News Briefs – 10/28/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Full interview of Hunter Business associate Tony Bobulinski as he Buries the Biden family on Tucker.

In new Hunter Biden audio, he confesses a partnership with China’s ‘spy chief.’

Joe Biden named as a criminal case witness.

NXIVM sex cult leader Keith Raniere, 60, says he has ‘no remorse’ as he’s sentenced to 120-years in prison and 15 of his ‘slaves’ confront him with Dynasty actress’ daughter saying he treated her like a ‘human science experiment.’ Oddly enough he appeared freaked out by a surveillance which didn’t obstruct his activities, but was obviously into him. As best I can tell Cabal was piggybacking his research, and maybe looking for a foothold in his organization, but not outright bringing him into their fold officially. Lucky for him or he would be dead right now.

Ghislaine Maxwell has two cameras trained on her in her 9ft by 6ft prison cell and is woken up every three hours and searched to ensure she does not meet the same fate as Jeffrey Epstein.

Feds obtained a FISA warrant against Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associate. Not unexpected. (((They))) are watching everything and everyone in that arena, but doing nothing unless someone threatens the machine. I think we would not have seen any official action taken against President Trump, had they found material they could have used to control him. It is almost a shame he could not have dangled something incriminating, and then kept cameras running around him. Nothing would have been as fascinating as seeing some flavor of official federal agent walk into the Oval and explain to a President how it was going to go now.

Hunter’s Russian blackmail photos emerge.

Hunter Biden chaired a foundation to stop child abuse, while engaging in it.

A new poll from Rasmussen finds that most likely voters believe Joe Biden benefited from controversial business deals reached by his son, Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden calls Kamala Harris’ husband, ‘Kamala’s wife.’

During a campaign swing through Georgia, Joe Biden said, “My name is Joe Biden, I’m Jill Biden’s husband, and I’m Kamala’s running mate.”

U.S. group urges Biden to use financial regulation to control climate change. So we know all of these leftist politicians and interest groups are getting money routed into their families through foreign entities in competition with the US, like China, and they all have all these altruistic reasons we need to cripple our industries for the good of the environment, or to make other countries “like” us, or to allow us to improve our economy by shipping manufacturing jobs overseas, or something else.

EPA requests DOJ investigate foreign funding of environmental groups. Probably a not-insignificant first step toward unveiling one cohort of the conspiracy of traitors infesting our government.

Biden says he will collaborate with China on climate change if elected.

Tony Bobulinski tells Tucker, Joe Biden’s denials of involvement in son’s business are ‘a blatant lie.’

James Rosen, reporter breaking the Biden Scandal, was spied upon by the Obama FBI.

Twitter censors US President Trump again after he questions election integrity.

Democrat campaign manager should be voting in New York, where she is a legal resident and not NH.

James O’Keefe catches a GOP consultant flipping votes for democrats? But if it was Mitt Romney she might very well have been supporting him. It is Cabal vs everyone else.

A large number of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania have not been returned by voters who requested them, according to the latest numbers from the commonwealth on Tuesday. Haven’t been returned, or were disappeared in the Post Office? It is thick with them in there.

A far left group is vowing to “make sure Trump leaves” the White House after the election, even if he wins, with radicals preparing to storm and occupy DC.

Two new studies indicate chaos may follow a drawn out ballot-counting process as leftists descend on DC.

Preparations are beginning across the country to deal with post-election violence.

Google suppresses Breitbart News in searches, even with the exact headline.

YouTube is suppressing videos about Joe, Hunter, and Ukraine.

Twitter’s continued ban on The Post has no rhyme or reason — only bias. It is punishment, and to make an example for others of why things such as the Hunter Biden story should not be published by the media.

Nancy Pelosi says Congress will have to ‘reverse the damage’ of a ‘usurped’ Supreme Court seat. Very dangerous rhetoric building. They are seeding the ideas within their followers that whatever they want, whatever their whims, they can simply be justified and acted upon. The system is falling apart, and no longer anything but a mechanism to either be used against us – honestly if possible, or dishonestly if need be. She wants to pack the Supreme Court and create more district courts.

Talk is if Democrats kept the House and took the Senate, they would set about trying to impeach and remove all of Donald Trump’s judges.

George Soros pumps millions into black & latino voter efforts in key states.

Michael Bloomberg gives $20M to down-ballot races focused on climate.

