News Briefs – 10/19/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Kamala Harris is priming Democrats for violent resistance if Trump wins. Don’t think any of this is organic. It isn’t. It is scripted, for reasons, and with objectives, to which we are not privy, based on thought processes we do not understand. But these articles may be betraying what is to come.

To that end, and interesting Twitter thread here on what may be coming:

In 2020 there was something called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP). It was a bunch of wargames that were set up by the most deep state Trump hating people you can imagine run by Rosa Brooks. Rosa Brooks is the former assistant to George Soros, she was a Pentagon official, she is Georgetown law professor, and she is a Democratic Party operative.

This nonpartisan TIP project was funded by Protect Democracy and United to Protect Democracy. Both of these were actually launched in January 2017 by former Obama administrative lawyers. One of those lawyers is former deputy White House Council Ian Bassin. They were formed as a resistance to the Trump administration.

In late June of 2020, TIP conducted a tabletop exercise using establishment democrats and the never Trump faction of the Republican party, such as Michael Steele to map out the realities of a potential coup by Donald Trump who would refuse to leave office.

This dark insidious project was documented and reported on by people like @RaheemKassam and @MikeBenzCyber and the war room but other than that, the mainstream media coverage of this was spotty at best.

The wargames were played out under the assumption that Donald Trump was a dictator who was going to consolidate power with his base of white supremacists who would need to be neutralized and eliminated after the election. Yes that was their language.

In the 2020 version of this exercise they prophetically predicted that the outcome of the 2020 election would not be decided on election day because of widespread mail in voting. There would be a red mirage where Trump would look like he was winning, but once the real votes were counted, he would lose to Biden. The rest of the wargaming exercises were how they were planning on getting Donald Trump out of the office if he refused to concede and leave.

There was five wargames and I’m going to summarize the overall gist. Donald Trump somehow remains in office. The options were to cause a rebellion and try to get specific states from seceding from the union. And no, I am not joking and all of this can be researched and verified.

There were only two variables in this wargame exercises, and that was how is the military going to respond and what control will the Democrats have over the street riots that would naturally ensue “organically” meaning well planned and funded by Soros.

On August 11, 2020, there was an article published in Defense One expressly calling for a military coup. When faced with backlash from that article, the Atlantic published the now infamous article about the fake suckers and losers hoax to deflect.

Due to the enormous amount of scrutiny, TIP received after the 2020 election, they have regrouped and renamed themselves to the Democracy Futures Project (DFP). The goal of this new project is to create a unified front of globalist foundations to subvert a second Trump presidency and the nationalist Maga movement. The funding for this comes from the Packard foundation, and Pierre Omidyar.

In May and June of this year they met in Washington DC and they made up teams of red and blue. The teams consisted of former senators and members of Congress of both parties, senior state officials, business leaders, retired flag military officers, trade union leaders, and former Trump administration officials who became never Trump. One such participant was Jamie Raskin.

There were five different wargames, but let me just focus on the one that is most pertinent because it’s the one I believe they’re going to deploy when Donald Trump wins. The main topic was that riots that would occur throughout the country as a result of Trump winning the election, Trump would go ahead and invoke the insurrection act, and they need to figure out how to subvert this. The second major part of their operation was they were going to stop Donald Trump from deporting the millions of illegal immigrants.

If you would like to read the details of these wargames, I have linked some articles from the Washington Post that discusse this. From those article once you start to deep dive into the names and players and organizations, you can see how dark and disturbing this is.

The wargames ended by concluding that they cannot use lawful means against Trump’s alleged anticipated actions because those lawful means would not work this time around . Because they could not use any lawful means to stop a duly elected president from taking office they decided that democracy would be over.

They discussed the article Robert Kagan, who is the husband of Victoria Newland wrote in the Washington Post last December, which pretty much made the case for the assassination of Donald Trump. You can read the article yourself and you can also listen to Steve Bannon’s The War Room because he covered this topic in depth after that article came out. This is just pure and total speculation, but it would seem to me that it’s possible that the assassination attempts that occurred after are once again prophetic.

