News Briefs – 10/22/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – US Government Could Soon Be Paying More In Interest Than On Defense

DFT – China Raids Foxconn Offices In Tax Probe

DFT – China Central Bank Head Pledges To Sustain Economic Recovery

DFT – Disney Releases Data On The Performance Of ESPN

DFT – Russia Has Almost Completed De-Dollarization In Trade With China

Much of my life has been like watching layers of the world I had never seen before suddenly come into  sharp focus after some revelation. If a layer is not in focus, it is just a blur, and no matter the importance of its effects, for my decision making, it might as well not exist. Which makes it tough to function, as so much which it is vital to know, you just have to live for decades until it is revealed to you and comes into focus. And much you will never see.

Still I have been ahead of the curve on this site a lot, from the importance of the surveillance and intelligence operating domestically in the nation, to the fakeness of billionaires, to the way every large company will basically be a subsidiary of Cabal’s intelligence operation, to the idea elections are probably fake (which I said when Romney ran, just off an understanding intelligence was involved in the game and that is how they play), lotteries are likely often rigged, to the fact you might want to wait to take the vaccine, and see what it does in other people. r/K is such a layer which came into focus, but because it was the specialty I trained in, I was so far ahead of the curve there, it will take longer to become common knowledge.

All of those places, were just where that layer came into focus due to events I experienced, and my autistic tendency to ruminate and play out scenarios, forward and backward in time, in my head. Once a layer comes into focus, (like the fact there is a massive, illegal Stasi-like intelligence operation which would be terrified of losing control) there is no losing the focus, and it will draw other layers into focus later (like the fact elections will be rigged by the intel op to maintain control, out of the necessity of survival).

In most cases, I am not that far ahead of everyone else. Just a hair, which lets me call ahead of time what will be coming into focus for most everyone else soon, whether I had spoken of it or not. When it does focus, the site looks prophetic. Ironically the less far ahead I am, the more prophetic it looks. If you make the call, and a month later everyone sees it, you are hailed as a genius. Were it to take years, like with r/K, it is possible nobody even remembers you made the call, and if they do, they assume you were guessing since they assume nobody could see that far ahead. Were it to not come into focus at all, we would not be wrong, but nobody would ever believe it. The focus is critical to the manifestation of the vision.

I had another of these moments, laying back with my eyes closed, half asleep, but hopped up on a mixture of exhaustion and caffeine that would not let me drift completely off, when a layer just suddenly clarified, and then another right behind it. The first layer was, the whole of the country is really at full war now with the whole of “the government,” whatever that is, which has been penetrated by and merged with Cabal.

It sounds obvious, they are running illegal surveillance on us, turning traitors in our communities against us, and even trying to degrade our children by foisting porn on them and re-gendering them to counter good parenting and degrade their functioning. They are importing some kind of foreign army of military aged males, drawn from places like the prisons of Venezuela and the gangs of El Salvador to attack us at some point, facilitating regular American criminals they release to attack us on the streets, they are rigging the elections, burning down cities, starting wildfires, creating mass shootings, imprisoning cops who deal with crime. They are zapping people in their beds with directed energy weapons, and Congress even refuses to make that illegal. To say nothing of the theft through the embezzlement of the Treasury, and the collapse of America. What  we face, is really some weird amalgam of enemies, blending the worst from the movie Enemy of the State and Goodfellas, with Ra’s al Ghul. Some mixture of a criminal organization, and the Muslim occupation of Spain, only instead of worshipping Allah, it seems to worship satan, all committed to destroying the world. All with high technology, like a superpower at its disposal. All while most citizens remain trapped in The Matrix, unaware of the war being waged on them relentlessly, from all directions

I actually saw the war in my mind when it came into focus, basically as a vision, with two lines, like lines of Roman Phalanxes, facing off across a no-man’s land, one side soft and violence-averse, and about one tenth the size of the other, clearly about to be overwhelmed. The image was startling in its clarity. A full on war, between two clearly separated sides, where once realized, the two enemies dehumanize each other to the point where inhumanity is the norm.

The second layer to clarify, was that I have had layers come into focus just like that before, many times. I list many of them above. And I then write about them here, as I just did. At that point one final step always happens.

In a year or two, maybe a little longer, that accounting becomes a commonly accepted truth among our kind. From election rigging to out of control intelligence agencies, to the realization big tech is a government operation and not a business, no matter how crazy or unproven it is, once it clarifies for me, since everyone else is not that far behind, they will see it soon too. Based upon how clearly the lines were drawn in my mind when I looked at that vision, once our side sees that vision as I saw it, realizes that just about every misery of the last two decades, even terrorist attacks, mass shootings, and wars, were actually done purposely, (and I have no doubt they will), there will be no peace in America until one side or the other is entirely destroyed.

As I think about it, the vision was probably my mind resolving something that had been bothering it, namely the talk on here of how the nation would go forward with traitors who served Cabal’s foreign intel op and overthrew the government in it. I think on a deep subconscious level, my mind saw those lines, saw they will be made clear, and wanted to tell me that how the issue would be handled, will probably not be much of a debate when the time comes.

I have thought we would see a Civil War when the surveillance came out. Nobody wants to live like I presently do – and nearly everyone is, whether they know it or not. I figure once everyone sees it, as we appear on a course toward, judging by the trajectory, they would fight. But it was like the mass of the force which would be behind it, driving it, with all of the horrors, heaped on top of the intrusions into privacy and betrayals of compatriots, which was shocking as it came into focus.

It is a shame you can’t just have a loyal group, all bound by honor, trying to make everyone’s life better, without somebody fucking it up by trying to get over on everyone behind their back. I so miss the America where we were all on the same side, and things were almost idyllic. I cannot believe how mass shootings, wars, terrorism, the degradation of the cities, the fostering of crime, the trannification of children, the partisan acrimony, the intrusions of the Stasi, it has all been normalized. We expect that nightmare to await us each day when we open our eyes, in the richest nation in the world. Yet none of it had to be. I think, among regular people, a pleasurable world would naturally arise.

But it is what it is.

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.

30 year head of NSA Tech Devleopment Bill Binney does an interview on Directed Energy Weapons with Dr Katherine Horton. Starts 4:44 into the video. This is worth the hour and a half, and maybe should be required listening for patriots who want to peek behind the scenes at what may be coming out. These waters appear deeper than I have thought. Summary follows.

You are going to see what I have said here, may be just a small piece of what is really going on. It may get much weirder. Both of these are impressive academics, who have gone down the rabbit hole. Other pieces – Bill’s wife died of cancer, and NSA contractors Bill knew, and their wives get a lot of cancer, they imply by various tech deployed on them when they go home to monitor them. So intel officers who see that might have a reason to be hostile to it. Bill believes they have infected him with bioweapons, which caused amputation of his legs, but failed to kill him. Bill and Katherine got married since his wife died, but they are getting hit  pretty bad. At 20 minutes, they talk about Lisa Page telling Peter Strzok he has his “secret society” meeting that night, and he should not forget, but nobody in the media will mention it. Also, Bill is puzzled by the tech, as some of it goes through a Faraday cage, transmitting a signal he can detect inside a cage which should keep out all rf. I tried a Faraday cage with Aluminum foil, but it did not work. I was going to build another with steel. Bill has been kept sleep deprived by their weapons for years now, but for some reason it goes off in the early morning. The weapon which blew the hole in their shielding passed through the house, doing no damage, and blew two holes through the sheet steel through the application of impact-momentum somehow, which Dr Horton, a particle physicist by training cannot fathom. In the book Chameleo, Dion reported a through wall impact weapon knocking things off his shelves and banging on his walls. Bill’s kids have had strange accidents, passing out at strange times, maybe being hit with something which knocks them out when they leave the house. She thinks they are videoing what they are doing to them as some kind of quasi snuff-film for buyers in Cabal who are into sadism. The Chief medical agency head of Finland was killed in her home by a directed energy weapon due to a presentation she gave on DEWs, but they are not reporting it. They think it is a drone doing the weapons hits, but they do not say they saw it. It is not impossible it is satellites. She points out intel agencies require people have control files with blackmail, and given how bad morals are today, every leader’s control file needs to be much more horrific than the weird stuff which has become normal. If an affair was enough in the 50’s, now it needs to be murder of a child. She believes the Freemasons are melded with the intelligence agencies, and that is why all intel agencies are part of one global organization. They go considerably deeper than I have, and have seen a lot I have not. Dr Horton is pulling some kind of microchips out of people that are being covertly implanted in people, especially women, which give the implanter some ability to control their physiology, and maybe make them be compliant. Her dog barks at the night sky when she says she gets hit, as if it can hear a drone, though she has never seen a drone. My German Shepherd would sit at night in the living room, looking out a window, and bark at the same point in the sky every night, as if he heard something.

