Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
General Michael Flynn was on stage, singing “We’re Not Gonna Take It” like a rockstar. That was the music video Q posted in his last post. (The Youtube was since killed, supposedly under copyright.)
A petition initiative aimed at tightening election security in Michigan began collecting signatures this week and has 180 days to gather signatures from more than 340,000 registered voters. If it works, it automatically overcomes any veto by Gretchen Whitmer.
Czech voters oust communists from parliament for first time since 1948. Were rigged elections suddenly unrigged in some place?
Art gallery repping Hunter Biden received $500K federal COVID loan, records show.
Fauci says he ‘strongly suspects’ that COVID-19 deaths will go down in the winter. Not good. Everything this asshole says ends up being exactly wrong.
Trudeau bans the unvaccinated from leaving the country and from earning a living.
COVID-19 cases in Indonesia plunge after government authorizes Ivermectin for treatment.
There is a strange lack of transparency from a hospital about the health status of the nurse who passed out on video after her COVID vaccine. Tiffany Dover, the one who got the vaccine, went to the microphone, passed out, and they later said she was just prone to pass out at the sight of a needle, despite being a nurse. And then her social media went completely dark, and there were a flurry of hidden posts from her family on social media, as if something happened to her.
Police refused to allow a DNA test of hairs found in the hand of a Zodiac Killer victim. Cabal seems to have been running a raft of serial killers, and continues the practice today. It would not surprise me if either Zodiac was an experiment from something like MK Ultra and they are afraid to have people poking around his history, or if he was subsequently recruited into the network and employed, maybe as a killer, maybe as a powerful figure who was kept on a tight leash due to his past… Paging Ted Cruz….
California eases gang enhanced sentence rules under bill signed by Newsom. Why would anyone sane do this, unless the gangs were subsidiaries of the conspiracy?
NYC drug store shelves empty amid shoplifting surge.
Seattle Police Department braces for mass firing of officers as hundreds have yet to show proof of vaccination.
WHO database reports over 2 million potential COVID jab injuries in 2021, vast majority in women.
Shipments containing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are seized by customs officials in Chicago.
A M1.6 solar flare, full halo CME was launched from the sun which will certainly arrive at Earth within the next 48 to 72 hours. Probably nothing, but you never know if something like this could be a cover story, for them flipping a kill switch for a while for some reason.
The Taliban said on Saturday they will not work with the U.S. to contain extremism in Afghanistan.
EMS worker shortage at ‘crisis’ levels, threatening 911 system.
Four leftist-run states in the northeast US sign a pact to share data on guns.
McAuliffe lead evaporates in Virginia as he smears critical race theory opponent as ‘racist.’
Throughout Europe, Secret Police and Coast Guard units are beginning to beat and push migrants back out of their borders without letting them seek EU asylum, ignoring EU rules. I see two possibilities. Possibility one, Cabal has already drawn in all of the foreign Cabal assets they ordered to migrate into the EU, and they are now closing the doors because these are just regular plebes whom they have no use for. Or, option two, there is a new conspiracy that opposes the old conspiracy, and it is now deploying domestic intelligence operations in these countries to subvert the Globalist Cabal world order.
12 countries apply for European funding for construction of fences to prevent illegal migration.
A “security issue” prompted the notoriously pro-choice Catholic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to flee a Catholic mass in Rome on Saturday, according to an announcement made from the altar by a priest during the service. Article says she was being heckled, and fled.
Biden will regret sharing Trump WH records with the 1/6 Committee, suggests President Trump. Interesting. So Biden created a precedent where President Trump will be able to release all records on Biden when he is back in office.
TMZ says, Bill Maher believes we are in the grips of what he calls a “slow-moving coup” at the hands of Donald Trump, and his evidence is really hard to rebut. From his lips to God’s ears…
No link, but I was just watching, and at his Iowa Rally, Trump said to be patient, because even though it doesn’t feel like it, it is all coming out. “They don’t want anyone talking about the election because they know they got caught!… The truth is a force of nature. It’s all going to come out. Hang in there.”
President Trump’s rally in Des Moines, Iowa:
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
I have sent a letter to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in defense of the Office of the Presidency, the Constitution, vital principles of separation of powers, and on behalf of our great Nation. The Radical Left Democrats tried the RUSSIA Witch Hunt, they tried the fake impeachments, and now they are trying once again to use Congress to persecute their political opponents. Their requests are not based in law or reality—it’s just a game to these politicians. They don’t care about our Country or the American people.
