News Briefs – 10/14/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers is stepping up her attacks on state Attorney General Mark Brnovich, demanding that he worry less about sending out threatening letters and start taking legal action against people who were involved in the election fraud.

Maricopa County officials claim they did not delete elections data, they just archived it and hid it from the Senate auditors.

Another Philadelphia Election Judge, Marie Beren, was charged with Election Fraud for stuffing ballot boxes – after she stepped down as a Judge, she became a poll watcher. Article here.

A judge in Georgia dismissed a lawsuit Wednesday by election skeptics who sought to inspect absentee ballots from last year’s presidential election, bringing the case to a close and keeping Fulton County’s 147,000 original absentee ballots under seal.

A Mesa County Court Judge ruled in favor of removing Tina Peters as the Designated Election Official (DEO) in Mesa CO after she imaged hard drives which the Secretary of State later allowed Dominion to try to delete through the “Trusted Build” upgrade, and has granted the Secretary of State’s requests that Wayne Williams is appointed as the DEO and Sheila Reiner be appointed as the election supervisor for Mesa County.

Mark Zuckerberg funded the private takeover of government election offices and that enabled a bunch of left-wing activists to come into government election offices and actually handle many things in the election.

Mark Zuckerberg spent $419M on nonprofits ahead of 2020 election to get out the Dem vote.

Facebook has a secret Blacklist of “Dangerous Individuals and Organizations.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki says at news conference that President Biden’s commission studying possible expansion of the Supreme Court will release its preliminary findings in report tomorrow.

Some US officials see new indications Russia could be behind Havana Syndrome. The article says some of the same Russians have been stationed at the sites of several Havana attacks overseas. However I can tell you that one, there is zero chance the Russians would launch a Havana attack right next to the White House, given the extent of surveillance, and the certainty of getting blown and caught. And the Russians are not gangstalking Havana victims in the US, and breaking into their houses to rearrange furniture, as has happened. Nor would the Russian explanation jibe with State trying to kill the investigation by claiming it is crickets. It does make me wonder if the Russians have some idea of what is going on, and were using a GRU unit to try and track the perpetrators, and observe them in action, either just for the intelligence value, or to get an idea of how to protect their own people. Also interesting in the article – they can hack electronics, using rf  beams. Doesn’t describe the mechanism, but gives the impression air-gapped electronics can be manipulated by a beam, possibly even if their radio aspects are not operational. Once you start looking at the extent of technology, them remotely generating electrical motive forces in things like keyboard wires, or mouse wires, using precise beams and interference effects becomes a possibility.

More cases of Havana Syndrome, now in Bogota Columbia.

Facebook’s new ‘smart glasses’ could be American spying tool, Russian security agency says, warning of potential ban in country.

Snowden slams CIA-funded ‘encrypted’ app wicker. It feels more like Snowden is building his cover.

Katie Couric admits she edited her 2016 interview with Ruth Bader Ginsburg to ‘protect’ the ‘elderly’ justice after she said people who kneel for the anthem were showing ‘contempt’ for a country that allowed them to ‘live a decent life.’

Joe Rogan destroys Sanjay Gupta with simple questioning.

Southwest CEO says no one will be fired over vaccine mandates.

The head of the CDC in Maine is asked about vaccine deaths being 60% of COVID deaths in the state, and things get uncomfortable. They have deaths occurring right after vaccination, and they are claiming they were due to COVID, and not the vaccine.

Australia building ‘quarantine facilities’ for people ‘who might not have had access to vaccinations.’

Healthy 16-year-old boy dies during online class less than a month after second Pfizer jab.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) was seen without a mask at an indoor ball, just weeks after he implemented a mask mandate for school children.

Cleveland clinic bans severely ill Ohio man from kidney transplant because the donor isn’t vaccinated.

Canadian doc speaks out on countless COVID vax side effects she has witnessed.

In Minnesota, breakthrough cases from the fully vaccinated account for 99% of all new Covid cases, including the rising death rate, despite the vaccine.

The double-vaxxed contract Covid at higher rates than the unvaccinated, UK data shows.

NBA star gets blood clots, experiences incredible fatigue, and develops back pain, all of which he says is from the jab, and it ends his season, and possibly his career.

The head of the Chicago police officers union has called on its members to defy the city’s requirement to report their COVID-19 vaccination status by Friday or be placed on unpaid leave.

US seeing a decline in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

6th Circuit blocks university’s vaccine mandate, sides with athletes seeking religious exemption.

Pope critic Archbishop Vigano, who accused the Pope of covering up reports of clerical sex abuse is lying low over fears for his safety, it is claimed.

Jen Psaki says Biden wants to use the pandemic to ‘make fundamental change in our economy.’

From vaccine mandates to enabling life-altering surgery for children, California’s public officials are usurping the role of parents.

Documents show the Biden administration is opening the border, and handing out work permits to at least 160,000 released illegal immigrants.

Inflation up 5.4% in September over last year, the highest rate in 13 years.

Gas prices at 7-year high and rising as Biden wages offensive against domestic energy producers.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the U.S. is partly to blame for the gas shortages Europe is currently facing, because the U.S.’s decrease in supplies has been “the cause of panic.”

California law bans small off-road gas engines, including generators, lawn equipment, pressure washers, chainsaws, weed trimmers, and even golf carts.

Researchers identify a new personality construct that describes the tendency to see oneself as a victim.

Town rocked by night of terror as a man goes on a bow and arrow rampage in Norway, with many dead.

In Italy, Pakistani migrants Arrested after raping a 13-year-old boy in a public park.

Taiwan’s defense ministry warned China of strong countermeasures on Wednesday if its forces got too close to the island, as Beijing defended its incursions into Taiwan’s air defence zone as “just” moves to protect peace and stability.

ARK Invest’s founder and CEO Cathie Wood warns upcoming economic downturn in China is ‘obvious’ – the slowdown in China is to ripple through the global economy and weigh on commodity prices and growth.

Port of Los Angeles to move to 24/7 service to address supply chain bottlenecks. Why do we need this now, if we never needed it before?

Top California labor official and husband accused of grand theft, embezzlement and tax evasion.

Al-Qaida threatens new attack on U.S., more painful than 9/11. A Cabal subsidiary ready to create a distraction.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has just three months left in office, is quietly banishing a statue of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson from City Hall’s council chambers, where it has resided for the past 187 years. It is crazy to have that deep a hatred for fundamental freedom that you harbor a grudge against a guy you never even met, who was actually leftward-leaning compared to guys like John Adams, and 187 years later you are still trying to lash out at him.

Peter Thiel is helping to fund MAGA primary challenges against Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump.

