Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
DFT – US National Debt Surpasses $31 Trillion
DFT – UK Energy Regulator Ofgem Warns Of Winter Gas Shortages
DFT – Biden White House Frantic Over Presumed OPEC Production Cut
DFT – Ford Unveils Redesigned Superduty Truck, Will Hire 500 More Workers
DFT – Elon Musk Agrees To Complete Twitter Buyout For $44 Billion
Looks like Twitter decided they needed to get rid of those bots after all:
Liberty Daily had more tweets of people noticing their followers disappear.
Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón (pro-crime Soros prosecutor) announced today that an executive with a Michigan-based company responsible for the software used in managing Los Angeles County election poll workers has been arrested as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of those workers. This guy worked for Konnech Corp, the company tied to the thing Gregg Phillips was talking about, where his group found the database in China at an IP which elections machines were connecting to, and the database had millions of records on everyone who worked in the US election system, and he was saying it will be 10 times bigger than 2,000 Mules. Of course he still won’t mention we have the fucking Stasi targeting kids in schools and listening in everyone’s houses, and probably running operational support for 9/11. Make of that what you will.
Republican National Committee sues Maricopa county for shutting out Republican poll workers.
Donald Trump asks Supreme Court to intervene in Mar-a-Lago raid case.
The FBI spied on Aretha Franklin through “false phone calls, surveillance, infiltration and highly-placed sources” from 1967 to 2007, in the hopes of tying her to extremists, but never did. Which is interesting, as if she was tied, even tangentially to extremists, surveillance captures all. You do not get away with stuff under this. Which begs the question why did they want to take her down so badly. Was she too respectable a role model? Was her music not doing what Cabal needed done to the black community? Did she intend to enter politics? Was Cabal poised to take over her estate, or music catalog, and needed her out of the way? Very curious.
Firearms dealers now required to provide buyers’ addresses to feds for DENIED transactions.
Bobulinski says Jim Biden called him in the middle of his interview with the FBI in October during the 2020 election but when he picked up, no one was on the line. So even the dumber Biden is using games of Charades to send messages. By Biden not being on the line when it was answered, this guy was supposed to infer Biden knew exactly where he was, he was being watched, and the call itself was the message. I don’t know how it would work though. I’d guess surveillance was monitoring the whole thing through Bobulinski’s phone, and probably the FBI agent’s phones as well, and of course Bobulinski was followed there, and surveillance knew he was going and exactly when, days or week earlier, probably before he did. Surveillance may have conferred with FBI to help come up with a date. I assume somebody in surveillance who was listening, felt Bobulinski was being too honest, and called Biden’s brother, and told him, call Bobulinski now, but do not say anything because he is with the FBI, just hang up the phone. Of course in the middle of an FBI interview, you are not 100% focused. So the message goes over your head while surveillance is listening and slapping their foreheads, realizing their vital message was completely missed. And not only that, this guy is telling the FBI who is calling (LOL), and then goes right back to ratting out Biden like nothing happened. And even now, you cannot be 100% sure it wasn’t just a butt dial, so it is their stupidity. I am sure I have had a few hundred of these, all because these boobs want to be clever and play Charades, and can’t just say what the fuck is on their minds.
Google allegedly censoring GOP’s get out the vote emails.
Alarming reports of babies mysteriously dying following being breast fed by just-vaxxed mothers.
Federally backed censorship machine raises separation of powers, election meddling questions. It is kind of brilliant. Where the Nazis had the Gestapo, and the East Germans had the Stasi, CIA could not do that here, so it used its infiltration and subversion abilities to take over everything in the private sector, and recreated the exact same Secret Police regimes, just outside of government, in the private sector. They can get you kicked out of most jobs at big businesses, and even probably most small businesses, they can debank you so you have no money, censor your social media, even have you gangstalked in real life, or zapped through your walls at night. And there is absolutely zero oversight.
NYC bail reform slammed after repeat offender makes 42nd attack.
