Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
A second Hunter Biden laptop was seized by the DEA in a raid on his psychiatrist’s office. Reports are it was his shrink’s laptop, with Hunter’s info on it, but that is unconfirmed. Was his shrink a pill pusher, or was DEA actually targeting Hunter – or were they targeting some criminal conspiracy he was a part of that was supplying him with drugs?
An interesting thread that makes the case that something began happening to kids born after 1980 which noticeably altered them neurologically. Oddly enough I remember reading a similar piece that examined baby photos, and showed a pattern where the child’s eyes aligned perfectly as a baby, they got their first vaccinations, and photos taken a week or two later showed the eyes were misaligned slightly. It wasn’t the massive diplopia like the actor Jack Elam had, but rather just a slight misalignment. The writer’s working theory was the vaccinations were causing the blood to increase its tendency to clot, small blood clots were forming, breaking free, making it to the brain, and these slots were causing micro-strokes that killed small portions of the babies’ brains. Since the babies couldn’t talk, and didn’t move in controlled, coordinated fashions, these mini-strokes would have no noticeable symptoms, except for the misalignment of the eyes that emerged immediately thereafter – which is itself a manifestation of muscle weakness. Since they were so young, the brain would adapt around the new deficits, and by the time they grew up, they were passably normal, but something was being lost, and we really didn’t get to see what could have been. In this timeline, there is no way to tell if this is accident or purposeful, but I would consider a baby aspirin or a half baby aspirin, with a doctor’s approval, for a short bit after my baby receiving vaccinations, and I’d probably try to make my own baby formula as well. There is no telling if this is purposeful or not. And in the interest of completeness, it is worth noting if you do the math to account for ages and years, this is kind of close to when flouridation of the populace was peaking. Flouride seemingly has a similar effect to that of lead, which impairs ion movements through the ion channels of nerves which produce nerve impulses.
I thought this link on the dancing Israelis was interesting, just to the extent you will see a lot of business vehicles like this moving company’s trucks, from landscapers to heating maintenance companies to plumbing and electrical contractor vehicles, to taxis around you, when you are of any interest to the machine. You read the article, and you want to assume that moving company being a foreign intel asset was a unique situation, but it could be extraordinarily common. In the competitive world of business, having an intel network, foreign or otherwise, offer your company additional income, even just a little, as well as access to guaranteed business from their informant/asset network, could be what determines which businesses make just enough to remain operational, and which go defunct. No way to know the truth yet.
FBI initially turned down purported Hunter Biden laptop.
US Senate releases a scathing report on the Biden family of grifters.
Trump campaign calls on Biden to reveal what he knows about FBI probe of Hunter.
Joe Biden shouts, “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure!” The question is, given he is losing, are Biden’s staff now just killing time by fucking around and putting gibberish like that on his teleprompter for laugh? Meanwhile he, reading a word he has never seen and doesn’t understand, figures he should yell it to sound more authoritative.
After his heckling, Biden’s Michigan rallies with Obama are being closed to the public and held in secret locations. Nothing says beloved, popular candidate like running a secret campaign because you can’t handle all the protesters, and nobody form your side was showing up anyway.
Biden campaign bus runs red light to fee pro-Trump ‘Democrat Cemetery Vote Collector’ hearse.
In a video Tony Bobulinski tells @WeAreSinclair the team of
@FBI agents who questioned him for five hours focused intensively not just on Hunter Biden’s work in China but also on his tenure on the board of Burisma in Ukraine.
Officer shot in the face in New Orleans, but was coherent when he walked into the hospital, and the suspect was in custody. Again, two officers sitting in a cruiser, when this time, a passenger in a pedicab passing by stood up and opened fire into the cruiser, apparently with a small caliber weapon.
Kyle Rittenhouse extradited to Wisconsin to face charges.
Walmart reverses decision to remove all guns and ammunition from its store shelves just one day after ordering them locked away securely amid fears of looting and riots. Why does it feel like somebody in authority didn’t like that all those looters would be denied firearms, and they made a call to someone and ordered them to reverse this decision, so the guns would be available.
Vimeo removes video showing ties between pro-China group and Black Lives Matter founder.
A freeper claims he heard from rural mail carriers that their mail is being slowed down as the election approaches, by central processing centers in the metropolitan areas. He thinks it might be to slow the arrival of Trump ballots, or maybe affect their arrival. But then another Freeper posted he heard from a postal worker he knows that Pennsylvania is paying to have all mail-in ballots placed in express envelopes and overnighted. Though a state ordering a Federal agency to interfere in the mailings of other people sounds suspect. The significance might be two posts in one day on FR from freepers with inside connections in Pennsylvania, maybe distracting from something else.
Two ballots among stolen mail found in northwest Harris County dumpster in Houston.
Texas early voting exceeds total of all 2016 ballots.
Jack and Twitter take $756 million hit to net worth following company’s silencing of conservative voices. This is not how businesses work in a competitive capitalist system.
President Trump reportedly cancels election night party plans. Supposedly because of the shutdown, but if Q is correct, it sounds like election night could be the start of a busy period, as well as a threatening period.
Kennedy cousin won’t face retrial in 1975 killing of Martha Moxley.
French people will only be allowed to leave their homes for food shopping, medical appointments, pressing family reasons and to commute to work when the job cannot be done from home, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Thursday ahead of a new Covid-19 lockdown starting at midnight. The Great Reset program is progressing apace.
