Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Lowell has a new Boot Strappy – The State of My CNC. It is a process and it is the destination, and not the journey.
Sidney Powell reveals U.S. government patents enabling election fraud, saying, “Your votes have been stolen with computer algorithms since 2000.” And before that, phone company trucks were pulling up to telephone polls, and catching the modem transfers from the polling stations, and sending out their own with new results, spoofing the polling stations.
Poll shows, a majority of voters believe ‘cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election.’
Someone is tampering with Ghislaine Maxwell’s mail she’s getting in prison.
January 6 panel moves to hold Steve Bannon in criminal contempt.
Postal worker supposedly killed by his girlfriend in Colorado. Add it to three killed in Memphis, and another in Georgia, and eight killed in a Fed Ex Facility in Indianapolis. It could be coincidence, but all of these organizations would be involved in voter fraud, and shipping ballots.
Biden Commission on packing the Supreme Court splits on the benefit of packing the Court. They wrote favorably of imposing term limits, however.
Twitter is being sued for letting Saudi spies inside the company.
Vox Day notes a reader in a small town says the priest is noticing a lot more funerals among younger, healthier people. This has been noted by readers in our comments as well in their localities. If you stop and think, Q’s objective was to get people to stop following the stars of Cabal, and to think for themselves. How better to do that than to reveal the stars tricked everyone into taking a potential death-shot, simply to fuel big pharma’s bankroll. Plus it will degrade those who follow the stars most aggressively, eliminating an element which is a very real asset to our enemy.
Vox Day notes, car accidents are up, even though people are driving less. If this is cognitive decline due to the vax (I tend to lean that way, given it appears the systemic inflammatory response from even the more harmless vaccines can trigger micro-clotting that can actually leave children googly-eye’d), these car accidents will be just the tip of the iceberg. Brain deterioration that leads to dementia begins much earlier than anyone thinks, based on very small deviations in blood flow that are still seen as normal. Noticeable brain deterioration this quickly means a process has been ignited which will progress over time, even in those not noticeably affected now.
British funeral director John O’Looney says deaths skyrocketed ‘300%’ after the Covid vaccine rollout – “I’ve never seen a death rate like it in 15 years.” ““about 65 professionals from within the industry in various positions” have approached him with similar stories about the nature of the dead arriving at funeral homes. From the article: “O’Looney said that the calls made to his funeral home soared, going up “300 percent”… “Initially, [the deaths were] all exclusively care homes,” O’Looney said. But after the roll out of the mRNA injection, the deaths were no longer exclusively from nursing homes, and the ages of the dead varied significantly… I’ve got a 32-year-old, a 33-year-old and a 28-year-old in my care at the moment,” O’Looney explained as an example. “They’re all jab recipients and they all died unexpectedly and suddenly… The majority of deaths appear to be blood clots (heart attack and stroke) and organ failure, O’Looney said. He described one woman who passed away who was “in her fifties” without health issues, and “super fit” who “goes to the gym every day, runs six kilometers”. The funeral director said that the woman was given a booster and “died of liver failure the following week.”
A “Super Cold” in the UK spreads as ADE caused by the Vaxx is covered up.
A video, the salient point of which is, after being taken out by a blood clot and suffering other debilitating effects, NBA Star Brandon Wilson says, “The vaccine ended my season, 1000 percent,” and, “The Hawks told me not say anything about it, not to tell anybody.”
White House tells states to prepare for Covid vaccinations in young children.
Chicago Police Union to defy the City’s vaccine mandate and dare the city to enforce it.
Nike Jordan chairman Larry Miller, 72, a former NBA executive, reveals he murdered an innocent teen when he was a gang member in 1965 and served time in jail, and has kept it secret from Michael Jordan and the sports giant until now. He was a gang member, and now he occupies a high level position in the machine. I can’t say there is no way this is innocent, but gangs like MS-13 today do appear to be under Cabal protection from what I have seen firsthand, their members appear to be used as assets in things like the Seth Rich murder, we have long heard rumors of an alliance between the CIA and the Mafia in everything from attacks on Castro to the JFK assassination, and I have a deep feeling you would never have been chosen to occupy a position like this guy was. Plus, they say there is no place in the world with a covert informant density like a prison – although I would bet around me, in my life, was probably close for some reason.
#EmptyShelvesJoe is trending on Twitter amid Biden’s supply chain crisis.
State looks to block defense in Rittenhouse case from referring to shot men as “looters.”
US announces additional support for Lebanon’s army as violence rocks Beirut.
White House quietly removes sanctions on Iranian missile companies.
Norway Bow and Arrow killer was a convert to Islam.
Iran threatens ‘harsh response’ after alleged Israeli airstrike in Syria.
US Army showcasing robot dogs with rifles for heads.
Artist replaces Jesus and Mary with two nude men for a homo-erotic pieta in a Roman Basilica. Along those lines, (I’m not about to waste time looking for a link, you can google Daniel Craig gay bar), but I saw Daniel Craig, the current James Bond, gave a long winded explanation that he has always frequented gay bars from the time he was young, because he likes the fact they are free of the testosterone in regular bars, where he always got into fights and brawls, plus girls go to gay bars, and so he had an ulterior motive in going there, because he is so into women. The reason for the whole exposition was, he was seen in a photo kissing another man in a gay bar. He explained that was just him and the guy joking around, they had been hanging out as bros and were having a little fun pretending to be be gay. In a gay bar. I could care less about him, but all those people who went to Hollywood and threw their lives away trying to win big, thinking if they just were a good enough actor their ship would sail… Hollywood anon knew. Nothing worked like you thought, and the idea you could do it too, was just to keep you copacetic.
Former President Bill Clinton hospitalized with an infection. Reports are he has sepsis and has responded well after two days of antibiotics. Was he vaxxed, and his immune system crushed? Then again he has looked like death warmed over for a while.
Liberal Justice Kagan and conservative Kavanaugh breach protocol and verbally clash over his questioning of her argument during SCOTUS hearing for the Boston Bomber’s death penalty. The more they fight and hate each other the more our majority will get entrenched – the more the better.
Gun sales continue trend to second highest year in NICS data in September, 2021.
Biden administration plans to restart Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy at border in mid-November.
Trump smacks down vaccine mandates, and promotes ‘natural immunity’ on Fox News.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
How come the Fake News Media doesn’t talk about Afghanistan anymore?
Mark Meadows, our great Chief of Staff during some very exciting White House years, has written a new book entitled The Chief’s Chief. It is available for pre-order now, and doing really well. If you want to learn about politics, truth, our great administration, and exciting achievements that took place in government, pre-order your copy now. Remember, there has never been an administration like ours. We did things that no other administration even thought they could do. The Chief’s Chief would make an incredible Christmas present, and with United States supply lines totally dead, and with thousands of ships having no way of unloading because of incompetent leadership, you will have no other thing you can buy anyway. Seriously, it’s a fantastic book, and Mark Meadows and his wonderful wife Debbie are great people. Order here.
