Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Wisconsin audit report is coming out and it will have a number of shocking revelations. State workers were basically deciding unilaterally to ignore state law on signatures, nobody was running required database checks to see if voters were voting in multiple states, they had 46,000 registrations that didn’t match Drivers License database data, and 63% of those were name non-matches, clerks strangely were not removing dead individuals they discovered from voter rolls, and on and on. I think the objective is to just reveal the fact we have fraudulent elections, and let the pressure build.
Demand for forensic audits of 2020 election in all 50 states rapidly gaining support.
Alleged cybercriminal credited for hacking Gab and Epik has a history of being an FBI asset and admits “Anonymous,” which he was a spokesperson four, is a US Intelligence operation. Anonymous has a public voice, so whoever is out there speaking for them publicly, or even just representing themselves to media as Anonymous, is going to either be a Glowie, or they are going to get buried under harassment surveillance until they shut up. Regular non-Cabal assets aren’t supposed to get a microphone.
A Freeper writes: “I have been working in high tech for over 40 years and have branched out into network security as a hobby. This weekend me and my support team discovered by accident FB can monitor your non-phone conversations by accessing your smartphone microphone. We are also positive that they are sharing this information within the FB organization and highly likely selling the info to other parties. This affects FB, Instigram, WhatsApp and FB Marketplace so far that we know.” It is ridiculous to think that your phone is not a security risk at all times, regardless of what apps are installed on it.
Dems eye historic shift to taxing wealth, not just income. I am now officially tired of waiting for Trump to be put back in. I think every American who wants to see the revolution start, should begin by linking up with Russian intelligence, just as an American who is friendly toward the Russian government. Go to your local consulate, and introduce yourself as an American who is fonder for the Russian government than you are for the American government. My own feeling is if we wait for Q, those of us who know are going to suffer tremendously while we wait for the numb imbeciles to catch up. I say force everybody’s hand by bringing the Russians to the party now. Or at least look at taking asylum in Russia. I am going to do a piece on that at some point. If bringing the imbeciles along to our side first is that important to whoever is scripting this, let them take care of their imbecile friends – and try to win with the imbeciles all by themselves.
Facebook suppressed Breitbart News traffic by twenty percent.
Dick Durbin is trying to get immigration Amnesty into the spending bill.
NIH spent millions of your dollars conducting psychological torture experiments on monkeys. They inflicted brain lesions by injecting acid, designed to create a fear emotion in the monkey’s mind, and then chained them down and terrorized them with fake snakes and spiders, while being heard on tape making jokes about dancing monkeys.
A 45-year-old male FBI Agent died less than 24 hours after receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Looked like a fit guy. The vax technology is enormously powerful and dangerous. But these days you have to wonder if he was not on board with the conspiracy, and happened across some nugget of information which Cabal wanted kept quiet. Vaxxing is a perfect cover for taking someone out.
Fresh lockdowns in China as local Covid-19 infections spread to 11 provinces.
Joe Biden forgets mask, coughs into his hand, then shakes hands with Democrats.
Doctors are often unaware of the only treatment for early Covid-19. If they don’t know about this, why would anybody listen to anything they said?
COVID vaccine makers prepare for a variant worse than Delta. They need the pandemic revived for the 2020 election.
UK report raises concerns about suboptimal vaccine antibodies erasing natural immunity.
Driver intentionally rams vaccine mandate protesters in Palmdale, CA.
HHS Chief Becerra to the unvaccinated: ‘You can’t just be selfish’ — Be ‘part of the team.’ The key to understanding the world is, it is relentlessly Darwinian. There is no team. There are the sharks, and the victims. Those who believe in the team are the victims, and their inability to recognize the blackpill of the Darwinism means they will remain at an insurmountable disadvantage – until they realize the team is just a tool the sharks use to control them. Soldiers get sent off to die by the sharks, citizens are sacrificed on 9/11 by the sharks, patriots are stirred to support the sharks by the sharks’ terrorist activities, and all along the one thing making the team players the victims, and the biggest weapon of the sharks, is the team players’ belief in the team. The world is Darwinian. You need to realize your enemy is using the team concept against you. It is unfortunate, but in this environment, you have to harden yourself, and understand our movement will function best as a movement of lone wolves, all focused on the primary enemy we face, which is hidden among us.
Border Patrol to fire up to 5K agents over vaccine mandate.
Viral myocarditis results in 2 in 10 people dead after 2 years and 5 in 10 after 5 years. It’s not mild. It’s dead heart muscle.
— Dr Anthony Hinton (@TonyHinton2016) October 20, 2021
COVID supposedly triggers an early release of a signal that the body uses to given an all-clear, thereby shutting off the immune system, and allowing the virus to thrive. Given it appears this is not normally seen in viruses, you have to wonder if it was engineered.
Facebook and Instagram disappear a Facebook live where Bolsonaro says the vaccines give you AIDS.
Adults over 30, are more likely to have Covid if they’ve been ‘double dosed.’
