News Briefs – 10/07/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


An attempted Islamic terror attack at a church in Texas was thwarted by private security which fired on the attackers, who fled. Two suspects with AKs so far, unidentified, and still outstanding. More here.

FBI, DHS warn of possible terror attacks in the U.S. on Oct. 7 anniversary.

Way in the back of Elon Musk’s brain are some seriously fucked-up neural circuits:

The natural tendency is to write these things off as aberrations, and disregard them. The reality is these moments, when you say, “That is weird…,” – that is the programming underneath, which they keep hidden from you, emerging just for a moment. I am not even sure Elon’s ride-along is not peering out there.

When I was younger, I had a moment like that with Bob, the ultra-malignant narcissist associated with my family. This was long before I really understood what was going on with him, and had dug down to try to understand his programming. He assumed a bizarre body posture, hunched over starting at the waist, beyond anything you could imagine as if nipples were inches from the front of his hips, his facial expression contorted into a grimace, beyond all reasonable expectation, his shoulders pinched together and shrugged up, and his movements became ultra-stiff and choppy, like Alec Baldwin, only worse. It was clear, something weird was happening in his brain, to the point I wondered if he was having some kind of brain seizure, because he looked like a robot shorting out. It passed, and although I wondered, if you had followed all the nerves making the muscles contract that way, back into his brain, what you would have found about what was tripping them, I assumed it was just one small corner of his brain which was rarely activated, and disregarded it as an aberration. Now, I realize, that was “the real him” which he was hiding from everyone, his back hunched over braced in defense as he felt under attack, and panicked at where the next onslaught would come from, and raging at everyone. For a few moments, his mask had fallen. He was always like that inside, and he almost always hid it. I suspect Elon is probably off like that too.

How did this burn in with Elon? Here, Musk appears to once again be a child, forced to greet a leader male of much higher status, whose interactions with him have inculcated both a fear and hatred response, but whom he needs to acknowledge, even as he wants to kill him. It took a lot of interactions to create these neural pathways, so obviously, given the repetition and time duration required,  this is most likely a reenactment of his greeting his father, though I would think it was exacerbated by periods of bullying, to help get the expression burned in that deeply. I don’t think he dislikes Trump, I just think the aura of the meeting triggered all these neurons, and he went on autopilot, and reenacted the program which he executed as a child when he would greet his father. The extent of the “extreme pressure” Sanpaku though, says his relationship with his father was just all kind of fucked up:

I would advise Trump to be careful with him. That is an emotional state, and that strongly expressed, I would think if the right buttons get pressed, as easily as Elon would make such an inappropriate expression, he could do other illogical destructive things on a spur of the moment with no ability to see their illogicality or inappropriateness, be it leaking damaging material he happened across to the media, or trying to set Trump up to be impeached or even assassinated. A sane person, in that moment would have smiled warmly and politely, or even just feigned warmth. Elon had no such sanity about him, no ability to even mimic it, and he will be like that any time some (to us random) stimuli which remind him of that childhood frame present themselves. Of course Cabal will know that, and I would assume that fear/hatred and ability to just grimace and shake hands, instead of fighting, is why Cabal took him on as an agent. As dangerous as he is to Trump, he will be controllable through fear for them.

More on Elon’s past, from here where a biographer who researched him explains pretty much exactly what I saw the instant I looked at that expression:

He was beaten up on the playground all the time. I mean seriously, I mean beaten up once where they pushed him down the concrete steps and bloodied his face so much his brother said he couldn’t recognize him, and he was in the hospital for almost a week. But that was mild compared to the scars that were psychological from his father, because when he came home from the hospital. His father made him stand upright for a couple of hours. And berated him and took the side of the boy who had beaten him up and told Elon, “You will never amount to anything because you are a loser and it is all your fault.”

I did not see the father siding with the bullies against Elon. In retrospect I should have thought it a possibility due to the extremeness of the sanpaku, but who would see that? I think the lesson is, never assume in these circles you can say anything, no matter how assholish, is impossible, or even improbable.

Goes on to say Elon’s response to all this was to bury himself in superhero comics, and imagine himself the superhero, just given power out of the blue, and then setting about on changing the world. He was molded for this. That is basically his life.

Now the real headfuck – I would bet he was not a sperg who was inherently dislikable. I’ll bet he was a very smart kid, who was observed to be without the psychological limits other kids had, and I will bet there was a niceness, an innocence, even an empathy about him, and those bullies were sent in and told to do that to him. I would not be surprised they would have grown up somewhere else, but their parents were told to move to Elon’s school district, and they were enrolled in Elon’s school, by a local intelligence command at the school, which wanted to make sure they wrangled this one successfully, and they spared no expense or effort, and were not gentle about it.

It makes him dangerous though. He was betrayed by almost everyone. He was lowered into the psychological depths, during a crucial developmental period. M. Scott Peck’s research on demonic possession indicated that was how evil would get control, and enter the person. In the cases of possession he worked, it appeared that as the child was in those depths, the enemy would present themselves as a friend, and offer to save the child from it all, and that was how the worst cases of possession came to be. Elon may very well have something inside him, pulling his reins.

I do not know the man, but I would be very careful around him, and make sure his access to information and power to do damage was limited. It does not show when he is riding high, but he has issues.

And I don’t want to condemn him. Everybody who encounters that type of thing, which bends them as a kid can reject the dark path. As I sit here, unable to not fight the system, getting tapped in the head all night as I do this, I never went with evil, but I am undoubtedly bent in ways others are not. But you would have to be careful around him. That expression just might be who he really is all the time, inside, at least when dealing with guys like Trump, who occupy a position of authority. You can’t know without a lot more examination, and seeing him under extraordinary stress, to see who takes over the show when it hits.

