News Briefs – 10/26/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”


DFT – Google Feels The Pinch From The Economic Slowdown

DFT – European Purchasing Managers Index Falls Again

DFT – IEA Director Says World Heading Toward First Global Energy Crisis

DFT – More Americans Are Now Living Paycheck To Paycheck

DFT – Raytheon Profits Grow Off War In Ukraine

ABC journalist James Gordon meek still missing after FBI raided his home in April. I question if he actually “resigned abruptly” from ABC. Remember ABC is almost, if not entirely compromised with agents of the conspiracy. They may be lying so it doesn’t look strange they don’t care what happened to him. This dude may very well be in a blacksite somewhere, right off the streets of the US, and everybody knows, and they don’t care. I may meet him someday, if I get close to figuring out how to expose the surveillance and it gets wind of that. I wonder, if both he and Michael Hastings were on to the surveillance just before their events. There is no bigger secret in this country right now, which they will do more to hide. It is the secret of secrets.

The UFO stories are accelerating – A former skeptic has changed his tune and is now actively pushing for disclosure. An interesting one, this guy appears to be fairly honest, however he is part of the hack group “Intellectual Dark Web” which includes Jordan Peterson, so probably not, but that is the role they have written for him.  He has also been read-in by Elizondo, who headed the Pentagon task force dealing with UAPs, however he claims to still be skeptical of what people may be using him for. So his role is the skeptic we can trust, even though he looks to me like the guy who didn’t know what he was talking about as he told us he was an authority, who now expects us to listen to him again because he was wrong before. Some of his exchanges on Twitter, questions to him in bold:

Do you feel more or less optimistic that the public will anytime soon have a clearer idea what is going on?

But it has to be done by the book. I’m trying.

Do you believe something world changing will happen within your lifetime?

You aren’t going to have to be wait that long.

Another gatekeeper of knowledge recruited.

No. It is not my information. It belongs to others.

Others = humanity. It’s time for this shell game to end Eric.

Totally agree.

Do you consider that you might be part of the gaslighting?

100000000% You should worry about this too. I’m positive I’m being used. Completely.

Did you find it useful?


Shouldn’t we be team Human? All working together for a greater purpose?

That is my highest allegiance.

Are we in good hands?

I don’t know. Yet.

Based on what you know, can you speculate a timeframe for further disclosure either from individuals or govt?

Not yet publicly.

Do you find the topic worth pursuing?

It’s infuriating. But I don’t feel I have a choice. I would love to stop. Smoke and mirrors are everywhere and the answer is hidden in a national security funhouse that is no fun at all. But we have zero choice here given what is claimed and what is at stake. Thanks.

Eric, we are just tired of the infinite circle jerk. There are people with answers and those answers need to be made public.

The problem with this issue is, when I got really sick in high school, the same strange, uncommon issue also took out the highest performer in the high school, who until that point had been straight A’s with no problem in every course, and full roster of extracurriculars. that kid was really brilliant. Oddly enough both of us got offered the same college scholarship deal at two different schools. And of course there was Tara, who by high school had been dealt with. And you see the motley crew of morons and midwits they try to install as our intellectual thought leaders. We get Ben Shapiro because he  is the cream of their crop. We are led by cowards of inferior intellect, because those at the top feared honest competition, and used an actual intelligence agency running kid spies to cleanse the ranks of the schools, of exactly the people they would have needed to confront something like this. So if this were real, I would bet whoever was dealing with this – we were not sending our best, or even our second best. And now they want to tell us all about it, but not about the surveillance. If it was real, most likely we had a team of medium intellects who told themselves they were superior because nobody could have believed they were so cowardly, spineless, and desperate. And if they are telling us, it must be because they are afraid, and have fucked things up so badly, they feel no other choice but to tell everyone and hope somebody can come up with something to save them.

But I think it most likely it is all manipulation of some sort. That is the problem with liars. Once you find they are liars, you can never trust them. Still, shaping up to be a big story, even if only because a psyop that dwarfs the Scamdemic, and makes it look like a small instance of honest, transparent government done purely for the benefit of the people, will be a big story.

Now we have “racetrack” UFOs, chasing each other in circles, so fast anything alive would be crushed by the G-forces, being seen over the US and reported by pilots.  Being fed to the normies through Good Morning America and the Today Show. We must be getting close. Either the UFOs are working with the Cabal doing the reveal to help things along at precisely the right moment, or this is 100% psyop. Given the psyop’s theme seems to be, “We have no idea what these things are and we are afraid,” these things working with the psyop to create perfectly timed PR events would seem to only point more to psyop.

NASA announces unidentified aerial phenomena study team members.

Jamie Fox did a documentary about a UFO episode in 1966 in South America.

WOW if true – When you click on, “I am not a Robot,” you are not asserting you are not a robot, you are actually authorizing the entity which supplied the button the right to check your browser history (and attach it to your IP in their computer), to “verify” your browser history is consistent with not being a robot’s browser history. If true (I can’t vouch for the lady saying it, though it sounds like what they would do), then you have records all over of what websites you visit, which tells them all sorts of stuff about you.

RNC launches 73 election integrity lawsuits across 20 states.

ACLU sues Nye County Nevada for counting ballots by hand and not using questionable voting machines.

Tucker Carlson just called the Democrat party a child sacrifice cult set with the words “Fantasy Land” behind him. Now check the Q drops on that exact phrase. All talking about child sacrifice/indoctrination and the cult that runs the world. This is a clear nod to Q themes. The stage is being set for disclosure. Tucker is Cabal, so this press on child-sacrifice is coming from the conspiracy. I would guess Lara Logan is initiated too, and her reveals are not exactly a rebel trying to expose it all.

Lara Logan continues:

“The question they don’t want want us asking is ‘Where are all the missing children?’

A gazillion mainstream outlets have talked about the blood of young children being the secret to anti-aging. Why does nobody ask where does the blood come from? We’re fine doing articles that say use the blood of young children to reverse aging. But wait a minute. No journalist follows up and says. Who’s blood? How do you get it?”

What they do not want to talk about, or at least not yet:

A major online database of JFK assassination records is suing President Joe Biden and the National Archives in an effort to uncover all remaining details about the former president’s murder…

The suit alleges that the president defied a legal deadline by delaying the release of some 16,000 records, the last batch of JFK documents to be made public under a 1992 law.

All of those documents were legally required to be revealed by October 2017, but then-President Donald Trump delayed the release of some until October 2021, as reported by the Washington Post. When Biden faced Trump’s deadline, he delayed it again to Dec. 15, 2022.

Scientists can now “decode” people’s thoughts without even touching their heads, The Scientist reported. They can put people in an fMRI, and watch changes in blood flow as they listen to words, and with experience with each individual, gain the ability to convert the data into rough patterns of words. Mainly interesting in that if there are Tic Tacs, they could have impressive abilities. I do not buy the gangstalkers are capable of this, though they seem to want people to think they are (reason enough to doubt it, under the Sun Tzu model of appear strong when weak)

Ted Cruz says he briefly hid in supply closet on Jan. 6. I will bet they knew those were mostly Cabal agents breaking in, and even though they are agents of the conspiracy, they did not know if Cabal had scripted all of them getting brutally murdered as a way to try and retake control.

