Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Dimon Says Israeli Conflict Makes This The “Most Dangerous Time”
DFT – Bloomberg Warns Of Grave Economic Effects If Israeli Conflict Spreads
DFT – British Shoppers Are Cutting Back On Spending
DFT – Argentina Hikes Interest Rates To 133%
DFT – Dutch Companies Fined For Violating Russian Sanctions
Jennifer Garner goes to something with her daughter. Paparazzi video. She and Ben Affleck get tons of surveillance, and also field pretty impressive security around themselves when they go out. I always check out videos of them at Daily Mail, to see the surveillance, and what they are doing security-wise. Video is at the link, stills follow with notes after them:
Four cars will exit that little side street in the seven seconds of video of it, the first perfectly timed to her exiting her car. How often per day do you think that little side street is just car after car? Is it chance as the A-List actress exits, the traffic begins?
As she shuts her door, a fifth surveillance vehicle, window open, hits the opposite intersection. These things are driving around all the time, all over town. I assume whoever is in all their earpieces and handling her follow is looking at all of their phone GPS locations on an overhead map on a TV, and they will call them up and swing them all by, one after another when you are a target.
Posted guy is probably her security. Second car comes out of the side street just as she rounds the front of her car. I think they time that, to have a car hit at each point. Exit, shut door, corner the front of the car, hit sidewalk, and then decide on a direction of travel on the sidewalk, and then when you are commited.
Third car just as she hits the sidewalk.
Girl down the sidewalk with the big bag might be security and watching there for anything approaching. Could even have something interesting in the bag.
I want to tell you this Asian kid is nothing, because he looks like nothing, and that would make me look reasonable to you. But I also know in surveillance you have somebody who looks like nothing do the most sensitive work, because nobody will suspect them because everyone observing is reasonable, and intelligence/surveillance wins by being unreasonable. If surveillance wanted to put somebody inside her security perimeter to watch her, they cannot really send Jesse Ventura and Stone Cold Steve Austin to stand there and glare at her. They need somebody who her security would look weird for hassling. A little Asian kid with a Slurpee, in glasses no less, is perfect to serve as a close-in redundancy, and to listen to any conversation.
Fourth car out of the side street, is looking already for the target to ascertain they have committed to the direction of travel, as it hits the corner. They knew something interesting would be there as they came around the corner.
Don’t ask me the reasoning, but surveillance will always try to have somebody exit the building just as you get to the front door. Notice, Garner is pretty, and an A-list actress, and both avert their eyes. I would not gawk, myself, but it is natural to size up people passing you, and most guys will give a momentary double take to a pretty girl almost off instinct. It apparently strikes her security as strange:
Security waits at the front door, able to enter if the people they have inside have an issue, and join outside if there is any happening there. And nobody would think he has a Level IV plate in that pastel anime backpack, with maybe a red-dot on an MPX 9mm and 240 rnds in MPX and pistol mags.
He notices the weird demeanor of the surveillance that was coming out, and keeps a wary eye on them as she enters, despite it only being a woman and a couple of kids. When you do these things, you realize, surveillance is all timed, and at that point, timing becomes a flag in your mind. Doesn’t matter who it is. You exit your car, and Mary Poppins comes around the corner or pops out a door with her umbrella, at that precise moment, and Mary Poppins is the threat, and her umbrella has a ricin-filled pellet loaded in it, ready to go. Because that is how it works.
You can see here, a short video, made like it is a pretty actress just walking into some event like she is just a normal person, but it is crammed with domestic Stasi watching her and high-end security. And the two do not seem like friends.
They roll with a lot of security, too. Which means she and Affleck do not view the surveillance as performing protective overwatch for them, or they would not need that much security. I almost get the impression her security is trying to stay between her and the surveillance. Affleck looked visibly angry at his surveillance once, watching it do its dance around him, as held the car door while J-Lo got in the car, and then he angrily slammed the door of the car closed, as if in frustration. And they apparently see a very dangerous world. That little outing for Garner would not be cheap.