More on Elon here:

Elon said, “I don’t know if you know this, but Puff is an investor in Twitter. You know, he’s a good friend of mine. We text a lot.”

Jeffrey Epstein was in regular contact with Elon’s brother Kimbal Musk, who serves on the boards of Tesla and SpaceX. Who had previously dated one of Epstein’s girls.

His dad married his stepdaughter whom he had raised since she was 4 and now they’re having kids together.

Elon’s grandfather was a leader in the Technocracy New World Order movement in the US and Canada in the 1930’s, backed by Rothschild and Rockefeller. They wanted an authoritarian one world government of technocrats.

And again, I have no idea if he is turned and working for Trump or not. He could be one of the good guys now for all I know. But there is no harm in knowing everything.

Elon Musk says FEMA’s inability to help Helene victims part of an agenda to ‘disenfranchise’ voters.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas snapped shopping for luxury clothing as hurricane ravages North Carolina. Supposedly random citizen sitting, photo’s him as he is carrying his shopping bag, presumably while pretending to futz around on his phone. Notice Mayorkas is looking right at him, obviously aware this is what is going on, because he knows about the surveillance, and he has seen this trick too many times to count. They all know.

FEMA abandons devastated NC town residents because they can’t drive around ‘road closed’ sign: ‘Nobody’s been bringing in supplies except civilians.’

Harris slammed for pledging millions to Lebanon as North Carolina suffers. $157 million to Lebanon, just like that.

Harris will appear in a whirlwind of interviews, with friendly outlets.

NY Times tries to sell Harris’ gun banning as pro-freedom, in that it is freeing everyone from gun violence, and at the same time not affecting her status as pro-Second Amendment.



Joe Biden accused of trying to ‘destroy’ Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign. Biden basically said she has helped his administration, and all the leftists are saying that because his administration was such a disaster, he must be trying to sabotage her.

Grooming allegations against Tim Walz by former student. Caught an exchange student from Kazakhstan, befriended him, got him alone, gave him chocolates, made him  listen to a spiel about gay people, told him he had a feminine side, groped him, may have forced sex, they don’t discuss it, but threatened if he did not go along, he would be kicked out of the program and thus deported. Victim has sought psych help. Could not tell you where this will go, obviously. But he is awful at being a politician. I would guess he made up for that by being totally controlled, and blackmailed with something of unusual odiousness.

FEMA has spent $1 billion and counting on Illegals. Supposedly. Someone noted the overall agency budget is $37 billion, and they are saying they are broke, though it is conceivable $36 billion was stolen outright and only $1 billion went to illegals.

New Migrant Caravan coming north, first under Mexico’s new President:

Trump supporter Elon Musk offers massive $30/hr hourly pay with performance bonuses, to those working to increase voter turnout. Be interesting to apply, just to see. I would guess this is one of those jobs that if you are running surveillance on neighbors, it will hire you in an instant, but if you are not in the conspiracy, it will tell you it already has enough people in your area, but thanks anyway, anon.

This one is on Elon’s account so they should not be able to weasel out of it, but somehow I would expect you would see some weaseling.

GEICO is terminating insurance coverage of Tesla Cybertrucks, saying “This type of vehicle doesn’t meet our tnderwriting guidelines.”

Pennsylvania Supreme Court takes up GOP challenge to defective mail-in ballot curing.

RNC sues Fulton county elections director for refusing to hire Republican poll workers.

‘Tren de Aragua’ migrant gangbangers busted for pistol-whipping woman during $75K jewelry heist in Texas.

P. Diddy sex trafficking ring allegedly involves the hotel, banking, pharmaceutical industries.

Long Martin Armstrong piece bemoaning how we cannot change our path, but the interesting datapoint is his computer is predicting WWIII kicks off in 2025. If Trump is in office, I do not see how it does, but if he loses, then yeah, that sounds about right. I just hope Q’s plan did not include 4 years of Harris and Russia nuking the US back to the stone age, so we would learn firsthand how bad the Democrat party is before patriots reestablish our Constitutional republic.

ZeroHedge – A historic short squeeze in oil has only begun.

Los Angeles 7-Elevens are being targeted by violent flashmobs which beat the owners and loot the stores. Video of one at the Tweet. Dude with the concrete block should have gotten domed on the spot, Rittenhouse-style.

Ghost Guns coming up on the Supreme Court’s new docket.

Study shows Covid ‘vaccines’ cause a variety of mental diseases.

Iran cancels ALL FLIGHTS amid fears of fresh missile bombardment on Israel.

US to give Israel ‘compensation’ if it hits acceptable targets in Iran – report.

Hezbollah appoints a 3rd new leader and now he’s reported dead.

Iranian general who vowed to ‘see dead bodies of Americans all over the Middle East’ possibly killed in Israeli airstrike.

Kamala Harris won’t say if Netanyahu is a close ally.

A New Zealand Navy vessel ran aground in Samoa while surveying a reef, caught fire, and sank. All crew rescued, but a cool $100 mil is at the bottom of the ocean.

