News Briefs – 10/22/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



Waybackmachine has returned from being down for several days but *some things* appear to have been memoryholed.

Fullsized image

Report: Secret Service didn’t know Crooks was armed before he opened fire.

Nathan Wade reveals ex-lover Fani Willis planned Trump prosecution before she took office.

Fani Willis’s lover Nathan Wade admits to multiple White House meetings during prosecution of President Trump in Georgia.

Five men who were wrongfully convicted in the so-called Central Park Five jogger rape case sued Donald Trump, alleging that the Republican presidential nominee defamed them by claiming they killed someone and pleaded guilty. I remember seeing the Detective who worked the case say he had no doubt they did it, but after they finished raping the girl, they left her near death, and then some degenerate came along and raped her. He later ended up in prison and needed protection, so he worked a deal with the Muslims, which all of the five had joined, where he would confess, reveal his DNA was a match, and he would exonerate all of them and in return the Muslims would protect him. Now if they get an anti-Trump jury, which Cabal will seek to impose, they could walk away with hundreds of millions, basically stolen through the court system, from DJT.

Democratic strategist James Carville said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that he and host Ari Melber will be arrested if former President Donald Trump wins the election.

31,000 mail-in ballots requested at ineligible addresses – in one swing state, Wisconsin. 

Brad Raffensperger says Georgia will accept overseas ballots for 3 extra days. In 2020, all 900 military ballots in Fulton County went to Joe Biden, supposedly.

Four days after Election Day is the over/under for when Fox News will likely declare a presidential election winner, Arnon Mishkin, the head of the network’s decision desk, said.

Voters in Georgia, Texas & Tennessee report voting machines flipping their selections.

Elon Musk blasts dishonest MI SOS for having more registered voters on voter rolls than eligible voters: “Shame on you for blatantly lying to the public!”

Liz Cheney faces growing scandal after expert exposes key J6 evidence as, “Likely Fake.” Handwriting expert says a note central to the event, which one of Cheney’s witnesses claim she wrote was actually written by someone else. Shows the anti-Trump witness was full of shit and was nowhere near the decision-making process.

Cabal command gets the skids greased for their asset’s ascent:

State judges in Michigan and North Carolina on Monday rejected the Republican National Committee’s (RNC) separate challenges to certain overseas ballots in the key swing states from voters who never lived in the states.

Around 4.6 million records associated with Illinoisans in over a dozen counties – including voting records, registrations and death certificates – were temporarily available on the open internet, according to a security researcher who identified the vulnerability in July.

Dems are so fearful they’re now in the Trump-is-worse-than Hitler stage as Election Day nears. The hardcore ideological democrats are starting to feel kind of like the borderline girlfriend, who so needs to be the focus of your attention, she does not care if the attention she gets is genuine love, or horrified shock and hatred. If the nation elects Trump, it will be kind of like ignoring a borderline personality disorder case as they spiral out of control. The freakouts – at having gifted us with their brilliant assessments, and being totally ignored, will be epic.

Columnist wonders if Democrats would have been better off to stick with dementia Joe.

A group of 2,000 migrants in southern Mexico depart for the U.S. weeks before election.

Migrants no longer guaranteed beds in Chicago, could be evicted as mayor cuts back on shelters.


FBI data shows violent crime up 10.4%, property crime up 6.4% since 2019.

U.S. news Harvey Weinstein diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia, sources say. Most likely he would have been an Ed Buck-like figure, with the constant monitors, which would have meant he always had some kind of radiations bombarding him wherever he went.

A report by Reem Alsalen, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, suggests that men should not be allowed in women’s sports.

Former senior staffers from top Congressional offices lobbied for Chinese military companies.

IDF: Hezbollah has $500 million in cash, gold in vault under hospital in Beirut.

Here, pointing out Israel is better than nothing, but the truth is, “fighting for Israel” is but one cover story they use. If 9/11 was a fraudulent war, and it was, there are no noble wars. Just craven psychopaths tricking noble young men who would oppose them into killing each other on both sides:


One of the loudest voices telling Americans that what Benjamin Netanyahu is doing in the Middle East is a good thing has turned out to be an Israeli spy embedded within the media establishment.


