News Briefs – 10/14/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Australian Regulator Sees No Stress In Home Loans

DFT – Sphere Entertainment Soars After Glowing Reviews For New Venue

DFT – IMF Says Ukraine Must Collect More Taxes As Foreign Funding Will End Soon

DFT – Gas Prices Surge In Europe

DFT – Russia Offers Assistance to CIS In Moving From Dollar To National Currencies In International

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Sec Def Lloyd Austin to Netanyahu: “I know ISIS, what is happening here is worse.” It is amazing how they all get down on their knees to kiss ass.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office saying he knew nothing until the attack had begun and he was informed at 6:29 am Saturday morning local time. Sounds like the beginning of admitting somebody knew, but claiming they did not tell him.

Hezbollah declares it is ‘prepared and ready’ to go to war in Israel in the north.

George W Bush: ’Negotiating with killers is not an option for the elected government of Israel.’ The Cabal mouthpiece, who knew 9/11 never got by the domestic surveillance in America, has spoken.

Israeli ground forces enter Nablus City, West Bank. Interesting. Israel had pulled troops from the border with Gaza and sent them to the West Bank before the attacks, and Egypt said Israel ignored their warning, saying they were more focused on the West bank. Suppose you were Cabal, and wanted to really light up the fireworks. You get your ground-asset-patsies a nuke, and they are going to try to get it into Tel Aviv. Would you just launch your op to push the nuke to Tel Aviv, or might  you launch a distraction op first, like the biggest attack on Israel ever, from another area entirely, where you try to focus Israel’s attention. I have no idea, but their focus on the West Bank is curious. It is not impossible we have not seen the main attack.

Israeli artillery has opened-fire on Southern Lebanon.

Shapiro refuses to admit photo of burned baby he shared on Twitter was AI generated. The problem is, it was an AI detection algorithm program online, which anybody could submit the photo to and confirm it. He never addresses the online detector site, he just says, “The photo obviously was not AI generated. It clearly was not AI generated.” As if people can tell today. Also Twitter took down the community note pointing out it was AI generated, and he uses that as evidence, so more evidence Twitter is comped. Shapiro comes off as a real bullshit artist in the article. Notice, his big claim to fame is his debating skills. He is about as persuasive as Bill Clinton was, arguing he didn’t have sex with Lewinsky.

CNN reporter who was the first source of the claim babies were beheaded, issues an apology and clarifies that the news of baby beheadings by Hamas was unconfirmed. The Israeli government also stated it cannot confirm the news from Netanyahu’s office.

Palestinian walked into Jewish center in Chicago and shot receptionist. Report.

From Infogalactic, Israel tried to take out a US Ambassador once:

In August 1980, while serving as ambassador to Lebanon, where he had opened links to the PLO, Dean was the target of an assassination attempt, which he believes was directed by Israel.[1] According to him:

“Weapons financed and given by the United States to Israel were used in an attempt to kill an American diplomat!”

“Undoubtedly using a proxy, our ally Israel had tried to kill me.”

Dean’s suspicions that Israeli agents may have also been involved in the mysterious plane crash in 1988 that killed President of Pakistan, General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, led finally to a decision in Washington to declare him mentally unfit, which forced his resignation from the foreign service after a thirty-year career. Later he was rehabilitated by the State Department, given a distinguished service medal and the insanity charge was confirmed to be a phony by a former head of the department’s medical service.[2]

Ben Shapiro says we had better give Israel all the aid it needs, or there will be nuclear war. For such a whiny pipsqueak, he is an astonishingly dark and malevolent character as you watch him.

U.N. issues ‘urgent’ call for $294 million to fund Gaza Strip aid.

Qatar intends to fulfill US-Iran deal on $6 billion.

Israelis blame gov’t for Hamas massacre, say Netanyahu must resign – poll. “An overwhelming majority of 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country’s leadership… almost all the respondents (94%) believe the government must bear some responsibility for the lack of security preparedness that led to the assault, with over 75% saying the government holds most of the responsibility.”