WaPo says the quiet part out loud – “Parents claim they have the right to shape their kids’ school curriculum. They don’t.” It got wiped, but an archive is here.
The assistant director who handed Alec Baldwin the gun that killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on a movie set last week had been fired from a film in 2019 after a gun unexpectedly discharged on the set, injuring a crew member, a producer for that film told NBC News on Monday. This is the guy who was on set when Brandon Lee got shot and killed. Three times now on movies he was a part of, people have taken cold guns that were supposed to be rendered safe by the weaponsmaster, and shot someone.
Legal Insurrection says the legal facts of the case may support Baldwin going down for involuntary manslaughter. Be a pisser if some dude is going from movie set to movie set giggling and planting random bullets in prop guns for the thrill of watching someone else smoke another person, and the weaponsmaster getting blamed, and Baldwin ends up doing ten years in the clink as part of the latest one. I don’t see Alec Baldwin’s normally sunny disposition improving after something like that.
Donald Trump Jr. is selling shirts that say ‘Guns Don’t Kill People, Alec Baldwin Kills People.’
Flashback – Adam Carolla roasting Alec Baldwin for being pedo-buddies with Jeffrey Epstein.
Caught on a hot mic, Pelosi says ‘Americans are the stupidest people on Earth.’
Joe Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis will show abortion isn’t an important issue for the Vatican.
Roughly 75 percent of eviction aid has not reached renters according to the Treasury.
Four wounded, two killed in Boise mall shooting.
Jamaican Pastor accused of human sacrifices dies in car crash en route to court.
Chinese military trained 300 nurses for night-time island landing amid Taiwan invasion threat.
Deepest earthquake ever detected struck 467 miles beneath Japan. So what was up with our military spending billions to train everyone to fight in underground tunnels?
Chile far-right candidate rides anti-migrant wave in presidential poll. It either means Cabal’s grip is slipping, or Cabal has abandoned Globohomo, and will now push right wing candidates to make sure their people remain in power. Immigration is a big thing to us, but it means nothing to Cabal one way or another, compared to holding military and intelligence control, and having their fingers on every nations’ purse strings.
Massive anti-vax march across the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City. Our family here at this site had at least one participant there, according to the comments.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
General Keith Kellogg’s book is a true and insightful record of our incredibly successful four years. It is a truly accurate account of my Presidency and brings to full light what my Administration accomplished in the face of constant attacks from mainstream media and political opportunists. What we did was right for America and our great citizens, and the record proves it. Kellogg was with me for every critical decision I made on behalf of our great Nation. Kellogg’s bestselling book, War By Other Means, published this week, is a must read. Get it now!
Jim Jordan, the best fighter in Congress, who showed the Country what a liar Liddle Adam Schiff is, and debunked the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, has written a great book called Do What You Said You Would Do: Fighting for Freedom in the Swamp. It is written with the same hard hitting vigor you would expect from Jim Jordan, a true fighter and champion, who I proudly gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to.Pre-order now to reserve a copy, before Joe Biden and the Radical Left totally destroy what was once our great supply chain. Hurry! It is a fantastic book, and can be found here.
Congratulations to Mollie Hemingway on her new book, Rigged, a big best seller, revealing incredible information she has uncovered about Facebook and the Big Tech Scam, and all the massive money spent by Mark Zuckerberg, possibly illegally, into our 2020 Presidential Election. This was a big part, but by no means all, of the Crime of the Century. The other side spent four years making things up about election interference in 2016, yet when it really did happen in 2020, you’re not allowed to talk about it. Oh well, at least one great journalist decided to do so. Go get Mollie’s book now. She, and it, are terrific!
Our Country is being poisoned with the millions of people that are illegally flowing through our Borders, in most cases not even questioned or stopped. Many are criminals from the emptied prisons of other countries, most of these are very dangerous people. Our Country is dying from within and nobody is doing anything to stop it. The first thing that should be done, and it can be done quickly, is FINISH THE WALL. A deal must be made with Mexico, where Mexico serves as a 2,000 mile barrier, not a launching pad for the illegals that are coming in. Also, 97 percent of the people that came in from Afghanistan rushed the planes and should not be here. Those people must be checked very carefully because many of them will turn out to be strongly related to high-level terrorism. How stupid our Country has become, so sad to watch when just 10 months ago we had none of these problems, and none either with bad economy, inflation, fuel prices going through the roof, and so much else. And never forget, because the Fake News will not talk about it any longer, those needlessly killed in Afghanistan and the thousands of people and the $85 Billion worth of Military equipment left behind in the complete and total surrender by the United States of America. We would have been out but we would have been out with dignity and strength. Our Country is now a laughingstock all over the world!
The largest caravan in history is coming towards us, and we are totally unprepared and doing nothing about it. Complete the wall and get tough. Our Country is being systematically destroyed before our very eyes!
What good is it if FOX News speaks well of me when they continually allow horrible and untruthful anti-Trump commercials to be run—and plenty of them. In the good old days, that would never have happened and today it happens all of the time. Ratings-challenged CNN and MSNBC would never run a positive Trump ad—never. With so many forces against us, Big Tech, the Fake News Media, the Radical Left, the RINOs, and more, we are at such a disadvantage, but we will win anyway!
