Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – China Announces Second Set Of Projects In $140 Billion Spending Plan
DFT – Apple Approaches News Publishers For AI Deal
DFT – Hyperloop One Closes Down
DFT – German Business Sentiment Deteriorating
DFT – US Imposes Further Russian Seafood Ban
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
It also seeks an investigation of the extent of the FBI surveillance, including search and seizure activities such as applications and issuances of subpoenas and warrants targeting Reade and her social media, communications and financial accounts, in addition to disclosure and copies of all records and information associated with her surveillance under her First Amendment rights. All FBI records related to Reade are also requested to be expunged.
I am not sure it is FBI, but even if it was, it would foresee this possibility in its wargaming, and have headed it off somehow, probably by taking the IG position and filling it with a conspirator. Still, it is this thing getting another front page headline, and it is one more click on its trajectory to full exposure. It cannot survive full exposure.
I am not normally a fan of video, but this one from the comments was worthwhile. I will summarize all the important stuff for you, so you don’t have to watch it. VTech was a $2 billion company. It created a tablet you give a small child which will let them take videos and pictures, call you for a video chat on your phone, and do safe web browsing. A 21 year old hacker who worked for Malwarebytes got one, found it was calling out to a company server, he hacked into the server, and pulled down a bunch of strangely large databases. When he checked, the company was basically using the tablets to build files on all of the kids with everything, parents, credit cards, home addresses, home IPs, security questions, all their videos and calls and photos and files. The company never said it was saving the data, and it did it in unencrypted form. He notifies a reporter to get a story done. The reporter cannot find a person at the company interested in the data breach, probably because like any tech company, it is an intelligence agency at the core, and the company is just fluff hired for show, and none of the fluff cares, or knows who the people who would care, in the intel op, are. The story breaks, the $2 billion company has to shut down for two months, 6 million children’s files with everything, including passwords were compromised, and a US Senator gets involved making a lot of noise attacking this intelligence operation posing as a company. A while later, the Senator suffers a data breach with compromising photos and messages of a sexual nature released, and he has to leave the Senate. CIA was obviously not pleased. Although the company broke all sorts of laws on child privacy and data, it gets a small slap on the wrist, and today is thriving, releasing “child cell phones,” “child laptops and computers,” baby monitors, “child cameras,” and so on. Your files today are starting earlier and earlier, and they have more and more data in them.
GOP Rep. Burchett: Conservative lawmakers are being blackmailed after getting drunk with an attractive stranger and ending up naked in a hotel room. What will fool you is the conspiracy can find pretty girls, who you would think would want to leverage their prettiness to marry a millionaire, and have kids, and get the white picket fence. But they do not. They want to help the conspiracy get over on you. If you are not savvy to it, you will be compromised in a heartbeat.
GOP state lawmakers draft bills to remove Joe Biden from 2024 ballots in three swing states.
Several gotaways caught on camera in Eagle Pass, Texas CARRYING RIFLES into the country. He is not bringing that here to help him get a landscaping job. Image from Q’s board:
We may be getting close. You cannot do anything to that guy effectively so long as he is supported by the surveillance. We are going to have to expose the surveillance, and get it taken down before the festivities begin.
The migrant importers feel OpSec is important:
Tucker calls out Mike Pompeo for conspiring to murder Assange.
At this point this plan is such utter shit I would not be surprised if it did involve getting Trump murdered just to fuck with everyone’s head. Not many more ways to make things worse or more bleak:
Trump asking allies about possibility of Nikki Haley for vice president. Neocon Nikki? I seriously doubt it.
Wisconsin Supreme Court tosses GOP-drawn legislative maps in major redistricting case.
Congress hunts for illegal UFO programs as the media shrug.
Creepy Joe Biden asks child to sit on his lap during visit to children’s hospital.
Angus Dalgleish: Professor of Oncology at St George’s Hospital Medical School, London:
I think the main factor will be the autoimmune component. In some autoimmune conditions, the body is producing antibodies to something on a cell surface which simply brings the immune system in to wreck the tissue. But I think in many cancers, those antibodies are special ones, binding to growth receptors and activating them like growth hormones, triggering cell proliferation. In these patients where they have gotten a remission, the immune response producing the antibodies has just died back and gone quiescent, and no antibodies means no cancer growth. But then they go and get the booster, their cells produce and present spike protein on the cell surface, the immune system gets activated against their own cells, it activates the old inflammatory process, you begin producing the old antibodies again, they begin activating the old growth receptors and your old cancer is back off and running. Probably the main mechanism. Though if he is right and the spike also activates p53, and it suppresses T-cells, and then there is SV40 in there, and there is fragmentary DNA, the effects could be much more potent. And there may be even more in there they didn’t tell us about, and which has not been found yet. It is made the more stunning as there was already a peptide vaccine technique which was perfectly functional. None of that was accidental.
San Francisco jury finds homeless man not guilty in beating of businessman left with brain injury. Homeless guys camped in front of the guy’s parent’s driveway so they could not leave, he asked them to move, things got heated, he pepper sprayed the homeless guy and tried to flee, the homeless guy chased him down and brained him with a metal pipe. Homeless guy is not guilty. Tell me it doesn’t feel like Portland, and the homeless were in the network of ground surveillance.
David Icke on Twitter is saying we are somehow trapped in a dreamworld, ala the Matrix:
Some of the truest words ever spoken in a movie. Morpheus on humans as an energy source in a computer-generated dreamworld. Yes – our simulated reality that I have been exposing for 20 years which allows a demonic force to feed off low-vibrational human emotional and mental energy.
I have been ridiculed by the mainstream and dismissed by even most of the ‘alternative’ for saying so, but some day soon humanity is going to have to face what is REALLY happening – and why.
It is not about Trump or Biden. Democrat or Republican, Labour or Conservative. It’s about a non-human demonic force that has entrapped human perception in a dreamworld to feed off its fear and suffering.
See my film The Dream for from this Christmas Eve and my new book of the same name – shipping now
I’d rule it out, but fifteen years ago I ruled out the people who said those behind UFOS, and demons, were the same thing, and now I suspect I was wrong there.
Democrat staffer has been caught praying to satan in front of the Michigan Capitol building, according to local reports. So they say it is silly to be Christian, then they pray to satan.
George Santos starts naming names in Congress. This guy is a full blown psychopath from that laugh, but he is not wrong.
Migrant groups plan to rush the border, block ports of entry in February.
Migrant encounters at southern border near quarter of a million in November: CBP.
Biden pardons all Americans on federal marijuana use charges.
Aleister Crowley was the spiritual mentor of Jack Parsons, the founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Lots of these “successful” people we hear about are arm in arm with the occult.