Judge says civil rights of Jan 6 detainees are being violated, and slaps the warden with contempt.

GOP leader Kevin McCarthy shatters fundraising record, with nearly $60 million for the House GOP.

GOP flips long-held blue seat in Iowa special election.

Senate hopeful Eric Greitens leads GOP primary by double digits as he gains support with an anti-McConnell stance.

Trump says Republicans won’t vote in midterms, or the 2024 election if 2020 fraud isn’t ‘solved.’

Bob Woodward says he’s never seen a former President with as much political strength as Trump. People know he is the only one reliably on our side. With everybody else, supporting us is just to build a cover to hide their corruption. We know they will screw us eventually.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Big rally in Michigan yesterday, unbelievable spirit and knowledge of what went on with respect to voting and vote counting in the 2020 Presidential Election. Detroit, considered for many years to be one of the most corrupt places in the United States for elections (and many other things!), had large-scale irregularities so much so that two officials, at great risk to themselves and their families, refused to certify the results, and were sadly threatened. Wasn’t it a fact that aside from other things, there were far more votes than voters? Even the RINOs on the Senate Committee found 289,866 absentee ballots that were sent to people who never requested them, “something that would be illegal.” Why did they viciously kick out the Republican poll watchers? Seventy percent of Detroit’s mail-in ballot counting boards didn’t match, it was a total mess. Why won’t they give respected professionals and representatives at yesterday’s rally the right to do a Forensic Audit of Wayne County (Detroit) and Macomb County? That includes the RINOs in the State Senate and House who for, whatever reason, do nothing but obstruct instead of seeking the truth. Hopefully, each one of these cowardly RINOs, whose names will be identified and forthcoming, will be primaried, with my Complete and Total Endorsement, in the upcoming election. Congratulations on the great rally yesterday!


COVID is raging out of control, our supply chains are crashing with little product in our stores, we were humiliated in Afghanistan, our Border is a complete disaster, gas prices and inflation are zooming upward—how’s Biden doing? Do you miss me yet?


Here we go again. After a very long wait, a judge in Georgia refuses to let us look at the ballots, which I have little doubt are terrible. This whole situation is a disgrace to our Country. Why can’t the public see the ballots? Our Country is going to hell and we are not allowed transparency even in our Elections. The people of Georgia deserve to know the truth. So unfair to them and our Country. The fight continues, we will never give up. Our Elections are so corrupt and nobody wants to do anything about it!


Why isn’t the January 6th Unselect Committee of partisan hacks studying the massive Presidential Election Fraud, which took place on November 3rd and was the reason that hundreds of thousands of people went to Washington to protest on January 6th? Look at the numbers now being reported on the fraud, which we now call the “Really Big Lie.” You cannot study January 6th without studying the reason it happened, November 3rd. But the Democrats don’t want to do that because they know what took place on Election Day in the Swing States, and beyond. If we had an honest media this Election would have been overturned many months ago, but our media is almost as corrupt as our political system!


If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.

Invite other people to because the election fraud needs to be fixed.

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3 years ago

I recently questioned what Q was waiting for but I think I know the answer.

Somewhere in the MAGA/Q alliance there are stupid conservatives who think the election can be rectified in the courts and legislatures.
They are mostly on our side and are not “moderates” like the RINOs but they are pig headed stick in the muds who think that the military is not the only way and would oppose the military counter coup.
We will continue to suffer while they wait for the courts and the legislatures until they finally get their heads out of the donut box and accept military action.
They will not believe the truth until they exhaust every comfortable “legal” option and finally realize that Brnovich and his ilk are not only useless but deliberate saboteurs.

Byrne, Powell, and Lindell may be among them.

I have known too many slow learning snails like that and I have always thought that they did as much or more damage as the outright enemies because they enable the enemies far more than the enemies could do for themselves.
When it is all over Q or Trump need to name and shame them, we may not throw them out of the country but they need to never have power at any level again.

I think the common man is more than ready and it is the “lesser nobility” (for lack of a better term) that are the problem.
They are too comfortable with the current system and don’t want to believe it has to be totally uprooted to solve the problem.
Knowingly or unknowingly they have been camp followers of the cabal that has been looting us and have snarfed up the crumbs that fell from the table while the rest of us have become (figuratively) emaciated and they don’t want anyone kicking over the table the crumbs fall from.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I think we in the community are often suffering from tunnel vision. From the start of this it’s something that I’ve been trying to inject into the conversation that it’s not enough to put Trump back into office, it’s not enough to arrest everybody, it has to be done in a way that insulates Trump from any accusation of orchestrating a coup. Otherwise, China especially immediately has the US sanctioned in the UN, thrown off the security council, all of it.

Personally, I’m with you. I think it’s well beyond time to send the Marines to arrest everybody and let the chips fall. Q and team is trying to pull off a hat trick-

1)Preserve the US hegemony

2) avoid civil war

3)allow the zombies to kill themselves off with the clot shot, which accomplishes the goals of a civil war without a civil war

4) get the people active and involved, with a permanent burned in memory that will keep them from going back to sleep for a few generations at least.


6)be able to blame the democrats for everything that’s wrong in the country

7)No really, the democrats are going to get blamed for everything. Even Trump is going to be able to shift blame onto Biden for the death toll of the vaxx because Trump will correctly assert that he was lied to at every step of the way, and that it was Biden that began allowing vaxx mandates while Trump has always maintained that freedom to choose was mandatory. Trump will even play the card of being wrong, remind everyone that he himself took a jab even after getting monoclonal antibodies at Walter Reed. Just another way he will be able to use to connect with the common people.

The collateral damage of this approach is something that I’m definitely not a fan of, and I don’t think it was worth it. But then the cargo ships are still docking at the ports this way. The dollar is still buying goods, even if inflation has gone up significantly. Cheap generic drugs from China are still keeping the hospitals going. That would not be happening the other way.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

No one gives a fuck anymore if whiny faggots on Twitter cry about coups and martial law and being oppressed. Plenty of people would throw Super Bowl watch party style events to celebrate those whiny faggots being hanged by the neck until dead (after a fair trial of course) so playing for optics is a waste of time.

A squeaky clean “well gee golly I guess trump proved we’re evil, guess we’ll leave now” outcome is impossible. They will go down throwing windup toy shooters, bombings, and “terrorist” events to the last man no matter what is done to stop them. Might as well stack a pile of skulls (after a fair trial of course) on the way through; dead men can’t slink into the shadows and fuck your shit up again the next time around.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I think Q/Trump is trying to prevent the Great Reset and Cabal’s depopulation and global control maelstrom. They’re trying to wake us up in sufficient numbers to coerce a Great Awakening that avoids civil war in the US, global wars elsewhere, and significant collateral damage everywhere.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Maybe, they just have to kill time?

