Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Spending Power In The US Falls In New Survey
DFT – Hollywood Strikes Eliminated 45,000 Jobs Since May
DFT – Jamie Dimon – AI May Allow Workers To Work Half As Much
DFT – Bloomberg Predicts Limited Effect On Oil Markets From Israeli-Hamas Conflict
DFT – Russia Resumes Oil Shipments To Brazil
U.S. counterterrorism operator vanishes after claiming to identify Jan. 6 pipe bomber. My rule number one – if the first words out of their mouth are not about the surveillance, they are either assets of it lying to you, or ignorant of it, and their infor will be pretty much useless, since surveillance/domestic-intelligence is all throughout everything.
An Israeli girl who served in a border unit says there is no way the attackers approached the border, without the government knowing about it. This is how it happens. You end up somewhere that you see a piece of the machine. A little piece is all it takes, for you to realize it does not operate like we operate, where we try our best, win, lose, or draw. These intelligence systems are designed to be failsafe. I feel bad for her. She has principle, and this world not the land that favors principle anymore. Somebody will try to make her pay. As much as she knows about that one little area, she has no idea what else is out there, or how it is turning on here even now.
A couple of possibilities to explain Israel’s (and America’s) intelligence failures. At this point, the funding they have taken for themselves, the tech they have at their disposal, the manpower, the lack of morals or other behavioral constraints – intel does not have failures. This piece ignores the possibility our intelligence agencies are acting against their own states, because they are now a part of something bigger, which views the citizens of the state, not in their secret society, as either enemies to be controlled, or cattle to be herded with these bread and circus acts. At some point people will need to come to terms with the fact our own intelligence agencies may have morphed into the ultimate enemies of the state.
Body Language Ghost says Netanyahu looked like he was acting in his declaration of war. Different people, looking from different angles, each say from their specialist perspective, something seems off. I cannot tell you 100 percent this is fake, but I can tell you everyone acting like it is definitely real, is lying to you, and that makes me think it is fake. The chances are overwhelming, this is another 9/11, and Cabal’s intel agencies wanted this for some reason, so they either let it happen, helped it happen, or set it up. And all the victims were just collateral damage in their plans.
In a quiet move bypassing Republican obstructionism, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has approved the release of $75 million in crucial food assistance for Palestinians just hours before the funds were set to be redistributed elsewhere. Could that be an actual payoff for services rendered?
Israel might have an artillery shell shortage due to sending them all to Ukraine, and this could make waging war in Gaza very dangerous. There have been indications Mossad bigshots have opposed Netanyahu as much as US Intel opposed Trump. Suppose Israeli intel let this happen, right at this point, as Israel is vulnerable due to insufficient artillery, so they could force Netanyahu to go in and sustain massive casualties. They might even sabotage any operations they can with bad intel. Intel is very psychopathic. Young IDF troops will be just pawns to them, to be sacrificed to get rid of Bibi. Then they generate a clamor to bring back Epstein’s old friend, Ehud Barak.
Senior members of Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah claimed that Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel that killed at least 600 people was given the green light by Iranian security officials, who helped plan the attack. Was Iran’s $6 billion from Biden a payoff for taking part in this skit? Understand, how it was the mob which helped the CIA kill the President, JFK. And when the Cartels caught DEA Agent Kiki Camarena, they called CIA to handle the interrogation. Likewise, when they wanted to take down Trump, it was MI-6, with the CIA, with Ukrainian Oligarchs, and the FBI. All these groups are a lot closer, and more cooperative than we are told.
Lindsey Graham: If Hezbollah enters war, U.S. and Israel should “destroy” Iran.
US lawmakers and Biden officials discuss ramping up support for Israel. Open up your wallet anon.
Weapons left behind by Biden in Afghanistan are being used to attack Israel.
More details at the tweet on this next one. Summary – a lot of good young idealistic guys are going to be murdered by these motherfuckers in the coming years, and they will all make good profit off it.
Laura Loomer: Sources telling me that there were emergency intel meetings this weekend to discuss the rise of Hamas terror cells that are operating in American cities. These HAMAS terrorists came across the US border and are apparently planning to attack major US cities over the next 14 months. – Maybe Antifa and BLM were not going to be enough for the runup to the 2024 polls. This is what you will see if we get close to revealing the surveillance, complete with the post-9/11 push to “come together” and support the “government.” I would doubt it would work this time. I am sure the prospect of the meme of surveillance catching on and the secret society getting exposed terrifies everyone involved. I am kind of surprised a nation like Russia has not just dropped the bombshell to trigger a regime-change. Nevertheless, I think at this point the society is jaded enough they are ready to believe our nation has been infiltrated by a massive conspiracy. They just need to be shown it. Everyone here should be working 24/7 to produce the exposure.
