News Briefs – 10/13/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Headline Brief is here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Yesterday I was dubious about this, but President Trump retweeted it, so it is worth paying attention to.

A black female Trump supporter who is running for congress was approached by two women and beaten severely, receiving a kick in the head and a fractured tibia (ankle/shin bone) after a Trump rally. Again, if this happens to you, you need to ask, was this random and now over, or may I have a bigger problem which is not over? My suspicion is, these types of operations take low-hanging fruit, so if you make some preparation to complicate an operation targeting you, however minor, even if just to let Mr Murphy, of Murphy’s law fame, make an appearance in an operation targeting you, be it being surveillance aware, tossing a sub-sub-compact automatic somewhere you can produce it and drop people quickly, gain a grasp of hand-to hand combat, or otherwise introduce risk, these types of operations will get expended on others who are blind to the risk, and unable to resist. Unless you become a Michael Hastings-level problem.

Jews in New York City are pissed at one Jew who they think was reporting Chinavirus lockdown violations to the Government. I can’t wait to see what the Jews will be like when they find out probably 4-8% of their own population was informing on all the rest as part of a Nazi-like surveillance-op designed to keep them all contained, and to have the intel to do much more, if someone ever wanted to take them down, or even out, for some reason. Again, Q says we are all going to be united – this is what would do it. and there would be 4-6% who would be lost forever in that model.

The nation’s top general declined on Sunday to endorse either of the sudden announcements on Afghan troop withdrawals that came out of the White House last week. Pretty amazing. I remember when we were told Generals followed the orders of the President. Oddly enough I now think that was total bullshit back then too, to just to keep us pacified, as Reagan found out when he ordered the bombing of Iran twice, only to see it not materialize both times.

Former Vice President Joe Biden quoted the late Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong again in an interview.

Joe Biden removes his mask to cough into his hand.

Biden again tells the crowd he is running for the Senate.

Biden at a campaign event says, ‘You’re trying your breast, but it never feels like enough.’

Trump ridicules Biden for saying he is running for Senate, and for forgetting Mitt Romeny’s name. This whole period is so weird. A critical moment when Cabal needs to win, and they run a senile dementia patient who nobody likes, and tell us he is up by double digits.

Members of black Delaware church where Biden claimed he went to do civil rights work don’t recall Biden being there. shows proof that Joe Biden’s family owned slaves.

Joe Biden’s Miami ‘car parade’ had 15 cars. Compare that to the 30,000 cars that participated in the anti-communist, Latinos For Trump caravan in south Florida.

The world’s gambling community is getting in line behind American polls and betting the farm on Joe Biden to win the presidency. There is very little downside to Cabalites betting everything on Biden, as if he loses, the money they lose will be the least of their problems.

British ministers have been told to forge links with the White House frontrunner Joe Biden after “writing off” Donald Trump’s chances of re-election, amid fears that the UK could be left out in the cold if the former vice-president wins. Translation – Brits think Cabal might still get enough fraud in and win, and they don’t want to fully burn the bridge just yet. It is possible when Q said you have to let it get bad enough people are motivated to act, he meant, Biden steals the election, and we have to decide if we assent to the transition from a free republic to a communist dictatorship, or if we develop an acclimatization to killing. Maybe he means he is going to force a Civil War, to remold the minds of freedom lovers to be willing to fight and kill.

California has a problem with unofficial “Official” ballot drop-off boxes where various people are collecting ballots from citizens, before supposedly passing them on to the state.

Top Maxine Waters staffer lobbied for Chinese Communist Party Military.

Osama bin Laden’s ex-London spokesman is ‘freed early from a 25 year US jail term because he is at high risk from Covid due to his obesity’ and he ‘will return to the UK within weeks.’ Probably Cabal’s eyes on what bin Ladin was going to release publicly, getting rewarded with freedom while they have the excuse.

Denver “security guard” shooter was part of an Antifa precursor, and as such is likely one of the older, higher ranking Antifa who have been careful to keep their public personae detached from their Antifa involvement.

Denver Antifa “security guard” shooter has not been charged yet.

Portland protesters topple statues of Theodore Roosevelt an Abraham Lincoln in ‘Day of Rage’; police declare riot.

Chicago on track to have the highest murder total in more than two decades.

A French Police Station came under violent attack by a mob armed with blunt weapons, which tried to take it over.

French police protest violence against officers. The same script is being played in all of these nations, all across the world, at the exact same moment.

An organization of radical left-wing activists has posted an online guide to “disruption” that outlines a plan to shut down the country and force President Donald Trump from power in the event that the 2020 election is too close to call.

