Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – China’s Stocks Slide And The Yuan Slips
DFT – The Northeast US Is Already Rationing Home Heating Oil
DFT – Twitter Employees Freak Out During National Emotional Wellness Month
DFT – UK Economic Outlook Downgraded To Negative
DFT – Banks Are Holding Twitter Buyout Debt Until Twitter’s Path Is Clearer
Konnech CEO Eugene Yu worked for the Chinese Communist Party.
NASA forms handpicked team to study unexplained UFO sightings.
DEVELOPING: A well-respected doyen of the Washington press corps is set to expose his brethren’s complicity in the
hoax in a hard-hitting 25,000-word insider account of Big Media collusion with the Clinton campaign, FusionGPS, Christopher Steele and the FBI in falsely framing Donald Trump as a Kremlin collaborator. Big-name veterans from the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, among other premier outlets, are said to be targets of investigation in this expose. The in-depth piece, which i’m told will rock the media establishment with major new revelations already causing angst among top journos, should hit soon. Details to follow
This is irritating – Tony Podesta and James Alefantis celebrate their birthdays together. Why are all these people in the conspiracy going to be allowed to party until they die of old age, while Q spins riddles and wastes time? This is not justice:
Remember how Eric Greitens extorted a woman over a topless photo, and was driven from the Governorship for it? Turns out the accuser said under questioning, she wasn’t sure if it happened, and she thought she might have dreamt it. Lots going on there with mysterious cash payments to the people trying to take him down, a corrupt Soros prosecutor, a Soros PAC, and other bullshit.
School shootings are now more deadly, because when the shooting starts, kids who weren’t shot will drop dead from a heart attack, increasing the casualty count. I do not know who exactly is behind the intelligence op running the surveillance, but you have to give them credit. By the time they are done, there will be no corner of the world, no matter how fucked up to begin with, which they will not manage to make just a little bit worse:
“There were 22 demise patients in August [2022], which ties the record number of demises in July 2021, and so far in September there have been 7 and it’s only the 8th day of the month,” a managing nurse wrote.
The managing nurse went on to write that she hopes the “trend doesn’t continue indefinitely.”
“I know of a few more that are scheduled to deliver in the week ahead, so unfortunately the process is going to be very familiar with all of you,” the managing nurse said.
The staff member who leaked the email told The Epoch Times that since the rollout of the vaccines, the fetal death (stillbirth rate) has skyrocketed from its pre-COVID-19 vaccine average of one to two every three months in her hospital alone.
Megyn Kelly shares her sister died over the weekend from a heart attack.
British actress Josephine Melville, 61, has died backstage after a play.
Radio DJ Tim Gough dies live on air aged 55. Either tons of people are dying to produce this segment who die publicly as part of it, or the public deaths are staged, and designed to stoke panic.
Drew Cockton: Stars pay tribute as Dragons’ Den businessman dies suddenly at 36.
‘Fit and healthy’ man, 21, collapsed and died at 24-hour gym.
Teenage boy, 15, collapses and dies in popular restaurant in front of family and friends.
Community support family following sudden death of Arlington teen, 16. I was on this local news site looking at a crime article, and saw this story.
Controversial new research suggests SARS-CoV-2 bears signs of genetic engineering.
Jewish-Ukrainian computer scientist at MIT who does podcasting on the side, and supposedly has 1.2 million followers, tells Kanye he is sure George Floyd died from Derek Chauvin’s knee on his neck. There is no way a knee on the neck would have killed Floyd, even if Chauvin’s knee was on his neck, which it was not, and this asshole knows it. From his Infogalactic – “Fridman has trained in Brazilian jiu jitsu for a number of years, and is a first-degree black belt under sixth degree Relson Gracie black belt Phil Migliarese III of Balance Studios in Philadelphia.“ You cannot kill someone by placing a knee on the back of their neck. The human body is remarkably robust. Every night in America, I will bet there are tens of thousands of guys across the nation who get choked out in martial arts classes, maybe hundreds of thousands. The leverage you get with a lapel choke to apply pressure, or the raw pressure and force applied to the tissues with a guillotine, or a rear-naked choke, is easily thirty to fifty times as great as the pressure you could apply with a knee on the back of the neck – and the martial arts choke is targeted to apply its pressure right to a small line over the carotid, to cut off the blood flow, not to just press on, maybe a single jugular vein broadly. And none of those guys across the country who get professionally choked die. I was choked out completely a bunch of times when I didn’t tap because I thought if I got a little farther I could get out, and found out too late I didn’t have it. It happens all the time. As I came to, I never felt like I had just almost died. Notice how brazenly he pushes this bullshit, while telling Kanye that it is Kanye who is pushing bullshit. Then look at the other things on his page – “Fridman’s career began at Google, working on machine learning. Fridman is a Research Affiliate and lecturer at MIT… Started in 2018, the Lex Fridman Podcast (originally titled Artificial Intelligence Podcast) discusses “AI, science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power”…. Guests have included Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Jack Dorsey, Ray Dalio, and Mark Zuckerberg.” So his family immigrated here from Russia, and he has effortlessly acquired 1.2 million viewers in four years. Think you could get hired at Google, or get Jack Dorsey, or Elon Musk on your podcast? I don’t know how these people all link up, but there is no doubt there is some overarching command structure which is deciding who goes where, and who links up with who. They might even all just be doing what the command tells them to do, and command is scripting all of that. I am still thinking the fact he had Ye on at all, instead of everyone just ghosting Ye, means Ye is reading from a script as well. That would fit with the fact that I have seen about ten threads on this interview on 4Chan, all obviously being spammed. Which would mean, I assume, the scriptwriters are preparing the blacks to fight with the Jews.
