Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Goldman Downplays The Effect Of The Latest SPR Release
DFT – Neuralink Show And Tell Event Delayed 30 Days
DFT – Germans Will Have to Cut Gas Consumption 30% Or They Will Run Out
DFT – UK May Allow Conversion Of Farmland To Solar Farms
DFT – Aluminum Markets In Turmoil Of Possible US Ban On Russian Aluminum
Investigative reporter Lee Smith says, “We’re looking at something very different – the press being part of the intelligence community.” The thing is, it is so much worse. Big business is a wing of the intelligence community offering cover job histories to actual intelligence agents in return for intelligence to defeat the competing businesses of anyone who is not in the club, social media is the intelligence community, federal law enforcement is a part of the intelligence community, the Judicial branch is part of the intelligence community, defense lawyers are often in the intelligence community, Congress is compromised by the intelligence community, social organizations like the Freemasons are comped by the intelligence community, private intelligence companies are in the intelligence community, churches are, more than we would think, run by people who work for the intelligence community (And probably use eavesdropping of confession for intelligence-gathering/blackmail-acquisition on citizens, and if they are not comped or tech-installed for monitoring, they get burned down by thugs hired by the intelligence community), the medical establishment is infiltrated by the intelligence community, the neighbors next door, and even little Timmy sitting next to your kid in first grade, are all part of the intelligence community. Even the criminal world, from the Mafia to MS-13 are part of the intelligence community. But look at the progress we have made, that this is now being said openly about the news. It will progress to surveillance of the populace, intelligence using the massive domestic intelligence network to make sure their assets’ small businesses succeed over the businesses of regular Americans, intelligence compromising of power structures from clubs and social entites to local government and regulatory agencies, murder of individuals, and it will eventually reveal surveillance and life-course manipulation of children, by teachers, hall monitors, aides, administrators, guidance counselors, and even other children, in the schools. From the link:
Lee Smith: The important point and I emphasize this every time I speak to people about this issue is this. It’s not that the press is lazy. It’s not that the press is ignorant. The press is the outward face of the national security apparatus right now. This didn’t always use to be the case. We’re all familiar with the fact that the press has historically leaned to the left. That’s not what we’re looking at now. We’re looking at something very, very different. We’re looking at the press being a part of the intelligence community.
They’re the ones who are putting these operations out there. Whether we’re looking at the media’s effort to hide Hunter Biden’s laptop. Remember what happened here? We had the 50 plus intelligence officials saying, “Oh, that’s Russian disinformation.” That’s pushed into places like The New York Times and CNN. And how all of these outfits including social media are preventing this real news from getting out there. When the New York Post published it, they blocked it. They threw the New York Post’s account off of Twitter. So again as we move forward this is the fundamental thing to understand.
Happening again: Election drop box spotters catch man covering license plate in Arizona.
Liz Cheney says January 6 committee won’t let Trump testify publicly to avoid ‘a circus.’
DEVELOPING: Two of the FBI agents Special Counsel John Durham hired to investigate the FBI’s Russiagate probe were assigned to an office that worked with the Crossfire Hurricane team in 2016 and may have potential conflicts of interest in leading Durham’s investigation of the Crossfire team, according to sources familiar with the case
US warship encountered enormous UFO black triangle emerging from sea before flying into space, claims crewman. WTF is going on out there in the ocean?
Pentagon has an infamous incredibly clear ‘Black Triangle’ UFO photo, after fighter pilot ‘snapped mystery craft rising out of ocean.’ Since they control everything, you have to ask why they are allowing this to be discussed all of a sudden these past few years.
Democrat John Fetterman sought to have his wife appointed Braddock mayor.
Biden on his unconstitutional student loan bailout: “It passed. I got it passed by a vote or two” – but Congress never voted on it. He is literally just repeating what comes through his earpiece (even if it is, “Salute the Marines.”), and when he is not doing that, he is not even reading about politics, and knows less about it than you or I. The question becomes, who is in that earpiece, and where are they broadcasting out of, and who is giving them orders? Where does their command structure trace back up to? I should be livid, but I am more just fascinated that all of this is fake, and so few have any idea how fake it is, including maybe even us.
