News Briefs – 10/07/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Collatz Conjecture solved, on Free Republic? Does anybody see a hole in this?

Michigan’s third-largest county, where voters backed former President Donald Trump in 2020, is hiring a specialist to examine its election hardware and software.

Dr. Shiva will testify before the House Oversight Committee in a hearing organized by Democrats to attack the Arizona forensic audit.

Photos show Biden was using the fake White House set again.

Rand Paul’s wife tweets: “A mob held us hostage for ten minutes, spitting on and threatening to kill us. No charges! Fake anthrax and death threats sent to our home. No charges! Now just learned the person who called Rand’s Senate office threatening to shoot us will not be charged. I’m exhausted and angry.” A quick experiment I could do tomorrow: Call a random Senate office and threaten to kill the Senator and his wife. Does anyone think the FBI and Capitol Police would be fine with it if they showed up and I told them not to worry about it because that was just the Jägermeister talking? There is a reason all these people can do this to Rand, and Law Enforcement won’t do anything.

Rand Paul tells Americans ‘be afraid’ amid DOJ schools threat policy.

Soros-funded scout troop pushes underage girls and boys to strip and perform sexually explicit “games” in Macedonia. I instantly think of Tony Podesta and Denny Hastert and their undisclosed island with the summer camp in Japan they went to. I will bet the funding for that would track back to whoever is funding Soros.

Leading geophysicist had prestigious lecture at MIT canceled after outraging ‘totalitarian’ Twitter mob by arguing that academic evaluations should be based on merit not racial ‘equity.’ Don’t be fooled. This is not ideological. There may be imbeciles who are pushing this because they think it benefits them, but if Cabal did not want this pushed, it would not get any traction. It has all this traction, and this poor guy is fucked, because Cabal wants this narrative to offer cover for why all the people it promotes are imbeciles. And you don’t want to be opposing a Cabal narrative.

US researchers are engineering lettuce and spinach to carry mRNA COVID jabs.

Merck’s COVID-19 pill could carry serious safety concerns, even causing cancers or birth defects, scientists warn. Part of me says, our job is to protect our fellow Americans from this. But on the other hand, the majority of the people this is going to be killing are the drones who support this completely evil government and its attacks on us without any independent thought whatsoever.

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul tweeted, “I heard so many people say they’re afraid to go get vaccines because they’d have to get on the Subway and they’re afraid of being assaulted in this very city.” I can’t figure out if that is good or bad, in so many ways.

Los Angeles leaders on Wednesday approved one of the nation’s strictest vaccine mandates – a sweeping measure that would require the shots for everyone entering bars, restaurants, nail salons, gyms or even a Lakers game. And I will bet those forcing the mandates are ultimately getting payoffs from Cabal.

Fauci makes scary declaration to Canadians: ‘It’s time to give up yourindividual right of making your own decisions.’

Moderna vaccine is getting ‘cancelled’ by various governments over heart side effects.

Top COVID experts tell Biden to scrap widespread booster shot plan in ‘tense’ phone call.

UCHealth denies kidney transplant from a direct matched friend who is begging to donate (which has no effect on the transplant list) to an unvaccinated woman in stage 5 renal failure. And the vaccine will destroy what little kidney function she has left and kill her, and probably destroy the new kidney going in. And you can’t reason with any of these people.

The Deputy Premier of New South Wales, a state in southeastern Australia, struck a decisively authoritarian tone when threatening unvaccinated people on Monday, saying, “There will be individuals in regional New South Wales who choose not to be vaccinated… Who will lose their freedoms on the eleventh of October. The message to the unvaccinated is that you will not achieve any further freedom unless you get vaccinated.”

Inside source says 7 died in a Dover, NH nursing home after receiving the vaccine.

Merck charging US taxpayers 40 times what it costs to make the government-financed Covid pill Molnupiravir.

Israelis rush to get boosters in mass campaign for 3rd COVID-19 shots.

Project Veritas Pfizer Whistleblower confirms fetal cells used. “We want to avoid having the information on the fetal cells floating out there.” Also, this whistleblower came forward because of a friend who was at the DOJ for “17” years. She does not look old enough for that information to be of enough significance that it rolls off her tongue like that multiple times naturally.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, has prayer candles with his own likeness on them inside of his home.

Vaccine opposers in a Guatemalan village captured two medical teams that arrived with C0VID-19 vaccines. The wheels were lowered to cars, the exit road was blocked, refrigerators with vaccines were destroyed, and doctors were locked up and threatened to burn.

Alex Jones made a special broadcast regarding an explosive video of Fauci with HHS officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce Universal Flu Vaccination in a summit organized by Milken Institute in Washington, DC last October 2019

In New York City, assaults and robberies jump as Bill de Blasio plans a run for Governor.

There have been 78 instances of criminals firing fully automatic weapons in Minneapolis so far this year, according to ShotSpotter data.

LA and Seattle homeless will be relocated to taxpayer-funded luxury apartments.

ATF raids Delta Force legend, Larry Vicker’s firearm collection, as he is fighting cancer, over a missed fee payment.

The Minnesota Supreme Court has denied former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin’s request for a public defender.

