Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Man with gun and fake VIP passes arrested outside a Trump rally – another suspected assassin. The official story is he was trying to use the fake VIP pass to enter the venue while armed, and he had multiple driver’s licenses, and “multiple passports with different names.” He is already out on $5,000 bail.
However others say he is MAGA, and they say there is no way he would want to harm Trump:
Here he is in a video. You never know with MK Ultra, but it looks likely he drove somewhere with guns in the car where he was not supposed to have them, he could have been under surveillance from the Deep State thing he was involved with, so they knew what was in the car and dimed him out, and the script writers are using it to heighten the tension.
George Webb says the plot is thickening, however:
NY Times is calling for more assassins’ to try and kill Trump:
Black Insurrectionist shows the early comms with the latest Walz molestation accuser:
In the letter in this next one, it seems Walz drugged the kid, and then brought him home to molest him, and Walz’s wife was OK with this, and left them alone. Walz told the kid he was bisexual, and they had ten to twelve encounters, before the kid figured out he was not gay and they separated.
I am sorry, but this is ridiculous. Trump is literally grazed by a 5.56 just enough to draw blood, and then he rises up so a perfectly positioned camera can catch him pumping his fist, saying Q’s phrase, “Fight, fight, fight,” with a flag perfect in the backdrop, as Secret Service strive to pull him down, and now with weeks to the election, Kamala’s running mate is an all out pedo, and it looks like his child-victim now is about to go public with the receipts. It is too perfect. It will play, because it was designed to, and I am not averse to the outcome, obviously, but I am tired of being lied to, and everything being fake.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) won in its suit against the Detroit, Michigan Election Commission in August, which had argued that they violated the law by hiring over seven times more Democratic poll workers than Republicans for the 2024 election.
Kamala Harris collapses in ABC and NBC News polls, previously two of her best.
Kamala Harris risks losing Pennsylvania over Biden’s economic mistakes, poll reveals.
Obama is slammed by black men after his attack on ‘unacceptable brothers’ who don’t back Kamala.
FEMA maps missed parts of North Carolina devastated by Hurricane Helene, Post analysis shows.
US data shows Covid-vaxxed kids 5-18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaxxed peers.
More than 400 Illinois youth have had gender transition since 2019, database reveals.
Chinese scientists report using quantum computer to hack military-grade encryption.
China launches “military drills,” sending planes and ships to encircle Taiwan.
Iran has all the earmarks of a USA-intel client state, where the US is propping up the Mullahs. More like Cabal is supporting it to use it as a denied area, off limits to Western intel, and to use in Kabuki war with Israel to keep the US dollars flowing there.
Netanyahu mulls plan to empty northern Gaza of civilians and cut off aid to those left inside.
Israel says it hit Hezbollah’s main headquarters in southern Beirut.
U.S. to deploy missile defense system and about 100 troops to Israel.
UN says IDF used chemical weapons on its people.
Muslim rape gangs are savaging young girls, but British Police have bigger fish to fry: Police seize cars from men for catcalling women joggers who were in fact undercover female officers in disguise on sting operations. Also British Police:
Border Patrol Union endorses Trump, chief says everything would ‘go to hell’ under Kamala.
19 states have shifted to Donald Trump in past week under the Nate Silver model.
More young men are showing support for Donald Trump.
Harris struggles to win over Latinos, while Trump holds his grip, poll shows.
Trump pulls ahead in the multi-candidate race in latest NBC poll.
Kamala Harris’ campaign is falling rapidly behind Donald Trump, 3 new polls show.
Send people to, because being lied to by our own side is tiresome
The sidebar has gone into seclusion.
Got it, thank you!
It’s the Greta Garbo of sidebars, It just wants to be alone.
A link to self help some anons here. I posited before about being analog as much as possible. We do need some tech to function in this society’s systems, those in business or advanced professions it is mandatory to be plugged into the matrix to function or participate. Any electric product brought into your home (with or without) an IOT internet of things internet connection capability can be assumed to be compromised and used for spying or nefarious Trojan horse missions. (Kek, like beepers) If it uses electricity or is battery powered, yes it can be then/also be used for spying and eavesdropping capabilities as well as browning your slices of toast. Any wi fi device is either pre set for these roles via a backdoor in the software, or by password override by the nsa he/him in a cubicle in Virginia. Note even flat foot gumshoe cops can solve most crime by criminals misusing their own tech, or by gathering evidence from all the various tech spiderwebbed in usage commonly throughout society. I am no tech guy at all, by my schizo instincts and the advanced studies received here certainly should guide one in an avoidance program of these tech tripwires and ambushes in play out there. Stay frosty, this way more than Tron.
