News Briefs – 10/09/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Wisconsin election review ramps up as an attorney who is heading an election review said he is going to subpoena five Wisconsin mayors only days after he demanded records from city clerks and the top elections official for the state.

Gen Flynn Telegrams out Sidney Powell saying there have been 21 years of election fraud. Technically, it was just a few years more, because it was 1996 or 1998 when I saw one of their telephone trucks plugged into the telephone pole down the street from where I had just voted, I assume now taking the election results being modem’d from my polling place to the tabulation center, and substituting their own result to be sent on as if it was the original.

Democrat party files lawsuit to ensure they can steal all future Pennsylvania elections through mail-in voting.

An official White House video production; presented to improve the public image of Kamala Harris; was created by a production company called “Sinking Ship Entertainment.“

The Texas teen who injured four people when he allegedly opened fire at his high school celebrated his release from jail with a welcome home party – even as one of the victims remains in a coma. The case is strange. He is being charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, but no other charges. The ostensible reason is he was bullied and robbed before a lot by multiple kids. I’ve wondered if the kids attacking him were sent in by Cabal parents to harass him, it got out of control, and they are trying to keep the whole thing under wraps by keeping him and his family copacetic. I’d almost wonder if the teacher who got shot was assigned to watch, and observe, or maybe make sure nothing went farther than Cabal leadership wanted. In high school, Cabal sent a kid two years older than me to start a fight with me outside the cafeteria when I was a freshman (a kid who I saw years later following me, and the kid who I later heard got another black eye from another kid from another school entirely, who he was inexplicably starting a fight with, while another surveillance kid who shouldn’t have known him, was watching, in a place nowhere near either of their houses). When he was starting the fight with me, there was an female safety aide who I saw poking her head around a corner at the end of the hall watching what was going on between us, but not intervening or looking for anyon to help get control of what was clearly becoming a fight as we came to blows. I thought it odd at the time, like the next day when I got called out of the cafeteria, but instead of being called to the principle’s office, I was taken to some broom closet in a back area, where one of the older male non-teachers who roamed the school quizzed me about what happened, and told me he wasn’t going to do anything, but I needed to keep my nose clean because I was too smart to be getting involved in such things. I wondered how some quasi-maybe-security guy who wasn’t an administrator or teacher knew about my academic situation, because I didn’t look smart. I can’t help but wonder if all this kid’s problems, came back to him being ID’d as smart and some sort of future problem, so these kids were sent in to screw him up and make school so awful for him that his grades crashed and he was neutralized. And now Cabal just wants all of this to quietly go away.

The Teachers Union, AG Merrick Garland, the FBI, and the Biden Administration had a pow wow to figure out how they could use the government under the Patriot Act, to intimidate parents who were showing up at School Board meetings, to shut them down so they could not create political momentum in the coming midterms.

Rand Paul on the DOJ cracking down on concerned parents at school board meetings – “I think criminalizing dissent is something that we should all be appalled with… I have a feeling and a fear that the left has become more authoritarian than we can really even imagine.” He is seeing things and knows.

Biden declines Trump request to withhold White House records from Jan. 6 committee.

White House orders release of Trump records to Jan. 6 committee.

Former White House strategist Stephen Bannon doesn’t plan to comply with a subpoena from the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Michael Flynn refutes QAnon claims that he worships Satan during guest appearance on Christian YouTube channel. The state of the Fake News.

Fauci, HHS officials discuss using a new virus from China to enforce universal vaccines in footage from Oct. 2019. This one is just astonishing. These assholes are saying they have this new mRNA technology that is untested, and the current technology works fine, so they need some kind of world panic to blow up the system and force everybody to use the new mRNA tech before it undergoes all the testing and reviews. Anything in biology, is not precise, or even necessarily understandable. There is a decent segment of studies in pubmed that were dry-labbed on a desk (ie never actually done) and are entirely fake. There are others which were either poorly controlled, or screwed up, and are wrong for different reasons. Still others were massaged by some conflicted entity which ran the study. So from the beginning your theory is going to be questionable. Then, even if you get a good theory based on good evidence, there are just too many redundancies and back-up systems, as well as parasitic organisms and even symbionts, in the human body which have never even been seen. So you get a good theory, based on good studies, and develop something that should be great, and some entirely unforeseeable mechanism can turn it into an entire disaster. It happens. When the vaccines first came out, I never said they would be a disaster, even though I figured they could be. I said wait and see how they work out on others, because that was the only way to know. Everything said they would probably be bad to me, but I knew you could never know. They could have been great. For these assholes to be handed such a powerful technology, know they have no idea how it works, and decide to use it to make your cells produce a toxin that will be presented to the immune system right alongside everything on the surface of your cells, and then sit there in public brainstorming how to force everyone to take it after bypassing all the studies and trials is unbelievable.

Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with IVM & the I-MASK+ protocol for COVID with no hospitalizations, and not one of them reported that to the people.

Iceland on Friday suspended use of the Moderna anti-COVID vaccine for all ages, citing the slightly increased risks of cardiac inflammation.

Merck’s COVID ‘super drug’, Molnupiravir poses serious health risks, scientists warn.

Under the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, businesses not complying with Biden OSHA vaccine mandate would be subject to fines ranging from $70,000 to $700,000, according to

Young girl tested with a swab at school bleeds from eye and nose, Awful pic at link.

Biden brags about calling overcrowded hospital to help friend’s wife get fast treatment.

COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations rise among vaccinated in Pennsylvania. It is possible the onset of ADE is idiosyncratic, and as with severe COVID, some people get it and some people do not. If so, what we may be seeing with the second wave is just that portion of the population which is susceptible to ADE getting the virus, and once they all catch it, it will be over. Assuming they don’t come up with an even more damaging vaccine.

Thomas Massie notes, a study suggests the Delta variant is being spread from vaccinated healthcare workers to vaccinated healthcare workers, so what is the point of any mandate?

After vaccinating over 85% of its population, Singapore finally flattened the curve, but along the wrong axis.

Here are the 11 Republicans who voted with the Democrats to lift the debt ceiling:

John Barrasso of Wyoming
Roy Blunt of Missouri
Susan Collins of Maine
John Cornyn of Texas
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky
Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Rob Portman of Ohio
Mike Rounds of South Dakota
Richard Shelby of Alabama
John Thune of South Dakota

Los Angeles County sheriff won’t enforce vaccine mandate in his agency.

China says the U.S. must withdraw troops from Taiwan.

Hillary Clinton has a new Book deal for a fiction book. So she had somebody else write a book, just so it could be used as a cover for some payoff.

At least five prints of Hunter Biden’s artwork have already been sold for $75,000 each.

Hunter Biden’s second art show in NYC is delayed until spring due to “legal vetting” of buyers.

Cost overruns hit California bullet train again amid a new financial crunch. All of this is money being bled out of Americans. Staunch the bleeding, and it will probably be shocking how wealthy everyone feels. I’ll bet birthrates go through the roof.

Biden administration canceling more border wall contracts.

The Biden administration is considering flying migrants at the southern border to Vermont for processing.

Biden admin is weighing an executive order on a wide-ranging push for “cryptocurrency oversight.” They want to move your money out of anywhere it is safe from them, so it can enter the economy, keep it from crashing, and eventually get bled back to them. I’d expect gold, silver, and property will also be next. It is probably why they put the pressure on landlords with the eviction moratorium. Also  U.S. Deputy Attorney General announces the creation of a “Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team” aiming to strengthen authorities’ “capacity to disable these financial markets that allow criminals to flourish.” (WSJ)

September’s jobs report badly misses expectations with payrolls increasing by just 194,000 when 500k had been forecasted. Eric Trump noted – The Biden administration created less jobs in the month of September than the amount of illegal migrants that it let through our southern border.

Biden lifts sanctions on two Iranian missile producers.

Nobel Peace Prize goes to Filipino and Russian journalists who attacked their own governments. Leftist globalists again using the Fake Prize to try and score political points. The more they hate on Russia, the more I like the Russians.

China bashes US over sub in South China Sea after collision with unknown object. I wonder if China is missing a sub.

China orders mines to up coal production by nearly 100 million tons. China burning through more energy for something.

