News Briefs – 10/08/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Germany To Reopen Shuttered Coal Plants In Winter

DFT – Eurozone’s Economic Downturn Continues As Recession Approaches

DFT – UK Housing Market Falling Rapidly

DFT – Washington Attempts To Pressure Riyadh To Increase Crude Supply Using A Defense Pact

DFT – Russia Allows Diesel Exports Again

From the comments yesterday, Med School Biochem asked:

AC what are your thoughts on the situation unfolding in Israel? How did Israeli intel not devote enough resources to pick this attack up? It’s probably going to end up with thousands of Israel dead. Major intel failure. Did intel take a vacay to embarrass Netanyahu perhaps?

I respond:

There are no intel failures. None. The powers of the intelligence gathering mechanisms are too great and the people who employ them too thorough and too completely lacking in any morals or restraints in their use.

I deal with this every day. You have no idea the tech they have, the manpower they field, the resources they expend, or how the people in the field are constantly, always, looking for how to completely know everything. We might as well be occupied by an alien race with technology so advanced it looks like magical powers to know everything.

There is zero chance this thing was not seen coming a mile away. There were probably hundreds of avenues which would have revealed it from monitoring of areas where weapons pass through which would have shown a surge, to monitoring of arms shipments at the source or destinations, to microphones and technical monitoring of everyone who would have been involved setting it up, to informants everywhere, to satellite videos of massing and training, to neighborhood watchers reporting 20-somethings all going out at the same time and heading in the same directions, to money flow monitoring, to movements of leadership to bunkers, to radio traffic indicating coordination, to probably hundreds of other threads, any one of which would have revealed the whole thing. They probably saw a spike in boot sales somewhere, and looked to see where they were all going.

They have said this was Israel’s 9/11. I am sure it was, in that Intel saw it coming a mile away, and the people running intel would get multi-million dollar per year defense jobs after they retire if they just let it happen, just like Pfizer with the Vax and Fauci, or Biden and Burisma, anywhere else there is money in politics.

And that is the rosy view. IMO, it is not impossible they all work for the same boss, which handed out this script six months ago so everybody could memorize their lines, and act it out. The rest of us are just pawns to this thing, if we continue to believe in silliness like patriotism and loyalty to our countrymen first.

Netanyahu knows. I do not know if he gets fully read in and is a player, or if he is just a honest guy who was kept out of the loop until it happened, and now he knows how it worked, but his hands are tied and he needs to play along, or they will launch another one. But either way, the whole thing had to have been seen a mile away from the positions of power, and once you go there, you begin to understand it could be much worse.

This is why nothing in intelligence with regard to capabilities, or how it operates should be classified. I am actually coming around to the fact we should have three or four years of mandatory service for every law abiding citizen, but not in the military – in the intelligence services, with a rotation through surveillance and technical monitoring. Everyone should know how massive their capabilities are, and how nothing gets by them. By keeping people clueless, you get this, which will kill at least thousands, and maybe tens of thousands of the best, and bravest on all sides before it is done, for people like the Rothschilds, who will never know the sting and clash of battle themselves, and who view those that do as fools.

Hamas: Number of Israelis taken prisoner many times ‘more than dozens.’ These people are legit victims, and in real physical danger I would assume. But it is important to understand, all of this is also theater, being run by people who will never actually endure any danger, and being done to elicit all these emotions. They are parading the dead bodies of women, parading women naked, showing terrified children. Those are visuals the guys who fight would tend not to make themselves, on either side. Would you? Having already been through this with our own 9/11, I tend to see it differently, and see a different enemy in need of being dealt with. Be interesting to know who slipped out of these areas which were attacked just before things began, like the Middle Eastern food cart/surveillance people who didn’t bother to show up to work on 9/11.

Israeli death toll from Hamas war rises to more than 150.

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan said the Hamas attack on Israel that happened on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, the final day of the annual High Holy Day cycle, “is our 9/11.” Understand, they all know how intelligence works, and that there is no way 9/11 happened, and our massive, Stasi-like, neighborhood-ized domestic surveillance machine missed it. Likewise, there is not way an operation this big happened, and they missed it.

Kash Patel feels American intel should have seen it coming:

the media is not asking how in the hell the Biden administration didn’t pick up intelligence on this multi-staged war effort by Hamas and Iran?

