News Briefs – 10/21/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Egypt Downgraded For Second Time This Month

DFT – Nokia To Lay Off As Many As 14,000 Employees

DFT – China Selling Off US Securities

DFT – Moody’s Considers Downgrading Israel’s Credit Rating

DFT – Russian Internet Giant Benefits From EU Google Crackdown

Lifesite News, with 4 million pageviews – US gov’t must ban the use of clandestine directed energy weapons against citizens. Interesting. When they thought about creating a law to ban the Havana Syndrome type attack, they limited it to foreigners using the weapons on Americans. He asks, why did they not just ban all possession and use of directed energy weapons in the US? I suspect someone said to them, “You do not want to get The Beam tonight, do you Senator? Because we can give you the beam…” Sounds like the author knows what is going on, and found out the hard way.

This is the future. They can control anything this way, and there is nothing you can do. Hardened intelligence officers who worked in intel for decades, and specialized in that technology, set up It could have exposed everything. They were able to shut it down overnight, and make sure nobody associated with it made a peep, after blowing a hole through Bill Binney’s ceiling shielding. You now, they are looking at that power, and asking, how they can put it in the hands of every junior grade gangstalker Stasi surveillance informant monitoring their neighborhood, so it can be meted out to you, one by one. It will be like China shutting down people’s lives for a bad social credit score, only with the sadistic element of being able to inflict pain and suffering with the push of a button.

With time, now that they have seen the power, they will have more of those satellites and drones disbursed to the neighborhood Stasi than you can shake a stick at. It will look like the clouds of Starlink satellites you see on hte maps of active satellites, and anybody who says anything which offends anyone, from a political party head to your local Stasi-secret-society member smoking pot in his living room, listening to you talk at the dinner table, and not liking what he is hearing, will get zapped at night and deprived of sleep until they shut up and act like a good little sheep. Other kids with too much ability will just begin to get sick all the time. And some will just get killed.

It is a real tipping point we are at. You can see where it is going, and you have this small window to change the path, before they can scale everything up. But it will not be like that for long. I will bet those Ukraine bucks are going in one side of a factory, and the satellites and drones are coming out the other side as fast as they can make them. Because now it is a race.

Rachel Maddow drops paranoid rant about Trump — says he wants ‘MSNBC on trial for treason so that he can execute us.’ It is a strange thing for somebody who is a real American, whose political views just differ from others, to say. But I think this is how they are raised. Their parents, from the earliest, tell them they can never trust us, never be honest with us, because we are opposing forces, and given what they need to do to us, all our lives, to maintain control, we would have them executed if we found out, so whatever they do to our side is justified. I think this is a little window into how they think.

I can tell you, I was blindly loyal to my best friend Danny at 21, and he even laughed once, because he needed help with something he would have wanted secret, and I never mentioned it to anyone, and it never exited my mouth, even if he spoke of it. He laughed, and said, “You never talk!” If ever they were going to let something leak, I think it would have happened there, from him. But in retrospect, it was never even close, and unbeknown to be, I was entirely on the outside with him. That is how it is.

Interesting when she looks at the problem she presents, with the type of ruthless, outcome-focused mindset I think they burn into these intel kids from their earliest days being run against other children, she sees the only way to deal with her being a trial and and execution. It shows you, if they were in our shoes, how they would handle the problem they present to us. It also shows you, that as fuzzy, and nice, and normal as the Cabal people you see in life seem, under that fuzzy exterior, is an absolute shark, who would pile the bodies as high as they need to go, to get what they want. Obviously our side has a ways to go to be able to compete.

The irony is, as much as they view the world that way, as willing as they would be to lay the bodies out, the vast majority of the ground forces, and Maddow too, I would assume, appear to have never developed any combat-capability, and their taste for the type of violence which can get you killed is non-existent. I suppose the ruthlessness of their organization in the past prevented things from ever getting close enough they would need it, and as in so many areas, absent the need, the human machine grows soft.

Joe Biden demands billions to fly, bus more migrants into U.S. communities. This is the conspiracy which is afraid our side will suddenly try them for treason and have them executed. They probably cannot fight themselves, and they are bringing in military aged males from their global conspiracy left and right, as fast as they can. Do the math.

Kenneth Chesebro, alleged architect of the “fake electors” plot, has struck a plea deal with prosecutors in Fulton County, Georgia, per source familiar with the arrangement.

Michigan AG drops charges against fake GOP elector James Renner after he agrees to cooperate.

Judge fines Trump $5,000 for gag order violation after threatening him with jail time.

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., says the panel has obtained bank records showing James and Sara Biden paid Joe Biden $200,000 in the form of a personal check in March, 2018, claiming the document shows proof of the Biden family’s influence-peddling scheme.

Jim Jordan lost a third bid to be Speaker of the House, after which the House GOP voted in a secret ballot to remove him as the GOP’s nominee for Speaker, according to Jake Sherman.

