Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – 91 Percent Of CEOs Say A Recession Will Happen In 12 months
DFT – Germany Denounces American Profiteering On Energy
DFT – Lawmakers Look To Curtail American Investment In Chinese Technology
DFT – OPEC Announces Production Cut Of 2 Million BPD – Twice Estimates
DFT – As Musk Takes Over Twitter, It Could Affect Elections
New York has more than 3 million voters lacking proof of identity.
Donald Trump is predicting that the recent court filings from Special Counsel John Durham are “just the beginning” of what’s to come. Not much more at the article, though as a previous article reported, it notes that it appears Durham will just produce a report and close up shop by the end of the year without prosecuting any more people. So either he will have to hand off prosecutions, or at best we get a wordy account of how Trump was fucked over and our government is corrupt beyond belief again, and nobody ends up paying for it.
Mar-a-Lago documents inadvertently published online — and they undercut Trump’s privilege claims. Obviously bullshit. But again, these are super secret national security items, which nobody knew even existed when Trump had them locked away, and now they are public. They leak what they want with no consequence.
Collecting dropbox ballots is totally insecure and ad-hoc:
… a young male wearing a face mask can be seen emptying absentee ballots from a drop box at a satellite voting center…. As the male retrieves stacks of ballots from the drop box, an older black female is shown pulling a large black garbage bag from the back of the SUV. She brings the bag to the drop box and opens it as the white male begins dumping handfuls of absentee ballots into the black plastic garbage bag.
When the Detroit ballot drop box has been emptied, they take the bag and throw it in the front passenger seat with the white male as they drive away. The vehicle has no clear identifiable markings that indicate it’s being used for the City of Detroit election official business. – Secret societies: Harmless members-only clubs or dire threats to democracy? Starts with a normie-redpilling on the Freemasons, before segueing to the WEF and Skull and Bones.
A summary of Konnech products and the threats posed against the United States. Very long piece. The company had a DOD contract for millions of dollars, for absentee voting by overseas military, it appears their phone app installed on poll worker’s phones will geolocate poll workers, and the data it collects gets bounced onto the Chinese internet backbone, where CCP can grab the data, before it gets routed back to the US. And another division of the company has some sort of alert plugin which schools appear to install on the computers they give students to take with them, which is installed in Microsoft Outlook, perhaps giving the app (and China) access to all of these kid’s emails, and God only knows what else on their computers.
Trump calls for return to paper ballots, end of no-excuses mail-in voting.
Twitter trial judge says, “The parties have not filed a stipulation to stay this action, nor has any party moved for a stay. I, therefore, continue to press on toward our trial set to begin on October 17, 2022.” Musk’s offer was he would buy if they stayed the trial. They have not stayed the trial, so it is possible he will not follow through, and will instead go to trial. One lawyer said he would never stop the trial, as it would allow Musk to back out again, and they would have to start over with a trial again.
RNC says Google spiked over 22 million of its emails in September alone.
FBI declines to say if any arrests have been made in 150 attacks on pro-life groups.
Biden’s Delaware visitors shrouded in mystery as Secret Service insists no records exist.
I cannot find a hard source on this quote, so this might be misinformation, but I present it here anyway, in the event Ashley’s journal becomes public, so we can check if it is there. It would not surprise me:
LAPD cop killed in training accident was probing a gang rape by colleagues, one of whom was in the training, according to his family. No idea if it is legit or not, some point out he was not an investigator, so it is not clear he would have needed to be backed off. But given humans are fairly tough, and it takes a lot of kill somebody if you are trying, let alone accidently, worth watching. Remember, they switched Civil Service exams from math and vocabulary tests, to black box “psychological tests” graded by secret companies that will not even reveal what the right answers on the test are, so Cabal could just put whoever they chose on the job, and close the door to whoever they chose. I would expect Policing to change radically over the next decades.
Department of Energy requires plans to promote diversity from grant applicants.
Remember Taylor Lorenz? She was the reporter who doxed LibsOfTikTok, the twitter account which made fun of leftists. Here is an interesting tidbit up next. Just a huge coincidence. Lorenz’s uncle runs the WayBackMachine, and set it to block any archive of her specific tweets. Did you think she was just like you, dreamt of being a “journalist,” and worked hard to get good grades, and coincidentally made the dream happen, just like you could? If ever I have seen low-IQ imbecile eyes, it is her’s. But if your family is in the Secret Society, you don’t need anything to get where you want to go. It is funny, because I was always curious in high school about the kids I now realize were surveillance, and how they seemed to not care about anything in school, as if the grades, and homework, annd tests, and material just meant nothing to them. They knew all the work-hard, ethos stuff was a meme, and none of that mattered. Also, don’t count on any archive service. Nobody is making money off those sites, which I am sure are huge money pits due to bandwidth and data storage, with piss-poor monetization. They will require Cabal funding to operate. Not to mention they basically pirate copyrighted material, and never get sued.
Netanyahu hospitalized for chest pains / feeling well now.
In Brazil, Socialist Lula disavows support from satanic sorcerers who have launched a campaign online to organize casting spells to help him win. These Cabal candidates all have the support of satan worshippers.
Two more launches tonight push North Korea missile tests to record high in 2022.
Poland approached US about sharing nuclear weapons.
At this point, the United States has sent more than $17 billion in cash and military aid to Ukraine for that nation’s fight against the Russians but now one analyst says, US support for Ukraine may have to last “decades.” We get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and here we are, stuck in another one, as all the money going in there is getting laundered out to Cabal.
CIA Officer Larry Johnson sees Russia laying the foundation to destroy Ukraine, by engaging in battles designed to wear out the enemy and inflict heavy casualties, before withdrawing at just the right moment, to avoid sustaining significant casualties itself. He explains how everything right now is against Ukraine, and it cannot even maintain a facility to train new troops, so as Russia inflicts five to one casualties, Ukraine is losing the forces it cannot afford to lose.
One photo showed a box full of dental crowns next to a gas mask. The ministry wrote: “A torture chamber in Pisky-Radkivski… a box of gold dental crowns. A mini Auschwitz.”
