Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Bobulinski recorded Biden operatives begging him to stay quiet, saying, ‘You’ll bury everyone involved,’ – is set to release it Tuesday.
Text messages show VP Biden and his wife colluded to suppress hunter’s actions with a certain minor relative. They seem to be acting like they don’t believe the allegations though. Mainly interesting in that video seems to show him naked with the niece having sex, and now we find it was a family rumor too. He also says at one point he will blow his brains out if anybody says anything to anyone, because he couldn’t stand to have it become public. The last part almost makes me wonder if Cabal made these up as a backstory to support what comes next.
Now emails show Hunter had the same gig going in Mexico.
Biden floats rotating Supreme Court justices from court to court if he is elected.
Biden campaign breaks record for most money spent on television ads. Headline should read, “Biden campaign breaks record for most Cabal payoffs laundered to plugged in operatives.” Have you seen this many Biden ads?
Biden officially calls a lid until election day.
Four people show up to see Obama in Philly.
Dozens of ballots destroyed after fire set at Boston dropbox.
Progressives push for Warren as treasury secretary, signaling bigger ideological battle if Biden wins. Why aren’t they lying, which would be the smartest path? They don’t need to motivate uber-leftists to come to the polls. They could play moderate, and try to spread their appeal, but they won’t. I feel like a military guy who senses things are too easy going forward, and it must be an ambush. They have some plan which involves Biden losing. Like if their plan was, run a horrible candidate, do everything wrong, make it clear they should lose, then win by fraud, and if anyone opposes them taking power, swing in with government forces and send them all off to the camps or kill them. Maybe not that, but something unusual. Not that it will work, but they must feel it might.
Hillary Clinton says she is ‘sick to my stomach’ over possible second Trump term. She is popping up the newsfeed more and more. Could she be thinking she will get appointed by Congress somehow in the chaos, or be given Biden’s electors when he drops out? Feels like she is raising her profile for a reason.
Obama’s Treasury secretary pays homage to communist China.
Reid says Biden should end Senate filibuster, if Republicans don’t immediately begin working with him to pass his agenda. One more sign we are either going to smash the left at the polls and maintain the system, or it will end up being who can force their will on the other side, and eventually escalate to physical violence. The system designed to avert violence is failing.
Chris Cuomo socializes mask-free at private members’ club.
Scandal-plagued dem Senate candidate Cal Cunningham kicked out of family home.
Facebook prepares to censor content in ‘election emergency.’
Google and Facebook have poured $700 million into journalism since 2018 t buy media silence. Or so we are told. What if that was just Cabal funding its media machine by laundering the money through those companies, and the media silence is just one subsidiary covering for another?
UK child abuse inquiry refuses to investigate Pakistani grooming gangs.
Worn out wind turbine blades are piling up in landfills because they can’t be recycled.
Trump questions Kamala Harris’ laughter on ‘60 Minutes’,‘ saying, there is ‘something wrong with her.’ Liberals communicate with their body language, over social status in the argument. Figures, facts and logic are not as important. Probably the basis for the control systems applied to the NPCs.
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday spoke in defense of Hunter Biden after U.S. President Donald Trump accused him of engaging in business with Ukraine. President Putin likes to play his chess 6 dimensional, double reverse, upside down, in a mirror-reflection. Putin also notes how Hunter made very good money in Ukraine.
Chinavirus mortality is plummeting, even as testing finds more cases. CDC fucking up testing may have been part of the plan to artificially elevate mortality, since only the worst cases were found.
Republicans hesitate, then subpoena Facebook, Twitter CEOs over pro-Biden censorship. Just enough to push it after the election.
Republicans take the case over the extended Pennsylvania ballot deadline to the Supremes.
The New York Post endorses President Donald J. Trump for re-election.
Barre confirmed as newest Supreme Court Justice.
NC absentee rules case could be among Barrett’s first cases on Supreme Court.
If Roberts is in the dissent, then Clarence Thomas will become essentially the acting Chief Justice and shape the scope of new written rulings. Roberts will probably rule conservative just so he can fuck up the rulings.