The final odd thing – when you see these videos of the “Stars” I do not see a lot of normal people around. We have seen this with the Clinton video. It looks like it is all the “Star,” their Stasi surveillance watchers, and their security, on a totally empty street almost like it was shot that way on a sound stage. Or maybe their security empties the street and cordons it off before they arrive, and only the surveillance is allowed to tell the security to shove their cordon up their ass. Nobody else was going in to that event, at that moment? Maybe. It could have been a back door opened just for her, though then why is surveillance, as if regular citizens, exiting, if she is using the back door for isolation? If we keep seeing that, it will be worth thinking about further. Could these stars never go out, and this is to convince us they are out and about all the time? Why would they think we care? It is like Biden doing the green screen thing to make a video where it looks like be talked to the media, when he could just walk out the door and do it for real. Is he not allowed outside of the White House due to the Havana Weapon, or the Tic Tacs, but they are afraid to let us know that, and want us to go on as if there is no threat? And why focus on Garner given she seems to have given up acting?
I’m a former undercover spy for the CIA – here are three steps that will help you DISAPPEAR tomorrow. I love this article. This guy is so full of shit his eyes are brown. Let me explain what happens. Imagine somehow you lose your local domestic surveillance, and you land in East Asshole, as “Bill,” with your boosted electronics. Foot surveillance and vehicular, which has gotten to know everyone local, sees a new face, and instantly you are interesting. A girl bumps into you in the supermarket and drops all her stuff, apologizes for being clumsy, and as you try to help her, she makes some jokes and strikes up a conversation with you. Now you have to date her that night, because she is making it that easy, and if you do not, you become “really interesting.” From there, you have to do a dance with her, to find a way to deliver her a cover story, which will hold up when her handler checks it out – which is nearly impossible because they will talk to people who supposedly knew your old cover, and your old surveillance would have probably seen you making a cover back then anyway.
If you don’t take her bait, then they will probably run facial recognition, get your prints, even your DNA, just because somebody in the domestic Stasi has the responsibility to know everyone in the sector you landed in, and they will not be satisfied, until they know who you are. And you have seen in my piece, those networks are in fucking Sri Lanka, driving around doing vehicular sitting on sections of tree trunk, with bicycle wheels strapped to the rear, and some kind of rototiller somebody retrofitted with wheels and a gearbox, strapped to the front to propel it. They literally were steering those things using the rototiller handles, pushing them side to side, and hitting intersections as you did on Google Streetview. It is everywhere. And it all plugs into the same network. And it has DNA, and fingerprints, and facial, probably even if you never gave your DNA, because the locals got yours at some point like they do for everyone as a procedure.
There was a case on the old America’s Most Wanted. Scrawny guy was a bank manager. He began ordering more money from the main branch each week, slowly building up a pile at the bank over months, so it looked like his bank was gradually increasing cash flow. When the cash on hand got big enough, like $1.5 million, he loaded it all in his car one morning and disappeared. But not before going up to the security camera at the bank, and giving it the finger. So he landed in Texas with a new name, as an independently wealthy investor as a cover.
Of course banks are Cabal properties, so this was probably frowned upon more than, say, doing an armed robbery of some non-Cabal business. AMW was covering his capture when I saw it. There was an old Sheriff in town who said he just knew the instant he saw this guy, he was no good. And so he did all sorts of investigation, left and right, for months, turning over every stone, and miracle of miracles, purely by chance, this one in a million piece of info dropped in his lap out of the blue, outside of his investigation, and it ID’d the guy as a little known bank robber nobody had heard of.
I thought at the time, what Sheriff would have looked at this apparently highly educated Melvin, living peacefully and minding his own business in a residential neighborhood with the proceeds of his stock portfolio, and instantly assumed he was a criminal? To the point he turned over every rock, every day, until he could nail him? It didn’t fit. Never trust CIA.