Tucker Carlson – Ep. 32 You’ll be shocked to learn this, but it turns out the whole George Floyd story was a lie. An excellent example of how they can rig trials. Floyd OD’d on Fentanyl. You saw the baggie on his tongue in the body cam video when he was talking to the cop. It was in his blood test. The autopsy found no trauma to his neck. Chauvin’s knee was on his shoulder. And yet they found Chauvin guilty. If we had twenty or thirty Derek Chauvins in that case, and a couple of lawyers who were the defense attorneys for all of them, it would not surprise me to hear them come out and say, “Something weird is going on. I just defended Derek Chauvin number 13, and I saw six jurors who were on the cases for other Derek Chauvins just a few days ago. They are recycling jurors for all these cases.” I do not yet think even we know how bad it is.

The U.S. Supreme Court has temporarily blocked a lower court’s order limiting executive branch officials’ discussions with social media companies about controversial online posts. Kavenaugh and Barrett supporting the censorship. It would be fascinating to know if they have ever been hit with Directed Energy Weapons. I would assume either they are complete members of the conspiracy to start with, or they have gotten The Beam. If Bill Binney got it, I find it impossible to believe a rogue Supreme Court Justice would not get it, given the higher return on investment. Unless the counter-conspiracy is able to shield them, but resources are too sparse to extend protection to Bill.

In the wake of The New York Times’ false reporting , claiming the Israel Defense Forces bombed a hospital in Gaza, a report which was later totally debunked, X, formerly known as Twitter, removed the Times’ verification badge. Part of the psyop to get most of our people who hate the media on there, and silo’d and shadowbanned, so nothing they say will be heard in 2024.

Comms? The Israeli Unit with the emblem of the Owl rescues the Owl?

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones MUST still pay $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families – and can’t hide behind his bankruptcy protection, judge rules.

Mitt Romney caught in a lie, claiming he did not call Biden out on Burisma because he did not know about it — His CIA-linked advisor was placed on the Burisma board while he was Impeaching President Trump. Romney’s kids were over there in Ukraine playing the same game as Hunter. The US sends $4 billion for “development” Ukraine gives it to an energy company to “develop the industry” and the energy company sends a share back to the US politician who sent it by hiring their kid and paying them millions. Biden, Romney, Pelosi, and John Kerry’s kids all had a finger in the pie.

Economists and most Americans agree: Biden’s economy is going to get worse next year.

Bidenomics: U.S. budget deficit explodes 23% higher to $1.7 trillion. The kicker is they aren’t spending it on anything. They are just “giving it all away” to whoever has been embezzling it forever.

Overseas US military members to get pay cut…again? But perish the thought of cutting anything for illegal aliens. The military will not be useful to Cabal. Somehow, those migrants are going to be useful.

Biden’s call for more war cash for Israel and Ukraine, includes $14 billion to facilitate the entry of illegals.

The Army needs a lot of money for barracks, but it’s fighting for pocket change.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a key ally of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), declared Friday that President Biden’s $100 billion foreign aid and national security funding request is “dead on arrival” on Capitol Hill.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday urged his Senate colleagues to move quickly on legislation to send military aid to Israel and Ukraine and to counter China’s ambitions in the Indo-Pacific, warning of “an increasingly coordinated challenge from powerful adversaries.” McConnell said the Senate would review the $100 billion emergency spending request Biden sent to Congress Friday and craft its own package “in the coming days.”

Kanye West is no longer running for President in 2024 says his lawyer: ‘He is not a candidate for office.’ After his mysterious disappearance. I am sure there is no Hollywood thriller which would compare with behind the scenes with Cabal. You wonder, if Kanye rolled strapped, and had the mindset where he wanted to drop as many that they sent as he could, if he was the type to view that as a grand opportunity to sate a hunger, how they would have handled him. Instead I will bet they just rolled up to his hotel room with a few 250lb guys who looked like the Rock, and walked him into whatever facility they committed him to.

Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day.

Oregon again says students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color.

Pentagon CFO’s Chief of Staff has family ties to Islamic terrorism – but at least she has a degree in Islamic Studies.

A third of humanitarian aid for Ukraine’s military has ‘disappeared.’

Italian PM Georgia Meloni’s baby-daddy is caught trying to get a TV News presenter to have a threesome or foursome with him and his mistress. There is video out there of her looking like she was coked up at some function. But study hard and keep your nose clean anon, if you want to be successful. You don’t want any scandals.

Russia says it’s in talks with Hamas on hostages. Humiliating for Biden. Putin is the only world leader able to do stuff.

For a clearly aggressive guy, Mel Gibson really has a strange, decent, holy air about him. I would almost not recognize him as the same guy from the violent roles he plays:

Only 0.07% of Illinois gun owners have registered banned ‘assault-style’ weapons so far. People know they will need them, and do not want to endanger their possession of them. The danger is, surveillance knows who has what, and now can pick and choose who to arrange an arrest for. Understand if you go this route, and you have a plumbing issue, they may tell the plumber to “accidentally” wander around “lost” and walk into the room where they are, so he can report you. You have to assume you are being stalked by people who know everything, and who are trying to set you up, and keep everyone at arm’s length, and prevent them from arranging an “innocent” exposure of your crime. On the bright side, my impression is most cops know something of what is going on, and do not want to get involved in the gun issue.

Poll: Trump leads Biden as support with young voters rises.

