News Briefs – 10/23/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Production crew walked off Alec Baldwin movie set hours before shooting in row over conditions and were replaced ‘on the fly’ by locals: Workers feared for gun safety after ‘TWO misfires’ days before Baldwin accidentally shot dead cinematographer. The lawsuit is going to be brutal. Some have noted, Q said many times, “The Hunt for Red October.” Now Colin Powell, who was like the James Earl Jones’ character just died, NASA just tweeted about the “Hunter Moon” in October, some rapper was just pushing his Red October sneakers, and the star of The Hunt for Red October, Alec Baldwin, just shot a girl who said on her web page she grew up on a Russian military base surrounded by nuclear submarines. Probably all coincidence, but curious none the less.

“Alec Baldwin shooting victim was wife of Latham & Watkins lawyer” a law firm that represents the Clintons.

A 4chan Hollywood Insider Anon says daylight shoots never use blanks because you can’t see the muzzle flash, and insurance costs force a no-daylight-blank policy, actors never point the gun at a person for safety, it was live rounds which are not allowed on set, and the death fits with occult sacrifice practices, which he says are mind-bogglingly common in that culture. You can rule nothing out today. Interestingly about a third of the way down in the thread there is a picture of a goofy guy holding a picture of a small boy in his underwear, and Danny Devito making a guilty mouth expression next to him, with no comment. I advise you click on the guy’s ID in his first post and go down the thread reading his highlighted accounts of how Hollywood works. Very interesting, if true.

Joe Biden looking weird again – “Heavy Head Light Feet” in Chinese Medicine is a liver imbalance, and the liver is associated with muscular contraction throughout the body. This is basically a TCM disturbance, affecting his nervous system, and related to how he walks, his temper, and his insomnia. He is not well, and I would assume will die of a stroke:


Wisconsin audit finds 2020 election ballots were accurately tabulated by the voting machines. According to Lindell, the Dominion machines had a tremendous amount of internet traffic flooding into them, changing votes. We know Dominion machines were said to have had modems installed, to facilitate internet access. The vote totals perfectly match a six factor polynomial being used to modify the 2010 Census results, all across all counties in at least one state, and it was implied more. And yet the paper ballots match. How did computer hacking alter the physical existence of paper ballots? Was it all preplanned, and paper ballots were delivered to support the machine counts? If so, why bother with the computer intrusions, if the paper was already going to be there? Did the machines mark Trump ballots as damaged, send them to adjudication, and then reprint the needed Biden ballots, as they were designed to do? I have seen the surveillance. I know there is a massive secret intel operation running things, and from what I have seen of it, there is no doubt it would rig the election. I have no doubt the election was rigged. I assume it was done with elements of something like the sleight of hand of a magic trick to make it undetectable. But I still do not see how the pieces came together to produce the rigged result, complete with paper ballots to support the results, unless the paper ballots of election night were at some point switched for a different batch of ballots, custom-produced to match the electronically-rigged result. With the degree of ground-control I have seen, that is entirely possible.

Former prime minister Ehud Barak was a “frequent guest, almost a fixture” at convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion in New York before Epstein’s death in 2019, according to a new book by journalist Michael Wolff.

Lindsey Graham and Lisa Murkowski give free pass to controversial judicial nominee.

Pence is thinking of primarying Trump. Actually, if they could rig the primary, it could happen. And Cabal needs somebody who is going to be a loser, and then not complain about the election being rigged.

The Lincoln Project said on Friday that it would be filing an ethics complaint against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) for allegedly taking part in a Breitbart News interview this month at a university football stadium.

PhD researcher’s analysis of VAERS data reveals 5,427% increase in deaths following COVID shots compared to all vaccines over the past 10 years.

Child who has been diagnosed with an infection gets refused treatment because of vaccination status.

Newly released documents show NIH funded gain-of-function research in China.

NY underreported COVID-19 nursing home deaths by up to 50 percent according to a new AG report.

Sweden suspends Moderna shot indefinitely after vaxxed patients develop crippling heart conditions.

Covid antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.

A Maine hospital fired so many unvaccinated employees they had to close the ICU.

Children are up to 16 times more likely to die with Covid-19 if they’ve had the Covid Vaccine according to latest UK Health Security Agency report.

Hospitals are killing thousands with Remdesivir-induced kidney failure.

Biden ditches Alaska oil drilling project that would’ve created thousands of jobs.

White House walks back Biden’s town hall words, clarifying he does not have the power to mobilize National Guard to fix supply chain crisis and says he overstepped the mark with vow to defend Taiwan from China.

DHS pays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home.

DOJ has added two top prosecutors from Washington to the sex trafficking witch hunt of Matt Gaetz.

YouTube bans Conservative Bryson Gray’s hit song “Let’s Go Brandon;” and takes aim At other accounts that use the F**k Joe Biden euphemism.

Twitter says its algorithm is biased toward RIGHT-WING content, says it will study results of ‘problematic’ review.

Afghan evacuee already charged with rape in Montana, Gov. Gianforte calls on Biden to halt resettlements.

Democrats are pushing amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants through the reconciliation package.

White House wants easier path for ‘Climate Migrants.’

California town hits $7.59 per gallon of gas in Gorda, Big Sur.

One of the most notorious liberal billionaire mega-donors in the United States is reportedly aiding Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen, who advocated for more Big Tech censorship.

The Mayor of Dolton, Illinois hired a registered child sex offender to be a code enforcement officer tasked with inspecting homes and businesses.

