Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Epson Looks To Expand Into Middle East And Africa
DFT – Clariant AG To Acquire Lucas Meyer Cosmetics
DFT – As BOJ Set To Decide Policy, JGB Yields Hit 10-Year High
DFT – Oil Falls As The Israeli Conflict Remains Contained Amid Push Into Gaza
DFT – Russian Forex Reserves Continue To Grow
A federal judge on Sunday reinstated a gag order she imposed on Donald Trump in the Washington case accusing him of trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat, denying his bid for a stay pending appeal. It prohibited him from criticizing the special counsel or witnesses.
CIA Officer Theodore Shackley’s “secret team,” a group of CIA agents run by CIA”s “Blond Ghost” Shackley, that was involved in the most scandalous U.S. foreign policy interventions throughout the 1970s and 1980s, including the “October Surprise” and Iran-Contra affair, has been found to have had extensive connections to the assassination of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro (1963-68 and 1974-76) by parliamentary commissions of inquiry in Italy and independent investigations. Tough to say what Shackley’s deal was. It is hard to believe Cabal was letting him run roughshod back then, all on his own. He was part of the Nygen Hand bank thing in Australia, that got blown and then left a bunch of dead bides laying around, and which was supposedly being used to launder opium profits from his operations that dated back to his Vietnam days, which was the basis for the plot of the movie Lethal Weapon. I’d think definitely under Cabal control, the only question is did he tolerate that because he had a think for killing commies on the side. Probably not.
Interesting backstory on how the Ninth Circuit broke its own rules to prevent the magazine capacity ban from being overturned. One of the judges spills the beans on how the few judges who are controlled break the rules whenever they are told to by someone running them, and shed tears and try to cow the other judges into keeping silent for “collegiality.” Cabal still doesn’t want us having guns, but somebody else appears to want us armed, I would assume because they feel they may need us.
NJ election fraud: New charges brought against two Democrats over mail-in ballots, registrations.
Warnings about alarming pre-Oct 7 Hamas activity ignored, say Israeli surveillance soldiers. I told you, the technology is too advanced. From the time medicine went from a fluoroscope to 3D Cat scans, and MRIs in real time, from huckster quack treatments to the latest monoclonal antibodies which only target a single cancerous cell type, and mRNA, espionage has gone from bugs with batteries you plant in a room, to listening from hundreds of yards away by just pointing something at the room. And it may be wilder than that. They maybe can triangulate sound from miles away using geophones to listen through the ground and filter out everything extraneous. They may have had a 3D scan of the whole border region. They knew the attack was coming. These Israeli surveillance guys are attending Superspy Fantasy Camp, Israeli Version. I would not be surprised they have no idea what the vibrations are. And they may have been knocked out and implanted with some kind of chips at some point, without their knowledge. They were put in fantasy camp because they were too smart to leave them floating around, so they were given this busy work to keep them out of the way. But the real espionage, the real game, is the people who set up the attacks, on both sides. Those are the people running the UFOs in Indonesia, spiriting off young Indonesians after an earthquake, presumably to be sold, or used as sex slaves, or for medical experiments. Maybe even given to the Tic Tac crew to cook up for a meal. It is the people running the pedophile networks, and creating the script. They could even be traversing space and have a base on the back side of the moon for all we know. They are the real spies, and the real enemies of every free person everywhere, in every country. And we have quite a task ahead of us if we are ever to be free of them.
The Black Hebrew Israelites are now battling the pro-Palestinian protesters in Chicago.
Lewiston Maine shooter Robert Card was a ‘gun fanatic,’ Maine resident claims, and neighbors knew to stay away from him. This guy lived near him, and apparently talked with his neighbors about him. You can begin to do the math. Someone on Free Republic tracked this guy down, and found this:
Well, when Mr Kent was in college, he was a member of the UMaine College Democrats. Per LinkedIn, Mr Kent was also the Director of Partnerships for College Democrats of America. He was a Maine Democratic Party State Committee Member in 2020-2021.
It also appears via his LinkTree that Mr Kent either disabled or set to private all his social media accounts.
You do not get that into politics without either being surveillance, or getting harassed out of there. I told you TV interviews are Cabal agents reading the script
Trump says 15 million have entered the US illegally under Biden.
