News Briefs – 10/04/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

From here, from a reporter who handles Guantanamo for the New York Times:

The military commissions shuttle from Guantánamo carrying the chief judge, Army Col. Lanny Acosta, USSCole case prosecutor John Wells and defense lawyer Capt. Brian Mizer has landed Andrews airbase near DC following eight days of secret hearings that called 60+ secret witnesses, most testifying by video link from a secret courtroom annex in Virginia. The judge has asked for closing arguments in writing — hopefully with an unclassified version to cast a bit of sunshine on the proceedings.

Arizona Senate president says that state could take control of Maricopa election after audit red flags.

Kash Patel says to look for indictments against Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson and “bigger fish like Andy McCabe, who is the biggest fraudster next to Comey.”

Kash Patel said Durham is going after big fish and Peter Strzok and Lisa Page may be working with him.

US Marine Stew Scheller insults President Trump and his family, as well as General Flynn. Michael Yon says he has an alcohol problem.

I’ve linked to this before, but it is worth a second look if you missed it. Sundance checks out how the Fourth Branch of Government – the all-powerful Intelligence Branch with no oversights or checks and balances, was established under Obama, and utilized checks and balances on the other branches to isolate their threats and keep them in the dark, and how they used private sector partnerships to create power structures and funding outside of government. He points out Holder oversaw a takeover of the FBI so they could get control of the FBI’s security clearance process, and keep patriots out of the intelligence branch, as they weaponized DOJ’s “IG/oversight-free” NatSec division to target political opponents. It is a good article, showing the parts of the machine behind the ridiculous domestic surveillance machine. Although I will say the Domestic Surveillance machine considerably predates Obama. I’ve seen it myself going back decades, fully operational complete with kid spooks in the schools working their fellow students under direction of the parents, which makes me wonder if Sundance was given some sort of cover story to minimize how bad things have been, make it look like a new temporary thing, and diminish how guilty the parties involved are. Either way, it is important to understand the extent of the intelligence/surveillance machine we face, the complete control it has, its complete lack of limits, its ever-present civilian informant network and make everyone aware of it all before what would seem inevitable hostilities break out.

Swedish artist who survived two murder attempts after drawing the Prophet Mohammed is killed in a mystery car crash as the Police car he was traveling in swerved at high speed into the oncoming lane of traffick and hit a truck head on, killing him along with his two police protection officers. I hate to say it but vehicle hacking and hijacking may be getting democratized, to the point any group with a grudge will be able to hire someone to do it. At this point, I wouldn’t drive a new car if it was free. The funny thing was, in the movie Enemy of the State, Gene Hackman’s ultra-educated super-spook only drove old, beat-up 1970’s cars and trucks. Michael Westin in Burn Notice too. Good writing.

Newsweek claims Lin Wood said video of Planes hitting the Twin Towers was Deepfaked, and there were no planes. I have no idea if Lin said that, or merely that building 7 wasn’t hit by a plane and was taken down purposely. Whatever he said, there is no doubt 9/11 was known about ahead of time and at least allowed to happen. And given the extent of proactive control by the elites, I think it overwhelmingly likely it was actually done purposefully. Whether planes filled with people were remoted to offer cover for explosives, or everything was deepfaked, given the intel operation I have seen, I would not even venture a guess. Anything is possible.

A new data leak called the Pandora Papers reveals the secret offshore banking and tax evasion secrets of the rich, powerful, and connected, from politicians to billionaires to drug dealers. Feels like somebody is burning some group of elites, possibly as part of a power struggle, or counter-conspiracy. Q’s site pointed out the whistleblower organization publicizing this is funded by a who’s who of global Cabal supervillains, including Soros’ Open Society Foundation. So don’t get your hopes up.

Poorly trained federal officers collected intelligence on Portland protesters and journalists during last year’s unrest, even though the demonstrators were not considered national security threats, a review by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security found.

An article in Rolling Stone that tries to smear Michael Flynn over consulting work he did, includes an aside that Flynn suspected companies might have been infecting people with COVID by infecting salad dressing. I have no idea if Rolling Stone is lying, or if Flynn might have thought that possible. If correct, I wonder what he might have seen to make him suspect that. It would be a good vector, as it is not cooked before consuming.

Colorado’s Saguache county adopts ‘emergency regulations’ allowing warrantless entry to private property and preventing the sale of firearms and ammo.

Files of the Nuremberg Trials published online.

Scores of former Trump political appointee “shock troops” gathered at a GOP social club Wednesday night to hear Steve Bannon detail how they could help the next Republican President reconfigure government.

Pfizer and AstraZeneca paid lobbyists to direct Australia’s leaders to push vaccine mandates, former Australian member of Parliament says.

Dirty Fauci attacks Republicans as he told CNN on Sunday that illegal migrants flooding across the border are not a major concern for the coronavirus.

Denver Police Officer and father of four takes the jab and now cannot walk.

Swiss Guards revolt against Bergoglio and refuse to get jabbed by resigning – “We do not get vaccinated.”

Federal workers given until Nov. 9 to get COVID vaccines or face consequences.

Countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.

Massive protests against COVID-19 restrictions hit Romania as cases surge.

Pfizer sales take off, and part of it is their heart and blood clot drugs Eliquis and Vyndaqel, on top of the vaccine.

The new narrative is the virus is evolving around the vaccines, just in time to create lockdowns for the 2022 election season.

Fauci says we may not be able to gather for Christmas this year.

New York City restaurants suffer 40 to 60 percent losses under de Blasio’s vaccine mandate. Notice the only restaurants which will survive will be those who the network orders its people to frequent.

Babies who came into the world before the coronavirus had a cognitive score hovering around 100, but the test scores of babies born during the pandemic fell sharply, to around 78.

GOP Rep. Nehls says we shouldn’t fund electric charging stations in $1.2 trillion bill, GM and Tesla should pay for them themselves.

Biden reveals he’ll tour the country next week to sell his scaled-back $2.3T budget package after humiliating no-vote and admits, ‘everyone is frustrated.’

Catch-and-release at border up more than 430,000% in August.

Criminal in New York City has 46 arrests for retail theft this year alone, is only locked up because he stabbed someone after getting out for violating an order of protection.

Chinese military planes reportedly seen landing at abandoned US airbase in Afghanistan.

Chinese military flew 16 warplanes over waters south of Taiwan on Sunday as the United States expressed concern about what it called China’s “provocative military action” near the self-governing island that China claims.

Taiwan asks for Australia’s help as fears of China invasion mount amid huge increase in Beijing’s military flights over island nation.

Power outages hitting most of China’s provinces. A commenter here posited the interesting hypothesis that China might be doing something very energy intensive, maybe preparing for war in some way. How much electricity do the arc-welders they use to make ships and landing craft use?

Evergrande meeting descends into chaos as investor pulls knife and threatens to kill herself.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday he would not return to “uncontrolled immigration” to solve fuel, gas and Christmas food crises. He is a Tier One asshole but at least it is something.

Leftists fear “traditional wife” values returning, as they note Gen Z girls are repping the ‘Tradwife’ life.

Anti-Trump Republican drops bid for Pennsylvania Senate seat.

A top White House adviser said that Democrats will be disappointed as the party works to trim President Joe Biden’s agenda amid party infighting.

Trump demands Pulitzer Prize committee ‘rescind’ awards for ‘false reporting’ on Russia collusion.

Invite other people to because if you can control mechanisms you can control the world.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“US Marine Stew Scheller insults President Trump and his family, as well as General Flynn. Michael Yon says he has an alcohol problem.”

If that’s true then some time in the brig is good for him, it will let him sober up.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Evergrande meeting descends into chaos as investor pulls knife and threatens to kill herself.”

A sad state of affairs that awaits all Chinese who blindly follow the CCP instead of adopting pro-Western values, namely honesty and transparency. And if you think suing the government is hard in the West, just try doing it in China. So sad too, a life’s worth of money earned, invested and gone forever, stolen by Communist party hustlers.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago


A life’s worth of money earned by deception, fraud, lying and cheating stolen by even bigger liars known as Communist hustlers.

Do business with these people and learn

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Power outages hitting most of China’s provinces.”

They could be using the power for computing. Simulation and code-breaking require constant power consumption, so anything not used for computing is turned off. If every supercomputer in China was running at max speed constantly for code-breaking purposes it could easily produce large power outages.

For example, if the supercomputers have to be on for a couple weeks 24/7 while you brute force (or comb) some encrypted traffic capture, and there’s a 0.05% chance power will dip if a neighboring town is left on then you turn that town off to reduce possible power fluctuations.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Leftists fear “traditional wife” values returning, as they note Gen Z girls are repping the ‘Tradwife’ life.”

Whoever says it is time to give up on the West is anti-Western (which is also anti-White). There is much in Europe and America that is being preserved and the battle is slowly being won. This is why I will always bet on my own culture (Western, Anglo-Saxon, American) than any other, including China, regardless of how powerful they become.

3 years ago

“Chinese military planes reportedly seen landing at abandoned US airbase in Afghanistan”

Satellite Imagery Contradicts Reports Of Foreign Aircraft At Bagram Air Base

3 years ago

“Federal workers given until Nov. 9 to get COVID vaccines or face consequences.”
When the ‘get it by Nov 22nd’ note came out, I told my supervisor to start the process now, save both of us the lengthy delay with the half a million person backlog. I was to hit 34yrs in December, and retirement in February. Not looking likely I’ll hit either of those dates as employed, but it’s not changing my mind in the least. Serve your country, see foreign lands, kill foreign people, come back and serve your fellow man, stick with us as well kill our fellow man…yeah, no.

3 years ago

>How much electricity do the arc-welders they use to make ships and landing craft use?
Wuhan’s the safe, upstream tech & shipyard hub, with a much lower civilian energy footprint after coof. Stretch goal uranium enrichment, perhaps — restricting PC gaming hours to 3 as they did recently would have measurable impact on non-essential power consumption.

>Leftists fear “traditional wife” values returning
r-thots can’t share Chad nearly as efficiently once hypergamy is back in the closet, and radfem bolshevism requires cushy upwardly mobile job markets; They can’t have their cake and eat it too, on this birthrate lowering front

3 years ago

Re: Sundance

I have read Sundance a lot over the last few years and highly respect his obsessively detailed investigative research and his consistent support for Trump. What always struck me as off about him was his absolute disinterest in Q. I can see there being a strategic reason to not be associated in any way with Q and to remain a “legit” conservative analyst. However, I always felt that Sundance was in a position to selectively sprinkle Q-like crumbs amongst the normies in his readership – beyond just “Deep State corruption” rabbit holes – and stay legit.

What we are facing here – for an objective person – is a conspiracy so deep and broad that logic dictates that its control functions through a pyramid structure rising to an old, elite established at the summit. Sundance’s willingness to focus on a new, temporary intelligence/surveillance elite is typical of the analyses he presents. It’s brilliant in its detail and characterizations but it deflects our attention from the greater reality of the larger conspiracy. Like the Miles Mathis Committee I’m on the fence about Sundance. In his case, not because of what he writes but because of what he omits.

Btw, Sundance’s comments section is even worse than Vox Day’s used to be – boomer sycophants with nothing of interest to share. That is a tell right there. Sundance stuns and blinds his “conservative” boomer readership with OCD-level minutaie on deep state bureaucracy shenanigans, what he gets back is just what he wants – a big fat “You go get ’em, Sundance! Yeah!”. No ideas, no insights, no real engagement, no added value. Smells like controlled op. Like Joe Rogan. Like Jocko Willink. None of the really successful “our guys” ever come out 100% on our side. Ever. They always pull their punches.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Sundance is a she.

And listen muttface, everyone is in this game together. lets have none of that division crap espoused by Vox. I don’t care if the team is made up of boomers, millennials, or even dead people!

Alienating a complete group that contains millions of winners while revelling in your own narcissm and hubris does not make sense.

We need a group of all ages on board if we are to coordinate and win against cabal.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

That’s true. A huge proportion of Boomers are seriously warped, but we need to determine what caused the problem — it has to be deliberately inflicted to take down the culture. Remember that Soviet agent who defected decades ago and exposed their multi-faceted plan to corrupt the West, especially America? Well the defectives among the Boomers exhibit all of the features on that guy’s list.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

The person who runs Sundance’s comment moderation (Menagerie) is a Boomer grandmother, which I assume is why she has anything that might actually resemble an uncomfortable thought filtered out by the mod admins. None of us can fully escape our cognitive biases, especially not when Boomers have been lying to themselves for at least 50 years that “oh it’s not our fault we’re the bestest ever and anyone who doesn’t listen to us is stupid!”

Hell I think my mom is the only actual Boomer I wouldn’t wish the night of the pillow on.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I find that typing a comment, but not sending it, when someone pisses you off, helps quite a bit. I do that at work too. Just be careful not to hit send though.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  diogenes
3 years ago

“…Hell I think my mom is the only actual Boomer I wouldn’t wish the night of the pillow on…”

There’s an interesting aspect of the “day of the pillow” people. They blame boomers for everything but boomers had little to no knowledge of the pozz going on. All the newspapers or almost all of them had been controlled by the Jews since before even Henry Ford’s time. When Ford tried to make his own he was threatened with death and no one would help him. All the books including school books were and had been for decades been controlled by the Jews. Certainly the only news stations were controlled.

The only opposition that I had heard of was the John Birch society and they were also controlled by the Jews. I remember reading some of their stuff and thinking this doesn’t all add up. Sure some of it was real but a lot was spastoid nonsense. Well it didn’t add up because the Jews filled it with nonsense so it would look stupid.(Seen this anywhere…I bet you have, everywhere.)

People who were boomers and before kept voting for people who said they would change things but of course all the sides were all pozzed and the only news we had refused to tell us any of the truth. Don’t forget there was only three TV stations, no internet and most books that told the truth were removed or stolen from the libraries by Jews

I’m at the tail end of the boomers and I had no idea how pozzed everything was, how pervasive the lies were and how deep it went until 9-11.

Since no one did anything about this it was unmistakable that the whole thing was a huge lie. That 9-11 was unmistakable pozz was evident but even at that it took me many years of looking around to finally get a sense of what was going on. It didn’t happen overnight. Due to internet I saw things like Revilo Oliver and a lot of other books and articles that I had no idea even existed.

A large part of the nonsense the boomers came up with like using drugs, feminism, commie stuff and peace programs, etc. were all driven by the CIA , the Jews and billions of dollars worth of constant propaganda through all society. Including littering LSD all over the country and smuggling in drugs of all sorts into the country. No one had any clue this was going on because all the methods of communication were censored by the Jews.

What’s the point of all this? Simple how do you fight something you are not aware of? You may take the boomers to task, and there’s plenty there, but we had no idea. Very, very few knew BUT, you have known. It is right out in front of you and my question is…what are you going to do? Forget the boomers. They are not the only people in the US lets look at the numbers,

“… Baby Boomers: Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They’re currently between 57-75 years old (71.6 million in the U.S.)

Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 and 1979/80 and is currently between 41-56 years old (65.2 million people in the U.S.)

Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1981 and 1994/6. They are currently between 25 and 40 years old (72.1 million in the U.S.)

Gen Y.1 = 25-29 years old (around 31 million people in the U.S.)

Gen Y.2 = 29-39 (around 42 million people in the U.S.)

Gen Z: Gen Z is the newest generation, born between 1997 and 2012. They are currently between 9 and 24 years old (nearly 68 million in the U.S.)

Gen A: Generation Alpha starts with children born in 2012 and will continue at least through 2025, maybe later (approximately 48 million people in the U.S.) …”

So there’s over double the amount of population that are not boomers and that have grown up with full knowledge that the pozz is on and that the Jews are running it and my question is what are you going to do? You blame boomers for everything, what’s your plan? You have and had full knowledge of things that no boomer could have ever known so it’s on you as this massive cohort to do something, besides complain about boomers. I’m not saying boomers are off the hook only that blaming them is doing nothing while letting those responsible off the hook.

What are you going to do about the Jews and the pozz?

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  diogenes
3 years ago

Boomers. I wonder how “The Greatest Generation” managed to spawn such a cluster f*ck?

Soviet subversion via seeding influencers like Dr. Spock into America?

Did the results of allowing Woman Suffrage finely catch up with US?

Any ideas?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
3 years ago

Part of it was Spock, as well as leftovers from Freud/Bernays and other subversive movements. Another part was, “Greatest Generation” grew up in the Depression and had this brilliant idea about their own children not suffering the depravation they did. They had all that prosperity after the war years and spoiled the crap out of their children. Win a war, lose a civilization. Great job!

3 years ago

Re: Tradwife

Trad wives are coming back, for sure. It’s only natural. The Cabal’s communist, feminist legions have taken the cool, anti-patriarchy joke as far as it can go. Now, all they’re left with is obese, deranged, ugly, tatted, pierced, shrikes etc. on one hand and faggy, weak, soy boys, mystery meat and other flavors on the other hand.

Normal boys are dropping out. The game is rigged and they’re not playing for the fag coaches anymore. Male enrollment in college is at 40% to 60% female. That’s a win for boys who ditch Cabal’s communist college system and pursue an independent path. Going out on your own is difficult for these guys and we all know here that women are hypergamous, so the risk is high for the dropout men. But, this world is changing rapidly. What we all thought were the norms are no longer. Most of the fucking world is locked-down. On the other side of this mind-fuck we’re in are traditional values and the defeat of the Cabal’s social/cultural psy op. The tradwife is a manifestation of the same dynamic sorting independent young men that resist the communist college system. The pretty girls will resist the fugglies and will set the “cool girls” standard once the libtards have been fully shamed, and the convergence of male and female trad roles will be evident in lots of beautiful babies.

3 years ago

I’ve been thinking about Russia. What’s one of the most out of the way, middle of nowhere, Russian shithole cities you can think of? How about Vladivostok, 5,600 miles east of Moscow? Check this out:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Remember, it’s a very Russian thing to put your best image forward whether the image conforms to reality or whether its, lets say exaggeration.

Still, I’ve noticed it myself in vids of Rusia on Youtube. The countryside looks like country side, with farms that could use some work – little slice of heaven – but the cities are CLEAN, ethnically homogeneous, and there’s lots of new 21st century European style construction which is easily discernible as a backlash against the brutalism of the commie architecture but also in contrast to traditional Russian style.

The reason Globohomo hates Putin is because his leadership is fostering the rebirth of the Russia that they really hate.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Agreed. I get the distinct impression Russia is well on its way to a better, healthier future. That’s all good by me.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Once upon a time, you yanks did the same. Now you have nothing worth having so there is no point advertising.

Here in Oz, the mofo in Melb and the bitch in Syd destroyed this country.

I don’t mind the image breakdown as long as I can escape this cunt of a joint. Once the barriers are lifted I am out of this dump. This place being a 300% better dump than the US.

I don’t know how you idiots can convince yourselves to live there. Very shortly there will be more filth than you. It is YOUR taxes that pay for the filth. How the fck can you stand that.

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

I’m pretty sure that, to this day, there’s a reason why I keep running into Russian emigres here in the U.S.

Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

I know what you mean but I meet plenty of Brits, Italians, Germans, Brazilians, even Japanese, and all their countries are beautiful places many Americans idolize. You have to admit that video is surprising and impressive. It’s quite likely America after 250+ years of wealth and freedom is still better than post-Soviet apocalypse Russia. The question is how rapidly are the two converging?

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Vladivostok is a major city of nearly 600,000 people. I lived in a similarly sized city in a different part of the country for nearly 18 months.

The cities are eminently livable- excellent transportation, easy and cheap routine medical care (but people travel to Germany for anything cutting edge), and children are highly integrated into day-to-day life in a way that just doesn’t exist in the US.

However, outside of the cities infrastructure is seriously lacking. No rest stops along major highways, for example. Worst toilet stop of my life was a pit toilet in a shipping container behind a gas station, frozen over in -40 so that anything that landed on the edge of the “seat” insta-froze to it. Remarkably foul. Rural towns tend not to have waste removal and have large burn piles that are constantly halfway burned.

Russia is a first world country – clean with serviceable infrastructure- in the cities. Very cheap by American standards. But very much “developing world” outside of the cities.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Thanks for the perspective. Very interesting. What did you think generally of the people?

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Rural areas will also benefit from this:

“New startup technologies aim to do exactly that. Sanivation, a company based in Naivasha, Kenya, developed a method that converts sewage into a fuel—an alternative to charcoal. Sanivation mixes feces with various agricultural refuse or sawdust from grinding mills—and then heats up the amalgam to fuse it into burnable briquettes and logs. Depending on the exact formula, the sewage-derived fuel burns like firewood or charcoal, which most of Kenya’s population cooks with. The approach not only converts waste into value, creating a circular economy, it also reduces the amount of trees that otherwise would be cut for fuel.

Sanivation’s collection service is somewhat similar to that of eighteenth century Japan, albeit more hygienic. The company supplies residents with simple toilets that accumulate waste in tightly closed containers regularly picked up by Sanivation’s service. As they move from house to house, the collectors wear masks and gloves—and deliver the sealed containers to the processing facility.”

Also the classic use as nightsoil. Just needs proper prior treatment.

3 years ago

> Poorly trained federal officers collected intelligence on Portland protesters and journalists during last year’s unrest, even though the demonstrators were not considered national security threats,
More likely, that’s just a convenient excuse. “Rules of evidence” is part of every LEO’s training, all the way down to the newest small-town patrolman.

Funny how frequently Feds are using their own incompetence as a defence when called to task for their actions…

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I see it as whether well trained or poorly trained, those employees are doing as they have been directed. So, excusing their chosen actions as “incompetence,” is the increasingly common comedic narrative. Wow.

Reply to  Lori
3 years ago

Very good point. “incompetence” is the plausible deniability card that is played constantly throughout government bureaucracy, professional sports officiating, business screw-ups, and military ops – whenever needed for Cabal fuckery.

3 years ago

> How much electricity do the arc-welders they use to make ships and landing craft use?

Compared to urban electricity usage, not much. And shipyards are already wired for it.

3 years ago

China power usage
1. Read somewhere else (several months ago) that they have converted and tested using their coastal ferries to having ramps that can withstand wave action and lower their ramps on the beach. So maybe building landing craft is not the answer.

2. If you remember the saw of “Act in haste and repent at leisure” you can see how many projects in China are built in what could be record time. You then see how many are charged with corruption related to these projects. The following is second hand information several years old. Many of the Nuke plants are not currently operating for reasons unknown. Boat lift and locks on 3 Gorges having problems suspect substandard construction. China has infrastructure quality problems.

3 years ago

> Leftists fear “traditional wife” values returning, as they note Gen Z girls are repping the ‘Tradwife’ life.

You guys need to look at the article. It’s freakin’ hilarious. Angry feminist author conflates traditional family structure with white supremacy, patriarchy, and Trump; paranoid raving ensues.

She doesn’t seem to be able to decide whether the poor womyn are being deluded by Republican mind control or if they’re simply traitors to the Sisterhood, so she rips them for both.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Feminism is so good for womyn it produces this very feminist result:

comment image

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

It is hilarious, but you didn’t read all the way to the bottom credits for the real punchline. The writer is a man.

It’s been a while since I’ve read these kinds of articles. A barely intelligible buffet of trendy post modern gobblydeegook reminds me why.

But in the end their case for negative branding of “traditional women” has always rested almost exclusively on refrigerator and vacuum advertisement imagery from the 50’s.

Imagery included in this article, natrually. Retro housewife with apron displaying her new refrigerator full to the brim, which I guess is supposed to make us recoil in horror.

Why these images are considered anti-traditional women as opposed to anti-refrigerator full of fucking delicious food remains a puzzling mystery.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

> the author is a man

Some of the most virulent feminists I’ve encountered have been biologically male. It’s common enough I didn’t think it was worth mentioning.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Soyboys hate masculinity in other Men that they cannot compete with.

Also good camouflage

3 years ago

“Power outages hitting most of China’s provinces. A commenter here posited the interesting hypothesis that China might be doing something very energy intensive, maybe preparing for war in some way. How much electricity do the arc-welders they use to make ships and landing craft use?”

Look at the provinces where there are large shipbuilding operations – Jiangsu, Zhejiang for example. Based on ZH article this morning these provinces are among those with the least curtailments of electric power so this hypothesis seems suspect. And they have large shipbuilding operations.

See Figure 1 in this link

But then Liaoning is where Dalian shipyards are, and that province is reported to have quite severe disruptions of electric power.

Reply to  anon
3 years ago

China is a state-directed economy in crisis. Its government knows for a fact that half the population is doing nothing productive these days. Lights out may be a logical, money saving decision when you don’t fear your people or care about their comfort.

3 years ago

Democrats are trying to forcibly sterilize us:

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Quit fucking mentally unstable women and you’ve got no problems. Sure, his retarded three child policy is the really evil part, but everyone (including this douchebag) knows they’ll need to be sending bachelors to try and enforce that law on any reasonable family. The rest is just standard fare over-empowering brain damaged and child sex abused women to narc on their exes after a breakup.

3 years ago

Re: Lin Wood and planes on 9/11.

“September Clues,” which came out over a decade ago, definitively showed how the imagery we were shown on 9/11, in connection with the second plane hitting the south tower, was digitally faked.

Reply to  Bonaventure
3 years ago

Which only proves the existence of fake footage. Problem here is that it’s not possible to prove a negative, that something did NOT happen, or something does NOT exist, as a general rule.

This is utilized to great effect in all of these events.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

The mere existence of fake footage means whatever narrative they’re telling us is false. Does that mean that the Twin Towers never existed, and that nothing happened that day, including deaths? Of course not. But if they can fake the imagery of a plane going into a building, in broad daylight, in real time, then there is nothing that can not be faked.

3 years ago

A new data leak called the Pandora Papers reveals the secret offshore banking and tax evasion secrets of the rich, powerful, and connected, from politicians to billionaires to drug dealers. Feels like somebody is burning some group of elites, possibly as part of a power struggle, or counter-conspiracy. Q’s site pointed out the whistleblower organization publicizing this is funded by a who’s who of global Cabal supervillains, including Soros’ Open Society Foundation. So don’t get your hopes up.

Also, look at the map of burned politicians about 1/3 of the way down. Light burns in UK and France, nothing in US, Australia and NZ. This was CIA.

3 years ago

“The military commissions shuttle from Guantánamo carrying the chief judge, Army Col. Lanny Acosta, USSCole case prosecutor John Wells and defense lawyer Capt. Brian Mizer has landed Andrews airbase near DC following eight days of secret hearings that called 60+ secret witnesses, most testifying by video link from a secret courtroom annex in Virginia. The judge has asked for closing arguments in writing — hopefully with an unclassified version to cast a bit of sunshine on the proceedings.”

What is the significance of this?

Reply to  Anon70
3 years ago

What is the significance of this?

Too early to tell. Could be Miley, could be Trump, could be some sandy butthole we’ve never heard of, could be anyone.

3 years ago

Chinese military flew 16 warplanes over waters south of Taiwan on Sunday as the United States expressed concern about what it called China’s “provocative military action” near the self-governing island that China claims.

VERY low probability, pure speculation, but it would be in China’s interests to invade India from AFG->Pakistan and hit their western border with Pakistan. If China were to go to war with India, it’s one of the few ways to win without nukes.

3 years ago

Evergrande meeting descends into chaos as investor pulls knife and threatens to kill herself.

Suicide weekend incoming?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

She was just a retail investor. Small time. A lot of professional Chinese are, and they’re losing everything, it’s actually kind of sad. The entire Chinese stock market is a scam.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’ve met many Chinese like this – very hard-working, very family oriented, very conformist, and very, very vulnerable to Big Brother. It is a sad state of affairs.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Don’t give me any of that crap pal, these fckers know exactly what is going on. They are all part of the fraud – a complete criminal country. When the shit goes down the fckers all go down. May they rot in hell.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

So is the American one, under Federal guidance.

Long ago I had a modest amount of money and investigated the stock market and how it worked. Not no, but hell no. The whole system is corrupt from top to bottom. Sure, some people make some money at it; crumbs the big fish aren’t worried about. It’s essentially a closed shop of big players, which is why they freaked out over GameStop and the Fed stepped in to protect them.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

After spending a weekend with my very liberal in-laws I am spent. Oh how they love their degeneracy. After a slip from her wine-soaked mom I’m beginning to think they were swingers.

Bros, I hope we go so far K we dig up Elvis Presley’s corpse just so we can grind up his negro derived, sexually gyrating, white youth corrupting hips.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Wait. So, it’s all Elvis’s fault?!

Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Can’t be too safe these days.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Huck
3 years ago

Most of what I post is meant to be funny but yeah, I think Elvis was extremely bad for white culture. He turbocharged our decline in a big way.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

So Corny, are you sure that your father in law is the father?

Andrew Flandreau
Andrew Flandreau
Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

Elvis and his pelvis. Totally not a CIA op.

3 years ago

In regards to Lt. Col. Scheller who disparages President Trump for not “uniting the country”.

In regards to Bob Woodward’s book Peril, where he outs that General Marx Karl Milley calls Pelosi and Esper and others about an “unhinged” President Trump.

The American Military is FULLY CONVERGED with Marxism! It is a full blown Marxist organization. Cultural Marxism is everywhere—and to see a Lt. Col. not knowing about Communism and Marxism in America. —

Why didn’t we see the US Military correct the coup of the 2020 Stolen Election?—Because they were part of the coup—per the phonecalls between Milley, Pelosi, Esper, et al. That is your cabal; that is your Deep State right there. America is undergoing a Marxist/Communist Insurgency—it is in ALL the colleges and Universities—and they are teaching that. America has become a Marxist state, has been for the longest time–and they are in the process of creating a Marxist Dictatorship in America—there is NONE of this “coming together”. That is in Genesis where God put emnity between good and evil.

What did the good character say to the bad character in Kung Fu Hustle (great movie, by the way)?

“Good can’t coexist with evil”.

There is NO way around that people. NONE.

The US Military is a Communist Organization–that is why there was no push back against the Stolen Election. The US Military is IN on the Coup!

Remember, that people! There is ONLY one way to deal with communists—-
Anybody rebuilding the Tower of Babel–pushes race-mixing—is a Communist!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

> The American Military is FULLY CONVERGED with Marxism!

They dragged their feet as long as they could over the Spenser Rapone issue, and none of his instructors or the officers who signed off on his APRs were punished.

He was doing exactly as he had been trained.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Lin Wood said video of Planes hitting the Twin Towers was Deepfaked, and there were no planes. ”

This is a common technique by the “Spoofers” to discredit 9-11 “truthers”. Best I can tell a whole lot of people saw those planes.

Another one they are blathering on about all the time and sometimes tying into the idea of no planes. Is that an aluminum plane is not as hard as a steel building so it’s impossible for a aluminum plane to go through steel. They frequently blather on about Newton’s third law, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

1st. The plane and wings are full of fuel and at these speeds fuel or water or any fluid is almost incompressible. It might has well have been granite.
2nd. Newton’s third law…well let’s not skip over the first, “The first law states that an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless it is acted upon by an external force.” so that plane once going is going to keep on going until the building stops it. As for the explosions as soon as the plane was shredded by the building the fuel atomized and burst into flames.
3rd And the argument is obviously stupid. I often tell them that if aluminum full of fuel is soft and can’t bring any force to bear then let me take a soft sock, a soft condom, fill it up with water and hit you in face with it at 100mph. Anyone with any sense at all knows the outcome of this. You would be whacked on your ass.

Here’s an astoundingly good short video by a mechanical engineer on the other buildings. It probably one of the best I’ve seen. It’s very to the point and sticks to the facts as can be seen. Before you watch this a spoofer tried to spoof me one time and linked a document on the way the towers were built. He goofed because I actually read the whole thing and found the outside columns were built to 2,000% load(For wind. Think of the force of wind when you hold your hand out a car window at a 100MPH and imagine the whole side of that building pushed by that force. It’s very large. Far higher than the force to hold the building up). So even if you removed a massive part of the building it could not fall. And even if the top flung down on the bottom, the bottom was made to hold up the top plus 2,000%. It just could not happen.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The Boeing 757 has a maximum takeoff weight of 220,000 pounds. That’s 110 tons; a pretty big hammer.

My main objection to the Official Narrative is that just a year or so before 9/11 I spent some time in a full-motion 757 flight simulator. A jumbo is like a dinosaur; you make a small control movement, it takes a looong time before anything happens. You wind up overcorrecting, porpoising, and crashing. A lot. Pilots fly jumbos on faith; move the controls, move them back, then wait, expecting the plane will eventually do as it was told.

That “roll halfway for the wings to hit” maneuver isn’t something anyone would cover in training, and as raw as those newbie pilots were supposed to be, I had my doubts about the story from the very beginning. Sure, they might have been natural jumbo pilots, or had other training, or sheer luck, but that’s a big turd in the punchbowl nobody wanted to talk about.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

“…My main objection to the Official Narrative is…

… Pilots fly jumbos on faith; move the controls, move them back, then wait, expecting the plane will eventually do as it was told….”

My belief is that the Jews took over the anti-hijack system which which can be used to remote control landings if a plane is hijacked. TJews control, or did, make and control these on all airlines. It could fly the plane wherever needed.

If the airlines had any sense, or decency, they would rip these things out and make their own. I suppose the Jews subsidize these to make them artificially cheap where the greedy aircraft makers feel it’s not financially profitable for them to make them or just as likely they are being blackmailed.

There’s no doubt in my mind that’s what happened to the Malaysian flight that disappeared. All the usual Jews piped up immediately after it disappeared that it must have landed in the desert in Pakistan. Right. Sure, like how did they know this right away and what was the prime minister of Israel doing on TV talking about this over and over?? This was totally ruined as a false flag event when it was found a Jew owned aircraft corporation in Florida run by a former Israeli officer bought an exact copy of the Malaysian plane from Malaysia to supposedly take it apart for spare parts(like Boeing doesn’t make parts for their aircraft???). This plane supposedly bought to tear apart was then flown to France, hangered for a while, then flown to a hanger in Israel where it was for several months. No doubt, no doubt at all they were going to fly it into…something but got caught by investigative reporter Christopher Bollyn who has written extensively on 9-11 so the Jews had to eat that operation.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

They’ve been able to fly passenger jets remotely for years,

2 reasons they don’t?

Passenger confidence.
Pilots union.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Mr_Twister
3 years ago

The Lockheed L-1011 had an automated landing system back in the 60’s. I don’t think they used it though, but they had that capability that far back.

If you think about it, our technology really hasn’t progressed very much at all. In some ways, it’s gone backwards. Planes now are slower than they were several decades ago, thanks to “environmental” requirements.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Yet another video physicist self-proclaimed scientific expert. VIDEOS DO NOT MAKE YOU A WITNESS. You can watch a hundred or a thousand videos and still YOU ARE NOT A WITNESS.

“1st. The plane and wings are full of fuel and at these speeds fuel or water or any fluid is almost incompressible.”

What speeds are you talking about?

Long story short: THERE WERE NO PLANES


[ed note – Sorry for the deletion, but I cannot allow fighting, since Cabal will jump in and it will rapidly spin out of control.]

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“What speeds are you talking about?”

Self explanatory. I said,”…at these speeds…”

which means, to normal people who are not spoofers, the speed at which they were going.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Oh by the way

ANONYMOUS POSTER says,”…What speeds are you talking about?…”

This is of course another one of their tactics. He never says anything reasonable about what I brought up he just interjects with some “other question”. If you answer this he will, there must be a chart they follow that they trained on, start arguing about the speed or other things. Anything but focus on the simple fact that if something heavy moving real fast hits something , it will knock a hole in it no matter what it’s made of. There are rail gun experiments where they blast large holes in solid aluminum with plastic pellets moving at super high speeds. Plastic not normally thought of as a super strong material, demonstrating that at high enough speeds most anything can go through anything else.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: “Evergrande meeting descends into chaos as investor pulls knife and threatens to kill herself.”

I was going to say something flippant about a broker offing himself, but that says INVESTOR. That’s not so good. Although I’ve NEVER understood the tactic of people threaten THEMSELVES with some kind of harm. It’s a play for sympathy that might not be there.

After high school I had a friend eat the end of the 12ga he purchased on his 18th birthday. After that, threatening suicide doesn’t really work with me.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: No planes on 9/11

I’ve seen too many witness videos describing a “gray” jet hitting the towers, meaning, a military jet from the ghost fleet being autopiloted. FYI, one of the scenarios in Northwoods was to paint one of the ghost fleet like a commercial jet, insert a flight number into the system of one of the carriers, have the land land and load it with CIA agents and other spooks, have it land at an air base where everyone disembarks, and then have the autopilot system flight it to Cuba where it would explode and be blamed on the Cubans.

I’ve seen no evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon. In fact, the Pentagon strikes me as a last minute addition to the plan, call it Operation While You’re At It, Why Not Add a Few Things?

Shanksville is a complete mystery to me. The debris field was scattered across a large enough area that suggests the plane exploded at altitude…. and that’s all we know. We don’t even know for sure what kind of plane it was or if it even had a single soul onboard.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

The “Todd Beamer phone call” is also highly questionable.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Mr electronic marvel, with respect you have not delved deeply enough into the Pentagon issue. It is the Pentagon that was the true target. The buildings were just a distraction.

You ought to look into missing billions of dollars that the Pentagon had the documentation on. One slippery fck known as Donald the duck here is an incoming missile Rumsfeld was due to produce said documentation to an investigation by the Senate the day after this occurred – I believe.

The missile hit the exact area of the Pentagon where such documentation was stored and thus he was off the hook – as were all the other fckers that had bled the system and left tracks which were kept at the Pentagon.

But I am sure it was all just a coincidence!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

You misunderstand Aussie, remember that movie The Prestige? The one where the director explains how every magic trick is constructed? WTC7, and all of the evidence on Enron, precious metals in vaults, etc were the reason for those planes to hit the WTC. The magician wants you to look that way and watch the buildings implode so that when WTC7 implodes you’ll just go with it without realizing that’s odd for a steel frame skyscraper hardened against earthquake, fire, and a couple of other things to implode into it’s own foot print when it wasn’t hit by a plane.

The Pentagon missile strike hit the exact office investigating in Rumsfeld’s missing trillions. Like I said, it’s an add-on to the trick. Just another flourish from the magician that gets lost in the spectacle. The prestige to the trick is the invasion of Afghanistan & Iraq.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

I think I also remember hearing that building 7 had all the records for agent orange settlements or something along those lines; a multi billion dollar embarrassment of the federal government’s bad behavior and knowing complicity in brutalizing innocent people.

All records conveniently destroyed by a building that free fell from no apparent cause.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“…I’ve seen too many witness videos describing a “gray” jet hitting the towers, meaning, a military jet from the ghost fleet being autopiloted. FYI…”

Exactly. Lots of people saw those panes. People who say there were no planes have a couple of photoshopped videos for evidence. Typical Jew lies where they just dress up some sort of stupidity and just repeat it over and over no matter what illogical nonsense they have to override.

Shanksville locals said that the little hole they showed was not where the plane parts were. They said the FBI closed off the area and parts were strewn all over. A local Women said she saw a a plane that when she described it was a A-10 flying at low level before the plane went down. I suspect that a local commander sent up the plane and shot down the airliner which was destined for building 7. Either that or building 7 was supposed to fall when the North tower fell so that it would appear to have knocked it over. Barry who was in the building 7 said there were huge explosions the whole time he was in the building. Whatever happened at building 7 something screwed up and they had to go back in it and set it up to demo. Big error. I believe that those guys who the reporter got video of were the guys who were leaving the building after they had repaired whatever didn’t go off right. One of them said,”watch that building it will be coming down soon”. The other guy next to him was trying his best to not show his face without it being too obvious. I mean what were a couple guys walking around with construction worker type equipment doing walking from the building??? Where did they come from?? What were they doing there. There was no construction needed.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: 25th Bond movie

You know, by the time I was in my twenties I had already had more than enough of Bond. The whole thing was predictable and ridiculous. That’s why the Bourne movies were such a revelation. To a young marine, the idea of an ultra-assassin waking up to the reality that he’s being used for absolutely nothing to do with his countries defense and instead a myriad of corruption is driving his assignments, meaning that he’s actually killing GOOD people, and sacrificing his own health to do it was just too relatable to not make an impact.

“Look at what they make you give.”

“I don’t want to do this anymore.”

Bond is a product of the post-WW2 world that no longer exists. The reason it’s floundering is because it has no place in the world we live in now. Like Star Wars, like comic books, like all the mass media, if you have fond memories, cherish them, but put the pin in the grenade, set it down, and WALK AWAY.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

In the books, Jason Bourne was a libtard crybaby, and all the ills of the world were due to the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy and evil Conservative business interests. At least for the first couple books; I couldn’t stomach any more than that.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I made it through the first one about fifteen years ago. The silencers on the revolvers lost me. I remember very little else about it. “The BOOK IS ALWAYS BETTER” is clearly not true.

FYI, there is exactly ONE revolver that can be suppressed AFAIK and it’s this one:

The video with the girl is because this is a teachable moment for anyone out there reading this. For the love of God do not hand a girl a pistol that she cannot handle. It isn’t fun, and it’s going to sour her on firearms in general, even if it isn’t dangerous and just awful like in the video. JMAC’s marketing strategy needs work. Nobody wants to see a pretty girl in a tight T-shirt struggling and complaining.

My Dad did that to my mother without thinking. Handed her a .357 after she got comfortable with a .22. One shot, and in that one shot she managed to sprain her wrist, trip & fall on her ass, AND ricochet the bullet back at them. Real TA-DA!! moment.

And as a result, when I try to get her to pick up a S&W SHIELD EZ to protect herself with, she instead buys 25 LB long bow. She could easily handle the EZ in .380 or 9mm, but that .357 left her permanently afraid.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Rich Rebuilds puts a Corvette engine in a Tesla.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I’ve done a number of questionable engine swaps myself, but in the end he put a shit-ton of work something that still looks like a Saturn. (fugly)

Of course, depending on how his local laws are written, he might still be able to license it as an “electric” for various tax, registration, and insurance savings.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Absolutely. I just think that it’s hysterical.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“Corvette engine in a Tesla”

Maybe there should be an award for this level of stupidity. It would keep imbeciles busy. Thank God that he did this instead of something that could be dangerous to us all. No telling what mischief he could have got up to if he were not doing such useless things.

3 years ago

“An article in Rolling Stone that tries to smear Michael Flynn over consulting work he did, includes an aside that Flynn suspected companies might have been infecting people with COVID by infecting salad dressing.”

Mike Flynn corrects himself in the video and says ‘salad’ no ‘salad dressing.’ I bet he was referring to this:

Vaccines in your salad? Scientists growing medicine-filled plants to replace injections

3 years ago

So Facebook bones up their BGP…. I’ve fucked up routing in the past. That’s why you have out of band equipment to connect to your routers when the network is not accessible. Either via dial-up modem or 4G/5G cellular modem attached to a terminal server with console cable. Don’t tell me facecock couldn’t have fixed this by now.

War games for China invading Taiwan?

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Fresh user data is up on hacker forums. I think Facebook for well and truly pwnd, old skool 90s style. Someone got root. Real proper root.

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Facebooks has dozens of data centers worldwide; *all* of them going down at once… well, it’s possible. The San Jose NAP (internet National Access Point) went down once when ConEd had a power failure. The NAP had generators to take care of that… but the controller that was supposed to turn it on was on the grid side of the demarc, so nothing told the generators to start.

Still, it will be interesting to see what Faceborg’s explanation is. Unless they just blame it on DJT…

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Test run for new freedom-restricting digital terrorism legislation is my bet, or even some web id system like they’ve been floating.

If there’s two things Congress critters love it’s spreading cheeks for big tech any time there’s a hiccup in their operations, and fucking with the lives of the general public.

3 years ago

Hitting the wall happens whether real, virtual, psychological or something else.
People pretending that walls don’t exist won’t fool everyone all the time.

One defense that many in the younger generation have adopted is to notice.
Once people start noticing all the craziness, lies and misrepresentations, they can’t stop.
Trad lives should see an uptick.

3 years ago

Shout out here to Decoding Symbols and an interesting blog post describing historic and current ways in which the Cabal communicates. Summing up how the anti-Cabal is responding now, he writes:

“…whatever this op is that’s going on is bigger than any one country. Just like fighting COVID, this might just be a WW agreement to begin opening up space.

I think this effort translates into bringing in a new type of people to the comms world. People becoming aware of the real world and being able to navigate and utilize it like a clown would.


They can’t just reveal things. If that were possible, how popular would my blog be? lol No I don’t get that much traffic.”

(He shows a graphic indicating approx. 300 daily visitors to his website)

“My failure on this blog and my prior twitters to reach people might be proof that we have a long journey ahead of ourselves for true DECLAS.

To even begin understanding the truth people have to be smart enough to reject the narrative, logical enough to reject tinfoil, malleable enough to change their mind about preconceptions they have, and obsessive enough to see it through till things actually make sense.

How many people fit that paradigm? Currently… not many, but I’m confident I’ll get better at teaching (90% of my time is taken up by research atm) and the time will come that videos and infographics can be made and then it’ll have a real chance to spread virally.

But they have their own plans on how to do this, and that plan seems to be to DECLAS people in small numbers to figure out how best to handle wide spread awakening.”

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
3 years ago

1-minute-video with a low-tech “invisibility shield” just for fun. Worth it to read the pinned comment as well.

3 years ago

> secret hearings that called 60+ secret witnesses, most testifying by video link from a secret courtroom annex in Virginia.

Star Chamber proceedings were one of the grievances against the Crown in the Declaration of Indepencence.

The oligarchs in DC are worse than George III. That might be one of the reasons we never covered the Declaration or the Constitution when I was in public school. We were told *about* them, but reading them wasn’t part of the curriculum.

pete G
pete G
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

that’s a very good point. they probably skip over that for the same reason that for the last 130 years, kids have been graduating from grade 12 or 16 with utter financial ignorance: they don’t want the kids to know it.

stocks/bonds, the basics of budgeting, the importance of cooking at home vs. eating out, the ABC’s of savings/investing/the banking scam/working for yourself rather than for The Man/wealth creation….

all verboten.

they’d rather have those kids putting rubbers on cucumbers while chanting fuck tha police all damn YEAR before they’d spend 10 seconds on ‘why are insurance companies so a) rich and b) unregulated?’

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

If it is the military trying Miley under the UCMJ (art 103b), then I think this would be an acceptable way to do it. Any civilian, and I agree, this is bullshit.

Red Drone
Red Drone
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

It’s Milley, BTW, but pronounced as you write it.

3 years ago

I was just considering how the mRNA “vaccines” are supposed to work by hosing the cellular replication system of SARS-CoV-2.

You know what they call it when DNA fails to replicate properly?


3 years ago

Vox is taking the jade pill to go with his jade colored glasses:

“Unfortunately, the fact that the US refuses to back down and stay out of what is an internal Chinese matter makes it much more likely that there will be at least a few unnecessary shots fired before the inevitable plays out.”

“an internal Chinese matter”

It is NOT “an internal Chinese matter”.
It is CCP aggression against the free Nation of Taiwan.

You can question whether the US should get involved based on nonintervention or strategic interests but it is too far to take China’s side and use their twisted terminology.

So far Infogalactic still tells the truth:

“Taiwan (Listeni/ˌtaɪˈwɑːn/), officially the Republic of China (ROC), is a state in East Asia. Its neighbours include China (officially the People’s Republic of China, PRC) to the west, Japan to the northeast, and the Philippines to the south. Taiwan is the most populous state that is not a member of the United Nations, and also possesses the largest economy of any state outside of the UN.”

Is he going to change it to say Taiwan is a province of China to please the ChiComs?

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I don’t know what is going on with Vox lately. As a longtime reader of his blog, his sudden cheerleading for China is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Give me a break. We stole Taiwan and kept it as long as we could. Now China is going to take it back when they decide to.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Give me a break.

The communists stole China and Taiwan stayed free of their grasp.
The CCP will not be taking anything “back”, they never had Taiwan and the Taiwanese do not want them.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Bullshit! Why are you defending Communists?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Like I said:

“You can question whether the US should get involved based on nonintervention or strategic interests but it is too far to take China’s side and use their twisted terminology.”

Phelps claims: “We stole Taiwan… Now China is going to take it back”

That IS defending communists.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Exactly. I don’t get how, with everything going on here, people still have the bandwidth to worry about Taiwan, Afghanistan, or even “our greatest ally and the only demonocracy in the Middle East”. Like any of them will take us in when we officially fall, or lift a hand to help us before that point.

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

Ok. Why should I pick our communists over their communists?

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Why pick either one?

@Eric The Awful, I can’t respond to you so I’m doing it here.
My concern is not for Taiwan, it’s for Vox, I don’t want him to drink the Kool Aide.
(Same with Phelps)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

What Kool Ade? The reality is that Taiwan was formed by the losers of the Chinese civil war. They weren’t overrun because we propped them up to snub the communists over there, to our own detriment. We’ve allowed this colony to subvert our own national security by exporting our IC production to a small island we can’t defend, and now we are about to lose it.

I’m done with the United States, China, AND whatever Formosa is. I’m a citizen of Texas. The other 49 can go to hell.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

“…Taiwan was formed by the losers of the Chinese civil war…”

I’m not saying we should prioritize Taiwan’s security over ours but it’s a fact that Commies(Jews) in the State department set it up so the Nationalist would lose to the Commie Mao. They undermined them at every opportunity.

Not that Chang was ever some super nice fellow but…he wasn’t as bad as Mao.

It’ seems to me we should have a long time ago built a United Free Nations and let the rest fend for themselves. Many times we bailed out the commies. Many times. If we had refused to trade with them at all or give them any resources they would have likely fallen.

If you have a dictatorship, like we have now in the US, then eventually the people rising to the top have no other skills but survival and ruthless suppression of all others. Everything starts to fall apart.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Boomers. I wonder how “The Greatest Generation” managed to spawn such a cluster f*ck?…”

I know this. It was cash. Massive oodles of cash. When the first baby boomers grew up a tradesman could get married, his wife could mostly stay home and he could afford to buy a house and maybe have two used cars or even a new one. Anyone who graduated college in anything could be assured a job immediately.

Most people once they feel absolutely assured that they will not have to want for much of anything start questioning all sorts of stuff they normally would not. It didn’t help that the Jews controlled all the media and were pumping mindwharp into everyone’s heads constantly. Notice all the people trying to overthrow the government like the weather underground were either Jews or they were funded by the Jews.

When people have such good fortune as this eventually they begin to believe that they deserve it.