So, retired Army general Mark Milley knows he broke the law. But, if you’re a Democrat, what does that matter between traitors.
> The five-member Okeechobee, Florida city council and Police Chief Donald Hagan may each be forced to pay $5,000 personally — without using taxpayer dollars
Nice, but I don’t see any mention of horsewhipping or tar-and-feathering in the linked article.
Sure. But you have an make an example of them first.
> US data shows Covid-vaxxed kids 5-18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaxxed peers.
[eye-popping outrage] “But it would have been worse if they hadn’t taken the vaxx!”
That cracked me up. I’ll never forget the days of “My 15 year old died from myocarditis, but it would have been sooooooooooo much worse if he wasn’t vaccinated. I’m so thankful for the vaccine!”
> In the letter in this next one, it seems Walz drugged the kid, and then brought him home to molest him, and Walz’s wife was OK with this, and left them alone.
That’s a common thread in gay criminal activity. For example, Kim Philby’s wife had no problems being booted from her marital bed in favor of various men, sometimes several at the same time. Things were much the same for Philby’s co-conspirators who were also married.
Cabal wives
Remember that poor Desmond kid they posed in drag in front of roofie ‘art’ and he looked drugged and abused? Obviously gay men have no qualms about it and in fact bragged about it to the world through that photo. Power plays, and sick abuse of their new found LGBT+ power.
Maybe they will try to normalize and decriminalize it all through Walz if they can fortify him in there.
> Border Patrol Union endorses Trump, chief says everything would ‘go to hell’ under Kamala.
Since she’s been the “Border Czar” for almost four years, what would change?
> 19 states have shifted to Donald Trump in past week under the Nate Silver model.
Without secure elections, polls are a complete waste of time.
Remember, the Republican Party went along with the Democrats in saying there were no problems with the 2020 election.
Yeah, a handful of malcontents bitched and moaned about it, but the Party nomenklatura simply ignored them, which tells us what the official, if unwritten, policy was.
> President Donald Trump is set to announce his new plan to bolster the US Border Patrol with 10,000 new agents who will be given raises and bonuses to keep them on the force, according to his campaign team.
“Strongly disagree.”
We already have far too many Feds sucking up my tax money to pay their inflated salaries. I suspect we have plenty of Border Patrol to to the job, if they were *allowed* to do their job.
If they need help, authorize them to draw agents from other agencies. There are certainly more than enough armed agents at the DEA, FBI, Marshals, Secret Service, DIA, Department of Education, and other armed to donate a little manpower if needed.
And, frankly, I don’t see a problem with using the military, both Federal and State, to secure the border. Repelling an invasion is certainly an acceptable use.
Carve a DMZ out of Mexico and put the military there.
Not to get into semantics here, but I’d argue that the invasion already occurred and any border control policies from here on out are just a matter of making it less worse than it already is. What is the number at this point, ball park? 100,000 military aged men (?) currently within the country… getting fed, housed, armed and trained on our tax dollars? I mean, it’s great Trump and Vance are talking about deporting illegals. Totally on board with that. But how could they not know about a ‘sitting’ army that ‘has’ invaded – past tense. They must know. I just wonder why not just spell it out. Would it make a difference? Maybe that’s why they want citizens to arm up, because if it’s that serious.. the military wouldn’t be able to handle all that’s going on – ALL over the country ALL at once. Right? I’m just speculating here.
And then there’s that whole talk about a false flag ‘Alien’ invasion… as in… non human/space ship Aliens. First time I’ve heard about that was in 2016. So, if something like that happened… where some huge tech gets revealed, and we think it’s an alien invasion, which it might not be… that’s a whole other mind screw. What a strange time to live in.
Werner Von Braun late of NASA and the NSDAP told his secretary in 1965 that they would fake an alien invasion as a means to usher in a one world government.
Yes English Tom but nobody seems to remember or give a damn even on this site. Number 1. Aliens do exist (not just southern border crossers) Number 2. The Elohim worshippers (Benny RatYahoo) won’t win. The Universe giveth all and in balance will taketh all. Benny going down big-time. Israel will not be mourned. It was a construct that never should have been constructed.