India staring at power crisis with coal stocks down to days.

deBlasio is eliminating the school’s Gifted and Talented program. Not a good sign. It means we have reached terminal velocity on eliminating the meritocracy, and they are switching from trying to identify and co-opt the brightest, or at least get control over them, to simply elevating their own as if they were the brightest, and acting like the brightest don’t even exist and will just happily occupy the bottom of the hierarchy, looking up at these morons who are fucking us. That will not end well over time – for them.

Large lava delta from La Palma volcano could collapse and generate hydromagmatic explosions, gases, and waves. Via Elmundo.

US Jewish leaders ‘dismayed’ by Sen. Rand Paul’s continued blocking of the Iron Dome bill.

Kyrsten Sinema is not returning Joe Biden’s phone calls.

The AC-130J gunship’s first solid state laser weapon has arrived for testing. I wonder how many shots worth of power they can store onboard.

Gun control forces fear a more diverse firearms community after the massive recent buying spree could derail Biden’s gun control agenda.

Molly Hemmingway interviews President Trump. Trump is focused on helping the Republican Party, and fully engaged. And then Hemmingway included this, using the name “Cabal”:

In early February, political reporter and Nancy Pelosi biographer Molly Ball published a Time magazine article detailing how, as she put it, “a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information” had rigged the election to secure a Biden victory.

While she was whitewashing what the cabal had done – asserting unconvincingly that it wasn’t rigging but “fortifying” — she revealed that these powerful elites, funded by Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, had been able to embed left-wing activists into election offices to assist Democrats with their get-out-the-vote efforts and the Democrats’ push for mail-in balloting.

‘They spent four years working on rigging the election.’
Despite her best efforts to make it seem less nefarious than it was, it confirmed Republicans’ worst suspicions that things hadn’t been free or fair. Likewise, Trump was pleased to be vindicated in his view that, well, a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” had in fact rigged the election.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Big Michigan Rally coming up on Oct. 12th, on the Capitol steps in Lansing, where Patriots will demand a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam. The Voter Fraud is beyond what anyone can believe. Anyone who cares about our Great Country should attend, because unless we look to the past and fix what happened, we won’t have a future or a Country. Matt DePerno, Rep. Steve Carra, and Kristina Karamo, who I have endorsed, will be there. Let’s Go, Michigan, don’t let us down!

Invite other people to because violence loves company.

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3 years ago

“Gen Flynn Telegrams out Sidney Powell saying there have been 21 years of election fraud. Technically, it was just a few years more, because it was 1996 or 1998 when I saw one of their telephone trucks plugged into the telephone pole down the street from where I had just voted, I assume now taking the election results being modem’d from my polling place to the tabulation center, and substituting their own result to be sent on as if it was the original.”

Longer even than that, much longer.
But that may be when it reached levels that couldn’t be overcome through landslides.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Giving women dominion over the house and family is the ultimate form of empowerment, which is why the satanists have to invert it.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Excellent insight.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Gotta love the empowerment of maximizing spreadsheets for a soulless corporation.

3 years ago

>Fauci, HHS officials discuss using a new virus from China to enforce universal vaccines in footage from Oct. 2019
“Trump WILL experience a pandemic under his administration.” — Fauci at a WH presser, with DT present, way back. Zelensky traces it to patents c. 1992. Mass PCR test orders by China even before July 2019 (the Winnipeg Lab couple ousted) puts the zoonotic theory to bed.

>100-200 Congressmen, families & staff were treated with IVM & the I-MASK protocol
Disproportionately Repubican, or Dems on the take and in the know, surely.

>bleeds from eye and nose
They’re trained to do it quickly to prevent a reflex jab-push issue, but also don’t tell you so beforehand (slow is much less painful). Cliff High’s spoke early 2020 about Chinese deep web vids of expats contaminating consumer goods with some substance — if they can produce just the spike protein, they can taint whatever they want with false positives while causing some damage at the same time, even without the viral carrier. Maybe a bit of both here for the unfortunate girl.

>just that portion of the population which is susceptible to ADE getting the virus, and once they all catch it, it will be over.
We were supposed to have been further along the meat (zinc) restriction diets. Wouldn’t trust dairy products that are supposed to have additional Vit D. to not be adulturated if I was in the Northeast this ‘dark winter’.

