Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Google Sued By Republican National Committee
DFT – Europe’s Energy Crisis Hurting Electric Vehicle Adoption
DFT – Nouriel Roubini Predicts The Worst Crisis In 50 Years
DFT – Elon Musk Lost Over $100 Billion
DFT – Sony And Honda Team On An Electric Vehicle
Commenting and viewing individual pages is still down for now, but it looks like this will post. The host will email me when they figure it out.
ABC News investigative journalist who disappeared six months ago when the government raided his apartment was some sort of former spook, but nobody knows who he worked for. Still missing, has not reached out to anyone to say he is OK.
FOX26 viewer reports mail, including ballots left in Fresno field.
Paul Sperry:
BREAKING: Internal FBI records reveal the Crossfire Hurricane team hoped that Watergate legend Carl Bernstein would run down the anti-Trump allegations in the dossier after he got a copy of it in early January 2017 — days before Crossfire agents renewed a spy warrant based on the dossier. Bernstein never independently corroborated the dossier, even though he parroted its falsehoods on CNN for years. His Watergate partner Bob Woodward, in contrast, immediately recognized the dossier was “garbage.
Paul Sperry:
In their clandestine plot to frame Trump as a Kremlin collaborator and derail his campaign and presidency, FBI honchos Comey and McCabe and their Crossfire Hurricane crew (Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Joe Pientka, Jon Moffa, Brian Auten, Steve Somma, Kevin Clinesmith, et al) deceived the:
–FISA Court
–Gang of 8
–American electorate
–and their own field agentsIt was the most diabolically sophisticated act of sedition in the history of our Republic.
And none of them will pay a price (not even Clinesmith, who already has his law license back).
There will be no Day of Reckoning. And their primary victim, Donald J. Trump, will see no justice–all because the Washington establishment is offended by him and his populist policies
CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky comes down with COVID a month after booster shot. I am glad she was vaccinated.
Some places are mandating cows have to be vaccinated for Covid with the mRNA shots, one herd had 18% drop dead instantly, and now there are questions of whether the milk, butter, and other products from the cow like cheeses, ice cream, and yogurts will be contaminated with spike protein mRNA. Bacteria can pick up all sorts of genetic materials and begin turning out the product.
Fauci, top Biden officials forced to give depositions in COVID-19 censorship case.
Over 400 government officials engaged in COVID-19 insider trading. “And they traded twice as much on Wall Street.”
Radical cop-hating “Squad” member gets $50,000 book advance, sells less than a thousand copies. It was always money laundering.
Fetterman’s wife advertises she is bisexual.
Waukesha Parade Killer gets better media than Kyle Rittenhouse:
Red Bull owner and co-founder Dietrich Mateschitz, 78, has died, the company’s Formula One team confirmed Saturday. No word on where he died or the cause of death.
Irish commission wants pro-lifers jailed for ‘influencing the decision’ of women seeking abortions.
In Britain, a tranny with a penis strips naked on stage, dances around, and then plays a piano with its exposed penis, as the crowd cheers. I am at the point where I no longer buy this auditorium was filled with rando citizens who have been brainwashed into thinking this is wonderful. I would bet everyone there is running surveillance on neighbors, following people through grocery stores, and maybe even greeting each other with Freemason handshakes. and they are cheering because these are the lines in the scrip they were given. This thing is definitely big enough to make that entire thing a show. And I do not even think it is about making us like it. It is about making us think everyone likes it, so we will shut up and let them do whatever they want.
Meta-analysis: Individuals with nice personality traits tend to earn a lower income. Not surprising. But I will bet you it is skewed also in part by the fact the conspiracy selects for those cynics who are willing to pound on whoever they are told to and just go with it, rather than fight for the Myth and support the individualists. There are people the conspiracy can never bring in, because they will never abide by it.
General Milley – “If Ukraine falls. the rules-based international world order will fall.”
EU plans aid to Ukraine of 1.5 billion euros per month.
Based Kim
Back in business.
Except it seems to have posted immediately, with no approval needed.
AC & AC/blog daily brief have become essential start to the day.
Thank you AC for all you do to inform us…. Few more years and you’ll be in Woodpile legend status!
Thank you guys for coming. If there were no readers, I would not be here, and a rewarding piece of life would be missing.
I’ll second that, sure have missed the comments as some days comments are as good as the commentary…. Truely thankful for finding this place. #1 go to daily.
I don’t think they are there to threaten Vlad. I think they are there to threaten coke homo away from the negotiating table.
