News Briefs – 10/16/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


AI is actually a step behind us:

Ron Paul warns that the US military was just “authorized to kill Americans on US soil … I think it’s very, very dangerous.”

Don Trump Jr says, we may yet see the return of Crooked Hillary, if this happens:

Absentee ballots suddenly begin disappearing in Michigan just weeks before election.

Judge pauses rule that would require Georgia counties to hand-count ballots.

GOP consultant files lawsuit alleging identity fraudulently used to make ActBlue donations to Dems.

On September 27, 2024, Federal District Court Judge Michael T. Liburdi rendered a decision in American Encore v. Adrian Fontes that weaponized algorithms surreptitiously embedded in various state boards of elections official voter registration database, turning them into a tool to block elections that bear the modus operandi of mail-in ballot election fraud from being certified.

Elections officials in Georgia have to certify results by the date required in state law, a judge ruled Monday, saying they have no discretion to delay certification because of fraud concerns or other potential issues that may arise as votes are being counted.

After plagiarism allegation, Kamala’s publisher seems to know a total disaster could be on their hands.

As Trump gains among Black men, Kamala unveiled an “Opportunity Agenda” proposal, which includes plans to provide 1 million forgivable loans to Black entrepreneurs and new pathways to help Black Americans succeed in the legalized marijuana industry.

Kamala Harris’ solution to Black men’s problems is free money and weed.

Harris says she’s open to reparations: ‘It has to be studied, there’s no question.’

Kamala Harris kept hundreds of black men in prison past their release date in California so she could use them for cheap labor.

Kamala Harris wants America to have the world’s highest death tax.

Tim Walz’ wife is reading queer propaganda to little children in public schools.

Transgender student brutally attacks girl on bus — ‘growling,’ ‘chewing on her eye.’

Georgia sets record for early voting…1st day of early voting is a blowout.

Election Day is rapidly approaching, bringing with it the possibility that one Orange County, California city, Santa Anna, will soon allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.

While vice chairwoman of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, former Rep. Liz Cheney used an encrypted phone app to directly and indirectly communicate around defense counsel –and possibly ethical rules — with a witness who would later change her testimony in shocking fashion. Used Signal and an intermediary to comm with Cassidy Hutchinson.

The vicious migrant gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) has been recruiting increasingly younger members to engage in coordinated crimes and attacks in Times Square, in the heart of New York City.

Sex trafficking of migrant girls has exploded under Biden-Harris admin, human trafficking expert says.

Yet another Kamala failure as memo shows 30% of security cameras on southern border are broken.

Speaker Mike Johnson – “CBS has been under fire for selectively editing their interviews to PROMOTE Democrats and UNDERMINE Republicans. Yesterday, they chose to cut FIVE important minutes out of my nearly 15 minute interview.” Everything he said about Biden failing in NC after hurricane Helene, and Virginia cleaning voter rolls, they edited it out to not make Democrats look bad.

Nancy Pelosi reveals she still has not talked to Joe Biden after calling on him to end Presidential campaign.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned a lower court ruling from Pennsylvania that allowed residents under 21 to carry firearms in public, though the justices declined for now to hear arguments in the case themselves. As I understand it they just sent the case back and told the lower court to re-rule in light of newer precedents.

Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger tells Joe Rogan that insiders tell him there are humans who have mastered anti-gravity tech from recovered UFOs. Still a lot of nothing of any substance to it all, beyond mind-bending stories and allegations, bolstered by what appears to be a real issue, which we may never see resolved.

Pope Francis popularity plummets in the U.S. and six Latin American countries.

IMF predicts global public debt exceeds $100 trillion.

The Biden-Harris administration is giving Israel 30 days to improve humanitarian aid efforts in Gaza or else the US could halt military assistance, according to a letter sent to the Israeli military.

Iran’s illicit oil revenue swells to nearly $200 billion since Biden-Harris took office.

Video – Germany’s AfD warns: Europe’s future under Islam—’First synagogues will burn, then Churches, and everyone who does not submit.’ 

