Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Michigan Gets $1 Billion Federal Funding For New Hydrogen Hub
DFT – Pfizer Downgrades Guidance As Covid Epidemic Wanes
DFT – Microsoft To Appeal $29 Billion IRS Payment Demand
DFT – US Foreclosure Activity Soars
DFT – Russian Royalty Payments To Foreign Artists Collapse As Russians Choose Domestic Artists
I was thinking, Havana Syndrome was perpetrated by a hostile, non-US intelligence operation, pretty obviously not Russia, and probably not China either. The two primary possibilities I have thought were obviously Cabal, the probably private sector, non-state, CIA-like operation funded and run by elites so rich and powerful we do not know their names, or a splinter intelligence group within US intel working for Cabal. Whoever it is operates on the streets of America with impunity. But if we look for another such intel operator, running ops against American targets, you do run into Epstein, who I think obviously was part of the same thing running both the Havana weapon, and running domestic surveillance in the US, which seemed to scout and prep some of the young girls he recruited. Technically, if you pull at his thread, the first thing you come to is Les Wexner, and probably the Mega group, Israel’s ultra-rich billionaire Mossad intel operation. And the next thread if Ghislaine’s family.
I tend to think the issue with Mossad is the same as CIA – penetration by a hostile, non-state actor, which would view Israelis as being as disposable as we are. But regardless, it is not impossible it was Israelis running the Havana weapon, whoever they ultimately reported to. It might also mean the term “Jewish space lasers” was a well thought out term to make something real, appear ridiculous and kooky. Say a prayer for Emerald. They will be trying to drive her from the dialog.
Biden’s CIA director met THREE TIMES with Jeffery Epstein during Obama admin.
Epstein victim who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell has died—and her family wants answers. Could be as it seems, but in these situations, it will not be unusual for the asset who is in position to do the most damage to you to be the person you trust the most.
Furious Israelis demand PM Netanyahu resign over his inaction to save hostages as Israeli military confirm they have found bodies of dead captives inside Gaza. I do not know what to make of this. This could be an objective of this operation. It would make sense given the Mossad who wanted Netanyahu gone. And yet Trump seems to say Netanyahu is an enemy. Then again, everything Trump says is tactical weaponry, and it is possible he would lie to achieve some secret objective. The only thing I know is Israeli surveillance/intelligence, as with American domestic surveillance/intelligence on 9/11, had to see the attacks coming and allow them. And I only know of one organization which causes the security services of a nation made up of citizens blindly loyal to each other to allow a horrific attack on its people. It is the same thing utterly destroying the West right now, and trying to drive anyone who opposes that out of the dialog online.
Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion.
Iran has sent a warning message to Israel through the UN saying that Iran will have to intervene if the IDF operation in Gaza continues. It fits. Whatever is going on seems like a scripted play designed to make Trump win the next election in real, pre-fraud numbers, by 94 percent to 6 percent. I assume Joe Biden is supposed to, after the fraud, get 190 million votes to Trump’s 180 million, to win it, and that will reveal the truth to us. Iran jumping in here and then blocking the Strait of Hormuz, and maybe even Saudi Arabia and Iraq getting in to drive oil to $200 per barrel and put the finishing touches on the economy would fit with that,
IDF says it’s completing preparations for ‘attack from the air, sea and land.’ Either calling Iran’s bluff, or opening up a broad war with the Islamic Republic.
Israeli media claiming, US military will intercept Hezbollah missiles, attack pro-Iran militias in Syria & Iraq if war escalates into regional conflict; Americans supply Israel with munitions from US warehouses in Israel plus airlifted shipments. If true and not rumor, then we end up in it too.
A Tweet by Alexander Dugin which lays out this exact scenario, projecting it forward to the Muslims in Europe starting a Civil war on Globohomo, us allying with the Muslims against Israel, the Jews locally, and Globohomo, Russia jumping in against Globohomo, nuclear exchanges, and China grabs Taiwan in the chaos while the Third Temple is built.
Bidenflation climbs to 17.0%, hurting Americans.
Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees.
Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman: U.S. should ‘welcome’ Palestinian refugees.
Part of what appears a broader propaganda wave, creating fear in Jews over the imminent embrace of Palestinian refugees in the West, and the growing anti-Semetic tendencies of Muslim migrants:
I am back to the high pitched electronic harassment, this time one which sounded kind of like the tape of the Havana syndrome, yet slightly different enough I might know why those people said it was a little different. I got off the X and moved. So understand, as we go forward toward 2024, fewer and fewer of these things you see like the above, from people who are not complaining about the surveillance or the harassment, will be regular people who are allowed to post their honest opinions as part of an honest dialog. Honest posters will get banned, harassed, and driven from the scene. All of these things presented to you, everywhere, will eventually be carefully crafted propaganda, to produce specific effects in the sheep, and control everyone. It is a dark future if the entire nation is not made aware of the surveillance, and the intel operation it is the most exposed part of. I still cannot believe so many out there want that.
House Republicans introduce ‘GAZA Act’ to stop Biden from importing Palestinians to U.S.
A killing bolt will shine in the night, but not kill?:
It will start when the weather cools. Plans laid long ago, like biblical? And the red heifer is on its way. Again I am not saying the oracle was right, but rather you are dealing with a bunch of possibly seriously mentally ill theater kids who think they can script all this like a Broadway show based on the game Risk. So it could be significant to what they are doing. All of it, the prophesy on 4Chan, the red heifer, the FakeWar in Israel, about to get a lot of real young guys killed, it could all be scripted by them, entirely unrelated to the Bible, beyond the fact they think they are making it all happen.
Unsourced, but the Twitter account is Leading Report, which has historically been seen as a legit account, and IIRC correctly there was an older female DOD consultant making the rounds claiming something similar a while back: BREAKING: Department of Defense consultant says that the United States Space Force has proof that the 2020 election was stolen, but that the information was withheld in order to avoid the outbreak of civil war. Fuck Space Force. NSA has it. It will either come out when it is scripted to, or it will not. I really do not see how waiting will save lives though. By the time this is over, I think a good 30-40 percent will be dead just from heart failure from the Covid vaccine subplot. I have to think before all the migrants are moved back across the border and out of the country there will be another mass casualty period. And that assumes we don’t end up in a limited nuclear exchange with Russia, or have the lights go out in some way like an EMP, which supposedly will be a 90 percent casualty rate. I cannot see how straightening out the nation in 2018 would have been worse. A full Civil War then would probably have been far, far fewer casualties, far less suffering, and for a far shorter period.
