News Briefs – 10/08/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Chinese hackers breached US Court wiretap systems. It sounds like they accessed backdoors used for wiretapping in the communications companies so they could wiretap freely without the court orders for months, and it says in passing they were accessing other internet traffic as well.

Another article on it here: Using a security loophole that allows the US government access to anybody’s electronic traffic, Chinese hackers gained access to an unknown quantity (perhaps all) of internet traffic on American networks.

Related? – Verizon is down across the US, leaving users unable to make phone calls, send text messages or surf the web. Customers in New York City, Washington DC and Phoenix have reported issues. This marks the second Verizon outage in less than two weeks, with the last hitting in September 30.

Elon Musk drops names of billionaires to Tucker Carlson who are “terrified” about Trump releasing Epstein list.

US government created backdoors at Internet Service Providers (ISP) to spy on its citizens. China then hacked these backdoors and used them to spy on the U.S. – WSJ.

A government helicopter flew threateningly low near a Cajun Navy volunteer supply drop in North Carolina and blew their supplies all over the parking lot.

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton demands cit­i­zen­ship data from Biden-Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion to inves­ti­gate poten­tial nonci­t­i­zen voters.

Mexican man in Phoenix grocery store offers to register DACA aliens to vote.

60 Minutes’ asks Harris whether it was a ‘mistake’ for Biden admin to go soft on border, VP repeatedly dodges.

Trump says we have an enemy from within. At the end of the day, that is surveillance. And the funny thing is, I am sure everyone in Cabal knows the instant they see that – they are the enemy he is talking about, and they cannot believe somebody actually has the balls to be saying that openly. And soon, I think every American is going to be looking around, and recognizing the Nazis within the gates, and wanting to see them gone.

Dem strategist Mills: Trump ‘would absolutely try to exterminate an entire group of people.’

RNC wins mail ballot case in Michigan — Making this their 10th win against corrupt Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

Millions of Christians in the United States indicated in a study released on Monday that they are not likely to vote in the upcoming election this November, signaling a potential problem for the Republican Party.


San Diego county supervisors OK $20 million from FEMA for migrant welcome center.

The rapidly developing hurricane that shows no signs of stopping won’t technically become a Category 6 because the category doesn’t exist at the moment, but it sparking debate as to whether there should be another level of classification.

Not sure if this one is fear porn or not, but if you are evacuating, make sure you have enough gas:

Not scientific or provable, but it is curious – Cabal would want these in the runup to the election, and here we are, as they are happening. I have told you, I have seen a level of technology which is far beyond where most people would think mankind is:

One of those weird videos which looks interesting, but you cannot tel whether it is because it reveals a UN conspiracy to invade the US with mercs, or if it is interesting as it is part of a psyop to convince us the UN is invading the US with mercs. My question is, if the guy is Haitian, why is he speaking Spanish? Could be he happens to speak Spanish from working/traveling in the DR, or he is a higher end multi-lingual Haitian operator, or the guy filming has his Dominican buddy pretending to be Haitian to get clicks. No way to know, so it gets filed in the probability matrix:



‘Creepy’ Diddy tries to kiss Bono during awkward encounter in resurfaced video.

Study of 1.7 million children: Heart damage only found in Covid-vaxxed kids.

Supreme Court to hear case of Ohio woman who says she was discriminated against in workplace for being straight.

EVs still so unpopular that car thieves won’t even steal them.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is not taking calls from Vice President Kamala Harris about storm recovery just over a week after Hurricane Helene hammered parts of his state because they seemed political.

Harris fires back at ‘selfish’ DeSantis for ducking her political hurricane calls.

Vice President Kamala Harris issued a statement Monday in commemoration of the October 7, 2023, terror attack on Israel, expressing sympathy for the victims but adding that she would “always fight for the Palestinian people.”

Democratic Majority of Israel co-founder attacked, bloodied in Union Square as pro-Palestinian protesters flood NYC. The irony is there were many Jewish Elites who fucked over American Jews by bringing all these radical Muslims here.

Arab Americans could cost Kamala Harris the election in Michigan and Georgia.

Arab Americans in Michigan turning their backs on Kamala Harris.

Report: Biden offering Israel ‘compensation’ to not hit Iranian targets.

Did Iran conduct underground nuclear test on Saturday night? An earthquake of moderate intensity in Iran and Israel on Saturday night struck both countries with only a marginal difference in the timing, which may indicate Iran has conducted a nuclear test. A massive shift, if true, since it appears their hypersonic missiles may just float right through Israeli defenses. If Israel acts now, it might get a nuke over Tel Aviv. If Israel does not act now, it might get 200 nukes over all of Israel, obliterating it from the map at a later date.

U.S. spends a record $17.9 billion on military aid to Israel since last Oct. 7. Lindsey Graham tearfully says it is not enough, and he wishes your skinflints would do your duty and pony up more. Amazing how we cannot stop this.

Mayor reportedly beheaded days after taking office in Mexico amid surge in cartel violence.

Sweden told people to open their hearts to immigrants 10 years ago. Its U-turn has been dramatic.

Rules of the New Normal Germany: Don’t criticise the government and don’t compare it to Nazi Germany, even if it is strikingly similar.

Russian court sentences a 72-year-old Michigan man to nearly 7 years in prison for fighting in Ukraine as a mercenary.

Russian arms dealer and “merchant of death” Viktor Bout who Joe Biden exchanged for pot-smoking Brittney Griner is back in business selling $10 million in arms to Houthi rebels. So some cargo ship may not make it where it is going. How many K-strategists have been killed, from both Russia and Ukraine, with the weapons the liberals have sent over?

Teamsters President Sean O’Brien eviscerates the Democratic Party: ‘They have f**** us over for the last 40 years.’

Pennsylvania coming in hot for GOP as number of voters registering Republican surges.

Pew Research: Majority of voters support Trump’s mass deportation of illegal aliens from the U.S.

JD Vance’s debate win appears to erase Kamala’s 4-point national lead in the more rigged polls. Either that or we are getting closer to the election and the pollsters do not want to look completely retarded.

Kamala Harris has deployed a gaggle of Hollywood celebrities — whose estimated personal net worths exceed $200 million — to campaign for her in Arizona as former President Donald Trump’s lead in the Grand Canyon state continues to grow, with one recent poll showing him leading 48 percent to 42 percent in the crucial swing state.

Oil moguls emerge as key cash source for Trump as race nears end.

Red-hot Trump surges in betting markets and overtakes Kamala as favorite for first time since debate.


Send people to, because the big war is coming, you need to prepare

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5 months ago

Seems like they are targeting Florida with the HAARP hurricanes.

5 months ago

The hurricanes are testing for the more high powered version of the Beam.

A lower powered version was tested using COVID and the COVID injections for cover. This was roll out of mass use of the Beam, instead of only a few individuals targeted. Sickness caused by the Beam, which has a wide variety of symptoms, could be attributed either to COVID or injection “side effects.”

The next step was testing a more destructive version, but they have been unable to start the nuclear exchange that was to be used as cover. The hurricanes provide cover for Beam damage and they may be caused by this version of the Beam itself.

5 months ago

How the Cabal formed:

One hour forty two minutes on Rumble, though there is a twenty minute excerpt on Youtube. Most people will want the whole thing. Kim Iversen aired this three days ago.

