Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Berlin elections to be reviewed and possibly rerun due to voting ‘irregularities.’
Devin Nunes warns the ‘future of this country’ hinges on the Durham indictments. He adds, “There is probably more to come. I’m sure it will be quite a comical and entertaining movie.” Q always said, “You are watching a movie.” The problem is this movie sucks, unless it turns into more of an action movie soon.
A major untold story of the Trump era has been the political comeback of the CIA, NSA, and FBI, who thanks to an ingenious marketing campaign now enjoy widespread support among young liberal influencers. Only a partial link as the rest is paid, but his example of the Young Turks extolling the CIA’s virtue to their listeners is interesting. They were always CIA/Cabal assets, and knew the big secret. That Cabal now feels it needs to burn its deep cover influencers to buy cred says they are on the ropes. If they were still in control, those influencers would be the controlled opposition attacking the CIA and the establishment and Cabal wouldn’t care because they would be in full control regardless. It is weird to see people reach out to fans, and lure them in and fake loyalty, knowing all the while they are just fucking them all over. That type of work has to blacken your soul.
Trump-backed challengers to Republican lawmakers lag in fundraising. You know where most fundraising comes from.
A 17-year-old boy in Canada died of a heart attack at home on September 27 reportedly two weeks after he received a COVID jab. I look at the photo at the link, and it looks photoshopped? Even the pixilation of the Jersey around his neck has a low-grade AI quality to it, more than a compression artifact. Not that I disbelieve an mRNA shot triggering production of a toxic protein could kill and does kill. Just that it is possible nothing we see is actually real, and everything from all major outlets, even many telling us stuff we know could be true, can be manipulation.
Court bars Chicago police union boss from discouraging members to comply with city vaccine mandate.
News that Eighth District Court of Appeals Judge Larry Jones died without warning within 9 days of the deaths of two other judges has their colleagues in Cuyahoga and Cleveland courts quietly fearful that their rush to be injected with an unproven concoction of “immune stimulating” ingredients could make them next. You have to wonder if they are taking out judges to replace them with guys in the network.
Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe enters a packed restaurant without a mask, hugs people.
Officials there say their data shows 16 people in the last month that have reported getting the COVID vaccine when they went in for a flu shot. No word on how many times the vaccine-giver said, “Got’em!”
Australia building permanent Covid-19 quarantine camps for “ongoing operations.”
Biden touches a child’s nipple while touring a daycare.
Biden sniffs a child’s scalp too.
The UN Climate Change Conference is using diesel generators to charge Teslas being used as shuttles.
The New York Police Department waved the white flag last week — upon orders to surrender from Albany — directing officers to let drug addicts freely shoot up on city streets, and even let them share needles. It really feels like somebody put a gun to the Democrat’s heads, and told them to destroy their party by destroying the nation.
The autists of 4Chan figured out how to really lock up SJW brains by using the fantasy entertainment the left uses to see the world through to portray them as the enemy, but then sadly finds out you can’t just send a text message about a 4Chan thread of Orc memes like this from your phone to another phone:
The lone survivor of a deadly August 2020 shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin (the guy with no bicep left), is suing the city and its leaders, claiming police conspired with vigilantes. And that wasn’t even frangible ammunition that took half his arm and vaporized it.
Shimon Perez was a sexual assaulter.
Israeli property developer killed in gangland-style shooting.
La Palma rocked by strong quake as volcano continues erupting.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
Isn’t it terrible that all of Andrew McCabe’s benefits, pensions, salary, etc., were just fully reinstated by the Justice Department? This is yet another mockery to our Country. Among other things, McCabe’s wife received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Hillary Clinton and the Democrats while Crooked Hillary was under investigation, which was quickly dropped, of course. What a bad chapter this has been for the once storied FBI—I hate to see it happening, so many GREAT people work there. Next thing you know the two lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, will be getting awards for what they did, and Hunter Biden will be given a clean bill of health on everything done by him, with everyone to receive as payment a beautiful Hunter Biden inspired painting selling at your local art gallery for $500,000. While I have never painted before, Hunter has inspired me to immediately begin painting because I’ve always felt I have a talent at that, and could surely get at least $2 million dollars per canvas—and probably a lot more. I will begin immediately. Our Country is crooked as hell!
Working hard to get very popular and capable Former Congressman Sean Duffy of Wisconsin to run for Governor. He would be fantastic! A champion athlete, Sean loves the people of Wisconsin, and would be virtually unbeatable. His wife, Rachel, is likewise an incredible person. They are both doing very well, so this would be a big sacrifice, but hopefully it will be a sacrifice that will be made for the Great State of Wisconsin and its wonderful, hardworking people. Run Sean, Run! (A little spin-off on the great Herschel Walker.
“A judge in New York City has blocked a father’s right to see his three-year-old daughter unless he agrees to take the COVID-19 vaccine.”
Children of slaves/commoners are owned by the Master not the slave.
“A judge in New York City has blocked a father’s right to see his three-year-old daughter unless he agrees to take the COVID-19 vaccine.”
When I worked in construction the first thing I was taught was THINK LIKE A MULE YOU WILL WORK LIKE MULE.
“Court bars Chicago police union boss from discouraging members to comply with city vaccine mandate.”