Bloomberg is funding late $15 million push to help Biden in Texas, Ohio. I will bet you he is the cheapest cocksucker you’ve ever laid eyes on in his day to day life, sweating over $10 on a $25,000 bill. But he drops $15 million into the ether on this? Every time I see this, I flash back to my friend, who ran a service business that served these people, a select few in a class of their own, rich enough that Bloomberg, and maybe even our President would know them by name, and they would expect to be recognized if they approached him. On the way to a job, he’d tell me, “They are worth hundreds of millions, or even billions. You’d think if they had a problem, they would tell me to fix it as good as possible. But no. They’ll have the most half-assed cosmetic fix done, which will just paper over the problem for a little while, just to save a few hundred dollars. And the richer they are, the cheaper they are. This one we are going to is the worst.” He then related a case of somebody worth hundreds of millions, hip deep in Texas oil, who needed a structural fix for something. One fix would make their property absolutely perfect and pleasant as it lasted years if not multiple decades, but it would have cost a few thousand. Instead they opted for a horrible cosmetic fix that looked awful and was unpleasant to deal with, and which would only last a year or two, but which cost under a thousand. At the time it was a puzzle in my mind, because they were living in houses priced in the 8, and in one case 9 figures, because they were in a specific area. But I was familiar with rural areas not that far away, which were ten times as beautiful, and where a custom built house on much more land with better amenities and more privacy would have cost a small, small fraction of the price of their house. Why, if they were so cheap, would they plant themselves in such an extravagant area, where prices were so high, just because other rich people called the place an elite bastion? Why not maintain the home properly, as if it were an investment they owned, which they did not want to deteriorate, or be unpleasant to deal with? It didn’t make sense to me then, but I blew it off as a puzzle of little importance and forgot about it. But now, it would make perfect sense, if they were living a cover in a house which wasn’t their’s, that had to represent the cover of an ultra-wealthy elite to the public, managing money that wasn’t really their’s to spend. If you get a salary to live in a house which belongs to the ultra-wealthy boss, would you spend your paltry cash on fixing it up properly? It even would explain why they don’t pass the money on to their heirs – it doesn’t serve the memes of control. Cabal doesn’t want us to even begin to contemplate there might be some clique of elites who were destined to rule over us generation to generation, and who the non-ultra wealthy would never be able to join. To keep the people pacified, they needed the meme that anybody could attain anything, to predominate, and that level was in constant churn. Because people only crash through those doors if they are told they are forbidden to pass any other way.

A newly uncovered document shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that it bears a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council, all working together to target protesters the corporate interest did not like. I would assume the whole thing was more about making sure Cabal’s leaders led the protest movement than serving the interests of the corporations. Did you think any regular American would ever rise to the head of any protest movement?

Savannah Guthrie leverages her Trump townhall performance into a new NBC deal. More like a payoff for services rendered to Cabal.

NBC News pushes story citing Putin to discredit Hunter Biden bombshell.

Seattle City Council mulls law that could result in dismissal of many misdemeanor crimes.

Philadelphia police say 1,000 looters targeting businesses on second night of protests after a Police shooting.

BLM rioters chase the Police away and run over a Police Officer with a stolen truck.

Philadelphia records 400th homicide this year. And now the cops are going to be really hamstrung.

Philly Police reduced to issuing tweets telling residents where it is too unsafe to venture in the city. You’d think this kind of thing might make people vote for the law and order candidate.

NYC Mayor De Blasio wants New Yorkers who are threatened by the mentally ill to call his wife’s $1.25 billion city junket.

NYC man falls through sidewalk ‘sinkhole’ and is ‘swarmed by so many rats he couldn’t yell for help for fear they would crawl in his mouth.’ As if that place couldn’t get any shittier.

France warned its citizens living or travelling in several Muslim-majority countries to take extra security precautions on Tuesday as anger surged over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad.

Cartoon network working hard to program kids with LGBT, and SJW messages.

New Zealand will put Chinavirus patients into quarantine camps.

CDC has counted over 51-thousand patients who actually died from heart attacks, as deaths due to the coronavirus.

Chinavirus mutations possibly making virus less virulent.

Ann Arbor sees decrease in early student voting on UM campus after stay-in-place order.

New nuclear engine concept could help realize 3-month trips to Mars.

USA, and 31 other countries sign document declaring ‘there is no international right to abortion.’

Protests erupt across Italy over anti-virus measures.

Clarence Thomas swears in Barrett, however Roberts will administer the official oath the next day, which is necessary for her to join the Court. Why does it feel like President Trump, Thomas, and Barrett getting together to simulate the official swearing in is some kind of message to Roberts?

In western Arizona, over a hundred miles of new border wall is getting results.

Justice Barrett will declare open season on gun control laws.

Gun Ownership is spreading across party lines.

Utah ‘Trump Train’ caravan stretches for six miles.

Trump reportedly prepping ‘Execution List’ to restructure his 2nd-term administration.