Invite other people to because we will win anyway
“I am now officially tired of waiting for Trump to be put back in.”
Is Q going to wait until after the Border Patrol agents are fired?
It is long past time to just kick over the table.
Apparently, Q is waiting for the total destruction of civilization, at which point he will try to send “drops” via smoke signal.
Just 2 more weeks guys!
I thought it was supposed to be the total destruction of mankind. Drops done by quantum conscious instantations in God’s matrix. Am I out of the loop?
Q always said that nothing can stop what’s coming. It’s like with Trump – there are people still insisting that he is going to run again in 2024 even though he’s now said repeatedly that there is no 2024 until 2020 is fixed.
The audits are going to prove exactly what they are expected to prove – the democrats committed election fraud in cooperation with the CCP, and the entire system is so hopelessly corrupt that nothing will be done about it even when it’s provable in any court.
Q said that the people must be shown, and that it had to be this way in addition to telling people to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT.
They may no be waiting on anything at all, maybe it all failed, OR maybe there’s a metaphor I keep hearing lately about a chess game where the outcome is blindly obvious to both players even though the audience can’t see the board well enough to know that the game has already been lost by the bad guys in seven moves with no way out, but they have the ability to force the good guys to play out absolutely every single move, even if the only thing accomplished is to buy them a little more time.
What I know is that there seems to have been around 10,000 theories as to just why Trump walked away from the White House, and so far none of them line up, but then neither does the fact that the Democrats KEEP FAILING. Where are the gun bans? Why is the US Navy not backing down against China? How come the vaccine mandates for the military actually seem to stretch out to the middle of NEXT YEAR even though there is plenty of doses to go around right now?
Why is Durham prosecuting anybody? Anybody at all. Why is his office still not dissolved? There’s no need for theater at this point if the Democrats are really in charge. They don’t need Durham to throw a flunky to the wolves, so why is he still operational?
The Facebook blackout was an obvious test of the flow of traffic if only social media goes down and not the whole internet, so why did they have to do that? Can’t they just censor everybody and not worry about the information getting out?
Whatever The Plan is, is it something that’s on autopilot? Are there trip wires that trigger certain things no matter what? What I know is that eleven months in and what I see out there still makes no sense.
What I see is the most incompetent communist takeover in all of history. They are that pathetic. Was Mao this pathetic? Lenin? Seriously, were those men written about like this at the time? Authoritarians that can’t even manage to pass a gun ban or get everyone a flu shot? They used to be able to line people up against a wall and gun down whole groups in one go, so what’s their problem now? Seriously, it seems like these guys are going to fail if just left to their own devices.
The problem is that while they play out the last seven moves instead of kicking over the table all of the pawns get sacrificed.
If the whole point is to save the pawns then that is not a very good plan.
And waking up more people is a bad idea now, anyone not awake yet needs to be expelled along with the cabal or they will be the seeds of future decay.
This is the most incompetent communist takeover in history but we still lose if they fail but destroy everything.
The only thing that matters is where do you draw the line and where does q?
Lose your livelihood?
Force vaccinations of your family and kids?
Well said. I’m not enjoying this crappy movie but neither do I expect I should. As frustrating as it is to watch, the story appears to be creeping inexorably towards its denouement. That we’re forced to watch a pathetic display of shallow melodrama, vulgar pornography and gratuitous violence seems only to confirm the desperation of the producers.
Looks like the WaPo article about kids and parents got pulled
Guess they couldn’t take the heat just yet
It got archived, fortunately
>Is education worth it?
>But as 86% of you know, you can’t just observe an experimental group has experienced an effect and attribute it to the experimental intervention. You have to see if other people in a control group got the same benefit for less work.
What would be the control group for school? Home-schoolers do much better than those who attend public or private schools by nearly any measure. But this is unfair; it’s what scientists call an “active control”. What we really need to do is compare you to people who got no instruction at all.
It’s illegal not to educate a child, so our control group will be hard to find. But perhaps the best bet will be the “unschooling” movement, a group of parents who think school is oppressive and damaging. They tell the government they’re home-schooling their children but actually just let them do whatever they want. They may teach their kid something if the child wants to be taught, otherwise they will leave them pretty much alone.
And this is really hard to study, because they’re a highly self-selected group and there aren’t very many of them. The only study I could find on the movement only had n = 12, and although it tried as hard as it could to compare them to schoolchildren matched for race and family income level and parent education and all that good stuff I’m sure there’s some weirdness that slipped through the cracks. Still, it’s all we’ve got.
So, do these children do worse than their peers at public school?
Yes, they do.
By one grade level.
About college we still know very little. But if you’d stayed out of public school and stayed home and played games and maybe asked your parents some questions, then by the time your friends were graduating twelfth grade, you would have the equivalent of an eleventh-grade education.