Is this the end of the road for Ye – and his $2 BN fortune? Fallout from rapper’s anti-Semitism scandal will wipe up to $1.2 BILLION from his net worth after Adidas, Gap, and Balenciaga severed ties – while fans boycott his music and trash his clothes. Jews have no powe…..

Ye: “The CIA backs Pixar and Disney films.”

4Chan gets involved in a Twitter poll, and you can imagine how it went:

DeSantis dodges debate question about possible 2024 White House run. You cannot trust this one.

Biden pokes a little girl’s face with his finger, as a space-invasion amygdala hijack, and the little girl reflexively hits it away. He has to make the little girls uncomfortable. When he got older, Bob was enraged when he saw young kids in the prime of life, enjoying themselves. He had an almost, “That should be me, not them” kind of attitude over it. But Bob was most enraged by young males, because he had a younger brother. During the early developmental period of maximum brain plasticity, repeated childhood events of his mother favoring the younger brother had repeatedly triggered and conditioned a reflexive jealousy in him, which at maturity turned into a reflexive hatred of younger males. Looking at Biden, it hit me, he had a younger sister, he had spent time as “the baby” of the family, and resented it when the younger sister came along and took that from him, and this need to hurt little girls, even pinching one’s nipple in front of cameras, at risk of being caught, must be a result of that. So I cruised on over to google, and sure enough, Biden has a younger sister, Valerie Biden. These patterns of thought, especially the non-sensical, bizarre ones, are almost always conditioned in childhood through repetition of thoughts and emotions during critical developmental periods, which cause those thoughts and emotions to get burned into the brain, and become amazingly easy to trigger, and overpowering when they hit. I mean what man sees a little girl, and reflexively wants to actually make her uncomfortable and unhappy? Only a guy who was conditioned that way, repeatedly, day in and day out, bitter at the little girl who was getting treated as “the baby” when it should have been him – and would have been him if that little bitch had never shown up and taken it from him, and then sat there enjoying it the way he should have been enjoying it. Biden is really, seriously, serial-killer-tier fucked up in the head. And like Bob, I would be surprised if there is no ride-along, which under the right circumstances could be motivated to take the wheel and make an appearance. You have to deal with one a lot, to fully understand that part, but it is there.

NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes:“Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.”

Former Defense Secretary Ashton Carter dead at 68 after ‘cardiac event’: Obama’s last Pentagon chief who ended transgender military ban. Vaxxie vaxxie, Heart Attacksie, Took your shots and wore your maskie. LOL. No refunds. If this is what vax holocaust will look like, give me MOAR.

Joe Biden calls for ‘one COVID shot each year’ as he gets fifth vaccine shot. My guess is Cabal views him as vital to their script, so they will make sure he gets the saline. I was thinking – why did they choose him, over just about any other democrat? Not only was he an awful candidate, but he could die at any moment, and Cabal usually doesn’t leave their plans to chance or hope. But then I realized they made sure he chose as VP the only candidate worse and more repugnant than him – Kamala. So if he did croak, there would still be an intolerable, borderline retarded, personally repugnant person to leave the populace repulsed. The only question is, does the script require that because they want Trump to definitely win and recreate American greatness in 2024, or is it a humiliation op, where in 2024 we yet again get a repugnant candidate, for whom there is no possible way they could win, who goes on to win the election handily over a candidate turning out arenas of a hundred thousand each, all chanting they love him? Thereby demoralizing us, and trying to make us feel like they are in control, and there is no use even fighting. Either way, it should be apparent in a few years.

Bodybuilder Andreas Frey unexpectedly passed away in his sleep at age 43 on October 20, 2022. Massive guy.

The new “Omicron-specific” mRNA Covid boosters are WORSE than useless – A new paper says people who got them actually generated FEWER antibodies to Omicron than those who got the older shots as a booster – and FAR fewer than people who had a natural Omicron infection.

Be-Q? Seeks out the vaccinated, and the recently vaccinated even more?:

Six people who tested positive for monkeypox have died, health departments confirm.

Fauci’s NIAID lab in Maryland moves to create severe monkeypox strain. Big brain perspective – this might not be so bad…

Google caught manipulating search, buries GOP campaign sites in 83% of top Senate races.

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants had their cases thrown out by immigration judges after documents were not filed in time by Department of Homeland Security officials, according to newly released data. The people who were supposed to file the docs were told, they were “with intelligence.”

Alaska GOP censures Mitch McConnell for meddling in race between two Republicans to help Murkowski against Palin.

Marjorie Taylor Greene swatted for 6th time last night.

Guatemalan President says Biden admin refused to help him stop illegal migrants bound for the U.S. border.

Hialeah police: ‘No indication’ of political motive in attack on Rubio canvasser. Was Rubio lying? Are the Police there?

The National Park Service says “Too much Whiteness in the parks is an existential crisis.” They want you divided. You can see how long the conspiracy has been operating by the completeness of its penetration of every nook and cranny of every facet of society. If you wanted to simply take over the US government, where on your list would the National Park Service fall as a subversion target? But this thing? They have the propaganda flowing from everywhere. The only alternate hypothesis, which I would not rule out, is the National Park Service is more important than it would appear at first glance, because they needed control of it to hide the Missing-411 stuff.

How LA’s homeless are brazenly hooking up WASHING MACHINES to street power lines and setting up HUGE 10-man tents on sidewalks – complete with makeshift flowerbeds!

As heating oil costs keep rising, oil dealers seek waiver from Gov Mills to sell non-low-sulfur fuels to minimize or avoid having to ration customers.

Michigan mayor installs gas line in home after pushing for citywide electrification.

Of the $25 million spent by Fair Fight Action, Stacey Abrams’ voting rights group over the past two years, $9.5 million went to Allegra Lawrence-Hardy’s law firm – Lawrence-Hardy is the chair of Abrams’ campaign and Abrams and Lawrence-Hardy were also classmates at Spelman College.

Net zero bombshell: The world does not have enough lithium and cobalt to replace all batteries every 10 years – Finnish government report.

Large 5.1 magnitude earthquake rocks San Francisco Bay area.

Prosecutors say Michael Avenatti should get 17 years in prison for fraud scheme.

A suit was filed on Tuesday in a Michigan federal district court by a woman who had worked as a physician assistant for 17 years, but was then fired for refusing, on religious grounds, to refer patients for gender transitioning drugs and procedures and to use pronouns that correspond to a patient’s gender identity rather than their biological sex.

Indiana parents lose custody after court rules not ‘affirming’ child’s gender identity is ‘abuse.’

Most Americans think children ‘influenced’ to be trans, ‘movement has gone too far,’ poll.

Former U.S. military pilot who worked in China arrested in Australia, faces extradition for training Chinese military. So you get out of the Marine Corps, move to Australia, start a business giving joyrides to civilians, China approaches you, you fly to Beijing, and they offer you a contract to train their pilots. You take it, and begin doing so. How does the US know what you are doing? The Chinese aren’t telling them. I would assume they were just paying his consultancy, which paid him on his taxes. Even in China, the watchers are watching and keeping track of what you are doing. Now get back to America and get on food stamps and get fucked over by the VA, while we gangstalk you and zap you in your bed, anon. Because you have to be loyal to America, the freest country in the world.

