Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
This is floating around, however the entirely of the rumor’s validity rests on Twitterer Black Insurrectionist, who has given no evidence, and thus could be trying to clickfarm, or he could even be honestly mistaken. However there is a foreign exchange student on record saying Walz was a homo who tried to molest him, so this is now number two:
From the source:
And now this:
There is no video yet at the next link, but he is saying it is coming:
When Congress returns to Washington, D.C., after the presidential election, lawmakers plan on taking on the bipartisan issue of UFOs with yet another set of hearings. Possibilities, assuming UFOs are real. One, Cabal has UFO’s hidden in defense contractors, and the counter conspiracy is moving to expose them and take them back – unlikely, as you would not telegraph it, I would think. You would sweep into Lockheed skunkworks with Delta and take them. Two, there is an advanced society here, human or not, with UFOs, and this will reveal them, so they no longer benefit from fucking up our government as part of the planetary cover of a helpless, hapless human society which will never pose a threat in the galaxy – maybe. Three, Cabal had a deal with the aliens, to supply humans, Cabal is going down, the counter conspiracy will not supply humans, and we are about to be hunted randomly, and they want us armed up and warned so we at least have a fighting chance – maybe. Bottom line is somebody likely has UFOs, I think they are related to the surveillance, with both answering to the same elites. But the Congressional hearings are for show, and not how it would be handled for real. For real, you would assemble a taskforce of intel and SOF, they would work in secret, and they would investigate aggressively and move swiftly and violently. Maybe that already happened. But the fall of UFO secrecy makes me think there will be a fall of the surveillance, too. And I do not think our timing here is just coincidental. I do not know how, but I think we are being guided, and used in this.
Mystery drones swarmed a U.S. military base for 17 days. The Pentagon is stumped. 20 feet long and sounded like lawnmowers.
To make you more operationally capable – a quadruple murder in Chicago. The shooting is of secondary importance. Notice, the slow moving sedan in the upper right at 13 seconds – a normal person would nope the fuck out of there. That was surveillance documenting the shooting. Drive-by at :27 accelerated before the intersection because they knew there was a shooting going on there before they hit the intersection. That is not Law Enforcement. Nothing recorded will end up in court, and the Detectives who catch the case will have to do all the gumshoe work themselves. That is strictly American Stasi, gathering potential leverage wherever it pops up, on whoever it pops up on. Know how it works, and you will be an operator in what is to come. Also note when a gun comes out, the dude pulling it is probably like that shooter. Notice the girl kneeling over her man, who he calmly domes as he passes her and advances to coup the guy on the sidewalk. Be prepared, there are some bad dudes out there.
Kanye West ‘told Bianca Censori he wanted to have sex with her mother while she watched’ and sent vile texts behind her back. Very sexually graphic article. I am mainly linking it because the communications are fascinating. Kanye is supposedly a “genius” billionaire, but if you read this article, you will see a complete moron, utterly lacking focus and discipline. I can barely understand some of the texts. There are genius sharks in this world. Dudes trained by professional intel agencies, with 180 IQs, they know how every system works, and they have ruthless focus. They are out there, rank predators, and some are freelancing. You are telling me Kanye is smart and disciplined enough to ward those guys off, and not get cleaned out by them? Read the article and tell me Kanye was anything more than an actor, filling a role in an organization which is run by people much smarter than him.
Ohio man charged after bringing weapons into Chicago Trump Tower. Had a 10mm AR rifle, unknown Ruger semi, and Sig Sauer, and no real reason for having them or being in Trump Tower, it seems.
Kamala used ‘earpiece’ earrings at all recent media appearances.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) says it has filed a lawsuit against the City of South Bend that alleges discrimination in the hiring process for entry-level police officers at the South Bend Police Department. The next step is to force the department to abandon the math and English-based test they are using, and agree to employ a Cabal company to give tests with no right or wrong answers, from which the company will say it can divine which will be the best qualified officers – but it will not tell anyone how it does that. So instead of any citizen being able to become an officer, the city will go to a Cabal company, and it will pick which American Stasi ground surveillance it wants hired, and if you are not American Stasi ground surveillance, you will be out of luck. Probably ten years from now there will be a ton of Police shootings, where the citizens shot had no history of problems with the law, and just one day out of the blue they tried to shoot an officer who was forced to kill them. And every so often there will be videos of the shootings which leak out, showing the citizens were just executed.
Over 30 U.S. schoolchildren died suddenly this week as deaths surge among COVID-vaxxed.
Tylee Craft, UNC receiver, dies at 23 after battle with cancer.
Whistleblower: Remdesivir treatments have killed 601 service members.
Road rage shooting kills one in LA on the freeway. Reminder – when you are in a car, you are in a high caliber weapon projectile which can do more damage than a bullet. The driver should have pointed the car at the shooters and floored it.