>Cost overruns hit California bullet train
Musk & the Vegas tunnel overruns, offered to do ones in Cali/LA … probably cover for something else, like the supposed F-35 boondoggle. Defunct incomplete subterranean rail lines would be a good place to hide things, if you had Tet Offensive gay ops intentions.

>Biden admin is weighing an executive order on a wide-ranging push for “cryptocurrency oversight.”
In tandem with China outlawing it. Limiting gaming hours to conserve electricity, with the secondary effect of controlling GPU usage (coin miners… perhaps clandestine mining for the government in the background at the national level)

>I wonder if China is missing a sub.
Former USN sonarman:
China hasn’t claimed there was a collision, but there’s precedent for both parties not doing so until well after the fact (US/USSR off Scottish coast). Photos after it docks in Guam should establish whether the damage was above to the sail, or the lower hull (terrain).

>That will not end well over time – for them
Someone, somewhere has to have made appropriate contingencies for the serviceability of nuclear subs and power plants after replacement migration shrinks the human capital pool of legacy America … preferably not including Sino-Russian UN ‘Peacekeepers’? Chappelle’s recent ‘Space Jews’ Farrakhan posting skit, ect.

>‘dismayed’ by Sen. Rand Paul’s continued blocking of the Iron Dome bill.
Kay Griggs, our greatest allies training with Seals, bagmen ect.

>first solid state laser weapon has arrived for testing.
FOB tiny reactors in the news last year, looked small enough to be mounted in a plane that big.

>India staring at power crisis with coal stocks down to days.
China stoppped buying Australian stuff, no reason why the slack shouldn’t have been picked up by them. “down to days” — perhaps second order brinksmanship comms, if PLA’s ginning up nuke stockpile production.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“China orders mines to up coal production by nearly 100 million tons. China burning through more energy for something.”

Probably making HEU (high enriched Uranium). That’s the only thing so energy intensive. They probably need a bunch quickly since they are increasing their nuclear arsenal by thousands of weapons.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“The AC-130J gunship’s first solid state laser weapon has arrived for testing. I wonder how many shots worth of power they can store onboard.”

Since SOCOM isn’t pozzed it probably works pretty well. So I’d estimate 50 to 100 shots. Much better than the laser equipped 747 which only had enough juice for 5 or 6 shots. They have other weapons onboard as well, typically hellfire missiles, a 40mm cannon and a 105mm howitzer. AC-130s are mean planes, I wouldn’t want one mad at me.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Molly Hemmingway interviews President Trump. Trump is focused on helping the Republican Party, and fully engaged. And then Hemmingway included this, using the name “Cabal”:”

The use of the word “Cabal” is the right one, consider words similar to it, their origin and their meanings.

Kabah (wiki it)
Kaaba or Ka’bah (wiki it)
Kabbalah (wiki it)
Ka’b al-Ahbar (wiki him)
Ka’b or Kaab (wiki the name)

there are many others you begin to notice as well, also as is normal for semetic languages, a Q can also replace the K or C in many words.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Don’t wiki shit, infogalactic it. Stop supporting the enemy.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

True statement
But infogalactic seems to be going stale
I guess bald high-IQ guy lost interest

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Infogalactic sometimes lacks on some things- even with edit attempts. Wikipedia often lacks and is biased. A smart investigator would use both. Omissions are info too.

3 years ago

“Rand Paul on the DOJ cracking down on concerned parents at school board meetings – “I think criminalizing dissent is something that we should all be appalled with… I have a feeling and a fear that the left has become more authoritarian than we can really even imagine.” He is seeing things and knows.”
And yet, does nothing. Gee, where have I seen this before? Oh, yeah, every mouthpiece in DC and across the country.

“Here are the 11 Republicans who voted with the Democrats to lift the debt ceiling:”
Shelly Moore Capito used to be a very solid ‘like’ here in WV. I’d be willing to bet she’s going to run for some higher political office, and this is her show of solidarity in making that happen with cabal support. If we don’t ‘fix’ the voting issue, she’ll get everything they promised her. She also has a huge .fedgov presence in the state. I’m sure there might have been some pressure to keep them working ‘this time’ around. Man-Chin is going to move ‘up’ and that’s why he’s looking like he’ll be a good rep for WV. “Look at me, I stood against their bills, vote me to higher office, I’ll do things”. Wonder if Senator is on the next titled rung of her ladder?