Another intriguing clue here is Louis Benezet’s experiment with mathematics instruction. Benezet, an early 20th century superintendent of schools, wondered whether cramming mathematics into kids at an early age had a detrimental effect. He decreed that in some of the schools in his district, there would be no math instruction until grade six. He found that within a year, these sixth graders had caught up with their peers in traditional schools, and furthermore that they were able to think much more logically about math problems – figure out what was going on rather than desperately trying to multiply and divide all the numbers in the problem by one another. If Benezet’s results hold true – and on careful reading they are hard to doubt – any math education before grade six is useless at best. And it’s hard to resist the urge to generalize to other subjects and children even older still.
This sounds like John Taylor Gatto’s anecdotal experience, where he found that there was just no practical upper limit to what you could teach a young mind. This was a NYC teacher that would happily grant students a classroom excuse to go fishing – the conditions were that they had to go alone and document their trip. His goal was not to get them hooking into a bass, it was to get them ALONE and away from any electronic diversions where they had no choice but to be inside their own head. Then they had to write a short paper about it.
He said that the single most important thing was teaching reading and grammar fundamentals – literally everything else follows from that. What’s more he said it only really takes about fifty hours of instruction, IIRC. Meaning that there is no point of public schools except as indoctrination centers and babysitting services for the parents to go to their corporate wage-slave jobs and be good worker-ants.
Gatto was a big fan of the Sudberry Valley democratic school model because it gave the students experience in exercising civic duties as part of a community. The students are no age-segregated and literally they vote on everything. A foormer friend of mine who had a LOT of developmental pysche said that even though he was homeschooling his own children, the Sudberry Valley model was quite compatible with how children actually learn.
There is a limit to what people can learn. It’s genetic.
He’s right. Reading and grammar are the most important skills. Deficiencies in these are very difficult to fix.
“I am now officially tired of waiting for Trump to be put back in.”
You and me both. Don’t want him back except maybe as someone to run the economy, which is his strength.
“Or at least look at taking asylum in Russia.”
American expats in Russia.
“Caught on a hot mic, Pelosi says ‘Americans are the stupidest people on Earth.’”
For once I totally agree with that drunken, old hag. After all, for years they kept voting her and all the other reprobates back in.
“Joe Biden’s meeting with Pope Francis will show abortion isn’t an important issue for the Vatican.”
Correct. The Anti-Pope’s most important issue is undoing centuries of Christian doctrine.
“So what was up with our military spending billions to train everyone to fight in underground tunnels?”
If Monsters and otherworldly beings live under ground. And feed on humans. Then they need to be exterminated.
Q dismissed aliens, but then Q said we weren’t alone. I took that to mean we aren’t alone here on earth.
After reading a lot of Decoding Symbolism, everything with the Rust movie is making me wonder if there is some tied over communication with the Rust programming language (the Official Language of Autistic Trannies). I don’t keep up with that space, have there been any notable 41%s there in the past week?
I see a 41 second video clip on the New York Times article, an article written at 6:41 PM, but not much other than that.
Plenty of symbolic content in the Baldwin story, but it is not the usual quick hit. The comms are buried within the narrative unfolding. The story about the crew walking out to be replaced at the last minute is our clue that this is a larp, which means it will necessarily have comms attached to it.
I haven’t had time to comment, so jump up to today:
Current focus on assistant director David “Halls”, who was the last to handle the gun before Alec, and his previous lack of oversight on the sets of “Freedoms Path” and “Into the Dark”. Curious titles, no? Halls= passageways. So it seems like a choice of some kind is being offered. Blanks vs bullets.
“Church” location confirms this as well.
Interesting comment.
“My own feeling is if we wait for Q, those of us who know are going to suffer tremendously while we wait for the numb imbeciles to catch up. I say force everybody’s hand by bringing the Russians to the party now. ”
Take action to rescue those in dire straits. Alongside accomplishing revelation at the same time.
Waiting for people to catch up right now is going to result in much support being lost as well.
Especially since those people are not our kind, and are so stupid they will just start warring on us all over again for the next svengali-type who comes along, and gives them an excuse to larp as a public health official, or science-crusader saving the environment, or super caring nice person dedicated to using other people’s money to save foreigners.
At this point they are just creating a new division between us and them.
We are already at war with everyone. The fucking FBI just raided the home of a 41 year vet of the NYPD, and is now trying to send him to prison because he didn’t talk nicely about El Comandantes. Literally, they said on the news the CCRB charges are about how he referred to public officials. CIA is trying to destroy the greatest President we have had in the last 150 years at least, just because he ran for office. The rest of us are buried under surveillance, quietly preparing for if we ever manage to do anything to even begin to reverse these states of affairs.
If the other side thinks that is fine, we lost them and there is no getting them back. And trying just sets up the next time. If we are at war with these entities, the enemy of my enemy….
Yeah, Q said- “people can’t be told, they have to be shown.”
Well, we’ve been shown. The whole house is on fire and all the exits are blocked.
Now what?
What comes after showing us?