America First Legal, founded by Stephen Miller and Mark Meadows, is leading the legal charge against the Biden Administration’s lawless assault on our citizens, our freedoms, our borders, and our treasured way of life. Please support America First Legal and the critical work they are doing to stand up for our Country, which is under siege.
Today, the highly respected Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, is having an event on the big findings from the Arizona Audit. He has invited the RINOs on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors to participate. If they have nothing to hide, and if this was the “most secure election” in history, they would show up and answer the many questions raised by the audit, like how there were over 17,000 duplicate mail-in ballots and why they poured in after Election Day, how there were over 6,000 more ballots than there were envelopes, or why some were stamped “verified and approved,” even though they had no signature, which is against the law.
Maricopa County has refused to answer these questions (and so much more!), and instead “shoots the messenger.” Tune in to Dr. Shiva’s open forum from 12-4PM EDT. We must fix our elections to save our Country!
These massive irregularities and corruption are now in the hands of the Attorney General Mark Brnovich of Arizona. Everybody knows what the right answer is, both in Arizona and other places!
Invite other people to because if it walks like a duck…
Hey, lookit at. Right on schedule. The narrative seeds are being planted to exonerate Trump and allow him to pass the blame for the vaxx just in time for the audits to provide the ammo to decertify the 2020 election.
HHS Senior COVID Advisor Says Trump Was Misled On Vaccines
Was just going to say, just as Lowell predicted. Nice call brother!
Really though, refreshing to finally hear President Trump come out against these mandates.
“Someone is tampering with Ghislaine Maxwell’s mail she’s getting in prison.”
All prisoner mail is read before given to prisoners. Especially high value prisoners. They don’t worry so much if your in for drunken and disorderly, but if you are a multimillion dollar type? Your mail, your phone calls, and your visitors will X-rayed and micro-scoped.
“Under a new settlement with the government, Andrew McCabe, 53, will be able to officially retire, receive his pension and other benefits, and get about $200,000 in missed pension payments.”
Tis what happens when your guys are controlling the White House and DOJ. Once again, they all live happily ever after. F**K WHATCHA HEARD! CRIME PAYS WHEN YOU ARE ON THE INSIDE.
What if McCabe made a deal to spill the beans in exchange for his pension?
What if? What if aliens attacked the earth tomorrow? Why would McCabe need to make any deals when his co-conspirators are controlling DOJ, FBI, POTUS, SCOTUS, 3/4 of US Congress, etc.?
Sleaze bag Jim Comey is still running around with million$ in ill gotten gains. The is a criminal enterprise. The only people who go to jail and go broke are those who helped #45.
“Biden Commission on packing the Supreme Court splits on the benefit of packing the Court. They wrote favorably of imposing term limits, however.”
The people of Texas and most other states have nothing in common with this Blue-Blood SCOTUS. Nor anything else in Imperial Washington. The proper response is SECESSION.
But it is not going to be like 1861. The dynamics are completely different. Imperial Washington is run by whores and homosexuals who are total incompetent at the machinations of war.
Just like Texas had to fight to free themselves from CORRUPT MEXICO CITY they will now have to fight to free themselves from CORRUPT IMPERIAL WASHINGTON.
My favorite quote from a revolutionary after the war was when a historian asked what Texans were really fighting for. He said, “Some were fighting for independence, some were fighting for the constitution of 1821, and some were just fighting because it was a row.”
I might be in that third category at this point.
Willing to bet Scots-Irish were a large share of that third category.
I would not take the other side of that bet.
And just like the first War to Free the Republic of Texas… in the upcoming War to Free the Republic of Texas 100s of thousands of volunteers will be coming. And not just from Tennessee.
Agreed. I have roots where I am, but would still fight to free Texas. Hope they deport all the invaders and commies if they succeed.
That said…Hawaii? Those islands are full of communists, faggots and whores. Decent people don’t stand a chance, there.
“A video, the salient point of which is, after being taken out by a blood clot and suffering other debilitating effects, NBA Star Brandon Wilson says, “The vaccine ended my season, 1000 percent,” and, “The Hawks told me not say anything about it, not to tell anybody.””
The question now is are the Hawks and the NBA now liable for the financial loss and medical costs because they mandated the cause of damage/injury?
AC, yesterday you commented on how we may have cemented “The Cabal” terminology here on your site. These Cabal bastards have survived and thrived on their cloak of invisibility. Unseen and unnamed they remain untouchable. By fixing a name on them we have identified them. We can jointly link the insights of our network to out this thing and we have achieved a very real win. Sticking to this one term is important – rather than allowing the worm-tongues to diffuse it with “Deep State” or TPTB, etc – because it reinforces that our enemy is identified and no longer invisible.
Though I like the term Cabal, and even Trump has used it to describe the crew pulling Biden’s strings, terms like Deep State are literally accurate and perfectly descriptive.
I agree Deep State is accurate and descriptive. The problem is it is a term that allows normies to imagine the real power is held by no more than a bunch of over ambitious bureaucrats. Probably church-going, country club guys not much different than their own mediocrely ambitious selves.
The reality is these deep state assets are controlled hook, line and sinker by a much deeper, darker, power we call the Cabal. This war will not be won until most normies see the omnipresent surveillance for what it is and understand that it’s ultimately directed by the Cabal. Until then, of course, all Cabal’s MSM, political, academic etc assets will continue to ridicule the crazy conspiracy theory terminology we use. Look at all the insidious, sick normalization these assholes continually subject us to. It’s time we turn the tables and normalize “Cabal”.
I tend to use deepstate/cabal in order to identify that they arent all in the government
are the ones behind these three companies:
Someone else has done the legwork on Vanguard.
Everyone save it:
“A twitter video says the Seattle Port is not operating any cranes, and this is the reason for the shortage.”
The 1973 Oil Embargo was a hoax committed to raise the price crude oil products: gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel, etc. This appears to be the exact same thing: A HOAX TO RAISE PRICES.
When the US was on a gold standard, the Arabs traded oil at the ratio of 15 barrels for 1 gold coin.
When Nixon took America off the gold standard, the dollar-price of gold skyrocketed from $35/oz to $140/oz, the Arabs simply repriced their oil, from $2.25 a barrel to $10 a barrel.
There was no embargo. There was a simply a change in the price of oil reflecting the change in the value of the dollar.
IOW, price of oil was supply driven.
In the case of the ports, China is clearly preparing for war. Keeping the cargo ships anchored and concocting a story about labor shortages looks better than row after row of empty cargo ships inexplicably docked for long periods of time.
“Father is suing woke Loudoun County after his 15-year-old daughter was ‘raped’ in a ‘gender-fluid’ girls’ bathroom by a ‘skirt-wearing male student’ – only for cops to arrest him after he complained at school board meeting.”
What kind of cops would carry such an order? Nazis? Bolsheviki?
In fairness, he fought with them when they had to remove him on orders of who owned the property, and they didn’t arrest him.