Joe Biden gets handsy with Black effeminate MSNBC reporter – no one is off limits to old Joe. That is a textbook narcissist conducting an amygdala hijack by invading personal space and making uncomfortable physical contact. Biden knows exactly what he is doing. He is uncomfortable doing it, but he pushes through because he knows what it does to his target. The man gets pleasure from other people’s misery. Absolutely zero doubt, he will land straight in hell when he dies. Characters like that are supernaturally evil. I would not be surprised if he is possessed, and if you were around him long enough, at some point his ride-along would make an appearance.
Hobby Lobby owner cites Christian faith in decision to give company away: God is the ‘true owner.’ I don’t buy it. I do not buy he landed on this cash cow, blind to intelligence work, and the Cabal’s surveillance did not note he was hitting it big, and Cabal’s intelligence operation didn’t decide to take it from him. I don’t buy he does not want his kids or grandkids to have the success and comfort he worked for. I think it is all bullshit. What is interesting is, as the article notes, Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard and Alan Barnhart of construction giant Barnhart Crane both just happened to decide very recently to make big shows of how they were giving away their businesses as well because they didn’t want to contaminate their family with all that evil money they have enjoyed themselves all these years. It makes me wonder if behind the scenes, Tycoon Rainer Schaller, (Gold’s Gym Owner), and Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz refused to turn over their companies in a likewise fashion, when whatever is going on behind the scenes showed up and told them, this is how it is going to be, and that is why they are now dead.
China locks down over 1 million people for six Covid cases.
America has only 25 days of diesel supply thanks to Joe Biden’s economic crippling policies.
How elementary school teachers are targeting autistic children for transgender indoctrination.
Fertilizer giant Yara slashes European output as energy crisis worsens.
Japan to undertake biggest arms buildup since World War II in race to deter Beijing from war.
Kyle Becker; Fmr.Assoc.Producer/Writer, FoxNews:
I can’t believe this needs to be said, but Ukraine is not in NATO. It is a highly corrupt country. It is not a “democracy.” It has banned 10 political parties. It is not a US state. It has millions of ethnic Russians. This conflict is not worth starting a nuclear war over. I am not sure what drugs the rest of the media is on, but these things need to be said to the audience when reporting on this conflict. There are only MILLIONS OF LIVES at stake.
David Petraeus: US may lead multinational force against Russia in Ukraine. I know he is smarter than this, and I find it hard to believe he simply sold out to defense contractors. This is the conspiracy – and somehow it shows whatever its ultimate objectives are.
Bill prohibiting public drag performances to be introduced in upcoming Idaho legislative session.
The revelation of the Nordic looking Pleidians maybe. But maybe even if they allow this. They don’t expect the public to really believe it.
The 4chan demographic
#1 cause of autism is vaccination.
Autists are the most dangerous opposition, becasue they don’t program as easily, and if they focus entirely on screwing you over, the results can be mindblowing.
“Surgeons find evidence of a soul after patient describes operating room after declared dead for 20 minutes.”
Yep, make no mistake. You have a soul and we aren’t just meat bags that cease to exist when we die.
Also know that God gave you freewill and you can choose to follow Him or sell your soul and be forever damned for doing so. Hurting an innocent does the trick as well.
If you don’t believe me keep fucking around and find out. Won’t take long. We don’t live in this realm that long and life speeds up the older you get.
>> I know he is smarter than this, and I find it hard to believe he simply sold out to defense contractors. This is the conspiracy – and somehow it shows whatever its ultimate objectives are.
For real? You still trust David Betrayus? He’s a robotic butt-sniffer who salutes the gay flag just like 99% of other military brass. He’s a dope and a sell-out. He wants you dead, your kids raped and enslaved and he thinks it’s funny.
To be honest, the same goes for Flynn, who it turns out also did significant contract work in the muslim world.
When Q said the military was the only way, he sure as hell wasn’t referring to our military. Our military “leadership” is totally compromised and bought in to GloboHomo.