Record number of illegal immigrants from INDIA are crossing US southern border, with 42,000 intercepted last year. Cabal’s network is very strong in India, I assume hijacked from the network created by the British when they ran things. When I went to college, I was puzzled how I had so many Indian kids flooded around me. Many actually Indian citizens, taking the flight from India to get there. I told myself somebody in the country must have gone to my school, and was recruiting kids to go to it, since they knew it. But you just go with it when you have no idea how things work. Now, obviously, they were sending those kids to flood around me, so I would not go out looking for a social circle, and form friendships with people they did not control. The kids I saw did not strike me as shooters, but maybe these are kids they trained up over there. They are definitely importing their foreign networks here for some reason.
Venezuela’s ‘worst gangsters’ have crossed into the US illegally unleashing chaos in Dallas, Chicago and Miami – residents saying they’ve had tires slashed, windows shot out in retribution for reporting them to cops. These will be Cabal agents, imposing control.
Dem Rep Jamaal Bowman says he struck deal with DC AG to have fire alarm charge expunged from record.
DeSantis is wearing shoes with hidden high heels to try and look taller. Definitely a Melvin, and not a Vito.
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara have decamped to a luxury mansion with a deep nuclear bunker. Might he know something we do not?
Hamas heavyweight Muhammad Qassem Sawalha, 62, was discovered living in London in a home bankrolled by UK citizen in a Jewish neighborhood. He is an asset Cabal is taking care of. And he lives among Jews because he doesn’t care about Jews. I am sure if you asked him, he would spout hatred of the Jews, but my impression is that deep inside, Cabal assets have disdain for people who actually buy into their petty engineered fights. This dude just follows orders. Worked out well for him. For now.
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reduce a major beneficial bacteria, gut biodiversity: research. Not surprising. When the body is rolling along good, a lot of what is going right is all the stuff going on in it, including the good bacteria filling niches which would otherwise get filled by bad bacteria. When you then introduce an antigen, and bring in the immune system, and it begins wiping stuff out, it can get distracted by other stuff, and be kind of like carpet bombing, and start targeting stuff beyond the antigen presented. The risk is you will wipe out some of the good bacteria keeping bad bacteria at bay. Still, I doubt this will be the worst thing we find the vaccines did.
Study: CDC-recommended double COVID/Flu shots induce strokes.
Interesting about Matthew Perry:
He revealed that due to his addiction issues, he did not remember three years of the time he was acting on Friends, “somewhere between season three and six.”
He says it must be the drugs, because that is the only reason he could see. The kid who played Malcolm on Malcolm in the Middle, Frankie Muniz at one time said he had the same thing however, only he did not do drugs, and said it must be due to concussions. I saw lately he now says he has some kind of migraine issue which manifests similar to a stroke. When you deal with Cabal, and cannot fathom it fully, you end up making up a lot of reasons for things, because absent Cabal, it could not possibly be anything else. I made up a lot of fake reasons for stuff in my life, not realizing what the real reason was. Like I said, we do not know how it works up at that level. It may be even weirder than just writing about politics online.
HBO’s “Real Time” host Bill Maher acknowledged there is a deep state he characterized as “the bureaucratic class that justifies its existence by making up new rules” made up of “petty tyrants” who ignore the will of the American people. Trump indicated these statements are Maher trying to set the stage to save himself, so the more of them I see, the more I think he sees things going south for Cabal and he is trying to save himself.
Rather than import high IQ foreigners, you should focus on people you agree with ideologically. If you are a conservative, traditionalist country, it is stupid to import purple-haired progressives.
Federal audit: Gov’t office buildings 80% vacant. Could much of the government be an illusion?
Women quit Jiu-Jitsu tournament after being forced to fight men, prompting association to change its rules. Women cannot grapple with men. Maybe you get a high level woman, she can leverage that skill against a man who knows nothing and is out of shape. But in competitions like these, the girls will stand no chance. Their musculoskeletal systems just are not geared the same. Notice, these things also disrupt a meritocracy. When guys invade these spaces and take the trophies from girls, those are girls who are probably outside of Cabal, who could have leveraged those trophies to get college admissions, or scholarships, or just build a social media audience. It is one more way to eliminate a meritocratic pathway for our kind to step up the ladder, allowing them to control who goes where more easily.
Marie Osmond opposes leaving her children a big inheritance: ‘They can take care of themselves.’ It is very strange, to feel that way towards your children, unless she was only allowed to handle the money, and was not actually earning it. Money is power. And as you see, in a world where the surveillance is so desperate for power it will strip the innocence from its own children, to run them as spies against your children, it cannot afford to let someone have that power, because they might use it to expose the conspiracy, and the fact it is targeting you, and your children. So only people who give up the blackmail get it. I would not be surprised if Marie has some wild blackmail tapes out there. I would read this article as either she, or her kids, did not want them to have to do the things they would have had to, in order to hold onto her cash.
