Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – US May Retaliate Against Iranian Oil
DFT – Electricity In The EU Costs Three Times The Price In China Now
DFT – Nvidia Forced To Immediately Cease AI Chip Shipments To China
DFT – Ukraine Seeks To Sell Gas Storage Capacity To Europe
DFT – Trade Between Russia and China Heads For New Record
Our own Machine Troopers books are heavily discounted over at Amazon. He tells it:
Amazon put a couple of my bestsellers on sale. You can get the paperbacks for a 2/3s discount.
That is like taking money out of Amazon’s pocket.
President Trump files to introduce classified evidence of election rigging in the 2020 election.
I could see Trump asking Meadows to go along with this, to expose how far things have gone:
BREAKING: Allegedly Mark Meadows worked for the FBI as an informant and wore a wire to record all conversations with President Trump, while he was the Chief of Staff to him.
This is not only unconstitutional, but it’s criminal. This is the government we live with. It’s up to us…
I’ve received confirmation from multiple members of Congress and Confidential Informants that this is true.
Not only have I received calls from current members of Congress, I received calls from media, who know that I know about this information. I’ve received calls from former members of Congress, who have also explained the same thing to me.
This is worse than Watergate. This is going to be the destruction of the FBI.
Understand that assets in this game do not just spy – they mold events and set up targets by committing crimes and making it look like the target committed them. Meadows may have been asked by the FBI to try and coerce President Trump to commit crimes. If the FBI set up Jan 6th as a crime, with an eye to using it to get Trump, they would have told Meadows, “Get Trump to call on everyone to go to the Capitol.” Or they would have said, “Make sure his speech includes the line, “It is time to go to the Capitol and fight the corrupt politicians there and take this government back.” Or he might have been told to make sure there was no National Guard support for security at the Capitol. If Meadows was rolling tape on the FBI, he may have caught them committing crimes – and trying to have Meadows pin them on Trump. It could go in a lot of interesting directions. The one downside to the theory is FBI would not try to get Meadows to do this unless they felt in control, and feeling in control would mean blackmail, which they felt would ruin Meadows, and which would prevent him from turning on them. It is unclear to me Meadows would have such blackmail, but in an intelligence war, if you need it and do not have it, you make it up. Possible, and a Trump-type move to boot, if he pulled it off.
Mark Meadows spox refutes latest rumors about former Trump Chief of Staff wearing a wire – “COMPLETELY FALSE.” Not Mark Meadows though. It is a long shot, but this move would have Donald J. Trump’s fingerprints all over it, and it would completely destroy the FBI once and for all, which increasingly looks sadly necessary.
Mike Johnson, who was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives on Wednesday, said the FBI used Twitter to censor American speech until Elon Musk took over. “Twitter was basically an FBI subsidiary before @elonmusk took it over. The Twitter files should be a matter of bipartisan concern for every member of Congress and every American citizen because it is a bedrock principle of our Constitution that the government does not get to decide what speech is acceptable or true.”
ATF pursuit of decorated American Delta Force soldier Larry Vickers about headlines, not justice. No. It was about him having a million subs on youtube – and whoever can tell ATF what to do needs him off the gameboard because something is coming, and they want to be the only people telling everyone what to think. The biggest threat you can pose, is having people believe what you say.
Both Q’s board, and Vox Day are presently offline.
Maine mass murderer Robert Card is a deer hunter who ‘could be anywhere’ and ‘planning a new attack’ say experts – after dramatic FBI raid on family’s home yields nothing and ‘suicide note’ is discovered. Nobody knows where he is, despite his house having two staged vehicles on it. in both directions. This guy was 100 percent followed everywhere by a swarm. They know where he is. If he got the full programming package, he will self-terminate at some point.
She added that Card told his family that he could hear voices criticizing him while he was in the bar and bowling alley.
‘He truly believed he was hearing people say things,’ she added. ‘This all just happened within the last few months.’
Card’s former army colleague Clifford Steeves said he never witnessed any concerning behavior from him during the decade they served together.
‘He was a very nice guy — very quiet,’ Steeves, of Massachusetts, told CNN.
‘He never overused his authority or was mean or rude to other soldiers. It’s really upsetting.’
I have always wondered about the voices in heads. I aced a full year of a graduate-level Developmental Neurobiology course, which was so advanced there was no published text, only five to fifteen papers, many of which had just been published recently, and a “book” the instructors (there were four as each had a different specialty in the field) had assembled by putting still more papers together in a ring binder, as well as classes where the writing was so fast that even the best note takers could only write down about 90 percent of it. That is why science people have bad handwriting. It taught how each part of the brain not only worked, but developed, from a small clump of cells, interacting with all the other parts as it built itself up and adapted to its role through use. Looking at it from that perspective, to have a completely independent dialog constructed and delivered to a person’s consciousness de novo, outside of the main consciousness, and for that dialog to be cogent, and make sense to a person, would seem a very complex neurological activity for their brain to perform – and in the background to boot, since their primary brain function would have to run their own consciousness simultaneously. It would require a whole redundant setup of neurological wiring, structured very complexly and functioning quite impressively, simultaneously to the primary consciousness and sensory processing. And moreover, the redundant apparatus in the brain supposedly appears to develop far outside the recognized periods of neurological plasticity when new such structures would normally be expected to form. Supposedly all this forms when the brain is already fixed, and unable to form new structures effectively. It does not make sense.