Talk about treating someone like a bitch. This judge just ought to have told him to STFU… OR ELSE, BITCH!
“Nearly 50% of Chicago’s 13,000-strong police force could be put on unpaid leave for ignoring Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s compulsory shot order.”
We have been told forever how BRAVE THESE COPS ARE. Now that the Machine has turned on them WE GET TO SEE WHO IS BRAVE… AND WHO IS NOT. NEVER WAS.
“US Navy Secretary under Lloyd Austin threatens to make Navy SEALs pay back the cost of their training if they don’t get vaxxed.”
Once again, GETTING BITCHED. We have been told and told there is no one braver than the Navy Seals. WE SHALL NOW SEE!
“The UN Climate Change Conference is using diesel generators to charge Teslas being used as shuttles.”
Hah! Battery cars are nothing more than toys. GLORIFIED GOLF CARTS!
“Shimon Perez was a sexual assaulter.”
You can’t separate them.
The two are inseparable.
“The problem is this movie sucks, unless it turns into more of an action movie soon.”
Yes, and we are forced to sit through it. Nunes is probably right though, otherwise we never would have heard of Durham. It’s just I personally, think things have to get bad before they get better, therefore Durham triggers something, which is what Nunes means.
Rex, if things get much worse, we won’t even have real infrastructure left to carry on as a large civilization, and I’m not exaggerating in the least. We don’t have 2 more years to wait.
This incessant waiting simply demoralizes people, and destroys interest in even caring about civil society. Millions of people are simply tuning out, because they are burned out.
I know people that voted for Trump twice and are so burned by him walking away from not only the steal, but the imprisonment and harassment of 1/6 protesters, many of them retired vets, that they don’t even want to look at Trump, as much as they despise Biden.
Again, I realize we don’t know the full extent of the secret war, but in my state of New York alone, literally tens of thousands of teachers are out of work, as well as many thousands of nurses and hospital staff, and these folks cannot collect unemployment.
Q team is letting millions of these people in multiple states twist in the wind, while cabal racks up win after win, and yes, having a boob like Biden in office is a win for cabal because they are using NPC’s like him and Fauci to burn everything down.
At a certain point one has to assume no one is coming to save us, whether that be Trump or Durham, or any secret team of operators who appear to prefer hiding in the shadows to rallying the troops and initiating action.
Remember, most operators, even if they hate cabal, are generally upper middle class people, and if the Great Reset gets finalized, they will simply carry on as if nothing really changed.
Q team does not have its back against a wall, like the rest of us. Military Intel will just get forged vaccine passports and fade into the background of the Great Reset, while guys like me get carted off to a quarantine gulag.
Yes, I agree, and it is important to realize only 2 people can come and save you. The first is yourself, the second (and the one who really saves) is Jesus Christ.
Try to put yourself in a situation where you can save the mortal life of someone (preferably a family member) in addition to yourself and you will be a net positive for the world.
That’s the most we can do. It’s vanity to think you can save the world when the Holy Bible clearly testifies otherwise. I don’t know Q, but that is probably his/their main fault, that they will save the world when only Christ can save the entire world and in fact, already has.
Spot on Dave.
I have been looking at the camps they are setting up in Oz. I might claim room 455 because it appears to have a nice view of the barbed wire fence.
“…Q team is letting millions of these people in multiple states twist in the wind, while cabal racks up win after win…”
I wonder if you know that when the Jews took over Russia they spread the exact same type rumors that the white army was coming to save them but…it was the Jews spreading this and no one came to save them. The whole operation was to give people false hope to keep them from doing anything. A fact.
Except that Q got people awake and active instead of asleep and passive.
I’m definitely aware of that historical reality, and I take it to heart when processing info from and about Q, as well as the whole Patel Patriot substack that people seem to love.
Also goes for the Mcafee telegram drops.
I estimate a 50/50 probability that all of the above are Psy/Ops designed to do exactly what you describe.
That’s why the continual inaction and waiting, and lack of action on behalf of supposed white hats is very telling at this point.
“China launched a new hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that circled the entire globe at low-orbit in August, leaving US Intelligence and US Military officials stunned.”
It sounds impressive at first, but the thing was apparently 24 miles off of target when it hit. There may be issues with the military utility of an arsenal of these things.
And that’s 1960s technology, that we were prototyping before the Kennedy and Johnson administrations pulled the plug because they were afraid the Soviets might be annoyed.
Thomas Wictor is a bit of a crank but writes well with a clear, identifiable “voice”—a quality that accounts for the fact that his following grows slowly but steadily whenever and wherever he pops up.
Wictor claims to obsess over military matters, and you can hear him every Saturday night, as host Saul Montes Bradley gets shitfaced on plonk, laughing at the media for rubber-stamping China’s allegedly exaggerated chest-thumping and inability to build a decent elevator or escalator, much less produce a McDonnell-Douglas clone fighter, even when the plans are handed to them.
He purports to have a sub-abysmal opinion in Chinese military preparedness.
Wictor claims to believe that Taiwan is 100% safe from Peking’s saber-rattling.
“within 24 miles” is a direct hit for a HEMP weapon.
True, and I don’t know how vulnerable civilian infrastructure is, but for an absolute fact, all USAF and Naval aircraft and ships are EMP hardened. They are not necessarily invulnerable to electronic jamming or hacking but, EMP from nuclear devices will not effect their operation.