Bill looks like such a nice guy, who deserves so much better.

One of the nation’s most exclusive prep schools — whose graduates include both former Secretary of State John F. Kerry and the new Russia probe special counsel Robert Mueller – has just issued a scandalous, astonishingly-detailed 73-page report outlining four decades of X-rated sexual abuse of students by faculty and administrators. That is probably like some kind of first step in unhinging boundaries, so they will engage in blackmailable behaviors, or they hope, be broken in life. It would be interesting to know how it was being decided which kids would be abused, and who was making the call. One was apparently targeting the children of prominent families, though I will bet they were families which evaded Cabal’s snares coming up, and were not in the network. I will bet it was mostly coordinated by some small intelligence command assigned to the school, working with detailed analyses of psychology and who was in and not in the network. I mean, how difficult would it be for a school to find teachers who were not child molesters? Especially an elite school. They not only hired one or two, they had reams of them. Do you think children at that school all had a file when they graduated? Do you think that might happen at other schools?

I was struck by the father, who when his son said he was molested, minimized it and blurted out it had happened to him too, and it was no big deal. I will bet he was Cabal and the child’s mother was a target, for whatever reason they target people, and she never knew. He dated the mother as a spy sent in, one thing led to another, and they ended up married, and by then he was in too deep to come clean, so he continued on course, as a deep penetration asset, using her like a machine to pass his genes forward in his mind. And then his own child became the target, since command could not know if he would turn on the mother.

He was not being real, in the moment, when he said that. It may never have happened to him. He was containing a problem for the network, as best he could, on the fly with no preparation, which is why it will strike you as odd when you see it. Your brain knows you are missing some piece of data, and makes it feel odd – the lack of compassion, the lack of outrage, at both his situation and his child’s. Even his casual openness about being molested. Even if he lacked outrage, or empathy, he did not even make an effort to fake it, as even most narcissists would. It tells you how they view us, even when we share bonds of blind familial loyalty with them. You are still on the outside, and an opposing force of some kind, according to the boundaries only they know.

I would not be surprised he reported it to a handler at some point, and both the child and the wife may never have known his real status, for their entire lives. He would die, keeping that secret from his enemies. There are, I bet, tens of thousands of families right now like that, if not many, many more. The whole thing is very. very weird.

At least 5,000 anti-Israeli protesters filled the streets of Bay Ridge Saturday at a rally where they called for the eradication of the Jewish state and demanded the United States withdraw its support of its closest ally in the Middle East. I do not believe there were Jews who did not see this is where importing Muslims would lead. I do not buy they are that stupid. My guess is, there were Jews of Cabal who imported the Cabal Muslims from the third world for the same reason the Cabal operatives we see each day are supportive of the tearing down of America. Meanwhile, there was probably a much larger group of regular Jews thinking it was a bad idea, but afraid to speak out for fear of being called conservative. Sooner or later, Jews are going to have to grasp, there are others in their ranks who are operating against them, as it seems there is in every group today.

Prominent “politically connected” Detroit synagogue leader Samantha Woll was found stabbed to death outside her home Saturday morning, according to police and reports. As chaotic as everything seems, I think there is not a lot going on right now, especially in the circles she travels in, which is uncontrolled.

US Muslims turn on Biden over his support for Israel, and his approval of the entry into Gaza of the IDF.

100,000 protest against Israel in London as Antifa and Islamist flags fly. So now Antifa, which in theory hates Hitler as a fascist, and uses Nazi as an epithet, hates Jews?

Pro-Israel Dem’s foundation gave $1 million to group with Palestinian terror links. We are starting to see, these players are not really ideologues, and seemingly do not really care about what is supposed to motivate them.

In his new book, Government Gangsters, Kash Patel learned that the agents of the Deep State operate through a series of networks, violating their oaths of office, weaponizing the law, and spreading disinformation for political or personal gain. This is a real disservice, as it completely mischaracterizes what I see, and minimizes the problem. It implies these people randomly fight to the top on their own, form networks, and their actions are limited to self-preservation. What I see is much worse. A foreign, probably non-state intel operation, which has infiltrated everywhere, and which elevates all of these people as assets of the whole. It is like the CIA, only bigger – big enough it took over the CIA, and the FBI, and the whole national security apparatus, for the purpose of draining the Treasury into its pockets. It is not a Deep State. It is more like a Deep World Government with a world government Stasi Secret Police Force, which set its sights on taking over the US, and did. I do not know why Kash would not tell the truth, and especially lay out just how granular the targeting of Americans is. He looks more like an enemy because of it. Unless he is just part of a plan for bringing the population along with baby steps. Still I would not trust him now.

Joe Biden bought his luxury $2.75 million Rehoboth Beach home with ALL CASH within weeks of Hunter’s $10 million ‘shakedown’ WhatsApp message to Chinese business partner.

Hamas fugitive who ‘ran terror group’s operations in the West Bank’ lives in council property in North London borough home to roughly fifth of UK’s Jewish community, report reveals.

Court orders abortion for 11-year-old who said pregnancy made her feel ‘special’ A UK judge ruled a pregnant 11-year-old ‘lacked competence’ to carry on with the pregnancy. It gets darker by the day.

Researchers find Pfizer excluded clinical trial deaths from FDA COVID vaccine EUA request. An accurate reporting by Pfizer would have shown equal numbers of clinical trial deaths in the vaccine and placebo groups and thus, no benefit of vaccination.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen is no longer in possession of text messages that she exchanged with Pfizer chief Albert Bourla to seal a COVID-19 vaccine deal, the Commission said in a letter published on Wednesday. She keeps an extremely tidy phone, with no backup.

You might want to not be holding Pfizer stock going forward if this is right:

It is a long thread with a lot of information. Note, I said when the vaccine came out, fuck microscopy of the vaccine, somebody should put it in a sequencer, and get the sequences out of it. I knew that was the significant part. If they had done that back then, and dumped the results in an analysis program, it would have kicked out the SV40 oncoviral gene hit immediately on the spot, as well as the presence of junk DNA, which it would then have immediately begged the question of quantity, and all of this would have hit back then. I predicted the sequences they told us were in the vax, might not match what was in there, and there could have been something totally different in the sequences, even something bad, added purposely.

And I do not say that like I am a one in a million genius. To the contrary, I am not – and that is the revelatory part. I say that because anybody remotely schooled in the art would know what I said, let alone specialists in the field. But none ever called for that or did it until years later, especially not these $2 million per year substack “experts” on the vaccine. Because what you see is controlled opposition telling you what it wants you to know, at the precise moment when the script says it is supposed to be revealed to you, not real experts who are searching for truth.

All of this could be fake, a magician’s assistant waving her hands, and we may still not know exactly what the sequences are in the vaccines, or what that was all about. It could still be more ominous, and this is the limited hangout.

Extraordinary data out of NZ – 30 people jabbed on the same day/location are now dead.

Shocking moment transgender singer Precious Child, who posed with photo of ‘beheaded’ JK Rowling sings ‘kill a TERF today’ on-stage at San Francisco club. A TERF is a Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. In other words a woman who does not like men pretending to be women taking positions and advantages from other women. Transgenders feel feminists who do not treat them as women are a major enemy. I think everything sexual relates in large part to amygdala, so as you alter amygdala function, expect derangements in everything else, from behavioral boundaries, to aggression and violence. The trannies might actually be the ones who start killing people in large numbers first as society goes to shit.

