Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
New BootStrappy is up here from Lowell.
German AfD co-chief quits after election disappointment. How many times has it felt the time was right, people were pissed, and this election would be a landslide, and we were told our side just didn’t turn out.
A rundown of what is happening in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Interestingly, the prosecution has an infrared video which it claims shows the conflict between Rittenhouse and the first pedophile he shot. So while the protest was going down, FBI had at least one place running FLIR overhead. There is always more eyes watching you in this society than you would think.
A rundown by a doctor describing how early COVID protocols seemed almost designed to kill patients.
Feds to release nontoxic particles, gases in NYC subway as part of terrorism study. Probably innocent. It is not like they seem to want to do anything bad to us…
The Amish, who don’t get vaccinated against anything, rarely get autism, cancer or heart disease.
The Facebook account appearing to belong to the woman who was charged alongside her Navy nuclear engineer husband with selling secret information about nuclear submarines to an undercover FBI agent is filled with liberal talking points on the Black Lives Matter movement and feminism. Not surprising. Although I will say I am not as judgmental about these things as I used to be. I think when you see this person betraying our nation for another nation – from the perspective of the people who really run things, it is meaningless, everyone is their subordinates, everyone works for them, and there are no nations. The people may be traitors and dicks if they don’t know this and commit the betrayal, but the actual treason is probably meaningless, and amusing even to the people who run the intel operation that crosses so many national borders.
Crude jumps on global energy crunch with US oil at a 7-year high.
Crisis looms in Britain, steel makers warn.
Alaska snow crab harvest cut by 88% after population crash in the Bering Sea.
In the UK, beans and coffee soar in price as freezers lie empty, supermarket staff are forced to tell shoppers to ‘buy alternative items,’ and Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s run out of fresh fruit and veg and frozen meat. What is fascinating about it is, it is multiple countries, and shortages in unrelated items. OK, the US has a backlog at its ports. But then the UK has a trucking crisis, fuel is in short supply in Beirut, China doesn’t have enough coal or electricity as it is killing gaming and bitcoin mining, and US domestic meat supplies are short? All at the same time?
New Superman revealed to be bisexual, global activist in DC comics.
Text messages are revealed which explains the missing 43 student teachers in Mexico who vanished. They were a bunch of commie agitators who stole some busses to ride to a protest, but the busses they stole were freshly filled with dope by the Cartel, who promptly linked up with the corrupt Police and military to locate and disappear all the commies.
India/China Army talks to defuse border tensions fail.
Poland accelerates gold buying, plans to purchase 100 tons during 2022.
A year after ‘Defund,’ police departments get their money back.
Invite other people to because the lean times are coming
AC, mate this isn’t in your list today, but I am putting the link forward looking for your views. I believe this stuff is right up your alley:
The bottom line is, the vaccine is a black box, and everything is speculation. To this date, I have not seen anyone get a sample and sequence the RNA to see if it is even a Spike Protein code. We know because of the Japanese it actually did have some sort of electrically/magnetically reactive material in it, and we know there is not supposed to be any of that in it. I suspect a large amount is saline, or degraded to the point it is non-functional, but who knows.
The cryogenics would fit with Lipid nanoparticles, which would degrade structurally at temperature, but even that could be a lie.
Until somebody does a lot more than just look at it under a microscope, we really have no idea what is in it, or what it is designed to do.
That begs the question then mate, what equipment is required, who has it and then perhaps we can crowdfund the appropriate tests no?
Regarding cosmic rays from the sun and cloud formations, the real work was done by the Japanese and delivered in a peer reviewed paper about 4 months ago. I haven’t ad time to read it thus far and haven’t looked for the link but it out there.
Your link shows things that seem to resemble humans – but only loosely.
>He said U.S. cyber defenses in some government departments were at ‘kindergarten level’.
Promis/INSLAW to Talp iot, this isn’t new and actively indulged; having untouchables like Hillary raw-dogging SAPs, agents in China and fuck knows what else on their ‘private’ email servers physically and digitally backdoored doesn’t help the situation either. The idea that there are ethical obstructions to US AI development is laughable; the Chinamen can’t even jumpstart native high end chip manufacturing . . . if what he says is true, it’ll be because of industrial espionage hemorraghing by the 5th column(s). This is why we can’t hav e nice things on space colonies.
>India/China Army talks to defuse border tensions fail
The himalayas are an insurmountable obstacle to PLA force projection, jets’ operational range in particular. That and the Tibetan foreign legion absolutely pushing their shit in up there months back.
