News Briefs – 10/30/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Campers left an IR camera outside their camper-cars overnight in the wilderness, and appeared to catch a squad of Invisible Chameleo Suits with glowing eyes.

If you look closely, it looks like three or four of them, with some passing close to the camera as another is in the distance. Interestingly, if whoever is in those suits are running Chameleo camouflage, it requires cameras to film behind them, a computer capable of processing the images, and flexible 3D LED computer screen suit-“cloth” capable of measuring its flexion for the computer to make the adjustments to project the image so it matches the background, despite any flexion of the screen. That is a lot of power draw. You wonder if sometimes they save power by killing the computer and cameras and flexion sensors, and they just run an image of fur on the screens, maybe with a gorilla face. Also interesting, when the main character notices the camera, he seemingly reaches up to touch either his left shoulder, or the left side of his neck, with his left hand, and when he does, he blinks in and out, seemingly moving super fast from spot to spot. The tree branches seem to move smoothly, so it kind of looks like Tic Tac space/time warp tech, scaled down to a personal use model. If this is not faked, (probably a very, very big “If”), you might be looking at the Tic Tac drivers. Shame he wasn’t running thermal, too.

Article here, details two females inserted into the campaign to act as honeypots in an “off the books” “fishing expedition” project separate from the known Crossfire Hurricane. I told you they do this all the time. And they can be pretty, wholesome-looking girls, who look like wife material, with options, who you would think would look to chose who they want to spend their lives with. But they will throw their entire lives away, just on an operation to contain you for this machine which does not seem to care about them. Even marry you and have kids with you. Girls are naturally tough cookies. Unless you look like Brad Pitt, they are naturally suspicious, and stand-offish, and cautious. If you see something other than that, understand, it is never your lucky day. You face a very ruthless, committed operation which will do whatever it has to, and it has found you.

Election officials are pushing people out of line in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, telling them to come back later, and in some cases it is reportedly Democrat officials wearing fake election credentials.

RNC demands immediate action from Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth amid allegations of voter suppression and disenfranchisement.

Rep. Marjorie Greene sounds the alarm after Capitol Police conduct late-night ‘casualty evacuation exercise’ with 12 helicopters buzzing over Capitol Hill: ‘They are planning to maintain control of the Capitol.’ All very puzzling. As with the fences and National Guard, it appears they are preparing for a major, coordinated assault on the Capitol, and it looks like they are preparing in case HRT and the National Guard are overrun. The problem is, that assault force absolutely does not exist on our side. Even if right now, we all agreed, the government has to go, with the surveillance we could not assemble that force, and they have to know that. I don’t think surveillance is that force either, as they aren’t killing anyone in 99% of the cases. The only possibility I see is if within these migrants are assets which have been formed into some kind of force-structure overseas, such as by Venezuelan intelligence inside Venezuela for Cabal, and they are prepared to activate, head to a safehouse/weapons-cache on a moment’s notice, arm up, and all head to DC at once. If you have 20 million recent migrants, maybe another 15 million which were already here, the vast majority military-aged males, it is not impossible you have a 100K, or even 500K man army buried in there.

“Imperfections in barcodes” — Ballot printing error in Nevada county, California causes scanning issues with 77,000 mail-in ballots.

Election officials in Lane County, Ore. have taped off two USPS mailboxes and told voters who used the mailboxes to track their ballots online after a key used to open to them was stolen.

Virginia takes case of noncitizen-voters forced to be replaced on the rolls, to Supreme Court ahead of election.

Colorado Secretary of State site showed partial passwords for voting systems.

President Joe Biden referred to Donald Trump supporters as ‘garbage’ in an astonishing outburst as Vice President Kamala Harris issued her ‘closing’ plea in the 2024 election. “Donald Trump has no character. He doesn’t give a damn about the Latino community…just the other day, a speaker at his rally called Puerto Rico a floating island of garbage?…The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.”

Haley warns Trump to downplay ‘bromance’ and ‘masculinity’ if he wants votes from women. Because girls don’t like the Alpha asshole, they want a feminine man. So much for her advice. It is so funny how Trump succeeds wildly, people love him and everyone still comes to him and tells him to not be Trump.

Kamala Harris made intel chiefs hunt for anti-woke language in intelligence briefings after feeling two women leaders were not referred to equally with men: report.

DHS intel messaging reveals Chinese Communist Party marked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as top ‘target’ for influence in DC—Shared on same day Kamala Harris chose him as running mate.

Tim Walz’s Minnesota state investment board stepped up contributions to Chinese funds during his tenure.

Democrat Kamala Harris surrenders in North Carolina, withdraws nearly $2 million in planned ad spend from state.

Elon Musk sets up election fraud database.

Kamala is also pulling money out of Wisconsin.

Daily Mail: How Kamala Harris allowed ‘an illegal migrant rapist’ to be released from prison after just two years.

George W. Bush’s daughter Barbara hits campaign trail for Kamala Harris.

Hacked texts reveal New York Times ‘reporter’ collluding with Media Matters to silence Tucker Carlson.

Political consultant Phillippe Reines said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that if former President Donald Trump is elected to a second term, journalists will be in jail “six months from now.”

State Department alerts Congress: Iranian spy teams are attempting to assassinate former Trump officials. None of that can happen, unless surveillance allows it, and the way intelligence works, once the decision is made to allow it, surveillance will be assigned to supporting it. So this is either entirely fake, or entirely too real.

Joe Rogan posts entire Trump interview on X amid claims YouTube is ‘censoring’ it.

It is a big club, and the immature members enjoy showing off their membership:

Newt Gingrich says Democrats are proving their inner circle comeso from a different planet.

Video of Barbara Bush, before the White-haired, old-crone phase, talking about something. I think this is real, but did not cut the video myself, nor can I say the sound was not altered, so buyer beware. That said, it will haunt you in your nightmares.