Answer- the Biden IC has been weaponized and reprioritized to meet the needs of the fake news and radical hacks in govt, focusing on diversity, climate change, and the sunrise. Just think if we had been the ones to miss this in @realDonaldTrump admin.

Trump’s IC did’t because we focused on taking out America’s enemies and making sure Iran never got a nuke.

Again, he acts like nobody saw it, rather than discuss the reality – all of them probably saw it, picking it up from multiple different threads. But they are all compromised and subverted by a massive, global, non-state intel op, which probably organized it to begin with. The technology is just too advanced, the recruitment of embedded informants too great. Intel doesn’t miss these things. It plans, it wargames, if figures out ahead of time where these things will leave traces, and what it needs to detect those traces, and it goes there and positions its assets to notice them. Everyone should really have the experience of trying to operate against it at some point. You need to see the tech, see the size of the informant networks, see how it is always looking for something interesting, focusing on the people it identifies as interesting, and see how where it operates, money and manpower are absolutely no object. It does not miss things.

Ezra Cohen Watnick:

Today appears to be an extreme intelligence failure not just for Israel but also for the United States. One of the principal missions of the US IC is to provide indication and warning (I&W) of attacks like this, especially against an extremely well armed ally.

Will need to look at how this was missed.

The Taliban asks Iran for passage across country to assist Hamas in annihilation of Israel — after Joe Biden armed the Taliban with $80 billion in US weapons and supplies. Including state of the art Night Vision, IR lasers, and Thermal sniping rigs.

Republicans blast Biden for releasing $6 billion in frozen Iran funds ahead of Hamas attack on Israel.

It is unreal to see 4Chan change over night, as all the BBC threads, and inter-racial cucking threads, and Asian Waifu threads, and other disruptions give way to outrage news over the attacks:

House Ways and Means Committee: Biden family business raked in $20 million from 23 countries via 20 ahell companies.

IRS puts $500,000 tax lien on Rudy Giuliani’s condo just 3 miles from Mar-a-Lago.

Girlfriend of murdered Brooklyn activist fails to pick out stabbing suspect in photo lineup – as legal experts warn it could be ‘potentially crippling’ to prosecution’s case. You know what’s up.

Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Mo.) said that he and other unnamed lawmakers have slept in their offices at the Capitol because Washington, D.C., is “very dangerous” at night. He did not elaborate.

Supreme Court temporarily reinstates Biden admin’s ‘ghost gun’ rule.

The office for New York City Mayor Eric Adams says it supports the ‘spirit’ of a legislation that could trigger black New Yorkers to be paid reparations for slavery.

An eight year old Israeli child has died three years after appearing with his father, who is a pediatrician, in a government film informing children that they have no choice about whether to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available.

Math disaster in college: Would-be STEM majors can’t add 1/2 + 1/3.

Cardinals Burke, Müller condemn Pope Francis’ support for same-sex ‘blessings,’ Communion for adulterers.

Biden somehow managed to negotiate a hostage deal with Iran in which the Islamic terror state gets $6 billion and we free 5 Iranian agents who then remain in the United States:

Putin says Ukraine wouldn’t last a week without U.S. aid.

Gun manufacturing giant Smith & Wesson hosted a grand opening of its $125 million new Tennessee headquarters after moving from its longtime home in Massachusetts.

The immortal 1911 pistol, after 112 years, finally retired from U.S. Military service.

Trump’s lead over DeSantis nationally climbed 20 points since July.

Spread r/K Theory, because Israel at war means not much other news will be out there

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8 months ago

Given the other evidence, the girl’s failure to make an ID in the murder case is trivial, or ought to be. And it may not be a deliberate failure, given the circumstances.

8 months ago

AC, a longish post (a reply) I made the other day was apparently rejected as spam. It was “awaiting moderation” until I changed a single letter in edit, and saved, after which it was labelled spam. Is this avoidable by a poster?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I have made it into a habit of saving long posts that are somewhat important to a Word document on my computer, so I can just post them again later if they get eaten. This is true for other websites as well. One reason comments sections often suck may be that the really informative comments get zapped by third parties.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Ed
8 months ago

Shorter posts will have fewer opportunities for “anti-spam” screening to lock up on a pattern and deny the post.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

TY! I have a firmer idea now what happens.