As anger rises, Muslims protest French cartoons.
The Drudge Report posted a 45 percent decline in web traffic in September as the site alienated its core readers by turning against President Trump. Drudge was a conservative site. If I turned into a left wing shill here, would I maintain 55% of my readership? Would you stay? So it is a safe bet somebody was at least doubling the number of visitors to Drudge’s site, and that false traffic is the bulk of what remains. Fake traffic and online advertising is how they laundered payments to their outlets. Plus his site numbers were always bullshit because his site auto-refreshed every ten seconds, so in five minutes a single viewer had loaded his page 30 times, and some kept it open at work all day long.
Study finds 20 percent of grocery workers had COVID-19, most without symptoms.
Twitter finally unlocks the New York Post account, two weeks after locking it over the Hunter Biden hard drive story. Notice, if the Post had ten stories from those hard drives, it wanted to release in succession, Twitter essentially shut that process down and stymied all criticism.
Facebook reports a decline in users in the U.S. and Canada.
U.S. Marshals operation results in recovery of 27 missing children in Virginia.
New border wall reaches 400 miles.
DHS Chief says Twitter’s censoring of factual information poses a threat to national security.
Philadelphia firefighters union votes to endorse Trump.
Bloomberg News reports Biden advisers are worried about Black and Hispanic voter turnout.
Trump leads Biden by 50 percentage points among Cuban-American voters.
I never got the point to (((Drudge))). Back in the late 90’s when “conservative” sites started popping up, my parents kept telling me I needed to read Drudge. I went to the site, saw it as an aggregator for “mainstream” stories, and disregarded it since. If I want to read NBC, I can just go to their site. I don’t need Drudge’s link. I probably haven’t loaded Drudge Report 10 times since then. But my parents were Boomers, and Boomers love (((Drudge))) for some reason. It never appealed to me. But somehow this gay Jew got to live a reclusive life at some mansion with a pool.
In 2016, he stopped by the InfoWhores studio and did an interview with Alex from the shadows. Freaking weird.
I agree, AC, nothing is as it appears. You can’t explain how these people get wealth and power and success just by looking at them and accepting The Narrative. It makes no sense the closer you look.
Drudge became a mental addiction during Impeachment. There was something strange about Clinton – something that ignited hatred in a way I have rarely felt it. Now, I think we were detecting that he was a traitor who hated America, and who would betray it for himself, in a way that may be commonplace today, but which seemed rare back then. I would guess he was the first high-level politician who was fully comped by China, giving them our missile tech and the W88 warhead design, and who knows what else. I think we felt it, and it triggered hatred, and a burning desire to see him out of there.
When Impeachment hit, we thought we had him, but as with Q, the pace was glacial. And all throughout it, we were compulsively looking for updates, and new breaking info that would reaffirm, this was it and that cocksucker was going to be ejected finally. When new info hit, it would always be like a shot of heroin. Clear evidence he was nailed, and could never squirm out of it. Back then, we thought there were laws and rules, and if you proved the case he lied to deny a citizen a fair legal proceeding in her lawsuit against him, he had so thwarted a fair legal system he could no longer be left in power.
Finding those new pieces of info that cemented the case was difficult if you tried to surf all the sites yourself, but Drudge always got the links in minutes (supposedly because the reporters promoted their stories by emailing the links to him) and we all went there to get the latest scoop, and reassurance that cocksucker was going to get removed finally.
The brain is trainable, and it was probably like giving rats a little shot of cocaine when they hit the lever. Once Impeachment passed, and as it became clear the whole system was a racket, and mainstream news was fully comped, he lost his appeal. His final sell out may have been him realizing the gig was up and pulling the ripcord once and for all.
What is interesting is, he almost touched on gangstalking on his radio show with a listener, implying he was being chased around by someone, and that was back in 98 or so. Somehow he went from target to asset, and may have gained a fairly decent totally comped salary, if the numbers were even close to reality.
That Clinton “impeachment” was infuriating. The John Birch Society claims they started the original “Impeach Clinton Now!” campaign over selling secrets to China. Clinton’s people and media allies managed to spin it into his degeneracy with Monica and not understanding the word “is”.
I don’t remember where I got information in those days, but I’d learned long before that you can’t trust the “media”. That was when we called CNN the Clinton News Network.
Top kek
Thanks for the laugh.
> Though a state ordering a Federal agency to interfere in the mailings of other people sounds suspect.
Remember the American Postal Workers’ Union officially endorses Biden/Harris.
The PA electoral authorities and the APWU are both dancing to the tune of the same piper. This just lets them plausibly deny any responsibility should “problems” occur.
> could be the start of a busy period
Even if Biden “wins”, DJT is still President for almost three months. That’s enough time for some epic swamp-draining.
And if DJT is re-elected, same thing, except he has four years to do it.
“Heads I win, tails you lose.”
Inderdasting article. Much could happen.
> Vimeo
Vimeo is owned by “IAC”, which owns, among other things, Ticketmaster. Which has apparently changed its name to “Live Nation”. Ticketmaster is one of the most hated companies in the world; an exemplar of rent-seeking and corrupt business practice.
IAC is run by Barry Diller, who is a large Democratic Party supporter. He spent most of his early career in Hollywood. Diller owns a shit-ton of companies, but is most closely linked to Expedia, which he bought from Microsoft. Expedia is basically a travel agency. I expect it’s not doing too well nowadays… Chelsea Clinton is on Expedia’s board of directors.