Jon Stewart claims Americans don’t need guns to protect their Constitutional rights.
Bill Maher is getting worried that Trump will win.
Nicaragua severs ties with Israel over Gaza war, calls it ‘enemy of humanity.’
EU mulls establishing Union-wide database of all citizens’ personal assets.
Ukraine military recruiters raid Kyiv nightlife hotspots for conscripts.
Arab Americans are lining up to vote for Trump in Michigan.
Report: Dramatic drop in early voting could be bad news for Kamala Harris.
CNN sounds alarm: Harris is doing 6 points worse in PA polls than Biden in 2020.
Donald Trump is in much better shape, poll-wise, than he was in 2016 and 2020.
> 10mm AR rifle
That’s a peculiar choice for an AR. 10mm Auto costs more than 5.56×45, is less powerful, and doesn’t offer any advantages I can see.
10mm AMT Magnum would be an interesting choice, though you’d have to load your own since nobody makes it any more. But there are several newer “rifle” cartridges very similar to that, with off-the-shelf ammo, designed for states with weirdball “straight case” hunting laws.
Interoperability: Ruger and SIG also make firearms in 10mm.
But it smacks of someone being set up with delivering a bag of Welfare For Warfare(TM) who was probably too dim a light to realise what was really going on.
As in: if the bag made it through, it would have been staged in a location, and if it didn’t make it through, the interception would become part of the national news cycle.
Sometimes the theatre kids in the news cycle are not willing participants.
Oh, BTW, who else in the US also uses 10mm?
[flashing blue lights shine on the crickets we’re hearing]
Interesting question. The web says other than a handful of small-town PDs and the LA BART subway cops, the major user of 10mm is the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team.
Hm. “Pistol caliber carbines” have have occasionally been a thing in police work. I searched on weapons used by the FBI. HRT uses, among other firearms, H&K MP5 SMGs with collapsible stocks, which makes them basically carbines when the stocks are extended. I found a forum post saying HRT’s MP5s are in 10mm, which is reasonable since that’s their pistol round.
But an MP5 isn’t an AR, and from what I can tell HRT does use ARs in the M4 configuration, which are in 5.56. On the other hand, the MP5s are probably getting elderly, and a 10mm AR carbine would do everything the MP5 does, cheaper, and would be one less platform for their armorers to support.
Or I could just be running around the wrong tree. Fun, though.
It might be a short barrel 10mm and they just called it a rifle. Fact is the AR platform makes a pretty decent SMG/PCC now that there are multiple roller delayed solutions.
The article specifically says “Bear Creek Arsenal 10mm.” It could be either the 16in or the pistol with a stocl/brace.
I have a 10mm PCC planned, but that’s a maybe next year kinda thing, and then only because I have access to a 10mm 1911 and having them share ammo is useful. I want to do a lower that takes the 10mm MP5 mags, and that’s going to be a hassle. It’s really not a priority.
Have a 9mm PCC planned because it requires the least amount of work to build. Just need the barrel & BCG kit from CMMG and a few misc small parts. Maybe try one of those green dot holosuns to see if I can adapt to them.
Have a .45 acp PCC almost built. Just need to finish the CAD work on the lower to take a certain mag.
The only reason I’m even building PCC’s is because I don’t have a place to train with both rifle and pistol. I have access to a dynamic pistol range where I can ONLY use pistol cartridges, so it’s PCC or nothing. 5.7 is even banned there.
Thanks to Garandthumb’s recent MK12 vid, I’m breaking down and building a 5.56 SPR upper for Sara to wear to the flat range. Got the upper&handguard on sale for stupid-cheap, now just need the Mk12 barrel and to bolt on that too-heavy 1-10X LPVO that Sara is currently wearing. Only thing that I can think to do with it.
Have a spare parts truck-gun planned around an old PSA 5.56 Freedom upper that’s never been used.
I just recently realized that I’ve become that ridiculous guy with half a dozen AR’s that he doesn’t need that are all almost the same gun. I just build them instead of buy them.
If you’re enjoying your caliber proliferation, there are now more cartridges using the 10mm/.30 Remington case head diameter, so your bolt will work with them. The 6.8 SPC is one; a very nice cartridge that didn’t quite make it in the mass market, but has significantly better downrange ballistics than the 5.56.
> Kamala used ‘earpiece’ earrings at all recent media appearances.
The aliens in “They Live!” all wore earpieces, now that I think about it…
Wow. And surveillance all are somehow plugged into earpieces, or maybe voices in their heads.
“You have to understand something,” [Roddy Piper] told Yahoo in 2015, “it’s a documentary. It’s not science fiction.”