This is a Kim Iversen interview of retired US Air Force Colonel Roxanne Tower-Watkins. I was unable to find internet information on Colonel Tower-Watkins, so I can only go on the information in the program that she was in several high level DoD staff positions in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. I will describe where her information matches with what I know about the subject, including from reading “American Stasi”, and add one instance where I know she gets it wrong.

The interview alleges that the Nazis had a plan at the end of World War 2 called “Operation Werewolf”, to transform themselves into a secret organization in Europe and to make a comeback. The main mover was a German intel officer named Reinhard Gehlen. Instead of dismantling this organization, western intel agencies, notably the Office of Strategic Services, the fore-runner of the CIA, allied with it and developed its network. The network was expanded throughout the world, with Tower-Watkins describing in detail the activities in Latin America.

All this can be found in Wikipedia, so she is mainly connecting the dots. Here are the links to the relevant articles:

Organization was (and is) based on fifteen person cells. Whatever central HQ exists only knows the identities of two people in each cell. These two people recruit the other dozen surveillance members, whose existence is only known to the rest of the cell. Other than coups and mass surveillance, they conduct a lot of operations designed to simply cause social disruption and “increase tension” (Gladio). Ideology is supposedly fascism as outlined by Italian thinkers in the 1920s.

For some reason, mainstream Hollywood (Disney) described exactly this in the movie “Captain America Winter Soldier”:

Followers of Tom Luongo of “Gods Goats and Guns” will recognize the EU/ WEF/ “Davos” as coming from this background.

However, this account fills in much of the history and organization of the cabal, which can be matched with observations of twenty-first century activites.

By the way, where she definitely gets a detail wrong is in pointing to the Fabian Society for the origin of the Cabal. She is obviously confusing the organization with the Rhodes-Milner Round Table:–TheUltimateRevolution–ABlueprintToEnslaveTheMasses/TheRhodes-milnerRoundTable.pdf

The Fabian Society is a British think tank affiliated with the Labour Party, dating from before World War 2. It had no association with Arthur Balfour, a Conservative politician. Its a very public organization, and ordinary people can join hit. Here is its website:

So this would be like saying the Heritage Society is Cabal and is being run by Hillary Clinton. Its the sort of obvious, descrediting mistake that people in the Conspiracy sphere make all the time, like the CIA gym girls, and I never understood why we keep getting this stuff in otherwise informative presentations.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

Haven’t listened to the podcast so unsure if this is covered but according to Stephen Dorrell in, MI6: 50 Years of Special Operations, Gladio came out of London after the war, specifically the SOE ( Special Operations Executive) an organisation set up by Churchill to “set Europe ablaze.” The SOE was directed by Colin Gubbins who did a major study on insurgency and revolution and claimed Michael Collins was the quintessential role model for the organisation.

You are very wrong about the Fabian society. They are a deeply insidious organisation. Set up by George Bernard Shaw, one of the absolutely worst human beings to have ever been born. The Fabian symbol is a wolf in sheeps clothing, which tells you everything you need to know about them. The assisted dying programme in Canada and soon to be in the UK, can be traced directly to the Fabians. Type in on YouTube George Bernard Shaw justify yourself ,
and you will see for yourself. Starmer and many of his government are Fabians. If it was up to me I would execute them all.

Last edited 5 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
5 months ago

If it came out of England (Churchill) then it came out the (((City of London))).

Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

Don’t underestimate the Fabians. It’s circles within circles on the Venn diagram Illuminati org chart.

Mister Tiki
Mister Tiki
Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

For a well sourced, cogent & detailed argument on the Reich’s plan to survive (and thrive) following the war. See The Nazi International, 2009 by Joseph P Farrell. See also Roswell & The Reich, 2013 and Hess & The Penguins, 2017 by the same author. Farrell has written extensively on this subject. Cool fact, neither the Third Reich nor the Nazi Party were signatory parties to the surrender agreements signed at the end of WW2. Legally/Technically they never surrendered.

5 months ago


5 months ago

The sidebar has been cursed with invisibility.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

That was you?

5 months ago

‘Dem strategist Mills: Trump ‘would absolutely try to exterminate an entire group of people.’’

As if I needed more reasons to vote for the guy.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

And soon, I think every American is going to be looking around, and recognizing the Nazis within the gates, and wanting to see them gone.”

The Nazis were not the monsters that Zionists have made them out to be. E. Germany was communist, not National Socialist, when their Stasi had its glory days.

I wish America was full of Nazis – it would be paradise. The problem is with the commies.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

I am curious about this. At first, I was listening to the Nazi propaganda, which seems believable. But why were they continually expanding and seemingly killing a lot?

Reply to  kid
5 months ago

Because socialist economics was a failure and they needed to steal resources to prop it up.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

would this be similar for the USSR?

Reply to  kid
5 months ago


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Eff no, Farce. For the god’s sake, go read von Mises’ “Socialism,” before you spout off like that. He describes many different flavors and varieties of “Socialism.” You have a very thick book ahead of you! Oddly, while he mentions the German National Socialists there, they only get a few scant words, despite being on the world stage at that very time! Why the lack of info?
BECAUSE, unless you demand to insist that any government with a military and public roads is “Socialist,” the Nazis were not socialist. Hitler used the term to mean “not anti-social” as in if you love your nation, you are a Nationalist and if you love your people (Folk), you are a Socialist.
Now you know darn well what the marxist,comminist,Soviet meaning of “Socialism” is. NSDSP absolutely was nothing like that.
Most White people in the West are of Germanic or Teutonic descent, if you include Tacitus’ description of Celts based upon what side of a river they inhabited. Slavs and Balts are major part Germanic, too.
BUT this short explanation of Communism vs Capitalism, vs National Socialism is the best I have seen. Young Aussie dude. Can you agree with this?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
5 months ago

The Party controlled the companies and the unions, and they centrally planned the economy.
The Reich was socialist, TIK has plenty of videos going into details and crushing the claims that it was not.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
5 months ago

von Mises proscriptions are tailored to scrape as much money as possible into the Jews pockets. Notice he’s all bluster and storm about socialism and vile government programs but says not a damn thing about how the central banks turn us all into debt laden beggars.

For some reason Whites have this glitch that they love super complicated “theories” about this and that, but they fail to see the big picture. They argue and argue about needing kings, super capitalism, only gold for money, all sorts of stuff but completely miss that they are shearing us constantly with debt and financial malfeasance. Even if government programs or some sort of socialism is run poorly, it’s usually better than turning your country over to monopolist, Oligarch Jews.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

That’s all true, Sam. Thanks. I read Von Mises entire huge “Socialism.” Besides the interesting descriptions of its various types, the only really negative he includes in the whole book is the fact that economic calculation is impossible in a command economy. Begging the question that a non-command economy exists anywhere today outside the Kalahari Desert?
Hey, is Jewish corporate Capitalism really free enterprise? Is a corporation really a “creature of the state?”
Your comment that Ryssian serfs were much better off in the USSR than under feudalusm is telling, America today being the most complete and successful form of Marxist Communism ever to exist. Most Americans living under the poverty level are much better off than any Russian Tsar or feudal age pope that ever walked the earth. Right? So don’t gripe, you spoil-sports.
Of course, no matter how well off you is, you is not too well off if’n ye can be drug out an’ shot at sunrise ’cause ye didn’t kow tow to Jesus an’ de fathers ob his church…or if you criticized God’s copilots, or if you axed fo a second hoe-cake fo lunch, eh?
On de other han’…
Consider all the wealth that Jews, Inc. have managed to Swindle away over the decades, some ingrate night be unhappy. What? You ingrate would rather be sleepin’ in a hollow log?
Some folks are just fine, living in a terrarium, paying de tree hundirt pre sent mortgage. But not everyone. (!)
Seriously, though: a much more satisfactory economy may be run using Tally Sticks than our current travesty. And how could the Reich have gone bankrupt when issuing its own money, based upon the labor of its GERMANIC people…such labor creating all those modern marvels that other nation states were willing to barter for, thus eliminating the middleman? German locomotives for Brazilian coffee for instance?
How the heck can you go bankrupt if’n ye throw out de BANK?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
5 months ago

Maybe I should clarify so no one gets the wrong idea. It’s not that I’m a big commie. I’m simply noting that under a Monarchy, Oligarchy or other authoritarian government that things are generally worse for the average and poorer class people while the people at the top scrape off all the profits.