Illegal migrant MS-13 member arrested for double murder in Virginia. Killed a young couple.

An anonymous X account posted Elon Musk’s name with a skull emoji—eerily similar to how it posted Trump’s name with a coffin emoji just two days before the July 13 assignation attempt on Trump.

Magazine: Diddy ‘has enough dirt to hang half of Hollywood,’ panicky celebrities are ‘praying he keeps his mouth shut.’

Next up, not surprising – the rapper from Public Enemy said all of them, even Kanye, had to go down to the Freemason lodge, join up, and pledge their allegiance to lucifer and agree to a sacrifice, before they would be allowed to succeed at that level, so file under confirming evidence:

Illegal from Honduras was arrested in Louisiana after he admitted to raping multiple children as young as 4 years old.

Iowa resident dies from Lassa Fever, an Ebola-like virus that causes sufferers to bleed from their eyeballs, as CDC issues warning. Brought it back from Africa.

Paul Pelosi attack: David DePape sentenced to life without parole on state conviction. It was like breaking and entering and assault. I have seen stone cold murderers walk with less than ten years.

Microsoft has publicly accused its longtime rival Google of running “shadow campaigns” in Europe aimed at discrediting the software giant with regulators and misleading the public.

AI ‘will enhance’ nuclear command and control, says STRATCOM boss. Sounds familiar, like there was a movie franchise about this.

It never dawned on me to put the stamp on the wrong corner as an act of resistance before…


GM CEO Mary Barra says there’s so much EV competition in China that it’s driving a price war that isn’t sustainable.

Canada’s liberals call for secret ballot to oust Prime Minister Trudeau.

Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders has hailed an agreement to crack down on mass migration and asylum in the Netherlands as “historic.”

Ukrainian General says that their front has collapsed.

A Russian court has ruled that Google owes Russian media stations around $20 decillion in fines for blocking their content, and the fines could get bigger.

Kari Lake surges ahead in Arizona polls with days to go until election.

Only 31% of Americans say they have confidence that the press reports news fairly and accurately.

Far-Left USA Today announces it will not endorse Kamala Harris – “We believe America’s future is decided locally.” Interesting. These are all Cabal assets. It should be all hands on deck, and there should be no hesitation to attack Trump and endorse Harris. But all of these Cabal assets are reading Trump’s script.

J.D. Vance to sit down with Joe Rogan this week after Kamala Harris snubs the popular podcaster.

Polling shows Trump on verge of victory in three swing states Biden won in 2020.

Trump looks set to take Michigan according to the latest polling which sees him surging ahead of Harris.

An AtlasIntel poll, conducted between October 25-29, 2024 of 3,032 likely voters, found that Trump was leading with 49.5 percent of support, while Harris received 47 percent of support. The most accurate pollster in 2020, so they account for the rigging.

Nate Silver 2024 election forecast update – Trump: 54.4%, Harris: 45.3%.

Just a 3 second reminder that life on this planet, without the conspiracy, in the world God created, inherently tends toward the good. May we all be protected from the rain soon:

Send people to, because you want to live in the Lord’s world, not Cabal’s

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4 months ago

Re: Video of Barbara Bush
is that a male voice? Even the facial structure looks masculine.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

long time audio guy here.

sooo…either someone carefully slowed down the video to make “her” pitch lower, or they used more sophisticated software (which has been around for a LONG TIME) to lower the pitch of “her” voice without slowing the video down very much.

That video has audio that SOUNDS slightly slowed down.

REGARDLESS of all that blather above, Barbara was OBVIOUSLY a man. Just like many other “wives” of the elite are men.

which begs the question…what, then, was the “man” in the “marriage”?

One of the things that will blow ALL of our minds is how advanced the tech is for “inverted” couples, and how many of them there are.

Victoria’s “secret” indeed.

Reply to  selbs
4 months ago

Agreed, speed altered, but that’s still a man.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Well it is rumored her father was Alistair Crowley.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Amazing what you can do with AI

4 months ago

Is your sidebar running? You’d better go and catch it!

4 months ago

Pull a dark hooded cloak over the tranny shooter’s head and you have a dead ringer for Emperor Palpatine.

4 months ago

> Political consultant Phillippe Reines said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that if former President Donald Trump is elected to a second term, journalists will be in jail “six months from now.”

I wish it were true, but it’s extremely unlikely.

Lying, propagandizing, suppression of information, political partisanship, “canceling”, support for illegal actions, incitement to riot, and incitement to treason. Just one of those stories with their byline on it ought to be sufficient evidence.

But most of them will keep their jobs, and keep on working against the country, like termites in the foundations.

4 months ago

there will be trouble after the election.
Americans will not tolerate a 2nd coup d’etat
Cabal will not tolerate Trump
Hold on to your hats. Storm is brewing