Denying reinforcements is a critical part of an effective battle plan. If the enemy can just replace casualties with fresh troops, the battle is much harder. Battles are won and lost based on resupply of materials and manpower.
Jim Kunstler has some very interesting things to say today about lawfare and who is behind it:
“Readers may know that I am an American Jew. We have entered a new era of antisemitism. Many might say it is due to the conduct of Israel warring against its enemies. I would say it is as much due to the adoption of Jihad politics by the Marxist-Woke campaign as an instrument to promote political and social chaos in America. Lawfare is essentially jihad waged via the courts against our own disintegrating common culture and national interests.
The lineup of the leading Lawfare attorneys are Jews: Marc Elias, Norm Eisen, Benjamin Wittes, Andrew Weissmann, Michael Bromwich, Michael Sussmann, Lawrence Tribe, Daniel Goldman, Paul Rosenzweig, the exceptionally profligate serial liar Rep. Adam Schiff, and many others. I can’t say I understand exactly what motivates them to engage these antics. (Possibly to defend their Deep State clients against many previous crimes committed since 2016, especially within the FBI and DOJ.) But it’s a really bad look on top of being a nefarious agenda. They are disgracing the rest of us American Jews and putting us in danger. Shame on them. They must be defeated, and their defeat must come within the arena of the very law they work so hard to pervert.”
“Lawrence Tribe”
Law-rinse Tribe
“Readers may know that I am an American Jew. We have entered a new era of antisemitism. Many might say it is due to the conduct of Israel warring against its enemies. I would say it is as much due to the adoption of Jihad politics by the Marxist-Woke campaign as an instrument to promote political and social chaos in America. Lawfare is essentially jihad waged via the courts against our own disintegrating common culture and national interests…”
Even the Jews supposedly on our side dissemble. Unz does this too on some subjects, Namely the vax. He first says, well it’s mostly the woke, then list all these Jews. He doesn’t even touch on how these woke people got power. How did they? Who paid them? Who protected them? You know good and damn well who.
And best of it he says,”…a new era of antisemitism….”
HELL NO. It’s just the same old shit the Jews pull everywhere they go. Financialization, attempt to corrupt the society, swindle as much as they can by taking over administrative positions by banking, bribery, blackmail and fraud then Demoralizing and corrupting the society and the people while parasitically swindling them of every cent they can grab. There’s NOTHING new about this. And it’s not ant-Semitic. It’s anti-Jewish swindle. No one likes vile evil people and eventually something snaps and they do everything they can to get rid of them. It’s only natural.
“Iran has all the earmarks of a USA-intel client state, where the US is propping up the Mullahs.”
This article, by “Norman Krieg” (right), is actually quite good. Its really about how all these recurring international conflicts and “rogue states” are really covers for money laundering and other black operations. Note that Orwell had his “Ministry of Peace” operate similarly.
Add to that the Deep State’s use of the “Iranian hostage crisis” to get rid of Carter.
The Eloi really need to get rid of the Morlock.
A question is why Russia (and thus by proxy, Scott Ritter) supports Iran? The mainstream view seems to explain this better than the conspiracy view
The mainstream view doesn’t explain why the Russophobes like O’Bummer/Biden love Iran so much.
Nothing makes sense with the knowledge we have.
I think they don’t. But the mainstream alt military view says Iran is too strong do be dealt with. So they must be fairly treated.
They are intermarried with them and send them billions of dollars etc.
If you are talking about the JCPOA this is incorrect, they just unfroze what was Iranian all along.
It’s not just that money.
But that’s also giving aid and comfort to an enemy that’s at war with us and has been since their revolution.
It was also done illegally and unconstitutionally.
…why the Russophobes like O’Bummer/Biden love Iran so much
Fear. Owned. Must’ve solicited deals with much more clever Iranians. Oops.
It’s all to do with China’s BRI and the EAEU (EurAsian Economic Union) and the creation of BRICS into a globe spanning commodity cartel. Once this comes to pass, the West is fucked.
It’s already failing.
It’s a commie pipedream.
The west is also failing.
The future is full of fail until something new arises.
America has held up the entire world on its shoulders since WWII and the tards in cabal are sweeping Atlas’s legs.
Aside from basketcases like SA and India, afaict, BRICS countries/systems are just better, for the past decades. It’s just disguised by the fact G7 people are better. G7 people should just move to BRICS and kill it rather than languishing in their countries
Carter was their man, it was just Shrub Sr.’s turn.