And while Lenin and Stalin were vile psychopaths after they were gone, the USSR settled into a mild worker’s paradise. It was far, far from perfect and the US was better but the structure of the US economy was always headed towards total Oligarchy control based on its financial system and worse, the Jews running it. Comparatively, the peasants were better off. That everything was not perfect is ignoring what came before.

I’ve thought about this and the commies were very good at throwing up a vast amount of housing and other stuff but they had this glitch that since there was no price feedback they never improved anything much. The Khrushchev apartments were a huge improvement over the huts and tents they were living in, but had a lot of glitches. I wonder. If the commies could have had some system in place to constantly improve and redesign all aspects of housing, food production, etc. and had good numbers, I wonder if they could not have done much better.

I was reading about their computer industry. They had some advanced stuff like trinary instead of binary(interesting fact, some people in the US are now working towards that). It was faster and more efficient, but the powers that be decided to copy IBM, setting them way back.

They actually had a bunch of guys working on software to try and keep track of all the resources but when they put in some minor price controls, wham, they killed the whole thing. The Chinese I think were much smarter and kept controls over materials and prices where it mattered but let the rest float. Something like might could work.

Another good example is the Trabant auto. It had a bunch of grevious fails in it but the root of it was an excellent idea and made for, if they would have put in a smidgen more time, a very robust vehicle. Like four strike engine, a few more controls. The things are damn near indestructible, and there was a big panic over how exactly they could get rid of them. They were so hard to break down. They were made of a little glue and cotton industrial waste so the cost were minimal.

comment image

Myself. I’ve said over and over I’m for a Representative Democracy where the voters are people who are self sufficient and are not dependent on the government. And this goes for juries only being taken from this class also. I also am strongly, I can not say how strongly enough, I am for local representation with “regional representation” to balance the cities large populations. This is hardly an original idea. Jefferson wrote a lot about this and the anti-Federalist who commented on the Constitution talked about this being a problem, I think. You have to balance the masses in the city with the less populous countryside to even out the government. After all the whole of the Constitution is all about these balancing powers to increase stability.

This has been overturned by court decisions that have no factual basis in reality and are contrary to the Constitution. And therefore, they can be changed and should be. If so done, it would not be long before the government would be balanced and far less crazy and oppressive.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Sam, maybe the USSR could have done everything better, I mean why not? But one thing was really holding them back. Rabbi Steven Wise mentioned it at the time. He pointed out that some people called it Communism, but it is really Juadism. TOTAL rule by Jews. With everything that entails. Similar to the America of January 6. But even worse.
Re Trinary math, potentially for computers vs. Binary. Please draw a 3×3 grid and fill in the Nine digit roots, 1-9, in the order of the most basic magic square, with rows, columns, and diagonals totalling 15. The Chinese called this the diagram of Lo Shu. Chinese medicine system is based upon this. And 5-Elements Transformations.
AC may thus be familiar with it.
NOW, notice the location of the cells holding 3, 6, and 9. Notice the angles made and the 5 in the center. That triangle is the point of a pentagram. Notice relations to odd and even numbers. Two are odd (3, 9) and one (6) is even. The cells in the magic square may also be colored if you use a paint program. Per the old Taoists, 5 is yellow; 1 and 6 are Black; 4 and 9 are White; 8 and 3 are Blue; 2 and 7 are red.
If you care to use that color layout to fill the cells of the simple multiplication matrix, two visually interesting results may be obtained. First, color the matrix cells according to the number in the one’s column of each cell. You may color all the cells with 0 zero as green or gray. Second version. Color each cell in the matrix per its digit-root, as in 5×6=25 will be red for 7. Etc. Further “fun” = in each matrix cell, surround even digit-roots with squares. Surround odd digit roots with circles. THEN make versions with the “Trinary” numbers 3,6, and 9 with little equilateral triangles.
I used MS Visio to do the above illustrations. I will post a catbox url to my booklet in a few minutes, if I can successfully get it uploaded there.
Otherwise, re the Soviet car made from vegetable body parts, Ford and Edison had a famous Hemp fiberglass car body and there was also a 14-foot tall hybrid Goldenrod that exuded a latex rubber, from which they made very suitable tires. Prototypes supposedly now at Ft. Myers. Not exactly what the (((oligarchy))) was insanely happy to see, though! Imagine how family farmers could grow those two *weeds* as a cash crop with no insect pests, on marginal land.
That’s why I am on the “Hail Victory” side.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

This catbox file is my booklet on Trinary numbers and related topics.
The Matrix of the Miracles by An American PDF at 10/16/2024

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago

I use the Sumatra reader sometimes. Especially for portable, though most of the time use the STDU viewer.

Thanks for the papers. They are over my head. My math are not stellar. I got the beginning of differential equations but while I could do the work and understood that you were adding up areas of equations, I don’t think I ever really got the big picture, a deep understanding, and it was a long time ago,

I read a book on Soviet computing. Can’t remember the name. It seems I remember that like binary shifting registers could do fast calculations but that the trinary went farther, faster than binary. Of course, I could be wrong. I kinda, sorta, see this in the excellent paper you posted.

Maybe if I read it over and over, some semblance of a small spark of a neuron will light up, and I will understand it, but I wouldn’t bet money on it. Thanks for posting it.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Maybe it looks more complicated than it is. It’s all just to demonstrate that “trinary” numbers are a ‘thing,’ similar to the usually accepted odd-even number ‘thing.’ The color coding of the digits helps one recognize patterns. Because intelligence can be summed-up by the ability to recognize patterns, why not make those patterns easily recognizable in subjects that so many students find difficult? Personally, coming up through the government schools, I hated math because it seemed arbitrary and unnatural (you might say). Or you might just say, “boring.”
Nothing is farther from the truth, once the simple patterns are observed and become recognizable.

It should work with complex equations, but there’s none of that in my illustrations. However, I did find some astonishing things dealing with prime numbers.

Last edited 4 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

This second catbox file is to my second booklet that goes into more detail about Trinary Numbers. Both booklets are freely distributed to interested parties, home schoolers. Democrats, etc
A Swastica on the Macic Square of Mars by an American DF at 10/13/2024

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
4 months ago

Note to AC: if you look at the inside back cover of the second booklet catbox url file, you will see a little blurb for a booklet titled. “Who’s Watching You.” This is the one I proposed to make to expose some people to the surveillance cartel _ stasi.
The booklet is not yet complete, since I still need to link and review your new book and site. I think I can do that soon (desktop PC is not doing well these days). Maybe I will send you a copy to look over first. I try to use like humor in my work because it is not only the best medicine, but also a “lethal” secret weapon. Ciao

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
5 months ago

“How the heck can you go bankrupt if’n ye throw out de BANK?”

