News Briefs – 10/12/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Trump has begun traveling with additional decoy planes and dividing his motorcade at times and putting Trump in nondescript planes that do not have his name on the side instead of his longtime 757 jet due to security concerns. When you see the domestic surveillance, the astonishing, mind-blowing numbers of people, everywhere, all the time, roving, and tasked to everyone interesting, and monitoring everything, with absolutely no laws constraining them, and wild technology, you realize, there is no way anybody takes a shot at Trump – unless that operation wants them to.

The Trump campaign reportedly has requested military aircraft and other increased security measures for former President Donald Trump in the final weeks leading up to the Nov. 5 election after a recent security briefing indicated Iran is still looking to assassinate the soon to be new President. There is concern over drones and missiles.

Trump won’t golf until after the election. Would point to a genuine civil war behind the scenes, posing a genuine threat to him.

Libertarian National Committee Chair Angela McArdle is resubmitting a FOIA request she originally made earlier this year from the Central Intelligence Agency regarding details on “any operations or activity in the [Libertarian Party],” due to a belief that the Libertarian Party has been “a victim of COINTEL PRO tactics for many years, if not decades.” But she does not complain about the surveillance, or being zapped.

Kamala Harris debuts Spanish accent at Univision town hall.

Biden administration sues Virginia over attempt to remove noncitizens from voter rolls.

Oregon’s Democrat secretary of state does not list former President Donald Trump or his running mate, Sen. J.D. Vance, as candidates on the office’s website, and county voter pamphlets exclude them from the biographies of presidential candidates.

Top House Democrats are refusing to say if they will certify the results of the 2024 presidential election if former President Donald Trump wins this November.

Vogue, which would not put Melania on the cover appears to have an AI image of Kamala on the cover with weirdish-looking hands.

Kamala Harris makes pledge to Latino voters to welcome, grant Amnesty for millions of migrants.

Kamala Harris received poor marks for leadership as a lawyer in San Francisco, documents reveal.

Kamala Harris staged a photo op in front of hurricane aid, but then never actually sent the supplies to victims, a veteran turned charity worker claims.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spent less than six hours visiting hurricane-hit areas of North Carolina on Thursday — before retreating to Washington to grab an early takeout dinner at Nobu.

Bill Kristol: My fellow White Americans are ‘the enemy’ for supporting Trump. Not a Babylon Bee headline.

Milley calls Trump ‘a fascist to the core’ in new Woodward book. Probably a not-insignificant probability he has either killed, or raped a child, and that he is implanted with some sort of device.

San Antonio’s massive apartment complex, Palatia Apartments (678 units), has been taken over by Tren de Aragua, a transnational criminal organization from Venezuela.

Trump plans to use 1798 law to dismantle illegal immigrant gang Tren de Aragua — and kick criminals out of the US.

President Donald Trump predicted to supporters that Joe Biden will break with Vice President Kamala Harris before next month’s election and there will be an explosion between them.

Republican lawmakers on Monday ratcheted up the investigation into billionaire George Soros’ purchase of a wide swath of U.S. radio stations.

Arkansas dad shoots, kills man found with his missing 14-year-old daughter, authorities say. I am always suspicious when I see molestations, that it could be American Stasi operations to clip the wings of a young girl with too much promise. In this case the molester was previously a school resource officer. Oddly enough I have been, on occasion, followed by a local school resource officer, making me wonder if in some cases the Stasi infiltrates its agents into that position when there are no school “security aides” to manage the local intel op at the school and run the kid agents against all the other kids. Obviously in this case, if you are 67 and you have some other man’s 14 year old daughter in your car without her parent’s permission, and you have been charged with molesting her, chances are you deserve to be shot either way.

New study: Obamacare caused millions to lose insurance plans, premiums to skyrocket.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome appears to often be an adverse reaction to vaccination.

An obese, pink-haired DEI trainer has slammed Oregon’s forestry department for hiring on the basic of merit rather than identity, filing an official complaint over her former boss telling her that he sought the ‘candidates most qualified for the job.’ The boss was actually put on leave because of the complaint.

DEI is damaging our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.

Not surprising the guy who wants to get rid of free speech has the Twitter handle “GayWonk.” There is a reason Hollywood, and music were all run by Gay mafias. I think CIA chose gays and placed them there. And not because they were blackmailable. The more degenerate shit they do, the more they brag about it and use it as social proof. Rather it was because wealthy gays will tend to be sadistic.

At 19, while I was not down with gays (I did not actually know any that I knew of back then), I was at least open to the propaganda that gays are just like everyone else, just they prefer the opposite sex of what you would expect. Back then, every other TV show had a gay who was just the perfect person, and was totally wrongly victimized and I was pure libertarian. Then I went to work with my friend for the summer at his service business, and I met rich gay males. Every single rich gay male I met was absolutely the most vile human being. Just totally demeaning and sadistic. It was insane. He had one lesbian account, but they were actually pretty nice.

At one house, the pool was somehow mis-set at the wrong temperature a few days prior, and when we arrived, the gay male owner lit into my buddy, accusing him of interfering with his pool. After about three minutes of just rabid vitriol, my buddy got a word in and pointed out he had not even been at the house in a week and a half. The gay guy looked like he was going to pop, and then spun around and began screaming at his backyard, “Miguel! Miguel!” His gardener, some sixty-five year old Mexican guy came running full speed, and when he stopped, I think it is the first and only time I saw a grown man with PTSD, in sheer terror. I still remember feeling terrible for him, as he recoiled with every screaming denigration by this twerpy little asshole. There is something about an older blue-collar dude who looks old enough he should be retired, but he’s just trapped, and humiliated, and terrified, at that age. It turned out it was the realtor who fucked with the pool control for some reason.