California serial killer ‘on a mission’ in slayings. Sounds like he is cleaning up the neighborhood of druggies or homeless. Surveillance will know exactly who he is right now. But they may be seeing if he is worth turning into an asset or not. You will know if he is punching tickets for Cabal by whether he just disappears from the news.
Biden secretly flying underage migrants into NY in dead of night.
Washington, DC and Democrats approve plan allowing illegal aliens to vote.
Arrested looters in Lee County were in US illegally, says sheriff.
Whitmer to hire sexual orientation and gender identity consultant for children.
This next dude talks about how he is reformed and going to succeed in the world, and then the voiceover during the last moments of this next clip says, “After this interview, Asheef sent a picture of his penis to our producer…”
Novus Ordo Bishop inaugurates Masonic lodge.
Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen hire divorce lawyers. He said something about her being a witch who cast wicca spells for him, and it worked. Is he sweating bullets right now?
A malfunctioning South Korean ballistic missile blew up as it ploughed into the ground on Wednesday during a live-fire drill with the United States that was a reprisal for North Korea’s successful launch a day earlier of a weapon that flew over Japan and has the range to strike the US territory of Guam. So now we just look like a bunch of tools. Can anything go right with this administration?
Google is blurring satellite imagery of Israel.
Cuba confirms contacts with the Biden Administration requesting economic aid after Hurricane Ian.
EU citizens fail first gas-saving test – regulator.
Biden-Harris regime sending another $625 million in weapons to Ukraine.
Ukraine capital preparing evacuation centers for possible nuclear strike.
Belarus’s Lukashenko accuses Ukraine of border provocations.
Switzerland resists handover of Russian assets to Ukraine. Probably calculating the likelihood Russia begins marching across Europe, and all the guys they would need to fight Putin off realize, they like Putin better than Globohomo.
There is a decent chance Zelensky’s name may be made up from the following translation, meaning Cabal could not resist signing their work. Nothing you see is real:
Refugees who cross Channel in dinghies will be BANNED from claiming asylum in UK.
‘Black Lives Matter was a scam,’ says Kanye West after White Lives Matter shirt goes viral.
Cook political report shifts Pennsylvania Senate race to ‘toss up.’
74% are becoming more concerned about inflation.
Truth Social is in the Samsung Play Store now.
Increasing number of Republicans support President Donald Trump over the GOP in new poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because nothing you see from Cabal is real.
“why did they want to take her down so badly.” (Aretha Franklin)
Maybe they heard she enjoyed listening to the song, “Louie Louie”, by the Kingsmen?
>> Federally backed censorship machine raises separation of powers, election meddling questions.
All of us who once supported libertarians and muh free market were scammed by a huge psy-op. Turns out a warmongering security state and globalist corporate rule were a bad combo. But at least we genocided millions of Arabs and also wiped out most of the Christians in the Middle East on behalf of Israel. Yay conservatism.
Jesus then appeared in dreams and visions to many Muslims. Praise be to God for their salvation.
“There is a decent chance Zelensky’s name may be made up from the following translation, meaning Cabal could not resist signing their work. Nothing you see is real.”
It doesn’t work exactly as put there, as I just tried it. You have to take out the “n” for it to translate that way, and remember that the extra “y” is needed: zele skyy volody myr/the evil one owns the world. If you keep only one “y” it translates to something similar, but not the same: zele sky volody myr/the evil one holds the peace. Wanted to clarify that for anyone who tries it and it doesn’t match up.
Satan may own the “world system,” but even that authority will be broken to a large extent in this time, just as shown/prophesied. The fall of the Rothschilds/false Jews (Revelation 3:7-13) parallels the 1st fall of the Beast (Rev. 13:3, 12). Just like the Israelites, we have to go through suffering to get to the victory, as the quoted passage addressed to us (Philadelphians/those in brotherly love) states clearly.
I’m going to be working OT at work this weekend for the first time in years to pay for the gas I’ll need for my upcoming fall vacation.
I prefer mean Tweets over astronomical gas prices and WWIII, but that’s just me.
