Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – Rupert Murdoch Looks To Reconsolidate Fox And News Corp
DFT – Indonesia’s Central Bank Opposes The Dollar
DFT – European Automakers Could Be Shut Down By The Energy Crisis
DFT – IMF Notes Inflation To Produce Horrifying Food Insecurity
DFT – German Government Had Seen No Risks From Nord Stream 2
There’s a largely overlooked hacking target that could help those who want to sow doubt about vote tallies in the November midterms: cellular modems that transmit unofficial election-night results.
The modems, which send vote data from precincts to central offices using cellphone networks, help election officials satisfy the public’s demand for rapid results. But putting any networking connection on an election system opens up new ways to attack it that don’t require physical access to machines, and security experts say the risks aren’t worth the rewards.
I told you years back, when I believe I saw Cabal rigging an election in the nineties, there was a phone truck that had cut into the phone line on the telephone pole downstream from the polling location. I now believe inside the back of that truck was a computer system that was capturing the phone line coming out from the voting center, where the landline modem was transmitting the total out, and it was acting as if it was the tabulation center to receive the total and tell the poll center system the numbers were received. On the other side the computer was substituting a new total, which it was sending onward in the old total’s place, outbound on the line to the central tabulation center, which itself thought it was getting the real total from the polling location. Now imagine if they didn’t even need to plug into the polling location’s landline at the telephone pole, but rather could put a Stingray next to the polling location to capture the outbound cell signal and make it think it had hit the tower, while broadcasting their own numbers from another truck right next to the tower. Stingrays may have more uses for Cabal than we know.
50 minute video – Synopsis: a county clerk screws up and sends ballot images to a local citizen doing election integrity research. The Oregon Secretary Of State freaks out and gets the Attorney General to issue a gag order on the ballot images. The reason? Revealing them would jeopardize election security because it would reveal the election systems are accessible wirelessly, whether or no their modems are turned on. I love these !!!!BOMBSHELL!!!! videos, which are only 467 minutes long.
Court tells agency “constant monitoring of your every move by the government Is frightening to most people” in a case over government demanding to GPS-track commercial fishing vessels. When the truth comes out, and it always will, the nation will be shocked.
The War Zone obtained reveal new details about drone-swarming incidents off Southern California in 2019 and many more across the Pacific. These all appear to be quadcopter-type surveillance by hostile forces, both overseas, and off US shores, and not the UFOs/TicTacs. Article also notes, “PACFLT withheld in full another 116 reports that it found, but said were classified.”
As FBI probed Jan. 6, many agents sympathized with insurrection, according to newly released email.
Ghislaine Maxwell speaks from prison, says woman plotted to kill her in her sleep.
High school cancels rest of football season due to lack of healthy players.
50% increase in miscarriages; 50% decrease in fertility after COVID vax.
Public relations company for Big Pharma now “embedding” employees at CDC.
Sports bras and athletic shirts made by some of the major global sports brands were found to contain dangerous levels of the estrogen-mimicking chemical bisphenol A, commonly known as BPA, posing a considerable risk to people’s health, according to legal notices sent by the Center for Environmental Health (CEH)….
“Studies have shown that BPA can be absorbed through skin and end up in the bloodstream after handling receipt paper for seconds or a few minutes at a time. Sports bras and athletic shirts are worn for hours at a time, and you are meant to sweat in them, so it is concerning to be finding such high levels of BPA in our clothing,” said Kaya Allan Sugerman, director of the Illegal Toxic Threats Program at CEH.
All Democrat Senators voted 96%-100% with Biden. Those are people operating under a command structure. And I do not mean the Democrat Party.
Part of a bigger interview where Kanye talks about the Jewish media.
Shocking footage of ‘family friendly’ drag queen show sees performer spreading their legs and thrusting their breasts in front of children who are encouraged to leave tips. Truly frightening to picture the judgement we undoubtedly have coming.
Slovenia has legalized LGBTQ marriage and adoptions. Note, most people do not support gays adopting kids.
Turkey adopts legislation that could jail journalists for ‘disinformation.’
People are saying this tweet is Elon Musk saying he will give Starlink to Ukraine for free:
I thought it was sarcasm, but his exchange with Kim Dotcom makes it sound like Cabal put its foot on his throat, and he gave up:
Tulsi Gabbard gets her own page on the Ukrainian Kill List.
US poised for slowdown in high-end munitions deliveries to Ukraine due to running out of ammunition. On the up side, we stopped wasting money on Ukraine. On the down side, it is because we’re broke.
U.S. grows frustrated over Europe’s delayed economic aid to Ukraine.
Mel Gibon set to testify against Harvey Weinstein in rape trial. He heard about a rape shortly after it happened, and apparently he and Weinstein don’t get along, for some reason going back to Mel’s Passion of the Christ.