Unilever has recalled six brands of dry shampoo made before October 2021 because of potentially elevated levels of benzene, which is a carcinogen.

Wealthy Chinese activate financial “escape plans,” as they are terrified of Xi Jin Ping’s coming reign of terror. Sounds like Cabal’s assets, who were paving the way for their entrance, are in a bad position now that Xi has closed the door and Cabal isn’t coming anymore.

On Wednesday, prime ministerial candidate Rishi Sunak said he will crack down on Islamist terrorism which has become a “significant terror threat” for the UK. You can’t get your hopes up – he is one of them. The only positive possibility which these stories might point to is Cabal’s jump to China failed, and so they have decided to not collapse things here on their way out the door, and maybe even turn things around, since there is no door open to them to exit through. But all of this does put a fascinating spin on the decline of Rome. We all just assumed the influx of barbarians, their rise in the ranks politically, and their eventual control was something which arose organically. I probably have a post ages ago, before I saw the surveillance, likening it to the weakening amygdala of r causing the population to not see the threat, and it just happened spontaneously in the absence of resistance. Never would I have guessed it was part of an established game plan of a conspiracy which has been destroying great cultures for millennia, and which was living right next door to me, trying to figure out what to do with me at that very moment, as it was plotting to use its corrupt agents to flood the nation with migrants.

Incoming UK Prime Minister is pro-crypto.

China testing anti-satellite nuclear weapons.

Brittney Griner’s nine-year prison sentence in Russia upheld.

With the mystery of the blasts that destroyed undersea gas pipelines between Russia and Germany unsolved, Nord Stream 1’s insurers and reinsurers are grappling with how to respond to hundreds of millions of dollars in potential claims. So Russia will get paid anyway.

The Australian government has earmarked AU$213.3 million (US$136mn) in additional spending for aid to Ukraine over the next five years.

World bank disburses additional $500 million to Ukraine.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday vowed more aid for Ukraine when lawmakers wrap up must-pass government funding legislation later this year, the day after a group of House progressives called for a renewed push to find a diplomatic solution to the war there.

America First Republicans are questioning the new $50 billion Ukraine military aid package. Article says we have shipped over $65 billion so far.

Ukraine and Germany agree to increase military aid from 690 million euros to 2 billion euros in 2023.

Zelensky calls on EU to establish ‘financial Ramstein’ to help Ukraine with $17 billion tab to rebuild.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday asked the international community to cover an expected budget deficit of $38 billion next year for his government.

US aid not reaching Ukrainian people. 40% without power. Government not doing anything for people, no generators, tents, heat, etc. Kyiv blackout tonight. Riots could ensue.

A group of 30 left-wing legislators on Tuesday withdrew a letter sent the day before to the White House calling for President Biden to negotiate directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin to end his war on Ukraine — after several signatories running for re-election objected to its release nearly four months after it was written.

Head of Russian Church (Kirill) – ‘God put Putin at Russia’s helm for a reason, to transform her.’

Japanese government proposes raising age of consent from its current 13 years old. As things turn K, attitudes will follow and it will manifest in societies.

Elon Musk informs bankers that he intends to close the Twitter deal on Friday. Just to fuck with everyone, the day he lays off the 75%, everyone who was banned should rejoin and tweet, “We won.” Then leave the platform since Elon is comped.

Twitter employees create a list of demands for new boss demanding Elon Musk doesn’t fire them.

BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager is running out of customers and its share price has plummeted a massive 16%, causing problems for the companies it supports.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is jumping back into the New Hampshire Senate race after the GOP’s top Senate super PAC announced that it would bail on the state and Republican nominee Don Bolduc.

Fetterman debate vs Oz – “Routinely, Fetterman struggled to give coherent responses to moderator questions as he confused words and paused awkwardly. Reporter Charlotte Alter of TIME called the debate a “disaster” while MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough called it “painful.”” Vaxxie Vaxxie. Impressive how far Cabal has altered things though. Time was, if we saw a healthy Fetterman, we would have wondered how such a retard managed to go the Harvard and end up in office. Now they can run him brain damaged and mentally retarded, and nobody blinks.

New York Governor Hochul to Republican candidate Lee Zeldin on crime: ‘I don’t know why that’s so important to you.’

82% of viewers say Dr. Oz won Senate debate against John Fetterman.

Midterm elections outlook darkens for Biden’s White House.

Just a month after national Republicans appeared to give up on Arizona Republican Blake Masters, the Trump-backed Senate candidate has staged a comeback against incumbent Mark Kelly— and Arizona is in play.

Exclusive Trafalgar/Daily Wire poll has Walker and Kemp surging.

Spread r/K Theory, because there are no refunds.

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2 years ago

Eric Weinstein is a Mathematician, Economist, and a frequent public speaker on a variety of subjects within the sciences. Currently, he is Managing Director of Thiel Capital in San Francisco and was formerly a Co-Founder and Principal of the Natron Group in Manhattan as well as a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University in the Mathematical Institute. Since completing a PhD dissertation in the Mathematics Department at Harvard in 1992 he has held research positions in Mathematics, Physics, and Economics departments (at MIT, Hebrew University, and Harvard respectively).

How many people are brilliant enough to do all this? Dude’s spreading himself a bit thin already, and now UFOs, too?

“And you see the motley crew of morons and midwits they try to install as our intellectual thought leaders.”

Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks begs to differ.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

IQ isn’t everything – 30 extra IQ points only takes one from a 1 in 4 chance of being right to a 1 in 4 chance of being wrong on a given problem. And that’s only if they’re motivated to get it right and not motivated to get it wrong, which is hardly the case for those who have taken the ticket — in fact, their motivation is mostly to deny the existence any problem their side caused or has an interest in maintaining.
Nothing to solve here, please move along.

So, they may be smart — or not — but the main thing is:
they aren’t us, they’ve decided to join the enemy.
Better for us if they aren’t smart, but given the party line they’re expected to rationalize, for most purposes, they might as well be stupid.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

There are several interviews on YT where Weinstein goes into great detail about his personal interactions with Epstein.

That’s right folks, Weinstein says he was invited to Epstein’s place in Manhattan, and Epstein tried to draw Eric in to whatever web Epstein was weaving.

Eric says it was clear to him that Epstein was a total fraud, and that his entire life was a charade, but Eric admits he doesn’t know who was ultimately pulling the strings.

Eric says Epstein’s entire life was a stage set, and Epstein didn’t go to great lengths to hide that reality, which further calls into question how guys farther up the food chain like Gates and Clinton were so easily drawn into the blackmail web around Epstein.

Eric is also sure Epstein didn’t kill himself.

At least Eric publicly admits the possibility he is being used on the UFO topic, because, as someone who has researched the topic thoroughly since the late 70’s, I can assure you Eric is absolutely being used by whatever faction of Intel is running the “disclosure” narrative.