It looks like I don’t have any dealings with any of his holdings, so no need to dive any deeper…
No, I wouldn’t consider Vimeo as a good alternative to GoogleTube.
> Notice, if the Post had ten stories from those hard drives, it wanted to release in succession, Twitter essentially shut that process down and stymied all criticism.
…on Twitter. But the Post is one of those, whatchacallum, newspaper things. Prints stories on paper. Has its own web site. Probably has accounts on platforms other than Twitter. I doubt any Twitter user is unaware of that Twitter did to the Post; lots of Streisand Effect there.
And just because a story gets a bajillion hits on Twitter or Facebook, doesn’t mean any of them are real. They don’t even have to use Chinese bot farms to tweak their stats; the people paying for their clicks just have to take their word for it. Of course we know they’re completely trustworthy, so that’s not a problem…
> New border wall reaches 400 miles.
Only 1600 miles to go!
Even chickens would have no trouble going around that.
It’s an improvement, and it is already having a positive effect.
Also, Trump had to fight tooth and nail to get around the gaybal cockblocking attempts at making the wall project impossible to execute.
I’m not sure. I haven’t seen the big stories about all the paralyzed kids this year from Acute Flaccid Myelitis. It is possible we will find out that this was very effective, if it affects their voter fraud efforts. I could see the national popular vote suddenly being 69% to 31%, and us finding out this uber-left, anti-American vote was never almost half the population, and all the rest was some elaborate scheme leveraging 4 million illegals, each with five sets of fake documents to vote five times and add 20 million votes to the Democrat side. When each candidate get 60 million votes give or take, if you pulled 20 million votes on the left, you suddenly have a 60%-40% Republican blowout that would produce an Electoral college vote unlike anything anyone has ever seen. We may not get rid of all the fraud, but even a 55-45 vote could jack that Electoral College.
We will see.
2% of the population
60000000% of all coup attempts
The Biden campaign has gone full Arrested Development. GOB is running for president, and Lindsay is his running mate. Jill Biden is playing the part of Lucille.
Michael left the campaign months ago.
Holy shit, my sides.
Project Veritas undercover videos alone are enough to refute AC’s secret Stasi-TIPS Cabal theory. They show the true quality of Swamp personnel. Weakness is their primary trait: of character, intelligence, courage, etc.
It’s just like the show Survivor, where real human nature reveals itself for a chance at a big payday. Survivor girl alliances aren’t all female. They include defector dishonorable men as well, e.g. homosexuals and effeminates and nonwhites. These alliances routinely crush the men, particularly in the early seasons, before the trend was known. (I haven’t watched later ones.)
The K competitor believes he is strong and fit, but in the absence of the K-selective environment his honor is weakness and his confidence is stupidity. It is the instinctive coordination of the r weakling who KNOWS that she’s weak that makes her formidable. That is why girls crush guys on Survivor. And that is why r’s crush K’s in toxic scale. It’s as simple as that.
This biologically-founded auto-conspiracy, called by RSD the Secret Society, intrinsically cannot be a monolithic Cabal, because it features the constant shuffling and infighting of the herd, not the pack. Only elite r’s are able to conduct themselves with a modicum of long-term consistency.
For virtue to triumph over vice, there must be the equivalent of small-tribe transparency, to expose the traitors and fakers, and to reward true honor. Centralized toxic scale is the opposite of small-tribe transparency.
In other words, wickedness is winning because evolution is on their side.
I noticed that too, but not that specific—the weak congregated and took out the strong. It wasn’t a fair game. I like your anaylysis Littlebook.
As for your “small-tribe transparency”, I would like to point out that the Spartan male citizens had to belong to a syssitia, one of many men’s messes; they were like little clubs that was mandatory they attend every night. They were about twenty strong or so. That is why they maintained their republic for over 600 + years.
Naked is one’s back without brother to guard it.
That’s a good idea.
I do not think the Stasi-Tips program is competent. But I also do not think it has to be, because our programming is so strong, to think it could never happen here. We have been delivered so many memes, from “nobody can keep a secret,” to Americans are all united behind a sacred constitution,” to the idea we are so free of surveilance that the government is not even allowed to just put up a surveillance camera recording sidewalks everywhere, without the public opposing it as an invasion of privacy, and that is because all citizens oppose intruding in the lives of others for reasons of politeness, and privacy is vitally important to EVERYONE. All of those will make people assume the little things they see, which could be seen as surveillance, must be something innocent. Show people what surveillance looks like, and that it could be real, and the whole thing will be totally burned.
But this thing not only controls the media, the media are perpetrators of it. So that programming is not going to be overturned anytime soon.
Your analysis isn’t entirely wrong, but it leaves out important things. Some people are psychopaths- which is kind of like being so r-type that parts of the brain start going K again just to compensate and function in the world.
This is why some psychopaths become serial killers, their K adaptation is to kill. Now, the act of killing is a complex interplay of environment, society and individuals- but it occurs because there is a very r and very K force at work in those environments, societies and even within individuals. Hence the saying by Jesus Christ in John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning…”. It is telling the Savior Jesus Christ would use such language, one must ask did He know about r and K over 2000 years ago?