Migrant to France boasts: ‘Do no work, have lots of children, and live on state aid.’ They do not interview men on the street. There is a good chance this guy was running surveillance in his home country, he is running surveillance in France, and he was told to say this to produce the effect. Your enemy, the real enemy, is the conspiracy.
Slovakia to veto Ukraine’s NATO bid, will not seize Russian property.
Biden to launch expanded sanctions going after banks working with Moscow.
The Dutch government announced Friday it is preparing to give 18 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.
Ukraine can’t defeat Russia — Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico
Spread r/K Theory, because the migrant invaders have their weapons, you had better have your’s.
Please AC, don’t tell me it October 23.
I was so looking forward to this year being over. 😉
RE: “So they say it is silly to be Christian, then they pray to satan.” From Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, “As all men are touched by God’s love, so all are also touched by the desire for His intimacy. No one escapes this longing; we are all kings in exile, miserable without the Infinite. Those who reject the grace of God have a desire to avoid God, as those who accept it have a desire for God. The modern atheist does not disbelieve because of his intellect, but because of his will; it is not knowledge that makes him an atheist…The denial of God springs from a man’s desire not to have a God—from his wish that there were no Justice behind the universe, so that his injustices would fear not retribution; from his desire that there be no Law, so that he may not be judged by it; from his wish that there were no Absolute Goodness, that he might go on sinning with impunity. That is why the modern atheist is always angered when he hears anything said about God and religion—he would be incapable of such a resentment if God were only a myth. His feeling toward God is the same as that which a wicked man has for one whom he has wronged: he wishes he were dead so that he could do nothing to avenge the wrong. The betrayer of friendship knows his friend exists, but he wished he did not; the post-Christian atheist knows God exists, but he desires He should not.”
Romans 2:18-25
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
There was a time in the U.S., and I remember it very well, when Sheen was featured on prime time TV, and he spoke to tens of millions every week. That type of programming was taken for granted.
Then Hollywood, and cabal, slowly but surely chewed away at the foundations of our civilization, until an individual like Sheen would not only never be shown on prime time TV, but would be scorned and ridiculed.
We have fallen very far.
Bishop Sheen was a good Catholic Bishop who everyone knew and trusted because of his television show. He accepted Vatican II for some reason (I can’t understand why) and that assured many Catholics that everything was copacetic. I believe that’s why the juice allowed him the platform. They weren’t trying to convert people to Catholicism, so the import had to exceed those possible conversions and it worked. Most Catholics today follow a false pope in Jorge Bergoglio and a new religion in the New Order.
It seems like when I was growing up. Sheen was in almost every movie. Sometimes dad and both sons were in the move together.
Martin Sheen still shows up once in a while. I haven’t heard of Emilio Estevez in years (one of the sons; kept the original name.) Charlie Sheen has his tranny hookers and cocaine meltdown around 2009 and I haven’t heard a word about him ever since. I remember him on Alex Jones’ show right before that talking about “tiger blood” and “I love aggressively”. Then he melted down and disappeared.
Ha ha, I see what you did there, very clever. Martin Sheen chose the name Sheen as his stage name. His real name was, Ramon Estevez.
Yep. I’d forgotten his original first name, but I knew the family was originally Estevez. I think they were Cuban.
Charlie Sheen verbally attacked the Jews while on that testosterone medical cream enhanced freak out he did and the Jews black balled him. He lost probably over 500 million dollars by doing that.
That’s true. I’ll take “This powerful group of people will destroy you for saying they’re a powerful group” for $1000, Alex.
ETA – you’re a god (emphasis on a lower case “g”) amongst men if only for this tongue in cheek comment! 😉
Thank you for catching this quote! Unbelievably true. Plato called atheism a malady and taught that atheists are to be interdicted, i.e. removed from society for re-education. If that didn’t work, they were to be dispatched silently and out-of-sight. Atheists are damaged people.
A great 3/4 of the Enlightenment was an Atheist project. It taught toleration–for everybody—and now we reap the consequences.
How are you not an atheist? You attribute the Godhead to a Hebreaic goblin, volcano demon, or egregore. How is that not blasphemy, or at least a serious error?
Get thee behind me.
Yesterday somebody posted this link to a review of Leave The World Behind by Vigilant Citizen:
I re-post because it is a great review, and also to brag. I previously posted my review in the comments here, and VC agrees (much more eloquently).
The movie is just a message from Cabal to us: FUCK YOU, we won, and you stupid people can’t do anything about it.
Miles Mathis has another great review:
The Miles Mathis Committee should really stop wasting their time on all this nonsense and get back to telling us about how all the Olympic team gym girls are CIA agents like he did before. That’s what we want to hear about.
Thank you for posting that review from vigilant citizen.
WOW. Just to let the readers know–this “pay for its sins.”
Is Jewish Messianism. I kid you not. There are MANY facets to Jewish Messianism and one of those is Justice. The Jews are the Chosen and in order to bring about their Messiah, (this sorcery of manipulating events) is to “fix wrongs”. I kid you not, Tim Wise, came here to Battle Creek and gave a talk; this was during the Trump Presidency; Tim Wise is Jewish. The FIRST words out of his mouth was “They stole this land”.
Scott Adams has noticed that the word “Colonizer” is making the rounds. He also realizes that this “Colonizer” is about exacting Revenge–to kill the Colonizers.
What do you think the Russian Revolution was?
The Russian Revolution was the FULL platform of Jewish Messianism. FULL.
The Eletronic Infifada podcast uses the term “colonizers and settlers” for the Israeli Gaza conflict. That is why the Left hates Israel–it is “colonizers and settlers”.
Well, there you stoooopid goyim—Hey there WASP—You Stole this land—you ARE Colonizers and Settlers–and therefore—you are to be killed.
I also like how they show miscegenation at the end too–Black man with white woman. That too is the Elite Message! Obama is a Marxist. Marxism is Jewish Ideology. The movie is Predictive Programming! It is also what Ann Barnhardt says of diabolical Narcissists—They TELL YOU what they are going to do! It’s coming.
America is evil because it is a “Colonizer, Settler” State! This is just a reworking, a reframe of the “Oppressed/Oppressor” category of Marxism, of Jewish values. It is in the Communist Manifesto.
I’m pretty sure my children had some VTech toys, but never those tablets. I don’t think we had any that needed an Internet connection.
That hacker was impressive. He went on to hack Microsoft, Nintendo, and North Korea, where he stole the only version of the OS NK runs that the rest of the world has ever seen.
I love the Lindsey Gayham meme (that’s what I call him). I bet he watched those videos for days.
I find Icke’s views about living in a simulation plausible. I have no idea if he’s right or not, but I’ve read several of his books and he makes a good case. Icke is mostly a Gnostic and says Yaldaboath stole creation and created a bad copy and stuck us all in it. We’re all “Divine Sparks” stuck in a three dimensional prison.