Arab-Americans form alliance with GOP in bid to ban explicit LGBT books from Detroit school libraries – as hundreds of furious parents join forces to rally at board meeting. It reminded me of this:
Analysts move New York Governor’s race from ‘lean Democrat’ to ‘toss up.’
Herschel Walker actually kicked ass in his debate, blowing away Raphael Warnock.
Rip Doug Brignole! That’s a harsh penalty for trusting the system! Sadly millions more have to learn the same lesson. It’s hard to believe that the sheeple can’t accept that their “government” wants them dead. Good times for the funeral industry. Great post AC!
Dead Doug Brignole: I’m gonna choose not to mock the guy. assuming that he wasn’t some kind of DS Glowie, which I admit is a risky assumption nowdays, I think he was just a regular guy with what he probably thought was ‘at least average’ intelligence, who read what was printed and/or spewed on the telly, and he made what he thought was a reasoned, hard-nosed rational decision. his mistake was simple: He was just a guy who wanted to/thought he could trust what TPTB were saying. He just couldn’t conceive that {{they}} would lie to people, hundreds of millions of people, about something like that. I don’t find that to be mockworthy – that’s how Americans used to be; that’s what America was supposed to be. a high-trust society, the pinnacle of human development – with, crucially, with opportunity for all. (yeah yeah, I know: {{they}} fixed that)
those of us who didn’t buy into the obvious bullshit were much more cynical and buttholish than Brignole, or the millions like him. yeah, well…I’m not proud of being a world-weary cynic, myself. of my standard assumption being that every single thing {{they}} tell me is a fucking lie. I think it sucks; I think it’s a shitty way to live. but it’s kept me alive in a crappy world where Doug Brignole isn’t alive anymore – so what’s it all about?
I’m certainly not wanting to mock Doug Brignole’s death. In the photos he looks very fit and probably would have lived to an active old age, certainly a good role model for overweight guys like me. What I do hate however is the venal money grubbing SOB’s that allowed this situation to arise in the first place!
Here is an excellent short video by Richard D Hall that explains CBDCs for normies to understand how they will work. Its terrifying. Might be worth a spot on your daily page to spread the word.
Also here is his latest video on his vaccine research, interesting part where he breakdowns how many generations it will take for whatever has been written into our DNA to get to 99% of the population, essentially in 3 generations for anything over 50% coverage. Worth a watch.
That assumes that the vaxxed survive and reproduce at normal rates.
The first video is fifteen minutes. I watched five minutes of it, and think I got the gist. I hate the trend to put information in videos, and part of that is I read quickly and can absorb printed information at a much faster rate than listening to someone to narrate a video.
So the gist is pretty much that the global elites want all transactions in money to be digital, and recorded in one central system, and want to use that to control everyone’s spending. They are moving closer to put the infrastructure in place. I have heard this before, and I’ve read that the CCP pretty much has this ability in China.
The thing is that systems like this can still be sabotaged by businesses insisting on cash or barter for payment. Likewise, without “smart money” there is nothing preventing a government from sending random inspectors to businesses, and shutting the businesses down if they are caught selling what the regime doesn’t want to sell or to people the government doesn’t want buying things. Dictatorships do this all the time. The Nazis effectively froze Jews out of the economies they control. The USA also restricted what businesses various ethnic groups, usually but not limited to Blacks, could patronize. But it depends on businesses complying.
Generally speaking, we are told this stuff is “bad”, but history has shown that people will do this to other people at the drop of the hat. And they don’t need something like “smart money”.
Where I live, the government first just shut down all bueinesses, then allowed them to open only if they engaged in lots of ridiculous hygiene theater, and for awhile ordered them to refuse to sell to certain people (the unvacinnated). As far as I can tell, they got 100% compliance. They used random anonymous inspectors and snitches. No need for smart money. And of course the point of this site is there is this vast surveillance network, which would make something like smart money not needed.
How does this scheme take into account the lucrative cash-only criminal enterprises — drugs, gambling, and prostitution? Many an investment is financed from these proceeds, and a lot of legit downstream businesses would dry up if consumers were unable to pay for these vices in cash,
They will legalize and corporatize those vices. Between CO and NV, all three are legal in the US already.
With a CBDC, there will eventually be no cash.
That’s the entire point.
“Sports bras and athletic shirts made by some of the major global sports brands were found to contain dangerous levels of the estrogen-mimicking chemical bisphenol A”
How do you kill the strongest? Who represents the strongest in mythology more than anyone else?
In Greek mythology, the Shirt of Nessus, Tunic of Nessus, Nessus-robe, or Nessus’ shirt was the poisoned shirt that killed Heracles [aka Hercules]. It was once a popular reference in literature. In folkloristics, it is considered an instance of the “poison dress” motif.[1]
This isn’t just violence, it’s ritual, too.
The Amazonian women similar to women like Ripley may also be targets as well as Men.
Jeremy Elliot from Iconic Podcast is back with another video. If you like this website, I highly recommend that you subscribe to the Iconic Podcast channel on Youtube. And I recommend all of his videos, in particular his “Communist Subversion” series.