“Molly Hemmingway interviews President Trump. Trump is focused on helping the Republican Party, and fully engaged. And then Hemmingway included this, using the name “Cabal”:”
Something that no one has answered, or probably can answer…GEOTUS is the only solid link we have to a future. However he is still one man with a finite lifespan. Is ANYONE looking at tomorrow, and not right now? If something happens to him, there is nothing left, and we are done. It’s over. Permanently. I surely doubt anyone is looking into ‘next week’ much less putting a lot of thought into ‘tomorrow’. And yeah, Russia is looking like the more intelligent choice for living in a ‘free’ country.

3 years ago

>Young girl tested with a swab at school bleeds from eye and nose, Awful pic at link.

Ya, saying fuck the vaccine is important. But also say no to shoving shit up your nose.

3 years ago

Regular reader, just want to say: Thank you

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

“I didn’t look smart”

Hahaha! Let me guess: long hair, bad mustache, Iron Maiden shirt and a denim jacket?

3 years ago

The case is strange. He is being charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, but no other charges.

I read it differently. First, the perp is a Crip. You’ll see him often in blue, never in red. Second, I see it as a taunt to the families of the shot kids to Come Do a Racism.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

Young Negronius needed to get back out on the street chop-chop. That weed ain’t gonna sell itself.

3 years ago

the question on the AC-130J storing power for shots might be misleading. to my kind the question is whether the circling maneuver the plane is known for requires full throttle, and if not, can some of the engines be disengaged from the props to power the laser?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“China’s President Xi Jinping says reunification with Taiwan ‘must happen’ after state media warned that world war three could happen ‘at any moment'”

“‘Reunification of the nation must be realised, and will definitely be realised,’ he warned.

‘Reunification through a peaceful manner is the most in line with the overall interest of the Chinese nation, including Taiwan compatriots.'”

Translation – Surrender or we’ll kill every last one of you and glass the island if we have to.

There’s two ways to take this. 1) One is that Xi is saber rattling to distract from the devastation that Evergrande and others are about to wreak on China’s economy. The dominoes are still in freefall and haven’t crashed yet. Appear strong when you are weak. Gamble that the world will believe the bluff.

2) The CCP will in fact order an invasion of Taiwan. It will be the bloodbath that the communists have wanted since the nationalists escaped to then-Formosa. They have a window before their economic collapse is official and their currency has maximum international buying power. Waging any war will be insanely expensive, so they have to get it done soon.

Biden will absolutely NOT give an order to come to Taiwan’s aid despite the fact that we actually have a treaty to do so. But since Biden is doing staged injections on movie sets it’s impossible to know if the Biden administration is actually running anything. It’s also impossible to know how many US troops are stationed there, though IIRC the suspected number is thirty thousand on classified rotation? It’s impossible to know just what hardware is currently operational and in what numbers.

What I know is that every day that Republic of China exists as a de facto independent country is a black eye for the CCP and reminder that their ancestors ran and hid from the Japanese, letting the ancestors of those living in Taiwan to do the fighting. They made Taiwan into a prosperous country long before China was simply handed everything by Globohomo. Taiwan is what China could have been the entire time WITHOUT the communists, and like the gamma that lives in terror that people will see through his lies, the communists live in terror that their own people will realize how badly they’ve been screwed this entire time.

Of course if the Three Gorges Dam bursts, the CCP is over, as is their leader for life Xi Jinping.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

The reunification that must happen is the two Koreas, North and South. And quietly, the greatest obstacle to this is none other the PRC. So f**k JeeGenPing and what he says.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Jim Stone said something interesting.

“…A month (or more) ago I posted about how there was a shortage of workers (A shortage totaling about 30 million people)with only 7 million people on unemployment. If the country is in a recession, and 7 million are on unemployment, and despite the recession 30 million jobs need to be filled with no one available to fill them, then 20-30 million American people have to be dead. BY THE NUMBERS. There’s no way out of it. These are not covid deaths either, they are VAX DEATHS, THIS IS WHERE ALL THE PEOPLE WENT, THE VAX KILLED THEM…”

Could it be??? He mentions a thread someone did and all these people started piping up on how their relatives and acquaintances had been killed by the vax until they canceled it.

