Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Apple’s Earnings Report Worries, Shares Down 3%
DFT – Amazon Stock Collapses After Earnings Report Miss
DFT – Elon Musk Says He Will Not Cut 75% Of Twitter Employees
DFT – Adidas Terminates Its Relationship With Kanye West Company essentially says in a statement, ‘We’re going to lose $300 million of value for our shareholders, but we are doing it anyway.’
DFT – Meta Stock Collapses, As Zuckerberg Sees A Loss Of Over $100 Billion
Tales of surveillance – I had a long trip, and for unknown reasons at one point my vehicular coverage was boxing me in to slow me down. Maybe the next phase was not ready for me on the next roadway yet. I have no idea, but it is irritating having weirdos interfere in your path, for seemingly no reason. There was a tractor-trailer in the middle lane of the highway, and there were two SUV’s on each side, which pulled up to the rear of it in the one and three lanes, and then tried to make it look like they were just coincidentally traveling right there at the same speed, so nobody could pass what was a rolling roadblock. It could have looked legit, except there were hills, and as a result they inevitably were going too fast relative to the tractor-trailer, and slamming their brakes too hard, falling back too far, and then speeding up too much and going ahead of the rear of the tractor trailer, before slamming their brakes too hard again. It went that way for a while. Then the pattern got disrupted by slower traffic ahead of it holding back one car. I was able to weave around getting ahead of one of the cars, and zoom in the slow lane to pass the tractor trailer, which now decided to accelerate to try and box me in with another car in the slow lane up ahead. But I was able to accelerate and cut ahead of it, into the middle lane, with a couple of inches to spare off my rear bumper, pissing him off. I had to jump into the slow lane to pass another car in the middle lane ahead of me which wasn’t surveillance, and I was off. The tractor-trailer looked like he was trying to catch back up to me, jumping into the fast lane to pass the car I passed, like he wanted to have a thing, but I was going, going, gone. Surveillance was not pleased, and as I was moving I actually had a lone surveillance SUV ahead of me begin swerving between the middle and slow lane to try and keep me from passing him, meaning now I am driving at 80 mph on the shoulder off the side of the highway, looking back at him as I am passing him. Again, as I peel off, I assume they are not pleased back there.
Now the funny part, which I have no idea if it was them or not, but if it was, would point to an interesting technological sophistication. I would normally have taken a specific highway. I always do, so it would be predictable. My GPS pointed to it and told me to take the exit, and I know they are listening in the car. I will encounter my new phase of vehicular surveillance cars on the next highway, just because that is how it works. You get a new raft of cars on a new roadway because they don’t want you to see a bunch of cars following you from one road to another. Don’t ask me where all these cars come from, or who all the boobs are who will spend all day playing bumper cars in traffic with meaningless people like me. This thing is just immense and bizarre.
I am moving fast, so they will be arraying their forces ahead of me so I run into them as I drive, rather than putting them behind me where I would rapidly lose them, and they would have to reveal themselves by matching my speed behind me, as I pass everyone else.
As I come up on this highway, I see a sign saying there are massive delays all along it, and it looks backed down on the overpass. So at the very last second, I swerve out of the exit lane and hit the gas and continue on to an alternate up ahead which parallels it. But by now, I assume surveillance was all arrayed on the first highway, trapped in the backdowns. Again, probably not happy back there.
So I hit the alternate which is moving excellently all the way, but my GPS keeps trying to tell me at each exit, to shift off the highway I am on which is moving well, and head over to the backed down highway. The GPS is supposed to have live traffic, and on several occasions it has guided me away from backdowns (and a couple of times I ignored it and regretted it as I sat in non-moving traffic). And I have shifted course like that before, and once on the alternate highway, it never has wanted to add the ten or fifteen minutes to the course to shift routes back. It just recalculated using that highway. I wondered if up ahead, the highway I had chosen was about to back down even more than the first, which might have made the extra fifteen minutes to shift worthwhile, but it never did, and I sailed all the way home.
I have no idea if they have the sophistication to jam the regular traffic signals the GPS uses (FM, I think), and replace them with their own, to prompt the GPS to change its directions, but I did end up wondering all the way home if my GPS was seeing signals saying the route I was on was at a standstill, and the other highway was cruising. It would be simple enough for a geek with the know how to do, and turn into a device which would be issued to surveillance teams, which would allow them to hack the GPS of targets, and alter their routes. File it away as a potential capability they might use to slow you down. With this thing, you can’t even trust your own GPS.