Poll: Donald Trump nears 60% support nationally as all GOP challengers fall into single digits.

Spread r/K Theory, because things feel awfully bad, and yet we vastly out number the enemy

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11 months ago

Re: the Maddow comment

Absolutely, what she said is an implicit confession, an opening to the bizarre psychology of the other side (always populated with sadistic ideation).

But here is the telling thing. Their side is always making these types of implicit admissions/confessions WITHOUT realizing they are doing so. That, too, is an essential part of their mental make-up, the weird unawareness, almost as if they were not permitted to see themselves.

And yet they are beating us pretty badly, even brilliantly, which says something about both the seemingly strange nature of reality, and about the present inability of our side to fight back.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

That is because you are not really fighting against the Maddows of the world. Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Evil never advances without the power of its masters.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

The problem is, in order to fight back, we would have to organize. That would mean dropping our anonymity. And then they could either pick us off or send in a Richard Spencer to circumvent and take over the movement, destroy it, and send us back to a meme war where we’d probably all be doxxed anyway. That’s what we’re doing already with extra steps and a massive setback.

I don’t think the battlefield is right for that at present. But I’m open to ideas.

For now, our efforts to dig, meme, and pray bring results. Not as many or as soon as we want, but people are waking up and fighting back individually.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
11 months ago

We’re going to need a Pope.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

The problem with having a leader is, if they destroy the leader they destroy the movement. That’s why #GamerGate was so effective, and why the Fake News was at a complete loss for how to handle it. It was just a bunch of random anons working toward the same goal. For now, it’s good enough to have idea leaders like AC, Vox Day, and many others. They do the thinking, we connect the dots, and start shitposting it everywhere. They can dox us all individually, but it has no effect. Everyone else just keeps at it.

They’ve tried to promote people like Richard Spencer to “leader of the movement” so they can make him look like an extremist loser and take him out like a strawman. But it doesn’t work because we’re all working individually toward a common goal. And they used a leftist homosexual like Spencer because they have no frame of reference to understand us. We’ve got that going for us. They literally cannot understand us or our motivations.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago


Reply to  lastkingofscotland
11 months ago

True, but exactly what sort of person is unable to recognize he is doing that?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I believe this is a spiritual war as many have stated on here before. The reason why our side is losing is because unfortunately Christianity has been on the ropes since about the 60’s. I’m Catholic but even evangelical Christians have fallen down on the job. There are many reasons for this but it boils down to if you are in any type or mortal sin you’re not going to be effective against the onslaughts of these people who are directly working with the demonic.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Yes.This is a both/and situation not an either/or situation. The porn fairy was there to destroy your innocence and your soul and get you hooked on serious sin for life. Like a crack dealer trying to get you hooked on their supply so you’re a customer for life. Prime motive is a destroyed soul. Destroyed soul causes cascading effects. Degeneracy/weakened mental state = ineffective combatant.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Absolutely. Corruption of the soul is a powerful thing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

TBH before porn became accessible (approx 1998), I was a slave to women and their BS.
Porn has damaged women, but then damaged women damage society.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Porn is an amplifier.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Do not forget about the insidious Porn Creep. Loss of natural sexual response.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

“Maddow too, I would assume, appear to have never developed any combat-capability” (AC)

Maddow’s hysterics make it hard to take her seriously, but she’s a machine:

Maddow was a competitive athlete and participated in high school volleyball, basketball, and swimming.[15]

I can’t find the source anymore, but there’s some pop psychology about her family, that her brother was a slacker, and so she became the over-achieving son her father dreamt of having.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I’ve seen pictures of Madcow when she was younger. She actually was kind of cute. But we are ruled over by goblins who are triggered by beauty, so we can’t have that. Liberalism will erode the beauty of a woman within the 4 college years.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
11 months ago

They despise innocent femininity. They push women to become men behaviorally and physically just so that they can invert sex dimorphism.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

They are apparently trying to eliminate women. They already have the artificial wombs, so the “Brave New World” society is primed and ready to go. Humanity will be artificially conceived, raised, and conditioned for whatever job the person is predestined for. They probably already have the Soma too. In the current timeline, but the time the Boomers and GenX are gone, they’ll probably be ready to implement. Maybe they’ll wait out the Millennials, but they’ve been conditioned enough. Unless we can stop it somehow.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
11 months ago

True. They hate sexual dimorphism.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

They hate everything GOD created.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

> And yet they are beating us pretty badly

In the same way a sucker punch beats someone who doesn’t know a fight is on. It’s the only tool of cowards and weaklings, so it either drops us in one hit or the payback will be legendary in scale given the level of aggression they’re pouring down.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

It has been one heck of a long lasting sucker punch!

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

It seems to me that their goal is to turn us into them. Turn us into vengeful sadists, that is the ultimate victory.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Yes AC. This is really the only explanation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

They already have the ability to control humans’ souls. Nanotech, 5G/nextG, injections, hypnotic trance…

They say it’s in the future. But it’s here. They also said biowarfare and other enslave- and kill-tech were in the future for decades when it was in the present.