And don’t forget, we are in a solar minimum for the next 20 years. The himilayas will be impassable and you north living yanks and the euros will be frozen fishfingers.
The north-living euros and yanks have a long history of making do with chopping wood, cooking on a fire, catching and canning fish, making sweaters from sheep, etc.
The more interesting question is how the swarthier imports to such climates will do with solar minimum winters- especially if the grid goes down and gortex coats stop being delivered.
I’m of half a mind that the gas/heating oil and electric grid shortages are a grand scheme to avoid genocidal war by encouraging self-deportation.
An, that is a good point.
It is interesting to view the same issue differently. I see those swarthy mofos going on a crime spree to get what they cant earn.
What do you reckon low iq worthless pieces of shit that have earned nothing their whole life would do in that situation?
No one goes out in 10 degree weather to commit crime, just like how crime drops in the rain.
No, they will either freeze or GTFO.
I don’t think dimmies from the gas station count.
“New Superman revealed to be bisexual, global activist in DC comics”.
Clark Bent will be blue check verified
He will be in love with Louis Lane aka Louie
I’ve been dealing with the fallout on this one all day – CLARK is not going gay. Lois and Clark’s SON Jonathon is going gay. It’s annoying because Jonathon was literally the only thing that came out of the Nu52 that was any good, and it only happened as a REBUKE to the Nu52.
The series has a pretty decent scene where they ripped off ALIENS and had Lois go full-Ripley in a armored ironman-like batsuit to save her son, and everyone knew it was a ripoff, and nobody cared because it was awesome.
As Zack points out, in the 1990’s if you were out of any other ideas you killed the character off, or crippled them in the case of Batman. Oddly enough, in a few cases that worked because it gave LATER writers something to do in the resurrection and retconning. This WON’T.
Turning A Character GAY Is The Modern Equivalent Of KILLING Them Off Because You Ran Out Of Ideas
And OF COURSE these writers ran out of ideas about how to write a functional family, because they are neurotic lefties raised in NYC who have mostly done nothing in their lives. Zack dubbed them “middle-aged childless weirdos.”
You can’t write about what you don’t know about, that’s why over at Marvel their was a SHE-HULK storyline where the SUPERHERO ATTORNEY main character spent like ten episodes investigating the murder of her favorite Youtube Foodie chef and never threw a single punch.
Contrast with Larry Hama who wrote the GIJoe comics in the 1980’s, created all the characters backstories printed on the packaging of the figures, etc, he was a Vietnam combat Vet. Why, because these were amalgamations of guys he had served alongside.
More people now saying there are mass deaths that they are covering up.
it’s annuda shoah!
Over the Fourth of July, I went to visit kin in Oklahoma. On the way, we passed a small nearby town to them, and the graveyard had at least 20 and maybe as many as 50 fresh graves (turned dirt, no grass, no rain settling). This is in a town of maybe 2000.
They hadn’t heard anything about a mass die off, and were disturbed by the observation.
It’s called excess mortality. 50 million abortions and people barely noticed. The U.S. fertility rate drops from 2.0 to 1.6 over a 20 year period. That’s another 20 million. Life expectancy is decreased by 2 or 3 years, another few 10’s of millions over a decade or so. All of those added up are limited nuclear war casualty levels, that’s how significant excess mortality is over time.
And if it’s coupled with massive immigration you can completely upend a nations demographics in a few decades, and it’s likely by the time anyone realizes it’s too late because the “excess mortality” has been normalized.
A democratic nation would have a small window to act (banning immigration and forcing repatriation of recent arrivals) before it was overwhelmed. All Western nations are currently in that window, that is the real reason behind Covid, the vax and voter fraud.
There was just an article on 4Chan asserting there has been massive mortality, and they have covered it up. Given they control everything, from the organizations that assign cause of death, to the federal organizations that aggregate such data, to the reporters who would uncover such deception, it is entirely possible. Where your relatives live, it is a high likelihood the reporters are part of the domestic surveillance machine, and are following regular citizens around in between live shoots, and listening in citizen’s houses at night.
It’s far enough out that they don’t really have reporters.
Voxday had an electrician email him about but that’s they’re seeing in their local union. An average of eight or so per year over the last 14 years with just 4 members in 2020.
So far, in 2021, 33 members have passed. He does a bit more of a break down there.
it seems to be slowly coming out. Whether that is going to break through people’s programming I have no idea..
No one within 1 degree of separation has died from the clot shots or had any complication that I personally know.