Senate Democrats indicate they’ll accept GOP debt ceiling offer in which ‘McConnell caved.’

Trump calls out McConnell for folding in the debt ceiling standoff.

U.S. Embassy left behind biometrics on Afghans who helped U.S. and the Taliban used the information to contact the Afghans with spoof emails, telling them report to fake “safe houses,” where they were executed. How do you not view the State Department as an outright enemy of the United States?

U.S. military weapons being sold in Afghan gun stores.

The United States on Tuesday revealed the number of warheads in the country’s nuclear arsenal for the first time in four years, ending a Trump-era blackout on the figure.

EU politicians panic as natural gas prices explode 40% overnight.

Gas-powered generators could be a thing of the past if the governor signs a new bill into law.

India may be staring at electricity shortages in the coming months because coal stocks at most of its power plants have dropped to critically low levels. Is there some calamity nations could be preparing for which would require a massive amount of electricity, and these “shortages” are cover stories for why the government will divert all its electricity somewhere for something?

WWIII fears as US blocks radioactive fuel to China over fears Beijing wants to triple its nuke stockpile to 1,000. As always, our commenters are the best commenters.

Twitch suffers massive data leak that exposes how much streamers make and its source code.

CNN spent nearly 80% of September under 1 million viewers. Who, by the way, watch it for free, pay nothing, and probably do not buy what is advertised on it.

Study shows concealed handgun permits soared during pandemic, record year-over-year increase. Interesting. Introduce a disgust/disease/threat stimulus, and watch people decide they may need to kill someone.

A judge on Tuesday thwarted a far-left prosecutor who likely would have blocked citizens from recalling a Loudoun County school board member, ruling that the process of recalling Beth Barts, who was censured for repeatedly attacking parents, can proceed under a special prosecutor instead.

69 percent of Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s handling of immigration.

Biden drops to 38% approval in new national poll, lowest number yet.

Trump praises Pence for criticism of Jan. 6 fake-news coverage. Curious.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday handed the Biden administration a stunning defeat with regard to construction on former President Donald Trump’s border wall, ordering lower courts to vacate previous rulings about the wall, citing “changed circumstances” in the case.

GOP support for Trump in 2024 is growing according to a new poll.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Because the Election was rigged, and America now has weak and corrupt leadership, we may very well end up in a war with China who no longer respects the USA. They witnessed firsthand our television generals’ complete surrender to the Taliban with the loss of 13 great Warriors and the handing over of $85 billion of the best and most expensive Military equipment in the World—China and Russia are already reverse engineering the equipment so they can build it for themselves. The only thing the Radical Left Democrats, who are destroying our Nation, are good at is rigging Elections and criminal activity, while always blaming the other side through corrupt prosecutors and prosecutions. Our Country is in big trouble—we better get going fast!


Vice President Mike Pence’s statement during his interview with the great Sean Hannity very much destroys and discredits the Unselect Committees Witch Hunt on the events of January 6th. It will continue anyways, however, because the Fake News doesn’t want to focus on Afghanistan, Russia, Taiwan and China, the Border, inflation, and a failing economy.


The Unselect Committee of partisan Democrats, and two very weak and pathetic RINOs, should come to the conclusion after spending many millions of dollars, that the real insurrection happened on November 3rd, the Presidential Election, not on January 6th—which was a day of protesting the Fake Election results.


Looks like Mitch McConnell is folding to the Democrats, again. He’s got all of the cards with the debt ceiling, it’s time to play the hand. Don’t let them destroy our Country!

Invite other people to because they are destroying our country.

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3 years ago
3 years ago

I think the calamity that everyone who’s able the world over is preparing for is the one-two punch of a solar micronova coupled with a magnetic field excursion.

Much evidence shows that the earth suffers a cyclical catastrophe every ~12,000 years, just like clockwork.

The evidence so far points to that catastrophe being a combination of a magnetic field excursion coupled with a micronova from the sun.

The excursion is an event wherein the earth’s magnetic field collapses and reorients with both poles in one hemisphere for some period of time (it’s short term, but in geological scales, that could be as little as a few days to a hundred years and you’d be hard pressed to tell the difference) after which the field re-stabilizes back into the current configuration (more or less). There are many examples of this happening in the past, each one being accompanied by a mass extinction event.

The solar micronova is exactly what it sounds like, an outbursting of the sun which is of a greater magnitude than any currently known CME or flare, but small enough that the outburst does not destroy the star like what you see with a Class 1A Supernova. This nova is microscopic when compared to the energy released in a classical supernova, and is recurrent, happening over and over again in cyclical fashion.

Both of these events happen on a roughly 12,000 year cycle, and the last time both of these things happened was roughly 12,500 years ago.

The magnetic excursion is already underway, as can be seen by the rapid movement of the magnetic poles on the earth happening currently, as well as the rapidly diminishing field strength. These are measurable phenomena that are in-motion as we speak. It’s happening, we just don’t know how long it takes to collapse entirely, nor do we know how long it will stay collapsed when it’s finally there. The last time this happened is outside of written memory, so we just don’t know.