James Giordano

Remote neuro-monitoring

Synthetic telepathy

Corresponding meme-in-the-making appears to be new-agey talk of “walk-ins,” in which a different soul “walks in” to somebody’s body in a supernatural — but natural — way. I think this meme is going to be pushed into msm conversations about reincarnation.

Also see Robert Duncan. Harvard or MIT.

11 months ago

re your first blurb: There is no stopping it without stopping “technology”. If the possibility exists, it will be used nefariously by someone or another. If the possibility doesn’t exist but they want it, massive amounts of money will be spent … see “green energy”.
Short of shutting down the infrastructure, there is no stopping the “forward” progress. It’s too bad the usefulness of the same technology in everyday life is so convenient.
If you can convince everyone to start fighting surveillance by giving up their “smart” phones as simply a first step, perhaps there could be a chance … but I suspect “Fat chance”: people prefer their toys to whatever “freedom” is these days.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I think the push to 5G home internet is one of these technology pushes by the enemy. It puts 5G everywhere in your house, not just where the 5G towers can get and at a much greater strength.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

My last serious job required that I maintain a smartphone as part of my employment contract. There is no fine line between convenient luxury and necessary tool. This is one of the things Kaczynski got right: that eventually all new technologies become mandatory.

For a cell phone to operate, it requires GPS location. The cell company needs to know, in real time, where you are located so that they can route the call accordingly. This is as intrinsic to the technology as roads are to cars – one without the other is worthless, and while offroad vehicles and sat phones are a theoretical possibility that maintains privacy, the practical reality is that they’re way too expensive.

Either we go back to 18th century tech, and preserve our way of life that way, or we find a way to coexist with modern technology without losing our souls in some sick parody of 1984. That’s the challenge we’re facing; not merely defeating this present instantiation of cabal, but also learning to live in such a manner that cabal never rises again, despite a massive ecological niche just begging for such a parasite.

This isn’t the first such cusp our species has gone through. Without the invention of alcohol we wouldn’t have been able to move into settlements. Without the adoption of explicit morality – organized religion – we couldn’t have moved above villages. Without written contracts we couldn’t have moved above local empires. And without the technology which risks turning us into 1984, we will never be able to colonize the galaxy. We must find a way through this.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Aurini
11 months ago

We don’t need to go back to the 19th century in terms of tech.

The late 70’s/early 80’s is enough tech to live a comfortable, first world lifestyle, without the invasiveness and totalitarianism of the “always online” fishbowl lifestyle post modern folks now take for granted.

Reply to  Another Dave
11 months ago

Not according to Kaczinski thinking

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Aurini
11 months ago

Step 1: Corrupt the GPS chip’s firmware so it returns the same coordinates, the set you load into it.

Step 2: Install a Fake GPS app meant for developer use and use that instead for apps that want to use the GPS.

Step 3: Give up on using “free” guided maps and use something that works with GPS being subverted.

Now your surveillance can “find” you at a new titty bar every night. 🙂

Reply to  General's Addition
11 months ago

GPS gives finer resolution, but even the oldest cellphones could be tracked by triangulating the signals between towers. That’s an intrinsic part of the system, that is used to tell the phone when to switch towers.

The Fed claims GPS is accurate to within 4 meters, but there are lots of cases of locations being off by miles.

Tower triangulation depends on tower location and density; the FCC says about 3/4-mile accuracy, though it can be better.

With a land line, they know exactly where you are – the the handset at the end of the wire, or within the 50 feet or so of a wireless handset’s base station.

Smoke signals, semaphores, drums, and bugles all work the same way – your location is easily determined.

So, yes, they can track you with a cellular phone… but the main difference is that you only use a land line when you’re near it; most people might as well be handcuffed to their cell phone, so it tattles your location all the time, not just when you’re using it.

Reply to  General's Addition
11 months ago

Problem is, you do that and your cell phone becomes a brick.

Reply to  Aurini
11 months ago

Cosmism. The Russian variety.
The Archdruid also wrote a fantastic short anti-sci-fi book called Retrotopia about how to detech à la Ted.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

The universal truth of tech and new discoveries is that anything it’s capable of doing it will do eventually. It underscores the importance of morality in research and science, as mankind has to know when maybe it’s not worth it to create something that will have a negative downside.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

The old technology has been removed, even the knowledge to build it let alone fix it.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

You see technical attacks against the “technology” as representative of its failings and as potential disruptions to your way of life

I see technical attacks against the “technology” as representative of the need to subvert it in the face of endemic abuse

We are not the same

(cf. Cisco: “There is no patch or a workaround available” … which means that across the world, there were networks secured by this smoke-and-mirrors bullshit that contain things that are being used against us that were not secured, and that the zero-day people should have already collected that information in order to complete their victory lap)

Also … give up our phones?

What is this Kraak and Smaak you are dealing?

Oh hell no, that unsecured cell broadcast vulnerability that none of the LTE mobile operators can be arsed to patch just screams for Revolutionary Public Broadcast System messages during an attempted American Nakbah …


Also …

You see your phone as a surveillance annoyance

I see my phone as a ballistic computer and a remote hacking platform

We are not the same


11 months ago

Seems operatives of cabal like WHO & the CDC all have crisis actors AC, why not crisis jurors for those special trials that require a specific outcome?