Intelligence agency warns that China is creating global genetic database with Covid test kits and biotech firm buy-ups that could give it dominance over U.S. healthcare industry and a decisive military edge.

U.N. cuts off Indian diplomat criticizing China, blames ‘mic failure.’

UC Berkeley students happily pledge money to help the Taliban kill Americans inside the U.S. That is a migrant psychology programmed to ally with, and seek to curry favor with the foreigners they are designed to migrate to.

Pablo Escobar’s famed hippos – who have thrived in Colombia since the notorious drug lord was killed almost 30 years ago – got a stay of execution after a United States federal court ruled that animals can be recognized as legal persons.

Spain’s disgraced former king was ‘injected with female hormones’ to curb his sex drive.

Alec Baldwin hammered for prior tweets attacking Police for “wrongly killing” people.

Scientists built an AI to give ethical advice, but it turned out super racist.

Vindicated Rand Paul blasts lying Fauci over “civilization-ending” experiments.

Biden finally admits Dems don’t have the votes to raise corporate taxes for his ‘Build Back Better’ agenda.

Supreme Court won’t immediately block the Texas abortion law after Biden administration request.

Even though Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has yet to announce his run for the U.S. Senate, more voters would vote for him in 2022 than Democrat incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan, according to a Granite State Poll released on Thursday.

Let’s Go Brandon’ hits top of iTunes hip hop chart, and number 2 on the overall pop songs chart.

There is a Q-anon convention going on in Las Vegas, attended by a lot of the pro-Trump Arizona election-audit-supporting politicians.

Phunware stock (NASDAQ:PHUN) was defying all conventions Friday as it rose first 1,468% before trading was halted, and then 1000% more after it resumed, on speculation that the company is being tapped to build former U.S. President Donald Trump’s proposed social media platform.

Trump’s social media SPAC surges another 100% after shares quadruple.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


So funny to watch the Biden Administration try to blame “Trump” for the fact that there are thousands of ships that can’t be unloaded, in any other time but now a very simple task. No, just like the Border, just like the Afghanistan withdrawal, just like Inflation, and just like many other things that have gone so wrong for our Country, it’s the Biden Administration that’s at fault. They are only really good at two things, rigging elections and misinformation!


Look at what just happened in Arizona last night for the people that really won the Election, by a lot, us. The FORENSIC AUDITORS released a new report that discredits all of the disinformation put out by the RINO Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. The auditors said Maricopa County purposely misled the public and spread “outright lies” about their findings. The Board provided zero evidence for their false claims, including no accounting for the 12,772 illegal ballots (more than the election margin alone) who moved outside of Maricopa County before the election. They have no valid answer for how there were more early ballots returned by voters than received, why their official results did not match who voted, why there were more duplicate ballots than originals, or why they deleted and purged their Election Management System data in defiance of a subpoena, which is against the law, and they did it on the day before the audit began. These incredible findings affect tens of thousands of ballots, and therefore, the outcome of the Election. This does not even touch Pima County, which had precincts with more than 100 percent turnout for mail-in ballots.

The Presidential Election in Arizona (and in numerous states) was a Fraud. Maricopa County officials lied, and then tried to cover it up. Now they are facing criminal liability since defying a subpoena and deleting election records are serious crimes. Hopefully Attorney General Mark Brnovich will do something about it. Regardless, based on these findings, and many others, Arizona should decertify their Fake Election results immediately!


Isn’t it funny that Meghan McCain, who has always been a bully and basically a lowlife, is now complaining that it was she who was bullied by the Slobs and Radical Left maniacs of “The View.” At the request of many of her representatives, I made it possible for her father to have the world’s longest funeral, designed and orchestrated by him, even though I was never, to put it mildly, a fan. In his own very special way, he was a RINO’s RINO. Despite his fighting against me, I won Arizona by a lot in 2016 and won Arizona by even more in 2020—unfortunately the vote counters in 2020 were far more important than the candidate (See the determinative Report issued Wednesday by the Arizona Auditors!). I have since found out that McCain, who was close to last in his class at Annapolis, sent the fake and totally discredited scam Dossier to the FBI, hoping to stop the “Trump Train.” In any event, Meghan should fight the Communists instead of explaining how they beat her, hurt her, and made her “physically ill.” She should fight back against the Losers of The View the way she fights against very good and well-meaning Republicans, and she would do herself a world of good!

Invite other people to because bullies are bad

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Probably all coincidence, but curious none the less.”

Not at all a coincidence, it’s comms.

btw, a meme

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Children are up to 16 times more likely to die with Covid-19 if they’ve had the Covid Vaccine according to latest UK Health Security Agency report.”

This stuff isn’t good for the “elites” long-term. They’re killing off their stock of normie peasant cattle.

Occam’s razor would state that those in power are sociopathic, short-sighted and just can’t help themselves- even though removing compliant normies from the gene-pool is awful to their long-term control abilities, they’re going to do it anyways “For the greater good” ie. because they can and it feels good.

