News Briefs – 10/12/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Trump has begun traveling with additional decoy planes and dividing his motorcade at times and putting Trump in nondescript planes that do not have his name on the side instead of his longtime 757 jet due to security concerns. When you see the domestic surveillance, the astonishing, mind-blowing numbers of people, everywhere, all the time, roving, and tasked to everyone interesting, and monitoring everything, with absolutely no laws constraining them, and wild technology, you realize, there is no way anybody takes a shot at Trump – unless that operation wants them to.

The Trump campaign reportedly has requested military aircraft and other increased security measures for former President Donald Trump in the final weeks leading up to the Nov. 5 election after a recent security briefing indicated Iran is still looking to assassinate the soon to be new President. There is concern over drones and missiles.

Trump won’t golf until after the election. Would point to a genuine civil war behind the scenes, posing a genuine threat to him.

Libertarian National Committee Chair Angela McArdle is resubmitting a FOIA request she originally made earlier this year from the Central Intelligence Agency regarding details on “any operations or activity in the [Libertarian Party],” due to a belief that the Libertarian Party has been “a victim of COINTEL PRO tactics for many years, if not decades.” But she does not complain about the surveillance, or being zapped.

Kamala Harris debuts Spanish accent at Univision town hall.

Biden administration sues Virginia over attempt to remove noncitizens from voter rolls.

Oregon’s Democrat secretary of state does not list former President Donald Trump or his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, as candidates on the office’s website, and county voter pamphlets exclude them from the biographies of presidential candidates.

Top House Democrats are refusing to say if they will certify the results of the 2024 presidential election if former President Donald Trump wins this November.

Vogue, which would not put Melania on the cover appears to have an AI image of Kamala on the cover with weirdish-looking hands.

Kamala Harris makes pledge to Latino voters to welcome, grant Amnesty for millions of migrants.

Kamala Harris received poor marks for leadership as a lawyer in San Francisco, documents reveal.

Kamala Harris staged a photo op in front of hurricane aid, but then never actually sent the supplies to victims, a veteran turned charity worker claims.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spent less than six hours visiting hurricane-hit areas of North Carolina on Thursday — before retreating to Washington to grab an early takeout dinner at Nobu.

Bill Kristol: My fellow White Americans are ‘the enemy’ for supporting Trump. Not a Babylon Bee headline.

Milley calls Trump ‘a fascist to the core’ in new Woodward book. Probably a not-insignificant probability he has either killed, or raped a child, and that he is implanted with some sort of device.

San Antonio’s massive apartment complex, Palatia Apartments (678 units), has been taken over by Tren de Aragua, a transnational criminal organization from Venezuela.

Trump plans to use 1798 law to dismantle illegal immigrant gang Tren de Aragua — and kick criminals out of the US.

President Donald Trump predicted to supporters that Joe Biden will break with Vice President Kamala Harris before next month’s election and there will be an explosion between them.

Republican lawmakers on Monday ratcheted up the investigation into billionaire George Soros’ purchase of a wide swath of U.S. radio stations.

Arkansas dad shoots, kills man found with his missing 14-year-old daughter, authorities say. I am always suspicious when I see molestations, that it could be American Stasi operations to clip the wings of a young girl with too much promise. In this case the molester was previously a school resource officer. Oddly enough I have been, on occasion, followed by a local school resource officer, making me wonder if in some cases the Stasi infiltrates its agents into that position when there are no school “security aides” to manage the local intel op at the school and run the kid agents against all the other kids. Obviously in this case, if you are 67 and you have some other man’s 14 year old daughter in your car without her parent’s permission, and you have been charged with molesting her, chances are you deserve to be shot either way.

New study: Obamacare caused millions to lose insurance plans, premiums to skyrocket.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome appears to often be an adverse reaction to vaccination.

An obese, pink-haired DEI trainer has slammed Oregon’s forestry department for hiring on the basic of merit rather than identity, filing an official complaint over her former boss telling her that he sought the ‘candidates most qualified for the job.’ The boss was actually put on leave because of the complaint.

DEI is damaging our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.

Not surprising the guy who wants to get rid of free speech has the Twitter handle “GayWonk.” There is a reason Hollywood, and music were all run by Gay mafias. I think CIA chose gays and placed them there. And not because they were blackmailable. The more degenerate shit they do, the more they brag about it and use it as social proof. Rather it was because wealthy gays will tend to be sadistic.