There definitely is an evil, malcontent, deceptive force in the world. Top level Cabal doesn’t have to touch low level stupid cabal, or even the mid-manager (((Cabals))). The greatest victory that Satan can have is to convince people that he does not exist. There is a devil and he does have an HQ. He has a network on Earth that’s been around for a long, long time. Psychopaths are definitely real too, and you should see what they can do at the helm of a Nation, as I’m sure you are intimately aware Red.
This is why the words of, and a faith in, Jesus Christ are an armament against lies, deceit and the evil wrought by psychopaths and their master the devil. Christianity protects the immortal soul from being led down to Hell by these forces.
Thanks Wheeler. You’re right about syssitia. The Old Testament law also lasted a long time, because it binds the patrilineages to the land. This creates natural clan syssitias. The only thing better than a syssitia is a band of literal brothers. Or if we need some self-selection to account for psychodiversity and role specialization, then at least a syssitia of distant cousins.
Although I 100% disagree with your claims that the STASI like shit is false (also, sorry about the shitposting I did as RedLittleBook, I was under the impression you were a shill impersonating who you apparently are trying to shill for deflection against the STASI like gaybal surveilance and harassment network (I came to the conclusion that you just can’t believe it because you’ve never seen it, and after all, I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen it first hand and probed it to understand it for years)), this makes sense:
“This creates natural clan syssitias. The only thing better than a syssitia is a band of literal brothers. Or if we need some self-selection to account for psychodiversity and role specialization, then at least a syssitia of distant cousins.”
No wonder the globohomo zionist gaybal has always pushed for the destruction of the family unit and atomization of the individual (and ideological radical individualism) on the Western people.
For those that still haven’t educated themselves about it, here is what the modern feminist movement (3rd wave feminism) has to say about family, marriage and Western society:
And to nobody’s surprise, it has ties to the modern communist movements AND like those communist movements its main figures are Jews.
If you are really harassed, win a lawsuit like Baeurle did. If you are a serious man, countersurveil your harassers in such a way that you can charge, sue or counterattack them as the situation dictates. Falsely accusing people of shilling on the Internet is a waste of time, and un-Biblical to boot. It is especially un-Biblical to falsely accuse of sodomy.
That said, I accept your apology.
I believe in plenty of things I haven’t seen. My faith is not the issue. Lack of evidence is. Most critics consider me excessively credulous.
Q has talked about surveillance. He quoted about military intelligence operating on American soil. The idea that he would be afraid of broaching or even hinting at TIPS-Stasi is absurd. He has no problem hinting that Barack Obama set up North Korea’s nuclear program on behalf of the Satanist Cabal.
Nobody serious questions that I am Koanic. Nobody has even asked me to prove that identity via proving control of domains such as my Koanic Gab account or the Altrugenics forum.
Bauerle didn’t win a lawsuit though. He may or may not have been able to win one (I tend to think he had been shown what he found, and if he had sued it would have collapsed), when they approached and got him to sign nondisclosures which fucked him over when they subsequently ignored their side of the agreement they made. Now he is hamstrung and cannot talk about it, and maybe can’t sue, while they are doing whatever they want. I wonder if his lawyer was in on it, if he let him sign those documents.
I’m going to do the lawsuit eventually, as I need to know what technology I’ve been exposed to and what I need to worry about medically, and I don’t like some organization lurking above me, making sure I can’t just do whatever I want for fear I might oppose them in the future more effectively – plus them listening in my house pisses me off and they are supporting an Anti-American foreign conspiracy that wrecks this country. Somebody needs to take a shot and find out what works and doesn’t for the next guy.
My expectations are that one, finding a thread they have left behind, which can unravel or expose them will be 50-50, even with their sloppiness and Russian technical support, which i assume is the “most likely to not be comped” option. Two, judicial comping is probably a 60%-70% possibility minimum, either through outright judge corruption, or through some hidden law allowing CIA to be above the law. But if it is the case we need to know for the next guy who takes a run at them. Three, the ability to drag things out will be extreme, by just ignoring judicial orders, or not supplying documents, or other mechanisms they have. Finally. I expect some sort of attack from some other comped aspect of the government, ala planting of child porn, or classified files, or something else like a Michael Hastings. Again, just seeing this backup plan they have is useful for the next guy who comes along, so I will document the path here.
But what I am 100% sure you will find, is that you cannot just file a lawsuit and win it. They wargame against themselves, and then plug up the holes, and fix the exposures they find, because they know what they are doing is highly criminal and a direct attack on the citizenry. Plus this thing has comped the FBI every bit as much as Hillary and Biden and Obama have. I have documented the case of a cop who committed no crime, with pull, who did years inside, because he tried to solve a major crime, hurting innocent people, which they wanted hidden. I am sure his head is still spinning. I know NYPD has to know they killed Miosotis Familia, and NYPD feels they cannot do anything about it. I know the Trump administration knows about Brian Mancini, and they cannot take this thing out immediately, even having supposed control of the FBI and DOJ. And I know the New York Governor had this thing walk into his office and show him how they had him under illegal surveillance for decades, he had control of the State PD, and he could not do anything. It is ensconced much deeper in the system than you would think, and is much better prepared for any attack than you would think.
It is why I think you have no choice but to approach the Russians, and hope they will have the same allegiances/alignments as you with respect to destroying this thing, if you want to try and get legal leverage over it. You need that experience/knowledge-of-the-system/intelligence-on-what-is-going-on, if you are to have any chance of not just getting fucked out of hand. And even then, I think you can get blown out any of ten different ways.