AC, there was a time in this country, not that long ago, when the cops would have made a silent pact to make life “difficult” for that trans rapist and his family, insuring that the kid and his family understood that if they crossed any lines, they would not like the results.
Now, the cops make life difficult for angry and grieving parents who get kicked out of school board meetings.
I know through second hand family experience that police in NYC back in the 60’s and 70’s would take criminal sexual deviants for an unofficial ride to the industrial wastelands of Queens or the Bronx and beat them within an inch of their lives, with the understanding that if they ever caught them again they would get killed and dumped in the East river.
Historically, police protected their communities in various unofficial capacities, and until the 60’s, I know men in the city I grew up in would also put the smackdown on local miscreants with unofficial police approval.
Something shifted in the last 40 years as Cabal has made it significantly more difficult for men to unofficially police their own communities, or for the police to exercise some extra judicial enforcement.
Now, everyone walks on eggshells around gangs and criminals.
Anarcho-tyranny in action.
The victim’s father also needs to do the right thing. Why is he content with verbally protesting? The tranny rapist just gave him the green light.
A TIME TO KILL – Book – John Grisham
Movie – Matthew McConnaughey, Samuel Jackson
The switch was when cops stopped being actual local citizens doing a job for the good of their people and became either planted intel operatives or foreign nationals with no allegiance to the local people or customs (but I repeat myself).
Too bad Rudy Giuliani tough on crime doesn’t include capital punishment for capital crimes like murder.
Emptier prisons. Lower crime. What’s not to like.
You carry out Bolshevik orders YOU ARE A BOLSHEVIK.
Cops are always going to follow the pension and the paycheck, and in most places that means doing evil on command.
I’m of the opinion that the top of the pyramid Cabal families are basically incognito. Over time, on an evolutionary model, logic suggests wealth would coalesce into the hands of the most hidden power. This German tv documentary about the “super rich” has some subtle hints about the Cabal as it describes Manager magazine’s annual richest Germans list. The editor says:
“The super-rich try to go unnoticed. Sometimes they even try to hide. There are no photos of several people on our list. You won’t find a single picture if you go online and Google them. There hasn’t been a photo of the Reimanns, Germany’s richest family, for decades.”
Christian von Bechtolsheim, a money manager profiled in the doc, is described as an indirect Fugger descendant. The Fuggers were the richest family in Europe and dominated the 15th-17th centuries. Somehow they acquired much of the Medici wealth from the earlier Renaissance period. Presumably, the Rothschilds subsequently acquired much of the Fugger wealth to dominate the 18th-21st centuries.
I did not know that the Fuggers were originally the Fuckers – no joke:
“The last name was originally spelled “Fucker” – the first recorded reference to the family comes when Johann’s son, also named Johann (or Hans), moves to Augsburg in 1367, with the local tax register laconically noting Fucker advenit, “Fugger has arrived”.”
There’s a whiff of sulphur – something satanic – about that “Fucker advenit”. Adds an entirely new meaning to the phrase “Get fucked.”
The same principal applies to several other European nations like Italy, France and Switzerland.
There are several ancient dynasties in Italy, some with traceable connections to ancient Roman patrician lineages, that hold a great deal of sway over the Vatican as well as both Italian and Swiss banking.
Their names are never mentioned in American or English speaking media, but they get some coverage in Eastern European media.
They are called the Black nobility, but there are several family lines not covered by that designation.
France and Switzerland also have dynasties like that, though not as ancient as the Roman families.
These folks, along with relative newcomers like the Rothschilds, own and run the Western and Southern hemisphere, and exert great influence over much of the East as well.
The problem is that these people, even once you know their names, hide behind several layers of protective cover, making it almost impossible to reach them directly, as if our whole political and financial systems operate around them without touching them.
This historical origin stuff is equal parts fascinating and infuriating. The Miles Mathis Committee had an interesting read recently on Julius Caesar and the Romans. Yes, he says they’re fucking Phoenicians too…
Phoenicians went everywhere and left their DNA. That includes England. So when guys like Mathis use ill defined terminology, anybody could be a Phoenician, including people named Mathis.
Many Grahams and Websters in England have middle eastern Y-dna, from the J1 group, from a close co-line with Arabs and Kohen Jews. That had to be from Phoenicians, or an ancient Semetic group that merged with the Phoenicians.
We also see the main Phoenician/Babylonian branch, J2a, another middle eastern group in many Europeans and Jews.
These groups are common in British surnamed Montgomery, Curtin and Affleck.
These are the keys to the Kingdom guys. Study this stuff. But to the point, everyone descends from a Phoenician at some point. That includes British, German, Irish, Scandinavian and Russian people. It’s probably the male lineages, and more likely the psycho genes that count with the Cabalite “Phoenicians/ Babylonians”.
Apparently, I am descended from an ape.
I am led to believe that he was a very handsome and virile sob.
wets, muslims, somalis/hatiains, blacks… are all retail level threats. that is who we are more likely to run into. regular crimes. they were brought here by the wholesale level threat. as in (((they)))) can get it for you wholesale. we are living thru a long running replay of the events of spain 711.
I get the feeling we’re living through that same movie or its lame sequels every couple of centuries going back to Rome or further.
>Norway Bow and Arrow killer was a convert to Islam.
Knowing what we know now about how most of these attack’s tend to be ops, whether MKULtra or whatever, it makes me wonder how much islamic terrorism in the west is really because of islam. And how much is a set up with MIddle eastern muslims as the patsy.
In general, I do think dune coons are more likely to be low-level criminal in reality. Rape, murder, beatings, just the general crime rate is going to increase when you get more of them because of racial characteristics. A lot of that isn’t even ever reported and you have to look at stats after the fact.
But the big shit, like 9/11, is op all the way. Who, I wonder, benefits from thinking a bunch of low-iq, semi bestial arabs are by themselves capable of these complex operations?
It’s probably ALL of it, but there’s a caveat – polygamy always results in a surplus of young men who will never marry. As a polygamous civilization, Islam has a built-in mechanism for generating a continuous supply of cannon fodder to be used by whoever is willing to pay them. Until the US got involved in the 19th century, Europe was under constant threat from Islamic pirates and slave traders, because what else were they going to do? Of course they take sex-slaves, they can’t get a wife among their own people because the surplus women have been acquired by men of means. Such men tend not to benefit their own societies. This is why jihad has been constant since Muhammed began his conquest, and why they think nothing of throwing away their own warriors – every generation has a built-in supply of losers to send forth, and if they succeed, great, if not then at least they weren’t around to cause problems at home.
That leaves a ready supply of cannon fodder for Cabal to use.
Importing mudslimes provides them with easy programming subjects and a great cover story.
They had to patsy the Muslims to distract you from the reality that you and the average Muslim would be absolute bros and would agree on just about everything re: getting rid of this whole degenerate fucked up system.
Right up until the mudslimes wanted to impose their own degenerate 3rd world system.