Sandy Beach
Sandy Beach
4 months ago

Yeah, those gs’s in cameleo suits, couple years ago i caught one, who had arrived on a very unique atv-4 wheeler type machine, never seen anything even similar to it, had conformal body work so when the gs laid down when driving it was similar to an egg on 4 wheels, unique camo on it also, the rig he was riding had an engine sound like either a very hi performance Wankle engine or a multi cylinder piston engine in a very high state if tune, the sound it made was so unique it woke me up, it was just a tad past 3am, he pulled into the driveway if an empty house next to our property, which gs’s and glowies have used for years as some kind of video camera observation point, anyways, picture a rural setting, can not see your neighbors, about this time frame there was extraordinary vehicle coverage taking place, always a vehicle parked up across from our property, 24-7, long story short, we experienced gs’s in cameleo suits for so long i personally seen with my own eyes, 2 distinct generations if their suit tech, the earlier suits, you could see them with an led flashlight, made the suit show up quite distinctly, having a faceted appearance, i believe the boost-buck converter in the led lights have an AC frequency out if phase with the suits led’s, thinks its 100 hertz they run those boost-buck’s at, but this later suit, one on the atv, it was excellent no-seeum wise, under my weapon light it appeared as heavy vertical moving heat waves, and way i was able to really know i was not dreaming was the shadow on the buildings wall in silhouette due to my hi intensity weapon light, i watched him turn the suit off also, the suit is a one piece conformal like its made with spandex, unique boots, extremely thin helmet, like a beanie with a horse jockey visor, gloves and the face is fully covered, with what looks like wrap around shades, but a bit bug-eyed, and they don’t glow in led white light, but the shimmering is exotic looking, like gray flames moving rapidly is only way to describe the suits appearance when its activated, thing is its an experience you know while its happening no one will believe you when you try to tell the tale, but i know exactly what i saw, its burnt into my mind, as i had grabbed rifle and battle belt, scooted out onto the road near the driveway’s entrance, so i was not trespassing on another’s property, so i have this character pinned dead nuts clean at rifle point with the light at max intensity, i am watching him move around, looks kind of jerky or frenetic movement, i can see his silouette on the wall, the atv for scale was there too, after a couple minutes i ask in a normal tone if voice, “what are you doing”, as i flip the safety, which i am hoping he hears, nothing for like 30 seconds, then in a very arrogant tone if voice, “I’m taking a piss”, time to play chicken with this fucker, so i din’t respond, he begins to move around rapidly like he is turning every-whichwhere, looking for an exit, thats my impression anyways, still got the light pined on him, next he says, “can’t you see my dick?” real hateful like, i don’t respond for a bit, then tell him, “i didn’t ask you what you are doing with your dick”, nothing back but he takes a few steps one way then another, he just looks nervous somehow, all i can see is those heat waves and the shadows on the buildings, taking a good ling look at his vehicle, its got these very thin sidewall almost racing slick tires, and the bodywork is graceful, streamlined, its in some kind of camo paint, that looking at it you can not focus on one point, it looks vague, distracting like, no lights on it, which as he drives away later i watched him going away from behind, oh about a mile i can see as he drives past my other neighbors farm fields, back to the driveway, give it about 2 minutes, he has said nothing else yet, in as much emphasis as i can muster in my voice, cheek welded to my rifle stock, reticle centered, “You do not belong up here, You ain’t from around here, Now get the fuck out of here and do not come back.” Right away in an entirely contrite tone if voice i hear, “OK,” spoken very quickly, he turns off his suit, facing me for a few moments, get an excellent lok at his get-up, he swings a leg over his buggy, starts it up, makes a u turn and goes on down the road. Next day i put up a couple high intensity GE LED floods on the peak of our roof, point one thru the tree line towards the empty home, and one straight out at the road out front, and all vehicle coverage ends, even fast drive-by’s.
As an aside, i thought putting up the lights would be construed by those who live nearby as obnoxious, but it comes to be everyone i got a chance to apologize for my obnoxious lights tell me, oh no, we really like those lights, i think mostly cause that spot across from us has forever been where the local tweekers and pillbillies meet to sell or do drugs, its all local people, who years past i kindly persuaded to go do that stuff front if their houses.
Watching this v-clip, i will say 110%, thats gangstalkers in advanced invisibility suits, same thing i seen with my own eyes absolutely zero doubt about it. If you believe its fake, jokes on you pal, with the way they are robbing the till and leveraging everything, best get some digital night vision, dollars to donuts they are dropping serious dime, (our dime on our genocide remember), on this, equipping thousands of these actors with cameleo suits, (think soldier/illegal alien invaders by the thousands, feral violent humans without a shred of mercy, in invisible suits, pretty nasty, but you got to think like the enemy if your gonna win, no BS about it too), because they got plans to use them across rural America, it makes total sense to do so both Strat-Tact wise, its the perfect method for de-population control. Furthermore its most likely i was one of a number of beta case, dry runs, fleshing out how to develop a workbook on rural cameleo suit tactics. Its the way these fuckers roll.
If you read history, it appears over time this ancient bloodline cabal, has employed undocumented illegal alien invaders for centuries, they surely like, are directed by others, something higher up the food chain, much higher, to kill huge numbers of people regularly, its the pattern in detail here tells the tale, when you really grok the implications, suddenly all history we are told to believe is under its face front totally illegitimate, numerous causes why, whats important beyond being massively gulked, most of the human race that is, is all wars are as they say”Military Theater”, Genocide is a common instrument, they are controlling the population and done so for centuries going back into and past antiquity, the pattern in details is one fuck ton of a pattern of detail, yet there is something diff this turn, something really changed with these cabal shitstains, and its not to their benefit, it appears as if they are runned out of the vast revenue stream of filthy lucre and are resorting to leveraging everything down to zero value, they are literally stealing everything they can get their meat-hooks on, its going into the central global wealth control node, added to the enormous take from all the various trafficking conduits they control, and its not enough, they are on the ragged edge in a way cash wise, and it seems they need like around a trillion and a half which they disburse over a few years time frame overlapping with the next injection, thats what global domination game costs to run, the Rus and Chinks, they got BRICS for a central wealth extraction racket, lot of other bloodlines and orders want to join cause the DC cabal is so inbred and navel gazing itself, and have totally destroyed The Golden Goose, (America, and the EU by association), the really crazed DC deep state is looking to totally crash the US, then they are able to buy it back pennies on the dollars, and re-leverage everything anew.
Aside from depopulating at least the so-calked unsecured spaces, reserving alll that expanse of beautiful countryside for their own. Thats what it looks like to me is going in. Again though, seems something is messing with their operations, inhibiting them from their strategic agenda, not on the tact-strat level, they got that still running along, its reasonable to assume they need to get something in order, ol ducks in a row, with and after the selection, then shit starts and its gonna be truly FUBAR’d. Cant say for certain, thats my gut sense talking and i have learned the hard way to trust it. Regardless they have nasty bloody ugly plans for us good folks. Not saying anything new or revelatory on that.

