News Briefs – 10/20/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Shell Inks Major LNG Deal With Qatar For Delivery To Netherlands

DFT – US Existing Home Sales Fall To Lowest Level Since 2010

DFT – UAW Strike At Alabama ZF Facility Ends

DFT – Eli Lilly Brings ITC Suit To Bar Imports Of Mounjaro Weight Loss Drugs

DFT – Russia Inks New Deal For Additional Gas Deliveries To China

Aurini looks at 5th Generation Warfare and Cabal.

This is Revolver, which is former Trump White House speechwriter Darren Beatties’s organization – Whistleblowers claim CIA recruited hijackers for 9/11 and hid it from the FBI using an “illegal domestic espionage organization.” CIA officer Kevin Shipp, I believe is linked in my surveillance page, even before this document came out, saying something like seven of the 19 hijackers were well known in the Agency to be Agency assets, operating for the Agency. He added an ominous, “Make what you will of that…” I do not make stuff up here, or lie about what I see. There will be somewhere between 5 and 15 percent of the population who know, what they worked for did 9/11. And as all of us evinced shock in those numb days after, they nodded sympathetically, while marveling inside at how stupid and clueless we all were. And then they watched soldiers killed and maimed by the thousands in wars they knew were fake, and probably marveled some more, before either driving Brian Mancini to kill himself, or killing him themselves and making it look like a suicide.

I think, to get the kids to keep the secret from other kids, as they operate against them in the schools, they create a culture, from a child’s earliest days, where we are absolutely some kind of enemy, who can never be trusted. It is the only way I can see them being sure the kids will not, in a moment of weakness, blab to a friend in school that they are a target, and they should be cautious growing up. Maybe it carries over into adulthood, and so 9/11 for them, would have been like getting bin Ladin was for us – the enemy struck down. Though I still think the three comedians in the earpiece put a bunch of surveillance on those planes too.

When this is over, and you know everything, you will be a very different person, seeing all around you, a very different world. I am sorry to say based on my path, you will miss what was lost, horribly – and I do not even know it all yet. Though if we are rid of this thing, the world will be infinitely better, most importantly for those of our kind to come.

Sidney Powell pleads GUILTY in Georgia election case: Donald Trump’s ‘Kraken’ lawyer in plea deal talks – so will she turn? Just six years probation. And she has agreed to testify against other “conspirators” in future cases.

“Here Mr President. Sign this document, and give full control over everything to Miss Powell, and she will handle everything for you, by acting in your name to expose everything and return you to office. Because we all know she is totally on your side. Here is General Flynn and Patrick Bryne to prove it. Patrick is even saying nice things about you now.”

Trump’s little tap dance, when she, Flynn, and Byrne all showed up at the White House with a brilliant plan to have Trump let them handle the election rigging investigation, is looking more and more brilliant by the day. It is a good sign Cabal tried something and it looks pretty clear Trump was on top of it and just fucked them over completely with a smile on his face. And now Flynn and Byrne’s chances of being turncoats just went up 1000 percent.

Which is not surprising with Bryne. There is a smile people make. If I had to put it into words, it is like they are basking in sunlight, and it seemingly says, “Oh, I am such a great guy and so innocent and harmless!” It is almost a happiness more with themselves, basking in their own perception of their own goodness, than what is going on around them. Every time I see it, and I saw Bryne make it, I think that person is a dangerous traitor and cannot be trusted.

Of course I have pointed out, his whole story with Maria Butina, about how he was going to expose the FBI, was total bullshit. Their surveillance meant they had no doubt he never laid a finger on her, and as a CEO of Overstock, he got trained in corporate espionage for business trips. And he really fucked that girl over maliciously, just handing her to the FBI wolves. And it was weird him talking about banging her and how good she was at it. Impolite, inconsiderate, and boorish in a way which instantly made me think he was not human.

Flynn would be a disappointment, but that is how intelligence works. If you are not disappointed, they did not do their job well.

Nearly 70% of US troops are overweight or obese, research report says. So the military is totally fucked. Now here is an alternative explanation. Milley, and the other Generals are actually patriots, and turned the military woke due to their love of the country. Suppose you are a General. You see how things are going, and know things from your access to Military Intelligence. Civil War is coming. Those looking to fight it from the government side want an America where every America watches every action they take with fear that they might upset the new Royals of America, because if that happens, that night the drones and the satellites will hit them in bed with the beam, and fuck them up, and there will be nothing they can do. You want the new Royals to lose the war. What do you do? You sabotage the military. Make the men wear high heels. Have drag shows. Let in the homos and the trannies and force total acceptance of them. Get the good young guys, who patriots would be hesitant to pull triggers on, out of it. Replace them with fat purple haired trannies who spend 98 percent of their time screaming about being misgendered, and make sure the force is unfit to fight by letting everyone get fat and out of shape. I don’t know obviously, if that is what is going on. It may not even be likely. But it is one possible explanation, and I could see myself doing that if I were in that position. As I secured gun rights for the population, and made sure they were as well armed as the military.

Biden makes sneaky move with his line of succession, but GOP quickly catches onto it. Could be innocuous. Somebody listed one of his cabinet people in the line of succession, but they were not confirmed by the Senate, and are just acting.