Louis Farrakhan files $5B defamation suit against ADL over ‘false’ antisemitism claims. ADL gets the Alex Jones treatment. It would seem at some point you will have to be allowed to allege stuff, without getting sued. Especially when so many famous figures appear to actually be a part of some kind of conspiracy. If it is possible Sandy Hook was fake, forbidding discussion about that would seem unhealthy for the nation, and a shield for a government which decides it wants to fake such an event.

Convicted child molester sets up tent across from San Fran elementary, offers “free fentanyl for new users.” Police say they can’t remove him. He apparently registered as a sex offender, there is no law against him being there, and the sign is free speech since he did not have Fentanyl on him. Feels like he is one more actor playing a role in a script designed to stress people out. I remember somebody mentioning the Mike Tyson effect. You get to a point, where you have seen so much crazy shit nothing surprises or offends you and you give up, and stop reacting to crazy shit. The world is kind of like that now. So much awfulness has happened, people will begin to cease reacting to it. And that in itself is a ceding of power.

How $17.2 million in gold and cash disappeared from Toronto’s airport. Dude just walked in with a sheet of paper saying it was his, and the airline personnel handed him the containers.

Electric cars risk becoming effectively uninsurable as analysts struggle to put a price on battery repairs, the researcher for the car insurance industry has said.

Guy who burned a Koran in Europe was a Mossad agent.

China, Russia to work on two-state solution to resolve conflict between Israel and Palestine. It seems somebody is giving up the dollar as a reserve currency – something Cabal needed to help fund their operations. I wonder if this script is going to give up American geopolitical dominance by letting Russia and China resolve this.

China’s harassment of the US military flights in the region spiked after Biden’s botched Afghan withdrawal.

Ukraine fears drone shortages due to China technology export restrictions. Drone videos go a long way to highlight the evils and horrors of war.

Spread r/K Theory, because may Bill and Katherine have a long, happy life

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1 year ago

Here is a great talk by a (homo?) Jewish journalist on Rabbi Meir Kahane and his movement. They have committed terrorism against Palestinians. Netanyahu is part of this movement–hardcore nationalists about kicking out all Foreigners out of Israel.

David Sheen
False Messiah’s Donkey

Shmuel Sackett:
i am a student of rabbi mayor kahana i was i am i always will be and proud of
it my children are being trained in the way of our teacher and rabbi
in your and then he’s instructing them what does that mean well what is cahanism let there be no mistakes i’ll
break it down for you in your business and in your personal life don’t hire any arabs whatsoever
not to paint your house not to fix your toilet not to fix your electricity
not to be a worker or a mover if you really love jews then you drive
out the arabs and that’s not it it doesn’t end there
for those who are counting there no after we drive out the arabs we drive out the armenians
and we drive out the christians

1 year ago

‘Court orders abortion for 11-year-old who said pregnancy made her feel ‘special’ A UK judge ruled a pregnant 11-year-old ‘lacked competence’ to carry on with the pregnancy.’

Yet they can choose and change their genders. Go figure.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Abortions are the ultimate blood sacrifice. The enemy is supernaturally evil and will stop at nothing to destroy human souls. It is not a left v. right or ideological issue, it is literally God and good vs. satanic evil.

1 year ago

Mapping out Cabal isn’t easy. It’s definitely extra-national. I’m convinced they’re all part of something else, so when they say things like “voting is dangerous to OUR democracy”, they’re not talking about the American republic. They’re talking about whatever the Hell they’ve sworn loyalty to. Maybe it’s Ghislaine Maxwell’s Terramar or something else. Maybe it’s an idea. I don’t know.

It’s in the round table groups (RIIA, CFR, Trilateral Commission), organizations like Club of Rome, and definitely the WEF. Members of the WEF seem committed to working toward that vision. Putin was in the WEF at one point, but he seems to have left.

Then there are the secret societies. But mapping it out any further than that isn’t easy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think the lowest level doing the stalking also recruits gullible fools to aid them under the cover of being neighborhood watch, or office cliques etc.
Why wouldn’t they?
Obviously they wouldn’t ask them to do anything that would reveal the secret, but other than that it’s just free force multiplication.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s most likely a pyramid, where the people on the bottom only have basic indoctrination and understanding. The soccer moms following us probably aren’t read in as far as Chuck Schumer, and Chuck is probably many levels below Lord Rothschild. And who the Hell knows who is about the Roths? It’s also probably a cellular structure where each person has one contact coordinating their actions. They don’t know a member of another cell. I doubt they have Christmas parties and conventions. At least, not until you’re high enough in the structure to attend Bilderburg.

But then they could know each other through their various secret societies, especially the legacy members. And one of your suspicions is they’re all legacy. Who knows? Damn it, now I want to see this thing fully mapped out. But even among the legacies, I doubt parents are allowed to tell their children anything they aren’t cleared to know at their level.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I don’t believe Putin was ever a YGL.
I believe he was invited along, and like any good “former” KGB agent he went along to gather intel, nothing more.

Reply to  Mr+Twister
1 year ago

That’s what I figured. People keep saying Putin used to be a member of the WEF, but he left around 2012.

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
1 year ago

“Radical Feminist” is a type of lesbian, so a TERF is just a lesbian who rejects the idea of a “lady-penis”.

Reply to  Fozzy Bear
1 year ago

Exactly. Eaten by the very monster they helped create. Hard to cry for the retards when there’s so many more innocent people being fucked over by the results of their sinful indulgences.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Much of my life has been like watching layers of the world I had never seen before suddenly come into sharp focus after some revelation. If a layer is not in focus, it is just a blur, and no matter the importance of its effects, for my decision making, it might as well not exist. Which makes it tough to function, as so much which it is vital to know, you just have to live for decades until it is revealed to you and comes into focus. And much you will never see.

This is also true in one’s walk before God: we are inclined to sit on our lees — as the saying goes — being complacent; it is only through crisis do we get to understand and grow in the reality of living in Jesus Christ and being in the kingdom of God. It came to me as I was in prayer this morning that the association of medicine with the caduceus is more than just branding; it is metaphysical; it entwined with the occult: sorcery: those snakes are the asps. Are we not promised through Christ to be protected from their bite; for, modern medicine has become quite venomous, even in the least instance; and we have to use it on occasion: just as Paul had to build a fire. In Jesus Christ we are given the power of prayer to over come. I had been very hesitant to have teeth pulled because I learned the enemy has put graphene oxide into the dental anesthetics.
That understanding was underscored in the past few weeks when I combined together Tesla’s understanding that all things including we humans are simply energy, frequency and vibration; the enemy is using these very elements against us in its high tech weapons; and Lookoutfa Charlie who is exposing the “Voice of God” technology carried by the current around us; he doesn’t yet take the next step and realize the spirits of the air can do the same: he thinks it is just machine learning, AI.. And this opens it up to the power of Christian prayer to be used against the enemy. I have had very good sleep over the past few weeks.
It also applies on the mundane level of being an artist: as an adolescent you desire to excel as you are inspired by the great art of past centuries: Rembrandt and Titian for some, Cezanne and Eakins for others; but, you find yourself faced with a broken art system whose battle cry is, “We teach abstract art;” and you realize you have a life long climb out of the pit just to reach the level of what an apprentice knew after seven years with his master; so, you reach old age — unless 74 is the new 30 — realizing you’re finally crossing the threshold into the realm of the masters.

Last edited 1 year ago by teo toon
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Ask and we will receive. If it is within God’s will. Its always good to habitually Pray as much as we Habitually brush our teeth.

We should feel like we forgot to do something when we aren’t praying about important things.

When we are fighting life’s battles. It never hurts to ask God to load the dice so to speak.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

“It is a shame you can’t just have a loyal group, all bound by honor, trying to make everyone’s life better, without somebody fucking it up by trying to get over on everyone behind their back. I so miss the America where we were all on the same side, and things were almost idyllic. I cannot believe how mass shootings, wars, terrorism, the degradation of the cities, the fostering of crime, the trannification of children, the partisan acrimony, the intrusions of the Stasi, it has all been normalized. We expect that nightmare to await us each day when we open our eyes, in the richest nation in the world. Yet none of it had to be. I think, among regular people, a pleasurable world would naturally arise.
But it is what it is.