They were properly hardened 30 years ago. I have no confidence that they are now, and certainly not all the COTS electronics .mil uses and relies on now. Also, a HEMP weapon can generate much stronger, directional fields in the more advanced designs, probably enough to overwhelm our shielding.
Don;t worry. The Chinese general that controls those missiles will call General Milley before China uses them.
AC links to a report on an Israeli property developer being whacked. While there, I notice another headline at Haretz:
A Jew!
‘The journalist and TV debate-show figure Éric Zemmour could also launch a presidential bid this autumn. Labelled France’s most famous far-right ideologue, and with criminal convictions for racial and religious hate speech, he is polling at 5-7%. He could eat into the scores of both the traditional right and the far-right Le Pen.”
A Jew. Not a French Jew–but an Algerian Jew.
Haven’t we had enough. Who should lead the French people?
Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World.
Loudoun county school system has been in the news recently due to a sexual assault by a gender fluid student, the school’s attempt to cover it up, and the assaulted girls father being arrested at a school board meeting for attempting to talk about what happened to his daughter.
Now this story about the CIA forgetting to remove plastic explosive from a Loudoun school bus after a training exercise
I wonder how deeply the CIA is involved in Loudoun County schools with their various training programs? Are those school children just lab rats for the CIA?
That is interesting. If CIA live there, their families are running surveillance locally, and if their families are running surveillance, their kids will be run operationally under command of the adults, all throughout the schools.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find the freshman girl raped was on track to be Valedictorian, and one of the parents decided they wanted her taken out so their kid would have a better chance to win it. People have no idea how much power this thing has, or how it is focused on controlling the paths of children.
You know, there have been inert plastic explosive training substitutes for the last several decades, available to anyone over the counter for $30-$45 per pound, that have the correct texture, color, X-ray signature, and the proper scent for dogs to alert to.
If the CIA was using real explosive, the people involved and all their supervisors and trainers should be picking out decorations for their new quarters in Club Fed.
Came to the comments to link to the story. My assumption was that it was a foiled “right wing” false flag, and that patriots are indeed in control.
Yes, They got caught!
“I’m sure it will be quite a comical and entertaining movie.”
Yes, the destruction of my homeland is such high comedy.
Everyone participating in the alleged Q “rescue” of the nation has to keep in mind there is a large segment of the nation that will just want them executed second for allowing so much shit to go down for no probably no reason.
Oh We HaVe To ReDpiLl tHe NoRmIeS!1!!
The normies will do literally anything the current rulers say no matter who ends up in the ruler seat because that’s what it means to be a normie. Muh optics and muh tule of law means nothing because 80% of the country doesn’t think, they just obey whoever has the magic hat.
If what we’re seeing is the Q Plan in action, off with their heads!
Not the complete destruction. A generation of soldiers and wives of soldiers is growing up. The generation that follows them will also be one of soldiers and wives of soldiers. But your Great-grand children will know peace, rebirth and renewal of the American Republic the Anglo-Saxon founders intended. It won’t be as large as the last republic, which died sometime before Jan. 20, 2021, but it will prosper.
My English ancestors went through as much in the War of the Roses, then later in the settling of Jamestown until the Revolutionary War, and further still from the Civil War until the closing of the Frontier in 1900. My great grandfathers fought in WW1 and WW2, and my grandfather in Korea. My father fought in 3 wars. Men from every generation of my family have killed going back to the beginning of the records. Peace is a rare and valuable commodity that we are spoiled on.
“… A generation of soldiers and wives of soldiers is growing up. The generation that follows them will…”
There’s the hitch right there. Who says any of these will follow anything. Does it appear they wish to save anyone?
What do you think Vox Day’s fixation on Boomers is all about?
Our enemy is the Cabal, its minions and its surveillance. Vox knows that. So why the constant gaslighting on a cohort of humanity defined only by its birth years? Our enemy was here before, during and after those years.
I’ve been wondering that myself. Is he trying to use rhetoric to wake that segment up? To motivate them to action? Maybe in Vox’s social class the boomers are all like he describes, and I’ve come across many but in my lower social class many of the boomers were awake but powerless. There is little of the conspiracy stuff here on this blog and Vox’s that I didn’t hear in some form when I was a child, and it was boomers saying it.
What Vox calls “boomers” I associate with a certain social class; their place in the economy and hierarchy makes them particularly resistant to any information which might threaten that. Maybe day of the pillow is the only way to reach them.
Vox has a few weird obsessions.
Dude isn’t “fixated” on anything. Boomers will go down in history as the generation that destroyed their countries, and possibly even Western Civilization. Boomers themselves identified the 1960’s as the worst decade of American history due to it doing the most damage to culture and moral fabric than any other – in other words they just thought back to their younger years and realized just what they had done. Those were the Boomers who were HONEST with themselves.
That generation took control YOUNG and then never let go of it. They have been in charge for the last three-four decades and still are. They’ve run an entire civilization into the ground.
Look back at all of the culture aimed at them, produced by them, and you quickly see the pattern of self-absorption which is mirrored in the millennials. The obsession with youth and short-time preference. They destroyed their families, lived life on credit, ignored their children, and still insist that everything revolve around them. When they should be sacrificing for the future generations instead they continue on in the present.
