News Briefs – 10/24/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Wisconsin had 7 million registered voters in inventory on election day but only 5.9 million citizens.

In 2020 election in Wisconsin 60,000 people registered whose identities didn’t match corresponding state identification records.

In 2020 President Trump won more votes than any sitting president in US history, increasing his vote totals by 12 million votes in 2020 over 2016.

George Soros hired his own detective to work with the Senate Armed Forces Committee, chaired by NeverTrumper John McCain in order to frame Donald Trump by making it appear that he was colluding with Russia.

A deleted government report exploring how to make the public alter its behavior to accept the new ‘green economy’ reveals how pleased the powers are that COVID-19 restrictions have created a population with a “deep set reverence” for authority and a “powerful tendency to conform.”

An interesting article on the media scrubbing Microsoft’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein , and how the whole tech sector looked like a big intelligence club, with everyone from Epstein and Ghislaine and her sisters, to Paul Allen, to Harvey Weinstein, all mingling with the CIA and Israeli intelligence. And in the background is the backdoored PROMIS software which involved “The Octopus,” and led to the questionable death of reporter Danny Casolaro.

The US will “unfortunately” continue to delay the public release of records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and officials say the COVID-19 pandemic is to blame because it slowed review of the documents. From the article: “Mr. Biden also said the delay was “necessary to protect against identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations” and that this “outweighs the public interest in immediate disclosure.””

Dave Halls, the man who claimed the gun on Alec Baldwin set was safe, was also present on set when Brandon Lee died in 1993.

A U.S. Marine veteran appeared on Fox News Friday to relay his account of how he stopped armed robbers from knocking off a convenience store, but wandered way off topic at the conclusion of the segment by declaring that Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

Kamala looks like she is on some kind of stimulant drugs.

Notable recent VAERS deletions. Breast feeding child began having seizures, another with brain and abdominal neoplasms, another with multiple strokes and brain lesions, heart attacks, etc.

Brevard County Florida school employees used nylon rope to tie a mask onto a female nonverbal down syndrome student every day for 6 weeks until one day they forgot to remove it and sent her home, which is how her dad found out.

Yale study concludes natural immunity protects against COVID three times longer than the vaccine.

The attorney general of Arizona is filing a request for a temporary restraining order to stop the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Children are 69% more likely to be hospitalized with Covid-19 if Fully Vaccinated according to latest UK Health Security Agency report.

A section of infectious disease experts in India believes that vaccines have no benefits to such individuals who have naturally recovered from Covid-19, and instead might cause some harm to them and lead to Serious Adverse Event Following Immunization (SAEFI).

Preliminary audit results find 800 unreported COVID-19 deaths in Michigan nursing homes.

22-year-old Wisconsin newlywed healthcare worker says having only two seizures is a “good day” in the 10 months since second Pfizer mRNA injection.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers is seeking answers from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Anthony Fauci about funding that was provided for experiments on beagle puppies that involved cutting their vocal cords so researchers wouldn’t have to listen to their cries and howls of pain.

A once-rare flesh-eating sexually transmitted disease that causes “beefy red” ulcers and which was previously thought to be restricted to places including India, Brazil and New Guinea, is spreading across the UK, according to a report Friday.

Massive Caravan of migrants in southern Mexico overruns Mexican Police as it heads north to the US.

Border Patrol arrests shatter all records at the southern border with a total of 1,666,167 illegal immigrants in 2021 so far.

A man is hiking from Brooklyn to the Mexican border, saying, “I’ll then reenter the United States as an illegal immigrant. That way I’ll get back on unemployment, get free housing, and so the government doesn’t punish me for not being vaccinated. I’ve got about another 326 miles to go, I better work on my accent. Wish me luck Amigo”

Production issues at two of the largest U.S. liquefied natural gas export terminals threaten to reduce shipments just as an energy crisis hits Europe and Asia, where buyers are desperately trying to rebuild depleted inventories ahead of winter.

Jack Dorsey tweets ‘hyperinflation’ is ‘happening.’