On Psychology Today – The Threat of Surveillance for Activists in the Public Eye. As somebody in the comments said, “I am surprised they published it.” Indeed. One, things are changing. Such a thing existing is no longer unthinkable. The public’s perceptions have changed, and that allegation is no longer a cause for laughter. Two, that would not get it published by itself. I have to wonder if what you are seeing there is the first tentative controlled exposure of the domestic surveillance/gangstalking machine. Because it is now coming out. Even they have to see it. Once they realize it is unavoidable, they will try to control the exposure, to minimize the public’s outrage. Because I think the outrage could produce substantial violence. Nobody will like adults having targeted their children, their daughters. There are lines you do not cross. But either way, the public has changed. Nobody has any illusions about America, or how surrounded by enemies they are.
Like I said, it is coming out – Portland financier kills man in broad-daylight road-rage shooting before taking aim at filming bystander. “Hammond’s admissions were delivered with little remorse, the affidavit says. The businessman told officers he believed he was being stalked by groups of people.” There are a lot more of us than anyone would believe. This guy was intelligent, successful, but exposed to that level of threat, he just spiraled out. Some guys will have brains like that, and I am not sure you can blame them for going instinctual, any more than you can blame people for being gay, or being male. Update, the guy was actually a former criminal who dropped out of his old life and began a new identity.
The trust level in government is now 16%. They are ready to believe it. We might now have an idea how large the domestic informant network is.
Netanyahu tells his forces Israel is with them as the ‘fateful hour’ to attack Gaza Strip by land, sea and air draws near: UN warns of ‘spectre of death’ as enclave’s hospitals run out of medicine and crisis threatens to engulf whole Middle East. It is just like George Bush. He knows intel knew the attack was coming. He knows it was allowed. And IMO, as with 9/11, both sides were scripted by the same overseers. Hamas did it for Cabal command, and Shin Bet and Mossad allowed it for Cabal command. Whether we will find there was some limited motivation behind it, like to take Gaza, or whether this is the first step in a larger play, like setting off WWIII, I do not know. I am not sure if Netanyahu knows. But I know he should be sending those boys off to take out whoever the top of the pyramid is, who set all this in motion. And I have zero doubt he knows that too. Instead he is casting noble kids with no idea how it all works, as pawns for the overseers’ cause. Just terrible.
FBI warns public of possible Hamas copycat terror attacks on US soil. They can tell you what every person in a neighborhood has going on in their lives, who is having affairs, which kids are risks if they end up in the wrong spot in adulthood, and probably what jobs each person is allowed to have, and not have. They know exactly where any attacks would come from, and when they would happen.
Comms? Two Polish nationals who are gas balloon pilots were in a gas balloon race, when some as yet unidentified Texans, who may have mistaken them for a Chinese spy balloon, opened fire on them with automatic weapons. They tried to do an emergency landing, but their HYDROGEN gas balloon hit some power lines and burst into flames, but they got rescued by good samaritans and are recovering in the hospital. It all sounds like something waiting to be decoded. And having seen hydrogen gas soap bubbles lit aflame, and form a gentle, rising fireball, why do photos of this thing on google look like somebody sprayed the ground, all around for thirty feet, down in Kerosene?
Matt Gaetz: ‘Jim Jordan will be the next Speaker of the House.’
Ohio newspaper article warns Jim Jordan will form an ‘Axis of Evil’ with Trump.
DoD settles COVID vaccine mandate lawsuits for $1.8 million.
A group of Clemson University students protested the removal of tampon dispensers from the men’s library bathrooms in response to a conservative student group’s complaints. Plot twist – it was gun owners who had been cutting them up and using them for cleaning patches. Not really. But it could have been.
Project Veritas sues to get copyrights on James O’Keefe’s books.
Woman dies after explosion at Hornady Manufacturing west of Grand Island.
From the comments, Lake City ammo plant cancels all commercial contracts. Supplies 30 percent of the civilian 5.56, as a way to stay ramped up so if there is a war it can supply the military. Means either FedGuv is placing big orders, and getting ready for something, or FedGuv is hoping to temporarily dry up the civilian supply by buying it all up. The Hornady explosion makes me think it might be the latter. If you need supply, or maybe want to profit, now might be a good time to invest in lead and brass. Also might pay to make sure you are topped off for any coming festivities. As I have said, I don’t have massive cash to spend on stuff, and will not spend unless I absolutely have to, but I did top off a while back, if you are wondering if I am serious. I am not expecting the US to be a super-safe, super peaceful place in the coming years. And you never know what will happen.