The Democrats are drunk on power, but this dangerous assault on our Constitution and important legal precedent will not work. This Committee’s fake investigation is not about January 6th any more than the Russia Hoax was about Russia. Instead, this is about using the power of the government to silence “Trump” and our Make America Great Again movement, the greatest such achievement of all time. We won two elections, did far better in the second than the first, and now perhaps have to do it a third time! It is also about trying to deflect blame from Biden’s surrender in Afghanistan and the failures to address COVID, the border, crime, and the economy that is leaving Americans dead or broke. It’s another grand distraction, because Biden and the Democrats don’t want you to see how badly America is losing due to their incompetence.
My administration, and the great patriots who worked on behalf of the American people, will not be intimidated. We will not allow Biden or the Radical Democrats to get off without accepting blame for their incompetence and failures. I will always fight for America First, and the Constitution. Together, we will Make America Great Again, Again!
Biden has rejected our request to withhold White House information from the House Unselect Committee investigating the January 6th protest, but has not taken a stance on the insurrection that took place on November 3rd, often referred to as the Crime of the Century. This will put the current White House in a terrible position when the inevitable request for information comes concerning the massive corruption by Hunter Biden and the already well-documented crimes committed by the Biden family, the least of which are Hunter’s paintings selling for as much as $500,000 a piece. With our Country collapsing, with our Military disgraced, with our Borders nonexistent, when will the American people have had enough?
Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan is another Mitch McConnell. He is not fighting for the people of Texas. Speaker Phelan should immediately move the Forensic Audit bill, SB 47 by Senator Bettencourt that passed out of the State Senate this week, to the floor. The Speaker knows the bill will overwhelmingly pass the House with Republican support.
While standing in the way of a real election audit, Speaker Phelan just weakened the penalty for voting illegally in the state of Texas from a felony to a misdemeanor, siding with the Democrats and calling their amendment that makes a mockery of our election laws “thoughtful.” After the 2020 Presidential Election Scam we need tougher penalties for cheating in our elections, not weaker ones.
Texans are tired of Phelan’s weak RINO leadership in the State House. Texas is a very red state, even more than people know.
If this doesn’t pass soon, we look forward to seeing him in the Texas primary. It will get done one way, or the other!
The Thursday House hearing of the Arizona Election Scam turned sharply against the Democrats when Congressman Andy Biggs and others started asking questions about all the damning findings of the audit and the people for Maricopa County were unable to give an answer. It was incredible.
They could not answer why they deleted and moved election data after they received a subpoena, or why they have never delivered chain of custody documents for millions of ballots. Congressman Andrew Clyde exposed the Democrats’ “Big Lie” that Biden “won” the recount, because no matter how many times you count counterfeit money, “you may have 100 pieces of paper in your pocket, but you sure don’t have $100 dollars in legal tender.”
The hearing exposed how numerous laws were broken during the Arizona voting, how blank mail-in ballot envelopes were approved, and how there are tens of thousands of suspected fraudulent ballots.
The Fake News, however, refuses to cover those questions and answers because they prove, without question, that we won Arizona (and many other states).
Heading to the Great State of Iowa, big crowd of Patriots. See you soon! Will be broadcast live on OAN, Newsmax, Right Side Broadcasting, and Real America’s Voice, among others, at 7:00PM CDT.
Just landed in Iowa. Beautiful weather. Massive crowd. See you soon!
Invite other people to because we’re not gonna take it.
Significant impact damage front left on the submarine that suffered impact damage in the South China Sea. On the biological speculative end, they do have sperm whales in the South China Sea; give birth during fall:
>Pairs of mother and baby cetaceans were found in groups of sperm whales and beaked whales in the northern part of the South China Sea. Given that such animals have a relative small activity zone and remain stationary in certain areas, the findings indicate that there are possibly groups of sperm whales and beaked whales settling in the northern part of the South China Sea.
>or if he was subsequently recruited into the network and employed
Saw a cryptologist anon with a Bernie Sanders theory; Cruz’ father & another were D.B. Cooper accoomplices only loosely affiliated in the model. Yung Bernie photos are a closer match visually than Ted imo
>unless the gangs were subsidiaries of the conspiracy
This is what I like about Bronze Age Pervert’s angle; at some point, there are grunts doing dirty work not being compensated nearly enough to materially care whom they serve, as mercenaries, and are as apt to bite the hand that feeds or be incentivized to walk away all together. Encroach on the bottom line of the money changing.