Republican Reps. Jim Banks and Marjorie Taylor Greene were dinged by Twitter this week for saying that Rachel Levine, a transgender Biden administration official, was a man.

Ambassadors from 10 countries who appealed for the release of Turkish activist Osman Kavala are to be declared “persona non grata,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday, a designation that signifies the first step before expulsion.

Mt Etna is increasing in volcanic activity.

A Jamaican preacher and 41 of his congregants were arrested last week after two people were killed during an alleged “human sacrifice.”

President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the Western-backed military development of Ukraine posed a serious threat to Russia. Truth be told, if Russia wants Ukraine there would be no time to take it like during the Biden administration, while China is taking Taiwan.

Russian Church invites Christian immigrants from the US and UK, offering humanitarian visas.

Biden’s supporters are disappointed he has failed to deliver on any legislative victories.

Biden has lost more approval at start of term than any other president since World War II.

Biden support has dropped sharply among independent voters, poll finds.

National School Boards Association apologizes, and says it is sorry for ‘language’ in letter that likened parents to domestic terrorists.

Facebook sued Texas over a social media law, and now a judge just gave Texas discovery.

Ron DeSantis announces Florida’s job growth rate is 3X the national rate.

Invite other people to because you don’t mess with Texas

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Even Wikipedia hints at the Cabal’s Jiang Zemin faction’s assassination attempts on Xi with none other than “you know who” lurking in the wings:

“A few months before his ascendancy to the party leadership, Xi disappeared from official media coverage for several weeks beginning on 1 September 2012. On 4 September, he cancelled a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton…The Washington Post reported from a single source that Xi may have been injured in an altercation during a meeting of the “red second generation” which turned violent.”

3 years ago
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

True. Just like Amish and Covid, I wonder about the Amish LGBTQ+ suicide rate. Also their fertility. The Lord gives us righteous examples to follow. Rarely do we listen or observe. That is stupid.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Dietrich Bonhoeffer is someone we would be well served to become acquainted with for these times. He saw right through Hitler from the very beginning, and there is much we can find which is relatable.

I don’t recall the precise quote, but paraphrasing, he described the rise of Nazism as “a political spirit which seeks to deceive the deceivable, neutralize the courageous, then gather these forces to attack the righteous”. Indeed.

3 years ago

“Dave Halls, the man who claimed the gun on Alec Baldwin set was safe, was also present on set when Brandon Lee died in 1993”

That claim is disputed.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Disputed, yes. But we are warned of secret combinations that kill to get gain, are we not?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’m not saying that that those who dispute it are correct, I am just letting everyone know that some people have looked into the claim and say it is not true. (It is possible the records have been altered)
And even if they are correct in disputing it that does not suddenly make what is obviously a conspiracy into an “innocent accident”.

3 years ago

Well, you would think that ‘smart’ organizations wouldn’t ‘mess with Texas’…It’s not just a slogan y’all. My ‘woke’ company (based out of Canada) has decided to play ‘chicken’ with the State of Texas and their own vaxx mandate. They seemed to look over at Australia’s rules and thought, wow that looks like a good setup, lets go with that. You would think that a company that has a lot of business with the State would actually pay attention to things like that. Dumbasses.

Like me, I will walk before the clot, along with a number of senior staff here, but there are a lot of the worker bees that will be ‘forced’ to get the clot shot because they are afraid of loosing their jobs.

I can’t abide bullies.

Does anyone know of a good labor attorney(s) here in Texas?

Reply to  whiteguy1
3 years ago


Covid-19 Resources: Medical, Legal, Forms, Jobs & Other Critical Information

UPDATED List of Lawyers by State Who Fight COVID-19 Mandates
September 19, 2021


List of 15 law firms to call if your rights are being infringed upon by your employer, school, college, or any group that discriminates against you for not complying with their vaccine or mask mandates

Full list of attorneys by state that are willing to fight for your rights against vaccine mandates:

Reply to  whiteguy1
3 years ago

wooderson replied to you down below.
It was probably the glitch that takes a reply and turns it into a new post.