Icke’s view is when we die, we are taken to a fourth dimensional prison where we experience a bad copy of whatever afterlife we believe: Heaven, Hell, reincarnation, etc. Icke believes in Reincarnation but also believes it part of the prison. In his view, we have to break out of the fourth dimensional prison entirely. He can explain it better than I can.
Icke isn’t a fan of Christianity, but knows if he wants to have an audience he better not piss off the Christians, so his writing is slightly friendly to us. He’s also not a fan of Trump.
Why on earth not piss off the Christians? Everybody else does. He just wants to influence Christians and if they knew in advance that he actually hates Christianity, they may avoid him. That is the common approach to luring Christians into heresy and apostasy.
I eat the meat and spit out the bones. Icke has done a lot of work I find useful in understanding Cabal and its operations. I ignore the things I don’t find useful, but it is helpful to understand the viewpoints and beliefs you’re likely to encounter.
The big problem with Christianity in the west is that it has been hijacked so long that what we find in our churches is really a very perverse facsimile. And no, the so called conservative or traditional churches aren’t any better. Catholicism is just a big social control network for cabal that helps them produce obedient and meek slaves and also assists them in maintaining a violent mafia to use to prey upon non cabal populations. All of the “theology” coming out of that organization for centuries has clearly been convoluted social control propaganda masquerading as religious discussion.
That’s true on one level. But there are other levels. The entire Vatican appears to be compromised, and Frankie the commie pedo homosexual has fired a few conservative bishops, cardinals, and even priests. I’ve listed to Taylor Marshall’s interview with Bishop Strickland from Texas who was recently removed. He sounded like a straight shooter. But there are still some, like Abp Vigano, who seem to still be faithful. (I am not Catholic myself). And not every single evangelical church is compromised. Many are, sure, but most in the evangelical movement are independent and not compromised. Believe me, I watch my pastors very closely, and they seem to be faithful to The Word. That’s why I continue at my church. There are still pockets out there following Truth. They may be hard to find, but they’re out there. It’s nothing but doomfagging to assume everything that calls itself Christian is totally compromised.
I have a colleague who went to John Hagee’s church for a few years way in the past. His account was worse than I thought, but we all know Hagee is bought off by Zionists.
I recently ruined a friend’s day. He told me he was “black pilled”, I said I had no use for that bullshit. You get one chance to chose the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes, or take the blue pill and go back to sleep. Great. But why the fuck would you just keep ingesting black pills over and over and over again by choice? He’d never thought of it that way, and I’m sure few doomfags ever did give the analogy any real thought.
Blanket statements make things easy, but sometimes you have to consider things case by case. God will always have a remnant, as He told Elijah he had 7000 faithful still.
Sounds as though he meets all the New Testament definitions of a false prophet.
He sounds deranged.
Meh… positing the world as a simulation is less impressive than it sounds. After all, aren’t you just proving the existence of God and of objective reality?
A simulation requires a simulator. Is the simulator in a warehouse? If you unplug the simulator from the wall, then does the warehouse disappear? If not, then both God and Reality exist.
Never understood why positions like Icke’s are better than the standard Satan and 33 angels are cast out of heaven. The earliest descendants encountered these Fallen Angels and, with their collaboration, they birthed the first Satanic empires: Phoenician, Sumerian, Chaldean, Babylonian, etc.
Also Scott Adams has postulated that we live in a simulation. He’s an atheist of course.
It’s a good way to get people to kill each other without remorse or probably do anything else horrific to his fellow men. These imbeciles who believe the world is a simulation also believe that you and I are NPCs. IMO neither David Icke nor Scott Adams believe this, but it’s convenient fairy tale to groom an army of imbeciles.
Truer words were never spoken. Respect.
Scott Adams is master of coming to the wrong conclusion by ignoring data
Re: kids’ tablets collecting data and drunken congressmen committing adultery with Cabal whores
When will people learn? This is the obstacle raising consciousness on our side, lack of CATEGORICAL skepticism.
The evil. To watch Admiral John Kirby go on about “We didn’t leave any equipment behind in Afghanistan”—and then explode upon the incredulity of the reporters hearing him say that–Kirby gaslights the crowd–John Kirby is an example of the General Class of the US Military! He wouldn’t be there without their consensus! Biden, et. al. are copasetic with John Kirby.
Just as I pointed out now that the Catholic Church is a criminal organization; that it is FULLY Marxist; I’ve sent my research to many of the intelligentsia on what Jewish Messianism is, its race-mixing agenda of rebuilding the Tower of Babel–AND NOT ONE person picks that up, from Ann Barnhardt, E. Michael Jones, Church Militant, Michael Hoffman, Edward Feser, my local bishops—The Catholic Church is totally now phucking evil—The US Military is TOTALLY phucking evil as well. We watched vids of all sorts of equipment left in Afghanistan and to see the voracious vehemence of Admiral John Kirby to the facts on the ground–you are seeing the face of pure evil.
John Kirby is THE Face of our General Class. Just as now the Catholic Church is pure evil–the US Mlitary is pure evil. We have some 43 ships in the Persian Gulf and Med to take out Iran–but ZERO US Miltary on our border. They have time to take down a statue in Arlington–busy doing Israel’s bidding over there but two coups, open Southern Border, and ethnic (war) dilution against the WASP here, the US Military couldn’t care less! Our whole environment is totally evil.
The beginning of wisdom about anything Middle East-related starts here:
This is that famous video of Afghanis clinging to a moving airplane. It is important to realize that the video is impossible. You cannot be anywhere near an operating jet engine. There is an induction zone where you get sucked in and the rear jet blast will knock you into the air. The induction zone is probably 30-40 feet around that engine if not more and the jet blast is at least 500 feet. All of those people would have been killed.
IOW, the video is fake.
Do you understand at what level of government you need to fake and disseminate a video like that?
And how far the fake and gay has gone, when there are not even fans blowing anyone’s hair from the engines pushing that massive plane along.
I was assuming that any “news” out of the Middle East was faked even in the 1990s. I’ve personally been in the Middle East and have no idea what is going on there.
I’m following the latest “crisis” there less closely than any other news story, because I’m not even sure there is a crisis.
However, the video does raise the question of whether we should be treating any “news” video as fake too.
When that incident made the cover of the Economist, it’s fraudulent nature was confirmed.
I was stationed on an aircraft carrier. The flight deck is dangerous, but there are tons of people walking around the jet engines. We did have one sailor killed when a plane swerved when going over a trap line. But otherwise, people do work under the aircraft and near the engines while they are running, though not at full throttle. That transport plane is taxing and the engines are far off the ground–more like two stories–so that is not a problem.