Migrant caravans are preparing to flood the US border ahead of midterms, senior Guatemalan official warns. Every two years, just as we have elections. The cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis will probably break out and paralyze a bunch of kids in a few weeks. It is not a coincidence. Somebody is using those migrants for something in our elections. If they are voting, they will need fake ID’s, with records inserted into our databases, which would be a pretty sizable involvement by some highly sophisticated intelligence operation, maybe even the CIA. I suspect they come up every two years, because the rest of the time Cabal needs them back down there doing the neighborhood-based surveillance they maintain everywhere. They just do a full mobilization and bring them all up for a few weeks every two years because of the importance of controlling our elections. It tells you this election is a big one.
“2000 Mules” investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht threatened with jail Monday if they do not identify confidential informant in their Konnech investigation. Part of me wants to be pissed off, and feel like this is my team getting screwed by a corrupt system. And yet, they will not touch the surveillance. Which really makes me think this is some sort of theater. Because if the system was about to burn me like that, I would take it all down, and my tweets would be all about the surveillance in those Mule videos. It would be about the surveillance allowing 9/11. It would be geotracking of all the surveillance in the US, and an analysis of just how big this thing is. But they won’t do that, which makes me think they are in the conspiracy, and whatever is happening to them, is fine by them, and they are either willingly enduring it for some sort of recompense as some form of contracted performance, or maybe they will surrender to go to “jail” and get hustled out the back door to a two week vacation in Bali while they are supposed to be locked up. I don’t know, but I know something doesn’t fit here.
Elon Musk completes $44B Twitter takeover, begins firing execs. Chief Executive Parag Agrawal, Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal, Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s top legal and policy executive, and Sean Edgett, general counsel, all shown the door. He is going to have a lot of cutbacks to make, if this video from an employee, about how they fuck their day away and waste company resources is any measure.
Corrupt actors want to prevent access to the Cast Vote Record reports from the 2020 election as an individual in Greene County, Missouri was sued for requesting a CVR report. The reports record how many votes were cast on a machine, and apparently where they have been examined and added up, they have not matched official totals for the state. As if somebody was getting between the machines and the central tabulation centers and substituting different records. So they have not perfectly covered their tracks.
AP: Why it’s OK if we don’t know results on election night.
Amazon PAC donated to nine GOP lawmakers who objected to certifying the 2020 election.
Biden calls prominent New York rabbi and offers him an ‘open door to my administration’ if he throws his support behind top Democrat Sean Patrick Maloney in his tight House race. What if Trump had done this?
Kanye West will likely have a hard time finding new divorce lawyer according to experts.
Toronto Star says the UFO task force should include Bob Lazar. Lazar kind of looks legit to me. Decades ago, he described an ID scanner which used an X-ray of the bones in your hands to ID you, and said he had to use it every day to get access to his workspace where he was examining alien craft. Now today, decades later, we have found out, they have an ID scanner which uses an X-ray of your hand, just as he described, and it is that old. Plus, he was in the phone book at Area 51, when the government claimed it had never heard of him. Apparently he saw his own surveillance, and thought they were going to kill him, when like me, he sperged out and proceeded to reveal everything they wanted to keep hidden. At some point you would think someone would look honestly at the surveillance, and ask if it does more harm than good. Anyway, interesting in that we have a story of these official government orgs supposedly examining the issue with the highest access to information hoping to glean even just a single small smidgen of truth to help us, while at the same time, supposedly the official government also has working crafts it has been reverse engineering for decades. Somewhere in that mix of info, something is not fitting together right, and somebody is getting bullshitted.
DeSantis’ biggest donor is Robert Bigelow. He is the guy who acted as a cover for the Pentagon’s Skinwalker Ranch investigation.
Republican Congressman Ralph Norman declared Wednesday that everyone knows Joe Biden isn’t in charge of anything, and that in reality there is a secretive cabal of elitists that are running America. He says they are led by Obama, but obviously you have to introduce that idea slowly. You could not tell people now that foreign elites are running a massive intel op that has coopted our entire nation from top to bottom.
People of color less likely to receive Paxlovid and other Covid-19 treatments, according to CDC study. Given their treatments were killing people this looks like more discrimination against white people.
Britain is making noise about banning private blood tests after an investigation by The BMJ reveals that dozens of UK companies are offering private blood tests for a range of conditions and deficiencies, leaving an already overworked NHS to follow up “abnormal results.” They will decide whether you live or die.