Kamala Harris is an example on why lowering college admission standards has been a disaster…
For those that do not know: In the 1960s it became racist to request an IQ test for a job application. So, businesses started requesting college degrees because to get into college you had to have a certain level of IQ. Then colleges started to lower their standards over time, especially when student loans became easier to get than TP at Costco thanks to federal backing.
We’re back to using IQ tests again, in the form of thinly disguised corporate third-party “assessments”. They’re well worth their cost in licensing fees.
RE: Walz
Ya, seems a little too perfect of a fuck up. No way stasi doesn’t know this history, or how potentially easy to uncover.
RE black insurrectionist
At least he actually released something with actual substance. Most of these promised releases end up dragging on for ever. If they ever release at all. Or they end up being mostly hype.
Who watches SNL anymore? I remember SOME skits in the late 80s and early 90s being funny. Though still tedious sometimes because there were also always unfunny skits. Then it seemed to turn to garbage and never be funny and I have never looked at it again even though now it should be relatively easy to see individual skits on youtube which can be pre-selected/crowdsourced to boost the best ones. Yet I only ever hear about it when they say some dumb political thing which isn’t about being funny at all. Also, that they would turn on Harris seems preposterous unless as AC states its just a shitty movie we are all watching and thats the script.
Norm McDonald was the last funny person on SNL, it was officially dead when they fired him for being too funny.
Even if it were good, it’s on too late and I have to get up for church on Sunday. I did watch it for a while in the late 90’s, but once Bush got in office I noticed the pattern that the only humor they’re capable toward Republicans is “they’re stupid”. Of all the things you can make fun of Bush for, their skits only involved him being a moron.
you need more cowbell.
Phil Hartman impersonated a pretty funny self-indulgent Clinton. But he got dead…
Perhaps ‘they’ – as vague as that sounds – don’t want any of us to know that ‘we’ are also potential script writers. Well, maybe there are TWO types of writers. One type is Philip K Dick, who has said (and I’m paraphrasing), that the stories just came to him and he transcribed them. The trippy part about it, is that he met characters from his books in real life… but what confused him, was that… did he write them into existence, or did he just pick up on the real character… and thus wrote them in the stories? Chicken or egg type thing. Alright, that’s one author… and PKD is a perfect example of someone who has wrote of things that were somewhat prophetic. Again, he didn’t fully claim authorship of those stories… meaning, he felt that he didn’t just make the shit up out of thin air.
Another example, different than PKD – and I would say an opposing type of script writing – is the comic author Grant Morrison. There’s a YouTube talk that he does, and he’s outright talking about ‘sigil magick’. Now, if Cabal does any type of script writing, it might be more along the lines of what Grant Morrison does. Really… check it out, and think about what he says in light of ‘script writing’ in the ways that are spoken about here.
I’m running the risk of oversimplifying this but I want to get to the point: I think Grant Morrison and PKD are great examples of two different kinds of writers. What GM ultimately proposes, is that in his actual made up sigils, he imbues power in the story and fully believes he can make a story manifest in reality. He actually gives an example of writing himself into a storyline, and the things that happen to this character (that is him) actually happens to him in real life. His philosophy, that he somehow got from some Alien encounter in Kathmandu (while on acid), was that we are alive on this earth to ultimately do whatever we want to do. Hmm…. what does that sound like to you? Isn’t that a hallmark characteristic of Lucifer, a fallen angel, rebelling against God… to be a God in his own right in his own realm? I think the rest can be elaborated on easily.
PKD is completely different. He is more interested in ontology, the origins of knowledge, of spirit. I strongly recommend reading his Exegesis. It’s all about Christ (well, at least it evolves around Christ), and his mystical experience that happened in February and March of 1974. I’m getting sidetracked here. But the main difference is that PKD wrote as extension of Gnosis, of his own process of understanding the world… not manipulating it. No sygil magical in it, and he didn’t claim full authorship either, because the ideas already seemed to existed in the ‘ether’ or something like that… and he just tapped into it.
And that’s the wild thing. PKD consistently referred to a term he used called the Black Iron Prison. And I think what he is getting at, is that the reality we live in is ultimately the devil’s playground. They may be able to write the script – to an extent – but I think one of our tasks is to cut through that noise, kind of like how PKD did it. Actually… I would take the risk in saying that this is a glimpse (the idea of at least) what the writers of the gospel did. They certainly lived in a shitty time in history, and even with the event of Jesus Christ our Lord, physically manifesting in flesh and blood on earth… only a few people even recognized him for what he was… and even were spiteful and hateful towards him. I mean, this shit is happening today, when someone speaks Truth – a type of supra (or meta) reality that cuts through the noise and illusory nature of the ‘Black Iron Prison’, it’s almost like they wanna stone you right then and there just for pointing something obvious out.