Republicans ahead in WI early voting.
Trump campaign makes WiFi password ‘WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe?’ for press at latest rally.
Trump up by three points in Pennsylvania.
Trump beats Biden in Rasmussen.
Spread r/K Theory, because we must be near the inflection point.
The biggest thing that jumps out at me is just how miserable the people who take the ticket are. It really is the losing path.
re: Why aren’t they lying, which would be the smartest path?
Because they aren’t smart anymore.
You know how VD has mentioned previously about the elite of Florence, and before them Rome becoming utterly useless by the end of their run? Q repeated it over and over, these people are stupid. They got so used to being in charge and always having things fixed for them that they have lost the ability to function without that level of rigging. The Cabal we have today could not have built the Cabal.
As for the progressives, Mark Taylor has long commented that reason you see this insane behavior from people is not actually from the people, but from the spirit that they are tied to. The level of spiritual warfare happening is apparently the highest it’s been since the Crucifixion, which is why people have literally gathered together in cities to scream at the sky.
Darkness hides it, the light reveals it.
“Why aren’t they lying, which would be the smartest path? They don’t need to motivate uber-leftists to come to the polls. They could play moderate, and try to spread their appeal, but they won’t. I feel like a military guy who senses things are too easy going forward, and it must be an ambush. They have some plan which involves Biden losing.”
I agree. Things are very strange. Maybe the patriots have solidified control?
I mean after weeks of the Kavanagh drama the fact that the ACB nomination at such a critical juncture just sails through with no fanfare is beyond belief. Even my local news which is stridently a Cabal mouthpiece is very mute on it. They grudgingly made it their top story for all of 1 hour last night and then it gets delegated to their dustbin like a story on a local watermelon festival. Seriously, you can’t even find it in their top headlines right now.
After pondering it a bit I think Mitch McConnell’s hand accident may have been the work of Q. Maybe Q got word that Mitch was planning on slow-walking the process so he got paid a visit. I mean even Romney got the message by the looks of it.
Think I’m losing it because Q are the good guys? Hardly. Remember McCain? Also the interview with Harry Reid where he calls Trump amoral.
I mean even Don Jr. tweeted a meme after the confirmation calling him Cocaine Mitch. Good natured ribbing? Not so sure about that.
I get that some people require that the Q team be the good guys because it fits their moral framework but all I give a shit about is that they’re aligned with US interests. I want them to be ruthless in destroying our country’s opposition.
Looks like the Patriots are in control of the Senate at least. Hopefully the election results prove it even more-so for the country in general.
This is war, I don’t understand why Q team has played as nice as they have.
If Q is playing dirty I not only do not care but am pleased.
None of you are alone in seeing that this whole election is strange and the whole thing looks like a set up. Yes there is the possibility that they have lost it. I can’t help but think the guy who left a youtube comment that the reason they picked Biden was that the Chinese had already paid for him and they were damn sure going to get him as a candidate. If that were true it would explain things. It would also explain Biden’s behavior. He may not want to run or win. This country is in a hell of mess would any of you want to run it? I know I wouldn’t. At this point the only way I could see getting anything done would be to start putting people on pikes.
Agree. It is either that, or Q gained control over the leverage Cabal had been using, and now he has everyone acting a script just like before, only this time it is going to expose all the corruption, eliminate the left, crush the Democrat party open everyone’s eyes to their tricks and evils, and then maybe establish something in teh shadows to make sure our enemies never get the reins again.
Maybe the obviousness is even a feature, because we are all thinking, “this looks scripted,” which will probably serve us well in the future, to think such a thing is possible. It is training us to be paranoid, and assume we are being played.
“You are watching a movie.”
Yeah, that is probably what he means. Gotta be fucked up when you get the role of Ned Beatty in Deliverance, and you know that for your role, the script and your life are one and the same.
In Podesta’s war game, states where Trump won would claim victory for Biden and try to send a skate of Dem electors anyway.
Yes, we forget this. People of the left just DO something, no matter how illegal or destructive, regardless of their rank or responsibility.
