News Briefs – 10/22/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



Waybackmachine has returned from being down for several days but *some things* appear to have been memoryholed.

Fullsized image

Report: Secret Service didn’t know Crooks was armed before he opened fire.

Nathan Wade reveals ex-lover Fani Willis planned Trump prosecution before she took office.

Fani Willis’s lover Nathan Wade admits to multiple White House meetings during prosecution of President Trump in Georgia.

Five men who were wrongfully convicted in the so-called Central Park Five jogger rape case sued Donald Trump, alleging that the Republican presidential nominee defamed them by claiming they killed someone and pleaded guilty. I remember seeing the Detective who worked the case say he had no doubt they did it, but after they finished raping the girl, they left her near death, and then some degenerate came along and raped her. He later ended up in prison and needed protection, so he worked a deal with the Muslims, which all of the five had joined, where he would confess, reveal his DNA was a match, and he would exonerate all of them and in return the Muslims would protect him. Now if they get an anti-Trump jury, which Cabal will seek to impose, they could walk away with hundreds of millions, basically stolen through the court system, from DJT.

Democratic strategist James Carville said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that he and host Ari Melber will be arrested if former President Donald Trump wins the election.

31,000 mail-in ballots requested at ineligible addresses – in one swing state, Wisconsin. 

Brad Raffensperger says Georgia will accept overseas ballots for 3 extra days. In 2020, all 900 military ballots in Fulton County went to Joe Biden, supposedly.

Four days after Election Day is the over/under for when Fox News will likely declare a presidential election winner, Arnon Mishkin, the head of the network’s decision desk, said.

Voters in Georgia, Texas & Tennessee report voting machines flipping their selections.

Elon Musk blasts dishonest MI SOS for having more registered voters on voter rolls than eligible voters: “Shame on you for blatantly lying to the public!”

Liz Cheney faces growing scandal after expert exposes key J6 evidence as, “Likely Fake.” Handwriting expert says a note central to the event, which one of Cheney’s witnesses claim she wrote was actually written by someone else. Shows the anti-Trump witness was full of shit and was nowhere near the decision-making process.

Cabal command gets the skids greased for their asset’s ascent:

State judges in Michigan and North Carolina on Monday rejected the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) separate challenges to certain overseas ballots in the key swing states from voters who never lived in the states.

Around 4.6 million records associated with Illinoisans in over a dozen counties – including voting records, registrations and death certificates – were temporarily available on the open internet, according to a security researcher who identified the vulnerability in July.

Dems are so fearful they’re now in the Trump-is-worse-than Hitler stage as Election Day nears. The hardcore ideological democrats are starting to feel kind of like the borderline girlfriend, who so needs to be the focus of your attention, she does not care if the attention she gets is genuine love, or horrified shock and hatred. If the nation elects Trump, it will be kind of like ignoring a borderline personality disorder case as they spiral out of control. The freakouts – at having gifted us with their brilliant assessments, and being totally ignored, will be epic.

Columnist wonders if Democrats would have been better off to stick with dementia Joe.

A group of 2,000 migrants in southern Mexico depart for the U.S. weeks before election.

Migrants no longer guaranteed beds in Chicago, could be evicted as mayor cuts back on shelters.


FBI data shows violent crime up 10.4%, property crime up 6.4% since 2019.

U.S. news Harvey Weinstein diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, sources say. Most likely he would have been an Ed Buck-like figure, with the constant monitors, which would have meant he always had some kind of radiations bombarding him wherever he went.

A report by Reem Alsalen, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, suggests that men should not be allowed in women’s sports.

Former senior staffers from top Congressional offices lobbied for Chinese military companies.

IDF: Hezbollah has $500 million in cash, gold in vault under hospital in Beirut.

Here, pointing out Israel is better than nothing, but the truth is, “fighting for Israel” is but one cover story they use. If 9/11 was a fraudulent war, and it was, there are no noble wars. Just craven psychopaths tricking noble young men who would oppose them into killing each other on both sides:


One of the loudest voices telling Americans that what Benjamin Netanyahu is doing in the Middle East is a good thing has turned out to be an Israeli spy embedded within the media establishment.


A grandfather imprisoned for two years and eight months for taking part in an anti-immigration protest in Rotherham, England, has been found dead in His Majesty’s Prison (HMP) Moorland.

In Italy, modern cops do battle with insane naked migrants on renaissance-era sculpture-water-fountains.

Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate from the Republican party, said that he threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with striking Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine.

The United States announces new $400 million defense aid package for Ukraine.

This week in the city of Kazan Russian President Putin will greet more than 20 heads of state, including the heads of Brazil, India, and Chine, at the Brics summit of emerging economies, in what many are calling a measure of the West’s failure to isolate the Russian economy.

A ballot measure in North Dakota will give voters a choice to end property taxes in the Peace Garden State.

Miriam Adelson gives $100 million to Trump campaign, making good on reported pledge.

The betting world is now backing Trump 60-40.

21 states have shifted to Donald Trump in past month—Nate Silver forecast.

Decision Desk HQ/The Hill election forecast for this cycle predicts Trump has a 52 percent chance of reclaiming the presidency while Harris has a 42 percent chance of entering the White House, as of Sunday.

Florida poll: Trump boasts double-digit lead, ahead among women and Hispanic voters.

Several election forecast models have shifted in favor of former President Donald Trump winning the upcoming presidential election over Vice President Kamala Harris, including models by FiveThirtyEight, polling expert Nate Silver, J.L. Partners, Decision Desk HQ, and the Hill.

Donald Trump’s chances soar in top election forecast by The Economist.

Trump takes his biggest lead yet in Daily Mail election model beating Harris by 30 points.

The funny thing is, I can remember Farce saying this here, I believe like six or seven years ago:


Send people to, because God has sent us to destroy it

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Just Me
Just Me
4 months ago

AC, both images of Trump and Michael Douglass are all on top of the sidebar.
But at least the sidebar is there!

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 months ago

Kamala has a problem, she needs to get out and campaign like mad to get elected, but the more people see of her, the less they like her. A serious conundrum.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Same thing happened to Kerry and Hillary. Every time they opened their mouth in public, they lost votes.