Black dude killed a white dude on a hockey game by kicking him in the throat with his blade. If you read about it, it is couched purely as an accident. Presented only because if you are good at something, there could be a hidden hand which might put a bounty on you, to have you taken out. Until there is no hidden hand, you need to operate as you are a target, and realize success will heighten the risk.
Spanish clergy sexually abused over 200,000 children, probe estimates.
Putin aims to have a Russian space station by 2027.
Ben Carson endorses Trump 2024 at Iowa rally.
Spread r/K Theory, because we have a lot of work to do, if we are ever to be free again
“Federal audit: Gov’t office buildings 80% vacant. Could much of the government be an illusion?”
Didn’t click on the link, but Fake News, in the sense Phelps explained that the report is likely accurate but unimportant.
The federal government put in remote work friendly policies a while back, and then in 2020-21 started to really mean it and implement it. They were also hard core about keeping offices empty due to “COVID”. A lot of the federal work force works from home (usually a hybrid arrangement when they are in the office a few days a week), and really its stupid to have paper pushers with no customer service role to spend a couple of hours a day commuting to and from an office.
I’ve done this and was able to get stuff done, and without a home office and with a family that demands attention.
Also, the federal government tends to own, not rent their buildings, which are usually pretty basic, so no, the taxpayer is not paying to rent a lot of empty office space.
I’ve heard the opposite: the government rents a ton of space. They own things like the Pentagon and buildings on base, but they lease a lot of space in places around DC especially.
why exactly would you think ‘getting more done’ is important to any bureaucrat? that’s not what they’re there to do.
Exactly. When it comes to bureaucrats, “busy” is a virtue. Nobody knows WTF they do, but they’re “busy” all the time. Often too busy to do the job they’re allegedly paid to do.
Latest essay from Jim at Jim’s blog:
This took me only a few minutes to read, and I’m dealing with eye problems, and he gets right to the point in his arguments, so I won’t summarize. The summary is in the title of the essay. I have also noticed a lot of pro-war and pro-Israel shills pop up lately, my Quora feed is heavy with them so there is some sort of organized effort.
Just so you know, Jim also says that building 7 on 911 had it’s backside gnawed out like an animal chewed on it , it didn’t fall straight down and it fell just like a tree chopped down. And direct quote[I should have saved everything he said but he wiped the page of my comments], Jim said,”…Building seven had a bunch of bloody great holes smashed into it…”. Of course, none of this is true. The building did not fall over like a tree cut at the bottom, which he insisted on over and over, eventually banning me from pointing anything out he said that was false. He eventually wiped out my comments, but I have them.
Jim is a Jew so take anything he says with a very, very large grain of salt. In the end he is frequently trying some sort of mental jujitsu to warp your brain. Though, he is very smart and makes a lot of good points. He is constantly distorting the true and outright lying when the thinks he can get away with it. Some of his distortions are whoppers.
Building 7 collapsed into its own footprint. It came straight down. The video footage is unambiguous. Total controlled demolition.
Not to mention his weird hyper focus on age of consent and 12 year olds fucking.
Dupers Delight
The items in the last few days about the directed energy weapons are convincing and change a lot of what we are dealing with. Unfortunately, they change it in this way:
One thing that occurred to me right away is that the “excess deaths”, starting in 2020, attributed to at least COVID, and then reactions to the vaccines, were caused by energy weapons. COVID was the rebranded flu and the “vaccines” were harmless saline shots.
There were arguments at the time that “COVID” didn’t exist, and each variant having completely different symptoms adds more evidence to that. The “vaccines” have effects ranging from people dropping dead from heart attacks right away, to no effect at all.
Also, some conspiracy theories put out well produced videos saying the lockdowns were connected with “5G” somehow, which I thought was a poison the well, flat earth type psyop, but maybe this was the Cabal letting us know that they were installing the tech at the time needed to zap people.
So if you start doing mass testing of a tech to zap and degrade people’s health, you will have more people getting sick and higher than usual mortality. So both the pandemic and vaccine side effects could be used as cover for that.
We are in a bad position, no doubt. And I do not want to pretend this is not the end of the world staring at us. Our leadership, who are quite clearly spiritual evil beyond belief, are poised on the cusp of controlling everyone on the planet entirely forever, and being able to indulge any sick fantasy they have, on anyone.