>”In addition to the package from China, CBP intercepted another package from Mexico that contained 32 more Ivermectin tablets and 40 Hydroxychloroquine pills.”
“Trudeau bans the unvaccinated from leaving the country and from earning a living.”
1. Cut off the enemies means of support
2. Cut off the enemies means of escape
3. Starve them into submission
“There is a strange lack of transparency from a hospital about the health status of the nurse who passed out on video after her COVID vaccine.”
When you have total control of the media you can get away with pretty much anything:
>Zodiac Killer
There was an incredibly detailed and well-argued page somewhere during “the 2016” about how the Zodiac Killer was Bernie Sanders. Of course you can’t find it now, you can’t find anything online anymore. It included matching dates when Bernie was off on a vacation break while killing took place, etc. Even handwriting analysis I think. I became thoroughly convinced by it. The lesson is: print everything off and laminate it. The other lesson is Trump must have known this if he dangled it in front of their faces, or at least been told by someone Quite knowledgeable to dangle it out there in public without quite knowing why himself.
Pics of young Bernie next to the Zodiac sketches:
That is fckn awesome. Just watched the movie a few days back.
I love the way the name lines up.
After googling the “my name is” cypher, it appears the above name pic is a trickster meme. This is what he said his name was:
2 letters off and rearranged.
Bernie is still a killer though.
Or maybe that’s the point.
Make it not exactly the same and laugh at the world.
“The U.S. may be heading into winter with the lowest stockpiles of heating oil to meet surging demand in more than two decades.”
How to commit GENOCIDE:
1. Cutoff all means of escape
2. Cutoff all means of support
3. Watch them freeze/starve to death
“A “security issue” prompted the notoriously pro-choice Catholic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to flee a Catholic mass in Rome on Saturday, according to an announcement made from the altar by a priest during the service.”
Pro-choice? PRO-CHOICE? Are you kidding? Don’t you mean MASS MURDERER?
Nancy Pelosi is a mass murderer who should be charged under International Law for Crimes Against Humanity and Mass Murder.
Same thing as Saddam Hussein and all the Nazis.
“A petition initiative aimed at tightening election security in Michigan began collecting signatures this week and has 180 days to gather signatures from more than 340,000 registered voters. ”
They can do mail in signatures, right?
> 12 countries apply for European funding for construction of fences to prevent illegal migration.
E-yeah. Official EU policy is “open borders good, ‘migrants’ gooder.”
The countries facing civil unrest over the issue appeal to mommy, knowing full well there’s zero chance of any free money, and hoping it will quiet the louder dissidents for a while.
> Last night there was an air traffic controller walkout in Jacksonville, FL over a vax mandate
Simple. They just hire some cheaper newbies, make “Air Traffic Controller” their job title, and carry on.
“What could possibly go wrong?”
> Police refused to allow a DNA test of hairs found in the hand of a Zodiac Killer victim.
The linked article is awfully short of details. So short, I suspect there was a lot more going on than stated.
California PDs have historically been happy to accept private funding to pursue investigative leads. Not something I think should be allowed, but it is what it is. They’re (hopefully) not going to turn over physical evidence to private parties for their own use, but they’d gladly take the money to send them off for DNA testing.
Which brings up the question nobody asked; what happened to the original DNA test reports, which should have been done way back in the 20th century when they became available to law enforcement? If there never were any, that would indicate major procedural problems with the investigation.
Re: Wendy Rogers Scorched Earth
If the country really hangs in the balance why wouldn’t you go scorched earth from day one? She’s a cabal stooge just trying to gin up more campaign donations.
> Fauci says he ‘strongly suspects’ that COVID-19 deaths will go down in the winter.
Of course they will. The numbers are whatever the CDC says they are. The Epsilon Variant and the distribution patterns are already worked out.
> 2 children were accidentally given the Covid vaccine
I can’t access the original article, but that sounds like another of those stories that sound reasonable until you actually think about it.
That’s normally a career-ending mistake since the courts have been siding with patients on similar malpractice suits. If it actually happened, it was done deliberately, and they were expecting the courts would let them slide.