Reply to  Sandy Beach
4 months ago

What is “gs”? Are you afraid to spell out a word lest you offend someone; your entire post becomes meaningless: why should I read it through?

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Gang Stalkers.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Thank you.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Sandy Beach
4 months ago

Watching this v-clip, i will say 110%, thats gangstalkers in advanced invisibility suits, same thing i seen with my own eyes absolutely zero doubt about it. If you believe its fake, jokes on you pal

Except it is actually fake. There’s a disclaimer at the end stating so.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  Sandy Beach
4 months ago

To summarize, and @SandyBeach feel free to correct this.

Gen1 suits: defeated by a specific LED flashlight, possibly related to particulars of the flashlight’s pulse-width modulated power supply circuitry. Subjects appear solid gray and “faceted” to the naked eye.

Gen2 suits: defeated by a “hi intensity weapon light,” a light brighter than the suits can match. Subjects appear as “heavy vertical moving heat waves” to the naked eye. Subjects are more-easily recognized by the shadows they cast, i.e. project a flashlight against a flat background surface, like a wall, and look for gaps/irregularities in the light pattern which reaches the background surface.

SandyBeach has seen subjects similar to those in the video and believes the video to be genuine. SandyBeach is not persuaded by the “fictional ghost story” message at the end of the video.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 months ago

Far-Left USA Today announces it will not endorse Kamala Harris – “We believe America’s future is decided locally.”  Interesting. These are all Cabal assets. It should be all hands on deck, and there should be no hesitation to attack Trump and endorse Harris. But all of these Cabal assets are reading Trump’s script.
Maybe, but I think this MSM turnaround is more about just setting the stage for another steal.
This time when they flat out lie and state “Dems Win!!” they can claim it comes from a position of neutrality and that it’s totally not partisan at all.
“You saw our own Progressive employees quit in droves when we didn’t endorse her! We’re totally legit now dontcha know!”
To fight this Trump and Elon need to establish their own Election Night News Desks to counter the MSM feed.

In fact, at 2am Wednesday if Trump is leading he should just declare he won and have all these non-MSM news desks blare it out non-stop. Don’t back down either.

“ABC and CBS called for who? Are those guys still in business? Who even watches their lies anymore?!”

Reply to  Corn Pop
4 months ago

“In fact, at 2am Wednesday if Trump is leading he should just declare he won and have all these non-MSM news desks blare it out non-stop.”

I’ve read, actually I think from one of the links on this blog, that this in fact is the plan.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Corn Pop
4 months ago

Interesting. These are all Cabal assets. It should be all hands on deck, and there should be no hesitation to attack Trump and endorse Harris. But all of these Cabal assets are reading Trump’s script.

Lost in all this hype is that they’re still carrying water for the Treasoncrats–they’re just simultaneously facilitating a ludicrous pose as neutral “news” outlets. IOW just a different way of doing the same as they’ve always done.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago
Fed Up
Fed Up
4 months ago

Not with a bang, but a whimper.
How Demworld ends, as their evil deeds become more widely known.

4 months ago

Far-Left USA Today announces it will not endorse Kamala Harris – “We believe America’s future is decided locally.” Interesting. These are all Cabal assets. It should be all hands on deck, and there should be no hesitation to attack Trump and endorse Harris. But all of these Cabal assets are reading Trump’s script.

All media headlines are messaging, and the only message I’m reading here is “the big op has flopped, activate the local cells.”

What other messaging could that be? America is decided locally? Yeah, roaming gangs of state- and cabal-backed goons using armed force to take over large “local” areas would certainly be one contingency they have in the tank, and methinks that’s going to be the play. Summer of Love™ 2.0, winter redux?

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Remember Hussein’s speech after 2016 about how he would be as gracious as Dubya was when handing over the White House? I wonder if that was a message to local assets to stand down and not do what they may be planning this time. “We’ll neutralize Trump with our insurance policy.”

No insurance policy this time, or they’re worry Trump won’t be stopped this time, or just more kayfabe?

Web Stuff
Web Stuff
4 months ago

That first story/video of the dude catching something on night vision camera is admitted fake. Right at the end of the video he inserts a disclaimer “A Fictional Ghost Story…”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Regardless if this video is fake or real, I pulled the following comment on this from a reader that has indices related to surveillance and are of interest;
“This reminded me of years ago when I was coming back to Grants Pass Oregon from Cave Junction Oregon just after dark, and I pulled off near a creek to watch the ISS fly over, and two paranoid guys from nearby homes came down to see what I was doing parked at night, just as the ISS flew overhead looking like a large landing light.

These guys explained they became paranoid after few months previously when they were hiking and gold panning deep in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness (a very remote part of the U.S. West Coast and home to reports of strange things), and a group of armed guys in military camo suits and hoodies that they described much as the image on your trail cam, aggressively stalked, intercepted, detained and ID’d them. The Camo Dudes refused to Identify themselves, and told them to get out of the area and never come back, and not to speak about the encounter. Both the guys I encountered were both former military and said the Camo dudes were spooky and very intimidating, and they got the impression that they might have disappeared them if they resisted. They said they were defiantly some sort of military group but had no official markings as I mentioned, sounded like the thing in the trail cam.