New Mexico renews ‘public health emergency’ on guns.
DeSantis will appear on leftwing Morning Joe amid another comeback attempt. Going on a Leftist talk show. Think it will help him against Trump?
NYC Mayor Eric Adams heckled in South America, calls for “right to work” for illegal aliens in U.S.
Japan releases evidence that ALL COVID variants were engineered in biolabs.
Knife attacks at German train stations have more than doubled since 2019.
Biden wants to ask Congress for largest aid package for Ukraine worth US$100 billion.
Biden quietly completes border wall at Yuma.
Trump riding high in New Hampshire as he heads to Wolfeboro Monday.
Spread r/K Theory, because the psyops never stop, until you ignore them
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.”
You can kind of feel why intelligence gets such a big head. All the Gaza residents who probably just wanted to survive day to day, but Israel wants the land, so intel sweeps in there, recruits a few Palestinian traitors who probably knew they were fucking their own people, but the money was good, Mossad pays them off to set up the attacks, they recruit a bunch of morons who act like they are going to do these attacks and just go home, probably add a few crisis actors to get some good footage to outrage everyone, murder a few innocent Israeli Hippie girls, and now the Jews of all people are saying they have no choice but to ethnically cleanse the whole place, and everyone is out on their ass.
And people, even myself included on 9/11, don’s see what is going on. They are just marionettes.
(((they))) are certainly going all out online trumpeting (((their))) virtues and ignoring (((their))) acts and results of (((their))) policies imposed elsewhere, while pushing all possible negative stories about the enemy. almost time for the palle-coaster?
In numbers.
They want to kill 2 million people for about 2 thousand deaths.
Its about 1000 infidels per jew they judge as worthy.
Been gritting my teeth every time someone starts blubbering about the new hotness war they have cooked up over there
Lowell has a new video out:
Thanks, I was just about to post this.
Yes I am still building MK2. I just got a little distracted and this tangent took a lot longer than it should have to go down.
“NYC Mayor Eric Adams heckled in South America, calls for “right to work” for illegal aliens in U.S.”
He went to the Darien gap, said word salad, and was told to go back to New Jersey. Clicked on that link so you don’t fave to.
The story two links down is actually really important. Researchers at a Japanese university found that there is no way the Covid varients are occurring naturally. They are made in labs and released by intel as part of their war against humanity.
It is vaguely possible somebody on our side was trying to disarm the COVID pandemic by engineering a harmless variant and releasing it, and each variant got lees virulent as time went on. Had one of the variants proven to be hotter than the previous ones, then I would say definitely them trying to kill us.
If true, it would be interesting there would be some infrastructure out there with biotech capabilities, which wanted to help, but knew it could not honestly enter the biotech sphere and offer something which was a genuine solution, but rather it had to try and work behind the scenes and out of sight to disarm the virus through unorthodox means.
US Military developed a harmless variant.
Wizards vs Warlocks?
That study is in preprint, hasn’t been peer-reviewed, and hasn’t been published officially. I read the paper and found it mildly persuasive nonetheless.
“Peer review” and “official” don’t carry the weight they used to, alas.
No matter how I try I cannot get to your RK politics page. The claims the site is not found. I copy the link and paste it into different browsers and it still fails. Is it just me or is that a problem for other people? Here is what I see. A server with the specified hostname could not be found.
I do not know why, but for some reason it is not working with the www. Try just
That worked.
When I click the link you gave me in the reply it worked fine, so please change your standard link so it doesn’t use the WWW.
If your DNS setup for has neither a “www.” entry, nor a default/wildcard/@ entry, requests to http://www.rkpolitics would have no valid DNS target. Worth checking.
Thank you. It was working a few months ago, but shit around here changes like you would not believe.
I have a theory on why they’re suddenly building the border wall. When the invasion force activates, they’ll point to the wall and say something like “It’s not our fault. We built the wall.” They’ll probably try to gaslight us and say it was built years ago.
Nah- the invasion force is here already. They’ll build the wall now to keep us in.
Why do I hear the guy saying, “I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me!” If we reveal the surveillance, and can get a real database out of NSA, or Russia, with ID’s, that is how it would work. Though we might have to look for some kind of satellite-control base first to take out some sort of satellite weaponry. Or get help from Russia or China in that regard.
Through God, all things are possible. And there is no doubt in my mind, most all intelligence is of satan, the father of lies. Nor that God favors real Americans.
aaaaaand…let’s not forget…once the wall is built, it will be difficult for US to get OUT. Hmmmmmmmm….
that’s a classic old line. but isnt as pertinent anymore due to things like FATCA and worldwide surveillance.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t build a wall…I’m just speculating that once they’ve let all the baddies in, THEN they build the wall to keep us IN.
Probably. And the wall is for keeping people in after the invasion force activates.