Biden’s press shop just exposed U.S. Special Operations Delta Force Operators. Most things I would say are purposeful, but it is tough to tell if this was scripted to make Biden look even more incompetent, or if his office really is this stupid. You would think they would have somebody who reviews everything NatSec-related for anything sensitive before it goes out the door, but maybe not.

I find this next one fascinating, because it kind of looks like another case where there are two sides fighting behind the scenes, and one has taken control of the US government-related events, while Cabal is trying to pull off backup plans from outside of government, in the private sector. On the one hand, somebody who appears in control of the courts and the placement of Justices on them, is giving us our guns, like never before. There is little doubt as time goes on, the right to carry will expand overall, and the bans on assault weapons and mag capacity limitations will fall. We will be as well armed as the Military, and there is talk of machine guns even coming back.

At the same time, there is somebody appearing to seek to remove the ability to acquire ammunition, from their inferior position in the private sector under the radar, which feels to me like a backup plan, invoked after losing control of the environment in the United States government. I would think Cabal would have preferred to organize a number of awful mass shootings, as they simply told justices to rule against the Second Amendment or they would get the beam, as they told legislators to ban everything, like in Australia or England:

I take it as possible evidence the winner has, as part of the plans, either the threat of armed Americans acting, or the plan will employ actual direct action by armed Americans against Cabal. Meanwhile the loser, likely Cabal, expects Americans will start shooting at them as part of whatever is coming, and they are trying to limit the damage they will endure by limiting the access to ammunition, which is weak tea, to be honest. Otherwise, if there were no direct threat of being shot at, I would think Cabal would focus its attention elsewhere, such as embezzling more funding, or conducting assassinations of non-Cabal leaders, and they would figure they would get the guns out of the picture later, once they regained control. It is interesting. Q said they would not be able to walk the streets. Maybe that is what he meant. A sort of agreed-upon no-tag/no-limit open season or something, to get rid of the King’s intelligence network this time. This makes me think the chances of some kind of actual shooting civil war in the Q-model, will be much higher than I had been anticipating, absent our unplanned exposure of the surveillance.

Texas Secretary of State audit reveals massive voter fraud in Harris county – 9,000 more votes than voters.

Far-right billionaire Peter Thiel revealed as FBI informant: report. He was already untrustworthy, being tied to Palantir, and being a billionaire. They would own him before they let him get that high, and I would assume he was working against Trump from the start. This might even be a cover for why he didn’t get targeted during Biden’s reign, even though he was with Trump before. Now he can claim the FBI  is protecting him.

Fake News/Disinfo from WaPo – Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) will not seek an additional speaker vote Thursday, and he will back a plan to give Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (R-N.C.), the temporary speaker, additional powers, according to multiple people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the situation.

Path forward for Jordan, Republicans, on House speaker now uncertain, but Jordan emerges, and says he is still running. No Speaker is not necessarily a bad thing, given the government is run by traitors looking to embezzle from the Treasury. Trump as Speaker is still in the cards though, and should be where it leads, and quickly, given I think Biden’s death before the end of the term at least 50-50.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper voiced concerns that Donald Trump will put him on the “enemies list” if he is elected president in 2024.

The Pentagon’s dedicated UFO investigations office has fielded at least 291 UFO cases within the past year, according to a report made public late Wednesday night. Some of these seemingly advanced craft appeared to exhibit ‘concerning performance characteristics,’ the military’s UFO investigators wrote, including ‘high-speed travel’ and ‘unusual maneuverability.’ It would appear there are now two battling factions. One is seeking disclosure, and making the public aware, while the other is seeking to pull it all back behind the curtain.

“It took my breath away.” —Dr. Drew on the new study shows 50% of young men who got myocarditis after the vaccine now have permanent heart damage and he doesn’t understand why this isn’t front page news. And he recommends injured students sue any school that mandated it. Another instance in which this site didn’t lie to you.

X owner Musk came out swinging against the leftist media hall monitor NewsGuard and called for the whole company to be “disbanded immediately.”

Fox News political analyst Brit Hume lavishes praise on Biden. George Bush’s big tennis buddy. Again, he had to know about the surveillance, and that it meant 9/11 was at least allowed, but he said nothing. Traitor.

Biden and Trump competitive in potential 2024 matchup… Biden benefits in three-way contest with RFK Jr.

Only one week into our campaign as an Independent and @RobertKennedyJr is polling at 16%, putting him above the required 15% threshold needed to get a podium on the debate stage in the general election.

Fortress recalls 61,000 biometric gun safes that need a fingerprint to open after boy, 12, opened one, took weapon out and accidentally shot himself dead. Fortress brand, which also made them for Cabelas, Field and Stream, and others – safe appears to be programmed, but remains in a mode where it just pops open with any fingerprint.

Attorney General Ken Paxton says Republican lawmakers Ernest Bailes and Robert Nichols are responsible for the creation of the illegal alien housing development through a 2017 law they quietly pushed through.

Maryland Circuit Court Judge Wilkinson fatally shot at home by father who lost custody of his kids earlier in the day in court in a case the judge presided over.

This week, in awkward moments – ‘Cartel’ kidnappers used Florida Airbnb, fake badges, police lights to abduct and waterboard wrong guy.