> NYC drug store shelves empty amid shoplifting surge.
Stores in many urban areas are going to have to shift to the Soviet model. One example of every item behind the counter or under glass, nothing that can be touched by the customer. Stand in line for a clerk, the clerk gets the items you want, you pay, and they pass the bag over the counter.
I don’t purchase women OTC mate.
or the stores shift to the AI-facial recognition surveillance model and automatically debit your account for anything you remove from the store.
> Four leftist-run states in the northeast US sign a pact to share data on guns.
Stripped of all the rhetoric, the only information is:
“the states will transmit all data on guns used in crimes to other states”
Which would be description, serial number, any local purchase/permit information with that number, any other instances that number came up in an investigation, and perhaps something like breechface imprint or rifling markings.
This sort of information is routinely shared with any organization that asks, and there are already other LEO-information-sharing agreements among the various states.
In other words, a big propaganda show for the faithful, but otherwise a nothingburger.
> A federal appeals court Friday night quickly allowed Texas to resume banning abortions after heartbeats have been detected after an Obama Judge ordered it suspended a few days ago.
Nice, but I’m starting to get tired of how these media-pumped cases get moved to the head of the line while the court backlogs range from months to years of cases already in the queue.
“Sorry, Mr. Citizen, the Cloud People get to move to the front of the bus.”
One justice for you, another for them.
>Paging Ted Cruz….
I am not sure I get that reference… Are you saying there is something up with ted cruz? Cornyn seems like more of a traitor.
There was a joke Ted Cruz was the zodiac killer. He periodically tweets as if he was and got away with it.
” Zodiac was an experiment from something like MK Ultra … recruited into the network and employed, maybe as a killer,… Paging Ted Cruz….”
I thought the Zodiac was Ted Cruz’s Cuban/Canuck dad, and Ted was the product of one of his Bay area jaunts. Am I remembering that wrong?
“China’s Xi vows peaceful ‘unification’ with Taiwan, days after sending a surge of warplanes near the island.”
To be followed by a peaceful ballistic missile attack and a peaceful Amphibious assault.
“Mostly peaceful” is the correct term.
“Four leftist-run states in the northeast US sign a pact to share data on guns.”
“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress,… enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power,…”
Article I, Section 10, Clause 3
The Constitution of the United States
“A “security issue” prompted the notoriously pro-choice Catholic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to flee a Catholic mass in Rome on Saturday, according to an announcement made from the altar by a priest during the service. Article says she was being heckled, and fled.”
“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”
Proverbs 28:1
Everyone at that mass will be judged as to why they went there, when their priesthood followed a man who gave Pelosi an audience. Their journey to judgement will be flanked by entire legions of the souls of the aborted.
A M1.6 solar flare, full halo CME was launched from the sun which will certainly arrive at Earth within the next 48 to 72 hours.
Probably nothing, but you never know if something like this could be a cover story, for them flipping a kill switch for a while for some reason.
It’s surprising that the Cabal hasn’t already “fixed” the internet in order to make censorship of the truth complete, or shut it down completely.
RE: Fauci saying the deaths will drop off
Yeah, we all knew this flu season would be the worst in human history. Now we find out just how many people have ACTUALLY been jabbed. Personally I think it’s only 40% of the American population, and of that mostly boomers and lefties. There are a LOT of people that about to start dying, right in the middle of an engineered health care shortage. It’s a voluntary purge. The choice to know was ours, if you chose to know you now to avoid the purge.
“So Biden created a precedent where President Trump will be able to release all records on Biden when he is back in office.”
Or, more likely, it’s standard cuckservative bluster, promising consequences which both know will never happen.
“Let’s Go Brandon”
Coding in action. “Lets Go Brandon Trump Q” ? haha … The LBGTQ+ community!
On Xi Xingping Thought, Vox Day has a great analysis on his site about that.
The only thing I would like to add–is that the Chinese “”””Communist”””” Party is NOT Communist, i.e. International Socialist.
China is a F.A.S.C.I.S.T state!
What is the definition of Fascism? Nationalism + Socialism. Xi promotes outright Socialism (which is idealism and totalitarianism) and he is A NATIONALIST—a Chinese Nationalist.
He is following in the footsteps of the Mason Italian Mazzini who did Unify the whole of the Italian Peninsula, and Adolf Hilter who also wanted to unite the whole of the German Peoples in one state.