A couple thoughts on this as a former paratrooper:
First Off, the 101st “Airborne” is not truly airborne–haven’t been since some time after Vietnam. They are “Air Assault”–basically air mobile except they are trained to rappel from choppers. But for some reason they are allowed to keep the “Airborne” tab and designation.
Anyway, they are light infantry and part of the Rapid Deployment Force; but not the sort of unit that would or could intimidate a country with a military as large and (presumably) dangerous as Russia’s. Frankly, I’m not sure the US has any such unit left. It would take the modernday equivalent of Patton’s 3rd Army to make the Russian High Command lose any sleep.
Yes, the 101st is Light Infantry. What one needs there is a Mechanized Division—not light infantry. Furthermore, the Ukraine War is an artillery war–this ain’t Vietnam, nor Afghanistan. What is the 101st going to do when the shells are incoming?
To quote Heartbreak Ridge, “die in a loud, grotesque, military manner.” Or, as Gunny Highway put it in the same film, “they just get dead?”
We really don’t. More importantly, we do not have the public will to reinforce and bolster those forces when they start taking the casualties that are inevitable when you face a peer force. We haven’t even faced a near peer since 1975.
All Zelinski has to do is stage a false flag that kills a few Americans and the gloves come off🤔🤮
I’m not sure that works anymore. I think that was supposed to be the plan in Afghanistan (bomb the airport, kill some Americans, “oh noes, now we can’t pull out, we have to stay and avenge this.”) If they do it in Ukraine, no one cares. If they do it here, we can’t admit that it is terrorism, because the US public would blame our DHS, not Russia.
FYI—AC not appearing in Feedly newsreader since 21 Oct. Maybe RSS feed broken or changed?
Thank you. I had to update for security reasons, so there was no getting around it. Once I did, the site had some sort of issue with the program which handled scripting (whatever that is. I really barely understand any of this, as I never use it). It may be fixed now, I hope. But in the meantime, I seems to have lost a few settings.
I only missed yesterday. I don’t use feedly though, I use an RSS reader that’s local on my device and checks the feeds from there.
This is really cool….. annnnnnndddd REALLY not needed. Fact is that basic BDC reticules like the ACSS can get you most of this functionality for nowhere near what the cost of this thing is going to end up being. Seriously, yes in an infantry-only battle, this thing would be outstanding kit to have…. but we don’t do infantry only battles anymore. We’ve had combined arms since at least WW2.
The army has singed us all up for the new SIG .277 cartridge and it’s nine pound DMR-as-general-issue rifle because it wants the 12 pound belt-fed machine gun that comes with it. I can understand the logic, even if I think it unnecessary. But this thing is probably gonna cost between $10K and $15K per, and is gonna be bolted onto how many MILLION guns? Not just rifles, but that 12 pound belt fed would get one, too.
US military’s new magic rifle optic
I’m glad the comments are back.
I just got done listening to a long interview of Martin Armstrong by Laura Lynn Thompson. If you click on the link, you willl think it is ninety minutes, but fortunately it is “only” forty minutes, the first forty minutes, then Thomposn does her normal podcast.
The link to the interview is here:
The main takeaway is that Armstrong is expecting a wave of sovereign debt defaults, most likely early next year, starting in Europe and with the USA holding out last. He says none of the governments are trying to control their spending or raise funds because they all just plan to default. I don’t know how you even prepare for that.
He talked about the elections, and started to indicated he expected a GOP House majority, then said there was really too much at state for the cabal at this point to allow anything like that.
The economy WILL meltdown after the mid-terms. The Democrats WILL CHEAT openly. The military really is the only way, which will mean martial law.
Chris Yoon – What to expect into middle-ish of 2023
Plausible take of economic collapse and martial law next year, and matches with what Martin Armstrong predicted in the video I posted.
The problem with all of these is that you can never tell about the timing. I think the Cabal will have to come out in the open at some point in the next twelve years, and honestly I don’t understand why they launched their own “special operation” and long transitional period in 2020, instead of just finishing the job then. I think they could have implemented their system in 2020.
I think we will see a scenario like this, but I don’t know when. Btw, the “military” is comped at this point and I’ve been critical of Trump restoration scenarios on this site in the past on this site, I think for good reason.
I’m glad you put military in quotes because there’s no way to know just who will end up in charge of this should it happen, because it sure as hell won’t be the joint chiefs. My money is on a one star or even full bird colonel stepping up, but that’s a wild-ass guess.