“The widow of fallen Austin Police Department Officer Anthony “Tony” Martin said she was “crushed” after seeing Mayor Steve Adler appearing to sleep at her husband’s funeral on Monday.”
When have you EVER fallen asleep at work, during daytime hours, anyone? Especially during a public event?
This man needs to submit to drug testing and twice-daily breathalyzer tests.
“Public servant” my ass
not limited to dimrats. look up pics online of congresswoman lisa mcclain
Funny story: used to work in an all-male team in a huge office building. Had a coworkers that got fired for using the largely unused female nursing/breast pump room as his personal jerk closet. He got caught because he fell asleep with his dick out and porn playing on his phone when a janitor came to clean.
How that happens I, personally, am unable to fathom. But happen it does somehow.
“Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said on Monday he was sending three of his teenage sons — aged 14, 15 and 16 — to the Ukraine front.”
This is weird. Anyone have a take on what this is intended to mean?
He is showing support for the war to Putin. He has been a big booster for the war, and recently shit all over one of the Russian commanders, and the commander attacked him back for sitting on a soft couch.
Ramzan is Putin’s attack dog, and Putin gives Kadyrov the freedom to rule his people, the Chechens, as he sees fit, but ultimately, Kadyrov rules at Putin’s whim.
Ramzan stepped on some toes, got called out, so he’s putting his boys at the front as a sign of contrition and respect.
Putin could pull the plug on Ramzan at a moments notice, and everyone over there knows it.
Or, someone in the FBI office saw Bobulinski go by, knew about the investigation and that the Bidens were involved, and called them to let them know.
It’s bad out there fellas. Will tell you a quick story: was talking with an old buddy of mine. Veteran, fought in Iraq. Big time “conservative” who loves Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, etc. He’s lukewarm on Trump, loves DeSantis. Doesn’t go to any church but “loves God and America.”
Anyway I dropped the word “globohomo” and he asked me what it meant. He’d never heard the word before. I explain. His exact words back: “What’s wrong with gay people. I’m glad they are welcome all over the world. Only Muslims hate gays and they are the bad guys.” Wtf?
It is funny but you have the exact same writing style as another poster who used to post here under a flashy name…
In denial over what he was part of in Iraq? 2bn people just ‘bad guys’?
For a female, on the ground Iraqi perspective of how their ‘liberation’ really played out in their daily lives, read Riverbend’s blog and book.
Listen to this little anecdote. One of my cousins works in a prominent engineering company in Baghdad- […]. This company is well-known for designing and building bridges all over Iraq. My cousin, a structural engineer, is a bridge freak. He spends hours talking about pillars and trusses and steel structures to anyone who’ll listen.
As May was drawing to a close, his manager told him that someone from the CPA wanted the company to estimate the building costs of replacing the New Diyala Bridge on the South East end of Baghdad. He got his team together, they went out and assessed the damage, decided it wasn’t too extensive, but it would be costly. They did the necessary tests and analyses (mumblings about soil composition and water depth, expansion joints and girders) and came up with a number they tentatively put forward- $300,000. This included new plans and designs, raw materials (quite cheap in Iraq), labor, contractors, travel expenses, etc.
Let’s pretend my cousin is a dolt. Let’s pretend he hasn’t been working with bridges for over 17 years. Let’s pretend he didn’t work on replacing at least 20 of the 133 bridges damaged during the first Gulf War. Let’s pretend he’s wrong and the cost of rebuilding this bridge is four times the number they estimated- let’s pretend it will actually cost $1,200,000. […]
A week later, the New Diyala Bridge contract was given to an American company. This particular company estimated the cost of rebuilding the bridge would be around- brace yourselves- $50,000,000 !!
Not familiar with the region’s particular practices/pricing whatsoever, but I took a look at what map images I could find. From a general construction perspective $300,000 for ANY bridge, let alone a somewhat high traffic, larger population city steel bridge with a moderate span, is insanely low. Barring purely cosmetic repairs there’s no way they got site testing, analysis, engineering and start to finish construction including labor for that number. Just not possible unless they are using slaves and scavenged, rusted out old scrap materials with a bare minimum, short term repair.