As respiratory illnesses are rapidly rising among children, Dr. Anthony Fauci is warning of a potential triple-threat heading into winter. “This is particularly problematic because as we get into the flu season, you might have a convergence of three significant respiratory illnesses at one time in children. RSV, which you just mentioned, influenza and of course there’s always the concern, as we get into the winter, about a surge of a new variant of COVID-19.”
NHS says most trans kids are going through a ‘phase’ – Gender incongruence doesn’t typically persist into adolescence, says new draft guidance by England’s National Health Service. Whoops, sorry kid, we probably shouldn’t have cut that off…
Chicago shootings: 52 shot, 11 fatally, in weekend violence across city, police say.
Defecting Cuban pilot lands Soviet-era bi-plane in the Everglades.
California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) promised in a debate Sunday night to serve all four years of his second term if reelected, seeming to rule out a presidential run in 2024. Surely he would never lie to attain office.
Rishi Sunak will become the next U.K. prime minister.
Venezuela emptying prisons, sending dangerous criminals to U.S. border.
Italian Bishops urge PM Giorgia Meloni to prioritize ‘hospitality and integration of migrants.’ Not genuine. They are all in on the conspiracy.
A group of liberal Democrats in the US Congress is pressing president Joe Biden to pursue direct talks with Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin, opening a new front of pressure on his Ukraine strategy as his administration tries to maintain domestic support for Kyiv. They see a huge humiliation happening once Russia decides to go all in and take all of Ukraine.
All conscripted men under 60 should expect the draft, says Kyiv head of recruitment.
EU will provide Kiev with 1.5 billion euros per month next year.
Ukraine is hoping for $500 million a month in financial aid from Germany.
Go woke, go broke: woke Disney crushed as top filmmaker leaves, calls Disney “horrible big circus.”
Interesting question – Why won’t any congressional Democrats support the bill sanctioning Iran’s leaders for human rights violations? Q said Iran was like a secure redoubt for Cabal.
U.S.-Saudi relations buckle, driven by animosity between Biden and Mohammed bin Salman.
Voters predict the economy will get worse if Democrats win.
Tudor Dixon in dead heat with democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Voters in battleground states prefer Republican House candidates over Democrats by 6%, survey says.
Spread r/K Theory, because the ones who deamnd to call out bullshit are the bullshitters themselves
“Jewish-Ukrainian computer scientist at MIT who does podcasting on the side”
And the jewiest jew that ever jewed award goes to…
“Some are saying Katy Perry had her eye stick shut during a concert due to being vaxxed, but I think it was her doing a one eye shout-out to the illuminati.”
I think this was the vax. That didn’t look like a wink. Her eye-lid muscle just kept going limp and judging by her reaction it was something that’s been happening offstage.Not surprised at all. She couldn’t stop touching it trying to make it work again.
Between her and Bieber it’ll be the next big thing amongst the kiddies.
“Ma, I want half my face to droop too!”
Ugly slut on inside
Now has face to match
Began her career in the Christian music industry as Katy Miner (sp). I always wondered what happened.
There’s a clip floating around of her stating she sold her soul to the devil. I think people often think (not you, just in general) that musicians/movie stars are speaking euphemistically when they say that, but maybe not.
There is no indication so called Christian Music Industry isn’t also similarly subverted.
One data point is that Sovereign Grace is big in hymn writing and distribution, and I’m close to someone who knew all the original bigwigs from C J Mahaney down. No evidence that Mahaney himself was a pedo and molester, but he was surrounded by them and is certainly pedo adjacent.
That was my first thought – turns out being an MKUltra/Monarch sex doll does not qualify you for the saline jab.
Recommendation: Anyone here familiar with writer Thorsten J. Pattberg? I first came across him at The Saker’s site and have been reading some of his China-related articles. He has an accessible writing style and is evidently deeply familiar with China and its society. What’s interesting is how non-PC his insights are – fully aware of China’s flaws and also fully aware of the Western elite’s (Cabal) endless effort to rape and pillage the country. You won’t agree with everything he says but you’ll learn a lot from his unusual perspective.
Interesting article about how controlled academia is, how anti-China you have to be to get promoted, that Western students are afraid of being too understanding of China because of informants, etc.
Maybe it’s only normal, since you can’t really have an academic career or much of any career if you critique PC sensibilities, either.
On the table beside me is “A Short History of China” by Johathan Clements. I am a few pages from finishing it. It is fairly sympathetic to Mao and even his awful last wife, and I have read other detailed histories of China that treated Mao and the CCP fairly well. They were negative to the faction that fought Mao and the CCP and lost and wound up on Taiwan, even though their record with the island is quite impressive. Generally books by western academics on China I have encountered have been positive to the CCP and Mao, and the one exception, by the author of “Wild Swans” was an obviously over the top neocon style hatchet job that hurt its own case.