Several serious UFO researches have proven incontrovertibly that every 5 to 10 years, Intel will recruit someone, read them into the script to a limited degree, then prop them up in the media as the go to person on the subject, only to later abandon them and leave them hanging high and dry, looking like idiots.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

And Epstein managed to enjoy his life of hedonism without having a family. Empty life, sold to the devil.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Also, I might point out, his brother was the Bret Weinstein that was nationally discussed for being protested at evergreen college for defying the no whites allowed day they put on. The whole thing seems in retrospect like a put upon skit to generate “bonafides.” That they actually had a no whites day to begin with seems pretty absurd. The washington post article below says they had been doing it since the 70s, but to be honest that could be made up for all I know. That these two are brothers and both get/got so much national attention seems too good to be just a cohencidence.
My favorite quote from the article:
>”Weinstein, who is white, had raised objections by email in November to an “equity action plan,” saying he did not think it would benefit students of color, sparking an extended debate.
Always white when convenient, and Jewish when its not. I won’t lie, that tactic is getting very tiresome. That said, though, I don’t know that Weinstein has ever done anything really subversive. But I never looked into much outside this very well publicized incident.
There is a wikipedia section, with a couple of citations, saying Eric coined the term “intellectual dark web” which was, in my opinion, an attempt to replace or displace the then more popular/more grassroots or whatever neoreaction and alt-right with more thoroughly controlled opposition. That he is actually associated with Thiel I find pretty interesting, however. Moldbug coined neoreaction and basically got it started in the late aughts, and he also has his associations with Thiel. As did/does Trump when he was getting started.
So perhaps the IDW got its start thanks to the same people who planned, hypothetically if it wasn’t really organic, neoreaction. If so, its new information to me. Though, perhaps it makes sense. NRx may have grown more organically than was expected or desirable, if others like me started contributing of their own accord without handlers at a large enough rate, which I suspect is likely, then it may have got too much out of control and a shift to something else would have been desirable.
If you are worried I might be comped, go ahead and take a look at my financially not very successful book which I decided just to make free to get it out there. I think the quality speaks for itself and it stands on its own merits, and that its worth is 100s of times more than the stupid shit cabal puts out to launder millions to their agents. Like the Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh and her shit children’s book.
Being a successful author is mostly a meme in my opinion, and in retrospect. However, even so I am glad I was able to get this out there as I believe the information is very valuable.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Weinstein, who is white

How do you do, fellow white people?

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

That’s not what he asked you, Cenk

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

> Since completing a PhD dissertation in the Mathematics Department at Harvard in 1992 he has held research positions in Mathematics, Physics, and Economics departments (at MIT, Hebrew University, and Harvard respectively).
> How many people are brilliant enough to do all this? Dude’s spreading himself a bit thin already, and now UFOs, too?

Modern economics uses a lot of bizarre and sketchy math, and there are branches of theoretical physics that read like math and not like anything physical at all.

Also, many “research” positions are mostly grant-writing exercises talking about how great your publications are so you can get more money to publish more papers. Academia is a pointless cycle of funding->publications->more funding with zero real-world impact.

The dude attended Harvard and went to (((Hebrew University))) so clearly he is connected. Not saying he’s dumb, but he likely didn’t get to all his research posts on 100% merit.

2 years ago

Lots of reports and claims about them over the years. And documented misinformation campaigns. I believe there is a documentary called mirage men which talks about a guy named Richard Doty. documented and confirmed glower. From what I understand, he embodies everything you talk about with respect to Surveillance, fucking with communities, getting in peoples heads, “leaking” bad info etc etc. Managed to wind up a guy enough that he killed himself. So he became rather notorious. And that didn’t even stop him, he still shows up to UFO stuff despite having his cover completely blown.
I’ll refer to the lawofone again just because I think its reliable. But in 1981, this is what they said about the percentage of UFOs seen. Easiest way is to summarize. Landings of physical craft at that time consisted of Orion, the sort of reptillian space jews you always hear about (the lawofone never describes them as such, though), doing evil shit. Many, perhaps most were these guys. There were also our own governments craft. The good guys, angels or benevelent ETS, whatever, only appeared as thought-forms (that could perhaps look like craft) and typically only appeared for specific people like that adamski guy. Apparently, the US gov’t had about 573 craft that would be considered UFOs to civilians back then. You can imagine how that number has increased since 1981. In which case, you can reasonably expect that UFO sightings can and probably are orchestrated by our own governments and can be rolled out and increased in frequency in whatever timeframe they want. No help needed at all from reptillian space jews.

8.2 Questioner: There was a portion of the material yesterday which I will read where you say “there is a certain amount of landing taking place. Some of these landings are of your peoples; some are of the entities known to you as the group of Orion.” My first question is what did you mean by the landings are of your peoples?
Ra: I am Ra. Your peoples have, at this time/space present, the technological achievement, if you would call it that, of being able to create and fly the shape and type of craft known to you as unidentified flying objects. Unfortunately for the social memory complex vibratory rate of your peoples, these devices are not intended for the service of mankind, but for potential destructive use. This further muddles the vibratory nexus of your social memory complex, causing a situation whereby neither those oriented towards serving others nor those oriented towards serving self can gain the energy/power which opens the gates to intelligent infinity for the social memory complex. This in turn causes the harvest to be small.

8.3 Questioner: Are these craft that are of our peoples from what we call planes that are not incarnate at this time? Where are they based?
Ra: I am Ra. These of which we spoke are of third density and are part of the so-called military complex of various of your peoples’ societal divisions or structures.

The bases are varied. There are bases, as you would call them, undersea in your southern waters near the Bahamas as well as in your Pacific seas in various places close to your Chilean borders on the water. There are bases upon your moon, as you call this satellite, which are at this time being reworked. There are bases which move about your lands. There are bases, if you would call them that, in your skies. These are the bases of your peoples, very numerous and, as we have said, potentially destructive.

Beyond the lawofone, which admittedly doesn’t have all that many details on UFOs since its focus is spiritual evolution, there has been lots of info from “insiders” and “leakers” some of which is pretty far-fetched. I don’t think you can believe half of it. But, if you are interested, sorting through that stuff is your only choice currently. You can be reasonably sure in general that the tech possessed by the deep state is way ahead of what has been publicly disclosed. Its a tough cookie. One such pretty in-depth presentation is the “cosmic disclosure series” put together by david wilcock. I can not and do not endorse the info they present, however its one narrative of the current state of things.

Raki Rakkoon
Raki Rakkoon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’m not Ra. You almost had me at “reptilian space Jews” and then comes “Unfortunately for the social memory complex vibratory rate of your peoples…” I know when a bullshit generator is operating, and if the operator is an entity from the astral plane, then there’s no hope for anyone who takes the bs seriously. Get some brain bleach and wash that stuff out.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

“People are depleting their emergency stocks, had depleted it, used it as a mechanism to manipulate markets while its profound purpose was to mitigate shortage of supply. However, it is my profound duty to make it clear to the world that losing emergency stock may become painful in the months to come.””  Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman told an investor conference in the Saudi capital.”
You don’t think he’s speaking to us do you? Nah, crazy talk.

