News Briefs – 10/28/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Two Southwest pilots live streamed video from a plane’s bathroom to the cockpit, flight attendants’ lawsuit alleges. I would have assumed there was a camera in the bathroom if I went in it long before this specific story, believe it or not, because I know. One of the things I try to do for the readers here is give them an understanding of the world I wished I had, when I was younger. This is not a bad story to do that. You have to understand, having seen behind the curtain, I have developed a “feel” for how the world really works. This story is perhaps the best approximation and summary of that “feel” for what it is I have experienced. It is bizarre, it captures the elements of those-in-the-clique and those-not, it is pointless and stupid, a little weird and perverted, and maybe most of all, everyone is lying, especially the authorities, except the one lowest-ranking person spouting the weirdest version of the story which before would have made you think they must be schizophrenic and delusional. Here is what I would assume, based off what I have experienced. Every airplane bathroom was fitted with cameras over the last 20 years, maybe longer, maybe much longer, filming you going to the bathroom. These pilots were in the Secret Society and had access to the feed, and the app to grab it on their Ipad, and were watching it to amuse themselves, because in surveillance circles the whole thing is kind of a lark. Probably most pilots are in the club (I can actually go out to walk my dog and hear a plane engine in the distance rev up, as the plane rushes to where I am, and then I can hear it as they throttle down as they fly over. When they are done, I may get a second, and even a third, each rev’ing up in the distance, and then throttling down overhead, until it passes and throttles back up again. I have even had it with passenger jets throttling up and down like that as they pass right over me. It could have even been these pilots who somebody radios, and says, “Fly over this point.” I have literally seen a Cessna with its nose pointing almost 45 degrees up, it was going so slow, as it flew around me before it throttled back up and took off. I assume there are a lot of planes up in the air at any one time with some sort of remote controlled camera/sensor packages mounted under them or in the bellies, as a sort of poor-man’s keyhole satellite system feeding to some central control station, hence why most pilots are in the club. They may be using me for training, or they have nothing better to do and I am a target because of the political thing. The airline’s top CEO/owners/operators are in the Secret Society (that may even be why they were placed in those jobs – secrets need to be kept.) and are aware of the orders to install and run the cameras in the bathrooms. The whole Secret Society probably knows there are cameras in there filming people going to the bathroom. There is probably an official anti-terrorism rationale for keeping eyes on the bathroom during flight, but the Secret Society probably also preferentially ends up staffed with pervs who get a kick out of the fact their day-job is watching people in private moments, since most occupations attract people who like doing them, and the vicarious/voyeur aspect of it probably does the same. The pilot panicked when she asked him about it and to quiet her he assured her nobody could possibly find the camera because he knew it was installed permanently and incredibly well in a way nobody would ever find it, by a professional Surveillance tech for Cabal’s surveillance ops. It is probably one of those FBI-developed cameras which looks like a needle, and is pushed through the wall from the far side, and essentially invisible. And of course there is the most weird aspect which is when a normal person brings the subject up everybody, going right up the chain of command, denies it is even possible, even as you know it is the reality. And then the sleepers of the machine come out of the woodwork to bring all sorts of institutional pressure down on the person who got a glimpse behind the curtain, meaning there are a ton of people who are totally down with stuff which any normal human being would be repulsed and freaked out by – and all of (((Them))) know and are part of a conspiracy against all of the rest of America. It is very weird, and even after years of it, you never really quite grasp what it all means. And it feels like there is some massive meaning hidden just behind it. Are they a different culture, because they were raised in a foreign intel op penetrating America for some European Cabal, and all of us are the enemy? Did some CIA shrink find a way to identify and recruit massively different psychologies decades back, and they have been splitting the populace for decades now into those who will do and support these things and those who won’t? Are they some sort of different cult-like religion, who feel they are serving some other deity, and we are unbelievers? Could they be some sort of different species infiltrating the planet, or operating for some different species, and we are like the cattle on the farm, as Q seemed to allege? Are they possessed somehow by some other consciousness working through all of them to corrupt the rest of the world? They have to see some sort of huge difference between us and them, but they themselves don’t look that different beyond what they are doing. And yet, there is no way I would feel anything but an uncontrollable urge to destroy this invasion of privacy no matter the cost. But on the other side, when word went out these flight attendants were threatening this all intrusive surveillance machine, all of the members of the network in that company lined up to first lie about it, and then bust their balls, to protect this system at all costs. Even stranger? These people who support this machine probably get as close a monitoring operation, watching them in the bathroom, as any of us. It is so weird when you see it literally anything could be possible. I know it has nothing to do with protecting us because one, if it did they would simply keep the Muslims and third world criminals like MS13 out (And I assume whoever is behind this is also who is importing third world criminals and Muslims as fast as possible). And two, with this level of monitoring, there is no reason we should have ever had any terrorist attack or mass casualty event. There are serial killers who should already be gone. There are crimes which should not happen. Something is very off about all of this, and even that is part of the puzzle. And I hate to say it, but if you are on any political site online commenting, it is a safe bet somebody has been watching you in your home bathroom in some fashion, be it through thru-wall radar, or even installed cameras. It is that pervasive.