Not that 80 million plus who voted Trump needed to be shown anything anyway… we were already there, and have been for 4 years, at least. In my case I’ve been there for 30 years.
Waiting for Democrats and boomerCons to wake up is basically admitting defeat, and if we are not waiting for them, then what exactly are we waiting for?
Q said there wouldn’t be a Civil War.
Really? I think we’ve been in one for all of Trump’s presidency, and now 10 months of potatohead.
What next, Q?
There either was no Q, or they got killed and/or defeated.
I still recall all the odd personnel shuffling Trump did in the military after the election that amounted to nothing as far as anyone can tell. Then the weird faked looking videos of both Biden and Trump. My feeling is that something went horribly wrong at the end.
I felt like something bad happened in late 2019, because Trump’s whole attitude seemed to change, and it wasn’t just the deadly interstellar plague. He started to seem defeated, controlled. He let that [REDACTED] monster Fauci [REDACTED] up the whole country, he still pushes the vaccines, and not a peep about his supporters turned into political prisoners. One mention of Babbitt.
All I can think of is they finally said back off or a red flag terrorist event that would make 9/11 look like nothing would happen, and be blamed on Trump supporters. And then Jan 6 was a demonstration of their ability to craft any narrative they want. I think half the country believes Trump personally led an armed insurrection. Maybe there were direct threats against his family.
But I think if there ever was a Plan, it’s scattered to the winds. My family, and a few other families we are close to, have been looking at leaving the US as a group (you know, how illegal aliens bring their whole damn village to the US). We’re reaching a point where nearly anything else in the Western world, or even parts of the Eastern, will be better than trying to exist in the US. We’ve been in contact with a lot of happy ex-pats, including some who are more than willing to help newcomers get settled.
It’s either secession or slaughter at this point. As wild as some of the speculation can get here and on Gab and other “right” places, go hang out on some leftist sites. They are insane to the point where you wonder how they survive day to day without Darwining themselves. They live in a psychotic cartoon universe in their heads, completely disassociated from any objective reality.
Mental illness is the real pandemic. Continued coexistence with these people is impossible. Sane people who just want to be left alone cannot live side by side with monsters like this.
Lots of psychotic medication in America:
How many Americans are on SSRI’s?
Of course they are psychotic. Many of them are hopped up on Big Pharma Mind altering Mental illness inducing Drugs.
The sad story of the women in the video:
But does Trump really “push” the vaccine? No, he doesn’t. Look warm recommendation at best. Ashli Babbit? Surely you are astute enough to realize that was a stage operation.
You’re correct, of course, that Jan 6 was organized theater. And I’m sure that they had something far worse planned.
Q was real and served its purpose: waking up people and causing the bad guys to reveal himself. I’m not sure what else people were expecting Q to do because what has been accomplished is breathtaking. Look at how many people post to 4 chan. Somehow this operation led to his posts being read by millions around the world. That’s no small feat.
Southern part of Chile. Many people speak English as a 2nd language in Chile and there are a lot of White people, so you won’t stand out as a group.
Most Chileans look like this,

Chile is also effectively non-aligned and near last on the list of globohomo targets, because it’s low priority. Very hard for gibs to be got in those southern mountains. That’s why all the Haitians are leaving after migrating there.
I don’t know about the timing of it all, maybe it’s time to move on. I do know that even if there’s a Q plan going on, it will just get us a white hat version of Lincoln’s monster, instead of a black hat version. Still too much power in DC. But rather than just wait, as per an article by Unz Report, I’m working IRL to discredit the left’s media.
I’ve seen strange anomalies regarding my internet accounts; like there may be shadow control even at well know -right- sites. Even if that’s not so, they’re a great place to GET info, but if you’re not an e-celeb, you’re preaching to the choir much of the time. IRL work reaches EVERYBODY. I have cards, vehicle graphics, signs, and a web page. I literally reach thousands. Sure, somebody else could do a slicker presentation, but where are they? Other than anti lockdown protests, all I’ve seen are Gadsden flags. FJB flags, Trump flags, Those are hoo-ray for our side.I have yet to see a sign that says “if your vaccine works…” or anything else informative.
The main reason for this comment is to relate that I either encounter those who are already red pilled, or who are unaware. I’ve yet to encounter a flaming purple hair, I run into people who are surprised. They don’t even know there was a building 7. They’re open to what I say. Granted that’s likely because of where I live,
I think we’re all sick of waiting. I agree, these leftwing loons, and rino p’s.o.s aren’t coming around. Q says we must reach the precipice.
One thing I do know, is the cabal wants a shooting war, that way they get their death and destruction, and boom, in comes the great reset.
We’ve gotta look at the things that we know are going our way. The evil ones definitely aren’t in full control, I don’t know. Trying to be positive.
Good bless you all friends, and the world. We need it.
“Waiting for people to catch up right now is going to result in much support being lost as well.”
Evil must be exterminated.
If the good guys sit back and do nothing to stop the evil, they are no different than the evil.