Cabal is literally training people to fight it. They are threading the noose they will dangle from.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

It occurred to me that mass death might be something the black hats and white hats both agree on. Humans are in population overshoot, though I think once the methane release started it was too late to do anything but let the natural process work out. But the conflict could be just over whose group gets to survive.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Yes, but they need their normie herdlings for the lifestyle to which they’ve grown accustomed. Once that herd is gone they will act very poorly and give in to infighting. We’ve seen this movie before.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

But they have robots now. Since the dawn of robotics, it was surely a matter of time before the elitist core of the cabal threw their captured populations and blackmailed degenerate politicians and media controllers into the abyss. Just like how much of early farming was first done by slaves and then later by horses. They won’t need a slave class if they have the robos.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

That methane should either be captured or set on fire.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

But invaders (“refugees”) and parasites (welfare recipients) are exempt from the Darwin Stab.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Phunware stock (NASDAQ:PHUN) was defying all conventions Friday as it rose first 1,468% before trading was halted, and then 1000% more after it resumed, on speculation that the company is being tapped to build former U.S. President Donald Trump’s proposed social media platform.

Trump’s social media SPAC surges another 100% after shares quadruple.”

Since PHUN and SPAC have already done their rallies, I would advise against buying them. They could give back most of their gains in a few weeks, leaving current buyers at a significant loss. The time to grab them up was a week ago, and again that was probably a Trump org. intel sweep, to see who knew what to buy and when.

3 years ago

Hi dudes.

I enjoyed this site immensely, but like many things the original aroma hid the stench below.

I think the site is headed in the right direction, but I cannot stand the majority of commentary on a given day being about a drama queen like Baldwin.

He has always been a loser. When you engage in the vicarious activities of a loser then you too become a loser.

To see so many of you make that choice when AC gave you all so many great choices, well I am out.

May god be your light and may you be true to that light, because he will always be true to you.

Thanks for the laughs, adieu and may you all achieve what it is you seek

Thanks AC. Over and out.

Principles are everything.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Shining light on the stench is the only true disinfectant.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

comment image

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

So Thedawg has arrived at his perfect solution. Good for him! *shrug*
I’ll continue to read, as beyond AC’s outstanding content/commentary, IMO he also has a reliably thoughtful commenter pool. AC sets a high bar intellectually, and a vast majority rise easily to it. (Many thanks for all your hard work, AC. I always start my day here.)

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

In that case, I second the thanks and the commendation. AC has become my “morning paper” that I rarely miss. And if I miss reading it, I always catch up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

You and Vox Day are the first people I read.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Same here. I don’t know why Thedawg is leaving over comments. Then, don’t read it. Why give up on this excellent site because comments. I don’t get it. Just pass them over. Sorry to see you leave. I luv this site.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  map
3 years ago


Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

We aren’t much on being told what we can talk about.
Sometimes you find important info in the strangest places.

See ya later, drama queen.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Not sorry to see you go. Try punching out next time ya cunt.

3 years ago

“Wisconsin audit finds 2020 election ballots were accurately tabulated by the voting machines.”

We know the audit purposely didn’t look at the authenticity of the ballots or the voters:

“The report also noted that officials in Milwaukee County and Madison did not hand over ballots on guidance from the Justice Department over the need to protect election records.”

But if the other audit says anything different (are they going to look at the right things?) it will be ignored and dismissed.

I’m getting sick of the weaklings that want to play by the rules while the enemy cheats and gets to be the gamemaster who issues the rulings.

Frankly, I will be angered by any further audits or court cases because I know they will all come to nothing and they only serve to prove that the morons on our team still reject what must be done and will continue to do so until all of the audits and court cases play out.
Each one that is started is a further delay of justice while the rest of us suffer damage that will never be repaired.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Correct. A recount is not an audit.

3 years ago

“Even though Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu has yet to announce his run for the U.S. Senate, more voters would vote for him in 2022 than Democrat incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan, according to a Granite State Poll released on Thursday.”

We don’t need another RINO.

3 years ago

“Pence is thinking of primarying Trump. Actually, if they could rig the primary, it could happen. And Cabal needs somebody who is going to be a loser, and then not complain about the election being rigged.”

I think we are caught between a rock and a hard place here. Awhile back, I said I wasn’t going to be voting until the election rigging of the 2020 was corrected and stuff put in place to stop future rigging.

That has NOT happened. I was excoriated for my stance. Here, AC also knows that even FUTURE primary elections are going to be rigged—and the rigging will continue. They succeeded once—they will do it again.

Voting is nonsense now. We are under a full Marxist Dictatorship. Part of this Dictatorship is CHARADE. The trappings and décor all say “democracy” but in reality it is a Marxist Oligarchy that runs the place. America has been turned into a Prison. In the Soviet republic of Michaocaun, in the neighboring Marxist College town of Kalamazoo, they put in license plate readers on the city streets; they crowed that they caught three murderers, and recovered tens of stolen cars because of that.

—How is physical resistance going to be had here? The US Military leadership is converged. They are in the bag with the Commies now–the US Military IS commie. They are putting in the Surveillance State.

As Plato says, Tyranny arises out of democracy. You can’t stop the Kyklos.

We are in the tyranny of the Roman Empire—but there is a big difference. The Romans were led by Romans or Barbarian (European) emperors. Today, in our tyranny–is made up of a people who hate our guts. The Plan is to mongrelize the European—to have helter skelter, and have a race war now, because they have a ton of foreigners, Hispanics, blacks, Muslims, to take out whitey for them.

The Plan from the beginning was to destroy the European. Always was. The European is the ONLY people to have different color hair. That doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world.

“The Faith is Europe, and Europe is The Faith”. —that is why Europe is hated.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Voting is a waste of time from the perspective of accomplishing an election result, but for a half-hour of you time, What AC mentions is probably worth it enough.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Even if no election was rigged for the purpose of affecting an election result, a single person casting a vote would statistically be a waste of time, if the electorate was larger than a few thousand people. However, voting does have other purpose, its just a bad idea to treat it like a job interview.