The discovery of a black market Chinese biolab operating in California, and the subsequent investigation into it, has exposed a tangled web of shell companies obscuring ownership and loopholes that caused delays in cleanup and informing the public.

Stephen Colbert, the asshole who did the dancing-syringes skit on his show, telling everyone to get vaccinated, has been laid low by the sniffles-virus Covid has turned into.

Canada to legalize euthanasia for DRUG ADDICTS with no other illness in March. As you try to fit this into a probability matrix, it really only fits well in a model where the government is run by satanists, and suicide is a mortal sin. Other models force you to question why, if there were money, and budgets, and so forth to be had by spending months treating this, they would shun that to simply kill the addicts. Why not instead, create one more teat upon the government, at which to suckle? Government expands relentlessly everywhere else. But not here.

Nigel Farage says Denmark took in 321 Palestinian refugees in 1992 and by 2019 64% had been convicted of a crime. Migrants are r-strategists.

Iranian-backed Houthi rebels fired missiles Wednesday at the U.S.S. Carney off the coast of Yemen, according to news reports. It intercepted them.

Unusual movements of long-range ballistic missile launchers of the IRGC Aerospace Force on the Tehran – Qom highway.

 More lines being drawn, between Cabal and Russia.

U.S. to send Israel artillery shells initially designated for Ukraine.

The ATACMS strikes on Russian airfields in Ukraine’s Luhansk region and the port city of Berdyansk in the Zaporizhzhia region on Tuesday destroyed nine helicopters, dealing one of the most significant blows against Russian aviation since the full-scale invasion began in February 2022. A costly lesson, but again, an important lesson they had best learn now against pipsqueak Ukraine, before the World War against the entire West that may be coming. Now they will develop counter strategies against this, and it cannot happen on the large scale it might have happened at, if they did not have all of this preparation for what is coming. I see the world the elites of the West want to build. I am in it now, and it will become big enough to visit you soon, too. As of now, you want Russia to win the big one.

Saint Roger of San Diego, US District Court Judge Roger Benitez, rules California’s Assault Weapons Ban unconstitutional, and tears it apart. Just weeks ago he tore apart their magazine ban, so now it will all probably head to Saint Clarence of DC to get a final disposition.

New poll shows majority of swing-state voters say economy ‘better off’ under Trump.

Poll: Joe Biden trails Donald Trump in 5 of 7 pivotal swing states in hypothetical head-to-head.

Bloomberg poll: Voters trust Trump on the economy.

Spread r/K Theory, because you do not want to get the beam

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Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
11 months ago

CIA officer Kevin Shipp, I believe is linked in my surveillance page, even before this document came out, saying something like seven of the 19 hijackers were well known in the Agency to be Agency assets, operating for the Agency. He added an ominous, “Make what you will of that…” “

If we truly had a “free press” in the West, like 1A envisaged, these kinds of stories would be the leads on 6 PM national news shows on every network. That, and all the election fraud stuff, Israel owning all our politicians, etc.

teo toon
teo toon
11 months ago

Vox posts on the victory of the Jews against the White civilization: Karma is a bitch:
The Scorpion’s Lament
May the cannibals eat hearty.

Reply to  teo toon
11 months ago

I am not laying claim to Vox’s level of insight or UHIQ, but I picked up on Christians of European descent are the bulwark standing between an all out race war of the other. Naturally they can’t get rid of us fast enough. To your point on cannibalism, Teo, I have literally said, “…and the ones doing the most shit-stirring are the first ones going into the stew pot.”
Great minds, etc.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  teo toon
11 months ago

Hosea 8:9 “ For they sow the wind,and they shall reap the whirlwind.

Reply to  teo toon
11 months ago

That has to be fake—some neo-nazi posing as a Jew to goad the Europeans to action. Many Jews do not know what they do. I’ve seen similar examples of this in different comment threads at Unz Review.

11 months ago

Teo Toon, who I can’t help but wish luck, and other commentators have speculated about an actor wearing a mask playing “Biden”.

I was planning on writing up a longer comment on this, but I’ll summarize that I checked out the early years of “Joe Biden”, just be reading his Wikipedia entry, and found that until he got elected to a town council seat in his late 20s, there wasn’t much information or evidence about his existence. He sort of came out of nowhere to get elected to the Newark town council, then to the federal Senate, from a town council seat, three years later.

My theory was that “Biden” was a proof of concept CIA program to see if they could completely fake a politician. It ran on longer than planned, and later got taken over by the Cabal or whatever the main intel op is now. I think it is too resource intensive to widely duplicate. Essentially you just get a fictional character and fictional bio, and a rotation of actors playing “Biden”.

The “Biden family” are other agents, none related by blood, assigned to run the operation. The dementia thing was developed to provide an excuse for people outside of the operation to not spend that much time with “Biden”. It was initially used to run various operations that had to involve the federal Senate.

It would be interesting to check if “Biden”, as President, ever met with a non-cabal leader. I think Putin is 90% likely to be not cabal, and its just over 50% with Xi and Obrador. I don’t think he has met with any of them. Erdogan and Orban would be at NATO summits, but they wouldn’t necessarily get personal meetings. I think Cabal pols would get some sort of briefing on what the set-up is.