+2 degrees of separation, I now know of 1 person who had heart related issues after getting Moderna (Military Requirement).
The problem with everything right now is you can’t trust anything, including the vaccines themselves. They could have given fake vaccine saline shots to everyone initially to minimize the backlash, and you would have no idea.
I’d be curious for a 1 degree head/body count. I don’t personally know anyone who has died of either covid or the shots. But I do know people who have fallen ill from covid and had either confirmed or highly suspect vaccine reactions:
5 children under 7: sniffles
30sF: very ill, pertussis like coughing, long covid with heart involvement. But she was pregnant. Fully recovered, baby is fine.
40sM: flu-like, fully recovered
40sF: cold-like, fully recovered
60sF: cold-like, fully recovered
60sM: flu-like, fully recovered
80sF: Initial illness was flu-like, turned into pneumonia that stuck around for almost a year. Then developed possibly related lymphoma and malignant pulmonary embolism. No prior or family history of cancer.
VAX ONLY (no known covid exposure)
30sF: Pupils different sizes immediately following vaccine, autoimmune problems that were under control with medication highly exacerbated within two weeks of J&J, to the point that doctors are considering a feeding tube. Testing for MS.
30sF: Irregular menstruation following first and second mRNA shots. No prior history of irregularity.
40sM: Two ER visits for irregular heartbeat, chest pain following J&J shot. No prior history of heart problems.
40sF: Migraines and other neurological symptoms following first mRNA shot. No improvement after five months. Did not get second shot, stopped posting on Facebook about how everyone should get a shot. To her credit, is now posting on Facebook that it’s not a one-size-fits-all situation.
60sM: Blind in left eye and deaf in left ear, nerve problems generally on the left side of the face following mRNA shot.
40sM: Flu-like covid, full recovery. Migraines worsened after mRNA vax.
60sM: Flu-like covid, full recovery. Guillian-Barre syndrome developed shortly after J&J shot leaving him wheelchaired-bound for two months. Walking now after three months of physical therapy, but still falls. Doctors admit it’s a vaccine reaction, but won’t report to vaers because they don’t want to be called as expert witness if the vaccines ever end up in court.
40sM: initial covid was flu-like, full recovery. No apparent vaccine reaction. Second bout of covid was cold-like.
Just watching the fallout from people I personally know, I would not recommend a vax to anyone under 80. But to my knowledge I’ve only changed two people’s minds from being on the fence, to a definite “no thanks.”
Just for your stats Barfman, one uncle dead walking out of the medical center after 2nd vax, aged 80. Second uncle with throat cancer 2months after second vax aged 81. Their sister, my mum 86 and going like a train – loves a drink., local neighbour cancer of the lung – never smoked 6 weeks after 2nd vax.
I know fck all people and give a fck about even fewer.
This shit is real.
I’m 1 degree away. Wife personally knows a 14 year old who got appendicitis and was unable to be operated on because of excessive clotting. He had gotten the shot 3 weeks earlier.
“In the UK, beans and coffee soar in price as freezers lie empty”
Shit’s getting real now. A Brit without beans is like an American without a gun.
My last trip to the UK:
“And for dessert I’ll have the sticky toffee pudding.”
“Would you be wanting some beans with that guv’nah?”
“I’d rather eat a spotted dick than more beans. Thanks though.”
So Mexicans are copycats and Britbongs are the original beaners?
For real though, Brits in WW2 had victory gardens, nothing is stopping anyone from doing that again. If the elites see fit to cripple world logistics there is nothing that will stop them and it will turn populations K selected, probably rather quickly.
Below video suggests the robot dogs are being rolled out for actual patrols now. Not sure what the context is. Posted in one of my Dark Enlightenment matrix rooms.!$4TgV29FirifGXXEynzkVTGy1mt5srWJ7puRoYlMB0z8?
Also, if anyone wants to join a reactionary chat matrix/element has a good system. Its federated to different servers so if one server decides they want to deplatform you, they can’t do shit to you if you are on a different server. If your host server does deplatform you, they can’t delete the rooms or text copies that are present on other servers.
If you are already on, consider joining our room
Keep in mind this is a fully public room.
I’ve talked before about darknet forums. This is slowly moving forward. Someone has set up a forum that reaches regular internet, TOR, I2P and it’s serving stuff over Yggdrasil mesh network.
There’s also a reddit reader on I2P though I doubt you can reply.
