News Briefs – 10/03/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Germany Reaffirms Support Of Asian World Bank Rival

DFT – Italian Factories Continue To Lag

DFT – EU Moves To Implement Cross-Border Green Import Tax

DFT – Data Firm Finds Greenwashing On The Rise

DFT – Russian LNG Exports Surging

Yesterday in the news: Wells Fargo executive Greg Beckett jumped to his death from bank’s Delaware offices. Also in the article: “His sudden death made little sense to his loved ones with his life outside of work seemingly going well.”

Today in the news: 

Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) reviewed by show the First Son’s accounts were being monitored as late as December 2019, after investigators found payments from Hunter and his companies to a suspected ‘Eastern European prostitution ring’.

A previously unreported document, filed to the Department of the Treasury on December 17, 2019 by financial crime investigators at Wells Fargo, picked out 25 individuals linked to the suspected ring and almost $7million of suspicious transactions, some of which included checks from Hunter that they believed may have been falsified to hide his payments to hookers from his business account.

Hunter Biden begged Joe for cash to pay for alimony, other ‘financial issues,’ texts show. Interestingly enough I crossed paths a while back with a dude who worked the local SWAT Team for the Sheriff. He said they had a guy who was moving just ridiculous amounts of Methamphetamine, and for quite a while before they caught up to him. He said they finally got the investigation to the point of taking him down, and when they did, he was living in the shittiest little trailer which was falling apart, as if he were a bum, and there was nothing of any value anywhere. He looked puzzled, saying they never figured out why he had no money and lived like that, when he apparently should have been sitting on a pile of cash based non how much product he was moving. Even cops who see weird things, cannot quite put together how things really work. All of these guys are employees, of an employer who watches everything and everyone so closely, none dare try to set anything aside for themselves. This is probably why if you were Hunter’s landscaper, Hunter would be pulling you outside of his $30 million mansion, with a brand new Porsche outside, haggling with you over the square footage of his lawn to get his weekly bill lowered $35. And if he succeeded, he would look like he was over the moon.

Trump judge faces online backlash after smiling, posing for cameras in courtroom: ‘Partisan Democrat clown.’

Judge in New York civil trial against Donald Trump invites media into courtroom to highlight circus trial and ham for the cameras.

The DEA struck a deal with Mexico’s most notorious drug cartel. There is no doubt DEA would be infiltrated by CIA, and by extension Cabal’s agents in CIA, working for Cabal, which probably recruits some of the kid spies in the schools, into ultimately going DEA just to corrupt it. I would bet there are DEA Fantasy Camp attendees who will be gobsmacked when the truth comes out.

US quietly strikes deal to send military to Ecuador amid drug cartel explosion. The Ecuadoran Cartels are probably beginning to threaten Cabal’s Mexican Cartels. Can’t have that,

J6 prosecutor’s alleged stabbing rampage exposes our failed justice system. January 6th Prosecutor got angry over a traffic thing, whipped out a pocket knife, and just ran up and stabbed a guy. I think surveillance may breed road rage in people. Before I ever knew I was under surveillance, I can remember trying to get ahead in a traffic jam in a city. I was making headway, getting away from everyone behind me, and along comes this pickup, whipping alongside my truck too close on the side of the road to get ahead of me, and he slams his side view mirror into mine, slamming his into the side of his truck. Mine was fine. “Cowboy” looked back filled with rage like he wanted to kill me, and I briefly thought he was about to get out, and we were going to go at it right there, which was odd because he was the one driving off the side of the road who hit me. I saw him later on another drive, but thought, we were kind of around the same area, though it was weird. Fast Forward, and I am knowingly under surveillance, speeding way too fast on the highway with somebody in front of me trying to keep me from passing, I peel over and hit an exit I would never normally hit, and I am gone on the new highway in a direction nobody would ever think I would go. I lost my coverage for like 10 minutes or so, as traffic thinned out around me to where I almost felt alone, before what looked like an unmarked State PD came up from behind, doing probably 100mph. He slowed and paced next to my truck, the black dude inside craning his neck to look in. He sees me, and then he is back up to 100 and off ahead of me. A little bit later I see cars coming on the entrance ramps as I pass and I am back in the bubble. That night I am sitting on the couch after getting home, and a pickup pulls into the driveway, and the driver’s window opens, and it is cowboy from all those years back, craning his neck out the window as far as he can and glaring at my surveillance camera for twenty or thirty seconds really angry, before pulling his head in, closing the window, and peeling out in a huff. Apparently he was so pissed at me not wanting to be followed and losing them for ten minutes that he had to scold me, simply for preferring freedom to this. When I drive, I want to go somewhere. But shit happens, and I get there when I get there. For them though, they cannot lose a target. They have to stay on top of them. I have no idea what happens if you slip them, but it must be enough that as I am getting ahead of him in a traffic jam without even know he exists, he is so pissed I am getting away he will hit my car, and then want to fight over it. I imagine, spending all your time, day after day, in a car, freaking out about everything somebody is doing, probably builds neural pathways, where somebody does something and you freak out. Makes me wonder if this prosecutor came up doing vehicle surveillance, and now today, something happens in traffic and his response is to get so angry he gets out stabs someone, despite how that is obviously a bad career move.

Jan 6th prosecutors attack defendents for having “1776” Returns manifesto, but now it comes out FBI wrote it and mailed it to them. 