Now if Lembro is at the big moment, (and he may not be. This relationship ebbs and flows, and they sometimes do shit that pisses you off, or sometimes you think something that happened was them, and as you begin to escalate they back off, and try to return things to the low level of irritation again. I’m not sure this thing isn’t some subsidiary of MK Ultra, testing how to control the population by testing on individualshow hard they can push an intrude, and maintain the oppression.), but if Lembro is at the big moment, he may be better off buying time just by threatening to bring in Russian TSCMs and Russian media to document the surveillance in the West and expose it as he launches the lawsuit.
I don’t know his situation, or the degree to which he wants to An-hero to take this thing out. If he wants to buy another month or four, he probably can, just off threatening to push exposure.
But trust me, you aren’t seeing it firsthand, and do not know the full extent to which this thing has comped the system. Look at Hillary, and the Bidens, and Everything else, and imagine it writ small at the local affiliate level. It is all over.
I am going to make the Slaying the ZOG document as fast as I can as direct pay back for the threats. It’s not a big move by any means, but it will make the info they want to suppress spread a little faster (they were angery at me posting about the JQ big time). Seems like an appropriate level of response (it’s nothing new to me the fact that people I don’t know have access to my devices, but the thing that alerted me was the volume and tone of the threats (I’m also used to threats all the time)).
I have my main plan to deal with the escalation they are threatening me with (legal action against me due to me stating verifiable facts), if they choose to go ahead with it. That plan will be the main mission. That’s the one that either ends with them getting fucked over due to legislation change or ends with me ded because of hunger strike. No matter the outcome, I’ll be coming out into public view (which is going to suck very hard, but the suck needs to be embraced), and putting everything into motion. There will be more than the JQ being talked about in this main mission, but this is going to be the main focus. I will also off course use the accumulated traction and audience from the shit show to introduce the issue of the surveillance and harassment shit, and in case I see that the outcome if going to me getting ded, I will go full disclosure and name every name, every place, every date, everything I know in raw format to be able to burn as much as the gaybal as I can on my way out. What are they going to do to me, sue me for defamation? Can’t sue a corpse, kek
I might add the seeking Russian intel assistance to probe deeper into the gaybal surveillance operation suggestions you gave me into the last part of the main mission plan (which I will only go ahead with if they escalate and try to fuck me over legally). I have to work out some things to know how to prevent unexpected threats to the main mission by putting that element into work along with the main mission. I can’t guarantee I’m going to use it, but if I see that I’m going to die because the legislature won’t bulge, then I might as well integrate your suggestions into the mission.
My guess is that because gaybal is very close to comped high level military command, they’ve been siphoning military grade tech from mil R&D for as long as they could, and engaging in private owned R&D based on that stolen Mil tech, while carefully hiding their private gaybal R&D findings and breakthrus from everyone (dead scientists don’t tell tales, and pretty sure you could manage to put a team into a bunker for 20 or 30 years without them getting out if you choose people without close family (and them losing their families could be arranged by the gaybal)) and promise them access to high tech tools and a big budget and salary, and you provided them with everything they might want and need and desire while they lived on the bunker.
The tech question is a big mystery.
As for suing, I don’t trust the process of suing enough to see it as something I want to do, but if it happens it happens. My main focus with the main mission (which will only happen if they decide to escalate on me) is going to be on burning some very specific narratives the gaybal uses via their criminal Jewish collective power syndicate that will cause a lot of damage to their operations and general public relations. We’ll see what happens. For now, still getting food!
A good settlement is a win, better than winning at trial, because cheaper. At minimum, Bauerle won proof that he wasn’t crazy, IIRC he got money as well. He trusted the USG and was a fool for that. I’ve seen nothing from him in text about subsequent events and won’t conclude anything except from his testimony.
If you do not trust the judicial system, then your only recourse is full public transparency, as a journalist. This is a good idea anyway since the audience can check your paranoia if it examines the evidence first-hand.
> I have documented the case of a cop who committed no crime, with pull, who did years inside, because he tried to solve a major crime, hurting innocent people, which they wanted hidden.
Full public transparency is the solution, Project Veritas style. They win all their lawsuits.
> It is why I think you have no choice but to approach the Russians, and hope they will have the same allegiances/alignments as you with respect to destroying this thing, if you want to try and get legal leverage over it.
Bad idea unless you physically move to Russia. The USG will crush you for a spy. If you can’t find a nerd you trust, you may as well give up, because nerds are overwhelmingly libertarian despite leftward tilt.
The bigger the zersetzung operation, the more vulnerable to countersurveillance. The more compromised the judicial system, the more vulnerable to public exposure and outrage. I hear a whole lot of excuses and impossible conspiracies, and no actual counterattacking.
If the situation were actually as you say, then I would move back to the USA and easily expose the Cabal TIPS-Stasi via countersurveillance. However, since I know that the situation is much worse than that, and that the problem is the biological nature of the individuals on the left, middle and right, I remain in China and work on intelligence augmentation.
Project Veritas is already picking the low-hanging countersurveillance fruit, and what they release is a good sample of how the low prog autoconspiracy operates. Q handles the elite conspiracy. That’s all there is.
I have a video on this site of a reporter who was actually performing the gangstalking, when he was attacked by the target. You still don’t grasp that as an individual, you cannot publicize this using US media.
