News Briefs – 10/23/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Elon Musk: “What is coming in the next 20 days Is UGLY and it may destroy America…”

Congressman Tim Burchett: Is the CIA creating Trump assassins via a modern-day MK Ultra program? [VIDEO]

Clinton strategist James Carville claims Trump will arrest ‘males of color’ – if elected, calls for armed uprising happened if Harris loses.

Trump is still talking about this nation’s “enemy from within.”

Rudy Giuliani must give his Manhattan apartment, jewelry, cars, sports memorabilia, TVs & furniture to Georgia election workers he defamed, judge rules.

Ex-Abercrombie CEO arrested on sex trafficking charges. Homo CEO who may have had some kind of P. Diddy op going with the male models. All of these guys had been above the law before, probably because like Epstein, they belonged to intelligence. Now, not so much. Of course the epicenter of the gay P. Diddy type shit is Hollywood. I’d bet for the first time in his life, Geffen has a puckered asshole.

An alleged victim of Sean ‘P Diddy’ Combs has filed a lawsuit claiming that the rapper raped her when she was 13 years old while a male and female celebrity pair watched and joined in. Diddy was tight with Jay Z and Beyonce…

Trump campaign takes legal action over Labour Party’s support for Harris.

Vice President Kamala Harris plagiarized additional material beyond her book Smart on Crime, an analysis by Washington Free Beacon’s Aaron Sibarium found Tuesday. I wonder if this is being released now by the dems, as part of a plan to get rid of her before election day, and sub in someone else.

Democrats and media elites are starting to get “heartburn” over Vice President Kamala Harris’s chances of preventing former President Donald Trump from completing the greatest political comeback in modern history.

Democrats brace for a possible crack in the blue wall and signs of North Carolina slipping.

President Donald Trump says he’s running to restore the American Dream by cutting migration, but the Washington Post says young Americans should resign themselves to small houses in a nation packed with millions of government-imported renters and buyers.

DoD Office of Inspector GeneralOur audit found that the DoD used Ukraine assistance funds correctly for 154 disbursement transactions,but did not provide sufficient documentation to support the purpose or accuracy of the remaining 323 transactions, totaling $1.1 billion.

Election officials in Erie, Pennsylvania just admitted that they “incorrectly” sent duplicate mail-in ballots to almost 300 voters due to a “software issue.”

Vice President Kamala Harris is facing possible “serious danger” in Nevada as Republicans have opened what amounts to an unprecedented-in-modern-times lead in early voting over Democrats.

Bill Gates privately says he has backed Harris with $50 million donation. An Epstein associate.

Federal government whistleblower exposes $347 million contract for transporting unaccompanied minors.

Bill Maher, HBO hit with Laura Loomer $150 million defamation lawsuit after Donald Trump relationship joke. Could end up dragging in Milo for discovery, which would reveal if he was making stuff up, or if somebody was spreading rumors to him. Though I doubt ABC would want Loomer looking through all its emails and text messages.

Twitch boss dies as she’s run over by garbage truck while on trip to Amsterdam.  Surveillance will recruit from jobs which drive around all day, and even place its own surveillance people in such roles. And they can time things like collisions.

In North Dakota, education-special interests are vastly out-fundraising the group pushing to end property taxes.

Ex-Cassidy Hutchinson lawyer files bar complaint against Liz Cheney for secret J6 communications.

The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has admitted to holding former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon illegally, in violation of the First Step Act (FSA) of 2018.

NYPD officers were denied entry to a migrant shelter in Times Square after responding to a 911 emergency call for help from the location.

Democrats target McDonald’s for price gouging after Trump served customers.

The guy running against Josh Hawley held a range day with Adam Kinzinger, so they could shoot steel plates with scoped ARs from a couple of yards away. Fortunately the spall spraying off the steel took out a reporter before it hit the Tannerite on the table next to them. They patched the reporter’s arm up, and then put up a tweet saying what a great day it was, and got roasted in the comments. Breitbart since picked it up here.

‘We gotta lock Trump up!’ – Biden says the quiet part out loud, calls for Trump to be jailed 14 days before election. He then tried to play it off like he meant they have to lock up Trump’s ability t amass support, and he was just confused, but it seems kind of like he was trying to ask Management to lock Trump up for something.

An elected official in charge of voter registration and tax collection in Texas hasn’t swiped into her office for around four years.

Tulsi announced she has officially become a Republican.

New York Supreme Court reinstates all employees fired for being unvaccinated, orders backpay, concludes vaccination neither prevents contracting or spreading of the virus.

General Motors to go fully electric by 2035 even though EVs remain unprofitable and car buyers do not want them.