PKD is the schizo prophet we need today.
In the business, they call this “ethnic cleansing.”
Well-said, phelps
Zero Hedge:
Violence Has Been Normalized [Authored by Jeffrey Tucker via]
More Zerohedge:
“No Kidding! No Joke!” Liberals Call On Biden To Commit Unconstitutional Acts In His Final Days [Authored by Jonathan Turley]
Yeah, we already knew he was gay after the whole Michael thing
Oh, sorry, should have read the whole headline first! Whoops!
“but I am tired of being lied to, and everything being fake”… you and at least a hundred million of us sitting here on the sidelines trying to live good lives and be decent people.
All of us are beyond exhausted with this sickness, and I aim that criticism even more squarely at Trump’s handlers.
It did not have to be this way.
Our collective trust has been shattered so many times just in the past 8 years, that I’m not sure Trump and his crew can rebuild that.
Reminds me of the uncomfortable discussion I had with my brother in law about “The Rules of Engagement”. He came back from Afghanistan really fucked up, I felt embarrassed discussing this with him (I’ve never served)…I told him that there are no rules in war, only in competitions.
You have to factor in the people leading the military are the same assholes running the surveillance, and installing pedos as political leaders. Lots of Secret Society oaths before you can get that high. So their main goal will not be to win the war, it is to use the war, which their secret society actually initiated, to cull the herd, which is what their secret society initiated it for. They are a different breed. I would bet most Generals and Admirals know about the surveillance, and thus by extension, knew that 9/11 was their command’s operation. And like all the rest, they are cool with that, and will still be running support for the operation.
I saw an interview with a SEAL who had the same problem. His platoon was tasked with taking out bad guys in a town. They could have gone in with intel, organized a surprise hit, wiped out the bad guys, and been on their way. That is how a competent officer would have done it. But instead command told them just to patrol the town each night, and ROE were only shoot after the entire platoon had been clearly engaged, “to avoid accidental engagements” with the locals.
So he said basically each night they had to go out and wait for an enemy sniper to shoot one of their own, and maybe them, and then they would get a few shots off at somebody fleeing, but by and large they weren’t getting the bad guys, and every day they were forced to suppress all those urges, and let evil attack them. He described each night seeing his anxiety levels increase, which was clearly a case of PTSD comin on from being forced to let the bad guys just keep hitting them with no repercussions. He finally got blown up and shipped home in more or less one piece, before he lost his mind, which appeared to be where he was going.
It is tough, because it forces them to accept a bad option – either be a “bad” warrior who ignores orders on his own initiative, or let himself and his buddies be short.
War is a racket.
I was thinking now, with how good ballistics missiles are, you almost never want to be a foot soldier anymore because there is no point, missiles should basically decide what happens.
Which means drafts are never useful enough, should always be dodged, and the pressers should always be ambushed and dealt with, drafting countries should be fled, etc. Any reasonable leader with love for its people should basically never draft, so you are dealing with the inverse of that. If you are in active military there is a high chance you should shirk deployments.
(Perhaps this was always true after industrial revolution, firearms etc. Dodge drafts and war and let your country/nation lose, whatever. Surrender what you’ve got. Return if possible and just win it back later peacefully/culturally/politically. Firearms should make it so nationalism of any functional nation can’t really lose in the long term [insurgencies]. Otherwise, just be a permanent refugee, who really cares.)
I think all wars have always been rabbits trying to cull the wolves in their own nations who frighten them. If I am a leader, and it is war, I am devoting all my forces to trying to kill the other nation’s leadership and decapitate it. In a gunfight, you don’t shoot for the toes and pinky fingers. You look for the killbox. Looking at all these pussies who sat back comfortable, and sent millions into the elements at the front lines to kill each other only infuriates me now.
But yeah, now that drones are a thing, war is definitely nothing like it used to be. War now is just some little cowardly fag piloting an rc helicopter and just smoking heroic men who are the epitome you would want the next generation to be. I am sure the rabbits love it, but it is no longer for our kind.
The “movie” stinks even if you accept the idea of putting on an act for the sheeple.