Also, remember that one of the things Soros was up to was ‘purchasing’ the Secretary of State position in each state with big money and support; because the Secretary of State of a state is the person who ‘certifies’ the winner of the election. They might try a shenanigan with the Secretary of State ‘certifying’ wrongly.
Top kek:
I think it is cabal comms to warn the people who aren’t in direct contact that 2016 is coming again. Remind them of what happened to Hillary so they aren’t caught flat-footed when it happens again.
I’ve just came to the realization that Vox Day’s book, Corporate Cancer, just re-invented the wheel, and at the same time—deconstructed Americanism. Isn’t Corporate Cancer about ferreting out SJWs, mind criminals, from one’s business?
Is that NOT what the Roman Catholic authorities attempted to do against their mind criminals? atheists, Jews, and heretics? Vox Day has just re-invented the wheel. You must sift bad thought from your organization whether Catholic Government or Catholic religion.
But America is built on Tolerance and Equality, allowing for heretics free movement and speech! Thomas Paine, atheist, was allowed to speak and foment the Revolution. If the British government back then, had Corporate Cancer–there would have been no American Revolution. What Vox has just done is undermine the whole of the Enlightenment and America!
Just as you can’t allow SJWs in your business–you can’t allow SJWs free speech, to print books and proselytize!
Vox Day just legitimized the Inquisition. That is in essence Corporate Cancer is—resurrecting the Inquisition!
(I’ve been banned for awhile from Vox Popoli, so I can’t comment there, so I commented here because a lot of his readers come here as well.)
You just proved you don’t understand anything about the subject.
Vox is against the Enlightenment, believing it was nothing more than the removal of the blasphemy laws that protected Christianity.
Once removed, the enlightenment proceeded to attack religion.
Yes, you need an Inquisition. Vox would agree with you.
It’s why he purges commentators from his site.
When you are young you judge, based on your static position. I was very principled back then, Marquis of Queensbury, and all that. As you go on, if you are smart, and doing shit, you will realize you can’t really judge, because your own position is changing day to day and week to week. As I do this, and look at the world, I see a clear trajectory heading to that position.
I think what happens is before you really see clearly, anybody can be good or evil, or right or wrong, depending on perspective, because your own powers of discrimination are not honed. As times goes on and the battle comes into focus, you see it clearly – a real evil, abetted by the stupid, all of whom are not worth the time of debating. And any ground you give them to enter the debate will just be used to further evil.
I could see a science fiction book where the protagonist lands on a planet in war and goes from ignorant and magnanimous to all on principle, to perceiving the real battle and the necessity of its being won – and the necessity for ruthlessness every moment of being anywhere near it. It would be a perfect allegory. Old me thinks “Opposing Enlightenment bad,” but what the fuck do I know about then, really? Who were the players? Who were the real players? Because suddenly it looks a lot like leftist traitors today bought off by foreign powers trying to weaken the ties that bound the religious so they could be defeated. Who teh fuck would have thought the Melting Pot and the tossed salad were both memes, each inching things forward as much as they could, and probably introduced by Cabal with a goal of leaving us ultimately fractured and defeatable? Pic related:

Don’t lose sight of the possibility that the new inquisition may wind up in the hands of the cabal. (look at Twitter and Facebook etc. and then think of them with government power)
Life is a war and war is K selecting, if we try to end the war instead of continuing to fight it we lose and become r selected.
This includes the war of ideas, don’t try to avoid having to fight bad ideas.
We don’t have to let people with bad ideas into our land but that is just a different kind of war to prevent it.
Wheeler doesn’t understand the difference between government control and private choices (no the artificial Big Tech monopolies conspiring with the government is not private) and he wants us to still be under the control of the British crown, I look at the UK and the rest of the Commonwealth and thank GOD we are not.
I see what you are saying, but I also see my trajectory here. When I started, it was all a free, open forum, let the bad post stay, freedom of speech, yada yada. As time goes on, you do get bent away from that.
Great reply.