8 months ago

1911, S&W: AC, I would like to hear more of your firearms thoughts on your site. Of course it’s not as important as the daily updates. But I think many of your loyal readers here are also enthusiasts at the least, and we value your thoughts on topics where you will share them. What do you think about a quarterly, semiannual, or maybe even just annual open post with your short form thoughts on recent updates? Could be training, new products, whatever. Thanks.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Being a gear queer is totally useless. So much so I believe the gun community is encouraged to spend so much time wasted on researching nonsense intentionally by the enemy as a distraction tactic to derail your useful endeavors.

People killed each other efficiently with smoothbore muskets hundreds of years ago. The modern infantry rifle hasn’t changed significantly since the 1950-60s. Any gun you can buy nowadays will go bang ~100% of the time and hit the target better than you can personally aim, especially in a real combat situation. Spend less time sperging about the tools and more time focusing on training and networking with real humans in your area.

Medical gear, footwear, long range travel gear, and non-tangibles like skills are all far more important to dump thousands of hours into, but is never emphasized because it’s less flashy and sells less shit to gun-tards.

As a proof of concept: would you rather be conducting guerilla operations with a guy who knows about hunting, medical, and how to set an ambush, or the guy who can dissect the exact minute ballistic characteristics between two ARs from different manufacturers?

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

It’s the paperclip maximiser problem applied to human survivalists.

I’d rather be conducting operations with people who have useful stockpiles of relevant kit than fuck about with paperclip maximisers gooning about not having their ideal guns of that particular moment.

Especially distrust the “survivalists” who don’t already have their next thirty days of meals and their next three pairs of shoes on hand.

Reply to  General's Addition
8 months ago

Unfortunately true. On the other hand, you can’t make much bragging capital out of piles of survival supplies and medical gear. And they take up a lot more space than guns, and cost almost as much if you’re stockpiling reasonable quantities.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

Its very instructive seeing all the talking heads going right into histrionics about Israel. It’s like that despicable commercial they run with 98 year old jew ladies from the holocaust moaning in pain, struggling to scrounge up scraps of food and cups of water while Schlomo shames you for not rushing like a madman to help all jews all the time.

Interestingly, I just read the last jack Carr (terminal list) book and the plot is basically about attacking Israel to draw the US back into the Middle East for another forever war with Iran, freeing Russia up in Ukraine and allowing China to take taiwan. Our enemies see how cheap it is to bribe our politicians they are all getting in on the act. For a million dollars Joe Biden will leave $80 billion to the taliban. Another million from Iran and he’ll free up $6 billion for you. Granted, there are a lot more politicians to buy off but these deals are very cost effective. That’s why the deep state is going into convulsions trying to destroy Trump, because he opposes the bribery gravy train.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

Sounds like the best answer to this latest scam shit show

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
8 months ago

> how cheap it is to bribe our politicians

Everyone has known how cheap American politicians are for a long time. At least since ABSCAM.

I understand most politicians are for sale to the highest bidder, and the Saudis were paying in cash… but really? A US Congressman selling his vote for a measly $1500? That’s an insult to crooked politicians everywhere.

Congress’ reaction when enough of them got caught: they passed a bill making it illegal to ‘entrap’ Congressmen.

That’s what you get when your criminal class is also your lawmaker class.

8 months ago

All the dead women paraded around will likely serve as justification to fully ethnically cleanse the Gaza strip.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

They can do what they want. Political parties no longer pay attention to public opinion and media will spin if for the sheeple

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Yeah for sure. Netanyahu says people should leave Gaza. Where the fuck are they going to go? Into Israel? Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison. What the residents there have coming is horrendous.

Do not ever expect mercy from a jew. To the j the Palestinians are amalek. Also, given the incessant media linking to Iran as the backer of this operation, it looks like it was let happen to give justification for war on Iran and the erasure of most of Gaza.

8 months ago

In re DC and Saudi discussions

This is just about the existence of DC’s ability to regime change Saudi. And that comes down to DC’s ability to decap strike via submarines.

The “petro-dollar” was imposed on Saudi via our submarine fleet. And all that went with the “petro-dollar”. Namely, extensive US MIC hardware purchases and parking USDs in USTs. Or, as the “petro-dollar” theorists put it “recycling USDs into USTs”. And of course, cheap oil.

UKR has shown US MIC hardware has no adv over RUS options. Well, to be fair, the hardware used in UKR has no adv over RUS hardware. That’s not 100% of US MIC output. Our subs and F35s haven’t been tested yet. Nor has the resilience of our over-head reconnaisance system.

And Saud is in BRICS.

If the decap potential is gone, then Saud will tell US “you’re just another customer”.