Project Looking Glass.
“The 2012 problem”

TLDW: after 2012 nothing can stop what is coming as “as possible” time lines converge.. aka “The Great Awakening”

There does seem to be the air of a great awakening happening currently.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Houser, the US is one of the few countries that has ALL the resources it needs to live well. Not even to just survive. So the UN security council and every other globalist shill organisations are cabal, membership of which indicates your subservience.

The democrats are going to whhhaaaattttt? After everything you read on this wonderful site you write rubarb like that?

Part of the cabal trick is to get people to focus on the fake figureheads.Why do they do that? So that you wont focus on the real cnuts! Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Gates etx.

We need to attach every issue to Soros, gates etc. So that they feel the heat.

Democrats, GOP representatives are merely figureheads for you to exhaust yourself on instead of focussing all your efforts on where Soros lives, where Rockefeller lives and where they eat, whee their kids go to school, what numberplates their vehicles have, who supplies them with food, powerlines to where they are etc.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

This is called “Robert the Bruce” syndrome.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Please explain.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  map
3 years ago

Note that Robert the Bruce was a great warrior and really did the hard work of making Scotland free after the death of William Wallace.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

He almost united all of the Celts against the English.
But the Irish preferred to fight eachother and him and it all fell apart.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

FFS. Scotland has never been free of the filth!

Ask a fckn scot FFS.

Where the fck do you think Balmoral is located?

The English are kiniving scum. Always have been always will be. Surely you YANKS know that?

A bit of a read up on Scottish history will show you that the scots have been sold doon the river by their own clansmen who were offered lands and monies by those English fckn vermin.

Nout has changed in 500 years.

Scotland is now the saddest of places – no pride, pakis and middle eastern scum and ruled over by some hald man half turd like creature.

They are done. There is not even a glimmer of a comeback on the cards.

All my fam and inlaws are/were proud scots, but no more.

They are all pussies and wimps like YOU fckers are becoming. Making up reasons for why you cant do stuff.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

We await your after action reports with eager anticipation.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Do you think the Hapsburgs are English?

Or many of Parliament?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I like the “lesser nobility” insight. The affluent and well-meaning crowd are particularly frustrating. It may be the sheer, willful ignorance of their stance that is so offensive. As long as their comforts are not denied them they will continue to fiddle while Rome burns. Another version of the useful idiots on both sides of our major political divide. Cabal takes full advantage of this.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

what utter nonsense mate. How many people need to croak, lose their livelihoods, their homes etc while you sit their in a room full of hopium.

What is really happening is that every “real” American is using every possible excuse not to end this garbage now. We have X number of guns and X number of bullets doesn’t mean shit if you are using them as jacket racks.

Are you going to pull those six guns or whistle Dixie?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, I love ya mate, but I reckon we are going to be talking totally on my level in 12 months.

Pulling the blankets tighter around you doesn’t not stop the cold from getting in.

Ya think all the crap going on in OZ isn’t coming your way?

Dude, you better knock some of the dust off that crystal ball because sure as I crap a gorgeous log every morning, you dudes are about to be asked the Josey Wales question.

And the response must be 150%. Nothing tentative. It must be complete elimination. Anything less, allows the cancer to exist.

Note this post because in 12 months I will be reminding you and we will all be listening to Houser FFS on how to make our weapons better and eat half heads of salmon.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

AC, I read what you posted below.

What happens when they have quarantined you from “society” you have no money in your bank account, no access to shops etc and therefore a reduced ability to fight?

Are you prepared to give the opposition the time to prepare and purge you of your ability to rebuff them?

That is some kind of plan.

12 months and lets see ol mate.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Peasant uprisings always fail.
In the American Revolution we had the Colonial governments, militias, and many other institutions on our side.
If worst comes to worst we will go out in a blaze of glory while the Aussies who do the same will have nothing more modern than medieval peasants had. (but we will probably all die either way)
It will be far better if we can get the military and the “lesser nobility” on our side. (we might survive and win)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

P.S. Remind me about the Australian Revolution to throw of the English yoke, I must have missed that in school.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

More importantly, peasant uprisings always get sabotaged by the lesser nobility. Read up on the Peasant Revolt of 1381, and more importantly, read it through the lens of how we know things actually work.

Who sent Wat Tyler, and where did all the weapons come from?

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Yep, the underground Templars and/or the usual suspects.

“When Adam delved and Eve span,
Who was then the gentleman?”

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I understand your point, but don’t see why Q team has to wait for normie cons, or anyone else for that matter.

Cabal doesn’t wait for people to join or agree with their program, they simply write the script and roll it out, making adjustments along the way.

Waiting for folks like Powell and Lindell to fall in line is a losing strategy, as folks like that may not ever fall into line.

Time for waiting is over. It was actually over at least a generation ago, and much of what heritage America recognizes as America is gone for good, that’s how deep of a hole we are in.

At this point, waiting for the general population to catch up is basically admitting defeat.

I realize none of us here knows the true scope of this secret war, but the Covid Op/Great Reset is now in full motion and has been for almost 2 years, so if Q team is real, and that is still up for debate, then we are at 2 minutes to midnight.

In other words, time to bring the storm, or spend the rest of eternity cursing our passivity.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Consider strategic assets and who controls them. Right now, cabal’s big assets are:

1) Absolute control of the media.
2) Control of most major companies and most federal, state, local agencies through blackmail and extortion.
3) Control of most courts.
4) Control of a nationwide surveillance apparatus.
5) Control of a nationwide army of assassins and saboteurs, many former special opertions personnel and experienced mafia hitmen.

How are you going to move against that? The George Floyd Riots showed you how easily and cheaply they can manage nationwide civil disturbances.

What are you gonna do? Arrest some people? Only to have judges let them go? Hell, you’d be lucky if you could even find willing prosecutors. Particularly after a few of them get greased.

Seize the white house? Dismiss congress? Declare an emergency?

Think carefully about what they could do with those assets listed above. Millions of Americans would regard it as a coup, an insurrection, an “assault on our democracy.”

Think you’re just going to round up the bad guys in that mess? Tens of thousands of Americans would willingly use their bodies to block highways and keep arrests from even happening.

To really take this thing down, you need degrade or eliminate their control of those 5 assets. Probably in more or less that order.

Which, coincidentally, is exactly what we’re seeing.

In the last 4 years the media has taken a MAJOR hit in its effectiveness. Still not nearly enough. But the loss of trust in them by most Americans has been a major strategic victory for our side. With minimal loss incurred.

We simply cannot proceed until the media and the perceived legitimacy of our elected bodies is further eroded. That’s exactly what is occurring.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

I tend to feel the same way.
But I think that is what they are waiting for and they have a better idea of the balance of forces than I do.