“Biden” was installed as US President, because in 2020, the Cabal leadership decided they couldn’t install their usual ticket taker, or even a Cabal agent, or even the CIA agents with fake names and bios that they had been putting in the office. They needed the fictional character for complete control.

Also, if “Biden” is a fictional character, I wouldn’t expect him to die.

Another implication is that the events of 2020 were a straight coup. The federal government is run by some sort of junta or dictator, and they are not “white hats”, but they maintain the facade of constitutional government. The qualifications to be President are to be a “natural born citizen” and over 35, but the implication is that fictional characters are not eligible. This would mean the electoral votes for Biden are invalid, and delivered and certified under a mixture of fraud and duress, and Trump won by 232 electoral votes to 0, but was blocked from taking office (the threshold to get elected is not 270 votes, its a majority of the valid votes).

So this gets resolved with the constitutional facade coming down, and the junta operating openly, or civil war or a counter-coup, or some sort of negotiated settlement. I think if the 2024 elections go off on schedule, there either has been a negotiated settlement, or negotiations are still ongoing, because otherwise I think the facade comes down or we go to civil war.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago


This takes my relatively low-intelligent ramblings and really gives it legs. Great job! (this is Selbs…).

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Ed, there are some who stated before Obama took office that he was a product of genetic planning by the Rockefeller side of the Cabal: Obama was according to them a product of a Philippine comfort girl and a African dock worker;that is why his skin has/had a yellow complexion.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

But if Biden were a fiction, why has he always been such an insufferable asshole? From swearing into the senate in his children’s hospital rooms, except with the three ring circus of cameras rolling to VP (lying about the “drunk driving” trucker, of course) to VP, there has never been a single moment of tact, grace or charm. You would think the casting director would have come up with at least the occasional sliver of charm (*cough* Obama!).

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

It’s part of the character?
They wanted to test if they could get him elected and keep him in any office they wanted no matter how offensive he was?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

It would be interesting to investigate “Biden’s” early life…..can you find people who can testify he attended law school and later practiced law as public defender? Obviously they have fake people claiming to know him but if the investigation got real deep….

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

In addition to the qualities listed above that are absent in the man, add intelligence to the list. He has never appeared to be intelligent and if he did graduate law school he must have been at the bottom of his class. Or like Bathhouse Barry they just gave him a transcript and nobody at the school remembers him.

I haven’t followed him closely, but I have heard of “Senator Biden” pretty much my entire life, and every video clip I’ve seen of him made me think he’s a moron. As far as I can tell from more than a decade here you and I are really close in age so your experience may be similar.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

That makes me wonder: where are the unauthorized biographies of Brandon? Tarpley wrote one on Barry. Why not Biden? I checked Amazon and there are biographies about him, but most appear to be positive. There is one unauthorized biography listed on Amazon. I’ve never heard of the author.

This guy should be a conspiracy researcher’s wet dream.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

It seems that convincing masks have been in use for a long time.

Paul McCartney–either the “original Paul” using a mask to conceal scars or his replacement/understudy–did an interview for Good Morning Australia in 1982.

The mask malfunctioned alarmingly, with openings appearing at the right corner of his mouth. The attached GIF is an animation of sharpened frames from this copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy video:

At 12:07, after realizing that the interviewer has spotted something, Paul nonchalantly fingers the problem area (as is his wont). At 12:45, he dismisses the interviewer’s concern: “It’s OK,” he says after wincing.

Even the great Vox Day once “went there”:

11 months ago

The comment that starts with “Teo Toon” was mine. The commenting feature is defaulting to “Anonymous” again instead of my handle

11 months ago

This from Flynn on Q

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

I don’t know if it’s fog of war or if he isn’t what we thought all along. Since the beginning, I assumed him and Powell were white hats. I was never sure about Burne, and Lin Wood couldn’t keep the act up another second.

I never understood where this “waiting around for somebody to save you” meme came from. I assumed the doomfags were projecting, since they just sat around shitting up comments sections. Most of us have been actively digging, collaborating on understanding what is going on, trying to educate others, and improving our posture against the Cabal. Maybe they were trying to provoke people to run out into the street with a gun so surveillance could pick them off. It always felt artificial to me.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
11 months ago

Agreed. I’m not using Q Research boards as “hopium” and I’m CERTAINLY not “waiting around for someone to save me”. Those of us with brains have been prepping, buying land, and prepping some more and keeping a KEEN eye on events.

I tell my friends that Q Research is more of an “up-to-the-minute” news gathering service than anything else. You can get 90% of the truth on a matter just from scanning headlines. It’s brilliant!

If I need “hopium” (or my personal favorite: Chopium which is Copium + Hopium) I just listen to X22 Dave. Heh heh.

Reply to  selbs
11 months ago

Exactly. I don’t go to QResearch very often, but it’s a great place to watch anons break down events and information in real time. Although I usually start with the last completed bread because I like to see the comment trees and it’s a mess while they’re still populating. It also makes it easier to skip a tree that’s all shills or mindless arguing.