International media such as the British “Telegraph” took up the untested assumption that the teeth came from Russian torture chambers.
However: The teeth that were found do not appear to come from the dead or tortured – but from patients of a local dentist.
“These teeth look like the ones from my collection that was looted here,” said Sergey (60), whom BILD confronted with the photo of the ministry. “I’m the only dentist here. So if they were found here, they must be mine.”
When asked if the crowns could have come from dead people, the dentist said, “Oh my god, no! They come from people I’ve treated over the years. I took those teeth out because they were bad.”
The doctor continued to tell BILD: “In 30 years I have removed tens of thousands of teeth, this is only a fraction of them. Sometimes I pull five to eight teeth a day, and that’s in 33 years of my practice.”
Zelensky signs law that rules out Ukraine peace talks with Putin as ‘impossible.’
The Ukrainian army has been using US-made weapons outlawed under international conventions to shell the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic, the LPR militia’s spokesman Andrey Marochko told TASS on Tuesday. “In the course of the investigation [conducted by the officers of the LPR mission at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination for issues related to Ukraine’s war crimes], it was found out that the Ukrainian forces used NATO’s shrapnel-filled ammunition. I want to stress right away that this type ammunition is prohibited by all conventions.”
Putin promotes loyal ally Kadyrov to Colonel-General amid fears brutal Chechen leader is poised for new role as Ukraine war commander. He has promoted being much more aggressive.
Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov has set a record on the number of sanctions, imposed against any one person in the world. Globohomo and the satanic world order do not like him.
Russia says it will supervise Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant after annexation.
Russia warns US of ‘direct military clash’ if more arms are sent to Ukraine. I would take Putin’s word on it. Judo is among the more physically dangerous martial arts, just because the standup is all momentum, and speed, and that can be difficult to control, so people get hurt. And Putin is a 6th Dan who did it from a little kid. It is done every night, with both fighters fighting 100%, at full speed, and it is impossible to do it at half-speed. And at full speed, things get twisted in ways they are not designed to be and are wrecked before anybody knows what happened, or they are banged with the full weight of a body driving them at speed, even off a mat into a wall or chair. Anyone who does it for a year is almost certain to see a shoulder joint out of its socket, and hear the pop as people slide it back in, or see a knee out of joint. But every night everyone comes back, and does it all over again. Done from a child, like Putin, it molds a mind to accept violence, as well as any potential injury or consequence which could come with it, as simply normal and unavoidable, even invigorating. I would assume he will shoot down any military transport he can, and he will expect the US to hit back, and he will be ready to hit back harder. And though he would not admit it, he just might like the possibility of the chaos of battle. This leaves me kind of worrying, the pussies on our side may not understand what they are looking at here. I hope they understand, the only ones defending them will be wokesters, homos, and trannies, and everyone else might just side with the Russians.
Russia seeks role in Nord Stream leaks investigation.
Globohomo is up in arms because this will cement the midterms as a massive Republican win. (And who is this “us” you speak of Kemosabe?):
The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty on Tuesday filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Brown County Taxpayer Association that argues the president overstepped his powers with his order to cancel student loan debt, that could cost over $1 trillion. “The problem is, for purposes of this lawsuit, that President Biden created this program unilaterally and without any legal authority from Congress. That’s not how lawmaking works in America, at least since the signing of the Declaration of Independence.”
2022 is on track to be the third strongest year on record for firearm sales. Article attributes it to Joe Biden, but my gut tells me we left behind the days of, “I better buy now before they ban them,” and we have entered the days of, “I better buy now because this place will look like Mad Max in a year.” And that would happen whether or not Joe Biden, who is nothing, was in there.
Chris Cuomo’s NewsNation primetime debut is a ratings flop according to Nielsen. I suspect most of these big names getting paid millions at the dead-stream media are either less popular than, or in some cases, maybe almost as popular as Vox Day. And some may even be getting beaten out by this site.
The Supreme Court ordered a lower court ruling on a Massachusetts gun control law to be vacated and directed a lower court to reconsider the case. The law imposes strict restrictions on the possession and purchase of handguns, including the need for a license in order to purchase or possess a pistol and includes a lifetime ban on purchasing handguns on anyone convicted of a nonviolent misdemeanor involving the possession or use of guns.
Spread r/K Theory, because we need a world where the hard-work ethos bullshit is not bullshit.
>> One photo showed a box full of dental crowns next to a gas mask. The ministry wrote: “A torture chamber in Pisky-Radkivski… a box of gold dental crowns. A mini Auschwitz.”
No pairs of shoes? No wooden doors on gas oven ? No diary written in ballpoint pen before invention of said pen? No business like Shoah business.
> Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.4%, the correct number is at least 34.4%.
The author blags on about “licensed gun owners” and “concealed carry permits”, but those are just curiosities in about half the states, where we don’t need no steenkeeng permits to lawfully carry a firearm.
The only reason I still maintain a carry permit is it would allow me to carry in a handful of ‘recipricocity’ states that aren’t enlightened enough for Constitutional carry, but will still recognize my Arkansas permit. And frankly, I don’t travel much any more, and don’t have any foreseeable reason to ever travel to any of those states, so I will probably just let the permit expire.
Without taking constitutional arry into account, the article is interesting, but the numbers he throws around are almost entirely imaginary.
[Edit – be cautious in what you say here, as people down the street are keeping notes.]
The State gets no say in how I protect myself against the feral underclass they created.
> Shocking email: shows Feds discuss “leveraging” access to sports and extracurriculars to make kids miserable so they will be forced to get vaxxed.
Lots of school districts did that all by themselves; no sportsball or club meetings without a vaxxpass. And multiple states were using candy or gift cards to entire children to get injected without parental consent.
That the Fed would have been talking about it is not in the least surprising.
Home school.
Sometimes difficult, but cannot be worse than US public schooling
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) has seen her net worth increase by $140 million since the 2008 financial crisis thanks in no small part to her husband’s fortuitous trades in companies she has worked to subsidize. But now, she wants to ban her colleagues from trading.