It is bad, and we are the last hope, which nobody even knows exists yet. But we have several things going for us. God is on our side, and through Him all is possible. And you are never hopeless, God sees to it. God has given me numerous examples of this growing up to drill it into me. When I did martial arts as a 19 year old young buck, I used it for conditioning. So at the end of the class, when free fighting began, I fought non-stop, all out, anyone bigger than me, until exhaustion. (Side note, do not do this, as someone later kindly showed me you develop technique by fighting smaller guys, where you can move slow and focus on what you are doing without fear of getting crushed. Then you adapt that to bigger guys.) But I was 19, and by fighting until I was rubber armed and could barely stand, I found the time until that point lengthened, and conditioning is a lot of fighting if you end up against anybody who knows anything and ti drags out.
So one night I went until exhaustion, and was about to step off the mat barely able to stay vertical, when one of the older wiry blackbelts who was losing his physical ability to older age called out, “Hey, where are you going? Nah nah nah..,” and motioned back onto the mat. I knew what he was doing. He wanted to work on technique against a bigger guy, and I was bushed. Nevertheless it was funny and I laughed, but went back out. I was always a believer if you are attacking you tend to get attacked less, so he came in, I got a grip on him and went to do a hip throw. Because I was shot, I could not have aborted and pulled out if I wanted to, so there was no hesitancy, and I just threw in blindly and went with the momentum. As happens with throws, just sheer dumb luck, with no set up or practiced preparation, I hit it just right with no idea how, and before I knew what happened, he went over, feet scraping the ceiling, and landed with the most amazing thud overpowering his slap. He got up, bowed, and walked off the mat. Because I was exhausted I was unable to control myself, and he decided it was too risky. When you get older, you understand the desire to avoid getting hurt better.
But I had a ton of those. When there were not enough kids and we were thrown in with the adults, I was a wiry twelve year old who floored a 200lb guy at the top nationally, who medaled in Canada with no problems. It was only three seconds of a fight which was me just getting manhandled for the first three minutes, and then really man-handled after that, as he went all in to not look as silly at the end of the fight. But it happens. You never know. And we have God on our side.
And even if we lose and they get this up and running, if we can spread word about the surveillance now, and plan, we could do an infiltration of the machine. School our kids, to act like sadists in school. bang whatever girls they send to them, give up the blackmail, and infiltrate to get in positions, with a solemn understanding we do what we must to get where we need to, to destroy it all. You are never without hope, or options.
But I wanted to emphasize to people, this is it. This is the turning point. If you are ever to point people, here, tell them about the surveillance, start spreading out to other communities to point them here, spread flyers under windshields in town, tape stuff up to telephone poles, this would be the time. I have done the heavy lifting creating this site, I take the blows all the time to keep it running. This is our kind’s best hope.
Because once this thing is mass market and on everyone it will be difficult to go back. Not impossible, but much more difficult and there will be a lot more horrors going on as we are trying.
And again, I do not think they can operate without the surveillance. It is the Achilles heel, and I think we can still get rid of it, if we expose its existence. There will be like ten Americans to everyone of them. we can do it. But everyone needs to know about it, and that its existence is bringing about horrors unimageable.
This is why I claim Jesus Christ and him crucified, his shed blood being my only means of salvation and access to the Father (I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.)
Satan owns this world system (not the physical earth) and the final battle is coming. I believe we are in the anteroom. That said, my only real concern (yes I live my day to day life as best I can) is spreading the Gospel as far and as wide as I can, helping whomever I can come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
We will all die, but who you have chosen to die for makes all the difference. I pray for you, for your protection and healing, for you to keep this site going as long as possible to reach as many people as possible, opening their eyes to the real battle. It is not really against flesh and blood, even though there are those who physically oppose us. They are but agents of the real enemy, as Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Put on the full armor of God, commit yourself wholly and completely to Jesus Christ, and do all you can to help those who are lost before it is too late. As Paul also said in 2 Corinthians 6:2b “Behold, now is “the acceptable time,” behold, now is “the day of salvation.” While the door is still open, compel them to come in. Luke 14:23 “The master said, ‘Then go to the country roads. Whoever you find, compel them to come in. I want my house full!'”
“School our kids, to act like sadists in school. bang whatever girls they send to them, give up the blackmail, and infiltrate to get in positions, with a solemn understanding we do what we must to get where we need to, to destroy it all. You are never without hope, or options.”
We must keep in mind: “What profits a man to gain the whole world but loses his soul”.
Their goal is Damnation. And if we do things that tend towards Damnation it would end up recreating Cabal all over again.
We must keep our Moral integrity and adhere to Divine Law. Even if we can be Pragmatic on anything else.