“… If there was no genocide, then try to explain that video I posted yesterday and linked in this report, which shows a half hour of some guy scrolling through the channel 7 facebook post that backfired and got filled with people saying the vax killed their families and others they know. That video only shows a portion of them, there were over 40,000 posts saying similar things to the facebook page of ONE local television channel and if you kept tabs on that, they were deleting those posts rapidly and STILL peaked at over 40,000. Those posts vastly outnumbered the deaths in Vaers all by themselves. Thats what happens when for some odd reason censorship fails to rear it’s ugly head effectively enough to totally smash the truth and only accomplishes a partial job. …”

There’s a lot of good stuff at the link below as there always is with Jim Stone

Possible peoples names are linked to giving different batch numbers of vax. So some get the saline but those on the list get the terror.

“…The following is hypothesis I pulled out of thin air, no one tipped me off on this, but I bet it is right. WHAT IF they released a disease they knew was harmless until you accepted an injection that helped it? There were credible rumors that when CVS employees were entering people’s identification info into the system specific batch numbers were given to specific people. WHAT IF those batch numbers were assigned to people based on their social media posts, and what big tech and others involved in the Covid con job knew about everyone? We all know big tech is spying. The same people are behind this shot – BILL GATES, could it be anymore obvious? That bastard has the full slate of everything you ever typed into one of his operating systems, which is what those incessant constant updates were for . . . . . not “security”, – that was a con. They were really to analyze who you were. AND HIS SHOT DECIDES WHO LIVES OR DIES, depending on what batch number you get, all based on what all those “updates” sent him. Google gets it even quicker, without updates. Think they don’t talk???…”

I could see this.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I believe the concept is correct but perhaps it is not as big as he thinks.
There are also many people who dropped out of the workforce and ran out of unemployment.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Denninger at Market Ticker has been hitting on this a lot. From what I understand, the federal government keeps a count of all non-incarcerated adults for one of its employment statistics, and the only way you are removed from this count is if you move to another country or die (if you are incarcerated you come back in if you are ever released), and this count has been dropping over the last year. Denninger concludes all these people have been dying, and been dying of complications from the injections.

I’m skeptical, and a few of his commentators are also skeptical. I don’t think you can trust government statistics enough even to get a count of live adults in the general population right. One of the commentators pointed out that they could have inflated this count in prior years, maybe to help with election fraud, and for some reason are moving to a more accurate count.

9-11 CT investigators found out that most of the supposed passengers on the planes were not listed as having died in the social security database, and it actually led to congressional testimony about the accuracy of the database, and the people at social security testified that they had a hard time keeping it accurate. We are starting to see from the election audits that the voter rolls are not inaccurate (getting to “more people on the voter rolls than in the general population” level of inaccuracy). Its been known that the federal government has been hiding unemployment by lowering the count of who is in the workforce.

Plus this has to be cross-checked with other statistics directly measuring who has died. Of course you can get access deaths from other things than adverse “vaccine” reactions. It would be too much for Denninger himself could do this, but maybe someone else could look at the social security database or at funeral home statistics to see if there is a big change.

My understanding is that in the USA and other places, there was a spike upward in excess deaths in the Spring of 2020, but not in the other months of the year. Most of these seem to be the nursing home/ ventilator deaths, meaning the COVID itself was not a big source of the excess deaths. There seems to have been a slow trend upwards in 2021, which tracks with “vaccine” introduction. We know that there has been more adverse reactions than normal for this sort of thing, just it doesn’t look like its developed into the mass death scenario some are expecting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I know a lot of women for whom being forced to stay home with their kids for lockdown, was the push they need to permanently restructure their families around being a stay-at-home mom.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

There can be more job openings than people alive, so not a direct proof of massive deaths, and the federal unemployment benefits have been pretty insane over the last two years so people may be leeching.

The easy test would be to collect the lot numbers of a large number of “conservatives” who got the clotshot and track the outcomes of their medical progressions, but proving the info to be accurate would rely on a certain amount of trust from the participants.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago
3 years ago

I believe those AHEL lasers are powered by the aircraft’s engine, they draw electrical power from the aircraft’s generation. That’s how the ship based systems work.