The female Captain:

The captain of the New Zealand auxiliary ship Manawanui, who ran it onto the reefs of the island of Samoa, causing it to sink, had no experience of commanding large ships and got the job under the gender quota, as she was an open lesbian…

A “leftist” writer shares a fascinating feminist perspective on the costs we need to endure so we can access the womanly genius in battle:

When you read that, did you think, “Wow, those leftists/feminists/DEI-hires are stupid?” Would it make more sense if I told you both of them have Swiss bank accounts, and the CCP, or some other actor hostile to the interests of regular Americans, had deposited $2 million in each account? Would their writings then make sense? Don’t let Cabal create a bogus-reality-bias in you – listen to that little voice telling you something is wrong. People, even leftists, are not this stupid. We are being infiltrated by the enemy, and the enemy is running intelligence ops. This is what intelligence ops look like. It is one of our own, loyal to us, who just sabotages everything out of innocent foolishness.

Criminals rake it in as violent crimes soar in Sweden.

Ukraine will never join NATO on my watch, says Slovakia PM Fico.

Our HIMARS system is now less than 10% effective since Russian Electronic Warfare has figured out how to defeat it.

Ukraine is failing to recruit even 20% of what it needs to maintain the fight against Russia, even as conscription officers are kidnapping men with medical problems which grant then exemptions, and sending them off to the front.

Out of 50 recruits sent to reinforce Ugledar, only 4 reached their positions—all of whom deserted during the first rotation. This stark reality reveals deeper issues within Ukraine’s military, which is increasingly demoralized at the front, with replacements comprised of unwilling and uncommitted conscripts.

Happy Birthday to a true loyal warrior and patriot, President Vladimir Putin. His nation may not be my country, but I can respect my kind:

K-strategists the world over are fans:

Democrats fear Kamala Harris being increasingly MIA during campaign home stretch: ‘What the f— are y’all doing?’

Campaign estimates more than 105,000 people attended Trump’s return rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Send people to, because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, despite it having no effect

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5 months ago

The sidebar was just murdered.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

At least you have a wonderful sense of humor about this. I think the enemy/demons hate it when:

  1. we laugh at adversity.
  2. we ridicule their ideas.

Keep it up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Krauser and many others including me came to the realisation life is mostly a game and not serious and the people taking it too seriously are seriously missing out.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  selbs
5 months ago

The great Saint Theresa of Avila said “Even if it seems you’re besieged by hell– he who has God will mock its fury.”

Chris M
Chris M
5 months ago

Elon is autistic.

Reply to  Chris M
5 months ago

Who isn’t these days…

5 months ago

Now the real headfuck – I would bet he was not a sperg who was inherently dislikable. I’ll bet he was a very smart kid, who was observed to be without the psychological limits other kids had, and I will bet there was a niceness, an innocence, even an empathy about him, and those bullies were sent in and told to do that to him.

I didn’t really grasp it until I was parent myself, but the more you interact with babies and young kids you see that they are 100% born pure and completely good at heart. It takes outside influence to make them all fucked up.

I try and keep that in mind when I see these lower-level goblins around. They had, at one point, a divine spark from God, and evil creatures around them snuck in and turned them to the dark side. That’s the way I’ve found I can best fight the fight in my AO without risking destroying my own family: teaching other parents how to be present for their kids and watch out for the signs of threats lurking (googleplex, GATE, porn fairy, the babysitters who seems too good to be true, etc). I hope it makes a difference at least in my area.

Priority number one, aside from exposing the surveillance, is finding the people who are corrupting the children and giving them an express pass millstone ride to the bottom of the nearest ocean. That will solve a lot of problems.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

This. Establishing a “Codex Americana”, or holding a hard line on decorum, conduct, and dictum of those around your sphere or within reach of your power level. Whether on THOT patrol calling out skanks, or giving an advanced 101 schooling on consequences to those youth types on a bad path, it must be done by you if not anyone else. Sitting in on school board meetings or local .gov settings and putting a laser eye upon things, with some stiff rebuttal responses can put a windage adjustment on the direction or inclination of those entities. Parents or those gifted with intellect or occupational brilliance must be the back stop to a society or culture holding a line between good and evil. Game face on and stay frosty.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

“…babies and young kids you see that they are 100% born pure and completely good at heart…”

Not true. Some kids are psychopaths and are born evil.

Reminds me of a story where a Woman came upon two kids from Afghanistan that were in the process of killing her young child in day care. Strangling the child. He was turning blue. She dragged them off. Refugees, of course. She screamed at the Afghan Mother and her reply was,”they were just acting like kids”. Well maybe in Afghanistan that’s the norm.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

Those kids might have been abused early on and/or demon possessed.

5 months ago

I just hope Q’s plan did not include 4 years of Harris and Russia nuking the US back to the stone age, so we would learn firsthand how bad the Democrat party is before patriots reestablish our Constitutional republic.

Theoretically, if you had to eliminate 10-15% of the population that were demon-possessed agents of the enemy that would never be allowed back into human society if their deeds were exposed, what would be the quick and dirty way of knocking out a huge percentage of them, including a large portion of publicly-visible leadership? Would nuking the hotspots of cabal activity do that?

I hate civilian casualties. Killing innocent people is never justified, and it’s not how I would ever chose to do it. But, if you’re a chaotic “good” force like the alleged white hats, and you’ve already shown that you’re willing to let innocents be brutalized to achieve your end goal, is a nuke in DC going to kill more innocent people or cabal agents? My gut says cabal, and it probably isn’t even close.

The better option is naming names and addresses and letting the rats scurry into the dark or be trapped and eliminated. I fear that the alleged good guys don’t see the same conclusion we do.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

what would be the quick and dirty way of knocking out a huge percentage of them

Removing dual citizenship and eliminating anchor babies and daisy chain immigration privileges.