The next step, and it will come, is to tie IPFS or some other distributed large anonymous database together through I2P. Sort of like Freenet where all data has a a hash that determines what it is and it’s spread all over to many people’s computers. The main problem with Freenet is you can’t pick and choose what is stored on your computer so there’s no telling what kind of evil stuff could be on there. Once you get this and it works well no one will be able to financially beat it because it will run for free on everyone’s computer and they will serve it for free. There will be no big server farms. If they were not subsidized in some way now I doubt any of these would exist now.
They have some forum stuff like this that can be used now on I2P but it’s not used much.
We’re so close to sloughing off their big blathering lie horn of mass media. When Musk gets up all his satellites with encrypted mesh nets like Yggdrasil then the masses can serve whatever data they wish. Of course a bunch of it will be pozzed, lies, distortion but we have that now. I expect that over time impartial “truth” scores will pop up where people in mass grade the truthfulness of news and info sites. You could have whatever politics you wanted or push any viewpoint you wanted but you would have to tell the truth or people would abandon you.
Sam, for the benefit of us whose mental talents lie in other areas, WHAT THE FCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MOFO?
He’s talking about to set up a cheese pizza network.
phelps, I like the cut of your jib. Some great lines recently.
I am only moderately technical, but I will say the current iteration of these rooms is I believe the 3rd. First we were on discord, and someone brought up the black sun as a “white” symbol. But I pointed out that it had some freemason/evil type origin and being occult and having connections with secret societies it probably shouldn’t be used. I also posted this article, I think.
The next day about half my rooms, including the above, were deleted and gone I guess because of someone at discord. Never got an explanation. Knowing discord was compromised and the rest of the rooms could be deleted at any moment, I closed it down and moved to matrix. That lasted a few months until matrix did the same thing. The rumor was that 4chan pol rooms users were targeted, and I guess there was a lot of overlap between my rooms and the chan rooms (I wasn’t in them though) so we got removed. Like I said though, the rooms couldn’t actually be deleted everywhere because unassociated servers had their own copies. However, people with matrix accounts couldn’t go to them or use them, including my admin account, so I had to start over again, which is why the rooms are now Haven’t had trouble with them so far.
The more times you get fucked, the more anti-fragile you end up being.
It does suck though that every time I had to move, users were bled off.
It also shows how fragile their system is. They need to put in all that effort, just to keep us from linking up, because if we meet each other, just by talking their entire system of control collapses.
>Walmart and Costco limit toilet paper sale
Time to get a bidet boys. Cut toilet paper usage 90%.
>What is fascinating about it is, it is multiple countries, and shortages in unrelated items. OK, the US has a backlog at its ports. But then the UK has a trucking crisis, fuel is in short supply in Beirut, China doesn’t have enough coal or electricity as it is killing gaming and bitcoin mining, and US domestic meat supplies are short? All at the same time?
They kicked the reptiloidal demon-kin space tyrants off the planet and need to supplies, electricity, and manpower to build the defense fleet. (jk)
This is a comment on one of the things about the COVID vaccination campaign that has me confused this morning.
And that is the military, police, nurses, and a lot of workers in the logisitics sectors were targeted first. But not all of them, they remembered to leave the postal workers alone, and people working and places selling groceries and pharmacies seem to be left alone. But the injections are being required for many “essential” workers, meaning they are either walking off the job now, or dealing with the side effects (even legit vaccinations lowers your performance for a couple of days).
I think David Graeber was right that most jobs are “bullshit” jobs, and there would be no loss or even a benefit to society if they weren’t filled. But it seems that the jobs that actually matter are being targeted. Why?
Because the parasites at the top want to blow up the whole damn system, in order to establish their own Soviet Union 2.0, but digitalized.
The only thing we have going for us is that the parasites at the top don’t live in the real world, and the managerial elites right below them that kinda sorta run everything are borderline incompetent, simply riffing off of the successful template of the truly competent people that came before them.
The Great Reset will be a Great Flop, even if they manage to get the thing installed properly, which is doubtful.
We are blessed to be opposed by stone cold psychos at the top who are incapable of genuine self reflection, and a managerial caste of sycophantic panty waists who are afraid of their own shadow.
“Alaska snow crab harvest cut by 88% after population crash in the Bering Sea.”
Usually one of two things: 1. Simple: Overfishing. 2. Collusion by the industry insiders to manipulate the market. Which happens alot.
With the number 88 as a clue, that crab fishery report may be comms
Aces and Eights, right?
Bet on number 2. every time when it comes to anything supply chain related.
The Old Roman Christian Chant sounds remarkably like Byzantine Chant:
Another early Christian worship song:
Based on preserved notation from that time.