Somewhere along the way I found a site that compiles the notables in one place for easier reference. It also tracks resignations, arrests, indictments, and deaths:

I think the “hopium” is another injected meme by shills and doomfags. They want us all “blackpilled” for some reason and I refuse to play their stupid game. The future hasn’t happened yet and I find hope in uncertainty. I project the worst cases scenario and anything that happens is likely to be better than that.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
11 months ago

there is only defeat and disillusionment in accepting modlib cabalmedia reports at face value. now i dont trust byrne, have my doubts on powell, some concern on wood, and not much issue with flynn. but i think this is worth a read…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
11 months ago

Highly plausible. Techno Fog seems reliable. I won’t want to face a Demonrat jury either. They don’t have standards. Everything is based on whether the person is acceptable to them or not. If they like you, you could bite the head off a baby on stage and they’ll cheer you. Or you could sell out the nation to Ukraine, Israel, and China to enrich your family and it’s cool with them. If they don’t like you, then voting for Donald Trump carries the death penalty.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

A psyop could make accurate predictions, while also offering bad advice.

Worth noting that my friend network turned on me, and my YouTube channel got taken down shortly after I began advocating for precisely what Flynn is suggesting – local action.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Aurini
11 months ago

It is Satan’s psyop and McCain was his servant. Picking his time was probably part of the contract.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Q “predicted” a lot of shit. 1 or 2 of them came to pass, if you scrinch up your eyes just so. and then, a week before the election, when Q posts about “Audit or better yet video the polling places, boys! They’re gonna try and steal the election!’ and /or’Stay out of DC, boys! It’s a trap!’ would have come in real useful and kept good American patriots alive and/or out of a political gulag…. Q ran away and disappeared like a little bitch, never to return. and now here we are with a senile puppet sitting in the WH, destroying our country and giving away as much of our money as they possibly can as fast as they possibly can, about to kick off WW3. And I say this as a longtime Q believer/groupie:

Fuck Q.

Reply to  anonymous
11 months ago

“Trust Sessions”
“Trust Rosenstein”
“Trust Barr”
“Trust all those Marine Generals Trump Hired”
“Angela Merkel is Hitler’s Daughter”
“Patriots are in Control”
“We have it ALL”
“Where We Go One We Go All – except for those poor schlubs rotting away with and without trial in the Federal & D.C. gulags. We Ain’t Goin’ THERE! You think we’re crazy?!?”

Q did infinitely more harm than good. Now that we can all see that, with the benefit of hindsight and sadder but wiser, is it more likely Q was A) an organic creation of patriots fighting to restore our beloved Republic or B) *an op against* patriots fighting to restore our beloved Republic?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

My biggest beef with Q is not the disinformation (why he warned about being necessary {teaching people not to trust even Q completely and mindlessly}) but the plan which must have had better alternatives that would have cost us much less damage.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

All data points to add to the mix. OK. So what is the “so what?”.

Flynn had opportunity to call out Q. It is significant he did not.

So, why now?

1) psy-op – but previously useful to Flynn’s side (which side?)

2) Flynn changed teams (which team?)

3) “The Plan” failed.

4) Stage 2.

Items 1,3,4 suggest “The Plan” is done. Item 2 is down to Flynn’s credibility.

Either way, looks like time for US patriots to get involved, eg, canvas in the democratic process, hold cake sales, wear badges in support of their favoured candidate, and of course, tsking to unfavoured opinions…

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

First, there is not much if anything ordinary people can do. Peasant revolts get crushed. Repeatedly. And there is no voting your way out of this.

What ordinary people could have done is be non-cooperative, be a pain in the a– over the COVID restrictions, refuse to get the vax, and most people didn’t do that, but that was because of Q. Also, the link to the 5th generation warfare/ Aurini video that was the first link of the day is good, and this is obviously not the sort of war where you have these mass mobilized armies on both sides. The best ordinary people can do is to try to keep their health intact and keep from getting gaslit.

Second, the Q Anon site itself could well be a Cabal or deep state ploy. The existence of some sort of counter or opposing faction is sort of logically implied by events. We are not dead yet and there are some attempts to disguise the dystopia. Though there is a counter-explanation that there is no opposition to the Cabal, and their failure to follow through and complete their schemes is due to the leadership being theater kids/ cluster B types.

Reply to  Ed
11 months ago

In my opinion, there is too much truth and uncovering of cabal for Q Research (8Kun) to be cabal. But I’m willing to be wrong I suppose.

Reply to  Ed
11 months ago

The people I know who were the least cooperative about the plague were all Q people.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Flynn acted on Twitter to confirm a Q post for people to stand up and lead during the second half of 2021. I don’t know the exact time; he confirmed a one-year or two-year delta after that Q post, but too many of the records of Q posts have been altered or destroyed for me to try to find the exact post or believe in its timestamp.

Reply to  Brickbat
11 months ago

Flynn is a gray hat. It’s necessary for the op.

Reply to  Brickbat
11 months ago …. search at will.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Flynn is an agent of evil and a deceiver. See Probably Alexandra’s deconstruction here. We talk all the time here about opening our mind to the reality in front of us. Well here is the reality in front of us. Examine it with a critical eye and tell me you can still support either Flynn or Q. They are the flip side of Satan’s coin…one side the darkness of the Cabal and the other side the Light of the deceiver. This is NOT the light of Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life and the ONLY way to the Father. This is the deceiving light of Satan who masquerades as an angel of light to catch the unwary.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Since Flynn has strongly signalled to the anons that Q is legitimate and he is part of it he is guilty of deception at one or more points.
Add it to his connection to Byrne and Powell and I would not trust him at all.