But they have to be generating enough propulsion to move that thing, and it doesn’t look like anybody’s hair is even moving. Looking at the video, I would believe that thing is being towed.
Plus, what is the procedure for pilots? You get in a Cessna, and you are supposed to make sure everybody is clear of the prop and then you yell “Clear!” out of the window before you start it. Procedures are always more anal than required. Wouldn’t a pilot, with the plane surrounded be ultra-anal about the career implications of just-maybe, possibly, sucking an Afghan through his engine and spraying everyone with red mist, live on CNN, and the shit he would get from maintenance afterward?
I think it is still a weird video.
Some people claimed it was an inflatable C-17. I have no idea if such a thing exists, but I saw a comparison of that picture to a real C-17 and something about it was off.
I agree with wlindsaywheeler. I worked around jets. The above is no problem.
This is a woman who works as a ramp service employee (loading bags onto planes) at American Airlines explaining the ingestion zone around the aircraft.
That’s a Boeing 737 she is describing.
wow. Never noticed before. There are no windows, like the fake windows on spook safe houses.
This UFO thing. –I’m a reader of info on the Kabbala and of Madame Francis Yates. Do you understand that “golem making” is part of Jewish thought–of creating “monsters”. That Magic is a thing in Judaism and many other religions! (Even though the Bible teaches against it, the Kabbala and Talmud are fine with it.)
In the Renaissance, both the Kabbala and the Hermetic Tradition erupted into the consciousness of Europeans. This “turning lead into gold” is part of this tradition! To manipulate the material world–is part and parcel of this “manipulating the spiritual world”; they go together.
Manipulating the spiritual world is Sorcery. Jewish Messianism, found in the Lullism and Kabbala is about this very thing–manipulating events to bring about the messiah–is just this —Sorcery. In Macrocosm/Microcosm, this spiritual manipulation led to physical manipulation in the type of “Turning Lead into Gold”. This Hermetic/Kabbalist thread, according to Yates lead to the formation of Modern Science. She is not wrong. Concept precedes knowledge, a Socratic teaching, affirms that connection.
In Prague, Jews invented stories of making “golems” that would protect their communities. Kabbala is about manipulating, calling down spirits, to bring about Power to the conjurer.
With the TOTAL EVIL that now engulfs the whole world, I have no doubt that people have conjured evil spirits into materiality, into physical being, disguised as UFOs. Just as Genesis has a story of evil angels generating with humans. No doubt that Intel Agencies are involved in this conjuring business. I have NO doubt that very powerful people have opened doors into the spiritual realm.
Lol, I find I have to thumbs up your comments because I agree with them so much or thumbs down them because I disagree so vehemently. I think you take this race and nationalism thing to a religious absolutism and maybe that is the heresy that keeps you from being Catholic and recognizing the chair has been vacant since 1958, because it is obvious and also obviously the reason why evil now is in ascendency. But, rarely am I neutral on your comments so there is that.
I’ve found out that Catholics do not take things seriously. The Church teaches all sorts of things like Virtue–yet NOT one Catholic has virtue!
Ohh, I’m a true Catholic–it is you who are not, neither is Krugman or any body else for that matter in The Church.
God is the God of ORDER. What does Order mean? Discipline and COMPLIANCE. –religious absolutism anybody?
You’re a Gnostic. Liberal Catholics–and all Catholics today are liberals—are Gnostics. That is a heresy. Gnosticism is about ATTACKING Nature. Well, what is race/nation? Nature. Race/nation is the ORDER of Nature. I’m sick and tired of quoting Scripture to prove Truth, LXX Psalm 85, “…all nations whom thou has created” (i.e. God created ALL the nations of the world)–And Catholics call me a Protestant for quoting Scripture.
NO. I’m not a Protestant–its that Catholics HATE the Old Testament. They pull “God created man in his image”–And that’s it! NOTHING Else matters. Catholics really say, we don’t care what’s in the Old Testament—Love. The only thing is the Gospel of Love. –and that abrogates the teachings in the Old Testament.
You and the whole of Catholicism is G.N.O.S.T.I.C. You are heretics with Sola Gospel, you reject much of the Old Testament that you really don’t want, you are attacking Nature and engaged IN SOFT Genocide. –Religious absolutism????
You have NO PHUCKING IDEA about Virtue. Virtue must be done AT ALL TIMES. Any time anybody stops practicing Arete (virtue)–one is doing Vice! (That is Catholic teaching!) Virtue teaches Duty to one’s Fatherland. When you stop caring–is Vice. The WHOLE of Catholicism has rejected Duty to one’s fatherland; THAT is Treason. Abortion, Homosexuality are NOT the worst crimes—TREASON and Blasphemy are! Every Catholic not engaged in Duty to His Fatherland–is guilty of Treason automatically!
Arete is ABSOLUTE. It requires due diligence AND OBEDIENCE. The WHOLE of the Catholic Church is Gnostic. You are ALL Heretics, the heresy of Sola Gospel, the heresy of Gnosticism (attacking Nature), and you all have committed the Treason! You are phucking evil cucks.
Sincerely and respectfully, humility toward whom or what?
Thank you.
The word “Nationalism” is the same as “racism”. I’ve ran across the teachings of Jewish Messianism by accident. Jewish Messianism teaches, yes teaches, the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel which means DISSOLVING one nation, race-mixing, into another! That’s the Plan; google the Kalergi Plan. This is found also in Freemasonry and Communism.
What is the Catholic Church doing about this??? I ran across a deadly evil, and I’m trying to tell people about it–and nothing happens? The Catholic Church published SEVEN encyclicals against Freemasonry–and didn’t touch on its most salient error, that of rebuilding the Tower of Babel! Why is that? The biggest killers of Orthodox and Catholics have been Communists. The biggest scrouge of our day is Cultural Marxism–What has The Church done????? —Published ONE encyclical on communism! And it doesn’t even mention, again, the rebuilding the Tower of Babel in Communist doctrine!!!!
WTF !!!
I do NOT understand–Jesus said, “ONLY THOSE that DO THE WILL of My Father” will be saved. I take that seriously!
What is the WILL of The Father? —Nations/Races! God created Nations–He expects us to KEEP them. The Command in Genesis is to “Cultivate AND KEEP”. The word “Keep” in the LXX is “To guard”–it is a MILITARY TERM.
You are to KEEP. We are to KEEP. What part of that DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?
Jesus said, “What God has Joined–Let NO man separate”. The Opposite is ALSO very true, –“What God has separated—LET NO MAN JOIN”.
<blockquote> (11) In much knowledge the Lord hath divided them, and made their ways diverse.</blockquote>
THAT is the WILL OF GOD! What are Catholics doing everywhere???? Race-mixing! Expressly doing the OPPOSITE of what God wants. God Divided Mankind—THEY ARE TO STAY THAT WAY!