It seems a bit like saying your computer just begins playing the movie Enemy of the State as you were using your word processor, because your motherboard malfunctioned – even though your computer is air-gapped and you do not have the movie file on your PC, and the processor had to create the movie de novo, even though it has no AI circuitry to do that. It doesn’t work like that. The computer would require a lot more “stuff” to make that movie on the screen happen. Maybe there are cases where it happens organically, but I would think them rare, and honestly, I would not be surprised if it was shown there was never such an organic case where a clearly discernable voice was speaking a cogent, grammatically correct dialog into the mind, independent of the regular consciousness. And I do not see how you develop that at 40, when the brain is already hardened into its final structure.
Imagine how many of these cases would be different if people knew the tech existed to broadcast a voice in someone’s head, and there was a covert, embedded, hostile sadistic intel op, in every community, in unimaginable numbers of evil people, working against the community members, and trying to do exactly this, with the most advanced technology out there, provided to it by its command. His family would have treated him differently, he would have seen the situation differently. It would make it more difficult to pop these fragile guys off. And it would offer resistance to the operation. That it has not been made public knowledge widely makes me think patriots are not really that in control, we are all on our own here, and if we want this thing exposed and destroyed, we will have to launch a concerted effort to do it ourselves.
What is also interesting is, I was saying before this guy popped off, that what I was seeing was escalation in technical harassment, to the point I began to think this was going to be it, and we were seeing signs of end-stage escalation elsewhere. Now I am thinking that was the nationwide program, where everyone sees a surge in harassment, to try and pop off a target into a mass shooting. I have said, I think they have a program like that, as if it were a contest, and that whatever neighborhood unit pops off their target first wins. And often you will see a second shooter cook off in the aftermath, and that is like your second place winner. Now, I am seeing things slow back down, and even the tech harassment is heading back to normal, pain in the ass levels. I had two morning doves, and about five bluejays, with five chipmunks eating seed today, so even the birds are now coming back. I had no birds or chipmunks there for a while, despite continuing to put out seed, and I understood why. I have never seen flocks of birds just up and abandon a reliable food source before. I have now.
Family of Maine shooting suspect says he started to hear “horrible things” after being fitted for “high-powered hearing-aids.” “After being fitted.” Not after he got the hearing aids. After he was fitted. You assume it was being beamed in the hearing aids. But I have wondered what was up with all the hearing testing in the GATE Program. I can remember sitting the in the chair as the teacher set up all the equipment, and looking at the cases it came in. It was like custom high-end Pelican cases, the type of high-end case you would put expensive photography equipment in, massively oversized, with foam. I remember thinking, this was not some little gadget the teacher cobbled together, this was like high-end, expensive scientific testing equipment. It felt weird, sitting there looking at it, like something didn’t fit. Just to measure hearing? Here was a small elementary school, with each grade maybe being four classes of 21 kids, and it has been issued these cases, with computer screens and controllers with buttons for you to press and ear phones (before computers were a thing in schools), and it is issuing tones that are precisely measured frequencies, at different amplitudes, and it is discovering the full range of your hearing up and down the spectrum, in each ear, as well as your reaction times to press the button. Why would that be important for our files? I wonder if those tests reveal something about the inner structure, which they can use later to deliver a beamed voice that only you can hear. Maybe when he got the tests for his hearing aids, they gathered the data necessary to beam voices into his head. Until then, they could not do it. You wonder if they zapped his hearing in his house with some energy beam, to nuke his hearing and get him in for the testing. Intel ops, especially ones highly supported by advanced tech, can be complex.
Police took Robert Card, the person of interest police are seeking in connection with Wednesday’s shootings in Maine, for an evaluation after he was “acting erratically in mid-July” while taking part in training at West Point. Card was taken to West Point’s Keller Army Community Hospital for evaluation. Voices started to drive him nuts while he was at West Point. Shadow-CIA-Military unit? It would have access and control at the base, and own the hospital. So it would hit him at the base as hard as it could to get him into the hospital.
A quarter of voters say America is so badly off track that patriots may have to use violence to ‘save’ the country, poll shows, as millions embrace QAnon and fear democracy will die in the 2024 election. There has never been a better time, when people were more open to it, to reveal the surveillance. And just as the public is getting like this, and ready to rebel, the surveillance is getting more overt.
U.S. prosecutor says $10 million Biden bribe was credible, contradicting Democrat Jamie Raskin.
Poll: Ron DeSantis falls to 8% nationally, tied with Nikki Haley in second place.