This by itself is bad, for a whole host of reasons, but probably not an extinction level event for humanity, though it likely will mean the end of the electric powered society as we know it, at least for a good while.

The solar micronova is also imminent, though again, we don’t know the exact timing of how it will go down.

What we do know is that there are many many recurrent nova stars in our galaxy, and all of the nearby stars ahead of us in the spinward direction in the galaxy (they rotate through an area of space before we do, as the entire galaxy spins) have outburst recently, in a more or less straight line leading to our star. Whatever triggers these nova outbursts is headed our way, but again, we’ve got no real way to estimate when it will happen here. We just know that it’s a bit overdue and we’re seeing a wave of recurrent nova heading in our direction. Could happen tomorrow, could be another 150 years.

This evidence is available out there for anyone who cares to look for it to find. The big research journals aren’t even trying to suppress it anymore, though you’ll never see it talked about in the cabal media.

I think that the world’s gov’ts (or at least all the important ones) know what is coming and they’re frantically trying to dig in and prepare for life on the surface to become brutish, nasty, and short again.

It would be nice to think that they’re building giant underground cities to save as many people as possible, but we both know the folks in charge are not that kind of people, so I think it’s more likely that they’re trying to make themselves a safe place to ride it out in, and they’re trying to cull the great majority of the stupid and worthless before the big bad happens, so that they can have a much smaller and hardier group of people to pick from for their support populations.

I mean, what good is it to be an all powerful overlord and survive the apocalypse if you don’t have any masses of folks to order around and parasitize off their labor?

They just won’t be able to afford to feed people who are entirely useless like they’re doing now, so they’ve decided to cull the herd in as many ways as possible before the SHTF in earnest.

Humanity has been through at least three and maybe as many as six or seven of these cyclical catastrophes, so it IS possible to survive it, but every time humanity gets perilously close to extinction. In one such instance researchers believe that the human population was reduced to as few as 50,000 souls on the entire planet. That is within a hair’s breadth of being gone entirely, and the extant societies of the time never survive, so it’s like a giant shakes humanity’s etch-a-sketch every 12,000 years and we have to start over from scratch.

I think that is what the big secret is, and what drives a lot of what cabal does. These bloodline families are bound and determined that their lines and their power should pass through this catastrophe cycle intact, which would make them gods on the other side and give them a 12,000 year head start on every other competing group.

Modern technology versus stone age folks starting over from scratch. It would be the ultimate Darwinian competitive advantage.

It’s possible that they were actually able to pass through the last cycle intact as well, which would explain how they have technology that is seemingly eons more advanced than the rest of us.

Imagine what psychopaths like that could accomplish with a 24,000 year technological head start, versus folks literally trying to survive the end of the world with stone age tech.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  CoolHand
3 years ago

“This evidence is available out there for anyone who cares to look for it to find.”

Link it up ya filthy ape.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Sorry man, late night post. You’re lucky the thing even makes sense to read. Heh.

The most concise and easiest to digest version of the information can be found in this playlist from the Suspicious Observers YouTube channel:

Everything Ben talks about in those videos is backed up by published research papers done by scientists the world over, he’s not just pulling it out of his ass.

It’s all very interesting, in a horrifying end of the world sort of way.

Somehow the dude remains amazingly upbeat, in spite of it all.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  CoolHand
3 years ago

The popular New Earth youtube channel was big on this topic, presenting many videos of Sophie’s expeditions to far off lands to investigate some of the many remains of, and still existing age old shelters used in the past.

Some of these appeared to have weathered many catastrophic events, and we’re semi-melted looking, though cut from solid rock.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  CoolHand
3 years ago

Search for this

Magnetic Reversals & Evolutionary Leaps

Robert W. Felix recently passed away who wrote the book on this. I wonder if they killed him?

Here’s just one video.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  CoolHand
3 years ago

“…Both of these events happen on a roughly 12,000 year cycle, and the last time both of these things happened was roughly 12,500 years ago…”

I’m not so sure about that. Ice ages last 90,000 years then there is roughly 10,000 years of decent climate like we have now so I’m not seeing this 12,000 year thing. We are late for another Ice Age. What starts this is not clear.

I have a theory that I came up with after hearing a guy who obsessively watches pictures from the satellites close up that are watching the Sun. He saw on more than one orbit a mountain of material in the Sun that didn’t change inside a Sunspot. It occurred to me this could be slag of different materials in the Sun. This stuff is like foam or aerogel so that the gas in it heated up drives it to the top. There it stops the equalization of charges that build up in the Sun. So when these charges get high enough there are solar flares where the charges are equalized. Solar flares are big electric arcs equalizing the charges on the Sun’s surface. Over time this slag builds up and covers the Sun blocking off the Sun surface and cooling the Earth due to less radiation.

So this goes on for 90,000 years of ice age then as the charge continues to build at some point it breaks free and there is huge massive Solar flares which melts off the slag. Now if they are not pointed at earth then we do ok but if pointed at us we get serious extinction. It’s likely these do not last long because…we’re here, but like in North America where all the higher mammals were made extinct apparently they got a full blast.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I watched a vid yesterday of some old biddy from Russia going on about how the world is cooling. Despite sounding like someone’s mum her numbers work was epic.
As a surfer I have noticed the shift over the last couple of years.