I’d have no compunction about using the Russians, though I will push for a backup asylum in case it falls through, and be sure I have Russian media documenting everything, so even the attempts at punishment work for me. At the least I can create a record of what bullshit the Myth is, and at some point that might be useful to our side.
As time goes on, and the irritation wears, my amygdala is becoming over-desensitized, and not caring to a degree it is radically rewiring things. A few more years, and I could be a full blown sociopath, complete with the disorganization, due to lack of amygdala-flagging prioritizing things, if it isn’t brought to a halt. So I view it as inevitable this will get more interesting, if it isn’t affected by Q very soon.
It’s not a suicide, it’s a hunger strike which may be sustained (or not, if the legislature complies with my demands) until I croak if I get legally targeted for posting verifiable facts online.
If I get legally targeted for posting verifiable facts online and get fucked over by the unconstitutional European laws that I’m getting threatened with, the hunger strike will be one of the aspects of my fight to turn around the law. If the legislature complies, then the hunger strike stops, if they don’t, then it keeps going indefinably. The objective is not to kill myself (that’s what a suicide is), it’s to use the hunger strike as pressure and publicity for the unconstitutionality and tyrany of EU laws.
Thanks for the tip anyway, but I don’t agree with you, and I will keep discussing this issue here as long as AC allows me.
BTW, the tone of the threats changed, in what appears to be a good sign. We’ll see what happens.
Getting an IP is a start, it’s not a case.
Sharyl Attkisson sounds clueless about tech, and she could’ve done a better job of advancing the case. Nevertheless, she did the right thing. She forced significant additional effort to cover up the original crimes, which puts things into Q’s purview. Q will handle it.
Someone who knew what they were doing could’ve used the knowledge that her laptop was targeted to honeypot the USG and get something really juicy. Sounds like she trusted CBS instead, which was foolish.
Notice that she was spied upon because she was MSM investigating Obama while Obama was President. This is consistent with a small Q-size Cabal which has limited resources and tends to pick targets for personal reasons.
The Illuminati is much holder than 50 years, and they’ve been doing intelligence work as long as they’ve been around.
> lets the CIA director sign a single piece of paper, and the FUCKING CIA WILL TAKE OVER COMMAND OF THE FBI.
No, the CIA takes over command of a specific operation, not the whole FBI. And I’m fine with that. It’s a logical requirement for national security. There’s a paper trail, and as Q said about FISA, those cut both ways.
Project Veritas catches these people all the time. It’s very doable, and the bigger the operation, the easier it is.
Sharyl Attkisson sounds clueless about tech… Someone who knew what they were doing could’ve used the knowledge that her laptop was targeted to honeypot the USG and get something really juicy. Sounds like she trusted CBS instead, which was foolish.
Actually as I understand it, she airgapped the system as quickly as possible and called in someone who worked for a three-letter agency, who tracked the IP off of what was on the computer. The problem is it is likely they were watching her in the house, and she just caught them before the watchers looking at her in some form realized she had seen her computer was active when it should not have been, and alerted the computer intrusion team so they could wipe any footprints and back out. Surveillance does not roll out piecemeal. If you have a computer intrusion team, you have an observation post, you have vehicular, you have tech on your house, and it is specifically because they want as high a chance as possible of avoiding precisely this scenario.
People need to understand, this will not work the obvious way, and be structured such that you can just walk in and kick its ass straight up in any way that is obvious. It has wargamed against itself, and see all of the obvious means of attack, and many of the unobvious ones, and it has fortified its positions by corrupting critical positions, and deteriorating the authority/power of systems you’d need to attack it. At the structural level it is very well protected to all the obvious means of attack you will see in the first year or so of compulsively observing and contemplating.
AC> You still don’t grasp that as an individual, you cannot publicize this using US media.
It doesn’t matter. You have your own media: your website. Publish solid evidence and the reporters will flock to you.
The reporters are literally agents. And the few who might not be know exactly what happened to Michael Hastings.
Even if it were literally true that all reporters work for big media (false) and all reporters are government agents (false), this would be no problem. Just talk to reporters who are agents of a government interested in supporting your story for whatever reason. Russia Today is always happy to embarrass the USA.
In actuality, all you need in terms of media coverage is to post something credible enough that VD will repost it. Your problem isn’t lack of media access; you’re friends with a huge media outlet. Your problem is too much low-evidence paranoia woo, which your media friends won’t repeat because they’re concerned about their own credibility.
I went digging for your infrasonic insomniator story, but VD is too busy for that.
New link:
ABC is suddenly reporting on the Biden laptop. Why? Because last week the threat of being frozen out of a Biden administration was credible.
Now it is not, because it is clear that there will be no Biden administration.