One of the major participants of this project was David Roth, who is the editor of Foreign Affairs Magazine, and a managing Director of Kissinger Associates. He wrote a book called American American Resistance: The story of how the deep State save the nation. The book discusses the courage of the inside agents in the first Trump administration who worked to sabotage it at every turn.

When Donald Trump wins, they are going to activate their paramilitary street army I like to refer to as WokeQaeda so that they can destabilize the country via riots and chaos in the streets while pretending that those riots and chaos are peaceful protests, we’ve already seen this entire playbook in 2020 with BLM. The full-blown color revolution that hit Ukraine and Serbia and other places in the world is coming to a street year you whenTrump wins.

If you think I’m making any of this up, feel free to read the Washington Post article and also feel free to look at the X account called Deep State Radio . They have a weekly podcast which I have listened to and let me tell you orwellian doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant and I hope that people will actually take this seriously because in 2020 when people like
was talking about it nobody was paying attention, but then it happened exactly the way that little war game predicted.

There are so many other angles I want to look into but this is a good introduction of what to come now that it’s clear Donald Trump is dominating this race.

Do I think there were wargames performed by lowly peons with names we recognize, designed to map out future outcomes like this, and that going forward anything could happen, and the future is a blank slate waiting to be written? No. Do I think “Antifa” and “BLM,” whatever the fuck they are, could reemerge and kill  few people and burn a lot of shit to the ground as part of a script written by names we have never heard spoken? Yes. But it is all scripted. It is partly why I am desperate to see American Stasi go viral. We could fuck things up, and create a real freedom. But we are about the only option I see. I think they are ready for everything else. Losing the surveillance and everyone suddenly seeing the hidden enemy within, right in their neighborhood, and next to them in the grocery store? Not so much.

Bannon Prison Statement – ‘Biden-Harris are illegally holding me past my release date.’ Your sentence ended? That is OK, we are just going to keep you a little longer to teach you a lesson and keep you from causing problems. I would support Bannon more, except he does not talk about the surveillance, and I kind of had the impression he might have been sent in to snag the second in command position under Breitbart for the conspiracy, so when they iced Breitbart, their guy would ascend to control. This could be part of the script to make it all seem even more lawless, and Bannon could have agreed to all of it. I actually suspect they may not do things like this with people not in the conspiracy, because since they control Bannon, they know, 100% how this will turn out, and he will not do what I would do, and look for something they might not have thought of, which would fuck everything up. Cabal intel likes full control, IMO. That means everyone you see is a theatre kid in the conspiracy.

“Third Trump assassin” Vem Miller was known to conservative media behind the scenes because he had been calling to alert them to the fact that between 15 and 150 shipping containers, possibly fresh off the boat from China, and filled with pallets of US ballots, were being shipped to USPS facilities across the West coast. He was arrested on the day after he had been calling around and alerting everyone to this, and everyone recognized the name as a result. I don’t need to tell you how American Stasi surveillance works, how on top of him and the people he was contacting they would be, or how they would register their displeasure.

Florida sues Biden admin for allegedly not helping state remove noncitizens from voter rolls.

Detroit Democrats hold training session for poll challengers, Reveal: increased number of goons will be present to abuse GOP challengers, the goal is to attack GOP inspectors, all ballots will be allowed.

Michigan’s voter rolls list 8.4 million voters, however there are fewer than 8 million voting-age residents in the state.

Sierra Madre, California, man discovers stack of mail-in ballots in storm drain.

Marjorie Taylor Greene pushes claim Dominion machines are ‘switching’ votes to Democrats in wild Alex Jones interview.

Trump supporters in Pennsylvania are reportedly being targeted with threatening letters from radical leftists, warning them that their visible support for the former President could lead to dire consequences.

Democrat Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul’s Department of Justice raided the home and office of conservative Wausau Mayor Doug Diny in connection to Diny’s removal of an unsecured absentee ballot drop box.