Jeffries suggests Dems won’t help nominate ‘extremist extraordinaire’ Jordan as Speaker. So Jordan fails. If Trump steps in, essentially anyone who ever wants to get elected again will vote for him on our side, and some Democrats might just do so on the premise he motivates their base. So we end up with Speaker Trump, when Biden dies, and Kamala is found to not be a Natural Born Citizen. It could be. It is like watching a movie. I do not think to myself, is it possible John Wick can get into and out of the criminal mastermind’s lair alive? I wonder, will the writers script him getting caught, or did they write it with him getting out? Exact same thing here. All this is already decided.
NYPD has reportedly begun enforcing a law against grocery stores displaying food on the sidewalk, and the city is seizing the food for illegals. City is probably running out of money.
People baffled by “glitch in the matrix” after spotting a plane that appears to be stopped still in the air. Supposedly an optical illusion which is not uncommon. But I put it there, as if we have TicTac vehicles which are using the active, LED “predator” camouflage, which projects an image on one side of the craft of what is behind it to make it appear invisible, there is no reason those LED screens on the craft could not be programmed to project a regular aircraft. And oddly enough I suspect there is ten percent of the population who would jump to tell you it is just your eyes playing tricks on you if it were that and got recorded.
3 hurt, 1 person in custody after shooting at State Fair of Texas. One dude shot at another dude, and hit three people.
Neuroscientists make ‘unexpected’ discovery over cause of childhood Autism. Not that impressive, just they identified cells in the brain which will be affected by the brain inflammation they see in children with it. What strikes me is, suppose there was some organization which had an entire intelligence operation in the schools, running their kids as spies against other children, with the express purpose of determining which children would be allowed to be rich and successful, and which had to be kept suppressed. Suppose it had some way to induce inflammation at a distance, through the walls of homes, like by vibrating brains inside of skulls at 4 hz until cells burst or died? And suppose it began using that more and more, as the operation grew, and became bolder. Might it produce a curve of autism rates which looked like this (with 2023 having a rate of one in 36)?
Would the gangstalking curve look similar? I wonder if they are actually rolling that tech out in like four out of five children, but the one in 36 are the cases where the child goes to bed, the neighbor turns it on for a standard 20 minute degradation session that the child is supposed to get every night, the operator goes to get a donut, realizes their favorite TV show is on, has a few drinks while watching it, goes to bed, and unwittingly fries the child’s cerebellum down to the size of a sesame seed by the next morning. This world is much weirder than you think. I have seen it with my own eyes. Probably around ten percent of the population knows, they do not work for the “government,” indeed, that there really is not even a government, or Constitution, or laws, and the other ninety percent of the population are so clueless as to be technically delusional. They all know, the wars are fake, everything is an illusion, and none of them ever blurt out the truth. It is very strange.
Traces of contraceptive drugs found in fast food lab results.
Australia has overwhelmingly rejected a plan to give greater rights to Indigenous people in a referendum. In-grouping, pursuit of self interest, and ruthlessness will come back hard as K-selection returns.
New Zealand elects its most conservative government in decades.
Argentinian Presidential front-runner Javier Milei placed under criminal investigation days before election over speech — just like they do Trump! He is real, he is fake, it doesn’t matter. The fact they are doing this is strange, one way or another, because real or scripted, it looks sketchy, and normally they would never want people getting suspicious, by letting them see something sketchy. In intelligence you keep your targets blind and asleep.
Russia intercepts 27 Ukrainian drones over border regions — MOD. The Russians were always tough, but now the West has made them experienced against everything the West could throw at them, and battle-hardened too. Meanwhile the entirety of the West, all working together, can’t even supply a small skirmish with artillery shells.
Federal judge rejects Biden DOJ’s claim that Georgia’s voter ID law is racist.
AG Jeff Landry wins Louisiana Gubernatorial race, flipping the seat from Democrat to Republican.
An Emerson College polling survey found President Donald Trump ahead of President Joe Biden by 12 points in the state of Ohio. There is no way there are that many Biden supporters.
Spread r/K Theory, because there is no way there are that many Biden supporters
Creatine: Gains for Muscles and the Brain, Especially in Older Adults
Taurine slows aging:
A lot of Amino acids are like that. They say you make them and don’t need supplements, but as you get older now they are finding you stop making them, and need to fortify. Once you are older, there are a lot more essential amino acids than there are when you are younger.
Indeed. Wonder if exercise helps manufacture them.
I had used Creatine when I was younger but thanks for that link, I had no idea it could help men over 50 like that. Just ordered some.
It is amazing.
“I cannot see how straightening out the nation in 2018 would have been worse. A full Civil War then would probably have been far, far fewer casualties, far less suffering, and for a far shorter period.”
You and me both.
Q won’t be able to walk the streets either.
Unfortunately we will never find out who Q team is.
After this length of time, Q has probably been neutralized; if it every really was more than a psyop.
I think the harsh truth is that Q was surveillance.
Not impossible, but I do not think surveillance would have let people begin to think there was a hidden hand. Surveillance wants to control everything, and have everyone saying we are a constitutional republic, we elect our leaders, we control our government, and there are no conspiracies because somebody would talk, so don’t even begin to think anyone in your neighborhood is keeping an eye on you or your kids.
Q has changed things, to the point if large numbers of people happen on my material, they would believe it. That is something surveillance would not want. It will remain to see if it happens, but it could, and that is all the combination of Q and Trump.
Q is probably NSA.
Steve Pieczenik. Can’t prove it, but it’s him. I know because he couldn’t help but go on Alex Jones and rub it in our faces to show how stupid we are. Typical Jew. But so far, he’s right.
How would he have predicted the minute on McCain’s death certificate? That seems pretty precise information. Either it wasn’t him, IMO, or it is him, but he is a puppet of somebody with much more power and precise information than he will ever have.
I believe he’s a major architect of Q. Doesn’t mean he knows everything or runs day to day operations.