Reply to  teotoon
5 months ago

Sure, eliminate reinforcement, but what about the massive number already here and deep embedded into the system?

argy bargy
argy bargy
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Make catapults into the new deportation devices for the border jumpers and friends/enablers, see how many self deport after the first day televised.

Removal of “legacy” citizenship from (Hart Cellar?) post 1965 entrants would make that European balance made upside down (with third world floodgates opened) to heritage Americans to go away, as well.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Send them home. And if they, their government, or their relatives can’t pay for it, put them in labor camps until their fare is paid off.

They could quarry stone for a more permanent border wall, for example.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Expulsion for all the unamericans, no matter how long they’ve been here.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

“…what about the massive number already here and deep embedded into the system?”

With what we are spending on them, we could deport 100 million in one year and save a fortune, to the tune of over 100 billion dollars. Maybe as high as 200 billion in savings, and this is after paying to deport them.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Turner diaries. Such an event would be a means to an end. Give me a boomer sub with @ 20 multi spicy warheads, I will launch them suckers all over the planet. Since this movie sucks a reshuffle of the deck may not be so bad in the end. We have seen the demographics realignment if umpteenth largest u.s. cities got greased out in a nuclear war strike, win, win. 9 11 has to be surpassed now by Hollywood standards so a nuked out city is next on the bingo card. I prefer a simple house to house maneuver warfare campaign but we are past summer of love riots and onto thermobarics, and El Gordo nukes. Stay frosty

5 months ago

this is most likely a reenactment of his greeting his father, though I would think it was exacerbated by periods of bullying

One of Elon’s defining childhood events was being kicked down stairs and beaten so badly he literally ended up in the hospital for allegedly calling another student stupid. Not only did his father not sympathize with him, he berated Elon for hours because he thought the beating was Elon’s fault.
It’s not an obscure story. It’s on his Wikipedia.

5 months ago

GEICO is terminating insurance coverage of Tesla Cybertrucks, saying “This type of vehicle doesn’t meet our tnderwriting guidelines.”

it looks like the issue is liability, because cybertrucks are built so solidly that when they hit a normal car, the car is always totaled and the truck is fine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

I think it’s a different reason. The design is exoskeleton so that most of the car’s reinforcement is the outer skin. The problem with this is that a good fender bender that could be repaired in another car that has outside panels bolted to the body, they have to total a Cybertruck. Combined with the fact they have no paint, making them close to impossible to match the stainless steel even if sheets are welded in. And they aren’t cheap to replace. It does not mean they can’t be repaired but the cost is high to get them back to 100%. I saw a video where a guy bought one that was hit in the side and he was going to repair it. He got it for super cheap. Someone hit the side at high speed and it barely dented the thing. They are really strong. The key is he was going to do the work himself and he would be fine with whatever he came up with. I can’t remember if the frame was crooked or not.

Sandy Monroe likes this sort of thing, he’s a famous manufacturing cost design consultant because they cost less to manufacture, but he said they are harder to repair. Just like unibody cars also are more likely to be totaled because it’s hard to stretch the body back out correctly.

I think they are not thinking it through. “If” they made the body in parts like a regular car “but” they made the sheets where they joined into wedges and joints with screws wedging them together they could have both what they wanted, cheap to make and reasonably cheap to repair by removing the wedged in parts and replacing them. When I say wedges, think European churches or Japanese wooden joinery. These joints can be just as strong as the original piece of wood or very close. With steel, you could make them stronger by making the joint a little bigger. Probably glue the pieces together with screws only to hold in place til the glue dries. They glue a lot of stuff together now.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

I should point out that phelps is not wrong. If you hit one of these, it will crunch your car up while making a little dent in the Cybertruck. In fact, the truck I referenced, the car that hit it was smashed all to pieces while the Cybertruck had a bit of a dent in the side.

5 months ago

The female Captain

Thats a lot of fruit salad for someone who has never even been in a combat zone.

Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

She’s seen a lot of action, just a different kind of action.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Forgive me, but the first quip that sprung into my head was, “She runs with scissors?” I’ll go away now.

Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

>A “leftist” writer shares a fascinating feminist perspective on the costs we need to endure so we can access the womanly genius in battle:

Yeah that is obviously insane lol. Any reasonable “realist” yet liberal and/or woke/DEI would just train the females in simulations until they get good enough.

That being said: Oceania people are genuinely this stupid. (or there is a shockingly large # of Cabal/Cabal influence)

For those unaware, a normie example. A popular normie science youtuber Veritasium is from Australia and Canada(born in Aussie and Canadian)

Check out the “man on the street” interviews- which are the ones, which are 12-13 years ago (from perspective of october 2024). He interviews people about science, Australians and Canadians. While he doesn’t say it, the Australians say really braindead retarded things, while the Canadians are normal.

When portraying an accurate representation of Australian normies, the (presumably mainly American) non-Aussie people wondered why he made the people look so stupid, he actually had to make a video confirming that it was a representative sample. (his opinion/takeaway is different from mine though)

Note: a cultural difference to keep in mind. In the US, many people really like to be entertained seeing stupid people on TV. Or at least, this is what is pushed. Many people are also fame obsessed. There is an implicit understanding that the TV shows want to selectively portray stupidity and thus many people “get” that if you pretended to be retarded you are more likely to be aired and so that’s the game. This is more or less not true in Australia, people don’t want to be famous, and more often than not lean narcissist enough that they would be rather embarrassed/averse to appearing dumb on TV. Thus the man on the street interviews are a legit representation of stupidity.

Last edited 5 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

The conditions that led to emigration to Australia were not random. That’s the most polite way I could put it.