Robert Kennedy Jr admits his campaign has done polling on running independent and he takes more general election votes from Donald Trump than Joe Biden. I do not think Trump voters are like that at all. Moreover, I do not think he really believes there is an election. If he was honest, he would say something like, my polling says this, but given the substantial election rigging, I expect it would not mean much. Nobody honest would pretend things are right when they are so wrong. Moreover, I do not think the outcome from here through 2024 is in anyway prone to change by any voter. One side might outrig the other, but we will have no effect, absent acting outside of the election, like finding a way to expose the surveillance, or capturing hard evidence of election rigging that we manage to somehow send viral, forcing some kind of script change to keep things plausible.

Poll: RFK Jr. Independent bid would help Donald Trump, hurt Joe Biden.

Dick Morris: If RFK Jr. runs as Independent, Biden is cooked.

Another poll shows Ron DeSantis shedding 20% of his support after GOP debate.

“Hi, I’m a State Senator from South Dakota, I drove an hour to see you” DeSantis…. “Thanks for doing that”……and walks away. The real problem for DeSantis is he looks like a Vito or a Tony, but then he opens his mouth and his nasally voice sounds like a faggy Melvin. That weird contrast may be the single biggest problem he has.

Matt Gaetz takes the plunge: “Today I’m filing a motion to vacate against

From here:

In order to receive their help to keep his speakership, Democrats will likely demand McCarthy adhere to the spending levels he previously agreed upon with President Joe Biden, as well as ending the impeachment inquiry brought against the president, giving party members more seats on committees — including equal representation on the Rules Committee — and additional aid to Ukraine, according to Politico.

Gavin Newsom’s ‘First Black Lesbian’ Senate appointee immediately hit with scandal, cover-up underway. She is a Maryland resident. And looks suspiciously like a transgender.

EMILY’s list removes line in bio of CEO who is Newsom’s Senate seat pick which stated she lives in Maryland.

Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly resurrects lie about Donald Trump calling veterans ‘suckers’ and ‘losers.’ If you believe what the media says, Cabal sent his son into a fake war, and got him killed. And yet he still carries Cabal’s water, and with a lie as ridiculous as this. Makes me wonder if his kid got recruited into something else, like moving to one of the underground cities or something.

Former IRS employee who leaked Trump’s tax returns faces 5 years prison.

At least 260,000 illegals crossed border in September.

Pritzker presses Biden for more help as migrant buses double: ‘Illinois stands mostly unsupported against this enormous strain.’

Mayor Adams’ chief advisor calls on feds to ‘close the borders’ amid NYC migrant crisis.

NY Governor Hochul announces 18,000 jobs available to asylum seekers and migrants as part of statewide initiative to move individuals out of shelter and into independent living.

Not the brightest man in the world:

Would you rather walk through New York City before the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, any year, or after? Every nation has a culture. America did as well. Import every culture in the world, and that will be gone. Idiots like this love to shout these platitudes, and then 40 years later the nation is all fucked up, and they just shrug and say, “I should have been right.” The man is brilliant at acting like a parasite of geniuses. He plays the part of an intellectual lamprey that is five times as big as the fish it sucks to death, one after another. But I do not even think he does the sucking himself. I think CIA does the sucking, and gives him his lines so it looks like he is the lamprey. Between this, and having kids with Grimes, there is no way this guy is a big brain.

A troubling new peer-reviewed study has found traces of mRNA in the hearts of dead people who had died suddenly after suffering cardiac arrests.

Ohio homecoming queen contender, 17, collapses and dies on football field during pre-game ceremony.

Nobel Prize goes to scientists behind mRNA Covid vaccines.

On Sunday, Connecticut’s new gun control limiting the number of handguns a law-abiding citizen can purchase each month went into effect.

Illinois residents who own assault weapons must begin registering them now.

The US Department of State failed to implement an effective cybersecurity risk program meaning a crucial arm of the American government is potentially wide open to cyberattacks it may not be able to identify or stop, according to an audit.

New Philly car dealership has 60% of its cars stolen within a week of opening, owner says he “would not come to Philadelphia” if he could have a do-over. Again, imagine if that is controlled and being used to decide which people are allowed to own their own businesses.

Portland public safety commissioner warns people NOT to call 911 unless they’re at risk of death, as woke Dem-run city struggles to cope with slew of ODs.

Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) carjacked at gunpoint at Navy Yard in DC. I get the impression the Navy Yard is Glowie central. These Navy Yards have security perimeters with fences and guards manning a gate, yet they are civilian inside, with “startups” and warehouses, and maybe things which want to look civilian, but also want the citizenry kept away from poking around. When Navy Vet Aaron Alexis decided to go after the vibration people who would not let him sleep, something in his research led him to believe it was centered at some startup at the Navy Yard there, which is where he went in with his 12 gauge and took a bunch of people out. Of course you have to be cautious in thinking he found something, as it is just as likely his surveillance/intel handed him breadcrumbs leading to there, to get him to take out something they wanted taken out.

North Dakota state senator Doug Larsen, his wife and their two young children died when the small plane they were traveling in crashed in Utah, a Senate leader said Monday, according to The Associated Press.

Some leftist journalist pwned Scott Adams on Twitter, and then was shot to death the next day:

Cernovich Tweets:

Multiple people who attacked me, including one who did a running bit “making fun” of my alleged lisp, died. That’s why I stopped getting into fights with people. I can’t explain what is happening but some forces are looking out for certain people and it’s best we try to love.

Are they just amusing themselves by doing this now? Two glowies read the tweet mocking Adams, and one says, “Man it would be funny if he got shot tomorrow.” And the two of them freeze for a moment in recognition of what they are going to do, and then slowly look at each other and laugh?