Anyone who says of climate scientists that believe in global warming “well they have to be uneducated to begin with” has my complete attention from the beginning.

She is Professor Valentina Zharkov

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I watched a great deal of this videos and they do have some evidence that fits that I had not seen before.

The whole earth shell flipping business freaks me out. I don’t see how it’s even possible because of the inertia of the shell. Think of the inertia of the Earth’s shell of all the contaminants and how much inertia it has to keep going the same way. The number is…I have no idea how big but…I hear constantly that there’s fresh evergreen type plants under the Arctic and that there’s fresh plant material under Antarctica frozen. Now I can’t personally say I’ve seen this myself but a lot of people say it’s there. Could all be lies just to cause fear and confusion. But if it is there then how could it get there lest the earth flip somehow.

As I wrote this I happened to remember I have seen that video of guys on the space station spinning wingnuts and they flip completely over. Sigh, So yes there could be a way that the earth could flip.

If you look at this video he states that the earth can not flip over because the most mass is at the equator and that bottles with liquid in them will change their axis of rotation to end over end to equalize the mass. Now “if” the earth has more ice mass on the top, bottom or both top and bottom(north and South pole) than there is mass at the equator and “if” some sort of magnetic excursion or Sun based effect melts the core a whole lot then, the whole thing would spin over 90 degrees. Yikes!

Even worse. If it’s the ice that causes the unequal distribution of mass it could flip over, melt the ice then flip over again in a fairly short time. Oh no!

An interesting experiment on space would to be use a magnetic fields to stabilize a ball of ferrofluid. The ball would have more mass on it’s north and south poles (say a bolt with two nuts in the north South poles surrounded by ferrofluid)and then cut off the field and see what the fluid did.

Maybe this is why Musk is so determined to get off earth. All of his work on electric cars is really an attempt to move forward battery technology. Might as well make some cash off of it with cars while he’s doing it.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Musk just wants to get back to his homeworld.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  CoolHand
3 years ago

I’ll repost something I posted a while back to back your post up, with more extensive links.

The idea is, back in the 1940s and 1950s, astrophysicists badly misinterpreted the work on plasma by a scientist/engineer named Hannes Alfven.
Here is a pdf of his Nobel prize acceptance speech, wherein he details a few of the things the cosmologists were getting wrong:
Their errors led them to discount magnetic fields as a large-scale force in the Universe. The upshot was all they had to explain the behavior of everything was gravity. In their view, galaxies and everything else are gravitationally bound. However, there’s increasing evidence that they were completely off in this, and that, in fact, gravity is often so insignificant it’s basically a rounding error.
In the EU view, the dominant force in the Universe is Electromagnetism. Magnetic forces are HUGE: at maximum strength, electromagnetism is roughly 10^40, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times stronger than gravity. The compressive forces can be immense, easily able to account for stellar formation and galaxy structure.

The Electric Sun:
Introduction to it:
Some Evidence:

Electric effects can be seen everywhere in the solar system (for example:

There’s evidence of massive electric events in the relatively recent past:

The town of Peshtigo burned to the ground on the same day as the great Chicago fire(October 8, 1871), and there are several explanations as to why (arson, simultaneous accidents, even a comet or asteroid), but the only explanation which covers the “…many corpses found, bearing about them no traces of scars or burns, and yet in the pockets of their habiliments, equally uninjured, watches, cents, and other articles in metal were discovered completely melted.” is electrical discharge.

All the cultures which tell the story of the Day the Sun stood Still in the Sky seem to be on one side of the earth, and the cultures that tell of the Night that Did Not End are on the other side.

And much, much, much, much more.

A brief summary is
1) The sun is not a gravitational-nuclear fireball, it is a metal ball anode with a very thin hot plasma atmosphere.
2) Stars are ensconced in conductive plasma filaments,
3) SOMETHING to do with these filaments causes stars to erupt in occasional large ejections.
4) Our sun is a long-period variable star. Period roughly 12,000 years.
5) The next event is due fairly soon. Maybe a couple of decades away.
6) When it happens the electrical grid will explode and the Earth will turn into the center ball in a plasma globe for a few days. Prepping will do no good as regards safe places because where the electrical events erupt can’t be predicted, but if you survive THAT, your preps will do their usual good for you.
7) Galaxies are formed by the intertwining of immense electrical ‘tubes’ called Birkeland currents. They are also around the Earth and throughout the Solar System (albeit much smaller than the intergalactic ones).
8) Black holes and dark matter do not exist.
9) The red shift is probably NOT due to cosmological expansion.
10) The age and size of the Universe is completely unknown. Again.

I suggest four channels, which build around each other.
1) Suspicious Observers:
This set is a must-view for the topic. It’s called the Earth Catastrophe Cycle.
And these movies expand a LOT on the ideas. (three movies)
2) Thunderbolts Project:
3) See the Pattern:
4) Sky Scholar:

Quick Summary of these:
Suspicious Observers provides a daily video on the failures of the Orthodox cosmology, and the Earth Catastrophe Cycle is essential, I think.