Sweden and Denmark both move to ban marriage between cousins over fears the practice breeds domestic violence.

Ukrainian chess grandmaster Kirill Shevchenko was caught cheating.

Russia is reportedly assembling a battalion of North Korean nationals to help push Ukraine’s forces out of Kursk.

Rapid Russian advances: 5.5 times more land seized in two months than all of 2023.

Russia retakes half of lost Kursk territory.

Gallup: Trust in Establishment Media hits record low.

Republicans lead Senate races in Montana, Ohio, and Wisconsin as Michigan and Pennsylvania are on the knife’s edge.

President Donald Trump’s interview with the Bloomberg News and The Economic Club of Chicago.

Election 2024: Trump now +5 in North Carolina according to Rasmussen.

Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris among early voters in swing states: poll.

Betting markets deliver Trump a commanding lead over Harris.

Donald Trump will ‘work the fry cooker’ at McDonald’s in Pa. this weekend to show he has worked longer at McDonalds than Kamala has.

You will know if he is telling the truth in this next one by whether or not the surveillance is exposed and dealt with:

Send people to, because you cannot live in an occupied country

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4 months ago

@roadtoserfdom3 on Twitter appears to be under harassment to some degree. He’s asking for donations to cover storage unit costs after being evicted. He’s at least somewhat aware of the surveillance, especially online. His most popular tweet about vaccine passports being movement licenses is infamous for Twitter removing people’s likes.
Just wanted to signal boost this on a site where people actually understand what’s happening.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
4 months ago

We do live in a simulation, but it is not a computer simulation. It is a material simulation, and God is the simulator. For more details, see Genesis chapters 1&2

4 months ago

But he is telling the truth, we are living under an occupation, a conspiracy run by a cabal of organized crime families with bloodlines going back centuries and tentacles into every facet of the sphere of our lives. A good example is the Nomenklatura, a managerial class who pretty much ran day to day Russia for the central Soviet, who comprise a body of various Rus overlords, who themselves constitute one faction among many on Earth who they themselves it appears, are another form of slave class, under a group of specialized human’s who themselves owe allegiance to a “Guardian”, so called Marduk, which translates into king of the seas. It is claim this Marduk was an interface between the human race and alien overlords, and what these overlords paid handsomely for is something referred to as Loosh, not sure what Loosh is but it is something we humans produce, a kind of power had no where else. This makes much sense even if it is about Aliens who actually exist and have technology far in advance of ourselves. Oh, and because some very old covenant, they must always have to tell us what they do to us, , how they tell us, that is the trick. Really makes The Matrix trilogy all the more relevant, and relevancy of late has assumed a critical aspect in events, if the Loosh thing is true.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  whoisneo
4 months ago

Loosh is the emotional energy humans generate. The world controllers keep us in low frequency vibrations and the emotional states associated, such as fear, anger, rage, hate, lust et al. This is then ‘harvested’ and used as an energy source by non human Intelligences.

Last edited 4 months ago by English Tom
4 months ago

Strange story. It’s going around the rounds on facebook as just “crazy/violent black people”.

Reply to  kid
4 months ago

I saw it on Telegram under a /pol channel. Very disturbing video. You can see the blood dripping from the cop’s arm as he calls it in after shooting her. He fired two bullets as she came at him, then he got on the other side of her and retreated down the hall. This must be where the knife got him. Then he fires two more shots and she goes down. On the radio, his voice is shaking and he is probably going into shock.

Fucking Clown World. We shouldn’t have to see videos like that. We shouldn’t have to know what a “fluffer” is. But it’s Clown World.

Reply to  kid
4 months ago

It’s also one of many bodycam videos that are a silent argument for .45 ACP

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
4 months ago

All the same at that range. Being competent with your shot placement, drilling pelvic and cranial shots when chest shots fail, and keeping distance from the knife is far more important than boomer caliber arguing.

You can clearly tell this is not a warrior, at least not an experienced one who loves the fight. Just another desk jockey pushed into a fight he was not prepared for.