At 19, while I was not down with gays (I did not actually know any that I knew of back then), I was at least open to the propaganda that gays are just like everyone else, just they prefer the opposite sex of what you would expect. Back then, every other TV show had a gay who was just the perfect person, and was totally wrongly victimized and I was pure libertarian. Then I went to work with my friend for the summer at his service business, and I met rich gay males. Every single rich gay male I met was absolutely the most vile human being. Just totally demeaning and sadistic. It was insane. He had one lesbian account, but they were actually pretty nice.

At one house, the pool was somehow mis-set at the wrong temperature a few days prior, and when we arrived, the gay male owner lit into my buddy, accusing him of interfering with his pool. After about three minutes of just rabid vitriol, my buddy got a word in and pointed out he had not even been at the house in a week and a half. The gay guy looked like he was going to pop, and then spun around and began screaming at his backyard, “Miguel! Miguel!” His gardener, some sixty-five year old Mexican guy came running full speed, and when he stopped, I think it is the first and only time I saw a grown man with PTSD, in sheer terror. I still remember feeling terrible for him, as he recoiled with every screaming denigration by this twerpy little asshole. There is something about an older blue-collar dude who looks old enough he should be retired, but he’s just trapped, and humiliated, and terrified, at that age. It turned out it was the realtor who fucked with the pool control for some reason.

But the male gays were all, to a one, like that. They lived to make others, particularly their full-time help, miserable. There was a couple, who when we arrived were like, “Oh, could you guys just move a houseplant outside for us? The groundskeeper won’t be here for a week, and the plant really needs sun.” There were three of us, all prime conditioning, and it was a houseplant, how bad could it be? We get in the living room, and the pot alone must have been 200 lbs. It was like a four to five inch thick molded concrete-walled pot, maybe four and a half feet by five feet by three feet tall, filled with dirt, and in it was like a giant woven bonsai tree made up of five or six trees twisted around each other for decades, until it formed a single twelve inch trunk, seven feet tall, and spreading seven or eight feet at the top. As the three of us stopped cold, each ensconced in our own shock and wonderment there could even be a potted plant that massive, you could feel the two gay’s jubilation exploding, off on the side. It felt like they wanted to jump up and down, and point and laugh at us. I still suspect they bought the plant specifically so they could ask workers to move it for them, and then revel in their shock.

And literally, it was maybe 25-30 gay accounts, and every one was like that, really hateful of heterosexuals, and always looking for some awful job for you to do for them on the side. My friend was married with a young baby, and they would try to get him back at their houses late at night, on the pretext of some emergency at the end of the day, to try and pressure him to bang them, under the unspoken threat of losing his gay accounts (Gays network heavily, I assume at some kind of gay underground social scene, so you get one gay account, they will tell others and you will get thirty accounts all of a sudden, and that can be like half your business in rich areas, since now I assume Cabal is promoting all of them above everyone else. And likewise, you piss one off, they will spread the word, and you will lose all of them too.) My friend was afraid to go to the houses alone, too, so he would always drag me there as backup. I think he suspected one night there would be a bunch of them there, and he would end up like Ving Rhames in the basement of the pawn shop in Pulp Fiction, ball gag and all.

I think the reason Hollywood is all homo movie producers, and the record industry is all gay Jewish guys recruiting gay blacks, to rape all the stars, is CIA set that all up, and they needed stone cold sadists, just ruthless psychopaths, who get off on ruining innocent people’s lives. And likewise, when the call to eliminate free speech comes, it is no surprise to me it is a flamboyant gay guy calling for it. You will find the group as a whole is a lot more ruthless and cruel than the Hollywood depiction, and there is probably a reason when things turn harsh, societies cast them out or kill them, and in those times, few blink when it happens.

From here: “At the same time that the Middle East is erupting in flames, the U.S. is being pummeled by major natural disasters and we are preparing for the most pivotal election in modern history, extremely unusual things are happening in the heavens. The “Comet of the Century” is making a spectacular run past our planet, the Sun has unleashed an extremely powerful coronal mass ejection, a “second Moon” is now orbiting our world, and it is being suggested that we are witnessing an “intriguing alignment of constellations and stars” that appears to relate to events written in the Book of Revelation.”

A California physician accused of gross negligence for attributing a stroke patient’s death to the COVID vaccine without any evidence, among other allegations, faces potential disciplinary action by his state’s medical board.

High school senior, 18, dies after collapsing at finish line of half marathon: ‘A devastation for everyone.’

An estimated 50 to 150 people or more actively looted a cargo train on the west side of Chicago, Illinois.

Several arrested in train looting incident.