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.”

The relentless normalization over the years of everything destructive to our civilization has been at the heart of our awakening. I know from my own extended family and friends however that so many people just accept normalization under the social “progress” or “inevitability” veils provided it by Cabal’s narrative makers.

Many of us here are well aware of the surveillance and of a predatory 10%+ of our population being domestic Stasi operators. The softness, weakness, gullibility, sheep-like stupidity – whatever you want to call it – of our own people is absolutely critical to the success of the Cabal in its secret war.

Human populations can be sorted along a bell curve for so much in life. Never has it been more obvious that the right side second and third standard deviants are the cream of the crop. We noticers, pattern-recognizers, so-called autists. We are the fucking problem for Cabal. If you have ever been told how observant you are you can be sure your facility has already been noted by Cabal.

This is why it is important you understand that the misfortunes, joblessness, etc we suffer are the result of hidden enemy actions. Our conditioning – our social normalization – refuses to acknowledge the possibility that on an individual level we have been derailed in life. You must believe it. You are literally an elite in the population, identified and targeted for threat neutralization. As sick, demoralizing as this may initially sound it will become a relief, an excuse of a kind perhaps, but a real one. It is the missing piece, the explanation and logic for your bewildering malaise.

Now is the time to accept your awakening as Jesus Christ’s mission for you. Fortify yourself. Have faith. Put on your spiritual armor. We are at war and He has anointed you His warrior.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

I read something back around 2018 about why Q started out on /pol. They understood that for autists, we’re not so much motivated by money or power but by order. We see the world is screwed up and it drives us nuts. Things should work the way they’re supposed to, and they don’t and we can’t live with it. So, drop some breadcrumbs and teach comms, and the autists go off in search of answers. I wish I could find that article again. I can’t summarize it well enough. But this army of digital soldiers is far more effective than mercenaries would have been.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

>They understood that for autists, we’re not so much motivated by money or power but by order.

Also explains why so many autists join with the enemy. Explain the reality, how they can be a cog in the order of evil, and they’ll chug along spam posting disinfo to 4chan for 20hrs straight.

It all comes down to morality, which is a code set by God. Every man gets a choice which master they serve.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Mercenaries are effective in the field of violence. We take care of other aspects that isn’t physical violence for the most part.

We each have our role to play. And a sharp effective sword isn’t the tool for everything.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Eric you described me in one paragraph.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

This is very true. The misfortunes, the joblessness. I believe I’ve “cracked the code,” so to speak to defeat this thing and it’s prayer. Intense prayer. I’ve seen some wild shit go down this year and the only thing navigating this storm is Jesus Christ guaranteed.

1 year ago

The murdered Finnish doctor is Rauni Kilde. She wrote about directed energy weapons, surveillance state and depopulation agenda 10-20 years ago. I guess it was little too early for them. Couple days before her death, she sent farewell massages to friends and family, saying something like “I think this time they are coming for real, there is no escape”.

1 year ago

China, Russia to work on two-state solution to resolve conflict between Israel and Palestine. It seems somebody is giving up the dollar as a reserve currency – something Cabal needed to help fund their operations. I wonder if this script is going to give up American geopolitical dominance by letting Russia and China resolve this.”

There is an inevitability to this multipolarity. Those pre-WWII America Firsters were right. Imagine what our country would have been without falling for FDR’s Pearl Harbor false flag. Trump’s frequent America First talk acknowledges our history, the lies and losses, and also our tremendous potential as a Cabal-free, healthy Western civilization. The future is bright.

1 year ago

Re: two sides facing off

People on this site are waiting for the rest of our side to see that two sides are facing off. This is the advantage the other side has, and constantly seeks to thwart the formation of that consciousness.

As the consciousness increases, the likelihood and imminence of their final solution also increases.

If something does happen imminently (in the next year), as seems likely, will our side be ready, or will it be a complete rout? Or will something else be precipitated unexpectedly?

We have to honor and respect each other, regardless. Cohesion and cooperation will be necessary, regardless.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think one of the things we (and myself included) forget that IF God is on our side, even though it may LOOK bad…well…God is on our side! I went through a Bible study last year of the Kingdom years (1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles and some of the prophets). If it was ONE huge message I got (besides all the cool stories) it’s that God cares for His people. And NO, I’m NOT one of those “rapturist” Christians that think we all get a free pass and the Jews magically become God’s people again, and yadda yadda. WE (and anyone who wishes to receive Jesus and the Holy Spirit) are God’s people and He will take care of us. He did it before, many many times when it looked like His people were going to be utterly massacred. And instead…the enemy was wiped out. One of my favorite stories though…God blinds the enemies and the prophet and God’s people lead the enemy into one of God’s people’s cities. God then opens the enemy’s eyes and they realize they are literally captured and sitting inside God’s people’s city. You would THINK they would be slaughtered. But instead God’s people of the time fed them a meal and got them on their way back home. THAT is mercy. THAT sends a message. Not saying that’s how we’re going to end up, but I’m just saying that I’m confident even if we literally die for God that He has us and I would rather go out that way than any other way. Please Lord, protect Your people and give us strength against our enemies, for they are legion.

1 year ago

Re: two classes of Jews

Having had all my life, in different places and times, up close and personal experience (fortuitously, as far as I can tell) with Jews, my best assessment is that the non-predatory Jews are the vast majority of Jews, but through tribal loyalty and thorough brainwashing the non-predatory Jews cannot or will not acknowledge the immense influence and enormity (real meaning) of predatory Jews.

The non-predatory Jews are used as human shields by the predatory Jews, and are unaware of it. They have been propagandized into not even entertaining the idea. Mere consideration or mental formulation of the possibility is self-forbidden.

Like the rest of us, mutatis mutandis.

Of all outrages, false witness and false accusation are among the most powerful outrages. Ironic that so many are blind to the same class of hatred, accusations of anti-semitism and categorical Jewish responsibility.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

lower ones are more predatory and dishonest than one thinks, many go along with the holohoax bs and izzy bullshit media atrocity claims cause it helps them out and they profit and can feel superior that way. they also like to see just how much they can put over on goyim. when you know better and point out they are lying they run like a vampire from a cross. / and even the “honest ones” still hang with the “dishonest ones”. at the end of the day it is as joe sobran said… their clannishness and sharp (business) practices make people wish to avoid them.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

GATE kid, or no?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

When Stalin liquidated the Bolsheviks a significant section of Eastern European Jewry were removed.

I think we ought to do something similar. Them being Jews is incidental actually because when we are laser focused on evil. A lot of them will go anyway.

Don’t let them ever be allowed to used their Ethnicity as a shield against their crimes.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This is the way.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

When I read the Biography of Stalin. I notice that the moment he went after Jews specifically because they are Jewish. He suffered a stroke not long after and died.

But before that. When he simply targeted the Old Bolsheviks which happened to be heavily Jewish. He was doing quite fine.

1 year ago

Extraordinary data out of NZ – 30 people jabbed on the same day/location are now dead.

The headline says it all, and there is no need to go through the eight minute video of the woman talking, unless you live in New Zealand (there is some specific to New Zealand content).

This is another piece of evidence to reinforce my suspicion that the COVID injections were supposed to be lethal, but whether they were lethal or not depended a great deal on where they were administered. A proper inquiry would start matching up reported bad effects with the locations the doses were administered. I think whoever was behind this intended for COVID to be highly lethal, failed and then switched to the “vaccines” as a backup plan, then screwed that up too. I also think that if you took an injection it will probably wind up being harmless, same with any friends and relatives who took the injections, but some will have bad effects and the reported death toll (800K in the USA last time I checked) is already high enough.

On AC’s other comments on the subject, I didn’t get the COVID injection myself, and blocked my daughter from getting it, because I found out in March 2020 that the fatality rate from COVID was under 1% if you got it. The fatality rate was low enough that if you got it, doing anything other than resting and letting your body get through it would make things worse. But I had gone through the army’s anthrax vaccination program, which was dodgy and ultimately ruled illegal, and gotten bad effects from that, so in a sense that inoculated me from the COVID injection, which was worse.