Ted Gunderson apparently wrote to Bob Mueller to try and expose the child trafficking networks, to no avail, in the next image off 4Chan. Note how Gunderson was a former head of the FBI’s LA field office. He thought his gangstalking was Military Intelligence, because he felt it could not be federal Law Enforcement. And yet, he had no idea that Mueller was a part of the network as well. Even people in among the best positions to know, may not have any idea, because the network maintained quite good operational security for so long, and nobody could fathom a foreign actor could have infiltrated the government and created secure, self-sufficient, and likely self-tasking cells. The image:

Another excerpt from the book about the coup against President Trump that Blumenthal tried to kill, which does a good job of framing how it was a full blown coup.

U.S. Rep. John Conyers, former dean of Congress, dies at the age of 90. Yeah, he was 90. But it is interesting all of these big players are dying off all of a sudden.

Judge Jeanine says lots of people are ‘shaking in their boots’ now that Durham’s probe is becoming a criminal probe.

FBI whistleblower reports ongoing crimes of persecution in USA against political targets by FBI, Police, Federal Judges. Again, a lot of people act like they know who this is, but if the evidence was out there, we would know already. Everybody, myself included is guessing at this point, though I think a foreign Cabal-infiltration is the most likely answer.

Mystery virus fears as German boy, 12, dies on Mediterranean cruise – before his parents and two brothers are taken to hospital and quarantined.

42 bodies pulled from a mass grave in Mexico. Not that the government can do anything about it if it is the Cartel.

New York City is just shipping its homeless across the country and not telling the cities it is dropping them off in. What happened to leftists being compassionate and trying to help those down on their luck?

He fought in World War II, died in 2014, and he just registered to vote in Va.

Police chief robbed while having dinner in Chicago.

Bill Kristol says, “If John Kelly spoke privately with the ten Republican senators he knows best, and Jim Mattis spoke with the ten senators he’s closest to, and if each told the senators how much he fears for the country with Trump, untrammeled and unhinged, at the helm…Trump would be gone.” Fascinating, because I do not see how this statement would advance his side towards its goals. It is clearly false, and he has to know it. So this must be the only move he has.

One of the more ominous aspects of the Flynn case will be if they show the FBI altered 302’s. You wonder if this could allow any conviction that involved a 302 in the past to be appealed on the grounds they are proven to have been unreliable. Police officers lose the ability to testify in cases if they are shown to have lied somewhere. What happens if an agency is changing the paperwork FBI Agents hand in, so it isn’t one Agent, but  rather an institutional thing? Is it possible we will have a flood of hardened criminals dumped on the streets because of this thing? Mark my words, if they kept the surveillance/intelligence in any way attached to official law enforcement, a mass release will happen when it is revealed, because all evidence in all of those cases will become fruit of the poisoned tree.