11 months ago

Teo Toon, who I can’t help but wish luck, and other commentators have speculated about an actor wearing a mask playing “Biden”.

I was planning on writing up a longer comment on this, but I’ll summarize that I checked out the early years of “Joe Biden”, just be reading his Wikipedia entry, and found that until he got elected to a town council seat in his late 20s, there wasn’t much information or evidence about his existence. He sort of came out of nowhere to get elected to the Newark town council, then to the federal Senate, from a town council seat, three years later.

My theory was that “Biden” was a proof of concept CIA program to see if they could completely fake a politician. It ran on longer than planned, and later got taken over by the Cabal or whatever the main intel op is now. I think it is too resource intensive to widely duplicate. Essentially you just get a fictional character and fictional bio, and a rotation of actors playing “Biden”.

The “Biden family” are other agents, none related by blood, assigned to run the operation. The dementia thing was developed to provide an excuse for people outside of the operation to not spend that much time with “Biden”. It was initially used to run various operations that had to involve the federal Senate.

It would be interesting to check if “Biden”, as President, ever met with a non-cabal leader. I think Putin is 90% likely to be not cabal, and its just over 50% with Xi and Obrador. I don’t think he has met with any of them. Erdogan and Orban would be at NATO summits, but they wouldn’t necessarily get personal meetings. I think Cabal pols would get some sort of briefing on what the set-up is.

“Biden” was installed as US President, because in 2020, the Cabal leadership decided they couldn’t install their usual ticket taker, or even a Cabal agent, or even the CIA agents with fake names and bios that they had been putting in the office. They needed the fictional character for complete control.

Also, if “Biden” is a fictional character, I wouldn’t expect him to die.

Another implication is that the events of 2020 were a straight coup. The federal government is run by some sort of junta or dictator, and they are not “white hats”, but they maintain the facade of constitutional government. The qualifications to be President are to be a “natural born citizen” and over 35, but the implication is that fictional characters are not eligible. This would mean the electoral votes for Biden are invalid, and delivered and certified under a mixture of fraud and duress, and Trump won by 232 electoral votes to 0, but was blocked from taking office (the threshold to get elected is not 270 votes, its a majority of the valid votes).

So this gets resolved with the constitutional facade coming down, and the junta operating openly, or civil war or a counter-coup, or some sort of negotiated settlement. I think if the 2024 elections go off on schedule, there either has been a negotiated settlement, or negotiations are still ongoing, because otherwise I think the facade comes down or we go to civil war.

Macaque Mentality
11 months ago

@teo toon,

In case you missed it, wrote a fairly long post under October 19’s News Briefs:

11 months ago

What is interesting is how fake Sydney Powell’s mugshot looks. It even looks like she is sitting down.

Reply to  map
11 months ago

Fake mugshots according to Mile Mathis

11 months ago

It’s all in the family:comment image

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Hopefully, Vox is watching. I’m sure he’d have something to comment.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Just like clockwork. Western Rifle Shooters goes down, who is hosting this image.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

feinstein’s forebears were all over that too

Reply to  Bman
11 months ago

Think it’s a diff Shapiro, can’t get to SocialGalactic to find link, don’t run with this yet

Reply to  Bman
11 months ago

From Social Galactic:

A cursory search doesn’t indicate Sidney is Ben’s granddad. Info on Ben’s father, David, states his father is Nathan Mayer Shapiro.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
11 months ago

Still probably a relative.
Ben looks so much like him.
Probably a great uncle or something.

Reply to  Bman
11 months ago

The “Bloodlines”

11 months ago

And she has agreed to testify against other “conspirators” in future cases.

Trump’s name never appears in her allocution, and there aren’t even any references to him. This is like the feds in The Sopranos flipping Chris Montalsanti and Tony’s name never showing up in his allocution. The Boss is clear.

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

Ohhh!!! We never talk about this thing of ours!

11 months ago

Texas Secretary of State audit reveals massive voter fraud in Harris county – 9,000 more votes than voters.

Why it matters, from the article:

Under legislation passed earlier this year, the Secretary of State’s office may assume administrative oversight of Harris County elections following complaints from certain stakeholders and a subsequent investigation.

Also, the lege passed (I think in the same legislation) a law giving the state AG (still Ken Paxton despite (((their))) shockingly clumsy attempts to impeach him) the jurisdiction and authority to prosecute any crimes the SOS uncovers, rather than the local, democrat, ELECTED district attorney.

11 months ago

Fortress brand, which also made them for Cabelas, Field and Stream, and others – safe appears to be programmed, but remains in a mode where it just pops open with any fingerprint.

Don’t do biometrics for anything that matters anyway. You can be forced to put your finger on a pad (or just killed and put on it, depending on the sensor.) It’s much, much harder to force you to put a combination into a mechanism.
Second, you can change a combination. You might have to get a locksmith (and it’s a good idea to have a locksmith change it from the factory combination anyways, ask the Liberty Safes guy) or change it yourself, but you can’t change your fingerprint/retina/whatever if it gets out into the wild for duplication.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

You might have to get a locksmith (and it’s a good idea to have a locksmith change it from the factory combination anyways, ask the Liberty Safes guy)”

This theme was in the movie “Panic Room” with Forest Whitaker.

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

A fingerprint, like any key, can be copied, or stolen.

11 months ago

Maryland Circuit Court Judge Wilkinson fatally shot at home by father who lost custody of his kids earlier in the day in court in a case the judge presided over.


Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

I’ve wondered why this happens so rarely.

In my early working years, the couple that lived above me us consisted of an Air Force dental tech, his stay at home wife, and two young daughters. One day his wife disappeared and took the two girls with her. I think she might have been cheating on him, but I don’t know for certain. She eventually moved in with her mother. Anyway, they filed for divorce, and he requested full custody. The judge denied it and gave full custody to the mother. I ran into him some time after this. He was a shell of a man. According to him, his unemployed ex-wife and two daughters were living in a trailer with his former mother-in-law who was on permanent disability due to severe mental illnesses. The judge said the father’s job as a military dental tech with 18 years in (two years to full retirement) rendered him unsuitable to raise girls. This man stood outside my apartment door, looked me in the eyes, and asked, “How can two unemployed women, one who has a history of severe mental illnesses, living in a trailer, be better parents than me? I live in an apartment, am fully employed, and will retire from the Air Force in two years. Then I can work part time in a dentist office. How does that make me a bad parent?”

Anyway, the FBI used to publish statistics on crimes against children. “Mother” was consistently the number one perpetrator of child murder. “Mother and unrelated person” was the number two category of child murders. Together, those two categories made up about almost half of all murders of children. It’s been probably fifteen years since I saw these stats. When it came to sexual abuse of children “Unrelated male living in the home” was the number one category of child sexual assault. In other words, the most dangerous living arrangement for children is a home with a single mother and live in boyfried or stepfather.

And finally, we have the famous, and widely publicized, U.S. Army study on child abuse which found women were THE perpetrators of chid abuse in Army families:

The funny thing is, that study was so damning of women that some news articles deliberately obscured the gender of the abusers. Even when they didn’t do that, they would attempt to exonerate the women. One article I found said, “For fathers at home while their soldier wives were at war, the effect of deployment on the likelihood of abuse or neglect was insignificant . . .” The article then goes on to this piece of happy horseshit, “suggesting men may be more likely to get help from extended family or other resources.” Come on! How many of you know men who seek help from “other resources” in any situation? Maybe men don’t “get help.” Maybe men are just better parents. That’s what the study says.

The point is, there are studies after studies going back to the early 1990s that consistently find children raised by single mothers have higher rates of mental illness, drug addictions, suicides, failure to graduate from high school, and higher divorce rates than children raised by single fathers. Every divorce court judge in this country knows this fact, and they still overwhelmingly award custody to the single mothers. You want evidence of cabal? There it is.

Like I said at the start, I am constantly amazed how few men strike out against judges who rule against the best interest of children.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Just one of several reasons Western men should be wary of marriage.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Not dealing with women as morally responsible human beings especially as murderers has consequences. The women who are said perpetrators should have been executed long ago.

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

Breaking the social contract has consequences.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

At this point in America, my default reaction is that the shooter was the good guy in the story. Change my mind.

11 months ago

‘Cartel’ kidnappers used Florida Airbnb, fake badges, police lights to abduct and waterboard wrong guy.

Wasn’t this an episode of Archer?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

Probably, even though I never watched the show. At all. They just love to shove it in our faces in advance.

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

I can’t hear you over the deafening sound of my own awesomeness.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
11 months ago

Woodhouse is always the best. “Sir, that stolen lemur bit one of your prostitutes right in the face, and she says she can’t go to hospital because she’s quote, ‘tripping balls.'”

Reply to  phelps
11 months ago

That show was good for the first 4 seasons

11 months ago

This is the youtube link to the underlying 5th generation war video:

This is excellent material. I have labelled this “the war against humanity”, which I still think is a better description.

11 months ago

Clapper is afraid he will wind up on Trumps’ enemies list? Trump is apparently on your list, right?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I HOWLED in laughter at reading that this morning.

Um…YA THINK? You and xx other conspirators openly lied and you think you WON’T end up on Trump’s enemy list? Egads these people are dumb.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

He is afraid that he will reap what he sowed…oh my. I could clap to that.

11 months ago
11 months ago

I posted about the orthodox church in Gaza being bombed. But maybe the orthodox church being destroyed is fake too.
See this thread

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

that’s how i look at sme of the reports of faraway missiles firing and being intercepted in or near the “holyland”. or is that hollyland. hollywood east. lahaina east. the current thing.

11 months ago

as all of us evinced shock in those numb days after, they nodded sympathetically, while marveling inside at how stupid and clueless we all were”

11 months ago

I think, to get the kids to keep the secret from other kids, as they operate against them in the schools, they create a culture, from a child’s earliest days, where we are absolutely some kind of enemy, who can never be trusted. It is the only way I can see them being sure the kids will not, in a moment of weakness, blab to a friend in school that they are a target”

It’s really nothing like this. All they know is that they will be completely destroyed in life if they rat. They’ve seen what happens to rats in movies. They’re killed. Sooner or later, revenge is taken. They know that even if they are not murdered that other terrible things will happen to them or their children. They know that these people are completely and totally above the law and no one will protect them. They know if they rat that ALL of their future options will be constrained, their parents business could be destroyed, the cops will take a special interest in them and even arrest them under bullshit charges.

They also know if they play along that opportunities will open to the, that they could never obtain otherwise.

and 90% of these people can’t tie it to 9/11. They lack the wit or comprehension.

Essentially, many of their assets view themselves as targeted and live in terror of doing something wrong and making it worse.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Part of it is that they think they’re saving the world from “reckless idealists” like Trump, who is ‘corrupt’ because he undermines the rigged system they call “democracy”. It’s comparable to a nanny-stater who’s freaking out that the kids are left to play on their own, without a guardian making sure they play correctly.

11 months ago

a light among all nations! no, an arsonist.

11 months ago

i have to view comments about the power of the “king” with a jaundiced eye. esp when there is evidence rothschild pushed the king in waiting around in full view of dozens of people (finger to chest). no doubt it is a recurring trend. a powerful person or one with guts wouldnt tolerate that. so, i suggest the (((king))) is what we really are engaged in a battle with.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
11 months ago

I consider that finger pushing interpretation to be totally bogus if you watch the whole thing. Charles doesn’t give in at all. He was, after all, crowned king of Israel as well as king of England and everybody who was anybody in the cabal came to meet with him before his coronation.

Last edited 11 months ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

Charlene may be a big deal, but Roth was clearly his equal or superior.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

Child TrafficKing Chuckles III.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

When the Queen did not act against the EU traitors and the Rotten Parliament of 2019, all supposed powers (that I believed in) evaporated

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
11 months ago

Just because someone wears the Crown doesn’t necessarily mean they are the ultimate power.

Considering the Founding Fathers they missed that fact and didn’t properly account for the Secret Societies.

King George might as well be the Red Herring.

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous
11 months ago

entangling alliance. washington warned against that. in other news, are we cooking with gas yet?

Texas Arcane
11 months ago

The truth this time around has to burn in the psyche like battery acid to be effective and this generation has grown up with weak amygdalas. They can’t take pain and sure as hell can’t take the pain of discovering what kind of world they really live in. Therefore they have no future going forward and if not vaxxed they will die at the hands of many other tentacles of 5th generation warfare not the least of which is euthanasia or suicide … which is just euthanasia performed by the individual.
The survivors will have strong amygdala function or they won’t be survivors. It’s enough to make you think this is a biological test to weed out a lot of dead weight. I’m not saying any of it is right. It just looks a little too based to be an accident.

11 months ago

A/C when your main site was down I went to to read your news update a couple of days ago.
IT just let me know that attempted to upload a virus onto my computer…
Groan, these people are so annoying.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

When I get back to the office I will post the email I got from IT, maybe we can track down more info that way. It could of been a typo on my part landing on a squatted domain, but I will for sure upload details on monday to see what we can sort out.

Reply to  whiteguy
11 months ago

Are you sure that you were on the correct domain? If you typed in the URL and made a typo, you may have ended up at a squatted domain designed to harm.

11 months ago

Trump is nominated again:
comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

What stopping him from being off the ballot and rigging the election again?

11 months ago

[Sorry, I do not know what I am doing with comment approvals lately.]

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous Conservative
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  God
11 months ago

You may mean the whole God thing as tongue-in-cheek but I’m absolutely sure He doesn’t take it that way. What you are doing is blasphemy…totally and absolutely blasphemous. For the sake of your eternal soul, you should reconsider.

Last edited 11 months ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
11 months ago

ds/cabal need a war to save their a$$es

11 months ago

larry johnson knocks it out of the park.

11 months ago

More info from a friend:

[quote]I also have news which is neither good nor bad just news. the US is also put a meu which stands for Marine Expeditionary Unit which is like the quick react conventional force of the military has in Israel. reaching out to my friends throughout the service it sounds like we’re cooperating with the Israelis intelligence and infrastructure wise for major operations but the combat troops are there for two reasons one to conduct search and rescue for the 12 Americans still hostage by Hamas. they’ll be giving the chance to give over the Americans without a fight but Hamas says no they’re going to go in guns blazing. the Marines are also there to provide security for forces so that the Special Operations can operate I don’t have to put up men to provide their own security. but a major power besides the US is unlikely at this point. no one has forces or projection power that could reach Israel on behalf of the Palestinians. and I don’t know what cooperation between the US and Israel is going to look like after the American hostages are rescued. very fluid situation will tell you further once I have information that is solid. I’m holding back on rumors and such and only telling you guys the things that I can verify.[/quote]

11 months ago

‘Force me out’: McCarthy won’t leave speaker’s office despite being ousted over 2 weeks ago

11 months ago

The site has stopped rendering correctly, it comes up but the format is messed up.

11 months ago

All that fuss about disclosure. When no one really cares that much about UFOs generally.

Why cover up something people will only yawn at?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

That’s what I’m saying. UFOs got really boring when they started pretending to disclose to us. They’ve release a few gun camera videos and a bunch of testimony that’s 3rd hand at best. Boring.

11 months ago

> Maryland Circuit Court Judge Wilkinson fatally shot at home by father who lost custody of his kids earlier in the day in court in a case the judge presided over.

I know nothing about the case, but having seen too many men get bent over and raped by The System, I’m surprised that doesn’t happen often.