Again, I DO feel like they may be waiting longer than is necessary and have said so multiple times.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Davo, to add to your analogy, imagine that the solution is waiting for an ex drunk who likes pillows, and some wanna-be that wants to charge you to read his pronouncements of which so far none have produced a thing!

That is shear madness.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Remember a saying that Q has repeated many time: “These people are stupid”
The key issue that Q and Trump are trying to do is prime the entire population to reality of the Cabal. The only way to do that is to show the people the fragility of our system and utter stupidity of our so called “elites”.

The issue is not when the coup will happen, but will the majority of people accept it? Trump and Q needs to reach that point in order for the plan succeed.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Thersites
3 years ago

Aka the great awakening.
“Nothing can stop what is coming” – Q

The 2012 problem, project looking glass.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Some US officials see new indications Russia could be behind Havana Syndrome. … However I can tell you that one, there is zero chance the Russians would launch a Havana attack right next to the White House”

Russia wouldn’t do it for simple reasons. First, little to no real gain. Second, retaliation. Why throw crap in the fan?

And apparently others, probably down to corporate level, are figuring out how to do Havana style attacks, so the only winning move is not to play in the first place. And Russia still has cultural sensitivities to Stalinist purges and how winds of safety and fortune could change in an instant during that time. It makes all secret squirrel stuff in Russia suspect to Russians.

Another indication of loss of control is if Havana tech is Cabal controlled/limited. They had too many players with it, Q or someone hurt their comms, or somebody was watching their comms and they had to go quiet/quieter. So with their mid levels effectively out of comms the mids used the Havana tech they had to be annoying (their type gets a kick out of abuse), and like the predictable little demons they are used it too much. Stuff leaked, somebody got sloppy, and now it’s all over the news. The news broadcast it probably to stop usage for awhile, but because the tech is out the lower level Cabalites are using it, and since lower levels don’t speak proficient Cabalese it is now an outbreak of Havana, and everyone could start using it soon.

See, I know there are Cabalites who read this, it’s why you don’t mess with free will in the first place, the Almighty will set things in motion to stop you, and if you keep doing it, well, what goes around comes around. Sweet dreams.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Pope critic Archbishop Vigano, who accused the Pope of covering up reports of clerical sex abuse is lying low over fears for his safety, it is claimed.”

Funny how the Pope will send Jesuit assassins after the righteous Archbishops, but never after the pedo priests. What a system.

3 years ago

“From vaccine mandates to enabling life-altering surgery for children, California’s public officials are usurping the role of parents.”

The key to parents maintaining the safety and control of their children’s development is removing them cabal skools. All public skools are cabal. All Popist skools are cabal.

If you give your children to cabal then you have surrendered to Satan, and you bear the consequences. All parents protesting are stupid. YOU CANNOT REFORM SATAN.


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Town rocked by night of terror as a man goes on a bow and arrow rampage in Norway, with many dead.”

A picture of the assailant,

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Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I am thinking this guy is on to something. All able bodied white males punk the system and pledge allegience to Allah. Then rampage on!!! Love it! He is punking them and gives no fuck about Islam, The crazy Norskis really light the way don’t they?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has just three months left in office, is quietly banishing a statue of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson from City Hall’s council chambers, where it has resided for the past 187 years”

Blacks destroy statues of Christopher Columbus
Italians destroy statues of Thomas Jefferson

As an Anglo, all I can say is, both have to go back or both have to go back.


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Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

All Italians get blamed for the actions of one stupid Commie? You do know that De Blasio’s real last name is Wilhelm, right? Only his mother was Italian, his father was German, so do we blame zee Germans too? For the record, I am not Italian.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

there’s a lot to blame to Germans for, public schooling among other things, but Germans are supposed to fight Communists and make cars, it’s the only reason they exist.

De Blasio (Wilhlem) is a bad Italian. He’s a bad German. He’s a bad White man. He’s a bad mayor. Probably bad at a few other things too.

I just find it funny how a black destroys a statue of an Italian and Italians complain (still don’t do anything),

…but a half-wop /half kraut destroys part of MY cultures heritage (the Jefferson statue) and Anglo-Saxons are just supposed to sit here and take it. Bubkis

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Anglo-Saxons are just supposed to sit here and take it.” For now, Rex, for now….

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

The difference between an Italian and a German is a few miles and who won the last skirmish. There are large swaths of German-speaking Italy.

3 years ago

“Al-Qaida threatens new attack on U.S., more painful than 9/11. A Cabal subsidiary ready to create a distraction.”

Agree 100%. Al-Qeeda was a CIA front in the ’80s and is a CIA front now.

Xi Jinping the Aussie
Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

In Australia we’re still pretty confused as to what the quarantine camps are for. We are on the back end of the pandemic with 80% vaccination.

Really, what are they for?

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

Well, Australia doesn’t have a ‘Gitmo’, but after two years of the fake pandemic, draconian lockdowns and vaccine mandates, we sure do have a shitload of ‘gitmo candidates’. Just putting that possibility out there…

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago


Reply to  Xi Jinping the Aussie
3 years ago

They are currently under construction in Washington state, as well. Clearly it’s part of a new, unannounced phase.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
3 years ago

ICYMI in your normal rounds AC, I’m very sure you’ll find this link…interesting

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

> We have asked Jack about the spreadsheet and he denies involvement, but we know that it couldn’t be anyone else.

Why the hell not? It could easily be someone else afaict. Jack denying it makes sense if the parents are neurotic and likely to overreact, otherwise I don’t see why he wouldn’t just admit it.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

So much f-ed up stuff in that story, it’s tough to know where to begin.

But yeah, there’s the Jr. Cabal network…

Reply to  Cary Kembla
3 years ago

Strange link. It’s been a long time since I read something so mainstream I had forgotten how creepy it gets. Each of those parental guidance stories is grotesque in its own way. It’s a bit shocking to see the Cabal MSM’s brainwashing and propaganda so smoothly and insidiously at work.

3 years ago

>remotely generating electrical motive forces
Backdooring at all levels is well known; transmitting the necessary electricity wirelessly should be trivial, with commercial products like that over priced apple charger on the market, mobos with wireless built in that much more so. Curious if they can image RAM contents, or if ‘low power state’/sleep mode helps facilitate this sort of thing.

>showing ‘contempt’ for a country that allowed them to ‘live a decent life.’
Ruth ‘Buck Breaker’ Ginsberg

>Cleveland clinic bans severely ill Ohio man from kidney transplant because the donor isn’t vaccinated
China & Israel are the organ harvesting capitals of the world . . . suppose They know transplants between jabbed & unjabbed will produce consistently unoptical case precedents from practical testing.