And the deaths and destruction are REAL, Q may be “our” theater kids, but they’re still a pack of theater kid losers who don’t care about the rest of us.
None of us are in a position to say if it had to be this way or not. What if the alternative was civil war with millions dead? Would this way be preferable to what is going on now?
This could be true, in that aliens/demons/interdimensionals with massive tech is still on the probability matrix, and we do not know if our side has even allied with some competing faction of something similar.
But obviously, I would just rather draw the lines and get to the killing part. Let an example be set that anyone who gets hands dirty in shit like this, in any way, has to deal with the consequences at some point, and get rid of all of them, so we can be one family again.
1 that’s coming anyway.
2 that way the enemy would be taking a share of the casualties.
3 there is something immoral about ordering your troops to walk through a minefield to flank an enemy because the statistics say that 10% of them will die randomly with no ability to affect their survival instead of losing 15% to a frontal assault where the men who die have a fighting chance to affect their own survival.
Midwestern Doctor came out with part 2 of their DMSO series for anyone interested in using it. The short of it is that it may repair and protect from the damage of the Beam, though this article is about anecdotes from readers and how the human body can tolerate a lot of it before anything bad happens.
TYhis stuff interest me thanks for posting it.
The Ron Unz takedown of Miles Mathis is worth reading, but do yourself a favor and skip to the end, to the part where he actually discusses the Miles Mathis essays. The really lengthy first part of the essay is where Unz tries to give examples of “poison the well” operations, where intel operations promote conspiracy theories to discredit conspiracy theories, but as Jonathan Revulsky points out in the comments, a few of these examples are actually fairly plausible and backed up by considerable evidence.
I’m looking forward to the now inevitable Miles Mathis essay on Ron Unz.
Of course what is funny is, we have been doing this daily for like a decade here, and not half-assed, and between r/K Theory, narcissism, and the surveillance expose we have produced some of the greatest insights of the movement, the stuff nobody wants you to know. And really shocking, mindboggling stuff. We have been first to too many insights to even begin to catalog. And yet neither of them will ever mention this site, and I could attack either on full volume and they would ignore me.
Exactly why we keep coming here, AC.
I think your sight and Mathis are two sides of the same coin. What can produce the Stasi and the Beam can also easily fake events and engineer hoaxes.
In the comments on this article one comment mentions evo-psyche. Thar it, “makes no sense”. I thought it interesting because there was no discussion of your book. It just got mentioned negatively sort of out of nowhere.
Realistically I don’t believe in evo psych anymore.
Someone mentioned you in the comments on that post.
Yes, Mycroft is an old friend of the site. And Mycroft, if you are out there, I appreciate the mention. Those things help a ton, and I am grateful.
This is what I mean though about things not quite fitting when I look out on the internet. The funny thing is, if you mention Shapiro, or Fuentes, or Milo, or Miles Mathis or Unz or Spencer, you will see other people immediately jump in and begin debating their personalities and whether they are truthful or fake, which really mean little. Who people are, in this fucking absolutely batshit crazy world is far less interesting and significant than the batshit crazy stuff.
But Mycroft mentions me, and I am now well known, and then most importantly mentions the American Stasi, which is now well known in our circles, and IMO, the most mindblowing thing today to discuss – this idea that in the US is an all powerful secret police, hidden in the shadows, which really has sequestered away this space-age technology, and it is behind the scenes now literally collapsing America, as it may even have collapsed Rome, and maybe empires before that, and it has amassed millions of just low-IQ cement-heads who seem totally plugged into this thing, and even think it is cool there will not be an America in ten years because they helped destroy it. And they are just this secret society fucking us all over.
And what happens? Just crickets. Nobody asks about it. Nobody derides it as crazy. Nobody reinforces it, saying “yeah that is mind-blowing.” I know we are well known, I see the traffic. I know the subject is about a thousand times more interesting than any of the FedFag manlets like Fuentes or Shapiro are.
Even if you think I am crazy, then there should be no shortage of people insecure about their own sanity jumping in to call me schizo. Even ridicule me, or the possibility of a Stasi.
The subject is just too hot in too many ways. If you believe, and you have learned it, you are like James Bond, and it is too cool to not be topic numero uno. And if you think I am nuts, well, I have a giant readership of nutjobs here, we should all come under fire. There should be arguments, and people saying, “Shit, I have seen that myself…”
But instead I am mentioned, and a crowd which should go wild suddenly looks like the Pope farted, and nobody knows what to say. It doesn’t fit. Something is off.