4 months ago

Dems are so fearful they’re now in the Trump-is-worse-than Hitler stage as Election Day nears. The hardcore ideological democrats are starting to feel kind of like the borderline girlfriend, who so needs to be the focus of your attention, she does not care if the attention she gets is genuine love, or horrified shock and hatred. If the nation elects Trump, it will be kind of like ignoring a borderline personality disorder case as they spiral out of control. The freakouts – at having gifted us with their brilliant assessments, and being totally ignored, will be epic.

AC, I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now. Long story short, when I was in college I used to be pretty liberal/left leaning. I even wore a che Guevara t-shirt in public and thought of him as a ‘hero of the people’ kind of figure. Now, all it took… I mean, one instance, where a Latino cop (I was living in Chicago then) saw me standing in line at a taqueria ordering some food, with my Che t-shirt, and he said something like, “Very cool…. you know, he killed thousands of people all in the name of Communism… really cool.” Obviously, he was being sarcastic. And at the time I took on the whole stance that cops were all inherently bad.
My point of the story was, I didn’t know any better at the time, and I didn’t bother to look into things. All it took was one line for someone to set me straight. That’s it. But what I want to know, is why the hell can’t so many people wake up, and they get way more than a simple one-liner thrown at them – as in my case – and they still chose to be in the dark? This is something that defies all rationality. Is this really the difference here between r/K? I just don’t see any benefit from being ignorant, choosing to be ignorant, and living with a worldview that is so screwed and messed up…. I just don’t get it, and they will go down acting all crazy throwing fits, just to keep their worldview intact. I’m not a genius or anything, but all it took was one person to wake me up, and that was simply by saying I was wearing a shitty t-shirt with a murderer on it. Go figure, I just wanted to know the truth, and he was right.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

If Q revealed surveillance I’d consider that “it had to be this way”.
But the plan has not done anything to show just how massive the conspiracy is, it has only shown the normies that the conspiracy exists in the ruling class and then ground all our faces in it far beyond what was required for only exposing as much as it has.

wake up
wake up
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Been following you a long time, AC. You finally get it. The Surveillance/Beam is demonic. Now, plead the Blood of Christ on all 4 corners of you property. Ask The Father to send a Hedge of Angels to shield you. They are not people… at least not anymore. They are commanded at the top by the Fallen Elohim. Rebuke them. Their is power in the Jesus’ name.

Reply to  wake up
4 months ago

I know it’s nowhere near biblical canon, but I often think Dante’s Inferno described a theory that just makes sense: there are living people that commit sins so heinous their souls are immediately ripped from their flesh suits and damned to hell, and their empt bodies can be possessed by demons.

I don’t see how a soul and a possessing spirit can occupy the same vessel, just doesn’t make sense.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

That last part contradicts the Bible.
Christ cast a legion of demons out of a man who was still in his body to take back control afterwards.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Yep. There is no greater reveal for our society than the open acknowledgement that 10% or more are spying on and ruining the lives of the other 90%. Four years ago, almost no one in this country thought our Presidential elections were fraudulent and now probably 70% know. Our view of our society entirely changed. It feels like the other shoe still has to drop – Cabal’s surveillance op – before this country can heal. I think Trump is taking office again in January and I sure hope this is in the works. Meanwhile, I’m grateful to the Q op for awakening so many of us. Wouldn’t be surprised if Q returns November 6th to help back channel the social (r)evolution we’re likely to witness.

Anon (poster of comment)
Anon (poster of comment)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I also cannot buy it, that they are just ‘stupid’… because at this point, nobody has the excuse of being ill-informed. Of course, there is a lot of information to sift through, but in general, to understand that something isn’t right – it doesn’t take leaps and bounds to get to that conclusion.
I do wonder if the whole point of all of this is to let it get so out of hand that there is no escaping confrontation. Liberals are horrible with confrontation and perhaps it is that ‘fear’ that get’s played on them so easily, they eat it up and want to be told nice fluffy things.
Even many conservative folks, when I’ve mentioned things about a dark cabal and a surveillance network, they just clam up. Either they know about it and are scared to death of it, or they are somehow part of it. It blows my mind, that even people that are awake to so much… when it comes to this… they just shut down. It is either too scary to imagine, or they are trying to obfuscate the truth of the situation.
All of this that is occurring does feel like we are in biblical times, as though this forum here is a recapitulation of a meetup of Early Christians in the first century AD. I don’t mean to say it as though I know what it was like then, but there were spies, tons of idol worshiping, demonic possessions, sacrifices, etc. It’s strikingly similar. And certainly people did not take kindly to those who were after the truth.
1000 (or two?) years from now, this might be looked at as one of the wildest times in our history. As much as this situation sucks, maybe this is why we are all supposed to be here.

Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

Robert Anton Wilson called it the split between the common or garden Homo neophobus, and the historically much rarer mutant Homo neophilus

4 months ago

Why don’t Republicans do the same types of voter fraud? This is war. Fight dirty or die.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

ah…that’s an easy one: because they are so pompously self-assured and deluded that they follow “the rule of lawwwwwwwwr”…(when they really don’t).

It really is one sick and twisted red/blue paradigm same coin different sides kind of thing.

And I, for one, am ready for it to be over.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

American politics is a scripted show. It’s about as real as The West Wing or Letterkenny. Republicans are actors, reading a script. Getting emotionally worked up about a TV show might be fun, but don’t take it too seriously. American politics is just a big TV sitcom.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

No, the Republican Party is the Washington Generals to the Democratic Harlem Globetrotters.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

I was considering calling it a “sh*tcom, but that is insufficient…

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Not just American. This applies to the entire West. Politics is nothing but a theatrical production.

“Governments do not govern but merely control the machinery of government for the hidden hand which is the real Ruler.”
-Benjamin Disraeli in his novel Coningsby

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

The enemy is already entrenched in that zone. They snuck in while we were still high-trust and took the whole thing over. They have the mechanisms and capabilities to catch fraud, they just exclusively use them against the good guys while letting their goons run free.

You can’t run a counter-op so long as the surveillance exists.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Because the Democrats/Liberal/Deep State controls the legal apparatus. Ever heard of “lawfare”?

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

They do. I’ll never forget when they shut off the lights and locked the doors at the caucus location for the Republican primary in 2008. Ron Paul voters mysteriously didn’t get the memo and couldn’t vote. This was public information and reported in the news media. Our Republican governor did nothing.

Most R’s are controlled opposition. It’s why the left always gets their agenda through, even in solid red states like Wyoming. They take turns stabbing us in the back, all while lying to our faces about how conservative and traditional they are.