Trafalgar has Trump leading Biden in Pennsylvania.

Experts are stunned as Republicans now lead in Michigan in number of ballots returned. 

In contrast to polls, analysts predict Trump’s victory, either by squeaker or blowout.

Spread r/K Theory, because in 2020, it will be a blowout or it will be a Civil War.

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4 years ago

Ghislaine has just two cameras, and is awoken every three hours? Why don’t they gangstalk her instead. She’d be under much better monitoring.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’m confident this day will come – when the “veterans” can meet and joke about it over a beer. We’ll make this day happen (or die trying!)

4 years ago

Contra AC, the Domestic Security Alliance Council is the model for Cabal zersetzung of the Right, not a fictional TIPS Stasi. Existing personnel are plenty. The Left has marched through the institutions and now puts them to use.

Its creation and use against OWS was not even illegitimate. The only tyranny is its improper deployment against peaceful right-wing media under the falsehood that they are a terrorist threat. And even that is not much of a stretch, considering that the USG should’ve been overthrown by right wing patriots long ago, as some, including McVeigh, have tried to do.

A house divided against itself cannot stand. Communists and Christians cannot share a state. One or the other must die. During an existential civil war with a democidal all-consuming foe such as Bio-Leninist Progressive Communism, legality is irrelevant. The only law is survival. That is Nature’s law of coups.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

“…SG should’ve been overthrown by right wing patriots long ago, as some, including McVeigh, have tried to do…”

McVeigh was not a patriot. He worked for the government. He was videotaped on a military base in uniform driving a armored personal carrier when the he and the government said he was out of the service and working gun shows.

I seriously doubt he is dead. He’s in the witness protection program somewhere. We should find him and hang him.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

It’s possible that McVeigh was CIA. Exposure to CIA abuses could certainly motivate a patriot to take action against the USG, as exposure to NSA abuses did for Snowden.

It is not plausible that the CIA ordered the bombing. The CIA would not survive such an act. McVeigh would not have died for that cause, and the CIA would not have been able to protect him from lethal injection. The CIA would’ve silenced him as Lee Harvey Oswald was silenced: with haste.

The FBI can overlook the 9/11 hijackers out of political correctness. The Bush administration can cut a deal with Iran to keep bin Laden peaceful, and Obama can fake his death. These are plausible levels of chicanery. Blowing up a building full of government agents on US soil, and then leaving the bomber alive to tell the tale at trial, is not. You might as well believe every whacky cultist who said he saw a miracle.

McVeigh acted in retaliation for Ruby Ridge. He was probably an Aryan Nationalist, maybe a Christian Identitarian, but kept that quiet to protect the movement.

The NEED to argue otherwise reveals the CRAVENNESS motivating the habitual right-wing ludicrous conspiracy theorist. He spins elaborate and impossible theories to cover the shame of his inaction. Since these theories are flimsier than cobwebs, they multiply sans consensus, filling the dusty attic of the crackpot Right with schizoid division. The only thing they agree on is the righteousness of grafting fat ass to computer chair.

McVeigh’s act was not immoral. There is no Biblical notion of a Geneva Convention. The code is reciprocity. If they kill your families, you kill theirs. The men who condemn this are cowards and tyrants.

Insisting on utterly implausible conspiratorial alternative motivations for McVeigh is merely another method of morally condemning his actions. Incredulity that an American patriot would successfully meet tyranny with reciprocal fire and steel is based on moral condemnation of that act, not any weakness in the known narrative.

The insinuation is not only that no good patriot would attempt such a thing, but that the government is so strong that no attempt could succeed. “We are as grasshoppers before them!” said the 10 cowardly spies Moses sent into Canaan.

These contemptible cowards have the same reaction to any successful violent resistance, from McVeigh to Breivik to Dylann Roof: “False Flag!” The false flag is the Gadsden “Don’t tread on me” they pretend to revere while the jackboot of Marriage 2.0, IRS and Aryan Dhimmitude crushes their necks. They meekly swallow globohomo, abortimoloch, Federal Reserve and ZOG.

They are extinguished from the land faster than the Indians they conquered it from. The extent of their puissance is to ramble around the street, displaying their obese senility to Antifa, disavowing racism while toting an unblooded AR-15, content to allow the next few generations of miscegenation to guarantee a South American future for the once-Aryan America. Nature herself demands that their weakness be punished by EXTINCTION.