Vanguard invests in Chinese military-linked companies: report.
Orban says EU has ‘raped Poland and Hungary’ by forcing migration pact.
Ukrainian MP says Israelis will be resettled in Ukraine.
Ukraine grain is owned by Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, pension funds and more.
Ukraine’s counter-offensive is a ‘disaster’, says former Zelensky adviser.
Anti-gunners about to meltdown after Elon Musk says ‘armed citizens vital for Democracy’s defense.’
Spread r/K Theory, because you can never trust intel, unless it is to be untrustworthy
The Khazaria article links to satire. It is from purim 2014 and jew humor, not a secret report or admission. Respectfully, your characterization there does not improve your site’s credibility. I am a supporter.
Thank you. I am moving too fast, and thought the move to Ukraine was being discussed.
It’s not satire. Even if this video is portrayed as satire. It is not. Watch and see.
Typical Jew behavior. Hey let’s get back at the Russian by killing as many as we can by using the Ukrainians they have enslaved in their dictatorship. And by the way, look at all that nice land we can get for nothing from the impoverished and murdered Ukrainians.
They joke about their plans before they implement them.
Yeah, Andrew Bustamante is not former CIA agent, he is current CIA agent and his assignment is to do PR for the agency. On one podcast, he actually had the audacity to claim that CIA is net benefit for society.
There is no such thing as former CIA. CIA like the Mafia, to the death.
With Israel being overrun and Putin shitting on their Ukraine plans what’s a jew to do?
Even the chinks out-jewed them building lego cities for show knowing they would never allow them to move there.
My guess is their next move will be major US cities. Explains the rampant crime to drive everyone out so they can buy them up cheap.
Do they have anywhere else to run? We’ll see.
I normally use a handle, but noticed in the last three comments (went back and clarified one) that the handle defaulted automatically to “Anonymous”. I have noticed a slight increase in Anonymous comments and this is probably why this is happening.
Interesting. Nothing from my end should have changed.
It might be some sort of account timeout. These can come in waves. I have to log back in routinely. Those who don’t post as a full Anon who are not familiar with this should regularly check whether they’re actually logged in or not when they visit AC’s blog.
Also if you clear your broswer history or cache, your handle might be wiped, requiring reentry.
It depends on the device or browser. On my desktop, I almost never have to fill my alias in. On my iPad, it will reset itself every other day.
🤔 Browser issue, maybe?
It’s probably the mobile browser. It’s not a big deal. I just have to remember to catch it.
In most electoral systems, the Cabal controls all or almost all the political parties, and if they don’t have complete control as one, they are labeled as a “fringe party” and “extremists” and won’t get many votes.
That used to be the case in the USA too, pre-Trump, but part of the Republican Party seems to have broken free, hence more obvious electoral fraud.
But I looked into the Poland and New Zealand elections, and the story is that both of the main parties were pretty lockstep in supporting the globohomo/ cabal agenda (COVID lockdowns, vaccines, Ukraine war, institutions like the EU), so nothing to see here. There seems to be a discrepancy between the exit polls and the counted vote tally in Poland, which may mean something. Same in Israel, I can’t find any policy differences between the pro- and anti-Netanyahu blocs, it seems to be straight struggle for power.
There were two recent German state elections, but the same thing. Only votes for the “far right” (AfD), and maybe “far left” (Die Linke) might challenge the Cabal, and I’m not even sure about that. You just can’t read much into the results. AfD support is increasing, but not anywhere near what they would need to have power.
Do you really believe the Cryptocracy would allow commoners to decide policy of great nations?
Democracy is a fantasy.