Thanks to Vox Day, yet again, for providing us insight and context on the real issues in China:
He links to and quotes from a fascinating article about one of Xi Jinping’s principal advisors, Wang Huning. At that link ( we read Wang visited America and notes:
“the “unstoppable undercurrent of crisis” he identified in America seems to have successfully jumped the Pacific. Despite all his and Xi’s success in draconian suppression of political liberalism, many of the same problems Wang observed in America have nonetheless emerged to ravage China over the last decade as the country progressively embraced a more neoliberal capitalist economic model…
Xi has found himself, like Wang, “repulsed by the all-encompassing commercialization of Chinese society, with its attendant nouveaux riches, official corruption, loss of values, dignity, and self-respect, and such ‘moral evils’ as drugs and prostitution.” Wang has now seemingly convinced Xi that they have no choice but to take drastic action to head off existential threats to social order being generated by Western-style economic and cultural liberal-capitalism—threats nearly identical to those that scourge the U.S.”
Xi’s recent crackdown on tech companies, celebrities, feminization of males, LGBTQ-worship, etc is a response to the warfare waged on China in recent years and mirrors Trumps fight in America, and Putin’s in Russia. What the articles don’t identify is the very real Invisible Enemy they’re fighting together – the Cabal merchants of death.
Yes, and Vox is right on all of that. Wang and Xi too. But China will not abandon it’s global aspirations. Global power means global presence, which by necessity means multi-culturalism. China may become more traditional or “conservative” for a season, but when tens of millions of black men (with African mothers and Chinese fathers) are running around the Greater Chinese empire in a generation or two they will begin to understand just how screwed they really are. Wang and Xi will be dead at that point.
Global power corrupts globally. China is no exception, in fact Confucianism likely makes them more easily corruptible because they have turned away from Jesus Christ.
I agree, there seems to be an inevitability to China’s global rise. However, given all that’s going on, I’m of the opinion Trump, Xi and Putin are knocking Cabal back in its place. That will dramatically change our everyday lives in almost inconceivably better ways – taxes, crime, industrial poisons, wars, etc etc all significantly eradicated. I think that’s the real war we’re observing now. Two generations from now our grandkids will be living large, loving life.
Couldn’t agree more. The Tower of Babel wasn’t just a one time event; every time the nations try to join to usurp God they will be cast asunder your one means or another.
That’s just it – the CCP has no plans to integrate with Africa. It intends to colonize Africa. They will buy their way in, and when the locals begin truly becoming a problem the PLA will take care of it. They aren’t going to allow them to emigrate to the Chinese mainland, they will genocide them as necessary to clear the land in Africa to either strip mine it or grow food. The Han are not a compassionate people. It’s not a priority to exterminate Africans, it’s just assumed that at some point it will be required.
Same with Europeans. Russians. Indians. Pretty much everybody else. They will cooperate until it’s time to betray. They will expand as needed until Han civilization is the only one. If they need space they will take it. If they need resources, they will mine them. If they need food, they will occupy the farmland.
They don’t actually WANT to go to war with the US. We have the farmland they need to provide their people with protein. So they will attempt to clear us off of it. This is their plan.
I happen to believe that the CCP will humbled. Perhaps eventually destroyed. Dark horse Japan will actually rise again in the Pacific while China’s pride causes it’s fall.
Houser, you are no doubt correct, but what no one seems to either realise or state is that the world has ALWAYS BEEN LIKE THAT!
The past 80 years are the exception.
Its over and wont be coming back unless we take it back, no matter what the brand, Chinese, USA, UK, European.
We all have to go back to our own groups and destroy those funding the governments.
Don’t worry. I will be happy to have you in my shed making large pieces of wood into smaller pieces of wood.
This. When I hear that the Chinese are developing race based bio weapons, I don’t think, “oh no, they want to kill white people.” Our genes overlap too much. Africans though, are much more genetically distinct, and that is who I assume a genetic bio weapon would be pointed at.
>phone company trucks were pulling up to telephone polls, and catching the modem transfers from the polling stations,
Knew a guy that would get menaced repairing phone lines in the hood. Wonder now if the ghouls weren’t running security or surveillance on a preferred tap point now. Completely irrational otherwise at midday, apart from burning scheduled drug dealing link ups.
>brain deterioration this quickly means a process has been ignited
After McCairn’s work, motor function’s in striking distance for colonization once the virus has crawled up into the Botzinger’s Complex in the brain. People getting woozy and euphoric from even mildly reduced oxygenation would do the trick, especially on already poor or sleep deprived drivers.
>the woman was given a booster and “died of liver failure the following week.
I’d want genetic data on all of them, if only for reference at a future date when we have details on what ethnic/racial/familial profiles were targeted.
>tells states to prepare for Covid vaccinations in young children.
Puberty with spike protein maimed gonads and internal organs is going to be a nightmare in years to come, “Sorry little Billy/Milly, but you’ll never grow to full size or have a family, and if you do, the children you do produce will have extremely high birth defect rates, and it’s all because a cult of inbreds in the government sold out to the Chinese.”
>no “true basis” in concerns over long term COVID vax side effects,
Just take the heckin Phase 1 trial experimental government gene therapy bigot!
>In 2020, Virginia Dems voted to allow schools to refrain from reporting sexual battery
Ariel Toaff, Blood Passover
>from referring to shot men as “looters.”
Two pederasts and a firearm felon would be preferable
>robot dogs with rifles for heads
If They get armored land drones, 2A isn’t going to cut it anymore apart from sudoku with dignity. The timeframe to wrangle this capability from bad actors in high places isn’t going to be very long. A solar flare would have its benefits, if only requiring flesh and blood jannies to do their dirty work instead of SkyNet.
>banker justice kvetches with jesuit justice
Tsarnaev looked like patsies at the time, with all those mercs in the photographic mix. You don’t put a city under martial law to find a couple scrubs the alphabets knew about already. Hope they preserve the evidence, maybe he’ll get a Sirhan reprieve in a few decades more on this gay earth
>Knew a guy that would get menaced repairing phone lines in the hood. Wonder now if the ghouls weren’t running security or surveillance on a preferred tap point now. Completely irrational otherwise at midday, apart from burning scheduled drug dealing link ups.
THat is exactly what it was.
My brother used to do utility locating. He had some elementary kids approach him in the hood and they showed him their guns. He promptly packed his shit and left.
He thinks the majority reason he wasn’t robbed or fucked with was his high and tight haircut. They stole shit out of his truck, but never confronted him except for the kids.
If they get armored land drones, they are one computer virus away from being taken out by their own gear inside their own base.
Or when the temperature drops below zero. Let’s see how well the batteries work at -20 below zero.
FYI you have to cold weather adapt your rifles too. Anything below 25F requires lighter lubes and heavier bullets.
> If They get armored land drones, 2A isn’t going to cut it anymore
Hard disagree, again using nothing more than the last 20 years of examples out of every third world shithole on earth.