4 months ago

> Report: Secret Service didn’t know Crooks was armed before he opened fire.

Because the rifle had a Romulan cloaking device hiding it from view?

The SS guy deliberately shot an unarmed man who was on a roof that the Secret Service had already decided was a non-threatworthy area?

“Enquiring minds want to know.”

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

I read it elsewhere, incompetent boobs.

4 months ago

The Trump McDonald’s meme and the Ron Paul tweet both get repeated, and the Trump meme runs off the right side of the brief.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Try opening image in a separate tab

4 months ago

If 9/11 was a fraudulent war, and it was, there are no noble wars. Just craven psychopaths tricking noble young men who would oppose them into killing each other on both sides:

We fight the wars we shouldn’t and don’t fight the ones we should.
We should have had a war with Mexico over the border under Reagan instead of the amnesty, we certainly should have had one in the time since.

4 months ago

On the Tarrant county voting printout “irregularities”, oh the shock! Just amazing this occurred said the boomer voting masturbator. O.k. let’s review again shall we? If you vote at a frigging black box with a vidya screen you are participating in a fraudulent process, full stop. If you voted “early” either by mail or at a black vidya screen box at some super convenient to you location, you participated in a fraudulent process, full stop. If you look like a dork with the adhesive “I voted” sticker on you, yet you or no one else has a purple finger from that process, you participated in a fraudulent process, full stop. If you voted at a vidya screen black box and the curly paper print out receipt shows you, yep Bubba, you indeed voted for Trump and that straight ticket Republicans, you participated in a fraudulent process. This described parts is just that of those “voters” getting bamboozled during their “participation in the process” aspect. A forensic analysis of the actual counting and tabulation centers loopholes and shithole level tier of checks and control mechanisms would take a whole other article or post. So in essence, stay frosty and bemused when Kamal wins, as that is “what your systems have allowed”.

4 months ago

> WordPress keeps doing things on its own

Sounds like Jim’s blog is having some “issues” as well

4 months ago

We’ve got bigger problems! Remember the Pager attack?

Well, Ron Unz has now speculated that there may be the same methodology being used for their Samson Option. —they already have suitcase nukes and they are ALREADY planted everywhere—they go—YOU GO. How many CONEX boxes out there with a nuke in them—ready to be triggered?

Ron Unz is right —“TOTAL MADNESS””.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 months ago

I started pointing that out back in the 1970s. With improvements in weapon efficiency, a Nagasaki-sized bomb would be easy to transport by pickup truck or even a full-size car. And then it could be set on top of a building somewhere, disguised as an air conditioning unit or water tank.

Getting small nukes from Russia (or China) into the US would have been trivial, particularly since the border to Mexico was quite porous and there was no real border security at all to Canada.

It was interesting how most people Did. Not. Want. to listen to that.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

My personal favorite would just be hypersonic missiles on submarines.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Nagasaki was firebombed, not nuked

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 months ago

I’ve heard there are nukes in Israeli embassies around the world, ready to be used, if necessary.

Pull it down on your head
Pull it down on your head
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 months ago

Suitcase? I don’t think so. Biggest one you can build and it’s in the basement of the Israeli Embassy of your local town.

Reply to  Pull it down on your head
4 months ago

You lose a lot of destructive capability with a ground of below-ground burst. For best efficiency you want an air burst; failing that, the tallest available building.

One benefit of pre-placed weapons is that your targeting is perfect, though. That counts for a lot.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 months ago

Good thing nukes don’t exist as described.

4 months ago

‘Democratic strategist James Carville said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that he and host Ari Melber will be arrested if former President Donald Trump wins the election.’

I know that some people think masturbation is a sin and all, but…

Reply to  Maniac
4 months ago

Why doesn’t anyone ask them “for what”? Gen. Millie, dead on brother. Maybe some for disinfo. But that’s only for conservatives and Trump voters.

4 months ago

NC voter ID law is supposed to be in affect this election.
My wife and I went to early voting last night. Neither of us was asked to show ID. We did have to show ID in the primaries earlier this year.
NC Law as described on State Board of Elections website:
In-Person VotersVoters must show an acceptable photo ID when they check in at their voting site during early voting or on Election Day. Election workers check to see if the picture on the ID reasonably resembles the voter and if the name on the ID is the same as or very similar to the voter’s name in their registration record.”

Reply to  Leatherwing
4 months ago

Was the precinct judge monitoring the voting a Democrat; for that could be the reason the law wasn’t followed.

Reply to  Leatherwing
4 months ago

Arkansas – or at least the polling place I went to – still requires photo ID. I use my concealed carry permit, which is about all it’s good for since we went Constitutional Carry a while back.

This time, the poll worker was a bit grumpy about that. He said it made more work for him since he had to type the information by hand from the CHCL to his laptop to verify I was a registered voter; if I had given him my driver’s license, he could have used his USB wand to scan the barcode on the back of the license.

Well, now I know *some* of what’s encoded in the barcode. There’s a magstripe as well, but each time I get a new ID with one of those I take it out to my shop and introduce it to my Magnaflux machine to scrambulize it.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Magnaflux machine, brilliant! Place a piece of label machine tape or such quality tape that is secure but not gluey tape across those barcodes. Corporations make their wagie employees scan i.d. barcodes into THEIR COMPUTER SYSTEMS for various purchases like for cigarettes alcohol spray paint cans, etc sales to log i.d. checks on those age restricted items. Corporate legal dep’t. covering their asses at your privacy expense. If i.d. is necessary for a transaction, they can look at it but not copy it or data enter the information, and they do not leave your presence with it. Bark at them if necessary to stop that actions as they are drones and do it automaton like. Take your business elsewhere if they are too stupid to understand or respect your privacy concerns. Stop being normie doormats to cabal shitbaggery and open air prison tactics out there.

Reply to  Frosty
4 months ago

You need to make sure your state doesn’t have a regulation about “defacing” a driver’s license of state ID card, such as by taping over the barcode.

Nuking the mag strip, you can just shrug if their card reader can’t get information from it. Nobody can look at it and tell anything was done. Could be someone at the DMV failed to program it. Not your problem.

I’ve read that microwave ovens can kill mag strips. If you decide to try that, it would be best to use your old driver’s license to make sure it doesn’t bubble the plastic or do something strange to the hologram, if it has one.