Xi, Mazzini, Hitler—all did the same thing!
This also happened in the French Revolution. The French Revolution ended the provinces almost local governance and made all governance based on the Central government.
All of this is Gnostic. Communism, Fascism, socialism is gnostic. (q.v. Eric Voeglin)
Despite its “”””Communist””” moniker— China is a FULL FLEDGED FASCIST state! And it will remain so.
Fascism works. The Nation and the Party are ONE.
Fascism always fails and China will collapse and enter another warring states period as it always does between empires.
“fascism always fails”
Fascism, as defined by Mussolini, the guy who essentially invented it, is “business and government teaming up.”
IOW, it’s the system that we here in America – ->like everyone else in the developed world<– live and work under.
WTF did we all think the 'Military-Industrial Complex' IS? HTF else can Big Banks ALWAYS get bailed out with taxpayer money every time they get themselves into a pickle? Or Big Banks tell Treasury and The Fed which rules & regs they're willing to follow, and which ones they'd like to go away? Or Exxon and Amazon & Facebook, etc etc etc, pay ZERO income taxes?? Or pay jack-squat for US taxes while keeping billions in the bank accounts of "foreign subsidiary companies"???
I know this isn't taught in USA schools, for obvious reasons, but man! NObody seems to be aware of this! "well, I don't see any goose-stepping stormtroopers decked out in killer Hugo Boss BDU's, so it can't be US, right?"
And yes, it's "going to fail" someday … but only because it's being converged and devoured by an even more insidious political idea/parasite/cancer: communism.
It is failing now and it would without communism.
Like all tyranny and central planning it always fails.
There are two things about the injection mandates I am finding fascinating.
First, the OSHA regulations that apply this to the private sector don’t exist yet, and apparently the drafting process hasn’t even begun. They are likely illegal on all sorts of grounds if they existed, in fact the situation is not much different from the CDC eviction ban that was struck down a couple of months ago, and one possible reason for the delay could be to delay the lawsuits.
So compliance with federal OSHA regulations is no reason for an supposedly private corporation to impose an injection mandate. There are simply no such regulations. Even actual federal agencies are taking their time to issue their own mandates or have longer deadlines. Any corporation doing this wants to do this.
On this site, we know that the same cabal that controls the federal government controls the corporations as well, but I think its still a good point to keep in mind.
Second, since apparently people really are being fired or quitting over this in large numbers, we are about to find out something I have been wondering about for decades. My own thinking has been that most economic activity in the “developed world”, to put it bluntly, has been fake. The jobs are fake, as David Graeber argued, and the companies are being sustained by cabal funny money cash flows and not by selling actual products to actual consumers. Well it looks like they are starting to remove a lot of the workers from the situation, and will be removing a lot of the consumers as well, though people just not having the money to consume, boycotts, and deaths to some extent.
So unless this stuff is walked back, we are about to find out how much of the “developed” economies were really some sort of simulation.
Re: the article about Pelosi fleeing Mass in Rome has a pic of her meeting Pope Francis. I’m no expert, but does that look like a Masonic handshake? The thumb on the knuckle is the part that looks that way to me.
Also, look at their expressions looking at one another. They look like a couple of smug co-conspirators gloating to one another.
> Czech voters oust communists from parliament for first time since 1948. Were rigged elections suddenly unrigged in some place?
Well, those commies were sort of the traditional ones, that’d love to stick with USSR forever and never otherwise. (A widely used motto in socialist Czechoslovakia.) No gaybal lovers. And since it is much rarer to vote from six-feet under in Czechia than in the US, communist voters are really gone, that is why they will vanish too.
The new winners are neocons, who will join forces with progressives (who lost badly – in a way) to form a new government. However, it’s just one pro-vaxx, pro-lockdown group replacing another. Fortunately, there is not one monolithic force to clamp any public resistance, so while the result looks a little more pro-Cabal than before, stability will be the issue.
Therefore I guess, not much changed about rigging. Which probably is in there in some kind, but not that significant as in more “developed” countries.
With regards to the UFO talk recently here.
Grey Aliens look disturbing like a human Fetus. Both have large heads and wholly Black Eyes.
One Hypothesis is they are one type of race that Humans could evolve to.
Likewise is strange that Grey’s like to stick to the Americas. While Nordic looking Aliens prefer the continent of Europe.