It’s far more likely he was trying to discredit Q by claiming to be part of it.
They also tell outrageous lies and claim credit for things they had nothing to do with.
Based on my own research, I think Flynn is involved in team Q, or at least knows the faction responsible.
My problem with Q, and I’ve stated this here before, is that these guys live in a kind of privilege bubble themselves. They have spent all of their adult lives burrowed into the highest levels of major institutions like the military.
While that is good, even critical, up to a point, it means these guys just don’t have a lot of practical, everyday experience. They would be left with some serious blind spots in regards to real human motivations and reactions.
Whatever metrics and wargaming scenarios they were/are using, it seems quite divorced from reality on the ground and how billions of us actual plebs live our lives and what really affects us.
Team Q seems to be somewhat detached from just how demoralized and exhausted legacy America is, and how morally inverted tens of millions of our fellow citizens are.
I don’t want to black pill, but I don’t see how you turn this Leviathan around short of total collapse.
Maybe that’s why Q went silent and has remained so. It’s possible they misread the tea leaves and are at a loss with how to proceed.
From my viewings, Flynn will be some sort of secret society type. Freemason, some secret military intel fraternity, something where he swore a blood oath of loyalty, which to some degree will make him at least seem corruptible to those above. I do not think he would get in the door unless the people up top felt they could control him. There could even be blackmail stuff, though I am not sure what. He doesn’t seem degenerate, or particularly in need of comforts or luxuries. But maybe he did something just to give them something and get in. Could even be like an animal sacrifice in a ritual or something, or he did something in a warzone which would be frowned upon by peaceniks and could be used against him to really fuck him up.
I am not sure how in the Q-thing Flynn is, mainly because if I were a psychopath, I would not trust him to be entirely psychopathic in following my orders. I think that closes a lot of doors, and I think everyone in is either family which has proven themselves in the conspiracy from childhood, or the childhood surveillance in the schools finds evidence of psychopathy, and willingness to blindly follow orders for personal gain. And he doesn’t look in control to me. He looks curious and out of his element.
I think Q is doing exactly what was planned, and their plan is this fucked up. Intel is just ridiculously in control most of the time. If you want to disrupt it you really have to come out of left field. Whether the destruction gets turned around or not, I think will be what was planned, and will reveal if it was a Cabal operation to get us to sit around as they wrecked everything, or some dissident faction bringing us to the brink, so we will accede to bring those who allowed 9/11 to the full measure of justice they deserve.
I still hold out hope 9/11, and the pointless wars afterward that killed and maimed our young servicemen, were so enraging to people like me in intel somebody decided to do something. But increasingly, I look at how perfectly they have everyone happily sitting on their hands as everything is burned to the ground, and how Q has not opened people’s eyes to the surveillance, and it looks suspiciously like a Cabal manipulation operation.
The problems with the theory that it was to get us to sit on our hands are 1 that people would not have done any more had Q never existed, we simple lack the ability due to our circumstances.
And 2 that the enemy wants us to do something rash, that’s why they keep trying to provoke us and send Judas Goats to start things like J6 and the governor kidnap plot etc.
I see much more evidence for my sympathetic aristocrats theory.
Why they haven’t revealed surveillance yet I can only guess.
Either they want to keep it and make use of it to rule “benevolently” from the shadows or they are waiting for more of the normies to wake up to everything else first. (the same stupid reason the rest of the plan is taking so long)
Your theory does make the most sense.
I tend to think that what we are seeing is a civil war within Cabal. It is in an existential crisis, probably something to do with the loss of China and Russia, combined with Cabal weakening America from within just to maintain control.
Cabal leadership is facing an uprising against it due to these failures. Both, if not more, sides are trying to recruit the peasantry in the parallel society to their cause.
We can see how Trump, Musk, Biden are just avatars of different factions in this civil war.
Cabal faction that liked the complete control the Cabal had, especially between 2004 and 2015, but objected to the plans of pure destruction of what became the dominant faction, particularly Project Ukraine.
They wanted to maintain the surveillance and the control, just not the crazy stuff. And their goal was to talk down the rest of the Cabal at first. Trump was sent in to negotiate, not take the thing down. I don’t think they really started opposing them until 2022. They are still trying to negotiate.
All of this is purely guesswork and trying to make sense of the last four years of course.
I was not on the Q Anon boards, and suspect bs or something put together in the FBI building. Though they could have been a back channel communication thing . between the Cabal faction. Something like the Cabal existing is the only way to explain 2020, let alone Epstein.
Maybe Q is the secret administration of the Antichrist and after our ridiculously corrupt leaders all over the entire world drag us into war, then Q will present the Antichrist to overthrow these mentally defective drooling ghouls and he will happily step into power to rule the world and bring peace to all. Maybe there will be an everything bubble that breaks the entire economy of the world leaving everyone but bankers without a dime and in debt but the Antichrist will issue ebt cards to meet our needs so everyone will worship him.
Telling everyone to think for themselves is pretty much the opposite of what you’re suggesting.
One thing with Flynn is, the corrupt military has filters in place to prevent “Boy Scouts” from rising up in the ranks. I’ll summarize the link below to save time for those who don’t want to take the time to read it.
John T. Reed got into West Point and graduated with the class of 1968. While he grew up on books and TV shows that romanticized West Point, he found the Army to be a very fucked up institution. Even with a West Point commission, he was determined to leave the Army as soon as his commitment was up. He was actually let go about a year early for a defective attitude problem, which was fine with him. He did not get his regular promotion to Captain (O-3 in the Army) and left service as a 1Lt.
In the Army, you are asked to sign false reports, a punishable offense. They’ve all done it. Reed reported for duty to Vietnam as Motor Pool Officer and was immediately asked to sign a report stating a high percentage of vehicles were operable. He knew fewer than 50% were, and refused to sign. They sent him for duty closer to combat and forged his signature.
To get promoted in the Army, you have to sign false reports. You have to show up at command performance parties (Officers, anyway) even though they suck and you have a life to live. You have to emulate your senior officers no matter how corny they happen to be. You cannot “rock the boat”. You’ll be told “Just play the game until you’re high enough, then you can make changes” even though that’s impossible.