The author even subconsciously admits they are lowballing to make a point by qualifying the prices as if they know the story they tell isn’t believable (“raw materials (quite cheap in Iraq)” I personally wouldn’t trust the total honesty of this author anymore, but that’s just one person’s opinion.
$50 million is also insanely high, but people who aren’t intimately involved with the construction industry really tend to underestimate the cost of high quality work. It’s probably much closer to the 1.2m number, but likely higher.
Maybe they tried to make a very cheap offer to outbid competing firms.
“Just not possible unless they are using slaves”
But economically, Iraqis were slaves, making 1$/hour, according to at least one study. Negligible labor costs, and repairs that weren’t up to Western standards, and it’s not that crazy anymore.
“I personally wouldn’t trust the total honesty of this author anymore”
Not a journalistic work that got everything fact-checked, no. But smart gossip from an independent local in the midst of American Iraq, something that you don’t really find in English-language books or newspapers.
All fair points. I assume the salary of specialized workers like engineers and soil testing labs, etc. would be much higher than the regular person in the region but again I’m not infinitely familiar with the local wages and practices.
Though acting as if corruption in bidding is exclusively a middle eastern issue is funny. All major public works are given at inflated prices to friends of the local government. Just how these people run things when there’s no oversight or consequences for bad behavior.
That reminds me of a joke I read on a Pakistani web forum:
There’s damage to the fence around the White House. The GSA calls for contractors to bid on the repair.
A Chinese contractor bids $2,000 to do the job.
An American contractor bids $3,500 to do the job.
The Pakistani contractor bids $12,000 to do the job.
Stunned by the price difference, the GSA functionary asks the Pakistani contractor, “Why is your bid so much higher than the others?”
The Pakistani contractor whispers, $5,000 for you, $5,000 for me, and we hire the Chinese contractor to do the work.”
The joke probably goes back to ancient times, but among other things, it would explain a lot about how Department of Defense contracts are let.
The average veteran is far more brainwashed than the average citizen. Boot camp exists to beat indoctrination and compliance into your head along with the physical conditioning aspect. Given the homo’d nature of the military it’s not surprising they’d pump that narrative into his head.
My narcissist was ex-military. One of his main ploys when cornered was “you were never in the military, you will never understand any of the important things about life”. Then going on and on about how in the military things were different in every facet of human existence. His rage bursts were imitations of drill sergeants.
easy. the concept is known as primacy, and it works like this: “that which is learned first is learned best, and is retained the longest.” why else would the left had made it a point to converge and capture all education first before anything else? A: because primacy is real, and they want to be the ones inserting that lifetime programming into childrens’ minds. one other fact about primacy: all that ‘stuff learned first & best’ is very very difficult, almost impossible to remove from a person’s mind/belief system.
the military knows this too*. your friend is brainwashed, and whatever else happens in his life, I submit he can never be trusted.
*there’s a lovely and terrifying story out there about the native troops who fought in WW! africa with von L-V. it’s now 1959 plus or minus, and L-V learns that a lot of his old black troops are penniless, so he successfully campaigns the German gov’t. to set up small pensions for them. done. but how do they find the right guys? they had african experience, so they knew every last man over 60 would say he’s wuz a sodjer, and have his hand out. you can’t prove he wasn’t: no birth certs in 1890’s affika, ja? a kraut bureaucrat found the answer: make em do the old Prussian rifle drill. (“primacy”, you see, once learned NEVER forgotten) and it worked! the real ex-troops were handed a broomstick as a rifle, and the old geezers all did the 34-step drill perfectly. after 40+ years. Africans! like I said, lovely and terrifying.
now you know why all the teachers are commies, and the higher up you go, the more commie they are.