Democrats don’t want federal employees to have to come to work. Sounds like they are creating no-show jobs to dole out to Cabal assets, who can then spend all day on surveillance.
Homeless man builds small house right on the sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard. It is kind of crazy this guy seems so resourceful and mechanically capable, and this is where he is stuck. I instantly wonder if there is more to his story, and he has faced more headwinds in life than we are taught exist. At 3:18, the reporter addresses the builder as “Q.”
Eight innocents hit by stray bullets in past month in Democrat-run New York City.
US foreign-born population hits nearly 48 million in September 2022. And Cabal intel/surveillance assets will be heavily represented among them.
Before she was Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot lied in a review of a Limo company which had upgraded her and extended her all sorts of courtesies. Interesting – Just normal liberal mental problems, or Cabal kneecapping a non-Cabal business?
Gisele Fetterman: ‘Historically, swimming in America is very racist.’ Remember her uncle got pinched for illegal wiretapping down in Brazil, maybe for CIA, and now she is up here possibly nearly getting her own Senate seat.
Jim Cramer fights back tears, apologizes for being wrong on META as shares plunge 24%.
A Thai transgender businesswoman has acquired the Miss Universe pageant for $20 million.
Xi’s wartime cabinet is in place. His 20th Party Congress purge not only installed loyalists, but two spy chiefs, and military leaders responsible for China’s ‘reunification’ with Taiwan. He sacked the only three men with markets experience (the heads of the PBOC, the CSRC, And finance minister). Xi also added the Ministry of State Security head to the Politburo and the Central Committee (Chen Wenqing). These moves send a clear message to the world that conflict and ‘Great Struggle’ are coming soon. Not since Mao has a Chinese leader stacked his cabinet with men (all men…no women, no blacks, no Hispanics, or anyone else but Han Chinese) with aerospace, weapons, surveillance, and military expertise. Conflict with Taiwan is now around the corner. The Great Chinese Liquidation of public and private equity is in full swing. Today’s 10-20% crash in Chinese shares is just the beginning of the destruction of western capital invested in Chinese companies. It appears that Xi’s ‘Great Struggle’ is also meant to inflict maximum pain to those who believed ‘reform and opening’. #China #XiJinping
Nearly 90 percent of the world isn’t following us on Ukraine.
Russia threatens to shoot down Western satellites for helping Ukraine.
Russian law banning LGBT propaganda to be adopted in November.
Putin’s milestone Valdai speech: ‘No one can sit out the coming Storm.’
Analyst: election polls underestimating Republican margins by 5%.
Republicans leading Democrats by 4 points on generic congressional ballot in new poll.
New poll puts Herschel Walker up by 5 points in Georgia Senate race.
All signs point to Republican landslide in Florida.
Trump smashes it 280 down the fairway… ‘You think Biden can do that?’
Spread r/K Theory, because they’d be a lot happier if they just forgot to follow me around.
AC, my thought is both good guys, and bad guys use surveillance. Aren’t Greg and Catherine, (what they’re doing anyway) technically surveillance? Our side watches their side as well. That’s why we know so much anyway, as far as Trump says “we caught them all”. Just my two cents. They won’t burn it, cause they have theirs too. So maybe good guys plan is to take bad guys down, but we won’t hear of it, cause they’ll leave theirs in place, to keep an eye on them in the aftermath? In the end brother, God wins.
Wayback machine. I found the “ABC of the Invisible Empire” by Simmons who restarted the KKK in 1915. You can read it here, 13 pages, large type,
“A, B, C of the Invisible Empire, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan”.
I read the book and found nothing morally wrong. It talks of “THE distinction between the races of mankind” as done by the Creator. And Simmons writes “…it [the KKK] destroyed the Fanatic’s vile hope of the amalgamation of the races, firmly established that most valuable heritage of the race—white supremacy–forever, and restored the people of Washington, Jefferson, Marion and their compatriots in the founding of the nation to their rightful place in the peerless pleasure of American citizenship.”
Already in 1915, Simmons and others notice that the Yankees and others were seeking “the amalgamation of the races”. That “amalgamation” is the true essence of what is going on today that must be stopped. The “white supremacy” is about suzerainty–not about racial superiority. The phrase “white supremacy” appears two times and it is about Suzerainty–who leads America, who leads the Southern states. As I was taught by a member many moons ago, Deuteronomy 17:15
“…you may NOT put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman.” and this also goes that foreigners are NOT to chose your leadership over your race. Scripture is clear.