What are your thoughts?
It’s demons presenting themselves in a way they think will best manipulate those they appear to.
Why would demons like to imitate undeveloped fetuses in the America’s?
I don’t know.
Some unknown manipulation purpose is what I speculated.
Another possibility is that that is their actual form and that other forms are other kinds or the false manipulation presentations.
I am not an expert on demons and I doubt anyone but GOD can answer you. (the demons would certainly lie)
John Lamb Lash has discussed who or what looks like undeveloped (“aborted”) fetuses, in terms of gray, big eyed “aliens.”
Archontic hive-minded, non-organic life from a time before the current solar system was formed.
In which Vox praises Xi Jinping Thought:
No comment by me is necessary.
Amazing to me how he brushes over #13,
#13 sounds like Woodrow Wilson with Chinese characteristics.
An amazing blindness to the true size of Babylon on the part of Vox. All of his grandsons would be 2nd class citizens in a Pax Sinica, and likely genetic dead ends.
With a Pax Sinica we go right back to the UN in 1947. It will be Chinese expeditionary forces protecting “World Peace” ie. continued mass 3rd world migrations into the remnants of the West. And all of this while China continues its genocides of Tibet and the Uyhgurs with genocide and colonization (and mixing) in Africa. Babylon, Babylon, Babylon.
I enjoy Vox Day’s writing and appreciate his insights. He’s on a roll recently regarding China. This latest is typically contrarian. More, or less, an apologia for Chinese communism:
Where I think it gets more cute than clever is when Vox compares the Western intelligentsia’s hate for the West with China’s communist intelligentsia’s love for China. It’s a trite contrast without acknowledging explicitly that the West no longer has a real intelligentsia and that what Vox is pointing to is an occupying, parasitical invader – the Invisible Enemy that Trump and Q alluded to.
If the Chinese intelligentsia that Vox refer’s to is genuinely Chinese and nationalist it may well be ultimately a constructive force of civilization in the future. That clearly is his implication. If so, then Xi is leading a Chinese faction that shares an enemy with our own true Western patriots and nationalists. When Vox states the Chinese intelligentsia “aspire to be better than us” he conflates us with our enemy. Do we deserve that? Well, possibly, but this indirect enemy attack of infiltration and subversion has achieved its goals despite the effort and sacrifice of many honorable Westerners. Many of us are becoming aware now of our true enemy in this Great Awakening and we know that they are not us.
China still has its own factional struggle between Xi’s forces and the Cabal’s globalist Jiang Zemin faction. My impression is that Xi is aligned with Trump and with Putin. The Taiwan news stories now reflect tactical force projection or distraction exercises against our joint enemy – if the movements are in fact Xi-initiated. If the movements are Cabal-initiated – from within or without China – then the Taiwan news may reflect desperation on Cabal’s part as Xi, Trump and Putin consolidate their efforts.
The CCP already destroyed China’s ancient culture and it is no virtue that they celebrate themselves.
Let Globohomo finish the destruction of the west and rebuild it in their own image and they will become just as “nationalist” as the CCP.
Vox has no credibility left regarding China.
If they were really nationalist they would stop sending their children to the U.S. for school. They would also reduce “birth tourism” by their women into the U.S. They would also make higher quality products for export instead of cheap made in China crap. Quality control.
Also, they’re not sending their best
Vox Day’s analysis and support of China portends only 1 of 2 eventualities.
1) The destruction of Western civilization and the subjugation of Earth’s White population (Russia included) as a worker/slave caste to the global Sinic hegemon, or
2) The removal of every Chinese, part-Chinese or Chinese ally from countries still identifying as Western/European.
Vox probably believes what he is saying, or he’s playing some form of “dread game”. Maybe option 2 is possible, but I doubt it. Vox’s rhetoric is dangerous because, like Anglin at Unz and the confused zoomers on /pol/ young White men are now shopping for an Asian gf/wife. This will further destroy White identities and White nations and is part of the problem Vox himself identified and railed against for so long. For him to do a 180 is perplexing.
Remember, Asians are not White and Whites are not Asian. Nationalities matter as well. Irish aren’t American, and Americans aren’t Irish. Russians aren’t Asian, Happas are not White, Asians aren’t happa, etc. etc. There’s nothing wrong with any of them, but when you start mixing them- without any cultural anchor- problems happen, confusion abounds and heritage is lost. White + Asian = Globohomo win
You are reading too much into Vox.