You don’t have to completely destroy the object to render it ineffective. You can score mobility kills, core function kills, etc. If it can’t move or shoot it’s not very useful, and if it’s a relatively small drone there can only be so much armor protecting the important bits, and that’s ignoring basic mechanical requirements that can also be targeted. If it has a combustion engine there will always be radiators and exhaust systems, which by their nature have to be relatively external. Even Tanks more often than not don’t just get outright schwacked by they are usually dealt with by popping the treads, frying the engines with fire or coolant system damage, damaging some electrical system critical to targeting/mobility, etc. Targeted destruction of the infrastructure that keeps it moving will be more important than outright destroying it entirely.
Before they even hit the field there also has to be someone to design and build it, someone to resupply it, someone to repair it in the field, probably someone to operate it (AI is not as advanced as everyone thinks), someone to recover or replace it when it gets stuck or mobility killed, the list goes on. Every one of these human points can be killed, and has family/friends that can be taken captive or killed to persuade them to stop the fight.
Explosives are incredibly hard to 100% protect against no matter the level of tech, and smaller drones will be even more susceptible to explosive forces. Booby traps will remain incredibly effective, as proven again and again against all superior forces over history, and it will probably be more expensive and time consuming than it’s worth to replace all the destroyed tech compared to just sending in expendable human elements.
All you need is a wireless frequency jammer.
> Someone is tampering with Ghislaine Maxwell’s mail she’s getting in prison.
They’re allowed to censor both incoming and outgoing mail, and listen in on phone calls. Federal court ruling way way back. Originally ruled for prevention of “organized crime”, challenged and upheld later to monitor “gang activity.”
> Vox Day notes, car accidents are up, even though people are driving less.
Several more states got legal marijuana lately. Car wrecks and insurance rates usually go up afterward.
“Dude! If there’s one thing that I know, it’s how to drive when I’m stoned!”
White Supremacist journalist in the SOVIET Republic of Michoacaun (Michigan for you-not-up-to-speed on the changing demography of America) reporting on the current state of affairs in Commie Michoacaun.
Yesterday, Fox 17 of Grand Rapids, MI, reported on the rally at the Lansing Capitol that was about doing a forensic audit of the 2020 Election. The reporter mocked and denigrated the cause and then had the County Clerk of Ingham county on who said this was about thwarting democracy, to ask for a forensic audit is nonsense—-AND IF these people go ahead with their project—‘THEY WERE TO SHUT THEIR DOOR IN THEIR FACES”.
America is built on Fair Play. Fair Play has for it honesty and good will. Was Good Will expressed by the Ingham County Clerk? This is why not only is the Social Compact gone–but the Social Fabric of society is gone. Do you see any Fair Play by the Ingham County Clerk? NO–you have hate and vitriol.
First they steal the election–and then Scream profanities at you when you ask questions. Do not election and all government processes be open to the Public and to Public Scrutiny? Ohh yes. But is that what is being done? No—the election Process is only for the Elites and only for the Progressives. You’re not allowed.
“By the People, For the People, and Of the People”, NO. It isn’t.
“In Michigan, if you vote is public information, but how you vote is not.
“My concern is that people are going to be knocking on these doors and the voters are going to think that I prompted this and I did not. I am adamantly opposed to this or any type of voter intimidation, voter harassment,” Byrum said.
“If someone comes to your door asking you to vote, be nice to them, they are encouraging voter participation. If someone comes to your door asking you who you voted for, slam the door in their face or don’t answer it and report it to the authorities. Let me know, let your local clerk know, because this is not how our democracy looks,” she added.”
Yes, “Slam the door in their face”. So said Ingham County Clerk.
Read all the adjectives this journalist put in the article like “unsubstantiated”, Or putting quotes around ‘evidence’.
Byrum is assuming all sorts of things so he is making things up. And asking question to clarify anomalies is “voter intimidation and voter harrassment”.
The Hate grows. I have no love for my “fellow” citizen. Love and trust is part of a social fabric. There is none. They wish us harm—the feeling is mutual.
Watergate was investigated—but election fraud is not. They can investigate–but we can not. Two Tier System.
“I’m of the opinion that the top of the pyramid Cabal families are basically incognito. Over time, on an evolutionary model, logic suggests wealth would coalesce into the hands of the most hidden power.”
I completely agree and its an important point.
Try doing a thought experiment on how you would live if you were genuinely super-wealthy. My first instinct, and that of most other people, would be to do anything to hide the fact that you were wealthy and to live as anonymously as possible. Also think of how we know senior Mafia members live.
Anyone you see on TV is definitely not senior cabal. The billionaires on TV are actors hired by the cabal to play billionaires.
How super wealthy would live in the past and how a new group of super wealthy (as your imaginary self would be) would choose to live now would be completely different. Now, mass production means that the wealthier you can have MORE things than poor people… but it is not as easy to have better things. For example, no matter how rich you are you cannot have a substantially better iPhone than the top of the line iPhone that a plumber or retail worker might buy if they saved up or scrimped on other purchases. You could have a cell phone that had a more luxurious high-end case (although you would probably prefer to avoid fashion brands since you don’t need or even want to PROVE to anyone how rich you are if you have Trillions of dollars… that is for people who aren’t rich but want to look it) but even if you spent hundreds of millions of dollars you probably couldn’t make a better bespoke cell-phone than the common person could buy because the mass produced phones have been made in the millions and so all the bugs have been worked out of them. Even if you had thousands of prototypes built and thrown away of your bespoke phone it would still have little flaws and annoyances that by now the mass-produced phones have had fixed.
Similarly, no matter how rich you are you probably want to use standard office supply paper in your copier and printers. Even if you could afford to buy reams of hand made vellum for your laser printer, it would just become a paper-jam machine if you aren’t using the standardized uniform paper that has billions of copies behind its refinement.
OTOH, a dynastic family would have come from a time when not everyone had access to the mass-production standardized commodities and utilities. In a time when everything is hand made and the learning curve of mass production is not as prevalent, then it makes sense that your clothes and accessories and medical care and vehicle construction and entertainment could be thousands of times better than the commoners buy using the best hand-crafted artisans.
Such an old dynasty may still have the culture of using hand-crafted bespoke stuff, even if it were actually inferior to what they could enjoy if they just bought a bunch of high-end stuff from conventional mass production suppliers. They may still be listening to private performers and jesters that are not even half as good as what they could just download off itunes… because once upon a time the average farmer couldn’t go around listening to music any better than they or their fellows could whistle and their great-grandfather could have minstrels just follow him around all day and play whatever he was in the mood for and that is just how they grew up.
You could actually make a pretty good “blast from the past” type comedy from some old illuminated secret aristocratic family where a young heir gets dumped on the street (perhaps Prince and the Pauper style) and discovers things like Oreo cookies and outlaw country music and muscle cars are much more enjoyable than going back to the castle.