Watch out of late career white officers who have hot, young Asian wives. Particularly import models. They are all cabal controllers or at the very least watchers. A lot of middle aged white guys will happily bend a lot of rules and do a lot of personal favors to bang their very own hot, young Asian wife.
Which officers in particular are you speaking of?
Trump is mocking Mitch McConnell relentlessly in his Truths and recently described McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, in quotes as his “wife” and called her Coco Chow, suggesting all is not what it seems in that relationship, ie perhaps she’s his handler. Her Taiwanese family owns a major shipping firm, Foremost Group. Good chance the “Coco” refers to illicit Golden Triangle drug smuggling.
Flynn is a good man, but stupid and clumsy. Got checkmated and destroyed by the Deep State. Trusted the system. What a dope! Being stupid isn’t as bad a being evil obviously. But it’s still bad.
US warship encountered enormous UFO black triangle emerging from sea before flying into space, claims crewman
And at the very end of this link,
“…An aerospace engineer claimed the videos were put out to get the public ready for a fake alien invasion…”
He says that even the videos they have put out, or one of them, you can see where they are zooming the camera to make it loo like the craft disappears.
Use some common sense people. We have testimony from a intimate of Wernher Von Braun who ran a large aerospace company, Fairchild Aircraft, that Von Braun said,
“…And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie…”
So apparently aliens are zooming around, but only around military or where the government can film.
Think about the basic idea that they show themselves, but, they hide. Does that make any sense? No it doesn’t. If they wanted to be visible, they would not selectively zoom around. They would just show up and talk to the press. If they wanted to be hidden with nanotech they could build drones that you would never see. To do both at the same time is retarded so, they are not doing this. It’s fake. As the deep State becomes more and more visible and loses control of the narrative, they need a new boogy man to keep everyone under control and drain more money from the State.
I don’t deny that they have some sort of gravity, or more accurately “Inertia” drive craft. I think these were made by the US military and were stolen by the deep State. I have covered many different devices that show that you can make an “Inertia” drive. So we don’t need aliens to do this. Here’s some links covering this in detail.
Let’s use common sense. If an alien race was smart and advanced enough to go all the way between the stars then surely they’re smart enough not to crash in a corn field in Roswell, New Mexico. And if they wanted to study us they could easily make nano-tech small devices we would never see.
The last thing they would do would be to zoom around where we can see them while doing anal probes on humans and dissecting cows. If they were going to be seen they would just announce themselves on TV and land somewhere.
It’s fake.
And demons posing as aliens abducting people. UFO sightings is most common in America and Britain for this reason.
Hollyweird supplies the images of aliens etc. Demons use the images. Demonic minions write the scripts!!
The alien myth is perpetuated solely to reinforce the space myth, which serves to give you a false belief that humanity is a just evolved mold on a meaningless speck flying through infinite nothingness in a pointless reality without God.
The earth was created in love by God for us. When you understand that simple fact all the deceit of the enemy becomes clear.
Sam is right about this. This whole alien invasion/tic-tacs/UFOs is fake. It’s all manufactured by intelligence.
This is what having millions of people with top-secret national security clearances gets you. They have nothing else to od except run around and gaslight the public.
if they’re real aliens, they’re capable of FTL spaceflight and God knows what kind of unimaginable tech they would have. so if they want to stay hidden and unknown from the planet of 45% sub-75IQ illiterate streetshitters, they’ll stay hidden and unknown.
if they didn’t want to be hidden & unknown, they’d hover their craft a half-mile over Central Park on a bright sunny afternoon. or directly over the stadium at the World Cup final.
like the man said, it’s fake. everything else is chatter.
Well they did do a group flyby in DC back in the early 50’s. That was all over the news and you can still find videos of it.
The China Show suggest the Zero Covid lockdown in Shanghai is related to the arrest / removal of Hu Jintao – whom represents a Beijing / East Coast power base.
Thanks for alerting us to this episode and this podcast. Its hard to get solid information about China.
Ed, re: China info, try –
Solid? I’m not saying. Pattberg is “controversial”, but informative and insightful, for sure.