Bernie Sanders says to a Black student asking him how to handle a traffic stop, that he would ask the Officer for his name, politely and respectfully, because he doesn’t want to get shot in the back of the head. You have to see the video, because he says this with a completely straight face, in a dull monotone, and then when he finishes, all the leftists politely golf-clap, like this was completely normal.

GQ magazine’s ‘new masculinity’ is men in make-up and dresses. Reversal of sexual dimorphism.

China is likely harvesting organ of prisoners, while they are still alive.

James Clapper worries that by denigrating Baghdadi, Trump might make ISIS angry.

WaPo’s obituary refers to him as an “austere religious scholar.” Appears to have been changed since the outcry.

WaPo still gets trolled over it on Twitter:

Unfortunately, this next tweet got deleted by Twitter and the video got tanked by youtube, but it indicated Lisa Page was banging both Strzok and McCabe:

Trump says Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi blew himself up as U.S. troops closed in.

Baghdadi’s second in command was killed shortly thereafter.

ISIS spokesman also killed. Good decapitation of all the leadership, all at once.

Kayla Mueller’s mother says daughter might still be alive ‘If Obama had been as decisive’ as Trump.

Mother of beheading victim James Foley says she is ‘grateful to our President.’

In 2016 Trump ran his campaign on a shoestring, but going into 2020 it is huge.

Terrorists from ISIS will not be returning to the United States thanks to a travel ban that has banned nearly all immigration from a handful of terrorist-ridden counties.

Philadelphia faces claims from 35,000 for confiscating cars, land, homes without reason in forfeiture scheme that is now judged illegal. Another case where forfeiture is being knocked down. Coincidence, or is this being done behind the scenes to starve Cabal?

Carter Page has sued the Department of Justice, demanding the government let him review the forthcoming inspector general’s report on potential surveillance abuses in his case before it is made public.  I think these things were planned and are designed to delay the event, to produce a precise timing.

UK lawmakers debate granting Hong Kongers citizenship. Again, a measure of how badly everyone needs to be educated in intelligence matters in a nation. The first thing China will do is put its agents in Hong Kong, get them British citizenship, and infiltrate them into Britain to work against the people of Britain from within the nation, as citizens. And with the covert support, financial and otherwise, of a nation state, those new British citizens could rise quite quickly, begin getting into high office, and taking over the nation for China. I almost wonder if this is a Cabal plot of some sort.

Spread r/K Theory, because the News Media is full of shit.

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5 years ago

Regarding the story about the dead World War II veteran suddenly finding the energy to vote: notice how the Commonwealth’s Attorney was looking into it.

Now, understand that George Soros has been funding the Democrats running for Commonwealth Attorneys in Fairfax County and Arlington County. These are two of the biggest and wealthiest counties in the state of Virginia and they are also the bluest. This means that voter fraud could more easily be perpetrated in these counties than others because everyone already assumes they’ll go blue.

In other words, George Soros and Cabal, Inc. is setting up the state of Virginia to be securely blue for the 2020 election. He’s purposely placing his puppets so that voter fraud can occur without any investigations.

5 years ago

This recent news story made me think of how it was said that the cabal use artwork trading for dirty money deals: A very old woman just happens to have a multi-million dollar painting in her house that is discovered by a visitor to her house. It sells for big money, a lot more than they estimated, and the kicker is the painting is called “Christ mocked”. It just struck me as an in your face moment. And a story that most will believe and not question, and most will just think, oh how wonderful for that old woman.
Thought you might be interested.

5 years ago

4chan comped mods took this one down really quick: – “Voat is down because of my post”

I just made a post that proposed a correlation between the Netflix documentary “Tell me Who i Am” about a twin who has amnesia and found out he has been pimped all his life by her mother and the Luzzato family who pimped their kids to Podesta (check wikileaks).

Inmediately i started receiving downvoats and suddenly the page went down.