There was a 7,500-ballot ‘mistake’ in San Diego County: How does anyone make a 7,500-ballot mistake in a hotly contested local election?

As a Democratic mayoral candidate’s case over an election challenge had its first hearing in court, he is one of a growing number of Democrats who have filed lawsuits or an affidavit over election irregularities.

Attorney David Harbach with the special counsel’s office threw out a new argument during the hearings scheduled Thursdayin the Trump documents case, drawing ire from the judge for “wasting the court’s time” by not filing the arguments and case citations for the motions the government had already submitted.

Jim Jordan won the GOP conference nomination for Speaker of the House. Goes to the floor of the House now.

President Joe Biden stumbled once again while ascending a short flight of stars at an event in Philadelphia Friday. Only a stumble since he was able to grab the rails, but he has what the Chinese call “Heavy head, Light feet,” which is a sign of constitutional weakness.

Biden here, I am sure hopped up on some kind of stimulant, still is not walking strongly. His end may be nearer than we think, between him being this weak on stimulants, and the fact they are hopping him up on stimulants, which itself has a cost. I hope Jordan bombs quick and we can get Trump in as Speaker.

Major banks close over 3,000 branches nationwide, with recent 50+ closures from Bank of America in just one week.

Biden admin threatens banks that refuse to lend money to illegal immigrants. Not Babylon Bee. They are legally forcing banks to give your money from your savings accounts to illegals as “loans,” in return for a promise the illegal will pay it back before being deported.

The Biden administration, having invited in millions of illegals, many from countries that wish us ill, has big plans to hand them billions in welfare payments.

ICE admits record 5.7 million migrants in US — Biden wants to provide ‘medical services, housing’ to all.

Texas increases migrant buses to Chicago, city says 63 have arrived so far this week.

NYC’s daily migrant arrivals nearly double as city sees new record of 4,000 asylum seekers in one week.

Michael Yon predicts 1 million migrants will pass through the Darien Gap per month by 2025. Expose the surveillance. Draw the lines in the sand, and create sides. It is the only path forward.

Fatal explosion at Hornady Manufacturing in Wood River.

Strategic petroleum reserve near historic lows – Biden drained SPR down to just 17 days of supply as war breaks out in Middle East.

SF residents must rely on self-help to locate their stolen cars.

Transgender Budweiser-killer Dylan Mulvaney named Woman of the Year by Virgin Atlantic Attitude Awards. I am sorry anon, did you think these were real awards, and not just Cabal publicity schemes for their latest psyop?

According to Hungarian UFO researcher János Kalmár, in 1996 a plane collided with a spaceship over the village of Pápa, and an alien creature has been held in Hungary ever since.

Anyone in France who supports Hamas or Islamic jihad will be sentenced to 5 years in prison.

France has declared a maximum security alert in the wake of a terrorist attack at a school that left one teacher dead and several other people injured.

Putin says Israel suffered a cruel attack but its response is cruel too.

Vladimir Putin on Friday compared Israel to Nazi Germany, calling Israel’s blockade of Gaza ahead of an expected ground offensive against Hamas was “unacceptable.”

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men are dodging the draft at present, amid the ongoing mobilization, Deputy Defense Minister Natalya Kalmykova has said.

Pentagon announces another $200 million in aid for Ukraine.

Stanford scientists discover fountain of youth molecule that revives deteriorating muscles – now they want to turn it into an anti-aging drug.

September 2023 gun sales continue trend of fifth highest month.

Spread r/K Theory, because psyop publicity schemes are not awards

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1 year ago

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office saying he knew nothing until the attack had begun and he was informed at 6:29 am Saturday morning local time. Sounds like the beginning of admitting somebody knew, but claiming they did not tell him.”