On Cabal Primacy
If 50% of Americans refused to send their children to slave schools Cabal Primacy would collapse within one generation, 15-20 years. K – 6 is the foundation. Take that away from Cabal and they bleed to death.
For what it’s worth, “homo” here actually means homogenous, as in the zillions of memes with the generic PBS logo face.
Now it means both.
There’s your standard “conservative” today. They are just slow motion progressives. Seriously, they are all liberals, just to different degrees and moving towards increasing degeneracy at a different pace. That’s why anything truly right wing is so jarring to just about everybody in our society.
“The conservative case for (next degenerate thing to come long)” is a real thing.
Read the motion. It’s solid, and essentially just says what I said from the start — appointing a Special Master isn’t something you can appeal, and the 11th Circuit stepped on its own dick when it accepted that appeal and issued an order limiting it. The appeals court simply doesn’t have jurisdiction.
Also, they erred when they granted the appeal on the order appointing the Special Master, because they limited what the SM could do, but that doesn’t happen until the order setting out the duties of the SM, which is separate. So, the DOJ appealed the wrong order (because they were trying to get the order as soon as possible, and the second order hadn’t been issued yet.) The best analogy is that while the referees on the football field are still conferring on a play, the NFL jumps in and announces, “you can’t rule that this was pass interference.” It just doesn’t work that way.
I don’t think that this one makes it to the SCOTUS as a case-case. I think that after Thomas gives the DOJ their 1 week to respond, SCOTUS will issue a simple one paragraph order that says, “this Court vacates the Eleventh Circuit’s September 21, 2022, Stay Order as to the authority of the Special Master to review documents bearing classification markings.”
And then it will be back to regular order in the District Court.
laws, rules & procedures dont work anymore. They do what they want
We are going to lose to everyone on the planet at once when the actual war kicks off. We won’t even be able to handle the NorKs. It will look like this.
> Truth Social is in the Samsung Play Store now.
Making the site dependent on an “app” was stupid. All someone should need is a web browser.
Best as I can tell, a lot of “apps” are just dedicated web browsers hardwired to some specific URL.
It is usable with a web browser now. I believe anyone can view the “Truths” as well, even if you are not logged in..
“Velma is a lesbian”
This is news to some people?
Although in the Mystery, Inc. series, she had a thing for Shaggy, because who doesn’t love a scrawny, druggie coward who has a questionable relationship with his man sized dog?
does it matter?
Anything made after 2012 is garbage, getting worse after 2015, and worse still after 2020
Some food for thought:
“Elon Musk Agrees To Complete Twitter Buyout For $44 Billion”
He lost in some court rulings and finally realized that the courts, or some of them, are totally crooked and do not follow the law or even common sense. So he will e forced to buy them at the original price. It would be a miracle if he found a way to make money off of it.
Oddly enough I saw a few minutes of an interview with him on Neuralink, and my impression is he is viewing Twitter’s software architecture as a plug and play network he will plug everyone who gets the brain chip into, so they can send wireless messages directly into everyone else’s head, or just privately to someone else’s head, and keep a record of all the messages that are shared, creating kind of like one big consciousness out of everyone’s individual consciousnesses. I got the impression he always intended to buy it, but not to just run it like it is now.
Might be why bots are such a big thing to him. They could really gum up the works if they can’t figure out how to deal with them. Like getting a computer virus in your brain designed to confuse you.
That makes me think of the South Park episode where Cartman was pissed off about NSA spying. One of the subplots is a social network called Shitter rolled out where they planted antennae in your head and your thoughts were sent out to the network. Only two people were using it: Cartman and Alec Baldwin.
There are times I wonder what Trey Parker and Matt Stone know. They’ve had some stories about celebrities and politicians we thought were jokes that years later came out to be true. If you rewatch some of the older episodes it’s like Q posts.
Oh, so it’s all just to pursue more manmade horrors beyond comprehension. Sweet.
He wants to create the Borg and force us all into it.
I am now on the side of the bots.