This latest video stands completely on its own while building on his past videos. Superb production and presentation.
That’s a must watch. A very good overview of Cabal’s operations through global bodies to bring the world under control. Can be easily followed by most normies. Definitely worth sharing soon and often.
So, straight White Americans don’t have the
statusintersectionality to protest against LGBQ… policies; therefore, we have to depend on throat hacking foreign imports?Muslims have balls on this issue. This is hard to swallow for many white conservatives because they are stooges to the Zionists. An enemy of my enemy is my friend… at least on this particular issue. (That said we need to deport all foreigners.)
Orgchart of the people most responsible for ruining the lives of millions of people in the Middle East. So many Muslim names … /s
Furthermore, who did what at Abu Ghraib?
American universities among those who worked to create a new omicron variant with 80% mortality. Why???
I really want to trust the plan. I really want to believe that Uniparty Pink and Uniparty Purple are not under the same cabal command structure. So…
Which Uniparty senators are willing to filibuster every measure supporting the development of a freedom-destroying Central Bank Digital Currency?
The Fed is going to create CBDCs. They don’t need Congress to do this. We gave up our money to (((private banks))). Now we will see the consequences. The GOP will support the freedumbs of international capital, unless Americans wake up!
Plans often don’t survive contact with the enemy
“Evvybody hath a pwan until dey get punched inna mouf”.
That man turned out to be wiser than we gave him credit
to ask the question is to answer it
“Step 1: We WILL repeal obamacare” – the republicans, promise made while they were safely in the minority and thus laughably impotent. when they were given the power, somehow something changed
Of course you should trust the plan. What are your options?
First off, what is the plan? The plan is that YOU work to wake people up. That is the fucking plan that people need to trust. Q said repeatedly that it was going to take average people getting involved to take back their government. THAT was the plan.
All those people who say that they can no longer trust the plan and that they aren’t putting their trust in Q are basically just saying that they aren’t going to do a goddamned thing to fight cabal. That’s it.
All those saying that “trust the plan” is just an elaborate hoax to keep you pacified and “eating popcorn” are themselves advocating completely throwing up their hands and doing nothing, other than bitching on comment sections in blogs. They are engaging in cabal disinformation by completely misrepresenting what Q said in such obvious, clear, unambiguous terms.
The entire idea that Q was promising you that magical things were just going to happen and that you should “trust” this and do nothing is itself disinformation.
I’ve been directly involved in local political activism since the late 80’s, and continuous activism in my home city once the lockdowns and vaccine mandates barred me from eating in restaurants or going to gyms or museums, and I’m saying I don’t trust Q or any ill defined “plan” and it doesn’t make me a disinfo agent. It just makes me fed up and sensible.
Q said a whole hell of a lot more than your misrepresentation claims. He/they routinely said sit back and enjoy the show while the country was spiraling, or patriots are in control, when they clearly aren’t.
Genuine, self motivated people didn’t need Q, and we don’t need to trust anything from an anonymous Intel Op that never actually delivered concrete results.
I found Q interesting up to a point, and it’s great that Q woke up a bunch of normies, which he/they certainly did, but the presentation of material definitely created a kind of passivity in many folks, but there’s no way of knowing which way people would have moved without Q seeding the battlefield with prompts.
Q played a role and unlocked a few doors, but don’t tell me the message was just for people to get involved. It was far more than that and anyone that read most of the posts knows it.
“Enjoy the show” does not mean, “sit on your ass, eat popcorn, and absolutely do not get involved in the process.”
It just doesn’t.
> More UFO hearings are coming as whistleblowers are called forward and legacy programs are verified by Congress.
Is it possible that the drive to global thermonuclear war is being influenced by off-world entities?
Entirely possible.
The problem is we now know, beyond any doubt they are here Thanks to the Navy, and Elizondo at DOD. If they are here, as I have said, the ones we saw were the tip of a probably billion-strong civilization hidden somewhere nearby (technically, travel-wise), at least. A million years ahead of us, possibly and definitely capable of doing things technically we would not believe possible. They will definitely have a military and intelligence infrastructure, and all of that means, no doubt, our governments will at least be penetrated by some sort of agents working for them, if not taken over, because that is how all intel, even alien, works where it operates. And it could be by unbelievable means. Fleshy Terminator androids, which look just like the person they substitute them for, and are remote controlled, Avatar-style, from the home world. Maybe even actual aliens in some sort of tech that makes them look like the person they are replacing. If as Elizondo said a million years beyond us is possible, and it is here, anything is possible, except, I think, them leaving us alone.
The only possibility is the aliens said no nukes, and we got a handful of people in positions to launch nukes, and the plan is to do it and force the aliens into the open, and give humanity a chance.