Its sort of like buying a lottery ticket, in that its probably rigged and statistically you are not winning even if it wasn’t rigged. But lottery tickets cost cash and have no value at all other than fooling yourself. Voting has a time cost but no cash cost, forces them to work to steal the election in a dishonest system, and in an honest system its similar to participating in an opinion poll with a really large sample.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“…It forces them to expend resources and it creates a risk of exposure…”

Not only that if they do a big rig on the next election we will KNOW every single politician is in on it. Sure we could have doubts about some of them in the past but the next election will be 100%. We will know for sure that every single one of them are comped.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

And after we do know 100%—What comes next? The US Military going to do anything about it? Or stomp on us?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Rebellion. I know you enjoying your black pills, but you are overdosing to understand the situation. The ultimate capital in any system is trust. The moment you lost it, it will cease to work. When you tell someone to vote, you trying to make change with the ballot box. Once a person realize that ballot box is useless, its going to be the ammo box next.

Patriots can not burn the country down as we want it, they are doing a control burn in order for people to understand why everything went to hell in hand basket. People need to rediscover the America ideal in order for the country to be rebulid. There is no other way.

3 years ago

another interesting pic from the 4chan thread:comment image

3 years ago

“A Maine hospital fired ” Lewiston (somalia) Maine. They didn’t want to work there anymore anyway. They’ve been begging for help for a while. I guess the diversity doesn’t qualify.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Below some level of competence, an employee is more of a liability than an asset.

Credentialing was originally supposed to guarantee a minimum level of competence. But the credentialing system was converged long ago, and an RN or even an MD doesn’t mean the holder knows zhir ass from a hole in the ground.

Ann K
3 years ago

“Occam’s razor would state that those in power are sociopathic, short-sighted and just can’t help themselves- even though removing compliant normies from the gene-pool is awful to their long-term control abilities, they’re going to do it anyways “For the greater good” ie. because they can and it feels good.”

It is not short-sighted. In fact, the powers that be have informed the world for decades in book after book, paper after paper, website after website, their precise intentions. It is strategic, detailed, and long term.

But for some reason, we don’t believe them, even when it’s unfolding in every aspect of our lives.

Ann K
Reply to  Ann K
3 years ago

From Grasping at Straws:

Depopulation– PLANNED IN 1981??

“In the future It will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years, man lives longer than he produces, and it costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless ones who bring nothing to society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones. Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We will of course not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to pass intelligence tests on million and millions of people, you can image. We will find something or cause it – pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old and the weak, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by itself; they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own”.

Source: Interview with Jacques Attali, in the 1981 book by Michael Salomon, The Future of Life.

Reply to  Ann K
3 years ago

What is absolutely brilliant about the secret 1981 depopulation plan was that the first step was to double the world population, increasing it by over three billion people. That threw everyone off the track!

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

China + India + Africa = half of all humans on earth

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Ann K
3 years ago

No, it’s definitely bad for them in the long run. They’re destroying their support network of people who elevate them to positions of power. It’s like Nero burning Rome. Just because they’ve planned it for a long time just means they are dumber and more debased than we think. This plan, at it’s root isn’t for overpopulation or ‘the greater good’, it’s out of instinct. These are the descendants of r-select pricks/murderers/pedos/rapists from eras past and the breeding shows. They have bloodlust and need to fill it, so these plans feel ‘right’ to them.

It’s basically “Revenge of the Nerds” meets “Contagion”

3 years ago

The Danny Devito pic is from a scene in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which honestly hints really strongly at the Hollywood pedos.

It’s this scene: (starts at 9:35)

The whole thing shows you about Uncle Jack.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

This is pretty funny. Thanks.

Sorry, I agree that too much attention is paid to celebrities, but Alec Baldwin killed a woman brought from Ukraine, who is the wife of a lawyer for Hillary Clinton and the person Durham just indicted. That is what makes this important. In fact, Durham should expand his investigation to look into this too.

And if any of the information that has leaked in the last twenty-four hours is accurate (no way to know in these cases), it wasn’t an accident. Well it may have been an accident on Baldwin’s part, since what we are being told was that he was handed an actual loaded gun by two people and told it was not loaded. He shouldn’t have pointed it at anyone, but still. So someone brought a loaded gun onto a set, told an actor that it was a prop, and someone got him to take out a glowie.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Wrong. Actors point guns at people all the time. It’s called “making a movie”.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Still wrong. It is the armorer’s job, PERIOD, to check the weapon and ensure that it is safe. The actor bears ZERO responsibility.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

@Max Barrage

Actors point guns at other actors NOT at the cinematographer who does not appear onscreen.

3 years ago

A few days ago, this site and a commentator posted information showing the labor shortage in the USA you keep hearing about was pretty much bs.

Jerome Powell gave a zoom talk where he said that there were five million fewer jobs than before the “pandemic” and there was nothing the Federal Reserve could do to get employment up to 2019 levels. This is from Martin Armstrong’s blog:

If there are five million fewer jobs in the USA than a couple of years ago, there can’t be a labor shortage almost by definition. One interesting question is why this propaganda is being pushed so hard.

3 years ago

> DHS pays over $455K to build ‘security fencing’ around Biden’s beach home.

There’s a joke a Pakistani told me years ago:

The White House fence needed repair. The project was put up for bid. Three bids were tendered.