Like I said, history will not be kind to them.
Hear hear!
To a man and woman, the 12 boomers in my immediate family are the most vile people imaginable.
You must either not interact with many Boomers, or are a boomer yourself. They’re the most comprehensively mind controlled generation aside from probably gen z. Sure, they’re also the most fucked with by psyops (all the OG MK ultra shit started on them), but they also voluntarily spit in the face of tradition and order more than any other generation just to indulge in unlimited use of drugs and sex.
Talking casually to any Boomer is impossible because everything is either bragging about how great things were 30 years ago before the boomer destroyed it, or making excuses for how they fucked everything up now.
Trying to inform them or change their mind is impossible again for the above reasons; they either become aggressively defensive of their bad behavior, or accuse you of squandering everything they built (lol) because you’re a lazy (GenX/Millenial/etc).
They had their chance to stand up for their progeny and chose to lean into being selfish shits, so fuckem.
It’s probably a personal vendetta.
Boomers as a group may have been/be worse than average but it is easy to find things that generations before and after are guilty of.
True. Boomers, as a cohort, share most of the blame. Most, but not all.
My Dad is a boomer. He voluntarily served in the military, married my Mom (also a boomer), they’ve stayed married through thick and thin (and only been married once), we went to church weekly. My Dad taught me how to fix cars, shoot and everything about power tools. Later my dad bought me and my siblings each a car and completely paid for our college educations, even grad school. My Dad is not a wealthy man. We have not a cent of debt. Not. A. Cent.
My parents are boomer unicorns. Anyone who tries to put a pillow over their heads will get a much quicker shooting lesson than I received.
I’m convinced the Lord sends righteous souls among generations of the wicked as a sign of proper behavior, so that when His punishments rain down like a torrent there will be no valid excuses.
There is a strange fixity in his focus on Boomers, although it must be said many Boomers deserve contempt for their complete, and very conscious, destruction of the foundations of Western civilization.
They have eaten all the seed corn, leaving nothing but ashes for those that come after them.
The Boomer is not defined by its birth years. Boomer is a mindset and an attitude. It’s the belief that it’s ok to eat the seed-corn of a nation and leave nothing for posterity in exchange for cash and prizes.
And they just won’t shut up.
It’s like the Matrix movies. Some people are so wedded to the system, so dependent on it, that they will do anything to maintain it.
The truths revealed by The Matrix got the Wachowski brothers turned into the Wachowski sisters.
“The truths revealed by The Matrix got the Wachowski brothers turned into the Wachowski sisters.”
That’s an interesting theory. And not implausible. I wonder how they got the $ to make The Matrix.
good question. a lot of boomers are in sway to globohomo, sure. so are those from other age groups. maybe it’s an op. or maybe he is just a fool and no longer has the guts to go after (((boomers))) directly. he posts some great stuff, but what can you say about a guy who ran to italy and calls any critics “gammas”? he isnt that far off the boomer age group in terms of age, ya know. “let’s you and them go fight”, perhaps? commie age group warfare? on another note, most pols who have really messed up the USA, like the current biden and pelosi, are of the so-called “silent generation”. which gets glossed over. it might take a lot more guts than he has to actually callout JEWS, MASONS AND SATANISTS more directly by name anymore.
Considering that Masonic membership plummeted 75% during the Boomer era, I’m not sure that the Masons are the bad guys. Or that they have much power in the modern era. Indeed, Cabal is vastly made up of bloodlines that were staunchly anti-Mason.
I could be a boomer, and I would laugh at his songs and the posts have a certain humor to them I would laugh at too. But if I knew deep down I was exactly responsible for what is happening, and his attacks cut a little too close to home, then I would freak out.
When you do this, occasionally things strike you as funny, and you put them out knowing only a slice of the audience who happens to be just like you will get the joke, but they are your kind and you enjoy making them laugh, so you do it. I think the fact people freak and argue just amuses him as much as the initial joke, so he keeps going.
You can’t take stuff on here personal. Especially with a pot-stirrer like Vox.
I follow Vox pretty closely. He does have a strong disdain for Boomers, but you can find posts where he has said that he’s using them as an example, that others not follow. The thing about him is that he might have only said it once, because he seldom if ever clarifies controversial sounding things when he’s saying them. Where most people would say “This sounds like X, but in this instance, it’s different because…” or “I know that sounded like Y, but let me explain”; he doesn’t do that. He really, truly, really does not care what people think of him. It takes some getting used to, He might even have some mild amusement in watching people get beside themselves with their assumptions. There are a lot of high IQ people out there, but many are misdirected at best. What’s different about him is the percentage of his IQ that is directed at getting things done.If you see something he’s said which is disagreeable, just wait. And wait some more.
> Court bars Chicago police union boss from discouraging members to comply with city vaccine mandate.
That is blatantly unconstitutional, and will fold like wet toilet paper as soon as it is challenged in court. Of course, they don’t intend it to withstand scrutiny; it just has to show the court is biased and willing to lower the jackboot as needed.
If the union has any balls, he’ll STFU and appoint a temporary PR person to keep preaching the word, and the union can probably come up with volunteers faster than the court can issue injunctions. “Bring it on, bitchez!”