Over at 4Chan an unsourced photo is going around purporting to be another Jellyfish UFO photo’d in Afghanistan:

Two people are dead and at least 35 others were affected after a chemical leak involving hydrogen sulfide occurred at a PEMEX facility in Deer Park, Texas.

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar is pushing for Palestinian terrorists to revive the horrifying practice of using suicide-bombs against Israelis. I would assume Sinwar and elite Israeli Jews are putting that together in concert, even sentencing innocent Israelis to death from suicide bombs, because now the US dollars will flow, and they can divvie them up between themselves.

Hala Hijazi, the Palestinian best friend of Kamala Harris, assured a panel at an anti-Israel DNC event that once she was president, Kamala would crack down on Israel.

Is Iran’s top military chief an Israeli agent? Rumors grow that missing Esmail Qaani is behind Israel’s incredible terror cull.

King Charles ‘Flew a prototype UFO over Canada in 1975,’ according to a diver who claims to have seen him on base with the craft.

Zelensky presents an oil painting, of false flag war crimes Ukraine staged to frame Russia, to Pope on ‘Victory Plan’ tour. The Massacre of Bucha.

Putin meets with Iran’s Pezeshkian, calling for ‘new world order’ of Russian allies.

Poll: Soros-backed D.A. George Gascón Losing by 30 Points in L.A.

Nearly all early voting sites in western NC are ready to open next week despite the storms.

Cenk Uygur: “New polls are out and it doesn’t look good for Kamala Harris. I have not been this worried in a long time. We don’t have a lot of time left…less than a month left and she’s now losing in almost all the swing states…”

Election tilts toward Trump as suspicions grow that some polls may be masking true size of his lead.

Early voting trends appear to show the Republicans have strengthened their early voting game this cycle.

New polls suggest that Donald Trump could walk away with the entire Rust Belt, in what would not only be a devastating wipe out for Kamala Harris, but a rejection of the entire Democratic Party.

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4 months ago

> New study: Obamacare caused millions to lose insurance plans, premiums to skyrocket.

It happened to us. Our medical insurance rates had been reasonably cheap until Obamacare went through. Then our insurer dropped us like a hot rock, and the cost of medical insurance became more than our combined take-home pay. So for several years we only insured my wife since she was the primary wage earner.

Funny. At the time, a lot of people were convinced they were going to get “free” healthcare. The only ones who got it, were getting it anyway, at taxpayer (my) expense. So how much the rest of us wound up paying didn’t affect them, since they always defaulted on their medical bills anyway.

English Tom
English Tom
4 months ago

Whilst free speech is nice in theory, my view is, anyone who says White people are evil just because they are White, that cunt should be executed.

Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago

That thar is aunty-Semitic an’ ya’ll know that ’cause we all know it has been da Jews who have been calling for the death and destruction of White northern Europeans.

English Tom
English Tom
4 months ago

Re the optimus robots. Didn’t anyone watch the film I Robot? Who programme’s these machines? Do the programmers have any hidden motives? How would you know?

Last edited 4 months ago by English Tom
4 months ago

>  (Gays network heavily, I assume at some kind of gay underground social scene, so you get one gay account, they will tell others and you will get thirty accounts all of a sudden, and that can be like half your business in rich areas,

A friend in Phoenix sent me a Phoenix business directory with a note, “Get a load of this!” It was about twice the size of my local phone book, apparently some kind of freebie businesses handed out. It was all LGBT-oriented businesses – apartments, doctors, roofers, dentists, auto mechanics, pool service, daycare… everything you could think of, except all gay-oriented, gay-owned, or both.

So, you move to Phoenix, get an apartment or house in the wrong place, or go to the wrong doctor, or eat at the wrong restaurant… and you’re on the gay list somewhere?

4 months ago

> jellyfish UFO

Reminds me of… [thinks] Ah! “Cleopatra 2525”, a New Zealand SF TV show about a stripper who winds up in a war against similar-looking aliens in the year 2525.

If I remember correctly, it wan’t that bad, compared to what passes for television nowadays.

4 months ago

> Optimus robots

Three quatloos says he calls the new company “US Robots & Mechanical Men.”

4 months ago
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

If he really wants to blow everyone’s mind, he needs to eliminate, or severely restrict, income tax.

Reply to  Another Dave
4 months ago

He’s floated that already:

Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports

4 months ago

Re gays
I never met any group of people so prejudiced as male gays, not even groups of blacks (who in my experience were as prejudiced against each other as they were against whites)

4 months ago

Kamala Harris makes pledge to Latino voters to welcome, grant Amnesty for millions of migrants.