Free speech does not exist, the term “free speech” is just the marketing term the leftist/globalist/gaybal faggots use to sell their own brand of speech policing. And their speech policing is what disarms the gen pop from being able to fight their leftist/globalist/gaybal political policies and propaganda machines peacefully thru speech (because they label any criticism, even if factually sound, as hate speech, and remove it from circulation, thus proving that their intention is not free-speech per-se, they just use the term in order to implement their own brand of speech-control).
And that “free-speech” agenda is doing grave damage to the Western culture (including Christianity) and will continue to do so until it is removed.
Only a real blood tied, responsible, above average IQ Citizen is capable of “free speech”. Paper “citizens” are not capable.
Paper citizens are (some of them knowingly and others unknowingly) being used as the tool of ethnic replacement of Western people, the demographic replacement (genocidal) plans of the UN/EU/SorosRothschildIsrael gaybal faggots.
And once the ethnic replacement happens (where it is allowed to happen by treasonous politicians and via massive MSM collaboration), then in those places cultural termination of Western values and culture automatically occur. This is done with that exact purpose. Where the free-speech thing comes in is that the gaybal hoped to put their plans into action using an intel (secret) operation, but given the mass exposure they are experiencing, it has now turned into a political operation (it is now under the scrutiny of a substantial amount of the general population).
Vox Day recently posted this:
where he says:
“The two primary problems are debt and immigration”
That is 100% correct (and although he is talking about the USA in that particular article of his, his statement applies not only to the USA but EVERY Western Country (and all Western Countries are under massive attack at the moment (including biological warfare as the basis to set up the kind of psyop that crackhead globohomo rapists could think off, which is the Great Reset assisted by the COVID 1984 Chinese planedemic))).
Q posted an open letter today, its very accurate in its content.
Western Countries that survive this barrage of subversion, treason and cultural/religious/ethnic warfare being waged against them will have to become, by sheer self-preservation purposes, to become way more selective in who gets in (limit legal migration, make it based on merit like Trump says it should be done; have constant sustainable ZERO illegal immigration).
Hmmm…we should listen to this guy who sits on this throne.
In this hallway…
It’s interesting that not too long ago, seeing a psychiatrist was grounds for losing or being denied a security clearance. For some reason, “they” managed to get the stigma removed to the point where you’re almost considered weird if you DON’T need therapy (I call it “the rapy”).And now, suddenly, many supposedly high-level people like the Pope do it regularly. I can only speculate at this point as to why. It could have to do with meeting your handler or getting your MKULTRA programming maintained/updated.
Also for people in general. All that information, extensive notes, medication history, treatment history and outcomes, personal stories and history. Plus information on the patient’s family and close ties. Personal observations by the therapists and supervising psychiatrists and psychologists.
And with all records now being electronic very easy to steal if you are the right organization. AC talks about the active spying done on regular people. I can imagine the psych notes would be very valuable in identifying people to target. Putting myself in their place it’s an obvious thing to do.
That is true.
And the widespread employee assistance programs. All that personal information conveniently centralized. It makes you smack your head. Of course. Helping the employees was just a cover.
Nothing is what it seems to people who just want to live their lives.
“why aren’t they (the left; the globalists; the ancient enemy) lying like they’ve always done?”
1) Trump’s genius manifests itself in many ways. a particularly useful one is the way he infuriates & unbalances the enemy to the point where they willingly unmask themselves
2) even more to the point: the enemy has broken cover because _the Big Lethal Once And For All battle/CW2.0 has begun,_ whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not
Agreed 100%
“Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday spoke in defense of Hunter Biden after U.S. President Donald Trump accused him of engaging in business with Ukraine. President Putin likes to play his chess 6 dimensional, double reverse, upside down, in a mirror-reflection.”
Very Russian of him.
In this case he has the left now endorsing Russian “interference” in the election when it appears to benefit them.
Imagine if cabal was smart enough to play maskirovka like a Russian, now that would be scary. It’s how we can tell cabal are all midwits at best, and r-type driven- they can’t put an impulse aside for two seconds as their leadership seeks easy wins and ease and comfort.