Reply to  kid
5 months ago

To further prove my point. I believe this is representative of the Canadian mind(not exactly geniuses, but normal seeming)

And these are representative of the Australian mind

What’s so interesting to me is the difference is so stark and so obvious and presumably available to anyone who travels around and talks to people, yet it’s relatively seemingly unknown the idea that Australians are very dumb.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

What’s worse is this guy is a big dummy who goes around telling people what to think, though he’s wrong. In this video showing different weight balls that are the same size he says of the heavier one that,”The force on this ball is more”. No it’s not. It’s “weight” is higher, but the force of gravity on each of them is the same. If you drop a heavier article on the Moon with no atmosphere, all objects, no matter their weight, fall the same. And he screws that up too. He says they will fall exactly the same, even though he clearly states that one has more force on it. In fact, he completely misses the mark on that too, as the heavier one will fall faster, because the lighter one has more air friction, because it weighs less. Making it fall ever, ever so very minutely slower than the heavier one.

His videos on gyros are one of the links that I use to show how physics people are big dummies when it comes to gyros weird behavior. He spins up a gyro and when rotated it’s easy to lift while rotating the gyro and the bar it’s attacked to. He even says,”it feels incredibly light as I do that”, and he struggled to lift it over his head when not spinning. YET he says the force is the same. So even when he’s holding the damn thing, and it’s rising up with light force, he still can’t bring himself to say there’s something different about spinning gyros vs. stationary weights for fear of others making fun of him.

He attributes the gyros actions to “precession” which is one of those words they made up to stand for,”I don’t have a damn clue so let’s name it something”. Such a Jew concept, the “pronouncement technique” where you just say this is this and that is that while not meaning anything logical.

They say torque being redirected and call it this made up force “precession”. The problem with their explanation is that no matter what the torque is doing, if you are the sole holder of a spinning gyro and you lift it up then you should have all the force on your hands. “If” their explanation about torque being redirected is correct, then what is it pushing against??? They then refuse to notice something odd is going on and cover it up with math equation, pictures of vector forces (that are stupid) and made up words.

I suspect, strongly, that this is why there appears to be such, another made up thing, as “dark matter” when no one can see it or find any of it. It’s just this “inertia field” that makes it appear to be different masses.

I talk about several devices that show this same force here,

Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

Sam you are wrong here and he’s right in your first paragraph. Weight is basically mass here and force is mass*acceleration. Obviously heavier things have more force. But you need more force to accelerate a heavier object because of more inertia.

Probably it would be too out of my depth to bother with then non physics 101 stuff

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

“…Sam you are wrong here and he’s right…”

Nope. Mass and weight are not the same thing. I ask, what’s the weight of a rock free falling in space? It’s a foolish question because it has no real weight. If you put a scale under it in free fall, it will weigh, nothing. Haven’t you seen people in the vomit comet aircraft floating around in free fall? They have no weight. Now mass, yes they have mass.

“…But you need more force to accelerate a heavier object because of more inertia…”

No, not if we are talking about the acceleration of a mass from gravity in a gravity field, which is what the video is about. A big mass is just a bunch of small masses stuck together. They fall the same. On the Moon the astronauts showed this by dropping a feather and a hammer and they both fell the exact same speed. This is definitive “proof” that the “force” on both the feather and the hammer are the same. Mass is irrelevant.

He should have said,”the weight of this ball is higher because of it’s higher mass but they will fall the same, barring atmospheric drag, because the force on them is the same”, but he didn’t.

I think he does know this but he stated in a garbled way. It’s proper to criticize him for it because he says his goal is to educate people but garbling this up does not do so.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

Should have added, if you take a million pound arrow and drop it the same time as a ten pound arrowhead, “IF” they have the same aerodynamic drag, they will hit the ground exactly the same time. In fact the Air Force uses little tiny bombs that are like ten pounds or so to simulate thousand pound bombs. They have a smoke charge in the nose and when they hit the ground make smoke so they can show where they hit. These fly exactly the same because they carefully match the aerodynamics of the larger bombs. The acceleration due to gravity, the same.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

Yes the acceleration is the same but since the mass is greater the force is greater too

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

No. I explained it fairly clearly. I won’t spend any more time on this. If you want to believe the wrong thing, I’m perfectly fine with that.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
5 months ago

“A New Zealand Navy vessel ran aground in Samoa while surveying a reef, caught fire, and sank. All crew rescued, but a cool $100 mil is at the bottom of the ocean. The female Captain:

“The captain of the New Zealand auxiliary ship Manawanui, who ran it onto the reefs of the island of Samoa, causing it to sink, had no experience of commanding large ships and got the job under the gender quota, as she was an open lesbian…”

“Or maybe with a possible war looming on the horizon and so many great women already in command across our fleet.. can we afford not to let them do things different and make mistakes?”

This story, especially the ‘take’ presented by Konrad, has tripped my pattern recognition algorithm. Some things are just so ludicrous, so unbelievably stupid, that they have to be designed that way. Take the first Trump assassination attempt and that female USSS agent fumbling around with her weapon as seen here Watch carefully. That’s an act, she is deliberately making a goose out of herself. Notice also how whoever is filming this is following her very specifically with the camera, making her the star of this little show. Why, when there is so much else to film in this scene? Whoever filmed this knew in advance what this ‘agent’ was going to do.