We are not only in a race war—but our country is being stolen from us. As Trump says that he is going to run again—Mayorkas is busy flooding our country with Hispanics and God knows only who else! It’s on purpose. If you don’t claim title to this country, if you don’t claim White Suzerainty of this country, you are going to lose it; we are losing it! The KKK was a reaction to the Marxist revolution, of the Marxist reconstruction. That is what we are facing today “Reconstruction 2.0”.
“heritage of the race—white supremacy–forever,”
“I read the book and found nothing morally wrong. “
“claim White Suzerainty of this country”
There is so much Glowie-like, racial-division-causing stuff in many of your posts, I wonder who you really work for. Our proprietor is trying to build bridges; you are trying to tear them down. Why?
This site is much more than just my opinions and the intelligent pearls of the commenters. If you want everything it offers, understand it is a real, live experience in this world, and take it in that vein.
When I first began this, I operated like most people. If someone insulted me, I felt reflexive emotion, felt like the opinion mattered, and responded as if it was real, an actual personal interaction. Maybe in a way I was still thinking you make friends in this world, and work together as a team, and I was looking for a team. After over a decade of overt surveillance, neighbors sending cars driving by when they didn’t like what I was writing as I wrote it, assets approaching me online, seeing the machine just everywhere, everything now is different.
Maybe part of it is just getting worn out, the whole, “It is all so tiresome meme,” there is nothing left to get worked up. But probably more so, it is knowing the person writing whatever it is may not believe it, and it is just designed to trigger you. I mean if somebody tells you that you are a repulsive asshole, but it is just words they were ordered to write, and deep down they kind of like and respect you, do you get worked up by the fact they followed orders and wrote something which is entirely fake?
I am a target. I would bet, so are you. This site is a target. We will have glowies here, and Lindsey could easily be one. I take no position, and it wouldn’t matter if I did. Whether he is or isn’t you should deal with it the same.
Understand that this site is more than just ideas. You are meeting the machine here. All of its insignificant attempts to manipulate, its pointless pushing of your buttons, its futile attempts to divide and divert you from the truth. Take it in, and practice fighting it.
My moderation of these comments probably sucks in some ways, just because nothing triggers me anymore. I still remember sticking some gore thing up on the brief, and thinking nothing of it until Farce said, you might want to put that behind a link, and I thought, “yeah, what was I thinking?”
So maybe a lot of these trigger some readers. But that is a good thing too. Everyone here – learn to ignore anything which triggers you. Those emotions are worthless, and what did it to you may be even more so – entirely fake and made up by some glowie who doesn’t even believe it themselves, to throw you off your game. Even if it isn’t and the poster is entirely wrong, if you know the truth, who cares?
Be a machine, as practice for what is coming, because for the foreseeable future this shit will only get worse, and the ability to ignore the obstacles and relentlessly close in on where you want to go is priceless. Ignore people who are wrong, or mistaken, or who say objectionable shit. Gloss over it and move on to what matters – the facts, the themes, the useful stuff which helps you understand how to move forward. Grab it all up, because there isn’t a whole lot of time to waste on the bullshit, when there is so much good shit to pick up.
Everyone in this world who is not in the conspiracy is a target, the conspirators are everywhere, and they exist not to succeed themselves, but solely to throw you off your game. TO stall you, divert you, make you waste time on them. And they will be here trying. They are like obstacles on your race to the truth, and your race to make yourself more capable and powerful. You can stop and kick the obstacles, waste effort cursing them as you pass them, or you can slip by them without even looking at them, and keep running. That is what Cabal does not want.
So as you surf this site and read the comments, develop that indifference, the lack of caring, and focus on your path and where you need to go. Pick up what is good, and when you see the objectionable, don’t even waste time looking it over. Keep moving toward your objectives.
And have objectives. Make sure you are busy enough you don’t have time for the bullshit. Make sure you are moving so fast toward something good that when you see something that is a waste of time, you don’t waste a moment on it because you can’t.
Because life is short, and time is short, if you are doing it right. It took me awhile to figure that out, but once you do, there is no going back, and you will find you have a lot less irritation, just because you don’t have the time for it.
As I write this, I actually am thinking to myself, do I have time for this? And the truth is I do not, but I feel it is that important.