Judge Maryellen Noreika’s decision last week to throw out the diversion agreement that special counsel David Weiss initially offered Hunter Biden has left the president’s son with fewer options for fighting the three felony charges he faces for allegedly lying on paperwork to purchase a gun in 2018. Sounds like Hunter may need to do a Bruen defense. It will be funny if gun ownership becomes like freedom of speech, which cannot be denied, because Hunter wanted to get off this charge.
Two Las Vegas teens accused of fatally running over a retired police chief laughed at each other, smiled, and seemingly flipped off their victim’s family during a court hearing earlier this week. These were the two in a stolen car who ran down the former Police Chief on a bike. It is tempting to say they are just retards, but even retards would see this is like the end of their lives. It feels more like they know nothing will happen to them and they are protected, and maybe will get planted on a beach in Singapore in a few months, assigned to monitor people, maybe even Jeffrey Epstein and Timothy McVeigh, as part of the local surveillance units there.
The man accused of murdering the Maryland judge who oversaw his divorce proceedings has been found dead after a manhunt, police said Thursday. Now the big question – did he kill the judge, or did they dump his body there with the gun, after somebody else killed the judge? You cannot possibly assume anything these days.
An intruder was arrested for trespassing at Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Los Angeles home on Wednesday — and returned to trespass again right after the police released him. “After being released from police custody, the man immediately returned to Kennedy’s residence and was arrested again,” the campaign said. “The candidate was home at the time of both arrests.” The security team had notified the Secret Service about this specific “obsessed individual several times in recent months and shared alarming communications he has sent to the candidate,” the press release says. Secret Service is obviously not in control, or they would have jumped to get security on Kennedy right away.
Repeat COVID vax worsens immune response, could ‘enhance’ dengue, international research suggests.
Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue was given to a Black museum which melted it down, in a 2,250-degree furnace, to repurpose the metal in a new piece of art. The entire thing is a production, performed by Cabal theater kids in each organization, to incite racial animus. Your enemy is the embedded intel operation creating all this strife, not the racial angle they are throwing at you.
Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic fever, a Tick disease that can kill 4 in 10 shows up in France.
Auto execs are coming clean: EVs aren’t working. What it comes down to is if given a choice, nobody wants to have to spend an hour filling up their tank, if they can do it in two minutes.
FBI agents visit scientists building flying saucer at Falcon Space lab in New Jersey – and reveal they are part of ‘X-Files like’ government UFO investigation. Agents asked to poke around, claiming they had a report there was enriched Uranium on site. Obvious lie, given the way radiation is monitored domestically The Geiger counters were a nice prop, though, to show that was really why they were there. “Hey, look anon! I’m scanning your building, I must be telling the truth!” They were sent there because surveillance wanted a closer “official,” known, look at what was going on, maybe for reasons of parallel construction of some sort, for warrants and what not, to avoid only having illegal data they cannot do anything with in the future. If these guys were to discover something about anti-gravity, that whole lab would get swooped up overnight, and it is possible the researchers would all be killed, given similar work which was going on in Georgia that got researchers there killed, IIRC. Do not allow them in your house or premise, tell them to talk to your lawyer. We are all, deep behind enemy lines now, even within our own nation, and everyone is lying to us. Also, researchers there claim they have seen an 18 percent reduction in mass of an object though in some experiments.
Actress Goldie Hawn says she was in a friend’s car when she was paralyzed by a high pitched sound, and three aliens showed up and began droning on to each other about her. Says she was working at the time as a “dancer” in her 20’s.
US airstrikes target Iran-linked sites in Syria in retaliation for recent drone attacks.
Germany’s Cabinet on Wednesday approved legislation designed to make it easier for authorities to carry out the deportation of individuals who have had their asylum requests denied. K is beginning to accelerate.
Germany to begin ‘large scale’ deportations, says Scholz as country faces record number of illegals.
Dutch far-right leader Thierry Baudet attacked with an umbrella. Video of the attack here. That does not happen, unless local domestic surveillance wants it to happen. They knew who that guy was if he had political involvement, either beliefs, or as an operator, and they saw and followed him and watched as Baudet approached him. Chances are they were on top of the attacker, and any potential confederates, all through the planning cycle, and knew this would happen long before anybody got up that morning.
Putin welcomes Hamas and Iran to Moscow for negotiations. Article is British panicking, as you can feel the West losing its influence and control over world events.
EU delivers only a third of one million artillery shells promised to Ukraine.
Robert Fico formally appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia – Immediately ends military aid to Ukraine, says Russia and the US must agree on peace terms. Not if Ukraine is not getting any aid. Putin can pretty much take the whole country now, expel Soros, expose the bioweapons labs, and then let it govern itself under Russia.
Sen. Mike Lee, other GOP senators propose a standalone bill for Israel aid, without Ukraine funding.
Washington Post CIA article signals that U.S. is preparing to jettison Ukraine.
A newly discovered “anti-CRISPR” system in viruses could help us control CRISPR gene-editing technologies and lead to better weapons against antibiotic-resistant superbugs. And there are many, many, more systems we have no idea are in there. You see why they can never tell you whether anything is safe, absent testing it in hundreds of thousands of people.