Could be true or false.
We will most likely never know.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

narrative control underway to buttress the neverending claims of victimhood. ripper era grafitti – the juwes are the men who will be blamed for nothing. / it has been postulated that at least one “victimized” area (false flag?) was IN gaza territory. well ya know, if someone pulls a stunt on my land, i am liable to show up to end it myself. and that isnt allowed in (((their))) perceived areas.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

if the rave was actually in gazan territory, it was planted bait (how many soft targets were?). it was moved there a day before the event. / and if you check out napolitano / kwiatkowski / johnson / giraldi / ritter or others, you will learn that boo boo the yahoo has a long history of cutting deals with “enemies”. trump chewed his ass recently for pulling out of the soleimani shoot op. boo boo at least is a scheming pol trying to stay in power, wagging dog. no ones’ lives matter to him. and at wurst… satanist cabal asset.

1 year ago

Alexander Dugin

“The scale of this confrontation is expanding. The situation grows increasingly ominous. Billions globally are convinced that the collective West and its allies represent the utmost evil – the civilisation of the Antichrist.

Perhaps only Trump’s return to US leadership, or the onset of a full-blown civil war there, can save the world from Apocalypse or at least delay it. Democrats, globalists, and neoconservatives are leading humanity straight into the abyss, which, strictly speaking, is the demonic mandate.”

I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
I am not crazy, but you may think I am...
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

The Apocalypse is in God’s timing, not ours, and if Charles is indeed the Anti-christ then the final countdown is very near. When we start the first 3.5 year period detailed in Revelation is up for debate, which is why I am waiting to see when, not if, Charles tries to intervene in this growing crisis. It is tailor made for the Anti-christ to begin asserting his power. We do indeed live in interesting times and it is TIME to decide whose side you are on, the side of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified or anyone else. There are only two options.


Right now Russia seems to be the only major power on that side.
Will they side with the antichrist muslims and Chinese?
Or will they sit it all out?
How long will they stay on the side of Christ?
I don’t think we are in the endtimes yet, just in the prelude.

I don’t think the current order in the west will last much longer, it will not be the regime that plays the west’s part in the endtimes.
I think most of the world will undergo major changes before the endtimes begin.

I’m not crazy, but you may think I am
I’m not crazy, but you may think I am

For anyone wanting to read more information on the possibility of Charles being the Antichrist go to As to the illusion that there is a light alternative to the darkness of the cabal, you should go to and check out the Great Inversion.

1 year ago

Arabs/Muslims are being brought into the US by Jewish Family Services (A subsidiary of HIAS).

Funny how that works huh?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

soeone recently posted a pic of the lawyers who werked for catholic immivasion services. hint – none were catholic.

1 year ago

Re: DFT – Russia Offers Assistance to CIS In Moving From Dollar To National Currencies In International

developing alternative means of settling trade obligations by moving away from the dollar and euro has begun to be seen as a vital means of securing a nation’s geopolitical autonomy.”

Meanwhile, “outsider candidate Javier Milei, who won the August presidential primary, has put the focus of his campaign on getting rid of the peso entirely and adopting the US dollar.”

1 year ago

The genetic evidence, assessed at the level of the whole genome, shows a replacement of 93 per cent of the gene pool in Britain, suggesting that the arrival of the Beaker Complex correlates with a massive turnover of population during the final centuries of the third millennium BC.”

Don’t you dare draw any corollaries to Cabal’s migrant invasion of modern Europe and USA, anon. Interesting comment, however, from “Stephen” at the abstract page:

“The anti-migrationist orthodoxy of the past few decades is now revealed as “archaeological Lysenkoism”, using pre-history as a blank slate unto which are projected ideological preoccupations.
If Childe and Gimbutas and Kossinna weren’t entirely right, they were closer to it than their successors since 1950 .
As a matter of fact, the spread of the Beaker complex via mass migration and population replacement in Britain after 2500 BCE would be instantly recognizable to any archaeologist of the year 1950 or previously. They’d simply say of the aDNA evidence that it confirmed their previous theories — and it does.
Now we’re seeing desperate attempts to ‘save the appearances’, or less politely, avoid the logical implications to avoid hurt feelings and ideological offense.
For example, the 90%+ genetic turnover in Britain following 2500 BCE is often piously accompanied by pronouncements that there’s ‘no evidence’ of violence.
So, we’re supposed to think it credible that, given a glimpse of the superior ceramics and bronze tools of the immigrants, all the local men and women lost their will to live?
Became too depressed to reproduce?
Slit their wrists with their flint knives?
At about the same 2500 BCE date, aDNA has also revealed a genetic turnover in Iberia that resulted in the virtual extinction of the previous male Y-chromosome lines of descent, and their replacement with Central/North European ones, over a period of only a few centuries.
Again, we’re told that this doesn’t imply “violence”.
Let’s see… the local males were so impressed by the tall blond coolness of the Central European immigrants that they spontaneously castrated themselves?
Or were just so depressed that they couldn’t, ah, ‘get it up’ anymore?
Pots don’t -necessarily- mean people.
But quite often, they do mean people.
Because the commonest way of transferring culture, particularly in preliterate times, was to transfer the living heads that contained it. And human interactions have always involved violence; cf. Otzi the Iceman, who turned out to have been shot in the back with an arrow, or those Paleolithic massacre sites they’re digging up.
Now, it’s a general principle that just as similar causes produce similar results, similar results imply similar causes.
Let’s take that 2500 BCE genetic replacement in the British Isles; new material culture, new population.
What historical analogues are there? Where would you get a near-identical result if you did aDNA research of the same type on the human remains?
Well, southern New England between 1600 CE and 1750 CE. comes to mind.
New material culture, new population. And since we have contemporary accounts, we -do- know what produced that: a combination of novel diseases and lots and lots of violence.
As an amusing bonus, the new population was largely descended from the one that replaced the previous inhabitants of Britain forty-five hundred years before. Who’d largely replaced the hunter-gatherers in their turn, of course.
Now take examples where you get a Y-chromosome turnover of the type found in Iberia post 2500 BCE.
What are the areas where the same results occurred?
Why, in Latin America after 1492, of course.
The modern populations of Chile and Mexico, for example, have more than half their autosomal DNA traceable to Europe — Iberia, specifically.
But a very much smaller proportion of their mtDNA than their Y-chromosome lines. Local maternal lines of descent, immigrant males.
And -that- was the product of violent colonization in which immigrant males got far more favorable conditions for successful reproduction. Chile and Mexico aren’t the only examples, of course; central Columbia, Brazil, etc. show similar patterns.
The obvious inference is that the mechanisms of historical causation don’t change because there aren’t literate clerks around to take notes.
Post-1492 Europe wasn’t doing anything new or different, except for the speed and scale. This was how human beings had always interacted. QED.
Note that we’re still at it; ask them in Ukraine, or Darfur, or ask a Uyghur… but you’d better be quick with the latter.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

It may not have been violence at all that killed off the aboriginal population. It could very well have been disease. The vast, like 90%, of people in the new world fell out due to disease.

The majority of native Americans were killed by diseases they had no immunity too. If this were not so White people would have never conquered the Americas. An extreme example of this is the voyage of

Tough guy for sure.

First White guy to go down the Amazon. A complete mad man like the rest of the Spanish conquistadors. They did fun things like sail across the planet and when they got to a new land they knew next to nothing about, burned their boats so none of the crew could do anything but go forward. I digress, anyway. When Orellana went down the Amazon he wrote about the huge cities of millions of people. No one went back until a few hundred years later. There was NOTHING there. Jungle. A few thousand people. They thought he lied but now we’ve found out he didn’t. Researchers studying the jungle found huge areas with laid out patterns kilometers long. They also found a type of built soil called Terra preta ( if you’re interested in gardening, soil or growing stuff this Terra preta is completely fascinating stuff). We now know these people all died from disease and the jungle just grew over everything.
The same thing happened in North America. The land was almost empty. As farmers would move in periodically, the Indians would get upset about it and massacre them in the most gruesome of ways. The Whites would oblige them by giving them the same. The only Indian tribe that really tried to live with the Whites was the Cherokee but by the time they started to try this strategy I believe it was too late for it. The Whites hated the Indians and wanted them gone. If there had been less attacks and a more organized response by the Indians earlier in American history I don’t believe that it would have turned out as bad as it did for them. Anyone who believes the Indians were loving, back to nature, peaceniks knows nothing about Indians. They were brave and tough, to the point of stupidity, fierce fighters not to be taken lightly.