God’s Law is absolute. And we will be defeated if we don’t do it God’s way.
Always good to remember.
Dr Royal Rsymond Rife invented an electric microscope that worked with resonant energy. He also had a way to amplify nd tune the energy to kill (zap) various microorganisms, for which the kill-frequencies varied by type and species. He was attacked, ruined, bankrupted, and finally poisoned by people who saw him as a threat. The plans and prototypes vanished.
Surely the tech was real and worked. Surely his enemies wound up with his research notes and prototypes.
Do you suppose his tunable death device could be used to target organisms — including individual people plus families and even ethnicities– by DNA?
Resonance effects can produce all sorts of strange things. Nuclear magnetic resonance can detect actual chemical bonds, and bounce them pike a ball on a paddleboard.
I have wondered if specific DNA sequences might have bond structure variances of their whole which would be separable by such a thing. For example a viral sequence which might resonant with some very precise frequency of energy input, along a strong of bonds, which would break it up as resonance developed, but not affect other sequences, like the cells they infected.
If I played the odds probably not, but with these things, you never know for sure until you try.
While we were locked down in the UK the authorities were going hell for leather installing 5G!
You might be onto something.
Nobody has asked for 5G. The new towers are big and unsightly. It is very odd.
There are also works at road junctions everywhere.
If I was writing a novel, it would say, they are creating ghetto zones. The towers are solid state Guard Towers – primarily designed to prevent escape, but also, to monitor, punish & neutralise.
They had a review of 5G from a user in South Korea as I recall. They were utterly disappointed because they said there was nothing they were using 5G for, where they saw any difference from their 4G service. They concluded it was a big waste of money.
Of course in the background, the infrastructure is now there to transmit vast quantities of data, without the public noticing networks slowing down. I would bet in an average city there will be 50,000 surveillance vehicles on the road throughout the day transmitting high quality visual and thermal video, and maybe backscatter Z-ray video from all four sides of the cars with audio and WiFi network data grabbed on the go, maybe scanner data from shit mounted on buildings allowing full audio from every room in the building, backdoor access to every web cam, cell phone cam, cell phone mic, surveillance camera system and so on.
They will be able to move every piece of data from any device, all the time, and nobody will notice. And the system will be paid for by the cell phone users, even though they get no benefit. All before the fact the towers might be weaponized to give people The Beam™ where they want to.
wireless installation trucks were about half the traffic in the early daze here, aside from UPS and FedEx. they were working overtime…
Another use of the beams is to create controlled oppo. This can be used by either beaming or by NOT beaming dissidents, depending on their psychological profile.
Obvious Ben Shapiro type controlled oppo isn’t really controlled oppo. These types of influencers usually make straight Cabal arguments, but somehow give out vides that they are right dissidents or left dissidents. More interesting are cases where an influencer makes good counter-cabal arguments, and then suddenly flips and pushes Cabal points, and cases where the influencer mixes good points with getting a ton of stuff just wrong.
March 2020 in particular saw a lot of people who had once been reliable establishment critics suddenly start pushing the Narrative. Except for David Graeber, who just died around that time (of natural causes, of course).
Some people respond to threats and will just get threatened with the Beam, and these are your flippers. Sometimes giving them shock and awe surveillance will be enough.
However, there is a second group of people who can be safely put in dissident fantasy camp. They will criticize the mainstream media narrative, but not too much, and if they get no Beams and no surveillance, they won’t know that either exists, which in turn limits the effect of their analysis. I think the people who get a lot of stuff right, but have a lot of bad takes, and don’t mention the surveillance, and effectively in dissident fantasy camp.
If you are here, you are in a category of being resistant to threats and not suitable for the fantasy camp treatment, so we get degraded and silo’d, and probably eventually killed as this situation develops.
For a while I’ve been struggling to spot the surveillance in my local AO, but had the undeniable exposure yesterday. I’ve been able to spot OTHER people’s tails and other operations easily; time-wasting traffic causers, cars and walkers waiting at stop signs for long periods of time only to go when a car approaches the intersection, etc. but this was the first time coverage has been overt on me. An important note for this account is I’ve made a very intense effort to meet every person in my neighborhood I can for the exact reason of knowing when outsiders are being brought in for operations.
I have a regular walk route I take most days with minor variations. It goes nearby a park located in the middle of a neighborhood; not a big park, just a small playground, 2 tennis courts and a basketball court with a walk path looping through. Not worth coming to if you don’t live in the immediate vicinity, and out of the way enough that random people won’t be popping in for no reason. Felt energetic during my walk and decided to extend the distance by checking out the park area since I hadn’t been in a while. Nothing notably unusual happened prior to entering the park; I was alone for most of the time as it was Sunday evening time.