Thunderbolts Project is where most of the research into the Electric Universe goes. Be warned, they are TURBO atheists, and explain the unity of world mythology by saying that we saw huge, complex plasma structures in the sky during the last Solar Plasma Event, which we then worked into mythological structures and gods. I’m absolutely sure that SOME of what they say is true, but I’m also sure they’re out to lunch about G*d. Don’t be thrown off by that; their evidence is deep and well-supported.

See the Pattern attempts to explain and develop ideas in the Thunderbolts project.

Sky Scholar is extremely heavy going because it is full University-level physics, astronomy, and chemistry, albeit without the equations.

Thunderbolts Project and Sky Scholar disagree on a number of fundamentals.
All of these websites provide references or images of every single scientific paper they discuss, so you can have a field day looking everything up.
Why are they still on Youtube if they’re true? I don’t really know, but they DO seem to be accurate.

At any rate, we almost lost Civilization in 2012 to a Coronal Mass Ejection that was comparable in size to the Carrington Event of 1859:,
so all of this is definitely worth a look.

3 years ago
3 years ago

Regarding the Collatz Problem. I had a look at the paper and it seems wrong. Solid attempt, definitely not the work of a crank, in fact I had similar ideas about Collatz a while a go. But the problem is that the author seems to assume that there are no intermediate divisions by two after the first 3n+1 but this is simply not the case. For example, on page 2, he applies the “3n+1” transformation to 3n+4 where n is even. But if n is even, then so is 3n+4. So you can’t apply the “3n+1” to it. That pretty much collapses the proof for me. If I was the author and I wasn’t willing to let it go, I would go back and tighten things up considerably and make things clearer.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“why can’t you apply n->3n+1 to it”
The problem is rather subtle. The real question with Collatz is this: to every natural number, a certain sequence of collatz operations can be associated (say you represent “n->3n+1” with 0 and “n->n/2 with 1, then you represent these numbers with binary digits), can it be shown that every natural number has a finite sequence of this type. The author assumes this at the outset and in this sense he merely proves that Collatz is true on the subset of natural numbers with finite collatz expansions*

To touch on what you’ve said. The problem is a subtle one. Essentially, taken as a static, sequence, any set of collatz operations will be commutative. That is, you can compose them in any order and the resulting function will be the same. It’s pretty clear that this is a key assumption of the paper. The trouble is that the collatz sequence is not as much of a static sequence as it is a path through a decision tree. If you reorder on a non-terminated sequence then you get a different sequence because at some point you’ll get a different input to the binary decision and you’ll go in a different direction. Of course this doesn’t apply to completed sequences, but you can’t just assume they exist.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I’m replying to this comment and the one below, to be clear. This blogging software seems to limit the amount of comment nesting.

So the reason that particular line kills the proof for me is that suppose you consider a collatz sequence that contains 3n+4, this will be even under the specified conditions now suppose you divide by 2 to get an odd number k which you then apply 3k+1. Now suppose you reverse the order of procedures. You go from 3n+4 to 9n+12+1which is odd, then you divide by two and you get a non-natural number which is a type error, this is what i mean when I say it’s not fully commutative. If you have a completed collatz sequence then you can rearrange it any way you like and still get the right answer. But you have to show that (1) every natural number has such a sequence associated to it. (2) every such sequence has an arrangement that respects the rules of the collatz conjecture. One interesting line of approach might be to consider the problem is to show if there’s at least one value that converges to one only after an infinite number of operations. That would constitute a disproof. If you can prove that no such number exists, then you’re halfway there. Let n be the index of the current collatz item. If you can show that the probability that any sequence of colllatz operations of size n hits a power of two converges to 1 as n goes to infinity, that would constitute a proof. I think that might besl sort if in the neighbourhood of where the author is going anyway.

Now I do hate to mention it but the proof, right or wrong, needs to be tightened up if it’s to accepted by the mathematical community. These people are some of the most aggressively pedantic nerds on the planet. Perhaps if you’re* familiar with computer programming, you could try describing the process as an algorithm in pseudo-code or some programming language that you know, and that might make your thinking on the matter more transparent. If it can be demonstrated clearly that every natural number input terminates at 1** then I think that would be an acceptable proof. But I can guarantee you that the problem is much stickier than it seems. It’s one of those things that seems intuitively obvious but when you try and prove it rigorously it slips put of your fingers. Take a look at its real form:

As to what collatz was all about, I imagine it was probably to do with dynamical systems theory. It’s interesting stuff. It’s a lot to do with studying iterated functions. Thee are functions that you apply over and over again and you try and figure out where certain points end up after infinite iterations. Here’s an example. Try putting a metal plate on top of a speaker, sprinkle some sand on the plate and play a beat through the speaker. Note that the sand will (generally) arrange itself into regular geometric patterns. This happens because you have a transformation applied repeatedly to a space and over time all the sand settles in areas where there is little to no force. Another good example is fractals. Thevway fractals like the mandelbrot set work is that you take a complex number and you apply a certain algebraic transformation to it repeatedly. The points that diverge get coloured black and are not in the set. The points that settle on some finite number are coloured according to the size of that number. It’s pretty cool

*Or the author of the paper, which I assume is not you?