It’s interesting that academics seem to immediately claim violence when a far tidier and simpler solution is disease.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Diseases wiped them out not only because they were new to their immune systems, but because they had poor hygiene practices.
I read an article about how their fires in their teepees filled their lungs with smoke which suppressed their health and immunity because they didn’t have flues and chimneys like the Europeans.
There was another one about a parasitic disease that arrived with the rats aboard European ships, the natives either went barefoot or in flimsy moccasins and picked up the parasites through their feet.

There were probably other hygiene isuses as well, Europe suffered terribly from diseases in the ancient past before Christianity improved European hygiene.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
1 year ago

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office saying he knew nothing until the attack had begun and he was informed at 6:29 am Saturday morning local time.”

Seems like an oddly specific time, meaning comms might be involved. The time difference between Tel Aviv and Washington DC is 7 hours, making it 11.29pm Washington DC time. Q drop 2329 contains the following link: (S.Res.610 – A resolution urging the release of information regarding the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks upon the United States.)

A stretch perhaps, but interesting.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

Um…I don’t think that’s a stretch. Israel is calling this their “911” sooooo….

1 year ago

Vox Day discusses the rapid failure, after acquisition, of sports data analytics site Football Outsiders:

“as usual, the people who practically invented the NFL analytics game are about the only ones not profiting much from it.

“It’s just really disheartening to see this niche, special interest, really passionate sports blog that blossomed into a pretty influential sports analytics company, just get sucked dry so quickly,”

It is always disheartening to see how quickly, and how comprehensively, the financial parasites manage to destroy great little companies.”

VD does not discuss a motive for the failure of Football Outsiders. Here’s one possibility: the clever, independent sports data analytics firm was assassinated by the sports betting interests that acquired it in order to shut down the inevitable data analyses proving sports cheating. The successor firm had “partnered with SharpRank, a sports betting resource” and:

Of Simmonds’s ascent to CEO, Hershman said in a press release, “Given his previous experience as a public markets CEO and his extensive background in online gambling, the board of directors and I determined that his leadership of the Company would be both ideal and appropriate to steer us going forward as we build a leading sports content and data intelligence business.”

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Good catch.

I have pointed here in the past to Brian Tuohy’s “The Fix is In”. He has a website,, but his book is worth purchasing and reading. He has a persuasive argument, backed by analysis of the games, that professional sports leagues are entertainment companies and script their games. His focus is on the NFL and they try to script all their games.

So a honest and well done sports analytics firm would eventually uncover enough evidence that the games are being fixed, especially if they focused on American football and basketball, where it is the most obvious and gambling stakes are highest. So that site had to be shut down.

On Vox’s other point, if you get paid money, its for doing something you don’t really want to do, and if you have a passion or interest in something, you have to be prepared to do it without payment. People in past centuries understood this, but in recent decades there has been this normie notion that you are some sort of a weirdo if you are not commuting to and from a workplace five days a week. And when Cabal control tightened in the 1990s, they kept interest payments at or near zero, which made it impossible for people to live off their savings, which is what allows an amateur class able to do things without monetary compensation to develop.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Must say many thanks anon for pointing me in the direction of Tuohy and his work. I’ve broached his ideas with some sports nerds who are not considered “normie” and they scoff. Which is a strange reaction to me. Sports are just about one of the very last spheres of human endeavor that can break beyond Cabal’s hyper-focused control. Which is why they need to “script” games and, as AC has pointed out, most likely derail potential players that aren’t in the network.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That was me. I don’t know why it posted as Anonymous.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Simple rule of thumb. Anything, anything at all the Jews have control over will turn to shit. Sports, shit, sport analysis, shit, Art, shit, Schools, shit, manufacturing, shit, government, shit, banks, shit. Police training, shit, everything they touch turns to shit. Lies, deceit, psychopathic gas lighting and fakery. They are a shit people with shit means and shit ways. Even the ones you “think” are not shit, are shit. Look at Unz kvetching left and right all over the place to hide the role of the Jews creating covid then poisoning everyone with their kill vax, shit. Jews, everything shit.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Murray Rothbard appeared to be one of the few good Jews. Steven Miller also appears to be on our side. They do seem few and far between, but there do seem to be some good ones we can work with.