I’m a <i>nomosphylactes</i>. Greek for “Guardian of the Law”. That word “phylactes” is the SAME word that appears in the Greek command in Genesis to “Cultivate and Keep”. My Nation is MY Garden–and I’m to KEEP THAT!.
But, but, but why would anybody turn lead into gold when they need lead to pour down the throats of their members who step out of line?
There may as well be an unlimited supply of pretty young things to entice and entrap Congressmen and others. Look past the domestic market to willing foreigners, and to any who may be sponsored.
That oversupply drives down the price so the gals get sorted out by demand. The top ones are like the pricey escorts and the rest fall into categories from Senate cloak room to truck stop.
Look at who is selected for which jobs and why. Neo-liberal economics debases all that it touches. It takes wings to stay above the increasing tide of bullshit.
“Border Patrol apprehends a staggering 19,400 migrants in just Lukeville in just ONE WEEK – as African and Ecuadorian nationals flood the US-Mexico border.”
That’s more than a whole infantry division, every week. More than 52 divisions per year. By comparison the entire US Army and Marines are about 26 divisions. Better keep tabs on where these people are going, your survival depends on it.
More like 70-100, depending. But who’s to quibble since nothing at all is apparently being done about it 🙁
PS – I no longer recall how many divisions the US shoved into Europe in ‘44, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the figures were similar.
“Some of the truest words ever spoken in a movie. Morpheus on humans as an energy source in a computer-generated dreamworld. Yes – our simulated reality that I have been exposing for 20 years which allows a demonic force to feed off low-vibrational human emotional and mental energy.”
Icke is close here, but demons don’t feed off of the low energy. God allows them to act out their malice upon us insofar as warranted by our fallen sinful state. As we become more sinful and culturally disordered, we become more open to diabolical attack. Demons are allowed to work through us. It’s kind of like when the people in the matrix transform into agent Smith whenever the Smith program decides to use somebody.
God allows it for our own sanctification. Like being burned on a hot stove teaches you not to touch it. And the more you touch it, the more it burns you.
The answer to all of this is for each one of us to engage in the spiritual warfare. Obey God’s commandments. Fr. Ripperger breaks it down here:
Ripperberger will have you dancing with the devil, not wise.
There is a basic ontological problem with the “we’re living in a Matrix” claims. And that is, there is no way for the supposed creators of our matrix to know for sure that THEY THEMSELVES are not living in a higher order matrix, which would make their ‘reality’ just another sub-module of our own Matrix. Likewise for the the supposed creators of that next level matrix, and so on, ad infinitum. It’s turtles all the way to the bottom, or in this case, turtles all the way to the top. No creator being in the chain can ever be sure that they and their ‘world’ are real.
We might as well apply Occam’s Razor to all this and accept that God is the one and only Supreme Being and that He has created one single physical universe for us and his other creations to inhabit. You could accept that this physical world is a lower order reality that is encompassed within an ultimate higher order reality that includes God and other lesser spiritual entities, and that some of these lesser spiritual entities are evil and seek to tempt us and ‘feed’ off our fear and suffering. And you could believe that God allows this, as you said, for our own sanctification. In other words, you could accept mainstream Christian belief. And also why I believe people like Voxday and Bruce Charlton are right when they assert that giving yourself over to fear and pessimism is a form of sin. It certainly gives the demonic entities a hearty, regular feed.
All of which is why I regard Matrix/Simulation theories as simply ‘religion for nerds’. A way for nerds and atheists to invent a god without accepting that there IS a God. A way for them to hold onto their materialist world view by asserting that our physical reality is nothing more than a matrix created by physical beings living in a ‘true’ physical reality, running on a physical hardware and software made by those physical beings in that true physical reality. A way for atheists and nerds to avoid the META-physical. I think you could go as far as defining a nerd as someone that has an abhorrence of the metaphysical, and who would go to any lengths to define it out of existence.
God is omnipotent. That means, with God, all things are possible. Evil things obviously happen. Therefore, God CHOOSES to allow them to happen. It’s like 2+2=4. You can’t escape it. Read Job. Anybody who denies the diabolical is a heretic.
The Church always taught that we must discern. Jesus teaches us how to do it: “By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?”
All you have to know is that the authors of the Matrix movies are a couple of tranny siblings. Then you can understand the concept is trash.
I am not sure they didn’t trannify them as retaliation.
Not so much retaliation. More like taking care of a problem before it became a problem.
Correct. The movie is framed around occult ritual. Neo awakens, then is initiated, then secrets are revealed, then he comes into his own immanent power.
There are a couple of things going on here:
Likely, the Wachowskis got demonically possessed through their dabbling in the occult. Then, the demons trooned them simply to humiliate and degrade them. That said, they came up with some useful metaphors.
More likely cabal realized the influence the Wachowskis could have on popular culture and decided to make them marginalized and irrelevant, with a small percentage of stupid people finding their “transition” to be an endorsement of notions of gender dysphoria.
One doesn’t need to invoke the supernatural to explain very real motivations and capabilities of Cabal.
Very helpful. Thank you my friend.
10/23, dang it, they did it to you again?
Anyways, has been LA on the bar for a bit instead of TA, for me.
I’m about two weeks into the CDF NAC protocol. As a refresher for anyone who missed it, the Phase 1 protocol is 1200mg NAC & 40mg+ Carvacrol (via oregano oil capsules) & 1tsp black seed oil in the morning, same in the evening except 600mg NAC
I have not observed any obvious fungal die-off symptoms. However, my dreams have been more vivid since a few days in. And I’ve been experiencing a bit of a regular “buzz”, like a stimulant buzz not a DEW, for the past few days associated specifically with the NAC and OO. See some discussion at for some more details.
but separately from all that, I started an unofficial CDF wiki. Accessible at or, they go to the same site. is a free wiki farm. Free as in beer. I think there is a good opportunity for the AC community here to use a wiki like that to produce a searchable catalog of essentially everything AC posts here, just in a different format. is the same thing but a US non-profit instead of a UK corp.
in either case the data is basic wiki format so you aren’t beholden to those hosts. The data is expected to be Creative Commons licensed which I think is a fair match.
If there is interest here I don’t mind finding the time to set it up.
I’m definitely interested in any and all info you can relate on this.
You might want to look at and maybe add.
“The Biology of Lactoferrin, an Iron-Binding Protein That Can Help Defend Against Viruses and Bacteria”
I first heard about lactoferrin in a forum about people suffering from odd infections. Especially Lyme disease. They were using lactoferrin to break up bacterial biofilms then destroy them with Lactoferrin // Xylitol Protocol. All easily acquired at reasonable prices. I used Xylitol in a nose wash to get rid of my sinus infection along with H2O2 and Lugol’s Iodine (2%) Solution. Worked for me. They also mention Bacteriophages there.