**Or some other value appropriate to the nature of the algorithm.

Name (required)
Name (required)
Reply to  ultravalis
3 years ago

The conjecture is about even and odd integers; by the second paragraph he’s conflated that with positive and negative. That sort of carelessness doesn’t fill me with confidence.for the rest.

Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

I notice ol corny pop doesn’t weigh in on posts lick those above. What’s an integer eh ol mate?

Unfortunately, I’m no better prepared.

You nerds!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“US researchers are engineering lettuce and spinach to carry mRNA COVID jabs.”

This will end well,

3 years ago

>ATF raids Delta Force legend, Larry Vicker’s firearm collection,
Had sponsorships with Kalashnikov, friendly with Russians ect., probably the excuse they used.

>How do you not view the State Department as an outright enemy of the United States?
We have 7th Floor Groups, Britain The Foreign Office

>ending a Trump-era blackout on the figure.
Consistent force degradation themes in Blue presidencies: current SSBNs being extended beyond intended service lives because of the decrepit Minuteman situation and stop gaps into 2030. Ominous in light of Milley’s apprising the PLA . God forbid those ‘missing’ and piling up shipping containers off the coast(s) aren’t PLAN Weserübung build ups–

>WWIII fears
Lithium is used in the production of Tritium. About those ‘newly discovered’ Afghan lithium mines . . .

>Twitch suffers massive data leak
Will be interesting to see if this helps or is otherwise releated to the Dr. Disrespect lawsuit and banning.

>But on the other hand, the majority of the people this is going to be killing are the drones who support this completely evil government
Eugenics needn’t be a dirty word. 40 years in the desert with pre-modern infant mortality would do wonders for the ‘spiteful mutant’ cattle half of the metapolitical parasite problem.

>Fauci makes scary declaration to Canadians
4th time’s a charm — and that goes for invasinos of Mexico as well.

>in a Guatemalan village
““And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return[…]”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“WWIII fears as US blocks radioactive fuel to China over fears Beijing wants to triple its nuke stockpile to 1,000. As always, our commenters are the best commenters.”

I can’t believe we didn’t cancel this back in 2017, or at least by 2020. Also take what China says with a grain of salt. If they claim their arsenal was under 350 they’re lying, it was probably at least 550 or 600. So triple that. 1600-2000 is probably what they’re shooting for.

By the way there is a clear military objective here, the U.S. is limited to 1,550 active strategic warheads, per our New Start treaty with the Russian Federation. Probably why Trump wanted to withdraw from it.

Expect Japan and South Korea to go nuclear within months.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Study shows concealed handgun permits soared during pandemic, record year-over-year increase. Interesting. Introduce a disgust/disease/threat stimulus, and watch people decide they may need to kill someone.”

Wait until you see the response to the discovery that spike proteins induce ALS and the vaxxed are literally the walking dead.

Of course, this makes you wonder what the engineers behind COVID were originally trying to achieve. A highly infectious airborne virus causing ALS, very apocalyptic.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“U.S. military weapons being sold in Afghan gun stores.”

Somebody make jokes for me, I’m too lazy. Hey, I could go work for the U.S. Government, I’m so lazy.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“I have very special deal for you today my friend. I have in my possession a slightly used Hi-Point 9mM that was the personal sidearm of a US Special Forces general.

His name is Milley. Perhaps you have heard of this fearsome warrior?

For such a close friend I offer this deal just to you, today only, for either one thousand US dollars or one billion Afghanis.

And here is a final thing I will tell you my friend. If I see anyone other than you carrying this weapon after you purchase it, I will know that you robbed me and are my mortal enemy. For this I will spit on your mother’s haircut.”

3 years ago

“Soros-funded scout troop pushes underage girls and boys to strip and perform sexually explicit “games” in Macedonia. I instantly think of Tony Podesta and Denny Hastert and their undisclosed island with the summer camp in Japan they went to. I will bet the funding for that would track back to whoever is funding Soros.”

Soros is funding Soros. The Jew made billions shorting currencies of other nations. They all do. Jews are a Criminal Mafia that spoil nations and rake up billions which they then pass around to their kinsmen in crime.

As for the Sexually explicit acts with children thing—That is ALL Tikkun Olam.

In a paper on Gender Shifting, a period, c1752, in Germany, Moravia, Bohemia and London, traces the heretical sect of Moravians and Jews:

>>>”According to Pawel Maciejko, in Va-avo Eibeschuetz affirms that “the exploration (in thought and deed) of various aspects of sexuality is in itself a redemptive act of mending the world ****(tikkun olam)*** {emphasis added}.” He suggests further that the young man’s intensity (obsessiveness?) with the themes was perhaps “pour épater le bourgeois (or maybe pour épater les rabbins).” The similiarities with the Sifting Time (and the Summer of Love), when “a youth culture frightened the authorities” are striking. Moshe Idel reports that some later Sabbatian texts portray homoerotic and homosexual relations between the infinite and the God of Israel, and “the eschatological eon…will witness the purification of posterior sexual intercourse.” Similarly, Eibeschuetz “legitimized anal sex as an appropriate dimension of Kabbalistic eroticism,” noting that the God of Israel is the recipient of such sex,” as implied in the words, “I made love to Israel, boy-fashion” [Hosea 11:1] [END EXCERPT]


Sex is “Tikkun Olam”.

