News Briefs – 10/28/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


New Surveillance Detection piece – Government Buildings Hate HimDo Not Institute A Hard-Target Assault On Any Institution Until You Learn This One Simple Trick (Spoiler- it is spotting the surveillance.)

Charlie Kirk’s plane is accompanied by a UFO which does not show up on radar. That is his tweet, here is an article describing the objects which appeared to be circling overhead at 80-100,000 feet. I think everyone in politics, and even people like Kary Mullis, who just do something significant elsewhere, are watched by something very advanced, which would appear as supernatural. And advanced, as in, we cannot imagine it. Don’t forget, a former CIA director said openly, his friend was on a plane at 40,000 ft which was stopped, and apparently levitated in mid-air, and I am sure that is only part of the story that unfolded there. On top of that, I believe there is a lower level intelligence operation diffused in society, which may or may not serve the real magic on the planet, which has been hoarding tech from the 50’s, which is also quite advanced, though less impressive as an opponent given it appears manned at the ground level by rubes. But regardless, the world is a lot weirder than they taught you. You won’t find it out until you get in the arena and get noticed, but then, the whole world changes. Still, interesting all of this is apparently coming to a head of some sort.

Top Wall Street CEOs cooling on Kamala Harris as Donald Trump’s polling numbers surge.

Kamala debuts new “Black Pastor” accent at church today.

Joe Rogan’s Donald Trump episode racks up 26 million views in first 24 hours.

Colorado elections officials say advanced ballot matching technology has allowed them to stop as many as a dozen stolen ballots from being filed early in the presidential election.

Bezos faces criticism after executives met with Trump on day of Post’s non-endorsement.

Elon Musk estimates $2 trillion of waste could be eliminated from federal budget.

New York has spent $12 billion on migrants. The video was pretty much just interviews with migrants who came here and say they will vote for Kamala. No need to watch it all. One interesting thing in it is a migrant described a domestic flight program which has not been revealed. We knew California was flying migrants to Texas at $80K per plane, but it appears the FedGuv has its own program flying migrants from the border into other cities in the US. So there is still a lot we do not know, and it is all a waste, with Government flying them to Texas, Texas bussing them to California, California flying them back to Texas, and so on.

Bloodthirsty Venezuelan gangsters pimping migrant women in NYC’s ‘Market of Sweethearts’: cops.

Second City Cop covers a decent little running gun battle they had on the North Side of Chicago, with an active shooter. From his comments“You heard it here first… the shooter is a radical Muslim that shot a Jewish guy walking home from temple. The kicker is that the Muslim guy (shooter) illegally crossed the border into the United States in March 2023.” More on the shooting which touched it off – A Jewish man reportedly on his way to Synagogue was ambushed and shot from behind in Chicago on Saturday by a man allegedly yelling, “Allah Akbar.”

Almost all heartless looting suspects — 41 of 45 — arrested in Florida county after hurricanes are illegal migrants: sheriff.

JD Vance’s favorite card in Magic the Gathering, which players say reveal key aspects of one’s personality, was a card which sold your soul to the devil so you could win at any cost, and Trump all the other Trump cards.

License plate readers are now reading all text and recording where it is seen with pictures, from political bumper stickers to candidate lawn signs.

Philadelphia Union announces shock death of goalkeeper Holden Trent at age of 25.

This one is straight from the script to elevate Trump, and Trump himself could not have written it any better – WSJ – Hamas’s slain leader and October 7 massacre mastermind Yahya Sinwar reportedly urged his negotiators to reject a hostage deal, pointing to the Biden-Harris administration’s increasing pressure on Israel over Gaza as strengthening his terror group’s position while undermining the Jewish state’s.

A Wall Street Journal report says International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan, when confronted with sexual harassment allegations, initially said he’d ‘have to resign’ but instead allegedly threatened the victim and witnesses; and days later, he announced warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant.

At least 50 hurt as truck strikes pedestrians in Tel Aviv in suspected ramming attack.

$41 billion of World Bank’s ‘Climate Change’ fund has gone missing.

EU Commissars in Brussels set up “Trump Task Force” to prepare for President Trump 2024 election victory.

Former Bolivian president survives ‘assassination attempt’ as gunman opens fire on his car. Video of the immediate aftermath and escape is here:

UK government has “disappeared key documents relating to Julian’s [Assange’s] imprisonment & refused to provide information.”