By running out of goods.
Like having a coal shortage in a country with huge coal reserves.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

His body of work, such as I have watched so far reminds me of what would happen if you took a photo-realistic painting, turned it into a jigsaw puzzle, assembled that puzzle, and then searched out for sets of pieces of very similar, yet not exactly the same size and shape.
Suppose you found 333 such sets, for a total of 666 special pieces.
NOW… force the puzzle back together into something that almost, sorta, fits together.
FINALLY: spray over the reassembled puzzle with white paint and allow it to dry, before painting on a new version of your original image. Allow THAT to dry, disassemble the puzzle, box it up, and offer it on sale to history fans. Rotsa ruck!
By the buy, does TIK ever anywhere go into thr NSDAP’s original Gottfried Fedor version of non-usury (under pain of death) economics? How about Fedor’s point that there are two basic types of profit: profit from a business, with its familiar up and down graph, vs. profits from finance Usury, for which the eventual graph looks like the famous hockey stick?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
5 months ago

Hitler’s Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments

Hitler’s Socialism: The Evidence is Overwhelming

“But Hitler Crushed the Trade Unions!”

Public vs Private | The Historic Definitions of Socialism & Capitalism

Getting “OWNED” over Hitler’s Socialism

So, Hitler was a Communist in early 1919

“Hitler privatized the industries” is ridiculously misleading

The National Socialist Welfare State

Last edited 5 months ago by Farcesensitive
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

This guy reminds me of what would happen if you decided to rely upon a HUGE pile of documentation by “The Fathers Of The Church” to decide whether or not to convert to Christianity.
What he says is interesting. However, what he neglects is even more interesting. One thing he neglects (as far as I can tell and I listened to three videos in which he ought to have mentioned it) is Gottfried Fedor, upon who’s economic thought the NSDAP was originally based. Yeah. Hitler moved away from that and it probably cost him the war.
I will listen to more of his material, including the vids about what he calls Gnosticism. From what I already saw, TIK is referring to “Gnosticism-in-quotation-marks,” as is literally everybody else except John Lash. No Christian discusses real Gnosticism, else he would not remain a Christian!
That said, what TIK says about fake and misidentified “Gnosticism” is interesting and worth while, as long as you know.
AND did you know that the so-called “Gnostics” didn’t call themselves “Gnostics,” which means “wise-ass?” They used a different term, that means, “we who are Directed (as in ‘aimed.’) Telestoi, or something like that.
If you don’t read John Lamb Lash’s “Not In His Image,” you will/can not know much about the topic. Not even if you absorb 10K other materials that do not deal with the real thing.
Meanwhile bright and mostly well-informed guys like Phelps continue to claim that questioning St. Paul’s legitimacy (was he lying) is not legitimate. For the love of Mike, man, absent Saul/Paul, Christianity would not exist. What the heck about that do you not understand?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
5 months ago

Meanwhile bright and mostly well-informed guys like Phelps continue to claim that questioning St. Paul’s legitimacy (was he lying) is not legitimate. For the love of Mike, man, absent Saul/Paul, Christianity would not exist. What the heck about that do you not understand?

I am not saying questioning is illegitimate. I am saying you are not questioning in a legitimate way. You are simply naysaying, and that’s not the basis for an argument. If you simply reject what I consider facts, there is nothing left to argue about.
Without Paul, Christianity would exist, but it likely wouldn’t be called Christianity and would just be a Jewish denomination.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

If asking whether Saul/Paul couldn’t have been lying about his conversion isn’t a legitimate question, then what is? Consider all that was gained by cutting the emerging sect off at the top, re-working it a bit, and siccing it on on the Empire as a nation-wrecking force multiplier. Also, he was working as the agent of some authority or another, about whom little or nothing is ever said. Shades of (((Spy))) vs. (((Spy)))!
The answer is, “Yes,” that’s at least possible and darn probable.

Surviving Jewish denomination? I think there have been several larger denominations that didn’t survive, including Esseans and Saudicees, with the current “Jews” being the survival of the Phairasees , all of the above being possibly misspelled.

There have also been several sects that were more like cults of various (other) false messiahs.

It is a large shame upon our world is that a small bump on a particularly misbegotten obscure religion with vainglorious delusions of grandeur somehow coincidentally detached and metastatsized into a turbocancerous disease that brought down the world civilization of its day and boosted the troglodyte goblins that it claimed to oppose into world leadership, doing all the things that the bump’s founder opposed, and worse.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago

If asking whether Saul/Paul couldn’t have been lying about his conversion isn’t a legitimate question, then what is?

Based on what evidence? On the side of history, we have the miracles he performed as an apostle, the testimony of the other apostles as to his apostleship, and the fact that he gave his life for his ministry as a martyr.
As I recall your arguments, they are, “nah, I still don’t believe.” Ok, fine, you don’t believe. That isn’t an actual argument, just a position.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Phelps
4 months ago

Evidence of miracles? OK.
And I suppose he met Jesus on the road that way, just as he said. I can’t prove he didn’t, of course.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
4 months ago

My evidence is the testimony of the Apostle Luke, in his Book of Acts, which testified that both Saul and the men with him attested to the voice (and Saul to the vision.)
You can say that you don’t find that credible. Fine. That’s your position. To argue against it, you need evidence for why the testimony isn’t credible, either intrinsic evidence of internal inconsistency, or extrinsic evidence that at least casts doubt. Saying, “I think he’s lying” isn’t evidence.
For miracles, Saul blinds a sorcerer in Acts 13, healed people in Acts 16, 19, 28, laid his hand on the twelve men in Acts 19 who spoke in tongues and prophesied, raised Eutychus from the dead in Acts 20, survived a poisonous viper bite in Acts 28. Those are apostolic powers.

Last edited 4 months ago by phelps
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

As bad as the USSR was it was far better than being a serf and property of some drunken noble. The USSR took a bunch a people living in sheds and shacks and built apartments for them and put food on the table. It was shitty apartments and little and shitty food but it beat what they had before which was periodic starvation.

I’m not nor ever will be a commie but in many cases people gained a great deal with the commies. After they got rid of the psychopaths Lenin and Stalin, who were mass murderers, most people lived ok, not well, but then again no one was laying in ditch or living on the sidewalk like we have now in our country with all its wealth.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

This comment alone deserves a Nobel Prize.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

The German economy thrived under the Nazis. What they were after was living space for their people, and their own source of oil not because they failed economically, but because Germany didn’t have any oil.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

But Germany had plenty of space no?

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

Yesterday I wrote a long reply to your question [I am curious about this. At first, I was listening to the Nazi propaganda, which seems believable. But why were they continually expanding and seemingly killing a lot?]

My answer to you ‘s not here for some reason. I wrote my reply to Farcesensitive AFTER I wrote my reply to you, and that comment is here.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

And the Versailles Treaty stole the best of what they did have.

Last edited 5 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

Absolutely false.
Some people temporarily were better off but the country as a whole was failing:

The Paradox of Germany’s WW2 COAL Problem


Why did Hitler hire and fire Schacht?

How did Schacht’s MEFO Bills work? Were they inflationary or not?