Exactly right. That thought experiment tells you anyone who refused to hide their wealth and to obfuscate their power will ultimately be targeted by competitors.
The Bloombergs, Gates, Zuckerbergs, etc are designated money managers and/or decoys for their masters. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.
Here’s a thought experiment. When was the last time you heard of a billionaire and his billionaire buddies teaming up to purchase a few square blocks of any urban city center and instead of enriching themselves with an office/condo development, creating a beautiful new public park for everyone to freely enjoy – a la Central Park – and funded into perpetuity with an appropriate trust fund? Never happens, right? Yet these pompous, self-righteous, lying fucks are continually funding NGOs, the UN, vaccination programs, “education”, Human Rights. All the well-established networks they’ve created to launder their masters’ funds and increase their wealth. These “philanthropists” do almost nothing that’s genuine no-strings-attached good.
Ya could have just asked me directly cobber!
“I’m of the opinion that the top of the pyramid Cabal families are basically incognito. Over time, on an evolutionary model, logic suggests wealth would coalesce into the hands of the most hidden power.”
O agree with also. I also agree with Hucks notion that anything they do do for “the good of the people” is nothing but pozz and lies.
I wonder…are they melonheads??? Back in the day,end of middle ages???, there was a group of black nobility that had Melonheads that suddenly popped up in Europe that were wealthy. Where did they come from???
They’ve been deleting some of these pictures
Look at King Midas skull, yes really King Midas.
They still existed in the 60’s and were just as corrupt then.
They can live in “Heaven on Earth with stunning luxurious architecture on the inside with a harem of beautiful wives as well as their own children with them.” But outside is a plain pleb tier house.
No doubt. They avoid looking and acting haughty which would give them away.
Just occurred to me that all these herpes carriers are going to have a hard time when they are immunosuppressed.
Nah, lol. He’s the definition of a replacement-level scrub. But that brings up the possibility that the real stars aren’t actually getting a real vaccine. Maybe none of the significant players are, and that’s why it’s only a handful of players with a certain political conscience who object to the mandates, because the league isn’t actually risking anyone’s health.
A comment from yesterday: “Time for waiting is over. It was actually over at least a generation ago, and much of what heritage America recognizes as America is gone for good, that’s how deep of a hole we are in.”
Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.” Matthew 13:24-25
Much of America has been asleep since the 60’s and now the “tares” have deep roots in every part of government and society in general. It’s taken decades for the Cabal to turn this nation into the mess it finds itself in and it will take time to unravel what they’ve done, hold accountable the guilty, and rebuild this once great nation.
The purveyors of hopium that promise “two more weeks” so they can get more clicks on their sites, along with those who are pushing for another civil war are not helping. Yesterday’s Zogby poll shows Biden at 36.4% excellent/good in his approval rating. Those people still need to be awakened.
I’m as ticked off as everyone else at what’s happening and not happening but in my daily prayers for this nation I’m getting it to be patient.
Bill Clinton has sepsis.
time for the presidential funeral slide again.
“I saw Daniel Craig, the current James Bond, gave a long winded explanation that he has always frequented gay bars”
Ah man, Craig is a sperm-burper too? Kind of a bummer.
At this point if they’re a male actor I’m just going to assume they’ve blown dudes. Especially if they’re famous.
His “explanation” reminded me of the Vito/Johnny Cakes episodes of The Sopranos.
He was miscast as Bond anyway.
There’s a theory floating around of the three proofs of an actor’s loyalty to the system, being 1. Playing the part of a homosexual 2. Wearing a dress in a role and 3. Playing a mentally retarded character.
Wouldn’t surprise me to find out they didn’t have to act to fit into those roles in the first place.
“Trump smacks down vaccine mandates, and promotes ‘natural immunity’ on Fox News.”
Better way late than never, I suppose. But this is definitely _way_ late.
The Illuminati Controls The Music Industry(CIA mind control)
Well, according to the Miles Mathis Committee, John Lennon is alive and well:
One of the links was about the Southwest Airlines CEO claiming that he always opposed mandatory injections, but Biden made him attempt them.
Here is a problem, and I have no idea how this is going to play out. There is no legal requirement for any private company to inject their employees. Apparently one wasn’t even snuck through the big funding bills. OSHA has not issued any regulation. No one is suing OSHA because there is no regulation, and if there is ever a regulation, there are excellent grounds for lawsuits and injunctions.
So no private company, operating as a private company, is required to co-operate with any injection mandate. The smart thing to do is to wait and at least see what the actual formal language is in any regulations or laws that happen in the future.
The Southwest CEO implied that Southwest was required to inject its employees as a government contractor, and this implies that passenger airlines are dependent on government contracts, which is interesting information in itself. However, at the moment, any requirement applies to negotiations for future contracts and renewals, and not current contracts. And this requirement can also be legally challenged. Again the smart move would be to wait.
These companies presumably employ top-notch lawyers and are getting excellent legal advice, or are they? Because this isn’t that complicated and you don’t have to be a lawyer to understand this.
Karl Denninger had a good response to ‘this’ subject today.
He’s daily reading for facts and honest, intelligent, researched and sometimes emotional (anger/disbelief) responses.
There are too many laws, regulations and existing interpretations for anyone to know, so people gesture at the library full of law and claim it says whatever they wish. Beyond that, it’s always changing, and no one knows what a judge may decide, even if the statutes seem clear. The law is effectively whatever the judge decides, and that is far better predicted by what the judge wants to decide than by anything on the books. So all the pretense of law, process and arguments effectively reduce down to politics, prejudice and unchecked judicial power.
ANONYMOUS POSTER would love the whole US to be embroiled in a massive civil war instead of going after the people in charge of the debacle that is the present US, the Jews.
The proper way to deal with this is to hammer away at the illegal voting, vigorously, and implement reforms that strip the power from these Jews like the numerous ones I’ve talked about balancing power more towards the States and balancing power away from the city centers in the States.
ANONYMOUS POSTER has been pushing this silly stuff for a while. Here’s a listing of things that could be done to bring a large part of the dissolution of the US to if not a halt at least would slow it down immensely.
After reading the link from Vox Day about the Chinese man responsible for the present social movements in China being enacted(very good article), Wang Huning, I would add another thing we should try. This link to an article about Wang Huning is really good.
The thing I would add is that any Corporation that brought in imports or outsourced production from the the US the executives of the corporation could not make more than so set number multiple of any of their employees. So limit their salary, total including perks, to $250,000 or less. All the excess funds they have been getting in salaries would go properly to their shareholders.
Notice Vox Day is all about the symptoms of the pozz but the best he can do is attack boomers.
“…VD: We don’t need another Boomer. I disavow @mitchellvii.
BOOMER: Now now…remember, boomers are the most gaslit, Bernays’d generation in human history. Many of us are good people. #CaseByCaseBasis
VD: You are good people. That’s why you get the special super-soft pillow…”
Now he knows the center of the storm of these problems is the effective non stop propaganda of the Jews for decades and their continuing cash and blackmail control nexus of the schools, politicians and media but instead of attacking the root of the problem, the Jews, he says to kill off boomers.