Biden’s approval rating among Dems drops 11 points in one month.
Georgia’s Lt. Governor wants to pay teachers an extra $10,000 to carry guns in schools.
Larry Elder suspends Presidential campaign, endorses Trump.
Poll: Donald Trump crushes Joe Biden in key battleground states.
They do those hearing tests in jobs where there is a danger to your hearing as well.
Or that’s the reason they give.
I only had it happen once and they never came back and did another test to see if my hearing had gotten worse.
CYA. They just want to bring it up if someone sues them.
I haven’t had a hearing test since the Navy. But I’ve always protected my hearing. I don’t listen to loud music and I’ve never been to a concert.
I saw on Facebook the other day that my brother has hearing aids. I’m not sure what people are doing to wreck their hearing, but I’m noticing a trend. It seems like more people need hearing aids than I would have thought.
In my experience, it was mostly concerts. In those days essentially no one wore earplugs. One day in high school, after a concert the night before, my ears rang all day. Not good.
Today maybe it’s earbuds?
They probably are listening to their earbuds/airpods at too high a volume.
My watch can detect high db noise and warn me. It only goes off on two occasions: during worship at church, and when I sneeze.
Been using closed caption subtitles for last 10 years and my hearing is normal. My teenage children do too…?
Kyle Odom type stuff
Was the Author’s language originally in English?
Because I don’t find it believable that they only speak English or any other Human language.
I would expect them to have an original language that is more sophisticated and dense in meaning compared to English.
Also WTF.
On the Meadows thing, I could see Trump setting up his own sting. From the Durham Report, the FBI was so desperate to stop him, they didn’t do any due diligence on any of the bullshit that came into them. A Clinton connected lawyer and friend of McCabe came in saying the Trump campaign was coordinating with a Russian bank through a server in Pennsylvania and they just ran with it. Same with #pissgate, which turned out to be MI-6 pornographic fan fiction (and psychological projection; these people are sick).
It wouldn’t surprise me if he set up his own sting against them. Send one of his staffers in promising to wear an illegal wire and work against him, and they would eat it up. They obviously don’t care about following law and procedure.
We’ll just have to watch and see what comes out of it.
deep inahalla mirrors
Re: voices: you’re overthinking it. Think bone conduction headphones.
Vox is down for maintenance, per a post on Arkhaven blog.
Good link for info re: GATE program. I’m sure it’s been posted before but just in case anyone hasn’t seen it:
Back up as of 9am eastern
> Rumors are circulating that Bill Gates is one of the “high profile” names that Ghislaine Maxwell is about to release of individuals who slept with underage girls in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring.
5 quatloos says we don’t hear any more about it, like all the other “Great Reveal Real Soon Now” schticks.
> Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday he’s arranged to send drones, weapons, and ammunition to Israel as it prepares for an incursion of Gaza in response to Hamas’ attack.
The Constitution puts foreign policy and war-making under the authority of the Feral government. The linked article says basically humanitarian aid, and “arranging” for weapons.
The government of Florida acting as a middleman is getting very close to the kind of thing that can get De Santis and the Florida legislature their own wing at Club Fed.
Do *no* politicians actually read the document they swore an oath to? There are people who can recite the entire Old Testmament; the measly 7,472 words of the Constitution shouldn’t take them long to master; almost all of them are lawyers, after all.
No, we can’t make them understand or obey the injunctions in the Constitution, but it would let their constituents say “You *knew* better and chose to do it anyway” before dipping them in boiling oil.
They should have to hand write a copy every time they are sworn into office.
new reports indicate it was “previously scheduled”. ok by whom and on whose order. if you or i sell guns or gun parts to a furren national… you will get a … visit. may not go to jail but you wont be an FFL anymore. a former dealer i dealt with is now not one.
I like the way you think/expect memorization/envision punishments.
Someone told me that Harvard Law School doesn’t make their students read the Constitution. They read books ABOUT the Constitution, but they don’t touch the actual document itself. I’m sure a handful of students may read it on their own initiative, but they won’t get an education on the original wording from the school.
It’s like how people like Jordan Peterson have never actually read the Bible; only a few books ABOUT it. All he knows is the authors’ perspectives.
> Georgia’s Lt. Governor wants to pay teachers an extra $10,000 to carry guns in schools.
Yeah, of course. The teachers’ unions scrabble at every chance to get more money for their jumped-up daycare monitors.
L’il Mikey Johnson is Israel’s man:
As someone here posted the image, the Ashkenazi is the god of the Judaeo-Christians. As Lame Cherry writes, they are Zombie Christians.
‘The man accused of murdering the Maryland judge who oversaw his divorce proceedings has been found dead after a manhunt, police said Thursday.’
You take away everything a man’s worked his entire life for on the whims of a woman and bad things are bound to happen.
Henry Makow suggests Iran & Saudi are both run by ethnic Jews.—jews-have-contr.html
It is an interesting point. Iranians are pretty much darkhaired Germans. The word “Iran” is a literally derived from the word “Aryan”. Arma-dinner-jihad’s bloodline is not persian.