Reading the China Dream is intellectually dense. I just found it so I’m still figuring it out but there’s a lot there:
I’d say the covid lockdowns there are simply preparations for war. They are simulations for when the Three Gorges Dam is hit. Chinese are measuring what that would be like and then taking steps to bypass the damage.
Either that or they are getting hit by some kind of bioweapon.
And yes, it could be a cover for Xi to get rid of his enemies.
One evening I was standing outdoors in my dark skies neighborhood looking S/SE at the night sky. Over me flies a black triangle, the size of a house, heading south. It was flying very low and very slow in straight and level flight. It was almost silent except for a hum and there were three blinking lights in a row at the wing tips. Inquiries made to my congressman about this vehicle possibly coming from a nearby military base went unanswered. The department of public safety has claimed they are using drones to patrol vast stretches of highway but why would they need something that big?
Stealth Drone. Probably an RQ-180 or XQ-47 variant.
Also, why would Aliens put Aviation lights on their craft?
Rushi Sunak to become Britain’s Prime Minister! —What No White Male in all of Britain can lead White People? Ist generation immigrant! We have Muslim ruling London—England’s major city and now a Rushi governing Britain—and to see a bunch of whites smiling and clapping this guy on the back?
The Whites have lost their minds. To see what was going on in New Zealand, in Australia, in Germany, in Netherlands, in England and in America—-the European has surely lost his mind. What a stupid kooky weirdo, set of peoples. Partner the Rushi government with the Durham utter failure—A coup—and no one is punished. Three people, Three people and can’t get a conviction on anything–and the US Military is over in Romania and Poland wanting war with Russia—I tell ya…”It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” out there.
I’m so disgusted with Europeans here in America and overseas. They are complete dumbshits.
Don’t assume what you see is reality. Everything is rigged, and nobody really wants what they see. Nobody would elect any of these assholes in any of these countries if the system actually worked the way we are told. Cabal chooses these people precisely because they ignite exactly what you just voiced within us. It is defeatist, a throwing up of hands, and assuming everyone is an asshole, and it isn’t worth even fighting. The reality is they created just enough plausibility to make it look like this happened in the system we are told exists. But all along the way, everything was controlled, everyone had earpieces and were reciting the scripted lines they were told to say in their ear, and when the time came to vote, they installed the asshole they wanted, and because of the little play before it all, it just seemed plausible enough people let it continue.
You need to break the back of the intel, and the way you do that is you expose the surveillance, and the fact it is targeting children with children. Once you expose the surveillance, then we are in a position to fight a Civil War. Then the whole dynamic changes.
But until them, yeah, we are fucked.
Trust the Lord, and keep your powder (and socks) dry.
There’s no England now.
Kinks – Living on a Thin Line – YouTube
I first heard that song when it was on The Sopranos years ago, and the truth of it, even back then, hit me hard.
Michael Savage used to play it a lot on his show.
In previous times, PMs were aged 50 and above. Politicians needed to work their way up.
Now nobodies arrive from nowhere and assume primary positions. Macron, Sushi Runak, Merkel etc etc.
In UK it started with John Major. The joke was, an empty taxi pulled up, and John Major got out.
Found this pic posted on 4chan. I wonder how many women actually use these apps to start with. My guess is 70-80% of all real users are probably men. The women using them are probably pretty broken and/or ugly and fat. That is except for the conspiracy ones who are told who to match with and become handlers of. The balance is probably bots and/or fake accounts which never respond to anyone. How many female accounts are fake? enough at least to bring the male/female accounts to 50/50. Maybe more if it were useful for some reason. On top of that, you can expect cabal would prevent people they don’t want meeting from ever seeing each other’s accounts.
I guess its impossible to know exactly how these sites really work more detailed than a bit of speculation like above, but we can be reasonably sure there is a lot of fakery going on.
This doesn’t surprise me at all. The dating apps are completely controlled, even with some very sophisticated women posting red-pilled philosophical screeds directing men towards all kinds of rabbit holes (and sucking intel out of any men they do connect with.) It’s really bad out there.
I met my husband at work. The initial interest/noticing was sparked by Trump support. So we can credit Trump with that, at least. 🙂
Attractive, educated women do not need dating apps.