Hitler was eating the seed corn.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Farce, This TIK is interesting. A quick glance through his videos and I am thinking he might be a libertarian who worries about gnosticism. Plus, even all these years later there still is not an ersatz butter comparable to the real thing.
Well, we live in an imperfect world, so don’t expect to find a perfect political system either. Most people would rather put margarine on their mashed potatoes than spew of some old Jew(TM), eh?
Can you point out one of TIK’s videos in which he mentions what he thinks is a legitimate “good as it gets” political system? Thanks.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
5 months ago

TIK is an AnCap, I do not agree with his politics other than when he points out the problems with common enemies.

But he’s a good source of history.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Thanks. AnCap. Anarcho Capitalist. Something that is “True but not Real*” similar to “Peace on Earth.”
In other words, it does not and cannot exist, yet countless brilliant and often true words may be written about it.
I could have listened to his videos for hours and hours and will listen to more.
*the True/Real Quadrangle:
1 . Draw two perpendicular axies.
2. Horizontal, you label “True – Not True”
3. Vertical, you label “Real- Not Real”
4. Utilize the four boxes to answer your questions.

• Santa Klause belongs in the “Real, but not True” corner.
• Peace on Earth belongs in the “True, but not Real” guarter.
This simple, problem-solving chart well help you revolutionize your life!
Believe it or not. Stupid and semi-literate people have no problem understanding it but high-IQ folks, with multiple degrees often cannot get it!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

In the first video they mention Goring was in charge of the allocation of resources, which assumedly, likely assuredly, led to the shortage of coal.

I have complained about him before. Goring screwed up a vast amount of things. I submit that he was in a large part a big factor in the loss of the war for Germany. One case specifically, he told Hilter at Stalingrad that he could bring in so many tons of supplies, even though he KNEW, no doubt, that he could not. He delivered, I can’t remember exactly, but it was something like 10% of what he promised. By the time Hitler found out this was happening, it was too late. So all these troops, all these resources were thrown away in Stalingrad. “If” Hitler had known, I strongly suspect he would have retreated and used these resources elsewhere. Like in capturing and getting oil fields up and running. Not to mention if transport was a problem, and it was, then he could have moved resources to change this. In many cases the evidence that Hitler was nuts for not letting people retreat was, I suspect, directly related to lies Goring told Hitler. In Stalingrad, I know this was true. Read David Irvings book “Goering”, He has documented this with statistics and first person interviews.

Unfortunately, Hitler idolized Goring. He was a big hero, but he was not capable and even though his failings were apparent Hitler did not want to dump him.

When Speer took over a lot of Gorings duties, productivity soared. Big time. If Hitler dumped Goring and put Speer in charge earlier, it could have changed a lot.

In the video he says that centralized production can never work BUT,

“…Nevertheless in Speer’s case he was given power to control pretty much the whole industry, and step on toes as needed. The effect was dramatic. War production continued to increase almost until the end of the war, despite things like strategic bombing. Mass production techniques were adopted, petty fiefdoms destroyed, and a centralized approach to planning instituted. Before anyone says that “central planning doesn’t work”, remember that US war production was also centrally planned, under the auspices of the War Production Board. I’m not taking a position on central planning under other circumstances, but for the duration it worked quite well in a number of countries…”

He also derides the operation of the railroads. How it’s soooo foolish that there were no profits but only enough money charged to pay the workers and keep up the running stock. But as we have seen, over and over, the “privatize” folks always, or all I know of, degrade services while sucking every single penny they possibly can from the public service they take over. This has happened so many times that I well not waste time showing examples. They’re plentiful. Though government control is often not good, it at least beats simultaneous degradation and profit raping of public services. Some things that are monopolies can not be run solely on a capitalistic basis without severe abuse of the customers they have a monopoly over. The key is who profits. If the employees are feather bedding to raise prices, far better them than the financial class scraping off ruinous profits while ignoring service. The glitch on this is you have to have public servants that are competent and diligent. Often not the case. But if it’s the financial class running things, you have no options, if public you at least have the option of political pressure. Both cases, if bad are not good, but you have to make choices for the better of two bads.

Again at the end of this first video he blames everything on central planning yet completely ignores the graphic he puts up on wikipedia that the next sentence shows Speer drastically increasing production(hidden in the notes). So he’s lying. Deliberately skewing the evidence. And he ignores that ALL Allied production was central planning to the max.

I repeat again, he blathers on about free markets, but there is NO free market in a large public utility like railroads.

On his video on the banker, “Why did Hitler hire and fire Schacht “, I can see, very likely, from the way this guy talks he is in favor of the Jews Ludwig von Mises policies. Now the Jews love this guy and plenty of people are taken in by him. Unfortunately, while blathering on and on about private enterprise they conveniently skip over the part where the Jews create money from nothing and charge us debt for doing so, nice business if you can get it. And subsequently through preferential loan creation allows them to take over EVERYTHING. And I assure you they own damn near everything or will because you pay debt fees on any and all money created while they make it from…nothing, nothing at all.

Now I don’t know if this guy is a propagandist or just one of those splerge people who latch onto one idea and ignore everything else. (Like these idiots that latch onto the Jew Moldbug and his stupid ideas that we need a king…please…) Giving him a benefit of doubt, maybe he’s the second. But his total adherence to the Mises approach, Jews own everything, is not so favorable to, the truth. Hitler he says, as if Hitler was some sort of fool, considered the Jews capitalist banking commie disruptors and swindlers. Which they were. It’s a 100% fact that they gained power in Germany by blackmail, swindling, bribery and issuing a veritable fountain of cash from their debt banking financialist machine which they bought up damn near everything. (If you are a US citizen, this might look familiar to you).

He says that Germany boosted the economy by “Keynesian” cash pumping. No. No they didn’t, they did so by refusing to pay the Jews debt to create cash, for nothing, no value to the Germans, like before, and created money solely based on work hours of humans. Which if you think about it is a far more rational yardstick than, give the Jews money and they will let you go onto ruinous debt, while they give you nothing at all and give their Jew buddies wheelbarrows of cash to buy up everything, throw everyone out of work and outsource all production.

His video on MEFO bills runs right off the track at the very beginning by showing a commenters comment who says,”MEFO bills…seems nothing more than creating money out of thin air as central bankers do…”

Well duuuhhh, but notice, there is no debt paid to the central bankers. All the money goes back to the State and the German people. No perpetual debt. This would seem, to me, to be a BIG point, which they seem to have missed. I guess when Jews create money from nothing, well that’s a-ok, but when people decide to do the same for themselves and their people, well that’s a vast evil, or so they say.

I wonder if this Mark Felton is Jewish? He’s done a bit for the BBC which is in itself a bad sign. He’s certainly not a reliable person when it comes to covering ALL the facts.

I just realized I watched some of his other videos and they were even worse. He constantly says when leaders say things, “well they actually meant…this” (critical theory) and yet the leader’s actions are, just what they said. He flubs damn near everything. His own statistics and tables that he shows for evidence, show him wrong. He’s a complete waste of time and nothing but a mind bedoggled dufus. Look where I went through only two of his videos, I couldn’t stand to torment myself with more, and I could easily pick what he said to pieces with 3/4 of my brain tied behind my back. This guy is really awful and no matter what video I see of his it’s always lacking and slanted into some sort of fantastical nonsense. He constantly, and I mean constantly, leaves out very pertinent information and gobbs in some sort of Jew slanted gobberish. He’s really bad.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

I have, an absurdly long, comment that went here that didn’t make it. Maybe spam?