Not that I consider it likely, just possible. The unions tend Left anyway, and their leaders are all of-the-body or compromised; they’re just baring their teeth and rattling the cage to show they’re Backing the Blue. Until the union stabs the street cops in the back again… Second City Cop used to cover that sort of thing before they got forced offline.
There’s a few constitutional issues. One, a union doesn’t really have any constitutional rights naturally. Union MEMBERS have rights, but the union itself doesn’t.
Second, the union is specifically restricted because public unions can’t strike. They even bargained that power away, to get a lot of concessions from the city. Since what he was saying could be construed as a form of strike, that’s why he can’t tell members to do it. The good news is, he’s said it enough that now everyone knows.
> Trump-backed challengers to Republican lawmakers lag in fundraising. You know where most fundraising comes from.
Who cares about fundraising? What do they expect to do with that money?
That is, how much would it take to persuade you to vote for Biden, Hillary!, or Romney?
RE: US Navy Secretary under Lloyd Austin threatens to make Navy SEALs pay back the cost of their training if they don’t get vaxxed.
Spend MILLIONS of dollars per man training them to be independent problem solvers capable of infiltrating hostile territory, destroying critical infrastructure, kidnapping/killing VIPs, and ex-filtrating successfully, and then take away any hope they have for a future.
Swell idea. Sure to end well.
This comment is in response to an AC suggestion above that the reports of “vaccine” related deaths could themselves be gaslighting.
I was thinking about Denninger’s attempts to use BLS data to show that the injections are killing large numbers of people, and then he has commentators contributing anecdotal evidence. I thought using BLS data was a strange way to approach this, especially as I trust BLS data less than even other federal government produced statistics. I looked into how deaths are tracked in the USA this morning, and found out that this is done by state government agencies. Deaths seem to be recorded when death certificates are requested. There is probably a requirement for doctors, coronors, and embalmers to report deaths and incentives for relatives to request death certificates. The CDC does a national rollup of this data, which is available after a lag of eleven months to medical researchers, but not the general public. Note I am discussing the USA only and other countries have different systems for gathering statistics.
Death certificates don’t seem to be public information, but protected by various privacy laws. This means that while it is possible to get rollups second or third hand, its hard for private researchers (or even the federal government) to audit what the state agencies are recorded, and impossible to verify whether a particular person who is not a relative has died. This is relevant when looking into whether people claimed to have died in mass shootings and mass terrorism events did, in fact, actually die in those events or even existed.
With the events of 2020-1, using the CDC national death index, I think its fair to conclude that the deaths in 2020 would be what you would expect if there wasn’t a pandemic, except for a spike in the Spring that could well be for people in nursing homes and hospitals killed by various forms of medical malpractice. Once the “vaccines” were introduced in December, its impossible to say, since the rollups won’t be reported for a few months, and the anecdotal claims could be planted comments. There were similar planted comments of anecdotal claims of people dying from COVID in 2020.
I have commented before here that I am suspicious of the injections causing mass deaths. I think the objective is mass control/ totalitarianism, and the purpose of the scam being run is to reliable sort out the population into a group of people who will always comply with authority, people who will comply under some pressure, and people who will resist to some degree, and identify easily who is in each group. The resisters will then be targeted for isolation and/ or elimination.
The way the scam would work is that you have people in authority, amplified by the media, claim that the country is in the grip of a mass flag, and to ward off the flag everyone has to perform certain rituals, such as staying home, doing various hygiene theater stuff, the masks, and so on. But not only is there no plague, enough information is leaked to enable the more independent to realized that there no plague. But most people either are eager to do the ritualistic stuff, or with some reluctance go along to get along.
Then when the “vaccines” come in, on top of them being for a disease the independents already know is not that lethal, you start claiming through anti-establishment sources that the “vaccines” themselves are lethal. But the injections don’t actually have to be lethal to pull this off. You just want the independent thinkers to credibly believe they are lethal. And if they plan to hold off for a few years and take the injections later to rejoin society, well you introduce booster requirements and keep up a flow of information that the injections ruin your health, information that compliants will just ignore but will be enough to get independents not to comply. You then have your tool to isolate the independent thinkers from society.
The problem with using the injections to do depopulation and actually make them lethal (other than to the extent needed to get the independent to avoid taking them) is that this kills off the most compliant people first. I just don’t see why a meglomaniac would do this. The brilliance of this is that even if you have figured out the scam, there remains too high a possibility of the “vaccines” ruining your health to risk getting injected just to try to conceal that you are a dissident.
Great post. The one thing I would add is that the sectorization of the surveillance/intel means you cannot think of what we face as being unable to track us all, identify problem children, and take them out. All of us have handlers assigned to know who we are, at least in a general sense. You cannot think that because of the numbers lots of us are skating under the radar. If it was like we are taught to think, ie there are not enough spooks in DC to track us all, so all they can do is mass-control, then everyone who gets the vax gets the same one, and the vax is either good or bad. That would be one thing.
But if intel is broken up by neighborhood, with as much as 10% of the population involved, and there is a cell in every neighborhood which builds files on everyone there, gives extra attention to the potential problems, and we are known personally, by name and by sight, then I could see the really obedient getting the magnet shot, so Cabal knows they are marked as the good sheep, the masses getting saline, and problem children getting the real mRNA shot to make their cells produce an immunogenic cardiovascular toxin.