Excellent. Take that now, then pry the money she stole from her estate later. Any decent lawyer could drag her trial out for the few years she has left, given her age.
> Russia seeks role in Nord Stream leaks investigation.
Gazprom is the majority shareholder in both pipelines. The Russians have the right to run their own investigation. They’d be fools if they didn’t.
“USA suffered 338x increase in reports of AIDS-associated Diseases & Cancers in 2021 following COVID Vaccine roll-out.”
At first I thought they meant 338%, not 338x, so I read the article, because it seemed unbelievable. The first stats given indicated about 20x, not 338x. They could have stopped there and it would still have been breathtaking. The rest of the article appears to be an attempt to obfuscate through a barrage of numbers. The closing paragraph mentions “diseases and infections associated with AIDS reported to VAERS increasing between 1145% and 33,715% in 2021”. WTF? Pick a number, will you? Imagine a poll that mentioned a confidence ratio of +/- 45%.
The quoted website makes Mike “The Health Ranger” Adams sound sagacious and withstrained. I’d be tempted to chug colloidal silver before reading anything more from “”
AC, my last comment wasn’t exactly charitable, but this one is. Please reconsider, again, removing the “President” before “Biden” when you quote headlines? It would be more congruent with the Goodfellas graphic you’ve been displaying for almost two maddening years.
He’s just copying the headlines presented, essentially a quote from the source. The disclaimer at the top of every page says misinformation may make its way into any given post. If we’re here then we all know Biden’s illegitimate. Don’t make more work for AC where it’s not needed, he’s busy enough as is.
“[Joe] Biden falsely claimed Wednesday he almost lost his entire house to a fire while speaking to Florida hurricane victims, while local news reports at the time show it was a small kitchen fire which was put out in 20 minutes.”
If it hadn’t been extinguished, it may well have taken his whole house. This is low hanging fruit, the kind I’d expect the libtard comedians to present to their brainless paid audiences (yes, I mean paid–many if not most “studio audiences” are comprised of locals paid minimum wage to fill seats, happy to not have to work real jobs and hoping they’ll be “discovered” appearing on TV).
I don’t know why I’m so sour today, don’t take it personally, AC.
I mentioned living in vans. I know it’s off topic but some of these are not hippies. They are guys who really thought about them. These two are going to school in urban areas and the cost is too high so they built stealth vans. They’re very cool. I can see more people doing this. Costs are too high and if you can just get a roof over your head, a place to cook and shower this is good enough for most. These are stealth vans.
Here’s a nice boat.
Some things I think people need to make this really work. More power which some do have. One thing I thought of and then found people were starting to do is recycle shower water. So you start the shower then recycle a small amount of water. Like a couple pints and have it reheated as it circulates. So now you have long hot shower soaping up, drain then recycle another couple pints to rinse.
I would add treating the water. So dirty water gets treated with Ozone made in the vehicle. Might need to run it through ultraviolet light and even silver ceramic treatment. There are portable water treatment that just use carbon and silver now and work fine. Large water treatment plants are now using Ozone to treat the water. So now shower water and some of the cooking water are recycled. You need far less.
Flush toilet with recycled water. There are swimming pools that use salt water and they make chlorine on demand. The solids could be separated, dried out and thrown away. The actual solid matter in poop is very small. Leave out the toilet paper and use a bidet on a wand with a heated air blower on the same wand to dry.
Another big thing would be to make fuel from solar. Most of the time you are not driving around and storing energy in batteries is expensive but if you could make ethanol, (alcohol), you would be set. There’s a way to do this. This ability to make alcohol would be a huge step. Almost everyone sits a lot and only drives intermittently. So you could get a huge tank and make fuel, then travel.
Recycling of Carbon Dioxide to Produce Ethanol
If you could get all these together, you’d really have something.
There is nothing clever about this because there is nowhere to park these vehicles. How do you get around the tickets and the towing? What. you’re wandering around all day looking for a place to keep this vehicle? The whole thing is absurd.
There is enough stolen wealth to give everyone decent homes at affordable prices without requiring this impossible no mad lifestyle. Don;t forget that this may as well be Cabal fakery.
This is all just another austerity program designed to take resources away from you. Making you poor and defenseless is the goal of the government.
I agree with the rest of your comment, but as to the first point, people used Walmart parking lots very much, but local laws and and individual store managers now have made this less of an option.
Walmart used to be a haven for RV parking, but more stores won’t allow it (CNN Business) […]
But parking at Walmart (WMT)is getting harder to find. In 2010, about 78% of Walmart (WMT)stores allowed overnight RV parking. Now, it’s close to 58%, according to Jim O’Briant, who runs, a website that tracks more than 14,000 free RV parking locations in the United States and Canada. […]
Typically, RV parking at Walmart lots is allowed for 24 hours. Walmart says on its website that it “values RV travelers and considers them among our best customers.” […]
She expects more RVers to stay at casino parking lots and at Airbnbs or apps that offer driveway rentals. This can be cheaper than staying at an RV park overnight. […]
You’re going to have a radius distance to go from one overnight to another over time. Repetition. Makes you stand out.
A travel trailer is the sensible choice.
Followed by living in a southern locale where a decent job can be procured.
It’s not a substitute. $20k or more for a decent trailer and the ability to do repairs yourself. Given you have willingness to learn AND a place to work on both vehicles. Most parks won’t allow much of anything.
Your credit card can’t do it all. Best take that away for planning purposes and that you may miss work for several weeks at a time to somehow effect repairs.
Expecting to drive your house around from job to friends to restaurants or whatever describes a social life is woolly-headed.
As I think about this, it also prevents anyone who takes part in it from being part of a community, isolating them. Which technically is another Cabal goal, kind of like they didn’t want people going to church during the pandemic.
Their only power is tricking people into believing what they tell them. And clearly they have found out that is easier if they can keep everyone from talking to each other, and just listening to them.
“There is nothing clever about this because there is nowhere to park these vehicles…”
You say it’s not clever yet many, many, many people park these all over the place every night. Are they all fake or is your criticism fake?