I need help to dig this family. Possible ties to Rothchilde or maybe the McCanns. They have ties to english aristocracy according to the documentary.

It’s a 1 minute read, worth the read. Anon might be onto something here.

5 years ago

> 302s

The FBI resisted any use of audio or video taped records of depositions or statements, claiming the 302s were “better.”

Well, for the FBI’s purposes, they probably were…

If you’re ever interrogated by *any* “law enforcement” agency, and they won’t let you or your lawyer walk out with your own video of the entire process… STFU, because they’re on a witch hunt, and anything you say *will* be used against you, even if you didn’t actually say it…

5 years ago

Also, if you want 4 hours of autistic streaming about the Finders FBI report, you can find it here: – “Finding The Finders Stream (10/27/2019 Archive)”

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Dave McGowan wrote about them back in 2000:

5 years ago

I have been spending a lot of time rereading Rofschild recently, and I am growing increasingly confident that he was either legitimate or close enough that does not matter. Let’s consider a few quotes:

> The slow burn continues! What is burning, you may ask? The middle class american life! Middle class standard of living! The thing which differentiated america from other countries! 50 years hence, the poor will continue to be poor! There will just be…say for simplicity…another BILLION of them! Some of the banksters will become crushingly poor and others, well, they will not be in our midst! Sadly! Because their egos are or will become so closely intertwined with the paper gods death will be a preferable state for them! Sad, sad little sacks of excrement! Of course, you little sheep will bleat with pleasure as they get their “comeuppance” and take the blame although they were tiny little cogs in a very elaborate system! Oh that carefully laid plan again! The current process is that of grinding wheat kernels into a fine powder, which scatters at the first sign of wind. At some point, the remaining bloodlines will be similar enough in power and stature to know that coexistence is the next logical evolutionary step….referred biblically as the thousand year peace. At that point, there wont be many left, at least relevant to the current population level. 500 million at most.

So their plan is the slow, gradual rabbitification of society, and it’s not hard to see how this is happening: no one selects their marriage partners carefully, intelligent people are reproducing less, rampant malnutrition, omnipresent wifi, pornography/video games distracting men, sexual degeneracy is encouraged, vaccines, bioweapons like Lyme/HIV, and so on. At some point there will be a great culling of these rabbits, and the remaining more evolved/more k-selected/more intelligent people will inherit the earth and begin the next phase of competition towards perfection of the human genome. That is when things get interesting, because no one will be dumb enough to fall for fiat and other tricks.

> Take the role of surveillance in modern society (I refer here to video/checkpoints/”papers please” and the like). Is it necessary from our perspective??? NO. There is a cost to surveillance, as there is to all things, and every action causes a reaction…often creating other issues falling under the law of unintended consequences! We are VERY careful introducing new elements into controlled situations! The surveillance system was not of our creation! It is your fellow humans seeking to protect their fiefdoms and monitor the activities of potential rivals!

So, Rofschild’s bloodline sees no benefit from this surveillance state, and although he doesn’t go into detail on the negatives we can easily fill in the blanks: the continuous k-stimulus from watching Secret Society members flaunt the law interferes with their ‘slow burn’, the Secret Society is proceeding with the slow burn too quickly, and eventually the surveillance state will become too powerful to be controlled by blackmailing its members. In fact, it’s quite easy to see that Rofschild’s bloodline was already taking steps to counter them even in 2000! First, he explicitly states that they are going down:

>Those humans who feed off their peers (cannibals, in a sense) consume with a ravenous appetite which puts us to shame. They enjoy the sense of power and humiliation over those subjugated! What will evolve, and very quickly as it now looks, is that they will learn, painfully, the magic of what we learned eons ago…the magic of incremental, almost Infinitesimal rates of change! It must be this way…and they will pay a dear price!

And then he also adds “There was a LOT of subliminal programming and suggestion which was most effective” in The Matrix (movie). The subliminal messaging in the Matrix is extremely straightforward: we are all being harvested for our energy, and we can choose to wake up and fight, and we will win as long as we ‘see’ The Matrix for what it really is. Sound familiar?