9th Circuit upholds California’s Chinavirus restrictions on religious services.

Pennsylvania Mayor fires his Police Chief over his wife’s pro-Trump facebook comments.

Keith Olbermann says, “Let us brace ourselves. The task is two-fold. Terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box. And then he, and his enablers, and his supporters and his collaborators, and the Mike Lees, and the William Barrs, the Sean Hannitys and the Mike Pences, and the Rudy Giulianis, and the Amy Coney Barrets must be prosecuted and removed from our society while we try to rebuild it.” It is a one way trip from here, one way, or the other. I really don’t see how the nation goes forward with these leftists, as all they will need is one brief opportunity, and they will turn the nation into a commie dictatorship. That might also be why Q would force a Civil War.

Iceland’s most active volcano looks like it’s getting ready to erupt again.

Chinese city locks down neighborhoods, and shuts hospitals amid a growing CCP virus outbreak.

Netflix chief Ted Sarandos fires back at the ‘Cuties’ controversy, saying, “It’s surprising in 2020 America that we’re having a discussion about censoring storytelling.”

A San Francisco tax revenue plunge points to a resident exodus.

Online buzz over a ’60ft man-made disc’ exposed by melting Antarctic ice.

Smarphones are getting super high-resolution cameras to grab detailed photos from a large distance, and in nightvision. I immediately ask myself, how much does it cost to produce these boutique features which most people will never use? Suppose they are giving ground intel operatives smart phones to conduct coverage on the people around them. Wouldn’t they want to be able to provide operatives with ostensibly standard phones, but with incredible technical specs for carrying out complex surveillance missions? Might that be why there is a focus on features like this?

Viewership for NBA Finals finale crashes nearly 70%.

September 2020 NICS and gun sales continue their record trend.

Trump supporters drown out sleepy Joe Biden’s Ohio speech with chants of “Four More Years!”

By two-to-one voters believe FBI should be prosecuted for its role in Russia probe.

Michigan Supreme court denies Gov. Whitmer’s request for ‘pandemic executive orders’ extensions.

Saudi Prince Bandar publicly criticizing the Palestinian leadership has people thinking a Saudi-Israel peace deal is next. How do they deny President Trump the Peace Prize when he single handedly brings about Middle East Peace?

President Trump receives his fourth nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

President Trump has tested negative on successive days for the Chinavirus.

President Trump is energetic and upbeat at first rally after his CCP virus recovery.

Over 1,000 Texomans join a two-state Trump parade.

Spread r/K Theory, because deserving the Peace Prize is even more prestigious than winning the Peace Prize.

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4 years ago

So, General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is dubious and contradictory regarding President Trump’s intent to bring all US troops home from Afghanistan by Christmas. Kind of interesting that he and the other senior military are all home quarantined at this sensitive time three weeks before the election. So, while GEOTUS is “recovered” stronger than ever and barnstorming across the country I think he just grounded these suspects:

“General Milley, along with close to all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been quarantining at home after the coronavirus outbreak that began at the White House two weeks ago.

While Mr. Trump has announced that he is now coronavirus-free after his stay at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, much of the senior Defense Department leadership is still under quarantine after attending a White House reception hosted by Mr. Trump for families of fallen troops. Adm. Charles Ray, the vice commandant of the Coast Guard, tested positive for the virus after attending the event.”

Reply to  Huck
4 years ago

After the election he needs to go on a massive firing spree.

4 years ago

There are other such discs in Antarctica. Check out this one here: 66°14’49”S, 100°40’12”E

4 years ago

Pronoun error, the PA mayor fired HER police chief…

4 years ago

Were the assinations of the sixties (JFK, RFK, MLK) a “long-game” initiative to place the Democratic party as the party of hatred for our (commoners’) Right of Arms?

4 years ago

Biden steals the election, and we have to decide if we assent to the transition from a free republic to a communist dictatorship,

pls no, AC. I bet 2000 (2.37-2.6 odds) dollarydoos on Trump back in august, didn’t think they were going to let them steal the election, and that they have made contingencies so they can’t cheat like in 2016 and all the previous years.

Now the odds; as you mentioned, is at 2.75 and 2.8. So I’m seriously considering plunking down all the money my budget can handle. Not bad for a one month “investment”. What do you other fellas think the chances are they will be successfull in stealing the election?

Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

This is ridiculous.

There is no way Biden is at ~64%.

Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

I do not believe Trump will let hem steal the election, he doesn’t want their side to have any claim to legitimacy when the civil war does come.

Reply to  KarmaK
4 years ago

Trump is set to lose so badly according to all of the betting odds, and they are only paying barely 3-to-1?

Who is betting on Trump enough so that the winners can get paid by the losers?

4 years ago

> smartphones

Didya ever notice how badly most of them suck as, well, telephones? The sound quality seems to drop a notch with each new generation. Fidelity isn’t even a tick-box item; most manufacturers don’t announce any specifications for it. And if there’s the least bit of wind or background noise, “automatic noise cancellation” which can’t be turned off turns the call into duck quacks.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

“That might also be why Q would force a Civil War.”

I’m quite convinced that Q is playing a much longer game than his followers imagine. I think the talk of arrests and “clean and swift” was largely to excite people and get them interested. In the early stages, you can’t really understand how big the problem is. I’m sure that after this pandemic and riots that many ardent Q followers have been hit with the sense that all of this really is “bigger than you can imagine.”

It may be that violence and open combat are the only solution. Indeed, that would favor Q and government forces. They’d be able to legally (or under cover of chaos) take direct action on Cabal’s command and control.

Either way, when you understand how deeply embedded Cabal is to your local police, city council, school board, local business community, etc., you understand how very complicated it will be to really defeat this thing. It will take a concerted, long-term effort in civil politics, criminal law, and yes, outright violence.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Sooner or later we must be rid of the leftists or all of Q and Trump’s work will have been for naught.

And they will force a civil war sooner or later if they start to really lose, Trump’s job is not to solve our problems without a civil war it is to improve our position for when it comes and prepare the good people to accept a mass expulsion of any of our enemies who survive.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

“Trump’s job…”

for easily the last 150 years, the left has been chipping away at America and Joe & Jane Sixpack. In those 150 years, the Sixpacks and all the rest of us normies have done nothing about it except to grumble and give in. “If we give these assholes THIS one, maybe they’ll finally STFU and leave us alone, which is all we want.”

after a century + of this, I’m pretty confident in what I’m about to say: No, they won’t. They’ll **NEVER** leave us alone.

Drooling idiots, small children, and blind & deaf people can all sense that CW2.0 is approaching, and approaching fast. It’s in the air. We know the enemy has crossed the Rubicon simply by observation: their endless lies now have no basis whatsoever in reality (“no, it’s the REPUBLICANS who’re stacking the courts!”) and they simply don’t care. Statues of Lincoln and various abolitionists are being defaced & toppled, because “they white.” While cops stand around with their thumbs up their asses. Senior dem senators are openly talking about setting up “new rules” that will guarantee that dems will never again lose an election. 3,5,10, 20 new USSC justices, as many as it takes. DC & PR as new states. Senior military brass openly giving the Commander in Chief the finger. MAGA t-shirts means you get instantly fired. No borders. Wetbacks get to vote. and on and on.

See, the thing is, for the first time ever, they’ve taken off their masks. Their long-term embed moles have broken cover. They’re opening the jails. They’re openly murdering their normie enemies. The world-champion Masters of the Lie are actually _telling the truth_ about their goals & endgames.

There’s only 1 reason for any of that: whether we want to admit it or not, they’re doing all that stuff because *the battle has already begun.*

Trump’s JOB is this: to fire up the normies. To declare war on them. To cry Havoc, and loose us dogs on them.

and then we will see

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

“…It may be that violence and open combat are the only solution. Indeed, that would favor Q and government forces. They’d be able to legally (or under cover of chaos) take direct action on Cabal’s command and control…”

We can legally do so now. 9-11 was a direct act of war on the USA and Congress duly authorized force to fight it. In fact all these people that are involved with BLM and antifa are most likely the same people that did 9-11 or were involved. If they wanted too they could legally round them all up and shoot them offhand. I suspect the only reason they don’t do so is maybe Trump likes a lot of Jews and if people knew what they had been up to there could be a serious bloodbath. His daughter is married to a Jew and his family is all tied up with the Jews. It may very well have been a condition he put forward, to keep this on the down low about the Jews, to whether he would accept running or not. I could see this because I know what the Jews are up to and my feeling about what should be done with them are not very favorable to the Jews. Trump sees this too.

I KNOW the Jews were the major force involved in this but how deep it goes I do not know. It’s obvious that the FBI, CIA and damn near everyone was compromised by 9-11. If it is true that the military and NSA worked to get Trump into office as Steve Pieczenik says then 9-11 was the reason. Steve Pieczenik stated publicly on video that Hillary tried to steal the election and that they told the people changing the votes if they did not stop they had a armed F-16 loaded that they were going to fire on them. Yes he said that. And by the way Steve Pieczenik is a Jew so even I who have no love Jews realize they are not all bad. He also has publicly stated that Israel did 9-11. Steve Pieczenik was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. He’s not some guy under a bridge saying this.

He was VERY aggressive when Trump got in office. Stating many of the things I just said and basically said the whole operation was a done deal and all that was needed was to tie up the ends. I suspect it has not gone all to plan.

Whatever they did to keep them from stealing the election last time I doubt will happen again. The conspirators continue to push ahead. I’m sure they’ve changed tactics. A lot of these people with Trump if they let Biden win will be killed by the Jews when they take total power.

This election is the turning point for the entire history of the US. It’s a big one. We are in the middle of the 4th turning right now. It’s on and I hope we do not fail.

The Republicans lost a massive golden opportunity to change the structure of voting and the structure of the States houses when they had a majority in both houses. It would have totally crushed the radical left but they did nothing It would have likely stopped the movement towards a civil war. Civil wars are really bad we should avoid it at all cost but instead we keep packing the chips higher and betting all in on every hand.

Farcesensitive says,”Sooner or later we must be rid of the leftists or all of Q and Trump’s work will have been for naught.”

I don’t think this is necessary. We just have to take away their power that they accumulated from Supreme court decisions that gave huge unconstitutional power to the large city population centers and give it back to the ALL the regions of all the States. We need to take away the power that the Supreme court gave to those who want mob vote by destroying the States ability to refuse voting privileges to those they did not deem worthy. We need to make Corporations decide if they are “people”or “businesses” If they are people then they should be jailed like people, lose limited liability, pay the same taxes as people and can send campaign funds to politicians. If they are not people then they are businesses and they can not fund political campaigns. Just these few changes would have far reaching effects, possibly avoid a civil war and would most certainly take away a large amount of power from the radical left.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I support what you want. (I want to do away with limited liability for the most part rather than giving them the ability to get it in exchange for giving up rights but that is another complicated issue)

But I think if we enacted those reforms the left would launch a civil war to stop them, I think he civil war is baked in at this point and we can only better position ourselves for it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

“…I think if we enacted those reforms the left would launch a civil war to stop them…”

You may very well be right. Just the same if we legally pass laws and they then use force to overthrow the country then…well it’s on and there will be no “low info voter” confusion about what is going on.

All the cries of racist will fall on deaf ears.

It may well be it doesn’t matter because of the loss of White population.

Or maybe not. I have said many times that the immigrants are here and they have no love for the Jews and way less patience. We should ally with them and throw the Jews out of the country. This is not impossible at all. The Jews have molested and abused most every single race on planet earth and we can prove it.

Without the Jews and with some deportation of undesirable and illegal immigrants hell we might could make this work. We would have to completely give up any idea of racial quotas and set asides or we would be swamped but with one law for all it could work.

4 years ago
4 years ago

The article you linked to about informers among the Jews is not about that. I’m interested in the actual article. Can you provide a link in the comments?

4 years ago

> I immediately ask myself, how much does it cost to produce these boutique features which most people will never use?

The development cost is enormous, but the incremental production cost is nil, and the development cost is enormous just to make another iPhone no matter the specs. Apple wants shiny features to keep their “Cadillac” brand positioning. A Cabal mole somewhere pushing for stuff useful for surveillance wouldn’t hurt, but there’s a “no Cabal needed” motive here too.

More interesting was the Windows phones that had similar features almost a decade ago that are now long-discontinued.

> This whole period is so weird. A critical moment when Cabal needs to win, and they run a senile dementia patient who nobody likes, and tell us he is up by double digits.

That’s why this anon still doubts Cabal actually has coherent command and control above the local level with some kind of hand-off protocol for particularly interesting targets like you.

I’ve been thinking about what you said before, about Cabal being afraid of the hive mind. It’s possible that Cabal did pick off a few anons in the early days and we never even noticed.

There’s also a pattern you claimed of Cabal driving targets to attack police, likely both to dispose of a target and an honest patrolman each time.

Anonymous OPSEC memes almost always depict the FBI as the major adversary, usually with a mocking tone. In the early days, one picture had the caption “The FBI is watching you masturbate” and an Agent Smith peeking out from under a key on a keyboard. Later events led to the still-common “Hey kid!” series, featuring a suited fellow asking about blowing up Federal buildings.

This anon now suspects that Cabal may have tried to break Anonymous against the FBI, and succeeded in goading Anonymous into declaring cyberwar on a wholly unprepared FBI. The results were not what Cabal expected and Cabal discovered the hard way that the hive mind is antifragile. Remember #FuckFBIFriday? Or the other incidents?

4 years ago

GEOTUS said his Covid was “artificially induced”

Start at 10:20.