> Knowingly concocting a fake narrative to fool the FBI and CIA is going to affect many Hillary Clinton campaign players, special counsel John Durham has let it be known in discovery.
Nah. All they have to do is put the right spin on it. “Parallel construction” is completely OK as far as the courts are concerned.
That is, a completely false chain of evidence is produced for the court, but as long as it’s consistent, the court will accept it as true. That’s “parallel construction” when the prosecutor does it, and “perjury” if you do it.
“One law for us, a different one for them.”
> After all, for years they kept voting her and all the other reprobates back in.
Probably not, from what we now know about how elections have been run in the USA.
– Hey, I heard you were worried about getting sick with COVID–here’s a bowl of chicken soup to prevent COVID, my own mother’s recipe. Eat it.
– No, we’ve never met, but I heard about your concern from an anonymous friend. Seriously, I’m just here to help. Eat it.
– No, it’s free, no charge. Eat it.
– Wow, you have a lot of questions. Truth is, I’m providing it free of charge to everyone on the planet; don’t worry about my costs, just eat it.
– No, I’m not making White House or Congressional staff eat it. No, that’s my business. Eat it.
– Eat it, or I’ll get you fired from your job.
– Eat it, or I’ll make it so you can’t buy food from the grocery store (trust me, we’re already doing that in Italy and France). Here’s your spoon, dig in.
After all the above, I have family members ready to schedule their third bowl of soup. If Q & company are waiting for the peasant uprising, I respectfully suggest they go with Plan B if they have one. Normies will stand there motionless on the road while Anton Chigurh holds a captive bolt pistol to their head, and not even ask “what’s that in your hand?” Hurry up the schedule on Plan A, guys…or initiate Plan B post-haste.
How do you tell a cow it’s standing in line at the slaughterhouse?
They’ve been told and taught lies all their life. How do you unwind all of the programming?
Everyone I know that votes left blames Trump for everything. They say he’s behind the audits and everything. He isn’t insulated at all.
The only way this would work in the leftie brain is if Trump never is President again. He was simply a throw away shield to deflect away from the real work.
Good. That’s an instant 5K boost to Texas State Troopers who can start actually arresting illegals.
When is Texas going to start a secession movement?
Someone big has to because I do not see any other way out of this that does not involve mass death. Surveys that show the Left wants a separation as well might be a sign we can do it without warfare. We just need someone to sell it to the masses.
If we can do it at the county level, well, go look at the red/blue maps of the country with county granularity. It’s just a Blue urban archepelago left over after the red breaks away.
Shut up right now about your secession movement.
The only people arguing for it are traitors to America and the Constitution, or those who clearly haven’t thought the matter through.
The communists have been working to break up this country for 70 years. Why in God’s name are conservatives now urging to give them exactly what they want?
How is giving the west coast to the Chinese going to preserve liberty?
Goddamn, conservatives have surrendered every important institution in this country. They’ve made no forward progress at all. They want to just hand over our most strategically important resources for nothing more than the fantasy that they’ll be left alone.
It’s like feeding a wild pack of wolves with one or two of your children in the view that they’ll leave the rest of your family alone.
Wrong. They’ll just become more emboldened.
I won’t shut up. Not for you, not for anyone, got that, boyo?
So what do we do with the millions of psychos and lefties? We either split, or we have to kill every single one of them, because they will never, EVER stop their dyscivilizational crap. Like I said, look at it on a county level. A split could isolate them into the urban archipelagos. We get a revised Constitution that limits who can serve in office, and border security built right in.
“Goddamn, conservatives have surrendered every important institution in this country.”
No argument from me, I bash those faggots constantly, but it’s all too far gone. Now they sit around in their retirement condos in safe zones telling younger people, who they shit on 24/7 after abdicating their upbringing to Marxist indoctrination schools, to pick up a rifle and defend their pensions. And they wonder where kids these days learned their lack of resistance to the authoritarians- they learned it from you, you stupid old farts!
Or they sit on Gab declaring people today worthless because they don’t adjust their own valves on their cars, or some nonsensical crap from the 1970s age of garbage cars. Look up the stats on how many of the older generations have never even met their grandchildren in person. They tossed Posterity into a wood chipper, and were the creators of some of the most anti-family “humor” in history.
“So what do we do with the millions of psychos and lefties? We either split, or we have to kill every single one of them, because they will never, EVER stop their dyscivilizational crap.”
Easy, we deport all of the survivors.
They don’t get one inch of this country, not one.
There aren’t nearly as many as you want to believe. The elections are rigged and the left controls he purse strings to a lot of people’s salaries.
Fire most government workers, slash government spending, and break their hold of the media and you’ll find the left is a distinct minority. It’s an illusion.
“Easy, we deport all of the survivors.
They don’t get one inch of this country, not one.”
One of the consequences of the mass importation of people who will never assimilate and become part of the heritage European cultues in Western nations is that it has reduced citizenship to simply a piece of paper. In countries like Canada you can simply purchase if you have enough money.
The point is that it now just a meaningless piece of paper.