3 years ago

“One state’s anti-critical race theory law faces first federal lawsuit:”

To preach CRT in the Schools—iS FREE SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

—IT’S RIGHT THERE, FOLKS!!!! Critical Race Theory is FREE SPEECH!

—And Yet, to Disagree with CRT is HATE SPEECH. It is anti-semitism. You’re censored!

Why-ohhh-Why, did Biden work with the NSBC on that letter that parents attacking CRT at the School board meetings were domestic terrorists—and the Merrick Garland, Jew, sic-ed the FBI on them within 5 days??????????????????????????????????????

There is the Cabal right there in front of you folks. I bet there are quite a few Jews on the NSBC or SJWs (Marxists, pseudo-Jews). To push the race-mixing agenda, which is CRT, which is Judaism, is FREE SPEECH. To stop it is Hate Speech.

DO YOU GET THAT YOU STOOOPID GOYIM? Free Speech to spread Judaism—resistance to Jewish Plans, Jewish Genocide of Europeans is NOT to be restricted. You are a domestic Terrorist to thwart Jewish Plans, to resist Jewish Plans is Anti-semitism, is Hate Speech.

YOU DON”T have Free Speech to resist. You are a Nazi if you do!

See how that works people?

“Free Speech” is what undid America. That is how this country was subverted. This is how this country was destroyed—by your precious “Free Speech” Right.

I light a candle to the Medieval Roman Catholic Church. If The Church was obeyed, the Jews would’ve still been suppressed, No Communism, No Adolf Hitler, No destruction of the European peoples! European Atheists, European Deists, idiots par-excellence, gave Freedom to the Jews and gave them Free Speech.

Now, look at the destruction. America is dead and gone. We are living in a Marxist Dictatorship. Either the Jews are suppressed—or they Rule over you. Plain and simple.

Look at the Duplicity of the Jews. They are semper Hypocritai. Their Speech is Free Speech—-Resist—and you will be killed! (And I’m referring to the 1849 article by Engels that all reactionary peoples are to be exterminated.)

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Government employees do not have free speech on the job.
You are falling for the enemy propaganda.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Well, the Government IS spreading CRT.

I would like to ask you Farcesensitive—-How do you stop a Communist takeover here in America? With the Constitution and Ideology that you have? VoxDay has already pointed out that rhetoric and much less dialectic has NO sway over these people—Commies are diehard believers in their Utopia—you can’t change them.

So what now? I used to be an Americanist. I am no longer—I’ve read the Federalist papers and such–I FAIL to see how America stops any of this!

Revolution IS Authoritarian! How do you fight Revolutionary Authoritarianism with Anglo-Saxon Liberalism? I think its over. It’s time to drop what’s failed and pick up a New teaching. Something that will win.

Sparta survived over 600 years without being converged with foreign ideas or inside subversion. America didn’t last 250 years. It ended with the 1965 Immigration Act which was a law of genocide and treason.

How do you fight the Jewish Scourge of Communism, of Tikkun Olam, of Socialism with American liberalism? All sorts of people tried—and failed.

What’s YOUR plan Farcesensitive?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Communism is a conspiracy to kill, rob and deprive rights under the color of law.
It should be prosecuted as such.
Use RICO as applicable.

This applies to anything else that fits the description.

Let Pinochet be your guide.

(free speech is necessary but any attempt to put criminal philosophy into action is a crime)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“criminal philosophy” is a crime.

Harry Waton, Jew: “The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism”.

I agree. Communism is the political manifestation of Judaism.

So, Judaism is a criminal philosophy. I agree. Someone earlier saw that too. So did Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

It’s a race to see who takes out who first, I guess. But us whites are way behind the eight-ball–the Jews are successfully turning elementary school children into Jews and Commies with CRT! Hell, the neighbor’s kid, about12 years old, came home from school and called his dad a racist. That’s Judaism. I think our goose is cooked.