My 1973 driver’s license was made with a typewriter onto a card, same as an old-school Social Security card. It had fuzzy edges where it had been torn from a perforated sheet. The cards would be damaged or destroyed by rain, sweat, or a trip through the washing machine, so I used one of the lamination machines at a department store to laminate mine. Turned out the state had a law against doing that to driver’s licenses; “defaced.” Had some cops tell me I needed to get a replacement license, but nobody ever did anything about it.

The newest licenses are plastic, with color pictures, fingerprints, holograms, reflective “security bands”, magstripes, *and* barcodes. [yeah, baby, AR DMV went whole hog!]

On the other hand, I had to show my birth certificate to get the first crappy paper one; the new ones, they hand out to almost anyone. So while there’s less likelihood of a license being a fake, there’s also less likelihood that the person it was issued to is correct, or even real.

Reply to  Leatherwing
4 months ago

Why didn’t you call them out on it? You bovinely went & voted. We need to embrace being ungovernable. See something, say something. Make them uncomfortable.

4 months ago

The Return of the sidebar burglar is upon us.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Turn a negative into a positive: T-shirt idea

Front of T-shirt is a graphic of the side bar and above it reads “when you aren’t a threat to the system”.
back of t-shirt shows side bar missing (or just empty space) and above it reads “when you are”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I have heard that the demons HATE to be mocked. I think that is probably true. It’s kind of the ONE thing they cannot tolerate.

You two are doing an excellent job mocking them!

Keep it up!! Plus you’re getting more inventive…which makes it funnier.

4 months ago

Just saw this and it jumps the odds up quite a bit that Ron was always controlled opposition.

There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism. Ron Paul
Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

4 months ago

delete no need to post

Last edited 4 months ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Search function at X/Twitter is case sensitive. You may be right about above, but I don’t want to feed you bad info. Capitalized does show a number of posts including mine. “Ragrets”

Mike G.
Mike G.
4 months ago

Hey Anon:

Lots of fair weather in the Appalachians this past week. I’ve been up and down from western New Jersey, to central Alabama, to central Pennsylvania in 8 days. Touched Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama. Haven’t seen a cloud. Not one. No high cirrus, no nimbus, no cumulus, no stratus, no lenticular, not even ground fog so common at this time of year.

Has anybody seen a cloud lately? In my 60 years, I don’t recall a full complete cloudless day, much less 8 of them in a row across seven states.

Any ideas why this might be so?

Reply to  Mike G.
4 months ago

I concur with what he is saying👆🏻. However I did see a few chemtrails thrown in randomly.

Reply to  Mike G.
4 months ago

They are all up here in Maine.

a non
a non
Reply to  Mike G.
4 months ago

All the precip dumped onto the west coast this past week. Sorry, no clouds left for you! It’s a little eerie, these days especially, when the skies go quiet.

4 months ago

Reposting a comment by “Charlie” from the Rintrah blog, not related to any of the links today. It was posted recently and I wanted to repost here before closing the browser tab:

“A few other amazing things about Elon Musk:

” 1) The claims about him are transparently laughable. He is supposedly the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Product Officer, Chief Engineering Officer, and Chief Marketing Officer of three or four different large corporations simultaneously. Meanwhile, he spends almost zero time on any of those jobs, spending most of his time tweeting, flying in his jet, or lounging in Brentwood, CA, far from any of the company offices or factories. Just in terms of “how many hours there are in a day,” the claims about him are silly. Someone tracked his private jet travel for a year or two, and let’s just say the claims of Elon “sleeping on factory floors” were completely false. He was almost never even AT a factory, much less overnight!

” 2) The promotion of him as a genius is completely ham-handed. He was simultaneously declared a genius on the cover of about 20 American magazines in the same summer years ago. This didn’t follow any particular accomplishment, it followed his hairplug surgery. It was just a PR campaign. An obvious one, but apparently a successful one.

” 3) Elon is one of VERY few people to have been a hero to BOTH the liberals and the conservatives. This almost never happens. It’s a tribute to: his successful scamminess, his fedgov backing, his appeal to status signallers (first on the left, then on the right), and the midwit susceptibility to easy beliefs that they think can confer status on them. (“Elon is a genius and you’re smart enough to recognize it!”)”

Basically everything about Elon Musk is fake, and gay, though its not clear who is running the op or what it is supposed to accomplish.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

He’s a dope smoking frontmoron.
Another fake high status monkey designed to get low status monkeys to imitate his behavior and never be real high status.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

It’s easy to do all that, when you have a dozen clones, and you have mastered limited time travel.

Reply to  bigD
4 months ago

Plain old doubles, like the ones standing in for Biden occasionally, would also work. Get two or three spares, a bit of surgery, train them up, encrypted Starlink comms to Elon Prime for important decisions, and pay them very well.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

I guess I have to be the only person that uses common sense. “If” Elon is so incompetent, and is ripping off the government to the tune of billions of dollars, then how come Boeing got over $40 billion dollars, it’s actually more, and only launched “one” rocket? And that one rocket is unreusable and cost, I think it’s, $4 billion every time they launch, “if” they ever launch another(call me skeptical). How come Boeing got billions for their capsule, not even counting the $40 billion, this is extra, and can’t even get their spacecraft capsule to safely carry astronauts and had to have Musk bring them back down? Please explain how Musk is such a huge government rip off when the government gives him HALF the fees for launching compared to Boeing and then Boeing can’t even preform??? Explain. “If” you are going to make such presumptive proclamations, then you should be able to easily explain this.

And yet it’s some huge, massive big ass crime that Musk delivers the actual contract specifications that NASA put in place LONG before Musk even came to the country, to spur on private space rocket companies. That’s right, the legislation was pushed in Congress for EXACTLY what we see right now. All the way back to George Sr. Spurring on private companies because the defense contractors were gobbling up money in the billions and launching…nothing. It’s all the way back before George Sr. I’ve heard costs as much as $100 billion total, and they launched “one” rocket that did…nothing. Considering that Musk engineered three different totally new rocket engines and modernized them all for a couple billion while Boeing is still using shuttle engines, the same solid rockets, and still can’t make it work. Musk is launching the hell of a lot of stuff for less than half the price, way more if you count the $40 billion Boeing got to do nothing, then Musk services are a bargain.

Before Musk, we had to launch our astronauts on Russian rockets(at way higher than Musk prices), but of course…Musk is just a big fake rip off, they say. I bet the flat earth people REALLY HATE Musk.