I have a lot of experience with dealing with untrustworthy bureaucracies. Kirsch and Malone, who are smart men, say they got the COVID injection. This doesn’t strike me as controlled oppo. I think they just put a certain amount of trust in the authorities, and started researching for themselves after they acted. A lot of people operate this way.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Was this covered by our illustrious media?
United States Tested Tactical Nuclear Weapon in Nevada for use in the Mideast

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter….As one of thee last nuclear warfare experts on the planet, the Lame Cherry will translate that the United States tested it’s tactical nuclear weapon arsenal in Nevada on October 18th for use in the Mideast. So you do not blow by this in your speed reading, the United States tested at least one low yield nuclear weapon in Nevada to use on nations in the Mideast in the defense or nuclear power Tel Aviv.The subterfuge was about clocking nuclear detonations in other countries, but if you know what you are reading, the chemicals mentioned in this test explosion are the detonator for the low yield atomic bomb.

Read the article.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

It is an absolute must read article in case anyone is hesitating.

1 year ago

Re: Kash

J. Cashill said recently (and gave examples) that the famous writers (he cited for example NY Times writers) rarely outright falsify as that is too easily caught, but will omit facts and use obfuscatory language to construct what amounts to lying.

That many people will not acknowledge what is understood on this site is (IMO) to a large degree the same thing, but motivated differently. Revealing surveillance is too risky for reputation, no one wants to be the first, or to be made a target. This may even explain why Putin does not do so.

The consciousness on OUR side is not there yet, let alone everyone else. At least, that is how it looks to me.

People are lost in delusion, and too susceptible to name-calling.

All the more reason for this site. AC unfairly will not get the credit he deserves (my guess) but until something breaks the idea needs to be kept alive so it does not die.

1 year ago

Can I ask a question to those who get vibrations and are willing to share? Do any of you share a bed with someone else? Or is everyone sleeping by themselves in their own room or possibly alone in the whole house?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I get them when I take a nap in the afternoon. I haven’t felt them at night when my wife is in the bed.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

When my narcissist son was living with us, I experienced the vibrations and my wife was sleeping right next to me. Started in shoulders and vibrated down until it seemed like all my arm hairs/chest hairs/leg hairs were vibrating as was my basic skin layer. I attributed it to demonic manifestation at the time and still lean in that direction because I really don’t want to believe that these freaks can (or are?) hurting me with this stuff. My internal inflammation has increased and joints, ankles, knees, elbows, fingers are hurting waaay more than should be normal. Not complaining here…just trying to report. Interestingly enough, <0.2% THC cannabis (mostly CBD – 20% CBD) is really helping so far with the inflammation and pain, just started testing it though…so no long term health benefits to report yet. What's cool about it is that it gives you a little of the "well being" that standard cannabis gives you, then it gives you tons of pain relief and mobility WITHOUT being "high" in the head. Will report back when I have more data points. I will just say this: it's weird feeling like a total stoner without being a total stoner. Heh heh.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Did you look into Strange Radiation? Research into health effects and shielding is ongoing. Last I heard, the shield was a thin laminar thing, with alternating layers of I can’t remember what. I can get back to you with a specific design after trawling available info if you like…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Obviously, after all this time you’d have discovered if you had a condition like Parkinson’s or MS that would be causing these internal tremors. Would you believe that these vibrations are the same as internal tremors that can occur with these neurological conditions even though you can rule those conditions out in yourself or are they an entirely different type of event? Would you think it could be caused by stress? Asking for a friend.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

We should sleep under the bed put a giant lead apr in on top

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I should point out that I’m trying basically “hemp” for human consumption. They grow it like normal cannabis but it’s the hemp strain with <1% THC and a lot of CBD. I need to do more research on this particular stuff I buy to make sure they grow it as naturally as they can and they aren't trying to up the CBD percentage just because. I personally believe that medicines like this should be grown and consumed in as natural of their internals as possible. In other words, I DON'T want to consume either hemp nor the regular stuff IF they've deliberately jacked with either the genetics or the growing/feeding so much to deliberately make it high % of something.

Also…this now makes me wonder about the stories I've read where the Founders would remark about smoking hemp on their back porch Sunday afternoon. Now of course most folks want you to believe the Founders were smoking the real thing (and maybe they were?), but this experience with hemp is darn near wonderful. Maaaaaaybe when they said "hemp" they MEANT hemp (with a really low THC percentage) OR maybe the real stuff was just waaaay less concentrated than today.

Either way, I think I understand the Founders better now!

1 year ago

> as some of it goes through a Faraday cage, transmitting a signal he can detect inside a cage which should keep out all rf.

Heterodyned signal.

1 year ago

> Sooner or later, Jews are going to have to grasp, there are others in their ranks who are operating against them, 

Most major Jewish religious organizations are firmly aboard the gun control bandwagon. Considering their history over the last few thousand years, that’s insane. Yet the rank and file bow their heads and comply.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Jews are only a few percent of the US. Entirely possible, if AC’s 5-15% figure is accurate, they are near-100% members of the enemy, with the “good” ones being mere cover stories to placate the normies.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Often those most concerned about being persecuted are those most eager to persecute others.
They project themselves onto others and fear what they would do being done to them.

I have no idea what percentage of Jews are involved, but if the percentage is low then nearly all of the Jews involved must be in the middle to upper levels because they are vastly overrepresented in them.
I also note the ridiculous percentage of Jews that vote Demoncrat and are activists for the most satanic garbage in culture and politics.

If we get a list of cabal members to remove from our society do not be surprised if the vast majority of Jews end up removed from our society.
The same goes for other groups that deliberately hold themselves separate from mainstream society, like ghetto blacks and many immigrant/invader communities.
Those who hold themselves to be different from you are far more willing to engage in evils against you than those who think of themselves as part of you.
All of cabal is like that in secret, but it stands to reason that they would find far more eager recruits in groups that are that way publicly.

1 year ago

> European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen is no longer in possession of text messages that she exchanged with Pfizer chief Albert Bourla to seal a COVID-19 vaccine deal, the Commission said in a letter published on Wednesday. She keeps an extremely tidy phone, with no backup.

Interesting. In the USA, the cellular phone companies quit handling text messages decades ago. Now they offload that to contractors. Not many people knew that until one of the contractors had a glitch on Valentine’s Day some years ago, when a bunch of texts from months before started popping up on peoples’ phones. It was mostly reported in the “news of the weird” sites, since some of the messages were from people who had died in the meantime, and the recipients were freaked out.

Google is *remarkably* chary about coughing up links to any of those stories nowadays. A suspcious mind would wonder why.

Anyway, given what I know about EU data retention laws, I suspect von der Leyen’s phone provider has a complete set of all her texts, whether she “deleted” them or not. Same way deleting your Faceborg account just removes it from visibility; everything there is retained forever.

1 year ago
1 year ago

> Electric cars risk becoming effectively uninsurable as analysts struggle to put a price on battery repairs, the researcher for the car insurance industry has said.

What I see happening here is you’ll buy the car, but the batteries will only be leased. Unless they go to lease-only on the cars.

GM toyed with that years ago, but didn’t follow through. But that’s how the software industry is going nowadays; they call it “the subscription model.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

No doubt some cars have battery problems, but the same happens to IC cars and trucks. Have you heard of all the problems Ford trucks diesel engines had after they dropped the 7.3L diesel power stroke? Lots. And big, big cost associated. And how long have diesel engines been developed and still, they have problems. I expect batteries will become much better in the future. At some point, I think you will see flywheels. I think it would take a good deal of development to make them work but once they did, they would be far more reliable and cost effective.

But few talk about the 400,000, at far lower cost, miles some are getting out of electric cars. Think you’ll get that out of your car?

1 year ago

Professor Konstantin Meyl wrote a book on scalar waves. One of the possibilities is that such waves aren’t blocked by a faraday cage, though the review I read doubted such could happen.