Look, farcesensitive, concerned Anglo-Saxons back in the sixties stood outside congress with signs saying “Communism is race-mixing”. No one listened to them. Now—it’s a little too late.

3 years ago

“Yale study concludes natural immunity protects against COVID three times longer than the vaccine.”

Sharyl Attkisson Report — How the Amish Defeated Covid without Vaccines

There’s three things the Amish don’t like:

1. Government
2. Public education system
3. Health system

So they all took communion together and all got Covid which eventually led to natural immunity. The video is only 5:37 long and well worth the watch.

3 years ago

> Jack Dorsey tweets ‘hyperinflation’ is ‘happening.’

He’d know, since he’s one of the ones who’s causing it…

3 years ago

> National School Boards Association apologizes, and says it is sorry for ‘language’ in letter that likened parents to domestic terrorists.

Aaawww, ain’t that special.

They screeched and Trigglypuffed their position, and when it backfired, they just wanted it to go away. It doesn’t work like that way. No parent is going to forget that.

Also note they’re apologizing for “language”, not the accusation itself. Typical Leftist schtick.

3 years ago

You could call the Texas Attorney General’s office. The AG lawyers do not believe in Corona, which is why Texas does not require masks at the state level. You could call the governor’s office, as well. Governor Abbott is an attorney who signs laws about not requiring masks.

The staff attorneys will have referrals to lawyers in private practice.

You could also call the UTA law school. They would either have lawyer professors interested in your case, or they would have referrals for a career making case.

Reply to  wooderson
3 years ago

Thanks Fren! I will look into it this week.

3 years ago

Free Speech is a Protestant right. The kings of France spent at least 100 years trying to quash free thought and free speech in the kingdom that they had acquired- Navarra- a Protestant stronghold- by doing things like imprisoning people, quartering soldiers in the believers’ houses, exiling pastors, threatening the people. France managed to alienate the very people who had been there since the beginning of time, the only people who had any track record of resistance against any tyranny- Roman, Visigothic barbarian, Muslims- and they left, taking their gifts and blessings out into the world. Those gifts included navigation on the high seas, peaceful relations with natives pretty much everywhere, including Native American tribes, and the Industrial Revolution.

It is not a Protestant’s fault that Catholics can’t cope with Jews. Or Protestants. Or Orthodox. Or Nestorian Christians.

Reply to  wooderson
3 years ago

Maybe, you should read up on Gnosticism. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. The coalition to take down Catholicism in Europe–

–the end game—the Jews Rule Europe. And are taking Europe down. Thanks.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

For those that don’t know, Garandthumb is I believe an Air Force PJ. He’s dialed into the latest trendy setups from the operator community… and here he is letting everybody know how fifteen years of chasing smaller shot groups and the perfect sight picture has led everybody right back to the M16A2/ CAR15.

Retro rifle setups still f***, 3 reasons why they are making a comeback

Guys this is my current setup:

16in barrel with mid length gas system. Magpul MOE plastic handguards with an F type FSB. PA 1-6X SFP ACSS VPO on a QD mount. Streamlight HL white light. Two point adjustable sling from Viking Tactical. Magpul SL adjustable stock because the leaf spring system creates a solid lock up removing the wobble. Magpul K2+ grip. Magpul PRO rear BUIS. Geiselle Airborne charging handle. Magpul vertical grip used as a handstop, not as a vertical grip – a small piece of plastic or aluminum bolted into the MLOK slot would replace it easily. This is a jack-of-all-trades build – it does everything well enough. The stock collapses for room clearing, the mid-length gets better parts wear than a carbine length, and the 16in barrel + 1-6X optic still reaches out to 500, not that I’m ever going to take a shot that far among all the TREES where I live.

Notice what’s not there? No IR laser, so I don’t need a heavy expensive aluminum heat sink wrapped around the barrel to bolt it to. Even better, the cool kids have stopped using IR lasers because the thinking now is that since everyone has NODs an IR laser gives you away. Wasn’t gonna buy one anyway, but great to know.