Criminals are looting millions from ATMs in Europe, blowing them up to get access to the cash, and Germany is a prime target.

A Swiss tourist was murdered outside a cafe in Algeria’s Djanet in early October by a man who screamed “Allahu Akbar” and “long live Palestine,” before slitting her throat in front of her children.

EU approves €35 billion loan for Ukraine. I am sure they will get paid back just as soon as Ukraine defeats Russia.

Around the country, Republicans are seeking to rewrite voting registration laws and file lawsuits over noncitizen voting, and that may go on long after election day.

Amid signs that former President Donald Trump is slowly gaining momentum in the race for the White House, a new New Hampshire Journal/Praecones Analytica poll released Sunday night finds he’s leading Vice President Kamala Harris in the Granite State.

Vice President Kamala Harris appears to be in a worse position among swing voters against former President Donald Trump than President Joe Biden was four years ago.

Trump’s new coalition of MAGA ‘Avenger’ allies gather to back their ‘Captain America’ at MSG. By using the comic book and movie references, they are makin it appeal to younger leftists who do not think very clearly.

And if you had any doubts it was a script issued by the script writers:

I love how they redid JD so he wasn’t such a beady-eye’d doughy homo, and now you barely recognize the character. I also love how the nation was being utterly destroyed, and the target audience for that was totally down with it. But they think if you can just change that frame, suddenly….

A memo circulating among at least half a dozen advisers to former President Donald J. Trump recommends that if he is elected, he bypass traditional FBI background checks and immediately grant security clearances to a large number of his appointees after being sworn in. Not clear if Trump has even seen it, and could just be a shot across FBIs bow.

As the presidential election reaches its final days, Donald Trump maintains a wide lead over Kamala Harris on the key issues of the economy and inflation.

NBC’s Kornacki: Polls showing ‘meaningful movement’ towards Trump.

Asian Americans gather in New York ahead of Trump rally: Kamala ‘lost our vote.’

The most immediate takeaway that is inescapable to avoid when looking at Ohio’s early voting data is how much stronger the Republican vote is over Democrats in the state.

Fortune – Polls and prediction markets are signaling a Republican sweep in the election.

Send people to, because we will win without the retards on board

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4 months ago

On the Trump mannequin in the opened roofed convertible, parked in n.y.c. during a political rally time frame, it is of course a messaging signal, depicting vulnerability as well as an operational clue to direct their wind up toys. Fixed locations can be hardened and cordoned off (without comped secret service though) sufficiently to make assassination odds of success difficult. The motorcade and movements of targets are a weak point that can be exploited. Anons should review the Bolivian attempted hit job to refine their own traveling tactics and posture. These will be as commonplace in america, as tossed hand grenades are in Sweden. Fwiw, those “cheaper” polymer upper or lower ar15s being sold are a no go, at least stick with Stoner’s original designs etc, because these things happen. Stay frosty.

4 months ago

EU approves €35 billion loan for Ukraine. I am sure they will get paid back just as soon as Ukraine defeats Russia.”
I was listening to a podcast regarding Ukraine. Guy brings up an interesting notion… that the whole intention of this Zelensky Ukraine is a founding of a new militaristic state like Israel. Essentially, a second Israel. It would create a perpetual money hole in the guise of an ‘ally’ that constantly needs backing. Long game… Zelensky is no Chrisitian and they will turn Ukraine into an Orthodox hating nation if he still remains in power… IMO. Putin was, and still, trying to liberate the country.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Unfortunately coming here very soon unless our fortunes change radically.

I have never seen Trump discuss the issue of biometric digital I’D’s before, but the vax passport was an obvious attempt to fast track it here in the States.

If anyone has evidence of Trump repudiating digital I’D’s, I would love to see it.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Truly horrifying, and Kuwait has a small, and homogenous, population, so this is a test run, much like Vax passports here in the States.

Cabal still has an icy grip on the Kuwaitis.

Where are all the freedom loving libertarians, crying for justice?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Another Dave
4 months ago

I am ready to lose my substantial assets and life fighting against these monsters.
I refuse to live life on my knees to anyone except Christ.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
4 months ago

So Biden slams Harris’s schedule versus Trumps as a “Classic Hare & Tortoise race” and calls her lazy?
Pretty rich coming from a befuddled potato that never left his basement when he ran against Trump.