I do believe Flynn is good, but knowing what I know about the military and politics in its officer corps, I have no clue how the Hell he managed to make it all the way to 3 star General as an honest man. He probably should have been drummed out between Major and LtCol.
Now, Reed is a Boomer “normie” lolbertarian. He thought Jeb! would have been a better candidate than Trump in 2016. He got his Clot Shot and believes we should all take it. But most of his writing about the military (Army in particular) I find good.
> To get promoted in the Army, you have to sign false reports.
Not just the Army. An acqaintance was a maintenance guy for a new aircraft with a troublesome history. Orders came down that they would be marked as flight-worthy even when they were supposed to be out of service for upgrades, or were outright unflyable. When he balked at putting his signature on the falsified reports, they started leaning hard on him. He retired early, forfeiting his full benefit package.
Not long after he dropped his old uniforms in the trash, one of the aircraft he had been ordered to falsify documents on went down, killing the entire crew.
I didn’t see much of it in the Navy, but I was enlisted. We called it “gundecking” (I don’t know why) and you could get in a lot of trouble for it. For all I know, our officers did it all the time.
My first ship suffered a main space fire in ‘89 coming out of Hong Kong. It was refueling from another ship. Rather than double valve protection they were supposed to have, they only had one valve on one line that had an inappropriate fitting on it. Pressure rose, that valve blew, and fuel oil spilled on a boiler igniting it and killing six people. I was on the ship five years later, and they never let us forget it.
I read the JAG report. Apparently, one of the engineers gundecked quarterly maintenance checks for all of the valves in the fuel lines. He went to Leavenworth, along with either the Chief Engineer or Main Propulsion Assist. At least, that’s what the investigation said.
When I was in the Air Force we used to fly a jet for a couple of weeks then pull it in a hanger and strip every part we could drag off of it, put them in the formerly stripped jet in the other hanger then fly it for a couple of weeks and call both of them 100%.
After Ronald Reagan got elected, this mostly stopped as the service bought lots of spare parts. I bet they are doing this striping business with F-22’s and F-35’s. You can see that because F-22’s were destroyed in a hurricane because they couldn’t get enough parts to fly them out or, even worse, they decided to strip them of parts, let the jets be destroyed, so they could have more spare parts per plane.
When I was in the Navy in the 90’s, it seemed like we had access to enough parts. Sometimes we had to order and wait for it to arrive, but most of the parts I needed were in ship’s stores.
From what I understand though, in the 70’s, the Navy was in the same shape you describe Air Force aircraft. Ships’ engineering plants were dangerous because they couldn’t get the money to maintain them properly. Quite a few ships were inoperable and undeployable.
It seems to me that the Q team are like the aristocrats in history with some degree of sympathy for the commoners.
They are more on our side than those who consider us mere cattle.
But they have calculated their plans to achieve the stated goals of making America and the world better in a way that minimizes any loss or inconvenience to themselves and do not care how much loss and inconvenience we have to endure.
They also are focused on their own personal concerns more than big picture strategic concerns.
They are not pledging their lives or their fortunes to refound a great nation any more than the minimum required even if that leaves the nation severely diminished in the end.
I believe this is the most reasonable assessment of the situation, and I agree, Q won’t be allowed to walk the streets either.
Only Jesus truly has our backs. In the meantime we can use the opportunity those more sympathetic Aristocrats give us for our own advantage.
This tracks.
I got booted from YouTube right around the time when I was advocating for grass-roots organization. I distrusted Q because the consistent message of “Do not act, sit on the sidelines, enjoy the show that’s coming.” I was advocating: “We got Trump in office – great, let him do his job – meanwhile, what can we do from where we’re sitting? Stop the “Internet Blood Sports” on the right, instead form mutual-aid societies.” This led to all of my online allies turning on me, labelling me an apostate, and eventually a flagging campaign that got me kicked off of the platform.
I’ve also spoken to people on the left who report similar behaviour on their side of the aisle. An extreme case of ‘crabs in a bucket’ tearing down anybody who promotes productive cooperation.
Note that the bucket of crabs never seems to manifest when the cooperation is towards something stupid and destructive.
So: if we posit a New Boss that ain’t quite like the Old Boss, one who’d actually like to see a factory floor that rewards competence and minimizes worker injury, it doesn’t therefore follow that he’d be happy about a union forming. Especially when said “union” might coalesce around any damn fool idea.
Imagine if there’d been no Q; what sort of groups might have appeared instead? I could easily see a dozen different Qs developing, many of whom would promote an organizational premise which would undermine benevolent rule. One Q promotes Southern Pride, another develops into a more effective form of La Raza, still another leads to disbursed homesteading and barter, avoiding traditional economic participation – all of this would seriously undermine a transition back to 1990s corporate liberalism, where every worker is an atomized unit, who trusts that his company’s pension will pay out when he retires.
It makes sense that Q would be deployed to preemptively capture such groups, and keep them treading water while the ‘good guys’ wrest control from the ‘bad guys’.
Its a strange coincidence that Q emerged after the 2014 phenomenon of Gamergate.
Flynn is compromised and following orders of Q team. He was trained in psyops by Aquino, so he’s dirty at best, a Satanist, at worst. He’s probably playing ball with Q, Trump, and the White Hats because they made him a deal many elites are taking: Play your role, Keep your legacy in tact, when the Plan is done, you go to Guantanomo or the rope or both
>>Progressives call for US to take in some of the expected 1 million Gaza refugees.
“Progressives” for the most part means Jews and their symps. Do they intentionally intend to turn the US into a Moslem controlled country? The American Christian church has become much too weak and wayward to resist such an onslaught.
This is what it means to be an allegedly free country controlled by a Jewish minority:
My disgust with the Judaeo-/Zionist/ Israel-Firster/so-called- Christians has reached new heights.
So called is actually being way too nice. At best they’re lost and need to repent and at worst they’re an oxymoron.
An article from Psychology Today June 2023 about gangstalking.
If this was discussed here previously, I missed it.
Excellent piece, thank you. Now I am wondering if Dr King’s heart aged 30 years from stress, or because they were microwaving him from the rooms next door.
Probably while him and his buddies were raping all of those women at the same time.
Because those are the stories which “leaked” out?