A grandfather imprisoned for two years and eight months for taking part in an anti-immigration protest in Rotherham, England, has been found dead in His Majesty’s Prison (HMP) Moorland.

In Italy, modern cops do battle with insane naked migrants on renaissance-era sculpture-water-fountains.

Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate from the Republican party, said that he threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with striking Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine.

The United States announces new $400 million defense aid package for Ukraine.

This week in the city of Kazan Russian President Putin will greet more than 20 heads of state, including the heads of Brazil, India, and Chine, at the Brics summit of emerging economies, in what many are calling a measure of the West’s failure to isolate the Russian economy.

A ballot measure in North Dakota will give voters a choice to end property taxes in the Peace Garden State.

Miriam Adelson gives $100 million to Trump campaign, making good on reported pledge.

The betting world is now backing Trump 60-40.

21 states have shifted to Donald Trump in past month—Nate Silver forecast.

Decision Desk HQ/The Hill election forecast for this cycle predicts Trump has a 52 percent chance of reclaiming the presidency while Harris has a 42 percent chance of entering the White House, as of Sunday.

Florida poll: Trump boasts double-digit lead, ahead among women and Hispanic voters.

Several election forecast models have shifted in favor of former President Donald Trump winning the upcoming presidential election over Vice President Kamala Harris, including models by FiveThirtyEight, polling expert Nate Silver, J.L. Partners, Decision Desk HQ, and the Hill.

Donald Trump’s chances soar in top election forecast by The Economist.

Trump takes his biggest lead yet in Daily Mail election model beating Harris by 30 points.

The funny thing is, I can remember Farce saying this here, I believe like six or seven years ago:


Send people to, because God has sent us to destroy it

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Just Me
Just Me
10 hours ago

AC, both images of Trump and Michael Douglass are all on top of the sidebar.
But at least the sidebar is there!

Sam J.
Sam J.
10 hours ago

Kamala has a problem, she needs to get out and campaign like mad to get elected, but the more people see of her, the less they like her. A serious conundrum.

9 hours ago

Dems are so fearful they’re now in the Trump-is-worse-than Hitler stage as Election Day nears. The hardcore ideological democrats are starting to feel kind of like the borderline girlfriend, who so needs to be the focus of your attention, she does not care if the attention she gets is genuine love, or horrified shock and hatred. If the nation elects Trump, it will be kind of like ignoring a borderline personality disorder case as they spiral out of control. The freakouts – at having gifted us with their brilliant assessments, and being totally ignored, will be epic.

AC, I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time now. Long story short, when I was in college I used to be pretty liberal/left leaning. I even wore a che Guevara t-shirt in public and thought of him as a ‘hero of the people’ kind of figure. Now, all it took… I mean, one instance, where a Latino cop (I was living in Chicago then) saw me standing in line at a taqueria ordering some food, with my Che t-shirt, and he said something like, “Very cool…. you know, he killed thousands of people all in the name of Communism… really cool.” Obviously, he was being sarcastic. And at the time I took on the whole stance that cops were all inherently bad.
My point of the story was, I didn’t know any better at the time, and I didn’t bother to look into things. All it took was one line for someone to set me straight. That’s it. But what I want to know, is why the hell can’t so many people wake up, and they get way more than a simple one-liner thrown at them – as in my case – and they still chose to be in the dark? This is something that defies all rationality. Is this really the difference here between r/K? I just don’t see any benefit from being ignorant, choosing to be ignorant, and living with a worldview that is so screwed and messed up…. I just don’t get it, and they will go down acting all crazy throwing fits, just to keep their worldview intact. I’m not a genius or anything, but all it took was one person to wake me up, and that was simply by saying I was wearing a shitty t-shirt with a murderer on it. Go figure, I just wanted to know the truth, and he was right.

9 hours ago

Why don’t Republicans do the same types of voter fraud? This is war. Fight dirty or die.

9 hours ago

> Report: Secret Service didn’t know Crooks was armed before he opened fire.

Because the rifle had a Romulan cloaking device hiding it from view?

The SS guy deliberately shot an unarmed man who was on a roof that the Secret Service had already decided was a non-threatworthy area?