4 months ago

Regarding the FBI vetting, in the Rogan interview Trump mentions that politicians are easier (better?) as appointees as they’ve been vetted throughout their career, while businessmen you don’t know what your getting. Seemed odd, as vetting didn’t raise questions or stop China Joe from any bad behavior.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  MrAnderson
4 months ago

Trump has been saying alot of contradictory, and even plain silly, stuff as he approaches the finish line.

Reply to  MrAnderson
4 months ago

The oddness depends on who does the vetting, and to what purpose. It certainly wasn’t to promote real patriots. Trumps first cabinet was “vetted”, and full of traitors.

4 months ago

JD Vance’s favorite card in Magic the Gathering, which players say reveal key aspects of one’s personality, was a card which sold your soul to the devil so you could win at any cost, and Trump all the other Trump cards.

Not the devil. Also, it is A life, not your life.
The real complaint is that it shows Vance was playing to win, which is what 15 yo boys do. There is a type that shits on it in any game. In 40k, people shit on the kid with whatever the new army is (bc they are always unbalanced to sell minis, and then get nerfed as soon as a new edition comes out.) The same people shit on another kid for playing a munchkin nid or ork army, because he figured out how to win.

4 months ago

Martin Armstrong posted three hour long interviews on his blog on October 27th, and though he is often repetitive, they are all worth viewing.

Scroll down, and the top two posts up there now tie into the interviews.

The most important piece of information is that the war with Russia was back on again. It seems the plan was to have it underway already, and it got blocked in the Pentagon somehow. Now the plan seems to be to have the Cabal controlled European part of NATO start it, and drag the United States in.

4 months ago

Even if you can’t afford to buy the book, a book review for this could be a tiny little seed. Plant your own.

4 months ago

Related to my earlier comment. I first started reading this blog in December 2020, as part of an effort to figure out what was going on with the “election” that year. I remember writing a long post going over what the Constitution says about electing a president. I’m not going to repeat it. The problem is that the process is laid out in about half a dozen places in the text, and is convoluted, and everyone (Martin Armstrong as well) gets key part of it wrong.

The convention intended to have Congress elect the President, and the Rube Goldberg electoral college process was brought in by the committee set up to finalize the document after the delegates went home. It fell apart the first two times they attempted to use it to elect a President in a contested election, and had to be patched with the 12th Amendment.

But the important thing to remember is that the new Congress assembles on January 6th, and the Biden term expires on January 20th, and those are the only dates written into the constitutional process. Everything else is federal and state law. Federal law has the electors vote in December. The voters are electing the electors on November 5th, and that election is set by state law, including when it occurs, or even if it occurs at all. There is no federal requirement for ordinary voters to be involved in selecting electors.

The election can also proceed if some states don’t submit slates of electors, or those slates are rejected by Congress/ the courts/ the VP for not being done in accordance with state laws. Electors for some states were not counted at all in 1864 and 1868. There is no need to count a competing electoral slate, there is the option of just not counting the electoral votes from that state at all. Note that if an electoral slate from a state is not counted at all, this lowers the number of electoral votes needed to win the presidency (which is a majority of the electors counted).

There are two takeaways. First, in 2020 a (fake) global crisis over COVID was used to change the election procedures and just steal the election. I think the plan in 2024 was to use a (real) global crisis to make the entire election moot. I think they were going to run the COVID operation and Project Ukraine anyway, but this provides opportunities to deal with the MAGA nuisance. Because the process is so drawn out, they still have time to do this. They may have planned to launch the operation before people even voted, but there is still time to do it afterwards. They may not even plan to steal it this time.

The second takeaway is that if the steal happens and is contested, watch for the counter to be throwing out state electoral slates entirely. The Democrats will counter with trying to decertify every Trump elector, because they are Trump electors.

Also, I am pretty sure the entire Harris campaign is a decoy operation, to draw attention away from “Biden”. If they really wanted her to be President, she would be President already.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

> The voters are electing the electors on November 5th

That doesn’t appear to be how it works in my state. The excerpts at Justia Law (the state site is a mess) quote AR Code § 7-8-302 (2023), which appears to state that electors are appointed by the political parties. I’m assuming those are parties “recognized” by the Secretary of State’s office.


I’m finding the text a bit hard to follow; it is using the term “electors” for party-appointed functionaries, but in parts (5)(B) and (6)(A) it seems to be using the same word to mean “the voting public.”

(6)(B) says challenges to the certification by the Secretary of State have to be filed in the Pulaski *county* (capitol) court, not in the state court. Whaaaat?