I could go on for days about the glitches in this guy’s videos. Every single one I’ve seen of his is severely slanted, uses sleight of hand to push one view while ignoring LOTS of facts to make it seem as if he is correct.

A good analogy is the blind Men describing an elephant. One grabs the tail and says it’s like a rope, one touches the side and says it’s like a wall, etc.

This guy gives you one little piece of evidence and proclaims everything is like a rope. He even screws up his own charts. He’s absurd. He’s really, really, really bad.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

STICK TO BANKS! (And did the National Socialist state raise living standards or benefit the poor?)

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Being a glutton for punishment, I decided to watch this also. As usual, he includes misdirection at the beginning. A commenter noted his “Austrian economics” slant. Let’s call a spade a spade. It’s Jew economics, and it’s fomented by a Jew and hidden by calling it Austrian economics.

So he starts out by unilaterally, with no evidence at all, saying that the “stab in the back” by the Jews was “false” and not the reason the Germans lost the war. He says it was inflation, Hindenburg, blah, blah, blah, but there is no doubt that commie Jews were fomenting workers strikes. That he, with no evidence, says it had no bearing is not true. Maybe it was not the deciding factor but, it was a factor. [Pronouncement technique]

He complains about the, supposed, big dummy Hitler put in a autarky for production for Germany. Meaning no outsourcing and local German production. Excuse me, but after finding supplies in WWI were not available, hindering production, does it not seem a good idea to not depend on supplies you can’t get? I guess I’m just, like Hitler, some big dummy for thinking this might be a problem. Of course, his focus is not on that but, “…it distorted the economy”.

Now excuse me for noticing but after WWI the Jews took over all the banks Churned out a vast, indescribable amount of cash, bought everything and made the Mark so watered down that it took a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread. But no that was not the problem, it was Hitler’s socialist control of the economy that “…distorted the economy”.

Let’s get one thing straight. Right away. There is no doubt, at all, that while American farmers were hanging themselves in their barns during the depression, Germans were going on company paid vacations. And everyone who wanted to had work. Now, if it pains his sensibilities that it was not the “most efficient” form of economics. You know where the Jews scrap up every single penny into their pockets while Germans die in the streets, well you see his priorities. Before Hitler, veterans were dying of starvation in the streets and children, this is 100%, were prostituting themselves to feed their families. Excuse me for not getting all worked up about the Germans not worshiping “Austrian economics” and letting these useless eaters starve to death in the streets like before.

At least he recognizes that the tax burden was not foisted on the poor. A favorite technique of the Oligarchs.

He has a quote about how many people were disappointed by the Nazis but this quote is by the Jew Mises. Not exactly an unbiased source.

He list this huge, vast, massive benefits the Nazis brought to the working class but then, in a stroke of brilliance [sic], proclaims that the poor were not helped because poor Jews did not do well. Well that settles it doesn’t it. If the Jews don’t do well, then the whole thing is a farce, evil and of no use, according to him.

Look at this quote where he pretends that it’s obviously a horrible thing,

“…By creating unbridled demands for goods everywhere they set foot, citizens of the Reich destroyed the price equilibrium everywhere in Europe…”

DAMN THOSE GERMANS! They had money, and were not living in the streets anymore, and had the audacity to…a moments pause to take it all in….buy THINGS! Damn them. What horror, the peasants were not kept in their proper place prostituting their kids to Jews like good Germans. No they had money, bought things, the horror! It upset the “equilibrium”!

Let’s look at some quotes he has to admit because they are so obvious,

“…although average household income levels were somewhat lower than in peacetime, stable
prices, a freeze on rents, and an exemption from asset seizure made it possible to live
in material comfort. If one factors into the equation soldiers’ wages and their food

But of course this is all a failure because they “upset the equilibrium” and poor Jews weren’t happy.

This guy is a never ending persistent magician of distraction. He complains about shortages of consumer goods. Well duhhhh, they were in a war. In the US you couldn’t buy a car, tires, a long line of things that were rationed and England was even worse. In fact, the English kept up rationing after WWII for many years so they could pay the Jews off for extravagant loans taken out during wartime that the Jews created, from nothing. How convenient he doesn’t mention that but constantly blathers on about the poor Germans, who he had to admit had never done better and certainly were better off than when the Jews ran things. And it’s impossible to account for rationing and lack of supplies when everyone knows the Germans were absolute shit for economic resources. No oil, no land, lack of farm land, lack of everything but the Germans people who are an industrious bunch.

This guy is all over the place. In another video he complains about the German railroads being packed causing delays. YET is this not maximum efficiency of the rail lines ???(maximum efficiency is another thing Austrian economist worship) Is it not maximum usage and “efficient”. So in one case it’s inefficient and another it’s not. He is… full of shit.

Now to clarify, I am not at all in favor of any dictatorship, commie government or Oligarchy. They all have the deficit that over time psychopaths and/or the most ruthless will filter to the top, (sound familiar to US citizens or anyone in the West?), but there is such a thing as comparative analysis. And his constant ignoring of what happened in the past and how things are ordered now is a blind spot as big as the Pacific Ocean.

His economics is like the physics professor who in describing a cow simplifies it to, “Now consider a round cow”. It’s absurd. He also pretends that Germany was in some normal situation when they were fighting a world war and completely doesn’t even begin to note that all the belligerents were doing the exact same thing. Rationing, command economy, on and on, but of course the poor Jews were not happy, so damn the Germans.

This guy is very likely a Jew. I can’t find the answer to that because about three years ago Jews started washing their backgrounds. Nevertheless, he has all the qualities of them. Frequent “pronouncement” techniques where he just says this is this while providing nothing to back it up and ignoring a vast amount of data that completely negates his arguments. Listening to him is like watching TV, and we all know how painful that is. He’s not quite as bad as the “Miles Mathis Committee” but, he’s pretty bad. Listening to him for your brain is like eating feces contaminated food for your stomach.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

The shortages and other problems started years before the war.
And while Autarky was a worthy goal Hitler forced it too soon and went to war before replacing the supplies that he would not allow to be imported.

There’s many other places where you are wrong, but it’s not worth going into.
I don’t say all of TIK’s ideas are correct, he’s an AnCap and I vehemently disagree with them, but he is 100% right that National Socialism was socialist and ruined the German economy in different ways.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

“…The shortages and other problems started years before the war….”

This is EXACTLY what I’m talking about. It’s like proclaiming it smells in the house while ignoring a herd of cattle emplaced in the house. Blindly wondering why it smells so bad.

No shit, they had rationing. The reparations, surely you know about these, were crushing the Germans.

They only finished paying these in 2010 they were so large. Damn near the whole budget went to it. And let’s not mention France siphoned off the largest industrial area of the country and was hauling off all their coal and other resources. And the response to this is, the Germans were stupid socialist. The Germans are big dummies who didn’t know anything.

And here’s another, the English WON the war, supposedly, and had rationing that did not end until 1954. Almost a decade after the war.

Combine this with the financial rape of the country by the Jews and, BIG PROBLEM.

Now you say I’m wrong yet where??? No, I’m not wrong. If you people notice I can be quite forceful in defending my positions BUT what you haven’t noticed, I don’t believe, is that when I find I’m wrong I humbly admit it. Usually it’s from some sort of data I was not aware of before. It’s no shame to admit you’re wrong if the information you have changes.