Sorry Phelps, I’m going to doxx you, but everyone needs to see this beautiful picture of you in London some years ago:
That entry about kids born after 1980 is really interesting. The reality of people being weaker by cohort is one of those obvious things that no one is supposed to notice. I know a lot of people want the cause of that to be vaccines, and perhaps that is part of the story. I think the likelier answer is kids who were little in the 80’s are the first age cohort raised with nearly constant television. I have noticed among young people (18 and less) that there is another significant weakening coming, with the cohort of kids raised with incessant touch screens. These things ruin the mind especially when it is young. They don’t occur to people because no one wants to consider getting rid of their smartphone or talking to the 2 year old rather than hand him an ipad, or getting rid of the massive flat-screen tv. If you observe kids, you can pick out the kids that don’t spend their lives on touch-screens. Their eyes are entirely different and their speech is clear. Even at 3 years old they have clearer speech than many 10 year olds. Another contributing factor is a century of dysgenic mutations building up, but the weak minded kids of smart/strong parents probably isn’t that.
it’s as simple as this: flickering lights on a bright screen, stared at intently, as only kids can do, are a form of hypnosis.
we don’t even have to go whole-hog CT and postulate an evil intent on the part of TPTB. it’s just that frazzled parents find that TV/screens do a great job of quieting little Ethan down, and so they use it as such.
meanwhile the kids are being _hypnotized_ by the flickering lights, for several hours a day. since I don’t think there’s an overriding hypnotic command going on, I believe they’re being hypnotized into …. passivity.
of which weakness is one form
Interesting. My handwriting was always messy from trying to scribble notes after teachers who wrote so fast on a blackboard that I could not keep up for 40 minutes, and would miss stuff. But once I started typing almost everything, it has really gone to shit. Kids who do most of their communications via text and messaging and emails and socialize on web boards and forums more than IRL, may develop an entirely different dialect when they talk, because their mouth muscles will get an entirely different developmental stimulus.
We may really end up being the ones who sound like we’re “talking like a fag with our shit all retarded.”
Older people will always have superior and bigger meme folders.
FYI, AC, I made an earlier comment that got ate (?) by the system. along the lines of “flickering lights on a screen are excellent tools in which to induce a state of hypnosis, especially with kids, since no one stares more intently than little kids.”
and what the hell, I may have even been right.
but then I got around to reading that linked thread. it seems to concentrate a _lot_ on ‘grip strength as a key marker’, and backs up that argument by noting that the world’s best arm-wrestlers are 24, 25, 29 – as one might expect – but rather 45 and 55.
the kids’ average grip strength is decreasing at a rapid pace. we’ve all seen THAT, right? the pale, slender, cave-chested 18-year-old boy who shakes your hand with a grip that a 5-yr-old girl would snort at?
the reason for THAT is easy: the introduction of HFCS in 1984.
This site gets buggy sometimes. I approve a raft of comments, and they say approved, I come back later and they are unapproved again. Then some end up in spam sometimes without me ever seeing them, and my trash bin seems to change at times.
no worries, mate. cheers to ya, and many thanks for all you do (pro tip: if you go as Crocodile Dundee to a Halloween party, no one under the age of 45 will have any idea who you’re supposed to be)
Older people develop tendon strength (which takes huge amounts of time to develop), that’s why 40-50 segment dominates arm-wrestling.
Just so you have a notion, some climbing tendon conditioning articles say it takes at least 6 months to create adaptation in tendons. Muscle adaptation is much faster (which is why so many lifters that use steroids end up with joint and tendon/ligament issues, muscle tissue adapation rate get so much higher than tendon/ligament adaptation that they over-train their tendons/ligament despite their muscle tissue having no problems with the demands imposed by the training).
once more unto the breach – and then I’ma go trick-or-treating!!!! (not really: nursing home Halloween parties break up by 6:15)
“my handwriting was always messy because…”
yeah, mine too. and all my peers. but our handwriting wasn’t garbage because of excessive note-taking or anything like that. we all had sloppy penmanship **because proper penmanship was no longer being taught in schools. ALL of my parents, aunts, uncles, etc., had beautiful handwriting. when asked ‘how’d they learn that’, they all gave the exact same reply: we learned it in school. the teachers made em to drills: lined paper cut the ‘lines’ in half, and then each letter takes up a full line no more no less; each a or b or d or etc. had a perfect circle loop; each word slanted left.
the kids hated it. it was boring as hell. the teachers hated it, because the kids whined incessantly about it. but you know what? they ended up with lifelong beautiful penmanship, didn’t they.
and then …… every school in America just kinds…stopped teaching it. all at about the same time. funny, that
Someone once made the point that the muscle coordination needed for good penmanship was the same type of fine-motor skill needed by surgeons.
It’s long overdue, that Republican Super Majority!
I’m already planning the “Ares Resistance” against Emperor Musk.
You would think someone in his position would understand humanity a little bit better than that. You need a constitution that limits the power of the government, and a system to protect and enforce people’s rights. Even the furthest frontier needs its sheriffs and judges. We’ve only just started to shut such things down here and look what’s already going on.
Based tradwaifu, planning the nuclear destruction of the first rogue human space colony.
All societies and civilizations begin as right-wing monarchies led by strong men, ie. “founders”. When they are at their end they never meet ALL of those conditions, in fact most meet none of those conditions. The process of growth only begins again once all of those conditions are met in the surviving societies, either from within or without.
Test this statement, it’s the one immutable rule of Human history. And I’m discussing societies and civilizations, like the classic West and the teutonic West, not political units, like the Byzantine Empire or the U.S.A.
Guess what fres, it’s that time of the day on AC’s most excellent blog.
YES, that time of the day you can always count on, where we all say “EVERY. SINGLE. TIME”, once again in unison.
This is right up your alley, AC. An anonymous post was published on Dr. Henry Makow’s site by an “Illuminati Girl” talking about “””groomies”””. Men picked to be president. The Secret Cabal.
It is very interesting. It backs up–or exposes a lot of what you say!