4 months ago

seems like they are begun knifing each-other or something cause something is up and it looks as if the Money is running out, if so it will be every man for himself, because without The Money cabal as we know it ceases to function, in other-words the surveillance stops, which is a grand and most wished for thing indeed. Long rumor is they lost control of their global monetary system in 2007, and why the mad scrabble of too big to fail, bankster family run/owned central banks and monetary funds, (supposedly there is actual blood-right ownership covenants), why they resorted to stealing everything they can get their meat-hooks on, how it is taken up till the present for the “slugs” of The Money to deplete as it circled thru what is left of that global monetary system in 2007.

Reply to  whoisneo
4 months ago

Honestly, I think that is actually how the mass surveillance will be diminished. Eventually they won’t be able to pay the peons anymore and they will stop or at least quiet quit.

4 months ago

New epiphany about the Global Stasi just dropped!
It only JUST MINUTES AGO dawned on me why they might have wanted to crash the Internet Archive, like, PRIMARILY: In order to prevent people from reading the free, online, IMMEDIATE version of Gloria Naylor’s barely-fictionalized memoir “1996”, FOR REAL.
(ALWAYS, please, refer to it that way: BOTH “barely-fictionalized memoir”, those EXACT words, that EXACT dash exactly RIGHT there AND ALSO “1996” in quotes so that every reader, including the dense/oblivious ones, can perceive that it is the TITLE of the book, not just some random year. Thank you.)

4 months ago

I believe the movie The Matrix was produced to tell us what “they” are doing to us, appears time and time again they use Hollywood as a method of indirectly informing us what they do to us, because they are again, gulling us for some reason, they can not expect to replace an already illegitimate and fake clown candidate, with an already worse one that is also a body double for the dead pantsuit, or are they starting to knife each-other maybe? Kind of looks as if it is factional infighting, as an example how Mafia family’s will put hits out on each-other. Which would make much sense, as the ancient bloodline families of the black nobility and more recent silent circle familiesare after all Italian families going back before Rome and King Solomon, so one could assume they created a source of centralized global dominance of sorts. An aside but relevant bit in there is one of the black nobility families are who originated the gangstalker system, supposedly near 150 years ago.

4 months ago

The sidebarectomy has once again been performed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

There are a few tech folks on here. Is there way we can help figure out how to stop this shit and give ((them)) the middle finger?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

There appears to be issues with some wordpress hosting providers that limit the number of database queries per hour. WordPress is chatty towards the database. I don’t know shit about wordpress, but i wonder if your database queries per hour is spiking and that resets it. I would assume there would be a way of monitoring the query volume. Maybe that’s it?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Thanks. I’ll dig a little deeper. Is the sidebar part of the wordpress install or some 3rd party widget?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Quasimodo had a hunch you’d go there…

4 months ago

‘While vice chairwoman of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, former Rep. Liz Cheney used an encrypted phone app to directly and indirectly communicate around defense counsel –and possibly ethical rules — with a witness who would later change her testimony in shocking fashion.’

The apple really never falls too far.

4 months ago

AC, said with utmost respect, and not intended to pile on. but for all the reasons expressed by other posters, the guy grabbing himself looks wrong, and my guess is that it is counterproductive. Sends the wrong message.

People do not know what stasi means, and they might think it means sex perverted peeping Toms – – ugh.

But I am an old guy, so take it for what it is worth.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Wouldn’t want that on a shirt. Have no problem putting a sticker with it on a gas pump.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I had assumed you were hoping for a brain hi jack with it. It works! But agreed there needs to be a “cooler” sticker version.

Reply to  Tonawanda
4 months ago

What do you think about these ideas?
•”This Man”. Based off a hoax about a composite face everyone sees in their dreams

•Creepy police sketch

•Creepy hooded guy meme

Enough Already
Enough Already
4 months ago

Hillary could be a pending October Surprise victim. She is lured by hubris to think she can still matter, only to have more devastating evidence of her misdeeds displayed. That should put a nail in her coffin, a stake through her heart and a burial at the crossroads under garlic plants.