Not 10 seconds after walking through the front gate (sidewalk next to a road into the park area) a 4Runner with VERY dark window tints, driver side window slightly open, comes speeding up, slows down significantly next to me, goes down the road into the park at a normal speed, U-turns, and immediately leaves the park again. I continue on and the walk path goes down and loops back around a slight hill so the entrance is close, but I’m mostly out of line of sight. I hear two kids ride in on bikes and one says “I don’t see them?” I’m alone, so the plural reference was odd (maybe cover?). A few seconds pause, hear them start to ride, and they come the opposite way around the walking loop, from my front (so they can see my face properly without raising suspicion? IDK). I don’t recognize them as neighborhood kids, but there’s lots of younger families so could be a failure on my end. They don’t make eye contact or act unusual at all, but again they pass me, go back out to the main road and immediately leave, just like the car.
Obviously I’m perked up now, and looking for oddities on the rest of the walk. I count 5 new faces walking around our neighborhood on the walk back; people I’m 100% sure aren’t local residents. The most obvious was an old guy with a bright safety vest riding an electric bike with a goofy looking helmet passed me 3 separate times. There were landscapers working on people’s yards after 6:00pm on a Sunday at the two major intersections where I have to turn to get back home.
All things that are within plausible deniability of “normal,” but I think we know better at this point.
The only good thing I can spot is that I don’t think many of the people in my neighborhood are in on the scheme. As I said it was mostly people I didn’t recognize, and the fact they’re posting physical units from outside the hood could mean there’s not as much tech or manpower within to be able to mobilize totally against us.
Thank you for this account. Sorry for the late approval, it got hung up in spam, and was just released. Obviously it is strange this happens to the best comments.
Punchable face Maher trying to rebrand?
How many other media
starspeople may get the same notion, and when will the body count increase as a countermeasure? Collateral damage, as in those folks were collateral.Eff Maher. He recently said he can “never forgive” anyone daring to question the 2020 election, as if anyone needs or cares about forgiveness from that ridiculous creature.
Maher is a total degenerate. He has never had a long term relationship and openly admits to using prostitutes for his entire adult life.
Some former playboy bunnies have also publicly attested to the fact that they saw Maher at many of the old Playboy mansion orgies that Hefner would hold, and he obviously taped all of it, and Maher must realize there is video of him doing god knows what at multiple orgies, along with dozens of other celebrities.
Maher is cabal-lite, a pig who took the ticket and is now getting nervous that his whole milieu is going to come crashing down around him.
Maher wears the Red shoes:

So does Tony Podesta:
This is not good.
Like father, like son

That is the wildest thing.
If he does, his son knows it as well, and he’s chilling in Miami.
Come on Phelps we can’t expect young Netanyahu to give up the party lifestyle just because his country is facing an existential crisis, now can we!
I certainly never expected it, but that’s why I get called names online.
Same as ALL of the ‘PRO-Palestinian’ flash mobs in the US. Obama-phone people.
CYA, maybe? Ukrainian CYA?
IMHO, the playbook is becoming so tired, stressed and panicked, these ops are just not smooth anymore!
I do not think the old guard completely thought out 21st C communication and the internet.
Yes, they get away with a lot, but what if WE started amassing flash mobs of blond body-building housewives with double-barrel shotguns, for example?
I believe they really thought they could Cronkite the entire internet.
Re: I believe they really thought they could Cronkite the entire internet.
That is a good one. Nice turn of phrase. Also, God gets to get his word in whenever he wants. Reminds of Elijah dissing the prophets of Baal taunting them that their god was stuck on the toilet. Enter image of Satan with diarrhea.
Your last sentence is great, and they still honestly believe that.
At times, they seem to be repeatedly stepping on the rake, getting smacked in the face, and wondering how and why it hurts so much.
They are so used to everything going their way that they seem stunned when it doesn’t.
I’m not the poster who complained about the pornography the other day but I am a regular reader who does not want to see a disgusting old man jerking off and I go about my life in a such a way as to avoid that sight at all costs. I like reading this site very much but if I stumble upon another pornographic image, I would likely come to avoid this site. I’ve shared things that upon further consideration I regretted, these things can happen. I like this site and avoid pornographic images. You seem to want a big tent of conservatives here but if you wish to exclude those who choose to keep custody of their eyes, you will eliminate some good people. Not concern trolling, just letting you know that this contingent of people exists.