Maybe you are more of a rare breed than you think and these guys are all just wimps afraid of getting poisoning or beaming if they point the finger ?
I am thinking nobody is seeing the comments outside of a handful of us who are silo’d together.
Our group should innately gather warriors. Maybe not everyone, but there should be a good cohort of gives-no-fucks recalcitrants. And that cohort should be a seed which fosters strength in others through leading by example. But it doesn’t happen.
They are on top of it somehow, and we should figure out how so we can bypass them, get this all out, and start the bloody revolution.
Thank you AC. Been in the third world these past few months, internet is spotty, and typing comments through a cell phone is painful. Stasi here is much less stressful, due to the human resources situation. Feeling amazingly relaxed and safe here, exact opposite of what the stories back home would lead to expect.
Thank you for the work you’re doing.
The stasi is real. But the spirit realm is too. Three people who tried to derail me here suddenly died. Supernatural causes. I’ve seen and experienced stuff. More later, God willing, when I’m back in a country without constant blackouts and brown outs.
Thank you for this. That is incredibly uplifting in multiple ways. God willing, we will be rid of this.
Doesn’t the third world have better internet than the first nowadays?
Not to my knowledge.
I know Egypt has terrible internet according to a guy there.
No. I’ve hired out from the third world. Rolling blackouts and brownouts are common even in big cities.
I just skimmed this very long article. The most interesting part is really the ending. Besides that, the idea that ‘crisis actors’ are an intentionally crazy fake was noteworthy. At least one mistake by Unz was that Michelle is her daughters’ mom, when they both take after a couple the Obamas are friends with way, way more. You can still argue that this is a distraction from Obama’s actions when in office, though.
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt
Miles Mathis was talking about using conspiracies to discredit conspiracies almost a decade ago. He calls these “Parallels” and “Antis.” Unz’s writing is not convincing on this and he skims the articles without actually reading them.
Miles mapthis xdd
China launches “military drills,” sending planes and ships to encircle Taiwan
I don;pt know if the Taiwanese care enough to do this but “if” they were determined there’s no way China could take them. Have you seen a topo map of Taiwan. Wow! It’s a huge mass of mountains, with many of the ranges parallel to the coast. This means they could build roads sheltered from the cast and tunnel out to it. I heard they have lots of tunnels already. There are very few places to land. They make a very long range fiber optic guided missiles that could sink any landing craft and with machine guns and artillery on the high ground in caves, they could kill off literally millions. Combine that with submarines. They wouldn’t need long at depth times because the distances are low. They could sink all the troop carriers and if the Chinese became too aggressive, all their fuel and material supplies going to China. Most of China’s planes are not stealth and would be fairly easy to shoot down. So that leaves only missiles and nukes. If they nuke Taiwan I could see all trade cut off and real punishment.
Really China’s only decent alternative is to pound them to dust like the Jews are doing to Gaza and that’s not going so well. “If” they did a massive cave building exercise with lots of food and water stored tied into the public transport so they could move people quick it could take years to force them to submit and all the while their own, heavily crowded, mainland could be in turn rocketed right back.
I talked about this a good while ago and was told by a “supposed” defense expert that this was foolish and China could take them easy but…we now see, per Ukraine, that moving concentrated troops in the open is a death sentence. It’s like trying to rush across no man’s land in WWI. Electronics have made it even worse. The Chinese would be on the open ocean with nowhere to hide. Many, many casualties. Maybe enough to cause stability problems.
Dug into the mountains, it would be really hard to kill off their artillery. We see this in WWII, where we shelled Islands with extraordinary amounts of big gun naval cannons and as soon as we stopped, the Japanese came out of the tunnels and slaughtered our troops.
See, The China Invasion Threat by Ian Easton. It’s possible China could take Taiwan but it would be an absolutely horrendous bloodbath, costing the lives of hundreds of thousands, maybe more.
Still, there’s no guarantee they could actually achieve a successful invasion.
Taiwan is an island and can be blockaded. While Chinese ships might not be able to land on Taiwan, US ships also won’t be able to get close to Taiwan to deliver anything significant.
Chinese ships built of Chinesium can be sunk.
“Taiwan is an island and can be blockaded…”
Oh really. Blockaded by what? Ships? You know there is such a thing as submarines, right? You know battery powered subs have surfaced, undetected, in exercises in the middle of our carrier groups, right? With all their tech they did not see them coming.