8 months ago

In re UK Housing Market.

London housing is sig a shelter for RUS oilgarchs. As was a lot of London’s “banking”.

The sanctions already ended London’s de facto monopoly on maritime insurance and associated intelligence gathering.

Now the housing bubble sustained by RUS Oligarchs is set to deflate.

Somehow, London convinced EUR to join them in putting their futures on murking RUS. On one roll of the dice. On one shot.

There’s no Plan B for EUR.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Thesokorus
8 months ago

Europe will be so fucked over the next few years that they’ll be begging RUS to join the Eurasian Economic Union. A new Marshall plan to help Europe but the largesse coming from the East.

Reply to  English Tom
8 months ago

The Russians have their own Union. It’s just Russia and Belarus now, but I can see former EU members begging to join once the EU disintegrates.

8 months ago

Just like Cabal in the US, the Zelensky regime wouldn’t last a week without the gov workers being paid.

Pay them well, and the gov workers will feed the rest of the nation into whatever meat-grinder Cabal wants.

Stop paying them, and… well…

Ppl around the world still think the USD buys the best stuff. And is usable everywhere.

That’s the key. That’s why the suitcases full of USDs get ppl to do what US State Dept wants.

And in the end, that’s based on the US Submarine fleet being able to decap anyone anywhere anytime.

And of course, on US Gov willingness to do it.

8 months ago

Kash Patel is just spinning here. UKR sold Iran nukes long ago. Iran has nukes. Persians are smart af. They ran the Arab Muslim Empire. They’re Aryans.

We treat them like a nuclear power despite all the bluster.

Suleimani got whacked by the insane neo-cons and not DJT and the world almost ended. For real.

And whatever one feels about Islam or Shi’ite Islam, we’ll keep treating them like a nuclear power and using kid gloves because we have to.

8 months ago

Shani Louk had an ISR passport and was almost certainly a known ISR Nat Sec asset.

I pray one day I can go one week without having to think about internecine strife btwn the you know whos.

Or the gays or trannies or Cabal or CULTURE WARS.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

There’s a video of her mom speaking German, but Shani has (had?) an Israeli father and never lived in Germany.

The graphic footage showing the woman’s prostrate body was authenticated and geolocated to the area in southern Israel, CNN reported, adding Shani had dual German and Israeli citizenship.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

One of her Insta pics with her ticket stub and an ISR passport she was holding in her airline seat. She was holding both in one hand and phone in the other to take pic.

From a Chan.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 months ago

I have zero proof she was ISR Intel. And may be an innocent victim. If she is, I apologize to her family.

I need a break from the internet.

8 months ago

Increases in accuracy and range and observation require massive volume and negligible density on any given front.

An army of the size RUS is deploying necessitated that RUS attack along what is essentially the longest active front in history.

RUS General Staff just did arithmetic until UKR assets and logistical ability fell below a certain capacity.

The Big Arrow Maneuver everyone has been wanting would have to take place on a geographic scale never seen before: the whole front.

It’s hard for me to wrap my head around it, but WWII size maneuver operations now take place on UKR size fronts.

Taking something like ISR is now a tactical issue. Almost equivalent to taking a hill in WWII.

8 months ago

Bidet and that $6 billion. One of the problems with him and those fellow travelers is that they are way too transactional and reactive. They do not think beyond the immediate and thereby stumble from one blunder to another. The Iranian fiasco is only one in a long, pathetic list of idiotic acts by morons.
Some part of me wants to think that they really do have a coherent plan, and there just might be some vestige lurking. Another part says Naah, they are just pawns. How easily manipulated, to the detriment of, say, the world.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Biden isn’t doing anything. It’s the Bureaucrats.

8 months ago

When you talk about Israel’s 9/11 just remember Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor was an intelligence “failure” also. Pearl Harbor was engineered to jolt the American people out of isolationism so they would support sending American troops to Europe and Asia. 9/11 likewise was a tool used to convince Americans of the need for endless war in the Middle East. What are they trying to convince us of this time?

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Yeah, I agree. AC is right–NOTHING gets past Israeli intelligence. Notice that was the first words out of a lot of mouths “Intelligence failure”.

No. Netanyahu wanted this—a) he gets martial power b) unites al the Israelis behind him c) excuse to murder all the Palestinians in Gaza! This is about ethnic cleansing.