Jokes on her, Latinos don’t want these useless shits either.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

True. We moved from the midwest to southern California when I was a teenager. It was the Mexican-American kids at school who told me what a wetback was (I’d never heard the word before). They wanted nothing to do with them.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  AnonL
4 months ago

A big issue with the Mexicans no one talks about are the personality and religious cults. These cults are rampant.

The Apostolic Church is one huge example. They act just like a cartel, just well spoken and better clothes. The con artists operating out of huge hotel venues selling thousand-dollar snakeoil cures are another example. They make massive amounts of money touring Mexican communities while people continually sicken and die following their terrible advice.

It’s not just the “indigenous”, the term white Mexicans use for the mostly native people, that get pulled into these Cabal operations, either. The operators specifically target the White dons and doñas in the communities to draw in the indegenous Mexicans. Note that these leaders grew up in twisted third-world environments.

Speaking of twisted… As a a friend–who is mostly white then Navajo and whose ancenstors were US citizens before border issues pushed them out–described to me, Mexican culture is rotten to the core. He attributes it largely to Spanish blood, particularly the culture of false bravado, demonic Catholicism, and a toxic model of parenting.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Teo Toon
4 months ago

Hal Turner posted this early this morning.

Russia President Vladimir Putin has issued a very unusual, late-night statement:
At approximately 3:30 AM Moscow, Russia time, the Russian President said: 
“The world is facing a fatal and irreversible turning point!” 
Nothing else was said and no explanation was offered.
It is now confirmed that President Putin was referring to the now-taking-place meeting of NATO countries, at NATO headquarters in Brussels.
At the now-taking-place meeting, a decision is expected to be taken GRANTING Ukraine the permission to use West-supplied, long-range missiles, to strike deep into Russia.
For months, Russia has warned against this, because taking this step will make NATO countries “Combatant participants” in the Ukraine conflict.
All of those West-supplied missiles REQUIRE active satellite guidance to reach their target. Ukraine doesn’t have satellites; it would have to use U.S./NATO satellites.  Therein lies the explicit participation of NATO.  Actively guiding Ukraine-fired missiles into Russia makes the U.S. and NATO active, direct, participants in the conflict.

Note the 3 30. Masonic number there anon?
It would seem the decision has been made and Russia knows it. If/when the satellites go out, we’ll find out just how fragile our societies are.

Last edited 4 months ago by English Tom
Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
4 months ago

Is ‘gay’ a misnomer or was it alway meant ironically? Have you ever met or seen a gay person who was actually happy for more than a few fleeting moments?


BTW, don’t you know a weather balloon when you see one?

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I should have put a sarc tag after that. Back in the day, the USAF dismissed most sightings as weather balloons gone astray.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
4 months ago

They appropriated an older term for happy to describe their death style.

I remember when I read “Atlas Shrugged”, which was written in the 50’s. There was a line about one of the characters laughing and for the other one “it was the gayest thing she had ever heard”. Considering how the word has changed meaning since the book was written, I had to set my iPad down and laugh for several minutes at the image it gave me.

4 months ago

Luis “UFO” Elizondo’s book is prominently displayed by my chain book store, like books by Tony Blair and Nancy Pelosi. They don’t do dissident or serious conspiracy books, it’s almost only regime-friendly material. You might find a book by Chomsky, but even Ann Coulter is too much for them.

This alone gets Elizondo marked down as very untrustworthy in my opinion.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Maybe they’ll fake an alien intervention once the nukes start flying and the ‘aliens’ make us create a one world government so humanity can move forward together into a brave new world!
Anything really is possible in this timeline.

4 months ago

An addendum to your write up about the gay mafia, and their behaviors, as well as assigned roles by cia/cabal as an antagonistic group for an agenda. Going a ways back in time it was the black preacher types used as bag men with walking around money to distribute for get out the votes and corralling their groups for political power purposes. It was also a shake down organized operation to “ellicit” donations for their causes, (that got funneled to cabal command as well) there was always a whiff of extortion that if xyz organizations or corporations refused to donate or help their cause “there would be trouble”, in the form of sabotage, direct violence, or false racism/ discrimination claims made to cripple that target. That was a profitable and useful op for cabal. As American society progressed that shake down power waned, (tawana brawley and that reverend fellow had a fake claim debunked and backfired) a new group was stood up and used as a replacement thug to continue that form of opfor operation. The gays were pulled in and a cabal command created organization and figure heads emplaced. The HRC ‘human rights org’ was then created and also used as a shake down operation for the money, and the gay proclivity people were molded and programmed to be used for screeching shock troops at the street level or as lobbyist muscle in halls of political power. When you see corporate ads that have all those little logos at the bottom of literature or websites of “the causes that they support or donate to” you will see this, among other parallel operating organizations as well. The behaviors exhibited by this group (yep like the jews used as well) is part of the psych profile that cabal capitalized on (they are smart manipulators) for the big picture opfor. If this was not pushed by cabal and given shake down extortion, lawfare tactics, and .gov retribution threats, they would be much more shunned by society and be scurrying for cover back to the closets. Which was a better posture for society management and functioning anyway. “The more you know” about all this cabal shitbaggery the more redpilled you are when you begin “noticing” these nuances and peccadilios out there. Stay frosty in the garbage landfill that is america.