What that guy describes I just haven’t encountered. Look, my own philosophy is Confucian oriented, plus I think China importing an entire western ideology that was a disaster in the West is weird, so I am not inclined at all to be favorable to Chinese communism. But I sort of get it as a desperation move after the earlier disasters with their encounters with the industrialized West. But in late twentieth century Western accounts of China, I keep encountering all this admiration for an obviously satanic system.
After sitting in cash all year I’m thinking of deploying some cash in my retirement accounts. Since I’m an older gent and I know that the usual safe haven of bonds have taken a hit I decided to check out some targeted retirement funds. Specifically the 2030 ones.
The performance of these so called “safe” funds have been terrible. Many of them are down more than just being full invested in stocks.
Check out the performance of the biggest one:
Down almost 32% over the last year.
The S&P 500 is down 17% over the same period. Hell, even the Nasdaq performed better.
Point being their probably is no safe haven. I’ve done better than most sitting in cash all year even with the high inflation but not sure what to do next.
I mean even if I manage to do well I’ll probably have it all taken when I refuse to eat the bug or get my beast chip. Long ammo I guess.
this is the damndest economic situation I’ve ever seen, maybe because it’s all intentional. am more or less in the same financial boat, I too can’t find any decent place to invest. we’re in very inflationary times, so AU & HG should be a no-brainer, but … TPTB ain’t gonna let them run until we’re near the very end. so WHAT then? crude, gas, or cereal commodities all have a long long way to run, but a) can’t take physical possession of them due to transport/storage/security costs b) I really REALLY don’t want to take possession of a 100,000 lb. lump of copper c) frozen ribeyes don’t last all that long and d) I refuse to fuck with options & futures when my opponents in the those contracts have vastly more and better knowledge & experience than me.
if you find anything, I for one will listen with great attention.
I’ll deploy a little cash now but most of it I’m holding for a final bottom in Q1 of next year. February/March time-frame.
I’ll then deploy it all into various index funds and also more physical gold and silver which should bottom around the same time. I’m investing a bit now in case I’m wrong.
The dollar is King Dong for now which is why it’s the best performing asset YTD but there will come a time when it will be hated and reviled. Then I’ll be completely out of cash hopefully.
This is not investment advice btw. I’m just saying what my plans are.
Pick your shots for maximum effect.
Invest in necessities and the means to defend them.
Hard assets that will retain their value that you physically hold come next.
1)Farm land. 2)A really big safe to fill up with gold and silver. 3)Another really big safe for guns. Buy silver from small private dealers with cash instead of coin stores.
I’m looking to build a small cnc machine shop turning out wood, plastic, and maybe aluminium parts with generous tolerances – nothing aerospace level. I’ve already seen a guy do this with a few large gantry machines that in a few years managed to buildup to $1million a year gross. I’m putting what money I can not into stores of value but instead betting on tools to make things being far more valuable in the new economy that’s coming.
Okay, MAYBE aerospace level for small scale aluminum parts for small private planes like Cessnas. But that’s down the road, say 2024 or later.
‘As respiratory illnesses are rapidly rising among children, Dr. Anthony Fauci is warning of a potential triple-threat heading into winter.’
Is anyone even listening to this quack anymore?
Audit results of primary election in Torrance county, New Mexico show differences between hand counts and SOS records of up to 25%.
Oh, look! we are going to have a Red Wave(tm)! Yeah right.
To paraphrase Stalin, “it is not who votes; it is who counts votes.” Let us also add: it is who controls the voting who wins.
When I read Lindsey Graham’s Wikpedia page, I was surprised by how much he did outside of politics.
Upon graduating from the University of South Carolina School of Law, Graham was commissioned as an officer in the Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG Corps) in the United States Air Force in 1982 and began active duty that year. His duty began with a stint as an Air Force defense attorney, after which he was transferred to Rhein-Main Air Base in Frankfurt, Germany, where from 1984 to 1988 he was the Air Force’s chief prosecutor in Europe.
In 2014, Graham received a Bronze Star medal for meritorious service as a senior legal adviser to the Air Force in Iraq and Afghanistan from August 2009 to July 2014, overseeing the detention of military prisoners.[1][31] In 2015, he retired at his last rank of Colonel from the Air Force with over 33 total years of service, after reaching the statutory retirement age of 60 for his rank.[35]
Is this general knowledge? I used to think he spent all his time in DC.
Is this general knowledge? I used to think he spent all his time in DC.
Plenty of congress critters get decorated in the military while riding a desk as a career as a way to legitimize their otherwise inexplicable rise to power. Just a way to convince the normies that cabal’s controlled asset is Real® and Legitimate® and Qualified® and not an entirely compromised shill for the beast.
In regards to Rishi Sunak becoming Britian’s PM, Alexander Mercouris, one of the Duran, a Greek with British citizenship and a British lawyer, says that a conspiracy put Rishi up for PM and there is a cabal that hate the Brexiters. Rishi is a globalist. Mercouris now talks of his now great disgust at the failure of “democracy” in Britain.
Democracy was hailed as some sort of golden goose, the premier form of government that was better than Monarchy, and Mixed Government. From Australia, New Zealand to America and Britian and the rest of Europe–democracy is NOT about the people whatsoever! It is the vehicle of the cabal! Democracy is failing for the European nations across the board! An astute British commentator has already written a piece “Britaly” comparing the mess of three PMs in two years with Italy that hasn’t had a stable government since Mussolini!