As the Europeans demonstrated by firebombing their refugee camps, the only reason perfidious government buildings stand is because the citizenry permits them. America plods with dead eyes to the stocks for miscegenatory breeding by her ZOG slave masters because she wants that swarth dick. Her heart yearns for the moral release of submission. They and she both know that the resulting halfbreeds will be slaves forevermore. The advantage of having slaves for children is that no free son will look you in the eyes and hate you for a whore.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

> When he was killed, I remember one of the family members was so disturbed about what they saw at his execution they went around telling everyone that just as the curtains closed, they were certain they saw him explode into a big breath, as if he had been holding his breath, and couldn’t wait to get another breath in.

Recently dead bodies spasm. If there were any substance to this story, family of the victims who witnessed the execution would’ve raised hell. And no way McVeigh would willingly trust to a sham execution, when it would be so much safer and easier to just lie to him and then execute him for real. Zero credibility.

The NYT acknowledges McVeigh’s letter about special forces domestic black ops ties. It’s not a secret. It’s also possible that McVeigh was lying. If he really was black ops, then he had to lie professionally, so he is a liar either way.

The best evidence that McVeigh was a genuine patriot is that he caused the Democrats to back off from their tyrannical depredations, in fear of further retaliation. Sic semper tyrannis.

It is obvious that the government is concealing at least part of the story about McVeigh’s bombing, and the likely explanation is that he was their dog who slipped his leash and bit back. He would’ve have connections. In that murky world, where the left hand knoweth not what the right is doing, rogue manipulation towards a short-term goal is easily achievable.

What the government was probably hiding were the existence of more sophisticated explosive devices that couldn’t be explained by a home lab.

> And there was always the strange fact that Clinton was done – reviled by the public – and had just given that strange rebuttal to Gingrich’s speech, where he was arguing that he was still relevant. Clinton was dead in the water and hated, the militia movement was on the rise, Special Forces had teh Resistor, talking about it being time soon, and the 60 Minutes interview with the operators, America was ready to rebel against what I now realize was Cabal’s plan, and two days later, this happened, and Clinton used it to rehabilitate himself and win reelection.

Flagrant disregard for Occam’s Razor.

Theory 1: A longer “perfect-warrior” rogue domestic black ops soldier turns his documented patriotic feelings against real and egregious state tyranny. In an effort to inspire rebellion, he blows up a building full of the offending tyrants, just as the country’s anti-government feelings reach a fever pitch. An Xer out of touch with the craven nature of Boomerkind, he fails to realize that the optics will backfire and result in Clinton’s reelection. Nevertheless, the Feds are terrified of provoking white military retaliation, and back way off from the militias, preferring infiltration and subversion and immivasion to direct assault.

Theory 2: A vast left-wing conspiracy has the audacity to blow up a building full of FBI agents and their daycare and pin it on a lone obvious spook, who is fake-executed in front of the victim’s families. The purpose is to turn sentiment against the militia movement which is gaining popularity, and generate popular support for Bill Clinton’s reelection. If anything leaks, the result will not even be a civil war, just torture followed by execution. Everything is classified and the classification sticks through multiple Republican majorities and presidencies.

If the Cabal had actually done 9/11 OR Oklahoma City, the Q-Trump faction would’ve gone STRAIGHT to civil war. There would be no sense in waiting around just to get blown up.

The ACTUAL deliberate Cabal mass casualty event was the Las Vegas shooting, and in classic style it left the patsy dead at the scene. Although I suspect Paddock went into it willing to die, they made sure he would never talk. Mind you, I’m not ruling out that Paddock freely committed suicide. He could’ve been one of those Deep State Muslim converts like Brennan. Cut off from his funds by the Saudi regime change, facing probable treason charges and bad health, his suicide in time would’ve been sufficiently probable against the potential reward of assassinating Trump.

That was their DESPERATION move, and it was NOWHERE near the severity of McVeigh. McVeigh-level false-flagging would be insane. What the FBI does instead is discovers bomb plots that they’ve instigated, when they want to condemn militias. It works just fine, and they have enough trouble slipping that much by.

> Just like what I saw was able to move enough assets to kill Epstein and get out clean

Q indeed implies Epstein didn’t kill himself in drops 3496 and 3492. It’s clear enough that Q didn’t kill Epstein. That said, getting prisoners and guards to cooperate to kill a loathsome mega-pedophile Jew is not difficult, so the Cabal’s arm likely had a lot of help. That’s why there were multiple attacks. Regular prisoners can be convinced to do that sort of thing with minimal incentive, and guards don’t mind much either. It’s not an impressive achievement, especially since some negress was in charge of security, IIRC.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

I can’t blame your bent worldview, since mine was broken worse pre-Cyborganize, I suspect, although being quite sick didn’t help.

> When you see the Zersetzung, it is one case after another of proving Occam’s razor cannot be relied on when dealing with Intelligence, specifically because intelligence seizes advantage by violating Occam’s razor.