Reply to  Frosty
4 months ago

Between the race hustlers, the rap producers, and the CIA crack suppliers, blacks in America are getting squeezed pretty bad. I feel sorry for them, as a whole, and the good ones, in particular.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Yeah it was a definite plan. The black community was the proof of concept, the successful process could then be applied to any community or race anywhere.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

The target audience makes a big difference too.
What works on one group won’t work as well on a different group.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
4 months ago

“My friend was married with a young baby, and they would try to get him back at their houses late at night, on the pretext of some emergency at the end of the day, to try and pressure him to bang them, under the unspoken threat of losing his gay accounts (Gays network heavily, I assume at some kind of gay underground social scene, so you get one gay account, they will tell others and you will get thirty accounts all of a sudden, and that can be like half your business in rich areas, since now I assume Cabal is promoting all of them above everyone else. And likewise, you piss one off, they will spread the word, and you will lose all of them too.)”

This is what tolerance of evil has wrought.

Call me a homophobe–it won’t be the 1st time–but why do business with these arrogant perverts at all? In fact, why use the enemy’s Newspeak term “gay” for sodomites in the first place?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

AC, this contractor buddy of yours and your observations there is one of the more interesting aspects of what you tell about your history.
Isn’t it odd how so many of the Uber rich act like total assholes and trot out with their tape measure as you put it over a few bucks and then a 99 year old woman who is not exactly poor, but also not rich, will give you a definitely unexpected $200 tip for a job well done?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Even without Cabal, you can find a mindset where the place they live isn’t a home, it’s an investment where they happen to temporarily reside. It will be heavily mortgaged, and every maintenance expense comes out of their anticipated profits, so they cut corners everywhere they can. Then, the instant the market looks good, they sell out and roll the loan over to something else.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I bet they were reporting the original bill and keeping anything they scammed the contractor out of.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
4 months ago

In business nowadays you have to creep and modify your front facing interactions carefully like in a minefield with those protected classes that patronize an establishment or if an engagement that goes sideways just by perceptions it can be then used as a leverage tool to get you jammed up in lawfare claims. Recall the Starbucks manager that got fired just cause no paying loitering gentlemen were asked to leave, by policy. The cops followed through per law with their removal by arrest after they refused to depart. They threw her under the bus, although she won a claim back, it exposed her to much more, as a target jeopardizing safety and privacy. The Colorado cake decorator got wrung out for a long time as well, until it finally gets kicked out by the court. With the stacked Cabal deck of playing cards, of lawfare, doxing, retributions, etc. we have to play the game we are dealt. It sucks but avoidance is an advised tactic when operating behind enemy lines as we are now. Stay frosty otherwise.

4 months ago

How would a Killary swap work?
25th Amendment on Biden, then appoint her, then push aside Heels Up for whatever reason, then some Martial Law or BS executive action?
Ballots ready to go somewhere? Or no voting due to “circumstances”?
Or something more fun?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I pray for you again.

4 months ago

Trump requesting military protection, decoys, and not golfing. Sorry, sounds like a pile of Elephant size shit. He has been under constant threat, since 2016.
Least we forget all of the “attempts” on Trump’s life over the last 8 years:
The guy who jumped up on stage, during his first run.
The multiple hits on his motorcade, by the way some of the motorcades were decoys.
The fucking surface to air missile (Whidbley Island) launched at him. Don’t forget the “skyking” cover up of the counterattack.
Moles found in the Secret Service.
Trump has his own security team providing security in 2016. Did they all just go on vacation this year?
The irradiating device placed inside the oval office.
All of the above attempts were jedi mind tricked away or dismissed outright (missile launch = helicopter search light)(oval office death ray = Trump’s redecorating).
So fast forward to 8 years later, we get the 3 stooges / WWF event in Butler and now Trump “needs” special protection. HE ALREADY HAS HAD THIS PROTECTION, SINCE 2016. Why are we being told to care now? IMHO, to get the normie tier retards to pay attention. I repeat…why NOW?
Where was the concern when a missile was launched from US soil at the current President?
This movie is queerer than a $3 bill.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Bman
4 months ago

The whole thing really is absolutely ridiculous at this point.