Which means it can just as easily be revoked. The idea of stripping someone of citizenship is much more easily considered today than, say 50 years ago. It would have been barely conceivable then.
This is a good thing. Something we can use to our advantage when the time comes.
One possibility is that the Cabal controls everything, there is no Q or counter-cabal, and the reason you haven’t received a letter, signed by the head of the Cabal, instructing you on how to send your children to pedo camp is that they have to work through a bunch of satanic rituals first.
Another possibility is that there is a counter-cabal, but they are weak and they will get one chance at a coup, if that, so if they attempt one they better make sure it works.
In fact the showdown might not happen until the Cabal leadership goes on TV and reveals themselves and the surveillance openly. Both sides are delaying until then, the Cabal wants to wait until they are sure there is no more resistance because it will be when they are most vulnerable.
Some of these comments urging everyone to take action because “two more weeks lul” are very concerning. They seem to insinuate that everyone should simply turn everything hot. Thats not the solution, thats called being rattled by fear. Im not saying that every comment that says something to that effect is a shill comment, but holy shit, just watch the trailer for white squall. Seems very apropos for these current times. Causing havoc right now is not the solution, sticking together is. As things get more and more retarded, this pushes every american, ahem, human being onto the same team. I agree with feeling frustrated with normies that they cant grasp the situation, but have some sympathy. A lot of normies have been stuck in the matrix for too long, if you pull the plug too quickly, they reject. Do it slow, and many will be just fine. My two cents for what its worth.
You are correct that it is NOT time for a peasant uprising.
Peasant uprisings always fail so they are the last thing you do when you have no other option.
But Q or the Russians who actually have power need to strike now or there will be nothing left to save in this country or the world.
My attitude at this point is eff the normies. Q implied something about them going to the hospital when they learned the truth. Good! I want them to suffer. I want them to see what their intellectual laziness and lack of caring has wrought. I want that lesson to be such a shock to the system that it echoes down history for the next 10,000 years. People need to relearn what Posterity means, and break the destructive cycles once and for all so we can realize our destiny as a truly advanced race- star people unbound by one world.
The sad fact is that most of the Fake Americans will see the horrors and just shrug. They saw stuff like that every day back in the cesspit they invaded from.
No one is saying it’s trigger-pulling time. It’s just time to abandon any hope that someone is coming to save us, you’re not going to win any more hearts and minds with people who still can’t see it. The call to action is to start making sure your Plan B preps are underway and you have a solid plan in place to save yourself in whatever way you deem appropriate given your view on the circumstances.
For the vast majority of us I believe that means segregating into our respective non-inclusive groups, disconnecting from the wider society’s delusions and taking total responsibility for our own future outcomes without hope of man-made intervention.
“ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID”
Gee, whatever could it be? It’s all over ‘cept the dying, and that’s coming shortly.
To proceed with whatever its agenda is, the Cabal would have to steal the next two national elections in the USA (2022 and 2024), and the upcoming elections in France. France has much better vote integrity procedures than the USA does.
In other G7 countries outside Japan (which seems to be slipping out of Cabal control), all major and nearly all minor parties back the Cabal agenda, so they don’t really have to do election theft. In France there is fairly vocal opposition among the public, though you don’t see any media coverage, and the FN is an obstacle. In the USA, the problem are most of the red states, which have increasingly opposed the agenda after co-operating with it in the Spring of 2020.
I suspect the idea long term is to do away with elections altogether, and I am surprised that they haven’t done this already. But in the USA, they will want control of Texas and Florida at some point. At the moment, its too easy for Americans to evade the worst of the COVID tyranny by just moving and leaving certain sectors of the economy. And even by the official voting statistics, the Democratic margins from last time were very thin.
I see the Cabal making another move first, and they will probably have to do it before the French elections in April 2022, or if they finesse those before the next American elections in November 2022. If the “vaccines” really are causing a lot of illness and death, it will become impossible to hide sometime next year, so there is that factor too. They carried out March 2020 brilliantly, and probably should have pressed their advantage then, but November 2020 and September 2021, while working for them, also resulted in more opposition and more exposure.
Also note that if there is no counter-cabal conspiracy, that doesn’t preclude one developing as this keeps on going.
The Cabal also seems to be world wide, though maybe strongest in Europe and the Anglosphere, so I don’t think moving between countries is necessarily a good idea (maybe if you are in one of the hardest hit countries, like Australia, Canada, the Philippines or Italy). Moving to a red state and/ or the countryside is probably a smart move if you are an American.
Cabal is also strong in Latin America. Cabal’s origins are Rome & Jerusalem, so to say. Those are the central cultures involved. Thus Cabal is running rampant in the Mediterranen countries. Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc. Also it operates strongly out of Jesuit institutes of education, which are global. Cabal’s interest is in taking down the anglosphere and WASP, nordic, slavic and germanic cultures.
Little update on the cargo container business:×tamp=1635205547&u_code=diafkee5iamhmm&user_id=6957122608131474438&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=android&utm_source=sms&_r=1
That is deliberate prepositioning of assets in and area unlikely to be reachable by either China or Russia. They’re preparing for war.