People keep saying he is stupid and knows nothing but I, who have seen a huge amount of his interviews, mostly live off the cuff, have never seen that. I have seen interviews with a large amount of people who worked with him, and these people were very smart, and highly accomplished people noted for their actual performance, not Jews on the internet. They were impressed by his cutting to the chase and narrowing down problems to fix them. I personally do not think he is a genius like a 180 IQ or anything like that, but he’s very smart and has a certain mindset that gets things done. A mindset that is worth far more than straight IQ points. I’ve seen him multiple times deflect Jews and other highly offensive interviewers that were trying to trap him and make him look bad. Usually it’s they who end up looking bad. He’s very much like Trump in this.

No one has ever proved that he is not smart and has not done all he has done. They just say he hasn’t with no evidence. It’s just another one of those “pronouncement” Jew techniques where they keep hammering away at Musk by saying things with not a bit of backing, over and over and over. If you believe this, then you are not paying attention. The link he is referencing is by a Jew who constantly pours the most eviscerate hatred on Whites. He really hates White people, so no surprise that Musk would make him livid. While he, the Jew, rampantly promotes, taking lots of psychedelics, smoking lots of weed and does…nothing. Musk is launching rockets, making cars, building some of the largest factories in the world, building massive AI centers and …even flamethrowers. Nothing makes a Jew hate more than people actually doing something while they pontificate on all sorts of things and pretend to be the uberminds, but accomplish nothing useful.

And I know people hate electric cars but the subsidies for them were lobbied for by GM and Ford, not Tesla, at all, who as you know, has done far less than Musk. The subsidies were put in place by Congress to limit our strategic use of the “holy hydrocarbon” that some of you worship. For, as I see it, damn good reasons. We have lots of stuff to make energy (electricity) but oil is more scarce and a lot of the price depends on the Middle East, which if you are paying attention does not look like such a stable place to balance the whole entire US economy and all our transportation on. Now you may say we have plenty, but it’s a world market and if the supplies are disrupted in the ME then prices here will skyrocket no matter how much oil we frack out. I’m not a doomsdayer about oil running out immediately, but I do not find it hard to believe that prices to discover, bring it up and process it are getting higher and at some point it begins to dramatically effect the economy. We see what this looks like right now, right this minute, as the usurpers of the presidency have made finding, drilling and processing oil more difficult and economy is feeling the effects of this with inflation and low growth.

For the people who constantly deride electric cars, remember they are in their infancy in terms of investment to make them better. The “holy hydrocarbon” has over a century of work. I suspect strongly that someone who puts a good pile of money into flywheels which will charge and discharge at super high rates will find them more amiable to their objections, far less costly and far more accomplished. If they could slash the cost of batteries, and I am 98% sure this will happen in this next decade, the price of cars could plummet.

“…midwit susceptibility to easy beliefs that they think can confer status on them…”

I ask, who’s the real “midwit”, people who believe what the Jews say with no backing, at all. People who know not one damn thing about the subsidies for rockets and electric cars who then take Musk, and only Musk, subsides and damn him for them??? Let’s not forget, Ford got guaranteed loans for electric cars and never paid them back, while Musk paid his back early. And the “midwitts” supposedly have not a clue, they aren’t even able to open their eyes when HUNDREDS of reusable rockets are launched by Musk and he does something so stupendous as catching one in the air. Well it’s obvious, to them, that he’s a big fake. WTF, what have you been smoking. How can something so obvious escape notice? To most people, they deride as “midwits” it hasn’t. They see that which is, and it is good.

The people constantly spouting these lies about Musk do not know a damn thing about what they are talking about.

Now is Musk some super demon cabal quadruple agent…I don’t know, but so far he has done none of what people have said so derogatively about him, has made the US the most powerful space force on the planet, has single handily revived the electric car business, even if you hate them they cut the cost of your “holy hydrocarbons” by them not using them so it doesn’t hurt you and makes our strategic national energy budget better. He’s advanced AI while fully warning people of the dangers, and has put millions into attempting to make AI safer. He has bought out a highly, super highly, constricted speech platform and while not perfect, it’s far better for us than it was. I would say the glass is not half full on this, it’s at least 80% full, which is a win by any measure. For all those that criticize him for not having 100% free speech, well the guy running for President was almost assassinated, forgive Musk if he does not wish to be in that situation. He is in the process of building an internet that bypasses all the goalkeepers by directly connecting consumers to information they wish. A big jump for free speech. What’s a guy got to do to not be criticized constantly in this country.? Seems a fairly dubiously high hurdle to me.

Look at all these things in our favor and then…listen to the halfwits that supposedly know everything, and proclaim him the height of evil. Who or what adds up? How does this add? Just EXACTLY what data do they give you that gives them the right to condemn him while refusing to condemn Boeing, Ford, GM and a huge raft of vacuous and dubious characters who have not a damn thing to show for all their exultations.

Why do I come to his defense? I see this as just another one of a very, very, very long line of Jew machinations to demoralize and discredit White people. It’s all over, constantly, massively and it never let’s up. Moon landing fake, blah, blah, blah. It’s nothing but Jew verbal water torture, slowing dripping hatred onto White people. When in fact they are the most vile, evil fucks on the planet. Their whole function on ANYTHING they get their hands on is to turn it to shit. Art, shit, TV, shit, movies, shit, government shit, feminism, shit, religion, shit, the US, shit, their own country has been turned to shit. Nuttyyahoo has taken a minor one front war in Gaza and turned it into a multi front disaster that threatens the viability of the whole of Israel as a nation, shit. Everything they touch turns to shit, even themselves. We need a name for this. The Midas touch turns everything to gold, the Jew touch turns everything to shit. Maybe just call it the “Jew touch”.

This constant “Jew touch”, turn to shit, is what they do everywhere they’ve gone for thousands of years and here is the result. Can’t happen soon enough.

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Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Musk fronts for a dissident faction in cabal, one that may have allied with Trump and Q’s faction now.
They have actually competent people who do the things he pretends to do.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

“…Musk fronts for a dissident faction in cabal…”

You have just as much evidence for this as you have that he’s really a lizard person. So when are you going to chime in that he’s really a lizard person? Or maybe an alien from Mars that wants to go back. Or maybe he’s really a robot. These of course are all equally true, based on the evidence you present.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

There is tons of evidence for it.
But every time it is presented you hand wave it away or ignore it as if it didn’t exist.
I don’t feel like keeping a list and having to repeat it every time you want to argue.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

This is a bit of a tldr, but I sympathise with the Musk haters, but also recognise that starlink and spacex have been(afaik) decently revolutionary.