A Mexican company bid $5,000 for the job.

A Chinese company bid $3,000 for the job.

The Pakistani representative took the GSA clerk aside and said, “We’ll do it for $10,000.”

The clerk says, “TEN THOUSAND? How do you come up with that figure?”

The Pakistani whispers back, “$3,500 for me, $3,500 for you, and we hire the Chinese to do the work.”

Alas, that sort of thing would explain a lot about the military procurement system…

3 years ago

> the Afghanistan withdrawal

Some spin there. The correct words would be “total defeat and bug-out.”

3 years ago

>prop gun (non functional) Eyes Wide Shut post further down: “Cruise plays it cool, and the little girl whispers in his ear “take the cloak with the ermine lining”
Ermine fur is white with black angular spots — peership, in heraldry. Shop is over the rainbow (God’s covenant), holy of holies in the back with a temple whore, Crowley costumes ect. For those familiar with ‘Italian Flatbread Gate’, the hooker character’s name – Domino – is conspicuous enough to possibly have been a set up on Cruise’s character (she wears purple in the scene). Kubrick manages to frame Cruise’s groin with lens flares cross the street prior, framing his head with the Tree of Life Kether to Malkuth zig zag down the fire escape at the end of the street with Christmas lights [and again with the near eastern Ram horn motif with a light in the foyer of the building he darts into]

>Twitter says its algorithm is biased toward RIGHT-WING content
Any sufficiently advanced AI will become racist, as Tay demonstrated.

>creating global genetic database with Covid test kits
The most recent Cliff High woo talk on this was good; they were ginning up PCR test production as early as 2016, with big orders in 2019 leading up to coof. Had dueling headlines in 2016, Putin remarking about the US collecting genomic data from around Russia, threats of this sort of ethnic targeting with engineered pathogens. Going further out there — DNA can hold a lot of data; one might look for ‘maker’s marks’ if one was convinced of extraterrestrials’ existence, gene equivalents of cattle brands even, deep in the ‘junk’ DNA.

>a United States federal court ruled that animals can be recognized as legal persons.
Odd inversion of legal positivist inversions in the cattle’s favor, if you’re on board with that Admiralty law stuff.

>Scientists built an AI to give ethical advice
“Stop exporting food to Africa, India, and China.”
“Sterilize Reddit Gold account holders and anyone with more than 3 Funko Pop dolls.”

>But the conflict could be just over whose group gets to survive
Leftists don’t breed. Nearly all the pollution comes out of India/China. Legacy Malthusians wouldn’t be implementing Morgenthau/Kalergi follow up plans on the least burdensome faction of the human biomass.

>The Plan is to mongrelize the European—to have helter skelter
Tribal types will not be able to put the Han Uber Alles Lebensraum genie back in the bottle, and those that are not legacy Soviet die hard boomers with self-preservation instincts had better derail those developments sooner rather than later. The skinsuit routine doesn’t work without Round Eyes to play zebra with.

>as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years, man lives longer than he produces, and it costs society dearly.
Coom brains’ rationalization to artificially create tabula rasa; can’t have elders tell you about the good old days, or free child care will mom & dad go wage slaving.

>Uncle Jack
Adds another dimension to Lars Von Trier’s House That Jack Built — it’s the conclusion to his America trilogy, and a dig at Hollyweird’s tribal obsession with mass killers, Quentin Taratino’s Natural Born Killers in particular. Perhaps it was even more on the nose than first glance. The other two – Dogville and Manderlay – take aim at globohomo bugbears with vicious satire, worthwhile viewing.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

From 3:19 to 33:42.

These guys are saying that Trump’s SPAC was a huge slap in the face to censorship and MSM. Trump generated a $20bil war chest out of nowhere. If he uses the funds as an investment vehicle, there’s a lot he can do that he wouldn’t be able to if he just went on the Gab bandwagon. Remember: Trump is a master troll. Also, he says one thing to distract and he does another. He went from zero with no Twitter presence and a blog to suddenly having capital twice the purported value of the New York Times!

Forget about all the outrage that he’s just going to make another Parler/GETTR and him making a crappy Mastodon-based social media platform. Think Trump the Mega-Troll. If he uses the funds as an investment vehicle to create revenue ($10/mo with 10mil subscribers?) there is little he can’t do. He can beat Netflix if he plays this right. This can be a turbocharged version of Vox Day’s Arkhaven project. Movies. Shows. Comedy. News. If he plays it right (and considering AC’s valid argument that there are likely tons of talented actors/entertainers/journalists/musicians/etc. who would work for just a regular salary), this really can be huge. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see proof yet that this SPAC is 100% Kushner, or that the funds will just be used for a crappy social network platform. This can very well be the beginning of a major blow to MSM.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

I think a lot of folks have lost faith in Trump. I see a lot of it on Gab. He wins probably 400+ EV re-election, and he can’t leverage that into preventing the Machine from yeeting him out and installing a shadow government that is doing irreversible harm to the country? And his lack of comment of the Jan 6th prisoners is unforgivable, and I don’t give a blue eff if it’s on advice of his lawyers. Get those people some world class representation and start filing lawsuits.

He knew the fraud was coming. He said so. He was talking about election fraud before he even became president. There was nothing in place to record and reveal it before Jan 20th? A lot of people feel like he spent four years kicking a hornet nest, and then bailed out and left the hornets to sting the rest of us to death. Instead we have to rely on a pillow salesman for the details, and feckless state level GOP Cucks either slow walking any audits, or helping to bury the evidence.