Some number of people ARE dying or being maimed.
I have a close relative who watched a coworker break down and crumple into a heap at work not long after taking the Frankenshot, she is now permanently disabled and will be a burden on her family until she dies.
You must remember that they think they can force everyone to take them and pick and choose who gets to survive.
They want massive depopulation, they want to do dangerous medical experiments, and they are impatient and stupid.
Remember that O’Bummer declared that they weren’t going to wait anymore because they wanted it all now when he said “we are the people we’ve been waiting for”.
Many generations of their ancestors knew they would not live to benefit from the “New World Order” and were content to move so slowly that they did not wake people up but these fools will set them back quite a bit because they don’t want to wait.
I do not know how many people will die instead of being made sterile on incapacitated but I know I will never take the Frankenshot.
Disbelieve me if you will, I do not care.
Yes, that’s what happens when Cabal is run by Boomers.
My friend was killed by the vax. I’m convinced. Yesterday I saw Doctor Hoffe in person. He explained what he had found when he honestly tested people. He did a presentation that was attended by hundreds of people. If you are ever forced to get the vax, start on ivermectin and aspirin immediately. Aspirin for inflammation and clotting, ivermectin for the spike proteins. Yes, Texas Arcane was right about aspirin. If you can get a link to the video of his presentation from yesterday, it was full of mind blowing info. The man is protected by God, and a true scientist. He explains in simple clear language what tests he did, what he observed, and what that means. Expect lots of deaths in the next couple years. He said everyone he vaccinated in Lytton showed signs of cardiovascular damage. Everyone. The people without symptoms still had damage internally. Will our bodies eventually self-heal? Time will tell. Glad I’m not vaxed, but shedding is a thing too. The video may end up being 5 hours long with the Q&A session afterward, but watch it all. Do it in sessions if you have to. I showed up expecting to be bored and leave in 15 minutes. I stayed for the whole thing.
A woman came to visit tonight. Her kittens were handled by vaxed people. They grew older. Months past the age at which they normally get pregnant…. they are not. I think we need to separate ourselves from vaxed people if we want to create children in the future.
If you could post a link that would be great.
I know people I would like to pass it on to.
Mate you should enter the Olympics.
Its been a long time since the US won a medal in mens gymnastics
Brilliant hypothesis, e,D., and it complements my growing paranoia that has already become convinced that these last few years of Covid, CRT, BLM, etc and heightened surveillance, have served to identify and isolate the problem outliers in the population.
Honestly, they wouldn’t even have to do all that testing using the scamdemic.
They could easily just target the INTJ personality types and most of the resistors would be gone. Now their civilization would crumble since those are the engineer types but they could rule the dung heap.
« « A 17-year-old boy in Canada died … reportedly two weeks after he received a COVID jab. I look at the photo at the link, and it looks photoshopped « «
Clue: no serious photographer would shoot into stadium lights for a portrait and the kid’s team play in a basic shack of a rink. He’s a small-town kid pictured in an NHL arena—that is, green-screened in, like the rest of his teammates, ushered in one by one by appointment to the modern equivalent of a Sears Portrait Studio.
Memes are great.
Re: A 17-year-old boy in Canada died of a heart attack at home on September 27 reportedly two weeks after he received a COVID jab.
A number of “codey” elements to this article besides the 17 years of age, such as his jersey number 6, confirmed by emphasis of the 6 word slogan “Kids are dying from the jab”. His name happens to be “Hartman” (heart), and the bees theme potentially ties into the “murder hornets” coding or perhaps an additional 6 confirmation (hexagon cells). Beeton appears to be a small community with a robust Masonic lodge, as well.
Curious connection, probably unrelated, but I spent some time revisiting as it appeared in the search page…Sean Hartman is also the name of the son of Phil Hartman, the SNL comedian who was murdered by his wife (she then committed suicide) in 1998. Phil was also originally from Ontario, and he was affiliated with many projects that are suspect in the coding world, such as the Simpsons and Pee Wee Herman (co-creator). The family settled with Pfizer when they sued the company for it’s anti-depressant Zoloft, which had been prescribed to Phil’s wife “by her psychiatrist”.
>The problem is this movie sucks, unless it turns into more of an action movie soon.
Like rubber-necking a liveleak feed and realizing you’re watching yourself watching yourself about to get domed by an asteroid.
>That type of work has to blacken your soul.
Debasement: nigredo: phoenix kindling. So much more if it’s your nihilistic lackeys doing your bidding, for nothing in return in this life or the next.
>Nearly 50% of Chicago’s 13,000-strong police force could be put on unpaid leave
Freikorps, history repeating as farce, ect.
>taking out judges to replace them with guys in the network
Surely this would fall under the DOD ‘transnational threat’ reorientation just before the 6th
>using fantasy entertainment the left uses to see the world through to portray them as the enemy
13% cause 80% of all violent crime, and diversity is the Shire’s strength
>wasn’t even frangible ammunition that took half his arm and vaporized it
Kenosha Kid’s target discretion was so good, he only fragged the child diddlers and spared the gun felon.
>24 miles off of target when it hit
Reagan asked Gorbachev if Russia would help if we were suddenly attack from outer space, and he said they would. If there was anyone that would go Quisling, it would be current year Chinese and whomever else is working with them. Good thing hypersonics are a half-century stale meme in the mean time.