Lactoferrin Xylitol Protocol (Simplified)
> Several gotaways caught on camera in Eagle Pass, Texas CARRYING RIFLES into the country.
I have some problems with that particular picture.
What caught be eye first was, I don’t recognize the rifle. Not that I’m a super-expert, but most stock designs are identifiable; they’re part of the marketing “brand” for a particular manufacturer or rifle line. That stock looks homemade. If it’s a real rifle, the barrel length and diameter suggest a .22.
All Central and South American countries have strict gun laws, but he somehow carried that thing all the way from wherever he came from, across multiple borders, and through Mexico. Riiiiight.
The second is, if you’ve ever tried to carry stuff in a plastic trash bag, it’s only useful for a fairly short period of time. They’re awkward to carry, easily snagged on brush or rocks, and a general pain in the butt. The size and the way he’s carrying it indicates it weighs very little – as in, styrofoam peanuts or bubble wrap. I used old clothes to stuff my punching bag, which is only a little bigger than that, and it weighs well over a hundred pounds. No way that guy is carrying more than half his body weight in one hand with a plastic bag.
The shirt, or boxer shorts, wrapped around his head isn’t doing much to shield him from the sun, and it’s not doing much to hide his face either. But it does give off that Taliban vibe, which I suspect its its main purpose.
I’m calling “fake” on that image.
.22 maybe, but that looks a GREAT deal like a pellet rifle. I have a RWS .22 cal spring air rifle that looks extremely similar. The Chinese started copying them a good while ago.
It is tough to tell what it is.
I had an RWS as a kid, back then it was $200, when a Rem 7600 was maybe $430. I had a sidelever, and the barrel had a shroud around it which brought it up to the thickness of the Remington’s. The rifle could be anything, from a 22 to a 30 carbine or a 9mm or a 44mag Ruger, though the front sight is off for that. But the fact he is carrying a rifle into the country, when every instinct should be to drop weight for the trip and to avoid the US law, makes me think he feels he will need it, and I do not see him feeling a need for an air rifle. If the pic is real (I think it is) he needs a rifle for some business.
I would say poor gang member from some place like Brazil, but I am also interested in the bag, which appears to be a garment bag. This guy has some kind of outfit he needs to take good care of, maybe a security guard outfit, maybe a Police uniform, maybe a UPS delivery guy outfit. Go back and look at the pic, and the garment bag, and then the gun, and tell me that is not ominous. Is he planning on infiltrating somewhere, and needs the outfit? I doubt this dude is taking good care of his three piece suit so he can interview at Goldman Sachs and look sharp.
Again, it is tough to tell, but he has a heavy backpack, which could be a lot of things, including ammo, a garment bag for an outfit he needs to take really good care of, and a carbine. You would think an op would have a better weapon, but who knows. Maybe he was Iranian, scrounging in Mexico and had to move quickly to make a timetable, and took whatever gun he could get. That all could be a terrorist starter pack, or the seed of some kind of planned operation for something. Is he Iranian? Is he Cartel, and DEA just really pissed off some cartel boss who sent this expendable dude north with a plan?
Nobody knows except probably surveillance, who will not do anything, and he is out and about somewhere with a rifle.
That rifle looks a lot like a Marlin 60 type of .22
GMTA. I thought the same thing, though it has no tubular mag. Then I though the old Marlin 9mm Camp Carbine, but his had is where the magwell would be. Maybe some other Marlin? Or maybe a Mexican gunsmith put a Marlin stock on something else?
Either way, watch out for the bad ass who goes to work calmly with his rifle in one hand, and his garment bag in the other, like it is totally normal!
> It created a tablet you give a small child which will let them take videos and pictures, call you for a video chat on your phone, and do safe web browsing.
Back in 2016 there was a minor kerfluffle over dolls called “My Friend Kayla” and “I-Que”. They had wifi internet and connected to a server sort of like Siri, which the children could talk to – ask for bedtime stories, etc.
It turned out that the dolls were asking quite personal questions, and that they were not only saving the answers on their servers, but they were recording all conversations nearby as well. Oh, and Disney was involved – the dolls would tell the children about Disney movies and theme parks, and instruct the children to ask their parents for them.
> Trump asking allies about possibility of Nikki Haley for vice president. Neocon Nikki? I seriously doubt it.
This would be the same Nikki Haley he appointed as Ambassador to the UN, who promptly started public trash-talking about him?
Not even DJT would be stupid enough to take her as VP. I view him taking Haley as VP about as likely as him picking Kamala Harris.
Trump has been a consistent sucker for taking politicians at face value, but I don’t know of a time when he was a sucker *twice*. If anything, he’s downright vindictive. Haley took her swings at him, and I don’t see him forgiving it.
> Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, released his 2023 “Festivus” Report, totaling ~$900,000,000,000 in government waste.
Nah, you’re completely missing the point of Modern Monetary Theory. Deficit spending isn’t bad. In fact, it’s *good* for the economy. And if you run short of tax revenue, you just do like Alexandra Occasional-Cortex suggest, and simply print more money. It’s all quite simple.
Jeez, it’s like you guys didn’t pay attention in Economics 101 or something.
> Border chaos intensifies: Calls for shutdown escalate amid surging baby syphilis, illegal encounters, and national security concerns.
Ordinary syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. But obviously South American syphilis is different. Babies aren’t sexually active, right?
A mother can give it to the child in the womb.
But that doesn’t exclude the other way.
“Neocon Nikki? I seriously doubt it.”
You think he really learned his lesson from surrounding himself with traitors the first time? The way he talks sometimes, I wonder.
I think he surrounds himself with mostly people who are approved by his command/intel-support. I think Trump is operating, probably high in the counter-conspiracy, but as an element of it, and I think he is both running decisions by it, to make sure there are no problems, and getting support orders on who to put where by a dedicated background-checking intel op. I do not think Trump is there relying on his intuition in these decisions. I think there is serious intel support behind it all, and the betrayals were either desired by the op for some reason, or judged of no consequence to the bigger objectives, whatever they are.
And I think Trump is one of the good guys, and I think he is trying to do good. I hope he is high enough he knows who is who, but he is in the hall of mirrors, and I am not entirely sure in that environment, you can really know who is who.
My guess is that there is a lot of bargaining in this. As to Haley, who really cares about ambassador to the UN? Besides, you can appoint all the best loyalists you want to high ranking positions. But it’s irrelevant when the Deep State staffers in every agency decide to work their magic. Most of them know that they will outlast any short term political appointee.
Those perplexed by Trump’s past hiring decisions have zero clue just how infiltrated and compromised our government is, and therefor no understanding whatsoever of the very real limitations on executive power. Honestly, most of them aren’t even aware of the constitutional limits on executive power.