“Enquiring minds want to know.”

9 hours ago

The Trump McDonald’s meme and the Ron Paul tweet both get repeated, and the Trump meme runs off the right side of the brief.

9 hours ago

If 9/11 was a fraudulent war, and it was, there are no noble wars. Just craven psychopaths tricking noble young men who would oppose them into killing each other on both sides:

We fight the wars we shouldn’t and don’t fight the ones we should.
We should have had a war with Mexico over the border under Reagan instead of the amnesty, we certainly should have had one in the time since.

8 hours ago

On the Tarrant county voting printout “irregularities”, oh the shock! Just amazing this occurred said the boomer voting masturbator. O.k. let’s review again shall we? If you vote at a frigging black box with a vidya screen you are participating in a fraudulent process, full stop. If you voted “early” either by mail or at a black vidya screen box at some super convenient to you location, you participated in a fraudulent process, full stop. If you look like a dork with the adhesive “I voted” sticker on you, yet you or no one else has a purple finger from that process, you participated in a fraudulent process, full stop. If you voted at a vidya screen black box and the curly paper print out receipt shows you, yep Bubba, you indeed voted for Trump and that straight ticket Republicans, you participated in a fraudulent process. This described parts is just that of those “voters” getting bamboozled during their “participation in the process” aspect. A forensic analysis of the actual counting and tabulation centers loopholes and shithole level tier of checks and control mechanisms would take a whole other article or post. So in essence, stay frosty and bemused when Kamal wins, as that is “what your systems have allowed”.

8 hours ago

> WordPress keeps doing things on its own

Sounds like Jim’s blog is having some “issues” as well

8 hours ago

We’ve got bigger problems! Remember the Pager attack?

Well, Ron Unz has now speculated that there may be the same methodology being used for their Samson Option. —they already have suitcase nukes and they are ALREADY planted everywhere—they go—YOU GO. How many CONEX boxes out there with a nuke in them—ready to be triggered?

Ron Unz is right —“TOTAL MADNESS””.

8 hours ago

‘Democratic strategist James Carville said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that he and host Ari Melber will be arrested if former President Donald Trump wins the election.’

I know that some people think masturbation is a sin and all, but…

7 hours ago

NC voter ID law is supposed to be in affect this election.
My wife and I went to early voting last night. Neither of us was asked to show ID. We did have to show ID in the primaries earlier this year.
NC Law as described on State Board of Elections website:
In-Person VotersVoters must show an acceptable photo ID when they check in at their voting site during early voting or on Election Day. Election workers check to see if the picture on the ID reasonably resembles the voter and if the name on the ID is the same as or very similar to the voter’s name in their registration record.”

7 hours ago

The Return of the sidebar burglar is upon us.

7 hours ago

Just saw this and it jumps the odds up quite a bit that Ron was always controlled opposition.

There is nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency, but a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism and managed by resurgent militant nationalism. Ron Paul
Congressional Record (March 13, 2001)

6 hours ago

delete no need to post

Last edited 6 hours ago by Chief_Tuscaloosa
Mike G.
Mike G.
6 hours ago

Hey Anon:

Lots of fair weather in the Appalachians this past week. I’ve been up and down from western New Jersey, to central Alabama, to central Pennsylvania in 8 days. Touched Maryland, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama. Haven’t seen a cloud. Not one. No high cirrus, no nimbus, no cumulus, no stratus, no lenticular, not even ground fog so common at this time of year.

Has anybody seen a cloud lately? In my 60 years, I don’t recall a full complete cloudless day, much less 8 of them in a row across seven states.

Any ideas why this might be so?

6 hours ago

Reposting a comment by “Charlie” from the Rintrah blog, not related to any of the links today. It was posted recently and I wanted to repost here before closing the browser tab:

“A few other amazing things about Elon Musk:

” 1) The claims about him are transparently laughable. He is supposedly the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Product Officer, Chief Engineering Officer, and Chief Marketing Officer of three or four different large corporations simultaneously. Meanwhile, he spends almost zero time on any of those jobs, spending most of his time tweeting, flying in his jet, or lounging in Brentwood, CA, far from any of the company offices or factories. Just in terms of “how many hours there are in a day,” the claims about him are silly. Someone tracked his private jet travel for a year or two, and let’s just say the claims of Elon “sleeping on factory floors” were completely false. He was almost never even AT a factory, much less overnight!