So the question is not how many shots you can store on board. It’s ‘how many shots can I fire in a row from my capacitors’ and ‘once my capacitors are dry, how long till the airplane engines charge them again’ and ‘what effect does the power draw have on my fuel/steering/elevation/ECCM/all other systems.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ingot9455
3 years ago

“…AHEL lasers are powered by the aircraft’s engine, they draw electrical power from the aircraft’s generation…”

I agree. Though I have no inside knowledge of this I’m sure that’s what they are doing.

Super capacitors store energy at 15 kW/kg or so and C-130 has (19,000 kg) payload so half of that would be 142,500kW a shit load of power.

3 years ago

To add to my earlier comment, at 6:44, I still think the last two years are about accelerating the push towards totalitarian, and not a depopulation agenda. Though the qualification that its not that I have much access to intel, and it could be depopulation, applies.

However, for pushing totalitarianism, its really a genius move. You introduce a “vaccine” (that is not a vaccine as was understood before 2020) that genuinely kills or maims quite a few of the people who take it, and has limited upside since the disease it protects against is just not that lethal. Its possible to find out these things, but you have to do your own research and not just trust the TV or your TV watching friends and relatives.

Then the next step, you label everyone who has not taken the “vaccine” as deviant and start stripping them of their rights. One brilliant factor of this is that it is precisely the independent thinkers who will not take the “vaccine”. However, even more brilliant is that you have set things up that the dissidents will not spoil things by just getting vaccinated anyway. This is because the “vaccine” genuinely has serious health risks! Its not enough to kill all the compliants, but it s enough that the dissidents will rationally chose to remain on the fringes of society instead of injecting themselves with this thing. So they are exactly where you want them to be.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Site with lots of links and data.

3 years ago

Because I think this crew will love so many aspects of this.
Ingenuity+Helmet+T-Shirt+Crocs+Homebuilt Helo + Electric skateboard + ZFG = AMAZING young man!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  whiteguy1
3 years ago

That is just awesome. Love it.

3 years ago

Southwest Pilots Union Sues To Block Airline’s Vaccination Mandate

3 years ago

Entirety Of Lebanon Goes Dark, Mass Power Outage To Last Several Days

3 years ago

Russia Pledges Military Defense Of Tajikistan In Case Of Incursion From Afghanistan

3 years ago

Czech opposition grabs election win from PM Babis, wants to form government

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

This guy is calling Fauci a DUPE of the CCP. I’m of the opinion that Fauci is an ACCOMPLICE.

Bioweapon 2.0: Is This China’s Next Move?

He brings up the patent application for what is essentially an inertial dampening system straight from Star Trek. He then talks about what FIGHTER could do with that, revealing a decided lack of imagination. A SWARM at bare minimum WITHOUT a pilot, what could you do with that? What else has been developed that there is no [declassified]patent for because it’s still too classified to reveal?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Here’s something that will throw you, this guy went straight to a fighter jet of some kind, but what would be more useful, a new fighter, or a cargo plane that could replace the the shuttle? A cargo plane that isn’t shot into space on top of a giant tube of very toxic, very explosive hydrazine, but instead just goes straight up from a hole in the ground at about 3AM so it can’t be seen? That never has to fly a conventional flight path so that it never has to fly over a foreign country into their airspace where they could get data on it?

Pretty sure this was what replaced the shuttle.

3 years ago

Postal worker shot dead in his truck by former neighbor who thought he was being poisoned

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, did you delete the comment string about Vox and China?
If you did then that is your call, if you didn’t then someone else did and that is a problem.

3 years ago

Air traffic controller walkout in Jacksonville, FL?

3 years ago

” I’d almost wonder if the teacher who got shot was assigned to watch, and observe, or maybe make sure nothing went farther than Cabal leadership wanted. ”

America’s public school teachers are a menace. The leftist propaganda is the least of the problems. They actively assist in targeting kids who end up sexually abused, brainwashed into antifa, human trafficking, the works. They targeted conservative kids where I grew up to make sure they were isolated from their friends and placed in the presence of people who gave them laced drugs and brain damage.

Public school teachers are fucking ferocious beyond measure. I personally know about a dozen who should be shot but will never see any kind of justice whatsoever.