Elon Musk loves Deus ex the Cyberpunk video game featuring human augmentation:
Making money off it wouldn’t be hard as long as 80% of the users aren’t bots.
Errol Musk is most likely a psychopath from reading about his behavior. As for him shooting invaders, good for him. The assault on Whites in South Africa is so much worse than even the worse places in the US it makes the US look like a nice place in comparison.
I can see how Errol’s stepdaughter Jana would marry him. The things they do to little Whites girls the Negros are able to get a hold of are so brutal that it boggles the mind. They know it too. They need someone to protect them and he did.
“A leading Republican said the Chinese communist regime is using American technology to develop its new weapons systems, and leveraging predatory international deals to secure access to vital trade infrastructure.…”
The odds that it’s the Jews trading them all this information is close to 100%. They’ve been caught so many times already. We spent billions helping Israel develop a fighter using a lot of US F16 technology. It of course ended up in China. The Chinese fighter looked just like the Lavi we paid for. Ballistic missile tech showed up in China after Patriot missiles sent to Israel to protect them disappeared. A huge amount of classified data that Jonathan Pollard sent to Israel was traded to the Soviet Union. It cost us, no kidding, literally hundreds of billions of dollars to plug the hole left from that. And Trump pardoned him and let him go.
Of course Russia would hit Texas if it used Posiden. Look at a map of refinery locations and pipelines. There is no way Putin would refrain from hitting The Lone Star State because we are all good fellow k-selected. How do I know? He almost certainly already has. I doubt it is a coincidence that right after the US proposed making up for any Russian LNG shortfall by shipping American LNG that our huge Freeport LNG export terminal was crippled by a big mysterious explosion. Don’t be naive, YGB. Which would make a US hit in those civilian LNG export infrastructure retaliation.
Moore V. Harper is about to hit the TV news. You think the left went insane over RoeVWade, just wait for it.
Think timing – SCOTUS rules that legislatures have ALL the power to decide election procedures – ok, that means that Trumps legal team then needs to sue to have the election overturned on the basis that several states went for Biden based on procedures decided by courts, and seven states sent two sets of electors which now all get flipped to other set which were for Trump. Assuming it gets fastracked to SCOTUS it will take into next Summer, at which point Trump will be sworn back in as POTUS, and will be eligible to run again in 2024. The new MAGA congress will already be in place.
The economy will be in full meltdown with energy and food prices through the roof. EVERYONE will be desperate. That’s the climate that Trump can get everything done that’s actually needed to BEGIN to reverse the damage done to America during the last century.
I look at this a little and find this site,
There is says,
“…State constitutions — like the federal Constitution — typically permit the state’s chief executive to veto election laws…”
That’s a load of horseshit. Where does it say that??? If it does I haven’t seen it. Maybe it does but what I see is,
The Constitution provides that…
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”
The courts have made a huge stinking mess of the whole thing because every time they don’t like something they add on baffling and stupid rulings with all sorts of exceptions and cut-outs that really don’t exist.
Here’s some other bafflement they are trying to feed us.
“…The independent state legislature doctrine derives from a deceptively simple reading of the Constitution, which states that “the times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof.” A separate provision says that presidential elections shall also be conducted in a way determined by the state “Legislature.”..”
Of course, it reads simplistic because…it is simplistic. I have no doubt that the founders wrote this in simple language on purpose and that there’s no big secrets. They want to Ouija board every law they don’t like and spell it out on “feels”.
The article further says,
“…But the Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected this theory. The issue first arose in Davis v. Hildebrant (1916), which upheld a provision of the Ohio constitution permitting the people of the state to veto state election laws via a popular referendum.
Davis reasoned that the word “legislature,” as it is used by the relevant provisions of the Constitution, does not refer exclusively to the elected body of representatives who make up the state’s legislative branch. Instead, it refers more broadly to any individual or body that possesses some part of the power to make laws within a state — what the Court referred to as the “legislative power.”…”
So “legislature,” doesn’t mean, “legislature,”.