So from what Alexander said of the rise of Rishi, he didn’t say the actual words, but it was a coup, to our TWO coups here in America, crime out of control, an open border, political and school battles now over transgenders, and white genocide going down all over Europe and the Anglosphere diaspora—we are looking at a complete disaster. Where is this vaunted value of “democracy”?
Italy is a dump. Britain is now following. America two coups and demented controlled puppet. Wow. —and we are heading into nuclear war! Unbelievable! The West has become a complete disaster from A – Z.
Make no mistake, a return to Royal control has been the plan all along.
If you are a true “conservative” you are supposed to worship the (((Anglo))).
Somehow the “muh founding fathers” crowd forget how the bongs were and remain the enemies of America.
> Governor Ron DeSantis endorses Senate candidate Joe O’Dea, who vows to campaign against Donald Trump.
Meaningless; lots of tiny fish will throw their hats in the ring “against Donald Trump” just to get some media recognition. Perhaps six people in Florida would vote for O’Dea; he (and everyone else) will just be a place-holder on the Trump ticket.
Expect some massive gaslighting and back-room chicanery for the 2024 RNC, though. They tried to cut DJT off at the knees in 2020, but he carried enough on the floor to get the nomination anyway.
> NASA forms handpicked team to study unexplained UFO sightings.
Both Obama and Hillary! promised to reveal the true story of the UFOs. Biden even mentioned it at least once.
As was noted yesterday, it’s odd that most UFO sightings now are military. That, and other details, have guided my opinion that there aren’t any UFOs; it’s just something the Democrats whip out whenever they need the media to stage a minor distraction from something they don’t want hauled out into the open.
Project Blue Beam has been known for YEARS. Not a secret they lie about muh aliens as another plank of the public mind control scheme.
Reports of flying objects have been written for thousands of years in all of the major classical civilizations, including Greece, Rome and India. Mesoamerican societies as well. The craft described match modern descriptions of UFO’s.
Something haunts this planet, and has done so for as long as humans have been here. I don’t think they are aliens from other worlds, but the Deep State is going to run with that narrative in order to have one more arrow in its quiver to frighten, confuse and distract the general population.
[…] News Briefs – 10/25/2022 — Anonymous Conservative […]
> school shooting
We’ve been overdue by a couple of months. Maybe someone finally wised up and realized people were catching on to the regular-as-clockwork shooting schedule.
> Venezuela emptying prisons, sending dangerous criminals to U.S. border.
Why not? Mexico and Cuba did that for years and the gringos never did anything other than complain.
> Twenty-six of France’s 56 nuclear reactors are offline for maintenance or because of corrosion on piping that cools the reactor cores.
France is the world’s leader in nuclear power generation; they have the most advanced reactor technology and they make heavy use of nuclear power; the entire French economy is tied to cheap, reliable electricity. Plus they sell electricity to nearby countries.
The French have been doing this a *long* time. They’re not sitting there with half their reactors down by accident. This is deliberate.
From Vox Day:
“Driven by a strong sense of mission, we have resolved to offend a few thousand rather than fail 1.4 billion and to clear out the party of all its ills. We’ve used a combination of measures to take out tigers, swat flies, and hunt down foxes, punishing corrupt officials of all types,” Xi said.
Xi is taking down the Cabal/Triad assets in China. Hence the Security Services “Covid lockdowns”, anti-corruption campaigns, and put down of the fake color revolution attempt in Hong Kong. Taiwan is next because it cannot be allowed to house the Cabal’s China HQ operation any longer. The usual suspects in the West are in a panic. As their Euro/Ukraine and China/Taiwan ops are closed down the Cabal’s major exits are barred. This movie is fucking sick!
Xi Jinping and friends may well be the Stalin that cleaned out the Cabal from his country. It would be interesting if that is the case.
Didnt Mr Hitler ban Freemasons?
Donald Trump has reacted to the sentencing of Steve Bannon, saying his former White House advisor is “fighting for his country!”
Meanwhile, Trump fiddles as our nation burns.
What exactly is Citizen Trump supposed to do?
What are he and his handlers waiting for to rip the curtain back and expose what they actually know?
He isn’t going to be elected in 2024 if the steal isn’t revealed in its full extent and then rectified.
Who exactly is he to present this information to? The MSM?
Why don’t YOU expose to the world what you know about things if it’s such an easy and powerful thing? Of course, it’s because you know that no one would listen to you. This whole notion of “exposing” people or things means absolutely nothing if those you are exposing control the taxpayer’s funds, the media, and enforcement agents.
everything you want trump to “expose” has probably already been exposed by countless podcasters and YouTube channels.
Weak and lazy reasoning.
I am not Trump, therefore no one would care what I reveal, if I had anything to actually reveal.
Trump has various social media platforms that will carry his message and tens of millions of fans who would broadcast his revelations far and wide. That has been the case for several years now.
I repeat, if the curtain isn’t pulled back and the full extent of the steal is not rectified, then you can be sure neither Trump nor any other reasonably sane candidate will ever hold office again.
This is an odd comment, but I was reading about this on Reddit, which is a pretty normie site.
Big sports leagues in the USA (also the big soccer leagues in other countries) were exposed by insider accounts for having all their key matches being fixed by the 1980s. One Reddit poster posted a 1989 Washington Post article to the effect. Later Brian Tuohy got a book (“The Fix is In”) with a pretty strong argument to the same, focusing on the NFL, and he has a website, though he posts less frequently since he realized that non one is interested.
The argument is pretty intuitive. The leagues, though the situation with Major League Baseball is somewhat complex, are corporations for the purpose of conducting entertainment. They are not organized and don’t operate just to host sports competition. They can and will script their games and have said so in formal legal hearings.
So this is something that people care about, and which even Trump was involved in at one point, and the “curtain has been pulled back”. Once you see the evidence, you can’t take media sports seriously. Its been exposed. But the audience for this stuff keeps growing. People just don’t care.
I don’t know what the answer is, but it has to be different than “just expose this”. Most people don’t want to hear you.
It actually doesn’t have to be different than full exposure, but that is obviously not the only avenue of attack.
Without full exposure of the depth of the blackmail, surveillance and foreign interference, there isn’t much chance at long term success.
You don’t know what the answer is, but you’re sure it doesn’t include dumping Intel about who actually committed 9/11 or the steal in 2020?
What do you think this is all about?
yeah, all those people who follow Trump on his various social media platforms already believe what? They are already convinced!
You know, you’re right.
We should all just pretend nothing happen and get on with our lives.
What do think is actually going on in the U.S. with Intel, surveillance and blackmail?
Widespread surveillance and blackmail of the bulk of the political class doesn’t happen without secrets, which should be exposed to sunlight if we are going to ever get out of this mess.
In reality, Trump knows a hell of a lot more than he is letting on, and so do his handlers. They have access to actual Intel.
He had a chance to fully declassify the JFK files and he refused, basically telling Napolitano that if he had seen what was in those files he wouldn’t release it either.
By all means, though, keep laughing your ass off.
he’s in on it
ever watch WWF ?
Why is Iran supporting Russia/China? And why is Cabal throwing a revolution in Iran?
Yeah, that little tidbit undermines other aspects of Q’s so called analysis.
Q’s contention that Iran is cabal is never explained or justified. Meanwhile, Israel, which is clearly a major cabal power center, is never described as such.
Q avoided statements that the media could quote as deliberate antisemitism. But Q more than made things clear about Israel.
Exact words “We’re saving Israel for last.”
Unless Q also believes Russia and China is on it too. I wouldn’t discount Q out as a disinfo op.
Q is jewish
who said cabal is throwing the revolution
It’s a fake revolution to draw out opponents of the regime so they can be crushed before they are ready to actually overthrow it.
Iran is helping Russia/China because it is trying to fight the current rulers of cabal for control of cabal just like China.
Russia is the only one that might be a real enemy of cabal.
>President Joe Biden told NowThis News during a Sunday interview that he is pushing to limit gun owners to having no more than “eight bullets in a round.”
Arcanum is a steampunk RPG game. Its flawed, but like everything troika, its quite memorable. Its possible to fire 8 bullets in a round of game play. Something tells me Biden isn’t a steampunk fan.
MIRV bullets would be kind of cool though. Eight submunitions per cartridge.
Kinda been done:
>demise patients
God I hate euphemism creep. Fucking women need to grow a spine and just call shit what it is instead of making up new bullshit unneeded phrases.
women will be the downfall of western civilization
So the mighty men of the west were defeated by a bunch of girls?
It was all before my time. Was there any organized pushback against feminism? At all?
Yes, but the pushback was entirely done by conservatives, so you know, less push and more backing up.
OK, that explains it. 🙂
Yes. Warren Farrell was a true believer and a member of the NOW. Over time though, as Women gained more power he began to notice that equality was not exactly what the NOW had in mind. He wrote a very good book about this. Here’s a review where they, of course, trash his book and him. Any objections he made were all ignored. Things roiled on. If you pay attention, Men are refusing to get married in large numbers. The financial strain plus the risk if you don’t stay married and are divorced are just too great.
All part of the plan to keep us from breeding.
Although places like Nolo press have ready to go pre-nup forms, so maybe that’s the way to go.
You might be interested in a short essay on the cycles of history by a “practical” scholar named Sir John Bagot Glubb. As a General in the British Army, he would qualify as a “mighty man”, and he has interesting things to say about the influx of foreigners, the idolization of popular entertainers, and yes, the role of women in public life (p.17).
The Fate of Empires (by Sir John Glubb).pdf | DocDroid
@Marielle Redclaw
Yes. Because Men back then are Simps. Chivalry even stopped them from convicting clearly guilty women of murder:
Women back in the day didn’t hesitate.
That’s why I call those Men Cuckservative.
Men have no problem with fighting ferociously with other Men. But won’t stand up to women in past few centuries.
FWIW, white women do vote closely with white men from all the data I’ve seen. They even increasd their Trump support in 2020 while the men dropped off a bit.
The problem is conservatives are too afraid to call out the real issue for fear of being called racist, so they attack their own women (because the MSM says we’re all wine guzzling cat ladies), which is very frustrating.

For women, liberalism just keeps growing: Greg Gutfeld
Sampson defeated entire armies till he met Delilah.
He was neither the first, nor last
The Bible may, or may not be “literal truth”, but Genesis was very clear about how Adam messed up
The rebellion against Patriarchy is an attempt to defy GOD and his imposition of a harsh necessity on Eve and her daughters:
Genesis 3:16
“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”
King James Version (KJV)
It’s also clear that rule by women is a curse:
Isaiah 3:12
“As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.”
King James Version (KJV)
Voters rule in a republic.
Men’s job is to rectify names. Call everything by their proper description. Clarity of thought results.
Obvious senility aside, lucky for us the standard 00 buck load is usually 8 pellets, so we’re all good to keep running the most effective buck load possible without a problem. #4 buck fanatics absolutely BTFO.
>re: Doja Cat freemason birthday cake
Reminder to all of the 27 Club for dying musicians. Wouldn’t be surprised if whoever that bitch is bites the dust, or perhaps is involved in a very public “accidental” death of a close family member / friend to seal the public display of blood sacrifice that most celebrities engage in.
Big club and you ain’t in it, etc…
I believe the “how” is incredibly simple: every one of these big name people has an agent or a manager that does all their scheduling, and it’s a very small number of people who largely stay hidden behind the scenes in that agent clique that pull the strings. Do you think Musk personally cares which podcast he’s on, or is it just “I’m told to show up and shill my crap teslas and fake space rockets, okie dokie boss!”
The agents get word from whoever their organizer is on who the next shill to pump up is, and the celebrity interviews and podcast appearances just start flowing because it’s all organized and facilitated by a tiny insular group who explicitly work together to coordinate it all.
The agents are also the known gatekeepers of “celebrity,” as we’ve seen repeatedly that talented people will not be able to get or keep a relationship with a high-power agent unless they’re actively pro-sodomy, anti-God, etc.
As with every single one of these “complex” conspiracies, when you boil it down to the extreme essence of it they’re all systems that are plausibly operable by one person in the right position. If you have the pull as head over this group of maybe 100 celebrity agents, you can dictate the entire operation of who gets pumped or dumped single handedly.
The world of Hollywood agents is rarely discussed, but they are clearly part of the true control operation in Hollywood and the entertainment industry.
Good points in both comments.
Stay strapped or get clapped. It ain’t getting warmer or fuzzier out there fam.
Be trained, armed and with other trained and armed men at all times.
From a young age I never went anywhere without at least one other member of my posse. Never drank much. Never went anywhere we were not faliliar with the crowd. And after a certain age, we all transitioned from mace to CC. When we were all together, any potential assailant faced the prospect of being completely vaporized.
Women had Male chaperones in the past due to the greater violence potential of the Men.
Bouncers of Strip clubs are also Men for the same reason.
I have an idea that VMI could implement
We all know the Left loves their double standards, they actual get off when we call them hypocrites, bc at heart they are malicious cowards who need to dehumanize others, especially unfairly, in order to feel powerful.
ie: r/K theory
So here is a suggestion on how to mentally break them.
Give them their double standard.
Don’t just have different pushups for men and women, make it EVEN harder for men, and EVEN EASIER for the women.
That is, if the men are expected to do 100 pushups, now they have to do 110. If the women have to do 50 pushups, now they have to do 20. And keep making it progressively easier/harder
What is more, men who do well, are rewarded – WITH PAIN. If a man does well, his reward is to be humiliated, dressed down, treated badly, given more shit duty, more pushups, MORE WORK, etc. This is not openly stated. Officially we are telling that man he is worthless trash. Unofficially, it is understood that this is the only praise we can actually give.
Meanwhile if a woman fails a task she is not only not punished, she is praised for trying. The praise gets more over the top the more disgusting she is. If she abuses a man, she is brought in front of the entire crowd and praised, cheered even.
Understand, this subverts everything. It takes the system of reward and punishment and turns it on its head. It makes the reward INTERNAL. We all know the joke, the praise is something only quietly winked and nodded at by the other men. The man’s praise is that he is being insulted, this is understood as praise. And of course, praise is understood as an actual insult.
The leftists, who are superficial scum, will at first try to pretend that they don’t get the joke, eventually they will be incapable of ignoring it and it will drive them totally insane, until hopefully, either the bastard scum commit suicide or they have a total meltdown at which point we can finally show even the densist normie that these vermin can’t be allowed power anymore.
It’s just an idea. Not sure if it would work. I can see half a dozen ways it could be subverted, especially once the woke bring in “women”. But might be worth a try.
A thousand ways to fail, maybe one ultra longshot to success and I honestly don’t even understand how it’s a “win” to degrade men to the point of total insanity.
How about no?
I agree. It was a wacky idea. ::facepalm::
But you never know. Sometimes you take things to their extreme, and it ends up taking the pendulum up so far, it has to begin returning with force. That idea would certainly have destroyed VMI and left it just a bunch of tank girls and trannies everybody would laugh at, and just that could be beneficial.
How about make it impossible for those people themselves to escape the consequences of their own actions.
How about reward friends and punish enemies?
Dead Heat, of course, means that the Republican is clearly ahead, but the Democrats haven’t decided if they are going to cheat their way through anyway.
Re: This is particularly problematic because as we get into the flu season
Not if you get you blood level of vitamin D above 60ng/ml. There is a simple solution and it is D3 supplementation. Amazon sells D3 10,000IUs for $10. No excuses…
Don’t forget to add some K2 to all that D3.
What happens if you don’t take K2 with D3?
Increasing one’s intake of vitamin D without enough vitamin K can cause an increase in calcium levels without the ability to use it effectively, which raises the risk of depositing calcium in arteries and soft tissue. This is dangerous because it can lead to heart disease, heart attack and even stroke. Are you taking Vitamin D3? Don’t forget Vitamin K!
For every 1000IUs of D3 you’ll need to take around 45mcg of K2. This ratio is reflected in most of the combo supplements on the market, such as this one:
The Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 Connection – Dr. Alex Rinehart
Laura Aboli’s telegram page is a must read for me. Here’s a sample:
The show must go on…
As things get more and more grotesque, it really does feel like a lot of it is pure entertainment. They need to keep us distracted so we don’t focus on the real underlying truths.
And what are those truths? Above all else, it’s the realisation that we are trapped in a system that was meticulously and painstakingly created for centuries to keep us enslaved and under control.
What we have is the ilusion of freedom but we are not free.
We live in a wall-less prison where we have been given a limited set of choices to make us feel like things are up to us, but there are masters in the shadows that pull every string, press every button and give every directive required to get us exactly where they need us to be; further and further controlled, deeper and deeper enslaved.
There was a time when the masters needed the masses to work and produce, but technology has made us obsolete, now we have become, in Mr Harari’s own words, ‘useless people’, and according to them there are far too many of us.
For this reason, unbeknownst to the majority, thanks to the media’s complicit silence, we are currently undergoing the most brutal genocide in the history of humanity.
It’s almost abstract to think that people are dropping dead like flyes and everyone is just ignoring it. It goes to show that they still have complete control over people’s perception of reality.
Most of the technology that we have been allowed to have, was only released to the public as a means to further control us, that is the only reason. The internet however turned out to be a double edge sword and has thankfully also served to divulge information that has helped people understand the scope of the deception we live under.
The more people that are awakened, the more they need to distract and divide us, nothing is a greater threat to them than many of us finally standing up in defiance.
Our greatest weapon by far, is simply being who we are; free, sovereign, powerful beings.
They have dedicated decades and vasts amounts of money to destroy our divine spirit, to dimm our light, to intoxicate us physically, morally and spiritually and to make us feel insignificant, powerless and useless.
It’s time to show them they have not succeeded, it’s time to be the opposite of what they have tried to turn us into, it’s time to make the right choices, speak the right workds and take the right actions in the name of love, of truth and of respect towards our Creator.
AC, this comment is for you, print it or not as you see fit. a few days ago – my guess is the 20th? 21st? – there was a comment that included an embedded non-youtube video. torrent? something – am not much on that stuff. anyway the comment/vid was about how ‘TPTB running the world into the ground’ is actually a demonic technique, leading to a desired ‘you have conquered your Fear/ thou art a as God’ result. it used clips from the Wachowski’s move V to help support that thesis. a fascinating vid, I was largely sold on the argument, and I wanted to go back to it. here’s the thing: it seems to have disappeared from your comments. I went back as far as the 15th looking for it, and … gone.
Q1: did you kill it?
Q2: did I somehow miss it?
I just looked and initially didn’t see it, but then a closer look shows I included it as a link, since it was a Twitter video, and I didn’t want to embed it since that screws up some people’s browsers. And it was in the middle of a paragraph.
The video was here, linked from the 10/21 brief, and you are right. If luciferians genuinely believe that, it would be a great explanation for what we are seeing. It would also be a brilliant trick of satan, as it would take every dumbass who bought into it, and have them basically torturing every person on the plant as much as humanly possible, and I am pretty sure they don’t get to heaven that way.
I went back and added the keywords luciferianism and V for Vendetta, which combined with Wachowski [luciferianism V for Vendetta Wachowski] makes it the only result to pop on that keyword search
Here are two Hegelian loops we may be currently living through:
Problem (thesis): Russia refuses to enter the New World Order
Reaction (anti-thesis): Destabilize Ukraine and Syria, forcing Russia to act aggressively
Solution (synthesis): Create pretext for removing Russian leadership and installing Western rulers.
Problem: Nationalism in Europe
Reaction: Allow millions of Afro-Islamists
Solution: Strengthening of United Nations and European Union to “protect” people from social unrest
What Is The Hegelian Dialectic? – Return Of Kings
So this is the real masonic mystagogy of V for Vendetta: V is Satan, as the graphic novel even states. V initiates Evey, as a new Eve, into the cult of liberty. V utilizes all the same mind control techniques and torture the system uses to “free” Evey. This is why Evey is “locked up” and has her head shaved, as we have seen with many Hollywood brainwashed starlets. The cult of liberty is a harsh master, however, as absolute liberty is really absolute slavery to the passions. Meanwhile the establishment in the film and novel is a far right establishment which persecutes homosexuality and tries to enforce Christianity as a state religion in the UK. This is utterly laughable, except in the sense that the neo-conservative establishment in the US does wear a thin veneer of evangelical covering. However, that is quickly wearing thin, and as the film is set in the near future where the US has collapsed and the UK is under a theocracy, its thesis is absurd. As with other Wachowski films like The Matrix or Cloud Atlas, the message conveyed is that all law is slavery – even that of gender. To be male or heterosexual is to be a slave to imposed social constructs, not to the fulfillment of natural order. This transformation process is symbolized by Evey being shown with butterflies following her mind control torture.
V, then, as Satan, is merely a ruse of managed anti-establishment rebellion that plays into the hands of the establishment like putty. Prompting the V Mask wearing rebels in the populace to engage in terror acts only fuels the establishment’s designs. Therefore, for V for Vendetta, I’m avoiding all the symbolism and esoterica and looking at the main point – managed, Hegelian dialectical faux rebellion.
As Oswald Spengler stated: “There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement, that has not operated in the interests of money, and for the time being permitted by money – and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.”
Document:V for Vendetta (2005): Managed Dialectics – Wikispooks
thankee mucho. I recommend that vid for those with 5 mins to spare – it does a decent job of answering hard questions. right answers or wrong, I think it’s worth a look, y’all
That is interesting. I looked a bit more at that Twitter account. He has a pinned thread claiming Trump is the AntiChrist:
I don’t know what to make of it all myself. We are in dire times and there doesn’t seem to be any help on the way.
Yeah, that looks silly. But wherever he got that video from, it was gripping. Especially because of all the reports that at the very top, Freemasonry surprises its members with the revelation they are serving lucifer.
just watched that vid again, with stops and pauses. it really is quite something – and I’m now about 90% sold on what it’s saying. ‘Satan’ would certainly answer my longtime question of ‘Cui Bono when every single politician on earff works his ass off to make everything terrible and then even more terrible just as hard & fast as he can?’ along with its companion question, ‘who would have the juice to ensure/enforce that kind of perfect compliance worldwide?’
AC in his response to my original ? about that vid said this: “It would also be a brilliant trick of satan, as it would take every dumbass who bought into it, and have them basically torturing every person on the planet as much as humanly possible, and I am pretty sure they don’t get to heaven that way.” which dovetails absolutely perfectly with a quote I read in an article about the sorry state of human affairs in modern-day china. (sorry no title or link, it’s been awhile) it quoted a chinese woman who works in a high-rise office building that’s literally disintegrating beneath her feet; she and her coworkers are terrified the cut-rate elevator cables will snap and plunge them all to a messy death; they complain that the lunchtime dumplings they buy from the street vendors routinely contain shredded cardboard and “meat” they suspect is rat or worse; they all know someone who’s had his/her life savings stolen by a failed bank run by children of party bosses so that $$ is GONE; they worry about getting hit by those legendary chinese drivers who will then back up and run over them again & again to make sure they’re dead {really} before driving off cursing their bad luck (“that fat bitch dentee my fender!”); and on & on & on & on & ON. she summed up life in china thusly: “everyone tries their hardest to hurt me, and so I have no choice but to try to hurt them more.”
that’s about as good a description of ‘a satanic civilization’ I can think of
But China is the last best hope for the good, the beautiful, and the true. /Sarc
“One knee on the neck, one knee on the deck” is a standard arrest-and-control technique, taught for decades at the Washington State Criminal Justice Academy and implemented countless times by LEOs across the (very progressively governed) state.
No reported fatalities.
Probably because the airway does not go up the back of the neck, and the blood vessels are not concentrated in the back of the neck.
I have read that those AN – 2 biplanes can carry a one-ton payload, which could accommodate a primitive nuclear weapon. Plus, it can fly so low and so slowly that it could elude air-defense radars en route to a target. The article said that this is a serious concern in South Korea.
once again dont donate DNA…
They retracted it.
A good change would be for people to start hosting on I2P the “invisible Internet project”. They have a new transport that’s way, way faster than before. They have a built-in anonymous BitTorrent. It has a built-in server where you can place your website files just like any other server and serve whatever you want from your computer. The new transport “SSU2” uses techniques of encryption and “WireGuard” to defeat DDOS attacks. It’s 19 years old and has been continuously updated. The recent new transport has been a really big deal and took a very long time but they seemed to have planned very well and it shows in speed ups.
It’s slower because each visit to any server on the network goes through three servers there and three different back. So it does take a while. Once you have contact with a server it’s fairly fast. Torrents can be very fast. Each server it goes through unencrypts a little portion of the message and then uses that to send to another server. No one knows who sends or receives anything. Every ten minutes all the tunnels built to use as hopping servers are changed to a new set. The whole system is distributed. All the routers, DNS look up, everything, so there is no one point to shut anything down. Here’s a link on the new transport and a Wikipedia link.
Having an armed brotherhood is important in dangerous territory:
Army ranger buddies smoked some Crips in the process.
Problem with reject modernity and embrace masculinity:
Hey, please keep this system and don’t go back to whatever you were using a few days ago. For a long time I couldn’t comment at all because commenting didn’t work with JavaScript and I use NoScript.
I won’t change anything, but since the comments came back up, I have not changed anything.
Totally offtopic but for anyone who may have seen seen a couple comments I left in the past about it, there’s been a few more cannibal movies and shows come out recently. A documentary and TV show about Dahmer both aired on Netflix, an upcoming horror movie called Feed Me, and an upcoming “romance” called Bones and All. I don’t know if maybe I never noticed before or if it’s just a trend or total coincidence but whatever the case may be I don’t like it. It’s extremely sick. Maybe it’s nothing but I intend to keep my eye on this subject going forward.