If Trump is actually removed from the ballot in a state, and RFK and/ or the Libertarian is still on the ballot, if Trump is smart he will just tell his supporters to vote for the leading not-Biden candidate. Biden still doesn’t get those electoral votes. They still have to steal the state, or the election goes to the House of Representatives.
So they would have to remove every candidate but the Democrats from a state ballot for this to work, which would probably be too much even for the Supreme Court to not object.
Re: Ukrainian MP says Israelis will be resettled in Ukraine.
The MP, Ilya Kiva, is pro-Russian and escaped to Moscow under treason charges brought by Zelensky. Interesting impressive physiognomy/phrenology on the man – compared to the average congressman in DC.
> HYDROGEN gas balloon
Almost all of the world’s resources of helium are in the USA. Helium was designated a ‘strategic resource’ in WWII, and it’s used in the nuclear industry.
Most of the world has always used hydrogen, as American helium was too expensive to buy and ship in sufficient quantities, plus it’s a more efficient gas.
Yes, there’s a chance of fire… but the Zeppelins operated on intercontinental routes for four decades, with *one* non-wartime loss by fire. Everyone has heard of that one.
Zeppelins were used by the Kaiser in WWI, as bombers. But even with incidinidiary bullets and rockets, they were remarkably hard to ignite.
> Anti-gunners about to meltdown after Elon Musk says ‘armed citizens vital for Democracy’s defense.’
Sure. But he has promoted background checks and licensing, and that’s “gun control”, as I read the Second Amendment.
This is not personal. It is just people here do not agree with all this and hate wading through it, and I am trying to herd cats here. You are the one who is already over the hill after a squirrel, and if I chase after you, I lose all the rest. And in fairness you did tell me you were going to kill me and my family a while back, as well as a few other posters here, so I am not sure why you would stay if you feel that way.
Put together your own site. Gather your own audience, and I wish you luck. If it is God’s will, you know it will happen for you. But I cannot have you continue to alternately schizo up this site with claims of being both God and Q, and tell other people here, and myself, you are going to kill us, and then go off on these random tangents which nobody here gets.
I can’t see that original God message but sounds like they are trying to figure out how to imitate AC’s or Tex’s writing style but they just end up rambling incoherently.
He is part of a wave of three or four people (supposedly, since IPs can be made different by anyone) who all showed up at about the same time, posting crazy stuff. It felt reminiscent to me of a period where we had religion wars, with a group of posters who showed up all at once, trying to offend commenters that way.
I get the impression somebody has a bead on driving away the commenting section, or at least trying to hide the brilliant people here, and when I simply banned the religion war guys, they regrouped, formulated a plan to schizo up the comments, and came back for a second bite, this time to degrade the comments so they would be unreadable.
I am not sure if it is some private sector thing, like a David Brock outfit, or maybe some military intel psyop unit which is even doing this just as an exercise, because their command assigned it, (maybe because they want readership here diminished, due to the surveillance coverage). But whoever it is, it is very professional and organized, and you can kind of feel it hit in organized waves. I don’t think it is just an individual, or group of friends. I don’t think “the left” really hates this site when it stumbles on it, and I am not even sure anymore there is this big, partisan leftist mob out there which is shrieking and freaking out at anything vaguely not-woke. That may be all Cabal intel-actors.
They actually use the religion thing a lot. I have had a number of people who claimed God was speaking to them, as if they were a prophet, I have an actual archangel, and this is actually the Bug Guy himself. My impression is it is an Overton Window type theory they have, that claiming a Holy imprimatur, even if it is disregarded, has some effect on believers psychologically, so they will often use it. It feels like a procedure to me, maybe even a bullet point in some training manual on all this.
I view it as historically significant, as I think these are the tools they use to try and kneecap regular sites by regular people, to limit spread and readership. I am sure everyone who is not in the conspiracy who starts a site which gets any traction will get this. So I kind of like seeing it in the comments, as a kind of historical record.
Metal Storm could have 100 rounds in the chamber, but it is already banned because it has an electronic trigger.
Rittenhouse is a Jew.