So… poor hunter was groomed as future president… good family, chad, charisma. And did not survived the acceptance ritual…he was a walking dead/ committed suicide by the way of drugs
That is fascinating…a must read.
Here is the great paragraph:
In 2016, I contacted my mystery man to ask him about the Trump-Clinton election, expecting to hear that Donald Trump was another one of their left/right controlled puppets. But to my surprise, he said, “Donald Trump is not with us.” Which actually made sense because groomies were very controlled and on guard all the times. Also, my guess is that if Donald Trump became a Mason, he is only a first or second degree and hopefully he renounced that.
Finally, people want to know: Why Donald Trump has not arrested Hillary Clinton and all the other swamp criminals. Answer: Because Hillary and all the rest are not US Citizens. Hillary and the gang are State Nationals. Our U.S. admiralty courts and department of justice are only set-ups to convict Federal US citizens. The entire underpinning of the US government along with the US presidential position was stripped from the original and is not legally based–it does not actually exist and insiders like Hillary know the legal maneuvers to make themselves exempt and immune. They can only be brought to justice through the military courts or common law courts.
To understand this every American needs to read Anna Von Reitz’s Some Assembly Required
Watch American hero: Russell-Jay: Gould. War Castles series and The Last Flag Standing
I pray Americans work together. Realize that this county was founded when 56 leaders of their communities signed the Declaration of Independence putting their life on the line for Freedom. Please stop any infighting and let’s work together to save humanity from this Satanic New World Order and Dark Brotherhood, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen.
“President Trump reportedly cancels election night party plans. Supposedly because of the shutdown, but if Q is correct, it sounds like election night could be the start of a busy period, as well as a threatening period.”
I’ve read several news about blackouts and prospects of blackouts soon.
Also, I’m a bit late, but when Bobulinski went to Tucker Carlson he mentioned “Q Clearance”:
and there is this post from Q from Nov 1 2017 tilted “Q Clearance Patriot” where he talks about a “primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3”
The twitter link about the interview has a commenter saying that Bobulinski also referenced the fall of 2017, however i did not watch the interview.
The fall of 2017 is when the meeting between Bobulinski and Joe Biden happened.
Ah Okey that makes sense.
‘Democrat Cemetery Vote Collector’ Hearse”
Damn that’s funny. Republicans are not good at a lot of things but memes and snark they excel.
For those that are game (pickup) enthusiasts, Tyler Durden from RDS has developed his latest non-verbal technique that will improve your results by 6000000% (minimum). Gentlemen, I present you, The Gaze (as exemplified by Tyler himself):
Just a silly fun vydia for 2A lovers:
This comment never got approved so I am repeating it here:
Another Hunter Biden laptop taken into custody during DEA raid
“Joe Biden shouts, “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure!” The question is, given he is losing, are Biden’s staff now just killing time by fucking around and putting gibberish like that on his teleprompter for laugh? Meanwhile he, reading a word he has never seen and doesn’t understand, figures he should yell it to sound more authoritative.”
He was trying to say “true international pressure.”
But he had a TIA or a dementia attack.
4000 IQ idea of the day frens:
What if we called Jews scarbenis? You know, like scarface, but scarbenis because of the circumcision.
“Elon Musk’s firm says they will not recognize Earth laws in planned Mars colony and says ‘free planet’ will adopt ‘self-governing principles.’”
Hey Elon, we will coup whoever we want, deal with it.
On a more serious note, there is no way he is going to be allowed to start an independent colony and it will simply be impossible because even if he is the only one to make an outpost there it will be absolutely dependent on Earth for its needs.
And there is also no way he would set up a K liberty oriented government if he had the chance.
The simple question will be, can we bring guns?
How is gravity in Mars? Pls don’t fire weapons in the Moon or space, or you’ll fly away like a balloon.
“It is weaker than Earth’s gravity due to the planet’s smaller mass. The average gravitational acceleration on Mars is 3.72076 ms−2 (about 38% of that of Earth) and it varies laterally.”
Recoil management take a whole new meaning in spaaaaaaaaaaaaace.
He’d have to trade his sovereignty or stock from the company to pay for all the support he is going to need to maintain the colony (because the colony would have nothing to give back (except some scientific research) to Earth).
Just a coincidence Sean Connery died at the end of October after all Q’s The Hunt For Red October references? “Hunters Become The Hunted”?
President Trump and Connery are both MacLeods. Connery was a working-class outsider, famously anti-Hollywood and took no bullshit. Helped Trump get his Turnberry, Scotland deal approved. Feels like there’s more to this story…
> Oddly enough I remember reading a similar piece that examined baby photos, and showed a pattern where the child’s eyes aligned perfectly as a baby, they got their first vaccinations, and photos taken a week or two later showed the eyes were misaligned slightly.
>. The writer’s working theory was the vaccinations were causing the blood to increase its tendency to clot, small blood clots were forming, breaking free, making it to the brain, and these slots were causing micro-strokes that killed small portions of the babies’ brains.
Seems related to aluminum/mercury.
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction.
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group). These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance. Today, we at the Intercept are publishing another new JTRIG document, in full, entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.”
By publishing these stories one by one, our NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger, the targeting of Anonymous with the very same DDoS attacks they accuse “hacktivists” of using, the use of “honey traps” (luring people into compromising situations using sex) and destructive viruses. But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today: