News Briefs – 10/24/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


There was a great comment on Trump using the phrase “invisible enemy” and “the enemy within.” It referenced an old 4Chan post, noting,

I’m reminded of a very interesting post I read on the boards after Trump started using the phrase “The Invisible Enemy”. It’s not signed by Q, but it bears all the hallmarks of Q in the voice and style used. Here is an excerpt:

We Are Here With You
What is a Targeted Individual?
An Individual With Potential.
Do peoples around the world still practice the tradition of keeping prayer vigil over newborns?
Do they believe that the Invisible Enemy sends reconnaissance teams every night to make census of new souls?
Do certain children then begin to have “accidents”, snake bites, seizures, etc.?
Are peer-children and adults near the targeted child opportunistically ‘possessed’ in order to torment and traumatize the child?
KILL confidence.
STEAL energy.
DESTROY willpower.
Threat neutralised.
Do some peoples around the world still know how to decode the “accidents” as an indicator that the child could with training pose a unique threat to the Invisible Enemy and therefore invest in the spiritual protection and nurturing of that child?
Why does the Invisible Enemy concentrate fire on certain individuals?

It was one of those catchy 4Chan posts which you kind of wish was real, because the world it described would be so much more interesting. I don’t think it is though, mainly because of this – “Are peer-children and adults near the targeted child opportunistically ‘possessed’ in order to torment and traumatize the child?”

I am intimately familiar with the peer children, having been surrounded both covertly and overtly by them as a kid and as an adult, and even having heard how they talk amongst each other, which is blunt and direct about their surveillance duties. They are not possessed. They are just domestic surveillance, assigned to take down the high-flier kids who would be problems for their conspiracy, if they ever rose high enough in society to see how things really work at the top, and how our countries are being ripped off. Once you see that, that entire post looks kind of like a product of the surveillance, trying to convince TIs they are special, and could save the world, and if they buy that appealing idea, then it follows the surveillance people are not responsible for their actions because they are possessed by demons, or something. And if you adopt that view, you not only eliminate the culpability of the surveillance people, you also make yourself look insane in the process. It makes me think that whole post is a psyop.

There will be weirdness with this thing, IMO. either the surveillance ultimately traces back up to some ancient-money family bloodlines, which may or may not have allied with something very advanced on the planet which might as well be supernatural, and they all view themselves as members of some secret society, or it might even be a subversion op being run by the Tic Tac crew directly, recruiting fellow citizens, who are simply screwing us over for the others, for personal gain. But you want to be cautious about those deeper things, because so far we have no evidence for anything but some corrupt intel weenies setting up a little criminal empire and raiding the treasuries of our nations. To bring along the normies, we will need to begin with baby steps.

Rumors spread on X about a bombshell October Surprise dropping Thursday [VIDEO]

Trump implies Kamala stopped campaigning because she knows something about the election the rest of us do not, like the fact it is already rigged.

Retired military Colonel is calling out Gen Flynn as a CIA operative due to his tweet among other things.  If Flynn were real deal, I have to think he would be attacking the surveillance publicly every chance he got. Why are none of these people waging war on this thing? Ever day I show up here, with far less resources.

Donald Trump files complaint against Labour Party over ‘blatant foreign interference’ in the US election.

Texas sues Biden administration for not verifying 450K ‘potentially ineligible’ voters’ citizenship.

Speaker Johnson shares website to check for fraudulent donations in your name amid ActBlue scrutiny.

A family attorney and the sister of slain Texas soldier Vanessa Guillen both dismissed a report in the Atlantic on Tuesday alleging that former President Donald Trump refused to pay for the Army specialist’s funeral and disparaged her ethnicity. Jeffrey Goldberg just makes up stories about Trump disparaging servicemen and women. He is the same asshole from the “suckers and losers” bullshit story about Trump insulting veterans at a ceremony honoring them.

Tim Walz slams Elon Musk as a ‘dips—‘ during rally with Obama in Wisconsin.

Video – On Telemundo, Kamala admits she wants a pathway to citizenship for all illegals.

Obama yesterday: “I don’t understand how we got so toxic, so divided, so bitter.” Kamala Harris 24 hours later: “Trump is literally Hitler and he will use the military to kill US citizens.”

Kamala Harris town hall recap: Critics slam VP’s ‘concerning’ CNN performance.

A new poll from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution finds with just two weeks left until the November presidential election that the margins between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris remain razor thin. Probably means the pollster thinks they can still rig it, and wants to leave the door open. Either that, or there are a lot more assets of the foreign intel op conspiracy in this nation than even I think.

GOP pollster Frank Luntz: Harris momentum ‘froze’ when she went ‘anti-Trump.’

CBS gets brutal update from FCC commissioner on filed complaint after ’60 Minutes’ edit of Kamala interview: ‘This complaint is not frivolous.’

FCC commissioner urges CBS to release the transcript from Harris’ ‘60 Minutes’ interview.

Liz Cheney predicts ‘millions of Republicans’ will vote for Harris. She might not be wrong. Bush Republicans are Cabal-first. They were running surveillance on other kids growing up, and enjoying all the benefits of the conspiracy, just like Liz, and Dick, and Bill Kristol and all the others. We don’t know how many were in our ranks, but it is not impossible we will begin the election down 4-10% on our side due to them leaving, and Kamala begins 4-10% up on her side as they arrive, for a starting advantage of 8-20%. Of course we do not really know how the country voted before since all our elections were rigged to 50-50. It is possible all the hardcore leftists that want the migrants ideologically, and all of the conspiracy-members, right and left, only amount to 30% normally.

Trump’s allies revive voting machine conspiracy theories with a blitz of lawsuits.

Oregon’s voting portal appears to let anyone cast any resident’s ballot as an overseas ballot with just a name and birthday.

Harris team and some Trump allies anticipate he will declare a premature election win.

Veteran political journalist Mark Halperin, who was among the first to report that President Biden would withdraw from the race in July, revealed on Tuesday that there is a “certain story” that has been pitched to major news outlets that — if true — could derail Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign in its final days, though he says he does not believe it is true.

John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, warns he would govern like a ‘fascist’ and praised Hitler. Diehard Cabal asset. And amazing. His kid was killed in the fake-war in Afghanistan, he probably knows the conspiracy he is supporting did 9/11, and he is cool with all of that. Like I said, there is something very strange behind their thought processes.

Donald Trump groped me in what felt like a ‘twisted game’ with Jeffrey Epstein, former model alleges. Except:

Suspected drunk driver going the wrong way on the highway ‘almost struck’ Kamala Harris motorcade.

A federal judge has ordered DOD to turn over records related to former President Donald Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery, including an alleged altercation between Trump campaign officials and a cemetery employee.

Wisconsin voting system experiences meltdown on day 1 of early in-person voting with hours-long waits to cast ballots.

An individual aligned with the Democratic Party was flagged by an election official for “tampering” concerns after surveillance footage caught him making contact with a ballot box, the Montana Secretary of State’s office tells Fox News Digital.

Michael Keaton addresses men who attend Donald Trump and Elon Musk rallies, says of Musk and Trump: ‘They laugh at you behind your back, they think you’re stupid.’ Always fascinating when liberals try to amygdala hijack people, because they give you a window into their mind. He says this because in his mind, it is the worst possible thing he could hear someone say to him, which betrays he has a fear of other men laughing at him (oddly enough, common among narcissists, and people who were teased as children), and he would get very upset to be seen as “stupid” by other people. The upset at being seen as stupid is interesting, as you only get upset by things in which you see some truth. So he has some sort of insecurity about his own intellect, and insecurity about being laughed at. And here I am, routinely walking around town with some dude peering through binoculars and spanking his monkey on the back of my T-shirt. We are not the same…

‘Full-blown scandal’: Biden-Harris admin hid documents to justify fossil fuel crackdown, Oversight Committee says.

Lawfare: Aurora officials cook up selective code violations for apartment manager who sought help on Venezuelan gang takeovers.

‘We pray Trump DOESN’T win’: 150,000 migrants in Mexico are rushing to the border before the election – and tell TODD BENSMAN they’re terrified Donald will lock them out!

Newsmaker interview: Trump open to reparations fund for victims of crimes committed by illegals.

Texas DPS: Over 443,000 criminal noncitizens booked in Texas jails.

Migrant gang threw boiling water at pregnant woman in Colorado city where mayor insists ‘they’re not a problem.’

World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24B in funds fighting climate change: ‘Could be twice or 10 times more.’

Women’s soccer club in Spain embroiled in trans controversy after team fielded two ‘bearded guys.’

Hundreds of female golfers demand removal of transgender player “Hailey” Davidson. Here is “Hailey”:

It’s Maam, Motherfucker!

Biden-Harris regime’s Child Services Dept tracks “Trans Kids” on a secret database.

Avian influenza killing cows in California and they are leaving them by the side of the road, swarmed in flies, when it is possible it can infect humans. Nothing else really of interest at the link.

US budget deficit third-highest on record – $1.833 trillion.

Boeing reports $6 billion quarterly loss ahead of vote by union workers who have crippled production.

Boeing-made satellite explodes in space after experiencing an “anomaly.” Somebody testing a new capability? Making a threat?

Tesla reports robust profit increase on strength of battery storage sales – the electric car company said profits climbed 17 percent in the third quarter as strong sales of energy products helped to make up for relatively slow auto sales.

A 14-year-old Florida boy killed himself after a lifelike “Game of Thrones” chatbot he’d been messaging for months on an artificial intelligence app sent him an eerie message telling him to “come home” to her, a new lawsuit filed by his grief-stricken mom claims. Feels like one of those cases where CIA shrinks are debating if something could be done, and decide to try it and find out. Though it would seem if demons could hijack a human body, an AI chatbot would be simple by comparison.

The Covid-19 pandemic may be behind us, but its effects are still evident across Europe as countries are seeing an increase in viral infections, particularly among children and teenagers. Must be the virus, and not the immune-crushing vaccine.

US tech exec warns China is ‘a decade ahead’ on quantum technologies.

Blinken warns Israel to not escalate conflict with Iran, Hezbollah.

At least three people have been killed and 14 were wounded in a “terrorist attack” at one of Turkey’s top defense companies on Wednesday.

Breaking from Austrian tradition, the populist Freedom Party won’t be allowed to form a government despite winning last month’s elections. instead, incumbent Chancellor Karl Nehammer will form a new government, despite his centre-right Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) coming in second place at 26 per cent of the vote behind the Freedom Party of Austria’s (FPÖ) 29 per cent.

Reddit witches say they can sense some kind of field of protection around President Trump which is preventing their spells from harming him.


Pennsylvania voters leaving the Democratic party in record numbers.

A Republican ex-Nascar driver has passed an incumbent Democrat Congressman in the final turn before Election Day.

The presidential election might be slipping away from Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats indicated Wednesday.

Nolte: Poll shows Trump +2 nationally, +8 in swing states.

Black women leave MSNBC reporter stunned: ‘We’re voting for Trump!’

Quarter of young Black men say they will vote for Trump: Survey.

“My gut says” former President Donald Trump will win the election, Nate Silver wrote Wednesday, with a warning not to trust “anyone’s gut” instinct.

Donald Trump has taken a shock 47-45 lead over Kamala Harris in a WSJ poll released just 12 days before the election.

New early voting data could mean BLOWOUT for Trump before polls even open on election day. Whatever the scriptwriters wrote is what will happen. None of this means anything, beyond possibly being scripted foreshadowing.

Send people to, because there is nothing wrong with being stupid and getting laughed at – if you are carrying sufficient firepower


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4 months ago

The sidebar was abducted by a UFO full of ugly alien freaks.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

seriously…you guys need to take this show on the road.

Maybe after it’s all done and after the parade…someone can compile all of these into a nice coffee table book.

I’m being partially serious.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

At least they don’t claim to respect you, and then tell you to shut up and get on the probulator…

That was a FUTURAMA reference, for those so inclined to wonder.

4 months ago

Reporter Brian Krebs said that the data included nearly 100,000 hits for the phone of a New Jersey police officer who recently became the victim of an intense doxing campaign that subjected her and her family to dozens of death threats from people who knew her home address and the phone numbers of both her and her husband. The campaign included masked people in cars driving outside the family’s home.”

4 months ago

Tim Walz slams Elon Musk as a ‘dips—‘ during rally with Obama in Wisconsin.

How self-unaware is this dipsh*t Walz – using his own description of a far superior man?

“Elon’s on that stage, jumping around, skipping like a dips— on these things,”

Has Walz ever considered his own fairy like mannerisms? That dude is a seriously affected poofter.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

>>Has Walz ever considered his own fairy like mannerisms?<<

Probably not. He doesn’t realize how obvious he is. He assumes that whatever persona he is trying to project at the moment is what those around him are seeing. He’s like the flaming gay guy who, because he has chosen to dress in a flannel shirt, jeans and scuffed work boots, figures he is projecting “butch” and that is what everyone around him will “see.” He thinks he can scramble everyone’s gaydar with a costume. After all. when he looks in the mirror at himself in that costume, it looks pretty darn manly to him.

With Walz it is personas. There’s the folksy persona, the benevolent persona, and so on. Right now he’s attempting to project the manly persona. Lately Walz has twice used mild profanity in his stump speeches: the words dipshit and bullshit. Now, he thinks that is projecting manliness. Isn’t that how real guys talk? If Trump can use rough language and come across as manly, so can Walz. Right? Of course, it doesn’t work for Walz because his “fairy like mannerisms” leak through no matter what persona he adopts. He is unable to understand this. He is mired in wishful thinking.

I imagine his advisors told him to tone down the fairy stuff, and that actually confused him. He doesn’t realize how it leaks out of him. Nevertheless, in an effort to do what he was told to do, he decided to project more masculinity, and chose to use some rough language to get it across, but simply can’t pull it off.

Reply to  AnonL
4 months ago

The left doesn’t seem to have self-awareness. They’ve constructed this false reality with so many filters between their senses and the real world that they are unable to make sense of it without the filters. And you’re right; telling him to tone down the fairy stuff probably leads to confusion: what fairy stuff? He’s being a manly man here based on the only frame of reference he has for the subject.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

this amazing crusty old state trooper was the Dad of one of the scouts in my scout troop (waaaaay back in 70s to early 80s).

He loved to call these types of people: “peter puffers” and then he would immediately HOWL in hyena like laughter. Cracked me up EVERY time and here we are in 2024 and I can still remember it.

Good times…good times…

4 months ago
4 months ago

Kamala Harris town hall recap: Critics slam VP’s ‘concerning’ CNN performance.

Breaking news headline: “Kamala Harris to Star in a Remake of 1980s Classic Comedy, “Clueless”.

An A List director recently was overheard saying, “These interviews Harris has done over the last couple of weeks have been a casting agent’s dream. Alicia Silverstone wowed in the role of Cher Horowitz but the former AG brings a reality to the part that Silverstone could only play act.”

4 months ago

A new poll from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution finds with just two weeks left until the November presidential election that the margins between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris remain razor thin.

The Ruby Freeman Effect.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Although polls are supposed to be of random samples, I think the Cabal has figured out how to flood surveillance assets into the samples of even honest pollsters.

4 months ago

Veteran political journalist Mark Halperin, who was among the first to report that President Biden would withdraw from the race in July, revealed on Tuesday that there is a “certain story” that has been pitched to major news outlets that — if true — could derail Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign in its final days, though he says he does not believe it is true.

Predicted Headline:

“We Have Evidence that Donald Trump Actually IS Adolph Hitler.”

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

And looking pretty good for 135 years old!

4 months ago

Suspected drunk driver going the wrong way on the highway ‘almost struck’ Kamala Harris motorcade.

“Vice President Harris, you are waaay off script – do you even know what it is – get back on it. This is a gentle reminder.”

4 months ago

World Bank bureaucrats lost track of at least $24B in funds fighting climate change: ‘Could be twice or 10 times more.’

“World Bank bureaucrats” aka locusts.

4 months ago

Hundreds of female golfers demand removal of transgender player “Hailey” Davidson.

From the movie Trolls: “You’re a dude?!”

4 months ago

Avian influenza killing cows in California and they are leaving them by the side of the road, swarmed in flies, when it is possible it can infect humans.

Without location context:

Person 1: “That’s a common sight in third world countries.”

Person 2: “It’s in the United States, California to be exact.”

Person 1: “Oh crap. That is out of character for a first world country… [thinking]… well…”

4 months ago

Breaking from Austrian tradition, the populist Freedom Party won’t be allowed to form a government despite winning last month’s elections. instead, incumbent Chancellor Karl Nehammer will form a new government, despite his centre-right Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) coming in second place at 26 per cent of the vote behind the Freedom Party of Austria’s (FPÖ) 29 per cent.

Very minor point, but this story is mostly BS.

In a parliamentary system, the prime minister (chancellor in Austria) is the politician who can assemble a majority in parliament. The Freedom Party didn’t “win” the election, they got 29% of the seats, and with the other parties refusing to work with them, they just have to get 51% of the seats on their own in some future election.

The Chancellor will come from the 71% of the not Freedom Party deputies.

The non-BS part is that the President usually asks the plurality winner to try to assemble a majority first, and he is skipping that step, saying that the Freedom Party has no chance of assembling a majority and he is not going to waste everyone’s time. The fact is, he is right.

These populist parties in Europe are just going to have to get majority support to overcome elite opposition, and right now they are only half way there.

4 months ago

I posted this yesterday, but at the time I had heard just the first thirty minutes:

I’m reposting since it actually gets more interesting towards the end of the two hours, when Walter Kirn starts talking about polling places being closed due to bomb threats. He thinks a real sh–show is coming, and I agree.

4 months ago

Retired military Colonel is calling out Gen Flynn as a CIA operative due to his tweet among other things. 

Michael Flynn might not be talking about the surveillance, but Colonel Towner-Watkins definitely has.

I posted a link to an interview she did with Kim Iversen earlier this month. Google “Kim Iversen rumble” to get to her page and then scroll down to get to the interview.

She described an intel operation involving fifteen person cells, with only the two two people being known to central headquarters, and the rest recruited locally, which conduct surveillance and cause chaos. This originated in the Nazi plan to make a comeback later when it was clear the German army was going to lose the war, and for reasons the American Deep State (OSS, later CIA) started working with these networks instead of trying to dismantle them.

Towner-Watkins focused on their operations in other countries, naming several European and Latin American countries, and didn’t mention that they were eventually formed and have been operating in the United States as well.

Lame Cherry has sort of picked up on this and has been running with it, and several commentators posted the links to her blog posts yesterday.

And yes, people should get the idea out of their head that some random mid-sized country can pose a major threat to the United States. OK, except maybe for Israel, and in that case I think the Mossad has been run as branch of the CIA and MI6. Something like that may be going on with some of these other rogue countries.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago
Here is Kim Iversen’s interview with Col. Mrs. Towner-Watkins.
Be sure to scroll to the 9:00-minute mark, to skip the “blah-blah” at the beginning.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

And yes, people should get the idea out of their head that some random mid-sized country can pose a major threat to the United States
If Venezuela can import 100,000 gang members into the USA with some control over them, I think that would be a major problem. If all our defenses against invasion are down, any size country can cause a problem, even Haiti. Like Toledo, our gates have been opened.

4 months ago

AC I’m just a dummy on the internet but for whatever it’s worth I read and interpreted that line about possession differently. It’s in quotations as if the writer is acknowledging that possession is a cover story that is used and is being sarcastic about it but they know demons are not actually responsible for what is happening to the child. When they say ‘possessed’ instead of just possessed I’m seeing someone roll their eyes as they say it.

One thing I will note that I find weird is that “accidents” uses the proper double quotation while ‘possessed’ does not. I don’t really know if that means anything at all but I do think it’s strange to use them both.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Regarding the OP. AC how are you so sure it is not possession?

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 months ago

“….Tesla reports robust profit increase on strength of battery storage sales…”

I didn’t see this before I made a comment about the profitability of battery storage and Tesla. I made the comment because I had read some time ago that the price of storage batteries had become cheap enough that it’s cheaper to store power than it is to build new generation. And this gap will widen. Sodium batteries are here now, but new, and that will drive the price down even further.

Sodium batteries are not as good as lithium, but they’re not bad either. I believe they are already putting them in Chinese electric cars in China at substantial saving to buyers.

I really don’t understand the hatred for electric cars. I wonder if some of this is not manufactured. True they are somewhat inconvenient right now, but they are new. Over time though they add a large amount of self sufficiency to people who own them as electricity can come from a vast amount of sources, but you can only get gasoline from gas stations owned by large multi-nationals.

It would not surprise me if the reason we do not have more nuclear power is the same fossil fuel bunch making regulations so noxious that you can’t build a nuclear plant and make money. An example. The Canadians have a heavy water reactor they have been running for decades. It’s perfectly fine and safe. They decided to get it licensed in the US. My numbers may be incorrect, but I think they spent like $150 million dollars and a decade trying, before throwing in the towel and giving up. And this is for reactors that have been running safely for a long time and no known defects.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

They’re not new, the first cars were electric, why do you think they switched to gasoline? Because electrically powered cars are an huge pain in the ass. Unless and until electric cars become as convenient to refuel as ICE cars, they will never be more than just a novelty item. I have a truck, and there is no way I would ever switch to an electric one unless it could perform as well as a gas powered one does.

Last edited 4 months ago by Max Barrage
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Max Barrage
4 months ago

The problem that I have is not that you don’t like electric cars, for you, it’s that people bash them constantly where they work just fine for others. Electric cars are great for some people. It’s battery derangement syndrome where any talk of electric cars brings out all sorts of objections, that do not apply to all people.

A simple example is map’s batshit crazy reply,

“…The sheer amount of electric power available through the battery means your car is a mobile surveillance platform that can spy on you and that can be remotely hacked. The high cost and dedicated house means expansive electric car adoption is the end of on-demand transportation for the masses. Yes, the purpose of electric vehicles is to end car ownership…”

This is nonsense. Surveillance has nothing to do with if it’s battery or not and the price of batteries ,if trends continue, and I expect they will, will mean that electric cars will be cheaper than IC cars. This sort of stupid blather doesn’t make the case for the “Holy Hydrocarbons” any better.

And there’s no reason why using flywheel batteries and microwave charging cables you could not refuel just as fast or very close. There’s been a HUGE advance in making graphene, and it increases the strength of plastics a great deal. Some are making this at super low cost. Done right, it could make flywheels super cheap and very, very powerful. I collected a bunch of data on flywheels. Flywheel power is based on the tensile strength and density of the materials. Specific strength is what matters. Strength per weight. Some values below with lithium-ion batteries for comparison.

 lithium ion-250 Wh/kg, best case

Bamboo 120.78 Wh/kg

Basalt fiber 247 Wh/kg

Toray T1000G fiber 491 Wh/kg

Dyneema or Spectra (UHMWPE) 512 Wh/kg

Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(low end) 793 Wh/kg

Single wall carbon nanotube(high end) 53,418 Wh/kg

Some of these numbers are HUGE and being made of carbon, they could be very low cost. Graphene itself is very rapidly becoming a more common material, and it’s extraordinary what this does. There’s a video by Robert Murry-Smith where he mixes, I think it was, 1% graphene, or less, in a regular plastic and then could shoot with 9mm and it would not go through. They could not bash through it with a sharpened screwdriver, repeatably stabbing it. They made a hook of it and suspended themselves from it. The hook and the strap joined to the hook broke, but the plastic hook didn’t. This stuff is really space age stuff and it is becoming very common. There’s a guy Youtube that has figured a way to make this stuff cheap and he’s selling it to the Chinese. They are putting it in clothes to make clothes with built in heaters. All sorts of stuff.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

To own an electric car you have to own a house. The house provides the dedicated space to store the vehicle someplace private and accessible while the car takes 12 hours to fully charge. Because of the charge time, an electric vehicle is only useful within the radius of your dedicated house.

The sheer amount of electric power available through the battery means your car is a mobile surveillance platform that can spy on you and that can be remotely hacked. The high cost and dedicated house means expansive electric car adoption is the end of on-demand transportation for the masses. Yes, the purpose of electric vehicles is to end car ownership.

Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

“Aurora officials cook up selective code violations for apartment manager who sought help on Venezuelan gang takeovers”
And yet not so much as a bloody nose is delivered, much less an official found hanging from a bridge. I can’t believe how subjugated Americans have become, specially white America. It’s disgusting. I don’t know how to wake these people up.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

They don’t want to wake up. They will grasp at any straw that allows them to stay in their cocoon where they are comfortable. I have a close relative living in Aurora. He’s a life long conservative and a Trump voter. I don’t consider him redpilled; he is aware on many levels but invariably draws the line at information that is too hard to take. Where I grit my teeth and force myself to stare reality in the face, he looks away and tells himself “that’s crazy talk.” He’s angry about the current gang situation, but assures me the city council has a conservative majority and the new chief of police, being an ex LAPD commander, will get a handle on things. I don’t think he really believes this, but saying it soothes him, makes him feel better, allows him to ignore an uncomfortable reality. His subjugation is of his own making. He’s chosen it. When the current house of cards all come tumbling down, he will be in bad shape…mentally and spiritually crushed.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

You can’t. I’ve tried. My Mom didn’t get the vax, but her relatives did. She visited them a month ago and they all got covid, but she didn’t. They can’t understand why. It’s right in front of your faces, dipshits.
Go back to bed America. Here’s 56 channels of African sportsball.

Reply to  Bman
4 months ago

Have they not heard of “negative efficacy”?

Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

“Reddit witches…”

We’re listening to Reddit witches now? I have a better response.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago
Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

We need Jesus Christ, first and foremost, as the solution. All other solutions are like sticking bandaids on arterial wounds.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 months ago

BTW there’s been criticism of electric cars for people that live in apartments. Well maybe so, but the people who would profit most from electric cars live in the suburbs, have a commute and chargers in their homes is not a problem. I’m willing to bet if you live in an apartment, then you will be more likely to live near work. People live in suburbs and commute because of schools and their kids, people who live in apartments, I bet, are less likely to have these reasons to live away from their working areas so are less likely to need electric cars..

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Sam J I love your health comments but your electric car comments suck. Hybrids I’ve come to appreciate though.

4 months ago

Migrant gang threw boiling water at pregnant woman in Colorado city where mayor insists ‘they’re not a problem.’

How terrible! Let’s read more from the article:

A Guatemalan woman who just gave birth is the latest victim of Tren de Aragua to come forward, claiming she and her husband were terrorized by the gangsters in their Aurora, Colorado apartment 

Oh, never mind, don’t care even one bit. Let the muds fight it out, maybe they’ll manage to all kill each other simultaneously and save us the effort of having to ship them back home.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

You know you’ve got a fan club with this comment but nobody with a handle that posts here except Anonymous will respond. Thumbs up though!

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

If the 3rd world has more effective leaders like Lee Kuan Yew and Burkele.
Then those criminals could be sent back. And the woman would have good country to go back to

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Sounds the “lighter and darker shades” are on that very brink in Chicago.

4 months ago

> Obama yesterday: “I don’t understand how we got so toxic, so divided, so bitter.”

His push to instutitionalize anti-white racism at the Federal level might have had something to do with that.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

If he had a son, he’d look like Trayvon….

4 months ago

I got speculation about a foreign policy scheme, but it was the early hours of the morning and I was in a brain fog. I think it came from one of the two over-long Duran interviews they posted, probably the one with John Mearshimer.

Anyway, I think I’ve figured out what is going on.

British PM Sunak called an election earlier than he had to, in July, and Keir Starmer replaces him. Starmer has Zelensky attend a cabinet meeting. Starmer flies to Washington in September, and apparently pitches a scheme to station long range missiles in Ukraine and use them to attack Russia.

There is no way for the Russians to tell if the long ranged missiles attacking them are nuclear or not. They apparently use back channels to warn the Americans that this means nuclear war. They don’t trust the State Department, so they probably use the Department of Defense. Someone at the Pentagon blocks the scheme, and someone leaks the Israeli plans to attack Iran and stops that for good measure.

This was the October surprise. Or it would have been.

Trump had no effect on the Covid operation one way or another. They were going to do that anyway, and the timing was determined by the development of the tech. Global war was something they were planning to do anyway. In this case, the Trump Administration delayed Project Ukraine by four critical years. The Covid operation did make the election fraud easier, and getting the global war kicked off probably would make the entire election moot.

Biden was switched out as a candidate for Harris to stop the impeachment process. There would have been no Senate trial, but the House proceedings were getting too close to Project Ukraine. If the plan was to make Harris president, they would have done it already. If I am right, expect Biden to be switched back in sometime before the electors vote.

Now they are adjusting things on the fly, and the plan right now is to re-run the 2020 election steal. For various reasons, this will be harder this time. And its pretty much to stall. The Biden administration runs until January 20th, so maybe they get the war started by then. If not, they have to hope the steal works as well this time, or make a deal with the people around Trump.

So expect a shi–show.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Sounds very plausible…You’ve covered about every scenario that could happen. No US Election…Biden out Kamala in…Biden back in…WW3…Hillary in…Shit Show.

Ok thanks for the analysis in 2024.

4 months ago

> they’re terrified Donald will lock them out!

Wait until they see the Trebuchet Return System!

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Circus cannons too with the bonus Gallagher ending.

4 months ago

> Texas DPS: Over 443,000 criminal noncitizens booked in Texas jails.

Bill their home countries for the expense of detaining their citizens.

Then bill them to send them back.

This ain’t rocket surgery.

4 months ago
4 months ago

> Blinken warns Israel to not escalate conflict with Iran, Hezbollah.

Given the pitiful state of the US military, fucking with the Israelis might be a bad idea.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Our military is so bad that I am surprised the Sioux have not risen up.

4 months ago

AC, completely agree on your opening paragraph view of surveillance. They want us to be distracted by their smoke and mirrors, their Hollywood special effects. The more logical answer is that its all much simpler and explained by the evil of weak, debauched people who have the benefit of long-hidden secrets, subversion and infiltration. Maintain a very healthy dose of skepticism regarding everything we’re told and especially their stunning revelations. These fucking creeps have been playing us for generations.

Reply to  Huck
4 months ago

It’s all slight of hand. In a time when people were clued into the spiritual, they most likely had advanced tech. Now people are tech savvy, they still have their deep spiritual evil that almost everyone is blind to. It was always both things.

Mike G.
Mike G.
4 months ago

Another cloudless day, anon. I’m at Tennessee/Georgia/Alabama border area. Not a cloud in sight. Not a vapor trail from a cruising jet. It’s been unusually clear since Helene.

-Mike G.

Trump 2024
Trump 2024
Reply to  Mike G.
4 months ago

Here in New Jersey 10 straight cloudless days (lovely but very dry) wtf?

4 months ago

RFK tweet “Look at her feet”

Is this a low key dig at Michael Obama? One of the best ways to tell a man in drag is to look at their stance while standing still. Theres a meme with the HHS dude Rachel whatever where he is standing like all the other men in the row, and the women are standing obviously differently.
comment image?auto=webp&s=387b3e8abfca0704eff0343a1751fc0a51a87fa2

Is Kennedy implying Mooch will be swapped out for Kamala ?

Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

Look at Kamabla’s neck, too. I think RFK’s telling us she’s a he.

Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

I don’t know of you can run that against the foil of a black woman. Too much contrast. Everybody who sees them side by side will notice that, that’s a huge bitch.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

You’re ready way too much into that tweet.

4 months ago

Sidebar is kidnapped again!

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Can you set up a Unix daemon to automatically check and apply the fix?

4 months ago

A family attorney and the sister of slain Texas soldier Vanessa Guillen both dismissed a report in the Atlantic on Tuesday alleging that former President Donald Trump refused to pay for the Army specialist’s funeral and disparaged her ethnicity. (((Jeffrey Goldberg))) just makes up stories about Trump disparaging servicemen and women. He is the same asshole from the “suckers and losers” bullshit story about Trump insulting veterans at a ceremony honoring them.

A good lawyer should be able to figure out how to get personal jurisdiction on Goldberg for a Temple or Killeen jury. (NOT Waco.)

4 months ago

Harris team and some Trump allies anticipate he will declare a premature election win.

It’s actually vital for preventing a steal.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Yeah but my sweetheart said it’ll take days to count the votes. I said the best strategy was to get out in front before everyone turns out the light and goes to bed with Trump up by 5% then wake up with it too close to call waiting for all the votes to be tallied. Now keep in mind that Trump is actually supported conservatively 70-30. Well see how they want to play it.

4 months ago

Tesla reports robust profit increase on strength of battery storage sales – the electric car company said profits climbed 17 percent in the third quarter as strong sales of energy products helped to make up for relatively slow auto sales.

Remember that the main reason Elon took over Tesla was to build battery factories, not cars.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

If they were able to fix the battery and charge rate problems electric would be better than internal combustion. Motors are simpler and less likely to break. That said, I will believe it when I see it.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

wow…that just blew my mind…I had definitely NOT thought of that and/or didn’t know that about Mr. Elon.

that totally makes sense though and could possibly usher in a newer brighter age where we’re no longer dependent on the gas and oil so much (‘course we would need to go full monte on nuclear…but that’s just my pet energy source considering where I live…).

Now if only solar panels would somehow increase in their capacity/ability to shuttle energy to the batteries.

Reply to  selbs
4 months ago

Survival Lilly has a decent video that in a SHTF scenario, an ebike with a portable solar panel charger is where it’s at.

In a grid scenario an ebike is even better.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Expound please

Reply to  Leverage
4 months ago

Elon knew (and has said in interviews) that the only part of the car that was difficult was the battery. Electric cars were even made before ICE cars. He also knew that a battery that was good enough for a car would be a battery that was good enough to power entire houses, and eventually be refined to the point that the entire grid could be run on batteries, which makes intermittent generation like wind and solar actually feasible.
Which is the kind of power generation you would want to use on Mars. Tesla was one of the components of his Mars vision, because of the batteries.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Thank you!

4 months ago

US tech exec warns China is ‘a decade ahead’ on quantum technologies.

China operates through experimentation instead of sitting around staring at chalkboards until they are certain and then doing the experiment.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

China operates on IP theft.
And quantum hype is garbage.
Nobody can be a decade ahead on quantum because quantum is fake and gay.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
4 months ago

and even having heard how they talk amongst each other, which is blunt and direct about their surveillance duties. They are not possessed. They are just domestic surveillance,”

You’ve heard them discuss their duties? Is there anything you can share?

Also, I’d like to add that cabal can be both – most being just traitorous God-hating rats picking up a check or othe bene, with some cases of possession mixed in. The possessed person would not normally betray a close family member, but does so under demonic control.
Ann Barnhardt, a Catholic blogger, has made an argument that all NPD is demonic in nature. I know of one who it seems might be possessed, but I have no way to be certain.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
4 months ago

Father Chad Ripperger has mentioned that he and fellow exorcist priests have very rarely encountered Satanists in need of exorcism. The useful idiots willfully engaging in satanic ritual behavior are well within Satan’s grasp and the Devil need not waste precious time possessing them.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymau5
4 months ago

People who are anti-clerical don’t seek out priests. Rather, they actively avoid it. Your model fails to account for this, but it’s the situation I am facing.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
4 months ago

Also, any update on your Gab activities?

4 months ago
I’m convinced Yuval Noah Harari hates humanity. Someone who talks about lies and promotes moderating content because of the spread of alleged lies, is definitely a liar.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
4 months ago

“Kamala HQ: Trump said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had”
This is the kind of lighting that masks don’t work as well in.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
4 months ago

I find it hilarious. They’ve been teasing an “October surprise” that will take him out for good, and it turns out to be yet more Hitler rhetoric because it worked so well the first time.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
4 months ago

The October surprise o far has turned out to be the HAARP created and directed hurricanes which normies do not understand.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
4 months ago

“There was a great comment on Trump using the phrase “invisible enemy” and “the enemy within.” It referenced an old 4Chan post, noting…”
I think it was an 8 chan/8kun post, which Q was using by that stage. I don’t put a great amount of stock in its authenticity either, just interesting that it was posted soon after Trump starting using the phrase The Invisible Enemy, and was clearly in a very similar ‘voice’ to Q. Here is the remainder of the post for any who are interested. The part posted below follows directly on from what I posted yesterday:
Because of what would happen to his plans should those individuals learn how to pray in The Spirit?
How many times has Q posted the Armor Of God verses?
Aramaic to English/DIRECT Ephesians 6:18:
“Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times. Pray the blessings of God upon all his believers.”
Sounds like a weapon.
Sounds like a ]weapon[.
Does music in certain frequencies amplify the probability/possibility of phase-locking w/t frequency/Satan?
Does music in certain frequencies amplify the probability/possibility of phase-locking w/t frequency/Heaven?
What happens when you learn how to tune into frequency/Heaven reliably?
SQUELCH chatter.
BOOST still-small voice.
Correlation between Q posts asking for anon corps prayer and Q posts in which operators active?
What happens when waves of the same phase annd frequency interact?
What is prayer cover?
Who can maneuver more effectively under prayer cover?
Is the combined arms approach how the U.S. Marine Corps executes maneuver warfare?
What is a territorial spirit?
A thing of the past, or active today?
Could the combined arms approach allow ]CORPOR[ and ]NONCORPOR[ elements of the Army Of God order of battle to achieve rapid, flexible, and opportunistic maneuvers?
Perhaps bring about a “change of administration” flag raising ceremony over a territory?
You have more friends than you can imagine..
Should Johnny T. Anon USAC be combat proficient in Praying In The Spirit?
[rituals] vs. ]prayer meetings[?
[Wizards] vs. ]Wizards[?
Men Who Stare At Goats vs. Men Who Pray In The Spirit?
The last will be magical.
Eyes in the SKY.
Learn to play the game.
This is not a game.
1. We are with you.
2. Imagine if we weren’t here.
]We[ Are [Here] With (You).

The key thing is still to decipher what Trump means by “The Invisible Enemy” and “The enemy FROM within”. Decipher that, and everything we’ve been speculating on here for years will be clear, or at least a lot clearer.