1 year ago

“It could still be more ominous, and this is the limited hangout.” Exactly right. Myocarditis, all of it, all the side affects, are a subset of the crime. The real agenda is and always has been sterilization. Wait until those numbers start compiling.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

RE: Researchers find Pfizer excluded clinical trial deaths from FDA COVID vaccine EUA request. 

Fraud vitiates everything. It has been my consistent position that Trump is going to get out of responsibility for the vaxx by rightly claiming fraud on part of the CDC, Pfizer, etc. Fraud is also how the EUA immunity protections will be undone.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

he should. people dont get the power and momentum of leviathan aka ds/cabal. ds meaning deep state. the plans were laid and if he had come out in early 2020 flat out opposing vaxes, lemming brain-dead normie amerikwa would have not voted for him at all. i still talk to people who say trump should have fired everyone (ilo not filling all slots, which is good). if he did that, or several other things, impeachment again, followed by gopers crossing the aisle to vote to remove him.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Smart boy word magic won’t save him from that backlash. It matters ZERO percent what his tricksy smart boy logic was, anything other than “yeah that vaxx is poison, miss me with that gay shit” is complicity to evil.

It is undeniable some people took it because of his mush stance. He will have to answer for those people harmed.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

China is experiencing the exact same economic problems we are facing. We have “van life”, they have “lying flat.” In the end people will work themselves to death if it really can provide them a viable future, but there is no point to killing yourself if you’re going to be just as poor.

China Insights- End times mentality? China’s youth: quitting and alternative Lying Flat under tide of unemployment

1 year ago

“Some mixture of a criminal organization, and the Muslim occupation of Spain, only instead of worshipping Allah, it seems to worship satan”
“At 20 minutes, they talk about Lisa Page telling Peter Strzok he has his “secret society” meeting that night, and he should not forget, but nobody in the media will mention it.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No it doesn’t. Your link is to a religious thing. Why would you lie about it?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

What an odd thing to say.

No, it doesn’t what? I don’t see any question. And where is the lie in giving two quotes from the above post and then a link? You seem to answer a question that isn’t asked, and then object to some statement that isn’t stated. Perhaps your medication needs adjustment or you are being served a siloed alternative internet.

As for the link, it goes to a history program, not a religious one. Though since it does start with the history of a secret priesthood I suppose you could legitimately think that was the main topic. The more relevant episodes are probably the ones beginning with the Old Man of the Mountain and the original Assassins who were famous for infiltrating target organizations and communities while maintaining secret loyalties to the cult… but if you begin at that episode then you come into the middle of the tale and it is harder to understand without the backstory of how secret pyramid schemes functioned. Something so rare in our Western society that it seems odd, even though it is common in most of history and most of the world.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Damn, AC! I feel like I slept through the remainder of 2023, and woke up in 2024.

By that, I mean, yes, your news aggregation is usually disturbing. But today’s is positively off the charts bat-sheet crazy bad.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Technical note:

Hi AC,
I am browsing with Safari 14.1.1
Yesterday, I was going through the daily news briefs, and about 3 PM everything went wonky. All the standard formatting failed, and stuff was all over the place. The article rating stars became massive and margins got messed up, among other things.

Posts from 10/19, 20 and 21 are STILL appearing like that, although today’s post is neat, tidy and normal. I wonder if anyone else is seeing this?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I can’t remember the name of it, but about a decade ago James Corbett mentioned a technology that would allow us to create a wireless mesh between our own devices that won’t require the Internet. I think it was called Secret Garden or something. It may eventually come to that if the Internet Kill Switch is pushed.

I know you have very limited time for extra projects, but possibly you could create a backup on the Deep Web using TOR at some point. The Brave Browser has TOR built into it. I’ve only used it a handful of times. But we may need to consider alternatives. Your comments have become like a mini /pol and a valuable place to share information, compare notes, and wrestle with WTF is actually going on.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve never done it myself, but I did a quick search and came up with this: . You apparently need a TOR service and a web server on your local machine. Back when I read The Daily Stormer, they were taken down in 2017 after Charlottesville and they have to keep jumping hosting providers and domains. They set up a deep web site for a permanent location.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

“…You apparently need a TOR service and a web server on your local machine…”

This is incorrect or worded such that it’s confusing. The Tor service is built into the Tor browser or Brave browser. What it does is encrypt the data and then send it on the Tor network which is a “supposedly” independent network of computers that pass this encrypted data through more than one of these servers before it gets the data or web page from online. Then sends it back to you, also encrypted. It has another mode where there are encrypted addresses to servers, like a normal server AC uses now, BUT they are connected to the Tor network and their actual location is hidden because of sending the data through several hops of different severs before it comes to you. So you don’t know where the server is, and they don’t know where you are. I do believe if they are targeting someone they can put up a huge hoard of the severs that pass on the data and then by process of elimination eventually find where a server is or a user, but, it cost. It takes effort.

Let’s compare to normal internet. You enter a http site name, number. It goes to the domain name server DMS which is at your internet provider or several other places. It gets a numerical address, then sends that data to the network. Which looks for that address and connects you. In Tor’s case there are special servers. You send request for connection to these specific servers. You provide, automatically, a Tor address which are all alphanumeric. This goes to one of the addresses of these servers that hop the data around. The first server you send this too and the ones that just hop the data around do not know the actual address that you are requesting. It is encrypted and will only be unencrypted at the last server. They pass your address request through several servers, each counts down and then when it gets to however many hops needed, it is then able to unencrypt the actual address which can be normal internet or a hidden server. All these servers then send the data, web page or whatever, back down the line to you. At all points it is encrypted except when the last server goes to the normal network/internet.

Let’s say you wanted to set up a Tor site. You would get Tor browser or use brave. Look up sites that sell server services on Tor and it’s exactly the same as normal internet EXCEPT, whatever software you use should not depend on JavaScript because anyone on Tor with any sense at all has JavaScript turned off.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There are two separate systems in Tor. One just hops, then exits to the normal internet. So I could go on Tor and read your site, and my IP would be from a random server, like a VPN. I just tried this and it worked in brave. I’ll try to comment from Tor built into brave next comment.

The other set of sites are hidden encrypted sites. The location of the hidden is…hidden, but it operates just like a normal server. I can’t say I exactly know 100% how this works. Suffice to say, the actual location of the server is not known or is at the least difficult to find without State level supported assets. And while I think State assets could find one, supposedly they can’t. I don’t believe that, but can’t prove it either way. So in fact the hidden site server could be anywhere and can be accessed anywhere the IP (internet protocol) exists. Note, HTTP rides on top of the IP. Tor is ANOTHER protocol separate from HTTP that rides on top of the IP and is encrypted all the way, except when it exits the Tor network and gets a page on the regular HTTP interest. But when you read a site through Tor your IP address is not given to the server you request a website from. The web server, on the regular net, only gets the address of the last server hop before it goes to the site. It’s like it only gets the VPN address. If you think of it as a VPN with extras, you’ll get the general idea.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Sam J., AC, and any other tech-savvy person here:

A couple of TA members are currently looking into two protocols that I don’t fully understand yet: Gemini Protocol and Nostr Protocol. From what I understand, both currently have an active development community. Both would be very difficult to control as long as you have access to the internet, as they are more P2P as you are looking for, AC.

Again, I don’t fully understand how this works, but let me share the possibilities: Especially if we form an antifragile P2P network of relays onto which our communications can propagate. Nowadays, all this might take is for the >1000 of those here to each invest $50 in a tiny mini-PC, installs a protocol, and hosts a relay. If you post something, AC, it would propagate into the many thousands of relays, thereby being uncontrollable as long as we maintain some semblance of communication. They would literally have to shut the internet down or kill all of us to stop these signal.

I don’t think Cabal has total control. I believe they have the illusion of attempting total control. But in releasing the internet, they have forced their hand into having to create the very superentity that will be used to lead them into the enternal fire. What I mean by this is that we don’t necessarily have to beat them at their own game. All we need to do is learn their limitations and create an antifragile form of communication that all of us would hop onto. I believe it is possible. But we’d need to have early adopters test out these systems and make a process for us to all piggyback off.