So how easy is it to torpedo a ship? Really easy. How are they, then, going to blockade anything? And if Taiwan can be blockaded, then can’t the Taiwanese sink all supplies going to China. Trashing their whole economy. Yeah they can. I believe, if they were willing to risk it, they could cause so much damage to China that the only way the Chinese could take the island would be to depopulate it. Would they? Maybe, but it would be very costly politically and would energize a very strong reaction in all the countries near them. All of them would go into overdrive in arming themselves against the Chinese and being uncooperative.
Just for fun I looked up how many ships China has,
“…The People’s Liberation Army Navy has 355 front-line ships in three fleets arrayed along the Chinese coast…”
I do not think it would take long with say….35 subs to send them all to the bottom. Combine this with anti-ship missiles, fiber optic guided missiles, it would be very costly to blockade Taiwan.
Sorry, can’t help but think about this a little more.
I looked at Taiwan’s published defense budget.
US$20.24 billion and they are buying drones for long range targeting and long range torpedoes. Good call. I would max out on subs. They are roughly $100 million a piece for Swedish first class air independent stuff. They get air from the water and burn fuel to run Stirling motors which make no or next to no noise. Probably they could manufacture themselves under license. They can stay down for 2 weeks and can cover over 2,000 miles during that time. They are also buying some frigates, which I would not. These are just expensive targets. Frigates look cool but suck.
“…Taiwan’s navy seeks NT$ 24.54 billion to build 2 light frigates from FY 2019-2026…”
I would buy some sort of fast attack stealth boat with missiles and communication with the drones and able to launch drones. Like these,
High end, $10 million. So buy 100 $100 million subs, a 100 $10 millon fast attack craft and spend the rest, $14.5 billion, on a LOT of missiles and torpedoes. If each sub sunk two or three ships it would sink the whole Chinese fleet and I don’t think that would be out of the question at all. The firepower of these subs and attack boats compared to two measly frigates is no contest. The frigates would last about two days, if that, in a war.
As an aside, to an aside, I bet you could combine the attack boats with the sub. Make a sub that looked something like the attack boat but would, of course, submerse. It wouldn’t be perfect but would save cost to have it on the surface most of the time and if war breaks out go underwater. The way it’s shaped, I wonder if sonar would not bounce off away from the sonar sender with a bit of careful planning.
You could likely make the whole thing out of fiberglass, with maybe a touch or two of carbon in stressed areas, and save a fortune. Carbon fiber is way expensive. You make these things, or should, in molds. Once you have the mold you can use vacuum infusion and churn these out really low cost. Another gain with Fiberglass, I believe, you could put any stealth material “inside” the hull as fiberglass allows radar to go right through it. I know they make radomes out of fiberglass and radar goes through them. Saving, again, a fortune. No special expensive coating on the outside. I don’t know what stealth paint they put on the outside, but you can bet it cost plenty. Something out of the water, inside, would have to be cheaper.
Just thinking out loud.
You haven’t seen bloodshy until you see China in a major war.
All those one child families will be seeing the only hope for the old age of 2 parents and 4 grandparents wiped out.
China already freaks out when they lose a handful of guys in border skirmishes with India.
If they start taking thousands of casualties things will get bad on the homefront.
They invaded tiny Vietnam, got their asses handed to them and ran away.
“…I am sorry, but this is ridiculous. Trump is literally grazed by a 5.56 just enough to draw blood, and then he rises up so a perfectly positioned camera can catch him pumping his fist, saying Q’s phrase, “Fight, fight, fight,” with a flag perfect in the backdrop, as Secret Service strive to pull him down, and now with weeks to the election, Kamala’s running mate is an all out pedo…”
It does seem so WrestleMania that it’s hard to believe. The only consolidation is, maybe they are so corrupt and so stupid that, well they may actually be that stupid. That by only depending on these pervert freaks, it’s hard to get anyone even remotely competent. Anyone competent, even if they are a pervert, would see what a screw ups their bunch is and find ways out or not get involved.
I don’t know how much of each is in play, but it seems like some of both.
The reason all the leftist leadership is so old is because the ones in power are the last generation that can fake being competent.
r selection is hitting them hard.
Kernel level Anti-Cheat=spyware
From the comments:
China-NK Tensions Escalate, Xi Jinping Aims to Punish Kim Jong Un by Stopping Food Sales
Where’s down-vote guy? My up-vote calling misses the competition.