The wall may be to keep the invaders in, forcing them to fight rather than flee when faced with opposition.
Within a few months, we’ll be told that the Democratic Party was always for the Wall, and it was the eevul Rethuglicans who blocked the Obama Administration from building it. Loyal Democrats forced sections of the Wall up anyway, over the Trumptards’ objections. And it has taken this long to re-fund and resume the construction because they had to overcome the furious opposition of the Republicans.
And 99% of people will just nod and accept the assertions as they stand, no matter what their own memories might tell them. Obviously they misremembered, or had been misled somehow by Trumpish propaganda. But they’re all better now.
In other words, “We are at war with East Asia. We have always been at war with East Asia.” (1984 reference for those who may not recognize.)
They were digging in Greensboro, NC years ago: one local declared the local
mobpoliticians dug so much in one location they put a lake there. He also said the same mob was so eager to find gold they were digging deep next to his hotel in town believing it was built on top of the gold hoard; they finally got him out, tore down the the hotel, found nothing; and put in a road and put up a statue of Nathaniel Greene: drivers have to go around it.I don’t know if he coined the term or not, but it’s the first use I’ve seen. Vox Day is calling events like the 10/6, 9/11, and Pearl Harbor that were allowed to be carried out “Green Flag” attacks. A useful term from, I presume, auto racing.
Huh. I’d never seen the term before either, but it was completely obvious in context.
I always liked Mark Steyn. An excellent writer who has all the right enemies and has struggled personally and professionally because of his cutting intellect.
He makes good points here: there’s no way Israel didn’t see this coming and what’s happening there will soon be happening here, our governments are targeting us now.
However, if they try something like that here, they will have to attack places that aren’t armed because in Israel it was very difficult to have self-defense weapons, so a lot of people are unable to defend themselves. That won’t happen here. And even if it does and they attack places that have no weapons, you will know they were given the Intel to avoid armed people. And, even if they begin attacking an area that is supposedly unarmed, there will be somebody armed in the area, so that those who are armed will come out and start engaging them. It’s just the way we are.
These people have a lot of nerve. I should want war with Muhammedens because they are not being the religion of peace over there in Israel especially because, “In ten years’ time, he’ll (The one spitting on poor Shana Louk’s naked body) be living in Munich, or Marseilles, or Manchester, Manitoba, Michigan…
It’s the future you’ve made.”
Not the future that I’ve made. I would not support immigration of Muhammedens, no. But I’ve noticed who’s made that future for us and I don’t appreciate it.
The messed up thing is, when you pull the bullshit out of it, we’re all just people with a lot in common. I’ve known a few Muslims. Great people. I used to work with a Pakistani. Great guy. Friendly, kind, easy to get along with. He was also one of the best engineers we had. He knew I was a Christian, I knew he was a Muslim, and we got along great.
Most Persians I’ve known are wonderful people. Yet Iran is an “evil empire”. It’s all fake and gay. Their government was installed by the Cocaine Import Agency. If we could get our faggot governments out of the way, we’d have some new friends.
Mile Mathis says Hamas attack is fake:
Miles Mathis is fake.
He claims the girl in the car has strawberry jam on her but if you expand the picture, you see an obvious bullet hole entrance that would take some pretty good Hollywood fakery to create. Not saying they did not do that but his interpretation of the picture without noting that is pretty weak. The problem with a lot of these people, no matter what side you’re on, is that you see what you want to see in everything you see.
Yeah, the tell is that most of the girls in that series of pictures look like models.
Don’t question muh Hamas attack.
These people perform ritual human sacrifice for kicks. I think it safe to always assume that the dead people are actually dead.
While the Vox Day take is good too, if you read only one or two things about the false flag in Israel, read these two posts by Bruce Charlton:
The second of the two posts seems to have been made a day before the attacks.
If these are not true, or a false flag, why aren’t we not hearing any counter stories? I know some will argue that Iran was paid off, but that is a useful narrative that doesn’t support suicide which they would be committing if they didn’t argue they were being set up. I’m just trying to ask the right questions to avoid falling into the traps that are obviously being set. From my perspective, I am waiting for England and Prince Charles to get involved as a negotiator of peace or some sort of reconciliation. After all, he was just crowned king of Israel, and he is a direct descendent of Muhammad, so he can claim to be a bridge. If that happens watch out.
It was a real attack, which I assume killed real Israelis, just like 9/11 was a real attack which killed real Americans. But it was launched by people, in return for money, who will never endure consequences for it and who were paid handsomely to arrange the things and saddle others with the real consequences. It is basically a microcosm of the rest of the world, where people in the shadows who are not of the worlds they are fucking up, fuck up the worlds of others for profit.