My take on these sort of mobile living arrangements is that people are doing the best they can to cut cost in a Oligarchical Monopolistic society determined to pick every single penny from our pockets. The system is rigged. Some people have said to that society,”well I’ll just work less and get by on what I can. I refuse to slave away for you”, and that’s not an irrational choice. Look at all those people in Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore Maryland, etc. that paid for homes all their lives and the government moved section 8 into homes next to them and their whole nest egg they paid for their whole lives became worthless. Think about that.
I’m not saying this is the ideal choice, I’m saying that you have to make choices and this is one that’s perfectly valid in the face of the society we live in.
Validity doesn’t equal Viability.
“…Look at all those people in Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore Maryland, etc. that paid for homes all their lives and the government moved section 8 into homes next to them and their whole nest egg they paid for their whole lives became worthless. Think about that…”
I see no one has commented on this. No one wants to acknowledge that it may well be futile to spend your whole life paying for a house (community) that in the end will be worthless and you can’t live in it at all. If you think houses are the answer, why don’t you all buy one of those in Detroit. You can get them for a dollar.
“This is all just another austerity program designed to take resources away from you. Making you poor and defenseless is the goal of the government.” While making you think it was your own idea.
Fakery it’s not. Publicizing it in a calculated manner is another thing. It shows up in RV and other vehicle forums starting 2009. Jobseekers looking to live mobile like retirees who’ve sold all and live on the road a planned number of years. Internet jobs just muddy the water.
It’s wholly a southwestern and southern phenomenon as anything north of IH-10 out west and IH-20 across the south it becomes too cold.
RV parks in reasonable places are $600/month with no utility cost past electric during summer (A/C use). OWNING the trailer is what kills it for most. And that they’re badly built. (8-10/years use).
Van conversions are a dead-end. No one is fooled.
Don’t get sick or injured.
“…It’s wholly a southwestern and southern phenomenon as anything north of IH-10 out west and IH-20 across the south it becomes too cold….”
So you are saying that a house can be insulated but nothing else smaller???
“It’s wholly a southwestern and southern phenomenon as anything north of IH-10 out west and IH-20 across the south it becomes too cold.”
This guy lives out of his van in Canada. He’s currently in Alaska:
Thermal mass is what’s given up for mobility.
Dry, and warm are the extent of “realistic”.
45F to 80F livability.
This is a California phenomenon for those too obstinate and stupid to move somewhere better.
Shitting in a garbage bag is how it’s done.
Adequate water to wash, clean, cook is the downfall.
Un-safe use of propane is the other.
The Achilles heel is the long-term higher expense of daily living given the large increase in cost-per-mile of operation.
There’s a reason RV parks and truckstops almost don’t exist in “nice” places (California and it’s Med climate).
I’m kind of loving how Wisconsin’s testicles seem to have descended lately. These are my people, yet they’ve always disappointed me. “Cheese heads, haha” used to be the only thought given to this state that could be wonderful if Madison closed up shop. I never thought there was any fight left in WI, but the state has been taking names as it kicked ass of late. This would be true even without St. Kyle and his legacy.
The more things change, the more they … actually change, these days. What a breath of fresh air.
lived in MInnesota for a coupla years. I know any good Wisconsonite would loudly holler “Those idiots are nothing like us! We like cheese!!” but bear with me.
am not from the midwest, so MN was a giant culture shock. but what I saw about upper midwesterners was this: they were by far the genuinely nicest folks I ever saw; the second-hardest workers I ever saw (Texans), the 3rd-strangest folks I ever saw (californians & coon asses) and easily, FAR & AWAY, the most shockingly naive people on earth. stunningly, profoundly naive, especially when it came to the subject of black folks. the Twin Cities were easily the nicest, safest, most beautiful metropolitan area in the USA circa 1985. seriously: like Mayberry USA as a big city. it was incredible: even the freakin slums were neat & tidy. then they – out of the goodness of their Svenska hearts – they jacked up what they paid welfare people, because they simply wanted to help. when told that would do nothing but attract ghetto scum from chicago, they simply could not comprehend such a thing happening.
spoiler alert: it happened. things started going to shit, but only somewhat. then they got the bright idea to start importing somalians. now here’s the thing about somalians: among africans, certain groups are considered to be ‘equivalents.’ ex: nigerians are the NYC jews of africa. OK? well, somalians are widely considered to be the ni**ers of africa. every other group in africa thinks they’re human garbage. and the good folks of MN wanted to inject that literal cancer into their lovely, high-trust almost-paradise. (gets a mite cold there) when told that that would destroy their lovely metropolis, they simply could not comprehend such a thing happening.
but that’s not what makes them the most shockingly naive people on the planet. no, that would be the fact that even now, even after the riots and the carjacking epidemic and the straight-outta-chicago crime rates, I can confidently state that not more than 5% of minnesotans – who are not stupid people – they simply would not accept that all these problems have been caused by the black folks they stupidly brought over there. they simply cannot make themselves go there. that would be racist, and racism is bad. it’s in the bible! (spoiler alert: no it’s not) Wisconsin, OTOH….. like you said, there may yet be some hope.
As a life long Minnesotan I totally agree. The majority are so clueless. The ignorance is bliss is alive and well here
Isn’t Minnesota heavily Scandinavian? It seems Scandinavians are very vulnerable to being woke.
Pretty blond people are treated differently and end up with Rose Tinted Spectacles.
Wisconsin II / OTOH: headline: “Exclusive! Wisconsin Dem Gov Tony Evers’ Dept. of Public Instruction tells white people to wear wristbands “as a reminder of your privilege” – Breitbart
so maybe any hope for WI is premature
Evers got in via fraud. There were some votes found in the trunk of a car, or some such thing.
There was little to no objection from the roll over and play dead republicans.
Not really. They actually support it fully. It’s two lists, A & B. A is things they think they are entitled to use because they are Presidential records, and B is things they planned to return on their own.
The problem is, (set aside B, they are obviously personal stuff) everything on A looks to fall under Executive Privilege because it all bears on the executive decision making process. I think it is high time for the SCOTUS to rule that when the White House changes parties, the executive privilege follows the administration and is not continuous.