And I agree–Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Gaza Turmoil, all done by their own leaders, sacrifice a few people for the greater agenda!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

They want the West to go to war with Iran. They want a massive increase in Western military hardware, just as the cupboard is bare due to UKR.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Maybe we’re not the target audience, this time.

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

For the need to dump a few billion into Israel for their moving expenses to Ukraine

Reply to  Anonymous
8 months ago

Exactly. But this issue reflects the lack of consciousness by a large segment, probably a majority, of people on our side, those who cannot see the manipulation. These are good hearted people with good intentions, but they are not fully capable at present of fully understanding what is happening to them.

8 months ago

RIP 1911

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
8 months ago

The 1911 is dead. Long live the 1911.

Eventually all the current 1911 manufacturers will be making double stack 1911’s of one sort or another. SOme of them are using STI mags, one is using a Glock mag, one is using a SIG mag, but they are all using a double stack 9mm mag. Eventually the Turks and Filipinos will be selling them for less than $1000 at the same quality level that SA is selling theirs at right now.

I have a 1911-DS build planned for BOOTSTRAPPY ARMORY. Have all the parts that I am going to buy for it. Now I just need the machines, and that’s all I am going to say.

All that to say that just because there are no militaries officially issuing a 1911 anymore doesn’t mean that they are going anywhere. Police agencies are starting to use them again now that they can get them in doublestack 9mm variants like the Staccato P(cleared for duty with 1400+ LE agencies). And the civilian side of things is embracing them like never before. It used to be the 1911 was a throwback with high recoil, low capacity, and expensive, but now it’s just expensive, and suddenly being expensive isn’t as big a deal.

TheGunCollective-Wrong About The Springfield Prodigy?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
8 months ago

I can’t wait for your Tokarev variant.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
8 months ago

Para Ordnance basically grafted the Browning High Power (1911 Mk 2) magwell onto the 1911 back in 1985. Almost all the double stack 1911s after that, of whatever caliber, are variants of the Para design.

I carry a 9mm double stack 1911 nowadays. It’s in the “CCO” configuration: Officer frame, Commander slide. Short 10-round mag in the gun for concealability, spares are 22-rounders.

Ancient, single action, yadda-yadda. It suits me just fine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 months ago

Med School Biochem asked,”How did Israeli intel not devote enough resources to pick this attack up? It’s probably going to end up with thousands of Israel dead. Major intel failure. Did intel take a vacay to embarrass Netanyahu perhaps?”

I respond:[AC]
“There are no intel failures. None. The powers of the intelligence gathering mechanisms are too great and the people who employ them too thorough and too completely lacking in any morals or restraints in their use.”

There is of course a more logical answer. AC’s answer is wrong. The Palestinians ANF Hezbollah have many times surprised the Israelis. The Jews have very few if any agents in Hamas and Hezbollah. Any they do have are not in any sort of critical position. Use your heads. They have been at war for decades and they have boiled off all the agents that Israel had. Many were caught and killed. Earlier agents were captured by blackmail. I suspect the next generations are much less likely to get themselves into the situation in the first place. I think the same is happening in the US Congress. The younger guys avoid being in situations where blackmail could be forced on them, [noting that there are still plenty that are being blackmailed]. Most military officers now keep the door open or have another soldier as witness when Women come into their offices. Same with many Men in business and government.

It was fairly easy to take hostages as these people live in occupied territory. They live on land recently taken from Palestinians and they are intermingled with the ones whose land they haven’t got around to taking yet.

And that girl is not German. No Jews are real citizens of anything but Israel and other Jews. None.

We see all these reports that they invaded Israel. No they didn’t. These are mostly hill tops taken during excursions into the west bank and Gaza. It’s not like the Jews have not had plenty of opportunities to get peace. They do not want it. They want all the land and will slowly take it all. Though I now see that it may be that they will stop and all, or most, move to Ukraine.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
8 months ago

Tanks the super mighty weapon,

comment image

whoops, maybe not.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Sam J.
8 months ago

The 2006 Israel Hezbollah clash saw dozens of Israel’s much vaunted Merkaba tanks turned into scrap iron with cheap ATGM’s. Tanks, while they will still have some utility value, are obsolete in the sensor and missile rich modern battlespace.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
8 months ago

“Hamas: Number of Israelis taken prisoner many times ‘more than dozens.”

“obviously Israel isn’t safe for us Jews anymore. Hey, look at all that land up for grab in Ukraine. Pity about their men-folk”

Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

the west love their shiny multi-million $ toys

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Corn Pop
8 months ago

Yeah, what a cohencidence!