Reply to  WDS
11 months ago

That would follow. Look at the Derek Chauvin trial.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
11 months ago

Vince Ellison certainly talks the talk. I pray to God he walks the walk. I watched the Tucker presentation on George Floyd and his interview with Vince. As a result ordered his “Will you go to hell for me” DVD, which if it lives up to the hype I may start passing around to my black friends. I like how he characterized BLM as burning, looting, and murdering. The truth bites.

We are obviously approaching a decision point that cannot be avoided and it is coming down to only two choices – though they will try to tell you choosing “the light” is a real choice, it is not. It is the flip side of Satan’s game card. It is an inversion of the truth and a lie. There is only Satan or Jesus Christ crucified. They are the only two choices.

There are multiple lists. Being on here, I am on the one with all of you. But taking this stand puts me on a list inside that list. Being one of us makes them want to hamstring us, make us ineffective at best. Being a follower and proclaimer of the blood of Jesus Christ to save the world takes it one step further and absolutely drives them nuts. We are the final enemy against whom the final battle will be waged. There is no quarter for us. It really is us or them…So, may God bless you in Christ Jesus our Lord, may God keep you, may the saving grace of the blood of His Son be upon you and all whom you love or care for. Amen.

11 months ago

Re: plumber walking around

Emergency response teams (including police) are not allowed to wander around your home. Yet many do, especially the women, and they are looking to hurt you by finding something which will hurt you.

The personnel only have permission to go as far as defined by the emergency circumstances, what is reasonably needed to address them.

But better to inform them if the occasion arises. “Do not go into my bedroom”

Like talking to police, no one wants to be rude to people who are helping, or seeming to help. But the courts in practice have put the burden on the citizen to protect his own rights, and even then things are chancy.

11 months ago

Newsweek is reporting that former Michigan congressman Justin Amash has lost relatives in the Israeli bombing of the one of the oldest Orthodox Churches in the world in Gaza! In his tweet, he said he lost several relatives!
Former US Congressman’s Family Members Killed in Gaza Church Blast (

I was told that Justin Amash was Lebanese! —NO, he is a Palestinian Christian! Never new that, and I’ve been to many townhalls of Justin Amash here in Southwest Michigan and was always told he was Lebanese!

One must understand that with war there is propaganda. Both the Jews and Arabs, as Semitic peoples, do NOT have a sense of objective truth. Objective Truth is a European thing–not Semitic. They ALL lie! Both sides lie with abandon! Chris Hedges, a journalist who has covered many of the conflicts in the Middle East has come out with his analysis of Israeli proclivity for lying
Israel’s Culture of Deceit, by Chris Hedges – The Unz Review

And then there is Richard Spencer, an Armenian, who runs with his book Palestinian Delusion.

“Due to the state of war between dar al-Islam and dar al-harb, reuses de guerre, i.e., systematic lying to the infidel, must be considered part and parcel of Islamic tactics. The parroting by Muslim organizations throughout dar al-harb that “Islam is a religion of peace,” or that the origins of Muslim violence lie in the unbalanced psyches of particular individual “fanatics,” must be considered as disinformation intended to induce the infidel world to let down its guard.”

Islam 101 (

They both lie. They are both animals. They are true barbarians. Neither side is “righteous”.

11 months ago

Re: “For a clearly aggressive guy, Mel Gibson really has a strange, decent, holy air about him.”

One of the only actors I’d like to sit down and have a few scotches with. You can’t watch Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ, and Apocalypto and not see that this man is a genuine artist. Our world is filled with Cabal’s fake, satanic art. It is entirely emblematic of that world that Hollywood had to drag Gibson down – with the anti-semite canard.

Painting: Smashing of the Church at Easter Night, Ilya Glazunov, 1999

Reply to  Huck
11 months ago

Mel Gibson’s father observed that we were sedevecante and tried to alert Catholics (Is the Pope Catholic by Hutton Gibson 1979), but Mel Gibson does not. Is it a tactic? I don’t know. How can you be in Hollywood and not be corrupt? If you’ve gotta pay your dues to get in then he must’ve paid his dues to get in. Sometimes I think of an actor that I haven’t seen anything from in a long time and I hope, maybe he saved his soul. Anyway, until he demands the election of a Pope, like I do, he is New Order.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I worked in “Hollywood.” A lot of famous Hollywood people aren’t evil.

11 months ago

A while ago, I posted this comment which I think is worth reposting considering the opening topic for today. If enough people work at this, I really do believe it will have an impact.
I am staying at a hotel in another state for a few days. I took a nap today around 12 and when I woke up my whole body was being vibrated. While I don’t wake up and notice very often, typically when I do wake up and move it stops almost immediately. This time I was moving around in the bed for several minutes and it persisted the whole time. It even persisted after I got up and went to the bathroom before finally stopping. Not sure if they had incompetents at the controls or there was a glitch in the algorithm or if they were pissed at me for something I did recently.

In any event, it made me really start thinking about what could be done to stop this. From your discussions it is clear that this is happening to thousands or millions of people every night. Degrading them, causing them to be fatigued and irritable and no threat to the system. Stopping this is thus a collective issue.