” 2) The promotion of him as a genius is completely ham-handed. He was simultaneously declared a genius on the cover of about 20 American magazines in the same summer years ago. This didn’t follow any particular accomplishment, it followed his hairplug surgery. It was just a PR campaign. An obvious one, but apparently a successful one.

” 3) Elon is one of VERY few people to have been a hero to BOTH the liberals and the conservatives. This almost never happens. It’s a tribute to: his successful scamminess, his fedgov backing, his appeal to status signallers (first on the left, then on the right), and the midwit susceptibility to easy beliefs that they think can confer status on them. (“Elon is a genius and you’re smart enough to recognize it!”)”

Basically everything about Elon Musk is fake, and gay, though its not clear who is running the op or what it is supposed to accomplish.

6 hours ago

The comments in the past two days were excellent. If the blog ever gets upgraded, I suggest prioritizing trying to find a feature with the software where it would possible to respond to a comment from an earlier day, and the comment and response appears in that days thread. Otherwise comments that could start a good discussion get lost, and this would also probably reduce the time spent needed to moderate them.

Reply to  Ed
2 hours ago

Or make a synthesis of the last 10 of the most voted comments on the sidebar (the one that is not disappear)

5 hours ago

This is also a response to the last few days comments, and I will probably wind up reposting this a few times before the “election” gets settled.

The Cabal vs Trump fight is over Project Ukraine, possibly only about that, which the Trump administration delayed for four years, giving Russia more time to prepare. The Cabal even sort of said that with the first impeachment.

This can be seen by wargaming what would have happened if there was no Trump administration.

The Covid psyop was going to happen anyway, at the same time, and in much the same way, but aspects of it were used to rig the 2020 election and remove the Trump administration, allowing Project Ukraine to get started again. But by then they had lost four years.

This time I think the plan was to get the global war underway already, and yes then the American elections would have been cancelled entirely. And they tried to make certain by putting Trump in jail or killing him. Somehow that aspect of the plan unravelled, so the Harris campaign is an attempt to stall for time while they come up with something else. The global war is the main plan, but they still have to deal with losing control of the US federal executive, and were hoping that had been made moot by the global war already being started.

So what appears to be shaping up as the new plan is to get the global war started by using the American elections to start a civil war in the United States. This would become a global war pretty quickly. The method would be another steal, but make it so obvious that even country club Republicans would have to fight it.

This is my current call, and if it happens it we will know by January, so we will see if I’m right.

4 hours ago

Donald Trump, the US presidential candidate from the Republican party, said that he threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin with striking Moscow in the event of an attack on Ukraine.

I swear if this mf blows it trying to get an edgy soundbite I’m going to lose my mind. I get the on-the-fly A-B testing shit he does, but know when you’ve got a good thing and just stick with it. There is ZERO benefit to poking the bear on that topic; lefties hate you, righties like Russia in comparison to Satan’s Ukraine demons. Just let it be man.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 hours ago

righties know Trump isn’t going to start WW3. This Trump soundbite gives cover to libs who’ve been waving the Ukraine flag for 3 years w/o knowing anything other than CNN told them to. Now the flaggots can vote for Trump w/fig leaf that he’ll show Putin not to push around those poor Ukranians.

3 hours ago

Five men who were wrongfully convicted in the so-called Central Park Five jogger rape case sued Donald Trump, alleging that the Republican presidential nominee defamed them by claiming they killed someone and pleaded guilty.

In a sane world, this doesn’t go anywhere. First, they have made themselves public figures by the publicity they’ve sought since exoneration, and they don’t plead actual malice. The courts are likely to find some sort of privilege for presidential candidates in debates (where speech is most in need of protection), and even if they get over those hurdles, what Trump said was vague, ambiguous, and only in response to comments made about him.
I doubt they will be allowed to push the case forward, especially because of the danger of creating case law on a sort of candidate-privilege on the campaign trail.