It’s not a popular take in MAGA circles, but this assassination attempt was faked. No way Trump’s private security doesn’t spot a sniper on such an obvious vantage point and get Trump straight off stage. No way Trump gets up to pump his fist in the air with the sniper still active, or with the potential for others to be still active. This doesn’t happen in the real world. In the real world, he is kept down and whisked out of there as fast as possible with a wall of security bodies surrounding him. I don’t know the objective behind Trump/Q faking this event, but fake it they did. And they didn’t miss an opportunity to make a fool out of DEI in the process by highlighting that bumbling female SS agent and making sure the footage went viral. And by having the female USSS Director uttering that infamous ‘sloped roofs too dangerous to stake out’ remark. DEI made to look stupid again. The bumbling female USSS agent and the ‘sloped roofs’ remark are connected.

And so too, I believe, is the NZ Navy ship story and that truly incredible take about allowing women to trash $100m ships in order that we might benefit from some future unspecified advantage of having women captaining navy vessels. That take is way too stupid to be an accident. Once again, someone is taking the piss out of DEI, big time. I believe that someone is the same someone behind the staged assassination attempt. So would you sink a $100m ship just to make a DEI point? Probably not. But you might sink the ship for other reasons. Such as, for example, if it was a Cabal ship operating under the cover of the NZ Navy. So why not sink it under plausible cover (woman captain) and take another shot at DEI in the process? It appears someone might have.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
5 months ago

This is all a script to expose the incompetence of women in male-primed roles, the question is what the motive is.

Realistically, if we want to establish any hope of a permanent solution after cabal is eliminated, women have to lose the vote, lose the privilege of holding public/government leadership positions, and lose most of any ability to hold power over other adults, particularly grown men.

This isn’t a woman hater take either, this is from a position of wanting the best for them. They are the wedge Satan has used since the literal beginning of human history to destroy order and goodness. Do you think they want to be the primary target of Satanic corruption efforts? Do they want to be the front line of the spiritual battle against evil incarnate? Removing them from roles where Satan will actively target and corrupt them is in their best interest as well as the greater interest of humanity.

Anon 99
Anon 99
Reply to  Cary Kembla
5 months ago

Trump is a member of the screen actor’s guild. An accomplished showman, probably more in the biz screen time than Ronald, another carnival barker.

Reply to  Anon 99
5 months ago

don’t care.

5 months ago

Hurricane Milton being maneuvered and strengthened:

MAJOR Hurricane MILTON – WEATHER Modification! – CAT5 FLORIDA!

This is war against the South, against Republican strongholds.
Another radar analysis:

Path of Destruction/Cat 5 With 190 MPH GUST/Milton

Last edited 5 months ago by teotoon
Watch the air, too
Watch the air, too
Reply to  teotoon
5 months ago

Who controls it? Where is the budget? Does the Gang of 8 want to comment?

Reply to  Watch the air, too
5 months ago

It’s not HAARP. It may be some malignant tech, but it’s not HAARP.
Harp is most likely an instrument for studying atmospheric electric effects of solar activity, the purpose of which is to calibrate, characterise, and specify the time-line of the Solar Catastrophe (that’s Cabal’s Big Secret – the knowledge that some such event is due/imminent).

Reply to  Reanderthal
5 months ago

Wake the Hell up. Do the damn research or go back to your TV and watch sportsaball and stay there.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Reanderthal
5 months ago

HAARP is an energy-beaming system intended to clean out highly charged particles from LEO after a space-based nuclear detonation.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Reanderthal
5 months ago

I heard HAARP is used to map underground caverns. Though I expect it can do other things also.

5 months ago

“Ukraine … conscription officers are kidnapping men with medical problems which grant then exemptions, and sending them off to the front.”

So the state is finding a way to get rid of useless eaters.

Reply to  Flamingo
5 months ago

Begone ukraine shill, your bots are too obvious among this crowd.

Reply to  Flamingo
5 months ago

Or, Clownworld is ridding the pale of settlement of all goyim to prepare for the biblical Isreal settlement when the middle east pops off and the USA is to weak to fight their battles anymore.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
5 months ago

Seems more like it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Steve.O.Morris
5 months ago

If I had to bet, I would bet Steve O. is right. I’ve said the same, and said so after Israel got their asses handed to them by Hezbollah in the last war with them. Notice that during this recent incursion into Lebanon, the same happened. Lots of tanks blasted and lots of casualties. For all the talk and bluster of NuttyYahoo I notice there’s been no other big ground offensives into Lebanon. At some point Hezballoh will get some sort of anti-aircraft equipment and then they will be screwed because now all they can do is bomb from high altitude.

Ukraine is plan “B”, Argentina is plan “C” and maybe Mexico plan “D”.

5 months ago

Right now there is orange text saying “awaiting for approval”. Should just drop the “for” to fix the grammar.

Reply to  Flamingo
5 months ago

Or drop the a on awaiting.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago


5 months ago

Re: P. Diddy sex trafficking ring allegedly involves the hotel, banking, pharmaceutical industries.

I ran across this article documenting (Part 1, Part 2 link at the bottom) an interview with a woman who says she was born into a Satanic cult family who practiced occultism and Satanism. The interview was a few years ago, but the article is fairly recent.

A lot of it is disturbing, to say the least. Some of the quotes are notable about the relative invisibility of the these people. They do not advertise their proclivities….

These are bank presidents; these are restaurant owners; these are people tied into the network. In the cult, they encourage you to get into a position of power or politics or law enforcement or whatever. So, a lot of these people chose to own businesses so that they can incorporate (like Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Real Estate) and launder trafficking funds through their companies. So, a lot of people like my family, they opened day cares, they opened hair salons, because hair salons were a cheap, easy license to get and they were affordable to open.