I see nowhere zersetzung violates Occam’s Razor. Look at how the FBI was turned against the Aryan right and Occupy Wall Street. This is what empires always do: turn against the founding stock. The USA is obviously fighting a war against High Aryan American men, so the only anomaly is how nonviolent the war is, explicable by the fact that High Aryan men are heavily armed and extremely dangerous.

Occam’s razor says that since you counted the beats at 4 Hz, the logical explanation is you were hit by a directed energy weapon. Occam’s razor says’s videos were of a surveillance detail.

> or surely some reporter wants to make a name for themselves and expose a big scandal like this,

Yes, surely. I am that reporter. I reported on it.

There are lots of reporters working with Q. They break his stories. He links to them. The reason none are interested in secret TIPS-Stasi is it doesn’t exist. That’s why neither Giuliani nor Q talks about it. Occam’s razor.

> And each case where Occam’s razor is burned, it is not an illusion. They have to have the resources to make what happens happen.

The FBI absolutely has the resources to “gangstalk” national security threats. That is their job. I remember the account of one guy who wrote a letter about the Russians to an FBI office in order to document their response, and described how he immediately got swarmed and one even bumped his rear bumper to get him to forget a weird interaction in the store earlier.

But this gangstalking is rare, or else 3rd parties would always be catching the conspicuously suspicious activity on camera.

Clearly what you’re experiencing is part paranoia and part fusion team for zersetzung, likely assembled under false pretenses. You should be aiming to sue or file charges. You should be compiling a legal case. Order a background check on the neighbors who mentioned following you. Etc. It’s a war and lawfare is the prelude.

If they were harassing me, I’d seriously consider ditching anonymity. Cover’s blown anyway. Full transparency hurts them more, as Bauerle demonstrated.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Why the hell would you put Roof on your list? What exactly was he resisting? Black people being alive in their Church? There is debate about McVeigh and Breivik isn’t even American. This is pure form fedposting. You are fed / interpol.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

“…It is not plausible that the CIA ordered the bombing. The CIA would not survive such an act. McVeigh would not have died for that cause, and the CIA would not have been able to protect him from lethal injection. The CIA would’ve silenced him as Lee Harvey Oswald was silenced: with haste.

The FBI can overlook the 9/11 hijackers out of political correctness…”

Your totally wrong in all cases. McVeigh was 100% still in the military when the government says he was going around gun shows selling anti-government books.

McVeigh is a Yankee. There are northerners who absolutely hate and I mean HATE the militia movements which they equate with Southern separatist. He also may very well have been one of those type of people who will lose all sense of right and wrong as long as he can become a “secret agent type”.

There was a shorter video of McVeigh on the base but it’s gone here’s a longer one explaining him being on a base and the video of him. Tell me it’s not him on this base.

As for some special weapons. Not needed. There is first person witness, including a State trooper, now killed, that saw explosives on the columns that did not explode. They evacuated the building and EOD came in and removed them.

McVeigh stayed frequently at Elohim City, Oklahoma camp before the bombing run by this guy

who supposedly was a German who conveniently spoke Hebrew(snark) and subsequently disappeared(Most likely Mossad). McVeigh called him on the phone right after he rented the truck used to blow up the building.

The reason the government blew up the building was to stop the militia movement from growing. It was gaining big ground from Ruby ridge and Waco. It’s worked but I notice the government also stopped frontal assaults on separatist movements in general after that.

As for McVeigh being alive. He may well be or not. He certainly wasn’t moral. He should have attacked the government not kids. I do suspect he never knew that there were kids in the building. I also don’t believe he knew there were other explosives in the building. McVeigh was not the brightest bulb. He forgot to put his license plate back on and that’s how he got caught. He also was carrying a gun on his person. If he had not had it on he could have bluffed his way out of the license plate being gone and probably just gotten a ticket.

As for the FBI and 9-11, they know. They know Arabs didn’t do this. The Jews did 9-11. The reason you know this is they owned the buildings and replaced the security with their own after the Jews bought the building. Building 7, not hit by a plane, fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air for roughly 108 feet. This means that the ONLY support the building had for 108 feet is AIR. Nothing else. Now it’s impossible that a few fires on three or four floors as we see in videos one hour before it fell can vaporize all the columns for 11 floors to where they are the same density as air. Couldn’t happen. Ever. So we know that the building had it’s support removed, demoed, in some manner. There’s no way a bunch of Arabs snuck into the building and wired it up for demo.The only people who could have done that was the people who ran the building and it’s security. The Jews.

All the intelligence agencies and many of the people in the US government know this and have done nothing. In fact the only thing they have done is the Jews bidding by using 9-11 to attack the Jews enemies with our forces and treasure.