This is probably as Vox would say very similar to the Miles Mathis committee or the JK Rowling committee

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

I do agree with some of these points. For one, a good friend of mine from college ended up working for Tesla, and I heard from him (way before he owned Twitter/X) that Elon actually does involve himself in the work. So, I don’t believe that he’s just an actor… but there might be some truth to that, being that you can’t just be one of the richest people on earth due to your intellectual and hard work alone.

Second of all, oil is not as scarce as they say… that’s a complete lie. This goes back to the late 19th century when at a Geneva convention (if I recall) paid off scientists made up the term “fossil fuels” to make it sound scarce so it can be sold at higher prices.

Third, the whole AI foolery is just asking for trouble.

Fourth, remember that picture AC posted of Elon’s contorted face shaking Trump and Obama’s hand? Something is wrong with the guy.

IMO I’d just be weary of him, for all we know he could completely turn on people down the road.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

It’s because everyone wants to show what a “super smart boy” they are! “Elon is fake, Trumps assasination is fake hurr durr!”

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

> the defense contractors were gobbling up money in the billions and launching…nothing.

The defense industry spends a big chunk of money on “networking”, paid lobbyists, and putting politicians, bureaucrats, and Pentagon generals onto their boards or directors. They have the clout to take the money and go “neener-neener” when they don’t deliver.

Musk was a foreigner with no connections, so he had to actually deliver a working product instead of getting patted on the head and given a new contract.

It does make you wonder what Boeing, Rocketdyne, etc. are *doing* with all that money, though. The web says SpaceX made $3B profit on $8.7B of sales in 2023, while Boeing had $78B in sales and only turned a profit of $7.7B.

Of course, accounting is a marvelously flexible thing, particularly when contracts are spread across multiple years. When the Boog comes, hang the accountants first, *then* the lawyers.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Concur, concur. Now add robots. Add the smartest engineers he could scour from the Midwest- stellar, stellar, invisible guys from flyover state schools, and have them build and tend robots for 70+ hours a week for a year or two, then a layoff, because he runs the leanest factories in the West. Then give the bored NASA wannabe engineers- that would by white guys from flyover state schools- a chance to work at a lean company alongside their desired intellectual and practical peers for 70+ hours a week- you end up with beautiful rockets headed to Mars. Musk’s companies are like what built America to a powerhouse in the early 1900s.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wooderson
4 months ago


a non
a non
Reply to  wooderson
4 months ago

Best – Well said!

a non
a non
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

A lot to read and I’m so lazy I probably won’t, but Elon is the face that is bringing down the scam that is NASA and if you said that, I agree! They’ve been laundering money away from the brilliance of ambitious USA minds and the country’s rightful explorations for decades. Oh, and he is taking the heat, for working at recovering the freer speech platform from The Vijaya Plan. I did see that you mentioned twitter.
PS You probably saved my life and many others when the corona v. hit with your liposomal C recipe post. Thanks again Sam.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

I wish to point out that all the negative replies to what I said are nothing but a bunch of “pronouncement” techniques. Where you just say a bunch of shit, but have no backing, no evidence, no ideas, no actual chain of events to any substance.

But look at what I posted, and it’s jam packed with actual, factual, evidence that has massive documentation behind it. In fact, if you doubt me, I have a LOT of comments here where I drilled down and provided linked documentation to everything I said above. I can provide exact evidence for every word I wrote about. I also have voluptuous evidence that shows EXACTLY where Musk got every single penny he has. How he got it. How the evolution of his companies was grown and how he prospered by essentially occupying niches in the commercial landscape that NO ONE ELSE, occupied. The field was wide open, and he’s so wealthy because all the people who knew anything about rockets, supposedly, said he would lose his ass doing what he did. And by the time he had done it through relentless, non compromising obsessive striving, they noticed that he could make a damn fortune from launches, satellite internet, video on demand and eventually phone service.

Multiply the vast amount of cell phone towers needed, very expensive and numerous, by the cost of satellites if you mass produce them, and then throw in the new factor of super cheap launch cost. Money followed this and made him rich because the profits to be made from this combination are unbelievably high. Extraordinary. And his wealth, through stock options, shows this. People see the actual numbers and, even more so, the “potential” for profits and the “potential” for a monopoly position in several industries. There’s nothing that makes the capitalist mouth water to the level of a drool than a monopolist position on a market. It’s a chance to mint money, and Musk has it.

Just for fun, I looked up the total number of cell tower on earth. I didn’t find an answer but did find US numbers,

US alone has “…Currently, the United States has more than 307,000 cell towers…”

And for even more fun

I costed the towers. I read that it cost about 2 million $ for every cell tower. So just in the US alone, $614,000,000,000. He’s spending a muniuscule, tiny, infantesable amount of a fraction of that much money to cover the whole planet including the rocket developmet, launches and everything. I did the numbers twice. I couldn’t believe how outsized they were.

Now Musk is going to do the same function with 30,000 or so satellites which cost roughly the same as a cell tower, maybe less. Add that up. How can you compete with that, and make it worldwide with no extra tower cost. What would be the profits on this? Extrodinaryly high.And you people say he’s a big dummy when even a half-wit like myself can can add a few numbers and see the vast profits available.

So many people thought that what he was doing was so foolish that they paid no attention to him until all of a sudden they looked up and realized he had actually done what he said he was going to do. He did this very fast. He started in 2002 with a rudimentary pressure fed rocket, made orbit, and got contracts based on this. He doubled down and built his first version, a real money maker, with the Merlin engine series that eventually flew Falcon rockets based on kerosene. He did this in 2006. Light speed compared to the multiple decades most companies in the rocket business move at. They never caught up. He then showed they could be reused with this same Falcon series system and added the heavy version. THIS was the serious break. The big cash hauler. He got contracts to develop for NASA as we were using Russians to take and retrieve our astronauts from the space station. He did so at FAR less cost than anyone else, and actually delivered. The big space contractors, even though funded far higher than Musk, have still not delivered a working tested product.