4 months ago

The vicious migrant gang Tren de Aragua (TdA) has been recruiting increasingly younger members to engage in coordinated crimes and attacks in Times Square, in the heart of New York City.

Something people here may realistically have to accept as they train and prepare for the dark future ahead of us:

You may be forced to use lethal force in self defense against young people and women, with guns or explosives, who are trying to kill you.

They are going to abuse your human instinct to protect vulnerable populations to try and get the upper hand in a fight, and as horrible as it is, defending yourself must take priority. We’ve seen it in every major conflict with terrorist- and gang-style enemies over the last century: teenage Japanese soldiers deploying suicide and kamikaze tactics in WWII, children and women being strapped with bomb vests in the middle east, teenage robbery gangs in Brazil shooting people every day, etc.

Adjust your OODA loop to see threat only, not the age or sex of the attacker. Their weapon is what kills you, not them.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Remember, in New York if you protect yourself with a weapon, you are the one who will be charged: Bernhard Goetz.

Reply to  Teo Toon
4 months ago

Better to be tried by twelve than carried by six.

a n
a n
Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Korean and other refugees being used that way in movies, such as “One minute to Zero” Robert Mitchum at about 1 hour 5 minutes and on, see them shell the refugees with commie guns at their backs…

This is in spanish so hit the auto translate to get text in english

4 months ago

I believe Shellenberger was told about anti gravity crafts by insiders. I just don’t know if I believe the insiders. We’ve heard rumors for nearly half a century now. Is this a case of where there’s smoke there’s fire or has intelligence been running a psyop for that long? I would believe they are capable of it but like usual we always come to the “why” and hit a brick wall. What would be the point? Convincing the world to unite under one world government to fight the aliens? Plausible but it seems too obvious and I don’t think many countries and people would comply even if they saw little grey men piloting crafts themselves. Anyway…thanks for the news roundup as always AC. We’re getting close to the election so if there’s an October surprise it’s bound to be soon. Stay safe.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ultra
4 months ago

I saw a UFO in daylight in the late 90’s. It had no wings and there was what looked like a force field around it. It flew slowly along a passenger plane’s contrail then moved away at an angle. I believe it was just secret technology flown by humans but I could be wrong. These crafts definitely exist.

Reply to  Ultra
4 months ago

 “like usual we always come to the “why” and hit a brick wall. What would be the point?”
The plan has always been to get the world to unite under Satan and worship him. They have tried many different paths to this point–“aliens” is just the latest.
One day, they will hit upon the perfect combination to convince almost everyone.

Just Me
Just Me
4 months ago

Noon time and the Sidebar has escaped

4 months ago

As I understand it they just sent the case back and told the lower court to re-rule in light of newer precedents.

Yes, and it is the normal practice. Expect to see it with some of the Trump appeals.

4 months ago

Get out of false churches and leave false teachers or suffer the plagues that will come upon them; that is a biblical doctrine.

Pope Francis Declares Jesus Is a Liar, and Lucifer Is Son of God

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Bullshit. Not one piece of corroborating evidence in the video. Just more of the usual crap spewed by taking advantage of people’s gullibility and Francis’ admittedly piss-poor ability to say the wrong thing.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

If I had a dollar for every time the media lied about what Pope Francis said, I would build a shielded bunker for AC to live in.

4 months ago

A+ fame & money, but – judging by this picture – absolutely not in control in his relationship.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

More Zionist propaganda. The Israelis are losing the propaganda war globally, most people are disgusted with their actions in Gaza, so anything or anyone they can use to promote a pro Israeli stance will be used.

Correct on the observation he is letting women dominate him though. You should have seen how he got ‘heathered’ by his last wife. He’s lucky she never took half his money.

Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago

Well, Paul’s dead, so…

Reply to  Anonanonanon
4 months ago

Wrong. That is just Another Paul. From, like, another fucking dimension. A parallel plane. A parallel Paul. Maybe the first one got corrupted in an irreparable way, and the two got their timelines switched by Time Lords. But that is definitely still SOME Paul from SOMEWHERE. Possibly just an earthly twin, but I doubt it. A lesson I’ve learned regarding the Zionism Sub-Tribe: ALWAYS remember that “They’re eviler than you think.” Someone might say, “But I already think they’re insert horrifying level of evil.” And still, yet, remember, even then: “They’re eviler than you think.” Same for metaphysics and paranormal possibilities: “It’s weirder than you think.”

Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago

Linda McCartney was Jewish, too. She seemed good for him, musically, ethically. It’s deflating to realize how otherwise-dumb-in-life, how otherwise-gullible and how otherwise-controllable, your idols famous for being artistic and athletic geniuses can be. Like, for example, I bet Tom Brady growled at Gisele, “Go lonnng” as she browsed their expansive selection of pegging equipment. These bitches, or perhaps LITERALLY WITCHES, have been mindfucking and also sometimes literally assfucking our best men for generations now. Which I don’t even have a fundamental objection to, it’s the CLOSETEDNESS of their shameful behavior which has been the glue of the Cabal system. (Only thing people should be closeted about is praying to God, and if you think that’s offensive then you are a pseudo-Christian because that is literally what Jesus says in Matthew 6.) The granddaughters of the witches we didn’t burn (but MOST OF THEM we didn’t even NOTICE!) aren’t just fat fugly woke dykes, many of them are HAWT, and some of you might even be married to one of them. They seized a LOT of Secret, Soft Power. Soft, as in, they grabbed our leaders and potential leaders by their soft balls and softer minds, and twisted. The thing that bothers me about Miles Mathis the most is his disregard for the paranormal/occult shit as Just Another Phoenician Psyop. NOPE. This holiest-of-molies, weirdest shit is real. Jesus thought so, too! And the practitioners DO BELIEVE IT, because for many of them, they have ABSOLUTE PROOF that their evil black magic works, even if you/we never see it and think it’s ridiculous. I think the witchcraft might be related to the sci-fi interdimensional stuff talked about here, too, same way I suspect that Strangely Important Jewish Purification Bath of being a REAL WAY FOR INTERDIMENSIONAL SHIT TO HAPPEN. A scenario that would utterly align with Houellebecq’s epilogue to Elementary particles, if some dystopian alt-future transhuman lesbo Jewish computer nerds, an army of 21st Century Shulamith Firestones, let’s say, or even WORSE, an alliance between them and the horrifyingly-rich-and-powerful tech industries trannies, fucking with OUR timeline. (David Ortiz, if he were a noided AC blog commenter: “This is OUR fucking timeline!”) So, that is dismaying about Mathis, how he isn’t Weird Enough to REFLECT ACTUAL REALITY that way, which semi-spoils all his other insights. But what REALLY bothers me lately is realizing just how MUNDANE and yet STILL-EFFECTIVE the sci-fi-est Cabal tricks could be, the tiniest of divertings and thwartings, which they must be able to forecast like Chaos Theory Mages by pondering their own (literal!?) fucking ORBS, a Math Orb, or whatever, a globular screen to project via A.I. some “inevitable” outcome per their own branching “if-then” logical probability matrices, and for the lonnnnnnnngest time, that seems to have WORKED LIKE A LITERAL FUCKING CHARM for them, seamlessly, flawlessly, more or less, whenever they NEEDED an intervention and/or a mass-subversion and/or a level-up in their global bamboozlement scheme, they could ALWAYS count on that advantage being there. But it sure now does looks like they ran into a walled corner of THEIR OWN impossible-to-reconcile contradictions, the contradictions of their own double-bind cage they trapped us in, they must now be in THEIR OWN triple-bind or quadruple-bind, and THEY don’t know how to dance their way out of their own meta-traps, because that takes both LOYALTY TO TRUTH ITSELF and also CREATIVE JUICES THEY DO NOT POSSESS OR IF THEY ONCE DID THEY ARE NOW DEPLETED, perhaps replaced in their circulatory system and in their neurons by all that satanic Stupid Ego Juice which quite literally appears to be what Baby Oil is, the adrenochrome, the pineochrome, whatever. Their evil caught up to them. Evil caught itself. Maybe that’s why Jesus said not to even bother resisting their evil bullshit, because if you let them have their way, or even maybe encourage the horrendously-stupidest self-defeating stunts they pull (“Ow wow, I looooove what you’re doing there, DO IT EVEN MORE, EVEN HARDER, FASTER, BABY, YEAH!”, orrrrr…as Jesus said, love thy enemy, lmao, no but really though, THAT WAY, maybe Jesus was THAT FUCKING WISE) then their own idiotic lies will crumble down on them like an entire neighborhood of wooden skyscrapers infested with military-grade truth-termites and equipped with a sprinkler system that sprays jet fuel. A man can dream. Sigh. [this is for Kratman, lol:] You may say that, yes. It’s true. I AM, in fact, a DREAMER. I dream of making traitors shriek with unimaginable agony. I am DEFINITELY not the only one. I still love John Lennon, for the record. I even love Yoko! Grapefruit is underrated art! Sean Ono-Lennon, in fact, did the soundtrack for a VERY interesting movie called Ava’s Possessions, the Pizzagate-est and yet somehow still-Normie-Friendly movie synopsis I’ve ever read. I do NOT trust him like I trust his dad, and I definitely 100% do not trust the director Jordan Galland, who has partnered with the Nest foundation, which is AS SUSPECT AN ORGANIZATION AS YOU WILL EVER BROWSE THE WEBSITE OF, all while seeming to be totally innocuous, but for us, when we view the Board bios, for example, or the instructions about how to teach children about consent (WHY, WHAT ARE THEY SUPPOSEDLY CONSENTING TO, WTF) then we will notice a shitload of Reddest Flags, like seeing THEIR world through OUR Red Flag colored lenses, ACCURATELY. Gentlemen, and however many assholes may be lurking, ahem: Does the news lately not all correspond to what we’d expect if that Looking Glass whistleblower was TOTALLY RIGHT? Well, then. What if. /ramble