When I write stuff where I say something, I usually already know. I’m fairly sure I’m right before I even comment. Usually the way this goes is someone brings up a lot of silly stuff, like the German rationing while ignoring vast amounts of data, like reparations, loss of territory, Jewish parasitism, everyone else rationing also, blackmailed political parties, and as I point this out more silly stuff is brought up until I crush most all of these wrong objections, then they say well “I don’t want to cover this anymore”, or “I don’t want to waste time”, etc. etc. anything but notice I was right from the beginning.

That video guy is a horrible, lying, distorting “supposed” Historian who couldn’t “history” his way out of a paper bag. Watching his stuff poisons the mind. Every single thing I’ve seen of his is a lying, slanted, dishonest piece of propaganda. He’s like those assholes in Israel who blather on and on about Hamas while neglecting to tell you that a very large proportion of the Israelis killed that day were by the Israeli’s themselves with gun ships and by blasting down houses with Israelis in them(half or more????). And neglecting to mention that it took them 7 hours to do anything, when you could drive from the very top north of Israel to Gaza in the South in 2 and a half hours. A gunship could make it in 1-1/2 hour, and it’s not like ALL of them are all the way in the far North. According to a Israeli soldier who served in Gaza, it takes…5 minutes. So they killed their people on purpose. Now it’s bad that Hamas killed Israelis but it’s worse when your own government does you in on purpose.

“…but he is 100% right that National Socialism was socialist and ruined the German economy in different ways…”

This is not correct. What he is doing is coming to an assumption “all socialism is bad and especially “National Socialism is bad” and then ignoring anything that does not prove him right, only showing you things that are not going well even if national socialism has nothing to do with it. So either he hates all government control in the economy(he wants all control in the Jews hands it appears to me) or he hates national socialism and fascism and cheats to makes these look unsuccessful.

I submit that raw 100% capitalism never last because the capitalist soon move into being Oligarchs and monopolist. There is no capitalism, in many, a vast number, of public services. It’s just not possible. And as I’ve said, better to have a little government over spending, that you can at least complain about, than have private actors that you have zero, no, nada, recourse no matter how hard they rape you financially.

And on the subject there are direct, indisputable economies that prove him wrong. Very wrong. The Nazis #1, It’s totally indisputable that they greatly increased the welfare of the German people as a whole. Indisputable. Japan is nothing but one big ass socialist fascist country and their economy grew at huge substantial rates for many decades. They are not poor and there is not a vast number of people living on the streets. Now they have NO resources and their population is cratering, so they will never have the standard of living they could if they had more resources, but they are hardly poverty stricken. China is exactly the same. One big ass fascist country with lots of socialism. Once again they do not have the resources, but they are doing WAY BETTER than they were under, Emperors, Warlords, Capitalist and other assorted fiends under the system they have now.

To ignore the huge gains made by national socialist countries, Germany, Japan, China and only point out any and all failing they have, this is nothing but pure rotten distortion of the truth. It’s damn hard to ignore all these countries, unless you are a dissembler of false truths.

Now you might be saying, “Sam J. is some sort of Nazi national socialist”, no, I’m not…but, I see people, Americans, living in cardboard boxes, vans and tents while we send hundreds of billions to Ukraine and Israel and I say, let’s get these people off the sidewalk FIRST, then we can see about sending money to Ukraine and Israel to exterminate people. But only after we take care of our own first. And I don’t care if they are drunkards, drug addicts or whatever, we take care of our own first. And if that’s socialism, then I’m for it.

If we are going to have rationing, then let’s start at the top first. The people at the top live under different rules than us, I want them the same.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Dude, you need to supply context to your posts! And FYI this page is 5 days old, so i won’t be keeping up with it anymore.

But just going forward, you replied “abolutely false” to a post of mine that had 3 points.

One of the points was based on geology, which if you are denying it then you’re just plain wrong because it is not a matter of opinion.

If you can’t be any clearer, then I won’t be able to respond.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

If you go to the recent comments tab you can be updated on recent comments on even old posts.

Reply to  kid
5 months ago

because that’s what leftists do.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

Seriously, the question you asked would require many many pages to answer properly. I will give you the short answer, but it won’t include very much of a supporting argument.

The Nazis got their start in the 1920s doing guess what? Street fighting against communists. When they took power, the aim was to unify all Germans into one nation, gain land for the German people, and eradicate communism. On top of that, to stop Jews from doing what Jews have done throughout the centuries, which is to prey on the people in whatever nation host them.

France and Britain declared war on Germany, not the other way around. Hitler didn’t want to fight them, especially the British. He admired the British empire. But Churchill was under the control of Jews, who had declared war on Germany in 1933.

That’s right – the worldwide diaspora of Jews declared war on Germany in 1933. NOT a typo.

Hitler tried repeatedly to make peace with Churchill, to no avail. As for the Soviet Union, they were preparing to attack Germany. That’s another thing you won’t hear about, because it is suppressed information. However, it is supported by the evidence. AND there is a book about it, called “Icebreaker” by Suvorov. I have not been able to find it, but it was written by a Russian and supposedly contradicts the Soviet propaganda narrative. (Since communists usually lie, this is not surprising).

So the Germans launched a pre-emptive attack on the Soviets because the war was inevitable, and Germany’s best chance was to fight at the time of their own choosing, instead of Stalin’s timing. Like I said, they got their start fighting commies, and there was always going to be a reckoning between the 2 ideologies, which are diametrically opposed to each other.

On the JQ, Hitler was in favor of resettlement of Jews outside of Europe. The “Extermination Camps” propaganda is a myth. If this sounds crazy to you, I recommend you watch a couple of David Irving’s talks, if they are still available. Here is a link: 
There is another WW2 talk by Irving, but I don’t seem to have the link anymore. Watch anything by Irving, he is an excellent speaker and did more research than any history professor.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

Everybody – I’m working on the concept that both those sides are just like the reps and dems – only one thing in reality. Left hand, right hand but only one bad guy. So, far left, far right are holding hands behind the back. It’s a trap, a plot, a fake, to fool the naive. A ruse. Lots of dead naive people get their life force ripped off. Vampires in skin suits, I guess.
edit: mostly for kid, but also for AC in the comments

Last edited 5 months ago by vidlbis
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  vidlbis
5 months ago

No. To understand, you need to know about chemical reactions as opposed to pouring two “different things” into a beaker abd shaking them up. Water (H²O) is not a *mixture* of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
Will someone else please elaborate on this? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

“make sure you have enough gas”
to drive around Cabal people pretending they ran out in middle of the road and put it in “Park” so it can’t be moved.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ed
5 months ago

Sounds nice but I grew up with a lot of different faces and colors that were my kind. Meritocracy is the way it’s meant to be but The Controllers don’t see it that way. I admit when it comes to marriage and having children I’m conflicted about mixing…seems to water down the Vibrancy of Cultural exchanges between humans.

5 months ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

I don’t think 15 minute cites is a bad idea at all. They could do this now with changing zoning regulations. They have this in a lot of Asian cities and Europe. Means you don’t have to drive everywhere constantly. Many had substantial park areas for people and where kids can play locally. Services need every day like shopping and entertainment are within walking distance. And public transport works great but only where you strenuously suppress abrasive and predatory behavior by the Democrats violent pets.

I was watching some video of some American girls in Japan, and they said they had become really fit because there are trains everywhere but you have to walk a mile or so to get to the stations. It’s not super onerous, but there’s a lot more walking. Likely why the Japanese are more fit.