And since everyone has NODs they have to set the sight height back up to where it was on the M16 carry handle mounts, leading everyone BACK to the stupid carry handles because they are cheaper mounts than specially machined mounts from big brand names. The whole thing is ridiculous.

I’m of the opinion that the overall BEST off the shelf AR15 on the market right now is the WWSD2020 from Brownells, but if you’re running something closer to an M16A2 you’re fine. Don’t worry about it, just shoot it. I’m taking my own advice.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I have the same trouble with GAB sometimes.

I think I was told that they randomly restrict non-account holders from viewing smaller accounts to try to make you join GAB to see them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s definitely not GAB’s servers because they serve up an ad below the spinning circle just fine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“…I think I was told that they randomly restrict non-account holders from viewing smaller accounts to try to make you join GAB to see them…”

AC I believe that’s correct because I can no linger view but small portions of Gab. I’m not signing up for anything anymore. Gab or not. I used to read Heartise and could read all his post and the post below his. Now I can only read a very limited bit of his page and none of the replies to his post.

When there are links to Gabs sometimes I can read a little of them and sometimes not.

And no I’m not signing up. I believe he lost his whole membership roster to hacking once if I remember correctly. The only thing I will sign up for is technical type sites. No political at all.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>Lowell’s Gab above will not load for me. I have tried different browsers, and no VPN, and it will not come up. I get the Gab screen, but his content is just reduced to just a spinning circle as if it is loading, and it will not load. I went to, and tried to get it to load it, but the archive page, which is supposed to be an image, features the exact same spinning circle of dots.

Me too. It happened semi-often with links here and I assumed it was whenever some low-mid level person wanted only Gab accounts or followers to see it. I still haven’t gotten around to making a Gab

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

24mm is a good middle ground on a low variabled power scope (LPVO) with a 30mm tube.

A 1 inch tube is good for a 3 to 1, or with good glass, 4 to 1 zoom ratio. A 30mm tube is good for 4 to 1, up to 6 to 1 with great glass.

24mm objective lens divided by 6 power gives you a 4mm exit pupil, which is a nice sweet spot. While the human eye can dilate to roughly 7mm, that requires near total darkness. A 4mm to 5mm exit pupil is a nice balance.

Given the useful envelope of the small caliber high velocity (SCHV) rounds (5.56×45 and 5.45×39), An LPVO with a 1 to 6 power range is a very good compromise.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That’s what the shoot-me-first light is for. If I’m shooting low light it’s because somebody kicked in my door.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Not really, your eye can only handle so much light. Given a 4mm exit pupil, or more, glass quality, and reticle design are more important. If you are doing a lot of low light shooting a good lit reticle is critical. I find many popular LPVO’s are daylight usable, as opposed to daylight bright.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

FOV is important at close ranges. When using an LPVO up close the FOV needs to be 100 feet + at 1 power with little to no distortion edge to edge. For me, the Vortex Razor Gen II-E, Nightforce NX8, and the Kahles K18i are tough to beat in their respective price points. If you want to keep things inside 400 yards, then the Steiner P4Xi. All are daylight bright for up close and usable reticles for distance.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Money. Mainly. AND the ACSS reticule is the best one on the market. If I had the cash, I’d buy the PA upper line to have that reticule with much better Japanese glass instead instead of a big name like Steiner or Trijicon. Personal preference because I like the feature and can afford to have a an equipment failure at this point in time. Things go South from here, who knows?

Otherwise it’s a sub $300 optic on a QD mount I got for $30 on clearance that I stripped all the way down, deburred EVERY edge, and painted to match the receivers. The glass is on a QD mount so that I can get it off without a wrench if/WHEN it breaks. Also why I like steel BUIS. If you are gonna go cheap, you need to plan for parts failure.I also carry a spare bolt in the pistol grip, even though I have a bolt that I am confident in.