Now I don’t know everything that is going on. Lots of shilling to confuse everything but I do know that there has been a proven Gladio type operations going on in the US for a good while and they don’t care about murdering civilians. That’s the purpose.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Oy vey fellow arians, there is no STASI like mass surveillance operation, I can tell you because before I went to China after I committed very serious crimes, and guess what, nothing happened to me! Amazing! Now I get to chill with my chinck frens all day, while telling you that AC is just a very paranoid person who needs to shut the fuck up about said inexistent STASI like ground level surveillance and harassment networks.
Also, let me remind you that you are a tax slave and you should really really feel feelings of rage towards your government, which I will try to induce with my cheesy choice of language.

PS: I love benis in anus.
PSS: China is best!

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Yes, zersetzung tries to destroy the target. However, since you’ve already proven the existence of their efforts, their primary objective has failed. The zersetzung team is now a known entity accepted by Occam’s Razor.

Occam’s Razor is not a weapon against the dissident, but against the paranoia and reputational damage that the zersetzungers attempt to inflict.

My getting sick had nothing to do with the Cabal. It was delayed epithelial epigenetic damage of the kind Accutane was always meant to inflict. It was a result of the perfidy of Roche and my own reckless ambition to increase my charisma for the cause. My family has GI trouble history and that is the kind of damage Accutane is known to do, and the damage that I received. Morever, the damage did not begin to appear until I was already in China for years and well off Cabal radar, deep into nonthreatening esoterica. Occam’s Razor.

Poisoning is neither zero risk nor zero cost. It is cost-effective, however, which is why intelligence agencies favor the approach. Poisons have characteristic symptoms, and each use increases risk of discovery. Thus their use by intelligence agencies is reserved for high value and low risk targets. There is no evidence of a Cabal poisoning campaign on US citizens.

> It has access to technology three or four generations beyond what we have been told about, at least, it has manpower like we would not believe, and it has been driven, whether the average cog knew it or not, to actually sell our nation out to, and produce our defeat by, the Communist Chinese, who are not prone to the weakness and magnanimity of the US dealing with our enemies.

Your mastermind Cabal is just Joe Biden and his degenerate son. These people are a joke, and the only reason they operate successfully is because suffragette USA is an even bigger joke. The commander in chief for 8 years was a crack-smoking affirmative action hire faggot with a man for a wife. If I wrote that as fiction people would roll their eyes in incredulity.

There’s no way your secret TIPS-Stasi exists. Anons would out it on Reddit, let alone /pol. They’d hire a Snowden to run their tech and be done for. The DNC couldn’t even keep screwing Bernie quiet because their techie rebelled! That fool Hunter was using an Apple repair shop and didn’t even encrypt his emails! There is no way a bunch of US nerds will run a Stasi, period.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Yes, Roof just randomly picked a black church and opened fire. He didn’t put any thought into his last free act. He was just drooling evil white trash motivated by the intrinsic wickedness of his Nazi nature.

Also, mosques are innocent places of worship with no political agenda whatsoever.

Did Barack Obama have a church? What did his “church” believe? How did it help his political career?

You didn’t even read the /casualty list/. You are so clueless, I want you to think I’m a fed. Ignore everything I say, because you are not intelligent enough to read at the level I write anyway.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

I suspect that the Israelis knew in advance about 9/11 based on the convenient insurance policies, and the fact that their intelligence services are actually competent and unburdened by political correctness. But they let it happen because it would benefit their regional interests for the USA to go to war against Islam.

But it is only a suspicion. When you are incompetent, you get pwned, and it’s impossible to sort out everyone who’s in on the free for all. See Hillary Clinton’s email server.

The solution is to deal with the traitors first. And the first traitors are heritage American civnats. Nothing can be achieved while they ally with genetically far against their kin.

Fortunately, the collapse of the USA into race war will see race traitors punished in the usual brutal fashion. The Boomers are the last generation of Americans who actually care about keeping the USA together. Once Trump and Giuliani are gone, no one will replace them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

Littlebook says,”I suspect that the Israelis knew in advance about 9/11 based on the convenient insurance policies…”

You suspect??? Let me see Jews own the building, own the security, buildings fall with only air for support and Jews who used to be military explosives experts, but working at a moving van company, are up on top of vans before the plane hits taking pictures of the towers and “you suspect”.

REX 2020 says,”…This is pure form fedposting. You are fed / interpol.”

Either REX is right or you are the dumbest person on earth to the extent that letting you drive child’s tricycle would be considered negligence.

Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

You’re a fool, Sam, and I detest company of fools. My IQ is well above Mensa level. Therefore, in order to avoid the painful knowledge of your own foolishness, you should believe I am a fed.