>fixation on Boomers
Cabal management is mostly Boomers right now. Think about it.
“Is he okay?”
50 Cal VS. [simulated] Human Head
So, this basically
Link jumps to 1-1/2-min worth a listen
Thomas Sheridan has the Irish gift of the gab (he nails it with a rap rendition of Boston Dynamics’s robot PR) as he argues there hat the gamma psychos now manipulating us first signalled their evil plans at least as far back as Revenge of the Nerds in the ‘80s
That was fecking excellent!
Sheridan is right about everything, except one thing.
Anglo-Saxons and all Celts share the same bloodline. So do Latins, Germans, Greeks and even Slavs.

And yes, the Revenge of the Nerds shows us how evil the gamma spergs truly are. Rapists, pervs and peeping toms. That’s just for starters.
Heads up—just submitted a completely innocuous comment but got a “this comment is abusive” rejection page. Looked like a WordPress automatic response. Zero offensive material just a link to an Irishman on YouTube equating today’s Silicon Valley masters to the schmucks portrayed in Revenge of the Nerds. Funny link:
Not for publication really as this is just a tech headsup in case you are having problems with auto comment moderation
There should be no page on this site which would pop up and tell you it was going to reject a comment.
Although as I think about it there is a spam guard plugin to reduce spam.
I’ll look into it, thank you for the heads up.
“Just that it is possible nothing we see is actually real, and everything from all major outlets, even many telling us stuff we know could be true, can be manipulation.”
Dr. Madej is interviewed here and talks about N3 tech briefly. It could explain a lot regarding your quote above.
Religious Exemption To Mandatory Covid Vaccination
Interesting that smoking seems to protect from catching this virus. This raises a question for me: with all of the toxic crap they are feeding us, why have they been so aggressive about restricting smoking? Is it to just pretend that they care about our heath? Was the tobacco industry insufficiently owned by cabal? Or was it all just out of the fear that one of their respiratory pathogens wouldn’t spread as quickly as they wanted?
I recall something somewhere long ago implying Nicotine had anti-aging properties too. Plus people like the cognitive effects. And it can be delivered in gum, it could be in pills, there are patches. But nothing has it added in. No weight loss pills like Hydroxycut, or sodas like colas, nothing.
Too much nicotine will make you nauseous. Enough nicotine soda to have an effect on a regular user will make you vomit if you aren’t used to it. That’s going to be a tough sell, even if there are significant benefits to getting accustomed to the dose.
How is it when graded though? Does a half dose, or quarter dose on someone who has no acclimatization have a similar effect to a full dose in someone accustomed to it? I was picturing someone beginning nursing a soda for a few hours, and working up to a case a day.
It just seems odd to me it was offered in a stick you burn to inhale the smoke, but not a sugary drink.
The smoking ban regulations rolled-out so suddenly and so globally – soon after California came Ireland ffs – it feels like a Cabal op.
You might be right but after watching my mother die from COPD I’d still tell smokers to quit. It’s not worth whatever benefit you think you’re getting. It was a gruesome last few years for her.
“…And that’s 1960s technology…”
Exactly right maybe even late 50’s. It’s not the Fractional_Orbital_Bombardment_System. It’s a bunch of maneuvering warheads that we tested. One shape that I think worked well was what decided the shape of the DC-X experimental spacecraft. I can’t find links to that testing program but here’s the DC-X.
You know the one they took away from the military gave to NASA and they promptly forgot a pin or something on the landing gear, turned it over and blew it up?
The point is what they are calling new is a ICBM with a maneuvering warhead which is…nothing to get excited about but it is harder to shoot down. I expect if you could shoot a ICBM down it would not be much more incredibly harder to shoot one down that maneuvers in some limited fashion. The tag line that we can’t understand it or are shocked is nonsense.
Of course it’s worth pointing out that our military Ind. complex is so retarded we probably couldn’t build one now. They’ve been building hypersonic missiles and running them with hydrogen which even for a bumbkiss like me sees is stupid because hydrogen takes up so much tank room.
I don’t know what they doing with the research money, stealing it??? They sure aren’t building things with it. Boeing has spent over 30 billion on the new space rocket and hasn’t launched a damn thing even though the engines and most everything is already done. They just have to build a tank. It’s pathetic. If it was China they would take them to the dump and put a bullet in their heads.
Niacin is Ni-cotinic-Ac-id. Niacin protects against Covid, not just nicotine.
It’s b-3. The first three vitamins were discovered over 100 years ago. Lack of these vitamins- thiamine, b1, riboflavin, b-2, and niacin, b-3, were killing mass numbers of people every year, mostly in the Third World. Japan has a specialty in researching thiamine, since so many of their people died from eating polished rice, and not much else. 1/3 of the agricultural workers- in a primarily agricultural society- would get sick every autumn.
Italy researches into b-2, riboflavin. Mitochondrial diseases show up here, even as an adult, if you have a shortfall. Your thyroid gives out, you can’t walk. Stuff like that.