This is something I believe strongly in. So, when I have the time and resources, I aim to spend them to do something like this. Until I do, if anyone wants to try, I would be very grateful to any trailblazers who understand why we need to do this.

Ideally, we would be able to buy cheap computers, install a package, and become an actual antifragile node of this community. I like mini-PCs because they are cheap and highly mobile. You can travel anywhere, hook your computer up to a monitor, and you’re connected as an active relay.

Imagine 100’s of thousands, even millions of mini-servers acting as relays for this network. For comms, this is just as important as guns. We’ll not only have a gun behind every blade of grass, but a comms station, an entire repository of connected knowledge along with it, and a whole community with it.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Absolutely. I kind of like the model we currently have here, though it isn’t optimized. Your blog, AC, which is a public forum by which anyone can be informed, be awakened, and participate in discussion. And places like TA, a closed, moderated, free-speech forum in which people can have longer-term threads and collaborations.

The talent I see here at your blog is tremendous. If we could find a way to come together in a meaningful way, the talent here can easily better any given think tank, startup incubator, university, etc.

But there has to be buy-in of some sort for such a community to form. So-called skin-in-the-game. That will take time and effort for each and every one of us.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

The only thing I know, not that I know even half of what’s out there, that would likely ring all these bells and has been worked on for many, many years, is Syndie

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“…But to get that server, which nobody knows where it is, you have to pay something?…”

I2P, No. All you need is an internet connection.

“…I assume they are seeing my keystrokes, or looking at my screen live…”

Then they would have your password, your site address and know how to get in and change it. One possibility would be to set one of these up for practice. Get all your ducks in row, then take a laptop somewhere…oops that wouldn’t work because you couldn’t administer it. Sigh. If they are watching you in the house all the time, hard to do anything about that. Maybe work in a box? Tough thing to get around if they are watching and surely they have cracked your computer. You know you could run Linux on a usb drive and there are some, many, that run on a DVD. So they can’t change anything or add anything to track you. If they are visually watching you then tough to defeat but if it’s only software that’s watching you, likely, then a live system with no hard drive would keep them from seeing what you are doing. You would have to boot it up on a computer with no hard drive at all to be sure. Then hide your log on from whatever is watching. I doubt they can watch everything. You can buy old laptop computers that would be perfectly fine for just surfing the web and administrating a site for dirt cheap used. The basic idea would be to practice at home until you felt comfortable using it and knew it would do what you wanted. Then go somewhere where there’s wi-fi and change all your passwords before they can see what you are doing.

Download the DVD and burn it before you by the used laptop and then get whoever you buy it from to make sure it boots the DVD. Usually when the computer boots up you hit the “del” key and it will take you to the BIOS which is what starts the computer. There you can tell it to boot the DVD instead of the hard drive.

If you wish to save files, you can use a usb drive that is encrypted with Veracrypt. It also does hard drives. So you could totally wipe your laptop drive and encrypt it.

or it’s predecessor Truecrypt, another guy who disappeared, but the software is still around.

It makes a total encrypted drive on the USB. Unless they have your password, any fooling around with it will ruin it. They can’t change it without you noticing.

Linux, here’s just one link. Most of the software needed is built into these live DVD operating systems.

Another idea would be to buy a used laptop physically. Make sure it has DVD read write built in. Remove the hard drive. DO not let out of your sight. Build a Linux that has all you need and burn to DVD. Then only boot with it and never let the DVD away from you. Maybe lock up the laptop such that if it’s disturbed, you know. These people are mostly not geniuses. Or carry it with you everywhere in a laptop bag. This is not unusual these days. This would be what you use for all functions. Change all passwords with the new system being the only one you use. But I don’t think you need a custom Linux. I would think most anything you want to do, you could do with any one of them.

“distributed sort of site”

There is such a tool. It’s called syndie.

This was written, or the start of it by J Random who wrote I2P. Who was J random…don’t know, but he disappeared and others picked his work. Vanished. Wonder why.

I only know a little about Syndie. It’s an encrypted, distributed system like newsgroups. Where there are various topic or channels that people can discuss things in. I believe there’s built in system to make sure who says they are is exactly who they are. So spammers can be ignored. And I also believe it takes effort to get a name to thwart flooding with made up names.

I said over the years many times said we need something that goes through I2P but the actual site data is spread all through many people computers and is encrypted. Each person could decide for themselves what sites they would shadow and back up. All the site data would be strewn all over. Like the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) or Freenet but you could choose what you shadowed.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

From Tor,

“…But at the end of the TOR servers, when the address is finally unencrypted, it goes back onto a normal network to request the page?…”

The Tor network never gives out your address, if you have JavaScript off. It is a

I;m not sure how safe the Brave browser built in Tor is. I think it does not turn off JavaScript, which is a problem, The Tor portable Firefox browser is much safer as you can set it to max security and it turns off JavaScript and other identifying browser traits.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Supposedly Tor is blocked in Russia so a server there, would not be a good idea. Of course the Tor block can be beaten as lots of Russians use Tor with work arounds. I have no knowledge about what are good servers or bad on Tor.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Sam J.

The main ideas bout using Tor is it would be really hard to shut you down.

I2P hosted sites would be even harder, maybe impossible. I2P is a separate network sort of like Tor but slower and more secure. It does not connect to the regular network, HTTP, at all unless you add a specific relay(proxy server) that has an off ramp to the regular HTTP network. It has a built in location encrypted sever that comes with the package. So if you can set up a normal website then you can set a I2P website on any computer connected to the net. It has to be something simple though. All these big website packages like WordPress use JavaScript and that’s a no no. Has to use simple HTML. Though I think, not sure, with the new standards you can do a whole lot of the same stuff with normal web pages and no Java Script.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Sam J

“…It has to be something simple though…”

I need to clarify. There are perfectly good sites with uploads for pictures, files, etc. and I can’t see anything you are doing here that couldn’t be done there or that’s my belief. Some tracking would be lost unless you got people to log in, but they could be anonymous doing so. Only every time they comment they would have to log in to their user name. But you can have comments without logging in also.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I admit, I only get TOR on a surface level. I’ve only used it once or twice and I had the site’s address. I don’t even know a search engine to use on TOR.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Landdestroyer.blogspot had a similar article several years ago.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

“…James Corbett mentioned a technology that would allow us to create a wireless mesh between our own devices that won’t require the Internet….”

They have several of those but you would have to have wall to wall wireless for it to work. Anyone not on wireless, not connected to the”wired” net, would get nothing.

“…possibly you could create a backup on the Deep Web using TOR…”

“…How do I do that? Is there a Tor host? Or would I need a bunch of hosts?…”

Tor is a service where you have a connection to a set of master sites. The connection between you and them is encrypted. These masters send your traffic through other sites. Each one unencrypts addresses and passes on the data. None know where it originated or ends or what the encrypted data is. Only that they passed encrypted data. So these do about 3 hops and then the address is unencrypted. This address is “supposedly” not able to be located physically. I don’t believe this. If you own enough masters I think you can eventually track traffic BUT it does take effort and is not super easy. “if” they do trace server location then they are showing their hand so….

The take away here is you can rent a server on the Tor network. The Tor network uses the same internet at a low level like IP. No http which is a higher level which runs on the IP (internet protocol), None of the DNS (domain name servers) or anything like that. Has it’s own internal. Since the traffic bounces all over, much harder to stop.

If you want to have a look you can get a free “portable” Firefox browser all set up to only go to the Tor internet(Tor Browser) here.

Sites are different on Tor. They have a. onion ending instead of .html

You can search on the regular web for “Tor sites” and get various address as introduction. Copy the link address and enter into Tor.

Now that I think about it just using Brave and opening a Tor browser tab would be far easier. Install Brave. Hit the hamburger icon on the right and select “new private window with Tor”

Much better is the I2P network but…it’s harder to set up. Once set up you have a built-in server, just like one you pay for, but it’s on your computer. So costs you nothing. Much harder to crack as everyone is a server and passes on data encrypted. Great for downloading movies and TV shows. Free encrypted email.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I had a problem like that a day or two ago.
But they all work now.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I haven’t gone back to any briefs, but the last few days they’ve appeared normal. Not sure which version of Safari I have, but I have the latest update to MacOS 13.