The parties, of course, are Non-Governmental Organizations with no Constitutional standing… yet they control the electoral system, at least in my state.

By the way, you can’t get on the ballot in Arkansas unless you’re backed by a political party “recognized” by the Secretary of State. Last time I looked, I couldn’t find what that entailed. No write-ins, either. The party system has this state completely under its jackboot.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

There used to be states where voters voted for the electors directly. In fact the claim that Kennedy won the nationwide popular vote against Nixon in 1960 depend on counting votes for electors in Alabama who did NOT vote for Kennedy as votes for Kennedy.

Generally, the ballot will just list the names of the presidential candidates the electors pledge to vote for. I just did an internet search to see if I could find the name of the electors. Ballotopedia lists them for 2020, but not 2024. Apparently the parties just tell the Secretary of State of each state who the electors are, and the public is not informed. This gives people the false impression that they are voting for the president.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Why try to influence a hundred million or so voters, when you can just suborn a few hundred electors?

Nixon wrote extensively about the elector problem in the 1960 election, but I don’t remember which volume it was in. He wrote four or five autobiographies, and I read them at least thirty years ago.

Tricky Dick had no stage presence at all, but he was one hell of a writer, and his books are well worth your time. I think I’ll dig a couple out and throw them on the “to read” stack.

4 months ago

You do know that not all government background checks are conducted by the FBI? There is a way Trump could bypass the FBI and legitimately issue security clearances through the Department of Energy. If you suspected the FBI was completely compromised this might be a way to go.

Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

Did you know that the FBI uses Equifax as their “sole-source demographic information source”, and Equifax’s non-public data store (that’s probably no more accurate than their public one) is a major part of the data they use for determining security clearances?

That’s the same Equifax that has been pwned by Chinese hackers several times, tried to illegally hide it, got caught, and then was allowed to slide with a “my bad, sorry” and some token fines.

Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

I wonder if he’s planning to include somebody in his administration that he knows will never get past an FBI background check under the current politicization of the agency.

4 months ago

Hey there…in your most excellent post regarding the ballots in the van at:

you mention a green arrow that IS NOT GREEN in the screenshot you took.

It’s at the point where you say:

It begins to look like the Stasi surveillance views him as a threat. As the parking lot sitter continues his movement, he precipitates two walkers here, represented by the green arrow on the right, 

4 months ago

there’s another screenshot directly below the one I previously pointed out that ALSO does not have green arrows but you refer to green arrows.

4 months ago

New Surveillance Detection piece – Government Buildings Hate HimDo Not Institute A Hard-Target Assault On Any Institution Until You Learn This One Simple Trick (Spoiler- it is spotting the surveillance.)

Well worth reading. AC provides a summary towards the end, which I will repeat here.

The essay outlines surveillance overwatch over a courier delivering ballots at the town hall Edina, Minnesota. Edina is a suburb of Minneapolis with a population of just under 54,000. During the eighteen minutes when the courier is at the town hall, 46 vehicles pull into and pull out of the town hall parking lot.

There are some walkers and loiterers as well, but the 46 vehicles in 18 minutes is the key takeaway. The parking lot was almost empty before and after the courier was there. A suburban town hall parking lot should not have 46 vehicles coming and going in 18 minutes.

In 2004, in the big city where I was living then, I noticed that it suddenly took longer to get places and do things, to the point where I would have to add ten to fifteen minutes of time when planning to go somewhere. Ther was a sudden increase of people just loitering or walking slowly whereever I went, and some bloggers writing about the city also noticed this. The Patriot Act came in in 2001, and in retrospect that is when all this came in. I remember being able to go places in the 1990s and feel like I was the only one there, because often I was.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Hey, it’s the Twin Cities… what else can you expect? This probably happens everywhere around town… at least Hennepin and Ramsey counties. And it’s these crooks that decide the whole fate for the rest of the state.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

They appear out of nowhere. Seems like their numbers are drastically increasing. Edina MN has a large Jewish population compared to the metro area. Not sure what if that has any meaning. City just south is being taken over by Somalis. Many competing factions… creates a highly contested intel aoo.

4 months ago

> Criminals are looting millions from ATMs in Europe, blowing them up to get access to the cash, and Germany is a prime target.

In a forum conversation a couple of weeks ago, a guy in Germany said ATM thefts happened at least once a week. but it the criminals usually stole a truck and a backhoe ot bulldozer first, uprooted the entire ATM, and took it away to disassemble at their leisure.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Allegedly, all those machines have tracking systems that would allow a competent bank with real interests in recovering money and stopping further attacks on their money to find and stop these gangs.