I don’t know King personally, but I think from stuff he said, he knew he was burning in, and he took the ride. He and I might disagree on a lot, but I can respect that. And I know how intel works. If he raped a woman, it is on tape, and probably on video, and it would be all over right now. That it is not, makes me think our common enemy was full of shit.
It is tough if you are normal. If you need any human connection in this game, it opens all sorts of door to them to engineer those meetings, to make it look like you are evil incarnate. Look at Assange. They plated him in that girl’s house, who I would have little doubt was one of them, and next thing you know, he is a “rapist.” I’ll bet he couldn’t have stopped her from jumping him.
I have seen a lot of their girls. The peak ones, are utterly harmless looking. There are some of their ethnics who are beyond model-tier. The best look like complete wife material. But all of them, inside, are total sharks. I think they raise them like that, and the cynicism which comes with the job finishes them off.
I am sure King was buried under them, and didn’t need to rape any girl. Everywhere he went, they were batting their eyes, and desperately trying to get him alone.
It is a different game out there, and nothing is what you are told. And when you see an enemy of the machine, especially one they murder, nothing you know about him may be the truth, no matter how much it looks like that little tidbit leaked out against all the people trying to keep it quiet.
In this war, by the fact they killed, him, no matter his political inclinations, I think King was on our side.
He was a communist.
He went to a communist training camp in Cuba.
He was no more on our side than the CCP is, he just happened to be an enemy of our enemies.
And if I remember right they did leak audio tapes of him and his friend raping at least one girl.
Anything that hasn’t leaked is probably being used to blackmail his living relatives.
Maybe he raped a girl. I don’t know. I do know he would have had surveillance girls throwing themselves at him, and very smart people trying to create a situation where a tape like that would come together. It would not surprise me his “friend” and the girl were sent in to get him in that position, and then act out the rape before he could figure out what was going on. Very tough to know what is real when intelligence operations are in the mix.
And I will say I am pro-Russian. When you have somebody zapping you at night, the enemies of your enemies can start to look very friendly. I am lucky in that I think Russia by and large is Christian, and the good guys, and Putin the old Judoka doesn’t hurt. But I can see how King, realizing the “Capitalists” were just the cover for Cabal to fuck him over in their never ending quest to control everyone, would look openly at the other side.
All I know is I think he knew they would kill him, and he set his jaw and did his thing regardless. That is a smaller club than our group here would make it seem.
He was in a tough spot, and burned in fighting the great evil.
I doubt I could ever find it again, but there was a video on Telegram earlier this year of Putin talking about how his mother baptized him under his hardline Communist dad’s nose. He teared up. It was genuine emotion. I firmly believe he is a devout Russian Orthodox Christian and our brother.
Plus, I’ve learned to save myself hours of research by doing and believing the opposite of what the “mainstream” says. If they say Putin bad, I assume him to be good.
Isn’t it the truth. They lie about everything.
I believe NOTHING I see or hear from the video screen.
King was so awful to women that the Memphis police wondered if one of the husband’s had killed him. King being a serial adulterer was not allowed out into respectable print media for decades.
Working class white policemen whom the media had vilified for years knew his victims. They had helped the women he had abused. The media had to smear all the law enforcement of the South, to hide the crimes of their favorites.
Imagine if Chicago police during Prohibition had been called antisemitic during their war on gangsters. Would you watch shows lionizing the men who brought down the Mobs?
Maybe. Look, if they wanted it, I think 95 percent of the people I have crossed paths with could tell you I have green skin and lizard pupils which I sideways blink as they dry out.
King overcame them. He built an audience. A massive one which changed history. I don’t know how bad it was back then, maybe he got lucky, and they didn’t notice him until later. But my instinct says, somebody noticed something about him when he was just a kid, and he got bubbled, just because as an adult he had that ability. They are good. They would notice.
Once you are bubbled, there is no reality. If everyone I know tells you I am a serial flasher, who exposed myself to everyone, and that story goes back – kids in my first grade class, say, “Yeah, when he was in our class, he exposed himself to the teacher…”, and you look at the class photo, and there they are, and there I am. Are they all lying? My best friend from Marital arts, who says sheepishly, “Yeah, he did do that a lot…” The kids in my college classes? My high school classmates? My parent’s friends? Because I can rattle off names of all of them who are in this thing. They bubbled me off from society before I started grade school, with friends of my parents. And from then on, wherever I went, they showed up, and flooded around me. I only got a respite in Martial arts because a couple of days after they sent a kid in after me, I broke his leg clean at the tibia, and I think no parent wanted to risk me crippling their kid by accident like a gaum. But they got in there later when I was 19, and one of their guys pushed all the right buttons, and I considered him my most trusted friend. And they are all just slaves to this thing. It tells them t burn me, They will burn me. They don’t want to wake up to a Havana warble in their ear.
King could have been a psycho. I don’t know. I just also know, he was enemies with a gaslighting operation the likes of which I still have trouble believing could exist, which runs networks of little girls they molest to get blackmail, and launches wars which kill our best young guys by the thousands. Would they lie about him? The only things I think I know about him 100 percent are, he was an enemy of this evil thing, he knew it would kill him, and he did not stop. He burned in, eyes wide open.
How not one of these victims you claim has ever come forward in the last 60 years?
You are spewing J Edgar Homosexual Hoover racist propaganda.
I think Malcolm X was actual opposition as well. Malcolm X was so transformed by his trip to Mecca he seemed to come back wondering who the real enemy was. It was Malcolm X who discovered on his own that Jews had owned 8 out of 10 slaves in the deep south and dominated the slave trade worldwide with the Dutch houses. I saw a letter where a Jewish organization warned him to “be careful” and think about the interests of his own people and not to publicize what he found in the New York library in plain sight. His last interview he was so conciliatory it didn’t sound like him at all. Shortly thereafter he was killed. Malcolm X had a million dollars a year in donations but Alex Haley said he himself had not bought a new pair of shoes for himself in ten years and his car was on loan from the church. I think Malcolm X was the real thing and that’s why they killed him. I can understand his rage, his father was beaten to death with hammers by racists in the deep south just as a lark coming home from work. I think his superior Muhammed whatever his name was turned out to be strictly FBI resource a couple years ago. Malcolm X was another one of those people who worked for shills but didn’t realize everything was fake and ghey.
JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X. They were the most visible of that critical turning point, which a commenter here pointed out featured a whole shitload of coups and assassinations globally as well, which were overshadowed by the Big Four.
“If I remember right?”
“They leaked an audio tape?”
Who the hell is “They”?
You speak the vague language of Satanic propagandists!
You are right to be suspicious about the leaked stories. I agree they are suspicious that they leaked when they did. Assuming that the tapes are real, what does that show? Also, a jew wrote some/all of his speeches, so that immediately makes him suspect, along with the holiday, streets named after him (which is a good indicator of a place to avoid), etc.
My view is that everyone at his level is promoted. If they go off the reservation, they are smoked or taken down. To me they are the same. The people who know about the conspiracy or benefit from the conspiracy are one in the same. They all need to be removed from the gene pool.
They killed the veteran who had his face blown off. They let this scum sucking pile of shit give speeches, a constant supply of poontang, and other bullshit.
This. King was a Communist pawn. every line he spoke what written by The Chosen tribe. He was paid in white poonanny by his Cabal masters
Unless it was a fake death he must have gotten on the bad side of some power group or other.
King was a total degenerate, but had enough charisma that communists in the U.S. knew they could sell him to the American public as a wedge to undermine legacy America’s authority… and it worked.
But King also started to think for himself, and when he started saying he was going to organize mass marches including millions of poor whites, and against military action in Vietnam, the establishment knew they had to pull the plug on him.
Bruce Lee and his Son died. I do wonder if the Lees also crossed the wrong people such that they exterminated his entire Patrilineal Lineage.
False accusation is the #1 tool of devils. FBI bugged and followed King 24/7, yet not one photo of him with any odd women or children!?
Joe Biden, Slick Willy on the other hand? There is no shortage of evidence/proof of there evils.
You are the False Accuser!
I dunno. King was a celebrity and, as most are, an attention whore. If he saw any gangstalkers, he would have figured it was just the recognition he was due.
FBI records have shown he was under surveillance by the FBI, who also sent him letters advising him to kill himself. And there was at least one attempt to murder him, when a supposedly random woman in New York stabbed him. He was also under treatment for depression, and a borderline, if not full, alcoholic. I don’t think they needed microwaves; sooner or later the husband of one of his many extramarital conquests would probably have ventilated him.
Which makes his murder even more puzzling; if you look up the details, it looks like a cross between “The X Files” and “The Jerry Springer Show.” Even King’s own family outright rejects the idea that James Earl Ray was his killer.
The interesting thing was, if he was shot through the neck, I believe with a 30/06, that bullet would have created a trajectory path in the walls behind him in the motel. They never bulldozed that motel, like they do most scenes. They turned it into a museum, IIRC. So even today you could go down there with a dowel rod and a laser taped to it, and see just where that bullet came from. But as with these mysteries, nobody credible ever does.
J Edgar Hoover personally wrote King letters telling him to KYS.
I like how he concludes that illegal surveillance is a legitimate form of state terrorism. I am suprised they published this.
I was too. I happened on the Wikipedia page for electronic harassment, and the entire page is about how it is a psychological delusion by nuts who imagine they are being followed, the science has proven that conclusively, and no mention of Havana syndrome.
> Department of Defense consultant says that the United States Space Force has proof that the 2020 election was stolen, but that the information was withheld in order to avoid the outbreak of civil war.
And what about the vaunted Cyber Command, who claimed they had tracked internet connections from some voting machines to servers in Europe?
Not a peep about that, lately…
Avoid the outbreak of civil war? The Space Force sided with overthrow of the Constitution: they were part and parcel of the civil war.
AC, I hate to ask questions, but, I’ve been reading for right at one year now and you bring up things I have never heard tell of. What is “the 4chan prophecy?”
One of those things somebody posted, which at the time nobody knew what to make of, but which later seemed to keep bearing out.
There were Iranians in America when Iran fell to Khomeini. The ones in America were wealthy and well educated. When Bush took on Iraq, America accepted Iraqi refugees. They were poor and not as well- educated. American Jews are generally wealthy and well- educated. I think they thought the Iraqi immigrants would be as easy to ignore as the Iranian immigrants.
The Iraqi Muslim immigrants were poor. They moved into housing projects, or cheap apartments. They had children who went to public schools. There are more public school students than East Coast private school students.
The Muslim Iraqis have been here 20 years. Their children go to community college. They sit next to the poor children who would enlist in the military. These children are the low level employees of everywhere. They aspire to be night watchmen, then up to policemen, or teacher’s aides, and then maybe up to public school teachers. They are stock clerks at budget mass companies, not majority stakeholders. They are invisible to the high and mighty.
The white children who would go into the military are classmates with these kids. They are not classmates with wealthier, more powerful, more connected, Jewish kids who expect to go to Ivy League schools. Also, demographics: how many young Jewish kids are there, these days? There’s a bunch of Muslim kids.
There’s an incredible disconnect, when I walk around. The twangy, low school voices aren’t baying for blood the way they did in any other war we’ve had in the last fifty years. The media voices sound the same- War, more War- but the people who would enlist or be drafted- they are not going to fight against their classmates.
I’m curious, too, about the skin color disconnect. The Mexican kids have the same light brown skin and dark hair, and same emphasis on family. I’ve seen intermarriages that work. I’m not sure a blue-eyed Netanyahu is the least bit persuasive to these families, nor is a blue-eyed Biden.
If blue eyes are not persuasive, why do brown women wear contacts and blonde wigs?
I’m just reporting what I’m seeing. When you get to a majority, poor Hispanic neighborhood, you are seeing brunettes. I’m not talking about Argentine ladies who lunch. I’m talking about government housing, foodstamps, title -whatever number- schools. Poor kids.
There are poor Muslim kids at the public pool. They swim in full body swimsuits. The fundamentalist kids- same big families- wear modest swimsuits, too. This isn’t Instagram Brazilian bikini territory. They both like barbecue, but different side dishes. When they get old enough, they debate, and they both bring up Jesus is a good guy in their book of faith.
When I’m walking past men, who are working their jobs, talking about the latest middle eastern war, they aren’t immediately going to Zionist talking points. They are debating logically. It’s not slogans, not Zionist, not American triumphalist, not Palestinian grievances.