Good to know, thank you.
It strengthens the amygdala
What? How/?
Half the problems of this world are because good people choose to hide from reality!
Which in turn atrophies the amygdala.
Man up ffs!
Big tents like gig churches are most likely corrupt and run by a few.
Okay, the Bill Binney thing? Any half decent thriller has a tech guy. That tech guy has automatic programs that check for his name getting mentioned online anywhere in the world.
Mr. Binney and his wife are tech people. They would be expected to have these automatic programs.
You mention Mr. Binney in a positive fashion. By logic of fictional thrillers and television shows, Mr. Binney or Mrs. Binney, or anyone else from that website, should have contacted you by now. They should have gone by name, or by leaving packets of information of what they know, that you need to know. Or to talk to people here. To show the injectables. To interview, to do an “Ask Me Anything.”
That’s what the internet does, or at least it is supposed to do, when it works correctly. One guy does a thing, and someone finds them ages later, and if that person is still alive, they get found and they talk online, and other people read the conversation.
That is the thing. I have sent out emails, to Sharyl Atkisson, Robert Guffrey, even the guy who got his piece written in Psychology Today on gang stalking. I have no doubt none have seen it. Likewise, I would have no problem betting all that I own that Bill Binney has never heard of this website. And if he did try to email me, I would never see it.
This thing is about controlling our ability to connect with each other. It is probably why they didn’t want people going to Church during Covid. They wanted control.
Everyone here has somebody in their neighborhood looking over their shoulder, checking their mail, reading their emails, probably before the recipient does. It is nuts. But it is how this thing operates.
Like it or not, we are developing our message on their system. Ultimately, to spread it, we will probably need to find another way.
The thing that broke most of the little soviets, city by city, were single pastors just going about their pastoral duties with their parishioners being regular parishioners. Not even comically heroic. Just, normal. Not even saintly, amazing, all around wise. Just, normal. Normal pastors, normal parishioners.
Wikipedia does a lot of hiding this information. It’s kind of entertaining, if you know the littlest bit, and you have to work back and forth with names, translation services, church names, back and forth, until you have a timeline.
JP2 had a thing with a rosary prayer group. Everyone was in one group of ten praying for each other. The single members could go pray for another ten. So, that chart of members, two levels in, that’s 100 people, and then onward, outward. No one knew the others. They were praying for each other. It drove the state security services bonkers. They were at the point that they were outlawing groups that had, like, three or four chairs out in a room. That was evidence of a subversive group meeting.
Of course, that mesh of face to face, high trust for limited groups of people intersecting with other high trust groups, all in some alignment about serious things ended up getting lit up with Solidarity, and here we are fifty years later with Poland still being distinct, and high trust, whether or not Solidarity has worldly success and power.
It’s possible that you are siloed and that emails are not reaching these people. It’s also possible Binney and Atkinsson are skittish about answering emails.
If much of the Government is an illusion it would make sense why so many things just don’t work or barely work. So many aspects of government are ran on bubblegum and shoe strings and yet the budget is enormous. The meme that’s out there is that the military eats up money that could go elsewhere but what if that isn’t really true? Just another reason those in power can’t allow us to know how thing’s really work. If we saw trillions of dollars going to fund foreign surveillance agents working domestically instead of repairing bridges and inspecting power plants and all the other mundane things government says it does there would be an uproar.
Cabal has grown Jabba the Hut fat from all of the trillions they have skimmed off of our backs.
I live close to the Social Security administration and it’s an inside joke that 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people. As I think about it now the rest are probably just Cabal flunkies getting their regular paycheck.
Catherine Austin Fitts and others believe all those trillions are funding a space based breakaway civilisation.
They wouldn’t be so powerful if they aren’t able to simply steal so much.
“And it worked: As of Saturday, the North American Grappling Association (NAGA) has officially changed its policy regarding transgender athletes.”
As I was reading this sentence, I was SO HOPING that it would read “And it worked: As of Saturday, the North American Grappling Association (NAGA) has officially changed its NAME to Meritocracy American Grappling Association (MAGA).”
No such luck.
I actually competed in that organization in the early aughts.
I’m shocked that they even played around with the whole tranny nonsense.
It would have been so easy to avoid it completely, as the vast majority of their competitors are hard training guys in their late teens to early 40’s just trying to perfect their grappling game.
I’m kinda shocked that this was even an issue with them.
It didn’t matter what the grapplers wanted. The decision and policy makers at the top are all that matters. Like the U.S. congress represents the interests of the U.S. people.