AC, I get what you’re saying, but I have to respond like this too: If you are a machine, you are one of the politest, kindest, and most understanding machines on the planet. I mean this in the very best way possible.
Thank you.
> Elon Musk completes $44B Twitter takeover, begins firing execs.
Most of them ran their mouths off insulting Musk, claiming they wouldn’t work for him, or threatening work slowdowns. They did it in public. They have to go.
Not even the People’s Democratic Republic of California’s labor laws will protect them from that.
> North Dakota Republican Attorney General Drew Wrigley says individuals who say they are citizens are OK to vote.
Here in backwards, hillbilly Arkansas, I did the “early voting” thing a few days ago. I handed my state-issued photo ID to the poll worker, as is required. He then turned my concealed carry license so I couldn’t see the front, and then asked me my name, date of birth, and address and compared them to what was on the license. Then I had to sign the poll record.
Unfortunately they went to “electronic voting machines” years ago, so the system fell apart at that point. Nobody seems to know why we got those, or where the money comes from to get new ones every four years. I’ve asked a *lot* of people who should theoretically know.
This was the first time I voted while armed; the I delayed for a couple of elections after the court “interpreted” some new laws to back it up, but there hasn’t been any word of anyone getting jacked up anyway, so I figured it was time.
> Democrats are running young radical for Michigan State House who was arrested for plotting a school shooting.
“Conspiracy to commit murder” is a felony with a hefty prison term. It’s all they could prove on Charles Manson. Even the prosecutor admitted they really didn’t have a case against him for murder, but the jury found him guilty of one count of that anyway, mostly because he’d been a jackass in court and his antics kept them sequestered for over nine months listening to his ranting; it was the longest trial in American history at the time.
You describe USA today as far-left, but in a sense, its editorial perspective is secondary to its affiliation with intelligence operations. Miles W Mathis mentions its origins here []. :
“Comcast is just another of many CIA fronts…. “Comcast uses technology from CIA-backed CallMiner to mine data from every recorded customer service call [] …Like Comcast, USA Today is CIA-sponsored. USA Today didn’t arrive until 1982, many years after Intelligence had completely swallowed the media. So it could be built from the ground up to deliver propaganda in the most efficient manner”
That article on banning blood testing is infuriating.
“But experts are calling for better regulation. Dr. Margaret McCartney and colleagues say the NHS “needs to robustly explain …”
bla bla, We’re not to be allwoed access to our own medical information because we are too ignorant? What nasty people. I hope their children announce they were born the wrong gender.
Among bureaucrats, contempt for their clients seems foundational to their mentality. They don’t seem to realize how transparent their insults really are.
> leaving an already overworked NHS to follow up “abnormal results.” They will decide whether you live or die.
…and they’ll prevent you from leaving the country to get treatment somewhere else, as they did in the Charlie Gard case.
> Britain is making noise about banning private blood tests
By the way, some US states already have similar laws. My crappy insurance wouldn’t pay for some tests my doctor wanted, so I paid for them myself. While searching online, I found lots of labs are happy to test anything you send them… as long as you’re not in certain states.
> Thai transgender businesswoman buys Miss Universe pageant for $20 million
Satire is impossible
My dad was very good at directions because he always experiment with different roads. I had somehow inherited this habit, but we didn’t realize how good we were until we started competing against the GPS. Up to this time, we had always suspected we were faster than GPS directions (we rarely used GPS except for mapping/planning purposes and always tried to memorize our routes). We started taking turns trying to beat the GPS; one of us would be the GPS control and the other would compete. Results? We tended to win more often than not. I want to say something like 75% of the time, maybe more.
“Nancy Pelosi’s husband attacked in their home in San Fran”
“Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi. The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation,” Nancy Pelosi’s spokesman, Drew Hammill, said in a statement.”
Who is this King so I can pay his bail?
“Jim Cramer fights back tears, apologizes for being wrong on META as shares plunge 24%.”
Until this cunt is own his knees apologizing for asking the military to forcibly inject Purebloods he can die in a fire.
Actually he can apologize for it and still die in a fire. Some things will not be forgiven.
One of the guests on Timcast pointed out the timeline. Musk gets his software engineers in on Thr afternoon to look at the TWTR source code. Three hours later, Musk fires everyone in the C-suite. That’s not a coincidence, that’s seeing a huge liability if not outright fraud in the source code, and limiting the liability of the ongoing company by firing the malefactors.