2 years ago

I live in New England. I’m on vacation next week, and with the impending diesel shortage, I’m tempted to buy a few of those plastic gasoline containers and fill them up just in case. Overkill? I hate having to worry about shit like this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

My car doesn’t run on diesel, thankfully. But the trucks and trains that are the lifeblood of our economy do. I’ve got about three months worth of emergency food stored up, but I should probably buy more.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Maniac
2 years ago

We’re at 4 four months food and water here in the Grand Duchy of Redclaw.

2 years ago

Communist China has been pitched as Democratic, Fluffy & Kosher. Senior members of the UK Conservative party are on the UK board of Huawei, which has a long reputation as a spying organisation.
Military pilots should know better.

2 years ago

Trump and Biden (or better, Biden’s handlers) agree we should not be allowed to see JFK docs
Another bad look for Trump

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Trump perhaps Cabal – or perhaps threatened. Sufficient RINOS in congress to veto.
However, did release one important fact: JFK was shot from the front. Proof Warren Commission lied.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

trump is just as in on it all as biden is
wake up
stop getting played
its all kabuki theater

2 years ago

Headline: “The Spanish Meteorological Agency has confessed that Spain is being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.“
Has a link to the government doc, but I don’t read spanish. Maybe someone here can confirm this.
Chemtrails aren’t being used for any good purpose, of that we can be sure.

2 years ago

Gmail has censored your emails. Just disappeared. How do I sign up again.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Still use google / gmail? Perhaps time to change.

2 years ago

> Scientists can now “decode” people’s thoughts without even touching their heads, Mainly interesting in that if there are Tic Tacs, they could have impressive abilities.

Reminds me of the old Clint Eastwood movie “Firefox”, about a guy who stole a Russian fighter.

2 years ago

> Ted Cruz says he briefly hid in supply closet on Jan. 6. 

Cruz is a weasel. And a RINO. He talks big, but he walks the lib walk.

He’s been pushing the super-patriot-MAGA thing for the last year or so, but he was advocating “reasonable gun control” in 2016. Now he’s Mister Second Amendment to hear him talk about it.

2 years ago

> NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights,

Hooray if true. But I will wait to see if they actually get their jobs and back pay before I celebrate. The NY bureaucracy and its governor are 110% pro-vaxx, and they will fight this.

2 years ago

Vaxxsie, Vaxxsie, Heart Attacksie……

2 years ago

> So you get out of the Marine Corps, move to Australia, start a business giving joyrides to civilians, China approaches you, you fly to Beijing, and they offer you a contract to train their pilots. You take it, and begin doing so. How does the US know what you are doing? 
Pilots are largely ex-military, and they talk. They’re like a subculture all their own. He mentioned his new gig to another pilot, or someone else turned down the offer and then noticed he was gone and connected the dots. Either way, someone in the group dropped a dime on him.

2 years ago

Net-zero for electric vehicle batteries. Just perfect. The best way to trigger the people who buy these expensive cumbersome things as a virtue indulgence is to blandly observe, “I see you drive an Earth raper.” When they demand to know what you mean, say, “Oh, nothing” and walk away.
I cannot help but imagine what the roads will look like in the near future, littered with abandoned Teslas and Ioniq 5s, for which even Bill Gates couldn’t afford the battery replacement cost, homeless fentanyl addicts living in them, surrounded by refuse. It’s bizarre how hard they push the electric vehicle religion in the kids’ schools. Parents these days must spend inordinate amounts of time deprogramming the child.

2 years ago

AC, I’m trying to pin down why I pegged DeSantis as controlled opposition even before before knowing his his bio [Yale, Havard, JAG, Guantanamo, the Kochs].. Perhaps his situation and timing was too perfect. With very little cost, he could move in Trump’s slipstream while making conciliatory signals towards machine politics. 
The standards are low. Endorsing a slate of viable policy positions which are under-served, logical and have public support doesn’t require acumen, only permission. The tepid push-back against his strident departure from covid policy was probably what raised my hackles.
It’s the same pattern you can see in Alberta’s new Premier, Danielle Smith, only Her suitability as an empty vessel is better proved: She defected from a grassroots party she lead in the middle of an election, supposedly because it didn’t formalize a vacuous statement affirming “equal rights for all”.
Sure she did. 

Reply to  TheFeebleClone
2 years ago

This is a reasonable point about DeSantis, but I’m skeptical about the concept of controlled oppo in general. And I still don’t see why Trump wouldn’t be controlled opposition.

The COVID psyop was going well for them, and it was walked back in part by Florida and other red states abandoning the policy. So what objective was worth it to them to abandon the COVID psyop? Or was it always designed to only run two years, or just long enough to get the “vaccination” rate to a certain percentage?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
2 years ago

We have to assume they have concrete plans in place, and try to run them when the opportunity presents itself, but will abandon those plans in whole or in part if they encounter too much resistance, which is what started to happen.

Cabal is powerful, but not omniscient. They can’t control all variables.

Cabal loves chaos, and rides the chaos they create like a good surfer rides a wave, but sometimes a wave builds that even the best surfer can’t ride, then it’s wipeout, or even death.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

>But all of this does put a fascinating spin on the decline of Rome.

“The Babylonian Wow,” by the late David Castle, offers some insights here. Astle learned that a Cabal exists and he penned one of the single most informative –and heavily footnoted — books about it. “The Sumerian Swindle,” by Gregory Delaney covers some of the more every day apple pie and potatoes results of having your society run by these people. The two books, both free online, may be read together to acquire the fullest picture. The third part of the puzzle will be had by a daily reading of Anonymous Conservatives Blog and it’s comment section.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Search for: The Babylonian Woe by David Astle

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Do you have links to either of these titles? The only reference I can find to the Sumerian one is a thesis by a Harvard student. And I am only able to find “The Monsters of Babylon by G _ d” an audio recording of Gregory Delaney’s Monsters of Babylon on the Internet Archive. Thank you.

2 years ago

> Google caught manipulating search, buries GOP campaign sites in 83% of top Senate races.

They’ve been caught at every election since 2012, when I first started noticing. Nobody cares. Not even when their famous employee meeting video came out in 2016.

2 years ago

> China testing anti-satellite nuclear weapons.

The USAF already proved they work. By accident.

July 9, 1962, when they decided to set off an H-bomb in orbit. Lit up the Van Allen belts like a Christmas tree ornament, reflected EMP took out street lights and telephone exhanges 900 miles away in Hawaii, and took out the very first communications satellite, Telstar, barely two months old at the time.


Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

According to Wikipedia, Telstar 1 was launched on July 10, 1962 and failed seven months later due to damage from radiation belts created by the Starfish Prime 1.4 megaton H-bomb detonation at 250 miles altitude.
The radiation belts from the blast persisted for several years. Telstar was not the only satellite that failed.

H-bomb Denier
H-bomb Denier
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

USAF already proved? 1962? Reflected emp?

How do you know any of this is true?
With the record of varifiable lies by NASA, USAF, and DOD which are all the same?
You saw the documentary, right?Reflected

2 years ago

> Marjorie Taylor Greene swatted for 6th time last night.