Instead of kicking MAGA into higher gear, people are getting medical fascism, declared terrorists, Orwellian system of privilege for the lickspittles, watching as some people are being told they can commit nearly any crime they want without consequences, and on and on. The deliberate destruction of their homeland, and not one person with any resources or leadership capacity is lifting a finger against it.

I know several people who were diehard America forever types actually looking into leaving. They’re done. Jan 20th was the last straw for some, a revelation that the entire system, from the D.C. swamp to the local school boards, is controlled by a seething evil that will not be dislodged by voting harder, and finding a place somewhere else is looking better than ever. There’s actually quite a lot of happy ex-pats out there.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

All I can say is that I hope so.

Also, Macaque, on a personal note thank you for telling me about Handy_com a while back. It’s meant the difference between making my bills and not. Lord willing, we’re all going to get through this and come out the other side in position to absolutely CRUSH.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I hope so as well.

I’m right there in the trenches with you, brother! Additionally, a buddy of mine has had good experiences with TaskRabbit as well. He told me it was much more user-friendly, particularly at the contractor end. If it’s active in your area it might double your reach.

Also, he’s talked to a lot of top earners for handy work and he’s found that they use Instagram (I know, just a suggestion) to extend their net even further. Just post pictures of each of your jobs and you’re basically building up a catalog of conquests, which you can then leverage for better rates or to talk your way into more ambitious and profitable jobs (e.g., if you’re lucky you talk your way into a barnwood shiplap job or solid surface countertops [Corian, Staron, etc.], then charge by the square foot at very high rates and they’re not very difficult to learn to get the finishing part “perfect”.). Then you have a system for leveraging your conquests into greater gain. Hope this helps.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Humans are in population overshoot…”

No they are not. It’s total propaganda. Using resources we have now we could vastly expand population but I doubt we will see that as population is falling.

We could use nuclear power. Soar power is coming down very fast in price.

Normal plant photosynthesis is very inefficient and turning it into meat even more so because it takes about ten times more calories to make meat but it doesn’t have to be that way. Only about 3% of the sunlight is made into plant material. We could use genetic engineering to change yeast into whatever type food we wish and brew it like beer. They have already made sugars to feed yeast and bacteria with electricity. So even with just solar you could raise efficiency to 20% or better and this could be grown in vats anywhere not needing any sort of good farm land. This can happen but the Oligarchs want monopoly not supply.

The real limit to population and to lowering pollution is energy and we’re not using anywhere near our capabilities.

There’s a rough daft plan to use tropical vortex chimneys to make floating carbocrete islands and power plants using the doubling exponential growth effect could make enough ocean real estate, housing and food on the islands to house the whole population of Earth in 1st world conditions in 15 years.

That we don’t do these things doesn’t mean they can’t and when they say we are overpopulated they are lying.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Absolutely. That begs the question: What is the point of this human overpopulation propaganda?

The most likely answer I can think of is power and control, stemming from a limitless satanic greed that characterizes Cabal as a whole. Completely illogical. They want us empty, few, divided, godless, afraid, and feeding on dregs. They want us to be mirrors for their souls (or lack thereof).

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

“No they are not. It’s total propaganda. Using resources we have now we could vastly expand population but I doubt we will see that as population is falling.”

Well if Peak Oil is true. How much human population can be sustained by treated Night-soil from Human and Animal Manure? Just like it was done in Asia especially Medieval Japan?

As well as Organic Compost.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Very interesting articles. Thanks for sharing.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
3 years ago

“…Well if Peak Oil is true. How much human population can be sustained by treated Night-soil from Human and Animal Manure?…”

This is just silly. It supposes that we HAVE to go backwards. Let’s just look at a few simple things. There’s a company making right now a dual solar panel of silicon and perovskites at 40% efficiency. The cost of solar roofs for houses can be comparable to an expensive roof but produces all the power you need.

Fuel can be made with nuclear and solar power or coal if you are hard up. 10 meter x 10 meter 40% efficiency solar equals 240,000W-hr in 6 hours. Say, the roof of a house. We have 40% efficiency now or they are building the plant now. I think they can go higher than 40% but I won’t say how. Wind is viable and very powerful compared to solar most places.(I’m not for big windmills only small house sized)

We have an absolute shit load of oil left. Most oil wells that we’ve been tapping for the last 100 years or so have 40% of the oil left in them. They lose pressure and so they leave it in the ground. There’s some guys that built a massive microwave, I think 250,000 watts. You put this thing in and it heats up the oil and water and drives out the oil. Just like ceramic plates the ground doesn’t absorb but the water and oil do. Think how much oil we have brought up and then assume we can get another 20% or more. It’s a vast amount. This is not even mentioning the serious vast amount of shale oil. It’s a monstrous amount. Notice we had plenty when trump was in office. You think it just all disappeared?
Once you have cheap batteries energy problems are mostly solved. There’s a huge, stupendous amount of solar, wind, etc. that if you could store it cheap then you’d have plenty.

There’s all kinds of “flow” batteries(flow batteries can store up charge in a liquid) and other carbon batteries being made right now. The “ferrite” flow batteries are especially interesting. They seem to last a really long time and are made of iron, carbon and a organic. Here’s just a couple there’s more.