He had also mocked people concerned about rising crime.

The DoD employee responsible for C2 and communications for nuclear strategic strikes arrested for his dog fighting operations.

Rivian loses $33,000 for every electric pickup sold. Usually a good indication there is an intelligence agency somewhere involved, getting a commensurate amount of control for what they are arranging to be paid to the company to keep it afloat.

Tom Brady was paid $55 million for doing about a week’s worth of work total over a three-year period by disgraced cryptocurrency mogul Sam Bankman-Fried, according to a bestselling author.

Trans activists force anthropologists to cancel conference panel discussing the identification of male and female skeletons.

Giant asteroid, equivalent to 100 capybaras in size, set to pass Earth this Tuesday, says NASA.

Pope suggests blessings for same-sex unions possible in response to 5 conservative cardinals.

Oxford explosion: Cause of mystery blast which left sky ‘pulsating with fireball & smoke’ is revealed – lightning strike at a waste plant set off some gas cannisters.

The leftist government in Germany is furious after Elon Musk outed them for funding at least 8 German NGO ships to pick up illegal aliens off the African coast and dump them in Italy.

German mayor calls concerns over child safety ‘unfounded’ amid plans to accommodate 80 asylum seekers at a primary school.

COVID-19 vaccine scientist Katalin Kariko was listed as Communist-era secret police informant in Hungary.

Iran official admits country’s role in terror bombing that killed 241 US military members: report…220 Marines, 18 sailors, 3 soldiers, 17 US civilians, 58 French troops killed in 1983 terror attack in Beirut. If Iran was Cabal, then the bombing was Cabal.

The Iranian government has infiltrated the Biden administration and obtained access to sensitive U.S. government information, according to a coalition of Republican lawmakers who are investigating the matter. Says they have access to restricted computers and servers at the State Department. Both Strzok and Page speak Farsi, Kerry’s daughter married a high ranking Iranian government official, and Valerie Jarret, Obama’s handler was born in Iran.

U.S. officials said they are convinced that Putin intends to try to end U.S. and European support for Ukraine by using his spy agencies to push propaganda supporting pro-Russian political parties and by stoking conspiracy theories with new technologies. You can feel their word spells getting weaker. Their magic is gone.

Former UK SecDef urges Ukraine to conscript more ‘young blood’ as the average age on the front line is over 40. So wonderful of him to help.

Leaked U.S. strategy on Ukraine sees corruption as the real threat…A report obtained by POLITICO details specific plans to reform Ukrainian institutions and warns Western support may hinge on cutting corruption.

‘We can’t do it alone’: Ukrainians react to lack of additional funding in US spending bill.

Ukrainians bringing treatment-resistant infections to Western Europe. Why would there be more antibiotic resistance among Ukrainians than Europeans?

Russian legislator suspects US labs’ involvement in strange, difficult to treat infections in Ukrainian army.

Ukraine’s assassination program has gotten so out of control that some of its members are starting to speak out.

Federal Appeals Court upholds Tennessee’s ban against sex change treatments for children.

Montana bus line removes unconstitutional ban on weapons.

Judge orders New York to dole out nearly half a million in legal fees to NRA after Supreme Court victory.

US Supreme Court rejects challenge to block Trump in 2024.

Biden’s support among minority voters is plummeting as Trump gains ground.

Mark Esper, the former Secretary of Defense, is publicly fretting that Donald Trump will retaliate against those in the deep state that sought to undermine his first term as President of the United States, telling the media that he thinks those worried about retaliation have a “legitimate fear.”

Spread r/K Theory, because without magic, Cabal is just a bunch of cheating midwits

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1 year ago

After the discussion a couple days ago, about the possibility of satellites or something else airborne causing the vibrations, I wonder if that is a factor in how they keep the ground forces in line. “Follow him or you’re getting burned tonight.” “If he talks to you in the store, and if you give him any information, we’ll get your parents/kids.”

Maybe that kind of thing is enough to get afoot soldier to drive out of the way to someone’s house, just to open their window and sneer at someone. Or maybe not, I’m just speculating here.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Amazingly similar experience here. Amazing.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago


This guy sounds a bit schizo, but I think we all do after getting our brain vibrated out of our skull for a bit. This is a good read that has some theories about what’s going on:

Also, guessing they didn’t like me telling you about the lead apron. They switched it up to something that involves a very high pitched whine and feels like it’s putting physical pressure on my eardrums. Rather unpleasant.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There are ways to shield yourself against almost everything they can hit you with. The secret is this: it’s not something physical, or something you can buy.

Now, it doesn’t stop the actual whine/pressure/etc, but it prevents it from having an effect on you.

This is very much in the area of mkultra/gate/etc stuff though and I don’t really know how comfortable I am discussing it online. All I will say is – read the link. It’s far longer than it has to be, but he’s on the right track.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thinking about it, should try to test how to disrupt it, as well as track the origin of the signal, as most likely, it will just cause you damages, so its better to cut it short even fighting physically the intel operator playing with their latest prototypes for causing the “havanna syndrome”.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Have you tried noise-cancelling headphones?

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I remember a couple of weeks ago seeing a semester old post you made, ¿ have you improved your situation? Most likely the “cabal” government and its contractor, are bullying americans semi randomly selecting target by signal spying to found the people who may oppose they corruption and hostile or criminal takeover of the american empire.
best regards anon!