Throws some additional fuel on the “nothing in the media is real, it’s all actors and skits” idea.
Should have known when the shooting was so perfectly filmed.
WTF? He has “office space”? He’s a bizness man now?
totally organic…totally.
Duplicate Rittenhouse post. *delete*
There’s a lot of Jews like him. One of the few people I trust is one.
Alchemy requires contrasting reagents. Baking soda over here, vinegar over there, soon enough you’ve got a science fair volcano. But before you can make the volcano you have to purify and isolate the precursors.
What are we seeing right now? University students laughing at Israelis who were raped and murdered, while others are demanding genocide of the Palestinians. Antisemitism and philosemitism.
I think the Jews have a lot to answer for, that their fears of another shoah have led them to harbour Sabbatean-Frankists in their midst. But the way to address this isn’t to threaten another shoah (directly or indirectly), this just feeds into the Hegelian Dialectic.
That kid was out there doing charity work, when the whole situation went down, and I’m convinced an angel was at his shoulder guiding his aim. Then we’ve got Nick Fuentes, laughing at his own followers for getting arrested. I’d rather be standing next to Rittenhouse come judgement day.
Who says what we saw was real and not some bullshit script? Probably my bias, but every time I see a Jew I immediately think inversion.
I’d rather have Rittenhouse in my foxhole in this life.
Fuentes is a gay backstabber.
Ditto. Fuentes smokes pole.
“University students laughing at Israelis who were raped and murdered, while others are demanding genocide of the Palestinians.”
What was done to the Amalekites was a once off in history. For a specific time and place for particular reasons similarly to the Giant’s that were cut off in Canaan(Sihon and Og with their Kingdoms of Mutants).
Yet they like to use this as a form of legitimation of their repetition of this action when God didn’t command such a thing afterwards
Likewise with the Bombing of Dresden:
Since Bombing of Dresden isn’t prosecuted in Nuremberg. Why would it be wrong to Genocide in Gaza?
Is their reasoning.
I’m not surprised. In fact, he moved like a seasoned operator during that little dust-up in Kenosha. Methinks, he’s more experienced and older than he looks. My spidey sense always buzzed about him. Was he just controlled opposition playing the role of a baby faced right winger in the wrong place at the right time?
This is the full interview with Butamante on the Lex Friedman show (I think I got the link from you last year):
Watch it to understand the mindset of these people.
Notable statements from Butamante (paraphrased):
“Russia is a dictatorship, so Putin doesn’t care what people think of this war. So long as he keeps the economy strong, he’s not at risk of a revolution. America is a democracy, so we care what people think.” Related – Ryan Faulk discusses a study showing that dictatorships are more responsive to democratic consensus than democracies, the latter are often apparently spiteful to the desires fo the majority.
“Trump wanted to put his own guy in charge of the CIA, instead of accepting the senior agent the CIA wanted [the guy in charge decides what intelligence the President sees, and what he doesn’t need to know]; that’s nepotism, that’s not what our democracy is about.”
“I’ve always felt like I had more in common with criminals than with ordinary people. The criminals realize – hey, I can do whatever I want, and there’s nobody there to stop me! Where criminals go wrong is that they try and turn their crimes into a career. Get in, get out, before anyone notices and launches a police investigation.”
The whole thing is fascinating. You can sense the sincerity – he and Fridman genuinely believe they’re the good guys, who lie and cheat because they’re clever, and that they’re the thin black line between order and chaos. He really believes in their manipulated “democracy”, and he’s utterly blind to what motivates our kind (as if we didn’t know that there’s nothing stopping us from shoplifting or running confidence scams). It’s such an excellent study on their mindset, and it helps you understand why so many terrible social ills – crime, poverty, homelessness – persist.
Take the homeless situation that Tex Arcane was writing about recently. Now add in Andrew Butamante. What does he see when he looks at a homeless encampment? When I put myself in his shoes, I see endless opportunity. Opportunity to assume an identity nobody will question, opportunity to gather intel, opportunity to make contact with the local criminal syndicate. I’d be pretty pissed too, if somebody were working to get all those guys off the street.