It is mostly about Count Zizendorf and his son Christel. Christel had some kind of pseudo-Masonic ritual of homoerotic play that he performed with his “Society of Queens” and the author goes to point where this stuff is in the Kabbala and other Jewish esoteric writings.

The article made my stomach turn throughout. I almost barfed while reading it. It is sickening.

We are seeing this replayed today in our American society. In the 1960s cultural revolution which was fathered by the Jews of the Frankfurt School coming out of American universities in their Institutes of Social Research.

And Christiansfortruth has an expose on Weimar Germany and its decadent Jewish inspired Kabbalistic culture. The first transgender operation was conducted in the Weimar Republic

They compare pictures of homos and drag queens of the Weimar with the homos and drag queens of America.

America IS the Weimar Republic!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

What was the Freikorps?

The Freikorps were VETERAN WWI soldiers.

These were the ones that first fought the Communist Insurgency.

In America—Jews hold ALL positions of Power–that is why Antifa is NOT labelled a terrorist organization.

And Again—It is US Military Veterans that are forming a silent Freikorps to oppose the Marxist Dictatorship here in America. That is why they hate Military veterans–we are naturally reactionary.

But this time it is different—The Jews own all the media and can create Narratives at will and impose them. Furthermore, the Stasi Marxist Police of America, the FBI, ATF, DHS, have Agent Provocateurs to disrupt any organization–so we can’t organize, nor have any leadership.

We’re screwed.
We are in the Weimar which is the preparatory stage for the Marxist Dictatorship.
They mean to BRUTALLY suppress all reactionary forces.

It is coming White Genocide.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that Americans should “be afraid of your government” after Attorney General Merrick Garland.”

It’s almost funny watching the tribe of DC Garland-bergs trying to hide behind their Irish dementia patient of a President while they destroy the country. We see you assholes. You’re not fooling anyone.

Speaking of the tribe. Look at this washed up whore complaining about Jews not getting a fair shake in Hollywood of all places.

“Oy vey, the chutzpa on this one!”

3 years ago

> citing “changed circumstances”

That’s not how the court system is supposed to work. They can only rule on the case as presented to them; any “changed circumstances” are outside their writ.

Sounds like another case of the Supremes making law from the bench.

This is not going to end well.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

An unimpeachable small number group of life long beureaucrats is corrupted???? How could anyone have seen this coming??? I mean it’s unfathomable to think you could get enough money or blackmail to corrupt 9 whole people!

3 years ago

“We got people fitting outside the death bus. We said this was a death bus. Its a death bus mate.”

3 years ago

There was a thread yesterday reminding us a month or two ago that some guy was being looked for because he allegedly killed his daughter, but then some snoop on 4chan said that the photos of the daughter looked AI generated because of this and that image artifact. All the photos of her I guess had something like that. I am not really an expert on that, though, but people chiming in said they agreed. In one photo, it was pretty clear she had two really wide front teeth instead of the proper four between incisors, which I guess is something AI has trouble doing right. Take that for what you will. The idea being that this guy was wanted for something else, like he worked on a secret black project or something and went awol, but they couldn’t broadcast that he was wanted cause he knew too much about time machines, or ufos, or DEWs, or the ingredients of pumpkin spice or whatever it was he was doing cause then whatever country he fled to would just recruit him in exchange for amnesty.

The snoop came back and said that his pointing out the fake family suggested that one way to generate cover for informants would be to create fake facebook friends for their cover identity, complete with AI generated pictures. Well, I guess spooks worldwide had a flashbulb moment after following that thread and decided to see if they could find spies in their country by scanning facebook for people with lots of AI generated friends. Next thing you know (after a few months I guess it took to scan FB etc properly), CIA informants all over are getting blasted and news of that cable comes out. Right around the time Facebook has a colossal downtime where maybe these fake friends all get wiped? Don’t know for sure, but there is a certain logic to it given the timing.

As you might expect, this thread got 404’d just when it was getting pretty good.

The snoop said he was “just an inventor who is good at deduction” which sounds like horseshit to me. Probably some other spook outfit intentionally burning CIA in retaliation for something they did. (What don’t they do?)

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Almonds jangled.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Oh, and the CIA burning might now be retaliation. It might be a first strike (like for China against Formosa, or, God forbid, Luzon like I saw suggested yesterday.)

Reply to  everlastingphelps
3 years ago

The CIA is probably on so many different shitlists it would probably be very difficult to figure out who instigated this enema.

3 years ago

>U.S. Embassy left behind biometrics on Afghans who helped U.S. and the Taliban used the information to contact the Afghans with spoof emails, telling them report to fake “safe houses,” where they were executed. How do you not view the State Department as an outright enemy of the United States?

How many of those guys were actually cabal? Is there any other proper way to deal with cabal agents other than execution? If the Chinese occupied our land for 20 years, wouldn’t you want to execute the traitors at the first opportunity once they were finally ousted? After all, that is just getting rid of the r-strategists in your midst and a necessary part of restoring the k-selected order.