Look at the non-russian leadership of the Bolsheviks & USSR.
Also ignoring the rumours of Hitler & Goering’s heritage, consider how non-german, leading National Socialists apperared
also see the young turks, from whence the saudis came. crypto jews. / iranian leaders. khameini. khomeini. komen. like susan komen. kommene. eastern european jewish royalty. khazars…
It came out that the leader of ISIL was actually a mossad operative, from a special unit they have.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
Remember on 10th September 2001, a report was put out by a US Military office about mossad stating, “wildcard. Able to attack American’s pretending to be arabs.”
I ordered that dental blanket. but it hasn’t arrived yet. Last night was especially bothersome. Felt very tingly at the top of my head laying down. I have a heavy duty canning pressure cooker. I took the lid of that and put it in between the baseboard and the mattress such that it was directly “above” my head and blocked that particular angle from the top. The lid is about 13 inches in diameter. Just large enough it would cover your body “vertically” or whatever. Hope I am describing this well enough. Obviously I was laying down, but I think you know what I mean. That seemed to help a lot. Probably only because I imagine the mass roll-out of the tech going on now by necessity must be automated and probably can’t adjust on the fly. Its a data point you probably want to know.
I am sorry. I got hit under the blanket when I failed to cover my face over fully, because I did not have a fan set up at my bed. I tried laying blankets under me, and ones over, and had my face turned to the side, covered from above, but not from the side. It did not work. So they are still trying.
So I moved back to where I had the fan set up. I also have the door off an old freezer propped up over me as well there like a shield, though I do not think it is necessary, as my legs jut out from under it, and I felt the vibrations on my upper body under the door before the apron, and when I got the first apron to test, I felt the vibrations on my legs, as the apron covered my upper body, which felt totally still. Now the apron over my legs has them feeling still as well. But I do have a stone fireplace backed up against me too, and it all might be cumulative. Though I will say, even in that space, I let one vertical plane of my face be uncovered once, and could feel the vibrations.
You will need a fan to blow air under there, and it will need to drape on the sides as well though. But you will also see health improvements as time goes on and you sleep without getting hit. You will have more energy and feel physically stronger.
I am not sure it is rf though. I am not sure what it is, but it feels weird. Binney’s particle physicist wife thinks it is some new kind of new physics.
Hey AC, I don’t know if you are a fan of author, Jack Heart, who emerged on Nexus and then on Veterans Today, but he’s just published my modest booklet on his blog. It contains interesting diagrams and deals with the relationships between Capitalism, Communism, and National Socialism, using a magic square to aid understanding. Folks may read it there, or download it if they liked. I use the pen-name, “an American,” because that’s what I am.
IF YOU look at the second to last page, you will see a thumbnail for my next effort, nearly complete, which intends to introduce The Surveillance to that demographic and interest group. If you wish, I will send you a copy to examine or correct, before I release it, since it will feature some of your comments and a link to your Cartel material.
Awesome. I will take a quick look, if you want. And definitely post here when you release.
We don’t need a technological answer for this one. They just had his stalking crew talk shit about him when no one else was around to hear it.
I don’t know if I related this one here, but one of the most obvious ones (to where my wife actually noticed it) was when we were out at a bar we occasionally visit for dinner. The next table over was a women who just randomly and loudly starts talking with her friend about how she was going to see the Rolling Stones concert (they were in town) and how great it was going to be and how great the Rolling Stones are and how awesome Jagger was and on and on and on.
My wife and I both hate the Stones. She was still there after the rando conversation and the abrupt leaving of her “friend.” Somehow we got ourselves talking about how shitty the Rolling Stones are, and how many better bands from that era there were, and I was actually able to make her leave in a huff when I said, “the only talent Mick Jagger ever had in him was when David Bowie fucked him in the ass.”
It’s the same game as AC’s mother on the bus. I don’t know why they do it, but they do.
The Stones are dreadful, and always have been. That they still drag around their ghoulish selves is grotesque. Hilarious story!
Heard the “local community” DJ gush over the Stones “new” release the other week. Like she or anyone else would ever listen to it, much less pay for it.
I never could stand that style of music I call “Boomer druggie rock”. Stones, Who, Beatles. I never could get into any of it.
Any time I hear of one of them coming out with a new song or tour, I mutter “hang it up, old man”.
Have the Col MacGregor channels been taken down on bitchute?
off youtube
Consistent with what the planefags are seeing. Surveillance flights over Ukraine are OVER. Everything now is CONUS, Western Europe, and ME.
“…to have a completely independent dialog constructed and delivered to a person’s consciousness de novo, outside of the main consciousness, and for that dialog to be cogent, and make sense to a person, would seem a very complex neurological activity for their brain to perform…”
NEUROPHONE,”…The Neurophone encodes sounds in a way that makes it possible to transmit them through the skin. They are again translated into sound in the brain…”
In the first article of the below link it states”…Patent No. 3,393,279 are owned by Intelectron, Inc. of New York City…Flanagan developed the second neurophone device covered by Patent No. 3,647,970 which does not use an r-f carrier and does not involve high voltages…”
Meaning while Flanagan’s neurophone patent could be released and used at low voltage the other, could not. Meaning it has an r-f carrier and high voltages.