When I said to the two guys, “Sounds like you may have encountered a drug or grow operation” and they both said in unison “NO WAY, THESE “A” holes WERE GOVERNMENT AND THEY WERE PISSED, and they looked like they had just come out of a comfy, clean barracks and not on maneuvers or living rough. Within days of returning home, they said they got a visit from FBI and And some special FED guy who wanted to know what they were doing in the area and not to go back or speak about the encounter. They said they had been under surveillance, and thought I might have been the Feds.”
This reminds me of a Missing 411 segment, where Dave Paulides describes hiking some area in what I believe is Washington St, and some guy comes out of the woods, armed, and basically threatened Dave if he proceeded any farther. IIRC, Dave said he was armed, there was brief standoff, and he retreated.
Not sure if this area was in a National Park or National Forest, but something is certainly strange afoot. Are there D.U.M.B portals in the parks/forests? Some arrangement with the TicTac entites that allocated lands useful to them for reasons unknown under the cover of “National Park”
High strangeness afoot no doubt.
Keep it up AC, doing the lions share of the Lords work here!

Reply to  optimalrebellion
4 months ago

Sounds like stories people have told around Area 51.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
4 months ago

The only possibility I see is if within these migrants are assets which have been formed into some kind of force-structure overseas, such as by Venezuelan intelligence inside Venezuela for Cabal, and they are prepared to activate, head to a safehouse/weapons-cache on a moment’s notice, arm up, and all head to DC at once.

Don’t forget that thousands of PLA assets have entered the country. I suspect they will be the command structure that organizes the millions of 3rd World shock troops deployed to cities across CONUS.

4 months ago

“It is a big club, and the immature members enjoy showing off their membership” (the Twitter post image about “one-eyed symbolism”): The people who body-control me used to do that to my eyes regularly.

Reply to  anonymous
4 months ago

Here, bring yourself up to speed.
The Vigilant Citizen.

English Tom
English Tom
4 months ago

A couple of days ago a commenter posted an image showing that there is to be a cyber security exercise on Nov 5th, election day. We know from 9/11, 7/7, Boston marathon, et al, that TPTB use exercises as cover for false flags. So, a thesis. Imagine a cyberattack that takes out all the votes. Both sides claim the win but not many votes are able to be counted.
Where does that leave the country? A precursor to civil war maybe? Just a thought.

Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago

A cyber security exercise was scheduled in Atlanta by the Department of Homeland Security and CISA for November 6th. It was called out, mainly by Matt Taibbi, and DHS cancelled it saying it was bad optics.

Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago

In a world run by sane people? Just redo it, who cares if it’s a little late.

In the short-bus world we live in? Probably just an excuse to extend the existing “president” indefinitely until something or other circumstance, don’t think too hard just go along with it pleb!

English Tom
English Tom
4 months ago

That vid of the parrot shielding the chicks was excellent. All praise to god.

4 months ago

This is for those who think the elites cannot really control weather including the creation of hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, and tropical storms; well, here is proof with a list o patents from 1962 to 2020: the list is shown at 11:54 minutes.

Overrun! Straight-Up Treason. SITREP 10.29.24: Monkey Werx US

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 months ago

AC I have no doubt that this is an “inertia wave” “spin wave” device they are aiming at you. I thought of another way you might, could counter. Get a metal bladed fan. Turn the fan on but make sure the fan “base” can rotate as it spins. Place on rollers, coasters, whatever. Metal can interrupt it but it goes through, BUT, if the fan can rotate it might take some of the energy and transmit into fan rotation. Maybe??? it could interrupt targeting like ice cubes. This is an offshoot of the gyroscope. Instead of having a spinning gyroscope that when rotated goes up(releasing inertia waves), you use their force on the running fan to rotate the fan draining off some of the energy. Kind of like you would use an antenna in a electromagnetic circuit to intercept electromagnetic waves. Since metal fans are not all over like they used to be, you could tie some metal strips to plastic fan blades. You have a fan? If you have a fan already, it wouldn’t be too hard to at least see if it changes anything.

I also believe that a coil of wire with current running through them as I said before would work. You would need a current limited battery charger. Might could start with a cheap battery minder that has a small, say 2 amps or so, current and run it through a coil. Even better, have one coil over the head and one below to make a circuit like a magnet.

Another possibility if you don’t relish putting coils around you is to have a sheet of steel, iron…in between you and the source and put a coil on it. It might saturate the metal and not allow retransmission.

BTW if that Barbara Bush video is real, that’s a Man. I read an article where people saw George Bush Sr. take a underage black kid off to a bedroom when some of the Boystown boys who were being trafficked by that black guy at Lincoln savings and loan bank in Nebraska(Lawrence E. King Jr.). He sang at the Republican convention.

One of the kids who said he was brought to Washington DC was able to identify the house he was brought to. Never guess whose house it was. A homosexual who was rumored to have sexual and homosexual parties with legislative types. He was busted, said he worked for the CIA, and then committed suicide. (I think, fairly sure, it was, Craig J. Spence)

He was rumored to have blackmailed several people. Maybe he blackmailed the wrong guy and…that was the end of him.

From a girl used as a sex slave when a child,

Anneke Lucas

“…Denial to some degree is necessary to survive in a world that in this moment is still run by psychopaths, structured to help them better exploit us. We cannot fathom that the glue holding the Western Capitalist system in place is pedophilia. It is too difficult to believe the things psychopaths do- it is too extreme, too far-fetched. It is hard to see that the gurus and other sexually abusive leaders of smaller power structures are successful because they copy the abusive behavior of the world leaders, if only in minor ways, and that this is the reason it is so hard to bring about change.

It may be too difficult to accept that the entire way the world is structured is a sham, that our lives are filled with brainwashing to keep this sham going, to keep us believing that we need these external authority figures to tell us how to live, to tell us what to do to be happy, to keep order in the world. It is too difficult to accept that we have all the power we need within ourselves, and that we are far better equipped to run the world as are the current leaders. …”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Have you tried crunching something other than ice (frozen water)?

I’m curious if it links to breaking up frozen water specifically, or if crunching anything frozen will work.