The overwhelming probability, IMO, is that now reality is way outside what anyone fed the narrative would think possible. Which fits, because how difficult would it be to avoid nuclear war, not bankrupt the US, not fill it with illegals, not empty the jails and create bail measures that assure every criminal is out on the street preying on people at all times, not let everyone know our elections are rigged. Everything is the opposite of what you would think it should look like.
it’s a question that’s been bugging me for decades: “given what I know of a) human nature and b) human nature expressed via the pathetic grotesque sewer of politics, how can it be that Every. Single. Fucking. Politician. In. The. World. with the exception of maybe like 3 guys, how can they ALL be 1000% for globalism/whatever TPTB are pushing right now”?
see, cause that’s not how human nature works. doesn’t really matter what the issue of the moment is, there is always a minority of 10-20% that’s gonna go against the grain. doesn’t matter why – because they’re ornery, because life has taught them MPAFI so always go against most people, or because they’re just born that way…. there is ALWAYS a sizable minority that says ‘no.’ IIRC, the biggest landslide in USA political history was LBJ in ’64, wherein he racked up a crushing 64-36 victory over the sacrificial lamb Goldwater. but that still means that 3 of 8 people didn’t jump on the Deep State MIC Kennedy-Killin’ Victory-in-Vietnam train.
and yet almost all – like 99.99987% – of the world’s politicians DO. why? what kind of a… thing …. would be strong enough to override basic human nature, which is always triumphant in the end? I considered ‘bribes & blackmail’ first, of course. but no go – you’d still find 8-10% of guys who were a) already rich or b) saintlike enough that b&b wouldn’t work on them or c) dying and knowing they were beyond DS retribution. and then they’d scream bloody murder about it, which never happens. so what then? WHAT would be powerful enough to generate 99.99987% compliance?
I ended up with “fear.” and long story short the only thing I could think of that would generate that level of fear is ‘transdimensional FLS aliens with death rays and bioweapons are threatening the world and the pols are doing what the aliens demand in a desperate attempt to a) save humanity b) or much more likely, get as rich as they can while positioning themselves as to serve as overseers for our alien overlords when they choose to officially enslave the world, which observation seems to indicate won’t be too much longer now.’ which might also explain the otherwise-it-makes-no-fucking-sense-at-all-because-who-the-fuck-would-spend-money-on-that?!? surveillance. thoughts?
It is possible. But I think it could also be possible they were all chosen and installed from the conspiracy though. I mean they plucked Bobert off that Israeli site, had her open a restaurant, pose with her gun, do an NBC news piece, and installed her in office. I mean how many geniuses are in her state, and they would never get any national press, or be able to come anywhere near office. Aliens is possible, but I think it is also entirely possible you have a machine that big which rigs all our elections.
I mean you look at Boebert on that website, does she look like congresswoman material? She had acually not even graduated high school when she won her election, IIRC. She had to rush through a GED. If they can install her, on our side, imagine what they can do with the rest of the NPCs.
This thing is fucking huge, and its tentacles penetrate right down to probably a few houses in your neighborhood. I will bet you’ve met five or ten of their agents minimum, maybe while they were actively on assignment looking at you.
“this thing is fucking huge”
OK, granted. but to get to that level of hugeness, big massive SECRET hugeness, a secret that never ever comes out, you’re gonna need 2 things: 1) massive amounts of money to recruit/pay for all those willing watchers and their gear AND internal OpSec and 2) fear to help recruit all them watchers and to scare them into keeping their mouths shut.
which brings us back to…..
What do you mean, a secret that never comes out? He’s here everyday trying to get the secret out. And many people refuse to accept it. If a perp came on here and gave his own testimony of participating, people would just claim such a person was a troll.
No, you just need bloodlines that go back centuries to build that kind of trust.
I think it’s more like a robot than an octopus.
Yes, the big motivator is fear. And avarice. But it doesn’t need to be of aliens or extra-dimensional beings. But you’re close: it’s fear of the unknown. It’s fear of knowing that they control so much that they can hit you in ways you least suspect.
Ultimately, it’s fear for your children. With the massive surveillance system, the sheer number of on the ground operators, and the number of compromised people in positions of authority, even the most powerful individuals in the world have plenty to fear. Particular they need to fear for their children.
And the fear isn’t something as obvious as fearing thugs will come to your home and kill you, although that is a very real consideration. It’s fear that your children will be fucked with in school or university, that your children won’t be able to find good work, or that they’ll send someone to marry your child who will turn out to be an absolute monster who is protected every step of the way by police and courts. And that you’ll spend a small fortune just trying to protect your child via corrupt attorneys.
If you’re the ruler of a country, it’s fear of protests, rebellions, infrastructure sabotage, theft of state secrets, starvation, terrorism. Or, if they get really serious they’ll just decide that you need a color revolution and deserve to die face down in the dirt while being anally raped. And that no one will help you, no one will come to your aid, and the world media will so thoroughly brainwash people as to believe that your fate was deserved. Every head of state in the world knows that this could easily be their fate.