Funny how they never really seem all that interested in getting their money back when the suspect flashes a “with intelligence” card, eh?

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

This could be part of the plan to make the locals adopt a government issued stable coin link to their biometerics, all in the name of safety and convenience.

4 months ago

“Moving to the latest timeline, June of 2023, there was a construction project which closed one entrance, meaning surveillance would realize all traffic entering the lot would be bottlenecked at the sole remaining entrance.”

Recurrent theme in Burn Notice. Kendra directing foot traffic when Michael and Fiona go to a data recovery expert, Natalie in her second episode putting up fake roadwork, etc.

4 months ago

Caught one yesterday at, where else, the grocery store. It was unusual in that I pulled in so my wife could make an emergency pit stop. So I hung around outside of the restroom so she wouldn’t have to hunt around for me afterwards and lo and behold no less than 3 parties suddenly materialized. One of them might have been legit, a mother with 2 teens. One chick suddenly became overly engrossed in her cell phone but made a point of hanging back about 25 feet. Then I turn to look behind me and there’s this guy about 55 or thereabouts, wearing a hat and windbreaker of all things, just flat out staring at me. So I made a point of staring back at him and, man, you should have seen the look on his face. He was angry! Then he got this disgusted look on his face and stomped off. Not exactly the varsity squad.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

> if Trump really is going to tariffs,

He slapped a bunch of tariffs on Chinese imports. I pulled the trigger early to buy a new engine lathe; the tariffs would have added 20 or 25% to the price if I waited.

Basically, for smallish lathes, it’s Chinese or nothing. There used to be some decent imports out of Poland, but not for some time. America manufacturers quit making small machine tools decades ago. Why bother? The Fed subsidizes companies that import Chinese goods, and penalizes ones that try to make them here. Such a deal!

As far as I can tell from a quick web search, despite the Democrats screeching that the tariffs would cause an economic apocalypse, their sock puppet in the White House hasn’t bothered to cancel DJT’s EO enabling the tariffs. “Funny, that.”

Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

I had a similar experience at a CVS – went in to use the bathroom, thought I’d pursue their offerings. In came a load of young college girls (I think 3 but in a small store like CVS it seemed like a lot more) and they “swarmed me” (thanks AC for the videos so now I know). At first I was annoyed because as an introvert I don’t like to be near people and they were in my way. So I went to a different part of the store & I think they were flummoxed by the move. I circled back around and I think they left. CVS is now kind of cashier-less so no one else was watching this behavior. What struck me was these girls had a “frenetic” energy about them. And who comes in the CVS to look at right at makeup which was conveniently up front. Honestly I thought they were “in training” that day & I was an unlucky victim; that I wasn’t an actual target for a specific purpose specific to me. Still thanks to all ACs videos and commentary I am getting better at seeing it more quickly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

“Independent” thinkers must be carefully guided, as they’re prone to wrongthink. It would be a disservice to allow them to take a wrong path.

“Only thoughts that serve the State are correct.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Yea I do secretly worry about the health problems…and yes I am a VERY independent thinker. (Like that better than conspiracy theorist LOL). But I think the more you educated people to recognize the surveillance, the more people like me will try to stand up to it or derail the efforts, maybe it can be curtailed or they go off and torture some other dumbtard.

Reply to  TulipGirl
4 months ago

This reminds me of an experience I had years ago, before I encountered AC and even before he covered surveillance. It was somewhere around 2008-2010 when I lived in Jersey. I went to Walmart with my ex-wife and I went to look at anniversary cards because ours was coming up. I was swarmed by a bunch of young girls who started looking at the cards. That never made sense to me at all. It was the retarded male-depreciating cards like “Sorry I never ask for directions” and all that BS. I elected not to buy any, but it really puzzled me why about 6 young girls would suddenly be so fascinated by husband to wife anniversary cards at Walmart the exact second I stopped to look at them.

4 months ago

AC, here is some interesting footage of an overlander (people who tour up in the mountains and forests with 4×4’s). This man and his family are up in the Canadian Rockies and he sets his camera up to capture wildlife at night around his campsite.
It appears his camera is ‘off’ just enough to capture a man walking around is a suit that seems to ‘spoof’ the camera!
And other people are ‘noticing’ in the comments…