I’m still not sure on Jared Kushner, but he appeared to work under the cloak of working against Trump, but cut a lot of peace deals in the Middle East. It’s possible Javanka was actually working for him while appearing to be allies with their left-wing friends.

Makes me wonder about moving the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It seemed to piss everybody off. Jerusalem became the capitol, so why wasn’t the embassy moved there decades ago? Tel Aviv is the self-proclaimed “gayest city on Earth” and also allegedly a major center of human trafficking. I think that’s why it pissed everybody off so much. Moving the embassy made embassy staff lose access to the benefits of being in Tel Aviv. I don’t know; I’ve never been to Israel and I probably never will get there. Just an assessment with things I’ve picked up over the years.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Emmanuel Goldstein, the fake archenemy of Oceania in Orwell’s 1984.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This is the equivalent of, “George Washington Carver developed more than 300 food, industrial and commercial products from peanuts” or so and so Women did the math to help the space program. How do these hand full of Jews make up for the masses? How is it that Whites are totally convicted by the Jews for slavery given Jews are the ones that shipped them over and 40% owned slaves compared to less than 2% Whites. The damage they have done and are doing to the US, all White countries and anywhere they go is incalculable.

If you have a whole barrel full of 100 apples and they are contaminated such that only two apples out of the whole barrel are any good. The rest all taste like shit that is impossible to wash the taste out of your mouth for decades, and the only way to know the difference is to eat them. Do you eat shit apples forever to get at the two? No you throw that shitty barrel away if you have any sense at all.

If you have sex with a tribe of girls that 98% of them give you a horrible disease that makes your penis fall off, do you risk it? Hell no you quarantine them to stop the penis falling off disease.

There seems to be no way to contain the evil of the Jews short of containment, deportation or death. If there is, I don’t know of any but the Byzantine Empire, which allowed them almost no freedom and severely constrained them from most everything. And that didn’t help, I read they let the invaders in that destroyed them from the Jews gate. Might be they doing this again right now this second.

Here you people constantly ask for some sort of military take over, a dictatorship. Civil war. All sorts of drastic measures yet when it comes to Jews it’s, “Individualism All the Way”, “Enlightenment”, next thing you know you’ll all be telling me the Jews,”missed their ride”.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Easiest way to spot a Jew bent on righteousness first is to see how many Jews hate that person’s guts. If the merest mention of his name makes other Jews spit the dummy with rage, you are likely talking about a good man who tried his best. Not that much different from Christians, actually.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

sure. it was a good site, sabermetrics style. i used to value its special teams info. only site that really got into that.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

As soon as anything becomes dominant enough. It gets instantly captured.

1 year ago

‘Anyone in France who supports Hamas or Islamic jihad will be sentenced to 5 years in prison.’

And yet they and several other European countries have allowed an influx of potential members into their borders.

Seems rather contradictory to me.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Read it as the inverse for better impact:

Support Israel or go to jail

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

also cogitate re anti-divestiture laws

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

all about silencing YT thru surveillance, blackmail, fake votes, bs laws, lawfare, violence, prison. and maybe deportation.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Perfectly logical if purpose is to import civil war

1 year ago

Strategic petroleum reserve near historic lows – Biden drained SPR down to just 17 days of supply as war breaks out in Middle East.

One thing to keep in mind is that we might not be able to refill the SPR even if we wanted to. I mean, physically, technologically. Once the salt dome that they store it in is drained, it might either collapse or begin filling with brine. Either way, you can’t start putting more oil into and fill it back up.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

well this is why we will all have hybrids and EVs! vorwarts! to the rear!

Lord of the Hundreds
Lord of the Hundreds
1 year ago

It is interesting watching change agents like Shapiro double-down on a falsehood. It is almost like Cabal is burning its agents on purpose, and these agents are willingly going along with something they know is false.