If pure ice specifically, what is is about breaking up water in frozen form that could possibly have any effect?

Does it even need to be frozen? Is it the crunch itself? Could you crunch a Dorito?

Or could it be something to do with your physical motions/muscle contractions in your jaw and head while crunching?

This is so odd and only begs more questions and experiments!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

You could try smashing ice next to you in a pan and see if it has to be inside your head.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

If this works it should be gamechanging.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

If it is an MRI weapon, do you have metal objects flying through your room like they would in a hospital?

I understand that the weapon is very precise, but that’s after they’ve used the MRI to map out your house, right?

If so, during that mapping process, shouldn’t metal objects be flying around?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

For those of us with highly reactive dogs and old houses with creaky wooden floors, does this mean we’re exempt from Chameleo suit goons?

If they can’t levitate and/or neutralize their scent, how would this work? I am at the far extreme in my living situation, but don’t most people have some pets and/or houses that make some noise when anything walks around?

A commentor here a while ago made an off-hand remark about demons smelling foul like sewage but sometimes like cigarette smoke.

A few times, at my very isolated rural house, I have smelled strong cigarette smoke. I’m highly asthmatic. Cigarettes trigger asthma 100% of the time.

This handful of times, the cigarette smell was strong and unmistakable, but didn’t trigger anything asthma related at all.

The dogs didn’t activate or explode. The house didn’t creak. I heard nothing.

My thoughts went to Chameleo suit jerk lighting up, but I don’t see how this would work unless they can mask sound and smell too.

If anyone can confirm if demons smell like cigarettes, I’d really like to know.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Fourth dimension capability written about in fictional Three Body Problem sequel: The Dark Forest. It seems impossible to imagine someone here having that ability, but it would fit the data described above.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
4 months ago

Schizophrenic and methamphetamine induced Schizophrenic describe chameleo beings verbatim. They differentiate by the eyes. Has anyone ever seen the eyes glow red? That’s how they describe evil shadow people (their name for things described). Also, this lends itself to the possibility that this tech is perhaps much older than one might think.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Yes, there are a lot of people selling us out to these other species. They are doing this by making multi-generational covenants with them. In Genesis 1, man was given authority on heaven and earth. How did we lose it? In Ezekiel it describes Lucifer as trading in souls. People trade their souls. They bind themselves to these beings with covenants, and that in turn passes to their descendants, and these beings help those who have a covenant to take over from those who don’t.
This is why it is important to have a covenant with the Creator, who the Bible calls the “father of spirits”. Also, El Shaddai, a title for God, has been badly mistranslated. Shad, or shadim, is the Hebrew word for these species you are referring to.
To get our human rights back we have to renounce all magic, witchcraft, and covenants with any higher being other than the Creator, especially those we don’t know about, that our ancestors entered into.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
4 months ago

Here’s a link to Jerry Marzinsky talking about shadow people. He mentions them on quite a few podcasts.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

>My impression is the gangstalking networks are just dregs that are recruited because of proximity to us

Literally this means moving is likely to have incredibly high yield, even if they ostensibly are everywhere.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

From what I remembered you said you lived in a very rural area?

I expect you might have “safety in numbers” in a big dense (Eastern) European/Asian city.

But, you are the one with the streetview knowledge and can figure things out.

As far as I’m aware, all this tech really is predominantly in NA and maybe Western Europe given that Catherine NSA girl. It seems tech is the big problem.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

So you think they can selectively target who smells them (me -yes, dogs -no)?

I hadn’t considered that.

Thanks for that perspective.

God bless you AC and keep you safe!

Reply to  Name
4 months ago

That smell is used to describe the presence of grey aliens Specifically in Striebers accounts

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Name
4 months ago

Demons can smell like anything. There is a tobacco spirit that witches invoke in ceremonies, might be that one. A few times I smelled cat urine for no reason, each time it is around a woman I later confirmed as a witch or who had witchcraft in her environment. The old tropes about witches and cats do have a basis. But what I smelled was demonic, not actual cats.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 months ago

Fits with old accounts, fire, brimstone, sulfur, ammonia. That’s why it’s believed you can counter them with lavender, sage, lemon grass, thyme. Overwhelm the spiritual with the physical to break the link they’re trying to establish.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I’ve heard of a couple of prophetic women, like Kathryn Kulman, and Aimee McPherson, and something similar happened when they died, an overwhelming smell of roses filled the hospital.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

AC,”…If we assume it is an inertia wave/spin wave device, can you discern any reason for which there would always seem to be a “tap” somewhere near where it was about to take hold?…”

That is such a tough problem. Something, can stop it. In your case…you. The energy is being dumped into you. So, stands to reason, something else could intercept it but…this does not seem to be the case or not anything that can permanently defeat it. I don’t know. Have to think on it.

More wild ideas. Could it be that you could make a bunch of skull type materials so that it does not know which is yours?????? Limestone or plaster cast skulls with a lot of air in the cast????

I wonder if they are using wifi to map where you are, then sending out the tap and then full force and the ice chewing blurres the wifi location return. I read that they can map inside houses with wifi.

4 months ago

Canada’s liberals call for secret ballot to oust Prime Minister Trudeau.

Here is a poll tracking site for Canada:

So if there is a federal election in Canada in 2025, and we have to use the word “if” now in these things, and the polls hold, the Conservatives would win in a landslide and about two thirds of the Liberal MPs will lose their seats. The futher left NDP is now starting to get submerged in the Tory wave, which is why they have been stating they will no longer prop up the Trudeau government.

The leading candidate to replace Trudeau, Chrysta Freeland, would actually be worse, and they might even be better off letting Trudeau eat the loss and then start fresh again after the election with a new leader.

What is funny about this is that Trudeau is credited with saving the federal Liberal Party. They won 34 seats in 2011, the election right before he became leader. I’m rooting for them to get fewer than that in 2025.