It’s best to meet your spouse at church, workplace or introduced by a trusted friend or family member (been this way for 5000+ years).
Dating apps are compromised. Meeting at bars is also dangerous.
“Educated Women” have the biggest problems.
They find it more difficult to find a mate. They find it easier to divorce.
Nobody ever said, “I am really attracted to Susan, she has a PhD”.
I understood it to mean “Attractive, *intelligent* women…”
“You’ll LOVE her, man! She’s got a lot of really strong, really specific opinions about a lot of things like race and feminism and politics, and she’s totes supes not afraid to say what she thinks!”
No sane person needs dating apps, or apps of any kind.
For God’s sake, go out into the real world and engage with it the way everyone did before the smartphone zombified 98% of the population.
No one needs a computer/tracking device that listens to your conversations and feeds it back to Intel.
I’ve never owned a smartphone, and never will. When I step out the door, I want to fully engage with my environment, the humans were designed to.
Technical issues made sure there was no response to my comment a few days ago. I was wondering what people think of this fulford character. He posts interesting links sometimes, but some of the stuff he claims seems like BS and I know he sometimes makes claims which are later proven wrong. But other outlandish things have turned out true.
Fulford seems interesting but ultimately full of shit. I have no faith that that some counter-cabal “earth alliance” is looking to take over and suddenly fix everything. I suspect if we defeat Cabal there will be a period of chaos, actually. Fulford sells subscriptions so thus he seems to be spinning a yarn that many people would love to believe in.
“ The CIA is working with the Russian FSB to make sure this happens, he adds. “
Bullshit. The CIA is 100% controlled by the Vatican and serve’s the Vatican’s agenda both in the US and around the world. There’s a reason it’s called “Catholics in Action.”
The Vatican’s number one enemy for centuries has been Slavic people and Eastern Orthodoxy. There’s no way that the CIA will ever work with the FSB.
Lol, what a bunch of BS. This country was founded and run by WASPS, yet somehow Catholics run the CIA? Color me skeptical.
Yes, this country was founded and run by WASPs. And that’s back when we were the world’s greatest innovators, building the world’s greatest libraries, museums, infrastructure, and all kinds of wonderful things.
And then the gangsters took over. Now we build strip malls and casinos and entertain ourselves with movies and TV shows of gangsters destroying the lives of innocent people.
Along with some very fine whiskey. Almost a balance.
Brings to mind this quote:
Joseph Palmi: Let me ask you something… we Italians, we got our families, and we got the church; the Irish, they have the homeland, Jews their tradition; even the n*ggers, they got their music. What about you people, Mr. Wilson, what do you have?Edward Wilson: The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting. (
Tough to tell. Foreign reporter, in Japan, language skills all over. The biggest red flag at his website is,
Intelligence agencies are said to run spooks young, before they develop “legends” or records in other intelligence agencies. They claim, if they took spies and ran them slowly up the promotions ladder, giving them more and more experience, at the same time SVR, or PLC intel are going to have more of a chance of noticing them and building a file on them. So CIA may run a 19 year old somewhere doing the most critical stuff even though he is less capable and experienced, just because nobody will have any records on him. Or at least that is what they say. I Have a sneaking suspicion all of that is bullshit busy work to take potential problem children, keep them occupied, and make them feel like they have some skin in the game with the conspiracy. For him to openly claim a four year period where he was in the Peruvian jungle doing stupid shit that can be summarized in a sentence, but which nobody could possibly verify, makes me think he is CIA, or some other shitbag agency, now just working to fuck over anyone who wants to be free. The slickly produced publicity photos of him only add to that take. As well as the multiple Cabal media jobs.
He would be the model of what a spook would look like. And they look to repurpose people in our sphere to try and control what we see and focus on.
China locks down over 1 million people for six Covid cases
I’ve said for a while now that the behavior of the Chinese is that of a government that knows that it has been attacked by some sort of biological, or more accurately, viral warfare agent. Their actions speak to this. They are showing the people who did this that there is no way they can prevail, and that they are watching them.