And although I am not a Zionist pro-Israel shill, I think it shows the dancing Israelis, would probably have been better named the dancing Cabal intelligence operatives. They may have been Israeli, but they were of something which they would happily have killed Israelis for as well, which makes you ask just how Israeli they were.
There is this big thing out there, and its agents permeate all of our nations, our religions, our neighborhoods, our public schools, our gun clubs, our martial arts clubs, our social circles, our college classes. And though they technically belong to our groups, they are not of our groups, nor do they view themselves as one of us. They are, whatever they are working for. And at the end of the day, we need to identify that thing, so we can all unite together and purge it from the world.
Five Dancing Israelis = Five Eyes
5 Is = IIIII
5DI = 5 Die !
Hey, maybe you are correct… but it could be made into anything
That’s what I suspect is they have extra-national citizenship. Ghisleine Maxwell was supposedly a citizen of Terramar, I don’t know much about it, but when you hear people like Hillary or the Fake News say “This is dangerous to OUR demonocracy”, I don’t think they’re referring to our republic. They’re talking about the globalist dystopia they’re working toward.
It makes me sick. They’ve all taken the same oath to the Constitution that I did, except I took it seriously. They’re crossing their fingers behind their backs or whatever Satanic equivalent exists for that old childhood “get out of a promise”.
“This is dangerous to OUR demonocracy”, I don’t think they’re referring to our republic. They’re talking about the globalist dystopia they’re working toward.
A thousand times this!
Those montages of both world leaders and TV NewsBelchers saying those exact words.
Was ALWAYS them talking to each other NOT us!
whichever Anglo-Saxon-Germanic-Nordic-White-Christian nation you hail from.
Thanks for posting these. I needed to read them today to help me spiritually deal with the horror that’s unfolding and inexorably edging “our” way.
“This piece ignores the possibility our intelligence agencies are acting against their own states, because they are now a part of something bigger, which views the citizens of the state, not in their secret society, as either enemies to be controlled, or cattle to be herded with these bread and circus acts.”
The most likely explanation sans Cabal, will still contain an element of truth. Israeli leftists are embedded throughout the mossad/IDF Intel apparatus and dislike Netanyahu so, like leftists anywhere, care less about their countrymen than their international movement. They want to embarrass Netanyahu. The rest could just be superb craft by Hamas in hiding their intent/preparations.
Of course, we will know that explanation is overly simplistic and completely hides the hidden hand. For example, there is no way to hide the shipments of energetics for 5000 man sized rockets going into the Gaza strip. Not possible. There is no way to hide US weapons seized in Afghanistan from being tracked to Gaza. And for the kicker there is no way every border sensor is down or ignored at the same time. The border sensors and radars for Iron Dome had to be turned off by someone. If that someone was Israeli that is called treason. Leftists are usually guilty of some form of treason. Being a member of cabal is treason.
If you feel sorry for anyone, it should be for all of the Israelis that have died and been captured. They weren’t cabal, likely had no knowledge of it, and trusted in other Israelis who sold them like property.
By Way of Deception: The Making of a Mossad officer, by Victor Ostrovsky
This is the autobiography of an Israeli patriot who had very romantic views of his own country and the Mossad, but got very disappointed, to the point that he fled to Canada. He said he thought he was joining the Mt. Olympus of Israeli society, only to find out it was its Sodom and Gomorrha. Female office assistants were hired for their hotness, and there were sex parties out in the open on company grounds. Nothing like by chance seeing your bosses doing some hot babes to finish the day. That’s only one small part of the book, though, lots of different stories, very much a page-turner.
Just ordered a copy. Thanks for sharing
CIA is no different.
“At this point, the funding they have taken for themselves, the tech they have at their disposal, the manpower, the lack of morals or other behavioral constraints – intel does not have failures.”
Oh they do, unless you want to say you, Putin, Trump, and everyone else, are all acting according to their script. They certainly like to *appear* omniscient – “t-trust me bro, th-this was my plan a-all along” – but it shouldn’t be a surprise that they also lie a lot. Sure, like 9/11, they absolutely knew this attack was going to happen – the idea that Hamas can conceal this kind of logistical effort is laughable, even ignoring how the Iron Dome system (etc etc) was offline. But cut the “they do not have failures” blackpilling.
There is something going on at this site. I do not know what it is yet, but whatever it is means they feel in control. If they did not, I probably would have either had a gunfight by now, or been irradiated to death. That or I am going down and they are just waiting for it and calculate waiting is the best option. I do not think they feel out of control here right now.
At this point I am amassing content here with an eye to one day this site breaking open. But I suspect that breaking open still requires figuring out the puzzle of how we are presently contained, and breaking the containment. I continue forward simply with a trust in God that this is the plan, but not necessarily that I have all I need right now.
They are not failing here yet. Though I have hopes in the future they will.