Right out of the fake poll playbook. Say that they are closing in, to see if people see Frisch as a serious contender. When they don’t (because no one believes polls anymore) then they will go back. My over/under on when he “loses” that narrowing is 9 days (so they can admit it on a Friday afternoon.)
Don’t forget “serious contender” = “makes the voter fraud harder to spot”.
A good question is why this guy only has 600K subs.
Just ran across that channel a couple months ago. Really well done. He seems mostly skeptical, but always gives everything he covers a fair hearing. And all hail Hecklefish!
I love this guys videos and have watched a bunch of them since they were linked here. But this one is silly. He takes some stuff I believe and mixes it with the most highly speculative stuff possible.
Power plant…please.
The evidence that this is not true is staring you right in the face. Imagine all this effort to get power from this thing and then imagine any other number of ways they could pile up an equal amount of stones or amount of work to get power. Dams, large air pumps, there’s a million ways they could get more power than by the pyramids. So on the one hand the people who did this are super geniuses but at the same time they use some whacky inefficient labor wasting way to make power. Doesn’t add up.
How the pyramids were built is not a mystery at all. I cover this here.
The real mystery is why there aren’t lots of inscriptions. We know there are other chambers in the great pyramid. There’s a big one over the grand gallery. I seems there’s a spiral roadway interior to the pyramids. These are ramps to carry blocks up which were then covered. These have been seen in cosmic ray particle counters placed by some French scientist. Be interesting to see what is in these ramp tunnels and in the space over the grand gallery. It’s beyond bizarre that there seems to be no carved inscriptions.
Maybe the person/people who built the great pyramid was a huge practical joker and decided he would build this massive thing but then put nothing on it and cover it in mystery as a huge practical joke on the future.
I wouldn’t completely rule out the idea that the great pyramid is over 12,000 years old.
here’s a human-nature explanation of how I know los Pyramids weren’t built by ancient egyptians as a mucho grande mummy storage device: Ramesses The Great didn’t build one; didn’t even try, in fact.
human nature is eternal and unchanging, and that goes double for men of power and ego. Ramesses II was by far the greatest, grandest, richest, longest-serving, most powerful of them all. we know this because, among other reasons, R2 spent a lot of time and money telling us that. every corner of ancient egypt had its monumental R2 statue/statues. thousands of em, all over. because who’s gonna say ‘no’ to the literally all-powerful literal Living God? nobody, that’s who. again: that’s what men of great power and ego do. especially way back when, pre-internet. public relations in sandstone. if you were to envision pharaohs as USA presidents, R2 would be a combination of Washington, Jefferson, Polk, fdr, and, I dunno, Reagan. the biggest of the big. OK?
and in ancient egypt, so we’re told, nothing was more important than preparing for the really important stuff – the afterlife. OK?
So! the most powerful important pharaoh of them all, R2, lives in a culture where death/funerary stuff is paramount above all things…. and he was Pharaoh for like 70 years, so he had lots of time to make his tomb the biggest & super-bestest of them all, because of course he would demand that.… and he wakes up every freakin day and looks out at the Great Pyramid, the “tomb of Khufu”, who was like the Millard Fillmore of pharaohs…. and the story is THAT guy didn’t insist on a Great Pyramid for himself?? naw, fuck that, a Greater Pyramid?? knowing that if he didn’t, that for the next 50,000 years, idiot uncultured schlubs would think Khufu was the greatest of em all (“look at that big-ass Pyramid!”) and his, R2’s, the all-powerful Living God, HIS name would be…. forgotten?
a Ramesses II would have found that thought intolerable. he would have HAD TO have a bigger pyramid. and why not? all-powerful, incredibly rich, was bossman for 70 years…. he would have had one built. but he didn’t. didn’t even try. why not? and if not R2, then surely one of the other Big-Dawg Pharaohs would have: Seti. Thutmose, etc etc ONE of em would have gone bigger. yet it never happened. because they didn’t know how.
so if they weren’t big-ass mummy storage; and they were so old that R2 et al couldn’t dig up the old blueprints; and if they have multiple extremely large & unusual features that weren’t made with stone tools no how no way (see: sphinx “air shafts”)…. then it seems to me any explanation, no matter how out there they might be, is on the table
“…I know los Pyramids weren’t built by ancient egyptians as a mucho grande mummy storage device…”
No you don’t know that. You obviously haven’t read my links where it was shown that it would be easy for them to have been built by them and now we have ancient text of one of the people building them with a daily diary and text showing what he was doing. The reason they stopped building them is fairly plain. They ran out of sodium carbonate to make geopolymers. Stuff collects in dry lakes and they used the majority of it up. Over time they forgot how to build it.
By the way there’s over a thousand years difference between them. Plenty of time for the recipe to be lost.
Always looking for Independent Thinkers… thanks.
Youtube used to be good before the Great Purge….
My wife recommends this one regarding Pyramids.
>”Secret societies: Should we execute them all quickly or slowly, painfully, and publicly.”
He’s devout. He’s a devout Muslim, but even that makes him much more my ally as a Christian than an unbelieving Jew, or even a believing Jew.
Good thing Israeli’s are coming to Jesus:
For some reason when I post your site link on GAB the preview image is blank. If you have a GAB account you might want to test that.
Thank you, I will look into it.
AC, yesterday you asked about Aretha Franklin: “why did they want to take her down so badly. Was she too respectable a role model? Was her music not doing what Cabal needed done to the black community? “
Listen to her sing “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” with an awesome gospel choir. It’s so beautiful it moves you. If she was not in touch with God and the sublime, I don’t know which artist ever was. Cabal has to destroy everything Good, Beautiful and True:
good point. see: art, the arts, and modern architecture
If any of the Trinity is missing. The rest falls. Goodness,Truth,Beauty must all be at the same time.
United as One. Evil is also known by the fact that any of the Transcendentals is missing from the equation.
Aretha Franklin was straight fire.
What would be an appropriate martial art for an out of shape, middle aged guy to get into? Asking for an out of shape, middle aged friend who likes to drink beer and smoke the hippie lettuce.