The banality of the evil ones

 These people are your hairdressers, they’re your day care owners, they’re people that you trust your kids with. My family is very well liked in the community, very well liked. There was about 175 people that showed up at my dad’s celebration of life that we had for him after he died, or disappeared, or whatever he did in 2016. I mean, there’s a lot of people that know them, but they don’t really know them. I mean, it’s almost like they have this front. I mean, there’s people that know what they do because they practice with them, but most of the community just knows them as normal regular nice guys.

Last edited 5 months ago by B_MC
Texas Arcane
5 months ago

AC, your analysis of Musk was so piercing I though you were doing an analysis of me. You’d have made a pretty good psychologist if you had gone into the field. Most of them are frauds, I could tell you have that deep insight that is only found in people with genuine aptitude for it.
Just to add a little more to what you said, a lifetime of this will make a person almost cheerful and charming on initially meeting them. (Like Musk) That’s the echo of the person they would have been. It’s a professional front but the damaged person will leak out no matter how hard you try to conceal it. It does with me.
In those rare cases, if a person like that sees how much respect they get for doing the wrong thing, they will withdraw altogether from people. They will decide that everything is arbitrary and nothing makes any sense at all. They will not expect anything to be rational.
My last four months in the military, after 3 years or so of really arbitrary treatment, after I attacked my own sergeant and really did something bad for the first time in my military career, seeing the enormous respect I got for sending him to the hospital made me so nuts I don’t think I ever got over it. Years of athletic achievement, personal bests and perfect scores, beating every man in my unit and sometimes every currently serving soldier in the Army multiple times … nothing. Once I beat up my own sergeant (a real cause for a field grade), I was received like a king. It creeped me out so bad I became convinced mankind is not sane.
My thought after that was not “every time somebody disrespects me, send them to the hospital … it was I want to get as far away from the human race as I possibly can and stay there forever.”
I’d think back to the beatings given me by my father, by schoolyard bullies in groups so big you could not see them all without a wide lens and by a kid 8 years older than me twice and I’d think … don’t want to do this any more. Want to live somewhere in the middle of the desert forever.
Just want to end with … none of these things happened to me until I took my first IQ test. Nothing happened to me before the test. I was a happy kid in a middle class family who did stupid science experiments and had a lab in the basement. I can’t remember anything hellish until I took that test. After the test it has been the same for fifty years. Never a break.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

I had a thread/post idea that I didn’t end up fleshing out but relating to this and the idea of Culture map by Erin Meyer. She had(in her opinion the most important) eight axes of things where many cultures differ, but I would add one which is even more important/meaningful than some of those eight- dialectic/rhetoric. The vast majority of cultural clashes are because of people on different points on a cultural axis(according to Erin Meyer, and I would agree).

I will spam the notes.

dogma/don’t be dogmatic- but shoehorning this nonetheless r/k

New Axis- dialectic/rhetoric

dialectic and IQ, layers of abstraction

rhetoric and NPC

advantages of either, spin, social proof

rhetorical people think they are dialectical, or if forced, assumes everyone is rhetorical

origin of sigma, sociosexual hierarchy

biggest flaw of mine is weak rhetoric- arguably the lack of awareness of the language barrier, assumed rhetoric “shitty dialectic” very strong dialectic but dunning kruger – complete mutual misunderstandings 

personal examples of horrific language barriers, people dual dialectical/rhetorical, unforced errors

initial- not realising the issue, assuming going to dialectic people solves everything

language- autistic/allistic neurotypical

countries- germany/netherlands/russia, us, nz/aus/Philippines

PR- propaganda+marketing

debate- destiny+ michael knowles

libertarian and ideologies- unschooling

ron/rand paul, ben carson roosh, krauser, vox, milo, trump, desantis, nz’s david seymour

introversion extroversion cultural match/comfort

Reply to  Texas Arcane
5 months ago

I think with me it was when the government made my mother send us to public school for a day for standardized testing in order to continue homeschooling.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
5 months ago

Really important to recognize this is going on. I think whatever this is also has feelers out just to pick up on, “eyes in the back of your head” people. I would imagine men especially or entirely.

Ever turn 180 to see someone staring at you? Without thinking about it you can just feel you are being watched and you instantly lock gaze with that person who was outside your field of vision? Even in a crowded environment?

Either a mutation useful to them or dangerous to them?

Beauty Appreciator
Beauty Appreciator
Reply to  Highanglehell
5 months ago

The pretty ones usually turn around to see me looking at them.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Texas Arcane
5 months ago

Almost exactly the same here – My life up until the end of 3rd grade was happy and full of friends. I took the advanced placement test, switched to the GATE school for 4th grade, and it’s been mostly misery for nearly half a century.
The Desert Fathers, men like Saint Anthony the Great, went to live in the desert to get away from the world. So your response is quite sane, normal, and understandable.

5 months ago

Those two pictures of Elon are one of the hundreds of reason we realized

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
5 months ago

Also likely that’s why Xavier Musk/Vivian Wilson hates him so much

5 months ago

Have you ever looked into Political Ponerology?
I’ve been described as seeming like a psychopath. But I really know that I can constrain the toxic effect on other institutions and their intermediate -> advanced levels.

5 months ago

ATF is probably going to get spanked tomorrow. Problem is that it’s probably still going to be on violations of the APA rather than going to the source in the actual Constitution. We can hope.

The Future of Homemade Firearms Rests With the Supreme Court Tomorrow

Washington Gun Law

5 months ago

Watch: Black Hawk Helo Wreaks Havoc On Civilian Hurricane Outpost, Raising Questions

Not the only incident reported.