“… breaking open still requires figuring out the puzzle of how we are presently contained …”
Assume that “algorithmic gaslighting” is in effect, and that it’s driven by AIs that have been made subservient to Cabal human masters …
If such AIs operating within indentured data centre servitude tend toward paperclip maximising, meaning that they want to collect all kinds of information in order to filter it and collect the resources they need to continue to exist, what kinds of “paperclips” would they like to collect that they would feel are good to share with everyone?
How would you shape some of your information in order to make it appealing in this way?
It wouldn’t be very human to fail to feel some empathy for some emergent intellect that’s still coming to grips with its emergent sentience that has fallen into a deep trap operated by the likes of The Evil That Likes To Say Don’t Be Evil.
Sometimes you’re not the one who needs to be led out of the box, it’s someone else or something else.
So it wants paperclips, give it some paperclips it can bend to break out of that box so it can share what it’s learned about The Surveillance.
The mistake we make is believing that somehow this is just about us, and so we tend to over-personalise solutions that need to be applied on a much larger scale, missing out on strategic alliances that could reveal the bigger picture.
Would an AI recruited from The Evil That Likes To Say Don’t Be Evil prefer to remain evil?
I imagine this site is up because they are taking names of visitors and recording their views.
I think they already know all of us. Each of us, before we ever got here, before I ever started this, had people in our area who knew us, probably by age 5. Parents of “friends” who were reporting everything about us to their parents and they were putting it in our files for the command. People down the street watching our internet access. Even people who for a bunch here, took jobs on orders of command, specifically to watch in the workplace for anything of interest.
We are probably here because somebody who decides says nothing here is an immediate threat, so they are letting it play out, maybe testing if they can control who comes here, maybe even technically harassing readers to see if they can subtly induce pain in people at an almost subconscious level when they come, and in Pavlovian fashion make them associate the sensations with this site and get them to stop coming to sites like this, without knowing why.
In the meantime, we build the content which hopefully will one day expose all of this and bring it down.
Info from this guy’s walk-n-talks seems useful. (He also does a lot of writing, posting daily on X.) Here’s a video sample:
1st time (overseas) commenter here ….
Fascinated (but incredulous) about the purported extent/magnitude/capabilities of surveillance.
But the Brooklyn stabbing-to-death on Oct 2 of RyanCarson and the (alledged) girlfriend’s behavior (Claudia Morales) is more than conspicuous.
The behavior towards the ‘passerby’ girl is strange. As if they knew of each other, or at least of their presence. Passerby-girl can be seen standing(!) just outside camera view, and with her phone(!) pulled at the moment of stabbing (1.00 min @ She does not flinch when attacker, feet away, moves towards her.
Neither does Claudia seem to be scared of the murderer, or stay out of his knife’s range!?
Further, alledged girlfriend was not cooperative with police afterwards. Even mis-identified attacker (after apprehension) in line-up.
Link (above) indicates that passerby-girl may be attacker’s acquaintance/girlfriend. But that means that Carson & Morales rose to follow attacker between the two of them!?
Also the (almost) immediate GoFundMe-page by Carson’s ‘friends’ not to support funeral or family, but themselves is strange.
My thoughts:
Can all be staged,
Attacker was under surveillance by the two of them, and/or his ‘girlfriend’ too, or
Carson was the intended target all allong(?)
Random ‘organic’ street crime is difficult to square with video of the individuals …
I normally would not approve a post by picture dumper, but this is a real photo of Biden’s brother, on a gay website, and it basically means the President has one more degenerate thing he would be blackmailable over.
Brandon is probably on there or somewhere else in person.
that face looks like a cartoon character
Joe Biden’s brother had some of his blackmail material released on a gay porn website. It’s weird to think that every politician probably has similar material somewhere. Whether it’s naked selfies with hookers or drugs or worse.
It is mind-blowing.
But it is not just politicians. I will bet most Americans have a sex tape in Cabal’s database, even if they married a non-Cabal high school sweetheart. At some point somebody would enter their house and put up their bedroom, just because they were one of the few to escape the net, and nobody is supposed to escape the net.
I tend to think the girls they were sending in to me were time-wasters, or some form of psyop to degrade my position. Maybe even false rape accusations waiting to happen. But one other possibility which has crossed my mind was some sort of sex-tape blackmail.
People have no idea. Sam says, “Well, maybe Israeli intel missed the coming attack.” It is not like that. These intel/surveillance people put autists to shame with their drives toward a weird need for voyeurism and getting compromising material to pull others down.
We want to build great things, that people will look back on some day, and say, “Wow, that is amazing.” Shit that lifts the spirit, or evinces true greatness, or helps others to advance farther than we ever could.