I think that they have multiple cells working independently. That makes them more resilient — take out one cell, and the others still steal the election. The problem with that is that different cells make different mistakes, and they can’t cover for each other (because they don’t know what the other cells are doing.)
Spoken like an actual Christian.
The fix is in. Question is who gets deported And how many.
Re: The Wallenbergs
“In 1970s, Peter Wallenberg established contact with top of the Chinese Communist Party. Peter was a close friend of Jiang Zemin, who visited Sweden. Peter had also close contact with Hu Jintao who, like Zemin, visited Sweden. Peter hosted a dinner for Hu Jintao.”
When we talk about the modern Cabal faction in China we’re talking about the Western-aligned corpocracy and kleptocracy established in the last 30 years by Jiang Zemin and continued by his acolyte Hu Jintao. It was Hu that Xi just had unceremoniously removed from the Congress in front of the cameras for all China and the world to see.
As Sweden became the vaunted great social democracy of the post-War years that all liberals pointed to, its wealth and economy was controlled by this one family. Think about that. Think about the social lie that was propagated throughout the world by the Cabal’s propaganda. Then consider that this same country and its rulers suddenly in a few short years threw away its social compact and invaded the country with violent immigrants. The Wallenbergs made this happen. We know that because we know they have the power and wealth to prevent it. Sweden is a microcosm of the Cabal’s entire Western destruction project.
It’s noteworthy that one of the most successful modern novels of the early 21st century was The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson which profiled a super wealthy, powerful Swedish family and its involvement in crime and Nazism. Larsson was heart-attacked at 50 years of age before the trilogy was published.
Hey, YGB, Sara Hoyt has a new book out:
>Biden calls prominent New York rabbi and offers him an ‘open door to my administration’ if he throws his support behind top Democrat Sean Patrick Maloney in his tight House race.
Of note is that any little thing with Jews and the shills were all over Trump’s ass with massive campaigns making him look like the ultimate shabbas goy. But you can Biden will never have to deal with that.
“I do not know how significant this is, but I wanted to archive this link on the Wallenberg empire from an anon on 4Chan.”
They basically own an entire country, that’s certainly significant.
The Wallenberg family are a prominent Swedish family, ***Europe’s most powerful business dynasty.[2][3][4][5]*** Wallenbergs are noted as bankers, industrialists, politicians, bureaucrats, and diplomats. The Wallenberg sphere’s holdings employ about 600,000 people and have sales of $154 billion a year.[6] The Wallenberg empire consists of 16 Wallenberg Foundations, Foundation Asset Management AB (FAM), Investor AB, Patricia Industries and Wallenberg Investments AB.
In the 1970s, the Wallenberg family businesses employed 40% of Sweden’s industrial workforce and represented 40% of the total worth of the Stockholm stock market.[7] By 2011, their conglomerate holding company, Investor AB, had an approximate ownership of 120 companies.[8] By 2022, the Wallenberg sphere had an approximate ownership of 330 companies.[9][10][11] ***In 2015, the family still owned a third of Sweden’s entire stock exchange.[12]***
There’s a lot more interesting stuff on Wikipedia’s “Wallenberg family” page.
“Unbelievable: The Inverse Cramer ETF Is Beating the Market by 16 Percent Now”
“CNBC’s Jim Cramer is one of our favorite contrarian indicators to gauge the market’s sentiment due to his unblemished track record of consistently parroting the consensus opinion – a practice that rarely generates any market-beating returns. Just consider the stellar year-to-date performance of the Inverse Cramer ETF to gauge the attractiveness of flipping Jim Cramer’s recommendations.”
Modern software is so often a disaster. You would think that an update would not destroy the basic functionality of the software, but it does. Often updating makes things worse, not better.
A story I may have told before. Way back I was forced to stop using Windows 2000 which good software. They did it right. I had to upgrade to XP because I couldn’t get drivers anymore.
So a new install and several things don’t work. One was the plug-in or snap in that you use to format drives in the admin section. Would not come up. So I spend a LONG time. Couple days searching for what to do. Microsoft is online telling people to do all this stuff and not one thing they said to do worked. Not one, and they are telling people to do all this nonsense that does nothing at all. Finally, I give up on this problem and try to fix another. I install some .dll, and it fixes a problem and install some other .dll’s to fix other problems. I finally go back to the hard drive format plug-in problem and, it’s fixed but now I have no idea which ,dll fixed it.