Youre imagining things like aliens and demons because you haven’t accepted how terrible our rulers are and you’ve not fully come to grasp what their abilities truly are. They control more people than you realize and have an array of psychological and manipulation skills that you only dimly grasp.
Demons are real. Not figments of imagination.
True of Demons
but “Aliens” are BS!
I’ve always thought they slowly infiltrated the system and subverted it and changed it. Eventually it was a system that only attracted people like them, and no one with a heart or a conscience wanted to get involved in politics anymore.
Like how basketball became perceived as a way out of the hood for a lot of blacks, so basketball became a big thing for them. Now the NBA has a lot of blacks in it. I know it’s a weak analogy, but I’m really tired. Motherhood has been great, but exhausting at times.
> The problem is we now know, beyond any doubt they are here Thanks to the Navy, and Elizondo at DOD.
“We know beyond a doubt something is true because some alphabet soup glow boys and a certified intel spook say so!”
I don’t want to get into this, but I would say we should operate from a premise there is something here. Elizondo may glow, and the Navy could be in on it, but without going into detail, what they say is not untrue.
Since UFOs are literally demons, then yes their plan is nuclear war. The end is near. Repent and accept Christ while you still can.
Your farts stink, but not as much as the myth of Nukes.
Couldn’t they just destroy us at will?
They wouldn’t even need nukes. Someone with established space resources at that level could divert an asteroid or two and take care of business, and not leave the Earth a radiated mess.
And there’s also the question of why? There’s nothing on Earth that can’t be found in vaster quantities literally anywhere else in the galaxy. So if it’s not resources, or people (if they just wanna kill us off). We have pretty prime real estate, but a spacefaring race wouldn’t be all that concerned about it. Even we have a moderately clear idea of how to terraform Mars or even something like the Moon. So why?
I wish I could give you a hundred likes on this comment. I have made numerous comments here that show how the technology, at a very primitive level, could be done to give the impression of an antigravity drive but is actually a “Inertia” drive that gives out inertia waves just like electric fields give off electromagnetic waves. There’s evidence for this staring us in the face on many different devices.
The earth has an abundance of chlorophyll. That is rare in the universe.
So take some clippings and start a farm.
and pussy
don’t look at me like that, you were all thinking it
I’m with Redclaw here – there is no good answer to “why?” for the alien.
My take is “all of the above”. Demons posing as aliens or whatever else they deem will work, sometimes by direct possession, influencing humans at every socio-political level to lure as many people as possible to damnation. What does Earth have that nowhere else has (as far as we know)? Humans. Specifically, humans created and loved by God.
Demons motivated purely by evil spite for God would do everything we are seeing going on right now – from local surveillance to nuclear war. Jesus already won the war, so their consolation is dragging as many of Gods beloved creation to hell as they can.
> Spread r/K Theory, because we could work with the Muslims.
Educated black American men have been escaping the Leftist plantation since the reign of Donald de l’Orange (the first of his name).
The latest production from the dumbass left has only accelerated the move:
Black single mothers and some of their destructive spawn remain firmly on the gynocratic plantation. Winter is coming…
RIP KS. He tried to fix things.
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, also known by his initials AMLO, recently announced that US Secretary of State Tony Blinken proposed opening all borders between the US, Mexico, and Canada.
Here back in 2021:
Blinken, Mayorkas, Garland meet with Mexican officials in hopes of better border deal (
For WASP America—Three Jesus deniers, European haters, Jews, Blinken, Mayorkas, Garland decide the fate for us.
It is time to end the Multiculturalism of America. Time to end this, NOW. What do Jews have to do with us? Is this for our best interestes? Or the best interests of The Tribe?
I’m SICK of this. People need to stand up NOW.
Which reminds me, I found this quote over at Breitbart on the Minnesota Medical students reciting the NEW Oath of Marxist America:
The Republican Party is absolutely useless. Just today on Meet The Press, Sen. Bernie Sanders said that a lot of republicans are still “racist, sexist, homophobe and xenophobic”. Didn’t Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity say the same thing? Yes. Rush betrayed us. Sean betrayed. We can’t stop this unless we claim Racism for us, Sexism, homophobia and xenophobia. This Multiculturalism has got to go! The Republican Party was originally the Communist Party back in the 1850s thru the 1960s! It was the Republican Party that passed the Civil Rights Act of the 60s. It’s time to end. We are being genocided—and NOT one person, NOT one institution is stopping that. That’s disgusting!
It’s called a Man in the Middle Attack (MitM) and of one of the oldest known attacks (predating computers and being used in the mail system.)
I’ve noticed quadcopter drones (more than 1) flying around my suburb every night. Constant surveillance of suburban neighborhoods which shouldn’t be of any especial interest. I believe you can tell these by how low they fly and how quiet they are. Why they have the lights is unclear if they wanted to keep them secret. I guess they don’t care if people notice. And anyway when I mention or point them out most people seem pretty surprised. I have seen the same drones, although not quite as often, at the rural lake house. It would seem that these things have been deployed just about everywhere. They are about the size of a coffee table, so I doubt hobbiests would be deploying them.