They all ignore the required Senate confirmations too.
Trump had to pick the people who would do the least damage.
“…You think he really learned his lesson from surrounding himself with traitors the first time?…”
I said shortly after Trump refused to protect those that got him there, especially Gen. Flynn, that he appeared to be a “fake Hitler”. Things are headed exactly like Germany in the Weimar Republic. And they are. The exact same things are happening, non-responsive government. Trannies, massive destruction of values, huge financial corruption. Several States in Germany had Jews actually take over the province and start killing the officials and people, which was stopped by private militias paid for by the industrialist[this time we won’t have this because they own all the industry]. That time the Jews got a real Hitler. It’s not like the Germans had any other options. Hitler was the only path to shake off the Jews and their parasitical destruction of the whole country.
This time they give us Trump, a fake Hitler. A large amount of his picks to advise him and run things were astoundingly bad. Terrible. I don’t anyone can dispute he made terrible choices. His reasons for doing so we don’t know for sure.
But we can’t be for sure that this is what happened. It may well be that Trump is just this incompetent and the team Javanka hovering over him gave him constant bad advice and no one else was around to correct it. For this reason, he is the ONLY CHOICE. We have nothing to lose. “If” he’s a fake Hitler, then we will find out in a second term. It will be obvious. If anyone else is elected, they will most certainly be traitors to the people. So even if Trump is a traitor, nothing will change. It may be a little worse because I think law enforcement will back him, no matter how evil, a little more than the average politician. But “if” Trump is not a “fake Hitler” and being shamed at being so unmercifully manipulated last term, he could crush them.
People keep saying Presidents have no power, and that is wrong. He could unravel the whole thing by, following the money. See exactly where the money goes and uncovering it step by step. He could forcefully confiscate all this blackmail material and use it himself. I would. Publically let slip he has gathered this stuff, then put a Congressman or two in front of a firing squad. That would get their attention and force them to pass laws that give him the power to round up this scum. I’ve commented extensively on how using the same Constitution we have now, we could change the whole trajectory of the country in a very short time. The key is to change voting eligibility and then getting rid of all the special laws that work against the public. No more “special class” laws. Refuse to let the mob run things. A step by step plan for a Constitutional Republic that WE control in our best interest.
1 Get the blackmail material. Easily done. There’s lots of it going back decades.
2 Let Congress know you have it and remind those of some of what is in hand and hint at much more.
3 Shoot a couple of Congressmen, publically announce that if an impeachment vote is taken you will ignore it if it’s not a recorded vote and threaten those that vote to impeach with treason and death if they vote to impeach and are found to be influenced by blackmail. Emphasize that the amount of Congressmen open to blackmail is huge. I think the public and the military would go along with this. The press would go ballistic, but the press no longer matters near as much as it did, as everyone knows they are a pack of liars.
4 It wouldn’t hurt to shoot a couple of CIA and Homeland security officers publically. They’ve done so much harm, it would not be hard to find a few to shoot.
5 I cover changing the vote in ridiculous detail in this comment and ones linked from it. Suffice to say, no one on welfare or not paying taxes would vote. At all. Then pass laws that require juries to be made up of only voters if those accused are voters. Define “impartial jury” as voters. This would stop the savages from letting other savages murder us with no punishment.
“…Sixth Amendment
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury…”
6 No voting for immigrants. Ever, at all.
7 Massive deportation of illegal aliens, any immigrants that have taken any government aid since 1963. Stop almost all work permit visas though I would allow a few 100 thousand “if” they were bid on by companies in an auction that paid the taxpayers.
And to remind people, I actually did the math on deporting 100 million people from the US and it could be done in a timely and cost-effective manner if we decided to determinedly to do so. Less than a year costing less than what it cost to keep them here. And as Farcesensitive noted, most would deport themselves once they saw that we were determined to do this.
This link covers deportation and how that would completely bring to screaming halt the idea of having a civil war.
8 Any crimes committed with a firearm get the immediate death sentence when convicted. Hang them. Federal. The liberals are constantly using federal jurisdiction to try and pass gun laws. Let’s put their good work to use and define gun crime as a Federal crime. This would take away the advantage criminals have. Add to this generous stipulations on using guns to defend oneself as being above the law.
9 Total domination of the left by limiting voters to those who pay taxes, married, over the age of 30, etc. etc.
10 Build a huge gulag in the empty areas of the desert west where all criminals go to bring about the “Great Western Permaculture” project, terrace the whole entire desert, build canals with large solar powered pumping stations to distribute water and make plants grow there.
11 The Supreme Court said corporations are citizens and have free speech with campaign contributions. Fine. Pass a law that says if they give campaign contributions, they have to pay all the same taxes as citizens. They become people for tax and liability purposes. Including any tax breaks States give them being counted as income and let them have the same liability laws as citizens when they kill people to save money. They would the exact same legal liability as people… or they could call themselves corporations and give no political funds at all, of any sort. This would totally sidestep the crooked Supreme Court decision.
12 After reforming the voting laws Congress would now have a full House and Senate full of people WAY MORE likely to not want to destroy the country they could start passing un-earmark laws. These odious bureaucrats and evil people formulating ruin against us could be un-earmarked. If we can have earmarks, passing funds for specific purposes, we can also legally have un-earmarks, passing laws that allow NO funds of any sort for specific purposes. And these would un-earmark officials detrimental to the US. No funds of any sort from any part of the government would go to pay them, nor would any funds be spent by any organization to fund these despicable people. I think you will find that damn near all the largest amount of funds spent to destroy us comes from the same government that rules over us. Cut off their funding at the individual level and when someone is ordered to do something evil, they will refuse lest they be un-earmarked forever.
You would be amazed at how fast the country would turn around by just changing a few of the fundamentals.
> Aleister Crowley was the spiritual mentor of Jack Parsons, the founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Yep. And that’s a large and involved story, chock-full-o-crazy. Worth taking the time and looking at some of the pages documenting it.
Crowley was also the mentor to Dietrich Eckhart, who was mentor to one Adolf Hitler. Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf to Eckhart. Crowley worked for MI6.
Nothing is ever what it seems.
Nazi Germany was a Vatican and London hatched plan to destroy both Germany and Russia. Who was Germany’s ally? Italy.
I think Hitler and some of the others tried to slip the leash.
But they didn’t purge all of the enemy agents.
Goering personally cost them any chance of winning and so did Canaris.
Exactly, search “Babalon Working”, a scheme to use sex majick to bring forth an evil love-child, really wild stuff.
And L. Ron Hubbard was living with him and all in on that. See the book “Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons”
Another one of those weird books I read that covers this bizarre stuff.
Hubbard was a commissioned officer there under orders from the ONI at the time as well.