‘Aliens have two bases on Earth’ says lawyer who claims to know their locations. The lawyer has brought whistleblowers to Congress supposedly, but I have no knowledge of him or his legitimacy. He claims the government knows the aliens are transporting other kinds of living beings they are taking from some other planet in our Galaxy or some other dimension and bringing them to their bases.

Senior Iranian Pentagon employee named as leaker of Israeli retaliatory strike plans to Iran – was previously outed as Iran spy but was kept on anyway.

Hezbollah UAV scored direct hit on Netanyahu’s home in Caesarea.

This is also very good theatre:

A new anti-missile laser downed 100% of its targets while fighting multiple threats at once, UK defense officials say.

The United States has agreed to give Ukraine $800 million in military aid that will go toward manufacturing long-range drones to use against Russian troops.

U.S. plans to contribute $20 billion for a Ukraine loan, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says.

Researchers say Arkansas may have 19M tons of lithium critical for battery power.

DJT stock surges to highest level since July as bets rise on Trump election odds.

FNC’s Karl Rove: Holding the Senate becoming a ‘nightmare’ for Dems.

Political analyst Mark Halperin: If early vote trend continues, Trump wins.

Panicked Harris staffers leak concerns about losing NC and MI.

Fewer than 3 in 10 Georgia men back Kamala Harris for president: poll.

Trump leads with Latinos by 11 points nationally.

Georgia’s most accurate pollster has Trump +4. I hate that this should be a battle of good vs evil, UFC-style, and we should get to enjoy the fruits of a hard-fought, real battle, but instead we seem to be doing the WWE version. I really cannot even enjoy any “good” news, because it is fake to begin with, and the script writers could even write in some plot twist that means Trump loses in the end regardless of what should happen, or what the news says now.

Trump getting 32% of Black voters, compared to 12% in 2016 and 10% in 2020.

Top Archbishop endorses Trump, warns Catholics who don’t vote are ‘allying with the enemy.’

Donald Trump is expected to record an interview with Joe Rogan on Friday. I would assume this was written into the script, for right now, over a year or two ago.

This bakery sells these cookies as a poll, and records how many sell:

Send people to, because the future owes nothing to anyone 


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4 months ago

CAPS LOCK “It’s happening! Germany has implemented border controls! OMG!”

Tweet from a week ago, in the news in mid-September already.

Not in my experience. When I walked into Germany (and back) this month, there were no controls whatsoever, same as always (except for Covid times).

4 months ago

Witches DESTROYED by Trump’s divine providence as the saviour of America (he’s going to make McDonald’s use beef tallow rather than seed oils on their chips).

Reddit “Witches” are trying to cast spells on Trump but they’re upset because he has “some kind of protection around him.”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Trump witches…
Great. If they are casting spells, we can start burning them at the stake.

4 months ago

‘Vice President Kamala Harris plagiarized additional material beyond her book Smart on Crime, an analysis by Washington Free Beacon’s Aaron Sibarium found Tuesday. I wonder if this is being released now by the dems, as part of a plan to get rid of her before election day, and sub in someone else.’

Hillary? Sad to say, but even she’d be an improvement over Abidin’ and ¡Que Mala!

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
4 months ago

“Trump is still talking about this nation’s “enemy from within.””

This strikes me as an interesting choice of phrase from Trump: not “the enemy within” but “the enemy FROM within”. From within WHERE? The Earth i.e. underground? We’ve all read the alleged conspiracy theories about underground bases. Or maybe, just maybe, he means from within WHO? Us? Them?

Trump has been known to use another curious phrase which I can’t help but feel is related: “The Invisible Enemy”. Here is a link going into just how extensively Trump used this phrase in the early stages of the plandemic:

Politico and others just assumed he was talking about the virus, but he used it far too systematically for that. So who or what is the Invisible Enemy? Those human and/or non human entities underground in the bases written about by Bill Cooper et al? Maybe. Another possibility is the Invisible Enemy refers to interdimensional beings of some kind. I’m reminded of a very interesting post I read on the boards after Trump started using the phrase “The Invisible Enemy”. It’s not signed by Q, but it bears all the hallmarks of Q in the voice and style used. Here is an excerpt:

We Are Here With You
What is a Targeted Individual?
An Individual With Potential.
Do peoples around the world still practice the tradition of keeping prayer vigil over newborns?
Do they believe that the Invisible Enemy sends reconnaissance teams every night to make census of new souls?
Do certain children then begin to have “accidents”, snake bites, seizures, etc.?
Are peer-children and adults near the targeted child opportunistically ‘possessed’ in order to torment and traumatize the child?
KILL confidence.
STEAL energy.
DESTROY willpower.
Threat neutralised.
Do some peoples around the world still know how to decode the “accidents” as an indicator that the child could with training pose a unique threat to the Invisible Enemy and therefore invest in the spiritual protection and nurturing of that child?
Why does the Invisible Enemy concentrate fire on certain individuals?