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

This comment needs about three…no five…more complex paragraphs in order to get its point across.
Just sayin’.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

UNIRONICALLY, perhaps. IRONICALLY? Nope. CATCH UP. Not my problem, people’s unwillingness to dive into a wall-of-text mind-first. Not my responsibility. CARE MORE.

Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

Simulation theory is fake and gay. It’s nerds looking to be free from responsibility.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

It’s creation without GOD.
It’s as tarded as that sounds.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago


Marielle Redclaw
4 months ago

Mike Johnson gives interview to enemy media platform.

Enemy media platform edits interview.

Mike Johnson: Pikachu shocked face #1745

4 months ago
Sadistic gay architect dean of architecture school in ivy league college.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 months ago


Donald Trump will ‘work the fry cooker’ at McDonald’s in Pa. this weekend to show he has worked longer at McDonalds than Kamala has


“Liberation day i America”

I don’t think there has ever been a better campaigner than Trump in the US.

4 months ago

RE: Ron Paul warns that the US military was just “authorized to kill Americans on US soil … I think it’s very, very dangerous.”

Q mentioned Marine Corps and NatGuard being used for civil unrest, and it would fit that if antifa has gotten potentially millions of migrant reinforcements, a directive like this would fit. Did they let them in just so that the US military could have engagements on US soil, forcing the general population to face head on just what war looks like?

That would fit with the Son of the Republic prophecy. And Kim Clement. And several others.

Anointed for Battle | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | October 17, 2024

Dutch Sheets

4 months ago

Fifty state landslide.

Trump does not need California lefties like my Grandmother and Aunt to vote for him, just to disillusion them so badly that they stay home instead of voting, and goes for all fifty states. There’s no chance anyone watching this could come away thinking this woman is qualified for the job she currently holds, let alone the big chair.

Kamala’s Fox News Interview Trainwreck! Bret Baier Humiliates Her By Just Asking Relevant Questions

Mark Dice

Reply to  lowell
4 months ago

It wasn’t just her stupidity, but her overall demeanor that was highly off-putting. She’s so unlikable!

4 months ago