Maybe the neurons trained to make sense of sound when stimulated by alternate means does the only thing it knows how to do with the stimulation, and makes sense of it.
I suspect so. I was not saying processing a sentence the brain thought it heard would be difficult, or even getting the sentence in the head would be hard. I was saying that coming up with a dialog, starting with nothing, picking a subject, having a thought about it, formulating a sentence and encapsulating that thought, creating a simulated audio experience and delivering that pattern of neural activity, that is very complex. You need almost a second brain, running in parallel.
That’s kind of what I think the rosary does. It’s a repeated prayer that burns into your neural circuits. If you look at it, it’s got all the high notes- life, death, birth, God, a mother- and some complex ideas- forgiveness, mercy- and I think if you repeat it often enough it burns a corvette into your brain. Like, you have a feather of an idea, and if it touches any of the big subjects, or, say, the texture of the beads, or you relax a little- it pulls everything together.
I’m not Catholic. Protestants have different prayer practices. There’s the great wheel of reading the bible in a cycle.
It just seems more cognitively challenging and dense than “om, om, om.”
I think the prayer cycle, or four times a day services habituate and sharpen the brains of the faithful. We get used to that level of functioning for Western Civ. It’s invisible, so no one else really notices it. They are just less mentally organized? Like, calculus, the Big Bang, the Trinity, and Mendelian genetics all happened in monasteries.
While habits are good. Repetition like: “Kyrie Eleison” or “Lord have mercy” over and over again. Isn’t really Prayer but incantation.
If you are speaking to God. You speak to him as a person. Which naturally will involve variation.
You are correct in your assessment of our level of technology now. I studied language through functional MRI, which creates a movie of patterns that we can map onto the subject’s brain scans during language tasks. Our knowledge of the language processing areas and their interconnections are rudimentary. One way to possibly recreate those patterns is through trans cranial magnetic stimulation. TMS can affect neuronal function from outside the brain- look not this topic. To do this you would need an array of stimulators about 1cm outside the skull surface. This is just inconceivable and probably impossible to program at our level of knowledge right now.
I can only speculate that a more advanced level of technology could program a ‘magnetic wave’ generator, something akin to what dutchsinse was describing in his video on earthquake detection. The nodes of the wave are what could be interacting with subject’s brain- from afar- to recreate the patterns of activity producing the perception of heard speech. We, humans, are definitely not at this level of technology as far as I understand it. Perhaps, this may also be why dutchsinse was siloed.
What’s Q’s board?
It is basically people just trying to post interesting articles and research, but getting flooded with span and porn pics and random stuff which makes no sense. It is unnavigatable and unreadable, but I cruise through each day to get a link or two, which though only one or two, will tend to be quite interesting.
go here. go to newest “q research general” tab. normally they go to 751 replies. sometimes less if mucho spam/ddos attacks. sometimes more. inexperienced bakers let it go to even 800. lurk long time. you can go to the /index page also but if catalog is under attack, index is likely also affected.
also go here
Here’s another similar answer to AC’s:
It USED to be where “Q” posted the “drops”. That has, for the most part (unless “Q” posts again in the near future) gone away and now it’s literally an image board with:
The above is a really quick and dirty synopsis of what Q Research is and how it works. I am not autistic (at least I don’t think I am). But I WAS labeled “hyperactive” as a child, but thankfully not drugged. They just threw me outside like every other kid in my generation until dinnertime. What fascinates me about the board is that it has its own “vibe” and as I stated in bullet 1 above it is a truly AMAZING source of up to the minute facts and truth and/or news articles of BREAKING NEWS. I stopped watching all of the fake news probably over 5 years ago (yes, even Faux News which is its own little sinful cup of tea). But between AC and Q Research, I feel get everything I need to know quicker (or at least as quick) as anyone can get it anywhere else…but with more hilarious anecdotes, memes, and other general hilarity. Occasionally folks will post super helpful things about medicine, food, etc. (especially anything about Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc.). Q Research absolutely DESTROYED the COVID-19/Vax narrative, almost overnight. Very smart people and very critical thinking people lurk and post there.
I am not addicted to it (that I know of?) because it can go offline AND I sometimes take breaks and focus on other things…but it really is like a comfy chair on a cold night with folks that think like you (and many that do not!).
Hope that helps!
That’s pretty much how it goes. Every new bread starts with a bunch of boobs and TYB (Thank You Baker). Every single one.
Attached is a picture I saved. An anon drew the flow of a bread.
I use the tree view, which groups all the replies together. It makes it easier to blow past threads that are just shills and nonsense.
I forgot to mention:
…but then we were told the end times would be non-stop deceit and if possible, the very elect would be deceived.
So there’s that.
Bowman evidence is hilarious, auditioning for Keystone Kongressman.