>The double-vaxxed contract Covid at higher rates than the unvaccinated
Will the one-and-done get a reprieve, or less grievous mortality, or attenuate the ADE threat, I wonder.

>US seeing a decline in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.
They’ll have to reverse the over reporting of cases and deaths at some point to keep up the booster charade.

>Jen Psaki says Biden wants to use the pandemic to ‘make fundamental change in our economy.’
“America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” — Family Friend of the Kushners

>California’s public officials are usurping the role of parents.
Lower the age of consent here with HRT, remove medical informed consent with parent oversight for jabs there, ect.

>and handing out work permits to at least 160,000 released illegal immigrants.
About those Internment & Resettlement Specialist FEMA advertisements …

>Port of Los Angeles to move to 24/7 service to address supply chain bottlenecks.
Moreover, why is there a Presidential ‘task force’ for it? German invasion of Norway, ect.

>that you harbor a grudge against a guy you never even met, who was actually leftward-leaning compared to guys like John Adams
All the Founders had uncharitable words for de Blasio’s tribe. Phoenician Navy puts up Arch of Baals, American war heroes get taken down, big ghey ops all around.

3 years ago

Sorry AC. I am noyt trying to usurp your position.

For those interested, this is hard to find. Dr Valentina Zharkova’s most recent conversation re Glo-bull warming:

3 years ago

Researchers identify a new personality construct
Nothing new about that but the prevalence.

Johannes Q
3 years ago

“My son, “Jack,” 14, has been maintaining a spreadsheet that tracks all of his classmate’s problematic actions. Jack has always had difficulty fitting in, but he is a compassionate and intelligent boy.”


Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

I was one of the pretty, smart girls in high school who made fun of kids like that.

I regret nothing.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

I hope you’re now one of the pretty, smart women who make fun of SJW neighbors like that.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

We have based neighbors 👍🏻

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

You shouldn’t regret anything. If anything, ridicule is doing kids like that a favor.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

We do not allow our children to have their own computers to prevent the risk of them being radicalized by alt-right websites….

I quit reading after that. With nut-job parents like that, poor kid doesn’t stand much of a chance.

Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

And when he murders his parents in three years, no one will have any idea why.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Australia building ‘quarantine facilities’ for people ‘who might not have had access to vaccinations.”

Heritage America understands that there are certain lines where even if we can’t communicate we all know that the time to rise up is upon us.

The construction or announcement of previously constructed isolation “camps” for a targeted portion of our population is clearly one of those lines. Those camps are meant for us to die in.

Once we start the machine will shut down all of our electronic communications. This blog, message boards, and apps like Gab will be gone.

When that happens (and it will) congregate and communicate at your church or social club. Have those organizations stay in touch with similar groups in nearby towns. Communication is key. Start setting up offline connections right now.

If you’re a lone wolf then you know the drill. “Friends” list time.

Also, anyone who doesn’t help fight this is an enemy piece of shit and should be treated as such.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

That’s the spirit Corny!

My local church group has an average age of about 75 so I wont be worrying them.

Walking pace is around 4km/ph so you can get a long way away in a few days.

3 years ago

> Southwest CEO says no one will be fired over vaccine mandates.

Good decision, since the company is essentially shut down at the moment. They’re hemorrhaging money by the minute with the planes not flying.

The big question is… why *only* Southwest? What made their aircrew and ground employees willing to make a stand, that none of the employees of other airlines did? Or is this happening elsewhere, but the enemedia has closed ranks to hide it?

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

It was all over Gab and other right sites, so if any other airlines were having the same problem we’d hear about it. We even had a couple SW pilots post messages.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

It is beginning to spread.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Southwest pilots are overrepresented as former military, even compared to other airlines (which are also overrepresented.) In addition, SWA pilots have more say in the running of the company due to its employee ownership program. It makes it harder to fire them, especially when they have seniority.

3 years ago

> Australia building ‘quarantine facilities’ for people ‘who might not have had access to vaccinations.’

“Seems legit…”

3 years ago

> Port of Los Angeles to move to 24/7 service to address supply chain bottlenecks.
Wait, what? WTF?!

Apparently nobody actually *wanted* those ships unloaded…

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Governor Redclaw would have sent the Guard to handle the ports, but y’all didn’t vote for me in the recall.

3 years ago

> Peter Thiel is helping to fund MAGA primary challenges against Republicans who voted to impeach President Trump.
Thiel is the owner of Palantir, part-owner of Facebook, and part of some other shady companies. He talks MAGA, but he lives and breathes among the far left, giving them massive financial support. He also endorsed and financed John McCain, Carly Fiorina, and Mitt Romney.

I doubt his challenger funding is actually intended to succeed; it’s a PR stunt, for the gullible who will go, “Oooh, MAGA!” without actually looking at his history. This may indicate he’s planning another foray into politics.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“…who is gay…”

“…is a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group…”

I’d say the jury’s in.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

Cabal has every base covered, as well as owning the management and staffing of BOTH teams in any struggle.

They leave no stone unturned, and no potential threat unchecked, although that doesn’t mean they don’t fuck up or underestimate opponents.

After all, they have been doing this for centuries, maybe millenia.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

And that is why the controlled opposition always channel you back into fixing the GOP and not starting a new party over which they have no control.
Its dumbfck 101.

3 years ago

AC headline: “GOP leader Kevin McCarthy shatters fundraising record, with nearly $60 million for the House GOP.”

I will NOT be voting at anytime in the future! Period. I will NOT be voting for any Republican.

I’ve been burned—we’ve all been burned. Only a few Republican state leaders in Arizona are standing up for election integrity. Here in the Soviet Republic of Michaocuan, the Republican Party leadership en toto—have refused to do their job.

We are told that the Republican Party is for the Rule of Law—Where is the Rule of Law when we KNOW of Election fraud—and the Republican Party DOESN’T EVEN STAND UP for its own? Rule of law not only means ‘obey the laws’, but also when there are breaches in the law—they are corrected. IS THE REPUKE PARTY correcting the breaches in the Law? Biden has destroyed this country—The Republican Party is FINE with Biden destroying this country—rather than putting President Trump BACK into office. Never have I seen so much Treason, lying, cowardice, and perfidy in all my life. That is what the Republican Party stands for—The Republican Party stands for Treason, Lying, Cowardice and Perfidy.

It’s all lies. Screw the Republican Party. Screw this country. I put my ass on the line in the Cold War when our battle group could’ve been nuked by Russians—-and the Republican Party does NOTHING over election fraud? Why did I serve? These people have stabbed me and my sacrifice in the back.