In other words, my build breaks every rule you’ve been told to follow. The barrel is bargain basement, the upper is PSA, the lower is an 80%, I use locking pins for the fire control group, I’m using a Sharps BCG instead of BCM or other bigger name, it’s a frankengun instead of a known good rifle from a GOOD company, etc. And it works. Perfect extraction and ejection with all the steel case I’ve put through it. It’s NOT a light gun, unfortunately, because the the on-clearance barrel turned out to be an HBAR that’s .750 the whole length from the end of the chamber to the shoulder for the gas block and then to the start of the muzzle threads. I’m still debating on whether or not I’m going to try either fluting it or maybe milling it into an octagon barrel and just cold bluing it.

I’m sure I could get smaller groups with a free floated barrel. I’m equally sure that I don’t care because it does everything I wanted my issue M16A2’s to do.

I’m absolutely positive this rifle will be featured in an upcoming BOOTSTRAPPY ep that I am hoping to film in January-ish, if not earlier. I have to 3D print a mount for the Streamlight pressure switch and if that footage doesn’t come out it’ll be in another ep alongside a different project gun that I have had in the works.

And don’t worry, you will feel better about your shooting skills when you watch me. I’m much more swordsmith than samurai.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Everything is better than it was even just ten years ago. In this case, the optic is GOOD ENOUGH for a little light larping and even useful for deer season if I ever get around to actually getting my drivers license changed over to this state. Basically, that’s the theme of the whole rifle. It’s good enough for whatever I’m going to do with it, but I wouldn’t want to have to take it to war.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

But, no, you use an LPVO like a red dot, so both eyes open. Field of view doesn’t really play into it. Then you crank it up to 6X for anything say 100 yards or so or farther. And SFP isn’t really useful in the middle magnifications because the BDC is only correct at 6X. At 1X through 5X you have an illuminated red dot with a long tail beneath it. I know it sounds weird but you get used to it really quickly.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Same problem as AC. Could not load your Gab on Tor, Brave, Safari or Chrome browsers.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Well, that’s news to me. You guys seriously cannot see anything I post from Gab? But you can see my GabTV channel? Can you load my Gab account?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That’s exactly what I see.
I can always see his videos.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I do a lot of reposts, comment on little of it when I have something to add. . You know, I should pin a BOOTSTRAPPY ep up top.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I can load your Gab account. Haven’t checked your GabTV account, but I favor concise written summaries. I’m not looking for more video to spend time on.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

Oh, you won’t see me doing much involving political commentary on video. All I had to do was look around… I think that market is covered. DIY stuff is almost nonexistent on Gab. It’s like me and one other guy. Besides, the only thing people do with political commentary is to usually tear down. I kinda wanted to do something that emphasized BUILDING UP.

I had a idea for a political show for me, it would involve me driving a Mustang GT at night with a camera in the backseat pointing forward to show the glowing lights of the console while a synthwave soundtrack is on in the backround. And with that stage set, THEN I would rant about whatever. And every now and then cut to GoPro footage from the outside of the car.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I see you did delete your Odysee channel.
I looked but I didn’t find you on Bitchute or Rumble.
As I mentioned before, it will help to be able to spread your content if you have a channel on another platform in addition to GAB because at least one place I would like to share your content has a bot that automatically deletes all links to GAB (it is labelled an NSFW domain) and I would imagine there are other places like that.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I deleted the Odysee channel. I discovered that none of my uploads were playable because they were all too high quality. Even my attempt at 720p ran terrible. Gab runs whatever I can upload as long as the upload is under a certain total size limit. Even if that wasn’t an issue, their sudden veering off into screwy territory with their marketing guy is something I don’t want to be associated with.

I haven’t started with Bitchute yet. I have a channel, but I never log in. I’m not on Rumble yet.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

My A2 set up uses an SSA-E trigger and an Armalite 1/2 moa by 1/2 moa rear sight. I went with a Raptor charging handle, a Mossie light mount and a Ferro Slingster to round everything out. YMMV.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Brother, I finally see what your problem is…your socks are tacti-cool enough! Clearly you don’t have not enough cosmoline or crocs in your life! 🙂

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago


All I get is an advertisement but I can;t read much of gab anyways.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Not logged in. I am seeing same.