Don’t you wish that those staffers providing laughable excuses could be put on camera to explain themselves? Too bad the news cycle gets nudged here and there so that there is never any accountability or reckoning. Once upon a time there could’ve been an intrepid investigative journalist on the case, with camera in tow. Maybe below O’Keeffe’s radar?
Vox Day back up.
Q Research back up.
Darn…I thought it was the start of the “10 days of darnkness…”
I don’t know what happened, but him and Q at the same time is curious. You might see tests like that before the big day, just to see what happens, where everyone goes, and if there is somewhere else everyone would rally that also needs to be dealt with. I know something big is coming, and I suspect they will want to isolate everyone for it.
8 Kun could simply have the same hosting provider, but I found it interesting that IG stayed up while SG, which is a subdomain of IG, went down.
The 10 days of darkness will come once the West/Israel has initiated the war with iran and Hezbollah. It will probably come via a cyber attack ( probably from our own deep states) but be blamed on the adversaries. It will probably come once the cold of winter intensifies, thereby adding to the misery and the death toll.
Baker wars at QR.
Wind-up toy Robert Card was a Petroleum Supply Specialist, which is a lower-IQ MOS than cook. Dude had no Arms Expert Ribbon, so very unlikely he was a weapons trainer.
(((they))) played a… card.
and then, just like the supposed judgekilla…
I keep posting Lookoutfa Charlie’s analysis of the Vice of God; yet no one here seems to get it.
I think what is hurting the uptake of that is, like everything, we do not know what to believe anymore. You could post video of aliens and bigfoot at a barbeque, we just don’t know what to believe.
I will have to at some point see if I can recreate his work. Until then, people are paying attention, and processing his work, and classifying it as potentially interesting. We just do not have anything to add to it yet. and – short banks, financial, real estate (and insurance if you can)… and maybe industrials… perhaps FAANGS. then. do. it. again. keep up a rotation cause (((they))) cant keep all (((their))) plates spinning at once.
There have been questions in comments, broadly recently, about the motivation of the gang stalkers. I have a theory.
Assume voice to skull is real. (Some anon posted a major schizo, in a good way, third party journal of a V2K victim. I don’t have the link handy.)
Assume there are people who legitimately have no inner monologue.
What happens if those “soulless” “people” receive remote instructions to follow this individual, precise phrasing when confronted , and so on? What if they literally cannot do other than what they are told?
That is interesting. Has anybody ever seen if V2K victims are all without inner monologue?
Why can’t you sleep – This is all tied into EMF
I could barely stay awake this morning, despite sleeping like a log. I guess their tactics have changed. Sleeping longer and enjoying it less.
Thanks very much for the plug, AC.
Happy to!
jim stone returned…
His insurance company, National General, later told him in a letter that, since Preciao had not named his son as an excluded driver, his policy was being rescinded, and, as a result, his claim was denied and his premium was refunded. The company did not respond to NBC 7’s calls and emails about this case, citing customer privacy.
As a result, Preciado was on the hook for almost $5,000 in damages to the other vehicle.
“What does my son have to do with the accident?” Preciado asked over and over, also mentioning that “he wasn’t driving, he wasn’t with me at the time of the crash, he doesn’t drive at all since he has no license. So why name him?”
Ortega said that some insurance companies like National General want to know who has access to a vehicle at any given moment, regardless of whether they’re licensed or have permission to use it.
The California Department of Insurance’s investigation into Preciado’s claim didn’t find any wrongdoing by National General, a reminder, Ortega said, that we should all be aware of similar types of provisions in policies. This includes roommates, no matter how close they may be relationship-wise, people living with you temporarily while they search for their own residence, and college students who return home intermittently, even if it’s only for holidays
“So they’re not home full-time, but if they’re licensed and they have access to the vehicle when they’re home, they should be included in the policy,” Ortega said.
At the very least, they should be named as an excluded driver, according to the CDI.
More at:
1 they demand you give them private information on who lives in your home.
2 How did the agent know to ask when the kid was not involved in the accident?
Then, by extension this includes:
This is lawfare at its finest: as my lawya brother once told me, any story no matter how farfetched is the law if the judge buys it. Or you’ve bought the judge.
3 minutes ago
I appreciate everyone’s concern! Yes, Dutchess and I are still alive and kicking . I’ve been literally shutdown (streaming) and can no longer securely use Earthquake3D — our internet was shut off again, and I’m now using a slow DSL phone line connection originally intended for a home use, not capable of carrying a stream (too slow).
Starlink not an option (had it before already and it too was subject to instant shut off whenever a significant earthquake hit anywhere on the planet – and shut off when I would get on to speak — not a tech issue… censorship I mean)
We were “intimidated” for sure by a few recent developments I don’t want to get into here, however I am not quitting. We are moving.
It’s a real hassle to try to move at this juncture, but its the only option for me to have internet connections (plural) , as well as access to nearby law enforcement if need be.
No death threats directly, but I told the dutchess I wouldn’t be surprised if that is what comes next.