As for Trump’s return, it’s not in question, it MUST happen. 2020 has to be fixed or the country begins it’s disintegration. The United States is now too politically fragmented to survive intact without that happening because the truth is that the right wing holds all the real power here – the left wing cannot actually force anything without the right wing institutions like the military, which will not follow them into true civil war. The left wing controls the bureaucracy, the courts, but in the end the actual trigger pullers won’t side with them.
Also, I have backed off trying to predict the mechanisms that will be employed because we’ve all been wrong up until now every time we’ve trying to predict something. Heck Durham just proved that there will be no justice in the civilian courts when we were told to trust him over and over. Whatever literal miracle is about to take place, it will be something that no one is prepared for or expects because no one knows the mind of God.
And I disagree about the timing. The reason that Cabal uses problem>reaction>solution is because it’s the only way to implement massive change in a politically digestible way. This is the first time our side has used it, and for the exact same reason – economic meltdown gives us the crisis required to force a true audit of the Fed. The vaxx is going to cull the population, and is already so obviously doing so that the entire Big Pharma system can be exposed, investigated, and finally dismantled. The pentagon setting up biowarfare labs all over the world will force a reckoning, and ultimately it will all combine to force the US military back into the Western hemisphere where it belongs.
Now, we all knew that all of this was broken decades ago, but now it’s so blatant that the normies can be sold on the idea of dismantling it all even despite the bumpy road that it will require going down, because honestly with everything collapsed they will have nothing to lose.
We’ve been praying for this for my entire adult life – to forgive our sin and heal our land. Heck, I was in seventh grade when I first heard of this, and I doubt it started in the 90’s.
Transformation Season | Tim Sheets
Lowell, this is an astute, helpful comment. Thanks. We all benefit from the discussion here in ways that enable us to consider or cope with what is to come. Proof, yet again, of the quality AC has built here in his comments section.
“Whatever literal miracle is about to take place, it will be something that no one is prepared for or expects because no one knows the mind of God.”
Some of us might have an inkling or two.
I suggest paying attention to movies more, to “frivolous” coincidences, even in movies you might naturally assume were commissioned by Cabal for some propaganda purpose. For example, when Marty McFly returns to 1985 at the end of the movie, he wakes up the next day, on 10/27, and when he wakes up, his clock first reads 10:27, which…probably means something.
I also advise you to lurk (do NOT comment if you happen to be a white nationalist, please) the Conspiracy Alley subforum at Lipstick Alley. Along with Anonymous Conservative’s blog and Miles Mathis’s essays, plus the old Rigorous Intuition message board, Conspiracy Alley will go down in history as one of the most important websites ever.
Long story short: Time travel is a reality.
Along with SOOOOO much more.
Prepare to have your minds blown.
In a good way, the best possible way.
God actually often repeats his miracles. He doesn’t often innovate in that respect.
Prophecies talk about all the Miracles that God is going to do.
AC btw just dipped into Scott Adams. He seems to be going downhill.
Living in California, the bubble butt wife, getting cancelled and most likely, the vaccine, seems to be getting to him. Sincerely hope he doesnt go downhill like Tory Smith
Clot Adams is no Tory Smith!
“Contrary to our expectations, our data suggest that it is liberal—not conservative—men who engage in increased political aggression after experiencing threats to their masculinity.”
True in my observation. One who is secure in masculinity can wear pink shirts or grow their hair long and it makes not one bit of difference, whereas for those who are insecure in their masculinity it would come across as “possibly gay”.
It’s self evident as to why this would tend to break down between conservative and liberal to readers of this site, and so the “contrary to expectations” says a lot about the prevailing assumptions of the folks doing the study (based on the headline…I am not on twitter and so could not read the study)
Residential contractors will also be aware of the special handling required for the “insecure husband” who is rich enough to hire you (therefore an alpha) but doesn’t own a hammer himself (therefore a beta), and your presence is inconveniently calling attention to the latter.
“special handling for the “insecure husband”” cracked me up! Such a great insight into the residential contractors world. I can imagine rolling up to one of these homes with the big-shot owner puffing out his chest, bragging about how much everything there cost him, etc, just to compensate for the fact he is incapable of fixing or building anything himself.
On a serious note, there is an entire generation, or two, now of men who have been unmanned by the system. They’re not all rich assholes. It’s much worse than that because the Cabal infiltrated and subverted Education and our entire political/social structure to divide and conquer independent, strong men, raise Feminism, promote gay/tranny world, etc.