This one is twisty, with a lot of double negatives.
Executive summary: Trump is saying he has executive privilege against all the charges. Jack Smith says nuh huh. Trump has appealed it to the circuit court, which is the normal way to handle things. This will take a while, and then after that, one side or the other will appeal it to the SCOTUS, where it will also take time. All of this means that the March 4 trial will not happen on March 4. It can’t happen until this is resolved, which will probably be after the election.
So, Jack Smith wanted the SCOTUS to just take it from the circuit court, arguing that it was going to end up there anyway and it’s delaying the trial. The SCOTUS said no.
The interesting thing is that they didn’t give a reason (they normally don’t — that’s not the interesting part.) One of the amicus briefs filed argued that Jack Smith was not constitutionally appointed (no Senate confirmation) and therefore did not have standing. Remember, standing is the most common reason for courts throwing out cases.
This could be the reason that the SCOTUS denied cert, and if this is the case, it won’t take them long to rule that Jack Smith was never properly appointed when that case gets to them.
Can you see any conspiratorial reason they would appoint a special prosecutor wrong purposely, so the case, at the last minute would not have standing and go away? Might they do that purposely just to create a show, indicating Smith was appointed by someone who didn’t want to create a case against Trump?
Nothing happens by accident with intel running things.
Q controls the guy in the Brandon mask?
It is in the probability matrix.
Maybe it’s the Dems using government money to surreptitiously campaign against Trump.
Well, the existence of Two Coups, the Russia hoax (unsuccessful) and the 2020 Election Steal (successful), is that Laws, protocols, DO NOT matter! They didn’t do it purposely to throw the case–the reason is that Laws, Words do not matter–and the judges and juries that act on these cases, most don’t adhere either to Law or Word. Protocols, Following Rules are for numbskulls. We, the Elite, are above all that–We do what we want! –That is their thought pattern.
I have much more faith in simple incompetence than you do. They couldn’t get the votes in congress, so they just faked it.
I saw speculation on Telegram that Jack Smith is rushing it because he’s probably on the Epstein list that’s supposed to come out next month. It wouldn’t surprise me.
“What will fool you is the conspiracy can find pretty girls, who you would think would want to leverage their prettiness to marry a millionaire, and have kids, and get the white picket fence. But they do not. They want to help the conspiracy get over on you.”
I really don’t think that is quite it. Sure, some do enjoy fucking up your life. But what feminism has done has made women MORE vulnerable to exploitation. It does everything possible to separate them from their families, encourages them to move far away from home for college, and throws them into a workforce where they are quite vulnerable and they learn the world doesn’t work as they were told. They then realize that in order to survive and thrive they need special favors done for them. And they also learn that if they don’t comply bad things happen.
I’ve ran into a few cabal operators in my time. They are controlled. They are held between fear of bad things happening if they don’t comply and avarice of rewards.
And even if a woman was attractive enough to find a good husband on her own, she will quickly discover that she has no idea who is or isn’t involved in the conspiracy.
a substantial portion of cabal operators are coerced, and I’d argue victims of slavery or human trafficking. Somewhere along the way, someone made them an offer they couldn’t refuse. And that requires the element of threat.
Are there ridiculous thugs who just like fucking people over? Sure. But’s there’s more to it than that for a lot of people.
I don’t know. The ones I meet, and I have met a lot, seem to view the conspiracy as a family, and love doing stuff like spying on people. They seem to get off on duping people too. You can almost see the vehiculars smiling behind the wheel, and enjoying the idea they are fucking with someone’s head for no reason. And the girls all seemed like Paris Hilton, happy to be special and in the cool kid club. I do not see any who look like they are afraid, unless they think I am somehow going to pop and try to take them out.
I do not see victims. To the point I suspect they are, in part, a Mendelian project of the elites to selectively breed a psychopath army. I think if you tested for psychopathy among them, you would find it off the charts.
From what I have seen, they all seem to love it. It is very disheartening if you grew up thinking we are all Americans, and all believed in the good stuff about the myth. They just don’t.
This goes back to my contention that sadism is the fundamental motivation. Pleasure by inflicting pain of all sorts.
Too many of them do things to destroy others that also harm themselves.
They’d be better off taking a random chance that the target is not cabal and would be a loyal husband.
They never do that, we can tell because they never tell the guy about cabal and how they are defecting from it for him.
I suspect there’s probably a different line of blackmail for the women involved. Some may be bloodline like AC suspects. Others are probably tricked into sending underage pics to a Cabal “boyfriend” and are told their families will see them if the girl doesn’t comply. Or said Cabal “boyfriend” isolates them from everybody else like a good narcissist and they have no choice but to comply if they want to eat or have clothes and a roof. Just speculation, but it seems plausible.
Such things need not be mutually exclusive.
Regarding the simulation hypothesis. A couple of years ago I was listening to a radio program on EWTN, where a priest was explaining Catholic theology on the existence of the material world.
Paraphrasing, he said that all matter not only was created by God, but persists from moment to moment only because God continues to will its existence, and if He ever stopped willing it, the entire material world would vanish at that moment.
That’s when I realized, YES we ARE living in a simulation. Not a computer simulation, but a material simulation, and the simulator is God Himself!! So these anti-God types who are proposing the computer simulation hypothesis are on the right track. They are perceiving reality correctly, they just refuse to acknowledge who is the true cause of it.
I’ve often said we’re living on God’s holodeck.
Embrace tradition.
I live in a 97% white town and county. Last night was in my local and there were an unusual number of dusky customers in an otherwise holiday packed bar. I asked the gent next to me where he was from – he replied he was from “[my town]” in heavily accented English. I then asked him where he lived / was staying and he replied “main street” which is patently ridiculous; Main Street isn’t only a major route there’s only commercial space on the road
I laughed at him and asked “No really what’s he doing in town” as he’s OBVIOUSLY not a local. To my surprise he left his 1/2 full Corona and literally fled the bar; I’m FAR from an intimidating woman…
Also out of 10 or so dusky patrons 8 were wearing the exact same graphic t-shirt, almost like a uniform. Very weird and VERY out of place. All were in shape. All were younger
This was a reconnaissance mission into a perceived hostile area. Beware of additional waves and goings on…
Such Virtuous Pagans will surely save us from Clown World
We’ve effectively been a franchise of the CCP since January 2021.
Close, but the money is actually being laundered through the CCP. The original source of the funds is even worse.
However, its been obvious for years that the Democratic Party isn’t a “normal” political party, but some sort of organized crime/ intel op.
“At this point this plan is such utter shit I would not be surprised if it did involve getting Trump murdered just to fuck with everyone’s head. Not many more ways to make things worse or more bleak”
I think it will be RFK:
Biden Shafts Kennedy Over Secret Service Protection For 3rd Time