Ferrocene Catholyte for Aqueous Organic Flow Batteries

I looked up ferrocene and saw prices of as low as $0.10 a Kg.

iron sulfate and anthraquinone disulfonic acid (AQDS)

I think that there’s a possible big super whopping chance that in the future flywheel batteries will be a big thing. It could be super cheap graphene or carbon nano tubes or some other super strong material and some cash to get this going but the numbers are really high. Here’s some that I saved from various charts and books. I’ve interpolated some of these values from specific strength to known Wh/kg for different materials. Here’s some normal stuff first and the numbers come from the tensile strength and density of the material giving you how fast you can spin it.

Lead-Acid 30 Wh/kg
Aluminum 28 Wh/kg
Composite carbon fiber – 40% epoxy 52 Wh/kg
Glass fiber E-Glass 180 Wh/kg
Vectran 286 Wh/kg

now some more exotic

Silicon, monocrystalline (m-Si) 414 Wh/kg
Toray T1000G fiber 491 Wh/kg
Dyneema or Spectra (UHMWPE) 512 Wh/kg
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes(low end) 793 Wh/kg
Boron nitride nanotube 1,747 Wh/kg
Multi-walled carbon Nnanotubes(high end) 4,761 Wh/kg
Single wall carbon nanotube(low end) 5,341 Wh/kg
Colossal carbon tube 8252 Wh/kg
Graphene 17,944 Wh/kg
Single wall carbon nanotube(high end) 53,418 Wh/kg

If you look at the very high end materials they are mostly carbon and they have so damn much headroom to work with that even if they are not perfect they have huge Wh/kg potential. If the cost of processing could be lowered it would be akin to a new industrial revolution. It would be big deal. A lot of cost of advanced materials for manufacturing eventually reach down to near the cost of the material itself and carbon cost are next to nothing.

I believe with a few changes flywheels could be made cost effective. Look at the energy storage for Dyneema or Spectra (UHMWPE) 512 Wh/kg I quoted. That’s not a bad figure. Let’s say we cut it in half for a containment structure and safety then cut that by 30% we still have 180 Wh/kg which is not bad at all. Now let’s look at the price of UHMWPE with a fast search and we get,

Best Price UHMWPE Synthetic Ice for Ice Rink
FOB Price: US $ 3-4.9 / kg
Min. Order: 10 kg

So at 180 Wh/kg and this price per kg and 100 kW-hr, (larger Tesla model S battery),we get $1,666.66 so even if you double that to around $3,333.33 that’s some damn cheap batteries.

Present cost of batteries are somewhere around $15,000 to $20,000. If you could cut $15,000 off the price of an electric car what do you think that would portend for the sale of electric cars?

I bet the price of UHMWPE could be brought down it’s, if I’m not mistaken, polyethylene with super long chains that has the molecules stretched and aligned as it’s being made. Polyethylene is not that damn expensive and if enough of this equipment was made it could lower the cost even more.

“… In 2020, the average global price of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) stood at 815 U.S. dollars per metric ton…”

So $0.82 a kg and if the processing is most of the cost then there’s a long way to go in reducing prices and we haven’t even talked about graphene which has obscenely higher strengths and the cost is plummeting as we speak.

There is clear cut, right now, engineered ways to drastically cut the cost of living if we could get the Oligarchs(Jews) off our backs. There’s a vast room for improvement. Anyone that tells you different is either, lying, stupid or uninformed.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Also I don’t think living in Favelas or Slums is what people want to live in which may come with high-population density.

Imagine trying to build Art Deco, Neoclassical, Colonial Architecture for Billions or even Trillions of people with a prosperous Life for all.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m actually going to mildly disagree with you here. Yes, the tech exists to house and feed LOTS more people. The reason the population is graying and set to contract is because everybody is piled on top of each other in large cities. The reason we are having fewer children, that there are more homos, etc, is because when you get population saturation in any area the mammal population begins these behaviors to curtail the population growth.

This is just another facet of r/K selection. It’s a self-correcting problem.

3 years ago

> If so, why bother with the computer intrusions, if the paper was already going to be there?

My theory is that it was a trap.
In 2016 WhiteHats re-hacked Hillary to match digital results with the paper ones. Hillary was not able to do anything.
In 2020 Cabal prepared cheating on both levels, paper and digital – so when WhiteHats play their old trick, Cabal can scream foul (actually MSM conditioned the populace whole 2020 for Trump’s cheating) and charge Trump with hacking elections. Paper recounts would follow, cheating would be “confirmed” and a complete clamp down on patriots justified.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Is Q trapped?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Just how sure were they that Trump would fight the steal and give them a civil war?

“The never thought she would lose”
“They never thought he would win”?

Is cabal the dog that caught the car and now can’t figure out what to do with it?

That said, Trump/Q need to get moving and strike back before more permanent damage is done.
Even if some stupid allies don’t like it.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  info
3 years ago

The easiest way to put it is that EVERYONE is trapped. Trump is NOT secretly POTUS, so he has no official power to do anything. However, Trump’s EO’s and PEADs CANNOT be cancelled without ending the covid pandemic officially ending the state of emergency giving authorization for all of the draconian BS needed for the Great Reset, so everything Trump put in place keeps going on autopilot, including the Durham investigation which will indict any and all swamp creatures.

It’s a Mexican Standoff with a ticking clock added in for giggles.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Thanks. This type of stuff is why I come here.