Just so much useless and pointless drama.

4 months ago

Optimus robots…..
What if it’s Megatron in disguise?

4 months ago

I saw this Market Ticker post this morning about how Trump is appealing is conviction in New York, and the prosecution is not doing well in the hearings:

One thing interesting is the lack of media coverage. Several of the Market Ticker commentators noted that. I just did a search for “Trump New York appeal” and could only find a CNN and a Politico article, both dated September 26th. So apparently there was no coverage after that.

Bruce Charlton posted two thoughtful posts on his blog ( that were basically about how in the modern world people “see” everything in the media. One example he gave is that there is an ongoing solar storm, and the northern lights can be seen further south than usual. Charlton should be able to see them in Newcastle in England. But he can’t, because modern light pollution is so high that people can’t really see the night sky anymore. At the most they will notice that it looks somewhat lighter and more green than usual. You can only “see” the northern lights through media coverage.

He also noticed an opposite example, of the churches closing their doors in 2020. This was something that happened in reality and was very noticeable, except evidently it wasn’t. It has been memory holed. People can’t “see” or remember it if the media doesn’t.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

See: Walter Lipmann The World Outside and The Pictures in our Heads in his book Public Opinion. Also Orwell’s magnum opus 1984.

For a lot of people, if it isn’t in the media then it doesn’t exist, which is why the process of omission is at the apex of media operations, which Orwell describes perfectly.

Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago


4 months ago

I suppose I should point out that the Chinese Imperial bureaucracy at the palace was staffed by eunuchs with eclectic tastes. Byzantine Imperial bureaucracy was staffed by eunuchs. The families would castrate second and/or third sons to make them fit for Imperial service. The Muslim caliphates and khanates relied on these mutilated men, as well. Their reputation was for cruelty and rapaciousness, in addition to unusual sexual appetites, if they had appetites.

That’s pretty much the whole of Eurasia. This leaves out the Western Roman provinces that were the creches to raise the children that the slave raiders swooped in to raid. The Eastern regions do not ever seem to have solved the slave raid problem, even past World War 2. Putin, maybe, is addressing it.

Revolutionarily decent government as an idea, at all, is from where the people didn’t have quite so much permanent physical deformities. That Britain seems to have let gay rapists into so much of their establishment is such a tragedy for the entire world.

In the Acts,we tend to focus on the Eunuch in the court of Queen Candace as a black man, rather than the more revolutionary idea that a eunuch is choosing Jesus.

Reply to  wooderson
4 months ago

I lead a middle school group in church on Sundays. Last week we were in Acts 8 and I had to explain what a eunuch is to 12 years olds. It was one of the more surreal moments I’ve had teaching.

All the “gender reassignment” stuff made me think about how we’ve had eunuchs throughout history, and people are self-selecting to become eunuchs. Or at least, they’re brainwashed into selecting by a medical system that is all too happy to carry it out before they can have a rational thought.

Reply to  wooderson
4 months ago


Sacrificing reproductive organs to demons. Our reproductive system is our mortal approximation of God’s ability to create life. It’s His gift to us and a reminder we’re made in His image.

To sacrifice your God-given ability to create life is probably second only to total self-sacrifice for the demons who run these empires of evil.

4 months ago

>>Zelensky presents an oil painting, of false flag war crimes Ukraine staged to frame Russia, to Pope on ‘Victory Plan’ tour. The Massacre of Bucha.

It’s always about the celebration of death. The demons drink the “loosh” (despair, rage, sadness, etc.) that comes from war.

4 months ago

And literally, it was maybe 25-30 gay accounts, and every one was like that, really hateful of heterosexuals

There is a dichotomy. I worked in R/F/TV and AV, and there are a lot of sodomites there below the line. All of the bellow the line sodomites are all pushover types living lives of quiet despair and doing the sad clown thing (sopranos reference). At least 20 years ago — it doesn’t seem like those types exist anymore, and there is something even more twisted in its place.
I think the non-pushover sodomites end up being rich sadists, and the pushovers end up being sad, poor masochists.
One thing I observed decades ago is that there is never a balanced sodomy. Actual sex is a win-win with both sides having their own pleasure. Sodomy (homo or not) always has someone getting off, and someone who is “being happy with the other being happy.” That’s never going to be a balanced relationship.

4 months ago

Two people are dead and at least 35 others were affected after a chemical leak involving hydrogen sulfide occurred at a PEMEX facility in Deer Park, Texas.

H2S is no fucking joke. I do a lot of oil and gas litigation (Texas) and everyone up and down the organizations all live in dread of H2S.
The training everyone in the oil patch gets is that if the H2S alarm goes off, RUN. RUN NOW. Don’t pack up your tools, don’t get in your truck and drive away, just start running until you don’t smell rotten eggs.
It is heavier than air so it hugs the ground, and the FIRST effects are to make you lethargic, confused and sleepy. If you let it get you there, then you just end up dying in the middle of a field in your sleep.
If you smell rotten eggs from an oil operation, call your railroad commission (or whatever other states use, mineral department, whatever) and complain. It’s either an H2S leak, or something too easy to confuse with hydrogen sulfide.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Thanks! That might some in useful someday.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
4 months ago

Great to see the headline about millions losing their plans and health care costs skyrocketing under Obamacare. Those were the prime goals of the plan! Nancy Pelosi will be the first one to tell you that the trick to stock market investing is rigging each industry in favor of your campaign contributors.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
4 months ago

Yep gay men have the worst combination of traits. The bitchiness of women and the aggressiveness of men. Effeminate and “artistic” gay men especially

4 months ago

WGL may just be trying to sell 80% kits, but he doesn’t think we’re gonna win this one. Firearms Policy Coalition thinks we will, and frankly common sense would tell you we will considering just how badly the frames and receivers rule was implemented, but should we lose it paves the way for more laws like Oregon’s new ban on homeade guns. If ATF is allowed to get away will this it absolutely will embolden all the other states to follow Oregon’s lead.

If we win we can attack Oregon’s ban. This attack will have to be on entirely different grounds and will rely on the 2A for it’s justifications because otherwise it’s a just a state banning something, and they can do that. So naturally the argument will have to try and extend the 2A over 80%s, but then that leads to the catch-22 where if they are protected by the 2A they can be regulated like everything else protected by the 2A.

This is why I am not hopeful on the long term 2A situation. It’s just gonna keep going with no resolution because the court simply refuses to go to the text and definitively rule on it once and for all. Instead they intend to just declare the current federal status quo to be constitutional and otherwise shut up about it.

Meanwhile even with Trump in the White House again we are looking at a congress that will be dead set against Trump and trying to derail everything, so a repeal on existing gun laws is going to be such a back-burner issue that it just never comes up.

Ever Want to Build From and 90% Lower? Better Do It Now While You

Washington Gun Law

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

The federal case is about executive overreach. The ATF just makes shit up as it goes, and in this case they even broke federal law regulating new regulations, as the rule they attempted to implement bears almost no resemblance to the rule originally posted for public scrutiny and feedback. If they were going to do it correctly they would have had to start the rule process all over again with the new rule. Beyond that, part of the case is going to hinge on what constitutes a firearm as opposed to just chunks of metal and plastic.

As some instantly realized, it actually takes less work with the correct jig to convert an AR to full auto than it takes to finish an 80% lower into a functional lower. So, just when a chunk of metal is deemed to be a firearm actually matters a great deal here. If ATF wins here, the next challenge is going to be that semi-autos are too easy to convert to full auto, and thus they are machine guns under the NFA which cannot be registered as they are post-1986 manufacture because of the Hughes amendment to the FOPA86. That means a blanket surrender of all semi-autos with no amnesty or else.

As for the state ban, it’s actual legislation, if an 80% lower is deemed not a firearm, then it opens up the states to simply banning them like they would anything else that isn’t a firearm, like a chemical or maybe specific soft drink or something. That would be very tricky to argue.

Remember in Oregon it is currently illegal to manufacture and possess a firearm of any type for personal use or sale. Only a manufacturer with FFL manufacturers license may manufacture any firearm in the Oregon.

The current SCOTUS appears to believe that the 2A is irrelevant, from the language used in their opinions. They never bother to cite it. Even Scalia cited the NFA34 in the Heller opinion as proof that the government can regulate machine guns, which is a direct infringement of the 2A. So they cite federal law while completely ignoring the actual text of the constitution which is supposed to be the standard.

As I’ve said, all of the “conservative” justices on the court are catholics. At first glance you wouldn’t think anything of it, until you remember that catholics don’t believe that the Bible is enough in and of itself, hence all the catechisms and traditions, and such. So you have lawyers who already needlessly complicate things and then they are catholic lawyers to add yet another lawyer-layer of complexity onto what should be stupid simple.

Why yes, catholics and protestants do laws differently, just like they do church differently. Who would have guessed? Who would have guessed that protestant laws and institutions administered by catholic judges might not function correctly?

Now we have various tests and traditions that also have to be worked in, which allows them to lawyer their way into declaring the current status quo to be just fine with minor tweaks here and there to appease us.

Last edited 4 months ago by lowell
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

As a precedent case example. Just like with the AWB assault weapon ban they can write up whatever they want to whittle and limit down guns, by typecasting models or features, taxes, permitting etc that allows you to have guns, still allowed under the second amendment, but it will be Mexico tier restricted. Do you think the Robert’s court with those cohort justices can be reliably fare in a ruling, kek. At this point in the game your armory should be a stuffed porker with bountiful surpluses of gear and kit, just because. Stay strapped, stay frosty.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I think they want as many people armed as possible and then they get people to kill each other. We do the depopulation for them. Race/religion/class/ etc have created extreme divisions within the West. In America this factor will lead to many many deaths by guns. Complete chaos. It’s what they want.

Last edited 4 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Keep and bear arms. You cannot bear that which does not exist, you cannot keep that which does not exist. It’s an implied right, but obvious in logical context. If you’re allowed to keep it you can make it to keep.

That all means nothing to these cunts in power, but the right is what it is regardless of their goals.

4 months ago

Don’t you just love the future – you can listen to the oral arguments of SCOTUS cases on their website. Listening while 3D printer go BRRRR.

Garland, Att’y Gen. v. VanDerStok

General's Addition
General's Addition
4 months ago

“Trump has begun traveling with additional decoy planes and dividing his motorcade at times and putting Trump in nondescript planes that do not have his name on the side instead of his longtime 757 jet …”

Trump should have fun with this: anyone wanting to deport voluntarily prior to Trump taking office could be given a deportation ride on the 757.

If Trump’s adversaries are going to try to take the 757 out of the sky, why can’t it be full of invading savages instead?

Perhaps Trump should accept contracts from US CBP and run a “Presidential Deportation Express” …

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 months ago

My understanding is the recently shown Musk robots are fakes. They can walk in the room, but can’t do any of the complicated things they were doing. They were teleoperated.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

The Wright brothers first plane only flew a short distance and not at great height. We went from that to Concorde, the space shuttle, SR71 etc. Do not underestimate where this technology is going.

Reply to  English Tom
4 months ago

Image recognition algorithms are pretty good now, and computing power is cheap, and can be networked for more oomph when needed.

Existing technology could make you a robot that could – with some training – mow the lawn, wash your car, wash dishes or laundry, work a vacuum cleaner, set the table, and cook. It would have limits, but it would be functional enough to be useful.

You can do a lot of things if you have a market. When you have a market, R&D and production costs drop markedly. Personal computers and smartphones are the prime examples of that.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

They could also be programmed to execute every living thing inside a designated zone, which is where it is probably going.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

It’s not there yet. And don’t think I’m in any way saying it won’t come, it will and likely much sooner than people recognize. Right now the focus is on research to build robots to work on assembly lines, which is a very narrow function. The rest will come later.

4 months ago


Reply to  AnonL
4 months ago


4 months ago

The concept spreads:

4 months ago

So I was hearing that the Pentagon keeps failing its audits(sixth one in a row) where trillions of dollars are unaccounted for.

AC do you think this is (mainly?)where Cabal gets its money/warchest?

Reply to  kid
4 months ago

I’m mostly bemused that, despite officially being required to present its accounts to the GAO, the DoD simply ignores them and the GAO does nothing, not even going to the courts or Congress.

Remember, the GAO is *required* to audit the DoD. The GAO is the bureaucracy that will take the blame when things come unstuck. Yet they continue to cover for the DoD’s malfeasance, even if they do whine about it occasionally.

Reply to  kid
4 months ago

Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush administration tried to get the DoD to produce audited financial statements. Rumsfeld spoke to a press conference on the issue on September 10th, 2001. The next day the main offices used by the auditors in the Pentagon went up in smoke.

4 months ago

I’ve been listening to the alt media like Napolitano and Dialogue Works/Nima.

I think there is no question that if Iran wanted to, they could assassinate anyone with a known location, because those hypersonic missiles are just so powerful and the missile defenses are comparatively impossible to use. I think the nature of missiles mean they can only be shot down by missile defenses ~3 “generations” ahead.