Not advocating this at all, I know it’s illegal, but I would love to know what would happen if you hit ‘em with subsonic bird shot out of a suppressed 20 gauge when “no one” was looking.. Would the spooks show themselves to retrieve the drone, or would they pretend they didn’t know what was going on and leave it?
Off topic, but I see stories like this and instantly think of all of you here.
When we finally get people to realize this thing exists, everyone will be blown away for years, realizing all of these cases was it.
Imagine having the materialist worldview being utterly expurgated by said revelations. What a world this will be.
>Truly frightening to picture the judgement we undoubtedly have coming.
If it meant all the cabal fucks got what’s coming to them, I wouldn’t care how bad things got for me. Up to and including death if purification by fire was the only way.
A counterpoint to vox post on China:
In defense of China, I will bet that girl on there attacking the government has never been zapped through her walls. Just saying.
I wouldn’t make that bet.
If the gangstalking seamlessly followed people to China then the zapping will happen there too.
Russia may be clean, China is just a competing faction.
And yet I tend to think she is not getting it. Could be reality bias, I suppose, if she is not talking about it.
Agreed. A lesser evil they are. But vox falling all over himself about China is just disappointing.
He ended noting, they are at the edge of beginning down the path which ahs resulted in our ruin.
Christians in China hopefully should achieve a Constantinian conversion of Xi Jinping and the top Communist Party.
We can only pray for that.
Will it? I look at the things that have been memory holed just during my lifetime, and I wonder how much of real history is hidden away from us. You see the occasional story about how entire centuries are missing or repeated or something like that.
We really need something like the chronovisor the Vatican is said to have hidden away.
It is quite clear that the true story of human origins and life on earth has been distorted and manipulated by elites in the West for centuries.
The chronovisor and Looking Glass will remain hidden because a revelation of the true arc of human events on earth and our true purpose on earth would rob cabal of their incredible power, and they aren’t giving that up without an incredible fight.
Much of the human race, particularly westerners, is truly asleep. Deep asleep.
An online acquaintance who I woke up back in 2016 to vote Trump (and he got others to in a state where it mattered) has fallen to the Ukraine propaganda. I sent a great blog post of a timeline from pre-2014 until Russia’s SMO, and he just dismissed it as Russian propaganda. It was literally just events that were widely reported.
Even when they awaken, they fall asleep again.
Off-topic but somewhat relevant in these times. If you want to educate yourself on various matters while overcoming Big Tech censorship, you need to learn how to use advanced search techniques on Google and Bing.
I ran the following Google site search of reddit to see what people were saying about “Havana Syndrome” and Targeted Individuals or gangstalking: “havana syndrome” “targeted individual” OR “targeted individuals” OR “gangstalking” OR “gang stalking” OR “gangstalkers”
The bots and JTRIG-style disinfo agents were out in force on all the search results but I was able to find a few interesting threads, one of which I have pasted below.
From that Reddit thread, here’s an alleged Gangstalking Manual which I have not read and cannot vouch for:…..pdf (Sorry, the link does not work… too many periods before the file suffix. If you copy/paste the full link including all the periods and the pdf suffix, it will display).
I’m just an anon on teh interwebs but I assure you that similar things have been done to me. And I suspect that similar has been done to our illustrious proprietor. I won’t give details because I don’t want to reward the experimenters with useful data.
To the doubters, If you believe that:
why is it so difficult to believe that the psychopaths who brought these things about are doing other nefarious things on a vast scale?
I remember reading a target’s tweet in which he claimed that he was being electronically harassed and his heart was racing after he dug into the Pedo Comet Pizza issue.It would not surprise me to discover that the people who heckled AOC the Warmonger are now being targeted/harassed.
This is how “democracy” works in the Land of the Free.
I’d say simply that the scale seems too vast as described. It’s hard to accept the security could be that tight for something that widespread. Media saturated brainwashing and complete control of the zeitgeist just seems a more reasonable explanation, and requires far less moving parts. And *maybe* some directed attention for a handful of special cases.
My family is very to the right, and my parents were involved in politics for a while when I was a kid, including the 1992 Pat Buchanan campaign. I grew up the smart, pretty girl, supposedly a prime target for subversion. I’ve never experienced any of the things described here. Now I’m married, three children, and nothing is amiss. Well, nothing within my personal meatspace, anyway.
And that’s just one project.
An entity that can compel hundreds of millions of people to allow themselves to be injected with mystery zombie juice can surely get a few million similarly inclined individuals to harass a few hundred thousand freedom lovers around the world.
Maybe you were not judged important enough to target. That’s something to be thankful for. I have dated several brilliant, beautiful girls who were not made candidates for targeting. I suspect that there are tens of millions of such girls around the world.