He is simply pointing out that nationalism looks out for its own people. It is an inherently parochial system. This is clearly true for China.
This does not mean that China is not a threat. They are, however, at unrestricted war with the global banking cartels and their puppet governments.
“…, but when you start mixing them- without any cultural anchor- problems happen”
This is key. A community creating anchor for someone, that person has the ability to integrate into the community and society. For example, Christianity is the ultimate anchor for the Western civilization as all people have common moral code and children of God.
Vox has written off the US and European nations. He see these nations are damage beyond repair. Hence, you must have take a grain of salt with his forecast on the state of a western nation.
The Globohomo ultimately wins by the abandonment of Christianity. But I see LARPagans online that want us to choose between Nation and Heritage as well as God’s of our people and God with his allowance for inter-ethnic marriage.
Ruth,Rahab and the Ethiopian woman that Moses married were all the foreigner women who married into Israel.
In that case many Magyars, Eastern Europeans and Finnish are not White. They are Hapas but mostly White now.
No comments?
I was busy all day, and can’t believe I forgot to check in mid day.
I’ll remember from here on out.
You still never took that time off you said you would. Thank you for your faithfulness to get the word out.
The viewpoints of the left in general right now:
I was throughly entertained.
Your favorite traveler, who I have been watching for years, is back in Russia. The line is “nothing to see here”.
LOL. This guys videos are really top notch training.
Check this guy out, dude surfs trains for free all over Europe, just like an illegal.
IMO it’s got some Cabal watcher sources and methods
That was pretty interesting, thanks for the link. I think that guy might have been nearly surveillance free most of the time. I got the impression there was a loose monitoring of him from those bridges as his car went under them a few times, but they must have mostly assumed he was a kid having fun and left him alone.
There is something exhilarating in him being totally alone, not even knowing what direction he is going, and nobody around him paying him any attention. Great video.
I came late to the Party. What is the premise behind this?
Bald and Bankrupt is ostensibly just a broke Brit who began touring eastern Europe, and filming his travels for youtube. I watched the first video, and realized he is buried under surveillance, so I posted it here a bit back with an analysis.
I don’t know if his coverage is unusual. I have it, so I saw it instantly and it stood out to me. But maybe you get it in Eastern Europe normally, or maybe he is of a bloodline where Cabal keeps him buried unde it wherever he goes in the world, or maybe he is an MI-6 agent exploring Eastern Europe and the surveillance is some sort of government thing tracking a foreign agent.
I think there is a swath of the world clueless to Cabal, which still believes in nations and national security, and does what I thought was espionage before I realized surveillance was everywhere and linked across national boundaries. Now I think if you work for the CIA or NSA, or mil Intel, and are pursuing National Security, there is a level up there laughing at you, because they know they control all the governments, all the intel agencies, and their surveillance could shut down all spying and drug couriering, and criminal activity, etc, but doesn’t because all of those entities operate, and battle, and win and lose, under the watchful eye and full control of the top level which controls them all.
So I don’t know if his overage is unique, unusual, or if maybe we all get it, and I just spent most of my life clueless, and stupidly thought it was normal to walk around with nobody paying attention to you, in peaceful solitude.
I’m actually accumulating surveillance detection pieces in my queue featuring his videos, for release when I get vibrated or fucked with. Until then, you can follow him around on youtube, and watch the background, because that guy has surveillance about 50% of what I get, which is pretty fucking huge. I think most of the people he interacts with are surveillance who were sent in to walk by and he grabbed them up.
Navy Spy.
Parasites in the vaccines:
“Which cells? What creature is raised to lofty heights by means of such a unique and unexpected form of suffering?
Alas! It’s caviar!
Polypodium hydriforme parasitises the expensive eggs of Sturgeons and Paddlefish in the northern hemisphere. They do this while the eggs are still within the adult fish, though it’s not clear how exactly they get in there.”
Are the elites are trying to turn our eggs into caviar?
That’s going to be a tough roe to hoe…
I’ll show myself out.
Holy shit Corn Pop! I believe you’re on to something! 👀
The cure is worse than the disease. Graham Hood, a former captain within Qantas Airlines, discusses how the government response to COVID-19 has changed Australia. Here is one guy who will not quit the fight to push-back against the totalitarian regime.