Unfortunately, there is basically nothing that can be done at this time either individually or collectively to stop it. At least not directly. It can’t be proven, at least not in a way to make the legal system take it seriously. I don’t think you could find the equipment and break it either. I suspect it is mostly accomplished by cloaked drones or something else flying above which can’t generally be reached or identified or even perceived directly. 

However, there is one thing that I believe would relieve this at least somewhat and is worth a try. There is nothing to lose from trying and everything to gain. That is prayer. 

From my studies, I have a few notions about how prayer or calling works in practice. That is, whether or not a prayer can or should be answered.

1) An individuals Karma, merit, good works or whatever you want to call it. “God helps those who help themselves.” People sincerely trying to improve and be moral earn merit through their good works, and a prayer can only be answered when this sincerity is present. 

2) A request has to be reasonable and helpful to the person and to others. Something selfish like “Please let me win the lottery” isn’t going to go anywhere. A prayer or call designed to benefit oneself and all together is more worthy, and more likely to be answered.

3) Certain difficult situations and events occur as a result for the need of the soul to learn specific lessons for the sake of their spiritual growth. These situations won’t be changed because in some sense they are pre-planned lessons that have to be endured. The soul itself chose the experience and it would be a disservice to miracle it away. A likely response in this situation would be the sending of love and compassion, felt as a general ambience, but no actual change of the situation. 

4) Answering prayers can’t/won’t happen unless the prayer or call is actually made. I know this seems kind of obvious, but I want to hammer home even a very meritorious person who would deserve to be helped can’t be until they actually ask for it in a lot of situations. Divine hands are a bit tied until the person themselves make the effort to ask.

>Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

>For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

5) this isn’t as relevant to this current process, but since I am discussing what I have discovered about prayer I figure I would add it as its also true. The entirety of a person’s internal monologue seems to be known in divine circles. Sometimes a liberal interpretation of what constitutes an actual prayer is used and thought questions that you don’t really consider to be a prayer seem to treated as one. At least in my personal experience. From this and number 4, you might infer that I don’t like to make requests unless certain conditions are met. I consider it a responsibility to try to work things out for myself whenever possible and only bother higher authorities for things that really matter. Like things which affect everyone. Like vibrating people to degrade them. Perhaps I do that too much considering how often I have noticed 5) in play.

With respect to these points, I believe prayer to stop the vibrating meets all the criteria necessary to make making such a prayer worthwhile. Not only worthwhile, but in the same way I view it as bad form to pray about trivial matters it is equally bad form not to make this call for something which is so important and impacts so many. In fact, it is a duty and a responsibility to do so. I am going to make a dedication to making this prayer on a regular basis. 

Reviewing the points:

1) Many moral people with plenty of merit come to your site and are affected by this. They have earned an intercession with respect to it.

2) It is not a trivial matter. It affects many far more than is karmically earned in my estimation. I could be wrong and past collective Karma makes it necessary, but my intuition tells me otherwise.

3) There are limits to this, and I don’t believe it applies in most cases of vibrating.

4) You have to ask before much can be done. How many have actually asked for divine shielding from this action?

5) even just absent mindedly and in passing? I am sure this is happening to me all the time, but I can count on both hands the number of times I have directly noticed it in the last 10 years. Its intentionally hidden, at least partially, so this liberal loophole doesn’t get triggered too often.

All that said, there is one more thing about prayer which I want to note. That is, how it works mathematically when considering people working collectively on collective problems. The power and efficacy of a prayer or call increases as more people participate. You can imagine it like a sort of fuel. A prayer adds a bit of fuel, the more prayers on the same issue the more fuel there is for divine intercession to work with. Well, its more like more things are allowable with respect to free will, but forgive the analogy for being imperfect. Attached in the image is the equation which can describe the additive effect of prayer with multiple individuals where n is the number of individuals.

If you work it out you will notice with only 1 person, the result is actually zero. Or no effect. Yes, but also no. The first person is the keystone. The fulcrum which moves every thing else. It is the hinge upon which all else depends. The more you add to n, the more people praying, the more effect it can have. The curve is very steep and it doesn’t take all that many people praying to have a huge impact. If possible, I would like this comment to be that fulcrum. Together, let’s move the mountain.

>Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

I am going to dedicate myself to making a prayer about stopping this for everyone on a regular basis. I ask that you do as well. Take a moment before bed to simply ask god to stop wicked forces from using these vibrations to harm you and everyone else. The more who get involved, the more intercession becomes warranted. And AC, I think it would be worthwhile to try and organize a mass prayer on this one topic all at the same time. While not absolutely critical, synchronizing the timing of the call can be helpful. 

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

The dental blanket is a good idea. I’ll have to try that.
The point of the prayer I am discussing above is not so much to stop individual instances, but to work toward institutional removal. Increasing the amount of call with respect to it will, in my opinion, move the needle on the mass consciousness as was as facilitate aide when working to stop the overall organization. It would, in my estimation, create new opportunities to work against. Doors will open which weren’t there before, in time.
In addition, a prayer by one person alone probably won’t or can’t do all that much. But many people together is much more likely to have an impact not on individual instances (since we can’t all do it with respect to one event only one person knows about) but on the balances of overarching possibilities.