Boston is a fun town. It’s notable that even Encyclopedia Dramatica’s article on Boston is fairly positive (by ED standards). Other subjects that get the positive treatment from ED include Hunter S. Thompson, cats, and (YMMV on this) Scotland.
It depends, mainly on who you are going to fight, and how many of them there are, and who you are. And honestly, I am not sure of whether it even matters, as a little bit of anything can be such an advantage, and once you have an advantage, people who start shit tend to sense you are not afraid as the moment of the fight starting approaches, and they will not want to fight you. So once you are any half-way good at anything, it seems you tend to not get in fights. Plus, if you are looking at violent confrontation, you really should be meeting it with a gun.
As for fighting, if you look vulnerable and might have a confrontation, and want something for defense, the different styles can have different advantages, but beyond that, different schools can be vastly different, making one school which teaches something less effective for your purposes better than another which teaches a different style you would prefer. So you tend to want to try schools, and see how tough they are, and what the people are like.
I generally view striking as superior if you are going to face a lot of opponents, where you do not want to go to the ground. If you can develop the ability to hit hard, fast, and precise, and move to get in and out, you are better off than with something like Brazilian Ju Jitsu, where you take one guy to the ground, and proceed to get stomped a kicked in the liver and ribs by his friends.
Brazilian Ju Jitsu is the best for one on one, just because very few strikers can avoid being taken down, and BJJ guys are incredibly good at ground work, where you can know submissions, and they can stay away from all of them and be very frustrating to fight.
Judo is kind of a middle ground, which has a lot of what BJJ does, but also a lot more stand up fighting, and takedowns. In BJJ, the takedowns are very protected from strikes as they go in, and as a result, they can be more gentle, and very often drag a guy to the ground. It is designed to face another professional martial artist, and not offer them any opening at the takedown to end the fight.
Judo’s takedowns can be more reckless, even giving an opponent your back to some degree, but they are also much more aggressive, and damaging in themselves. Against untrained fighters, they are much more powerful, and it is not uncommon for a guy to be knocked out cold due to a Judo throw, because he hits the ground so forcefully, that if he does not tuck his chin, his head whips back, hits the ground, and he is out just from the takedown. Plus Judo will often show very quick submissions which do not involve going to the ground. Ways to do arm bars, or chokes, where you maintain the ability to be up facing another opponent instantly. Plus in Judo, you do the throws in real fighting 100% every night on mats, against guys who know the techniques and how to resist them, and who are going 100%, to stop your throws, and to do throws of their own which you have to stop.
So a Karate guy or boxer who can knock people out with one punch will probably be best against a large group, but would get killed by a BJJ guy. A BJJ guy will likely get broken ribs and wrecked against a motivated group with any skill or aggression, but, depending on the school, will often beat a Judo guy one on one. A Judo guy will probably beat a Karate guy, will probably lose to the BJJ guy, but he can do better against a group than the BJJ guy, and maybe almost as well as the Karate guy, especially if he knows even a little striking.
And all of this is further complicated by the fact it will vary with instructor/school, and even who you are and your physical attributes. Every school now is teaching group grappling, and there are MMA schools, which can mean different things in different places. So there may be a Karate school teaching ground grappling, and an MMA school run by a Judo guy teaching striking. Because of UFC, things are bleeding over.
Then there is your physicality. Vox Day describes being an incredible sprinter, but a bad distance runner. Martial arts are incredibly different physically. You can be trained up as a striker, and a fanatical weight lifter, who runs every day, and in fantastic condition, and not last two minutes grappling. Grappling is weird. I took a few years off, and came back, and the first few nights, your arms will be like rubber just minutes into the fight. There is some special kind of condition you cannot replicate with weights or cardio. You have to actually feel it to under stand. And a great grappler may not do well with hand speed or accuracy for striking, just naturally. And as a result, some will do better naturally than others. Some guys are natural strikers, some are natural grapplers. In a way that is why there are different styles. Founders were better at some stuff than others, and built styles around it. You may be naturally good at one thing, and not another.
The best advice might be to drift through schools around you for six months at a time, see what you like. Eventually you will do five or six months here and there anyway just to see what is out there. Try it out at the start. Personally, I would go with grappling, as the learning curve can be fast, and it has good use from the start, and is realistic from the get-go. Striking can be more complex, and I have seen Karate guys who got into fights, and were not ready for the chaotic, uncontrolled nature of a fight on the street with an untrained opponent who just rushed them and took them down to the ground.
Since the world outside the ring is unregulated. Assume your opponent has tricks up his sleeves which also means he(and more rarely she) is likely armed.
Especially if the opponent looks weak at first glance. Assume they have a force multiplier to even the odds.
Unarmed martial arts is a backup measure. But the aim is to ensure that you keep access to arms over being unarmed.
I believe you mentioned before that many people see kindness as weakness. In that sense decency reveals the evil. I think its good to have armed backup in that case from a well-trained armed group in addition to your one’s own arms.
If any group sees kindness as weakness and the Ruler has the strength. That group needs to be exterminated. Those who consider decency and honor as weakness do not have a place among the living.
;”Those who consider decency and honor as weakness do not have a place among the living.”
But they do have a place.
OK, here’s a question for the fighter guys that’s been bugging me for the lat 25 years. Krav Maga: instant death on swift sudden wings, or (((special person))) argle-bargle?
I’ve never seen it. You don’t see it in UFC that I am aware, so I would not choose it. But again, I’ve never seen it.
From what I’ve seen, it’s more on the level of karate or aikido. It’s good if you are really well trained (instructor level) and the other person is entirely inexperienced, or if they are trained in the same art. Otherwise, they get whipped pretty hard by something like jujitsu or a real striking art.
In its pure form, it’s similar to the Fairbairn/Applegate WW2 combatives training that was developed for the OSS and SOE. It’s not meant to be a competitive sport, just a quick-and-dirty method of getting military trainees physically and psychologically ready for combat. The problem is that it has become commercialized, and most strip mall schools are teaching watered-down courses that are more palatable to mass market tastes. If you could arrange to go to Israel for six months and train Krav with a military or police unit, you would be in a very good position, self-defensewise.