“Free body cavity search for every ten SWATs. Don’t forget to get your card punched!”

2 years ago

> Twitter employees create a list of demands for new boss demanding Elon Musk doesn’t fire them.

Soon they’ll get the idea they can form a union and use the State to protect their jobs. Unions are a keystone of Marxism.

H-bomb Denier
H-bomb Denier
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

You imply “unions” as an idea are bad. The USA is a union. The State of Texas is a union. Every state is a union of some sort.

How do counter:
– unsafe work conditions?
– child labor and exploitation?
– mandatory 7 day work weeks?
– mandatory 12-16 hour work days?

These are just some of the reasons unions have to exist. And yes, they have now been exploited by Cabal Marxist but every social construct in the West has been infected by Cabalist Corruption:

education, higher and lower, entertainment, medicine, law, justice, religion, sports, business, etc.

And yes, I am a union member. And my union is corrupt I will admit, but also my union has taken very good care of me and my family.

What part of America Society do the Marxists NOT CONTROL?

Reply to  H-bomb Denier
2 years ago

And this, folks, is what a disinformation agent looks like.

It starts off with a flagrant fallacious attempt to misuse definitions. Obviously “union” is a big abstraction that can cover all kinds of things. But the simple fact is that a trade or labor union is not the same thing as a nation state.

So how do you counter:
Unsafe work conditions? etc etc?

Occupational safety laws. There’s all kinds of workplaces that are not unionized that provide safe working conditions. It’s absurd to imagine that labor unions are the only things that could have brought this about.

And people in many lines of work were enjoying weekends off and fewer than 16 hour days long, long before unions came along.

And then this clown admits that unions are corrupt, but has no problem with this because HE has personally benefitted.

That’s exactly how cabal gets people to do all kinds of terrible things, look away when they see corruption, etc., it provides them with a benefit for doing so.

Please, do tell us more about what it’s like to be a cabal goon.

H-bomb Denier
H-bomb Denier
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


FYI all, NOT SOME, all of the occupational safety laws in these united States were implemented by TRADE UNIONS.
– the majority of job related deaths and debilating injuries are suffered by Tradesmen.
– more men are killed in mining, construction, and oil drilling/exploration than in every type law enforcement combined.
– the laws that protect everyone at work down to the lowest office worker or janitor were implemented by TRADE UNIONS.
– TO THIS DAY it is trade unions that lobby for, maintain, and in many cases enforce labor laws.
– without trade unions there would be NO DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, local or national.
– w/o Organized Labor there would be no environmental protection.
– w/o Organized Labor the Common Man would be 10 times more screwed.
– before the rise of the Trade Unions workers, especially industrial workers, were kept like slaves by the Industrial Powers.

It is obvious that some people know absolutely nothing about the history of American industries and all the blood on their hands. Or how Organized Labor and Organized Labor alone has given the Little Man a fighting chance.

I am in a union, my father and grandfather were union. Both of them lowly educated. It was trade unions that gave them the training and the opportunities to live decent and respectable lives.


H-bomb Denier
H-bomb Denier
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Mr. Anonymous,

Could you please name that part of American Society THAT IS NOT CORRUPT?

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Marx plagiarized American writers. We are more innovative than he ever hoped to be, in all ways.

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> Ted Cruz says he briefly hid in supply closet on Jan. 6.

Cowards. All cowards. Where is our Red Caesar? Our Franco? Someone to submit these clowns with a single whiff of grapeshot?

Fart Simpson
Fart Simpson
2 years ago

>> If you wanted to simply take over the US government, where on your list would the National Park Service fall as a subversion target?

Look up how many Americans “disappear” in National Parks every year. The parks are where they stash the bodies.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

My guess as to National Parks is this: in a sense, national parks serve as the closest thing we have to “sacred” land. They are monuments, and with them they come with a variety of ideas. An appreciation of our heritage, for one, and the foresight of previous leaders of this country. And they harken back to a time when freedom, self control, adventurism, and manly virtues were far more celebrated.

Our national parks are reminders of the importance of our heritage, strength and hardiness, and also the idea of leaving things for future generations. Cabal doesn’t really want people thinking that way.

Cabal’s eco propaganda effort would normally lead people to appreciate parks, of course. SO it’s hard to slash funding for them. So what do you do if you want people to stop going to parks and let them fall into a state of neglect? You insist that they are monuments of racism!

I’d not be surprised that many of the “disappearances” we hear about in national parks and national forests is not just a convenient way to get rid of troublesome people. I think that they very much want to scare people away from outdoor activities that by their very nature reinforce rugged virtues that cabal is opposed to.

Lastly, if you let parks and national forests fall into a state of disrepair and neglect, if they are perceived as dangerous, you have begun creating conditions whereby you can pitch these parks as being a drain on the taxpayer and threatening more “vital programs.” So people will be open to the idea of selling off the parks. They are doing this in cities across the country with city and county owned parks.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I think that a lot of the Missing 411 stuff is confirmation bias, but I think that National Parks are MUCH more dangerous that most city slickers realize. It’s actual wilderness. Emphasis on wild. I think it is less a funding issue (they don’t care about money, you need to internalize that fact, money isn’t real to them) than an issue of needing to keep non-whites in the cities.
This isn’t about changing white behavior. White people are going to camp. It’s in our blood. This is about convincing colored/POC/whatevername people that national parks are white areas so that they stay out. White people aren’t the project. The project is to replace white people. The more things that white people appreciate and associate with freedom (like wilderness) the more everyone else has to be steered away from it.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

Missing 411 is also where about traps of some kind in the National Parks and even certain roads in the desert. That makes all sounds cease and your surrounding environment to look 2D and fake and the sun or moon look very close.

There are also cryptids that the Authorities made a deal with probably that even Feather-Indians were scared of. And who avoided certain areas where the horror dwell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

See my comment above. I really don’t think we need to posit exotic forces. No “extra dimensional species”, no “satan worshippers”, and certainly no “freemasons.”

It’s just greedy cabal fuckers trying to kill any perceived enemies and steal anything they can from the taxpayer.

Indeed, I’m quite sure that ALL of these exotic explanations are 100% cabal propaganda to keep you from seeing the most obvious explanations.

I still laugh when ostensibly reasonable people on this message board think the big danger is freemasons.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Sorry, you’ve been reading too much Miles Mathis.
The satanists are the only explanation for too much of what happens.

Reply to  Fart Simpson
2 years ago

The western half of the USA is mostly federal government owned land, something close to 50% (more?)
The west has mineral reserves. There are the known ones. There are the less well known ones. To clear people off mineral bearing land is a messy business.

2 years ago

With the mystery of the blasts that destroyed undersea gas pipelines between Russia and Germany unsolved, Nord Stream 1’s insurers and reinsurers are grappling with how to respond to hundreds of millions of dollars in potential claims. So Russia will get paid anyway.

Most insurance policies have exemptions for Acts of War. The insurance companies are the ones who have the biggest interest in proving we bombed them, because then they save hundreds of millions of dollars.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

That’s exactly what happened w WTC on 9- 11 w AIG et alia. The insurers are in on the charade, of course.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

not so hard. the larry silversteins will get their policy claims paid off. you wont.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I’m guessing the insurers and reinsurers are Cabal entities, so they’ve already figured out how to stiff Russia.