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymouswth
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

I suppose I should list some of the results I would expect to happen if people did this at a critical mass.
I don’t expect equipment to be miracled into being broken. At least not often. Perhaps damage being mitigated enough to prevent the worst damage.
I expect possible mistakes they could make being nudged towards happening resulting in exposures. I expect the mass consciousness being nudged towards acceptance, making action against it more plausible. We will have to do it ourselves, but the way will be more accessible if people actually believe this is happening and work towards ending it. And they will be helped along the way more if there is a mass call.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

In my case I had to try praying several times. Which seemed to work. I view it like rolling dice. It’s up to God to do or not to do.

I also find that in the Bible and in stories people tell. If a natural solution is in reach. God stops the supernatural provision. Or God leads you to it.

Manna stopped when Israelites was able to access the grain of Canaan(Joshua 5:12). Or a story of a woman in a concentration camp with unlimited medicine which miracle stopped working. And then shortly afterwards a Red Cross delivery came to the camp to supply said needs which story I just heard today from a Sermon.

Personally I am in no position of getting the requisite equipment for the humming.

In many cases God does say yes. Prayer should be as habitual as brushing your teeth. Or being armed with the weapon easy to access just in case.

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous
11 months ago

Damning Evidence Of War Crimes As Israeli Attacks Wipe Out Entire Families In Gaza

11 months ago

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones MUST still pay $1 billion in damages to Sandy Hook families – and can’t hide behind his bankruptcy protection, judge rules.

Bankruptcy NORMALLY doesn’t discharge judgments. I’ve said that from the start.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Mikes Mathis argues that the Alex Jones trial is fake.

Reply to  map
11 months ago

I’ve never read Mathis, but it didn’t seem like Alex fought. He could have introduced evidence like the school closed in 2008, four years before the supposed shooting. Many people offered to help Alex with research and he turned them down.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  EricTheAwful
11 months ago

I’m not a hundred percent sure but I read that they refused to allow him to bring evidence to his defense. Saying it was all lies so he couldn’t use any of it. How they can do this, I don’t know, but I read that was so.

I can’t find where he said that in a link but found this,”…His lawyers rested without putting on evidence or witnesses after attorneys for the families wrapped up their case….”.

Now you know something is up when something like this happens. There’s LOTS of evidence that could cause reasonable doubt in someone’s mind about Sandy Hook.

Almost all the links I could find said nothing about “why” he provided no defense.I could be wrong but I remember him saying, ,”we are not allowed to put up a defense”. So it may be that what they allowed him to say in defense was so watered down that he decided to give none, so you could see what was going on instead of using a watered down scripted defense that they would allow him. Just guessing. At another link,

Alex Jones bizarrely says he won’t defend himself in Sandy Hook lawsuit and claims

Alex,‘we’re going to lose the planet’…‘This is not my battle, this is not my war. This is kind of like a rabid chihuahua that has rabies biting me in the leg’

Sounds like he was threatened in some way and decided that he needed to tap out of all this.

Reply to  Sam J.
11 months ago

I can’t find where he said that in a link but found this,”…His lawyers rested without putting on evidence or witnesses after attorneys for the families wrapped up their case….”.

This isn’t unusual for a defense. It isn’t that they didn’t put on any evidence, it is that they put it all on via cross-examination in the Plaintiff’s case.
In a civil case, you are expected to handle a witness when they come to the stand, regardless of who called them. The Plaintiffs called Alex himself, who would be the main defense witness. Alex would have put on his testimony for the defense at the same time.
Often, the only witnesses that the defense puts on in their case (my guess is about half) is is their expert witnesses, because the plaintiffs call their own experts but don’t call the other side’s. Apparently (never trust reporting) Jones had no damages experts, which is likely because they were siding 100% with no damages and in this kind of case, the expert would just piss off a jury even more that wanted to pop him already.
I think this part (not opining about the rest) was just the way civil cases work.

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

Hi Phelps
In England the courts refer to Black Law Dictionary, wherein “Must” = “May”
As in, “you MUST wear a mask to enter this store” I took that as “MAY wear a mask….” and therefore I NEVER once wore a mask and never suffered any repercussions for not wearing one.

Does that hold firm regarding Jones, who MUST still pay?

Reply to  Mr+Twister
11 months ago

Judgments are a “shall”.

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

payments to the phakeass sandyhook families for a job well done

11 months ago

Over 40,000 Cisco IOS XE devices infected with backdoor using zero-day.

Only effects gear that has the web interface enabled. If you are buying that grade of cisco gear and you are using the web interface, well, FAFO.

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

“But… but… but… the Web interface is so *convenient*!”

Alas, convenience trumps security almost every time.

See also: HP printers. [cough, cough]

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

I can confirm being a long time Cisco user. The original IOS web interfaces allowed full Level 15 control, by simply modifying the URL string you connected to.
Any Cisco engineer worth a damn immediately disables the HTTP server. If the HTTPS server was enabled, that shouldn’t be accessible from the internet either or from the entire internal network.