The problem is, they want to tear down anything that does NOT fit their 15 minute city. There lies the problem. People moved to the suburbs for a reason. The cities refused to crack down on crime and the oligarchs raised prices on everything to shear the people, so they just moved. They don’t like that, as they see you all as nothing but revenue streams to fleece.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

I lived in basically <10 minute cities it was great, now I live in 50 minute suburb it’s hell

5 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Oh shit that’s good!

5 months ago

> Study of 1.7 million children: Heart damage only found in Covid-vaxxed kids.

The link says 320,000 of the 1.7 million were unvaccinated. Which is an astonishing number, since it’s impossible for a child to go to any public school without proof of the vaxx, and until just recently, they were denied healthcare by most hospitals and clinics.

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

I live in a very blue state. We still have exemptions available, so no vax for our family. However, even though we homeschool, we still have to go through the rigamarole of filing that exemption. Btw, in the ten years we’ve been here we’ve never been denied healthcare. They don’t like it that we don’t vax, and I’m sure our medical charts all have a non-compliance notation in them, but they do, grudgingly, provide care when requested. Of course, we don’t trust them and avoid using the healthcare system whenever possible.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Yet doctors will tell you how baffling it all is.

5 months ago

> EVs still so unpopular that car thieves won’t even steal them.

Most of them have a built-in cellular modem to talk to the corporate mothership, which also logs GPS location as well as some operating parameters. Hard to steal something that will phone home its location as soon as the owner realizes it’s missing.

It wouldn’t surprise me if each battery, motor, and controller had a unique ID that could be interrogated by the PCM, which would refuse to work with an alien part unless reprogrammed by dealer-only tools. HP’s “chipped” ink and toner cartridges made them assholes, but they made them a lot of money from customers who wouldn’t ditch HP for whatever reason.

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

> from customers who wouldn’t ditch HP for whatever reason.

Any time you find yourself saying this, just remember the world does not work as advertised. It makes no sense that people would willingly eat increased costs for a worse end product, so explore other alternative explanations.

Could it be these printer giants are artificially propped up with reward money from cabal because they comply with various anti-freedom activities like the micro-dotting of printers so anyone who prints anything can be identified down the line? We know cabal moves funds from mega-corps to cabal activities all the time, why wouldn’t that be the explanation here?

5 months ago

> Sweden told people to open their hearts to immigrants 10 years ago. Its U-turn has been dramatic.

The “immigrants” were great when they were idealized propaganda figures promoted by the State. Now that the average Swede has personally benefitted from so much Diversity, they enthusiasm has mostly evaporated.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Every cycle is a reaction to the preceding cycle.
– Frank Herbert

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

And the women opened their thighs.

Reply to  teotoon
5 months ago

The incel/blackpill community more or less speculate/confirm that they in fact do not. Which is why the arabs got mad.

5 months ago

> Did Iran conduct underground nuclear test on Saturday night? 

Iran has had a nuclear weapon program for going on thirty years. It has had a few setbacks, usually from Israel bombing separation facilities, but they’ve worked on their bomb project longer than anyone, and still haven’t officially had a successful test. [Israel would have worked on theirs even longer, except they officially don’t have a nuclear weapons program. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.]

Pakistan did theirs on the cheap. So did India, South Africa, and North Korea. Iran has probably poured more money into their program than the other four put together. They *could* be hopelessly incompetent, but as far as I know nobody’s bomb test has ever failed; they’re expensive but relatively simple devices, and 1940s technology at that.

I figure Iran decided it would be to their advantage to *not* be officially a nuclear power for some reason. When it’s to their advantage, they’ll shout it from the rooftops.

Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

Or they’re actually trying to invent a nuke instead of pretending they did a gorillion years ago like all the other cabal .GOVs

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
5 months ago

I’ve had many long conversations with a fairly large handful of Iranians in my area, though they much prefer to be called Persians. They were mostly midwits to high midwit, so anything but dumb. One was quite brilliant.

The men like complex games. Many were chess fanatics. I ended up fairly proficient at backgammon and poker thanks to them.

5 months ago

> Teamsters President Sean O’Brien eviscerates the Democratic Party: ‘They have f**** us over for the last 40 years.’

They just noticed? More likely, the Dems cut off their bribe money, like they did with BLM and Antifa.

Marielle Redclaw
5 months ago

If these people have “hurricane creating” level of tech, what hope do we have?

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
5 months ago

Just sayin’.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
5 months ago

what hope do we have?”

1 Peter 3:15: “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect”.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
5 months ago

We live by the promises of our Father. One of them is that no weapon forged against us will prosper; therefor, use that promise in your prayers in the war against the enemy. I have come to the conclusion that the Lord’s Prayer clause, “Thy Kingdom come,” is for the Christian to actively pray against the enemy and its works and its human minions in order to expand the Kingdom. And we are to expect results.

Marielle Redclaw
5 months ago

“Hollywood Celebrities Campaign for Kamala Harris”
If there’s one positive thing to arise from social media, it’s celebrities revealing themselves to be such out of touch assbutts. I hope I live to see the utter death of celebrity culture, and actors reduced back to their proper place- two rungs on the social ladder below lepers.

Wait, they cured leprosy. OK, two rungs below meth heads.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
5 months ago

Never let the players inside the gates.

5 months ago

Tampa’s response to Hurricane Milton was preplanned long ago, just like it was for COVID in the ‘Event 201’ desktop exercise.

5 months ago

Tampa’s response to Hurricane Milton was preplanned long ago, just like it was for COVID in the ‘Event 201’ desktop exercise.

5 months ago

The television news footage of Milton’s destruction has ALREADY been made thanks to this simulation of a Category 5 hurricane named Phoenix hitting Tampa.

At least a billion dollars has already been earmarked to replace Milton’s destruction with a network of 15-minute-cities.

5 months ago

Anyway, disaster season. If you can, photograph your social security card, birth certificate and driver’s license, and insurance paperwork. Find a suitable cloud storage- your email on your phone, your google account, a private account- something not geographically connected to you. Of course it’s all your information. The government already has it, but you will need to have it to benefit.

When disaster hits, the government is going to ask for uploaded files of all of this, and more, depending. All disasters start with basic verification, though. If your bank and the local internet cafe have been washed away, it doesn’t really matter that you paid to store your documents in a lockbox at the bank.

Yes, surveillance, hackers, encryption, security- I don’t have those answers. What I do know? It’s the difference between a fast response and a year or more of waiting.

5 months ago

Since the elections are inching closer, and the spaz level intensifies, I am tuned out of the drama, feels good bros. Just going about mundane prep tasks and topping off worse case scenarios items. The script to this movie sucks so expect the usual most unhappy endings, then just carry on. Stay frosty and aloof.

Reply to  Frosty
5 months ago

The Acting President being the Vice President is also president of the Senate:

The Constitution names the vice president of the United States as the president of the Senate. In addition to serving as presiding officer, the vice president has the sole power to break a tie vote in the Senate and formally presides over the receiving and counting of electoral ballots cast in presidential elections.

This shit was planned step by step. Meet your new President.
Now go vote harder…harder!….Oh, my, you voted so hard!

5 months ago

Don’t fuck around border guards when entering Russia

Last edited 5 months ago by Leverage
5 months ago

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5 months ago

Project Blue Beam: Staging a Fake Alien Attack to Take Over the World