Now, cabal has been occupying our country for what 50? 100? 200 years? If their cover and power fell apart tomorrow, how should those traitors be treated? The Taliban is offering a how-to guide.

3 years ago

There is little doubt that WWII is so heavily politicized, especially by those who can not be named, that its honestly hard to know the whole truth about it. Regardless, if there was a current need for a repeat of Nuremburg type trials for crimes against humanity, coof coof, it might be useful for a full archive of those trials to be publicly available.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

Much of the defense was not allowed into the record, but so much the better for future prosecutions. Not to mention, the law won’t need so much improvisation this time. The UN convention on genocide, for instance, has terms few know about: defining genocide extremely broadly, including suppressing births or imposing harsh conditions of life and mandating prosecution of individuals as well as officials by both national and international courts for any conspiracy or advocacy of such measures. Extradition is also mandatory and defenses that such charges are political are prohibited.

In the US, RICO laws apply, even to government agencies and employees, mandating complete confiscation of all assets for anyone that has … well, more or less anyone.

3 years ago

Here is the original article on plants producing mRNA of viuruses …

They face a number of issues, perhaps the biggest of which is how to ensure that mRNA is not degraded by your stomach acid and how to get it into cells in your epithelium.

3 years ago

Collatz Conjecture solved, on Free Republic? Does anybody see a hole in this?

Yeah, it’s a PDF on a download site.

3 years ago

US researchers are engineering lettuce and spinach to carry mRNA COVID jabs.

Thankfully lettuce and spinach are two of the easiest thing to grow as a home garden, including inside in pots.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

On Gab:

Major Patriot

Americans are about out of Brandons to give.

3 years ago

Coolhand made a lengthy comment above, second comment down, but the gist of it is that the magnetic poles are going to flip. Geologists say this had happened before, but not in recorded human history, and will certainly happen again. And this could cause human extinction or at least a lot of human suffering.

A problem with these things is that no one has any idea when exactly this will happen or how they can be prevented, so there is almost no point to paying attention to this stuff. Most people just assume that nothing will make humans go extinct. But humans certainly will go extinct at some point, and it will probably happen very quickly, just no one knows when or how. Its like thinking about your own death.

Robert Callaghan commented or blogged extensively about this subject, but his own blog, Loki’s Revenge, stopped about a year ago.

However, I strongly suspect the ramping up of totalitarian dystopian stuff that started in March 2020 was due to the elites realizing that the human race didn’t have many years left and wanting to make sure they had their fun first.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

I read Velikovsky’s “Worlds In Collision” last year. He went back to ancient records and concluded that Venus used to be a comet which passed by Earth periodically, causing the events surrounding The Exodus and the Long Day of Joshua. He found contemporary records from South America indicating a period of darkness equivalent to the Long Day. He also found records from China indicating the Earth’s orientation and rotation completely changed at some point, and the Emperor had to send people out to map the stars and determine the points on the compass.

I saw something a few months ago that a planetary body is approaching us, which is why “they” are so determined to kill off the population. You can’t have a mass panic if you don’t have a population. I doubt there is anything to it, but we know the “elites” are fleeing to New Zealand for some reason or other. They know something we don’t.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

Here’s something about the magnetic field.

Has a book on it as well. Found it on Kindle Prime looking for “weird history” books.

Basically, he traced the history of the location of the north magnetic pole by looking at anceint ruins whose builders loved to align things to magnetic north.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
3 years ago

The movie 2012 was about this shift in the poles.

New Zealand is where they prepared to go.

There was a documentary on what happens if the world stops spinning on its access. New Zealand was also a place to go.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

Dont worry about it FFS!

If you got lost before, you will still get lost when it happens.

The maccas down the road will still be in the same place. The ocean will be in the same place.

The only difference that will be noticeable is that your shit might go down the dunny in the opposite direction.

3 years ago

“Pentagon Implements Continuous Security Vetting on All Clearance Holders”

This started during the Obama administration. It was not reported on outside of a few fringe right wing outlets, and seems to have gone away during the Trump administration, and is being ramped up again. It looked and looks a lot like a soft purge of the military. What is interesting in the context of 2021 is that the mandatory vaccination policies are and will accomplish pretty much the same thing, and much quicker.

Reply to  e,D
3 years ago

The article says it started under Trump.

3 years ago

San Francisco is a ghost town

San Francisco’s office occupancy is the lowest of any U.S. metro area. Buildings are empty. Workers are gone. Mayor London Breed to lift mask requirements in desperate bid to revitalize city.

Worked there as a delivery driver during the 80’s. It was a shithole then, can’t imagine how bad it is now. Way to go liberals!

Itto Ogami
Itto Ogami
3 years ago

” … a friend who was at the DOJ for “17” years. She does not look old enough for that information to be of enough significance that it rolls off her tongue like that multiple times naturally.”
WTF? Maybe the friend was older? Common “dood”, honestly, sometimes ….

3 years ago
3 years ago

7 million people on voter rolls when there are only 5.8 million people in Wisconsin. 32,000 phantom voters found and they are still finding more. Much more fraud in the video, please watch.