NO. No Forensic Audit in Michigan—No decertification—NO VOTE. PHUCK the Republican Party—GO TO HELL.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“But until then, we fight and make them break every law.”

That’s the most logical. The exposure is an intel risk to them. You don’t want to have an address in Civil War 2, and they’ve got an address. They are answering the “who” part of the question.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

A whhhaaaaaattt?

An intel risk?

Perhaps you haven’t noticed Soros, Rockefeller and Rosthschild changing your laws with no pushback?

The intel risk is so high that they are shitting themselves right? Because, ya know, like Maricopa audit results were the FIRST DOMINO MOFO!

What utter unadulterated rubbish.

They don’t give a frag what you think about anything. Everything is out in the open yet nothing is done.

They must be cackling away like witches at a newt party.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Trump had a GOP majority in both houese for two years and all they did was fight him. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Then they collaborated with the installation of a shadow government determined to destroy us all.

No, I don’t have a solution. I’m just a gal with an iPhone.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

If they stole it once successfully—they will do it again.

Look, let’s face it—The Democrat Party stole the election–and they don’t care. The Media is giving shade to the Dems and are being attack dogs for the Democrat Party! The US Military has an Election security unit—they know–they have done nothing. —because they can’t. Everything is engineered in this society for their control. They are the ones playing 5d Chess and us reactionaries are doing what? reacting to the 1d.

What church has spoken out on the Stolen election? What church speaks out on genocide going on in this country? What church?

Not only is the Social Compact gone—but the Social fabric is gone. America has major genetic defects including its ideology and its system and it isn’t going to survive. There is absolutely no one that has a plan—after civil war. And what you see is bitter clingers who are going to cling to a failed ideology.

Let it fail. It’s going to fail. The quicker it fails the better. I don’t see a way out. There is no light at the end of the tunnel here. I am afraid of the future. I am afraid of the Marxists, of the Left—I have done ALL I could. I’ve been to school boards, sent letters to my local bishop, participated in town halls, emailed my representative, been to two college boards about stuff—worked on research stuff about the correct history of Europe and exposing Marxism and all the bad stuff out there, corrected the history and origins of philosophy—-did all of that—And what has happened—-

Things have gotten worse—not better. We have NO organization. No leadership. No communication that is not bugged and recorded. No meeting—-and on top of that—NO ONE on the “right” can agree to anything and what the “right” here wants is to go back to something that is deeply flawed and apostate.

They never learned their lesson. If Generaliissmo Franco FAILED in a Catholic, racially homogeneous culture—what makes you think we can do better than Franco here in America? Hitler Failed. Mussolini Failed. Franco failed, Pinochet failed. Trump was taken out. Tell me, what’s the road?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

You did all that and didn’t notice that gun rack you have?

Mate, the first thing is don’t engage in their bollocks. It is set up to tire you out and distract you from focussing on the real a$$holes behind all this. Its Soros, Rockefeller and Rothschild and Gates that need our attention.

Find people that understand the game and the rules. Neither the game nor the rules are what exist in the mainstream.


And so a new compact is required for patriots around the world – to swear an allegiance to that puts the scum on notice that we are coming for them and wont stop until they and their family lines are removed forever from the earth.

Everyone will reach this point. Some sooner than others. But we all will reach this point. We need to organise in advance to ensure this BS doesn’t go on for years when it can be done in months.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Even in 1897 the “Conservatives” have been recognized as toothless controlled opposition:

They are effectively the “Woman” to the Democratic “Man”. For all their celebration of Masculinity in Men and Femininity in Women. In practice the “Conservative” Men at least in the Political sphere are effete weaklings since the 1800’s.

They let the opposition set the legitimacy and terms of respectability and even their very notions of morality.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Thanks for the link. Vox Day said the same thing. Nothing has changed.

But then–the word ‘conservative’ in the Anglo-sphere means liberal! The term ‘conservative’ was coined by the French monarchists for themselves. Benjamin Disraeli, a Maranno Jew, borrowed the term, changed its meaning and then disseminated it widely in British society. A disaster.

If you want to know what True Conservatism is:

Conservatism is the Virtue of Righteousness

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Republicuck fundraising spam is off the charts. I spend a significant part of my day anymore sending this crap to my spam folder. I quit using gmail in favor of a friend’s Exchange server, but neither that nor my email client can automagically route it to spam. It comes in all day and all night. They will not honor any unsubscribe request.

I don’t know who is running the God Emperor’s “campaign”, but spam from them has gotten bad. He needs to fire the grifters and scammers who run his fundraising, if it is even connected to him in the first place.

I can’t comment on calls because I block numbers not in my contacts, but I’m sure plenty of those attempt to come through.

Like you, even if I had money I was looking to donate to politics, none of these cucks and traitors would get it.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

If you’ve been voting, keep voting. Don’t change your patterns.

It’s long past time to become the Gray Man and blend into the noise.

3 years ago

Not voting? That gives the left a sort of honest election win, and they will claim the high ground.

Rolling over and playing dead isn’t a winning move in any game.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Nels
3 years ago

The system is infected and corrupt beyond redemption. We need to breakaway, go underground, parallel society, something. We’re not voting out way out of this.

3 years ago
3 years ago

I’m really tired of talking about 9/11. The evidence of CIA, Mossad, MI6 Intel-Ops is overwhelming. YET ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL PSY-OP.

Everything “THEY” wanted to get out of it they got. And… they… all live happily ever after again.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Trying to get in before everyone complains about VD’s latest uncomfortable take on China – I agree with him. The Biden admin will NOT defend Taiwan. The Trump admin might not have defended Taiwan, at least not with a shooting war.

Well, I don’t agree with EVERYTHING he said:

“5. The USA has nothing to gain and much to potentially lose from a conflict over Taiwan.”

Unfortunately that is absolutely NOT true. Semiconductor manufacture was hardly the only industry offshored to Taiwan instead of China. Taiwan has heavy steel casting facilities that would take a decade to replicate here in the states, just as ONE example. That ability was deliberately offshored to weaken us as a tenet of globalism and the interdependent economy theory of ending war.

This is the kind of thing that was offshored there:

Alcoa 50,000 ton forging press

There are five of these presses out of 10(?) still operational in the US last I checked. They are the literal backbone of the aviation industry, as they are the only machines capable of producing the aluminum wing spars to build large planes. It’s really impressive – a piece of aluminum goes into the press at room temperature, gets squished with so much pressure that it cold flows like pancake batter into asomething like three time longer than it was, work hardened, and also still incredibly flexible. The large aircraft industry literally CANNOT operate without this. There is no substitute.

The casting facilities that made these presses were boxed up and sent to Taiwan. That’s just ONE example.