4 months ago

>He says this because in his mind, it is the worst possible thing he could hear someone say to him, which betrays he has a fear of other men laughing at him 

I have experienced similar. I am decently sigma, and in my early 20s went my own way a lot. Most people let me be, but a surprising number of people seemed to think I was stupid for not realising social norms, and depending on whether they wanted to be helpful or mean, were varying levels of gentle or mocking about it. Looking back, the majority of the time, I figured out the social norm already and just decided not to follow cause it was retarded(usually was). I’m quite system 2 in thinking while normies are overwhelmingly system 1, I didn’t realise, so I was wondering/believed there was something I was missing. Like, was there some kind of secret advantage to following the norm (Looking back, there is a minor advantage to appearing like you follow it, but once you do, zero advantage to actually following it)

My parents are actually shocking in that they don’t seem to realise anyone would want to live life except following these social norms. It is absolutely bizarre because they are boomers who don’t go outside/interact with others much or answer to anyone, ie, the perfect time to give zero fucks, yet social norms drive all of their behavior(and they think when someone deviates from that, it’s that they “don’t understand”).

Last edited 4 months ago by kid
4 months ago

AC you don’t have the time but I suspect Another Dave will appreciate.

Obsession 1976 movie by DePalma. This speaks to (((their))) need to forewarn our kind by The Controllers. Frantic (Polanski movie Director of Chinatown), Ransom (Mel Gibson seemingly our kind) etc.

It’s all a script but we’re seeing cracks in the script where we can use a tire iron to pry open a view inside their World. Q helped rather than hindered our kind. Another Dave you were ahead of the pack as AC is but you have many friends and are not alone. Something is happening and it’s very special. It’s something in real humans that is for lack of a better word…Divine. We’re coming together, not in the false 911 Bushie construct but in a more balanced energetic way. It’s in the Air.

I’m actually excited about Rogan Trump interview. Clif High says it’s a temporal marker. We’ll see.

4 months ago

Kamala stopped campaigning.
IMHO, we are to be shown it doesn’t matter who wins elections or who counts up the votes. Not when Trump wins and is arrested before being sworn into office. What are you going to do America, when you can’t vote your way out???

Reply to  Bman
4 months ago

What will happen to the government agents embedded in the response; and what will happen to the government agents firing into the protestors. Jan 6 gave away the game plan.

4 months ago

Interesting take from Gilbert Doctorow on Judging Freedom on North Koreans in Russia and/or Ukraine. Apparently the most likely scenario is yes they are(in small number, in Kursk), and most likely reason is Russia is helping train North Koreans in war.

4 months ago

Regarding the popularity of this, American Stasi etc.

AC have you considered that the biggest bottleneck is your marketing skills?

It seems you are a very systems 2 thinker. It appeals to most of us commenters, who are also to varying degrees system 2 thinkers. The most popular things on the market, seem to appeal to system 1 thinkers. A weird thing about modern western/Anglo culture in particular, is the extreme reliance on system 1 thinking whilst being under the illusion they are doing system 2 thinking. This has led me astray and might likewise have led you astray in the past.

Rory Sutherland brings up the point you actually had to market to people to use internet, electricity, smartphones, automobiles etc. Because on it’s own people being system 1 creatures of habit just don’t bother. It’s the sigmoid curve/bass diffusion model. Innovators and imitators.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

The counterpoint is that I found you online. Someone “marketed” you to me. I forgot if it was Krauser or Dalrock or Vox Day or whoever. Or someone in the evo psych sphere.

Reply to  kid
4 months ago

Me too. I saw a Bill Whittle video about r/K and wanted to know more. I googled it and found AC. Been here ever since.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

What about the possibility of a type of forum page where we can have in-depth onversations on specific topics? I don’t know how that would affect people’s anonymity, but it’s just a thought. Might prove useful as a supplement to this blog.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

That may require more moderation than AC has time for.
That’s what happened when AC added a forum to this site before.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Most people here are welcome (“god” is not as one example), and you have invited people to join before in addition to putting us in the link at the top.
I think most people here are just not forum people, they like to just drop a comment or two in a comment section.
When you added the forum almost nobody used it, I posted a few things and one or two people like Sam responded a few times, but mostly it was spammers posting NSFW links that you had to go nuke.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Timeless Authors is a great place to hang out in a more private setting than most areas. Admins do their best to keep everything secure. They don’t allow search engine spiders to roam the posts apart from the public-facing front. If you’re not a fan of the aesthetics, you can change the theme once you get an account.

4 months ago

Spiritual Protection from demonic attack isn’t necessarily synonymous with protection of the body.
But Trump is also protected from losing his life. So said Plot armor indicates he is one of God’s chosen instrument.
Alongside the mysterious plot Armour of Bashar Al Assad whose enemies don’t last.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago

“Donkeys, Incorporated?”
Looks like Tex Arcane has begun a series of posts featuring the old Worlds Fairs, though this topic could also be filed under “Tartaria.”
Those who try to keep up on this topic will know what to expect and surely there are some of you here. “Orphan Trains,” “Reset,” ” and “Mudflood” are also terms encountered with this material. “Burned down in a fire,” is an oft-encountered phrase…
A shadowy group, worldwide, running this level of brough-ha-ha would also be directing the Surveillance, wouldn’t you say?
Also, all those mammoth fires destroying huge sections of almost every major city, back before the discovery of TNT or the advent of airborne bombing runs (think Dresden) posit what? Flying platforms hosting DEWs?
Did DJT claim we will be building some beautiful new cities? Can we still build that type of architecture today? What is it called? Greco-Roman? Something like that?
Opinions? Sources? Ideas?

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago
lots of info on those questions you posed

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  a non anon
4 months ago

Thanks! That’s a keeper. The latest post links to a PDF. “The Perpetual Black Cube,” that goes into great detail on the topic, which is one of the world’s major mysteries. Ties it in to several other important threads, from Jewish hats to Phonecian tin trade during the bronze age to how long it takes to develop an idea from a crude prototype into something like that nifty little machine with all the bronze gears found under the Mediterranean.
The Russian, , is worth exa.ining from time to time. The English version is pretty neglected, so just use the auto translate on the full Russian versiom.