11 months ago

Not sure if I got beamed. But when I heard humming. I repeatedly asked Jesus to please stop the humming because I said I wanted to sleep and the humming stopped. Took a few tries.

May be temporary but it worked. Otherwise the other way is a Farady Cage.

11 months ago

the cabal-economic-cartel will not let anything seek its own water level.

11 months ago

well in our name and with our $, on our territory too, controlled from(((elsewhere)))

11 months ago

we are broke, send immivaders away.

11 months ago

FYI. I earlier discussed the finding, reported initially from Bloomberg, that S & P 500 corporations have been hiring very few white Americans. Via Tex Arcane, here is a link to a substack essay, which discusses a Ben Shapiro argument that large corporations have been hiring white Americans, plus a lot of comments from readers that pretty much confirm that the original argument was correct:

Reply to  Ed
11 months ago

This has been happening for a long time. Early 1990s, it increased and kept speeding up.

Drive through the San Jose, East Bay… other It-indusrty places. You don’t have to go inside buildings. Many administrators and teachers in public schools very consciously try to stymie Europeans’ education too.

I used to have a link to a video from about 2010 or earlier that somebody secretly took. It was of a lawyer speaking to a large group of human resources professionals about how his firm had expertise in how HR could get away with not obeying laws that prohibit hiring non-US-citizens when qualified US citizens are available.

Here’s a Berkeley law-school professor carrying on in the same hateful, immoral, unlawful, harmful way:

Two examples of millions that aren’t recorded.

11 months ago

When the existance of HAARP was first muted, my reaction was that if they can control the weather, then its pretty much over for humanity. Same with DEW. But after 2020, I am much more willing to believe that these things are happening.

Incidentally, I may be getting hit with this myself. Or it may be middle age plus the much higher than normal humidity where I live. But yesterday I got the “shock and awe” surveillance treatment when out doing some needed administrative tasks. I wonder if it was the lengthy “Biden” comment I posted last morning.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

“blue beam”, just not the one we figured on…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

They already get their people popped by randos they harass.
If they expand it that will start to happen more and more until they run out of ground operators.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
11 months ago

Meloni’s boyfriend is some kind of newscaster. He was on the air with a pretty hot newscaster and during the break he asked her, “Can I touch my balls while I speak to you?”. Her reply is “You already are.” He tells her she should join him and his girlfriend for a threesome.

I thought the touching his balls line was crude but funny. I guess that’s how these Cabal types speak to each other.

11 months ago

Although I would expect a short term pullback in g/s, the others may have an uptick shortly.

11 months ago

there’s a camp near you!

11 months ago

Interesting review of the film Revenge of the Nerds. The first twenty minutes are general film analysis, but during the last portion Rob discusses the freemasonic imagery, and the rape/revenge narrative pushed by the film. The Nerds don’t fight back because of the moral impurity of the Jocks – no, they just want to claim the top place on the hierarchy. It really shows how this inverted morality currently being pushed is just more of the same, a photo-negative isn’t progress, it’s just the same information in an opposite arrangement.

Reply to  Aurini
11 months ago

Plato was a Strongman and Socrates was a Hoplite Soldier.

Reply to  Aurini
11 months ago

The nerds turned out to be assholes, and rapists

11 months ago

“she sees the only way to deal with her being a trial and and execution.”

It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.
I demand we fulfill it for them.

11 months ago

Underdeveloped amygdala = cuteness aggression.
Very interesting.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Has been posted before. But worth it to keep saved.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I find the assertion that borderline child p**n disguised thinly as “anime with cute little girls” is a source of “cuteness” to be a major flaw in the theory. Animefags who coom over little girl drawings are not enjoying the cuteness of it; they’re degenerate perverts who get the rope second.

I would buy it more if they talked about the zoosadists and animal torturers growing in prevalence online, but no.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

The desire for innocent virgin wives is a good thing. But think about how a degenerate culture with promiscuous jaded women stripped of femininity who won’t love you actually helps give rise to such a thing.

It is like a Madonna/Whore dichotomy. Now what happens when desire for innocent femininity gets equated with “child p*rn” whether that is True or false. A mental association is created even unconsciously.

I see this psyop get pushed online. And it’s very diabolical

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

there’s enough rope for all at the same time

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Undoing the association somehow will reduce the numbers anyways.

11 months ago

> Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), a key ally of Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), declared Friday that President Biden’s $100 billion foreign aid and national security funding request is “dead on arrival” on Capitol Hill.

Yet a few months ago, Cotton was practically foaming at the mouth insisting we send everything we have to Ukraine.

Cotton says a lot of the right things, but he has a habit of suddenly flipping to the far left from time to time. I don’t trust him an inch.

11 months ago

> Oregon again says students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color.

Well, at least they’re now being open that education was never the intent of the mandatory daycare system.

11 months ago

> Russia says it’s in talks with Hamas on hostages. Humiliating for Biden. Putin is the only world leader able to do stuff.

Putin will send in some Spetsnaz to expedite things if he has to. Biden will do nothing.

11 months ago

Mel Gibson is what a person indwelt by the Holy Spirit looks like. Jesus is in all Christians through the Holy Spirit.

And we become like Jesus as a result.