Who is doing this (the internet and other shutdowns)? We still don’t really know. We’ve got our guesses, and I don’t think its a kid in a basement doing it.
Thanks to bernie @cryptoalchemist369 for noticing something serious is going on. I’ll be speaking with him soon hopefully as well as a few other videomakers.
For the time being, I don’t even have earthquake3d on a PC to use here, so I’m checking this and that site for earthquake info, but what good is it if I can’t make videos?
I will try to make text posts on my community page here and maybe record short videos on specific earthquakes without using earthquake3D.
Much love in crazy, hard, wild times.
The problem is, chances are the real estate agent will be one, taking orders from command, and they will park him in a place where the whole neighborhood is them, so they can break into his house every time he leaves, without fear of neighbors noticing something.
And Law Enforcement is no use. Whatever this is has the ability to wave credentials and make them kneel, and if they do not, they will James Burke them and get somebody in who will.
He needs to move closer to family he can trust.
I am not sure if this is his earthquake stuff. The problem may be he is honest, and whatever is coming they are afraid his followers will trust him and not the narrative. They may just be disrupting his earthquake stuff because it gives him credibility and a fan base.
God bless them though. Tough people who won’t back down. You have to love the good old American scrapper who doesn’t care about the odds.
Maybe certain Cabal Realtors have that much control over clients, but the average one doesn’t. I lost my job in a bad job market years ago and got a Real Estate license. Most of the customers I worked with were idiots. “I want to look at foreclosures! I heard you can get great deals on foreclosures!” Then you show them a foreclosure; a house that has been vacant for months. It stinks, it’s falling apart, there is rat crap all over the floor, and they’re disgusted. But they can’t spot the pattern, so they want to see another foreclosure.
Then they make stupid comments like “the bedrooms are kind of small.” I tell them “You’re looking at a $150,000 house in a market where the average is $250,000. You’re not going to get a bedroom big enough to hold a prom in.” But they won’t learn. If I had a gun to my head to get somebody to buy a specific house in a specific neighborhood, I would not have been able to do it.
Mercifully, I got another job in my own industry.
Maybe they sent you clients who played dumb and annoying to drive you out of the profession.
It’s entirely possible. One was my ex-wife’s friend. I was still married to her at the time. I’ve wondered if my ex was Cabal, but her and her entire family were so incompetent at life. But you never know.
A friend of mine said his ex was Satan himself. I used to say my ex wasn’t Satan, but she was a high level operative. AC’s Narcissists book really helped me process that marriage and WTF happened.
I think it is the size of his audience and his willingness to buck the status quo and the “experts”.
Milles Mathis is covering the Maine mass shooting event.
So, naturally, he argues quite persuasively that it was fake.
I like this quote:
“I see that Alex Jones is asking if Robert Card was a CIA Mind Control (MKUltra) project today. Hey Alex! You forgot to ask the even simpler question:did this happen at all? As usual, we have no proof it did, just a lot of wild and stupid claims from a mainstream press that is owned by the CIA. Do you know who is a Mind Control project? It isn’t Robert Card. It is the American Citizen. The CIA controls the media which controls the beliefs of most Americans. That is your MKUltra project right there, without any patsies or mass murders. This entire country is a CIA project, including the idiotic Alex Jones Show. Alex Jones, who can’t remember anymore that projects are faked. After his fake Sandy Hook trial, that knowledge was erased from his mind as if by magic.
On the same site, Paul Joseph Watson is also selling the story as real, never asking if it might be another Sandy Hook staged crisis to sell more guns. Yeah, you read that right. Not to pass gun laws, but to sell MORE guns. As I have shown you in the previous fakes, the hidden goal is to sell guns. The gun laws are just fear tactics: part of the trick to frighten you into buying more guns before they are taken off the shelves. Stock up on ammunition before it is discontinued. Which, as I hope you have noticed, they almost never are. After Sandy Hook, gun sales hit peaks never before imagined. It was a bonanza for gun companies. Same for these other staged shootings, including the recent Idaho fake, and in some of them I was able to actually finger the guys behind them that owned the local gun shops. But in most cases, it isn’t ownership of local gun stores, it is people behind the event invested in the big gun companies, like Sturm Ruger, Smith&Wesson, and Remington. They love it when you stockpile weapons since they get rich. Sites like Infowars help them do that, by spreading fear and recommending prepping and stockpiling.”
Ah yes, the timeless “duh badguise just want moar money anon, even though they literally control the printing of new money and have no problem at all printing trillions of junk dollars to go directly into their own pockets!”
Anyone who says it’s all just financial scheming is too retarded to play this game any more. They’re rich beyond our wildest imagination, control the means of making and earning more money, control the banks, control the billionaires, control the financial regulators. They don’t need your $700 investment into an AR-15 and bullets.
Such naivety’s shelf life is drawing close to being unallowable.
Mathis is mentally limited by his old fashioned leftism/r selection.
news etc are comms, misdirection, with propaganda and just a dash of truth. one must be able to eval it on all levels.