Dutch populist leader Geert Wilders has hailed an agreement to crack down on mass migration and asylum in the Netherlands as “historic.”

The Wikipedia bio of the new Dutch PM, Dick Schoof, is actually pretty interesting:

I think the previous PM is slated to become the Secretary General of NATO.

4 months ago

Kari Lake surges ahead in Arizona polls with days to go until election.

This was the topic of discussion on War Room this morning, between Steve Bannon, Caroline Wren, and Laura Loomer. I watch these discussions for the inside information, and Wren is close to the Lake campaign, and Loomer had just interviewed Senator Rick Scott of Florida, who is the relatively MAGA candidate for GOP Senate Majority Leader.

Mitch McConnell has steered donors away from Kari Lake, and Wren came out and said that this is because she will vote against Ukraine funding. Note that Lake is tied in the polls, so if you were really trying to elect more Republican Senators, that race would be a priority.

McConnell is scheduling the vote for the next Republican Senate floor leader for November 13th, in a secret ballot. This is supposed to be a stitch up for either Cornyn or Thune. I tried to search for this and failed to find if this was normally done by secret ballot, or that early. I suspect it is normally a secret ballot (since its a caucus position, not a Senate position; there is a difference), but not that early.

4 months ago

he blinks in and out, seemingly moving super fast from spot to spot.

I think that’s an artifact of the trail camera, none of them record continuously. They all only record on motion/changes. So, if there is an “ultra” mode for when you are moving, it could be that there are jumps because the camera simply isn’t picking up anything. It’s why when you see footage of blank forest, there is always a bug or something crossing the screen.

4 months ago

General comment on all the US election links follows.

The news is that the Harris campaign is pulling resources from North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Nevada. North Carolina was narrowly a Trump state in 2016 and 2020, so its one, probably the only, state where the Democrats were on offense. Wisconsin and Nevada would be flips to Trump compared to 2020.

If Trump holds North Carolina, and flips Wisconsin and Nevada, the Democrats can afford to lose one more contested 2020 Biden states (current list is Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, but also now Virginia and Minnesota). They lose if they lose more than one, so they don’t have much room for error.

So look at the Lara Logan tweet above. What she said makes sense, they have realized they can’t pull off the steal this time, and are now on Plan Z.

I don’t think the steal was plan A. I think the idea was to jail or kill Trump, and/ or kick off a war and use that as an excuse to run a “national unity” thing and a one candidate election. They tried all three, so someone much have looked at the steal possibilities and decided it was a bad play for them. They prepared to do it anyway as a sort of backup. Now they will have to shift to something else.

I don’t think the steal was plan A in 2020, I think they were going to a Maiden style color revolution, but it was the backup and wound up working.

4 months ago

Article here, details two females inserted into the campaign to act as honeypots in an “off the books” “fishing expedition” project separate from the known Crossfire Hurricane.

How is this not human trafficking? 18 USC 2422, aka the Mann Act.

Whoever knowingly persuades, induces, entices, or coerces any individual to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any Territory or Possession of the United States, to engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

 to engage in prostitution, or in any sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense

Voluntarily being a whore-spy for free isn’t a crime itself or prostitution. They’re not being coerced or forced, they’re choosing to be whores for cabal to farm info and blackmail.

Now obviously being a cabal whore should be a capital crime itself, but we’re not there yet.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

A reasonable sounding thin end of the wedge to change the definition so they could try to say sex a girl regretted later was rape etc.
Lying to get a girl in bed is wrong, but it’s not rape, rape is the use of violence and force.

They also wanted to say that getting a girl voluntarily drunk in order to get her consent was rape.

Just stay out of a girl’s bed until you are married, anything else is a trap both morally and increasingly legally.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I remember that. All of that “affirmative consent” at every stage leading up to sex. And if you moved without it, jail.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

It’s not for free. It’s part of their job and wages.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

But the FBI is paying them to do it.
That’s a crime.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

I keep saying that the laws are only as good as the will and the means to enforce them. “Ricky Vaughn” (Doug Messner) went to jail for a tweet saying Demonrats can vote by text. Jimmy Kimmel won’t even get a slap on the wrist for saying Trump voters vote on Friday or whatever the dumbass actually said.

4 months ago

Kari Lake surges ahead in Arizona polls with days to go until election.

Credibility correction coming in late from the pollsters. They were really hoping they could beat her.

4 months ago

Jim Stone has been posting again:

I’m not sure if its really him. They writing style seems off, and its a UK domain. It could be the same office doing the Myles Mathis essays. But the Myles Mathis essays are much better written. Maybe they have an AI running the Jim Stone site.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

“…They writing style seems off,…”

I agree, it seems a bit different, though I couldn’t nail down or tell you why? I wonder if they finally killed him? I thought they did once before, but I believe he came back after a long pause, then disappeared again. So hard to hide today.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

This will never pass, and it will never hold up in court.
But trying to pass it may be a deliberate way to focus anger on the Jews instead of the broader cabal.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

The Jews ARE The Cabal!

4 months ago
4 months ago

This is a great article that Sam J. would appreciate.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  map
4 months ago

B…bu…BUT all that fancy carving and ornamental trim on those buildings was really just paper mache! Remember, anon, the people back then were living before the SAT test was invented. They were all too stupid to realize that those buildings were fake!
Seriously, though, the old worlds fairs are just one facet of the old building issue. The “My Lunch Break” channel on both YouTube and Rumble features viewable brief looks at this material, with especial focus on the many convenient FIRES that conveniently removed so many stone and metal buildings from our world.
Guy has a dry sense of humor, too.
This Worlds Fair article map posted, presents many facts that are troubling, to say the least. How about a worlds fair that encompassed 700 Sq miles, back before the invention of power tools? Built in a couple years or so. To be dismantled and destroyed after a few months? Bastiat would have loved it! So would von Mises (Mr. Human Action).
Down the street here, an old mechanic bay gas station was recently remodeled into a modern convenience store version. With the concrete block building already in place, the project took about one year. One of these worlds fairs is mentioned, where in order to fit the time given, they needed to build three acres every day, fot a good long time. But Donkeys, Incorporated was up to the task! Wow. Just wow!