Thiamine, in the West, is described as a rare shortfall that only affects dying alcoholics. The problem with this is that the NHS has documents showing that folate knocks out B-1 if you increase folate from “enriched flour” – folate is competitively absorbed. The risk factors for shortfalls include drinking coffee, dieting, drinking alcohol, being pregnant, nursing, eating sugar, being diabetic, being near diabetic, MTHFR gene changes, heavy exercise, and poor intestinal absorption. You know, every normal woman’s life.
Glyphosate treated wheat, corn and soy affect intestinal absorption. For that matter, organic wheat is treated with an organic slurry that includes things that disrupt intestinal absorption in other species, but hasn’t been tested for humans. All the women floating around insisting that cutting gluten helped them might actually be noticing that not eating intestinal disruptors helped them. There’s one hospital in, I think, Colorado, that treats every woman with the “Banana Bag IV” that is usually reserved for alcoholics in DTs. Their death rate plummeted to near nothing.
The major NGOs funded the research into the vitamins. Then they sort of memory holed their findings in the West. This would include stuff like what sub-clinical deficiencies looked like, how to mess up someone’s life without killing them, how to make them vulnerable to other attacks- a “let’s you and him fight” sort of scenario.
You would want slow-acting and sneaky, since the dramatic attacks are poisons we already know about and test for easily in toxicology- arsenic, mercury, stuff like that. Nobody is really trained to look for subclinical deficiencies, except for non- allopathic doctors. Non-AMA doctors have been getting killed in mysterious circumstances for the past decade. Like, nice family man, chiropractor with nutritional healing background goes jogging, ends up shot in back and dying in stream in park, no killer, no motive known, sort of thing.
Even baby formula gets shorted of vitamins, every so often. Babies die. Usually in a tiny little country. The research papers about these read more like crime novels than the current near shorthand papers usually getting published today.
Niacin treatment is a specialty of some doctors in Canada- at high doses over time it clears up schizophrenia, for instance- and L Ron Hubbard, of Scientology fame. It’s why Scientologists get so emotional about him. He really was healing some people’s intractable problems. They still do niacin+ sauna treatments to chelate out heavy minerals. John Travolta paid for some of the 9-11 first responders to get treated. They were sweating out manganese. They were staining towels purple from sauna sweat.
If you try- all three are cheap OTC. B-1 is the master key that makes the others work. Niacin will turn you red and itchy, if you have enough in your system. If you try to overload with “non-flushing”- you will damage your liver. You can build up over a few months, and then dial back when you are comfortable. Loading up on B- vitamins is an Alzheimer’s treatment. Dialing back all the foods that wipe out B1,b2,B3, is the Tim Ferriss diet, more or less.
Wow. Could you provide any additional resources we can use to confirm this info and to learn more about B/Niacin treatments and when they’re needed?
This is a press release. You can google using the keywords travolta, manganese and detox, or whatever interests you from that, sauna, niacin,scientology. A lot of different websites will come up with dramatic photographs.
That’s the one that gets most people’s attention.
Here’s one for chronic fatigue:https: // People talk about their protocols and effects.
This website focuses on thiamine recovery:
You can use reddit + vitamin, to find how normal people take and react to various substances. I find it more relatable than medical summaries. A renegade pharmacist writing about niacin.
The poor baby that suffered from deficient formula.
Naturopathic doctors getting killed:
You can read Amazon reviews on supplements. People leave some spectacularly detailed reviews.
Wikipedia works, too.
None of this is “secret” or “hidden” or “mysterious.”
If you google COVID and niacin, you’ll find various doctors have niacin protocols for treatment. Some of them have nice graphics with tons of explanations.
Thank you.
Thanks for the links on B vit. I knew someone personally that did a scientoligy detox. He said they stayed in saunas, ate lite stuff like lettuce an walked around a track a lot. He said the results were remarkable. I know he told the truth about it. He said that people with former drug problems or other toxins would have reactions when they detoxed and had to go slower but they also had favorable reactions. Clearer mind, excellent eyesight, etc.
To make it super clear I DO NOT recommend having anything to do with scientology but that doesn’t mean everything they do is whacked. Some of the stuff they do is very effective.
Thank you, Wooderson.
The public health doctors who discovered niacin did so by experimenting on American orphans and American citizens in jail. Usually poor, white and Southern. I know people get excited about Tuskegee, for that matter, no one really likes what German or Japanese scientists did to prisoners and unclaimed children. The crimes perpetrated against poor Southern whites are both horrifying, and very nearly entirely memory-holed. Niacin research was carried out by the brightest and best of American public health Yankee doctors working on orphans and Southern criminals, including women.
The death rate, even in the 20th century, even in America, justified any measures, in the eyes of the establishment. Take from that what you will.
Pellagra research included deliberately inducing it in prisoners then looking for lesions on their scrotums. White men were the preferred victims, because it was easier to see the lesions. When they were diagnosed with pellagra, with lesions on their genitals, they were pardoned from prison and released out into the American public. Mind you, this was when there were still serious questions about pellagra being a communicable disease. There was corruption in choosing which men were starved down into pellagra. They did not know how to reliably, specifically, heal the disease, once it had begun its process in a person.
Also, right now, animals are coming up short with basic vitamins. Salmon are too weakened by lack of thiamine to swim up river on the West Coast. Fisheries are having to bathe young fish in thiamine enriched water to give them a chance at life. The advice to get all your nutrients from food doesn’t even work for animals, right now.