If somebody drains the swamp, where the hell are all the mosquitoes supposed to breed?
If you want, this comment is so good, I should pull it, and you repost as a substack of blog, and I link to it.
A criminal midwit.
A perfect example of the cabal mind.
Regarding the balloon in Texas. My first thought of who would be shooting automatic weapons at something that might look like surveillance flying over them is cartel members.
Good point.
Though it was North Texas. If that was so, how deeply are the Cartels moving into America?
I should run through that area on Streetview at some point.
How many Mexicans live near you? That would be a good estimate.
Cartels aren’t particularly thick here in North Texas. They are taking a foothold in Houston with that housing development, though.
Finally found out where it was. Crandall. That’s NOT cartel country, that’s METH country. Pretty sure your perps are going to look more like Gollum than Sicario.
Adding Judgmental Map of Dallas. Crandall is down there in the far southeast, labeled as “Discount Meth and More”
Ukrainian MP says Israelis will be resettled in Ukraine
Hmmm…who could it have been that said the Ukrainian war was about plan B for moving Jews to Ukraine shortly after the Jews overthrew the elected government? I wonder who?
My read on the Jennifer Garner piece is that is paid product placement for “Waterloo” brand canned water. The actress is carefully holding the can with two fingers and a thumb so the logo and name “Waterloo” is not obscured. Waterloo is paying the actress, the photographers and some of the extras. The backpack guy is probably helping to run the photoshoot. Waterloo is also paying the Daily Mail to run and/or promote the story.
Interesting. I never even noticed the water. I wonder of the people who saw the video how many did.
re: MLK,jr. The police in the south did not just know about MLK, jr’s affairs. They had helped the women. There were underage girls. There were women being abused. They were horrified that the national media was building this man up as a living saint. They dealt with his victims. The FBI was not working with local law enforcement. They were just being creepy.
I know it’s fashionable to smear all southerners, and southern law enforcement as racist. However, these people had grown up together in their towns, if not yet in their schools. They knew each other. Black churches were not mysterious or exotic to them. Out of state people could be dazzled and baffled. Not local.
First, with MLK, I would assume it would have nothing to do with race. He was building a following. If in that time, John Kennedy Toole was undergoing exactly what I am undergoing now, with the possible exception of the thru-wall stuff, this thing was out there. If this thing was out there, you have to assume every piece of information you have is false.
They control it, at every juncture. The fucking reporter asking the questions, and the guy behind the camera are the conspiracy. You can see them gangstalking some innocent kid on my surveillance page. I just saw that Chubby Mexican reporter doing the gangstalking the other night. He is national now, reporting from hotspots on CBS national News. It is because he is in the network.
The cops you see reporting that might not have ever existed. The girls, 12 years old, could have been running surveillance in the local school, and have months of cumulative sleep-away camp training classes. They might have never even met King. If they did, they could have told him they were 17 and jumped on him.
Imagine the worst individual narcissist gaslighting you. Now imagine you gave him a national Stasi and its informant network, as well as control of the news media, the book publishing world, authors, talking heads, even the owners of conspiracy magazines.
I would never, ever, support a real rapist. If King did that, yeah, he would be scum. But I have seen the machine. With this thing out there, there is absolutely no way to know anything you have not seen with your own eyes. And if you are bubbled, even then, you may not be able to tell.
I’m agnostic on the question, but –
If King had been a rapist, then wouldn’t he have been perfect for their network? He would have handed the reigns of his father/family movement over to the Black lesbian feminists who ultimately took control of it after his death. He would have endorsed them, not required an assassin’s bullet to remove. Or; they could have pushed the narrative of him being a rapist, and enacted Jim Crow at the federal level.
And if I recall correctly – on his last night he was in a room with a White feminist, who didn’t get raped, who did that thing where they rip out half your soul and all your confidence. They day he got shot he was operating at 25%, which (in my opinion) is the only reason the bullet worked. When a man like King is firing on all cylinders, a couple of bullets only slow him down.