Gun fu.
Only partially joking. If you’re already middle aged and out of shape it’s going to be significantly more difficult to get proper conditioning and learn new ways to fight. You might have the advantage of height or weight on your side which is very important in one on one physical confrontations, but there’s always a bigger fucker to come along and wreck you. It’ll be an uphill battle no matter what you do as you’re missing the decades of subconscious training and muscle memory.
Another thing to think about is why you’re doing it. Is it for exercise or self defense?
The way society is going there is going to be less and less need for non-lethal methods of defending yourself, at least for a time. Where you might have at one time been able to throw a few blows with some asshole and both walk away with some lesson learned, the time is short for that. The less society and rule of law is enforced the more likely it will be that the best outcome is that you preemptively kill anyone fucking with you because the risk of them doing the same is too high and you don’t want to be caught flat footed when the consequences are lethal.
You might be able to get away with looking up a few techniques that are illegal in competitive fighting sports. They’re likely illegal because they’re easy, unfair, and increase the risk of injuring your partner, all things that are good for self defense.
If you just need a good workout then any wrestling or grappling art is fantastic conditioning. You won’t believe how gassed you can get in 60 seconds of legit battling another human, even amateurs.
Boxing is a decent workout and I personally believe striking arts are more versatile for self defense because you can keep distance and engage multiple opponents without having to go to ground.
It’s really hard to go wrong with a lot of modern arts, just make sure you get a legit instructor with credentials and a history of studying under a master of their art.
Was going to say the same thing. First, get into shape. Being in shape is its own martial value. Start by walking. When I decided to get back into shape, I thought I wasn’t that bad, until I started walking. Walk outside if you can — it will help keep you acclimated to your weather patterns. If you keep walking through the spring, you will be acclimated when summer comes. Ditto fall/winter. When walking gets easy, get a backpack and start adding weight.
If you can, lift as well. Stronglifts 5×5. I was in my late 30s when I started. You can lift in middle age. Just like everything else, you are just sore longer. The higher T that lifting gets you will go a long way as well martially.
Then, once those are rolling and established, start shooting. Just paper targets for a good while. Once you are good with paper, look at something like IPSC.
To add to this getting back into shape thing: cardio, strength, and flexibility are not enough. Especially if you are in your middle years, you MUST practice getting up off the ground. Coach Dan John has a lot of information online about this. If you are martially minded, this also means learning how to fall, tumbling, and various getting up exercises (e.g., the Turkish getup). There’s a reason why falling is synonymous with death. In a fight situation, you need to learn how to fall well and recover immediately.
Yes! Falling is vital. It is a technique, and just learning to tuck your chin will save your life. I saw on 4Chan video of a female Fire Department EMT being murdered in New York City. The guy pushed her, she fell back, her head snapped back, as it will if you have not practiced falling, and when her head hit the pavement she went unconscious. The guy just jumped on her and stabbed her unconscious body all over the chest about 50 times with a steak knife, up to the hilt, in about seven seconds. Then he got up and walked off, and that was the end of her. If she had just tucked her chin, she might have been able to kick at him, buy time, maybe even fight him off and run.
And that was another one where I suspect the guy was a loner being gangstalked, they made it seem it was the fire department, and when he snapped, he probably grabbed some innocent he saw in an FD uniform, who had no idea what was going on, and killed her.
Tumbling is something they have kids do to work off excess energy, but it can be *very* useful in real life. It’s not spectacular Death-Ninja-Fu or even Tae Kwon Leep, but it has probably saved me from a couple of broken bones on icy surfaces.
When you’re an adult the ground is a *lot* further away than when you’re five or six, but in my experience the ingrained reflexes still work just fine.
> There’s a reason why falling is synonymous with death.
Which brings Kyle Rittenhouse to mind once again. Shooting upward from supine isn’t something most ranges will let you practice; either he was incredibly lucky or he’s one of those mutants like Jerry Miculek.
I’m no better than an okay shot when standing prepared and braced; knocked down in combat, I’d be toast.
That was the Holy Spirit doing the shooting. Kyle was temporarily inhabited.
On Vox Day’s “Literally Thoughtless”
This was mentioned a few weeks ago and I, as old as I am, I had no idea that there were people who did not have an inner monologue. I thought everyone, everyone, did this. I can also visualize things graphically but for complicated things it takes some concentration.
It’s a bit of a shock to me and further cements the idea in my head that some people’s mental make up and how they see things is completely foreign to myself and others like me.
You have high IQ and trying to relate with people who have 70 IQ.
Zelenskyy’s lost it. Now he’s calling on NATO to launch pre-emptive strikes on Russia to ‘prevent’ a nuclear strike.
This globalist puppet won’t be happy until he starts World War III. Enough nonsense. Sign a peace deal NOW.
Nukes don’t exist.
Just the budgets for them!
> Remember Taylor Lorenz? She was the reporter who doxed LibsOfTikTok, the twitter account which made fun of leftists. Here is an interesting tidbit up next. Just a huge coincidence. Lorenz’s uncle runs the WayBackMachine, and set it to block any archive of her specific tweets.
Also linked to previous posts about Kiwifarms. WaybackMachine destroyed all archives of Kiwifarms in the past month as they were being assaulted from all sides for exposing a child grooming tranny drug distribution ring. This proves the attempt to take them down was associated at the very least with a larger network of glowies in media and tech.
It seems the beast is currently focused on working to removing the ability to keep records of their past evil behavior. They know that people seeing the paper trails of their minions exposed the true scale of the intelligence operation directing these freaks to act the way they do.
“he who controls the past controls the future”
Check out this story
Abraham Lincoln consulted Aztec and Native American Spirits in his Policy:
Any surprise the Civil War happened on his watch?
So done with the EPA and all the other three letter agencies.
Mark Taylor tries to tell everybody WHY FLORIDA IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO RELOCATE TO. And he’s a lifer. Starts about ten minutes in.