Now boomers have screwed up a lot of stuff but without the Jews and the mass of CIA sponsored pozz movements to discombobulate their minds would this have turned out the same way?
The difference between the boomers and Vox is they had no idea the mass of control and propaganda pointed at them, making it difficult to fight it, but HE KNOWS and has known for a long time so has no excuse . Even if the boomers excuse may be flimsy he has none at all.
If Vox is afraid of saying,”kill the Jews”, they being the primary problem, well I wouldn’t blame him a bit, but if that’s so then he should shut the fuck up about killing boomers if he is not willing to say the same of the Jews.
It’s like the old adage of the boss slapping someone up side the head and them them going to some other individual and slapping him, who had nothing to do with it, just to slap someone because he’s afraid to slap the boss. Vox Days attacks on boomers are just transference of his weak position via the Jews.
Hey Sam, thank you, again!
Love seeing my name in print. And…
You are the only fan that I have on this site.
I love the fans… thank you, thank you, thank you!
Oh yeah, and… FREE TEXAS!
“Well, according to the Miles Mathis Committee, John Lennon is alive and well”
Along with Elvis, Jim Morrison, Jeffrey Epstein, and John MacAfee.
The Beatles to continue to be a sort threat to certain insecure people. I know a little about the Lennon assassination… I think anyone can agree this brilliant man was a bit of a bastard, but this was a shameful moment in our country’s history back in 1980, likely involving a Cuban national hired as a doorman/security guard at the Dakota apartment complex. (If you don’t think the Beatles – consider Lennon songs like “Revolution,” “Sexy Sadie,” “Bring on the Lucie,” etc.- have continued in their power to shock/offend, consider VoxDay’s freaking out on people that insist They Just May have been the peak of the whole R’n’R thing, calling them “boomer” worshippers and spergs and whatnot.) Mathis” is some kind of fag op/internet brotherhood. (The contract would seem a “Tavistock”/MI6/CIA/Mossad kinda thing, tho’ I think someone at cluesforum determined “his” website was based out of Cork Co., Ireland.) Anyway, in spite of whatever their flaws maybe, God Bless Ringo, Yoko Ono… and even that odd lad who’s been playing Paul McCartney since the end of ‘66.
And to further reiterate my point I found some nice graphics linked by LembradorDos6Trilliões on the same page as my reply
And I REPEAT from an earlier comment, Vox Day what are you going to do about the Jews, attack the boomers??? That should be productive.
Here’s some numbers to prove that while boomers did let things go bad there’s a hell of lot more people in this country that are far more informed than the boomers were.
What’s the point of all this? Simple how do you fight something you are not aware of? You may take the boomers to task, and there’s plenty there, but we had no idea. Very, very few knew BUT, you have known. It is right out in front of you and my question is…what are you going to do? Forget the boomers. They are not the only people in the US lets look at the numbers,
“… Baby Boomers:?Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They’re currently between 57-75 years old (71.6 million in the U.S.)
Gen X:?Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently between 41-56 years old (65.2 million people in the U.S.)
Gen Y:?Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994/6. They are currently between 25 and 40 years old (72.1 million in the U.S.)
Gen Y.1 = 25-29 years old (around 31 million people in the U.S.)
Gen Y.2 = 29-39 (around 42 million people in the U.S.)
Gen Z:?Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012. They are currently between 9 and 24 years old (nearly 68 million in the U.S.)
Gen A: Generation Alpha starts with children born in 2012 and will continue at least through 2025, maybe later (approximately 48 million people in the U.S.) …”
So there’s over double the amount of population that are not boomers and that have grown up with full knowledge that the pozz is on and that the Jews are running it and my question is what are you going to do? You blame boomers for everything, what’s your plan? You have and had full knowledge of things that no boomer could have ever known so it’s on you as this massive cohort to do something, besides complain about boomers. I’m not saying boomers are off the hook only that blaming them is doing nothing while letting those responsible off the hook.
What are you going to do about the Jews and the pozz?
Vox going on about JUST the boomers is like the King parading around naked because he thinks only the righteous can see his finely spun clothes.
And let me make clear my opprobrium is not for those who keep quite about the Jews due to fear. This is real. It’s not an idle matter. It’s for those that shift blame and obfuscate blame onto others while fully well knowing the score.
Viable plans cannot be discussed or even written under current conditions. Some lessons can be learned from history, but today’s globalized politics, trade, and technology make any historical parallels quite approximate. Power is not enough, but by the same token lack of native power is not necessarily an insurmountable obstacle. The essential things are: moving out of Cabal surveillance to plan, gaining powerful foreign allies, and aligning an effective cadre of Americans’ collective virtue and goals in spite of mass media and social media programming
Vox Day is sort of a national treasure because of his many actions and their successes, but nobody is perfect. And everyone has blind spots and quirk’s.
Boomers are terrible, but The Greatest Generation (of idiots) handed the world over to communism — e.g. Systemic Jewish Supremacy — including their own nations, and how many raised their children by the advice of Doctor Spock?
How Jewish was he? Vox is right about The Beatles, though. Highly overrated, and apparently yet another Jewish attack vector. One of many, over the past 2000 years±.
So Vox blame Boomers, while Alex swears it’s the Nazis! 😎😎😎
John Lennon was highly aware (it may have contributed to his getting killed… find his early ‘70s Rolling Stone interview), and wrote of the problems of tiered-society in songs like “Working Class Hero”. I’d guess these songs, even tho I wish Yoko’d never encouraged him to write “Imagine,” will last longer than Vox’s comix or sci-fi “novels”.
Yet “SJWs Always Lie” may indeed make Vox a national treasure.
Latest mind dump from Michael Yon:
Amateurs talk Tactics, Professionals talk Logistics — Historians talk Conditions
15 October 2021
Mind-dump, sans-edit
PanFaWar: Pandemic, Famine, War — traveling buddies from Hell.
When one arrives, the other two soon roar in.
They also are recursive and incredibly unpredictable. Recursive in the sense that big pandemic leads to more pandemic. Big war creates spinoff wars through space and time. Echos.
Irish potato famine was about Conditions, not potatoes. Potato shortage was a symptom. Part of that shortage came from pandemic. A blight that destroyed potatoes. But a food shortage is rarely enough to create famine. Study of Famine is essential in study of War.
Pick any famine. Any famine at all. Pick five famines randomly. Use darts. And in your study, you will always find there was plenty of food. Somewhere. Usually not far away. But Logistics often was broken due to war, or Famine was used as a weapon of war. There was plenty of food for the Irish, if the English would have let Americans and others ship the food in. And there were other solutions.
In human history, food shortage has always been local, so far. There has never been a global food shortage, so far. The famines result from Conditions. Logistics breaks down. Next thing you know things get Biblical and in the real sense. Look how many times the Bible mentions cannibalism.