5,000,000+ mercenaries dressed like civilians will be invading America over the next 90 days. The Cartels have now authorized their soldiers to kill US law enforcement and national guard! You wonder if that is a cover designed to hide the existence of Cabal as it moves every merc it controls over the entire globe to the US. Yeah, Mercs are flooding across the border, but it is the Cartels, and definitely do not begin kinetic actions against the American Stasi as they offer these mercs operational support and overwatch, since they are entirely unrelated.

In Kamala’s America, child sex trafficking reports have tripled, feds confirm.

Democrat swing state Senate candidates cozy up to Trump in danger sign for Kamala.

Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey runs an ad boasting he ‘Bucked Biden’ and ‘sided with Trump.’

Millionaire Tim Walz, admits his mother counts on her social security check to feed herself.

When someone shouted “Jesus is Lord” at a Kamala Harris rally, she responded by saying “you are at the wrong rally.”

The United Kingdom’s Labour Party, which is currently in power, may be breaking election laws in the United States by sending 100 members to campaign in key battleground states on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat presidential nominee.

Gallup: Majority feel worse off than four years ago under Trump.

37 percent of credit card holders have either maxed out their cards or come close to it since inflation gripped the nation under the policies of the Biden-Harris administration, a Bankrate/YouGov survey found Thursday.

Kamala Harris taps ex-‘SNL’ star for head-scratching Al Smith Dinner skit that left audience puzzled, silent.

Revealed: The Israeli Spies Writing America’s News who spoon feed the American public propaganda about the Israel Palestine conflict directly from Israel’s most infamous intelligence apparatus.

In what is being seen as retaliation by the Biden administration for Elon Musk’s Trump support, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is opening a probe into self-driving software used in 2.4 million Tesla vehicles.

James O’Keefe hidden camera sting – Second round of Meta engineers reveal censorship practices: “Pro-Trump” posts “go just up to another team to take it down.”

Florida House Rep. Richard Rowe Jr., who ‘wished death on anti-vaxxers’ dies suddenly.

Over 600 service members died suddenly after being given the drug Remdesivir by doctors despite it not being approved by the FDA to fight COVID-19.

High school cross country runner passes away after suddenly collapsing, the sport’s third death in middle Tennessee this season.

Long–COVID-19 fatigue skyrockets among Danish residents after vaccines rolled out.

Biden-Harris gave over $1 billion to ‘Palestinians’ since Oct 7. As if that money goes where they say.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the war in the Gaza Strip must end with the establishment of a “full-fledged” Palestinian state, urging the Middle East Quartet to be reactivated in order to resume mediation efforts in the region.

Millions of Cubans lose power after national grid fails.

Russian official close to Putin mysteriously dies ‘after falling down his stairs and breaking his neck.’ These can be what you would think – a Ukrainian hit team snuck in broke his neck and staged the scene. But I suspect up at that level, all those high level leaders are finding out, or have already known, what I have found out – there is somebody here with astonishing technology which can apply force from a distance somehow. It is possible some Cabal team was able to move in close enough to use it. Maybe Russia even has Cabal Stasi spy families embedded like in the US in places, who have been able to move into houses near such a target to harass him and FSB cannot pin down who they are. He may have been getting tapped in the head, pushed at inopportune times, and this time they just happened to push him at exactly the wrong moment. I now see Father Malachi Martin’s story of his last fall – feeling two spots which he thought were hands, push him, and I think his surveillance team was probably in an apartment nearby fucking around, since I would think the demonic would have been barred from doing that. There is weird stuff out there. I do not spend a day now without being unable to believe how clueless I was years ago. All these people you see up there at the top may see entirely different worlds from what normies see and they may all be dealing with just unbelievable shit in their day to day.

Medvedev indicates Russian intelligence assessments are Ukraine cannot build its own nuclear weapon, however it might attempt to make a dirty bomb.

Trump criticizes Zelensky for helping start the war in Ukraine, as ‘The greatest salesman on Earth’ now demands ‘either NATO membership or nuclear weapons.’

The Pennsylvania Democrat Party has seen a more than 100 percent increase in people leaving the party compared to the year before, according to recent voter registration data.

Liberals are starting to panic as it appears Donald Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Send people to, because the big day is coming, and our side is not ready yet…

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