Anyone got good ideas about how men get their mojo back? How kids get taught skills? Practical solutions for right now and for after the Storm?
I have not received emails of AC for two days.
Good to know. The upgrade may have knocked out emails. Now that we are back up, it seems to have changed a bunch of settings.
See if you get it tomorrow, if not I will have to dig into it.
AC’s back!~
Re: Vanessa Hudgens witchcraft. Possibly related topic to that was a discussion I think I saw here a few days/weeks ago about Giselle Bundchen’s witchcraft to help Tom Brady’s career. He lost badly to one of the worst teams in the league today. I thought about that a lot.
A lot of Christians warn against getting involved in anything occult yet simultaneously act as though it’s all just silly fairytale-level stuff. Even though I really doubt God would warn so strongly against it over and over in the Bible if it were all just silly. In other words, I believe you can and will contact demonic entities who may do things on your behalf plus will give you all the evidence of your own five sense that what is happening is ‘real.’ Of course, it will always come with a price and it will turn on you in the end.
also see… Aaron Rodgers?
Plenty of fraudsters out there. And real Magick involving demons.
You probably saw this already; but if you didn’t… (I haven’t gotten all the way through today’s briefing yet. Might even be in your links already.)
“The billionaire owner of Hobby Lobby says he is giving away his ownership of the company and cites his Christian faith for the decision.”
Can we take this at face value, or is there more to it? He sites the liberal Patagonia founder, who recently gave away his company to “environmental trusts,” as inspiration.
“Well-meaning attorneys and accountants advised me to simply pass ownership down to my children and grandchildren. It didn’t seem fair to me that I might change or even ruin the future of grandchildren who had not even been born yet.”
Par for the course. Billionaires all spend “their” money on the same things, nobody does anything a little eccentric that the others don’t do. Here’s another one, who of course spoke approvingly of Bill Gates and ended up hiring people from Google instead of independent talent. They don’t behave like individuals, but like soldiers in an army.
Melanie Perkins (age 35) – Co-founder and CEO of Canva.
Perkins and Obrecht were originally based in Perth. Perkins claims that she was rejected by over 100 local investors in Perth.[6]
Some of these gatherings took place in Silicon Valley where Perkins and Obrecht met Lars Rasmussen, co-founder of Google Maps.[14] He expressed interest in the idea but told the founders to ‘put everything on hold’ until they found a tech team of the calibre required.[6] Rasmussen then became the tech adviser to the business where he introduced Perkins and Obrecht to Cameron Adams, an ex-Google employee with the relevant technical expertise.[15]
Perkins took an interest in kite surfing when she discovered many prominent venture capitalists use this as a way to network with founders.[6] She would regularly kite-surf with venture capitalist Bill Tai.[6]
In 2019, Obrecht proposed to Perkins on a holiday in Turkey’s backpacker-friendly Cappadocia region.[23] The engagement ring was $30.[23] The couple have been critical of materialism with Obrecht stating ‘what is the point of hoarding stuff’.[24] They have expressed a desire to donate most of their fortune to charity.[24] […] In November 2021, they joined the Giving Pledge, committing at least half of their fortune to philanthropic purposes.[26]
Perkins estimated net worth is A$9.21 Billion (US$6.5B) as per Forbes Report.[29]
A graphic design business for social media? $6.5 billion?
so Xi has become Emperor For Life in china, just as the prophecies foretold. I mean that literally: I knew he’d a) become The Bigg Dogg by 2010 and b) he’d abolish the term limits to become Emperor. I knew this no later than 2007. now I’m just a ordinary random guy with an internet connection, how’d I know this? simple: I read it more than 3 times on the internet, written by or quoted by people I’d learned to trust. but these guys were nobody special, they didn’t have access to TS stolen CCP internal documents or such like, they just seemed to me to be guys who were pretty much on-top-of-things.
so the Xi thing was a done deal no later than 2005. and for those tempted to get all excited & impressed about chinese inscrutability and wisdom and long timeframes/patience, let me remind you that a) chinee mansses are even more greedy and scummy and halfass than any standard western banker and b) chinee mansses is a fucking commie, which automatically makes him 10 times more incompetent and corrupt than a human being and c) you’ll recall back in 1989 when all the smart guys KNEW japan was gonna take over the world. they were so smart! so wise! so patient! so detail-oriented! they had a shitload of Picassos & Van Goghs and a billion $$ worth of bearer bonds up in Nakitomi Tower!!!