As pointed out by the anon below:
I concur.
…that you know of.
One more thing. If you are referring to the fact that many Targeted Individuals see gangstalking everywhere, I agree with you. Not everyone a TI meets is cabal.
At the beginning of their ordeal, Targets are harassed aggressively, openly, and notoriously. The goal is to make absolutely certain that the target knows he/she is under surveillance. This front-loaded intensive harassment primes the Target and sensitizes him/her to anything that appears to be out of the ordinary.
The aggressive initial stalking also helps to isolate the Target because “Why would anyone expend such resources on you?” and “What makes you so special?” and “Seek help!”
The human gangstalking is intermittent. But, from time to time, the TI is stalked aggressively and re-primed/re-sensitized to see gangstalkers everywhere. There appears to be no escape.
The human harassment is layered with electronic/remote harassment using a slew of actions and effects. A personalized and evolving shock-and-awe treatment. The electronic harassment never stops. The Target’s entire physical being becomes sensitized to such an extent that it responds to minor remote stimulus.
Most of the in-person stuff is theater. The electronic/remote part is human directed but extremely otherworldly in its effectiveness.
Soon, under the onslaught of combined in-person and remote attacks, the Target is accusing innocent bystanders of doing things to him/her. The weaker-minded TIs inflict violence and make the news.
If these remote weapons can be used on thousands of us with impunity, they can be used quite effectively on business, political, military leaders around the world. Think of the implications.
That is all I have to say on this matter.
You’ve perfectly described the dynamic. I think the only thing that saved me when I was subjected to the initial assault is that I had enough knowledge of cognitive psychology and perceptual filters to realize that they’d amped up my paranoia and it was leading me to be suspicious of people who had nothing to do with it. It’s really a tremendous mind fuck. I know it would have been much more devastating if I was not as mentally strong and aware of the functioning of my own perceptions/cognitive apparatus.
Unfortunately, as AC many of us here have noted, Google does not play well with Boolean and other advanced search operators anymore. You’re doing good work in filtering through what got through the Google and Bing filters, but we are at a stage in censorship where we cannot rely upon search functions as we used to. Instead, we are at a stage where we are increasingly reliant upon swarm intelligence nodes like AC’s comment section here or forums such as TimelessAuthors. This is why we must continue to hoard and archive critical data.
Yes, we hope that guys like Brendan Eich at Brave, the people at Presearch, and other search engine compilers (note that it will take YEARS before these engines will be as functional as Google was before the censorship began) will deliver, but we do not plan for this to be inevitable. Instead, we must increasingly create antifragile archives and repositories like AC’s site and others. We must also maintain connection with each other as reliably as possible to keep the swarm alive
Agree. It may soon be possible to run queries against a distributed version of the Common Crawl dataset.
I’m quite skeptical of the “gangstalking manual.” There’s simply no reason for them to put all of this data together for the sake of their operators, most of whom I’m quite sure have no idea what they are involved with. And I highly doubt that they use the term “gangstalking” internally.
Key participants don’t need to know the whole picture. All the need to know is their mission, gather intel, plant ideas, engage in street theater, etc., I presume that most participants only have knowledge of their handler. They undoubtedly know that there are bigger things involved, and they know that none of it should be talked about or ever admitted to anyone. But that’s it.
Same here. I’m skeptical of the “Manual” for the same reasons. That’s why I skimmed but did not read the pdf. I have seen several such documents and other artifacts of questionable provenance. Unfortunately, I cannot read and verify everything I come across. Taking down the Borg requires the efforts of tens of thousands of people (or more). So I linked to the pdf in case the crowd might find something useful within.
These real/fake documents; first-person posts/videos; and coordinated, well-resourced suppression efforts reveal to the uninitiated is that there is smoke. An enormous amount of smoke. As with UFO/UAP smoke, Havana Syndrome smoke, and mRNA vaxx smoke; where there is smoke, there is fire.
I have experienced enough gangstalker antics to not take stalkers too seriously. The gangstalkers are minor puppets who enjoy causing targets discomfort in exchange for dog treats, and a sense of belonging and importance.
A controller tells the gangstalker that a target is a “bad guy” or “bad girl”, and that’s all they need to know to go into harassment mode. The gangstalker is happy to serve Authority in any capacity. America is full of such propagandized loons.
The real danger lies with the remote weapons used on TIs.
I absolutely know that gangstalking is a real thing. It’s just the manual I doubt.
Also, I’m not sure that every operative working against a targeted individual knows or believes that the target is a bad person. I think that is the likely conclusion that the TI is prone to imagine on their own. Most of us only think someone would treat us poorly if they thought that we were bad. And gangstalking is so horrible that we are inclined to imagine that something very terrible was said about us.