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes, I have. Thank you for asking. I still live in the same place, infested with cabal, and am still a target, but the situation is improved.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
11 months ago

Was the comment above, for some reason, the user stayed anonymous, ¡my wrong!

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Does it appear a comment I just typed here, asking if you have improved the situation you described about a semester ago, and mentioning it may be government + its contractors bullying people they select to target through signals espionage for being possible opponents against a hostile takeover by a faction of the american empire.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

I don’t understand this comment, Pablo.

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

This man should try the wormpill, anon.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Here’s a quote that lines up with what you’ve mentioned about Bill getting holes blown through the shielding he tried to put up:

“ For example, in my case I not only receive electronic effects but also get the voices. If the voices come from an illegally implanted microchip, why did hundreds of holes appear in sheets of aluminum foil I had placed over my bedroom windows? ”

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Wonder if there is any way to get Lead that you can use safely to protect yourself?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Building supply places sometimes have lead sheeting used for flashing/waterproofing. Could be a potential source.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I have personally noticed some of the things that he also describes: the cough that starts for no reason and won’t go away. The jolts which make your whole body spasm. Lethargy and weakness with no known medical cause. Severe calf cramps. I also started getting severe gas maybe two weeks ago that I had never been able to figure out the reason for. No digestive problems or anything like that. Now I wonder if it’s related.

1 year ago
Rounding the earth guy has some suspicious sounding health problems.

1 year ago

‘Some leftist journalist pwned Scott Adams on Twitter, and then was shot to death the next day’

Him, Pave Lapere, Corrina Mehiel.

As Apollo Creed once said, some folks gotta learn the hard way.

1 year ago

Ystdy Anon poasted what I think is a really good comment. Or, I think it’s gokd because I was pondering it ystdy too:

“Might we agree to acknowledge that labels like British, Jewish, Masonic, Jesuit, etc. misguide our thinking. The enemy is a distributed global hegemonising swarm.”

Driving around ystdy just letting my mind wander, I began thinking that both Good and Evil are distrubuted networks and their interaction is more like Go than Chess.

Some nodes flip routinely from side to side and others are quite secure. Some have multiple connections to other nodes and some just one or two.

I think this is why those graphics of “user connections” and “virality” bubbled up on Twitter a few years ago. Cabal spends enormous man hours monitoring this and then taking out nodes.

Obv, such a system is self-adjusting but some nodes are more important than others per a given context or frame.

And re-adjustment takes time. Which brings in issues of “tempo”.

I’m wondering if this somewhat explains the alleged and absurd claims of Institutional Deference that are used to justify someone like Pelosi or Mitch or whatever incompetent and/or geriatric who persists in an important position.

Maybe their connections are so extensive that removing them from the system would lead to a temporally extended period of re-adjustment. And that length of time is just “too long”?

Or, idk, maybe all nodes aren’t qualitatively equivalent and there are some rare attributes of “node-ness” that Cabal can’t create?

Makes me also wonder if the Assasination list from ystdy isn’t best seen as an attack on crucial nodes of a rival system. Maybe the victims were were more inter-connected than coincidentally?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

That was me. I admire where you have taken it. I think the Go > Chess analogy is profound and useful.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I think this is on the right track. Overlapping distributed networks which share common values and practices, but are themselves somewhat distinct.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

THIS! See…this is what Normies have to wake up to. THINKING CRITICALLY. It’s like when we were all (assuming all of us) asleep we NEVER would have thought like this.

Brilliant analysis…I think you’re definitely on to something. I think when we finally see “the system” we will be awestruck by its vast interconnectedness and its absolute evil. We THINK we know how evil it is and how interconnected it is…but I believe we (us supposedly “awake” people) even WE are in for a somewhat rude awakening. Probably we’ll just shake our heads and say something like: “welp…I knew it was evil and I knew it was large, but I never dreamed it was THIS evil and THIS large”.

Meanwhile…McCarthy out! Woohoo! Before we celebrate…we must realize that this is all probably scripted and the “vote” tomorrow to “select” a new speaker is all part of the script.

Back to being those on the sidelines watching the big play…


Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

This is interesting.

When FB first rolled out, they had a “Friend Wheel” feature, which had little lines that showed all of a user’s connections, and depictd those connections relationships to one another. 🤔

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

““Might we agree to acknowledge that labels like British, Jewish, Masonic, Jesuit, etc. misguide our thinking. The enemy is a distributed global hegemonising swarm.””

The answer is NO.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I’ll add, I live where there are a lot of Blacks. One asked me for a ride other day and I told him “no, I have nothing to do with Black people if I can help it”. He got upset but why should I risk having my car stolen or being killed for him? Many Black people are perfectly fine people but there’s to damn many who are not, and they will almost always side with their own. We see court cases where Blacks kill Whites in cold blood and the juries just let them go. When I was younger, I was different, but constantly giving other the benefit of a doubt while they run you over is a huge failure. It hasn’t worked.

The same applies to Jews but more so. I find it almost completely impossible that at least 80% of Jews do not know what the others are doing. It would not surprise me if the number were higher, and I sincerely doubt it’s less. They can’t be that stupid. It’s so widespread. Anytime you see any horrible social or legislative thing that makes you recoil in horror there will always be a Jew involved. “Every single time”. it’s impossible for them not to know and after hearing ALL MY LIFE the Jews telling me I need to do this, and that and the other to make things right, now I’m telling them, you do something yourself. As far as I’m concerned, the best thing to do would be to get rid of every single one of them. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means possible we must remove them and all influence by them from our country and the West. Let them go to China and try their mind warp there. See what it gets them.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Sam, this doesn’t really seem responsive to what I wrote.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

It is but in a round about way.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Perhaps you could distinguish between enemies and Enemies…?
Nobody likes rats much, but vampires are worse.

Stop The C4ckery
Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

I have personally noticed some of the things that he also describes: the cough that starts for no reason and won’t go away. The jolts which make your whole body spasm. Lethargy and weakness with no known medical cause. Severe calf cramps. I also started getting severe gas maybe two weeks ago that I had never been able to figure out the reason for. No digestive problems or anything like that. Now I wonder if it’s related.

Reply to  Stop The C4ckery
1 year ago

Re the cough: please get checked for cough variant asthma.

1 year ago

Ystdy Farcesensitive had his usual good poast on a subject:

“It’s a spiritual war.
They believe their side will win and they will receive rewards in the next life.

GOD wins, and they will receive the wages of sin for eternity.”

I know I post ad nauseam about Guenon. But, I think he was a very sig figure who was not only intellectually elite but given “inside info” on how Cabal (or a faction of Cabal) works.

He was much like LaRouche in that way. Brilliant and incredibly ambiguous.

Anyway, Guenon was insistent that the esoteric organizations were initiatic and the end goal was absolutely not “salvation” but “deliverance”.

“Salvation” was for him what we consider Heaven (or its various equivalents).

“Deliverance” is something like what we would understand as Nirvana. It’s not Nirvana, not at all. But that’s the direction of the idea.

He even quotes approvingly the Islamic thinker who said something like “for those who Heaven is just another prison”.

So, while FS may be right that Cabal is some symmetrical system to ours, it might be that Cabal is after “deliverance” instead of “salvation”.

Obv, the idea of “deliverance” is Luciferian as it’s a state beyond God. Which is a non-thought and pure foolishness to me.

But maybe that’s Cabal’s headspace? Maybe they “just want OUT”? Or, some never ending journey of novel experience? Because “deliverance” isn’t the end…

Lol, kinda, it’s the end of temporality and individuality and exit from “existence” but Ascended Masters (delivered) are poppimg back in and out of existence regularly.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Same anon as above again. Agree on your Guenon thinking.
I’m a UK anon and very curious about the Larouche phenomenon. Would you mind giving your take on the who/what/why/how/when of it, and how it may relate to Q?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The “LaRouche phenomenon” would take a book. I’m not dodging by saying that either. It really would.

Dennis King wrote a book about it that is very good called The New American Fascism. King intended to write a hatchet-job and ended up with something else entirely. It’s an excellent book. A wild life. A fun read.

If I was forced to sum up what I think right now about LaRouche, I would say something like:

He’s an almost completely ambiguous figure: undeniably brilliant, erudite, insightful and bonkers.

He was aligned with the same US Faction that contained Hoover and Nixon and almost certainly DJT. And perhaps Elon Musk. Though it could all be the commonality of the furthest of furthest of the far right IQ distribution.

An Industrial high-tech futurist who decided to create a cult of elite IQ followers to overcome those who wanted to return the world to a low tech low population agrarian society.

Something like “Welp, guess I have to MkUltra a bunch of geniuses to save humanity.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’d add LaRouche is very very prominent in RUS. Esp the early days of Putin. Dmitri Roghozin and Glazyev to name just two.

IMO RUS followed the LaRouche game-plan all along.

Though the visible proponents seem to have been side-lined before SMO.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

This is interesting to me (coming at this from biblical Christianity with a HEAVY distrust of any “mainline” church):

>>They believe their side will win and they will receive rewards in the next life.

Win what? How on earth, if even the demons know the Scriptures, do they think there will be a “next life”. Or are you saying that the demons DECEIVE the humans with the idea that there will be a next life for them?

If we believe the Bible, there is no next life for those that align with evil. Eternal death is, to me, just like it sounds: yer dead for eternity.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

This is not correct. Those who align with evil shall also have eternal life – in hell, separated from God. The NT is pretty clear that all the wicked will go there and spend eternity there. See also Luke 16:19-31, which is explicitly about an evil man living in hell and asking Abraham to warn his family that it’s real and that’s where they’ll go if they don’t repent and believe. I am not aware of any passage in the NT which suggests the wicked just die eternally rather than live in hell.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Hell/Separation from GOD=Eternal death.
Souls do not cease to exist.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

“Or are you saying that the demons DECEIVE the humans with the idea that there will be a next life for them?”


Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

They want to be delivered from death. To be uploaded and immortal as part of cybercuthulu. Even reborn as an immortal watcher with a new flesh body

Reply to  Highangelhell
1 year ago

Not impossible. Bruce Charlton has specualted about this. I guess this may be the purpose behind AI.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

RE: Iran official admits country’s role in terror bombing that killed 241 US military members: 

We already hit them back.

The Fat Electrician – America Obliterates Half Of Iran’s Navy In 8 Hours![1988] – Operation Praying Mantis

1 year ago

Vox has (what I think) is an excellent post on NATO today.

I guess I’d just add that our nuclear decap potential has been revealed as insufficient. And that is the keystone of US hegemonic For Pol. But that may be going too far.

I’d also add the truly shocking statement by Adm Ratigan (UK/NATO) that UKR has been preserving the “youth” from the draft “for the future”. Most seem to think he was referring to the very young. I would bet UKR has been drafting almost entirely from the russian speaking east and the over 35 and deficient from the Galician West.