“…They maybe can triangulate sound from miles away using geophones to listen through the ground and filter out everything extraneous….”
Or through water. Tech which has been around for decades.
And the electrical cabling/copper piping in our homes.
Tesla bills customer $21000 for driving through the rain while they’re still in warranty
@Lowell Houser
Someone suggested this to another person for back problems
@SteeringWheelHolder if you are still reading the comments I thought this would interest you
@Lowell Houser too
I don’t think the disadvantages of the G3 outweigh the advantages and I think modern versions have improved some of them.
Why the G3 sucks. Flame suit on!
Ian fixed it.
Forgotten Weapons – Ian’s Customs: Left-Handed G3
“A 20-year-old man found dead in a bathroom at an amusement park in Glenwood Springs on Saturday was armed with multiple guns, loaded magazines and explosive devices. Words on written on a bathroom stall where he was found said, “I am not a killer,” according to authorities.”
They don’t make MKUltra wind-up toys like they used to, apparently.
9NEWS – Man who entered amusement park with guns, explosives found dead near words on a wall
He broke through the mind control long enough to leave a message and kill himself to stop the evil before they could reassert control and launch the next fake attack. Poor victim, and a true hero.
What are they doing to these people? Are they even conscious and aware inside there as some alternate personality takes them over, like a demonic possession, and uses them like some videogame avatar?
I think there’s something to Dante’s take from Inferno, where there are some sins so heinous and evil the soul is immediately ripped from the body and damned, while the body is left open to demonic possession.
It fits perfectly into the blackmail angle where people the enemy wants to control are forced to “play ball” by raping a kid, sacrificing a family member, etc. The blackmail is the clandestine explanation to cover for the occult “vacating of the soul” they use to literally take control of a target.
Could be. At this point, it is clear the old mechanistic explanations are falling like dominoes. It seems every day I wake up the world gets weirder.
Sins give permission for demons to oppress a person
“When guys invade these spaces and take the trophies from girls, those are girls who are probably outside of Cabal, who could have leveraged those trophies to get college admissions, or scholarships, or just build a social media audience. It is one more way to eliminate a meritocratic pathway for our kind to step up the ladder, allowing them to control who goes where more easily.”
It also highlights how women aren’t designed for combat physically. And why its Men who must have that role. Anything that is Simulation of War is inherently Masculine coded. Team Sports, MMA, Boxing and so on.
In the Book of Numbers God Conscripted Males from 20 years and older for War. No women however Athletically capable was considered. And likewise with all the Wars no matter how desperate that Ancient Israel in the Bible is involved in. Women weren’t fighting.
Meanwhile Sports like Gymnastics and Dancing plays to the power of the female body which is more orientated towards Flexibility and Grace. And is by no means a Simulation of War.
Fiction vs Reality be like
Wind up toy opts out of mission:
Weird Story – Colorado Man, Diego Barajas Medina (20), Found Dead Loaded with Heavy Weapons in Amusement Park
Ivermectin-induced bacterial gut dysbiosis exacerbates liver damage
Real? fake? who knows?
it’s an anti-parasitic, which would affect the gut/digestive tract. I’ve had the feeling IVM might be a tar-baby. “Ooh, they tried to ban it; it must be good!”
As with any medication, be wise.
>4bn doses given since 1986… No Zero Nada adverse effects ever recorded.
1000 x recommended dose = feeling high, back to normal in a day or two.
Listed in top 10 essential medicines…. admittedly that’s by the WHO..
SO as you said .
As with any medication, be wise.
Probably fake.
I wonder if it works on T.gondii?
30% of population infected with toxoplasmosis which affects the Amygdala!
In Vitro Effects of Ivermectin and Sulphadiazine on Toxoplasma gondii
“In Vitro Effects of Ivermectin and Sulphadiazine on Toxoplasma gondii”
“Conclusion: These results indicate that ivermectin significantly inhibited replication of the tachyzoites of T. gondii RH strain. ”
“Pyrimethamine (PYR) and sulfadiazine (SDZ) are the most widely used” (lots of adverse events)
Also, see:
… know…if we actually believe studies anymore. Hard to know these days.
I think that’s why you are not supposed to take parasite remedies for any length of time. Kills the bad parasites but also the good bugs too.
“Women cannot grapple with men. Maybe you get a high level woman, she can leverage that skill against a man who knows nothing and is out of shape.”
But but but muh badass womyn warriors in all the movies!
Of course it’s nonsense and is nothing more than inversion.