The right virus could wipe them out and they will not let that happen. If they get a sure handle on who is doing this they may find themselves in great peril. I bet right now they are engineering organisms to strike back.
This is a sharp take. And when Covid first came out, they said it seemed designed to target an Asian population, because they expressed a slightly higher percentage of the ACE II receptor, so it hit them harder. Was Cabal retaliating?
They are destroying themselves with their response.
It’s a win/win situation for the attacker as long as they can keep up the tempo of outbreaks.
“…as long as they can keep up the tempo of outbreaks…”
Think of the risk. I don’t anyone would be surprised that I think it’s the Jews doing this. What if they get caught with the weapon and the Chinese make it public. Many would not believe it but a LOT would. Especially in Asia. They know the US is controlled by them. At some point the Jews may end up being wiped out. So many have died from these attacks. It’s very risky but the Jews are known to do this sort of thing and have been caught trying to assassinate people before.
All I know is that the outbreaks keep happening and so do the lockdowns that are destroying their economy.
Perhaps. I think what is much more likely is that the lockdowns are military/domestic security ops to identify and limit the movement of Cabal’s assets in China and disrupt their ability to communicate.
That does not seem logical to me. Why not arrest them, or follow them? Surely there’s a better way to deal with them than to lock down millions of people. You’re saying the Chinese have no better imagination than that???
I’m assuming the security services are arresting and disappearing whoever they choose to and are surveilling and limiting the movement and ops of the other Cabal terrorists. What would be a better way than total social lockdowns? It’s a gift for the security services to exert control on the Invisible Enemy’s Cabal/Triad assets in China.
Interesting. Wonder if Hu Jintao is another Cabal asset that got found out.
They played them.
it’s all crap, just getting worse…
That’s from Vigilant Citizen’s website.
WARNING from here on in shit’s going to get twisted:
New British PM Rishi Sunak is welcomed by Indian PM Modi who openly advocates enforcing the WEF’s globalist Agenda 2030 onto Britain
It’s fairly clear Modi is an enemy.
So much for VD’s opinion of him.
Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan was disqualified from political office after the country’s election commission found him guilty of corruption, Dawn reported Oct. 21….
WOKE SHAKE UP at Disney | Werewolf By Night Success + She Hulk Fail = PINK SLIPS On the Way!?
It’s frequently casually noted by guys that they can go through dry spells with women, and then when they start dating a woman all kinds of women seem to want to flirt. Some have explained this as the result of women responding to an increased confidence radiating from the man.
But what if it’s just cabal operative women trying to break up what could be a solid, although unapproved, relationship?
That is possible.
This probably makes sense lul. I can’t relate to normies, but still I have trouble believing girlies are able to sense when I have success with other girls and increase their attraction to that extent.
I’d say you are 100% right.
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Newly Sworn Alberta Premier Plans to Make it Illegal to Discriminate Based on COVID-19 Vaccination Status
And that is how the devil does it. I bet a lot of you brightened up when you read that. But think about what it says, not what your mind tricked you into thinking. Does the bill prohibit forced vaccinations? No! It is an evil law. It prohibits an employer from firing a worker who is constantly taking days off from work because the COVID shots have destroyed the worker’s immune system. Remember – you cannot discriminate based on vaccination status – that means you cannot discriminate against someone who got the COVID shot. This law is intended to protect the people who got the shot. It is not meant to protect you. This law will lead to banning dating sites from advertising singles who are unvaccinated. It could also lead to the prohibition of individuals telling prospective partners they are unvaccinated.
Don’t laugh. Don’t call me crazy. I laughed at people thirty years ago who said cultural acceptance of open homosexuality would lead to open pedophilia. I laughed, but now I cry. The craziest ideas from thirty years ago are now revealed to be solid fact. The Cabal has suckered us once again. They made us chear for the premier of Alberta in his “defiance” of Trudeau. Now that are minds are inclined to support the premier of Alberta, Cabal slips this in and we are conditioned to support him.
Here is what the law should say, but does not – Nobody can be forced to receive a vaccination against their will. That’s it, no more.
Japan steps up push to get public buy-in to digital IDs
Researchers Find Possible Replacement for Rare Earth in Magnets