I don’t know how it sorts out, but whatever it is, it is not Boomer television talking points or gleeful warmongering.
Fashion. Certain colors only look good with certain colorations. Many women will go through extreme lengths to be fashionable. A lot of clothes are geared toward blue-eyed blondes, so women will change their coloration so they can wear them.
Vox Day writes: “We live in a post-ideological age. Left and Right never made much sense anyhow, but now it is entirely irrelevant in the WWIII environment.”
In one way true, but not. The Leftist/Marxist academia messed up the definitions of “Left/Right”, but not us Catholics; that dichotomy is still strong, valid for us–there are 5000 French Catholic monarchists in France and they are still rightists.
As I explain in my article, Hitler was a Leftist; Nazism was Leftist The Nazis were Leftists, always will be! That is an historical fact.
Another side of the Left/Right political spectrum is that all leftists are Gnostics and vice-a-versa! “Leftism” is just another word for Gnosticism. All Leftists are gnostics. There are two types of democracy, ideological democracy and process democracy. Ideological democracy which is leveling and enforces egalitarianism is the manifestation of gnosticism; moreover, the utopianism is also gnostic. We do not live in a “post-ideological age” because the anti-racism schtick is still going strong; the anti-racism agitprop is Utopianism, is “immanentizing the eschaton”.
So, no, the Left/Right dichotomy is true; it is tied to actual historical events and will never end because Gnostics will always exist!
As Alexander Dugin points out in the rebuilding of the Third Temple which is the goal of M’Israel and Protestant Americans–that is “immanentizing the eschaton” which is in essence ideological. The Gaza War of 2023 is both Tribal and Ideological! The Gaza War has both Two different Tribes, AND two different religions, each with millenarist goals. Jewish Messianism is still valid–they are going to do stuff to call down their “messaich” just as Dugin points out.
Interesting. Can you elaborate on Process Democracy vs. Ideological Democracy?
From Vox Day

Not related to any article today, but looping back to the vehicle operations cabal runs on the highways.
I’ve noticed it’s significantly easier to spot surveillance/operators doing stuff to other people than it is to spot your own units, and a great way to see this is to look across the median on highways.
I used to have a short-ish distance commute years ago that took over an hour because there was always one off-ramp that clogged up the entire highway right after crossing a bridge. I no longer work that job, but happened to be traveling the opposite direction past that off-ramp during rush hour and saw the cabal time waster bots live in action. Multiple cars going up the ramp would come to a full stop at the bottom, let the car ahead of them get 100+ yards forward, then accelerate to catch up. The next car would wait until the previous car was ~100 yards up the ramp, then go. Repeat.
Obviously inorganic traffic behavior for people in rush hour just trying to go home, and totally invisible to the hundreds of cars stuck in line with blocked line of sight over a bridge behind these cretins, and something I only now discovered years after the fact.
I’ve also been able to spot the cars sitting and waiting for minutes at an intersection for a target to roll up, and only then do they drive.
Looking out for your fellow targets having ops run on them might be a key to exposing the cabal systems to some people.
Fascinating insight! Thank you for that.
Just think how much better the economy alone would be without the resources they waste themselves, let alone those they make us waste or the productivity we are drained of.
“I no longer work that job, but happened to be traveling the opposite direction past that off-ramp during rush hour and saw the cabal time waster bots live in action. Multiple cars going up the ramp would come to a full stop at the bottom, let the car ahead of them get 100+ yards forward, then accelerate to catch up. The next car would wait until the previous car was ~100 yards up the ramp, then go. Repeat.”
This needs some clarity. I can’t visualize this. What’s “up the ramp” and then “full stop at the bottom.”
I have long believed, even when I was younger, that traffic was not organic.
Not the op but it sounds like the highway was lower than the surrounding area, and to get off, you would go up a ramp off the side of the highway to exit. So on the opposite side, he saw at the exit, instead of hitting the gas to build up steam and fly up the incline and get off the highway, cars stopped at the bottom, and then slowly revved their engines and crawled up the incline trying to accelerate against gravity. As a result, a line built up, traffic slowed down, and people in the next lane over who didn’t make it into the line would stop cold in the middle lane to try and get in, and all the people in the back had no idea car after car was stopping at the bottom of the ramp. THey just saw traffic jam up.
This is correct, sorry for lack of clarity in my original post
also, it’s utter bullshit. “was traveling the opposite direction” means he’s on the right-hand side of {presumably} a divided highway/freeway since Americans drive on the right. right?
now picture it: how is someone on the right-hand side of a freeway able to see “the bottom of” ‘an elevated on-ramp’ that, unless he’s speaking of old, rickety specific freeways with wonky onramps in eastern big cities like NYC or Philly {and if he was he’d have mentioned it. yankees can’t help themselves about that shit) then the “ramp to enter the freeway” is on THE OTHER SIDE OF that freeway. AT THE BOTTOM. so how does a guy traveling at the top of the other side of an elevated freeway see it? how does he do that? hmm?
utter bullshit 2: I have over 30 years of driving/commuting experience, in lots and lots of big cities. well over a million miles behind the wheel. I have never seen a ‘slow-rolling blockade’ on a freeway on-ramp, much less one that’s there doing that shit “always.” have any of you??
I can picture what he describes seeing perfectly, in the highways around me. You look off to the left, and as you pass, there is a gradual slope upward, which either loops back on a clover leaf, or goes straight, usually to a service highway which parallels the real highway, but has stop lights at every crossover, which allows you to turn left or right and head 90 degrees to the main highway.
It hit me because there was a highway I took, and there was one exit which was always backed down. You came up on it, and everything slowed to a crawl until you passed it, and everybody just took off. I wondered a few times, why is that always backed down?
I can think of another too, more recently, where I said to a relative it must slow down because it was the end of that phase of coverage, and all my cars were flooding to the offramp as the new cars got on at the next on ramp, and that was causing the jam. But now I wonder, because they all should have just cruised off onto the other highway. It was not some serpentine off ramp you had to slow down on.
I can say, 100 percent, I was in a constructed traffic jam. I stopped, pulled off the side of the road, and in about two minutes flat, the highway was fully open, and I could have driven as fast as I wanted. I think they were trying to keep me from doing the site here that day, by trapping me in traffic for hours.