H-bomb Denier
H-bomb Denier
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

On 9/11/2001 the first words from Bush43 were, “I AM CALLING THIS AN ACT OF WAR.”

2 years ago

Looks like they are keeping video clips of Fetterman’s debate answers off social media.

Wonder why?

2 years ago

God it putin at the helm…
Did he say this after he blessed all off their weaponry and nukes with holy water?

Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

I keep trying to flag down a UFO, but no luck.

The deal is I sell out the Earth for a fully equipped starship. Hopefully by the time they realize my critical secret info is useless, my family and friends will be safely in another arm of the galaxy setting up an interstellar smuggling ring.

2 years ago

Mr. Meek’s disappearance reminds me of this guy:
John P. Wheeler III – Wikipedia

2 years ago

look up nicotinamide for better circulation

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

Just take regular Niacin (nicotinic acid), it’s better for you.

2 years ago

A note on cabal hiding methods. One such method is to take something that may be useful and/or philosophical to personal growth, then create and spread fame of some bullshitter with the same name so that when you go to search for the good stuff, it becomes much harder to find since what crap shows up in the search instead of what you are looking for.
I noticed it yesterday when I searched for the UFO contactee adamsky yesterday. Some stupid DJ filled up all the top spots of the search. And again today when I was trying to read about Hylics, who in the gnostic cosmology are what we call NPCs. As you can imagine, some dumb game fills up all the top spots when you search it. So just a thing to be aware of, when you want to find something useful and important, cabal is likely going to fill your feed with stupid crap to make your searches harder. And good luck finding some guys insightful blog commentary as opposed to just wikipedia.

Benny Le C
Benny Le C
2 years ago

“RNC launches a shitload of election-integrity lawsuits…”

now? 30 seconds before the midterms, they’re doing this NOW?!? no action whatsoever when it might have benefited Trump {and BTW the American People, the ones biden has shit all over since he was “elected”}{y’all enjoying your $5 gas? you might as well because mark my words: it’ll be $8 by february} in fact they pointed & shrieked at anyone who talked about it but NOW they can see this is a Serious National Issue. sheeeeeeeeeeeeit. if I wasn’t already a burned-out megacynic about this kind of crap, this would be what pushed me over the edge.

GFY RNC. GFY globohomo. I’m tired of this garbage movie.

Last edited 2 years ago by Benny Le C
Benny Le C
Benny Le C
2 years ago

“Kanye’s $2,000,000,000 fortune”

LOZL $2bill my left nut. we’re talking about a guy who a) works in an industry that former hookers describe as “much worse, much scummier” than the fuck-movie business b) who went partners with (LOZL) and signed contracts with J-Z, notorious for stealing his partners blind and daring them to do anything about it c) not only did he marry a kardashian whore, he married THE kardsahian whore, and y’all may rest assured that …. woman …. had him signing papers all day every day.

Kanye be lucky to have as much as 10 million left after that galactic grand tour of stupidity

2 years ago

AC, thoughts on the movies Spy Kids being disinfo to mock anyone who started looking into it?

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“racetrack” UFOs

This is a crock of shit.

To make it clear, I’m not saying that there are no alien life. I’m not saying alien life has not ever come to earth. I’m not even saying that there’s no possibility that the US government at some point made some sort of tech deal with them. I am saying that these semi-public zooming around is nothing but fake alien. A HUGE tell is they changed the name from UFO to unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). Come on, this is straight out of the play book. I can see them saying, “we have made fun of UFOs so now we’ll call it some different so they will believe us”. The whole thing is asinine and stupid. This is TV movie of the week scripting.

If there really is aliens around either they would announce themselves or hide and with the tech they have we would never know. Semi-hiding is foolish.

Aliens have all the power they want if they can move across the galaxy. They have all the mineral wealth they could ever want. They have most anything they could possibly want. They could monitor us to make sure we don’t become a danger to them but that would mean silence. The only reason aliens would be here is…entertainment. I can see Xjqee telling his kids,”he let’s turn to channel 1,462,870 and see what the monkey people are doing”.

If you really want some serious alien freak out stuff that almost has even me convinced that aliens are real, look at this guy. He says he was recruited from the Navy and they implanted him with stuff and sent him, or aliens sent him, to different parallel universes in a program called majestic. If he’s fake his writing is majestic. It super detailed. If this is a put on, someone did a lot of work setting it up. I think this below is the start. He has a huge number of pages, so…

2 years ago

Related to the theory about creating a prison planet so they can “liberate” us:

Blatant Illuminati Symbolism In Hollywood’s Newest Black Adam

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…The only question is, does the script require that because they want Trump to definitely win and recreate American greatness in 2024, or is it a humiliation op, where in 2024 we yet again get a repugnant candidate…”

Not the only question. The real black pill could be that they want a Hitler. Now the real Hitler they tried to buy. Didn’t happen. But we have in the US and almost play by play of what happened in Germany. The parallels are so direct it’s shocking. So when it’s time for us to get a Hitler, instead of a real one we get a paid for Hitler, Trump. Not saying this is fact, but look at what he did in his first term and who he surrounded himself with while letting go all the people who would have really moved to straighten the country out. It’s not pretty picture. He did a few good things but he in no way changed the trajectory of the country. And I don’t buy that he could not have. At a minimum he could have protected those who knew the score and were prepared to act but he didn’t.

2 years ago for the money book…

The Sumerian book is just antijewish crap. (As someone born and raised Jewish, who walked away, not a fan of the faith, but also know the truth isn’t the conspiracy tales. Jews are just as gullible as the rest. Easy scapegoats.

The Cabal uses everyone, and isn’t nearly so obvious. Kanye is just the latest voice to stir the pot of conflict.

2 years ago

I seem to not be able to respond to the naysayer of the lawofone directly. Not sure what is wrong with your comment system. I was not allowed to give thought about it directly. So I will say this. Its real, and if you advance spiritually enough you will realize it too. Not being able to say more, I give this wonderful music.

2 years ago

Somewhat off topic.

In hebrew, there is a concept called “the evil inclination” known as the Yetzer Hara. Some weeks ago, I saw a video of some rabbi, presumably in Israel, talking about how the Jews would rule the world because gentiles did not have control of their “evil inclination.” And further, he seemed to suggest that it was through manipulating the evil inclination in gentiles that Jews would conquer them.

The concept is described here:

I recommend that people read this because the “evil inclination” is somewhat different than how we’d ascribe evil in the Christian tradition. In the Christian tradition, we talk about evil spirts, essentially ghosts, that tempt people. Evil is seen as an outside phenomenon that overtakes the individual. The Yetzer Hara, however, is regarded as a very fundamentally human attribute and that it is in overcoming it that people become more human or close to God.

And it kind of struck me that it basically through that which cabal creates its power over people. Cabal appeals to avarice and cowardice.

But also consider the case of Jeffrey Epstein: we know that he gained power through blackmail, but the important thing to keep in mind is that someone who has their passions in check cannot be blackmailed.