Last edited 4 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago

Back in the day, they jacked up the whole of Chicago. Every single building, with hand screw jacks, installed underground flood control tunnels and then filled it back.

In 1780 the Russians jacked up the largest known rock moved ever, 1500 tones, to turn it into a monument. They rolled it on brass slides on ball bearings. As they moved it, they chiseled the rock to shape it.

I personally believe all the stuff they say took aliens to do it, was just inventive people. There was a guy who was a construction engineer. His job was to work out and coordinate large engineering projects. He figured a way to build the great pyramids in a couple of years. The trick was to make ramps that square stone could be rolled on,

comment image

What happens with this is that due to the track the center of gravity of the stone is kept the same, and it rolls just like a ball. So one guy could easily roll many tons of stone on these tracks. He even found actual cedar tracks like this in Egypt that no one had any idea what they were used for. Combine that with two other ideas that seem to be evident with evidence. Geopolymers, a polymer made of stone for the casing and the upper parts, and ramps in the interior to roll the blocks up on those circle tracks, and you could build these fast. The reason, some have speculated, that they stopped building them was they ran out of the mineral to make large quantities of geopolymer.

A cosmic particle detector put in the great pyramid by the French showed a trace of a spiral tunnel around the pyramid, so this is not totally farfetched. And geopolymers are definitely a thing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago

Forgot to add. Geopolymers are cast like concrete but with far less water. So as each level was built guys could cast the outer shell in geopolymer making perfectly smooth sides that loom like stone. Now you might ask how could they know this was done. Well normal limestone blocks, most of the pyramids was built of these, the animals that die and fall to the ocean floor are laying on their sides. So you see this in the cut blocks, but the outer shells stone and some just inside the outer have shells of the animals in all sorts of jumbled directions. Artificial, obviously, as real stone is not like that. The blocks, not geopolymer, are easy to cut and soft until you cut them and expose to air where CO2 hardens them up some.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Thanks. I haven’t seen that rounded ramping before. Geopolymer: this Paul Cook, British guy has videos of huge areas of the stuff on Malta. Stacked a d side by side sections, bounded by thin iron sheets that kept the pour from sloshing away. This is a short example:

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

More Malta Geopolymer by Paul Cook, showing remnants of scratch coat and surface render over underlying gp substrate.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
4 months ago

To add to that, here’s a great book that has pages and pages of these with a bit of review of them,

4 months ago

I don’t believe in “too big to rig”. I think it’s likely at this point that they try the steal again. Kamala “wins”, everybody knows it’s bullshit, this time the lawsuits go ahead along with criminal investigations. SCOTUS eventually weighs in and invalidates half of the ballots giving Trump the win.

That’s when the Dems pull out all of the stops. Whatever they have left unleashed out of spite.

Reply to  lowell
4 months ago

Dems see this as War.

They wont fear arrest for fraud.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

They don’t fear arrest because they are rarely arrested. Rioters are routinely released without charge. It’s a big club and you aren’t useful to it.

4 months ago

Tech startup is going to put up a constellation of small solar-panels-satellites in low orbit that can transfer the energy down to individual homes/businesses bypassing the grid. Instead of one giant array that we are all familiar with that would be an absolute maintenance nightmare, they are taking the Starlink approach of thousands of small cheap disposable satellites. They are getting ready for their 1kw prototype test. In five years the new hot way to power your homestead is going to be by satellite.

Beam It Down

Bill Whittle

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

What? you don’t subscribe to our service and the beam shouldn’t have been within a country mile of you?
Must have been a bug in the programming….

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

This. Wireless power transmission, on any scale large enough to be useful, would be a complete monster in terms of environmental effects and safety risks, even if it wasn’t being used maliciously.

Reply to  FrankNorman
4 months ago

5G towers?

Reply to  lowell
4 months ago

First they aren’t using microwaves, instead some sort of laser. Second, the scale will be global, enough small satellites to cover the entire planet. It’s the Starlink approach to electrical power generation. By going with cheap disposable satellites it makes upgrading them a breeze.

Reply to  lowell
4 months ago

No need for satellite. That was the primary use of a Tesla coil. Long distance power transmission. I’ve always wondered what the bandwidth on information is in that medium.

Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
4 months ago

I remember they used to make home network devices that allowed you to network your computers through electrical outlets. I don’t think it caught on and I haven’t heard anything about it in years. But you can send data through power lines.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  EricTheAwful
4 months ago

Some power companies use this for their radios and to monitor the grid.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
4 months ago

Reading financial news this morning a thought struck me combining two AC site maxims. AC has pointed out how Facebook was the TIPS program (or part of it) and it’s well established that companies are created by intelligence agencies as front groups to bypass oversight. The other point AC has made is how all the money government gives away is just kickbacks to Cabal or political graft. So when I read a story on METAs earnings report saying one of its’ divisions (ai I think) lost $4.4 billion dollars my AC alarm went off: Sorry, Shareholder Anon, we lost an astronomical sum of money on this AI stuff. We’ll probably lose another astronomical sum on it again next year, but be smart, Anon, buy more shares of our stock and go to sleep about it until you retire and you’ll be loaded! If I could bet on it I highly doubt META lost $4.5 Billion on “AI” and I wonder what that money really was spent on.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Expensive way to do what a combination of ivermectin and fenbendazole do much cheaper.