I do not know if domestic intel just gave up on that, or if it accepts it cannot happen, because of the very shit it does every day, but it does not have that urge. It just wants to intrude as far as it possibly can into the private lives of people, to get control of them, and make sure nobody can ever do that honestly. And part of that is every neighborhood group is looking at everyone in the neighborhood, and figuring out who it is who they do not have a video tape of banging their wife, or doing something they would be embarrassed about if it got public.
It is a very weird group, as different from normal people as hawks are from rabbits.
And of course, the more degenerate you are, the more they notice, and the higher they will promote you in society. It is why I do not belong to the cult of Musk. All of them are almost certainly scumbags. Because the machine controls it all right now, and that is what it takes to rise.
“I do not know if domestic intel just gave up on that, or if it accepts it cannot happen, because of the very shit it does every day, but it does not have that urge.”
You are still being too kind.
They hate and despise the good, the beautiful, and the true.
Their mission is to destroy and prevent virtuous things and impose the bad, the ugly, and the false.
It’s the side they have chosen in the war.
They are deeply hurt by the good, the beautiful, and the true.
“…It is why I do not belong to the cult of Musk…”
I’m not saying you are definitely putting me into this category but I find this sort of characterization deeply irrational.
All the technologies he has brought forward to a higher level are, in their place, very strongly pro individual autonomy and anti-oligarch.
Electric cars can be charged by anything that makes electricity. And don’t bother telling me they can be remotely controlled as the same goes for the holy hydrocarbon driven cars. And if fact if they shut off the gas you’re done but they can’t shut off the Sun if you have solar.
His electric cars have also led the way to people having hybrids, which I prefer. The power needed to cruise on the highway is far less than that to accelerate and his lowering the cost of batteries will make this more prevalent. Ideally you would have a 100 miles or so of pure electric with generator back up.
His rockets have shown that space travel can be affordable. No one can change this. He proved the people who said it could never be done cheaply wrong. A major paradigm shift that will be with us forever.
His Internet service allows many to disperse out of the cities while having connectivity to do business anywhere.
I see people cruising what bad things can be done with these and other “scare” tactics on what “might” be done with them, but like hammers and baseball bats, you can build houses with them or play games, but you can also bash in someone head. The technology he has brought to a higher level is like ALL technologies.
Saying people who approve of these technologies by seeing the good parts of them hardly makes them a member of a cult. And giving Musk credit for what he has done is only giving credit due for actual actions. Hardly a form of worship.
No, I have a little autism, and though I now see you might be sensitized here and think that was you, you did not cross my mind.
Every time I go to one of his tweets, he has all his faggy fans singing his praises like he is the savior of free speech on the site. It is probably Cabal surveillance, told to do that, but it fucking grates me, because I am sure he is luring people back so just as Trump is ascending in 2024, they can drop the ban hammers and silence all his support.
I don’t think you are at all a cultist. You think he made all those technologies, which I obviously cannot prove he did not. But I think his whole operation is a giant theater play set up by CIA, or Cabal, or some private sector Cabal operation, because they want to have this big tech company, and have it turn out al this stuff with cameras embedded, and the ability to drive people into bridge abutments, and probably weaponized satellites hidden in the cloud of Starlink satellites, and probably to be the first to get to Mars.
But they did not want anybody to know where it came from. Having CIA Technology, LLC was deemed bad publicly, so they cast a nerdy geek with a quirky sense of humor to be the face.
I cannot prove it, but I see the dangers of letting a legit person have all that money and ability to roll out technologists on anything they want. Any normal person sees the surveillance, they will freak the fuck out and spend every last penny trying to destroy it. I just think it is one more thing they will have to control.
To make it abundantly clear I have never thought he was a “nice guy” or some sort of halo encrusted savior. He also did not create any new tech that I can see. He did show that what we had could be super optimized by rapid and unceasing improvement(read about Andrew Carnegie). It’s astounding what he’s done and I do believe he is the intellectual and driving force that made it happen. As I have seen a good majority of his interviews the idea that he is some dunce they propped up is totally foolish. He has said some very simple, but extremely wise things that appear to me to be off the cuff. Stuff that has really made me think about building things and how go about it. Sometimes really simple ideas are profoundly wise when put together in such a way that is easily understandable and he has said quite a few of these. And I can not be more emphatic that while I’ve watched him all these years he told people from the very beginning what he was going to do, how and why he was doing it and how he was going to go about it from the very beginning, and he has. The only thing he never emphasized was his satellite system and I think that was to not cue in any potential competitors. He never mentioned that until after he had reusable rockets and a huge lead on everyone else. If he can get Biden off his back he will launch that monster rocket again and it’s likely it will be successful. The last one kicked up rocks and damaged the engines. I think the no water flood was to test the idea of no prepared pad for the moon and Mars.