I read the comments in RSS unless I’m replying to one. But as much as possible, I read the brief in the browser so I can zoom in. When I’m at work, “blogs” are blocked so I have to read it in my RSS reader.

1 year ago

I know what you mean when you say you miss the way America used to be. I’m only in my 30s and grew up in multicultural Los Angeles and I miss even that America that I grew up in. So much has changed in such a short amount of time it really is astonishing. As sad as it is we have to face the fact that that America is just a warm memory, like visiting grandparents. Sometimes I get so mad and upset when I see our statues being torn down or our forefathers spoken of like common criminals by hateful dimwits. We all need to take stock and ingrain this in our minds: America is not a good memory we long for or statues or dead men, America is it’s people. We can rebuild statues and “make America great again” but only if we save the people from the evil hanging over all our heads. Hope you’re able to get some better sleep soon AC.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

And only if we get rid of the people who tear things down.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

I guess even the multiculturalism I went to high school with wasn’t as bad as today. I was in San Antonio during that period and went to a VERY diverse high school. Our student parking lot had Beamers and beaters and everything in between. We had a Spanish teacher who refused to speak English. I think she was a refugee from Cuba. I refuse to learn much Spanish to this day because I resented people coming here and refusing to learn English.

Of course, my white friends wanted to emulate the “diversity”, which drove me nuts. “Hey, chi-vato!” (I have no clue to to spell it.) White girls wanted to act like Hispanics, but the Hispanics didn’t want to emulate the whites.

When I was stationed in San Diego, even the phone books in the cities around base were in Spanish. When I got out of the Navy I got a job installing alarms. One job I did was a month at a JC Penny in Chula Vista. The border got shut down one day and most of the employees and shoppers didn’t make it in. The place was freaking empty, which made it much easier to do alarm work. And somehow this makes us stronger.

One benefit I was positive about was the 24 hour burrito stands around San Diego. They didn’t speak English, but they served 1 lb carne asada burritos. You just drive up and they know what you want. No language required.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Makes me glad to see more Millennials here. We’re next up after the crusty old geezers here, lol.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

Couple years ago, there were some large collection of people on a non related website talking about the greatness of pulling down the statues. I said that all the statues were going to be put back up, and made fancier, and poof, it was like they all shut up. It was not the power of an argument that ‘hey this is wrong’ or whatever, but the thought of our side winning and rebuilding and presumably holding them accountable in the future that I think may have gotten them quiet. At least for a moment.

1 year ago

Why haven’t you posted about what General Flynn said about Q? I would think that would be news don’t you?

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…At least 5,000 anti-Israeli protesters filled the streets of Bay Ridge Saturday at a rally where they called for the eradication of the Jewish state…”

Whatever happens, we need to make sure the state of Israel is not eradicated. We need somewhere to put the Jews when they are driven from our countries. If they weren’t so vicious, this task would be much easier.

1 year ago
Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
1 year ago

Re: Bill Binney and the strange attacks on him:
I learned recently that Scalar Energy is real. From these papers (from 1985), it sounds as if the E-B field of light can be sort of pair-cancelled; E1 opposing E2 and B1 opposingB2, creating a beam of ‘suppressed’ light with an INCREDIBLY low chance of interacting with anything. Such a beam might be able to go through a Faraday Cage as if it wasn’t there. Or into a Deep Tunnel, for that matter. To extract the energy, you bring another such ‘suppressed’ beam of almost the same frequency (beat frequency effect?) near to it and there will be a huge transfer of energy between the two near parts of the beams.
I think energy would just seem to materialize out of nothing, with incredible violence. Maybe that’s what Binney is dealing with. It might also explain flipped cars around WTC 1 and 2, and in the California and Maui fires.

Reply to  Darrell Harb Christianson
1 year ago

This is Ken Shoulders stuff. Exotic vacuum objects. Charge clusters. Itons. Strange radiation. Lots of names for a poorly understood phenomenon.
No question Cabal is exploiting the science, if only for their tictacs.

1 year ago

Black Lives Matter Leader Stands Behind J6 Prisoners, Endorses Trump

1 year ago

Just discovered another one of you. Sounds like he’s from ‘down undah’:

1 year ago

Don’t take a side:

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Funny Ryan Long
Actor tries to work out who to support…

Arrrgh Pale-Stein!

1 year ago

I notice that Concrete blocks my phone signals. Wonder if the properties of Concrete can be used on whatever is buzzing you?

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

In government buildings, they add rebar for the Faraday Cage effect. Concrete itself is dense and blocks some signals, but not enough for COMSEC.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Avenues of attack or defense in this case. A idea which might not be too expensive. It seems I remembered that the B2, it’s said, uses tar and ferrites as EM traps. So I’m looking around at charcoal EM absorption. I find people are using charcoal and anisotropic crystalline materials. One paper is using charcoal and Polyester. One source for the polyester could be pop bottles and most any clear plastic packaging(PET). I believe you could melt this in an oven. Put the plastic in a food processor and grind up. Crush some charcoal briquettes, mix then melt in the oven to make sheets.
Melting Point Range (C)
Polyester PBT                                     240-275
PET (Amorphous)                                     260-280 536F
PET (semi-crystalline)                   260-280

Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Characteristics of Charcoal Powder and Unsaturated Polyester Resin Composite

Tangent to this I found a super interesting paper. Different paper with strong absorption results. Quotes from,

New way to absorb electromagnetic radiation demonstrated, Scientists show that it is possible to fully absorb electromagnetic radiation using an anisotropic crystal

“…In order to absorb incident radiation completely, we need to use interference…”

“…When light falls on an absorbing system, if the coating parameters have been chosen properly, the reflected waves cancel each other out — reflected radiation [microwaves too] vanishes completely and the absorption becomes perfect. This type of interference is called destructive interference. Absorption in such systems is very sensitive to the geometry of the structure…”

“…In their paper, the researchers from Russia and the US showed that destructive interference is not a necessary requirement for perfect absorption. The scientists used an anisotropic crystal — hexagonal boron nitride — as their specific absorbing system…”

The interesting part,

“…At the wavelengths and angles of incidence predicted analytically, the authors observed a strong drop in the reflected signal — less than 10-4 of the incident energy was reflected from the system. In other words, more than 99.99% of the incident wave energy was absorbed in the anisotropic crystal…”

So I look around and find they use this for a lubricant (who knew, I remembered this being used for machine tool insets). I see on eBay

Hexagonal Boron Nitride (BN), Dry Lubricant, 20 Micron Powder (625 mesh), 50g $17.23

Possibly, paint (acrylic maybe, a plastic)mixed with Hexagonal Boron Nitride. Another avenue might be to add to to the crushed charcoal and plastic. Most of this is readily available at any hardware store and the supermarket except the Hexagonal Boron Nitride, which while not cheap is not back breaking for films. The key takeaway is that it appears certain materials do not require super calibrated thin films to block a narrow bandwidth range of frequencies. These apparently block a larger range of EM waves. This means you can vary the thickness and still have good performance. So you might, be able to glop this stuff together and still have it work. No super anal film thickness needed. A good first start might be the cheapest charcoal briquettes you can find then add plastic then the hexagonal boron nitride powder.

search terms

“Electromagnetic Wave Absorption charcoal”

“em waves charcoal”

“hexagonal boron nitride powder”

“anisotropic crystalline solids”

“Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Characteristics of Charcoal Powder and Unsaturated Polyester Resin Composite”

“Recent progress of electromagnetic wave absorbers: A systematic review and bibliometric approach”

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Electrogravitics may explain the beam and vibration effect, and the UAPs. May I recommend “The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology,” a non-fiction book by Nick Cook published in 2002.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

More than likely it’s the re-bar or re-mesh in the concrete than the concrete itself doing the blocking.

Steven C.
1 year ago

I followed the link about the airport theft. It reveals how hypnotized most people are by little pieces of paper, that they don’t even think about the possibility of counterfeiting or fraud. Also most people just follow the usual routine at work, without educating themselves about all aspects of their job.