Superman isn’t human. He isn’t bisexual — it’s beastiality.
“Now a U.S. government official is telling us that the supply chain nightmares could potentially last for “years.””
Probably a good time to check out Lowells stuff, other DIY, 3d printers and start your own garden.
Some thoughts on the New World Order and the vaccine by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. If this has been posted before, please ignore. It’s a long read so here are some excerpts:
“The art of medicine — which is not science, but the application of scientific principles to different cases each time, on an experiential and experimental basis — seems to have renounced its prudence, in the name of an emergency that has risen to the level of priesthood of a religion — the religion of science, in fact — which in order to be such has cloaked itself in a dogmatism bordering on superstition.
The ministers of this cult have constituted themselves as a caste of untouchables, exempt from any criticism even when their claims are denied by the evidence of the facts.”
“We should have understood — I wrote it some time ago — that the Great Reset plan was not the result of the ravings of some “conspiracy theorist” but the crude evidence of a criminal plan, conceived for decades and aimed at establishing a universal dictatorship in which a minority of immeasurably rich and powerful people intends to enslave and subjugate the whole of humanity to the globalist ideology.”
“What has been happening for a year and a half had been widely announced, down to the smallest detail, by the creators of the Great Reset themselves; just as we were told the measures that would be adopted.
On February 17, 1950, testifying before the United States Senate, the well-known banker James Warburg said, “We will have a world government, whether you like it or not. The only question that arises is whether this world government will be established by consensus or by force.”
“Everything the elite wanted to do, they have done. And what is incomprehensible is that in the face of the evidence of the premeditation of this terrible crime against humanity, which sees the leaders of almost the whole world as accomplices and traitors, there is not a single magistrate who opens a file against them to ascertain the truth and condemn the guilty and complicit.
Those who disagree are not only censored but pointed out as public enemies, as infectors, as non-persons for whom no rights are recognized.”
This brings to mind a scripture from 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
“And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
“All at the same time?”
Yes, and they all have nothing to do with each other /sarc/
in other news, your local Masonic lodge would like a word with you and your posting about nasiolabial lines…

Odd dream this morning, a voice from an unseen man predicting a large earthquake off the coast of Guatemala (8.2 – 8.5 or bigger) causing a big tsunami across the Gulf of Mexico about two weeks from now. It may well be nothing, but I have rarely remembered dreams in the past, one every few years, until the past few weeks when I remember one every few days.
Dozing, I had further thoughts that it would take down the Texas and perhaps other power grids, shut down the refineries and gasoline pipelines, that it might well be associated with a coronal mass ejection (somewhat doubtful, could also be man-made or ordinary earthquake), that this disaster had been foreseen and was the explanation for the shortages despite high shipping rates and for containers being unloaded at ports but apparently disappearing (Cabal stockpiling in anticipation of the Great Reset), that this explained my instinct to make a number of odd major choices over the past couple of years, that water storage and treatment (plain bleach, filters), generators, gasoline, portable stoves and stove fuel would be top priority assets during the disaster, as well as unrefrigerated staple foods and vitamins.
On the other hand, these sorts of disaster predictions are wrong nearly every time. Still, this is an especially good time to be prepared. I’ve had the feeling that the other shoe would drop this fall for quite a while, but had thought it would be a real, deadly planned pandemic. It might be both, it might be that a natural disaster is the only way to head off a man-made disaster. Or it might just be a dream.
Storing liquid bleach is a losing proposition. It starts going bad (losing reactivity) in just months. Look up how to use pool shock to make bleach, put it in an HDPE Nalgene bottle, and write the formulas and instructions on the bottle. At least, that’s what I’ve done. A $10 bag of pool shock will make something like 200 gallons of bleach, and you are purifying water with it by the drop.
Of course, something like Ebola comes to town (again, in my case), being able to make bleach will make you a big man on the block.
Excellent tip on the chlorine.
BTW, I looked up the fault lines in the Caribbean and there is a big, high-stress one coming out from Guatemala where the Caribbean plate meets the North American plate. From the geography, though it looks like anything less than a 10 earthquake, tsunami damage will be limited to the Caribbean, it might well take out the southern shore of Cuba and the Yucatan with a smaller one, though. The gap between the two has a steep slope which could act to make a big wave across the Gulf directed at the US, though.
No big breasted dancing girls wearing pirate eye patches over their light switches and wall sockets?
Mate, seek help.
Stop peeping in my bedroom!