That’s having your balls in a very tight vise, isn’t it? Knowing you have no choice but to go down with the ship you’ve spent a lifetime creating, honing, lying, and deceiving.

It is all so strange to observe. Well, at the end of the day, I don’t feel sorry for them. They chose willingly or unwillingly to engage in this insanity.

Knowing it’s all a suicide run, I would go out of my way to screw my tormentors with a complete public exhibition of everything I had been forced to do.

Reply to  Lord of the Hundreds
1 year ago

well they have some folks bribed. or blackmailed. or bamboozled (true believers?). and some are “born into it”. there is a lot of room for him to just be an adherent.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

“Thank you again to all those clicking over the our advertiser and clicking ads there, and clicking over to there to buy at Amazon and Ebay through their affiliate links. It is really appreciated.”

In case some people want to but forget to use the affiliate URLs:

I made easily accessible Amazon and Ebay links on my new tab page that I built up the habit of always using when I visit those sites. I almost never type the URLs anymore, but always click through DFT’s links. You could also make bookmarks or use some other strategy for this.

Before I make any purchase (particularly if I’m not sure if I accidently clicked another affiliate link), I’ll make sure to double-check by clicking DFT’s link just before I check out. That way, I can make sure that every one of my purchases are attributed to DFT and not some rando influencer.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

AC makes a great point about the attack on Israel possibly not being the primary one. Typically the jihadists do a diversionary attack first as a distraction from the “real” attack. I wonder if the intelligence actually did work and the primary attack was thwarted.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

Perhaps the “real” attack is the expected response to Israel’s counter-attack on Gaza. Without putting praise or blame, the military infrastructure and civilian population in Gaza is all but inextricable. The tunnel systems come to mind. It’s also very densely populated. They must have anticipated a large scale retaliation and, given [i’m told] about half the population are minors, many young people would be inevitably killed.
This appears to have put Israel in an almost untenable position. I suspect they foresaw this.

1 year ago

Quote from Texas Arcane’s new paid Substack post (‘The 2nd Time My Truck Gearbox Disintegrated’):

On the old site for Vault-Co, I also did a pictorial showing how most of the entrances to the underground in Melbourne were guarded by bizarre New World Order statues, plaques and friezes with demonic and occult symbolism. Melbourne almost seemed like it was as rife with freebrickers as Canberra and even more subterranean. I don’t know what it all means but I do know a lot of children go missing in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs every year.

I just researched Melbourne’s murals, and they are worse than in most Western cities. There’s harmless imagery, too, but I spared you the most nightmarish stuff.

[Frontline heroes: doctors who participated in the demonic pandemic are angels (mocking Christianity and the good) and Atlas, holding up the world (from Greek mythology)]
[‘Physical distancing’ hashtag: again mocking Christianity by subverting its imagery]
[‘No reason to be scared’: the girl’s facial expression seems to say otherwise, it’s not clear if she’s even wearing a top, and she’s much too young for a tattoo]
[‘Extinction – Creation’: man-animals either playing a game, fighting, or trying to escape]

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That bottom right mural sent me down a rabbit hole. You see those men are playing Australian Rules Football. Melbourne is the home of this football code & its’s very popular in this city & state tho other states have their teams also. In this mural the players are trying to get posession of the ball by leaping up to catch the ball & scrambling up the backs of other players to get as much height as possible. Look up “aussie rules marks” in YT to get the idea – it’s an impressive feat. The clothes are a sports uniform although the stripes don’t exactly fit any current team. As for the animal heads – some teams are named after an animal & that’s their mascot – bulldog, lion, kangaroo are examples. I attached another mural of players taking a mark that makes more sense.

The artist is from Argentina – Franco Fasoli. His style seems to involve humans fighting or in some kind of action dynamic & they often have animal heads. He has been influenced by mexican wrestling imagery – where the wrestlers wear masks. His technique of applying paint is interesting. I can’t say the animal heads are the football team mascots – as his other work has human/animal hybrids too – it seems to be a motif of his. Any art that’s human but with animal mixed in – like animal head usually feels a little off to me – kind of like it’s pagan energy dissing God’s creation (& therefore God).