Yeah, I’m sure he was technically a communist; but only to the extent that a 16 year old Zoomer who’s been taught learned helplessness and envy is a communist. The Ruskies were targetting one of America’s weak points; the second-class treatment of Black in a nation supposedly founded upon equality, and there was certainly an argument to be made at the time that Black Americans (stuck in a situation where small-town charity was insufficient, but complex cultural socialization was lacking) needed a socialist intervention to get on track with their White counterparts. Is that Communism?
I’m no philosemite. Does that mean I’m an antisemite?
If we drop the Cabal paradigm, and examine it from the perspective of the Official Narrative: why wouldn’t the FBI have taken him down on those charges, given that he was a destabilizing agent during the existentially frightening Cold War?
I could be wrong, but it doesn’t seem to track.
The FBI probably just wanted to blackmail him.
It was probably a different group that wanted him dead for some reason.
This one hits home: I had family in the police precinct on the night he was killed. What I was writing about wasn’t in the media. It was heard and told to me by family members. I didn’t believe them for a very long time: I had read the hagiographies of MLK. I thought they were being racist jerks. They weren’t. They were possessors of tragic history.
I have met some of the people he worked with. I don’t doubt that he was a praying man surrounded by men with a vision. However, they got there by stepping over the bodies of a lot of women and children to get to their promised land.
Forrest Gump is a whitewashing. It’s not idiots wandering through history. It’s regular people who know true things that the media wants forgotten.
Interesting, but it brings you Aurini’s brilliant point below. FBI was doing everything to take him down. If he was that bad, why didn’t they use the real crimes he committed?
If he did do those things, that is a head scratcher, because he would have been worse off than the average plebe who had no protection.
The FBI is Yankees. The local police are southerners. In general, the police are from local families who have roots in the pre-Civil War south. It’s why they get smeared with claims of racism. The Northerners have the abrupt manners and supercilious airs of arrogant airs of immigrants and descendants of fratricidal conquerors. I’m quoting, here. The southern police weren’t interested in wading in to another adulterous preacher’s goings on.
I mean, the locals talked to the police on the JFK assassination. Those files weren’t, necessarily turned over to the FBI. I’ve sat there in a skyscraper in Dallas when people pointed out where they were on that day, and what they saw, and it never matches what’s published. These are just regular people, not publicity hounds.
I mean, fifty years later, when I’m knocking around, police aren’t running to the media or the FBI about predator Catholic priests using runaway shelters as QuikEMarts, or the head of the adolescent in-patient residential hospital training his pedophile acolytes on how to do what he did. They are just trying to keep some of the kids safe. It’s hard, when the great, the good, and the mighty all seem to really like pedophiles, adulterers and abusers.
We have a hate spammer slipping through the cracks.
That is Filthy British. I must have accidentally approved it. The guy posts like fifty comments a day, some are just like fifteen random images. Others are Fedposts about something happening on some day, which never happens. I don’t approve them and each day it is another swarm, for no purpose. I am thinking 97 percent is AI stuff and he posts a random response to something here and there just to make the account look human.
Thank you for pointing it out.
the Judaeo-Christians/pseudo-Christians have gone nuts:
He is correct: Utter, unbiblical craziness:

I am astonished they did not go to the nearest holohaux museum and offer their firstborn.
Ole’ jizz face himself (referencing the twitter photo you’ve all seen) is JEWISH.
What is being hidden from us?
Things have been hidden from us and there has been other great resets.
Look up mud floods, star forts, Orphan trains:
Mudfossil University
Paul Cook
Tyson’s Mudfossil Adventures
And more
Info from a friend:
‘Marine Corps and Army QRF units have been put on notice for deployment to Israel for “medical and advisory missions”‘
The Babylon Bee’s background and ideology
OSS Suppressors: Helix-QD – Flow-Through®
Why Poland’s election swing is not so clear cut
Jennifer Garner sure thinks highly of herself to think she really needs security. Jeez just learn to defend yourself maybe. A list my butt.