I finally realize that they have no idea. They do not have the slightest idea what their software is doing. I read an article by a guy who went to a recent Microsoft developers meeting and he said everyone, the vast majority, were Indians(dot) there were hardly any white guys at all. I suspect a large number of these were trained in India and who knows what they know if anything, and Microsoft hires them because they are cheap. And if you hire one supervisor that’s Indian, then all the rest of the employees he hires will be Indian and they just churn out code with no decent quality control at all. Pile crap on top of crap. Maybe WordPress is now filled with these Indians also.
And it’s now well known that Microsoft has basically done away with all testing on physical machines. Everything is done via VM now, which is why every update breaks something else. I haven’t had a Winblows machine since 2015 and don’t plan to again. The situation on Linux is much better, but the seeds have been planted which guaranty the same outcome eventually. However, there’s nowhere else to go currently because BSD just does not do what I want it to.
in re Cramer – this being America, Land of Lawyers, *surely* there must be a disclaimer buried somewhere in the high-speed credits that whiz by at show’s end: “this show is for entertainment purposes only and is not something you should base stock purchase decisions on. Always consult your own professional” blah blah blah.
so what’s he crying about?
I wanted to let you know I posted a comment with a youtube link yesterday that never got approved and now no longer shows as waiting for approval.
It wasn’t important and Lowell ended up posting the same thing and it got approved so it’s not really a problem but I wanted to let you know what happened.
I saw the two posts with the same video, and remember approving both. I just checked, and it shows as approved on my backend. And when I click the link, below, it takes me to what I think is it.
I’ll screw with this this weekend. Worst case scenario I can dump the comment plugin and reinstall it, or we will get another.
UNITED STATES To Stop Developing Sea-Launched Nuclear Cruise Missiles.
A very easy task b/c nuclear bombs have never existed in the first place.
Pentagon will no longer rule out use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear threats.
THEY’RE BLUFFING. They have no nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons are a long running scam, Just Like Moonlandings.
yeah, man. They’re all fake. We faked the Trinity tests, then we faked bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And then we faked the Rosenbergs. And then we worked behind the scenes with the Russians to get them to fake their nuclear tests, culminating in the biggest fake of all time: Tsar Bomba. And then we faked all those nuclear tests in Nevada, as well, of course. Even the French were in on it with their Pacific nuclear tests.
The Japanese faked their reactor accident, and the Soviets faked Chernobyl. And the Germans faked shutting down their nuclear plants.
Every physicist around the world was in on it. Never, ever trust a physicist.
Nuclear power is real (a fancy kettle to boil water)
Nuclear bombs are fake (though the budgets are real)
Huck made a post about China, that echoed recent Vox Day comments on China, and also posted about Sweden.
The situation in China is interesting, and important, and I was planning a post about it later when I can figure out what is going on. Because I really don’t know.
But one think I know is that the Cabal revealed its existence, on a global scale, in 2020 with the COVID lockdowns. Only a powerful international secret society can coordinate something like this. People have traced the chain of orders to international organizations and hedge funds, but the ten centers, the CCP propaganda arm, clearly were pushing them in western countries.
And Xi and his faction in China are clearly the lockdown faction, and control the Chinese propaganda apparatus. I can’t come up with any other confusion is that this is the Cabal or Cabal aligned faction.
Sweden was one of the few countries exempt from the lockdowns, but I agree it is a Cabal controlled country. I just think they somehow secured an exemption behind the scenes, in exchange for other services. Though they replaced the PM fairly quickly afterwards.
My guess is that China may have gone for the lockdowns for a different reason. It’s also possible that ELEMENTS in China (public health sector) were controlled by Cabal but not the whole government.
The current COVID restrictions in China seem to me to be a cover for something else.
I just made a post on the situation in China. Here is an Asia Times article that argues almost exactly the opposite of my argument:
And this article makes a completely different argument:
So who knows.
I double checked and it does appear that the AK video was the one that was posted twice but the post with the description of the video in addition to the youtube link seems to have gotten lost.
I would have edited my first reply to you which is slightly incorrect but the edit function still does not work.
There is a spam program which si supposed to review posts and remove those which are IDd as spam, it may be snagging posts and holding them. I just saw a few posts pop up which were not here a few hours ago, but they are from a while back, I think the AK post was in there. I also had two good posts I see which got thrown to trash without me doing it, so I do not know how that happened.