I support the destruction of Israel as fair exchange for the deliberate Jewish destruction of the USA, not to mention everything else they’ve done. However, I have no need to invent fake crimes.

9/11 demolition theory is false. I have already examined the evidence, and have no interest in repeating the argument.

Jews are to blame for 9/11 because they were the leading proponents of Muslim immigration to the USA and US intervention in the Middle East, not because they risked starting a war to add explosives to a building that was already going to be hit by a jet airliner, if everything went according to plan.

Notice how I don’t childishly assume that everyone who disagrees with me is a fed. Garden variety foolishness is the rule and the explanation for why conservatards conserve nothing. The difference between you and Flat Earthers is merely one of degree.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Something I forgot about that is pertinent to comments about McVeigh. How about another Ranger drop out.

Edward Snowden being severely injured in the Army, forcing him to be discharged from Special Forces training.

Some dispute this and say it was shin splints. My guess us he didn’t break anything they just moved him to the sheep dipped track.

And while we’re thinking about hacking. The CIA spent $50 billion on software hacks to hack computers that the NSA had already paid for. Lose of cash on that scale I believe should be cause foe for treason and hanging but these fucks never get punished.

There’s a lot of talk about a global reset. I sure hope Trump doesn’t let that happen. I can survive for a while I some food saved up. Probably in better shape than most but I won’t last to long.

At what point will anyone, anyone in our government declare war on these people? Without their control over the banks they could be neutered. What if about 30,000 of the top ones fell off a building. I mean we’re talking about killing off a large portion of the planet here.

Look at these videos where the Jew flu attack is starving people to death on this video.

Joe Nobody
Joe Nobody
4 years ago

$10M for an unknown, still-living artist? And for a painting that simply adds street cones to a Monet?


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Joe Nobody
4 years ago

This is so stupid. It’s got to be some sort of tax/money laundering dodge. Every one of these should be accompanied by a severe tax audit.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“Ghislaine Maxwell has two cameras trained on her in her 9ft by 6ft prison cell and is woken up every three hours and searched”

This torture and we shouldn’t be doing this. You have to sleep.

I’m for draconian punishment for people “convicted”. I’m not in any way for torture or the police using violence in extra-judicial punishment. I would have one exception for torture. To stop international mass terrorist attacks. Like nuke attacks, pandemic attacks, etc. I know it’s a cop out but in some cases the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. In any case to do so should require evidence and a court order.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

grow up. it isn’t like they are only checking her.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
4 years ago

Why do you say such childish things as “grow up”? You have no idea what you’re recommending. That we should torture people off hand? What if it was you being tortured? You show your inexperience or lack of wisdom about life by saying such childish things.

4 years ago

Cartoon network working hard to program kids with LGBT, and SJW messages.

[Adult Swim] has gone to shit too. It’s all garbage like Eric Andre, over the shark Rick and Morty, reruns from literally 20 years ago, and shows originally run on Fox.

They are full skinsuit stage. They are now unable to create.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

creating requires normal wypipo.

4 years ago

> James Rosen, reporter breaking the Biden Scandal, was spied upon by the Obama FBI.

We’re to the point now that *not* being spied upon by the Feebs would be insulting, that they didn’t take him seriously enough to spy on.

4 years ago

> Twitter’s continued ban on The Post has no rhyme or reason — only bias.

I’m glad to see the Post hasn’t folded yet, but if they were smarter they’d move to one of the other platforms and promote it in their paper and web site.

The main reason Twitter and Facebook are so big is “they came with the phone.” Even cheapo off-brand phones sold in foreign countries have the apps preinstalled. My wife’s Samsung phone has them, and when I delete them they come right back the next day.

4 years ago
REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

With the amount of voter fraud, the Republic is already destroyed. Mike doesn’t get it- if there is no storm then the Republic can’t be revived after the Trump Presidency ends. We will never have another fair election and this will continue until the Constitution is completely ignored and/or the USA splits up among half a dozen squabbling minorities.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

“the Republic is already destroyed.”

bingo. when the enemy gleefully, OPENLY lies and cheats, when they *openly* announce they’re gonna game the system to cheat like hell, and once they win they’re gonna make any opposition to them impossible (“statehood for DC and PR! pack the courts with our people! wypipo hasta sit in the back of the bus!”) or flat-out _illegal_…..

that’s it. we’re done. you can’t do business or maintain a country with people like that – no matter how magnificent a job Trump does tryna keep us together.

everything else is just pointless commentary. what a future generations history books will lump into a chapter called “signs and portents of the upcoming civil war.”