No wonder it’s also a gold mine for memesters.It’s all in there: “Drones in the sky, conspiracies in our heads, militarized police in the streets, economic inequality in every corner of society, media that seeks to control our minds: The terror of They Live is more tangible and primal in 2018 than a slasher movie could ever be.”
Roddy was real deal Judoka too, trained under Gene LeBell. As a WWE star and hardcore guy I will bet he had the surveillance.
Literally wired to the system.
But how could you miss such symbolism when it’s right in front of everyone also in “The Matrix”, so much that the earpiece was used as a symbol by Smith to tell Neo that he had become Smith Unwired and was no longer an Agent?
What’s really needed is a systems theory of surveillance so you can see the surveillance just by being aware of the geometries and typologies of things arranged in surveillance-friendly ways.
Without that, you will miss the surveillance in front of you, thirty percent of the time one hundred percent of the time all of the time. 🙂
> San Francisco is gearing up to shut down 9% of its public schools in a desperate move to fix a massive budget deficit.
Well, why not? Modern kids can get their propaganda and indoctrination from Youtube and TikTok for free; the schools are just a means of channeling vast sums to teachers’ unions nowadays.
> The driver should have pointed the car at the shooters and floored it.
Drink mead from their skulls in Valhalla while their souls scream in agony.
Better than bleeding out in a crashed car while a bunch of thuggalos make a video of themselves doing a victory rap.
> The U.S. government is aggressively expanding the use of facial recognition technology for identification verification purposes.
That’s the “technology” that identified half of Congress as criminals?
Maybe it actually *does* work…
> EU mulls establishing Union-wide database of all citizens’ personal assets.
“The better to tax you with, my dear.”
And to collect all your stuff for “redistribution”, Michelle-Obama-style.
AC, the story about FEMA home inspections being done by big bad Vanguard is false. It’s a JV that has zero to do with big bad Vanguard. I used to work for one of the JV companies.
Thank you! I cannot run down every one of these myself and independently check them.
You bet! And totally understandable you can’t vet them all, you are doing God’s work. Vanguard Home Inspections couldn’t even wipe their own ass when I was adjacent. Nothing to fear there. Now, if it was big bad Vanguard, we’d be in deep.
Are you the same anon guy who told us “they” weren’t going after the lithium mine even though “they’d” just gotten a new batch of grant money…and you knew this because you used to work for “them”? Asking for a friend.
I’ve been opposed to Walz due to him having been a lockdown governor, and I don’t really care about who he had sex with or tried to have sex with, but then who he had sex with was very much the reason why he was selected to become a lockdown governor.
RE: Grand Thieft Auto Chiraq.
Interesing what is doing second shoot guy, cover behind car, with his hand it the air. Did he try to recording shooter / imposting recording and that’s annoying him enough to make him a target?
And why chick at end of video is hiding behind white van when she could easily escape with her buddies?
Also check man visable from 0:04 to 0:08. He comes at scene from completely different direction, when bullets start flying he turn out and put wrist to his mouth.
Good catch! I did not see the guy come in from the right at 4 seconds and put his wrist to his mouth. Definitely foot surveillance.
DONALD DUCK, this is HATCHLING, the DUCKLINGS have flown, repeat, the DUCKLINGS have flown …
Writ of Mandamus, an older legal term that should see new applications. Start with the Cali stalling on Elon’s activities. The Gummint is supposed to follow the laws, and may need some prodding through the courts. Test cases await.
Foily aside – Dem cretins write sketchy legislation to provide wiggle room, plausible deniability and obstruction as part of official duties. A hopeful sign at the Fed level is where SCOTUS rules that agencies can’t make up their own rules outside the enabling legislation. That helps curtail the theater kid activists embedded in the ranks and reduces the harassment levels.
Thread on the Conspiracy sub-reddit, posted yesterday:
Self explanatory.
I have tried to think of reasons for why there would NOT be a major Cabal move in October, and the best I could come up with is that it is scheduled for November. The second best reason is that they tried to make their play already (connected to the assassination attempt on Trump) and got thwarted.
The only thing more exhausting than Kamala’s daily idiocies is the “Celebrity X backs Kamala” headlines. Who cares? These demonic creatures should have been marched to the guillotines decades ago. My only hope is that celebrity culture is finally destroyed, and these people get rocks and garbage thrown at them whenever they appear in public.
Lot of focus on Maine the past few years. I get the feeling they don’t have full control of that State and are trying very hard to take it over at every level and ruin things for normal residents.
It is filled with Christian missionary groups which appear to be CIA fronts. After we pulled out of Somalia, and CIA decided all the ground surveillance they had there were better used by bringing them to the US to add to their domestic network here, it was Maine and Minnesota where the Christian groups proceeded to import them all. In Maine you can imagine the locals scratching their heads, wondering who the assholes were who were filling their streets with dirt poor Africans with 60 IQs, who would never fit in. I had relatives up there, and they were baffled. But the missionary groups played it off like it was charity, and not nefarious intelligence activity directed against America proper by CIA, and the conspiracy.
FBeye national academy is there.
The FBI Academy is on Quantico, VA. Do they have another operation in Maine?
This is the first time II’m watching this stupid ad, and there’s no way this was made as anything other than parody. Nobody would do this thinking it was going to work. It was made to make her look even worse. Fifty-state landslide being engineered for Trump.
Masculinity Is Under ATTACK
Misha Petrov
I saw it too. Seemed like a parody for sure. Hilarious.
Outstanding video. Thanks for the link. A good one to share.
Regarding the Trichotomy of Crime and Stupidity:
• Can not learn (mostly street crime)
• Has not learned (mostly white-collar crime)
• Will not learn (sheeplehood)
Draw equilateral triangle. Write one of the above in each corner.
Individual may then be graphed or pin-pointed.
Use for thugs, grifters, bosses, coworkers… political pundits…
So, Trump was in a supposed secret meeting in Las Vegas. Not so secret because it appears in the official travel records. Also not so secret, he was there 3 days after the big shooting spree. So what is this person trying to imply? And it matters not whom he was meeting there. As usual a nothing burger.
I read the Kanye article. I don’t know him well but the allegations seem ludicrous and don’t pass the smell test. But of course they could be right, I don’t know.
I’m just putting this out for anyone that may not be in the know yet that anti-virals are proving to be incredible at treating some cancers.
William Makis MD
BREAKING NEWS: First-in-the-World Ivermectin, Mebendazole and Fenbendazole Protocol in Cancer has been peer-reviewed and published on Sep.19, 2024!
The future of Cancer Treatment starts NOW.
My thanks to lead authors Ilyes Baghli and Pierrick Martinez for their incredible inspired work, FLCCC’s Dr.Paul Marik for his extensive work on repurposed drugs and every co-author who worked hard to bring this paper to life.
I hope that this peer-reviewed paper lays the groundwork for a brand new future for Cancer Treatment.
Many of you know that I have been helping thousands of Cancer patients with high dose Ivermectin, Mebendazole, and Fenbendazole. ”
Here’s a citation to the actual paper:
“That’s the banner that hangs in the window of Ben & Jerry’s flagship store on Church Street in Burlington, Vermont.”
Ice cream company having a normal one.
“A team of pioneering researchers is making remarkable strides toward developing a drug that could trigger the growth of new teeth in humans.”
There’s a class of news story that people here need to be aware of.
A good shorthand name for it: Great Things Are Just Around The Corner.
It’s meant to serve two primary purposes, which are that people despair that the future isn’t here yet (which is always the case) and that if the present status quo doesn’t continue, that future may not get here, causing more despair.
And so it delivers false hope for a future that may not arrive.
Oh, but don’t you want to see the future arrive?
It’s FOMO Porn.
Further in that vein (or deep cavity): stories about “growing teeth” have been in the news cycle for two decades now.
Over at Jamie Zawinski’s blog:
jwz four months ago: “Oh hey, my post ‘end of fillings in sight, for at least the tenth consecutive year’ is now seven years old.”
With a chain of “previously” links that’s twenty links deep.
But go ahead anon, put off that “full mouth restoration” dental work for another decade, you can suck up the pain a little longer, can’t you?
BTW, this site’s TLS certificate expires this coming Friday 18 October 2024.
“Notice the girl kneeling over her man, who he calmly domes as he passes her and advances to coup the guy on the sidewalk. Be prepared, there are some bad dudes out there.”
AC, I’ve watched it several times now. I think the girl booked it around the corner (upper right), and it’s a dude kneeling over his running buddy who gets domed.
Anyhow, I don’t want to excuse any bad dudes out there, but many of them must be sick of the stasi BS they’ve been through their whole lives, and that’s why they don’t mind the spicy.
Something screwy is going on with Mindy Robinson. Her fellow documentarian was just arrested for attempting to assassinate Trump. These two did the expose on the Las Vegas coverup and apparently something more recent, and the guy is suddenly gonna kill Trump? Don’t get it.
AC can you analyse the facial bifurcation of John Mearsheimer? (political international relations theorist, offensive realist)
If I were to guess, his left suggests a blank surprised state. Maybe even boredom or horror. His right suggests a state where he’s cool and focused.
Though, this sort of thing could be vaccine damage but it’s shocking just how bifurcated he is.
Given his age, I’d say it was damage from a stroke.
Looks like Unz is covering Miles Mathis.
Vox Day did a posting on this today:
I’m glad you posted this. I forget about Vox but he’s very insightful. Vox didn’t come down on MM so chalk up one for Map.
You don’t hate Q enough.