It will be a scenario they use. The only question is, do they do it just with select people, or is it part of a broader strategy to waste everyone’s time.
Plus, you saw I posted this, and somebody immediately found a video of a car causing a traffic jam, and it only had one headlight on, which is a signal surveillance uses when operating, maybe to warn cops who are in the club to stay away from them, because they are not a civilian, but are rather domestic intel, on the clock. It is not 100 percent, but it is enough you have to ask, what are the chances of that.
It may be more common than we think.
Right. That’s like an on-ramp to a highway overpass.
It doesn’t end here.
Kim Clement: Last Prophetic Word Over America
Mark 10:27
“And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”
King James Version (KJV)
There is no call to repentance, to come out of the Babylonian church, and no call to get out from under false preachers and their congregations with their LBQ+ flags proudly displayed.
Feel good prophecy is not from God. In this time, we Christians will have to endure the destruction of their society, persecution, and economic hardship.
We must pray to be clear in our understanding and clear in the way we are to walk in the midst of this destruction.
Lake City is one of the biggest manufacturers of AR-15 ammo in the US. I have a few thousand rounds of their 5.56 stashed away here. It’s all over my gun circles that they just announced a total, immediate stop to all civilians sales of AR ammo. It’s all military orders, now.
Gotta send it all to Israel.
Or replace what’s already been sent.
Here’s more information:
Fortunately, I have plenty of 7.62×39 and godless commie rifles that use it.
Re: the expected cull rate from the vax.
My estimate as an “over-under” is 10% of the vaxxed dead or seriously injured / disabled within 5 years. Karl Denninger has recently moved his lower bound on D&D to 4-5%, with a centroid around 5-6%.
Some progress is being made on treatment (fasting, NAC, natto, bromelain, etc, such as here ).
We do what we can, and pray for the rest, I guess.
Re: while the Third Temple is built
One thing anyone who is a Christian needs to consider is that Israel building a third temple makes them antichrist. It is a cut and dry declaration. There is no equivocation in this.
Then what about Malachi?
Chapter 3
1 Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap:
3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness.
4 Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years.
5 And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers, and against the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherless, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts.
6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
7 Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return?
8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.
13 Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee?
14 Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts?
15 And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.
16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
17 And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.
Ms. Lube Rack
So when all the hard core rappers brag about being hard, it means they were getting it hard up their rear end.
Blind Items Revealed #2October 6, 2023
The half dollar rapper is complaining about the wannabe A list rapper’s parties, but his parties are exactly the same. Lots of hugging from both the front and back.
50 Cent/Sean Combs
Kim Clement – No World War Yet!
Louis Rossmann: “Roast me, I spent almost $10000 on a bed. Will I still look like a raccoon in a month?”
Louis Rossmann got a $10k bed because it turns out he hasn’t been sleeping properly. He’s a prime candidate for getting DEW’d. He’s intelligent, ambitious, capable, truth-seeking, no-bullshit, and he’s a fighter. Curious to see if his posting the video in and of itself improves his sleep because his coverage will beam him less. We’ll see in a month.
I think it is like that a lot more than we think possible. I felt the vibrations when I was like 20 or 21. I had no idea what it could have been, and ended up telling myself I must have had a seizure in a sensory part of the brain which affected nothing else, but which created that sensation of vibration in my legs as I laid in bed.
And at 20, I was a goof. They saw something, and granted in the end they were right and I metamorphized into a pain in the ass. But back then I cannot imagine what they saw. I was just a goof who wanted to pull triggers and fight, with no other focus.
Iron Beam = Bullshit?
Very interesting:

Just what god is the good general praying too?
I guess we can correctly think the Israeli army is far bigger than we thought it was.
Even the servers where the military send unclassified emails are somewhat secure and disconnected from normal civilian servers, so I’m not sure how one from a general leaks out to some internet blogger in three days. Someone would have to print it out and walk it to a friendly media source.
I looked up Daniel Hokansen, and found out that he indeed is the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, and a four star general. Normally, generals at lower ranks would have in their signature line “BG”, “MG”, and “LTG”, they would abbreviate their ranks, and not spell out “General”. Maybe four stars spell out “General”, but I would expect “GEN” or something ike that to be used instead. I would expect more formality than starting the email with “Hey”, but I have more first hand knowledge.
There is no particular reason for the Chief of the National Guard Bureau to be talking directly to CENTCOM, but maybe he got the information from a briefing they both intended. But if that was the case the briefing would be highly classified, and not discussed in the unclassified email system. And they wouldn’t be looking to send National Guard troops to the Middle East within days of some crisis starting, though I guess things might work differently in Clown World.
You are probably correct, but is it possible there is a secondary, less formal communication system, outside official systems, which are used by members of the Secret Society to coordinate outside of channels? Maybe even a private messaging system in civilian land, where they talk off the books, as if friends and not in an official capacity?
I mean everybody from Obama to Hillary to Biden are communicating off the books, often even with aliases?
Military unclassified emails run through Microsoft Exchange servers, either in a data center or in the Microsoft 365 cloud. CENTCOM has the same configuration. SIPR still uses Exchange servers, but on a classified network that is isolated. I don’t know shit about JWICS network architecture, but I assume it’s the same thing.
I imagine they’re not enthusiastic about fighting for Ukraine, either.
Given what the US military has become, I’m not sure why anyone would sign up in the first place.
Egypt Mulls Allowing Refugees Entry As Over 600,000 Gazans Move South; FBI Warns Of Hamas Attacks On US Soil
Was this Planed? Ammo Manufacturer Plant Explosion Leaves Many Worried

Or, she was specifically sent in to keep him corralled and contained.
Look at those nasal lines
Dead eyes
Kind of a Demoniacal visage yikes!
Portland financier guns down man in road-rage fit, then shoots bystander filming murder
GMTA. Just had it in the brief.
“Epstein victim who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell has died—and her family wants answers. Could be as it seems, but in these situations, it will not be unusual for the asset who is in position to do the most damage to you to be the person you trust the most.”
Every single Kevin Spacey accuser has died.
Sorry not every single one but 3 have already died: