News Briefs – 10/04/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


I have been saying the American Stasi represents a takeover of the Constitutional government by a criminal conspiracy which is no different from the Mafia, and has no more respect for the laws of the land. It means stories like this unconfirmed report are entirely plausible today:

Former Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters was sentenced to up to nine years in prison Thursday for preserving election records as she was legally required to do, before the Secretary of State could delete them. As I recall, this was another one of the cases where Mike Lindell was telling us we had caught them, the Supreme Court was going to reverse the election by Thanksgiving three years ago, and on and on. That, the PCAP data, Seth Keshel, the Patrick Byrne stuff in Georgia, it all went nowhere, and given I will bet all of them know about the surveillance, it looks kind of like a psyop to convince people things are happening, and to not take matters into their own hands, like with American Stasi.

Do you think the judge was chosen randomly?

Dominion Voting Systems has been using the same basic password — literally it’s dvscorp08! — since 2008.

During an undercover date with an OMG journalist, Basel Hamdan, a writer and producer for MSNBC’s show “Ayman admitted MSNBC is ‘doing all they can to help’ the Harris campaign.

Jeff Bezos pulls from sale the book written by Diddy’s ex, Kim Porter, which triggered the investigations into Diddy’s sex trafficking and blackmail operations. Bezos is CIA, Amazon has CIA contracts for cloud services, and Diddy was either a CIA asset, or an asset of a CIA-related operation like Mossad. Saying someone “belongs to intelligence” apparently works in the private sector as well.

Michigan is ignoring Congress’ request to let challengers observe mail-in ballots.

Irish anon explains how the Diddy situation explains why homosexuality has historically been frowned upon in polite society:

File this under rumor, as although this account is popular, I have no idea how trustworthy it is. He does say this is only the political list, there is a celebrity list coming:

Ashton Kutcher in panic over ties to Diddy — Fears disgraced mogul will turn on famous friends in Hollywood to save himself.

Federal prosecutors requested an indefinite delay Wednesday in scheduling the trial for Ryan Routh, the suspect in the second assassination attempt on former President Trump, citing an enormous amount of evidence gathered since his arrest.

A former federal law enforcement officer says multiple government failures allowed an MS-13 gang member and suspected killer, who has since been convicted of murder, to attend two Maryland public schools.

Here is the story – Dr Tamara Parry, a Seattle Washington Dr, who lose her medical license in 2022 for taking part in the Jan 6th attacks, was shot and killed when she answered her door with a shotgun to two male process servers who it appears were serving her with eviction papers. She practiced under Dr Tamara Towers, which I assume is her maiden name. I will do a surveillance detection piece on her home, which seems loaded, at some point.

It took Biden 10 seconds to register that the “storm” a reporter asked about was Hurricane Helene.

Biden-Kamala regime burns $1 BILLION in FEMA funds to resettle illegal immigrants — FEMA now lacks resources for disaster response.

Another American citizen CONFIRMS he’s been told do not help Hurricane Helene victims.

“In Buncombe County, N.C., where an entire town disappeared beneath floodwaters, less than 1 percent of households had flood insurance. In Unicoi County, Tenn., where dozens of residents were stranded atop a hospital roof as waters rose, it was under 2 percent.”

Hurricane Helene survivors still waiting to see FEMA in hard-hit North Carolina.

Pete Buttigieg skewered for telling drone pilots to stay away from hurricane recovery efforts.  Some of the drones were flying in medicine and supplies, including insulin.

Biden-Harris administration blasted for running out of money to deal with Hurricane Helene after blowing billions on migrants.


Gun control buddies — Tim Walz: ‘David Hogg is a good friend of mine.’

Chaos is building for shippers as U.S. port strike continues and costs rise.

Harris Surrogate: Dockworkers’ union head is ‘Trump guy’ who might want to harm the economy.

Breaking – The union for 45,000 United States dockworkers agreed to suspend their strike until Jan. 15 to provide time to negotiate a new contract, according to an Associated Press source.

The dark side of Meta’s smart glasses – Harvard students reveal how Mark Zuckerberg’s creepy spectacles can be used to instantly find strangers’ names and addresses. And the hunters become the hunted….. Actually anybody shooting video will be able to do this.

DOJ sues Maryland State Police, because their Police Test focusing on objective metrics was deemed discriminatory. So now they will have to hire a Cabal testing company which will grade the non-objective tests they supply (asking questions like “What is your favorite color?”) in a black box, according to criteria they will not release so nobody will be able to question their “grade.” The Cabal company will simply supply a list of which candidates it says passed, and who should be hired. Before, anybody could become a cop, but now you will have to be a member of the conspiracy.

Daily Mail – Alarming rise of ‘super-fit’ slim young people suffering heart attacks as experts reveal theories for the surge.

Democrat Representative Susan Wild’s car gets booted in D.C. after racking up fines for parking in handicap spots.

I tend to think this is a script to tell people not to criticize “The Jews,” but maybe Bilzerian went off script with his recent attacks on Jews, and this is a genuine correction:

Top Democrats call for resignation of Homeland Security internal watchdog. Tough to tell who to hate most. DHS is completely corrupt, allowing the importation of all the migrants, however this guy is a Trump appointee. Basically  good rule of thumb is hate everyone in DC. They all know about the surveillance, that it allowed 9/11, and none are doing anything about it. This is the guy the Democrats ae bitching about:

Inspector general finds litany of failures within Homeland Security under Biden-Harris. But he is still not doing shit about domestic intel beaming Bill Binney.

‘12,000 calls’ made to Diddy abuse claim hotline in 24 hours, attorney says.

19 year old Aleysha Ortiz, a Hartford Public High School grad can’t read, write, tell time, count money, or do basic math. She is suing the school district over denial of due process. She was admitted to the University of Connecticut despite being illiterate. Notice, they do not let you have a microphone on the national stage unless you are a surveillance theatre kid. So you have a surveillance theatre kid with no education, who is very likely measurably retarded, and they got into a college which undoubtedly sent some quasi-qualified student a rejection letter.

Monster X-class flare launches massive solar storm towards Earth — and could trigger auroras this weekend.

FBI charges five Chinese nationals after the group was caught spying on a military base… but waits until they’re out of custody.

Biden telegraphs Israel’s military plans to the world: Reveals ‘nothing going to happen today’ in Iran.

What Johnson left out – he discovered the listening device because he had left a video camera in there to get video of Netanyahu taking a dump, and it recorded Netanyahu installing the bug. Do not think any of these people are human.

Guatemala arrests Police Officers implicated in migrant smuggling ring.

Britain’s left-wing government announced a plan on Thursday to surrender sovereignty of a British Overseas Territory in the Indian Ocean that has hosted an important joint U.S.-UK military base and listening post for the past 50 years to a China ally.

Ukraine took the organs of a Colombian mercenary and return the empty body to his mother. I bet it’s good business?

Ukrainian lines are collapsing in the east as the world’s attention shifts to the Middle East.

Musk funded Republican causes long before backing Trump.

Notice of Appeal to Ninth Circuit filed in Montana Gun Free School Zone case. Dude got in a long-term thing with an ex-con neighbor who may or may not have been neighborhood surveillance, then noticed he was being gangstalked by long lines of cars driving by intimidatingly, and so he stood outside with a shotgun in an open carry state, which would have been legal, except he lives within 1000ft of a school. The question was did he lose his rights with respect to firearms, just because he happens to live by a school. He pled, but retained the right to appeal the Constitutionality of the law. Said t be a very clean case for eliminating the law.

Democratic coalition in shambles as Harris bleeding support from key voter blocs.

Voter registration gains provide a good omen for Trump in pivotal Pennsylvania.

Trump holds 3-point lead over Harris in Arizona poll.

Trump rises in Virginia poll as election nears.

President Donald Trump continues to hold a two-point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey.

Trump’s lead expands significantly when respondents are asked how they think their neighbors are voting – a method to account for the “Shy Trump Voter” who may not confess their support for him in phone polls.

Send people to, because every day, the government becomes more of an enemy

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Setting up a speedy trial acquittal.

Nah. Hardly ever happens, has to be a delay unrelated to the case (they can certainly claim to still be diligently working through this much evidence) and the machine doesn’t give a shit about protecting patsys anyway. That’s what the patsy is for.

5 months ago

The sidebar has expired.

5 months ago

From Martin Armstrong

Harris Pledges $750 for Helene Victims – The Govt HATES You

Thousands have been displaced and entire towns have been swept away after Hurricane Helene. Countless people remain missing. I have heard reports that they are sending refrigerated trucks to the beach areas by me to collect bodies but the news does not want anyone to know the true devastation of the storm. North Carolina, in particular, has not recovered and people are continuing to perish as federal assistance has not arrived. It appears the majority of the heavily impacted towns in North Carolina happen to be predominately conservative, and our liberal government is allowing these citizens to die. Experts have deemed Helene the most devastating storm in US history since Hurricane Katrina but it is receiving minimal attention by the US government.

Don’t forget to watch the video of the c*m bucket.
This government is no longer legitimate; convince me otherwise. Go ahead, try. I grew up pledging allegiance to the flag and to the Republic for which it stood; but the Constitution and its Republic is gone. “One nation under God” but it is no longer one nation; nor are we the People of whatever nation it purports to be; and we Christians are called extremists (except if you love Juland). And where is that Liberty and Justice for all: just go ask Tina Peters and the J6 protestors: lawfare is not liberty and justice for anyone. This government is not of the people nor for the people.

Reply to  teotoon
5 months ago

Only a complete retard would downvote that comment

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

He’s nothing if not consistent!

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Ajah
5 months ago

Some no life fag comes through and down votes every comment

Reply to  Ajah
5 months ago

A Gaystapo Tard, to be precise.

a a b gamma
a a b gamma
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago


DUNT dunt DUHHH!!!

OK, I’ll let myself out, now.

5 months ago

> Another American citizen CONFIRMS he’s been told do not help Hurricane Helene victims.—Remember, FEMA was *furious* when the Cajun Navy mobilized to aid people in Houston in 2017, and worked with local police and National Guard to set up roadblocks to keep them out. Then tried to brand them as a “militia” to try to get people to be afraid of their rescuers.

Last edited 5 months ago by TRX
5 months ago

Shot and killed when she answered the door. Pro-tip, do not “answer a door”, at all. Your high trust society does not exist. Flush out your helmets with those now outdated and dangerously unsafe quaint and polite habits and traditions, such as ” answering a knock at your door”. (WTF, REALLY? Unlock and open an entry point door because an unannounced, unknown, and unexpected visitor(s) comes calling, Jesus weeps) Your expensive “good schools” neighborhood or gated hoa communities are no talismans to ward off evil out there mr and mrs. normiefolks. Unless it is an expected, appointment scheduled, known to you personally, and visually verified as an expected guest, anyone at your door no matter their business is an enemy agent, simple as. Do not even acknowledge or communicate with those attempting any attempts to contact via this method. Hold your position, establish defensive posture, observe and make assessments of them and their intents, standby tactically. They can leave the jehova’s witness flyers and depart, or process serve you lawfare papers elsewhere. If it is .gov or uniformed and “uninformed-bot” Leo agents let them get the warrants, drive the Bearcats onto your lawn and march the fat body meat shields stack in if it is really that damned important and necessary. You already paid those taxes many times over, so make the systems work for it, if they are there for just screwing with you reasons. Cooperating like a good citizen, and obeying shouted, spazzed out commands from sub i.q. bots can still result in you being killed by a .gov agent just performing his or her “legitimate” duties. Just read the news and make tactical assessments, these events go sideways in bad ways every damned day in America, pay attention to realities out there. Long ranting post, but necessary, very necessary.

Stay frosty.

Reply to  Frosty
5 months ago

> Pro-tip, do not “answer a door”, at all.

Good advice. Anything important or official, and they’ll send you a letter. Otherwise it’s just sumdood, even if they look harmless.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Frosty
5 months ago

Yeah, I came to the same conclusion about answering the door: Just don’t do it. If Nike don’t like that, too bad.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
5 months ago

Likewise. No good can come from answering the door if you’re not expecting somebody. It’s usually somebody selling something you don’t want or Jehovah’s Witnesses.

And the sales people can’t take a hint. I had a day years ago when it took me almost 3 hours to get home from work on a cold day. I don’t need a jacket in my car. I pulled in my driveway and a couple people jumped on me right away for some home improvement bullshit. “You just have to sign up for a free, no obligation estimate!” I don’t have a budget for work right now and I’m not taking out another loan. They would not take the hint until I asked them what language I need to say no in so they get the point. They wouldn’t leave me alone and I was freaking freezing. I considered telling them that was my last no and next was their one warning shot.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  EricTheAwful
5 months ago

It’s usually somebody selling something you don’t want or Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

For me, it is usually cabal.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Frosty
5 months ago

That’s where fancy camera intercom doorbells come in handy as long as they only face outward.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
5 months ago
  • Only hardwired version. If it is wi fi, cabal and anyone can tap in, just like with the lazy parent baby monitors. Stay analog out there.
5 months ago

> The dark side of Meta’s smart glasses – Harvard students reveal how Mark Zuckerberg’s creepy spectacles can be used to instantly find strangers’ names and addresses.

Didn’t “Google Glass” do that a decade ago?

As I remember, the reaction of the general public wasn’t what the Goog was hoping for; apparently a lot of normal citizens didn’t care for being in some rando’s videos (who knew?) and several “glassholes” got the snot beaten out of them.

5 months ago

Disturbing video of a plane using some sort of energy weapon to take out missiles in the latest Iran strike on Israel.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 months ago

They have something in play that may not be in the hands of a legit .gov or .mil entity. The Maui fires and wildfires in us and Canada are too pinpointed in private lands areas. Multi use technology at cabal disposal for different mission tasks.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 months ago

My knowledge on this subject is limited. Compound that with the wildly varying lies about both what we/ they, are/ aren’t capable of. That said, my understanding of the capability bottle neck is computing power. I found the concern in a tech article about China making gains in the supercomputer space and its affect on high speed targeting. It’s the hyper sonic missiles that the last gen targeting can’t keep the laser on long enough to detonate. Iran launches surplus outdated missiles as a sort of chaff to soak up interceptors and targeting lasers. You see what you see in the video. It could be completely legit and still be meaningless in regards to Iran’s missile capabilities.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 months ago

I can’t see this unless I sign in…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 months ago

“US to give Israel $1.2B for Iron Beam laser weapon

I’m going to have to stop reading the internet altogether, it annoys me so bad.

Reply to  Sam J.
5 months ago

To my personal knowlege, the US military was “testing” beam weapons almost 25 years ago. Yet their chosen contractors have apparently still not managed to deliver a working weapon.

Given that, if the Israeli system works, cutting their losses and buying something that works would be the financially responsible thing to do. Not that the Fed ever worries about that, of course.

5 months ago

Alex Mercurious quoting some news source saying that cabinet members and administration staff are IGNORING Biden and doing what they can for Israel, okaying this-n-that. I guess the US Military is fine with that!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 months ago

I saw this earlier today. Basically the importance of “Biden” in office is that the Deep State can do whatever it wants, and it doesn’t even have to pretend to consult the President. Martin Armstrong has also pointed this out, numerous times.

They are not going to give this up easily, so I’ve been wondering what the plan to get past the “elections” is.

I think “Biden” being replaced as the candidate and NOT being replaced as “president” is significant.

5 months ago

> however this guy is a Trump appointee. 

Yeah… so were Bill Barr, James Mattis, Mark Esper, Mark Milley, Nikki Haley, John Bolton, Tony Scaramucci, Betsy DeVos, Elaine Chao…

A bunch of his aides and staffers turned against him, going for their “three minutes of fame”, a guess.

Gorsuch turned against him when he got confirmed for the Supreme Court.

DJT’s record for choosing loyal minions isn’t good.

5 months ago
5 months ago

Breaking – The union for 45,000 United States dockworkers agreed to suspend their strike until Jan. 15 to provide time to negotiate a new contract, according to an Associated Press source.

Meaning until we know that the Trump team will be taking office or not.

5 months ago

19 year old Aleysha Ortiz, a Hartford Public High School grad can’t read, write, tell time, count money, or do basic math. She is suing the school district over denial of due process. She was admitted to the University of Connecticut despite being illiterate.

Saw a comment from someone who seemed to be VERY well involved in her situation. Tardo here has been a disruption since literally kindergarten. Acting out, disrupting class, etc. Claimed to be ADHD. Got put in special ed. As part of the Individualized Learning Plan (or whatever they call it) under the ADA, she was allowed to take all her tests and write all her papers using text-to-speech because she and her parents demanded it.
That’s why she can’t read. Because she/her parents demanded that she be allowed to use this instead of learning to read or write, and now she’s pissed off that she can’t read or write.

Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

“Mainstreaming” and “No Child Left Behind” have basically destroyed the American education system, which wasn’t all that great to start with.

Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

I knew it!

5 months ago

Monster X-class flare launches massive solar storm towards Earth — and could trigger auroras this weekend.

Two flares and CMEs. The first (in the article) spawned from an X7.1 The second was a monster X9.1. (It’s logarithmic, like earthquakes.)
Right now, it looks like they will be separate impacts and not a cannibal CME, but I wouldn’t bet my life on that. They are expecting a prolonged G3 storm, but I think if it canibalizes (the second one catches up to and adds to the first) then we would likely see G4 effects. Would be on Sunday if that happens. Good idea to have some cash on you. (GPS going out means the ATMs go out.)
comment image

Last edited 5 months ago by phelps
5 months ago

Hi AC. Occasional commenter but daily reader here.
I just wanted to stomp down HARD on the so-called “lithium conspiracy” I am seeing make the rounds online. Normally I am all for anything you have up to offer, especially as it regards corporate greed and government incompetence or maliciousness. In this case, however, I am close enough to the subject to make it a “hard NOPE.” I wouldn’t want anyone here, whom I respect, to parrot this and discredit themselves.
I worked for 5 years for the company in question, headquartered in Charlotte. I still know several of the executives, one of whom did an employment reference for me a few months ago. They are very nice, but tragically incompetent. This company has only been successful because, as the saying goes in business, “fat margins cover over bad decisions.” The idea that they could be so Machiavellian is laughable.
The same company has recently shuttered production at its largest facility, in Australia, and has slowed development at its cheapest operation in Chile. The NC deposit in question is a minimum of 10-20 years from operation if they started developing it TODAY. The main lithium deposit in NC is centered around Kings Mountain, NC, which is two hours from the disaster zone and was unaffected by anything going on with Helene. That Kings Mountain mine was closed decades ago because it was uneconomical, and hard rock lithium mining (as opposed to evaporative mining) is expensive and complicated.
The $90 million DoE grant that is referenced is greenwashing, nothing more. They do this every ten years or so to explore the feasibility of reopening the Kings Mountain mine, and every time they find it to be uneconomical. But, it makes it look like the Dept of Energy is “doing something” and it gives the execs a nice bonus, so it is a win-win. $90 million is somewhat short of the $1 Billion + needed to bring an actual lithium operation online.
Regarding lithium in North America, Nevada has far more accessible deposits, yet even there, there is only one mine in operation (Silver Peak, owned by the same company). The Thacker Pass project has languished for years, and the other speculative projects in the area are all mostly Venture Capital grifts for former executives from FMC, Albemarle, and other lithium players who set out on their own or were downsized. They are not to be taken seriously.
I know of one recent deal whereby lithium carbonate was “produced” in North America, and it was loudly trumpeted in the news. The company bought lithium from Canada, put their own label on it, and claimed it as “production”. This is the way it goes in lithium. Bullshit everywhere.
Anyway, the idea that the response to Helene is a nefarious lithium plot is ridiculous for all these reasons. And, it lets the government off the hook. They are evil and incompetent, FULL STOP. There is no great purpose. They are simply Evil and Incompetent.
For the record, I spent significant time at lithium operations in NC, TN, NV, Chile, and China.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

I saw on Telegram earlier that BlackRock recently signed a deal for quartz mines in that area. Maybe people got misdirected to the lithium.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

There aren’t pictures because of respect for the dead, and because the place isn’t populated in a way that has all the bodies in a convenient shot. FEMA is not aiding people — the reports on the ground from people I trust is that FEMA is just taking over the existing shelters full of (pre-storm) addicts and homeless, and sitting on their fat asses when they aren’t actively in the way. All of the aid is coming from and through churches and individuals that allied with the churches.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

I don’t believe the FEMA part, and that makes me suspicious of the rest, even though I’m willing to believe the rest.

Reply to  Ficus
5 months ago

The company CMP tried to pull lithium from the brine pools they used to get road salt. Gov’t put up roadblocks/red tape. Do you know anything about that situation?

Reply to  Nels
5 months ago

Brine pools are cleaned periodically to remove the precipitates, typically Mg, Ca, Na, or Cl or some combination of those elements in various salts. As the ponds fill up they become less efficient, so they are scooped out. At any lithium evaporation operation you will see huge salt piles just sitting there. The companies often try to find a use for these byproducts. Sometimes they can be returned to the early stage ponds (lithium will travel through as many as 16 different ponds as it concentrates from brine over 18 months or so.) So I can see where someone may have tried to sell it as road salt. However, some municipalities are outlawing road salt because of its corrosive and reactive nature, preferring cinders or sand in many situations. So I can see where what you say is plausible. It’s a huge waste byproduct that site there mocking your business, because you would have put all kinds of cost into it but it has no economical use.

Reply to  Ficus
5 months ago

I’ve never been in the mining industry, but this is the only lithium mining I have heard about in America that has a high liklihood of happening any time soon as near as I can tell.

Obviously ANYTHING to prop up the EV industry will go through in California, especially when the mining company doesn’t even have to dig a hole and can piggyback on existing geothermal power plants.

US researchers discover how to cheaply extract Lithium from the Salton Sea

Reply to  lowell
5 months ago

The Salton Sea has the troublesome characteristic of being located in California. So it isn’t likely to happen. Even Utah shut down its most recent lithium development project near the Great Salt Lake because they tried to levy onerous taxes on Compass Minerals and they said “nope” and scrapped the whole project. CA is was less likely to happen that UT.

5 months ago

At least…..the North Carolina and Maui fires… really is a clean ‘witches vs Christians’ sort of thing. I’m not sure any of the top Dems are anything other than some sort of pagan. While the helping ones are becoming Christian, or more public about being Christian.

It’s almost cartoonlike affirmation of CSLewis’ bit about witches- “Three hundred years ago people in England were putting witches to death. Was that what you call the ‘Rule of Human Nature or Right Conduct?’ But surely the reason we do not execute witches is that we do not believe there are such things. If we did—if we really thought that there were people going about who had sold themselves to the devil and received supernatural powers from him in return and were using these powers to kill their neighbours or drive them mad or bring bad weather—surely we would all agree that if anyone deserved the death penalty, then these filthy quislings did? There is no difference of moral principle here: the difference is simply about matter of fact. It may be a great advance in knowledge not to believe in witches: there is no moral advance in not executing them when you do not think they are there. You would not call a man humane for ceasing to set mousetraps if he did so because he believed there were no mice in the house.”

Reply to  wooderson
5 months ago

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

The devil has one even sneakier trick, but I’d better not mention it. Those who know, though, know.

Reply to  wooderson
5 months ago

I wonder if Mathis will argue that the hurricane is a hoax, CGI like the Maui fires.

Reply to  map
5 months ago

John Daly would probably have some choice words for Miles (Everything is fake) Mathis.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
5 months ago

There will be no civil war: it should have happened already:
How much more will the armed portion of our population put up with.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

AC, do you have merch? I am not joking here.

While reading this comment it occurred to me that t-shirts about your new website might be a way to get the word out. I am also thinking that there are obvious downsides to wearing such t-shirts. Any thoughts?

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
5 months ago


5 months ago

Here we go: Scott Adams and information Silos.

5 months ago

Missed the comments yesterday about the Jooz “allegedly” using evil spirits to help them fight their war, but felt it worthwhile to comment late anyway.

The entire Bible is a history of Jooz being given endless forgiveness by God, and still finding themselves drawn to false gods, worshiping demons, and sacrificing children to monsters. So there’s two possibilities for modern day “Isreal” as I see it:

  1. They’re really God’s chosen people, and they again find themselves spitting in God’s face by worshipping demons. Long history of such behavior
  2. They’re not actually God’s chosen people, just skinwalkers, which opens them up to the obvious grasp of demonic influence as all people who are not saved by Jesus Christ inevitably encounter.

Either way, seems likely the false god demon worship is real, and at the very least da jooz believe it will help them out even if not real. Gotta remember that there are plenty of sorcerers using demonic power in the Bible to achieve impossible acts (turning the staffs into serpents in Exodus, etc.) so to believe it’s all make believe is foolish. God gave Satan dominion over the world as a test for the quality of our souls, so to pretend that really evil SOBs couldn’t get some horrible magic going seems to be more and more naïve as the days and revelations of the weirdness of our world come to pass.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

Pharoahs magicians turned their staffs to serpents also. Moses serpent ate theirs. They do have power, it’s just a lesser power than the almighty power of God. You think they have been sacrificing children to moloch since time immemorial because it doesn’t work? See number of abortions in the U.S. since 1960. Also, abortion protection for jews under religious grounds. They literally call it a sacrament.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

They are not God’s chosen as the vast majority are Khazarian locusts who have no genetic connection to ancient Israel. They are an example of an extreme human collective mentality that god is using to show the human race how bad our deficiencies are. They are the example we could all be but thankfully are not. They claim to be the only humans and the rest of us are merely beasts or cattle, only existing for their gratification.

Another Anonymous
Another Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

It absolutely is real. Not of the same ‘demograph’ as you described above, but, it gives an idea of what interested ‘influential’ even back in the early 20th century.
Look at the works of WT Stead. He worked closely with Cecil Rhodes (Rhodes Foundation). At any rate, both these guys were set on making America the new Rome… hence, the book by Stead… the Americanization of the World.
Also, by Stead, he writes about how to communicate with spirits. Yes, ‘Spiritualism’ was a movement in the late 19th early 20th century, and powerful people were all mixed up in it. Even Rudolf Steiner talks about this Dark Occult movement, and how it is influencing the world. So yeah, it’s dark alright… and it’s a pretty sure bet that powerful people today are communicating with dark spirits that are promising them power and abilities and what not.
At the end of the day, all these people are cowards and will never come out and say who they really are or who/what they worship.
There was a screenshot a few days ago on this site of one of Trump’s tweets ( I hope it was a really one)… where he was invoking the strength of Archangel Michael. If that is true, then Trump really is on the side of good. You will not hear many powerful influential people call on Michael. This is the real deal. According to Steiner, Michael sent down a fallen spirit (Ahriman) in 1879… and since then, our world has continued to plunder into darkness. I do believe Trump somehow knows about this, and all of what this is is a spiritual battle between good and evil. At some point, some breaking point (possibly soon), the righteous on earth will have some kind of ‘click’ that happens in their physiognomy, possibly induced by a top-down trickle effect started from benevolent beings such as Michael (who serves Christ), and through that, down to our Angels, Guardian Angels, and then finally to ourselves – which one may call us, human beings, the physical manifestation of an interplay of cosmic/spiritual forces. The reality (I believe, because I don’t know all of this for sure) is that every single human being today can either side with the benevolent Good spirits (Christ), who wish for the betterment of mankind, or the Evil spirits who are self serving, perverse, power hungry, etc.
Anyway, I’m preaching to the choir here. Point I’m making, is that at some point, any one of us will be able to spot any ‘evil’ being that makes its home in a fellow human being. A surveillance state cannot exist in the near future, because the righteous/good will be able to ‘sense’ them a mile away. I really do think it will happen just like that. The human potential is remarkable. I don’t know how it will happen, maybe some kind of solar flare or a massive global catastrophic event will cause us to have that ‘click’ in our physiognomy where we ‘see’ things more clearly. It’s not a far fetched possibility. I’ll bet anyone here has gotten ‘bad vibes’ from entering a room, even though they don’t know why. Imagine if that was refined, you would be able to know exactly who/what that is coming from, and have enough information from the aura to know what is what.

Reply to  Another Anonymous
5 months ago

Arhimon is the lord of a whole bunch of demons in Zoastrian mythology. Surely they Whisper in the ears of humans and what to they say to the ones specifically asking for power from them?

I guess something like, “revel in the flesh because there is no world but this one”. This world in Zoastrian myth is like a prisim where the light of God is temporarily held and is the creation of Arhimon, lord of all demons.

In any case some dogs can sense evil for sure. But some dogs are even evil themselves (poor breeding, the result of shitty humans

Reply to  Another Anonymous
5 months ago

Pretty surreal reading this comment, as I had this “click” the other day. I never thought much about demon possession until I saw these videos. An abolitionist of abortion was approached on the street by this “woman”.

Reply to  Another Anonymous
5 months ago

Point I’m making, is that at some point, any one of us will be able to spot any ‘evil’ being that makes its home in a fellow human being.

Sunglasses from “They alive” can be good.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

It isn’t Father Ripperger is it? That would be a bitter pill to swallow.

I don’t want any cabal priests in the church, for many reasons but mainly because I am Catholic and have to go to confession. But there is zero doubt in my mind there must be some clergy who are also cabal, in ALL denominations.

I would have asked him if anyone ever mentions it in confession.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

AC, You are not alone. This thing has been harrassing me since 4th grade, and I feel the same way as you – would very much like to be rid of it.

That said, please keep in mind that Catholic Priests are bound by their vows not to reveal anything told to them in confession. That is a very serious issue.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Maybe. Maybe he heard it there, which would explain the odd response. He might have even suspected you of trying to get him to leak something.

There is a TON of cabal in the Catholic churches in my diocese. And they partake of the sacraments. FYI a lot of them are obviously illegal aliens, which fits your theory about illegal immigration being a means to bring them here.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Some of them, there really is a weird vibe though.”

I agree. We get a lot of introverts in the priesthood, as well as a variety along the autism spectrum. And there are still some sodomites.
And after what you posted about Kyle Odom, the skin suit hypothesis can’t be dismissed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

If Cabal is Catholic or Christian it is a no brainer for them to confess it. Since the priests cannot reveal, you should basically reveal every sin. I suppose the priest has to stop something like a non Cabal serial killer but still.
Edit: it appears the seal is sacred even for serial killers. So if the serial killer is religious enough it also becomes a no brainer to confess.

Last edited 5 months ago by kid
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  kid
5 months ago

But confession is invalid if you don’t repent. I continue getting stalked at church, and I’ve used an Old Testament technique to drive away many of them, but they never run out of other fake Catholics to send at me.

Anyway, this is my last comment on this page because it’s a week old and probably AC will be the only person to see this one.

5 months ago

Hurricane Aid Stolen By The State Of Tennessee?

Mrgunsngear Channel

5 months ago

Average sidebar lifespan is now less than 1 day.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Sidebars die and we all die,

but there is one thing that never dies…

5 months ago

Jewish President of Mexico, has pagan priestess ritually invoke Aztec deities during inauguration

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

Look at the last two on this partial list? Is that like Q”? Sit on your hands demons! They have all the bases covered huh?
Be a shame if The Holy Spirit/Christ/(Ahura Mazda?) came in as pinch hitter and scored us a GRAND SLAM!

“Other Demons mentioned in Zoroastrian texts

Buiti – a demon who attacked Zarathustra, supported by Aka Manah
Druj Nasu – a demon of uncleanness, personifying corruption in the world
Bušyąstā – a demon of sloth
Dīr and Pas – demons representing “Later” and “Afterwards”, trying to convince humans to postpone good deeds

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

They also did that to POWs. During the war of Spanish conquest, when the Spanish army was fighting in the capitol, every time the Aztecs caught one they would take him up on the temple and cut out the beating heart.

Needless to say, the Spaniards’ esprit de corps in battle was quite high.

5 months ago

Twin babies who died with mom are youngest known Hurricane Helene victims: ‘I’ll never get to meet my grandsons’

Multiply this by at least a thousand just for this cabal controlled storm (cabal neglected and aggravated for the normie minded), then remember that Q deliberately let this happen to “teach us a lesson”.
You may hate the cabal enough, you don’t hate Q enough.

Q: Swears oath to protect and defend the American people.
Q about the American people: Some of you may die, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay rather than take direct action that actually risks MY life.
Trump has stated that he was ready to move after the big steal, but “they” told him to wait and let it simmer.

Remember, Q was decades late to even starting the Trump operation, Q should have moved in 96 at the latest while the military and possibly the rest of the power structure had far more fantasy campers actually loyal to the Constitution and the nation.
Q thought everything was just grand until O’Bummer, that means Q didn’t care about Clinton crushing the Militia movement or W getting thousands of fantasy campers killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Last edited 5 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Good comment.

I think whatever “QAnon” was, it was a weird and pointless US deepstate psyop, but there does seem to be a dissident cabal faction that broke with the main cabal over Project Ukraine. However, their only disagreement with the main cabal is with Project Ukraine.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

Some people, like me, have no idea what Q is, and no idea what you are talking about.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

The McCain time-of-death thing is certainly something cabal could arrange. Anyway, thanks for the primer.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 months ago

That’s quite a bit of armchair quarterbacking there, Farce. We don’t KNOW what’s going on. It must have taken decades to even set up the plan to take down Cabal–tracing their networks, learning everything they were capable of and trying to come up with counters, dealing with traitors and informants…all while doing their regular duties of protecting the country and not springing the trap or showing their hand before the right time.
My impression is that “Q” is much smaller and less capable than we originally thought. Cabal has space lasers, weather machines and earthquake machines. Someone caused a world-wide seismic wave on 11-11-13 that repeated every 17 seconds. They have UAPs and might be able to see the future with Looking Glass. And you are wondering why the good guys haven’t won according to your schedule?

Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

All you need to know is that Trump was ready to move and “they” told him to let us suffer and die.

We were also told Trump was an alternate plan to a coup under O’Bummer.
A coup would have been infinitely preferable.

Last edited 5 months ago by Farcesensitive
5 months ago

For the first time in a while there was no background audio playing when I landed on the main blog page

Either AC found and fixed the problem or it fixed itself