The hurricane is Deep State. They wanted to kill as many red staters as possible after driving as many of us to Florida as possible.
But there is also a plan to drive blue staters there, and turn it purple. Driving the Red-staters out would help that goal. Are we sure this guy doesn’t glow?
I don’t know if Mark Taylor glows. He was an NY firefighter who was supposedly given the “Trump Prophesies” by God, and stirred up a bunch of people to vote for the God Emperor. There was even a movie on Amazon Prime about it.
I don’t know who the other guy is. But I don’t watch a lot of videos. I’d rather have something to read than spend all day watching hours of people talking on video.
Unless they know that they’ve already lost and this is out of spite. Remember the other prophetic voices have been saying “checkmate”, but one side is going to force the winner to play out every move left. So hurricane season shows up, out of staters just don’t know how bad it is, the infrastructure just doesn’t exist for them to evac in a hurry, and bang, one artificially amped up hurricane steered right towards them, a big population of vaxx resistors. It’s not strategic, it’s literally spite.
I seriously believe what you just said there. The hardest hit areas are populated with die hard conservative vax resisters who will probably never be able to get back to living there just like all the Californians who will never go back to living in the areas that destroyed by all those “natural “ fires
Last time I was in Florida to visit my grandmother, everyone was from Yankeeland or were brown and didn’t speak English. I can’t say for sure I actually saw anyone who was *from* Florida.
(caveat: that was near Tampa; I’ve heard that the Panhandle and near the Georgia state line things are different)
I know some people on the “right” who are determined to flock to Florida and/or Texas. I keep telling them that despite those states’ status as right-wing utopias at the moment, both governors only have a limited term. The next election could be rigged, but even if not, they only get one more term, then who comes next?
Also, nobody understands why both governors’ Zionism is a bad thing. Both Texas and Florida are fanatically devoted to “our greatest ally” and “the only demonocracy in the Middle East”. Remember when Texas made hurricane relief contingent on not boycotting said “greatest ally”?
But in any case, I get blank looks and those people end up relocating to those states. I’ll just stay where I’m at. Running away doesn’t work.
The Zionism is a puzzle. Every major politician trips over themselves to not only support Israel, but to make a big show of how much more than everyone else they support Israel. clearly it is not a belief, but some sort of ritual.
As a Christian, I am a “Zionist”..
but the past 2 years has undermined my faith in pretty much everything else except the Creator.
The Israelis were hit hard with Fake-Virus Injections. Maxwell was Israel, probably Epstein too. I could believe Israeli politicians are as bad as every other politician, and their security services are equally as compromised.
1 Peter teaches us that our faith is stronger than gold that perishes in a fire. We lose some of the meaning in modern times because we don’t know how gold is tested in a fire.
When you test gold, you weight it out, and then mix it with some lead. You melt that mix in a crucible, and by keeping the temp and time right, the lead bonds with all the impurities and leaches into the crucible, leaving behind pure gold. Start with 32 karats, measure what you end up with, and that is what karat weight the gold you started with was.
The thing is, if you test the gold with fire that is too hot or too long, then the gold leaches into the crucible as well, and the gold perishes. Our faith isn’t like that. There is no fire too hot, no trial too long. Our faith perseveres.
You’ve been taught badly about zionism. The Jews that are jews today are not God’s chosen people. They are not of Abraham — they are of their father, Satan. It’s right there in the Red Words. The Jews God chose followed Jesus, which is why Paul has to teach so much about about the circumcised and the uncircumcised being equal in the house of God. It’s why we got the parable of the prodigal son — to tell the Jews to welcome the gentiles back into God’s inheritance
Zionist Israeli Jews reject Christ. Explicitly. They crucify him again daily with their denial. When God decides to call them back, He will do it himself, and it’s not our place to try to decide for God when that will be. He keeps His own timeline. Forget zionism. It’s an empty philosophy that serves wicked people on the backs of bad teachers. We — Christians — are the new Jews, the new Zion. They are the Old Man, the dead man. Let the dead bury the dead. (Matthew 8:22)
I have no proof whatsoever, but I would be entirely unsurprised if the pols knew that some significant amount of their campaign contributions came from Israel.
Remember, under Federal Election Commission rules, they’re allowed to keep unused campaign funds for their own use, subject to a few minor restrictions.
If their contributors don’t see some obvious results for their money, there are always other pols with their hands out.
If they were trying to genocide people with hurricanes they did a piss poor job. Plenty of property damage but what, a hundred total deaths, almost all of people over 50? Mostly people who were too dumb to evacuate on time and then spooked, ran outside, and got waxed? Not exactly top caliber “victims.”
They need to build concrete homes and dykes.
We have seen how men with common sense have defended their own homes easily. Why are build houses out of match sticks?
Because international building codes that the US has signed onto specify it? No seriously, I cannot get a permit to build an Earthship with it’s compacted-earth/tire-wall because there’s no building code for it, and thus my state simply says NO. Meanwhile I can tear down my existing house and replace it with one made entirely out of utility grade fir 2x4s and plywood siding and nobody would bat an eye.
20 years ago a friend of mine had a house built. He wanted some fancy system that was basically giant styrofoam Legos stacked together, with concrete poured into shaped cavities.
The city said “hell, no.” 2×3 studs and 3/8″ chipboard sheets stapled together into a rickety framework that would fall over at a hard look, no problemo. Anything else, they didn’t want to hear about.
He hired a lawyer, and the city caved before they even got a letter from him. He never did find out why for sure, but he suspects the city had been sued about similar things before, and their policy was to simply oppose anything unusual by default, then stamp approval if it looked like they were going to have use their department budget to go to court.
Getting the house insured was another adventure, but that system (ICF? IVF?) had been used in Yankeeland, and he just had to find a large insurance company that had offices there as well as his state, so they had the actuarial data at hand.
I remember that building system, one of the very best, though expensive. Because the concrete is surrounded by styrofoam, it cures very slowly, thus is incredibly strong. The video pou out by the manufacturer showed it being shelled by a two -incj naval gun. No problem, although the styrofoam was blown away off the inner concrete core.