>Know that the so called “financial collapse” is a fiction, and preparing for a new financial system already established.

Especially the collapse of the pension funds will impoverish many previously middle-class people, grinding them back down into the serf class from which they will never be able to obtain the nutrition to rise again due to debt slavery. Remember how focused he was on nutrition!

So, given these goals what would a Rothschild Bloodline Agent do? First and most importantly, he would destroy the surveillance state by chopping off the head (DOJ/FB/AMZN etc), but not exposing its full scale which would trigger people too much. Without their network the remaining SS members are no threat. Second, he would continue their plan to collapse the USD by massive printing (eventually direct purchases of stocks as we have seen in Japan), then supporting whatever global currency they have in mind. Third, he would continue their ‘slow burn’ by promoting multiculturalism, wifi, sexual degeneracy, vaccines, and letting some of the building k-selected pressure off (‘oh, I have this under control, trust the plan’) etc.

This description of Trump is so perfect it defies belief. The good news is that with the backing of the Rothschilds he’s probably going to win, and the world will be a lot better off without the Secret Society. But he is *not* the savior of the Western world. One last quote from Rothschild:

> Things are not as difficult to comprehend if one can remove ones self from the web of BEAUTIFUL LIES spun by OTHERS.

What lie could be more beautiful than Trump’s “I take all of those slings and arrows gladly for you”. Remember, there is no altruism in nature!

I shall leave you here; you have to draw your own conclusions on how to proceed for your bloodline and I for mine. But I did want to express my immense gratitude for R/K theory and your descriptions of the surveillance state, and hopefully this pays back at least some fraction of my intellectual debt!

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
5 years ago

AC, sent you an email a few days ago. Can you confirm receipt? No reply needed, just want to know the mail got through.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

Weird … according to this al Baghdadi died four years ago,

5 years ago
5 years ago

Another early death:

Democratic Former Sen. Kay Hagan Dies At 66

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

“U.S. Rep. John Conyers, former dean of Congress, dies at the age of 90. Yeah, he was 90. But it is interesting all of these big players are dying off all of a sudden.”

I anticipate we will see many more. And not just due to Q action. Simply the fact that the Old Guard is getting old. Pelosi, Schumer, Biden and others don’t have a lot of time left.

This is where Tulsi becomes interesting. I’m quite sure she won’t run as a 3rd party candidate. I’m guessing that if she sticks around she’ll be able to wield a lot of influence in the rebuilding of the Democrat Party, particularly after the impending fiasco that will be the 2020 election. Between that curb stomp, aging, and possible trials, she stands to inherit much of it.

5 years ago

U.N. Compound in Utah Declared International Territory

~The UN says they “took over” the building

~All U.S. taxpayer funded! in addition to the $650,000 the state legislature provided, Salt Lake City chipped in another $100,000 or so to help further Agenda 2030.

~The UN stated that the taxpayer-funded Salt Palace was now “International Territory” where US rights don’t apply

~The UN stated that the United States was outside the doors of the Salt Palace

“I can think of no better time, and no better place than Salt Lake City, for the United Nations to re-emphasize and reintroduce its vision, mission, and values to the American people.” ~Jackie Biskupski, Salt Lake City Mayor

5 years ago

Bulgaria asked Russia to recall diplomat over spying allegation

5 years ago

Kremlin says Islamic State leader’s death a boost for Trump if true

5 years ago

Georgia authorities search for convicted rapist and child molester who was released ‘in error’ from prison

5 years ago

‘Corruption-Fighting’ Italian PM Linked To Rogue Vatican Fund

Salvini may be PM soon.

Felix Bellator
5 years ago

Given the results of the Millgram Experiment, people in the Cabal, especially if raised in it, would not need much conditioning to do the things they do. Humans will do surprisingly horrible things under the color of authority. Which Cabal would give, of course.