Also note, that cabal gains its power by its ability to get its lower rung members to actually do the evil. Cabal’s top leadership seems to avoid getting their hands dirty. They even go to considerable lengths to communicate indirectly and vaguely and leave no record behind of their having issued direct orders to anyone. As much as possible, things are done by implication.

Also notice that they gain power over their operatives by appealing to their evil and having the low level operatives DO the evil.

This may explain why they have zero problem sacrificing their low level operatives. Even cabal likely regards these members as corrupt, evil, and lacking control of themselves. In lacking control of themselves it simply makes sense for someone else to attempt to control them and direct them towards activities that will not harm cabal.

I recommend that people look into this concept to have a better idea of how cabal might see itself and rationalize its behaviors.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

It had to be in such a way that no man could take credit for it. Our side already has a problem worshipping Trump, who has tried to tell everybody that he’s no savior. Trump’s part in all of this is bandage God is using to stop the bleeding. Once the patient is stable, THEN surgery begins, or put another way, if you think this is taking a long time, trust me, it’s still just starting.

God is Our Option | Tim Sheets

2 years ago

“I seem to not be able to respond to the naysayer of the lawofone directly. Not sure what is wrong with your comment system.”

He probably can’t reply to your question. I can’t reply to any posts now, though I could earlier. Nothing happens when I click the reply button. It may have something to do with not putting in an email address and not having the “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” box checked, or with forgetting to uncheck it on one of my replies — we’ll see if this comment goes through with no email and the box unchecked.

2 years ago

“I seem to not be able to respond to the naysayer of the lawofone directly. Not sure what is wrong with your comment system.”

He probably can’t reply to your question. I can’t reply to any posts now, though I could earlier. Nothing happens when I click the reply button. It may have something to do with not putting in an email address and not having the “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” box checked, or with forgetting to uncheck it on one of my replies — we’ll see if this comment goes through with no email and the box unchecked.

Nope, disappeared – trying with fake email and box unchecked. (also using the name I use here, which didn’t show up in the drop-down list – all scripts were enabled both times, I hadn’t been enabling gravitar on earlier comments, it has security risks, but not much worse than WP)

2 years ago

Related to the theory about creating a prison planet so they can “liberate” us:

Blatant Illuminati Symbolism In Hollywood’s Newest Black Adam

I’m not sure this guy watched the same movie. Yes, Black Adam is a barbarian hero. He’s not a “good” guy, the same way Conan isn’t. Throughout the movie, Black Adam is unable to use his powers to the full, because he was using them for revenge and rage, and kept making mistakes because his motivations were selfish. The nature of the power isn’t the issue — the nature of the one wielding the power is the issue. When Black Adam is Born Again (and this symbolism can be used by both sides, there are no un-born again Christians) he come out not all black, but the gold trim on his costume is now gleaming and polished, and the shazam bolt on his chest that was dimly glowing before, now glows brightly. By giving up his quest for revenge, he could now rightly fight pure evil (and how much more pure can you make that evil than by making it a literal hooved, horned red devil?)

(Spoiler) After the devil is defeated (and he is actually defeated) by this New Adam — I mean, Black Adam — he is offered the throne that the devil he defeated was seeking. He sits in it for a mere moment, rejects it, and destroys the (earthly) throne.

Occult or Arcane symbolism isn’t purely satanic. All magical symbolism in our world is derived from the actual Godhead of our creator. The satanic versions are twisted and rebellious derivations, but if they didn’t have that spark, they wouldn’t work.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“Yetzer Hara”

They’re trying to let themselves off the hook by saying that “they” are not doping evil but in fact they promote and push those that are evil to the front while hiding that they are evil.

Reply is not working for me either. Before the

“Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ” Would fill in my details. Now it is not.

It may be that I can reply once but not again??? Not sure about this. I did that, I think, but I wasn’t fully paying attention so I’m not sure. Could have been my comment wasn’t a reply.

Firefox updated so it could be a Firefox problem.

2 years ago

I recommend that people read this because the “evil inclination” is somewhat different than how we’d ascribe evil in the Christian tradition. In the Christian tradition, we talk about evil spirts, essentially ghosts, that tempt people. Evil is seen as an outside phenomenon that overtakes the individual. The Yetzer Hara, however, is regarded as a very fundamentally human attribute and that it is in overcoming it that people become more human or close to God.

It’s not different. It’s central to (actual) Christian belief, and is simply called Sin Nature. Satan tempted Adam and Eve — their fall made us perfectly capable of tempting ourselves. My own dogma, the Westminster Confession, puts it succinctly. (Chapter 6, if you want the footnotes.)

3. They being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this sin was imputed, and the same death in sin and corrupted nature conveyed to all their posterity descending from them by ordinary generation.

4. From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual transgressions.

5. This corruption of nature, during this life, doth remain in those that are regenerated; and although it be through Christ pardoned and mortified, yet both itself and all the motions thereof are truly and properly sin.

6. Every sin, both original and actual, being a transgression of the righteous law of God, and contrary thereunto, doth, in its own nature, bring guilt upon the sinner, whereby he is bound over to the wrath of God and curse of the law, and so made subject to death, with all miseries spiritual, temporal, and eternal.

It’s sin nature. The devil doesn’t need to tell me to sin — I have enough of my own twisted ideas to contend with. Satan is just there to push me on the things that I already wanted to do.

Also note, that cabal gains its power by its ability to get its lower rung members to actually do the evil. Cabal’s top leadership seems to avoid getting their hands dirty. They even go to considerable lengths to communicate indirectly and vaguely and leave no record behind of their having issued direct orders to anyone. As much as possible, things are done by implication.

This is one of the main reasons I suspect that the cabal is actually Manichean. This is how the Manichean Elders acted. To sanctify themselves, they wouldn’t own any property and wouldn’t “harm” anything, to the point that they wouldn’t even pick and cook vegetables. They would, however, have all of their underlings (Hearers) own lots of property, grow all their food, cook everything for them, etc, and they would just “visit” a series of these underlings. They didn’t “own” property, but they would use it as if they owned it, under the fiction that the underling actually owned it, and thus the sin/darkness was on the underling, not the Elder.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Anonymous Conservative,”How did it look when it would not post?”

I tried this from two browsers so it’s likely not a browser issue. When you hit reply it does…nothing. In the past a comment box would be displayed. Now I can only comment in the main comment box that is for new comments. This is in Firefox and Brave browsers.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

2nd comment with same line below using Firefox. Previous was Brave browser.

“How did it look when it would not post?”

My first comment where I noted the “save name” did not save name was Firefox. Then I went to Brave and commented the same line as above. That was Brave. In Brave, “reply” also did not function the same as Firefox. Hit it and nothing.

In Firefox when you comment it reloads and shows your comment with “waiting for approval” or something like that but in Brave I never got that. Not sure if this is normal for Brave as it doesn’t display your site correctly so I don’t look at your site or comment with Brave normally. Brave jumbles words up together over each other for some reason.

2 years ago

>how did it look when you could not post.
You click the reply button under a comment and nothing happens. The input box does not appear.