The other thing that VD is potentially wrong about is his assessment of the level of technology the US military actually has. China has numbers, no doubt about it. US weapons tech has theoretically stalled in the 1990’s, meaning that we are still dependent on jets and missiles. Starting at about 23 minutes in this man gives just a few examples of why this assessment may be completely wrong.

Man In America – Bioweapon 2.0: Is This China’s Next Move?

I’m not saying that he’s correct. I’m saying that SciFi weapons were already deployed and operational by the 1980’s, and have since been made obsolete by newer systems. I keep saying it, they didn’t build Enterprise with eight nuclear reactors to keep it fueled. They did it because they still weren’t sure just how much electricity the space guns were going to need, so they included plenty of overkill. Whether anything ended up being installed along those lines on that ship is beside the point.

Those of us who have served even do not know the true capability of the US military. That’s a double edged-sword, because keeping capability hidden means not fully testing it. It means not deploying it to all of the places that it would logically be deployed. I believe that Space Force is not being created, but in reality being declassified. There’s no way to know what hell they can rain down until it’s go time. That also means that there is no way to know how effective they would be.

Thomas Crown
Thomas Crown
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I think VD and his take on china vs. Taiwan boils down to 1 simple thing: do you want YOUR son/grandson/nephew to DIE in order to thwart some asshole dictator on the other side of the planet? An asshole dictator who – despite alllll the scary shit the MSM grinds out daily – who cannot really hurt US in any way except maybe ‘we have to pay more for cheap, poorly-made plastic shit’?

So china takes taiwan, and kills or executes 10 million taiwanese in the process. That’s a shame, but … so what? Does that affect any of us in any real way? Is it reason enough for us to send off tens or hundreds of thousands of our young men to be killed? At an (additional) cost of trillions of dollars? For what? Does ANYone out there see ANY way we can invade china, smite down the filthy fuckin commies, replace them all with good ol’ American-style allies, and withdraw in 3 years to the heartfelt thanks of a grateful world ringing in our ears? Like back in 1945?

China’s gonna do what they’re gonna do. Don’t like it? Then hit em where it hurts them most: stop doing business with them. Seize all the chinese corporate assets we can get our hands on. Kick anyone who even *looks* chinese out of the country. Sell weapons – good weapons – to every country that’s anywhere close to china. (assuming they don’t buy them from the taliban first)(FUCK JOE BIDEN)

Weapons, mind you. Not ‘Military Advisors.’

Now maybe that’s how VD thinks, and maybe it’s not. Am pretty sure he’s on the right side of “No American deaths for Taiwan” though.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Thomas Crown
3 years ago

The problem is that Washington DC is not factoring this in terms of deaths. This time they aren’t gonna care. It’s not about what the US has to GAIN in going to wear to defend Taiwan, it’s what cannot be LOST that was PLACED in Taiwan.

EXAMPLE- In the 1980’s one of the Iowa class battleships blew a turret(Wisconsin). Amazing it didn’t sink the ship, and that she is still in ready reserve, technically, even though Iowa herself would have been a MUCH better choice. When the committee to study the feasibility of replacing the turret investigated, they discovered that no US manufacturer could provide a replacement, because the casting facilities that had supplied the turret in the first place had been off-shored to TAIWAN. Again, just ONE industry. It wasn’t just OIL that they made us dependent on foreign countries for.

Let me give you a different example, you’ll get an idea.

If you look up the concrete lathe you discover that Lucien Yeoman won a contest with it 1914. The contest was to allow the US military to tool up in time for WW1. Yeoman had a factory producing artillery shells from first concrete casting to full production in six months. He’s the only reason the US Army had any shells to fire, because otherwise it would have taken until 1923 just to produce the MACHINES to produce the shells. Losing Taiwan leaves us in a similar lurch – it literally means having to reinvent whole sections of multiple industries.

All of our heavy VITAL industry was off shored specifically to make us dependent on Taiwan’s independence. Where do you think the US military was getting it’s computers manufactured? Go do the list and the US is strategically dependent on Taiwan, and that’s ON PURPOSE. Trump was getting us STARTED down the path of being independent again – we’re no where near there yet.

Taiwan was made strategically vital to the US, so much so that in years passed an invasion of Taiwan was an instant DEFCON 1 event. You have no idea how much the Globalists fucked us here.

Reply to  Thomas Crown
3 years ago

So who the fck runs the US Thomas? Gomer fckn Pile?

Take a look at kanekoa the great on telegram. He has a vid of all the US companies owned by that “asshole dictator” who is now on YOUR side of the planet.

When are you going to fight him? When he is leaning over your coffee table?

Wake up.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

It absolutely wouldn’t surprise me to see the Biden cabal send some carriers out to get sent to the bottom South China Sea. And perhaps even worse. These people view the US military as their enemy, and they will be absolutely giddy at the prospect of delivering to them an enormous, morale plunging, horrific defeat.

Vox’s analysis is based upon rational assessment of what’s in the US’s best interest. But that clearly hasn’t driven any of our military moves for 2 decades at least. The people running the show don’t care about the best interests of the US. They view the US as a somewhat rebellious conquered population. And if Cabal is overthrown here, their biggest fear is being targeted globally by the US military.

Biden’s handlers will be happy to push the US military into China while simultaneously passing intel to China and stripping our forces of every critical asset.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I am in agreement with Joel Skousen leading into election 2016. The 16 year plan was supposed to have president Hillary getting the US into a nuclear exchange with a Russia/China alliance which would see China betray Russia once it had sufficiently crippled the US. Q confirmed that US military equipment had been sabotaged, confirming this plan was possible, therefore likely.

The outcome was supposed to be Russia annihilated, US hopelessly crippled, China as new world hegemon. China would swoop in under a UN banner to effectively colonize the lower 48, while also outright colonizing parts of Africa. The US would hobble along as a defeated people in an authoritarian hellscape.
Then Donald Trump.

Cabal has turned on China. This much is plain to see because China has gotten large enough to stop playing along. If Cabal is in as bad a shape as we all HOPE it’s in, then WW3 literally just out of spite would make sense.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Skousen is a good. That whole family writes great books.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Meanwhile, 46 people die in a tall building fire in Taiwan. Nothing to see here, I’m sure:

I think Vox Day’s underlying premise is off. The US is not going into Taiwan because we don’t need to defend our allies there. Xi and Trump and Putin see eye-to-eye on the Cabal globalists. If the Cabal globalists, or their CCP/PLA Cabal faction, is ginning up a war over Taiwan, Xi will refuse their bait.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

When I say scifi, I mean why try to anticipate where a missile is going to be to time an explosion properly when you can point a beam weapon in that direction and superheat the electronics onboard the missile until they are completely fried?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Agreed. We’re not going to defend Taiwan (or Australia, for that matter.)