5 months ago

More on Elon’s past, from here where a biographer who researched him explains pretty much exactly what I saw the instant I looked at that expression:
> I did not see the father siding with the bullies against Elon. 

To a much much lesser extent this is actually my situation. I was rarely physically bullied except once when a guy 1 head taller 1-2 years older and maybe 10-20kg heavier pinned me to a wall, relatively gently(and try as I might I couldn’t stop it), then let me go. If I were to imagine why, it was to impress the two girls he was with, and why he didn’t go any further, might be a combination of the strict senior management+ if I were to be in a fight for real, I would be striking. I shrugged it off despite not liking it mainly because I wasn’t hurt.

I was relatively constantly bullied by senior management in highschool. Much less so by students- though i think by America’s standards it would be considered bullying, but by UK standards it would not. (britain is a brutal/uncaring culture). And again once as an adult.

Observing, my dad seemingly is always taking their side, even the adult bully. His reasoning is they are looking out for my good. He “knows” this and “knows” me deep down, which was super strange in the moment. I tried to reason with him because that logic was always absurd to me regardless of how fucked up i was feeling or if i had brain fog wasn’t thinking clearly. He was always way more confident about it than I was but I never shook the bizarre/absurd feeling.

With my dad’s case it is strange for sure, but in general I’ve noticed 1) he’s super narrow minded and has no idea about things outside of his sphere of knowledge 2) he is super confident regardless, and just makes shit up. I think for me, he’s just very ignorant, though his psych/personality issues aside(which is moderately bad-or i guess severely but not dangerous) he seems well meaning/even a good person. (I was reading AC’s narc’s stuff as a teen/young adult, and got very alarmed and took major steps to escape- but coming back to them, realised there were many opportunities for him to fuck me/mom over, and didn’t take them- and him seemingly trying to be helpful a lot- made the most likely thing he is very helpful but very very dumb/incompetent/narrow minded. Basically he is paternalistic, and fucks you over when he takes control, but if you assert control, or you do things behind his back, he is more than happy to back off. In fact, I think he actually is happier not to take control, if not for his neurotic compulsions [he keeps telling people how much he hates stepping in and cleaning up other peoples’ messes even as he is compelled to continually do so]) Mom cedes control to him even though they both would prefer it, though they don’t act it, if Mom retains her own control.

But I think in his reality, you can only be successful/have a good life if you follow a very narrow set of life paths. He is not aware that this is this narrow, so he genuinely seems to think anyone outside of that is a failure(and/or weirdly, he thinks everyone is on the same life path as he is, which is even more bizarre since this is so blatantly not true). In his reality, along with mom’s, I’m failing this narrow path, must be a failure, and it’s “obvious” i am very mentally disabled of some kind “because” he knows many friends with disabilities like this and can’t function in life. Super bizarre cubbyholing but whatever. I believe the majority of people would look at me/interact for a while and see it is obvious I am choosing an alternative life path, but I think his brain is literally too narrow/mentally challenged to understand this. It’s not as if he disapproves of alternative life paths but is actually shockingly confident that they don’t exist. Then his reality causes him/mom to have relatively weird subconscious manchausens by proxy. He is doing similar to mom too, but weirdly it seems he genuinely believes this and with mom it’s self fulfilling and she has slowly gotten more and more disabled over the years, though counter to AC’s narc examples, I genuinely believe he would be much happier if she wasn’t disabled, given how much he hates it/is distressed dealing with it. I guess it’s sad but they make their own beds lol

I am getting more accepting of it since I don’t care what parents think and God is giving me so much patience as of this/last year(it is strange, since patience is not what I would’ve asked for, and God gave me this in spades which I didn’t have before). The weird maunchausens by proxy is causing weird interactions lol. After the health crisis I had in 2011-2 I moved back with them for a bit. In a normal relationship it would be a mix of transactional+loving, I would negotiate things I want and try to do things they want. But with them it’s super bizarre in which they are relatively accommodating/semi generous if they think it is helpful for me in their reality but so hardline when things are outside their reality. Which was so confusing for me because I would want to negotiate things logically. Part of the reason I moved in with them is I thought I could prove I wasn’t a loser if I lived with them but in reality they didn’t like my lifestyle and thus I actually had an easier time convincing them if I didn’t live with them- they have major object permanence issues, so it’s bizarre/counterintuitive but I actually would imagine they would stop thinking I was a loser if I wasn’t there. (I didn’t really care what they thought but just wanted money or money equivalents like food or rent, esp when my health was wrecked)

Speaking of health issues, the major thing/common factor for me is ray peatian/bioenergetics where I should basically prioritise eating more and stressing less and avoiding PUFAs. And anything which raises metabolism/temp is good. I observed the bits and pieces but not the entirety. It’s all about the bioenergetic POV. For me it was almost everything, but even if it’s not sufficient, it’s necessary.

I am unsure how much my dad/parents relates to Elon’s dad or even if it extrapolates generally but here goes. It was super jarring and decently traumatic at the time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 months ago

I think it extremely likely that Musk dad is a psychopath. He has all the signs. It would not surprise me if Musk himself had a good helping of narcissism.

Steven C.
3 months ago

I’m trying to wrap my mind around the feminist “logic” reported by John Conrad V. So lessons learned by people in the past are magically transmitted to people in the present, but only along gender lines? The stupidity, it burns!

Reply to  Steven C.
3 months ago

There is some weak logic but logic nonetheless. The idea is, sailors in the past learned and over generations people learn by standing on shoulders of giants as it were.

But if the sailors were all male those lessons were adapted for male brains and physiology. Female brains/physiology might need different lessons.