I can not stress enough that he has continuously improved his rocket engines in cost, manufacturing and performance. The Merlin 1A started at340 kN (76,000 lbf) of thrust

and the Merlin 1D is now at
845 kN (190,000 lbf)

The Merlin 1D is now close to the sea-level thrust of the retired Rocketdyne H-1 / RS-27 engines used on Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Delta II.

His methane starship Raptor engines went from
Raptor 1 185 tons of thrust
Raptor 2 230 tons of thrust
Raptor 3 280 tons of thrust

He more than doubled the thrust to weight ratio

Raptor 1: 88.94
Raptor 2: 141.1
Raptor 3: 183.6

Look at this evolution of his Raptor engine. Removing all these cables and hoses and casting them in and all in one place vastly cut cost. When shown the version III a, I think Lockheed or Boeing executive, said that it was fake because it didn’t have all those control lines and hoses added yet, but…it’s not fake. Musk guys integrated all this into one small package that is less costly and less susceptible to damage being integrated. And these are designed to operate like airline engines and be totally reusable.

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To reiterate, these legislative contracts to pay for these services existed BEFORE Musk made ANY rockets. They were national defense directives put in place by Congress to foster rocket companies and American based space assets. That no one else was bold enough to go after them is hardly his fault. He got them through showing he could do what he said. All this “winning” brought in more cash, more funds, and again he doubled down and developed the Starship which, as we have seen recently with successful testing launches, and catching this huge behemoth on a tower for fast relaunch, which is the craziest thing I have ever seen, has enormous potential for launches and for PROFITS.

Musk was “sly” about this. He never said, or I never heard him say, a damn word about massive satellites in orbit doing Internet, TV, phones, etc. he only blathered on and on about Mars and then…when he had the actual means and rockets to do so, he started pumping all these “other” things he could do. Money poured in because the financial class saw the enormous profits to be made. They can add the same numbers I just did. Same with his electric cars and, very important, battery storage for electrical grids. Big profits. With batteries, you can make less powerful plants and store the excess. The cost of solar, wind, etc. with a reasonable battery storage is close to and in some cases cheaper than burning coal. This is including battery cost. The battery storage for wind in Australia he put in made back it’s cost in less than three years(I think this is correct).

An aside, I hate windmills but the cost of batteries, solar and/or wind in places where you have a lot of Sun and wind are cheaper than coal or natural gas based on 10 year projected returns and the cost keep getting lower and lower for the installed systems. There was guy who did calculations for a three foot thick layer of coal in Australia, laying on the ground, no overburden to dig up vs. solar placed over the coal and solar could make more money than digging up the coal and burning it in coal fired plants to make electricity.

The wind battery combination’s fast pay off was big news, and people who have cash paid attention. And you can bitch and moan about electric cars all you want and cry that everyone hates them, but he is PROFITABLE and the “holy hydrocarbon” companies are LOOSING MONEY. They are going broke and GM declared bankruptcy. He on the other hand has “profits”. Which is better, bankruptcy or profits? A simple question and a simple answer follows. And BTW he doesn’t get any subsidies, that I know of, and has lobbied against them. All the legislation was based on starting subsidies, which cancel out after you make so many cars. He hasn’t received any subsidies that anyone else could not have gotten had they made the plunge to do so. The idea was the legislation was to subsidize electric car start ups, which it did.

How did he do this? He didn’t do it all by himself. He hired the best US citizens he could find who were languishing soleless lives in various defense contractors. Filling out endless paperwork and make work they used to rip off the country for their endless rip off “cost plus” contracts. He took the very same people that the defense companies COULD have used and actually put them to work doing exactly what they always wanted to do, build rockets, explore space. He individually interviewed them and only hired the best and most driven. I read one of his interview techniques was he would bring the prospective hires into development meetings where they were planning engineering, and they would all game problems they had and if he showed he knew how to solve them… they hired him. So only those that were the best were hired. And then he worked himself and all the rest like sled dogs to accomplish it. This success steamrolled and made others, who were also the best and didn’t want to spend their lives listening to diversity hires in management run(ruin) their lives, to defect to SpaceX.

(I’ve read quite a few missives by White people who were passed over at Boeing and other main defense contractors. They hire diversity and put them in charge. They generally make a huge mess of things and then blame the mess on all the White guys who actually get the work done. So all the work they do, their credit goes to diversity engineers and mangers, anything that goes wrong is heaped on them. They REALLY HATE IT.) But with Musk, success breeds success. He didn’t do this by himself, but there’s no doubt without him, it would have never happened at all.

Those, attempting, to counter what I said, they got nothing. Except maybe the picture of Musk cringing in fear to people more powerful than him. But I ask if someone were to follow and film everything you did and took one, specific shot out of that, do you think someone could find one that would make you look retarded in that shot for that split second. This picture may well have been him laughing, looking at some other splurge, could be any number of minute, split second, micro-second shots where he looks odd.

If you’re going to criticize Musk then at least come up with real facts. So far all we see is “FEELS”, and you have no idea how contemptible you make yourself look when all you have is “feels” to criticize Musk.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Don’t forget all the time spent with his freakshow ex-girlfriend.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

I perfectly understand his attraction to her. Musk makes some obscure observation to some sort of obscure literature and when searching finds Grimes has made the same reference. The only other person in the world but him that noticed it, and she’s an artsy, slim, cute girl. Why wouldn’t he be attracted?

And she may be a freakshow but…in case you haven’t noticed most girls these days are either fat, a freak show or both.

Grimes may not be perfect, but she does have talent. Before she put together her performance by herself with her brother doing some video work. She drove around in a van and did most all of this herself. It’s far more than most people ever do.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Grimes – Crystal Ball (Live from a Mexico City’s rooftop)

4 months ago

The comments in the past two days were excellent. If the blog ever gets upgraded, I suggest prioritizing trying to find a feature with the software where it would possible to respond to a comment from an earlier day, and the comment and response appears in that days thread. Otherwise comments that could start a good discussion get lost, and this would also probably reduce the time spent needed to moderate them.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Or make a synthesis of the last 10 of the most voted comments on the sidebar (the one that is not disappear)

Reply to  Anon
4 months ago

No doubt that can be done in mere moments, so long as AC”s WordPress theme has it as an option. If not, finding the background code to insert that feature (does not require knowledge of coding, only pasting invisible HTML onto the page) might provide that feature fairly painlessly.

4 months ago

This is also a response to the last few days comments, and I will probably wind up reposting this a few times before the “election” gets settled.