When we don’t, our economy is going to collapse into depression from lost heavy industry and semiconductor manufacturing rippling into literally every industry, and it will take us 10 years to climb out of it. Winter is coming.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

That’s called “The Great Reset.”

3 years ago

An interesting video about how useless/scummy(my descriptors) therapists are, and how they are trained to avoid responsibility/be neutral, and not solve problems for their patients(compared to say life coaches)

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

New full length BOOTSTRAPPY:


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Silly me. Victory Soda was a Bundaberg Ginger Beer.

3 years ago

> shortages

I always said watch Putin, he knows.

This time, he clearly explained to a NBC “journalist”, that the narrative she was told to spread – that it’s Russia who is responsible for gas shortages in Europe – is false. (A video in russian: On the contrary, he said, it is US and other gas sources, that cut supplies and Russia has already extended the amount of gas delivered and they are ready to extend it even further.
In other words, western Cabal is trying to create gas shortages in Europe, use MSM to shift blame on the enemy (Russia), but Putin will be happy to spoil the party.

Actually, this sounds like a direct confirmation that the shortages are artificial and Russia is in a conflict with the forces behind it.

English text here, but of course, the funny details of Putin remarks are missing.


3 years ago

Word of the day on Merriam-Webster today!
(cabal) 🙂

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

10 points AC.

To win any game, you need to be way ahead of your competition

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I intend to eventually compete with Tormach way down the line. Doesn’t look like they plan to make it easy. From interactions on Youtube, it looks like they even make software source code available. It’s not open source, but it doesn’t have to be. To respect the customer it really only has to give the customer enough freedom to keep the machine running independent of the company. That’s the stance they have taken, and I can’t argue.

CNC Machine company takes right to repair stance

3 years ago

AC, would it be onerous to add HTML anchors before each of the news links? It would be handy to be able to link directly to where you have a news story to help drive traffic to your site.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Wow. It’s almost like he read a history book and discovered that bows used to be used regularly in WAR.

Man Commits Mass Murder In Norway with Bow And Arrows

It is impossible to ban this technology. As has been discovered, you don’t even need trees to build a bow and arows. You can substitute PVC sprinkler pipe for construction of the bow, and numerous materials for arrows, arrowheads, etc. Because it has such a low barrier of entry for manufacture, most places do not restrict them at all, because what would be the point?

It’s my goal with BOOTSTRAPPY WORKSHOP to bring firearms down to that level, where a normal person could build a 5.556 rifle and 9mm handgun by cnc machine, complete with metallic cartridge smokeless powder ammunition. Basically, bring the baseline level of firearms technology from the 1960’s to the average person by bringing current level cnc to cottage industry. A factory in every garage so that it’s just as impossible to ban guns as it is a bow and arrow.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Bows also have the advantage of being relatively silent.

However, all in all, I’m not exactly convinced that firearms are nearly as effective a deterrent to tyranny and oppression as many people here seem to believe. People have been clutching their precious firearms and spouting their 2A gibberish for many decades as they have blithely surrendered every important institution to the enemy. In the end, they won’t send SWAT teams out to take your guns. Knowing their history, they’ll just starve people to death until they willingly hand over their arms for a case of beans. Which most people will do.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Friend I am so looking forward to this! I love your vids so far. It is great for us who “knew’ you back in the starting phase. Pretty soon you will have like Stu Peters intro music when you make it to the show! You don’t seem to need ideas for content but if you do, just ask.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  kbg
3 years ago

I’m constantly looking for new ideas and will consider any suggestions. I have a zillion backburner projects in addition to cnc that range from blacksmithing to welding to casting to woodworking to diesel-engine swap for my Ford Explorer to building my very own Earthship forever home, and somewhere along the lines, there’s gotta be a crazy down on her luck girl who would lower herself to be with me. I’m HOPING that BOOTSTRAPPY WORKSHOP will EVENTUALLY pay for all of that.

Dave S
Dave S
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“If the women don’t find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.”

― Red Green

Great show.

Reply to  Dave S
3 years ago

Ah…Red Green Show…

Words of wisdom:

Never light a cigarette next to a Soyuz booster rocket.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I have my carbon hunting bows and arrows ready.

I can take the eye out of a muppet at 50 paces.

As Houser says, look back.

The English won most battles using longbows. There is no reason that they wouldn’t be just as effective now. 500 bowmen releasing 500 arrows with armour penetrating or explosive heads every 10 seconds for 4 minutes. Imagine the devastation.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

I can, and it’s glorious! Question, would a crossbow suffice instead?

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

Crossbows are generally more useful for skirmish and less useful for battle. A crossbow has a relatively short range and is much slower to fire. Crossbows were developed only because it takes so much training and practice to keep a yeoman battle ready.

Crossbows were for untrained Continental peasants. They were good for putting 1-2 bolts a minute into forces 100-200 yards away. A yeoman could put six arrows or more a minute into the air and do it at nearly 500 yards. 6 per minute was the max rate, and would wear you out — even an experienced, well trained yeoman — in no time. They only budgeted about 60-80 arrows for a whole battle. Drawing one of those bows is the energy equivalent of a moderately heavy deadlift. You can do six in a minute. How are you doing when it is time for lift 20 or 60?

Crossbows were decent as a point defense, but yeomen with longbows were a standoff weapon. It’s the difference between a pistol and a machine gun.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Very interesting.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Let the gray geese fly.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Marcyn Jakubovsky open source technology, 40 tools to build a civilisation. Your take should be 40 tools to build a military – complete with intelligence and recon technology? And capable for 4 G

3 years ago

Sniper Fire Rocks Beirut, Clashes Involving Hezbollah Leave 6 Dead In Shocking Scenes Amid Fears Of New Civil War

3 years ago

The takedown of Stuart Scheller is an example of how the war against Cabal is being fought. Scheller was being groomed for high-level placement inside MAGA. Criticizing the Afghan pullout, and the subsequent arrest and trial, was all there to build his “street cred.”

Then someone hacked his comms and gave him a script to read, criticizing Trump and MAGA, which he dutifully did. In the process, he burned himself. He can no longer be placed anywhere in the MAGA movement.

But it gets better. To protect this intelligence operation, Cabal has no choice but to completely prosecute this guy. They have to burn their own asset to keep their operation safe until they can find another agent to take his place.

You think it will be that easy to find when Cabal is burning its own people?

Keep in mind, this is already failure on the part of Cabal. It just sucks that we can’t avoid the collateral damage.

3 years ago

Stuart Scheller was suspect from the get-go. Dude plucks his eyebrows ffs.