In many cases, I think the operatives are simply told that they will be punished for any interaction that helps the targeted individual. And that they will continue receiving rewards from cabal if they play along. I have cousins participating in this against me and I know that they know I’m not a bad person. But they also know that they will instantly lose clients and that their children will be harmed if they help me.
Michiel Vos
He is married to filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi,[1] daughter of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.[2] They met in Amsterdam when Vos was working for the broadcasting station VPRO, as a presenter for special film nights. […]
He regularly appears on Dutch and Belgian television and radio commenting on American political affairs and news as well as on his experiences in the USA.[5] […] The HBO film Citizen USA was based on Vos’s journey to become an American Citizen.[7] […] Vos worked as producer on the HBO films: The Trials of Ted Haggard, Right America: Feeling Wronged,[8] and Friends of God.[9]
You can also become a producer at HBO, if you just work hard enough.
His wife Alexandra Pelosi is the sister-in-law of Peter Kaufman, who is the son of filmmaker Philip Kaufman.
Yet another connection between TV/Hollywood and politics.
Vos wrote a book about his favorite places in New York City.[17]
Book deal.
I posted a few months ago about recognizing gang stalking in grocery stores – noticing empty stores and aisles fill up when I’m there. Still happening, but it’s so regular now that I have convinced my he husband of the effect when he is with me. At first he thought I was just a little narcissistic, but when I started pointing out the emptiness on arrival and told him to watch the areas I go to, he became stunned. Especially when it would be time to check out. It would be empty, until I would go up there, then it would be an hour wait. Or just the store became crowded. All of this at non-peak times. Off-hours, during major televised events, and so on. So now he thinks it’s funny, and I’m here still wanting to know why I’m being subjected to this. I’m starting to watch out for patterns during the rest of my day, but my work schedule is so unpredictable that it might be hard for that type of stalking to occur regularly. At least enough for me to care.
It is a puzzle why they focus on who they do. My mom was no threat, and even ended up working for the machine designing high tech to kill people for a while, complete with the security clearances. There are homeless people they follow around with other homeless people. It is a puzzle.
Maybe they just have nothing better to do, and pick people they think can’t or won’t fight back.
Just throwing a general thought out. If it is true that there are entities of some kind that are behind the infiltration of our society and the surveillance operation, and who are thousands or millions of years ahead of us, they could be perceiving something about individuals that we either miss entirely or have no way of currently seeing or understanding. That’s a pretty vague statement but I mean that we could be puzzled over something we have no way of understanding anyway.
Possible. It is also possible, if this were a simulation, they ran it through to the end, saw something each of us did, and they are plugging in earlier to intervene and stop us.
This is the problem with this world now. All of our baseline assumptions are proving questionable if we have some sort of interdimensional entity maybe a million years ahead of us who has been here all along.
Havana Syndrome? Why not just -zap- a thought right out of one’s mind? As in, one has an incredibly insightful realization but then it just gets taken away, leaving that person knowing they were just about to touch on some sort of truth or genius, and now it’s gone…
Happens to me all the time.
If the objects surveilling/harassing U.S. Navy warships are just “drones” or “quadcopters”, then why don’t they activate their Phalanx systems and shoot them out of the sky?
Probably too low of a thermal or radar signature for them to get a targeting lock
Military defense systems are designed to look for metal objects with hot exhaust. We’re fully geared up to defend against an enemy using 1980s technology.
This. Extremely low signature — no IR signature, radar cross-section of a marble, optically a cross section of maybe a square foot — to their sensors, it’s pretty much invisible. Add in how erratic it is, and how difficult trying to manually steer R2 onto a moving target is, and R2D2 is just not the right tool for the job.
This is why the Russians developed an RF rifle that knocks them out. Not clear if it is cooking them with microwaves or just overwhelming their RF link and causing them to default out, but they can reliably take them down.
Interesting. Thank you.
Activate Phalanx and fill the sky with depleted uranium rounds. I feel sorry for anyone in the air at the time
For what it’s worth
I Can’t Even. Per lifetime cabal damage (thank you, AC, that I now know what happened), dealing with anybody is a chore- but dealing with the wilfully retarded is beyond me.
The comments are heartening.
A good documentary on demons featuring Dr Heiser:
This is an excellent article in which the author speculates that the truth about the vaccines is being allowed to be rolled out as a means of causing increased anxiety, distrust, and division in the population. The author suggests that they will need to really break everyone’s mind by shattering their trust in everything so that they will accept a “great reset” of their beliefs and values.
From Gab. Photos of war damaged buildings in Ukraine compared to what appear to be the same irl buildings, which are undamaged. You have to wonder how much of this war is just CGI.
A random video with no “sauce.” Could be ЦИПсО for all we know (Ukraine’s Informational/Psychological Operations, aka the Fakes Factory). There are countless cellphone videos on Telegram of citizens reacting to missile strikes nearby, or showing the damage to their homes, on both pro russian and pro ukronato channels. There are many ways to fake a war, we have to try harder to find evidence.