It’s been an ethnic cleansing and eugenics war for UKR so far. And that the prime genetic material of Galicia has been preserved. So as, to create a new volk.

Hard to escape the conclusion that UKR leadership are 100% implementing the Not-Zee ideology.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Ah…I think I see what ur saying. Instead of absolute naked genocide, instead, you start a war and basically deplete your entire country young and old because: stop Russia.

I had this weird idea/dream almost a vision…several years ago (I’m NOT claiming “prophet-hood” because it was probably more along the lines of something **I** wish would happen). But in this dream/vision thing, we (humanity) somehow broke down the language barrier AND we broke down the “always listening” FBI/CIA barrier and it was something like some schmoe in America could LITERALLY call someone in Russia (or any other country) kind of like Skype or Facetime or something…and the translation happened AUTOMATICALLY and FAITHFULLY without ANY intermediator and without ANY government interference.

And we just talked. Citizens of EVERY country just talked with each other and shared what was REALLY going on and what was REALLY in our minds and we found out from each other that our governments lie and our media lies and we really AREN’T enemies.

It was a fun dream/vision.

I hate war. I absolutely hate it. If those bastards think they will conscript Americans in this insane meat-grinder maybe that is the last straw and FINALLY those who want to be “left alone” decide to take action.

We shall see…we shall see…

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

I’m suggesting the non-Galician population of UKR is being cleansed by the UKR leadership via preferential use as fodder.

1 year ago

What do you think of this Man’s take on the future “Dark Age” or rather “Brown Age”?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Can you get into politics in your state as “militant” or operator?

Would be cool anon, I would gladly advice you if possible, its my vice, passion, writing theme, source of biggest successes, and hobby. I make friends this way, politically strategizing.
You know enough intel to be, unless specifically targeted and murdered, all right, and most likely succesful.

Dream big about this anon, the cabal just doesnt have enough minds to play all this against too many competent players, and will get overwhelmed if too many of us “put balls into the fray”.

1 year ago

Former UK SecDef urges Ukraine to conscript more ‘young blood’ as the average age on the front line is over 40. So wonderful of him to help.”

Plenty of Young Men in American/European Prisons lol.

1 year ago

“If Iran was Cabal, then the bombing was Cabal.”

What is confusing is that if Iran is Cabal why are they Allies with Russia and China?

This whole thing about Iran being Cabal Central reads like NSA.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Soleimani was Cabal, and Trump had him taken out.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Not confident DJT ordered that strike. Or that he made any of the MIC decisions.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Why is Cabal allied to Russia and China? Unless there is an alternative explanation.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Very believable.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

To his (or one of his key advisor’s) credit, he did NOT allow the Neocons to start a major war against Russia, China, the DPRK, Venezuela, Yemen, Syria, etc. However, Iran is a totally different case as it is the “number one” target the Neocons and Israel wanted strike and destroy. The Neocons even had this motto “boys go to Baghdad, real men go to Tehran“.
Israelis quietly hail Soleimani killing as they brace for retaliation
The world reacts to Soleimani assassination, Israel supportive of strike
Israel defends U.S. killing of Iranian commander, puts military on alert

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Solemani was trying to start the war by having his Iraqi militia friends attack our embassy.
Trump stopped the war by taking him out.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Would the Iranian leadership be at odds with the Iranian nation? Like, the true believers are in government, while the ordinary people are just people?

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

The short answer is the Iranian government works for the CIA and MOS. Same as how our government is at odds with us.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

China is also cabal connected.
Cabal has factions and they engage in controlling the opposition.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Okay, this is an important point because it betrays a misunderstanding of cabal. I disagree with our gracious host that everyone in cabal knows what cabal is and what they are all about. Simply out, your local corrupt cop or school teacher ruining kids lives isn’t aware that they are apart of the same organization that carried out 9/11. Most of these people would have no idea what you’d mean if you said to them that they are cabal.

Most people are morons. They aren’t even capable of grasping this stuff. Secondly, cabal is highly compartmentalized. Third, cabal reveals things on a need to know basis. They don’t publish manifestos or have secret, highly ritualized initiations like many of you imagine. Most participants only know of their immediate surroundings, who their handler is, and have a sense to not cross these people. Your average gangstalker or surveillance drone simply doesn’t have the mental capacity or the knowledge base to understand what cabal even is.

When it comes to something like a country, you can’t say that a country is cabal. Various powerful people in the country are controlled by cabal. And many of those people are highly compartmentalized. It’s best to say that various countries are highly influenced.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

What you say is true often at the lower levels.
But higher up (even maybe just a little higher up) it is untrue.

1 year ago

U.S. officials said they are convinced that Putin intends to try to end U.S. and European support for Ukraine by using his spy agencies to push propaganda supporting pro-Russian political parties and by stoking conspiracy theories with new technologies. 
“stoking conspiracy theories with new technologies” That brings to mind Tom Hanks recently saying a commercial using his likeness is not him.
Are the blackmail videos going to start hitting the internet soon? And they will say it’s deep fakes, and not them? Tom Hanks was trying to get ahead of it?

Last edited 1 year ago by Stephanie
Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago


Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
1 year ago

>>”Breanne McKean, 17, was a senior at Mapleton High School in Ashland. She died Friday of an undisclosed ‘medical emergency,’ according to a statement from the school district.”

Cue up the “Ashland Strong” signs and bumper stickers. I absolutely hate that trend. Something outrageous happens and people are slaughtered and all the signs and murals say “My town Strong!”