4 years ago

**** A CIA Office Visits Moscow, Returns with Mysterious, Crippling Headaches ( | HN@ | directed energy weapons | Bill Binney whistleblower | easily detected

A CIA Office Visits Moscow, Returns with Mysterious, Crippling Headaches (
136 points by iaw 9 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 125 comments

mandragon 8 hours ago [–]

Former NSA employee Bill Binney talked about these weapons. He said there are acoustic versions and electromagnetic versions of such weapons/devices. Apparently, the sonic versions work both inside and ouside the range of human hearing. Similarly, the electromagnetic version of the device apparently also works on a wide variety of frequencies.
As for defense, it seems that detecting full spectrum weapons requires highly specialized and expensive equipment. It may not be practical to deploy such equipment in the field.
As for treating the inflicted officers, it seems strange that our premier front line agency would not err on the side of caution and allow these patriots to receive treatment from Walter Reed. Could there be more to the story than DCI Haspel remaining skeptical as justification to decline such treatment?

Johnythree 8 hours ago [–]

> it seems that detecting full spectrum weapons requires highly specialized and expensive equipment.
This is nonsense. If the power level is high enough to do damage, detecting it would be trivially easy.
Just a wire dipole, a diode, and a simple meter will do the job. At most it would require a set of dipoles to cover each band of interest.
Most radio hobbyists could make a set of dipoles from an a old coat-hanger in a few minutes.
[2020-10-28 Wed 19:53]

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Littlebook
4 years ago

No trike for you!

4 years ago

The Tony Bobulinski is on bitchute now.

Reply to  rogerlocke
4 years ago

Big boom.

4 years ago

“Hunter Biden chaired a foundation to stop child abuse, while engaging in it”

this right here. the enemy *loves* doing shit like this: making the normies swear allegiance to (the enemy’s) perversions; rubbing their shit in the normies faces, etc. (“I tell you American parents that your sons are not going to be sent to die in a foreign war!” – FDR’s signature hustle throughout 1940-41, ***while he was busting his crippled ass to get America into foreign wars***)

I’d be willing to bet a hefty percentage of all charitable foundations are a front/cover for activity like this. I know PDJT is a busy guy, and there’s already a long list of institutions that need to be burnt to the ground – FBI, CIA, the SES, and the entire State Dept come instantly to mind – but the ‘charitable foundation as a cover for demonic psychopaths’ scam is purely a cover for straight-up evil and needs to be in the top 10 at least

4 years ago
4 years ago
4 years ago

I assume AC saw the Tucker Carlson piece on his overnighted parcel of evidence against biden that was intercepted and disappeared.

4 years ago

“Utah ‘Trump Train’ caravan stretches for six miles”

So much for those fake news stories claiming mormons are swinging to Biden.

4 years ago

Hunter Biden Documents Mysteriously Vanish From Overnight Envelope, Tucker Carlson Says

4 years ago

From a Wealthy Socialite to an Israeli Govt Censor, Facebook’s New “Free Speech Court” Is Anything but Independent

Yes you read that right, an Israeli government censor.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Israel’s biggest export is censorship.

All zionists need to be deported from the West. It’s nothing but ethno-nationalism for Jews, and it requires its loyals to put Israel above everything else, even the National Security of the West, Christianity, and all aspects of Western Culture and Values.

Zionism, like Islam and Judaism, has no place in the West.
Cut all aid and money to Israel.

comment image

4 years ago

Another great one:

“Klaus Schwab says – You will Own Nothing in 10 years”

So who is this guy?
He sounds like a total Jew. Let’s play the classic “EVERY SINGLE TIME” game:

In 2004, Schwab created a new foundation using the US$1 million prize money from the Dan David Prize he received that year from Israel. The Forum of Young Global Leaders[7] aims to create a dynamic global community of exceptional people (under 40) with the vision, courage and influence to drive positive change in the world.

Additionally, he has been the recipient of over a dozen honorary doctorates, and is an honorary professor of the Ben-Gurion University of Israel[9] and the China Foreign Affairs University.[10]

2002 ICCJ – International Council of Christians and Jews Award
2004 Dan David Prize, Tel Aviv University

From 1993-1995, Schwab was a member of the UN High-Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development.[16] From 1996-1998, he was Vice-Chairman of the UN Committee for Development Planning.[17]

So here we have it, a zionist “professor” that has deep ties with the UN and relations with China (via the China Foreign Affairs University honorary tittle).

4 years ago

Further evidence that the UN is in bed with the China/Israel corrupt political cartels.

China and Israel are all three faces of the same triangle.

4 years ago

Very interesting how the CIA also wanted to kill JFK because they wanted their useless wars to go on.
The Israelis wanted him dead because of the Israeli rogue nuclear state status.