What they really want is to continue concentration of power in the city centers. Since they made illegal rulings outlawing regional State Senates the Republican representatives, with good cause and common sense, try to balance these illegal rulings and illegal concentrations of power in the cities by splitting up their vote into different districts.
Ohio’s legislature made the state constitutional provision delegating their power under the US constitution to set “the times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives” back to their electorate. In any case, every state’s legislative authority derives not from the US constitution, but from the electorate. (The US constitution’s authority in turn derives from the state legislatures’ authority to ratify and amend the Constitution, so the Constitution’s authority is two steps removed from the ultimate autority of the states’ electorates.) Therefore it isn’t even delegation of authority for the state legislature to allow itself to overruled by popular referendum, but rather returning its power to its original source. No problem.
Likewise, each state’s legislature passed state constitutional provisions allowing any law (including election laws) to be vetoed by the state’s governor, so the governor’s authority to do so derived from an act of the legislature. No problem.
The US constitution’s provision that “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …” is distinct from the state legislatures’ authority to set “the times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives” (which arguably includes the VP as the president of the senate, and since the VP is elected on the same ticket as the US president, to decide both). The distinction of these two constitutional clauses means that even if a congressman is duly elected by the laws of their state, neither house of Congress is obliged to allow the person so elected to take office. This power of the houses of Congress, along with their power to make their own rules, is, IMO a mistake of the framers of the Constitution, and is a logical flaw. (e.g. the Senate has by its rules virtually frozen out the VP as its constitutionally-mandated president to the point where the VP can’t even speak there.) However, neither is legally challengeable in the courts, which is just as well, considering the failure of Congress to enforce the “good behavior” condition for judges to hold office or to act as the ultimate judicial body over judges.
As the Constituition is written, any federal judge that oversteps his authority in any decision, for instance by putting precedent (which has no constitutional authority) over statute in in making a decision, should be promptly impeached and removed from office by the Congress. There is far worse straying from constitutional authority in the courts – no jury trials for criminal sentences under six months, let alone for civil cases over $20, despite explicit constitutional provisions, for example. There is nothing in the Constitution authorizing sovereign immunity for anyone but the President, and even that is questionable. There is nothing authorizing public prosecutors, let alone giving them absolute immunity, nor is it even constitutional for judges to conduct trials in place of juries, let alone to boss the juries about and prevent them from hearing evidence. Virtually the entire federal legal system is constitutionally invalid on its face by a plain reading of the text, the overwhelming majority of federal court decisions are “ultra vires”, beyond legal authority, and so no more valid and no less criminal that if the same actions had been taken by any citizen.
> “…State constitutions — like the federal Constitution — typically permit the state’s chief executive to veto election laws…”
That’s a load of horseshit. Where does it say that??? If it does I haven’t seen it.
The Constitution is like the Bible. People read *about* them, but few actually read either, so it’s an easy tactic to claim it says whatever you need to support your narrative.
A friend of mine is persona non grata in every church in his town for his habit of sticking his Bible up into the air and shouting, “Show me where it says that!”
I don’t care who you are – you will never be this good with a pool cue.
I try to explain to the kids that it’s not just rose-colored nostalgia goggles, things really were just more fun back then. There’s a weight now dragging everything down that just wasn’t there back then, and everyone seeing this is going to try to diagnose it with their pet cause as the culprit, but I think that it’s just everything.
Fascinating to contemplate. The obvious is the video lacked repulsiveness. There was beauty. The people were uniformly thin, and pretty, and energetic, and happy. I think even the filters were more colorful. And pretty, especially lack of disgusting, is important to mood. I think of those memes of the Calvin Cline ads, with Mark Wahlburg and Kate Moss, vs some 400 lb woman and a 300lb Male to Female tranny, or the one with the gorgeous thin woman emerging from the ocean in a bikini in 1990, vs the ugliest 400lb woman I have ever seen, again, in a bikini. The themes of those movies were noble, without degeneracy, which is good. And we didn’t really know about what a mess what was behind all those productions was, so at least there was a semblance of true.