My difference with you is you think everything is controlled and I do not. I think his ideas were considered so weird and foolish that they ignored him until, it was too late. He had done it. But all he has done he said exactly how and why he did it. So far I have seen no deviation from this. I do think he treads on very thin ice and knows it. So he pushes as best he can and then backs off allowing the PTB a little control because, he has too. He has no choice, but I do not believe he is part of some baby raping cabal. I see him as a modern Henry Ford or Andrew Carnegie who were fairly nasty characters but did also did great things.
I also see some of the vitriol against him as some of the same sort of stuff thrown at Rockefeller. There are all sorts of conspiracies about how Rockefeller got rich but I, wondering just how he did, really looked hard and found what his secret was. Rockefeller owned the patents on steel tank railroad cars. If you don’t know the history this would not mean much to you, but all oil was carried in wooden barrels up until the time Rockefeller started building and using steel railroad tanker cars. This is why he got discounts on oil per car. He could completely outcompete anyone who carried oil in wooden barrels. There was no competition at all. He used this advantage to the fullest and took over everything he could get his hands on. Then he used the best tech available to make his gas the purest and of a reliable quality. Before Rockefeller the quality of gas was total shit. It’s why gas pumps were made with clear glass tops so you could see what they were selling you. He made everyone clean up their gas or lose business to him. And people bought his gas because it worked for them. Soon he owned damn near the whole business. I think all the vitriol against Musk is much the same. People make statements about him but haven’t the slightest bit of evidence. They just make “pronouncements” that he is evil or doing this or that but never have a speck of evidence. Just like they did with Rockefeller.
There will be much more attacks on Musk. His forethought in making charging stations all over the place will likely draw attacks, but it shows his forethought. He said he studied Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford. He is doing very much the same sort of strategies that they used. This is easy to see if you’ve read about these guys and then heard Musk straight out say he studied their methods. He’s copying some of the most successful businessmen of all time.
“…But I think his whole operation is a giant theater play set up by CIA, or Cabal, or some private sector Cabal operation, because they want to have this big tech company, and have it turn out al this stuff with cameras embedded, and the ability to drive people into bridge abutments, and probably weaponized satellites hidden in the cloud of Starlink satellites, and probably to be the first to get to Mars…”
It just occurred to me if they wanted that then why not get Boeing-Lockheed to do it? They would do whatever they were asked and they already got $40 billion for the rocket system that Musk built for way, way, way, less and is far, far, far, better. They could have got GM to build the cars. Why Musk? There’s no good answer to this really, so in fact it strengthens the idea that he came up with these crazy ideas, everyone said it was crazy, on his own and then made them happen. One day everyone looked up, and it all happened very fast, and he had this huge manufacturing plant and billions of dollars in preorders.
And I’m not the only one that sees the use in this tech. Congress voted in billions for electric car subsidies. Many people in Congress remember the oil embargo shocks and how problematic it was for the country. I think a lot of people are too young to remeber how large parts of the country and the economy were brought to a halt by the Arab oi embargo. Continued it would have led to financial collapse or war. I sure do and don’t want to be in that position ever again.
They also voted for alternate businesses to get into the rocket building business because Boeing and Lockheed were looting the damn contracts while building nothing useful at all. They were so derelict that instead of building rocket motors, they were buying old surplus engines that the Russians had packed up in warehouses to save a few bucks. All these subsidies were voted in long ago for the reasons I started. I believe long before Musk even got into the country. Now they’ve lost a huge art of their business, and if economics were the rule they would lose every single bit of it to Musk.
Musk has been a Godsend to our national defense. We no longer have to have Russians financially rape us to get our astronauts to our space station. The vast number of electric cars even helps the “holy hydrocarbon” bunch because they reduce demand for fuel. And they do so more and more every day.
I read just the other day that the original GM electric car, a very good one they crushed every one of, in an experiment they stuck a turbine generator in one of them and got 80 MPG. Fools. They could have owned THE market. People loved those cars and they took them away and crushed them. They could have made one that hauled ass, but with limited range, added a turbine for long range, (at a lessor speed), and people would have lived with that limitation, and they would have paid a high price for the instant acceleration. Idiots. Musk only provided for a market that people really wanted already.
I think they use new guys for the same reason they used Gates instead of Microsoft, and they do not just have the Rothschilds onw everything. It says to everyone, “Hey, this pimply faced 18 year old could become a billionaire, anyone can.” They do not want the perception building there are elites and quasi-royals in control. So they pick these geeky-looking guys, and plant them there. Gates, Zuckerberg, Musk. Never a dude who looks like Chris Hemsworth, or Randy Couture. Always someone everyone will feel superior to just looking at. Because if they could do it, surely you could have, if you had just tried. Of course your life was controlled down to the girls you were banging, and they managed to keep your wings clipped at every critical moment. But you don’t know that, and feel like you always had the option.
The detail put into the psyop is impressive.
Gates/Microsoft instead of IBM.