I’d be down with “Ashland F’n Pissed Off”.

1 year ago

Regarding Ukrainians having drug resistant infections: There are two reasons for this. Biolabs and clinical drug trials. Not only were the Ukrainian biolabs doing research on streptococcus and other bacteria, the Sumy State Biofactory was manufacturing pathogens for sale. Second, the people of Ukraine were basically for sale. There were probably more clinical drug trials, including trials for antibiotics, going on in Ukraine than in any other country. Israeli pharmaceutical companies were conducting almost all of their trials in Ukraine. Participating in drug trials was a common way of making extra money. The number of little clinics scattered across Ukraine is astonishing.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Would bet money this occurred in East UKR and not West. Or if in West it was russian speakers being targeted.

1 year ago
First time in American history a motion to vacate has succeeded. Shortest serving speaker, clocking in at just 269 days.
2+6+9 = 17
This movie is still gay.

1 year ago

EricTheAwful Your account at TA has been activated.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Thank you. I’ve known about TA since at least 2019, but assumed it was for authors and I didn’t want to clutter it up. Recent discussion made me realize others of us can participate.

1 year ago

Spread r/K Theory, because without magic, Cabal is just a bunch of cheating midwits

Not anymore.
That’s their ancestors.
Now they are a bunch of cheating tards.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago
1 year ago
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Good share, Wooderson. Thanks.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Yeah. You’re right. Khazars.

Arthur Koestler committed suicide after publishing his work The Thirteenth Tribe.

The Crimea is crucially important for some occulted reason(s) and to some occulted group(s).

1 year ago

This will be a bit weird, but it’s something I’ve begun to consider lately. I’ve been reading this site for a couple of years, and I’m fully on-board with the surveillance being out there, although I admit I haven’t seen anything like that since I moved to rural Prince Edward Island three years ago.

I am currently doing a re-read of one of my favorite authors, David Weber, and his Honor Harrington series. It’s an extensive world, with over two dozen books that interlink and mesh well together. The series started out as a typical mil sci-fi series with really cool space battles and lots of diplomatic drama in the vein of the Napoleonic Wars (complete with bad guys named Rob S. Pierre and Oscar Saint-Just). But after the war winds down, the series shifted in a new direction, one that I only recently began to associate with current events.

There is an organization called ‘Manpower’ that runs a genetic slave trade; they are sponsored by a star nation called ‘Mesa’, who are big believers in genetic modification and see their overall mission as ‘elevating humanity to new heights’ with themselves as shadowy, supreme rulers. Of course, they think everyone else in the galaxy is inferior and fit only to serve them, and they will take any actions deemed necessary to advance their agenda, including launching a secret terrorist attack on Manticore (the ‘good guy’ star nation in the series) that kills millions of people, and blaming Manticoran agents for a nuke going off in their capital city (it wasn’t a Manticoran, obviously, but it makes for good copy in the press).

The Mesans have been running a centuries-long plan to destabilize Manticore (UK), Haven (France), Andermani (Germany), as well as the big boy on the block, the Solarian League. The League is the biggest, toughest, wealthiest, most powerful polity in the galaxy and everyone knows it. They are run by a figurehead president who serves at the whim of a group of permanent bureaucrats, and the League’s ‘Frontier Fleet’ and ‘Office of Foreign Services’ have a long history of manipulating other star nations and turning them into vassal states to be looted and oppressed in order to enrich the local OFS satraps. (Does this sound at all familiar?) However, and unbeknownst to them, they’ve fallen behind the aforementioned star nations that have moved ahead of them technologically due to having fought a twenty-year-long war against each other. Now, the Mesans have manipulated the Solarians into conflict with Manticore (who have the supreme technological advantage over everyone now), not for the purposes of destroying Manticore (which would be a nice bonus), but to break up and destroy the Solarian League. The Solarians, caught up in their arrogance, allow the Mesans to manipulate them, and get absolutely hammered by the Manticorans and their allies, destabilizing the League and starting secession movements throughout the League.

So, here’s my question: Is David Weber just a really, really great and creative writer, or is he trying to tell us something more, something related to what’s going on behind the scenes in the world today? Because the parallels are just way too obvious to me at this point. Am I reading too much into what has been a ripping sci-fi yarn?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Wow. Time to research “David Weber”.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

If he thinks the UK is the good guy I have no interest in what he has to say.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Remember, the series started out as a Napoleonic War equivalent. He was absically writing Horatio Hornblower in space (and even references Forster’s writing at one point). The Manpower/Mesa storyline didn’t show up until more than a dozen books were already written in the series.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Fwiw, he looks to be a total square boomer devout Methodist from the Midwest.

Reply to  Thesokorus
11 months ago

Yeah, he is. But from the prologue to the first book all the way through to the end of the series (at least what I’ve read so far), he portrays the liberal (and elitist) mindset exactly as they really are: insular, self-righteous, ideological, and totally convinced that they know better than everyone else. None of the elitists come out of this series looking good; Manticore is a society where people really do succeed based on merit, not just patronage. Honor Harrington is most definitely a Mary Sue, but she’s not perfect.

1 year ago

Ramaswampy, brought to you by the makers of O’Bummer:

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago
1 year ago

Can’t resist the Kenergy:

comment image?itok=KALzAAAh

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

She is a proven snow-burner.

1 year ago

Acting Speaker McHenry Orders Nancy Pelosi To Vacate Capitol Office: ‘Please Vacate The Space Tomorrow’

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago


was thinking on the case for geoingeneering, as well as its potential military abuses

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

How much Jim charge to say “Assad must go!”?