The Cabal vs Trump fight is over Project Ukraine, possibly only about that, which the Trump administration delayed for four years, giving Russia more time to prepare. The Cabal even sort of said that with the first impeachment.

This can be seen by wargaming what would have happened if there was no Trump administration.

The Covid psyop was going to happen anyway, at the same time, and in much the same way, but aspects of it were used to rig the 2020 election and remove the Trump administration, allowing Project Ukraine to get started again. But by then they had lost four years.

This time I think the plan was to get the global war underway already, and yes then the American elections would have been cancelled entirely. And they tried to make certain by putting Trump in jail or killing him. Somehow that aspect of the plan unravelled, so the Harris campaign is an attempt to stall for time while they come up with something else. The global war is the main plan, but they still have to deal with losing control of the US federal executive, and were hoping that had been made moot by the global war already being started.

So what appears to be shaping up as the new plan is to get the global war started by using the American elections to start a civil war in the United States. This would become a global war pretty quickly. The method would be another steal, but make it so obvious that even country club Republicans would have to fight it.

This is my current call, and if it happens it we will know by January, so we will see if I’m right.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

It’s not just “them” who don’t want Trump back in office.

It’s a critical national security matter for Ukraine, which has spies and assassins trained by the old Soviet KGB.

They don’t need to rely on skeevy “lone shooters” with rifles. They can use a drone or missile to take him out, and even get a twofer if they can plausibly blame it on someone else.

4 months ago

Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate from the Republican party, said that he threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with striking Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine.

I swear if this mf blows it trying to get an edgy soundbite I’m going to lose my mind. I get the on-the-fly A-B testing shit he does, but know when you’ve got a good thing and just stick with it. There is ZERO benefit to poking the bear on that topic; lefties hate you, righties like Russia in comparison to Satan’s Ukraine demons. Just let it be man.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

righties know Trump isn’t going to start WW3. This Trump soundbite gives cover to libs who’ve been waving the Ukraine flag for 3 years w/o knowing anything other than CNN told them to. Now the flaggots can vote for Trump w/fig leaf that he’ll show Putin not to push around those poor Ukranians.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
4 months ago

Maybe. Me personally, I value a strong and positive relationship with Russia over dealing with these histrionic lefties at all, but he probably has more intel than I do so whatever.

4 months ago

Five men who were wrongfully convicted in the so-called Central Park Five jogger rape case sued Donald Trump, alleging that the Republican presidential nominee defamed them by claiming they killed someone and pleaded guilty.

In a sane world, this doesn’t go anywhere. First, they have made themselves public figures by the publicity they’ve sought since exoneration, and they don’t plead actual malice. The courts are likely to find some sort of privilege for presidential candidates in debates (where speech is most in need of protection), and even if they get over those hurdles, what Trump said was vague, ambiguous, and only in response to comments made about him.
I doubt they will be allowed to push the case forward, especially because of the danger of creating case law on a sort of candidate-privilege on the campaign trail.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Yeah, but would be tried in a New York court, and we all know how much New York loves its most famous former citizen. Well, he was born in Queens, but it’s still “New York City.”

4 months ago

Is Trumpie promoting a scam coin? Sad if true

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
4 months ago

“Democratic strategist James Carville said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that he and host Ari Melber will be arrested if former President Donald Trump wins the election.”

Trump should reassure these folks that they will not arrest nor prosecute them if he is elected.

It would be more appropriate to round them up in the middle of the night and give them one-way helicopter rides to a point 50 miles east of Ocean City, Maryland, not that I am actually advocating that sort of action; just that it would be more fitting than putting them in the courts they have corrupted in their Anti-Trump Action movement.

4 months ago

U.S. news ((((((Harvey Weinstein)))))) diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, sources say.

Same thing they did to ((((((Jack Ruby)))))). This sort of leukemia is exactly the kind that triggers an work environment study if the patient works anywhere around radiation (hospital, dentist, airport, etc.) They just assume that they got it from a leak at work.

Last edited 4 months ago by phelps
4 months ago

IDF: Hezbollah has $500 million in cash, gold in vault under hospital in Beirut.

Did they smell it there?

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

I’m sure the IDF thoroughly “debriefs” any PLO/Hamas/etc. they capture. I doubt they’re as scrupulous about the civil rights of enemies as the USA is.

That would be on top of the information available from traditional sources and scraping the public internet. “You can run, but you can’t hide.”

4 months ago

RE: Ray Epps
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Reply to  Anominous
4 months ago

Yeah, he’s cabal.

Reply to  Anominous
4 months ago

The “fact checkers” claim she worked for a different company, also known as Dominion.

Since the fact checkers are paid liars…

Just Me
Just Me
4 months ago

AC, the Trump memes are whacked out of proportion again.

4 months ago

AC, is this your X account?
I’m not an X user, but I did a Bing search for American Stasi and a link to chapter 11 popped up. I clicked an got the screen image I posted.

4 months ago

Sharing this with dog owners…

Reply to  Anominous
4 months ago

Good alert, thanks. As rfk,Jr is redpilling folks on hazards to health in foods, etc. It is important for consumers to read, research products and eschew or avoid all of that excess crap chemicals and filler additives in foods. Cook for yourself from base and raw ingredients, adjust your habits, away from convenience. Eat at home since all outside food venues and sources are compromised or corrupted by cabal operatives, or they are just plain dirty and unsafe to be worth the risk. They are out to kill you, act accordingly.

Reply to  Anominous
4 months ago

Xylitol and other artificial sweeteners are in almost everything nowadays. The FDA allows substituting artificial sweeteners for sugar *without* reflecting that on the Federally-required nutrition label.

If you ever wondered why regular Coke or Dr. Pepper taste la lot like ike the diet versions nowadays, it’s because much of the expensive sugar has been replaced by cheap artificial sweeteners. This is a big deal for people who have bad reactions to some sweeteners.

And since the stuff is cheap, and Big Ag has trained Americans to favor sweetness, they dump tons of it into things that aren’t even supposed to be sweet.

4 months ago

Argentina joins Israel’s fight against Iran by sending military support
An Argentina governed by Javier Milei joins the Combined Maritime Forces against Iran, commanded by the United States and Great Britain. Our country’s troops will try to ensure that the Houthis do not cut off the supply of oil to the West. We have gone from neutrality to being a target for Iran and Hezbollah.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

So, Argentina has decided to join WWIII. Wonderful.