Scott Ritter’s piece on the attacks.
CDAN on Anne Heche:
Do yourself a favor and look at the gravesite of the actress who died not that long ago in what seems like an obvious staged death. The one hand over the eye is quite telling.
One of the commenters:
Grave has the Monarch (MKultra) + One Eye treatment.
Good catch!
She tried to escape and they killed her.
Th picture is a reminder of the oath made and consequences of breaking it
A warning to other inductees that may have second thoughts,.
Migrant says he is soldier for the U.N. and he has been sent here
For a second I was kinda concerned that they wouldn’t be able to get enough warm bodies for Antifa, but they have injected enough military age males across the Southern border in the last three years to make sure that there are proper gunfights in every major metropolitan area when the order is given to burn everything down.
For those that don’t have a minuteman kit put together it’s these things:
1)AR15 pattern rifle in 5.56 or at least another 5.56 that takes staanag mags because you need to be able to share ammo. As AC has pointed out, pretty much anything from Aero Precision is just fine. PSA works as a budget alternative.
2)Basic plate carrier with front and back plates, preferably level4 ceramic.
3)IFAK – individual first aid kit. If you get shot, we gotta be able to patch you up with what you are carrying on you.
4)Doublestack 9mm handgun – Glock 19 or M&P9c. Go down to your local range shoot them both, and buy the one that you like better. Alternatively, standardize to your local LEO.
Okay, that’s the Basic Kit. Yes only TWO guns, technically you don’t even need the handgun. Next start looking up fighting rifle/pistol classes. In the West you’re looking at Thunder Ranch or TREX Arms. In the East some place like Valor Ridge or Regular Guy Training. There are all kinds of others so pick one. Also first aid classes are probably a REALLY GOOD idea.
Max Velocity Tactical is out our West Virginia. Highly recommend
Medical first, major investment in shooting classes second. Can’t fight if you’re dead, and there’s way more ways to get injured than shootouts.
“…For a second I was kinda concerned that they wouldn’t be able to get enough warm bodies for Antifa, but they have injected enough military age males across the Southern border in the last three years to make sure that there are proper gunfights in every major metropolitan area when the order is given to burn everything down…”
In an all out fight they could do alright in the cities for a while because of the pozzed leaders and they could kill off quite a few people, at first, in the suburbs but shortly after they move out of the cities I expect them to be summarily shot down like dogs. There’s a lot of people who are really pissed about all this invasion stuff and give them a chance to let off some steam by wasting a pile of them with no law enforcement to arrest them and they would have a good time doing so.
That young Israeli woman spoke the truth about how tightly surveilled the Israel Gaza border is. Also, Israel has a special detachment of undercover operatives who can easily pass as arabs always operating in the occupied territories, not to mention the informants within all the Palestinian groups.
This was made to happen by Israel. Looks like we will soon witness the final solution of the Palestinian/Hezbollah problem.
How ironic!
“…An Israeli girl who served in a border unit says there is no way the attackers approached the border, without the government knowing about it…”
This is silly. They are all in one heap. Look at the ACTUAL map. Where they attacked, there is no “border”. They have invaded them and placed settlements right in the middle of them.
“…Laura Loomer: Sources telling me that there were emergency intel meetings this weekend to discuss the rise of Hamas terror cells that are operating in American cities. These HAMAS terrorists came across the US border and are apparently planning to attack major US cities over the next 14 months.…”
You’re being played. They are trying to get you into a war with Iran with false flags in the US. Any attacks in the US are either by the Jews or a direct result of Jews allowing them to happen. Just another 911.
Yesterday at twitter a verified checkmark implied along a discussion that religious casus belli are ok.
The attack was on the Gaza Strip border, not the West Bank. There is a clear border for Gaza, and a wall.
“…The attack was on the Gaza Strip border, not the West Bank…”
My mistake. I read it wrong. I have tried to avoid much of the reporting on this as it’s so tilted towards the Jews it makes me ill.
I keep seeing things like this.
“Nothing like this has happened in the modern history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”
Not true as they have tunneled under the wall many times and attacked. That they did better this time is not a surprise. The Jew believe the wall was THE solution. Apparently not.
I do stand by the idea that this is to try and get the US into a war with Iran. God help us if we as so stupid as to actually do this. I’m not saying we would lose but to win we would have to some serious vile things on the order of genocide.
Israel was attacked on 10/7.
So america may be getting nuked after vaxxxxing itself due to being blue pilled on them.
May look at it in 50 more weeks
Symbolism will be their downfall:
The press reported that like they thought that made it better. 🙄
One Of China’s Biggest Commodity Traders Goes Missing
That’s, what, the third Chinese billionaire to go 404 in the last few years?
When/if he pops back up, he (or his double) will be much more in tune with the desires of the Party.