but JapWorld didn’t happen, did it. 95% of japan’s whole economy was based upon – as many many people damn well knew at the time – was entirely based on the price of Tokyo real estate, which was hypothecated to the moon, and was used as security for…. buying more jap stocks! even a random guy in the US could see it was gonna flop when he read about the (a)(1) small gas station in a kinda shitty part of Tokyo that was the sole tangible foundational underpinnings for a $20,000,000 stock portfolio – and this was in 1988 dollars.
so Japan fropped hard (and still hasn’t come close to getting back to where they were) but not before us Murrikin rubes sold them a shitload of trophy USA properties and real-estate (Rockefeller Center, the Pebble Beach golf course, etc) for about 5X what they were actually worth. {properties the japs had to very very quietly sell back to the stupid yankees for a dime on the dollar when the music stopped}{oh woe! Okamoto losee muchee FACE!!}
{fun fact: the Kuwaiti National Trust – IIRC, I’m 80% sure it was Kuwait, if not them then Bahrain – their national investment arm bought the Chrysler Building back in 2007, give or take, for a cool $billion. that investment trust is managed and staffed and run by the sons & nephews of sheiks, guys who allllll went to Oxford, who alllll got their doctorates at LSE, guys who allllll wear $5000 suits and $400 ties and $1500 handmade shoes. OK? those guys. Guess what? evidently those guys, the $5K suit brigades, couldn’t be bothered to do any homework, because NYC’s Cooper-Union Trust owns the ground the Chrysler Bldg sits on. And when they decided to fuck the hajjii tenants a coupla years back, jacking up Rent On The Ground to $40MM/yr, the Kuwaiti Nat’l Trust saw the handwriting on the wall, and regretfully sold the CB. for about $120 million. an 88% loss. so not only had the clever inscrutable wisdom-of-the-East $5000 suit battalion not managed to make any money for poor poor Kuwait, they had somehow found a way to piss away a mere 900 million bucks. so you’ll pardon me if Worthy Oriental Gentlemen don’t impress me much}
yeah yeah, I know: “and birth is a curse and existence a prison, Benny. tell us something we don’t know” OK. here’s the thing: 1) Japan’s very temporary ascendancy was entirely based on smoke and mirrors and bullshit, I strongly suspect china’s is too. for one reason, because that’s how things have always worked in that part of the world. for another, ‘act muchee plentee tough when yu are secretly weak’ is a well-known chinese negotiating strategy, and that’s ALL they’ve been doing for the last 8 years now 2) the kind of person who knew about Xi’s lifetime coronation plans back in like 2002 – before I did – is someone who’d be really plugged in to the machine. someone like, say, the chairman of the joint chiefs. and NOW the POS cocksucker scumbag CJCS is saying shit like, “the rules-based international order WILL FALL” 3) if a relatively minor item like ‘Xi’s coronation’ was all pre-scripted years ahead of time, then logic would indicate big major stuff would definitely be, right? ignore the ‘if’ part of Milley’s speech, the key words were ‘will fall.’ I never thought I’d write this, but Tex Arcane may have been right: It’z Coming, boys. tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
You seem to not be taking into account that Cabal has actively been waging a war on Japan. Japan was up there high in terms of productivity, innovation, and quality of work. A Japanese made Lexus or Honda still beats anything made in America, even out of Japanese made factories.
Your boasting about Japanese investors losing money in American real estate to cabal’s swindles just proves that all of the propaganda about American business success being due to honest law and courts is complete bullshit. And buttresses the claim that the worst thing that can happen to a country is to be America’s friend. We’re a gangster shithole, ran by gangsters, controlled by gangsters, entertained by gangsters. With a small minority of armed “patriots” running around professing their love for a country that ceased to exist generations ago, laughably pretending that they will defend their freedoms while they’ve sat placidly surrendering every institution of their country, convinced that they will prevail in a civil war when none of them even know who it is they’d be fighting. Hell, most “armed patriots” couldn’t even tell you who is running their town, county, or state. Only the top 10% could even name politicians, and of course that’s irrelevant because all of our politicians are installed PR puppets.
Problem with a shame culture vs a guilt culture is that in a shame culture it’s not considered wrong when no one is looking.
Guilt culture is only for the little people in the US. The US is run by people whose subculture is: nothing is wrong if you have the power.
Fortunately no-one gets away with it.