I think if we knew the answer to Trump’s connected riddles “The enemy FROM within” and “The Invisible Enemy”, we would understand pretty much everything we need to know about what is happening in the world right now.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
4 months ago

Interesting thoughts, mate.
As you have noticed, repeated uses of certain phrases may often be to communicate some deeper subtext.
I will recommend this blog, he has a lot of interesting writing in regards of how “cabal” can communicate through open channels.
Have a good one, cheers!

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Cary Kembla
4 months ago

The seventh son of a seventh son! One of my favorite Iron Maiden songs, lol. This is a great post. I think this does happen because it sounds like what happened to me, i.e. kill confidence, steal energy, destroy willpower. The good news is you can regain all these abilities.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
4 months ago

Yes, one can regain much lost ground; but, you are years behind those who should be your peers and they are not your companions with whom you could have advanced.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Yes, which is Sad But True, sorry for the Metallica reference. I (we) may not be where I (we) would have been but I (we) could be exactly where I’m supposed to be.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
4 months ago

The Invisible enemy is the army of demons and those humans who have chosen that side. God chooses whom He will bring to Jesus Christ (Irresistible Grace) while others continue to worship the World and false gods and idols; such people of the latter hate God and those whom he chooses.

4 months ago

> General Motors to go fully electric by 2035 even though EVs remain unprofitable and car buyers do not want them.

GM benefited from both of the “bailouts” during the Obama Administration, and they get Federal subsidies for making electric cars. And they were major financial supporters of Burn-Loot-Murder.

GM took the shilling; they dance to the Federal tune now, not that of their stockholders. Who never really had any control anyway, but it was a pretty illusion.

4 months ago

> ‘Aliens have two bases on Earth’ says lawyer who claims to know their locations.

…aaand he’ll reveal the locations next week?

The media has to be in on this sort of “news.” If they weren’t printing it by policy, they would know better by now.

4 months ago Innovating antennas to sense smell, low cost, abundant.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wooderson
4 months ago


4 months ago

The cookie tally was a good bellwether of who was going to win the presidential election. Trump won the 2020 cookie tally there.

Trump won 19 of the 20 presidential bellwethers. That didn’t matter because of rigging.

It may be the same this year. Scott Adams has been talking a lot about election systems. Ours, by design, invites fraud.

4 months ago

(((Bill Maher))), HBO hit with (((Laura Loomer))) $150 million defamation lawsuit after Donald Trump relationship joke. 

Going to get thrown out, not enough specificity in what he said. He was clearly speculating.

4 months ago

Twitch boss dies as she’s run over by garbage truck while on trip to Amsterdam. 

Note that Twitch’s music streaming was being run by a woman who’s nearly 70. This woman was born before Elvis was on TV.

4 months ago

FWIW, I did the normal discounting on polls, looked at the latest stuff, and ended up with a map that essentially looked the same as polymarket.

4 months ago

Its two hours, and I’m only forty minutes into it myself, but I get the impression that if you watch this, you don’t have to read another article or watch another podcast on the election campaign again:

Taibbi and Kirn.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Just got past the 40 min so now I can comment. What a fun late night watch, thanks for sharing!

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

This belongs here too then.
Also a long video, and the musical intro is an in joke, but the depth and breadth of the analysis is top tier. Jay is a brilliant historian of power.

4 months ago

Weird that the script writers wrote a Joe Rogan interview into the script. Perhaps it was a last minute addition? Joe has been saying over and over for several years now that he would not have Trump on his podcast. So what changed?

4 months ago

Someone posted a comment yesterday about perfect weather on the East Coast the last 8 days (9 now). I live in the area the commenter traveled. I paid attention today, and indeed noticed no clouds in the sky, at least directly overhead. Looking toward the horizon, it looks like a very thin layer of clouds, but it’s probably just haze.

There aren’t even any chemtrails, and there are always chemtrails overhead in my area, without fail. Not over the last week or so. It’s great weather, but highly abnormal.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
4 months ago

Blew all their cloud seeding budget on the hurricanes that were designed to wipe out a large majority of the Red south prior to the election. Good thing God said no thanks to that mess.

Man (in this case, Satan) makes plans, God laughs. He will not allow the enemy to win forever.

Just Me
Just Me
4 months ago

And for tonight’s hot gossip, courtesy of CDaN:

October 12, 2024
As I have been saying for several months now, it is not the A++ lister who is trying to screw over the person running in their place. It is the significant other, who wanted four more years of power. The media is finally catching on.
Joe Biden/Kamala Harris/Jill Biden

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
4 months ago

This story reminded me of the remote control car that came out of the woods at the Trump motorcade while he was president. Is someone sending Kamala a message?