Nothing we are experiencing now is new. Old People warned about it in books for centuries. It’s all happened many times before. This time on grander scale, but the patterns remain. A small circle and a big circle are nearly identical, and in most ways, are. It feels like cheating to read all these old books. Pi was pi then, and now.
Other aspects of the Conditions were English mistreating Irish, which of course feeds into War.
Famines lead to big and small migrations, and more food shortages. Migrations spread and create — or rather unleash — pandemic.
Famines reduce resilience, making home for Pandemic. Pandemic reduces resilience. Making people sick, who work and hunt less. Making them weaker still.
Pandemic and wars also create migrations, and migrations feed the PanFaWar Loop.
Thus it’s good to live far away from big metro areas when logistics collapses. Hungry masses will come to the where the food is. The closer you live to food production, the less you are directly effected by Logistics. And Logistics is in the vast majority of cases a key component of famine.
Examine your logistics vulnerabilities and strengths. Put some thought into your situation.
Learn to store food. To make your own canning. Back to Mason Jars. I got a lot right at the beginning of pandemic. Large amounts of salt, vinegar, etc.
Remember that famine is never forever. You just have to get through the hurricane and get back to work when the winds die down.
In the old days, it was good to live at least two days walk from such places where massive numbers of people may suddenly be hungry. Now, best to be a tank of gas away. (Not that most people can do this).
Remember the signs by towns during the Great Depression? Such as NO JOBS HERE. KEEP ON MOVING.
War is coming. And it’s not about sparks, but Conditions. Logistics are part of the higher-level matrix that is Conditions. Amateurs talk sparks. Professionals talk Conditions.
Production and Logistics are high-level aspects of Conditions.
And as Al Johnson Senior tells me from time to time, “Organizational structure dictates outcome.” Retired Army Colonel. This is one of those things that first time you hear it, truth of the statement flashes. Basically, we get the product of the assembly line we create.
The plant management has created an assembly line of PanFaWar components.
We are going to war. Prepare yourself.
IMO pandemic and war is preferable to starvation. Sad the say that the Black Death was necessary to free up resources in a Malthusian setting when tech hasn’t allowed said ceiling to be raised sufficiently in the Medieval Era.
Divine Providence isn’t always nice(Book of Job). Even if they manage to benefit in the long-term.
Heiden, Konrad (1944) Der Fuehrer. translated by Ralph Manheim. Houghton Mifflin Company; Boston. pg 240.
Konrad Heiden is writing about the influence of Chamberlain on Hitler and the Nazis.
bio here of Houston Chamberlain (I don’t use Wikipedia but Infogalactica)
Heiden writes: “Seriously questioned, Chamberlain would have said that he had learned from the great masters of world domination, from the Jewish prophets Ezekiel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, who created, as he says, by order of the Persian king the race-conscious Jewish people. To penetrate the other nations, to devour them from within by virtue of superior intellect, bred in the course of generations; to make themselves the dominant intelligence in foreign nations, and thus make the world Jewish—this according to Chamberlain, is the aim of the Jews. Later, Hitler was to reveal this supposed Jewish secret to the people in passionate and gruesome pictures.” pg 240
There you have it! —-Exactly what is going on today. That is Weimar America. Have to light a candle to ol’ Adolf there. Someone had balls.
Can’t say that about our cucked military.
How To Keep Your Job Safe From Unlawful Mandates
A time-saving meta-analysis of high court cases fought by freedom-loving Constitutional conservatives against dictators who issue illegal job-threatening orders.
CHAPTERS Published Min.
1 *Case Strategies For Fighting To Keep Your Job 2.4 2.4
2 Winning Legal Habits 0.9 3.3
9 Job-Keeping DUE PROCESS ARGUMENTS 1.5 11.6
14 Sources Of Good Information On Job-Rights 0.6 16.3
15 DISCLAIMER 0.3 16.6
Japan’s New Prime Minister Admits Abenomics Was A Failure
Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists
anon invades hidden tranny communities:

And writes remarkably well. That is almost as curious as the topic itself.
Air Force says it successfully tested new 5,000-pound bomb designed to take out bunkers
I’ve only been surfing this site for a few months, and rarely have the time to browse the comments. Also, my jury’s still out on whether Q is real and there’s a storm coming. Our freedom is being lost, our republic is accumulating catastrophic damage, and our enemies, foreign and domestic are consolidating power with no tangible resistance other than a weak-ass tweet and strongly-worded letter here and there, so “patriots in control” looks delusional right now.
Nevertheless, I wonder if the Deep State (and/or white hats in high places, if they exist) have access to some sort of technology that can predict patterns of human behavior on a trans-demographic scale. I’ve heard rumors of hints about what PROMIS can do, but I don’t know hardly anything about it and haven’t successfully researched it.
In hindsight, and with such observations as Struss and Howe have made via generational theory, it makes sense that Generation X didn’t react to 9/11 the same way the GI/Greatest Generation reacted to Pearl Harbor. (I realize I’m ignoring a lot of other variables, like the Overton Window.)
But did FDR’s puppeteers have access to something that assured them he would get overwhelming support for a war for international bolshevism by sacrificing our Pacific Fleet? Or was it just a calculated risk–knowing that the Press would help steer public opinion in a favorable direction?
If such predictive algorithms exist, how long have they been around? If there are white hats in high places, and they somehow siezed control of the technology, maybe that’s why their so cocksure that “nothing can stop what’s coming.” Or maybe it’s just a bunch of bullshit to keep us complacent long enough to make resistance impossible.
With respect to behavior prediction, even the local networks try to fuck with people’s heads by making predictions, and implementing things which make it look like they have some superior technology bordering on psychic ability. I’ve caught them in a few hard misses, which made it clear they just very closely observe people, and when you do that for years, you find a lot of people are on autopilot a lot of the time, and their behaviors are very predictable. There are probably things we don’t even know are linked, like tasting some flavor, and thinking we need to check the mail, which a surveillance team may pick up on.
I have no idea if there is an AI which can do more that is available to the top of the food chain, and I doubt anybody knows. When you see the local networks in each neighborhood, and realize they have somehow managed to keep secret an entire parallel society, which seemingly views the average American like the average American viewed the Soviet Union in 1960, and which would be mortified at the thought of the rest of America being free, or having privacy, you will then realize the things like high technology, which could more easily be compartmentalized and kept secret, are completely beyond our imagination.
But I think the real power of Cabal in FDR’s time was the fact Americans were not connected directly, and required the mass media to connect us. As a result, FDR’s handlers were in control of the flow of all information from one American to another. Today, people can link up and share things directly online, which erodes their control considerably.
They still have the power, and you can see them using it, like when the media tried to claim the AZ Audit proved Biden won. But we don’t get our information from them, so for us it didn’t take.
I too have no idea where this is going, beyond the fact that unless the domestic surveillance is revealed, no rebellion is going anywhere, and Cabal will continue to have considerable control.