Dr. Franc Zalewski shares his (apparent) discovery of an unknown Aluminum-Carbon based ‘life form’
withina Pfizer vaccine vial. This creature, which he dubs ‘The Thing’, consists of a 20 microns sized
head with three 25mm ‘legs’ and claims is being hatched out of eggs found in 1 of 3 vials he examined.
The video was originally uploaded to Youtube on his channel here:
..and then deleted within 3 days after reaching 130k views.
Link to another video explaing this further here:
that is the crap that Seneca in my original link today was referring to!~
Fck me I want to have Soros in front of me and do him so slowly on video so that the elites know that is the best way they will be treated.
Ohh Barfman, that aligns with my post at the top of this thread!
If true, which looks likely, there is no room for discernment we are now in the province of the devil
Las Vegas shooting connection
Southwest Airlines CEO Gary Kelly said none of his unvaccinated employees will be fired as a result of defying Biden’s vaccine mandate.
“We’re not going to fire any employees over this. We’re urging all of our employees to get vaccinated. If they can’t get vaccinated, we’re urging them to seek an accommodation, so we’ll do everything we can to support our people here,” Kelly told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Tuesday.
RE: Parasite Threads on the Chans
First time doing a parasite cleanse. I highly recommend. Got Zahler’s Paraguard. Did the intensive dosing (4x/day). Within a couple days, brain fog, crap smells strange (almost alien), but appetite and everything else just fine. By day 11 or so, felt great. Stopped dosing at 14 days, 3 days after die off symptoms stopped.
My appetite completely changed. Fasted cardio is easier than before. No food cravings, but food still tastes good when I eat it. The feeling is different from when you’re in Keto, in that even when your stomach is empty it feels more muted than when in a strict Keto diet. Also, zero junk food cravings, carb cravings gone. Dinner was lean meat (~250cal), crackers (~140cal), cheese (~260cal), fiber (~50cal) for a total of 700cal. Should feel like a bad snack, but was delicious, satisfying, and ended up completely full. W. T. F. I used to be a big eater.
For those who haven’t done a parasite cleanse before, my point is that it might be a good idea. I chose Paraguard b/c it had the main ingredients of commonly accepted cleanses (e.g., black walnut, wormwood) but in a convenient form. Interested in your results if you choose to do one.
Hey Ugly Monkey,
What sort of condition were you in pre parasite purge?
Im looking at it myself. Ex pro triathlete, pro soccer, pro lots of sports. Thinking that years of bodily physical abuse might be worth a parasite purge. Any power gains, or energy gains you have experienced or just food?
Im not a big eater, and eat clean Japanese style every day so cant see any upside on that front, but running clean body-wise always feels good. If the parasite purge made you feel better then its worth a dabble for most of us.
Good question.
Pre-purge: Fasted cardio 6 days a week, 20-25mi/day of cycling at ~13mph avg (including stops, etc.). Mostly some upper body and core calisthenics and dumbbell stuff to maintain, currently not lifting heavy (there’s only so much time of day). Was consistently losing 1lb-1.5lb a week for months, running on beef and dark meat chicken for protein, buckwheat noodles, white rice, and oatmeal for carbs. Minimal fruits or veggies. Discipline holding out just fine, just what I thought to be normal cravings for junk food. Also I hate sweets. Couple of drams of gin/whiskey a night (my reward for strict dieting). Felt great considering my whole routine.
During and post-purge: I stopped losing weight at ~180lb, coinciding with the parasite purge. Waist still narrowing, so I’m still leaning out. This has been going on for the past couple weeks. Only explanation is I’m somehow gaining muscle while losing fat while on a calorie deficit. Noticeable increased muscle definition in my legs. I count calories so I should be at a consistent ~750cal deficit per day. Cycling speed up to 14mph avg and rising, with no noticeable additional fatigue. Strength, maybe. I can do more pullups, for example, but could be psychological. I’m not doing a strict set/rep routine so strength gains are inconclusive. Very noticeable change in appetite. Craving more meats than carbs. Even less desire to eat fruits/veggies. New aversion to buckwheat and no more craving for oatmeal. My main source of carbs now white rice. No change in my minimal appetite for sweetness. Less prone to snacking. I feel more clear-headed despite my calorie deficit. Hunger is muted, no pangs, just knowledge that my stomach is empty. I drink noticeably less water. No change in alcohol use, but my sense of smell is noticeably better, particularly for gin and high-proof bourbon. Scotch smells the same as pre-purge. Finally, feel more clear-headed, but again can be just psychological.
Hope that helps. YMMV.
Zahler’s Paraguard