But you are right. The world was different is an indefinable way. Even the art had a spark it is tough to pinpoint. It was a world in technicolor with a sound track vs the black and white silent film of today.
Could it just be we were more ignorant, and didn’t know we were under surveillance, and satanic pedophiles ran everything, and everyone on the news was lying?
Although things have accelerated as the conspiracy has grown. Health insurance cost almost nothing, people got a job and it was a career, almost a home, and it paid enough for extras like boats and vacations, and time off to enjoy everything. Now homeless who failed to make it are everywhere.
It would be interesting to deport all the illegals, fill up the jails with the predators, actually fight the drug war like Trump said with the death penalty, expel Cabal from everything and kill them all, get rid of the surveillance, and see what the world turned into.
It’s everything together.
The evil people became more numerous, gained more control, and became more evil. (those that had room to get more evil)
Plenty of murderers are not executed as they deserve.
I didn’t even think about the fat people thing. But it seemed like the 1990’s almost immediately started treading water, like the 80’s had given us everything interesting and then the 90’s just kind of made it all bland, corporate. Something like that.
Maybe it’s just me but it doesn’t seem like hairstyles or clothing have radically changed since then, either.
Before, you could go to a club, have a conversation, and ask a lady to dance. That all changed in 1990, when it went rap, loud & drugs.
Europe peaked in 1992, coincidentally when the Maastricht EU Treaty was signed.
Yes, there was all sorts of cabal fuckery going on back then. There were kids in schools trying to screw up the lives of targeted kids. There was worse. And yes, it wasn’t always good times.
But the spirit of the times was so different. And even if the media we were subjected to was a fantasy or a mirage, at least it was a joyful fantasy. The difference with what they are cramming into our minds today is so incredibly stark.
Even the post-apocalyptic films of the 1980s seemed downright pleasant compared to now.
Imagine how high school kids in the 1980s would react to seeing our homeless camps today.
The best way I’ve heard it described is: “why would you sit at your desk and work when the building’s fire alarm is going off, or there’s an actual fire burning at the door?”
It’s just harder on every level to make things that are good, and to enjoy the time you have off from work, when the collapse is becoming more and more evident every day.
Thanks for that.
US Intelligence Places Blame For Dariya Dugina’s Assassination On Ukraine
In Ukrainian channels, information about the state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine appeared. They refer to the data of the General Staff.
Here is what the military-political leadership of Ukraine hides:
– the staffing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remains at the level of 43-48%;
– losses among military personnel – more than 191 thousand killed and wounded;
– statistics on missing persons are not maintained;
– medicine is working at its limit, the seriously wounded are taken through Poland for treatment in European countries (Germany, France, Italy);
– an acute shortage of small arms and body armor;
– the resource of some samples of equipment transferred by the allies is ending (the first batches of American M777, M109, new Panzerhaubitse 2000 and MARS II);
– the lack of qualified specialists in the operation of Western weapons, so the equipment is operated by people without a deep understanding of the materiel;
– a problem with consumables, especially hydraulics and liquid nitrogen, necessary for M777 howitzers;
– in the field, an automated fire control system does not last long, fragments and dust are killed quickly enough; there are no opportunities for repairs on the spot, we have to send them to Poland, where there are spare parts and specialists.
In addition, the MPS of Ukrainian military personnel remains at a low level, despite the recent information campaign to distribute “encouraging” materials on social networks and organized concerts.
Such a deplorable state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can only testify to one thing – they do not have long to exist.
Sounds like a genocide of ukranian men
Of course, the problem here is that the Soviets moved a lot of Russians into these Ukrainian areas over tme. This was the policy of Russification.
Just like the cabalists moved a lot of 3rd worlders into European areas over time. This is the policy of Racereplacement
“…Soviets moved a lot of Russians into these Ukrainian areas…”
Kiev was THE center of the Russia State. Where what was called the Rus came from.
Israel’s Netanyahu hospitalized weeks before election