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Anon, before I am going to sleep, another journalist, socialist Martin peretti, says another honeypot with the same politician I mentioned to you yesterday, has connections to a prosecutor, a liberal tycoon that manages the FIAT in argentina and is of the agnelli bloodline, as well as the intel services.

Just today, another 2nd prosecutor, decreed a general embargo for both the honeypot, and the now accused of money laundering high ranking politician.

Another journalist, who is friends with argentinian intel services and he himself says is mossad, says that all of this scandal, is because the now disgrace acting mayor took too much from the corruption in his district, laundered too much, and the local cabal noticed it because he showed in the mass media a 20M divorce with the other honeypot I mentioned yesterday.

¿ Is this going to an archive on cabal, organized crime, intel, journalism, honeypots, money laundering, as well as politics or not?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


Havent pressed the substack blog issue, as tried but was ignored about opening an account in the USA to connect it to stripe, help apreciated on this issue!

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

On that 2nd journo being mossad, next two tweets about it:

One him with a huge israeli flag above him, second one, he shows a plate about how his italian grandpa had been deportated and murdered in mauthausen concentration camp during world war 2.

He also wrote a best selling book related to the above. He is a sionist too.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


A detail, misses the image of this link
The link itself is there. The image is important for archival.
Another one:
Former partner of Presidential candidate javier milei says in a hidden camera he is being financed by drug trafickers!
Sources: Same journalist!

Here I told about this blog to this Journalist, who has 12 books written on this stuff, and is about the best there is here in Argentina.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Another one, anon, note how in the twitter link

This journo quotes the judicial case of the murder of an argentinian intel service who was involved in networks of VIP prostitution with extorsive ends / motives, of VIPs,entrepreneur, tycoons, politicians, journalists, etc….
Its in spanish, and in the image this journalist mentions it.

Now, another interesting thing, another of the intel agents was involved in human traficking with similar end, sexual kompromat and forced prostitution / procuring, and espionage.
He was denounced by his own daughter, and as he had photos with liberal president of argentina mauricio macri, who said in 2015 trump was a madman, and in this decade he got photos with the donald. This guy, after being president of argentina, got into the fifa foundation.
Now, more on this, as this same person, made a complex scheme for espionage of everyone in argentinian media, business, politics, and more, even the boyfriend of his sister, as well as pressing unsuccesfully for the corrupt electronic voting machines, as well as increasing public debt by about 50 percentage points of GDP, which is unpayable, without any public works nor increase in GDP that may indicate it didnt ended robbed and in a fiscal paradise, like panama or the seychelles, where both, the socialist and liberal elites that fight for the control of Argentina, have several businesses, corporations, and accounts.

As usual, there is always more to all of this.

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

It almost seems like all Cabal roads in EUR and South and Latin AMerica lead to FIFA.

1 year ago

HANNITY: “Sources Tell Us Trump Is In Talks For Speaker”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Hahahahah YES YES YES

Let’s remake the Speakership as the most powerful position in the US.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

What happens if he turns out to be the anti-Christ? It’s something I think about from time to time. Like Psalm 146 says, “Don’t put your trust in any man” (paraphrased).

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Until that happens we must do the most effective thing for the good, the beautiful, and most of all the true.
That means supporting Trump at this time.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“He who hesitates is lost”


“Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread”

Are both true.

And as Christians we must be neither lukewarm or imprudent.

I am first and foremost on the side of Jesus Christ. I work for that side and what I believe are His best interests and desires. And I’ll throw DJT over if it has to be done.

This is where AC’s probablistic thinking comes in and I leave things open-ended.

I try to maximize non-lukewarmness and prudence, personally.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think you made a really good post btw. I’ve considered the possibility.

But too much prudence leads to paralysis. And too much non-lukewarmness leads to spasmodic lashing out.

It’s true we “have to do something!”. But it’s also true that we musn’t “do something!” where “something” carries the implication of “anything at all as long as it is something”.

You know there’s that feminine cry these days of “WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!”. Which is really just a cry to spasmic action and the abandonment of prudence.

If someone seriously believes that DJT is the Anti-Christ, then he should oppose them. And I wouldn’t be critical of that.

I don’t. And I guess it comes down to that. But, I leave open the possibility that he is.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

That “we have to do SOMETHING!” mentality drives me nuts. In 2009, I contacted my Congress demon to not support the spending package. His response to me included that nonsensical reasoning.

In risk management, doing nothing is always an option, and it needs to go through the same risk/benefit analysis as the other options you’re considering.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Hahahah. Two poasts and I didn’t answer your actual question! Sorry.

If DJT turns out to be the anti-Christ, I will apologize to St Peter and beg forgiveness of Jesus.

It’ll have been an accident I made with the best intentions and without greed or malice as my motivation.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Same here. Based on all indications, I believe him to be good and our best option. If I am wrong, I will repent. But unlike them with all their scandals and buried bodies, they have nothing on him. They’ve spent tens of millions of dollars since 2015 investigating him, and all they have is “they let you grab them by the pu**y.” Everything else is literally fake and totally gay.If they had something he’s done that wasn’t just a projection of their own crimes, I’d be the first to run away from him.

So either he has nuclear blackmail on all of them, or he’s the cleanest mofo on the planet.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It is written/said, the AC will bring peace.

I would vote Trump because he is the legitimate POTUS. 2020 was result of vote rigging. US doesnt exist until Trump is back in the WH.