3 years ago

Interesting article. The lady is going on and on about how painful it is for her daughter to be the only one not invited to stuff, and she had something similar when younger. I definitely can relate although it’s been much less painful after growing up. I wonder if this has deeper meaning in terms of personality of her/her daughters and/or the rest of the class/girls.

At this point I don’t feel awkward or socially uncomfortable really and would just prefer people to say flat out they don’t want me somewhere. It’s interesting because in my cases people sometimes want me at X but I do feel a lot of times don’t want me at Y and I’ve no real idea where I stand. If I was the lady/daughter in the article I’d just make it clear and admit, “yeah they don’t want my daughter there” in a matter-of-fact way.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

I was the kid nobody invited to anything when I was young too.
It was strange because my brother got invited to everything.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  kid
3 years ago

I’ve shared this before: My mom knew I was different, so at a young age (starting from when I was around 7 or 8) she told me so, communicating that she was the same way. She didn’t mince words, just told it like it is. That I wouldn’t make friends like normal kids, that I’d most likely be a loner, that I should just get used to it, etc. Reminded me a couple times a year until I fully grokked it (around 6th grade, I think). No consoling or coddling. No attempt to protect me from reality. Probably the single best piece of advice given to me by another human being. I was always independent as a kid, but this might have cemented me becoming truly outcome-independent, socially speaking. Top-tier parenting on the part of my mom.

Having skimmed through this article, I have a gut feeling that this lady might be projecting her own insecurities into her daughter, which can provide the seed for an identical insecurity as the kid grows up. Even worse, she’s building up the kid as “stronger” than her somehow, building the 10-year-old up like some idol. Not cool. Lady had such an easy life that being left out is such a big trauma. Good parenting idealy involves the adult already having overcome such character failings, then teaching this skill to the next generation. That is strong K-type parenting, like teaching the young how to hunt and survive. There’s no time in this cruel world for parents to feel so sorry for themselves.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

18If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.

20Remember the word that I spoke to you: ‘No servant is greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you as well; if they kept My word, they will keep yours as well. 21But they will treat you like this because of My name, since they do not know the One who sent Me. 22If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin.

23Whoever hates Me hates My Father as well. 24If I had not done among them the works that no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin; but now they have seen and hated both Me and My Father. 25But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated Me without reason.’

Johannes Q
3 years ago

A New Age Youtuber called Magenta Pixie (silly name, I know, but she’s 100% pro-Trump and anti-vaxx and has a big audience; she also predicted Trump would win but seem to lose, a few days before the 2020 election) has been hospitalised with Covid. Apparently her husband got it too but recovered. Last year, a Youtuber who made vids about the Rothschilds, Simon Harris, died of Covid. I’m wondering if the Cabal is finding a way to assassinate vocal dissidents under cover of Covid.

A/C, maybe you could suggest that chaps like Vox Day take extra precautions for a while. I find it odd that Magenta has been making daily Telegram posts opposing the vaxx and is now at death’s door with Covid, while her husband is fine. Shenanigans may be at play.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

Simon Harris was a good guy 🙁

It wasn’t that I had wondered about him recently,
He was one of the first expelled from you tube after he covered the protocols… extensively, and I didn’t follow on to where he went from there…

RIP Simon Harris, he was a good brave man.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago
3 years ago


The “crowdsourcing” community surveillance tech company PREMISE was no doubt named by the same people.

3 years ago

Our culture glorifies extroverts, but tends to ignore if not mildly demonize introverts. So it is a process for introverts to become comfortable in their own skin under those conditions.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

Assuming that this is a reply to kid’s post above, I believe that introverts “becoming comfortable in their own skin” is a skill that can easily be taught at a young age by their parents. I stress this so much because such neuroses are not endemic to the culture or even “the human condition” (whatever that is), but can VERY easily be nipped at the bud by an attentive parent who: does not indulge in navel-gazing, has worked out their own issues, does not assume every kid will just “learn things for themselves”, who actually wants to raise their kids, etc. etc., fill in the blanks.