The crash coming to China is that the entire society is based on rock bottom, slavery level wages. As their people demand higher wages, they will become less competitive and eventually collapse. The whole Biden deal where somehow they managed to land a real blow on China by banning companies from working on AI capable chips might accelerate that a lot.
This is NOT closure. It’s a TRAP.
VR has gone too far(CGI recreation of dead loved ones)
Like Hollywood, South Korea is a major cabal propaganda arm. At this point, I would call it the Hollywood of Asia. The RoK is where they tested 3G, 4G, and 5G. There’s a reason why Samsung makes the top-tier smartphones and TVs.
It’s also no coincidence that the South Koreans so quickly became a Christian nation. Note that until recently, Korea sent out the second most missionaries in the world. I suspect the drop is because so many of the Korean churches’ staging grounds have been moved to the US. Unfortunately, cabal/CIA involvement post-Korean War kept the nation from becoming a 100% Christian stronghold. Or else Koreans would have relentlessly brought Christianity to their former Japanese occupiers for a spiritual victory.
The RoK is still a major spiritual battleground. But unfortunately, the vast majority got vaxxed and someone recently told me the birth rate is at an abysmal 0.8. God help the Koreans.
What we’ve learned in our Awakening is that America was infiltrated and subverted by the Cabal. All the countries we “protect” with our occupation forces are satrapies of the Cabal – Japan, South Korea, Germany. All corporations and people pushed by these countries and promoted to us are Cabal assets. It all feeds the Eye.
True. The crux of my point was the small group of broken people who experienced a nation-wide Christian conversion who could have become the first new awakened Christian nation in Asia. The tragedy was that this very potential was so quickly subverted by Cabal in the 1950’s-1970’s to prevent Christian nationalism from taking hold. Instead, Cabal planted the seeds of a second Hollywood and a testing ground for panopticon-tech, of which we have only begun to see the fruits of in the past decades. Broken third-world country on the brink of Christian nationalism to a near-first-world Cabal propaganda arm with international reach in approximately 70 years.
russian (or any) jets… cabal (not “us”) controlled chips…
RE: yet another plan to cut up California guaranteed to fail
The West Virginia model was declared unconstitutional but allowed to stand as long as it compensated Virginia for the loss of territory and granted water-rights concessions, IIRC. Having grown up bouncing between the SF East Bay and Modesto I can sympathize, but frankly I don’t see this plan working.
Merely cutting out a few counties to create NEW CALIFORNIA will NOT fix this problem – the California needs to be divided into at least five parts. Ideally Oregon and Washington can be divided as well. I can’t see this happening under any other circumstance outside total martial law because the likelihood of getting this many legislatures to agree to even the idea of breaking up the bedrock of the Left Coast Blue Wall is just too silly to even entertain as a theoretical.
Breaking up California is something that must be FORCED onto Sacramento at gunpoint, because Sacramento will NEVER agree to it willingly.
The State of New California Takes One Step Closer to Being America’s 51st State
Sounds like the mrna is to ensure forced veganism and vegetarianism.
The only way to hold bureaucrats responsible is to make sure that they have unlimited power over what they are tasked with.
No procedures. No protocol bullshit. Nothing to tie their hands to allow them to avoid Accountability.
They have power and they do whatever is necessary to accomplish the task.
If it worked for Ancient Kings and Emperors. It will work far better than the Prussian Post office model which become the unaccountable cancer they are now.
They have unlimited power over their responsibility. So they are absolutely accountable.
The true checks and balances lies in the Sovereign.
That goes for the President too.
“Checks and Balances” are a lie to give all involved a chance to point fingers at everyone else.
The only check needed is a mechanism for the speedy removal of the ruler and the reversal of whatever act caused the removal.
Were it not for the fact that the President is right now only a “Ceremonial” role.
So removing the President as it stands doesn’t actually remove the “True Sovereign”.
But the sovereigns never actually left. We’re supposed to believe the power of the Monarchies faded sometime after WWI and what bloomed is some Republic with popular control, but, really, the Monarchies simply share power with the Bankers.
You can’t use systems to fight evil.
There’sa reason they went for Owen Benjamin early on in the cancel culture..
China Congress Ends As “Dictator For LIfe” Xi Stacks Inner Circle With Loyalists
Now we find out what he really stands for.
So a chinaman wakes up and sees that he is ruled by these Chinese men instead of being ruled by a Jewish man in a dress or a crackhead son.