitness, it’s r/K they hate. It’s men ain’t shit but reversed, blaming da wimminz. Uncabob (RIP) said they want sexual AA. He was right. They’re like the people claiming IQ is racist. If it’s as nurture based as they claim, just study harder? Many stats are actually caused by mixed race marriages, which the manosphere copes and denies, despite unz and others pointing to evidence. Also higher domestic abuse, so the idea of a submissive foreign waifu is a psyop for weak minds, note the CCP agent wife of Jeremy Hunt and others. Look at the wives, Q said. Reddit stories on redpill and MGTOW are full of army guys who feel tricked because their foreign wife wasn’t acting white! As if magic dirt would magically make them think like white Christian women and have matching priorities. They don’t want marriages and kids in general, the manosphere, they’re anti-natal (Pro-Snip) and anti-white (pro-non-white women) because many are controlled ops. They’re called genetic suicides in literature, research literature.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
2 years ago

Women: “I want a man over 6 feet, with a 6 figure salary, with a body like a sports star”

Men: “I just want a girl who isn’t fat”

Women: REEEEEEE that’s sexist!

Both sides have SERIOUS problems with their expectations for the other side and for what is expected of them in our current culture.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

That’s a caricature and besides, nobody is entitled to a marriage, including entitled women. Sexual disgust is also a right, as with men not wanting the fat or women not wanting creeps. But overall, men have slid more in attractiveness than women, compared to say the 50s. Men used to be able to build things from scratch and do minor home repairs and now they seem DIY useless like most women, which women respond to with revulsion.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
2 years ago

Hard disagree.
Both sides have fallen low and the women have fallen farther.

2 years ago

HAPPENING NOW: Things are developing quickly in Brazil, and not in a good way after the election that was STOLEN from Bolsonaro.

The police are starting to join with the Bolsonarista truck drivers who are protesting the fraudulent results of the Brazilian election.

2 years ago

Tyrmand: Brazilian Election Riddled With Fraud, Bolsonaro’s Party Won Everywhere Except Presidency