3 years ago

Nothing to see here:

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

WOAH! now the whole think makes sense. She may very well have known enough to be a real threat.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I have found the source article:

It appears to be fake news:

“Main article is FAKE. Create your own fake news.”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago


I believe such knowledge of Hollywood’s pedophilia problem would most definitely be motive for murder.

Reply to  English Tom
3 years ago

I have found the source article:

It appears to be fake news:

“Main article is FAKE. Create your own fake news.”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I have found the source article:

It appears to be fake news:

“Main article is FAKE. Create your own fake news.”

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

From the “Make Of It What You Will” files:

I quickly browsed through other articles on the site, and I didn’t see anything blatantly sensationalist.

3 years ago

>”We think of ourselves as an Israeli company.”
The failure of Intel’s 10nm processors against AMD is another bit of theater in the scissors strategy. Having any software, much less hardware sourced out of the holy land for the F-35 may prove terminal in a future conflict. Maybe OConnell’s expose caused the Trump conference on tech theft and “It better [be invisible].” press conference with Lockheed heads, maybe not.

>necessary to protect against ide[fineable] harm
Trump lost his shine the moment the JFK files’ scheduled release months into his term was declined, for me at least. Looking like they’ll wait for some critical mass of legacy American Baby Boomers to die off first, if they ever see the light of day. Movement on the ET front might nudge it, if there’s over lap.

>Kamala on uppers
Thought gross movement helped concealing early Parkinson’s. Perhaps the kuru’s hitting harder with the spike proteins in the Moloch offerings; ‘invoking the 25th’ all the way down to Pelosi nightmare fuel.

> if Russia wants Ukraine there would be no time to take it like during the Biden administration, while China is taking Taiwan.
Land invasion of Russia is least defensible through Ukraine coming from the West. On the woo end, in the Anglo-Tribe of Dan constellation, there was a exodus in the middle ages from Britain to the Mediterranean, Constantinople and Crimea in particular. Perhaps a non-zero element in the Anglo-tribal banking equation, on top of ‘eretz Khazaria’

>Russian Church invites Christian immigrants from the US and UK, offering humanitarian visas.
Cynical K-drain; if they had any substantive opposition to farm murders in Ramaphosa’s South Africa they could lean on China, rather than scalping them to till black soil in the motherland.

>EO on election interference, cargo containers
On the Nyquist model, you’d expect the Weserbung invasion of Norway war materiel to be on a tight schedule once mobilized to hit when the Vit D tanks and seasonal flu provides the hospital-cum-death camp culling. It’d be like having the IJN Kantai Kessen loitering in plain sight outside of Pearl Harbor for a ‘port call’ for weeks, subject to Coast Guard inspection, non-invasive surveillance, ect. Probably deterrent enough in-itself if unforeseen, on top of the coal shortage, Evergrand et. al. internal party strife.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…The spike protein that is part of Covid-19, and which all the current vaccines instruct your body to produce is, by itself, pathogenic. This was first published as a pre-print, it came out before we went on a wild jabbing spree, the original study that set off the alarm bells came in September of 2020 and when the study work was done it was dismissed by many as being “not peer reviewed” (who remember, endorsed a whole bunch of other bull**** such as masks, denial of early treatments and so on.)

Well, that excuse is gone now. Two articles, both now published, and which I originally discussed as pre-prints before we mass-jabbed people are now out in public and published form here and here.

Both demonstrate quite-conclusively that the spike protein alone, absent the rest of Covid-19 “the virus”, is pathogenic.

Again, in case you missed it further up near the top, all of the current vaccines deliberately produce that spike protein, which by itself causes disease, specifically clotting-related disease, in your body. Deliberately causing your body to produce that pathogen (which then elicits the antibody response) is how all of them work.

This means there is no safe way to vaccinate against this disease…”

“…if you take repeated shots and the risk does not bleed off then eventually you will kill yourself….”

3 years ago

Why does Cabal hate White Europeans so much?

3 years ago