8 months ago

The video of Shani Louk’s body yesterday caught me by surpise & O wished I hadn’t seen it. I cried a little. & all the outrage on X yesterday focussed on seeing her a young & fun loving girl who loved travelling & was an Instagram influencer of sorts.

But then it hit me today. She’s 30. That’s not young at all really – not in the way you’re led to think from all the descrptions of her. Those made you think she was about 24. So a 30 yr old is trying to be young & carefree influencer. Influencing other younger women to avoid settling down & having a family & building a legacy. Instead it seems she lived for & promoted irresponsible hedonism, where life is endless raves & travel & instagram selfies posing to look cute & sexy & trying to do artsy stuff.

I am sorry she was murdered & I hope her family gets justice but consider what it says about a completely demoralized & apathetic european culture where its women waste the best part of their youth chasing hedonistic & pointless activities.

Had she been boring & plain, avoided doing what popular culture sees as cool & liberating & stayed home instead, got married & raised children she would still be alive. Western society gave her freedom to fritter away her life chasing vacuous pursuits & if you had tried to show her this she wouldn’t have believed society was a retrogressive force for women – that her fun “do what I want lifestyle” was taking her down a road with a dead end. RIP Shani Louk.

8 months ago

Iran ‘helped Hamas terrorists plot surprise attack’ on Israel

8 months ago
8 months ago

{Matt} $XRPatriot

𝐈𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐢 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧.
𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞.
“𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭” -𝐐

8 months ago

Odd facial symmetry:

comment image

8 months ago

9 years ago, Russian scholar said that Israel would be gone in 10 years.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
8 months ago

I known it feels and seems dim right now, guys what’s coming is like nothing we’ve ever known. The other side of it will be greater than anything we’ve ever known. We were born for this. We are in the right place at the right time. Glory to God in the highest for the victory we are about to witness.

Oasis Church:

Tim Sheets | Proceed Conference (Friday)

Chuck Pierce | Proceed Conference (Friday)

8 months ago

Germany: Fresh Call To Ban AfD Comes From CDU Politician

8 months ago

Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

8 months ago

Speaking of Israel internet garbage:

8 months ago

NEW ARTICLE: MELATONIN – Possible Treatment for COVID-19 Vaccine Turbo Cancer? Melatonin regulates oncogenic micro RNA or miRNA – Can it counteract Pfizer’s Co-miRNA-ty Vaccine?
AC any thoughts on this?

Last edited 8 months ago by Bman
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
8 months ago

Honest Outlaw – Do Pistol Caliber Carbines Suck? 10 Reasons You Need A PCC

I HAVE to use a PCC on the currently only dynamic pistol range I have access to, so I am going to build one.

I WANTED to buy one of these just to say thank you because the .igs models Justin set up for download all the way back in like 2007ish formed the basis for the 3D printed AR15s that everyone has done. However Justin is not returning my emails and hasn’t updated the website since 2022 when it appears that he simply shut down taking any new orders for anything. So as I have already purchased several new production grease-gun mags I am left with reverse-engineering this thing as my only option. Think I’m going to 3D print it rather than machine it and it doesn’t seem like he ever got the patent he wanted so it shouldn’t be a legal problem.

Olympic Arms doesn’t make a .45ACP upper any longer AFAIK, BUT CMMG DOES, and their’s is BETTER(radial-delayed blowback instead of standard blowback). I picked up a PCC upper and will be buying this barrel/BCG combo because this thing is going to be a stand-in for Sara on the pistol range.

EVENTUALLY, I will buy the 8in barrel and put a can on it, but 5.56 first.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
8 months ago

cncguns has been up and down over the years. It might come back.

8 months ago

U.S. Counterterrorism Operator Vanishes after Claiming to Identify Jan. 6 Pipe Bomber

8 months ago

German Conservatives Triumph In Two State Elections In Blow To Scholz

8 months ago

Breaking! Iran is likely running our pentagons counter terrorism efforts!

J. Michael Waller:

“Consider our special ops forces to be compromised.”

Folks, this keeps getting scarier and scarier. No wonder our special ops work against conservatives. (See pinned thred)

“Chief of Staff of Pentagon Counterterrorism Office, Ariane Tabataba, Served Iranian Gov.

She was a senior adviser that worked on a secret Iranian gov propaganda campaign.”