But the male gays were all, to a one, like that. They lived to make others, particularly their full-time help, miserable. There was a couple, who when we arrived were like, “Oh, could you guys just move a houseplant outside for us? The groundskeeper won’t be here for a week, and the plant really needs sun.” There were three of us, all prime conditioning, and it was a houseplant, how bad could it be? We get in the living room, and the pot alone must have been 200 lbs. It was like a four to five inch thick molded concrete-walled pot, maybe four and a half feet by five feet by three feet tall, filled with dirt, and in it was like a giant woven bonsai tree made up of five or six trees twisted around each other for decades, until it formed a single twelve inch trunk, seven feet tall, and spreading seven or eight feet at the top. As the three of us stopped cold, each ensconced in our own shock and wonderment there could even be a potted plant that massive, you could feel the two gay’s jubilation exploding, off on the side. It felt like they wanted to jump up and down, and point and laugh at us. I still suspect they bought the plant specifically so they could ask workers to move it for them, and then revel in their shock.

And literally, it was maybe 25-30 gay accounts, and every one was like that, really hateful of heterosexuals, and always looking for some awful job for you to do for them on the side. My friend was married with a young baby, and they would try to get him back at their houses late at night, on the pretext of some emergency at the end of the day, to try and pressure him to bang them, under the unspoken threat of losing his gay accounts (Gays network heavily, I assume at some kind of gay underground social scene, so you get one gay account, they will tell others and you will get thirty accounts all of a sudden, and that can be like half your business in rich areas, since now I assume Cabal is promoting all of them above everyone else. And likewise, you piss one off, they will spread the word, and you will lose all of them too.) My friend was afraid to go to the houses alone, too, so he would always drag me there as backup. I think he suspected one night there would be a bunch of them there, and he would end up like Ving Rhames in the basement of the pawn shop in Pulp Fiction, ball gag and all.

I think the reason Hollywood is all homo movie producers, and the record industry is all gay Jewish guys recruiting gay blacks, to rape all the stars, is CIA set that all up, and they needed stone cold sadists, just ruthless psychopaths, who get off on ruining innocent people’s lives. And likewise, when the call to eliminate free speech comes, it is no surprise to me it is a flamboyant gay guy calling for it. You will find the group as a whole is a lot more ruthless and cruel than the Hollywood depiction, and there is probably a reason when things turn harsh, societies cast them out or kill them, and in those times, few blink when it happens.

From here: “At the same time that the Middle East is erupting in flames, the U.S. is being pummeled by major natural disasters and we are preparing for the most pivotal election in modern history, extremely unusual things are happening in the heavens. The “Comet of the Century” is making a spectacular run past our planet, the Sun has unleashed an extremely powerful coronal mass ejection, a “second Moon” is now orbiting our world, and it is being suggested that we are witnessing an “intriguing alignment of constellations and stars” that appears to relate to events written in the Book of Revelation.”

A California physician accused of gross negligence for attributing a stroke patient’s death to the COVID vaccine without any evidence, among other allegations, faces potential disciplinary action by his state’s medical board.

High school senior, 18, dies after collapsing at finish line of half marathon: ‘A devastation for everyone.’

An estimated 50 to 150 people or more actively looted a cargo train on the west side of Chicago, Illinois.

Several arrested in train looting incident.

Over at 4Chan an unsourced photo is going around purporting to be another Jellyfish UFO photo’d in Afghanistan:

Two people are dead and at least 35 others were affected after a chemical leak involving hydrogen sulfide occurred at a PEMEX facility in Deer Park, Texas.

Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar is pushing for Palestinian terrorists to revive the horrifying practice of using suicide-bombs against Israelis. I would assume Sinwar and elite Israeli Jews are putting that together in concert, even sentencing innocent Israelis to death from suicide bombs, because now the US dollars will flow, and they can divvie them up between themselves.

Hala Hijazi, the Palestinian best friend of Kamala Harris, assured a panel at an anti-Israel DNC event that once she was president, Kamala would crack down on Israel.

Is Iran’s top military chief an Israeli agent? Rumors grow that missing Esmail Qaani is behind Israel’s incredible terror cull.

King Charles ‘Flew a prototype UFO over Canada in 1975,’ according to a diver who claims to have seen him on base with the craft.

Zelensky presents an oil painting, of false flag war crimes Ukraine staged to frame Russia, to Pope on ‘Victory Plan’ tour. The Massacre of Bucha.

Putin meets with Iran’s Pezeshkian, calling for ‘new world order’ of Russian allies.

Poll: Soros-backed D.A. George Gascón Losing by 30 Points in L.A.

Nearly all early voting sites in western NC are ready to open next week despite the storms.

Cenk Uygur: “New polls are out and it doesn’t look good for Kamala Harris. I have not been this worried in a long time. We don’t have a lot of time left…less than a month left and she’s now losing in almost all the swing states…”

Election tilts toward Trump as suspicions grow that some polls may be masking true size of his lead.

Early voting trends appear to show the Republicans have strengthened their early voting game this cycle.

New polls suggest that Donald Trump could walk away with the entire Rust Belt, in what would not only be a devastating wipe out for Kamala Harris, but a rejection of the entire Democratic Party.

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