Or are they just preparing for bodies to begin piling up by some other cause?
Keep in mind there are millions of cabalites and chinese INSIDE the USA. They are a bigger threat than Russia or China military assets.
Look at how much information about you is in that link! TikTok is not just a security concern, it’s security suicide! Click on their privacy policy link. They promise to take all your data, including contacts and everything else and use it for whatever they like. Beyond that, you’re signing up for programming by … you do know who’s running that, right?
Iran’s Gas Stations Out Of Service Due To Possible Cyberattack
>Baldwin to be charged
pure speculation: screencaps floating around of a diddling documentary the late Hutchens was set to work on afterwards; Baldwin has breakfast within days after with the bereaved Husband and son — who does that? Baldwin has to be keyed in with that cushy SNL impression gig . . . suppose the wife wanted to testify, against spousal privilige, against her husband and his Latham & Watkins activity in relation to the Sussman indictment, and needed witness protection? Not all that farther out there than Epstein sipping slivovitz in the holy land after the prison charade.
a fourth season of True Detective was announced recently, also dealing with that kind of elite trafficking in the first and third seasons. McConaughey plays a lead, Rust Cohle, in the first (and best) one.
New Mexico/Arizona (legacy Mason stronghold) was the site of a large diddler sting involving a bunch of Republican reps a few years back. The Morman ambush by Narcos on that settlement founded by Romney’s fleeing expat grandfather in Mexico was in the ballpark, with some back & forth between those areas traveling.
>Adam Carolla roasting Baldwin for being pedo-buddies with Jeffrey Epstein
things so profoundly fake & gay, that in a 5D chess military court timeline – to preserve the fragile facade of a functioning society – they contrive a situation like what happened on set to put a traitorous ghoul behind bars
>‘Americans are the stupidest people on Earth.’
You see images of these people, like Pelosi beaming next to JFK, or Hillary with Foster, and you wonder if there was a time when they were just retrievably flawed. Senescence is its own kind of hell for a narcissist, as their looks and powers of persuasion fade . . . at least queen bitch will never recover from being second best in 2016
>preventing cancer patients from getting life-saving drugs.
Neutropinics that otherwise have great diagnoses already got dealt worse cards by the bug alone, they don’t need this from an enfeebled f in chief
>467 miles beneath Japan.
the [reptilian] fears the samurai
>It either means Cabal’s grip is slipping, or Cabal has abandoned Globohomo
Chile’s another Paperclip German destination. I’d just question whether they would view big ghey as conducive to population reduction and a good proxy for hard K selection pressure in their Darwinian schema, and when/why they’d flip on it in the worldview warfare side of things.
>no point of public schools except as indoctrination centers and babysitting services
Premature empty nest syndrome, neurotic mothers with a dearth of homemaking tasks thanks to technology. No excuse to forswear labor participation as a woman when you’re not teaching little Billy yourself.
I found the source article of the pedo documentary story:
It appears to be fake news:
“Main article is FAKE. Create your own fake news.”
Kicking Away the Ladder (Part 4)
Jim Caviezel’s ‘Braveheart’-Quoting QAnon Speech
Haiti crippled by fuel shortages as gang leader demands prime minister resign
Missing United Airlines executive found dead in forest near Chicago
Moscow Outraged After German Defense Minister Advocates ‘First Use’ Nuke Policy Against Russia
US Calls for Taiwan’s ‘Meaningful Participation’ in UN System
The AD that handed Baldwin the firearm worked on The Crow:Salvation, the 2nd sequel to The Crow. Brandon Lee died making the first film. So while he’s obviously a negligent guy, he wasn’t on the set of Brandon Lee’s movie.
Good catch. I saw an early report which said it was The Crow, but apparently it was the sequel.
“So what do we do with the millions of psychos and lefties? We either split, or we have to kill every single one of them, because they will never, EVER stop their dyscivilizational crap.”
This is not necessary. First there’s not as many as you think as said and we can control them by taking away their centralization of power and illegal Supreme court decisions.
In the past voting was not anyone breathing could vote. You had to have property or at least a high school diploma. Bring those back and their minions would collapse vote wise.
Stop affirmative action and bring back testing for government official positions. Another dagger in their hearts.
Countermand the court decision that took away regional representation in the States Senates just like we have in the Senate of the Federal government and immediately large swaths of their power would be taken away over night. What if all Senates in the US States were regional. I’ll tell you, all the attorney generals that are doing what they are doing now would be thrown out of office and the governors too. The regional representation in the State Senates issue is probably the most important change we could make that would totally turn the country around. Upstate NY is more like Alabama than NYC and they would not have let Andrew Cuomo kill all those elderly without convicting him.
If we as the majority can be controlled then we can do the same by throwing them out of power.
We could pass a Constitutional amendment forcing States to have regional representation in their Senates directly related to volume of territory be equally set to so many Senators.
We still must deport any that survive so they don’t start the process of reversing those things.