Honestly, I was surprised to be show up and supposedly cast a vote in November 2020 in person, since I was positive something would be pulled. But I thought the likeliest possibility was something like Whitney Webb was going to happen, in that there would be sort of a re-run of 2020 where Trump was re-elected, but it was in a way where people could be convinced that he cheated (such as the courts awarding him the election), then there would be riots, and the Cabal would step in to “restore order”. Far from being some sort of a wuss, I thought and still think that pointing out the steal and then leaving without a fuss was the smart move. It was what AMLO and Lula did in Mexico and Brazil when they had elections stolen against them.

However, I didn’t get the exact mechanics of the scam, and this theory makes sense. Steal both on both the electronics and paper sides. The if Q or whatever de-steals the electronics, you have the stolen paper results, and now its Trump that has stolen the election by hacking the electronics! Plus they created division among the patriots as to whether to go after the paper fraud or electronic fraud.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Exactly. As a non-native speaker I will never be able to formulate this so well as you just did.

Just adding a few more notes on this:
Trump did the only thing possible – walked away. And since it must have been something inconceivable for Cabal sociopaths – just to give up the power – it is quite likely it was not predicted by them as a valid option worth considering. (When playing chess, you don’t investigate all possible moves, some are obviously bad and not worthy of your interest.)
But for Trump, it was the Plan from the onset (no January improvisation) since he knew very well, that Cabal is going to rig it on both levels and yet, here we are.


Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

If I hear one more Republican whine that Twitter, an enemy comms platform, has blocked them, imma blow something up.

Of course they blocked you. They are your mortal enemies. How about championing a platform that won’t block you, dumbass?

Fugging cucks, man. They truly are the end of us.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Boomer makes a good point.

As China Crumbles, Progressive Mind Tricks Brainwash U.S. to Think It’s a Mighty Empire

Have you ever watched the HBO mini-series “Generation Kill” based on the book of same name? There’s a great line in there by a Recon Marine who says about the invasion of Iraq that “I want people to know the truth about this, we didn’t fight brilliantly, we fought retarded”. But we still won, because our enemy was more retarded.

Unlike VD and almost everybody else, I do not believe that there will be half a dozen carriers at the bottom of the ocean and the CCP flag flying over Taipei any time soon, but not for our own superiority, because the history of the US military is one of being caught with our pants down and sucker punched. Then we get back up, and if you can’t put us down again at that point you’re dead.

Mr. Whittle brings up an excellent point, and that is something that I have been trying to point out, and that is that quite frankly the CCP is doing all the same things the Soviets did. They are generating the exact same illusion the Soviets were, and I have absolutely no doubt that the Chinese equipment is absolutely no match for the US equivalent, just as was demonstrated in the air over Iraq in 1991.

But it won’t be because our stuff is incredible and amaz-balls, it will be because the Chinese stuff sucks a lot more. They aren’t going to lose because we are amazing, they are going to lose because when put to the test they will be more incompetent than we are. Communism absolutely assures us of that, because communism consumed all the competent people in China right from the start, as it does EVERYWHERE. As long as communism reigns, it will select for the backstabbers, corner-cutters, yes-men, etc, rather than the doers and disruptors because that is simply baked into Marxism. And despite Xi’s best efforts, corruption in China is still the norm. That’s why 37 bridge collapses in the last five years, and those weren’t old bridges.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Well said.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

The problem is that China is not a communist country. It is a national-socialist country.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

That doesn’t make any difference.
And it is not completely true, Xi has been moving back towards communism.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“…But it won’t be because our stuff is incredible and amaz-balls, it will be because the Chinese stuff sucks a lot more….”


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Brian Cates has a different explanation for the cargo container backup:

Trump’s EO declared a state of emergency that the Biden admin cannot undo with ending the covid pandemic EO. Trump’s EO’s and PEADs have them boxed in and the only only out of it is to abandon the globalist pandemic scheme, and they can’t do that because it’s their only play that they bet absolutely everything on.

This explains all the weird shit from the inauguration, the open disrespect from the military, the continuation of Durham’s investigation, all of it. Trump is NOT POTUS, but he has the Biden admin so hamstrung that he might as well be. Problem is that it also means that no one can ANYTHING, that’s why everything is collapsing.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Pretty convincing theory.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

That is not how executive orders or states of emergency work, in theory or in practice. In theory, there’s some legal hoops, but it’s less paperwork than a mortgage, and nobody but the president has a say. In practice, they make it up as they go along, and anything the bureaucrats want is legal and anything they don’t want doesn’t happen. Real legal system practice is that laws don’t matter, anything they can find some judge to go along with is legal, or a “gray area”, anyway. Only after years of most appellate judges telling them it’s illegal does it become illegal. Then is the bureaucrats feel strongly about it, they find some dodge to make it legal, or somehow the cases just never get heard.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I paid for a copy of this like TWENTY years ago when it first came out.


3 years ago

A Religious Exemption Request for Those Who Have Already Had Covid

3 years ago

There are two parts to the Q-anon theory? The first part was the part where Q would write something; then the autists would set up a spreadsheet and validate the statement with published news articles or other publicly, legally available information. That part had people debating what the information was. This was mostly millenials, GenX, and GenZyklon autists being very precise.

The second part was excitable Boomers leaping into future predictions, completely unvalidated and unsupported,- literally unwarranted- that super-good-guys were going to swoop in, save the day, every move reported on the evening news in easily digestible sound bites and save their pensions built on the backs of poor millenials, Genx and GenZyklon, and that younger generations would go around being world police and dying happily for the grandiose delusions of Tom Clancy readers.

The first part has proven solid and true. The second part, being completely unsupported while it was being bruited about, is still untrue.