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Of course you’re right about the Australian Rules Football. My explanation of that mural was rushed. I should have commented on ‘Extinction – Creation’; this could mean the extinction of man and the creation of man-animals through different kinds of sabotage (poisoning food, other dumbing down, dysgenics, etc.). And MK Ultra type stuff happens in sports, too.

There’s another mural by the same artist where the animal-men are horned beasts, so we again have the anti-Christian theme.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The social distancing Michelangelo’s Creation of David is way, way worse than just mocking christianity about 2 fingers being to close. Melbourne suffered the longest lockdown in the world – a total of 262 days in 6 lockdowns. That mural is telling the ppl of that city – “Stay away from God, don’t try to find meaning. Be totally isolated. Accept the nihilism & dystopia”

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You’ll really have nightmares when you discover how many of these artists are foreign imports paid and transported at somebody else’s expense to paint a wall in an obscure alleyway somewhere in Melbourne. The whole city is a hotbed of occultism above and belowground.

1 year ago

I believe that there are two people on the planet who together have the gravitas and moral authority to turn down the heat under the boiling pot.
Trump and Putin.
I hope that Jim Jordan realizes this, endorses Trump for Speaker and steps aside. He would likely have his opportunity again soon.
The succession clause in the Constitution has never been tested beyond the second in line.
Now would be a good time.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

yes and speaker-president would really render a bully-gavel from a bully-pulpit with bully-fire-and-brimstone. MUST SEE TV! i may have to get a tv werking and get cable tv again…

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

The dugin post seems more like a psychological operation more retarded than the one some (then) friends ( of socialist extraction) did when playing truco (cards) late well into the night some weekends when I was a teen than a genuine sincere analysis.

I find more believable this post AC shared the 7th of this month than dugin.

1 year ago

REVEALED: Boris Johnson’s Girlfriend Carrie Symonds Was ‘The Real Person in Charge’.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

is she a satanist?
comment image

1 year ago

once again, leading indicators, laggards… and… disney gives bazillions to israel but… few go there anymore (7:30) … as the economy slides down the greased blade toward a jar of alcohol…

1 year ago

>>George W Bush: ’Negotiating with killers is not an option for the elected government of Israel.’ The Cabal mouthpiece, who knew 9/11 never got by the domestic surveillance in America, has spoken.

Did any of you read that in W’s whiny little voice?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

This story would make an absolutely GREAT movie.

The Fat Electrician – The Infamous Eager Beavers & Their Custom B17 Bomber – Old 666

1 year ago

BREAKING: Department of Defense consultant says that the United States Space Force has proof that the 2020 election was stolen, but that the information was withheld in order to avoid the outbreak of civil war.— Leading Report (@LeadingReport) October 15, 2023

1 year ago

Or what?

comment image?width=516&height=646

1 year ago

The way things are going I think Israel will only take the north of Gaza this time, the part they ordered evacuated.

1 year ago

Found an interesting website:

Analysis of the mindviruses floating around. And how there is a lot of cult dynamics that is helping to run our world. In addition to surveillance.
Minnesota is ground zero for a lot of this. Including the Occult which originates the feminist movement.

Before taking on the skinsuit of Evangelical Christianity among the Suffragettes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Very interesting interview with Rachel Wilson, author of the book mentioned in your link:

Reply to  Ann K.
1 year ago

Very interesting.

1 year ago
1 year ago

I love my church. After the first two songs this morning, our Senior Pastor got up to talk about “praying for Israel”. My first thought was “here we go again, Evangelical Zionist bullshit!” But it was actually balanced. He talked about how he had innocent Christian brothers and sisters on both sides. It was very well balanced. I was impressed. Most Zionists and neocunts will make sure we all believe the “Palestinians” are all Muslim terrorists, but the people who lived in the land before the Balfour Declaration were of all three faiths. When the Zionists took over, they displaced Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

I’m impressed that my Senior Pastor has enough discernment. I like this church. He did a sermon series last year on “cancel culture”, and worked very hard to make it truthful and graceful.